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Where is a man's pubis located? Pain in the suprapubic region

The pubis is one of a group of paired bones that form pelvic bone. Both women and men have it, but the structure of the pubic bone differs depending on gender. It consists of a body and two branches located at an angle to each other. Connecting, the pubic bone pair forms the pubic symphysis, which is the anterior wall of the pelvis.

Between the top and lower branches There is an obturator foramen, closed by a membrane. Vertex top corner The body has an oval surface where the pubic tubercle and ridge are located. A groove stretches across the underside of the upper branch, where the obturator vessels and nerves lie. In men pubic bone, connecting, forms a subpubic angle. In women, it forms an elevation hanging over the vaginal opening. Even the fact that the bone protrudes slightly does not interfere with the process of intercourse.

Causes of pain

Pubic bone pain may be caused by for various reasons. Why does the pubic bone hurt?

Other symptoms

Pregnant women with signs of symphysitis experience the following symptoms:

  • pain on palpation;
  • radiating pain in the pelvis and tailbone;
  • gain pain while moving (especially uphill);
  • "duck" gait.

In case of symphysitis, the woman in labor is prescribed a caesarean section.

It is worth saying that this does not in any way affect the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus. This disorder in the body is dangerous only during childbirth. In most cases, the woman in labor is prescribed a caesarean section.

The bruise is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • swelling in the area of ​​the pubic bones;
  • pain that makes movement difficult;
  • pain on palpation;
  • hematoma.

The following signs are typical for a fracture of the pubic bone:

  • severe pain in the groin area, aggravated by palpation;
  • symptom of “stuck heel”;
  • bruise of the urinary system (difficulty urinating, presence of blood in the discharge);
  • swelling, hematoma;
  • defeat of other nearby internal organs(at comminuted fracture pelvic bones).

How to get rid of pain

There is no point in waiting for everything to somehow resolve itself. It is imperative to undergo an examination and identify the causes of the resulting disorders. In almost each of these cases, you will need to undergo appropriate treatment. Some of the therapeutic measures are applicable in all cases.

For example, treatment through manual therapy provides soft influence on the muscles of the hips, pelvis, back. Great importance given physical therapy and water aerobics. Acupuncture is effective in relieving pain, but the procedure should only be performed by a specialist in this field.

Other types of treatment:

  • prenatal bandage (recommendation for pregnant women);
  • percutaneous drainage;
  • taking medications that replenish calcium deficiency;
  • local injections of glucocorticoids and other special-purpose drugs;
  • gynecological, urological treatment;
  • dry heat;
  • use of external therapeutic and prophylactic agents for local use;
  • treatment of a fracture or bruise: pain relief and antishock therapy; stopping bleeding; reposition of fragments; solving related issues if internal organs are injured; immobilization; drug treatment during the period of rehabilitation and recovery.

Most of the difficulties in treating any disease among doctors arise due to the fact that the patient did not want to seek help in time. qualified help. Therefore, even minor changes in the state of the body are a signal for examination. Note that pregnant women have a higher level of consciousness in this regard, because now they are responsible for at least one more life.

Pain in the pubic area - pathological condition, inherent in both men and women. It may be caused wide range reasons ranging from traumatic injuries and ending with these dangerous diseases, How malignant neoplasms. Due to the wide variety of provoking factors, if pain occurs, it is recommended to visit a doctor and get advice or qualified help.

Why does the pubis hurt in women?

The pubis is the soft tissue area located directly above the genitals. It is separated from the thighs by the coxofemoral grooves, and from the abdomen by the pubic groove. The structure of this organ includes both soft and bone tissue, therefore, if the pubis hurts in women, the doctor considers the causes associated with pathologies of the following nature:

  • inflammatory processes in the reproductive and urinary system;
  • damage to bone tissue (bruises, fractures);
  • congenital anomalies of the skeletal system.

Mechanical damage

Soreness is an invariable accompaniment of injuries that can be caused by a direct blow or serious compression of the pelvis (for example, when car accident). When fractures occur, the pubic bone is displaced, as a result of which the patient complains of pain in the pubic area, which intensifies when trying to lift the lower limb. Often, along with a fracture, damage to the organs of the urinary system occurs, which entails increased urination.

Pathologies in the development of the pubic bone

Pain syndrome can occur when the pubic bone develops incorrectly, when the pubic joint appears in the form of a saber-shaped bar 3 fingers thick (with normal development, it looks like a curved roller one finger thick). In women with an anomaly, the lumen of the vaginal vestibule is half closed, so they cannot have an active sex life.

If you have pain in the pubis after childbirth, with high probability a phenomenon called symphysiolysis is observed. It is understood as the divergence of bones in the symphysis pubis or their increased mobility caused by too rapid delivery or the birth of a large child. The following symptoms are expressed in the pathology:

  • pain in the lower back, pelvis, pubis, which becomes more intense at night and when spreading the legs to the sides;
  • increased pain when pressing on the pubic bone;
  • difficulty climbing stairs;
  • clicking in the pelvis when walking;
  • lameness or duck gait;
  • Difficulty lifting your legs while lying down.

Read also: Pimples on the penis - causes and treatment

Gynecological problems

Pain in the pubic area may indicate gynecological diseases, such as endometriosis, adnexitis, ednometritis. The pain above the pubis or in the tubercle itself is nagging or aching, often accompanied by increased temperature, weakness, and irradiation into the perineum. Sometimes with this condition the vagina hurts, the pain intensifies during sexual intercourse or before menstruation.

Other reasons

To other pathologies, causing discomfort among representatives of the fair sex, diseases of the urinary system can be attributed. In particular, pain is characteristic of urethritis, in which there are difficulties with urination, pain and burning in the urethra, and a feeling that the bladder has not completely emptied.

Another reason why the pubis hurts is an ectopic pregnancy. More often, pain occurs on the right or left and is accompanied by dizziness and weakness. Gradually pain syndrome becomes more intense, cramping, bleeding from the vagina begins.

Important! An ectopic pregnancy is a serious threat to life, so if you suspect it, you should call an ambulance.

Why does the pubis hurt during pregnancy?

In the second trimester, a woman begins hormonal changes body, there is an increase in the production of relaxin, which helps to soften the pubic joint and pelvic bones. Usually this process is asymptomatic, but some pregnant women may develop symphysitis, which is the main reason why the pubis hurts during pregnancy.

When symphysitis appears, the joints become extremely mobile, which causes pain and difficulty moving. As a rule, after childbirth the problem goes away on its own.

Causes of pubic pain in men

Pain in the pubic tubercle occurs more often in men than in women. They can arise completely unexpectedly and acutely or intensify over a long period of time, and be dull or cramping in nature. The intensity and type of pain largely depend on specific diseases or phenomena, the most common of which are:

  • inguinal hernia;
  • inflammation – prostatitis, vesiculitis, epididymitis;
  • birth defects;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • injuries.

Lower abdominal pain is much more common in women than in men: Up to 75% of cases of abdominal pain are associated with gynecological problems. The sensation of pain occurs with direct irritation receptors(sensitive nerve endings) internal organs due to inflammation, trauma, tumors, adhesions, scar changes, etc. Pain may also radiate(reflect) and appear not locally, but at some distance from the affected organ, not coinciding with its anatomical projection.

Topographically, the lower abdomen combines the area from the navel at the top to pubic symphysis(pubis) below, the borders on the right and left are the ilium and inguinal folds.

Organs located in the lower abdomen:

  • On the left is the descending colon and sigmoid colon. On the right is the ascending colon and cecum with the vermiform appendix ( appendix);
  • In the navel area there is the transverse colon, in the middle between the navel and the pubis there is the small intestine;
  • In the groin on the left and right - inguinal canals, part of the ureters, in women - ovaries;
  • Above the pubis - uterus, bladder, in men - the prostate gland, seminal vesicles and vas deferens.

Thus, local abdominal pain may be associated with diseases of the listed organs. Diffuse pain occurs when peritonitis(inflammation of the peritoneum), in acute surgical conditions - perforation of the wall of the stomach, gall bladder or intestines, intestinal obstruction. Irradiation of pain to the lower abdomen is characteristic of kidney diseases and renal colic. Rarely, but it is possible to experience abdominal pain with myocardial infarction. With a dissecting aneurysm of the abdominal aorta, when the intestinal arteries are blocked, the pain is sharp and very strong.

Abdominal pain due to STDs

With STDs, pain is felt above the pubis and in the groin areas, in the lower back. Usually they are constant, pulling, giving back inner part hips The increase in pain intensity depends on the stage and extent of inflammation and is associated with a change in color and an increase in the amount. With specific cystitis, it is felt, especially at the beginning and end of urination.

As the area of ​​infection increases, inflammation spreads to the ureters, kidneys and internal genital organs. With ascending genital infection, the process involves first the endometrium, and then the muscular and serous layers of the uterus. Pain receptors are located in a thin ring only inside cervical canal and in the region internal holes fallopian tubes, the cervix itself and the body of the uterus are completely insensitive to pain. At the stage of endo- and myometritis, the pain is mainly reflected, often aching, felt in the lower back and inside hips Local pain in the lower abdomen increases significantly if the tissue around the uterus becomes inflamed ( perimeteritis) and pelvic nerve plexus (plexite).

Cystitis and pyelonephritis– consequences of ascending urogenital infection. Appear nagging pain above the pubis and in the groin, pain in the lower back; necessarily combined with urination disorders. At purulent processes the temperature rises above 38-39 degrees, intoxication increases sharply. The main burden falls on the liver and kidneys; the development of functional failure of these organs and death are possible.

Pain around the navel

Umbilical hernia : expansion of the umbilical ring and the formation of a hernial sac, which usually contains fatty tissue, sometimes - intestinal loops. Pain in the navel area appears after eating or when physical activity(mostly after lifting weights). A hernia often occurs in women who have given birth as a result of stretching of the anterior abdominal wall. An umbilical hernia is clearly visible upon examination and is a rounded protrusion; at palpation(by palpation) is defined as a soft formation, the local temperature is not increased. When a hernia is strangulated, the pain increases: the contents of the hernial sac are compressed, blood circulation is disrupted and necrosis occurs - tissue death. If there was part of the intestine in the hernial contents, then intestinal obstruction (ileus) and picture acute abdomen. Treatment in this case is only emergency surgery.

Colitis and enteritis- inflammation of the large or small intestine. In addition to sharp pain at the level and below the navel, it is always accompanied by diarrhea. At colitis volume feces small, possible admixture of blood and thick mucus, frequent urges. At enteritis the amount of stool is large, the masses are liquid or semi-liquid. Fine reverse suction water occurs in small intestine, and when it becomes inflamed, increased fluid removal occurs. The danger of such diarrhea is that the patient loses a lot of water and potassium ions, which can be fatal. A classic example of enteritis is cholera.

Megacolon, an increase in the length and width of the colon, thickening of its walls. Often is congenital disease, characteristic featureschronic constipation and the need for “moral preparation” for defecation(emptying). The patient requires special conditions, on the road or in in public places he is physically unable to defecate. The consequences of long-term constipation are primarily intoxication, which is manifested by problems with the skin (pustules, irritation, dull color, premature wrinkles), hair (poor growth, split ends and loss). Then it is possible to appear allergic reactions, development of neuroses. When stool hardens, bedsores form in the wall of the colon; they can later become infected and lead to adhesions or intestinal perforation.

Appendicitis, inflammation of the appendix. First, the pain is localized in the navel area, then moves below the navel and to the right. One-time vomiting and an increase in temperature to 37.3-38 degrees are possible. The clinical picture of appendicitis is very diverse; it can imitate any organ disease abdominal cavity. The level of abdominal pain varies depending on the stage of inflammation (acute or chronic) and the location of the appendix relative to the cecum. With atypical - retrocecal- in the position of the appendix, the pain may radiate to the lower back or even be felt only in the hip joint.

Ileus, intestinal obstruction: sudden and abrupt start- attack intestinal colic. Initially, the pain is felt in the navel area, then it becomes diffuse. It is always combined with stool retention and impaired gas discharge, with nausea and repeated vomiting.

Pain in the lumbar region

Lower back pain - possible signs many pathological processes, can be different in nature (dull and aching, sharp and shooting, pulling or burning) and intensity. Reasons leading to development lumbar pain, are divided into those associated and not associated with urological diseases.

Urological diseases:

Lumbar pain not associated with urological problems:

  • Back muscle inflammation(myositis), pathologies of the spine– injuries, hernias intervertebral discs, radiculitis, mechanical injuries, tumors. The pain is sharp, and when the roots are pinched, lumbago occurs, radiating to the leg, groin, and perineum. Possible segmental decline skin sensitivity, after injuries - flaccid paralysis lower extremities.
  • Problems with hip joint – congenital ( dysplasia) and purchased ( coxarthrosis) violations anatomical structure, inflammation ( arthritis), intra-articular fractures.
  • Digestive system diseases: at pancreatitis severe pain in the lower back and abdomen, with gastritis- in the lower back and epigastrium (top part abdomen), with ulcer stomach pain increases after eating; With a duodenal ulcer, “hunger” pains that begin on an empty stomach are typical.
  • Women's diseases: lower back pain due to endometriosis, tumors of the uterus and ovaries. Pain in the lower abdomen and lower back is possible in the first trimester of pregnancy; they are associated with stretching of the abdominal muscles and are considered a normal variant.

Pain in the groin area

Anatomically, the groin is limited from the outside - by the inguinal folds, from above - by imaginary lines drawn from the anterior-superior convexities of the iliac bones to the edge of the rectus abdominis muscle; the outer edge of the same muscle serves medial(internal) border. The main formations are the inguinal canal, through which the round ligament of the uterus passes in women, and the spermatic cord in men, as well as lymph nodes, large arterial and venous vessels, nerves. Pain in groin area often associated with inflammation localized to lower limbs or in the pelvic organs, or with the formation inguinal hernias , with development lymphadenitis of various etiologies(inflammation, tumors).

Inguinal hernia can be congenital or acquired, the causes are underdevelopment or weakness of the abdominal muscle wall. Due to anatomical features in men the risk of developing an inguinal hernia is about 30%, in women – up to 3%. An acquired hernia is diagnosed by a visible protrusion in the groin, which first appears after lifting weights; on initial stages it is small and easy to adjust ( reducible inguinal hernia). Irreversible a hernia poses a more serious health risk: the hernial sac may be strangulated and its contents may become dead. Considering that there may be intestinal loops in the hernial sac, the formation of obstruction can be expected ( ileus) and development peritonitis.

Symptoms of inguinal hernia strangulation:

  1. The hernial protrusion cannot be reduced, is tense and painful when palpated;
  2. The pain is sharp, constantly intensifying;
  3. No stool, no gas;
  4. Nausea, repeated vomiting, hiccups;
  5. The general condition of the patient is serious.

Treatment of any inguinal hernia is only surgical!

Lymphadenitis: inflammation of the groin lymph nodes possible with inflammation of the muscles and/or joints of the leg, external genitalia, STDs, cystitis, . also in inguinal lymph nodes metastasize malignant tumors pelvic organs, bones and muscles of the legs. With inflammation, the lymph nodes are enlarged, mobile, and sharply painful on palpation. In the presence of metastases, they are often “fused” with surrounding tissues or with each other, the pain is not so pronounced.

Inflammation of the hip joint(coxite): local temperature is increased, there is swelling and redness; pain during palpation or at rest, intensifies with movement. Localization painful sensations– top outer part thighs and groin, right or left.

Groin pain in men: occurs with inflammation of the seminal vesicles () and epididymis (), with, with lipoma spermatic cord (funiculocele). Common cause becomes sore cryptorchidismbirth defect, in which the testicles do not descend into the scrotum, but remain in the inguinal canals. Cryptorchidism can be unilateral or bilateral. IN early age Corrective surgery is possible; in adults, only removal of a defective testicle. With unilateral cryptorchidism, the fertilization function does not suffer; with a bilateral process, the man is infertile.

Lower left groin pain may appear when hematoma– accumulation of blood after local trauma or puncture, with purulent bruises from the lumbar region (abscess psoas muscle, tuberculosis of the lumbar vertebrae). Varicose nodes big saphenous vein And aneurysm and (enlargement of) the femoral artery are more often formed on the left, manifested by pain in the groin area.

Gynecological pain in the lower abdomen

It's a dull pain characteristic of tumors and chronic inflammatory diseases female genital area, sharp pain is evidence of acute inflammation or a serious surgical condition of the patient. Gynecological pain radiates to the perineum, inner thighs, and rectum.

Severe pain in the lower abdomen due to delayed menstruation may be a sign ectopic pregnancy: if the fertilized egg is implanted in fallopian tube and the embryo begins to develop, then at about 8-10 weeks the tube ruptures. At this moment, the woman feels a very strong and sharp (“dagger”) pain in the lower abdomen, then begins internal bleeding. Some blood may be released through the vagina. Many women endure literally until the last moment, until they lose consciousness from blood loss. Treatment is exclusively emergency surgery. The damaged fallopian tube is removed, the bleeding is stopped, and a blood transfusion is given if necessary. When one tube is removed, but the other is patent and the ovaries are healthy, the woman is 100% fertile.

Torsion of an ovarian cyst, myomatous node or tumor stalk is also expressed by acute pain, as a complication - peritonitis.

It hurts when ovulating lower abdomen on one side, the pain is not severe and is comparable to the middle of the cycle. During ovulation rectal the temperature is increased compared to the normal level, but only by a short time- up to 24 hours. With inflammation of the abdominal or pelvic organs, pain is combined with a prolonged temperature rise.

Aching pain in the lower back and lower abdomen occurs during menstruation. The origin of the discomfort is associated with the expansion of the cervical canal. The treatment is simple - a couple of No-shpa tablets, warm socks and peace of mind.

Table: possible pain during pregnancy

What to do if there are sharp pains in the lower abdomen?

Algorithm of actions for acute pain simple, but requires immediate medical intervention:

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees. This will help relax your abdominal muscles and reduce some pain.
  • Put cold on your stomach. Will do plastic bottle with ice, wrapped in a towel. Cold will help reduce bleeding (if any) and slow down necrosis.
  • Without taking any medications, call an ambulance. If you use painkillers or antispasmodics before the doctor arrives, the signs of the disease may become blurred and make diagnosis difficult.
  • If you feel dizzy even when lying down, feel nauseous or severe weakness, feels dry in the mouth or appears on the skin cold sweat– be sure to place a cushion under your feet to improve blood flow in the area of ​​the heart and head.

Video: pain in the lower abdomen - possible causes

The pubic bone is one of three bones that form the pelvic bone. It consists of two branches: lower and upper, placed at a certain angle to each other and the body. Vertical education combining two upper branches paired bone, called the pubic symphysis or pubic symphysis. The body of the pubis, together with its branches, creates the anterior part of the acetabulum and the obturator foramen, which is covered by the obturator membrane.

The structure of the pubic bone has some differences between the sexes. Thus, the pubic bone in women has the configuration of a roller. Its thickness approximately corresponds to the thickness thumb hands. In women, the pubic bone forms a prominence, a kind of arch, overhanging the vaginal opening. However, it is not an obstacle to sexual intercourse. In men, the pubic bones unite, thus forming the subpubic angle.

Functions of the pubic bones

The pelvic bones, including the pubic bones, due to the presence of red bone marrow participate in the process of hematopoiesis. Plus they play important role in maintaining natural balance and body movement, helping to evenly distribute the load on the limbs when performing different movements and while standing. Pubic bones protect pelvic organs from damage as a result external influences(bladder, lower sections small and large intestines, internal organs of the reproductive system).

Why does the pubic bone hurt?

The appearance of pain in the frontal bone in men and women in most cases is caused by various pathological processes in this area. Most often, the reasons for this phenomenon are:

  • abnormal development of the pubic bones;
  • the presence of injury to one or both parts of the pubic bone;
  • rupture during childbirth of the pubic symphysis - symphysiolysis;
  • infectious diseases of the pubic bones in men and women (these include osteomyelitis of the pubis, etc.);
  • stretching of the symphysis pubis that accompanies pregnancy.

Very often the pubic bone hurts due to cancer Bladder(in this case, pain in the pubic area becomes “reflected” in nature).

Often, women during pregnancy complain of pain in the pubic bone area. Often complaints of this nature are noted in the second half of pregnancy and are common to all women who are expecting a child. The bottom line is that as the birth approaches, the expectant mother’s body increasingly prepares for the birth of the baby. All organs and systems involved in childbirth undergo serious changes. The pubic bones are no exception. Under the influence of the hormone relaxin, cartilage and ligaments soften in the area of ​​​​the junction of the pubic bones, which subsequently facilitates the passage of the baby through the birth canal.

However, there are cases when the process of softening these bones occurs with complications, which explain why the pubic bone hurts during pregnancy. If its intensity is low, then such pain is usually considered normal. Pronounced and sufficient strong pain in the pubic bone, accompanied by the appearance of stretching and swelling in the area of ​​the pubic symphysis - an obvious symptom of symphysitis. In addition, most often a woman suffering from this disease has a “duck” gait.

In some cases, symphysitis appears due to a lack of calcium in the body. In any case, excessive pain in the pubic bones during pregnancy is a reason to consult a surgeon or traumatologist.

Treatment of pain in the pubic bone area

Measures for the treatment of pain in the pubic bone include several of the following points:

  • manual therapy (gentle);
  • wearing a prenatal bandage (applies to pregnant women who experience pain in the pubic bone);
  • special gymnastic exercises focused on muscles pelvic floor and belly;
  • active physical exercise in water;
  • percutaneous drainage (prescribed for purulent symphysitis);
  • taking calcium-containing medications.

Pain in the pubic perineal area in a man can be sharp, dull, sharp, pulling or aching. Moreover, it is localized in different ways: on the right, on the left, or in the very center of the pubic bone. Besides, discomfort can radiate into the scrotum, rectum, perineum or penis. Each of these signs is a symptom of a separate disease, which only an experienced urologist can determine.

Pain in the lower abdomen (pubic area) most often indicates the presence of a serious disease of the internal organs. The article provides only a few possible reasons similar condition. reference Information presented with one purpose: to prove that pain in the pubic area in men is serious symptom, which requires immediate consultation with a urologist!

Sharp pain in the pubic area

Severe pain in the pubic area indicates an exacerbation chronic diseases, as well as the appearance of inflammation of internal organs:

  • cystitis - inflammation of the bladder;
  • urolithiasis (exacerbation);
  • prostatitis – inflammation of the prostate;
  • renal colic;
  • inflammation of the testicle (epididymis);
  • retention of urine outflow as a result of inflammation;
  • infection with sexually transmitted infections.

In this case, pain in the pubic area appears spontaneously and does not go away long time. It may intensify or, on the contrary, become weaker during urination or defecation, and also radiate to the anus, perineum or testicles.

Pain in the pubic area on the left

The causes of pain on the left in the groin area are usually:

  • pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys;
  • inguinal hernia and its strangulation;
  • acute inflammation one of the sections of the large intestine;
  • inflammation of the testicles;
  • renal colic in the acute stage.

These are just some of the diseases, the symptom of which is pain in the pubic area and groin on the left. Staging accurate diagnosis possible only after examination by a urologist.

Pain on the right side of the pubic area

Sharp, cutting or aching pain in the pubic area on the right cause serious concern, as they indicate serious problems. The most common reasons are:

  • appendicitis - acute inflammation of the appendix (worm-shaped appendix of the large intestine);
  • pyelonephritis – serious inflammation of the kidneys;
  • exacerbation of urolithiasis;
  • inflammation of one of the sections of the large or small intestine;
  • venereal diseases.