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Oncology of female organs signs. Severe female lobe, or all types of cancer in women

Often cancer tumor does not manifest itself with any specific symptoms. Therefore, most people learn about terrible diagnosis only when coping with the disease is already very difficult, and sometimes even impossible. And there is also a category of citizens who, in case of any ailment, think about the worst and try to detect signs of cancer.

Perhaps there is no need for excessive vigilance, but if you really notice something wrong in your condition, it is worth undergoing a medical examination.

Cancer: Signs and Symptoms

Diseases of this kind manifest themselves in different ways. But there is general signs oncology in children, women and men. In general, three groups of symptoms can be distinguished:

  • Unsuccessful treatment of diseases. When you carry out intensive therapy for any pathology, be it a stomach ulcer, inflammation of the bladder or pneumonia, and there is no improvement over a long time, you should be wary. This may indicate the presence of a cancerous lesion.
  • Minor manifestations. Reduced performance, constant feeling discomfort, rapid fatigue, decreased interest in the surrounding reality, causeless weight loss - all this can indicate oncology.
  • Tissue proliferation. If, during a visual examination or palpation, you discover deformation or asymmetry of some part of your body, you should be wary. Perhaps such a tumor is dangerous.

10 signs of cancer

Now we will list the first symptoms of cancer, when they appear you should definitely consult a doctor.

  1. Sudden weight loss. Many people at an early stage of the development of the disease begin to rapidly lose weight. If you have lost more than five kilograms in a short time, visit your doctor immediately.
  2. Increased temperature and fever. This symptom usually appears when the cancer has already spread quite widely. But it could be the first bell.
  3. Fatigue and weakness. These are perhaps the most important first signs of cancer, characteristic of absolutely any type of cancer. However, many simply ignore them.
  4. Bone pain. This symptom may indicate malignant neoplasms in bone tissue.
  5. Changes in the quality and color of the skin. Dermatological signs such as darkening, redness, yellowness of the skin, itching and others may indicate the presence of skin cancer or oncology of internal organs.
  6. Changes in the size, color, thickness, shape of moles, as well as the occurrence of wounds or ulcers that cannot be treated. Moles can transform into malignant formations, so do not ignore such manifestations.
  7. Bladder dysfunction and stool disorders. You should consult a specialist if you suffer from constant constipation or, conversely, diarrhea. Changes such as pain during bowel movements, more frequent or infrequent urination should also alert you.
  8. Constant headache. This symptom may indicate the presence of a brain tumor.
  9. Unusual discharge, bleeding. Blood impurities in stool, urine, vaginal bleeding in women - all this can be a manifestation of cancer.
  10. Persistent cough, sore throat, hoarseness, as well as problems swallowing and indigestion. If you cough in sputum and find blood clots, you need to urgently visit a doctor, because you may have oncology lung tissue. Problems with swallowing and digestive disorders are often not signs of cancer, but if they occur together, cancer of the pharynx, esophagus or gastrointestinal tract can be suspected.

Symptoms of different types of cancer

Of course, except common manifestations, there is also specific signs oncological diseases characteristic only of one type or another. And still, even if you find any characteristic symptom, do not immediately think that you have cancer. First, visit a specialist, and then draw conclusions.

Stomach cancer

On early stages signs of illness are imprecise and scarce. Often, not only patients, but also doctors themselves attribute the symptoms to gastritis. In this case, everything is limited to prescribing medications, and full examination is not carried out. And yet, specialists who listen attentively to patients’ complaints sometimes detect the first signs of cancer. These include:

  • decreased ability to work, causeless weakness;
  • persistent unmotivated decrease in appetite or its complete loss, up to aversion to food;
  • discomfort in the stomach: lack of pleasure from eating tasty food, feeling of heaviness even after eating a small amount of food, pain in the epigastric region, sometimes nausea and vomiting;
  • progressive weight loss, accompanied by pale skin;
  • depression: alienation, loss of interest in work and life in general, apathy.

! The described first signs of oncology can appear both against the background of a previous stomach disease (for example, ulcers), and against the background of absolute health. Only when a malignant tumor acquires wide use, striking symptoms appear: persistent vomiting, intense pain, radiating to the back, severe weight loss, severe weakness, earthy skin color.

Breast cancer

The first signs of cancer in women in this case are retraction and flattening of the nipple and bloody issues out of him. Soreness does not appear diagnostic symptom. With a breast tumor, pain may be completely absent, but with mastopathy, on the contrary, it can be pronounced.

Depending on what form of cancer it is, signs and symptoms will vary. So, with a mastitis-like form of the disease, the mammary gland becomes greatly enlarged, swollen and painful. The skin becomes hot to the touch. The erysipelatous form is characterized sudden appearance redness on the skin of the chest, as well as a significant increase in temperature. Armored oncology manifests itself as a lumpy compaction skin. A shell is formed, as it were, covering part chest, and sometimes all of it.

Rectal cancer

As already mentioned, usually the signs of cancer in the early stages are not particularly pronounced. Rectal cancer is no exception. Symptoms that can be noticed: Blunt pain during defecation at the time of movement of feces, mucus and blood are released with stool, subsequently ribbon-like stools. Such manifestations are often mistaken for signs of hemorrhoids. However, there is a difference: with hemorrhoids, blood in the stool usually appears at the beginning of a bowel movement, and with rectal cancer - at the end. At a later stage, constipation is added to the listed symptoms, followed by diarrhea, frequent urge to defecation, discharge of foul-smelling purulent-bloody masses.

Skin cancer

This type of oncology may also have different shapes: ulcerative, nodular, infiltrative. However, often the first signs of skin cancer, regardless of the form, are the same. Dense painless nodules of a waxy pinkish-yellowish color appear on the body. Gradually they grow. Very rarely there are forms with sluggish growth, which do not show visible changes for many years. But such cases also happen.

Lung cancer

Depending on where the primary tumor occurs, in the lung tissue or bronchus, the first signs of oncology will vary. In the case of central cancer (bronchial cancer), a hacking dry cough first develops, later sputum appears, often with blood in it. This form of the disease is characterized by the causeless occurrence of pneumonitis ( pneumonia), accompanied by a rise in temperature, increased cough, general weakness, and in some cases chest pain. Peripheral cancer, which originates in the lung tissue, occurs in initial stage It is practically asymptomatic and is often detected during a preventive X-ray examination.

A brain tumor

Signs of brain cancer are numerous and cannot be called specific. It is noteworthy that many neoplasms do not manifest themselves at all and are most often discovered only after death, during an autopsy. This applies, for example, to a pituitary tumor. It should also be taken into account that not all tumors are malignant - benign tumors often manifest themselves in the same way as cancerous ones. The only way to verify the nature of the existing symptoms is to undergo an examination.

Symptoms of these types of oncology are associated with pressure from the tumor on the brain and, as a result, disruption of its functioning. The symptoms are similar in both the primary and metastatic (when the tumor penetrates other parts of the brain) stages and are characterized by weakness, headache, absent-mindedness, the appearance of convulsions and spasms, and difficulty in motor processes. Also possible are nausea and vomiting (especially in the morning), blurred vision, weakening of intellectual activity associated with impaired memory and concentration, a gradual decrease in mental activity, changes emotional state, difficulty in speech processes. The listed symptoms, as a rule, do not appear immediately, so the disease may remain undetected for a long time.


We have listed the signs of the main oncological diseases, but, of course, we have not touched on all types of cancer. There are a lot of them, and the symptoms in each specific case will differ. For example, the main manifestations of uterine cancer are bleeding and discharge in the form of leucorrhoea from the vagina. The main symptom of esophageal cancer is pain when swallowing food, and the most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine. Do not be negligent about your health and immediately consult a doctor at the slightest suspicion of a terrible disease.

For most people, cancer does not show symptoms that solely indicate the disease. There are a lot of specific symptoms of cancer - even more nonspecific ones (such as malaise). Young women, for example, are more likely to ignore symptoms that may indicate cancer. Women often do not pay due attention to the symptoms of cancer, which indicate the onset of the disease. Meanwhile, failure to see a doctor in a timely manner is a serious barrier to effective treatment oncological diseases.

As a rule, when we get sick, we rush to find “bad” symptoms in our body and think about the worst. How common is cancer and at what age? Symptoms of cancer are extremely important in the process of detecting pathology. TO general symptoms Oncological diseases may include sudden weight loss, high fever, weakness and fatigue, pain and changes in the quality of the skin. Of course, it should be borne in mind that the presence of any of the listed symptoms does not mean 100% that a person suffers from cancer. However, the detection of any of the listed manifestations should prompt a thorough medical examination. Women over twenty-five years of age are recommended to regularly examine the cervix for cancer, and those over fifty years of age - the mammary glands. Breast cancer ranks first among all malignant diseases among women.

General symptoms of oncology (cancer) in women and men

Common main symptoms signaling cancer in women and men are:
  • symptom of “unsuccessful treatment” ( ulcerative lesion stomach and duodenum, inflammation of the stomach, pharynx, bladder, pneumonia), when the patient long time tries to cure the disease, but there is no improvement;
  • “small signs” syndrome (increased fatigue, decreased performance, decreased or loss of interest in the outside world, discomfort, strong and short-term changes in body weight), unclear discharge (blood, mucus, etc.), persistent dysfunction of any organ, paraneoplastic syndromes.
  • the “plus tissue” symptom, that is, the growth of a space-occupying formation. The “plus tissue” symptom is detected upon examination and palpation. It is possible to detect asymmetry and deformation of a part of the body, palpate the tumor and evaluate its size, consistency, mobility, relationship with surrounding tissues, and pain. Particular attention should be paid to the lymph nodes. They definitely need to be examined and felt. When affected, they are enlarged in size, round in shape, sometimes lumpy, dense, fused to the surrounding tissues, and have limited mobility.

Symptom of cancer - sudden weight loss

Most people suffering from any type of cancer are early periods development of the disease, they begin to lose weight sharply. The first symptom of cancer can be weight loss of more than five kilograms in a short time.

Symptom of cancer - heat body and feverish state

High body temperature can be observed with cancer that is already quite widespread. A febrile state overtakes cancer patients during anticancer therapy, which affects the body's immune forces, increasing susceptibility to the disease.

Symptoms of cancer: weakness and fatigue

Weakness and fatigue can be considered one of the most important symptoms of cancer. Fatigue can occur in the early stages of cancer development, when the progression of the disease is accompanied by blood loss, for example, with colon cancer.

Symptom of cancer - pain

Soreness may serve early manifestation malignant neoplasms, for example, bone tissue.

A symptom of cancer is a change in the color and quality of the skin.

Tumors of the skin and certain types of oncology of internal organs can cause the development of dermatological signs of cancer, for example, darkening of the skin, yellowing of the skin, redness and scabies.

In addition to the general ones, there are also specific symptoms of cancer that are characteristic of a particular type of cancer. Again, this does not mean that if any specific symptom of the above, you should immediately think about cancer. All symptoms that arise should be reported to the doctor.

Stool disorders and bladder dysfunction

Stool disorders can manifest themselves in constant constipation or, on the contrary, in diarrhea. In addition, the amount of feces and their quality characteristics may change. When defecating, stool may contain blood. There may be pain when emptying the bladder, and urination may become more frequent or less frequent. The doctor must know all these changes to build a correct clinical picture.

Bleeding or unusual discharge

Unreasonable bleeding can occur both in the early stages of cancer development and in its advanced cases. Blood impurities in sputum when coughing may indicate oncology of the lung tissue. Blood in the stool may indicate cancer of the large intestine or rectum. Oncology of the uterus or its cervix can lead to vaginal bleeding. Bladder cancer can result in blood in the urine.

Digestive disorders and difficulty swallowing

These symptoms may be observed in various non-oncological pathologies, but their combination may indicate oncology of the esophagus, pharynx or gastrointestinal tract.

Symptoms of oncological diseases (cancer) in women

Signs oncology at women. If a woman sees a doctor early, a cure for cancer is quite possible - modern medicine has proven this more than once. However, our women are afraid or embarrassed to go to the doctor with seemingly trivial complaints and make a serious mistake, wasting precious time. We will talk about the main symptoms of cancer in the weaker half of humanity. All women know about the existence of various oncological diseases. Unfortunately, nowadays similar diseases occupy one of the main places in the mortality structure.

1. Bleeding

One of the most alarming symptoms for women should be bleeding after menopause- that is, a year after the cessation of menstruation. Menstruation cannot return if it has already stopped. Do not think that this is normal - consult a doctor to clarify the circumstances.

To others serious symptom should become spotting after intercourse, intermenstrual bleeding or too much heavy menstruation for 10-12 days, the appearance of pain during menstruation - this may be a sign of hormonal changes or cancer of the cervix or appendages.

The initial stages of cervical cancer are not difficult to diagnose; a smear from the cervical canal is taken to study special cells (cytology) and cancer markers.

To determine ovarian cancer, the volume of research is greater; ultrasound and blood testing for special markers specific to ovarian cancer are necessary.

2. Discharge

One of the signs of some types of endometrial cancer ( inner wall uterus), along with bleeding, is the appearance of unusual watery discharge with or without ichor from the genital tract. This symptom needs to be given special attention - sometimes, starting as a sign of infection, chronic inflammation enters the oncogenic stage.

This type of cancer is timely diagnosis can be treated surgically and the disease can be completely cured.

3. Changes in the breast

Breast cancer is currently the number one most oncological diseases at women, which is the cause of their death. Every woman from 25-30 years old needs to know about self-examination breasts This is a completely painless procedure that is recommended to be performed once a month at home in front of a mirror. By regularly performing this procedure on the same day of the cycle, you will thoroughly examine the gland tissue, which will allow you to notice changes in the breast or nipple in time. Most breast diseases in women can only be diagnosed in laboratory conditions(blood test for tumor markers).

Signs of concern should be any external differences compared to previous examinations:

  • the appearance of a network of blood vessels on the skin, age spots or areas of "orange peel"
  • change in the shape of the breast or nipple,
  • the appearance of lumps in the breast that are not painful.
  • change in color of the nipple areola (if you are not pregnant or nursing) and its peeling,
  • discharge from the nipple, in the absence of lactation, especially if it is bloody or whitish.
  • the appearance of dimples on the skin,
  • increased temperature of the chest or a separate area thereof.

Also, “dimples” may appear on the skin of the breast, which are symptoms of cancer. These symptoms are a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

4. Discomfort

One of the first symptoms of genital cancer in women is itching and discomfort in the labia area, irritation or skin change not associated with infections or allergies. These changes are usually long-term and progressive - therefore, at the slightest discomfort, go for an examination to a doctor.

The interest of patients about how to treat uterine cancer is very important, and the answer to it will be visible only after a complete diagnosis, during which the type of disease and stage will be determined. The main types of treatment for this disease are:

Surgical intervention

Usually it is necessary to resort to this type of treatment and initial stages. The most common procedure is a hysterectomy - removal of the uterus and ovaries, as well as its appendages.

Women are often concerned about hysterectomy, how painful it is and how large a suture remains in the peritoneum after hysterectomy.

Depending on the extent of the cancer, the surgeon will perform either a simple hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and cervix) or a radical hysterectomy (removal of the uterus, cervix, upper part of the vagina, and nearby tissue).

For postmenopausal patients, the surgeon will also perform a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, which involves removing both fallopian tubes, and the ovaries.

A hysterectomy can be performed as a traditional surgery with 1 large incision or laparoscopy, which uses several smaller incisions.

A hysterectomy, when there is a possibility of cancer, is usually performed by a gynecological surgeon, who is a surgeon who specializes in surgery reproductive system women.

Hyperectomy, the removal of the uterus using robotic technology through small holes, can also be used to treat cancer.

At the same time, along with removing the uterus, the surgeon may remove lymph nodes near the tumor to determine whether the cancer has spread beyond the uterus.


Chemotherapy is the use medical supplies, promoting the death of cancer cells, usually by stopping the ability of cancer cells to grow and divide.

Chemotherapy is administered by an oncologist or gynecologic oncologist - a doctor who specializes in treating cancers of the female reproductive system with drugs.

When treating endometrial cancer, chemotherapy is usually prescribed after surgery or together with radiation therapy, or instead of it. Chemotherapy is also given if endometrial cancer comes back after initial treatment.

Systemic chemotherapy enters the bloodstream to reach cancer cells throughout the body. Conventional methods Chemotherapy treatments include an intravenous tube placed into a vein using a needle or a tablet or capsule that is swallowed by patients.

A chemotherapy regimen (schedule) usually consists of a specific number of cycles set over a period of certain period time. The patient can simultaneously take 1 drug or combinations of different drugs.

The goal of chemotherapy is to destroy the cancer left after surgery or to shrink the cancer and slow the growth of the tumor if it returns or has spread to other parts of the body.

Side effects of chemotherapy depend on the person, the type of chemotherapy and the dose used, but they can include fatigue, risk of infection, nausea and vomiting, hair loss, loss of appetite and diarrhea. These side effects usually disappear after treatment is completed.

Advances in the field of chemotherapy over the past 10 years include the development of new drugs to prevent and treat side effects such as antiemetics for nausea and vomiting and hormones to prevent low white blood cell counts if needed.

Other potential side effects of chemotherapy for uterine cancer include inability to become pregnant and early menopause if the patient has not already had a hysterectomy (see Surgery above). Rarely, some medications cause hearing loss. Others may cause kidney damage. Patients may be prescribed additional intravenous injection to protect the kidneys.

Radiation therapy

There is both a remote method of treatment and a contact (internal) method. This is enough effective way, and is often used in cases where surgical method impossible or in cases where the disease occurs a second time (relapse).

Radiation therapy is the use of high-energy X-rays or other particles to kill cancer cells. A doctor who specializes in providing radiation therapy to treat cancer is called a radiation oncologist. A radiation therapy regimen (schedule) usually consists of a specific number of treatments given over a given period of time. The most common type of radiation therapy is called external beam radiation therapy, which is radiation received from a machine outside the body.

Some women with uterine cancer need both radiation therapy and surgery. Radiation therapy is most often given after surgery to destroy any cancer cells remaining in the area. Radiation therapy is rarely given before surgical intervention to reduce swelling. If a woman is unable to undergo surgery, the doctor may recommend radiation therapy as an alternative option.

Radiation therapy options for endometrial cancer may include radiation therapy directed to the entire pelvis or applied only to the vaginal cavity, often called intravaginal radiation therapy (IVRT) or vaginal brachytherapy.

Side effects from radiation therapy may include fatigue, mild skin reactions, upset stomach, and loose bowel movements and will depend on the extent of radiation therapy administered. Most side effects usually disappear soon after treatment is completed, but long-term side effects may occur. causing symptoms bowel or vaginal condition.

Doctors sometimes advise their patients not to have sexual intercourse during radiation therapy. Women can resume normal sexual activity within a few weeks after treatment if they feel ready to do so.

In most cases it is used after late stages disease when the spread extends beyond the initial localization.

Hormone therapy is used to slow the growth of certain types of uterine cancer cells that have hormone receptors on them. These tumors are usually adenocarcinoma and are grade 1 or 2 tumors.

Hormone therapy for uterine cancer often includes high dose sex hormone progesterone in tablet form. Other hormonal therapies include aromatase inhibitors often used to treat women with breast cancer, such as anastrozole (Arimidex), letrozole (Femara), and exemestane (Aromasine).

Aromatase inhibitors are medications that reduce the amount of the hormone estrogen in a woman's body, stopping tissues and organs other than the ovaries from producing it.

Hormone therapy may also be used for women who do not have surgery or radiation therapy, or in combination with other treatments.

Side effects hormone therapy in some patients include fluid retention, increased appetite, insomnia, muscle pain and weight gain. They do not pose any danger to the body.

You should also change your diet if you have uterine cancer: alcohol and foods that provoke cancer should be excluded from your diet. You need to eat more garlic, vegetables, broccoli, and fruits.

Cancer is one of the most the most dangerous diseases modern medicine, although it does not always turn out to be a death sentence. He can and must be defeated. The possibilities of medicine, with the help modern technologies, allow you to determine the presence of oncology even at the earliest stage. Thanks to this, there is always a chance for recovery.

In this article, we will look at exactly what symptoms manifest early-stage cancer in women, when to sound the alarm, and when not to prepare yourself for the worst.

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Common early symptoms of cancer in women

Symptoms and signs of the development of cancer pathology are determined by an abundance of many factors. For example, the location of the tumor, the age of the woman, the presence concomitant diseases and etc.

To the general symptoms of tumor development in female body include:

  1. An increase in body temperature that cannot be brought down by any potent medicine.
  2. Slight enlargement of lymph nodes anywhere on the body.

Due to the entry into the blood of substances secreted by cancer cells, this may be externally manifested by the appearance of blood clots in the legs (for example, with a pancreatic tumor). Therefore, if you feel any bumps or lumps on your body, you should immediately make an appointment with a specialist!

Symptoms of early stage cancer in women depending on the type

Breast cancer

The disease is in first place among cancer diagnoses among women. It is not easy to detect symptoms of breast cancer at an early stage, but it is possible:

  1. The appearance of a node - in most cases this is the first and main symptom. It is a small lump under the skin on the chest that can be easily felt.
  2. Changing the shape of the breast, or its asymmetrical increase.
  3. White or transparent discharge, he looks “drawn in.”
  4. Heterogeneous areas with wrinkled and bumpy skin are formed.
  5. Pain when pressing on the area of ​​compaction.

Uncharacteristic symptoms of cancer include back pain in the interscapular area, redness and itching of the skin of the chest.

Cervical cancer

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Brain cancer in women

The disease is growing by a third every year. Is the most insidious and dangerous disease. Symptoms by which the disease can be identified early stages a lot of:

  1. Specific headaches. The pain is constant and intense. They are the most important symptom. In some cases, the pain is pronounced only on one side. Most often appear at night or in the morning immediately after sleep. They get worse when sneezing, coughing, or physical activity.
  2. Feeling of pressure in the head.
  3. Nausea and vomiting. As a rule, they are not associated with meals.
  4. Decreased vision and/or hearing (double vision).
  5. Numbness of the limbs.
  6. Increased drowsiness, body weakness and fatigue.
  7. Speech impairment as a consequence of neurological changes.
  8. Convulsions and fits. They are not associated with any physical activity, nor with vitamin deficiency.

Not all symptoms always accompany each other and can appear one at a time.

Unfortunately, in many cases symptoms of early stage cancer in women appear minimally. Based on this, you need to make it a rule to visit doctors every year, take tests and conduct self-examinations in general for neoplasms. This is especially true for women at risk: after menopause; those who had cancer in their family, etc.

This disease occurs more often in older women (over 50 years old). This is caused by atrophic changes in the genital organs after menopause, as well as disorders endocrine function and viral infection.

Depending on the prevalence and severity of the disease, degrees of severity are divided:

0 degree– the most initial signs malignant degeneration vulvar tissue (pre-invasive cancer);

I degree– a tumor up to 2 cm in diameter, limited to the vulva, without metastasis to the nearest lymph nodes;

II degree– the tumor is more than 2 cm in diameter, nevertheless limited to the size of the vulva, without metastasis to the nearest lymph nodes;

IIIa degree– a tumor of any size, spreading to the vagina and (or) the lower third of the urethra (anus), without metastases;

IIIb degree– the same prevalence of the tumor, but with the presence of metastases in the inguinal-femoral lymph nodes;

IV degree– more extensive spread of the tumor to the vagina, urethra, anus, pelvic bones and the presence of metastases.

Vulvar cancer appears unbearable itching, inflammatory manifestations (redness, formation of ulcers, purulent discharge, etc.). The tumor is felt when walking, and there is a feeling of enlargement of the inguinofemoral lymph nodes.

Treatment is selected individually depending on the woman’s age and concomitant diseases. However, surgical treatment is the leading option.

Vaginal cancer

A very rare cancer, also predominantly in older women. The influence of radiation treatment for cervical or uterine cancer on the occurrence of this form of cancer has been noted.

Vaginal cancer manifests itself through bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen and vagina, swelling of the vaginal mucosa and sometimes the labia.

Treatment uses radiation therapy and chemotherapy.

Cervical cancer

This disease can be called the most malignant form of cancer of the female genital organs.

The risk group for the development of this disease includes women with the following symptoms:

1) age over 20 years;

2) the presence of induced abortions;

3) work in hazardous industries (in the chemical industry).

There are also stages of severity of the disease:

Stage I– the tumor is limited only to the cervix;

Stage II:

1) the tumor spreads to the periuterine tissue on one or both sides;

2) the tumor spreads to the vagina;

3) the tumor also invades the body of the uterus;

Stage III:

1) the tumor invades the periuterine tissue, moving to the pelvic walls;

2) the tumor spreads to the entire surface of the vagina;

3) separate foci of tumor are noted in the pelvis in the absence of distant metastases;

IV stage- the tumor spreads to neighboring organs, and distant metastases are noted.

Cervical cancer can manifest itself in different ways: from the absence of any symptoms at all to numerous symptoms. However, symptoms more often appear in more severe stages of the disease. The occurrence of “contact bleeding” after sexual intercourse or vaginal examination is typical. The onset of pain is noted quite early, the pain is long-lasting and aching. Depending on the further course, symptoms of damage to neighboring organs (bladder, rectum, etc.) may occur.

Metastases often manifest themselves in distant organs (lungs, liver, etc.).

Treatment depends on the structure and severity of the tumor process.

Most often, in the early stages, surgical treatment is used (removal of the cervix along with the uterus, sometimes with the appendages and nearby lymph nodes).

Often the surgical method is combined with radiation therapy before, during and after surgery.

Uterine cancer

It is much less common than cervical cancer. This disease is observed mainly in women over the age of 50; nulliparous, non-pregnant and non-sexually active women are more often affected. Disturbances in the hormonal status of women, especially during menopause, have been noted to play a major role in the occurrence of uterine cancer.

Uterine cancer is also classified according to severity and spread:

Stage 0– hyperplastic changes in the endometrium;

Stage II– cancer is limited to the body of the uterus;

Stage III– cancer that has spread beyond the uterus but not beyond the pelvis;

IV stage - cancer that spreads beyond the pelvis affects neighboring organs (bladder, rectum, etc.), forming distant metastases.

Clinical symptoms consist of the predominance of 3 leading symptoms - bleeding, pain and leucorrhoea. In the early stages of the disease, symptoms of the disease may be completely absent for a long time.

Leucorrhoea with uterine cancer at the beginning of the process is scanty, serous-mucous, and then mixed with blood. The accumulation of leucorrhoea in the uterus is accompanied by pain due to stretching of the uterine wall. In severe stages of the disease, leucorrhoea looks like meat slop, and the pain is of an aching, gnawing nature.

For uterine cancer, surgical, radiation, chemotherapy and hormonal methods treatments in various combinations.

Sarcoma of the uterus

A fairly rare disease, it occurs in women of all ages. This is a non-epithelial (like uterine cancer) malignant tumor of the uterus, which most often develops in fast growing fibroids. Currently, the provoking factor for the growth of sarcoma is considered viral infection, and uterine fibroids are considered a risk factor for the development of sarcoma.

By histological structure There are a lot of sarcomas; determining the type of cells is important when choosing a treatment method.

The course of the disease resembles the clinical course of uterine fibroids. The most common symptom is bleeding. In advanced cases, increased body temperature, severe weakness, weight loss, and progressive anemia appear (not always corresponding to the amount of blood loss during bleeding). Metastases are primarily localized in the nearest lymph nodes, and then in distant organs - lungs, liver, bones.

Treatment is the same as for uterine cancer. Surgery for stages I-III of uterine sarcoma - the main method, since radiation treatment in this case it is less effective. When choosing a treatment method, special attention is paid to the tissue structure of the tumor.

Malignant tumors of the uterine appendages

One of the most rare pathologies of the female genital organs is cancer (sarcoma) of the fallopian tubes. This disease occurs in women suffering from inflammatory diseases of the appendages, infertility and various types of endocrine disorders. Tumors are usually unilateral, less often on both sides.

Treatment is usually combined - with joint use surgical, radiation and chemotherapy methods.

Ovarian cancer

This disease is characterized by a variety of morphological structure, since the tumor process here can develop from various ovarian tissues (epithelial, glandular, etc.).

According to severity and prevalence, they are distinguished:

I degree– the tumor process is limited to the tissue of one or both ovaries;

II degree– the tumor affects one or both ovaries, spreading to the pelvic area;

III degree– spread of the cancer process to one or both ovaries with metastases into the abdominal cavity beyond the pelvis or with damage to retroperitoneal lymph nodes.

IV degree– spread of the process to one or both ovaries with distant metastases (to the lungs, liver, etc.).

Manifestations of this cancer process are characterized by the appearance pain in the lower abdomen, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and urinary system. The symptoms are as follows: severe weakness, weight loss, fatigue, general malaise, increased body temperature. When examining a woman, attention is drawn to the accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity(ascites), because of this there is a significant increase in the volume of the abdomen, it is often possible to palpate the location and size of the tumor, it is also noted frequent violations menstrual function.

It is believed that in the early stages of malignant ovarian tumors, except for hormonally active ones, the symptoms of the disease are quite mild.

Often, an ovarian tumor is diagnosed after the detection of ovarian cancer metastases to other organs. Metastasis of ovarian cancer occurs with a severe stage of the process, capsule germination, and the presence of ascites. In most ovarian malignancies, metastasis occurs in the following order: peritoneum, big oil seal, lymph nodes, liver, pleura, diaphragm, lesser omentum, intestines, oviduct and other organs. Often metastases occur simultaneously in several places.

Metastases of cancer of other organs to the ovary are often observed. Metastases from the gastrointestinal tract most often affect both ovaries (Krukenberg tumor). Often metastatic ovarian cancer occurs with primary damage to the uterus, its cervix and other genital organs.

Treatment of ovarian cancer depends on the morphological structure and extent of the cancer process.

Same as with others malignant processes genital organs of a woman, surgical, chemotherapy and radiation treatment are used, in some cases it is advisable to use hormonal therapy. In addition to the above methods of treating malignant ovarian tumors, immunotherapy is used.

For this purpose, you can use herbal medicine, apitherapy, vitamin therapy, etc.

Medicinal plants bring relief from malignant tumors, relieving inflammation. Due to this, the tumor can decrease in size, pain, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting disappear, and stool normalizes. Appetite returns and improves general state. However, the use of herbal medicine cannot always get rid of the tumor. However, one should not deprive the patient of hope for a cure with herbs, especially if oncologists consider it impossible for one reason or another. radical treatment. Although herbal medicines cannot cure many types of cancer, they can alleviate suffering and prolong life. Medicinal herbs may be especially useful during chemotherapy. During chemotherapy, plants such as chamomile, sage, valerian, motherwort, Birch buds, string, raspberry, oregano, St. John's wort, calendula, linden, coltsfoot, rosehip. Their use reduces the negative side effects of chemotherapy and improves general health women.

2 tbsp. l. crushed large burdock rhizomes, pour 1 glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, strain and drink a day in 3 doses 15 minutes before meals for uterine cancer.

For uterine cancer, douche:

1) 50% calendula tincture;

2) Brew 100 g of fresh horse sorrel flowers with 1/2 liter of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain, use warm.

Black elderberry bark - 1 part, celandine grass - 2 parts, mistletoe fruit leaves - 2.5 parts. Pour 100 g of dry crushed mixture into 2 liters of dry red wine, leave in a cool place for 2 weeks, shaking the contents periodically, and strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals for cancer of various locations.

Mix apple blossom powder and honey in equal quantities. Take 1 tbsp for oncological diseases of the female genital area. l., washed down with water, 3 times a day before meals.

Fill a 3-liter jar 2/3 full with fresh blooming dandelion flowers. Pour in honey and leave in a dark place for 1 month. Eat 3-4 flowers with water, 3 times a day before meals.

Pour 50 g of dry crushed herbs and roots of wormwood into 1/2 liter of 70% alcohol, leave in a dark place for 8 days, shaking the contents periodically, strain. Take 15-20 drops with water 3 times a day before meals for uterine cancer. 1 tbsp. l. dissolve tinctures in 1 tbsp. warm boiled water, do douching before bed.

Medicinal plants can also be used in the immediate and distant postoperative period as maintenance treatment between courses of primary therapy to prevent relapses and metastasis.

Individual selection of plants is very important. Treatment with plants must be carried out for a long time (several years, even if the main tumor focus is eliminated), continuously, therefore it is important to change plants every 1-2 months.

The following recipes can be used throughout the course of radiation or chemotherapy.

Chamomile (flowers), large plantain (leaf), peppermint (leaf) - 50 g each. Common yarrow (herb), St. John's wort (herb) - 25 g each. 1 tbsp. l. pour 1/2 liter of boiling water over the mixture, leave for 1 hour and strain, add golden mustache juice - 6 tbsp. l. Drink 50 ml every hour for 3 days, then 1/2 glass 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals and before bed.

For tumors, the following remedies may be useful.

1. A mixture of carrot, spinach and golden mustache juices in a ratio of 10: 6: 1, 1/2 cup 2 times a day.

2. Pour 20 g of dry crushed string herb into 1 glass of water, bring to a boil, leave for 1 hour, add golden mustache juice - 3 tsp. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

2 tsp. dry crushed oregano herb, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, add golden mustache juice - 3 tsp. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals, warm.

3. Dandelion roots and grass: 6 g of dry crushed raw materials, pour 1 glass of water, boil for 1 minute, leave for 30 minutes, add golden mustache juice - 3 tsp. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

1 tbsp. l. dry crushed leaves of coltsfoot, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, add golden mustache juice - 3 tsp. Take 1 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day.

4. 1 tbsp. l. pour dried chamomile flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, add golden mustache juice - 3 tsp. Take 1 tbsp. l. 2-4 times a day.

5. 2 tbsp. l. dry crushed horsetail herb, pour 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, add golden mustache juice - 3 tsp. Take 1/4 cup 2-4 times a day.

6. Shepherd's Purse: 10 g of dry crushed herb, pour 1 glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, leave for 1 hour, add golden mustache juice - 3 tsp. Take 1 tbsp. l. 4-5 times a day.

Place 5 g (1 tbsp) of fresh celandine herb in an enamel bowl, pour in 200 ml (1 glass) of hot boiled water, close the lid and, after soaking for 15 minutes in a water bath, strain, squeeze out the remaining raw material. By diluting with boiled water, bring the volume of the resulting infusion to 200 ml, add golden mustache juice - 3 tsp; Store in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Take 15 minutes before meals, 1/4 cup 2-3 times a day.

7. V. Ogarkov proposed an anti-cancer oil balm. His recipe includes 2 components: sunflower oil and alcohol extract from the golden mustache plant. Pour 40 ml of unrefined sunflower oil and 30 ml of alcohol extract into a jar. Close the lid tightly, shake vigorously for 7 minutes and drink immediately. You cannot hesitate, as the mixture will separate, which is unacceptable! You need to take this medicine three times a day. The course of treatment is 3 decades with 5-day breaks between them. Do not eat anything for 2 hours before your appointment. Take 20 minutes before meals. Under no circumstances should you eat or drink the medicine with anything. You should eat something no later than half an hour after taking it. You can drink only after eating, after 30 minutes. It is better to take the balm at regular intervals. Drink for 10 days in a row. Then take a break of 5 days. And again after taking a 5 day break. After the third ten-day period of use, the break is 10 days. This is the first cycle, followed by the second, third, and so on until complete recovery.

Attention! The exact dosage of the components of the medicine is important: exactly 40 ml and 30 ml should be measured not by eye or with spoons, but with an exact measure. An error in dosage can have irreparable consequences!

V. Ogarkov's anti-cancer balm is used to treat tumors of the stomach, breast, rectum and lungs, however It is contraindicated for liver cancer and other liver diseases. The balm treats fistulas and is used in gynecology. Practical experience of treatment with oil balm shows that small primary tumors are cured in 1.5-2 months. More serious cases require longer treatment - up to 6-7 months. After just 1-1.5 months, there is a significant reduction in the size of the tumors (if the tumor is very large, then it is first divided into segments that gradually soften) and disappear excruciating pain, appetite and stool normalize, and stop even earlier. internal bleeding, fistulas and ulcers heal.

Tampons with balm can be placed on the cervix in case of cervical disease and uterine cancer; they should be changed daily. Direct contact of the balm with the tumor speeds up recovery. Once you start taking this medicine, you can no longer retreat. Otherwise, you will only sharply accelerate the disease, since cancer cells die starting from the 3rd day of treatment.

On the 2-3rd day, pain may appear or intensify. Don't be alarmed and continue treatment! After a few days, the pain will disappear or significantly decrease. There may be swelling of the limbs, face, and urinary retention. In a few days the swelling will go down and everything will get better. To relieve these symptoms, it is good to take for 2 weeks homeopathic medicines and others medicinal fees, reducing these manifestations.

But still, consultation with a specialist is mandatory, since the cancer process is a very serious disease, and the described method is not yet widely used.

Apitherapy is also very useful in complex treatment cancer and tumor processes of the uterus and appendages.

In addition to consuming honey, the use of other bee products – royal jelly and mumiyo – has a very beneficial effect on the body’s defenses.

Royal jelly- secretion of the maxillary glands worker bee. Contains microelements, vitamins, nucleic acids - RNA and DNA, biostimulants, gamma globulin. Stimulates the body's protective properties and enhances the process of tissue regeneration (good to use after surgery on the female genital organs). Royal jelly is a yellow-white jelly-like mass with specific smell and a sharp sour taste. IN medicinal purposes it is used sublingually at 20-30 mg 2-3 times a day. Or mix 250 mg of royal jelly with 100-120 g of honey syrup, 1 tsp each. 30 minutes before meals, dilute royal jelly in a ratio of 1:2 and take this solution 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day 1.5 hours before meals.

Mumiyo used in folk medicine since ancient times. Shilajit is a bitter-tasting solid mass. dark brown or black. By using spectral analysis it was found that it contains more than 26 microelements. Shilajit is soluble in water. Has a pronounced bactericidal effect. Under the influence of solutions, mumiyo intensifies mineral metabolism, accelerates wound healing. It improves general condition, normalizes appetite and sleep. Mumiyo is taken orally 2 times a day, for 1 course – 2-3 g of mumiyo. In addition, you can prepare a 3% solution of mumiyo from boiled water and insert tampons soaked in this solution into the vagina overnight.