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How to treat a sprained ankle at home? Vocal cord overstrain, symptoms, treatment

The vocal cords are an elastic structure in the middle of the throat made up of muscles and connective tissue. They take an active part in creating the timbre of the voice.
Air entering the ligaments causes them to vibrate and close, thereby producing sounds. They also protect the lungs from foreign elements entering them.
When the larynx is affected (laryngitis), the vocal cords become inflamed. The gap between them narrows or closes, which subsequently leads to hoarseness or complete loss of voice.

Causes of voice loss

The most common factors causing laryngitis are infections that affect the ENT organs:

Against the background of these diseases, the larynx and vocal cords become inflamed.

But inflammation of the pharynx can occur as an independent disease. The reasons that can cause it are:

  • hypothermia,
  • smoking (nicotine irritates the mucous membranes),
  • frequent consumption of alcoholic beverages,
  • overvoltage vocal cords at the moment of screaming,
  • impact harmful substances(dust, gas, etc.);
  • penetration of cold air through the mouth,
  • allergies.

Symptoms and manifestations of inflammation

  • hoarse and hoarse voice until his loss,
  • feeling of dryness and sore throat,
  • painful sensations in the larynx, which intensifies when swallowing,
  • dry cough, which over time develops into a wet cough.

IN acute stage, a person may have complaints about headache, as well as body temperature above 38 degrees. With chronic laryngitis, the larynx swells and causes shortness of breath.


She is the most mild form diseases, and develops against the background of ARVI or influenza. It is characterized by hoarseness, periodic coughing, itching and sore throat.

No special therapy is required for this form; the main thing is to cure the disease that caused it.


It manifests itself against the background of a chronic form of the disease. The development of nodules the size of a pin's head can be observed on the vocal cords. This makes the voice hoarse.

Some children with laryngitis have adolescence the hoarseness in the voice disappears. According to many experts, this is the result of hormonal changes in the body.

Treatment is conservative. But with severe hypertrophy of the ligaments, the inflamed areas are surgically excised.


It is characterized by depletion and atrophy of the pharyngeal mucosa. A person is tormented by constant bouts of coughing, which may be accompanied by the passage of crusts streaked with blood in the sputum.

Often, this form of the disease occurs in people living in the Caucasus. Experts believe it is caused by regular use hot and spicy dishes.

Children practically do not suffer from atrophic laryngitis.

Tuberculous or syphilitic

Appears as a complication after the spread of infection in the body. It is characterized by the appearance of mucous syphilitic plaques and ulcers or tuberculous tubercles on the vocal cords.


This form is also called “true” croup. A bacterial white coating forms on the tonsils.

It is so dense that it is difficult to clean. This causes clogging of the vocal cords and makes breathing difficult.

"False" croup

It occurs due to acute viral diseases in young children. Because of severe swelling and spasm of the glottis, the child’s breathing is impaired. More details about it are written on a separate page.

Such signs require prompt attention medical care. Otherwise, the patient faces asphyxia.

Diagnosis of the disease

He also palpates the neck to determine if there is inflammation. lymph nodes. Thanks to this, the relationship of the existing symptoms with laryngitis or other infections is determined.

Using a flexible endoscope, laryngoscopy is performed - examination of the larynx area. During this examination, material may be analyzed for a biopsy.

This is done to exclude or confirm the presence of malignant cells in the patient’s body. Video laryngostroboscopy – testing the vibration of the vocal cords.

Treatment methods

The vocal cords must be well stretched to produce the voice correctly. Therefore, they must be treated for all throat diseases.

Drug treatment

Reception medicines you can start only after full examination at the ENT specialist. The doctor himself must prescribe the necessary medications.

If the patient has excessive thick mucus, drugs that promote expectoration are prescribed: “Pertussin”, “Mukaltin”, “Evkabal”, “Gerbion”. Bromhexine, ACC, Ambroxol, and Fluimucil thin secretions.

If there are small sores on the throat, they are lubricated with Lugol's solution using cotton swab. Inhalation of Ingalipt or Kamfoment will help relieve inflammation.

For acute and chronic laryngitis, the local antibacterial aerosol “Bioparox” has proven itself well. The course of its use is usually 10 days. Children under 3 years old this drug contraindicated.

The doctor may prescribe antibiotics for internal use in situations where other drugs do not have an effect for a long time, if traces of pus or blood are found in the sputum.

The agent is selected depending on the nature of the pathogen. Antibiotics of the penicillin group are most often prescribed.

If you follow the regimen and take medications correctly, acute inflammation goes away in about a week. Treatment of the chronic form provides only temporary improvement.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are used for chronic form and subacute stages. They are quite effective as additional therapeutic agents.

Most often carried out:

Surgical intervention

If medications and physical therapy are ineffective, the patient may require hospitalization, and in complicated forms and surgery. Often surgery makes it possible to prevent the development of laryngeal cancer.

Very important after surgical intervention In order to avoid complications, adhere to a certain regimen:

  • silence the first day after the procedure, and restriction of voice mode for the next week;
  • Do not eat or drink for 1-2 hours after surgery;
  • try to refrain from coughing so that the vocal cords do not receive mechanical injury;
  • avoid smoky rooms and strong odors;
  • for the first 7-8 days, exclude active exercise, visiting the bathhouse and sauna;
  • do not use spicy food.

Folk remedies

For mild laryngitis, after the approval of the otolaryngologist, you can use unconventional methods treatment.

Inhalations from hot boiled unpeeled potatoes are effective. To do this, place it in a bowl on mint leaves or chamomile. Breathe in pairs for about 10 minutes.

Preventive measures

Most The best way protect the ligaments from inflammation - avoid hypothermia, and do not strain them. Since acute respiratory infections are often the cause of inflammation, it is important to strengthen the immune system: harden yourself, take vitamins. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room in which a person is constantly located.

Cleans effectively Airways and a visit to the bathhouse strengthens the body. People in professions that regularly strain their ligaments should drink plenty of fluids and do specially designed voice exercises.

Smokers and people who drink a lot of alcohol and abuse spicy foods are also at risk. Therefore, they should give up bad habits.

The main rule for a sick person is not to start the process, and to seek help from a doctor as soon as possible. Not cured in time acute form inflammation becomes chronic over time. And this entails long-term and often ineffective treatment.

From birth we have the ability to reproduce sound – with our voices. We owe this ability to the vocal cords, which are located in the mucous membranes of the larynx and protrude into its cavity. The voice can change throughout life, and in some cases it can be subject to aggressive influences. The activity of the vocal cords may be impaired due to inflammatory lesions or excessive use. Thus, overstrain of the vocal cords can cause total loss voice or some disturbance thereof. We will discuss on this page www.site the reasons why overstrain of the vocal cords occurs, the symptoms, their treatment if necessary, as well as traditional treatment folk remedies.

Screaming or talking for a long time in a loud voice can cause strain and injury to the vocal cords. In autumn time negative effect intensifies due to weather conditions (pronounced wind or dampness), as well as due to the beginning of the heating season (dry air in the room negatively affects the activity of the vocal cords).

All people who are forced to work with their voices are at risk: lecturers, kindergarten teachers, lawyers, as well as singers and teachers.

Overstrain of the vocal cords causes unpleasant hoarse cough. Patients complain of pain and sore throat. They may be concerned about hoarseness, and especially severe cases he disappears completely.

Correct and timely correction helps to quickly cope with unpleasant symptoms. Full recovery occurs after about one to one and a half weeks. However, the lack proper treatment causes serious chronic disorders.

How to correct vocal cord overstrain (treatment and recommendations)

If you feel like you have lost your voice, start treatment immediately after the first symptoms appear. Give your ligaments maximum peace - give up talking, and if the need to talk nevertheless arises, talk as quietly as possible, but not in a whisper. Of course, you shouldn’t even try to sing, talk on the phone, etc.
If you experience vocal cord strain, be sure to stop smoking. Also take measures to change the microclimate in your apartment - ventilate well and organize sufficient air humidification.

If you lose your voice, be sure to drink more than usual warm water. Consumption also has a good effect warm milk with honey and soda, etc. To soften the throat and improve the condition of the vocal cords, you can give preference herbal teas, warm fruit drinks and compotes. Under no circumstances should you drink cold or hot liquids.

Of course, if the vocal cords are overstrained, you need to change your diet somewhat. Avoid consuming salty, spicy and solid foods (especially seeds and nuts). It is best to eat pureed soups, cereals, broths, dairy products, etc. It is also a good idea to eat fruits, especially those that contain a lot of vitamin C.

You can cope with voice loss with the help of different methods traditional medicine. The use of anise seeds gives an excellent effect. Brew fifty grams of this raw material with four hundred milliliters of boiling water. Boil the resulting mixture over low heat for eight to ten minutes. Strain the prepared broth, discard the grains and dissolve in it fifty milliliters of cognac and a couple of tablespoons of high-quality honey. Take the finished medicine one tablespoon at an hour interval.

The use of eggnog has a remarkable effect. This is a composition known to everyone, which is prepared from high-quality eggs. To prepare it, beat the freshest yolk, combine it with a couple of glasses of warm milk, a quarter glass of honey and some orange juice. Add to this mixture the egg white, well beaten with a tablespoon of sugar. Take the finished medicine on an empty stomach.

For inhalations, it is worth combining a liter of water with a tablespoon of honey, a tablespoon vegetable oil, a tablespoon of chopped eucalyptus leaves and three to four bay leaves. Bring this mixture to a boil and simmer for twenty minutes. Carry out inhalations for twenty minutes - inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

You can also gargle when your ligaments are overstrained using an infusion based on onion peel. Brew three teaspoons of this raw material with half a liter of water, boil and leave for three hours. Use for rinsing in the morning and evening time.

If you are faced with the problem of vocal cord overstrain, try to immediately begin correcting this problem. Given that adequate treatment the disease can be dealt with very quickly, and the lack of a positive effect requires immediate appeal to the doctor.

Ekaterina, www.site

P.S. The text uses some forms characteristic of oral speech.

Inflammation of the throat ligaments usually develops against the background of infectious ENT diseases, but can also occur as an independent pathology, in which sore throat and hoarseness are noted.

When air hits the ligaments in the throat, they close and begin to vibrate—sound is produced. In addition, the ligaments protect the bronchi and lungs from the penetration of foreign particles.

If an inflammatory process develops in the throat, caused by infection or injury, it also affects the vocal cords.

The gap between them becomes smaller or disappears completely, as a result of which the voice becomes hoarse and may even temporarily disappear.

Why does my voice disappear?

The ligaments usually become inflamed with laryngitis, which can be caused by the following diseases:

  • Bronchitis;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Whooping cough;
  • Measles;
  • Scarlet fever in the incubation period;
  • Flu;
  • Runny nose.

But sometimes inflammation of the ligaments develops on its own, in which case the following factors can provoke this phenomenon:

  1. Smoking and alcohol.
  2. Hypothermia.
  3. Allergic reaction.
  4. Dust and dirt settling in the throat when inhaling polluted air.
  5. Overexertion of the ligaments during loud shouting or singing.

The ligaments can become inflamed due to trauma to the larynx or after surgery, for example, to remove tonsils.

Whatever the reasons for the inflammation of the ligaments, the symptoms are as follows:

  • Drying of the laryngeal mucosa, sore throat;
  • Hoarseness of voice, sometimes complete loss of voice;
  • Sore throat that gets worse when swallowing;
  • Dry cough.

At acute laryngitis Body temperature may rise to 38 degrees, while symptoms of general intoxication are noted - headache and muscles ache. Chronic inflammation ligaments leads to swelling of the larynx and shortness of breath.

Types of inflammation of ligaments

Inflammation of the ligaments may be different types depending on the manifestations and course of the disease.


It is considered the mildest form of laryngitis, usually occurring against the background of acute respiratory infections or influenza. It manifests itself as moderate hoarseness, sore throat, and cough. Special treatment With this form of inflammation, inflammation is not required; it is enough to simply cure the underlying disease.


This inflammation is a consequence chronic laryngitis. In this case, corners the size of peas are formed on the surface of the vocal cords - it is they that provoke hoarseness.

Treatment is usually carried out conservatively - tablets, syrups and rinses are selected. If the nodules grow very large, they are removed surgically.


Inflammation of the ligaments of this form develops due to depletion of the laryngeal mucosa. The mucous membrane becomes thinner, atrophies, and becomes crusty.

A person is tormented by a strong and painful cough, and sputum with crusts and streaks of blood may come out. It has been noted that residents of the Caucasus suffer more often from atrophic laryngitis. Researchers explain this excessive consumption spicy food.

The ligaments become inflamed after an infection; depending on the disease that provoked the inflammation, syphilitic ulcers and plaques, or tuberculous tubercles, can be found on the surface of the ligaments.

Treatment conservative methods rarely successful, hoarseness does not go away, despite tablets and syrups.


This is inflammation Diphtheria is caused by blockage of the vocal cords due to the accumulation of dense plaque that covers the larynx and tonsils in diphtheria. Breathing is difficult; in the last century, diphtheria led to fatal outcome. This pathology is called true croup.

At false croup the voice also disappears due to swelling of the larynx and closing of the gap between the vocal cords, but this type of pathology develops only in young children. The child begins to choke; if treatment is not urgently carried out, asphyxia may occur.

Diagnostic methods

For staging accurate diagnosis First, the otolaryngologist performs a visual examination of the patient. He evaluates the condition of the throat, oral cavity and nose, then probes the neck. It is very important to determine whether there is inflammation of the lymph nodes - this helps to determine what exactly causes the pathology and whether it is accompanied by other infections.

The patient is then sent for a voice and sound examination. The laryngoscopy method is used using an endoscope to accurately determine the condition of the larynx and ligaments.

During laryngoscopy, the doctor may take biopsy materials from the larynx. A biopsy helps confirm or refute malignant neoplasms in the throat.

If necessary, vibration testing of the vocal cords is performed - laryngostroboscopy.

How to treat sore vocal cords

In order for the voice to sound clear, without wheezing or hoarseness, the ligaments must be well stretched, but at the same time maintain elasticity. With inflammation, their mobility decreases, so this pathology must be treated.

Treatment of ligament inflammation is carried out in several directions. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate factors that can increase inflammation and complicate treatment. You should exclude spicy foods that will irritate the mucous membranes, stop drinking alcohol and smoking, do not get too cold and do not overstrain the ligaments by talking loudly, singing or screaming.

  1. Mucolytic, syrups and tablets. They are used if thick mucus has accumulated in the throat. It is necessary to make it less viscous and stimulate discharge; for this they use Pertussin, Eucabal, Herbion, Mucoltin, which promote expectoration, and ACC, Bromhexine, Ambroxol, which thin out thick secretions.
  2. Antiseptics. If the larynx is covered with ulcers, they are treated disinfectant solution, Lugol's solution is well suited for these purposes.
  3. Inhalations. Steam inhalations help relieve symptoms of inflammation, soften and soothe the larynx. Ingolipt and Kamfoment are used.
  4. Antibacterial drugs. Bioparox aerosol is very effective for laryngitis of any form. It affects almost all types of bacteria and viruses, including herpes. Ligament inflammation can be treated with this remedy for no more than 10 days. If there is pus or blood in the sputum, then antibiotics are also prescribed orally.

If acute inflammation of the larynx is treated consistently, according to all the doctor’s prescriptions and recommendations, the voice is restored in about a week.

Symptoms of chronic laryngitis can only be relieved temporarily.

Physiotherapeutic treatments

Laryngitis in subacute and chronic forms can be treated with physiotherapy. In combination with medications they give good effect and consolidate the result. Usually for laryngitis the following is prescribed:

  • Irradiation with ultraviolet rays;
  • Electrophoresis in combination with novocaine;
  • Sollux;
  • Microwave therapy.

The procedures are carried out in conditions day hospital, if the patient’s condition is stable and does not require hospitalization.

Surgical treatment of pharyngitis

If medications and physical therapy do not help stop the progression of the disease, it should be treated surgically - this often helps prevent the development of laryngeal cancer.

For this, the patient must be hospitalized and be under the supervision of a doctor for some time after the operation. Must be adhered to postoperative regimen, do not overcool and do not overload the operated ligaments.

The interesting video in this article will reveal all the secrets of the vocal cords.

A sprain is a partial tear or complete rupture of a ligament as a result of traumatic impact on the ligamentous apparatus joint The damage may involve one or more ligaments. Human ligaments are dense collections of connective tissue that strengthen joints. When sudden movements in the joint stretch the ligaments more than their normal elasticity allows, injuries occur. The most common injuries are to the ankle and elbow joints, much less often - knee. In this article we will talk about how to treat sprains (including traditional methods) and why this happens.

The ligamentous apparatus has many nerve fibers and blood vessels, therefore immediately after the occurrence of injuries appear painful sensations. There are other symptoms of sprains and ligament injuries.

Main signs of a sprain

Ligaments ankle joint are injured more often than others. As a rule, this happens while walking or running, when a person “twists his ankle.”

There are several degrees of ligament trauma, which determine the severity of the damage in a particular case. The most common symptom of a sprain is pain syndrome in a damaged joint, occurring immediately after injury. Sometimes a person can continue to move further, thereby further injuring the ligamentous apparatus. After some time, swelling and bruising appear at the site of the injury. The pain increases and severe limitation of movement appears in the affected joint. A complete rupture of the ligament, on the contrary, can be manifested by increased joint mobility.

Grade 1 sprain

At mild degree traumatization, tendon fibers are partially torn. Minor pain practically does not limit the mobility of the joint. Swelling, if present, is mild. A gentle treatment of the damaged joint and temporary rest are recommended.

Grade 2 sprain

The second degree of severity of injury is characterized by moderate stretching and rupture of ligament fibers. Sometimes the capsule is also damaged. Arises strong pain, severe swelling of the tissues appears at the site of injury, hemorrhages (bruises) localized under the skin of the injured area. Movements in the diseased joint are sharply painful, and sometimes pathological mobility of the joint appears.

Grade 3 sprain

Characterized by complete rupture of the tendon. The victim notes severe swelling and hyperemia in the area of ​​the affected joint. The bruising is extensive, and joint instability is observed (the appearance of pathological mobility). There is no resistance during load tests. Typically, such ligament injuries require surgery, during which an orthopedic surgeon stitches the torn ligaments together. The recovery period from such a serious injury can take about 6 months.

Very often, sprains lead to the formation of small nodules at the site of tear or complete rupture of the fibers. These nodules subsequently rub against neighboring tissues and can provoke the development of chronic inflammatory process in the joint, the appearance of permanent aching pain in the ligamentous apparatus.

When a nerve ruptures, which often occurs with a partial or complete rupture of a ligament, a tingling sensation in the joint and constant pain appears. In addition, due to severe pain, vascular spasm, impaired circulation in the tissues and the appearance of degenerative phenomena in them can occur.

Many patients, having received a sprain, are in no hurry to see a doctor, which is extremely undesirable. It’s better to play it safe and be examined by a surgeon to rule out the presence of serious injuries to the joint and tendons that could cast doubt on your motor activity further.

But there are symptoms that you should immediately consult a doctor if you discover them:

  • the presence of very severe pain in which you cannot walk or perform movements in the joint;
  • the appearance of a feeling of numbness in the area of ​​​​the damaged joint or affected limb;
  • formation of extensive redness and hematoma at the site of injury;
  • loss of the ability of the joint to move or, conversely, its pronounced mobility against the background of pain;
  • the appearance of a crackling sound in the affected joint and sharp, piercing pain;
  • the occurrence of febrile syndrome (feelings of chills, increased body temperature);
  • no signs of improvement in the next few days after the injury occurred.

Prevention of sprains

Sprains can occur in anyone if care is not taken during physical exercise And active rest. If you plan to play sports, do so in suitable shoes and clothing. Walk carefully in your shoes high heels, avoid holes and potholes, watch your step when walking somewhere.

Try to fight overweight, since obesity of any degree puts excessive stress on the joints. Lead active image life, exercise, eat well. Moderate physical activity strengthens the ligaments.

Principles of Sprain Treatment

The main thing in the treatment of sprains is immobility of the joint and cold on the affected area.

If a joint is injured, first aid must be provided to the victim before going to the hospital.

  1. Ensure complete immobility of the injured joint or limb.
  2. Apply cold to the affected area.
  3. Secure the joint with an elastic bandage, splint or improvised means.
  4. Place the limb in an elevated position.

Do not take under any circumstances in the first hours after injury. hot bath, do not massage or rub the damaged area, otherwise this will increase the development of swelling and inflammation.

If severe pain or crunching occurs in a joint, call a doctor immediately. It is necessary to relieve pain with painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Ointments (ibuprofen, diclofenac) are applied locally to relieve severe swelling and pain. Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed.

If the ligaments are completely torn, surgery is required.

Additional treatment of sprains using traditional methods

  1. Rub raw potatoes on a grater and apply the resulting pulp to the injured area. Use such applications several times a day.
  2. Dilute the clay to the consistency of sour cream, put it in a linen cloth and apply it to the sore spot. Cover the clay with an elastic bandage for several hours.
  3. Apply a paste of ground aloe leaves to the injured ligaments and bandage the limb with a bandage. When the mixture heats up, replace it with a new one.

It is worth considering what to use traditional methods possible only after surgical examination. The doctor must assess the situation and prescribe necessary treatment. Folk recipes can perfectly complement traditional medical methods, but do not replace them completely.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you sprain your ligaments, you must go to the emergency room to see a traumatologist or to the clinic to see a surgeon. In severe cases of ligament injuries, an endoscopic examination of the affected joint can be performed - arthroscopy, which is performed by an endoscopist.

Video on the topic “What does it mean to pull the ankle ligaments?”:

Not many people know how to treat a sprained ligament, although this type of injury is the most common among all others. In medicine, a sprain injury is called " partial rupture tendon ligaments." It often occurs in athletes or people who have had a lot of physical activity. That is why not everyone attaches special importance to such sprains and neglects the basic rules of treatment.

In addition to proper treatment, care should be taken to prevent such injuries in a timely manner and strengthen the ligaments.

Thanks to proper operation ligaments, a person can fully move. This fabric connects muscles and bones. A seemingly trivial injury can lead to serious consequences.

Important! It is advisable that every person knows how to treat sprains at home and remembers which treatment methods are considered the most effective.

Most often, injuries occur to the ligaments that are located in the following articular joints:

  • knee;
  • ankle;
  • shoulder;
  • fingers.

Usually the course therapeutic measures lasts from 3 to 5 weeks. For full recovery it will take about 9 weeks. If we're talking about about more difficult situations, then treatment can take several months, or even years. In this case, special surgical intervention cannot be avoided.

This type of injury can happen to anyone, and how long to treat a sprain depends on the severity of the injury.

How does a tendon ligament rupture?

To understand how to treat a sprain, you should take into account how the injury itself occurred and the condition of the patient. For example, if a sprain occurs because the joints, which were at that moment in a semi-flexed state, made a sharp twisting movement, such damage is a common injury for any basketball player or person who made any sudden rotational movement. This can happen as a result of a sudden lifting of a large load.

In order to know how to treat a sprain, the patient should be fully examined. He is prescribed an X-ray examination or an MRI (in more complex situations). Only after the doctor assesses the extent of the damage can treatment begin. If a sprain is left untreated, atrophy of the limb may develop. A serious injury to the knee leads to the fact that a person will not be able to straighten or, conversely, bend his leg, as a result of which he will remain disabled.

Important! To find out how to treat a sprained ligament in the leg, it is necessary to determine exactly where the tear occurred and how it affected the person’s overall motor function.

Only after this is it possible to register effective scheme treatment and restore all functions of the injured limb.

What are the main symptoms of injury?

The clinical picture depends on where exactly the rupture occurred and what degree of severity it has. In total, there are 3 main degrees of severity, namely:

  1. First degree: only part of the tendons is torn, while their mechanical integrity and continuity are preserved. Externally, it is difficult to determine the presence of swelling or swelling. The only thing that worries the patient is pain, but it is quite moderate. This type of sprain can be treated very quickly; 1-2 weeks are enough for a complete recovery. It is worth finding out from a specialist how to effectively treat a first-degree sprain.
  2. The next level is a little more difficult. In this case, most of the ligaments are torn, and it is also possible that the capsules themselves may be torn. Movements are very constrained and accompanied by severe pain. Treatment lasts from 3 to 6 weeks.
  3. The last degree is a complete rupture of the tendons. In this case, severe swelling occurs, subcutaneous bruising and instability in the functioning of the joint itself are possible. The pain is very pronounced, there is no resistance at all during the stress test. This type of sprain usually takes at least 6 weeks to heal. It is in this case that the possibility of independent healing is almost completely excluded, so the patient should definitely seek medical help.

Even with the most basic injury, it is better to consult a doctor who will determine the severity of the injury and tell you how to properly treat a sprain.

How to treat an injury?

The answer to the question of how to treat a sprain depends on the severity of the injury. For example, if we are talking about a first degree sprain, then in this case treatment can be carried out at home. To do this, you should use a special orthopedic bandage, which is made for each type of joint separately. There are special bandages for shoulder joint, as well as for the elbow and knee ankle separately. It is the caliper that supports the torn ligament and thereby allows it to recover properly. Sometimes, instead of such a bandage, a regular one is used elastic bandage. He can only help with minor injuries. Its main function is to help reduce swelling and also reduce the mobility of the joint itself. You should be especially careful: if the bandage is too tight, it may cause a violation venous outflow. Doctors recommend removing the bandage immediately before going to bed. If the injury is very severe, it is better to use a special splint. How to treat a sprained ankle? You should wear special shoes here.

Second degree stretch

Of course, if the injuries are more complex, then treatment should be taken much more seriously. Stretching knee ligaments the second degree requires a more serious approach. To understand how to treat this injury, it should be understood that in this case the movement of the leg will be completely blocked. All possible loads and mobility should be limited. Immediately after the injury, during the first 2-3 days, the joint and all surrounding muscles should be kept completely at rest and motionless.

It is important to apply cold to the injury site in the first minutes after injury. To do this, you can use regular ice wrapped in a towel. Cold perfectly suppresses swelling and also reduces pain. In this case, ice can be applied every 2-3 hours on the first day after injury.

Important! You should not use ice without a towel, otherwise, in addition to stretching, you can also get frostbite to the tissues.

It is best to hold the injured joint higher. This is especially true when it comes to how to treat a sprained ankle. Regular pillows will help with this, as well as other objects on which you can rest your foot. This recommendation will help not only reduce leg swelling, but also reduce pain.

To learn how to treat a sprain knee joint, you need to initially examine your leg. In addition to the procedures described, you can use special warming ointments and creams. But they have various properties, therefore, you should consult your doctor before use.

How to recover and what should you be afraid of?

Only a specialist can tell you how to treat a specific sprain. After gradual recovery begins, doctors recommend starting to increase the load on the body, which should be gradual and not cause too much pain. If you keep a joint motionless for too long, it can completely atrophy.

How to treat a sprained shoulder joint or any other, and what exactly should you be wary of? For similar injuries:

  • do not go to the bathhouse or sauna, avoid too high temperatures;
  • exclude alcohol from the diet;
  • for the first 72 hours, avoid any stress on the joint;
  • Do not massage, it will increase swelling.

Many doctors do not recommend leaving the joint without movement for a long time. If we are talking about a first degree sprain, then rehabilitation should begin within 48 hours after the injury. If we are talking about the second degree of severity, then about 3-4 days after the injury you need to start rehabilitation measures. When very severe pain is felt when moving, it is better to wait and keep the damaged joint at rest.

What should you remember when carrying out treatment?

List medicines What doctors recommend to treat foot sprains can be adjusted individually.

It all depends on the complexity of the injury, as well as the tolerability of a particular drug. Let's say if we are talking about minor injury, then you can use non-steroidal medications that can relieve inflammation. But they cannot be used for more than one week, otherwise you can get a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

Before you become interested in how to treat a sprain of the knee or any other joint, you should first consult with your doctor, and only then resort to the use of any medications. The same applies to other treatment methods. How much serious injury, can only be found out after a thorough examination. The treatment regimen should include several treatment methods.

When sprained varying degrees First of all, you should try to reduce the severity pain shock, relieve swelling and protect the joint from all movements.