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The benefits of pelargonium. What parts of geranium are used for medicinal purposes? What are the benefits of indoor plants?

Geranium, or as it is also called, pelargonium and crane grass, the most common and unpretentious home flower. Its inflorescences of extraordinary beauty delighted the eyes of every Soviet person. And even now this plant is in no way inferior in popularity to fashionable apartment vines, cacti and palm trees.

But few people know that geranium has useful and even magical powers. And sometimes it is unsafe for the owner to keep her in the house. So what beneficial and magical properties does the beautiful geranium have and where is the best place to place it in the house? Let's figure it out.

Pelargonium itself has very good energy. Few people know that she specific smell(which, by the way, is not to everyone’s “taste”) disinfects the air, repels flies and mosquitoes, and serves as a preventive measure colds and even saves you from migraines, insomnia and depression. IN traditional medicine aromatic oil Geranium is used to treat the heart, liver, digestive system and even toothache.

By the way, a pelargonium leaf can even normalize blood pressure - you just need to apply it to your hand.

Geranium also calms the nervous system, improves mood, and gives energy positive emotions. It should be noted that all parts of this indoor “friend” - flowers, leaves, and even roots - have a good effect on health. They contain phenols, glucose, starch, vitamins and much more.

Perhaps because of its benefits and healing power Since ancient times, geranium has earned magical fame - it was endowed with many magical properties. After all, where it grows, there is no despondency, melancholy and irritation - it is a kind of keeper of the hearth. Judging by the beliefs, geraniums have the power to protect your house of evil, drive out envy and teach you to treat people with positivity and kindness.

Psychics say that pelargonium oil makes a person’s aura ideal and pure, helps not to lose mental strength and energy after communicating with envious people and liars. Geranium, according to magic, gives its owner health, makes him successful and even improves his financial situation.

The benefits and harms of geraniums in the home

Useful properties of geranium:

  • guardian of the hearth, amulet;
  • protection against viral, nervous, cardiovascular and even cancer diseases;
  • excellent antidepressant;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • source mental strength and positive emotions;
  • helps in the learning process - the smell helps to concentrate well;
  • fighter against conflicts in work teams.

Harm from pelargonium:

  • often causes allergies (especially plants with white inflorescences);
  • there is an opinion that large cluster pots of geraniums in the house can lead the owner to loneliness.

Is it possible to keep a pot of geraniums at home and where to put it?

Many people wonder whether it is possible to keep this common flower at home, is it safe? Based on the experience of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, we can safely answer - even necessary. True, experts in the eastern practice of Feng Shui recommend placing this plant in certain parts at home: the love zone (south-west side of the apartment), the children and creativity zone (west) or the money zone (on the south-east side). However, there are other tips for correct placement geraniums:

  1. A white, pink or purple pelargonium flower can be placed in any part of the room, but the red one is better placed on the windowsill so that it can be clearly seen from the street. This way the plant can protect its owners from the evil eye, damage and bad thoughts ill-wishers.
  2. The proximity of geranium to other flowers, for example, to an azalea bush or Schlumbergera (Decembrist cactus), will only enhance its positive properties. magical properties.
  3. In a private house, it will be very useful to place pots with geraniums on both sides of the porch. You can plant pelargonium in a flowerbed in front of the windows - its flowering will delight the home owners all summer long.
  4. Astrologers say that geranium is best suited for its energy to people born under the sign of Aries. It helps the signs of the water element - Pisces, Aquarius, Scorpio - to cope with problems and calm down. And for others it will be an excellent amulet for all occasions.

Signs and superstitions about geranium

There are many different signs and superstitions associated with the geranium flower. So, people say that if this flower feels good in an apartment or office, a favorable atmosphere has already been created in this place. And in order to increase the magical power of geranium, there are separate rituals.

For example, in order to always have money in the house, you can carry a dried leaf or flower in your wallet, and when washing the floors, drop pelargonium essential oil into the water.

However great importance In all signs and superstitions, geraniums are given color - its strength and influence depend on this.

White geranium

According to signs, such a flower helps to find love - so it is recommended to go on a first date with white petals. If your betrothed has not yet been found, you can attract him by making a small bag and putting dried white geranium flowers in it.

In addition, according to signs, white geranium helps to have children in the family, so pelargonium was a very desirable wedding gift for the newlyweds. white. It will also save you from infertility.

This flower also protects sleep - it drives away evil spirits, and its smell instills peace and comfort.

Pink geranium

With its delicate flowers, pelargonium reveals talents well and Creative skills in children. That's why pink flowers good to plant in nurseries game rooms, as well as in schools and kindergartens. Pink geranium teaches children to be attentive and persevering.

Like white, pink pelargonium helps to find your soul mate and creates a romantic mood in the house. There is even a sign that if a geranium was bought of an unknown color, but suddenly bloomed pink, someone will soon get married.

red geranium

A plant of this color is believed to be more suitable for the office - it helps to quell conflicts among colleagues, eliminates gossip and intrigue in the workplace. Therefore, red pelargonium is also good at reconciling squabbling children - it can be safely placed in their room.

Red geranium can also kindle passion between spouses, and ladies are advised to keep this flower close, as it can preserve youth.

Red geranium also protects the home from evil eye, damage and unkind people.

purple geranium

Such a flower attracts only friendly guests to the house, preserves friendly relations and maintains a positive aura. In addition, if you place a pot of purple geranium on a table where quarreling relatives have gathered, after some time the conflict will disappear.

By the way, according to Feng Shui, it is good to place such a flower in a school - it will perfectly establish a connection between schoolchildren and teachers.

Signs according to the state of the flower

Geranium lives a long time - more than 10 years, but its beautiful appearance can lose quickly. To do this, you need to pluck it periodically.

It is important to closely monitor the condition of the plant, because a diseased flower loses its healing and magical properties. That's why great attention You need to pay attention to caring for pelargonium in order to preserve it.

So, according to signs, if geranium does not bloom and grows sluggishly, there are many problems in the house: scandals and frequent swearing. And if the flowers grow lushly, the emotional situation, wealth and well-being in the family are at the highest level.

Flower care and help with diseases

Problems and help:

  • The trunk is exposed. The plant needs to be pruned regularly.
  • The edges of the leaves dry out. This mainly happens in winter, when the flower stands next to heating radiators. Therefore, you just need to move the pot away from the batteries and spray it periodically.
  • The leaves have become spotted. You need to move the plant to the shade.
  • Leaves turn yellow. It is necessary to water the plant more often.
  • The leaves are falling. This means a lack of light - you need to put the geranium in a lighted place.
  • The stem darkens. Such a plant cannot be saved.

Geranium is an unpretentious plant, but you need to follow a few simple rules caring for her.

  • Temperature. Special temperature regime the plant does not require and can withstand temperatures from 8 to 26 degrees.
  • Watering. The flower loves water very much; it needs to be watered often, but periodically let the soil dry out.
  • Lighting. Geraniums are comfortable where there is a lot of light, but you should not place the pot with the plant under the scorching rays of the sun. In winter, you can illuminate geraniums with fluorescent lamps.
  • Transfer. There is no need to replant geraniums often - only if the pot becomes too small. It should not be wide - otherwise the roots will grow and the geranium will not bloom.

Geranium, especially for novice gardeners, will not bring much trouble, but it will fill the house only with positive energy and strength. Therefore, every home, like in the good old days, should be decorated with a modest, but such a strong geranium.

Everyone knows grandma’s geranium, which constantly blooms and exudes a strong aroma. There are about 430 species of this plant. But not everyone is aware of its healing properties.

For the first time, geranium fell into the hands of breeders of the Royal Gardens of Great Britain in the 16th-17th centuries. It was brought by sailors from South Africa. Flowers began to be grown in gardens and parks. And then indoor varieties of this plant were developed. D. Tradescan was engaged in the selection of geraniums.

Homemade geranium has medicinal properties

We know from history that even Peter was the first to treat his sore leg with geranium. This plant helped him numb the pain. And the courtiers wore this flower as decoration. Magicians and sorcerers in the Middle Ages believed that it drove away evil spirits. They made amulets in which they placed geranium flowers. These days the oil of this fragrant flower added to essential oils and used in aromatherapy.

Scientists have proven that geranium can even kill staphylococci and streptococci. Also, when indoors, geranium can purify the air of germs.

Medicinal properties of geranium

Geranium heals wounds

Rose geranium is used to treat wounds. It has an anti-inflammatory and healing effect. The leaves of this plant are used for.

Geranium for insomnia

If you come up and breathe in the aroma of geranium, your well-being and mood improve. Geranium also helps get rid of insomnia. Geranium oil is rubbed into the temples to relieve headaches.

Geranium treats runny nose and otitis media

Freshly squeezed juice from geranium leaves treats otitis media and runny nose. Sometimes the juice is mixed with essential oils.

Geranium for hypertension

To lower blood pressure, take a decoction of geranium. You can also apply the leaves to your wrist.

Geranium for toothache

The leaf is applied to the painful tooth until the pain goes away.

Treatment with geranium - contraindications

But despite everything healing properties geraniums, you must remember about contraindications. Children can only use it for external procedures. Elderly people and pregnant women should approach treatment with geranium preparations with caution. If you suffer from chronic diseases, it is worth consulting a doctor. Patients with stomach ulcers may also be harmed by this treatment.

Contraindications of geranium and signs

Indoor geranium - signs

IN folk beliefs It was believed that geranium protects the house from snakes. The pink variety helps in love, the red variety improves health, and the white variety helps to conceive a child. Pink geranium flowers were placed in the closet to get rid of moths.

Geranium is also widely used in the production of cosmetic creams and oils. These are products for body, hair and facial skin care. Massage therapists use geranium oil.

And simply, being in the house, geraniums do not stand idle. It is believed that this protects the inhabitants of the house from negative impact ill-wishers and is the protector of your home.

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Not only do they have healing properties wild plants, but also many indoor flowers. Geranium, beneficial features and the contraindications of which are known not only to the people, but also official medicine, widely used to treat respiratory diseases, nervous system, stomach and intestines.

Previously, this flower could be seen in almost every home. Indoor geranium gets along well with other plants, delighting owners with soft green lacy leaves and inflorescences of a wide variety of shades: white, yellow, pink, scarlet, crimson. Traditional healers used infusions and decoctions of geranium to cure many ailments - from basic colds to serious chronic pathologies.

Geranium - 9 beneficial properties

  1. Stabilization of nervous processes

    People have long known the calming effect of geranium during emotional breakdowns and stress. Tea brewed from several leaves of this indoor plant will quickly relieve anxiety, improve your mood, stimulate brain function, and help cope with insomnia. Geranium infusions are taken orally to relieve headaches and normalize hormonal levels. A bath with a warm decoction has a relaxing effect for neuroses, neurasthenia, and also relieves muscle tension.

  2. Anti-inflammatory effect

    Healing properties geraniums are used to localize various foci of inflammation in the body. Water and alcohol tinctures are used to treat joint diseases and eliminate malfunctions of cardio-vascular system, suppression acute infections in the gastrointestinal tract. Applying fresh leaves to inflamed areas of the skin helps open boils, heals minor wounds, burns and frostbite, and reduces itching in allergic dermatitis.

  3. Analgesic effect

    Endorphins contained in geranium leaves help quickly cope with headaches due to chronic migraines. For these purposes, it is recommended to brew the plant material with boiling water and take it in the form of tea. However, with prolonged use of this method, its effectiveness may decrease as a result of the body’s addiction. Using leaves indoor flower It is also possible to relieve pain from bruises, sprains, intercostal neuralgia, heel spur, radiculitis and osteochondrosis.

  4. Kidney health

    Chemical composition pelargonium has not yet been fully studied. But experts have already come to the conclusion that certain essential components have a beneficial effect on the condition of the kidneys. Due to the gentle diuretic effect, toxins, excess fluid and fats are removed from the body, which reduces the load on the kidneys and prevents harmful substances to other tissues and organs.

  5. Strengthening the immune system

    Medicinal properties geraniums mobilize the body's defenses to fight colds and viral diseases. At the first signs of illness, it is enough to drink a cup of decoction or simply chew a fresh leaf of an indoor flower. Acting like natural antiseptic, geranium prevents the proliferation of pathogenic microbes, ensures rapid recovery from influenza, sore throat, laryngitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media. Warming compresses made from geranium leaves are excellent for relieving ear pain.

  6. Improvement of digestive processes

    For bloating, stomach and intestinal disorders, use a water decoction or geranium oil. It's simple and safe remedy will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms, will neutralize the infection that has entered the body. Geranium juice is used to stop gastrointestinal bleeding, as well as for some types of oncology.

  7. Benefits of geranium for women

    Geranium extracts are used in gynecology. Decoctions and tinctures are used internally for infertility, treatment benign neoplasms in the ovaries, to stop uterine bleeding. Aromatherapy sessions with pelargonium essential oil help cope with nervousness during PMS time, normalize hormonal background during menopausal changes in the body.

  8. Insecticidal properties

    Fragrant geranium repels mosquitoes, midges and other insects with its scent. Pelargonium extracts combined with lavender and eucalyptus oils can serve as an alternative to chemical repellents. IN folk medicine Geranium decoctions are used to treat head lice in children and adults.

  9. Disinfection of the premises

    Pots of geraniums placed on windowsills will benefit the entire home. This plant not only refreshes, but also disinfects the air, destroying viruses, fungi and bacteria. To enhance the effect during flu or ARVI epidemics, you can place aromatic lamps with geranium essential oil in the room.

Recipes for using Geranium at home

Pelargonium leaves can be used in fresh, applying to wounds or bruises. To relieve headaches, rub the mashed leaf on your temples, and to stabilize the pressure, bandage the leaf on your wrist for 20–30 minutes.

Geranium oil

This remedy is used to relieve pain from migraines and menstrual cramps, disinfect wounds, and treat viral and fungal diseases. IN home cosmetology Based on geranium oil, they make nourishing and cleansing face masks, lubricate the scalp to strengthen hair and get rid of dandruff. To prepare healing composition, you need to mix 1 cup of crushed geranium leaves and pour 100 grams medical alcohol. The mixture, placed in a half-liter glass jar with a tight lid, keep for 2 weeks on a sunny windowsill. Then alcohol tincture together with the sediment, pour into a 1-liter container, add 1 glass olive oil and again placed in direct sunlight for 14 days. After this period, the oil is filtered and used for its intended purpose.

Calming tincture

At nervous disorders and heart diseases use alcohol solution geranium (7-10 drops per half cup boiled water). The tincture is prepared from three tablespoons of leaf crushed into pulp and 100 ml of medical alcohol. After keeping the mixture for three days in a warm place, protected from direct contact sun rays place, it is filtered and then stored in the refrigerator.

Root decoction

To remove kidney stones, use a decoction prepared according to the following recipe: place 1 tablespoon of crushed geranium root in a shallow bowl, add 250 ml cold water. Bring the mixture to a boil, simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Turn off the gas, cover the saucepan with a lid, and let it brew for 1 hour. After this, the broth is filtered, topped up with boiled water to the original volume and taken 1/3 cup after breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Anti-inflammatory infusion

To gargle or wash out the sinuses during a cold, prepare an infusion of 20 grams of fresh leaves and 1 cup of boiling water. The container with the infusion should be tightly wrapped and left for 8 hours (a thermos is good for these purposes). Before use, the liquid is filtered and, if necessary, slightly heated.

Warming compress

To relieve pain from radiculitis, osteochondrosis or otitis, grind 15–20 geranium leaves, mix the resulting mass with 50 ml camphor alcohol and a quarter glass of rye flour. A compress is applied to painful area body, cover the top with film or paper, and wrap it in a warm scarf or scarf.

Hemostatic agent

Having missed fresh leaves and stems through a meat grinder, and then, squeezing the mass with gauze, geranium juice is obtained. It is used for uterine, nasal, pulmonary and hemorrhoidal bleeding, as well as for the treatment of runny nose.

Cosmetic ice

In order to get rid of wrinkles and increase the elasticity of facial skin, geranium juice is frozen in the freezer in special molds. To achieve a rejuvenating effect, you should wipe your face, including the area around the eyes, with ice cubes daily.

Geranium - contraindications

Without first consulting a doctor, you should not resort to using this plant for chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract. Geranium, whose beneficial properties are positive influence on digestive organs, in the presence of pathological changes may harm the body.

Treatment with decoctions and tinctures prepared from geranium is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 12 years of age.

If you have an individual intolerance to the volatile substances that make up this indoor flower, you may experience allergic reactions in the form of shortness of breath, runny nose and itchy skin.

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Hello, Dear friends! Previously, geranium was in almost every home. She was credited with magical properties to repel ailments, evil spirits and insects. Later, scientists found out that it was not magic, but the essential oil of the plant. Alas, over time we have forgotten about traditions, and now our window sills are occupied by other flowers. Pelargonium should be in every family! Why? Let's get to know each other better: geranium benefits and harm to health.

Weather in the house

Energy is not a myth or even mysticism. It consists of simple factors: smells, colors, perception, etc. The bright colors and aroma of the heron significantly improve the condition of others. The sweet-tart notes are reminiscent of a mixture of eucalyptus and rose. The plant gently soothes, lowers blood pressure and promotes healthy sleep. At the same time, the natural gift does not cause a feeling of “inhibition”.

Pelargonium repels insects, especially mosquitoes and flies. Essential oil poisonous for annoying “neighbors”, but completely harmless for us. If you are going to have a picnic outdoors, be sure to take a couple of twigs with you and rub them open areas bodies. Bloodsuckers will avoid you. IN as a last resort buy etherol.

The flower releases vapors that enter our lungs. All useful properties homemade geranium difficult to list! Oils purify the air from viruses and bacteria. Inhalations are recommended for kidney disease and frequent headaches. With the help of a crane bird they treat:

  • hypertension;
  • low blood clotting;
  • some digestive disorders;
  • joint pain;
  • inflammation;
  • cellulite;
  • ulcers, wounds, burns, bedsores;
  • nervous disorders;
  • insomnia;
  • depression;
  • chronic fatigue.

In addition, the flower has strong analgesic properties. It will alleviate the condition of inflammation of teeth and gums, heart and neuralgic pathologies. The main beneficial property of fragrant geranium is its ability to improve mood. After all, our health and condition depend on it. Which plant should you prefer?

How does color affect a person?

The effect of the cranebird directly depends on the chosen shade. If in flower shop your eyes are running wild, follow simple rules.

White is a symbol of fertility, purity and innocence. It is customary to give such pelargonium to brides. If you are planning to conceive a child, place the potty in the bedroom.

The purple hue helps to delve deeper into spiritual self-knowledge. It promotes the opening and development of the upper chakras, sharpens intuition and activates intellectual activity.

The pink heron is a talisman for lovers. The plant is perfect for those who have not yet found their soul mate or are just building a relationship. Delicate pink flowers also protect family happiness and peace.

The beneficial properties of blood-red geranium are more pronounced than those of other “brothers”. She saturates those around her vital energy and positive. Bright color normalizes the state of the psyche, relieves stress and fatigue, eradicates laziness, fears and self-doubt.

Home remedies

I recently mentioned the beneficial properties of geranium flowers in a post about. This is far from the only way to use a natural gift. How to extract the maximum substances from it?


Take 20 g of crane grass stems or roots and pour a glass of boiling water. Keep in a water bath for 5 minutes. Remove any sediment. Take the drink 1 tbsp. l. up to 3 times a day before meals.


Rinse 40 g of raw material thoroughly or finely chop it, then pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. It is advisable to infuse in a thermos. Set the container aside for 8 hours. Ready! Drink the entire volume during the day, dividing it into small portions.

Alcohol tincture

Pour 10 g of leaves with 100 ml of alcohol or good strong vodka. Place in a dark place. After 10 days the product will be ready. Doses are minimal: 10-15 drops up to 2 times a day.


The remedy is used externally in for cosmetic purposes and for wound healing. Mix flowers and leaves equally, pour 40 g of the mixture into 250 ml of any vegetable oil. It is advisable to take olive oil. You will have to be patient: the healing liquid will be ready only after 1.5 months.

There are more quick way. Pour the crushed raw materials with alcohol (1:1). Fill the jar about halfway. Place the container in the sun for 2 weeks. Add olive oil until the jar is full and wait another 2 weeks.

The simplest recipe. Brew 1-2 leaves with petals with a glass of boiling water and let cool. Strain. Drink 100 ml twice a day. Geranium flower tea has many beneficial properties. It helps with menopause painful menstruation and hypertension.

A little trick: if you have a toothache, pick a young leaf of a cranberry tree and put it behind your sore cheek. After 15-20 minutes you will feel much better.

Harm of the heron

Alas, the beneficial properties and contraindications of geranium go side by side. For example, it thickens the blood, so it is indispensable for poor clotting, but dangerous if it is increased. The same goes for blood pressure: In case of hypotension, the crane bird will aggravate the condition. For intestinal atony, prefer another remedy.

Do not take infusions and decoctions at the same time as coagulants. You risk increasing the effect of the medication many times over.

Heron is a strong allergen. Before using it, perform a sensitivity test. Drinks should not be taken by young children, the elderly and pregnant or breastfeeding women.

Pelargonium is an amazing but underrated plant. Our grandmothers literally never parted with it, and now the natural gift has been replaced by antibiotics that destroy our immunity. Let's fight diseases so that our body becomes stronger and stronger!

Do you have indoor plants at home? Tell us about their impact on your well-being.