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Folk remedies for lowering cholesterol are effective. Garlic for cholesterol. How to eat right to lower cholesterol

Acceptable level cholesterol does not harm a person, however, when there is too much of this substance in the blood, a disease called atherosclerosis occurs. High cholesterol levels are fraught with heart disease, vascular blockage, and obesity. According to statistics, atherosclerosis affects mainly men and women over 45 years of age. High cholesterol levels are predominantly a male disease.

It is possible and necessary to fight this disease; folk remedies are used at home to lower blood cholesterol.

Causes of high cholesterol levels

There are several reasons why cholesterol in the blood increases, these are:

  • liver dysfunction;
  • poor nutrition;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • some kidney diseases;
  • pancreatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • active and passive smoking;
  • reception hormonal drugs, steroids.

Important! For diseases internal organs you need to see a doctor!

Symptoms of atherosclerosis

The disease manifests itself in several symptoms, if you find them, you should consult a doctor:

  1. Poor blood circulation. As a result, cold and blue limbs.
  2. Memory impairment.
  3. Decreased concentration and brain activity.
  4. Irritability.
  5. Fast fatiguability.

Important! If atherosclerosis is detected, treatment must be started immediately. The disease, in neglected form may have serious consequences and have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life.

How to lower cholesterol at home

The most effective treatment method is a combination of traditional and traditional medicine. Traditional medicine treats serious illnesses, which provoke an increase in cholesterol levels, folk remedies will help to quickly reduce cholesterol.

Proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle

Excessive use fatty foods helps increase cholesterol in the human body. Therefore, to reduce it, it is often enough to eat right and follow a diet.

During the diet, you need to limit the following foods in your diet:

  • pork;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • eggs;
  • offal;
  • smoked meats
  • choleretic agents;
  • vegetable oil;
  • vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • cellulose.

It is also recommended to reduce weight, for this you need to reduce daily use calories. The required rate can be calculated using special on-line calculators. As a rule, data such as age, gender, weight, lifestyle is provided, and the program, based on data analysis, gives the number of calories that need to be consumed to maintain weight or lose weight.

Will help you get rid of excess weight And physical exercise. Don't be alarmed, you don't need to spend all day in the gym or run marathons. Light morning workouts, jogging, yoga or Pilates will be enough. Choose a level of exercise that suits your lifestyle and physical abilities. Try to walk more, replace the bus and metro with a walk fresh air, where possible.

To reduce blood cholesterol levels folk remedies observe general recommendations on diet organization:

  1. The daily intake of fruits and vegetables per day should be at least 400-500 g. However, this rule does not apply to potatoes.
  2. Include in your diet seaweed, fried and stewed eggplants.
  3. Replace potatoes and pasta in your diet with porridge and vegetable salads.
  4. Instead of sauces and mayonnaise, it is better to use vegetable oil.
  5. Instead of pork and beef, give preference to fish and mushrooms.
  6. Do not eat a lot of salt; it is generally better to reduce its consumption to 10 g per day.
  7. Eliminate alcohol from your diet, and if possible, do not smoke or breathe in tobacco smoke.
  8. Reduce the amount of sweets in your diet, drink more juices instead, and eat ice cream.

As you can see, the diet is not complicated; you don’t have to starve yourself while sitting on the water. Follow these simple rules and recommendations, and feel a significant change in your well-being.

Reducing cholesterol with folk remedies

Fish fat

Fish oil contains Omega-3, which helps quickly reduce cholesterol levels in the blood. You can use fish oil in pure form or as biological additives.

Important! Don't prescribe dosage fish oil yourself, it is better to consult a doctor.


Flaxseed is rich in vitamins A, C, E, F, minerals, amino acids and many others useful substances. The seeds normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels. They are consumed by adding them to regular food, in the form of tinctures or decoctions.

To make from flax seeds food supplement, dry a handful in the oven and grind in a coffee grinder or blender. Add the resulting powder to salads, cereals and other foods.

To obtain a decoction, boil a tablespoon of flax seeds in 200 g hot water. Take the resulting liquid one tablespoon before meals.


A great way to get rid of atherosclerosis is juice therapy. Treatment is carried out for 5 days once a month. For one course you will need:

  • celery root juice – 280 ml;
  • carrot – 240 ml;
  • beetroot – 145 ml;
  • cucumber – 145 ml;
  • apple – 145 ml;
  • cabbage – 145 ml;
  • orange – 145 ml.

All juices should be freshly squeezed and slightly chilled. How to take - every day, except the fifth day, you need to drink 60 ml carrot juice; the first and second days - 140 g of celery juice. Distribute the remaining juices over the remaining days. For example, Monday is cucumber, Tuesday is apple, etc.


To reduce blood cholesterol levels, propolis tincture, which can be purchased at a pharmacy, is perfect. Take 10 drops of tincture half an hour before each meal. The course of treatment is 3-4 months.

In order to prepare the tincture yourself, you will need:

  • propolis 50 g;
  • pure medical alcohol 0.5 l.

Grate propolis or grind in a blender. Pour the alcohol into a darkened bottle, add propolis shavings to it. Let the solution sit for about a week until the chips are completely dissolved. Shake before each use.

Rose hip

Can be used as an effective medicine against atherosclerosis alcohol tincture rosehip. To do this, chop 125 g of rose hips and pour in 250 g of vodka.

Leave in a dark place for about 2 weeks. After the time has passed, the tincture is ready for use. Take 20 g before each meal.


Everyone knows that garlic perfectly strengthens the immune system, has antibacterial properties, but few people know that this wonderful product contains many active substances, which stabilize blood cholesterol levels.

To prepare the medicinal garlic mixture you will need:

  • garlic 1 kg;
  • cherry and currant leaves;
  • horseradish 50 g;
  • salt 80 g;
  • a little dill.

Peel and cut the garlic into pieces and place in three liter jar. Add all the other ingredients there. Pour boiling water so that the water completely covers the garlic. Cover the jar with gauze and leave the solution at room temperature for a week. Take a tablespoon after each meal.

You can also prepare a mixture: honey, garlic, lemon to quickly reduce cholesterol. Chop the garlic, add lemon juice and mix it all with honey. Take one teaspoon morning and evening.


Beans are an excellent prevention of atherosclerosis. To prepare a healing solution, soak 2 kg of beans for 12 hours. After time, add a little soda and boil. Divide the resulting mass into 20 servings and eat one every day in two divided doses.

Herbal collection

To prepare herbal decoction you need to take 20 g of birch and raspberry leaves, 15 g of thorn flowers, 10 g of artichoke and goldenrod, 5 g of rose hips and the same amount of calendula flowers. Pour boiling water over all this and leave. Drink like regular tea several times a day.


Take a teaspoon of dry clover and pour a glass of boiling water. Take 30 g before meals, you can add a little honey.

Buckwheat flour

Pour 90 g of flour with a glass of water and boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat. Take half a glass every day.

Heart disease is a real scourge of our time. According to statistics, more than half of Russians die from heart and vascular diseases, every thirteenth suffers from one or another cardiovascular pathology. One of the most common causes of such ailments is high level cholesterol in the blood. It is this that leads to blockage of blood vessels (atherosclerosis) and can cause a heart attack, stroke or peripheral vascular disease. blood vessels.

Causes of atherosclerosis

What is cholesterol, why does its concentration increase and what problems does it cause? Cholesterol is an organic compound derived from lipids that plays important role in metabolism. Most of it is synthesized by the body itself (about 70-80%). This substance is part of all cell membranes without exception, ensuring their permeability. Takes part in the synthesis of bile and hormones, including sex hormones (estrogen and testosterone). Cholesterol is needed to function nervous system, participates in work immune systems s.

However, in some cases, the level of cholesterol in the blood may increase and this can lead to serious problems. It is deposited on the walls of blood vessels and narrows their lumen, and can completely clog them. This disease is called atherosclerosis. Blockage of the heart (coronary) vessels with cholesterol plaques leads to insufficient blood supply to the heart and to a heart attack. If a blood vessel in the brain becomes blocked, a stroke may occur.

The increase in blood cholesterol levels is not directly related to the amount of this substance in food. Rather, atherosclerosis is a metabolic disease caused by various factors. This hereditary factors, diseases that cause metabolic disorders, kidney and liver diseases, diabetes mellitus. Some habits and a certain way of life also increase the risk of developing atherosclerosis: alcohol abuse, smoking, obesity, taking certain medications.

Foods that lower blood cholesterol

If your tests show dangerous level cholesterol in your blood, you should take immediate action to reverse Special attention your diet and the lifestyle you lead. It should be noted that in the blood cholesterol forms special complexes with proteins, and they come in two types: low and high density. So, atherosclerosis is caused by low-density lipoproteins (LDL).

To reduce LDL concentrations, you should remove fatty and fatty acids from your diet. fried foods, especially of animal origin. Fatty sausages, sausages, lard, and fatty dairy products increase the amount of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. This can also be said about egg yolk, margarine, chicken meat. Try to eat cooked foods, pay attention to vegetables, fruits and cereals.

Cereals, especially oatmeal. All products containing a lot of plant fiber.
Fruits, especially citrus fruits. They prevent the absorption of cholesterol by the intestines and cleanse blood vessels.
Nuts and seeds. Rich in vitamin E and other antioxidants. Normalizes metabolic processes and cleanse the blood vessels.
Fish and seafood. Contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids. Normalizes cholesterol metabolism in the body.
Soya beans. Reduces LDL levels in the blood.
Vegetable fats. Olive, sunflower and peanut butter give the body safe cholesterol analogues.
Apples, garlic, cabbage. They lower LDL levels in the blood, block the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines, and are rich in vitamins and antioxidants.
Red wine. It is also a good preventative against atherosclerosis. It really should be High Quality and it should be taken in moderation.

Herbs that lower blood cholesterol

Helps maintain normal cholesterol levels medicinal herbs. Here are just a few of them.

Plantain seeds. Perfectly cleanses the intestines and normalizes liver function.

Evening primrose oil. Contains a huge amount of fatty acids beneficial to the body. Lowers cholesterol levels, improves metabolism.

Artichoke extract. Normalizes fat metabolism and prevents atherosclerosis.

Dandelion. Improves liver function.

Alfalfa. Cleanses blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques.

Milk thistle. Normalizes lipoprotein metabolism, reduces the amount of LDL.

Blood cholesterol-lowering drugs

WITH active substance: Rosuvastatin (Acorta, Crestor, Mertenil, Rosucard, Rozulip, Roxera, Tevastor)

WITH active ingredient: Atorvastatin (Atomax, Atorvastatin, Liprimar, Atoris, Liptonorm, Tornacard, Tulip)

WITH active ingredient Fenofibrate (Traykor, Lipantil)

WITH active ingredient Simvastatin (Vasilip, Ovencor, Simvahexal, Simvacard, Simvastatin, Simvastol, Simvor, Simgal, Simlo, Sincard)

These drugs can be used only with the permission of a doctor!!!

Change your life

To reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease, pay attention to your lifestyle. Increase the amount of physical activity, even one half-hour walk a day significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and improves the condition of your blood vessels. Physical labor, jogging, and the gym are useful.

Stop smoking. Smoking has the most detrimental effect on blood vessels. They narrow and become brittle. The blood supply to organs and tissues is disrupted.

This can be said about alcohol and coffee. Fans of these drinks are at risk of heart disease. It's better to replace coffee green tea is an excellent antioxidant.

To avoid vascular and heart diseases, first of all, you need to live healthy life. Eat in moderation, try to make do with simple and healthy food. Follow physical fitness, do not abuse alcohol and do not smoke. Be healthy!

High cholesterol is a problem that affects all modern humanity. There are many medications sold in pharmacies. But not everyone knows that there are folk remedies for high cholesterol, which can be prepared at home. From this article you will learn how to treat this disease yourself, relying on traditional medicine recipes.

What is cholesterol?

Oddly enough, but cholesterol is a substance that is necessary for normal functioning human body. The membranes of all cells are made of it. In addition, cholesterol forms some hormones. Most this fat-like substance human body produces independently. Scientists have proven that a person produces about 80% of cholesterol himself, and the remaining 20% ​​comes to us in certain products. This substance is contained in the human body in an amount of 200 g.

High cholesterol. What is this?

This disease has become very common lately, and all because we don’t eat right. In order not to stuff your body with pills, you can use folk remedies for high cholesterol. What is this condition that leads to various diseases? If the amount of cholesterol in your blood exceeds the norm, then there is a likelihood of developing atherosclerosis, heart disease, metabolic disorders, obesity, etc.

During atherosclerosis, cholesterol accumulates, forming some kind of clots. Otherwise they are called atherosclerotic plaques. Subsequently, they can clog blood vessels.

Which foods are healthy and which are harmful?

A large amount of cholesterol is found in the following foods:




Fat cottage cheese;


Smoked meats;

Chicken egg yolk;

High fat milk.

Treatment of high cholesterol with folk remedies involves reducing such harmful products. It is advisable for a healthy person to limit their use.

Substances contained in the following products help reduce the formation of fats and cholesterol in the human body:






Bread with bran and whole grains;

Beet juice;





To use medicines and folk remedies for high cholesterol, it is better to prevent its occurrence by eating vegetables, fruits, berries and cereals.

Herbal teas to reduce cholesterol absorption

According to many, folk remedies (reviews confirm this information) occurs faster when using medicinal herbal infusions. Below are some recipes:

1. Yarrow herb (30 g) is mixed with 15 g of horsetail, hawthorn flowers, periwinkle leaves and mistletoe herb. To prepare the infusion, one tablespoon of the collection is needed. The mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for at least 30 minutes. You need to drink the infusion in small sips throughout the day for 1-2 months. Afterwards you need to take a two-month break.

2. 20 g of St. John's wort and yarrow herbs are mixed with 4 g of arnica flowers. The mixture is prepared in the same way as in the previous case.

Healing plants against high cholesterol

A bunch of medicinal plants help cope with this illness. Below are folk remedies for high cholesterol.

1. remove excess amount fat-like substances. For cooking medicinal product You need dry flower root powder. You need to take a dessert spoon of powder before each meal. There are no contraindications, the effect will be noticeable six months after continuous treatment.

2. Seed alfalfa leaves - effective remedy. The grass is grown specifically at home. The sprouts are cut off and eaten fresh. You can make juice from alfalfa. You need to drink several tablespoons three times a day for a month. In addition to high cholesterol, the herb helps to quickly cure arthritis and osteoporosis. Alfalfa also reduces nail and hair breakage.

3. Blue cyanosis promotes the rapid removal of fats from the body. Treatment of high cholesterol with folk remedies, including cyanosis, involves preparing healing infusion. The roots of the grass in the amount of one tablespoon are poured into 300 ml of water. Cook over low heat for half an hour. Next, the broth is cooled and filtered through cheesecloth. You need to take the medicine one tablespoon after meals (after 2 hours) and before bed. The herb normalizes sleep, calms, and removes from the body. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

Bee products in the fight against high cholesterol

Bee products are effective folk remedies for high cholesterol. You can suck bee bread in an amount of 2 g daily before meals several times a day. Some people grind it with honey in a 50/50 ratio; in this case, it is enough to eat a dessert spoon on an empty stomach in the morning and evening.

Propolis tincture helps cope with high cholesterol. 15-20 drops of 10% tincture should be taken 20 minutes before meals.

Deadwood is also used to make medicinal folk remedies for high cholesterol. To prepare a decoction, add 500 ml of boiling water to a tablespoon of the product. The mixture is boiled and cooked for two hours over low heat. The resulting decoction is infused for the same amount of time. Then it is filtered and taken a tablespoon a couple of times a day for 30 days.

Podmor tincture is made with the addition medical alcohol. Place dead fruit in a container and fill it 3 cm higher with alcohol. Infuse the mixture for two weeks in a dark place - a basement or closet. Drink a teaspoon three times a day. The tincture can also be diluted in a small amount of cold boiled water.

Reducing cholesterol with folk remedies: garlic and oats

The healing properties of garlic are known to many. However, not everyone knows that it is also useful for high cholesterol. You can put a few cloves of garlic in a glass of boiling water. You need to infuse the mixture for at least half an hour. Take the infusion 20-30 drops three times a day.

You can make garlic butter. Grate the garlic, pour 50 g into 200 ml of oil. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and add to the mixture. It should sit in the refrigerator for at least a week. You need to take the medicine one dessert spoon before meals for 2 months.

Reducing cholesterol using folk remedies (oats) occurs as follows. To prepare the medicine you will need a glass of grain and a liter of water. The oats are sifted and washed. It is better to steam it overnight, leaving it in a thermos. Next, the mixture is filtered. You should drink the oat infusion on an empty stomach, before breakfast. Under no circumstances should the prepared mixture be left the next day; the infusion will turn sour. After drinking the medicine for 10 days, you will reduce the level of the harmful substance by half.

Beet kvass against high cholesterol

This drink is very easy to prepare. You need to take half a kilogram of raw vegetable. Rinse thoroughly and remove skins. The beets need to be cut into large slices and placed in a container, preferably a jar. A loaf of black bread needs to be peeled, cut and added to vegetables. Pour half a glass of sugar into a jar and pour water almost to the top. Wrap the neck with gauze and leave the jar to ferment for several days. After this, the kvass is filtered and drunk a glass three times a day. With this drink you can quickly lose weight overweight, remove toxins from the body and harmful substances. In addition, it dissolves stones in gallbladder. People suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis and colitis should not take the medicine. Kvass is also contraindicated for kidney disease.

Healthy fruits and vegetables

Folk remedies for high blood cholesterol in women and men are fruit and vegetable dishes. Healing pectins and alimentary fiber also contained in fresh berries. Below are some salad recipes that you can easily make at home. To prepare you need 1 grapefruit, half a glass of yogurt or kefir, carrots, 2 tablespoons of honey, several walnuts. The carrots need to be grated fine grater, and cut the grapefruit into slices along with the white skin. Mix everything. This light salad will help quickly remove toxins from the body.

French salad recipe: grate a few apples and mix them with walnuts.

You should definitely eat fruits. Doctors advise drinking a glass of freshly squeezed juice every day. In the fight against high cholesterol, orange, pineapple or pomegranate are best.

A healing mixture of lemon, garlic and horseradish very well helps the body cope with diseases of the blood vessels. The garlic and horseradish root need to be chopped, the lemon along with the peel is passed through a meat grinder. Mix everything thoroughly and add boiled water to the mixture. The container with the medicine must be placed in the refrigerator. After 24 hours, the mixture can be consumed half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner. It is advisable to take a teaspoon of the medicine with honey. Contraindications: diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Seaweed is another effective folk dish. It is often added to dishes as a seasoning.

Diet for high cholesterol

If you eat right, you will not only be able to normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, but also maintain normal weight. It is advisable to consume no more than 5 g of salt, 50 g of sugar and 60 g of fat per day. It is better to avoid full-fat milk and cottage cheese, cheese. The number of eggs eaten per week should not exceed 2 pieces. It is the yolk that contains a large number of cholesterol. Doctors advise drinking 50 g of dry wine daily. Atherosclerotic plaques are reduced under the influence of this drink. Good to drink daily fruit juices containing vitamin C.

Anti-cholesterol products

In everyone's diet healthy person The following products must be present:

Avocado is an effective folk remedy for lowering cholesterol; it is useful both in its pure form and as a component in vegetable salads.

Salmon. Fatty acid fish effectively fight high cholesterol.

Beans (beans). Eating a cup of legumes a day will reduce the amount of harmful substances in the body within a few weeks.

Olive oil. The optimal amount is 3 tablespoons daily.

Porridge - healthy dish for breakfast. It prevents cholesterol from being absorbed into the blood during the day.

Prevention of high cholesterol

Everyone needs to eat a balanced diet. The following tips will help you prevent high blood cholesterol levels:

Eat at least one grapefruit a day. You can alternate it with kiwi.

Drink a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice daily.

Constantly eat berries - black currants, cranberries, blackberries.

Eat only vegetables and fruits at least twice a week. You can make various dishes from them - salads, soups. It is also useful to consume them in their pure form.

Avoid mayonnaise and season salads with olive oil.

In spring and summer, make preparations of useful medicinal herbs. They can be cooked healing infusions and tinctures.

Eat beans, peas and beans more often.

Scientists recommend eating a handful of almonds daily. This reduces cholesterol formation by 5%.

Eat as many vegetables as possible: eggplant, celery, etc.

High cholesterol is a disease of those who constantly eat fast food, fried potatoes, pork chops, cream pies, etc. Only balanced diet will allow you to avoid treatment. Reducing cholesterol levels with folk remedies will help you save on medications and also restore balance in the body.

Cholesterol has great importance in the human body. It is involved in the formation of hormones, bile acids, vitamin D; ensures optimal functioning of the nervous and immune systems. An increase in cholesterol levels in the blood (hyperlipidemia) leads to disruption of normal body processes. How to lower blood cholesterol without using medicines? Folk remedies for lowering cholesterol are a fairly effective method of normalizing its level.

The use of folk remedies for high cholesterol has a number of advantages. Firstly, healing herbs and other products have virtually no contraindications for use. Secondly, cholesterol reduction using folk remedies can be combined with drug therapy.

Cholesterol can be of two types: “good” and “bad”

Types of cholesterol

In the human body, cholesterol is classified as a lipoprotein. There are several types of lipoproteins:

  • High density lipoproteins (HDL).
  • Low density lipoproteins (LDL).
  • Very low density lipoproteins (VLDL).

“Bad” cholesterols are considered to be LDL and VLDL. An increase in these groups leads to the formation of cholesterol plaques, increasing the risk of developing coronary artery disease ( coronary disease heart) and atherosclerosis. From bad cholesterol the risk also increases cardiovascular diseases. HDL cholesterol is considered “good” cholesterol. They ensure the transport of lipoproteins from cells to the liver, preventing the risk of the formation of thromboembolic pathologies.

Cholesterol norm

Normal level cholesterol level varies depending on the number of years, as well as the gender of the person.

Normal cholesterol healthy woman equal to 2.2-6.19 mmol/l. The normal level of LDL is 3.5 mmol/l, HDL is 0.9-1.9 mmol/l.

U healthy men normal indicators cholesterol range from 3.6 to 5.2 mmol/l. The norm for LDL is 2.25-4.82 mmol/l, HDL is 0.7-1.7 mmol/l.

Causes of hyperlipidemia

The causes of high cholesterol in the blood are the following factors:

  1. Poor nutrition (eating foods rich in animal fats).
  2. Constant stressful situations.
  3. Tobacco smoking, alcoholism.
  4. Being overweight or obese.
  5. Violation fat metabolism(dyslipidemia).
  6. Change hormonal balance in the blood of women during pregnancy and lactation (this fact is associated with increased production of progesterone in the female body).
  7. Period of menopause, postmenopause.
  8. Hereditary factor.
  9. Age.

Knowing how to reduce high cholesterol using folk remedies, its causes and options for eliminating them, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing hemorrhagic stroke, heart attack, and atherosclerosis.

Treatment of hypercholesterolemia

How to lower blood cholesterol? This can be achieved using non-drug and drug therapy methods.

Medicines for lowering cholesterol are divided into 4 groups:

  • Bile acid sequestrants (Colestipol, Cholestyramine).
  • Drugs nicotinic acid(complex vitamins D3, PP).
  • Fibrates (Atromid, Miscleron).
  • Statins (Crestor, Liprimar).

Prescription of medications, as well as the size of their dosage, is made only by the attending physician.

Folk remedies for treating high cholesterol

Finally, we will discuss how to reduce cholesterol with folk remedies. Undoubtedly one of effective methods non-drug treatment in the fight against cholesterol is ethnoscience. Food consumed to combat cholesterol is, in essence, a natural statin. It restores the balance of good and bad cholesterol.

Foods consumed to lower LDL levels:

  • Fatty fish are good for removing LDL from the blood. These are herring, salmon, tuna, flounder. Preference is given to marine varieties.
  • Nuts and seeds: pistachios, almonds, Walnut; sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds. They have good action reduce cholesterol.
  • Vegetable oils are a good substance that lowers cholesterol - soybean, sesame, corn. They are recommended for dressing salads.
  • Fresh fruits, vegetables - red grapes, avocado, cabbage, celery are in the first place. These products are effectively used to lower cholesterol.
  • Legumes also help lower cholesterol. You can prepare dishes with the addition of green peas and beans.
  • Eliminate from diet fatty varieties meat, rabbit and chicken are welcome.
  • Limit salt intake to no more than 5 g/day.
  • Food must be consumed frequently (5-6 times/day) in small portions.
  • It is recommended to use products that contain optimal quantity vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to boil, steam, or cook dishes in the oven.

Salad Recipes

  1. Ingredients: 1 carrot, half a grapefruit, 2 walnuts, 30 ml honey, kefir or yogurt. Method of preparation: grind all ingredients. It is not recommended to remove the film from grapefruit. Add your favorite dressing and stir.
  2. Ingredients: dried prunes 10 pcs, 1 apple, lemon or orange juice. Method of preparation: boil and chop prunes, grate an apple, add juice of your choice; mix.
  3. Ingredients: 1 kg of green beans, 2 tomatoes, 2-3 garlic cloves, vegetable oil, apple cider vinegar, herbs and salt to taste. Method of preparation: boil the beans, season with sauce (3 tbsp. vegetable oil+ 2 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar).Add pre-chopped garlic and tomatoes, salt, herbs, mix.
  4. Ingredients: 5 fresh dandelion leaves, half a cucumber, vegetable or olive oil. Method of preparation: take pre-soaked dandelion leaves and chop. Cut the cucumber, mix into sheets; top with oil of your choice. Salt is not recommended.

Dietary salads are useful because they cleanse blood vessels of cholesterol and blood of toxins.

There are also other important folk remedies for cholesterol:

Juice therapy

Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is beneficial because they contain a wide variety of vitamins and a sufficient amount of fiber. This composition helps get rid of cholesterol. Freshly squeezed juices can be prepared from the following products:

  • Grape.
  • A pineapple.
  • Grapefruit.
  • Watermelon.
  • Carrot.
  • Cucumber.
  • Beet.
  • Red Ribes.

If desired, you can mix the juices and add a few drops of lemon juice. This therapy can be carried out for preventive purposes.

Juice therapy refers to the treatment and healing of the body with “live” juices.


  1. An infusion of lemon and pine decoction works well against increased level LDL. Peel and finely chop 2 lemons, then add 500 ml of pine decoction. Drink 3-4 times/day, 1⁄2 cup.
  2. Podmora infusion has favorable medicinal properties. Pour 15 g of dead meat (1 tbsp) into two glasses of boiling water and simmer for 120 minutes over low heat. Next, you need to leave the resulting drink for 1.5-2 hours at a temperature of 22-24 degrees. Strain the broth. Use 1 tbsp. l. 2 times/day, course of treatment is 30 days.
  3. Infusion of golden mustache. Pour several leaves of a plant about 20 cm long hot water; let stand one night. Next, use 1 tbsp. l.3 times/day before meals. The course of treatment is 3 months. The infusion must be refrigerated.
  4. Blackberry leaf infusion. Take 10 g of leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. It is recommended to consume the resulting infusion in one day.
  5. Infusion of garlic and lemon. Grind peeled garlic and lemon (1 piece each). Pour 500 ml cool water; Leave for a week, shaking occasionally. Drink the strained infusion 25 ml 3 times a day before eating; you can add honey to taste.

Garlic and lemon are considered effective in cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol.


  • Garlic tincture

Peel a few cloves of garlic and pour 250 g of vodka over them. Infuse in a place protected from light for two weeks. Use the resulting tincture in 30 ml doses. 3 times a day before eating, diluting it in milk.

  • Rosehip tincture

Pour dried rose hips into a 0.5 liter container, filling it to the top, then fill it with 40% alcohol. Leave for two weeks, shaking occasionally. Take 15 drops 1 time/day, dripping them onto a piece of refined sugar.

Ready-made (purchased at a pharmacy) 10% tincture should be taken 15 drops before eating 3 times a day.

You can make a tincture with your own hands as follows: pour 20-25 g of propolis into 500 g of vodka. Let stand for one week in a place protected from light. Drink a dilution of 10 drops per 30 ml of water 3 times a day before eating. The course of treatment is 3-4 months.

Propolis tincture cleans cell membranes and removes “bad” cholesterol

  1. Hawthorn and mistletoe. Mix 3 tbsp. l. hawthorn flowers with 1.5 tbsp. l. white mistletoe. Mix 30 g of the resulting mixture with 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for a day. Drink 100-150 ml 3 times/day.
  2. Lily of the valley, lemon balm, cinquefoil, rue herb. Mix 1 tbsp. l. part of lily of the valley flowers, 2 tbsp. l. lemon balm, 3 tbsp. l. cinquefoil and rue herbs. Mix 15 g of the collection with 200 ml of cool water, and after 4 hours, simmer over low heat for a third of an hour, strain. Drink 50 ml 4 times a day.
  3. Rose hips, raspberries, nettle leaves, sweet clover, hawthorn and chestnut flowers. Mix all ingredients, taking 1 tbsp each. l. Mix 15 g of collection with 1 glass of hot water. Leave for 60 minutes, then strain. Take 50 ml 1 time/day.
  4. Buckthorn bark, rose hips, immortelle and hawthorn flowers, orthosiphon. Take 30 g each of buckthorn, rose hips and immortelle, 15 g each of hawthorn and orthosiphon; pour 15 g (1 tbsp) of the resulting mixture with 200 ml of boiling water. Heat in a water bath for 40 minutes. Then strain and consume 50-70 ml 3 times a day.
  5. Chokeberry, yarrow, dandelion and wheatgrass roots, birch leaves, horsetail. Mix all ingredients, taking 1 tbsp of each. l.; Pour 15 g of the mixture into 200-250 mm of boiled water; stand for 60 minutes. Use 70 ml 3 times/day for 8-12 weeks.

Herbal remedies for cholesterol - good remedy to gently reduce the concentration of this substance

Teas and other drinks

  1. Green tea is good folk method to eliminate LDL.
  2. Linden blossom tea helps reduce LDL. Preparing 200-250 ml of tea consists of pouring 1-2 teaspoons of boiling water into a glass linden flowers. Then leave for half an hour.
  3. Mineral water will help both get rid of bad cholesterol and increase good cholesterol.
  4. Beetroot kvass can also help lower cholesterol levels. To prepare you will need 500 g of beets, a loaf of rye or black bread, 100 g of granulated sugar.

Method of preparation: cut the beets, pre-crust the bread. Place everything in a 3-liter jar, cover with granulated sugar and pour boiled water. Leave for 3 days. Drink 1 glass 3 times/day.

Green tea is a cholesterol-lowering food


After studying all the above recipes, you can come to the following conclusion: the simplest and most “delicious” non-drug method treatment for high cholesterol is juice therapy, because herbal infusions It won't suit everyone's taste. However, it is worth noting that herbal medicine (herbal treatment), according to research results, turns out to be more effective. But in the use of medicinal herbal infusions there are some disadvantages: some patients suffer from allergic reactions to certain herbs - this fact does not allow all people to be treated with herbal medicine. Therefore, before choosing which methods to combat hypercholesterolemia, it is recommended to consult a specialist. But, in any case, the level of cholesterol in the blood is reduced well using folk remedies.

Treating cholesterol with folk remedies is an excellent alternative. medications. But don't give in uncontrollably traditional methods medicine - it is necessary to determine the level of cholesterol in the blood at least once a year, because its excessive reduction can also lead to adverse consequences.

High cholesterol is an epidemic today. Being imperceptibly elevated in the blood, it causes such fatal dangerous diseases like heart attack and stroke. Scientists have created several groups of drugs for high blood cholesterol. But they all have mass side effects, are often contraindicated. In such a situation, the only salvation is to know which herbs lower cholesterol. Herbal medicine is available to everyone, has been tested for centuries, has a minimum unwanted actions.

Excessive amounts of cholesterol are formed in the body and deposited on the walls of blood vessels, narrowing them. Medicinal herbs that lower blood cholesterol act in various ways:

  • inhibit the production of new lipids,
  • makes the blood more fluid
  • make the wall of blood vessels strong,
  • reduce blood pressure,
  • accelerate the elimination of lipids,
  • prevent the formation of blood clots,
  • reduce the absorption of cholesterol from food.

Such A complex approach with regular treatment with herbs that lower cholesterol in the blood, it clears blood vessels of plaque and prevents the appearance of new ones. It is worth remembering that the cleansing properties of herbs alone are not enough to lower lipids.

  • only lean meat - chicken, rabbit, beef,
  • cook white sea fish more than twice a week,
  • exclude fried, smoked, industrial semi-finished products, fast food,
  • Eat at least 400 grams of fresh fruits and vegetables every day.

Moderate amounts are beneficial physical exercise, especially outdoors. They help strengthen blood vessels and the heart. Plaques are less likely to form in people who exercise.

Alcohol and smoking should be avoided. Nicotine negatively affects the wall of blood vessels, making it thin and brittle. It is easy to attach to such vessels cholesterol plaque, narrowing the lumen. Alcohol affects metabolism - increasing the likelihood of high cholesterol, worsening the condition of heart tissue, and increasing blood pressure.

What herbs lower cholesterol?

Among all the variety of herbal medicine, it is not easy for a person who is faced with a vascular problem for the first time to choose a treatment. Information about which herbs lower cholesterol best will help:

  • Clover
  • Licorice
  • Hawthorn
  • Artichoke
  • Plantain
  • Evening primrose
  • Dill
  • Calendula

Recipes for cleansing blood vessels

Just knowing the names of herbs for cholesterol is not enough. There are recipes for cleansing blood vessels from cholesterol and plaques. Some of the medicinal herbs that lower blood cholesterol should be consumed as an infusion of flowers. For others, the powder from the rhizomes will be most beneficial. It depends on the content of nutrients in one or another part of the plant.

People have been collecting recipes for using herbs to lower blood cholesterol for years, decades. Both pure infusions and herbal mixtures. Various herbs have different mechanisms impact. At the same time, one plant can be effective in one person, but cause an allergy in another.

Before using medicinal herbs to lower blood cholesterol, you should consult your doctor. Only he can definitely say whether such treatment is contraindicated and whether it will be beneficial. It is not advisable to use herbal medicine for people who suffer from multiple allergies to plants - most likely, medicinal herbs will provoke an allergic reaction.

Linden for cholesterol

If the question arises of how to reduce cholesterol with the help of herbs, then one of the first plants you should use is linden, or rather, Linden blossom. It helps cope with stress, normalizes hormone levels, and removes toxins and harmful substances from the body. Phytosterols contained in linden flowers prevent the absorption of cholesterol from the intestines. On early stages, lime blossom slows down the formation of plaques.

Use an aqueous infusion of linden blossom. A spoonful of linden is brewed with a glass of boiling water, cooled and drunk a couple of times a day. You can use dry powder from ground linden flowers. It is taken orally, a teaspoon three times a day. The course of treatment with linden is followed for 2 months, followed by a 2-month break.

Linden almost does not cause any unwanted effects; it is contraindicated only if you are allergic to the linden tree. Taking linden blossom is most effective with a slight increase in lipids, when the plaques are still very thin. Then the effect of linden on the blood vessels will be as good as possible.

Clover Recipes

Red clover is a ubiquitous herb. It is very easy to harvest in the summer - carefully cutting off the flowers and leaves, leaving the shoots. The effect of clover is to accelerate cholesterol metabolism: the plant quickly removes lipids from the body. In addition, clover improves immunity and has a beneficial effect on vascular wall.

It is best to take clover flowers. If they are dried, then a tablespoon of such raw material is poured with a glass of hot water. The dish is covered with a lid, infused and cooled. After straining, the decoction can be used, 2 tablespoons three times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months.

Clover works effectively even if lipids are already elevated for a long time. However, don't expect a quick decline to normal values. It will take some time to normalize lipid metabolism and reduce harmful lipids.

Licorice for lowering cholesterol

It has been proven that licorice contains many flavonoids. These are substances that can reduce high lipid levels. The most important component, glabridin, prevents the oxidation of cholesterol. This non-oxidized cholesterol is excreted from the body and does not settle on the walls. Licorice improves the vascular wall, making it strong and elastic.

An infusion of licorice root is used. The raw materials must be dried and crushed. Place 2 tablespoons of roots and 500 ml of boiling water in a small saucepan. The broth should be simmered over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then the broth is cooled, filtered and stored in a dark place. You can take 1/3 cup three times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks, then a month break and again a two-week course.

Calendula for cholesterol

Calendula or marigold - excellent remedy for cleaning blood vessels from cholesterol. This plant reduces lipid levels and makes blood vessels strong. Calendula raw materials are prepared very easily - the flowers are collected after the flowering season and dried in a ventilated place. Dried flowers can be stored in cardboard boxes in a dry place.

Available and pharmacy tincture calendula. It is sold ready-made, in bottles. Take 30 drops before three times per day. The course of treatment should not be continued longer than a month, a break is required. You can make an infusion from dried calendula flowers by pouring boiling water over them and cooling. The finished infusion is taken one tablespoon three times a day.

Calendula is enough strong remedy to lower cholesterol, it can be used if blood lipid levels have been elevated for a long time. In combination with proper diet, regularly taking calendula infusion will slow down the appearance of new plaques.

Plantain recipes

Since childhood, everyone has known the plantain herb. This plant, in addition to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, can cleanse blood vessels and reduce cholesterol in the blood. The substances contained in plantain improve metabolism, relax blood vessels, and help the liver function.

It is best to use plantain seeds. They are harvested at the end of summer, after the plant blooms. The seeds are used as an infusion - a spoonful of the seed is poured with boiling water, filtered after cooling. You should drink a tablespoon several times a day for a month. Then a break of one month is taken and the treatment is repeated.

Herbal medicine is enough effective method slow down the development of atherosclerosis. On initial stages increasing cholesterol in the blood, plant materials can prevent the deposition of lipids on the walls of blood vessels. Of course, if the disease is in advanced stage, it will be impossible to recover. But regular use of cholesterol-lowering herbs will improve lipid metabolism and slow down the formation of new plaques. Which means it’s safe without side effects, will prolong a prosperous life.