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Copper sulfate. Treatment of nail fungus with copper sulfate

Hello, "Granny"! Based on my many years of experience as an oncology herbalist, I am happy to share what I have tried more than once with positive results. effective recipes treatment of cancer. In addition to herbal medicine, traditional medicine has a whole arsenal of animal and mineral products used to overcome and prevent cancer. Honey, propolis, animal liver, clay, eggshells, mumiyo, etc. are now widely used in the treatment oncological diseases not only traditional healers, but also some representatives of official medicine. Well known for its healing effect and copper sulfate: it is used for cancerous lesions of various locations. For example, for cancer of the stomach, pancreas and mammary glands, dissolve in 1 liter of cool boiled water 0.3-0.4 g of copper sulfate (a pea the size of a corn grain), leave for 10-12 hours, and then take 50 ml daily in the morning on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals. You can dissolve a piece of copper sulfate the size of a grain of rice in 100 ml of cool boiled water and take 50 ml in the morning on an empty stomach 1 hour before meals and exactly 12 hours later in the evening before bed. Taking copper sulfate kills cancer and increases immunity, but when using it, you must strictly follow the dosage, since the drug is poisonous. The use of copper sulfate for rectal cancer is very effective: after a cleansing enema using a decoction of chamomile, it is injected into the rectum warm solution copper sulfate prepared according to the first recipe. It is dangerous to use this treatment immediately after irradiation; you should wait about two months. You can use a solution of copper sulfate for douching and for uterine cancer. Dissolve 0.4 g of the drug in 1 liter of warm boiled water and douche the vagina. Perform the procedure 2-3 times a day. Any type of cancer is easier to treat if the patient has not undergone chemotherapy. The fastest cure is facilitated by daily intake of 50-200 ml of a solution of lime water and milk, taken equally, for several weeks. To prepare lime water, pour 400 g of fresh quicklime into 6 liters of hot boiled water and stir. When the lime has settled, strain the liquid through a filter, pour into bottles and seal them tightly. Store in a cool place. Lime water has cleansing and anthelmintic properties. Daily washing of areas affected by trophic ulcers with it promotes their rapid healing. For stomach cancer, it is recommended to drink 50 ml of alkaline water immediately before meals. To prepare it, you need to burn wood on a stone or just on the ground, but not on metal, and fill an enamel container 1/5 full with the resulting ash along with small coals. Pour water to the top, bring to a boil and boil for 2-4 minutes over low heat. Let it sit for 45 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth folded in several layers, pour into dark glass bottles, seal tightly and leave for 10 days in a cool, dark place. After that alkaline water can be consumed. In addition, for stomach cancer, every time during a meal, drink a concentrated solution in small sips. of hydrochloric acid(5-7 drops are diluted in 50 ml of cool boiled water). This recipe using copper sulfate is also used in treatment various types cancer. Lightly dry 0.4 g of vitriol over low heat and grind it into powder, then melt 200 g butter, pour vitriol into it and, stirring slowly, cool by placing the dishes in cold water. After this, place the oil of vitriol for storage in the freezer of the refrigerator. Take it 1 tsp. 3 times a day an hour before or an hour after meals. Take 250 ml warm milk. Strictly observe the dosage, as an overdose can cause inflammation of the kidneys or change the blood formula, because vitriol increases the number of leukocytes. And so on until complete recovery. Very good remedy, used in the treatment of all oncological diseases, is sublimate (mercuric chloride), which is a severe White powder, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, but treatment with mercuric chloride must be done under the supervision of a doctor, since it is highly poisonous and has a significant effect on the kidneys. Therefore, if you have ever suffered from kidney problems, forget about sublimate forever. Sulema - the best remedy in the treatment of brain cancer, prostate cancer, Bladder, stomach, esophagus, lungs, larynx and oral cavity, its solution is used in the form of compresses for bone sarcoma and skin cancer (melanoma). Below are recipes for treating sublimate. 1. Dissolve 1 g of sublimate in 3 liters of distilled or boiled (spring, well) water, let it brew for 6 hours, then pour 30 ml of the solution into another container with 3 liters of water and leave for 12 hours. Close the first solution tightly with a lid and put it in a completely inaccessible place, marking on the container that it contains strong poisonous substance. Take 30 ml from it only when the solution in the second container runs out. Take it with food. Pour 20 ml of solution from the second container into a glass and add 30 ml of cool boiled water to it. For the first week, drink the mixture daily in this quantity only during breakfast, the second week - at breakfast and lunch, and the third - during breakfast, lunch and dinner. Next, take the mixture according to the same scheme 3 times a day, but daily reduce 5 ml of water, increasing the volume of sublimate solution used for mixing from the second jar by the same amount. As a result, reach the point of taking it in an amount of 50 ml without adding water. And so take until the end of the solution in the first jar. 2. Dissolve 1 mg of sublimate in 75 ml of 960 alcohol and take 3 times a day half an hour before meals, each time dissolving in 1 tbsp. drops of milk equal to the age of the patient. The course of treatment is 30 days. After month break repeat. If necessary this treatment can be done again only in a year. 3. Dilute mercuric mercuric powder, the size of a match head, in 3 liters of distilled water, then pour 250 ml of this solution into 750 ml of pure distilled water, shake and take 1 tsp. this mixture 3 times a day an hour before meals. Each time dissolve in 100 ml raw water. Take this amount for 15 days, and for the next fifteen days drink a mixture consisting of 150 ml of raw water and 1 des.l. solution. After this, until recovery, take a mixture of 200 ml of raw water and 1 tbsp. sublimate solution. Beware of overdose. If puffiness appears under the eyes, pain in the kidneys or urinary retention, you must begin reducing the dose taken to 1 tsp. just as gradually as it was built up. After staying at this dose for 15 days, gradually increase again to the recommended dose. If it occurs again side effects reduce the dose and do not increase it any further, and if the condition worsens, stop taking it for several days, and then continue treatment with a small dose of a mixture of water and sublimate solution. For external manifestations of cancer, the tumor is smeared with a brush dipped in a solution of sublimate, 3 to 5 times a day. After surgery related to bladder cancer and lung cancer, a mixture of badger fat helps well, bee honey, freshly squeezed aloe juice, plantain leaves, lungwort herbs and spring grass. Everything is mixed in equal parts by volume. Take 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day an hour after meals. Store the medicinal mixture in a cool, dark place. Cancer is a serious, difficult-to-treat disease, but it can still be defeated with folk remedies. Oncologists remove the tumor surgically, but it is impossible to completely get rid of cancer using this method, since particles of cancer cells penetrate the blood and lymph nodes, and new tumors grow from them. Usually after surgery, relapse occurs within a few weeks, rarely after months or years. And in this case, even repeated surgery does not save. Therefore, I advise all cancer patients after surgical intervention, chemo- and radiation therapy It is imperative to use folk remedies to maintain health. I’ll tell you how they are used in the treatment of cancer of the sigmoid and cecum, as well as to eliminate sarcoma solar plexus. Symptoms of these cancers may include constipation, stomach pain, flatulence, diarrhea, weight loss and anemia (anemia). Most patients seek help in the first 3-6 months, but often the disease can be recognized only 8 months after the appearance of its first signs, which can be grouped into six groups: pain; functional disorders colon; worsening symptoms general condition; signs of intestinal discomfort; blood and mucus in the stool; the presence of a palpable tumor. The most common symptoms are dull local pain in the abdomen and a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, which occurs 3-4 hours after eating. Moderate flatulence, accompanied by noisy rumbling, belching, heartburn and loss of appetite - symptoms known as “intestinal discomfort” should alert both doctors and patients. For cancer sigmoid colon with bleeding, use an infusion of snakeweed. Pour 200 ml of boiling water and 2 tsp into a thermos in the evening. crushed plant root, leave overnight, and in the morning filter and drink in sips throughout the day. You can administer the mountaineer infusion in the morning on an empty stomach, dissolving 1 glass of it in 500 ml of warm boiled water, using an Esmarch mug through the intestines into the sigmoid colon. It is useful for those suffering from sigmoid and cecal cancer to drink tea brewed from a mixture of calamus root, calendula flowers, yarrow herb and stinging nettle. All components are crushed and mixed in equal parts by volume, then 6 tsp. The mixture is brewed with 1.5 liters of boiling water, after cooling, filtered, 3 tbsp added. Bittner's balm and drink this solution instead of water. Any intestinal disease, including sigmoid colon cancer, can be cured by calamus root. It is passed through a meat grinder, then 1 tsp. without top of raw material, pour 150 ml in the evening cold water and leave overnight. In the morning, strain and drink sip 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after meals. Total 6 sips per day, no more! Before use, the infusion is slightly warmed. In parallel with it, you need to drink hemlock tincture 4 times a day. In the morning on an empty stomach, at 6.00, an hour before meals, take 1 drop, at 11.00, at 16.00 and at 21.00, 2 hours after meals, repeat the dose. The next day, take 2 drops of the tincture. And so increase the dose by 1 drop every day until you reach a single dose of 50 drops, and then go down from 50 to 1 drop. If you cannot drink hemlock tincture in a large dose (if side effects appear in the form of dizziness, nausea, pain in the heart, liver, kidneys and pancreas), you need to switch to taking it 3 times a day, ranging from 1 to 50 drops, or take three times a day - from 1 to 40 drops, and then go down. The course of treatment will be 100 or 80 days. Take a five-day break and start taking hemlock tincture again according to the scheme described above. If necessary, take 2-3 courses at intervals. For stage III and IV sigmoid colon and bladder cancer, enemas are additionally used with injection into the intestines at large doses celandine juice, hemlock tincture and mumiyo solution. Since each organism is individual, all treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Select the dose of hemlock tincture yourself, focusing on maximum dose, which I offer in the recipe. Solar plexus sarcoma stage III-IV with metastases to the lungs and heart is a very serious disease that is difficult to treat. For those who do not have a weakened immune system, hemlock tincture helps well. For sarcoma, start taking it immediately with 15 drops, increasing by a drop every day until you reach 50 drops per dose. Take the tincture at this dose for 14 days, and then reduce it drop by drop every day until you reach a single dose of 1 drop. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach, at 6.00, an hour before meals, and also at 11.00, at 16.00 and at 21.00, 2 hours after meals. The course of treatment will be 100 days. After a 5-day break, repeat. If you cannot take hemlock tincture in a large dose, choose the dosage that is acceptable for you. Anyone who can drink hemlock tincture in a large dose will be able to defeat the insidious disease. A dose of 1 to 13 drops is taken with 100 ml of water, from 13 to 26 drops with 150 ml, from 26 to 40 drops with 200 ml, and from 40 to 50 drops with 250 ml of water. You cannot buy hemlock tincture from random people, because they may sell you a fake. Before you start taking hemlock tincture, you need to cleanse your intestines of waste, toxins and fecal stones. You can cleanse the body in parallel with taking hemlock tincture. To do this, squeeze the juice from 5 kg of blue cheese minced through a meat grinder. onions, mix it with 0.5 liters of cognac, 5 g of mumiyo, 25 g of powdered birch chaga mushroom, dissolved in 100 ml of hot (600C) water, and leave the mixture in a tightly closed container in a dark place for three days. Shake the contents periodically. Take 1 tbsp. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Shake before each use. And so on for 3 months. After a 1-2 week break, continue taking the mixture. Do not try to cure cancer if you eat sugar and other sweets, as sweets feed cancer. Celandine juice, hemlock tincture and other cancer treatments described above are contraindicated for epilepsy and pregnancy. Under no circumstances should cancer patients use alcoholic drinks, and you should completely stop smoking. And after you cure cancer, do not change your place of residence, because environment also plays an important role in the treatment of cancer patients. Good luck everyone. Get treatment, get well and enjoy life!

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Saline dressings

Additionally, it is recommended to use saline dressings using a towel soaked in a 10% saline solution, wrung out lightly and secured over the area of ​​the tumor. The procedure lasts at least 2 hours. The top of the bandage should be secured with gauze. The course consists of 45 procedures, which must be carried out every other day.

In between they can be alternated with the use of clay applications.

To apply them, first of all, prepare a linen, cotton or woolen cloth and spread it on the table. Use your hand or a wooden spatula to scoop out the prepared mixture and place it on a cloth. The size of the clay applique should be wider than sore spot, thickness – 2–3 cm. As for the consistency, it should be such that the clay does not flow. The surface of the clay must be leveled so that it fits snugly to the body. If the lotion is placed on scalp body, then this area of ​​skin must either be carefully shaved or covered with a wider napkin, then the lotion can be removed without pain. Before applying the application, the sore spot must be wiped with a wet cloth. If it is an ulcer, it needs to be washed fresh warm water.

So, apply the prepared lotion to the sore spot and ensure that it fits snugly. You can secure the lotion with a bandage and cover it with woolen cloth on top. You should not tighten the bandage too tightly, so as not to interfere with blood circulation. This is also important because the circulatory system takes an active part in the healing work of clay. Usually the clay lotion is left on the sore spot for 2–3 hours. If the lotion is to draw out toxins and harmful liquids, it must be kept tightly adjacent to the sore spot for 1.5 hours. As soon as the patient feels that the lotion has dried out and warmed up, it needs to be replaced with a new one. If the lotion is done to strengthen the patient’s strength, the clay is prepared not very thick and left for 3 hours.

As soon as the patient feels that the lotion has become dry and hot, it needs to be replaced with a new one. Please note: when the clay begins to act, there may be severe pain. You will have to endure them, because this is an indicator that serious cleansing work is underway. The lotion is removed in the reverse order: first remove the outer woolen fabric, then unbandage the bandage and remove the lotion in one motion. The sore spot is washed with warm water, and the pieces of clay remaining on the body are removed with a cotton swab. Used clay should be buried and never used again. By at least several hundred years. The material used to cover the sore spot must be thoroughly washed and dried in the sun.

The number of lotions depends on the specific case and the patient’s condition. As a rule, 2-3 lotions per day are enough. The lotions may cause pain or swelling, but should be continued until complete cure. Sometimes a few days are enough for this, but in difficult cases treatment may last several months.

After complete recovery, the lotion needs to be applied for some more time to support the diseased organ energetically. Place lotions on the stomach area and chest 1–1.5 hours after eating, and on other parts of the body at any time. You can put 2-3 lotions at the same time on different parts of the body. The most effective are lotions on the sore spot and on the lower abdomen. Let us remind you once again that clay should always be used only cold, without heating, since it is applied to the inflamed area. Hot clay will not bring healing.

If the patient is weakened and chilly, he needs to be helped to warm up with heating pads. If the body lacks natural warmth, as happens in old people and anemic patients, or if the patient catches a cold easily, lotions can be replaced with baths. Clay lotions can be used safely to treat both external and internal diseases. To recover from varicose veins veins, peptic ulcer stomach or intestines, you need to apply 4-5 lotions a day in a row on the painful part of the body. In addition, you need to drink several tablespoons of clay water often (every hour during the day). For diseases of the lungs, stomach, liver, kidneys, lotions must be placed directly on the diseased part of the body.

I have examples of positive results from using medicinal purposes high doses water and salt, especially in the treatment of prostate cancer, tonsil cancer ( squamous cell carcinoma with metastases in The lymph nodes), and in women - breast cancer, which relapsed with even stronger growth rates and metastases, even after all kinds of official treatment methods. The breast tumor reached the size of a large orange; treatment lasted eight months. 10 years after treatment, the patient is alive and has no signs of cancer. Especially good performance obtained for lymphomas and lymphogranulomatosis with a whole bunch of concomitant and complicating diseases. The same result was achieved with bone marrow cancer (in this case, the patient took 5.5 liters of water with 1 teaspoon of salt per day).

Potassium salts

As I already wrote, regulate the amount of water inside the cells and in intercellular fluid You can take various salts. To increase the amount of water, as well as to enhance positive action from using salt water and keeping it close to diseased cells, you can alternate three days of salt water with three days of liquids containing an abundance of potassium. It is better to consume potassium-containing products, which include, for example, freshly squeezed juices of orange, grapefruit, apricot, dried apricot infusion, decoction onion peel or onion soup, etc.

Onion soup

Finely chop the onion with the peel, fry in vegetable oil (until golden brown), then add 1/2 liter of cold water and cook until the onion is softened. Add some vegetable broth. Mix everything well. Eat this soup 1-2 bowls a day. You can strain the grounds. At the same time, you can drink beet juice these days.

During this three-day cycle of using potassium-containing products, you should avoid the use of salt and products containing salt.

For patients with cancer pain When carrying out this technique, it is suggested to keep a diary of observations of the cycles and the nature of your pain (whether they intensified or weakened). It is necessary to identify the relationship between increased pain and the period of use. sodium salt or potassium products. If you notice that pain decreases while taking salt, then this period should be increased by 1–2 or more days. Then the alternation cycle will be as follows: 4-5 days of sodium salt intake, and then 1-3 days of potassium-containing food and liquids.

If the pain decreases when taking potassium supplements, then, on the contrary, increase the timing of potassium intake by 1–2 days.

All of the above procedures are carried out against the background of mandatory intake of succinic acid and other acidifying substances and products.

Chapter 3
Method of using acids
succinic acid

Succinic acid (SA) is a typical oxygenator that allows you to transfer cancer cells from anaerobic to aerobic metabolism and make them healthy. YAC enhances cellular respiration and promotes the absorption of oxygen by cells. For example, the increase in the rate of oxygen consumption by liver cells with the addition of UC increases 60 times.

The drug is harmless, does not accumulate in the body, so it can be used for a long time and even permanently. Increasing the dose does not lead to negative consequences.

Experimental treatment of cancer patients with UC was carried out in conjunction with other folk remedies.

The results of the study over several years have shown very encouraging results. In a group of ovarian cancer patients treated succinic acid, mortality was 10%, in the control group – 90%; colon and rectal cancer – 10% and 80%, respectively; cervical cancer – 10% and 80%; breast cancer – 10% and 60%. The numbers are impressive. It can be assumed that the approach to the treatment of oncological diseases from the point of view energy metabolism justified, the use of UC gives tangible results.

The fact that UC inhibits the growth of tumors, and a variety of them, has been established experimentally and does not contradict modern scientific views on the nature of cancer. As a powerful oxygenator, it accumulates precisely in the area of ​​tumor cells, thereby inhibiting the division and proliferation of cancer cells.

UC reduces side effects a number of chemotherapy drugs, especially such as nausea, weakness, depression. UC also has “favorite diseases” for which it gives greatest effect, – mastopathy, cysts, fibroids and infertility.

The effect of UC is most likely associated with the inhibition of pathological cell division, due to which the tumor turns into a cluster of dead cells and gradually resolves.

IN normal conditions It is recommended to take 2-3 tablets of 100 mg, in some cases it is possible to increase the dose to 5-8 tablets per day. It is believed that in oncology, doses should be increased and reach 5-10 tablets per day, in the terminal phase up to 15-20 tablets.

It is best to take Yak in combination with berries and fruit juices(vinegars) or beet juice.

In a 1/2 liter thermos, brew 2 tbsp overnight. spoons of rose hips and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried red rowan berries, 400 mg of powder or 4 tablets of 100 mg (more is possible) YAK. In the morning, shake the contents of the thermos several times and leave for 5-10 minutes. To 200 ml of drink add the juice of half a lemon, 1 tbsp. spoon of cranberries, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of lingonberries and 1/2 teaspoon of honey. The drink is taken in the morning on an empty stomach with slow sips for 10 minutes.

Where can I get succinic acid?

Yak in tablets or preparations from it - yantavit, mitomin (succinic and ascorbic acids), enerlit (ammonium succinate), yanta, amberite, "Bison", "YANA", amber elixir - are available for sale in pharmacies. But you can also order them from the author.

Ascorbic and citric acid have the properties of enhancing the effect of basic oxygenators. The use of these acids improves oxygen supply to tissues.

Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C

Vitamin C is taken as follows:

First, for several days, 1/4-1/2 teaspoon (in a citrus drink) once a day, that is, 1–2 g. Then take the same dose 2 times a day. For most people, 4g is enough. Ascorbic acid should be combined with succinic acid and 20 mg of citric acid.

Acetic acid

For 1/2 cup of water – 1 tbsp. spoon of 9 percent vinegar. Take 10-15 times a day until the pain stops. If after 10–15 days the pain from drinking vinegar water does not subside, then more attention should be paid to alkalizing methods. After each drink of water with vinegar, you should take 1 g of table salt.

Vinegar is also added 1 teaspoon per spoiled milk, fermented baked milk, yogurt, acidophilus, in all kinds of infusions prepared in medicinal herbs. The dosage is the same - 1 teaspoon per 1/2 cup of drink. For infusion, it is advisable to use sulfur-containing plants (raspberries, linden flowers, chamomile, birch buds, fireweed, etc.). Sore spots should also be lubricated with vinegar and sprinkled Glauber's salt or copper sulfate, can be done with the same substances vinegar compresses. In many cases, vinegar treatments relieve pain completely or significantly reduce it.

Vinegar should be taken by gradually increasing the dose and carefully monitoring the condition of the body. Vinegar causes accelerated fat burning, so people who take it can lose weight. It reduces cravings for sweets and reduces appetite. It is possible to use garlic vinegar in the form of compresses to treat external ulcers, warts, and condylomas.

Taking hydrochloric acid

For pain relief It is also recommended to take dilute hydrochloric acid (HC!) orally. If pharmacies do not have hydrochloric acid, you can prepare it yourself from concentrate. 1 tbsp. a spoonful of concentrate is diluted in 1 liter of water. The solution is consumed 1-2 tbsp. spoons with meals or 3-4 times a day at any time.


This is another powerful antioxidant, hypoxanthate (prevents oxygen starvation tissues) and an oxygenator (improves oxygen consumption by cancer tissues). It's almost natural product from the class of plant hormones auxins, containing silicon. It has virtually no contraindications or side effects.

According to some indicators, this drug is more potent, including as an antidote (antidote) for poisoning. This property is important, since in cancer diseases the body is poisoned by metabolic products of cancer cells.

It has been experimentally proven that this drug improves the functioning of mitochondria and increases their oxygen consumption, which contributes to the transition of the metabolism of cancer cells to the normal oxygen pathway and their transformation into healthy ones. The drug has passed all the necessary clinical trials and is shown as a drug that prolongs life, strengthens immunity, increases the body's defenses, general physical endurance, has antihypoxic, antineurotic, antiulcer and anticancer properties, protects the liver from cirrhosis and hepatitis.

The therapeutic effectiveness of trekrezan in the field of oncology was tested on animals that, after inoculation of the tumor, at the time of its intensive development, were given this drug. In animals treated with trekrezan, complete resorption of tumors occurred after 30–45 days of treatment. No relapses of tumor development were observed within 2–4 months.

Control groups of animals were not treated. After 20–35 days, all the animals in them died.

Taking Trecrezan by cancer patients at stages III and IV caused a sharp increase in vitality and allowed them to extend their life to 2–3 years. Delay in tumor development at such long term is very important, as it provides the time necessary to apply other oncology treatment methods. Often the process of tumor development occurs so quickly that people do not even have time to carry out the proper course of treatment. In combination with other methods we offer, the effectiveness of the drug increased significantly.

Use of the drug for oncology: from 0.6 to 1 g per day (3-5 tablets of 0.2 g each) 15-30 minutes before meals. You can order the drug from the author.

Chapter 4
Copper and copper-containing preparations

Copper has both preventive and therapeutic properties anti-cancer properties. Studies have found that drugs containing copper ions help stop the growth of cancer cells. The introduction of microdoses of copper into the body reduces the growth rate of tumors by 40–50%. The life expectancy of patients increases 2–3 times.

Experiments on animals have shown that honey therapy, carried out simultaneously with the use of drugs that stimulate tumor growth, inhibits their effect. It can be argued that it neutralizes carcinogens.

Available positive results treatment with electrophoresis copper-containing drugs sarcomas, Plisse lymphosarcoma and Walker carcinosarcoma. The anti-oncological properties of copper are associated with the fact that it is a catalyst that increases the effectiveness of the use of oxygenators, revealing their therapeutic and physiological reserve. It is advisable to use copper in the form of copper water and copper electrophoresis for melanoma. This causes stimulation of melanin synthesis, which significantly increases the degree of differentiation of skin cells and their resistance to cancer. Therefore, we suggest that patients with skin melanoma pay more attention to treatment methods with copper and silver electrophoresis, as well as taking them orally.

Copper dosage

Physiological doses

Daily dose: For children 1 year – 3 years – 1 mg; 4–5 years – 1.5 mg; over 19 years old – 2.5–3 mg.

With the exception of rare diseases, in which copper accumulation occurs (Wilson's disease, for example), intoxication with food intake copper is extremely rare. Symptoms of intoxication– pain in muscles and joints, irritability and depression, nausea, nervousness.

Doses for the treatment of cancer

For treatment tumor diseases doses of copper are used, increased within one order of magnitude (that is, not exceeding 5-10 times) from the physiological one. Doses exceeding this threshold may cause the opposite effect.

Application of copper applicators

Copper applicators can be used for externally located and benign tumors. Copper coins, for example those issued before 1961 in the USSR, or any pure copper plates that should be attached with adhesive can be used as applicators.

The plates are applied over the projection area of ​​diseased organs (sick kidneys, prostate, uterus, etc.) or over externally located tumors (breast tumors, maxillary sinuses etc.).

For applications, use from 6 to 15 coins, which are attached for at least 12 hours a day or around the clock, periodically removing them and cleaning them. It was noted that copper application resolves not only swelling, subcutaneous hemorrhages, infiltrates, but also benign tumors(seal mammary gland, uterine fibroids, mastitis, etc.).

The therapeutic effect was observed in patients with pain syndrome caused by lumbago, deforming spondylosis and osteochondrosis, as well as neuritis (neuralgia) of the facial or sciatic nerve and radicular syndrome.

In all cases, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects are noted.

Baths with copper sulfate

An adult is prescribed 50 ml (less often 100 ml) of a 10% solution of copper sulfate per bath (10 g of copper sulfate powder is diluted in 100 g of water, this mother solution is then diluted in the bath). The duration of the procedure is 10–20 minutes. Baths are repeated after 1–3 days. The course is 5-10 baths, repeated after 2-4 weeks.

Clay applications and ointments with copper sulfate

It is recommended to make rinses or gauze applications over the tumor area or make ointments with copper based on talc or clay. Clay applications soaked in a solution of copper sulfate of the concentration indicated above are kept for up to two hours, covered with thick paper or cloth on top. Additionally, succinic acid should be added to the solution to obtain clay ointment with copper sulfate at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter of ointment.

Clay applications with copper and succinic acid in the case of external tumors should be alternated every other day with applications of a 10% saline solution (hypertonic saline solution). This solution is moistened with gauze folded in 4-8 layers or a towel and applied over the tumor area, covering the top with thick paper. All these procedures should be alternated every other day with silver iontophoresis or gauze applications with concentrated silver water (35 mg/l).

Course – 30 days.

Drugs or biologically active additives copper based

The most readily available for use is copper sulfate, or copper sulfate, which can be easily purchased in pharmacies or gardening stores. The permitted single dose in powder form is 0.4 mg with other components. For cancer, it is better to increase the dose by 2–5 times the officially approved dose. So, if according to reference books you can use 5-15 drops of a 1% solution in milk 2-3 times a day with meals, then in the treatment of tumor diseases - 10-45 drops. However, I know of patients who took 75 drops for more than a year without harm to themselves.

Chapter 5
Silver, gold, zinc and coenzymes
Highly concentrated silver water

IN last years The list of indications for the use of silver has been expanded by a number of healers. This includes arthritic joint diseases, diabetes and... oncology! The use of silver in oncology is described in more detail in the book “Silver Water” by L. Taranov and I. Filippova. Doctor L. Taranov developed and tested a method for treating malignant neoplasms using concentrated silver water and silver electrophoresis, the effectiveness of which was confirmed by an independent examination.

Ionized silver water is wonderfully safe antiviral agent. In particular high concentrations it is made using special electric ionators. This water can be taken orally, used in the form of applications and tampons on the affected external areas, or in the form of silver electrophoresis. The stability of silver in the form of charged “living” ions in water is extremely low.

According to some reports, the concentration of silver ions in water drops by 50% every 15–30 days; gradually they turn into salts and stable molecules. Therefore, such highly concentrated water can only be stored in the dark for no more than 1–2 months. It is better to have your own silver electroionizer at home to obtain fresh water of the required concentration.

For cancer, it is recommended to take a solution of silver water at a concentration of 10 mg per 1 liter. Drink 100 ml of water 2 times a day before meals, 10–20 minutes before taking other medications. The course of treatment is 15 days, the break is a month, then the courses are repeated.

Up to six such courses must be completed per year. It is best to combine silver water with black walnut tincture.

Numerous cases of curing cancer with the help of silver have been described. For example, Dr. R. Becker describes a patient with a severe, chronic bone infection who developed a cancerous tumor on his wound. Treatment with silver for three months stopped the tumor from growing. 8 years after treatment, the patient felt well.

When exposed to large tumors, the growth of malignant cells stops and their gradual regression occurs. For example, a case of treatment of a cancerous skin tumor—melanoma with metastases—is described. L. Taranov, who, as already mentioned, developed his own method for treating malignant neoplasms, began to treat the tumor with iontophoresis using silver water.

Activated juices were added to the solution medicinal plants antitumor action. The result exceeded all expectations - within a day the tumor had halved. After the second treatment, the tumor shrank. After the third treatment, the tumor disappeared, and in its place a barely noticeable trace remained. Many patients with running form In oncology, the method made it possible to eliminate or reduce excruciating pain.

In a patient with a tumor of the esophagus who suffered from dysphagia (obstruction of the esophagus), the use of silver water led to a reduction in the tumor and made it possible to feed independently.

In the case of large tumors with metastases, when doctors practically do not undertake to perform surgery, the use of silver iontophoresis gives encouraging results and makes it possible to reverse the development of these metastases, which means a cure becomes possible. Instructions for using silver iontophoresis can be ordered from the author.

Skin cancer – melanoma – is best cured with silver iontophoresis. Cases of cure of retinoblastoma of the eye and adenocarcinoma of the salivary glands are described.

In a patient with stage 3 melanoma of the scapula, the tumor was peeling and flowing. After iontophoresis procedures, the malignant component was destroyed within 3 months.

Another example.

The child received severe bruise, a hematoma formed. Three years later, a tumor began to grow in this place - hemocarcinoma. After three weeks of silver electrophoresis, the malignant component disappeared.

Another example.

A breast cancer patient showed dramatic improvement after three weeks of treatment. After 7 months, complete healing occurred.

Somehow, when exposed to silver, cancer cells become harmless. When using silver water, you must remember that it should not be exposed to light, since silver ions are destroyed under its influence. Illuminated silver water has no healing properties.

The fact that silver water is quite capable of coping with pathogenic microflora, as well as with tumor cells, once again confirms the hypothesis that cancer cells are induced by a certain group of microorganisms.

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Treatment of nail fungus with copper sulfate has come into practice relatively recently. Previously, this substance was used as a garden fertilizer, but then its beneficial properties - fungicidal and disinfectant - were discovered. We invite you to find out how this folk remedy works against onychomycosis.

Action (CuSO 4) for onychomycosis

Copper sulfate is copper sulfate, the chemical formula of which includes sulfur, copper and oxygen (CuSO 4). The drug is odorless and diluted in liquid. The product has a crystalline structure, colored in a characteristic blue color.

Copper sulfate boasts excellent cleansing and disinfecting properties. With its help, almost any pathogenic microflora on the surface is destroyed skin and human nails.

Due to its pronounced antiseptic qualities, copper sulfate can also be used for prevention. It reduces the likelihood of re-infection with mycosis and prevents the spread pathological process. Additionally, the product softens painful sensations, improves condition local immunity and restores the growth of the nail plate.

Treatment options

When using a drug for nail fungus on the hands and feet, you must be careful, since the active substance is poisonous and, if the rules of use are not followed, can cause intoxication of the body. It is unacceptable to inhale the dry product and use the vitriol solution internally.

Before using the drug, you should read the rules in the table.

CONSULTATION WITH A DOCTOR.Before treatment, you need to visit a dermatologist, clarify the diagnosis and receive the appropriate prescriptions.
STUDY THE QUALITY OF THE PRODUCT.Before purchasing, it is important to check copper sulfate for expiration dates - an expired product will not harm, but will not provide the expected help with a mycotic infection.
COMPLIANCE WITH STORAGE CONDITIONS.Copper sulfate should not be stored at sunlight, otherwise it will be lost healing properties. After purchase, the product is placed in a dry, dark place, in a tightly closed container or bag.
PREPARATION OF PREPARATIONS.It is important to use copper sulfate-based products before the procedure. The exception is copper sulfate concentrate.

Now let’s look at the methods of therapy with this drug in practice.

Baths. The most convenient option to deal with nail fungus at home. For treatment, you need to prepare a concentrate of copper sulfate, which will then be conveniently added to the bath.

To make it, 1 tsp. dilute vitriol in 1 liter cool water. Place the solution in a glass container and store closed.

To prepare a bath you need 3 liters hot water dilute 2 tsp. concentrate and immerse your feet in the liquid for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily, once a day, until the symptoms of onychomycosis and candidiasis disappear.

Ointment. This remedy with copper sulfate with a fungicidal effect is easy to prepare. The drug is made before use; it cannot be stored due to the rapid loss of medicinal properties.

2 tbsp. l. Mix butter with a small amount of vitriol crystals until smooth. Final product should have a light blue tint.

The ointment is applied to the foci of infection, avoiding contact active substance on healthy areas of the skin. Cover the treatment areas with adhesive tape and leave for several hours in the absence of adverse reactions so that the drug has the desired therapeutic effect.

You will need copper sulfate concentrate, the same as for foot baths. The procedure is performed in the evening, leaving the application on all night.

Apply the concentrate to your nails and wait for it to dry. Then a gruel of chopped onion is applied to the plates, which is covered with polyethylene and secured with a bandage. The compress is left for 12 hours. In the morning, wash off all substances.

You can buy copper sulfate in stores specializing in the sale of gardening products. The product is sold in packages of 100 grams. It is inexpensive - from 33 rubles in Russia and 16 hryvnia in Ukraine.

Is it possible to enhance the effect of copper sulfate?

Cope with infectious process not difficult if you strictly follow the recommendations specified in the prescription regarding the timing and sequence of treatment. To enhance the effect of copper sulfate, you can use the tips listed below:

  • take multivitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system;
  • include fungicidal medications in the treatment regimen;
  • additionally treat foci of onychomycosis with drying and bactericidal agents.

Use in children, pregnant and lactating women

Copper sulfate is registered as food additive E519. Despite this remedy, it has many contraindications and side effects.

Is copper sulfate safe?

According to research, only 3–5 grams of this substance per internal use can cause human death. If you apply a concentrated product to the mucous membranes and skin, burns are possible, and if it is inhaled, damage to the lung tissue is possible.

To minimize the likelihood of poisoning, you need to remove all food products and utensils from the living space where medical procedures using it are carried out. Additionally, you need to resort to the following security measures:

  • protect your eyes with glasses and your skin with clothing that is as closed as possible;
  • put on rubber gloves;

  • do not allow animals and children into the room;
  • do not use any cutlery or utensils that will later be used for cooking to store vitriol concentrate and dilute it;
  • after graduation medical procedures The room is thoroughly ventilated, hands and face are washed with soap.

Contraindications and side effects

Undesirable reactions to copper sulfate usually develop in response to its intolerance by the body or poisoning. These include:

  • nausea, metallic taste in the mouth;
  • vomit;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • yellowing of the skin;
  • acute urinary retention.
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • childhood.
good medicinal properties has copper sulfate. It can be purchased at hardware stores. Another direction of application of copper sulfate is its use for the prevention and treatment of plant diseases and the control of insect pests. Copper compounds have pronounced nephro- and hepatotoxicity. Copper sulfate also has local cauterizing and hemolytic effects. The treatment uses the application of copper plates. The plates are made of red copper. ... Traditional medicine recommends using copper sulfate as an ointment.

Copper sulfate has good healing properties. It can be purchased at hardware stores. To use vitriol for treatment, it must first be calcined in a clean, dry frying pan until gray and sifted through two layers of gauze. Dermatitis is treated with lotions with vitriol solution, trophic ulcers and melanoma (skin cancer). To prepare the solution, boil water and for every 0.5 liter of boiling water, throw in 2-3 crystals of vitriol (2 times more for melanoma), let it brew for 2-3 days, shaking occasionally, and you can begin treatment. A weaker solution of vitriol (2-3 crystals per 1 liter of boiling water) is douched for female diseases. Recently, people are increasingly looking for specific folk methods of treatment. And this all happened because, thanks to modern drug therapy New diseases appeared and copper sulfate found application in medicine. One of these non-specific folk ways treatment is treatment with copper sulfate.

ABOUT healing properties People learned about copper sulfate quite a long time ago. Even in ancient India, they were used to cure all sorts of diseases related to the skin and eyes. And doctors all over the world had in their arsenal various recipes with copper sulfate. Medicine ancient Greece used copper sulfate to treat deafness and inflammation of the tonsils. And since those times, such a recipe has been preserved that after removing purulent tonsils you need to rinse your mouth with boiled water and vinegar (200 ml per glass of water, 1 tablespoon of vinegar) at room temperature, and after this procedure apply copper sulfate to the wound.

Likewise, in our time, traditional medicine has many various recipes with copper sulfate for treatment. With its help you can cure radiculitis, polyarthritis, bruises and broken bones, epilepsy and many other diseases, even. In addition, it is very effective treating cancer with copper sulfate. It’s not for nothing that since ancient times, traditional medicine has used copper sulfate to treat all kinds of tumors. And currently in medicine they use antitumor ointment; to prepare it, you need to take a pinch of copper sulfate and pour 500g. boiled water at room temperature. Leave for 24 hours and take 50 ml once a day in the morning on an empty stomach. Or take a pinch of copper sulfate and dissolve it in 150 g. warm boiled water and drink 50 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. After using these tinctures, you feel calm nervous system, insomnia disappears. Such tinctures give vitality to the body and reduce headaches if you apply a cloth soaked in the solution to the sore spots for 10-15 minutes. Copper sulfate has found application in the treatment of various malignant tumors, but it is most effective in the fight against tumors of the breast, stomach, and intestines.

Folk remedies using copper sulfate remove inflammatory processes , soothe pain, accelerate the maturation of abscesses, help to avoid infectious diseases, stimulate the body's defenses. Remedies with copper sulfate promote rapid recovery.

In addition, you can use baths with copper sulfate; they are very effective for treating diabetes. If diabetes If the form is not severe, then after undergoing treatment with copper sulfate, patients no longer need insulin, and if the form is severe, then the need for insulin decreases by 4-5 times. For a bath you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of copper sulfate and apply them 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes. Full course 10-15 baths.

In addition, you can completely remove copper sulfate fungus. To do this, you need to prepare an ointment that will consist of equal parts of pure tar (goose or other fat), burnt to a white-gray color, copper sulfate powder and powder yellow sulfur. Then mix everything, bring to a boil and cool. And then you can lubricate the fungus-affected areas with this ointment.

IN folk medicine It is recommended to use copper sulfate as part of an ointment prepared as follows: 20 g spruce needles, grated onion, 15 g copper sulfate, 50 g olive oil. Mix everything, grind thoroughly and bring to a boil. The resulting ointment has a wonderful burning effect and heals well.

From such women's diseases, such as erosion, inflammation of the appendages, leucorrhoea, fibroids, fibroids, fungus and cysts up to 10 weeks. To prepare the composition, you will need to take 1 spoon of burnt alum, 1 tablespoon of copper sulfate, per liter of water and boil for 5 minutes. After cooling, strain and you can douche with blue water. To douche, you need to take one tablespoon of this water per liter of boiled water. A course of douching is 7-10 days after the end of the menstrual cycle.

People learned about the healing properties of copper sulfate quite a long time ago. Even in ancient India, they were used to cure all sorts of diseases related to the skin and eyes. And doctors all over the world had in their arsenal various recipes with copper sulfate. Medicine in ancient Greece used copper sulfate to treat deafness and inflammation of the tonsils. And since those times, a recipe has been preserved that after removing purulent tonsils, you need to rinse your mouth with boiled water and vinegar (200 ml per glass of water, 1 tablespoon of vinegar) at room temperature, and after this procedure, apply copper sulfate to the wound.

Likewise, in our time, traditional medicine has many different recipes with copper sulfate for treatment. With its help you can cure radiculitis, polyarthritis, bruises and broken bones, epilepsy and many other diseases, even. In addition, very effective treatment cancer with copper sulfate. It’s not for nothing that since ancient times, traditional medicine has used copper sulfate to treat all kinds of tumors. And currently in medicine they use antitumor ointment; to prepare it, you need to take a pinch of copper sulfate and pour 500g. boiled water at room temperature. Leave for 24 hours and take 50 ml once a day in the morning on an empty stomach. Or take a pinch of copper sulfate and dissolve it in 150 g. warm boiled water and drink 50 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed. After using such tinctures, the nervous system calms down and insomnia disappears.
Such tinctures give vitality to the body and reduce headaches if you apply a cloth soaked in the solution to the sore spots for 10-15 minutes. Copper sulfate has found application in the treatment of all kinds of malignant tumors, but it is most effective in the fight against tumors of the mammary gland, stomach, and intestines.

Folk remedies using copper sulfate relieve inflammation, soothe pain, accelerate the maturation of abscesses, help avoid infectious diseases, and stimulate the body's defenses. Products with copper sulfate promote rapid recovery. In addition, you can use baths with copper sulfate; they are very effective for treating diabetes. If diabetes mellitus is not severe, then after undergoing treatment with copper sulfate, patients no longer need insulin, and if the form is severe, then the need for insulin decreases by 4-5 times. For a bath you need to take 2-3 tablespoons of copper sulfate and apply them 2-3 times a week for 10-15 minutes. Full course 10-15 baths.

In addition, copper sulfate can completely remove the fungus. To do this, you need to prepare an ointment that will consist of equal parts of pure tar (goose or other fat), copper sulfate powder burned to a white-gray color and yellow sulfur powder. Then mix everything, bring to a boil and cool. And then you can lubricate the fungus-affected areas with this ointment.

In folk medicine, it is recommended to use copper sulfate as part of an ointment prepared as follows: 20 g of spruce needles, grated onion, 15 g of copper sulfate, 50 g of olive oil. Mix everything, grind thoroughly and bring to a boil. The resulting ointment has a wonderful burning effect and heals well.

From such female diseases as erosion, inflammation of the appendages, leucorrhoea, fibroids, fibroids, fungus and cysts, up to 10 weeks. To prepare the composition, you will need to take 1 spoon of burnt alum, 1 tablespoon of copper sulfate, per liter of water and boil for 5 minutes. After cooling, strain and you can douche with blue water. To douche, you need to take one tablespoon of this water per liter of boiled water. A course of douching is 7-10 days after the end of the menstrual cycle.