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Pneumonia is inflammation of the lungs. Study of body systems. What is it, why does it arise

Croupous pneumonia(Pneumonia crouposa)

Croupous pneumonia- acute, cyclical developing inflammation lungs, covering an entire lobe or a significant part of it, in which fibrinous exudate, leukocytes and erythrocytes sweat into the lumen of the alveoli and bronchi, expressed high fever permanent type, saffron-yellow discharge is released from the nasal openings. It can be sporadic and massive, primary, secondary and symptomatic.

Etiology. Massive lobar pneumonia manifests itself as one of the main symptoms of peripneumonia and gbmosepticemia.
Sporadic lobar inflammation of the Lungs often occurs with hypothermia, overwork, the presence of a “critical” amount of saprophytic microflora in the respiratory tract, allergies, overirritation of the central nervous system, damage to nerve nodes, severe irritation of N. phrenicus, N. ischiadicus, disruption of the integrity of the trunks of the Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system , metabolic disorders (more often with diabetes mellitus) .

Pathogenesis. When extra- and interoreceptors are exposed to unfavorable factors, a number of deviations occur. The neurovascular reaction is disrupted, phagocytic protective forces and immunobiological processes are reduced, thereby creating more favorable conditions for pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora. Microflora aerogenously or hematogenously and lymphogenously penetrates into lower sections respiratory tract, contributes to the development of inflammation, which usually begins in the depths of the lobe, then quickly spreads mainly through the lymphatic tract to the periphery and covers large areas of the lung. The pathological process develops more often in the cranial or ventral parts of the lungs, less often in the caudal lobe and even less often in the dorsal parts of the lung. The development of inflammation is characterized by stages, that is, hyperemia occurs first, then the stage of red and gray hepatization and ends with the stage of resolution.
In the stage of hyperemia, a strong dilation of blood vessels and their overflow with blood occurs, sloughing of the alveolar epithelium. They are released into the lumen of the alveoli viscous exudate, leukocytes and red blood cells, oxygen exchange becomes difficult, urination and heat regulation are disrupted. Leukocytosis appears, eosinophils disappear. This stage lasts from several hours to a day. In the second stage - red hepatization - the exudate coagulates, the lung tissue thickens and takes on the appearance of a liver. Through the affected area, the flow of oxygen into the blood and the release of carbon dioxide from the blood stop.
In addition, the use of oxygen by tissues, the oxidation of carbons, and their entry into the brain are reduced. As a result of the current conditions, oxygen deficiency sharply manifests itself, intoxication increases, and body temperature rises to an even greater extent, despite significant heat transfer. In the blood, the amount of intermediate breakdown products, unconducted bilirubin and leukocytes increases. Part of the uncoagulated exudate and lysis products ends up in Airways healthy areas of the lung, irritates them and is released in the form of a saffron-yellow discharge.
In the stage of gray hepatization, the coagulated exudate under the influence of leukocytes and other factors undergoes fatty degeneration, intoxication, the formation of unconducted bilirubin and the penetration of the latter into tissues increase, and the discharge of saffron-yellow discharge from the nose increases. When fatty degeneration reaches a high degree, the lung tissue becomes yellow in color. Some authors call this stage the stage of yellow hepatization. In the stage of yellow hepatization, intoxication and fever reach their maximum degree (critical condition). The second and third stages last for 2 days.
In patients during the development of croupous pneumonia, the pulmonary respiration, which leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen in the blood by 30-50%. At the same time, the absorption of oxygen by tissues decreases, which leads to worsening hypoxia, disruption of redox processes in organs and tissues, and an increase in intermediate decomposition products. In the blood, the amount of albumins, beta- and gamma-globulins, tryptophan, eosinophils decreases, reserve alkalinity, pH index decrease, the number of red blood cells, sugar, carbon dioxide increases. In the resolution stage, increased liquefaction of the exudate occurs under the influence of lipolytic enzymes secreted by leukocytes; a large number of lysis products are absorbed into the blood and released through the respiratory tract, the flow of air into the alveoli is restored, the epithelium is regenerated, urination increases, the number of eosinophils and chlorine in the blood increases and the content of other substances is normalized. The permitting process lasts up to 7 days.
Sometimes with lobar pneumonia one of the characteristic symptoms disappears. Therefore, there are six atypical forms diseases: abortive, which occurs in strong animals and lasts 1-2 days; creeping when the process spreads in the lungs; recurrent, re-developing in recovered animals; senile; central, when the process is localized in the center of the lung; massive, capturing the entire share.
Symptoms The disease begins with a rapid rise in body temperature to 41-42 ° C, depression general condition, a sharp drop in productivity. Patients cough. A saffron-yellow discharge is released from the nasal openings, starting from the second day of illness until the 2-3rd day of the resolution stage. There is a significant increase in cardiac impulse and increased heart rate. Relationship between quantity breathing movements and pulse waves instead of 1: 2-3 (in healthy animals) is 1: 1.
On auscultation chest in the stage of a rush of blood in the affected areas, mainly in the lower third, less often in the middle third of the chest, crepitus and hard vesicular breathing are heard. In the stage of hepatization, there are no respiratory sounds, a weak bronchial breathing. At the stage of resolution of the process, when the alveoli are freed from exudate, crepitation noises reappear, replaced after 1-2 days by vesicular breathing. Percussion sound changes according to stages inflammatory process: at the stage of tide - tympanic, at the stage of hepatization - blunt or blunt, at the stage of resolution - tympanic.
With fluoroscopy, foci of darkening are found at the site of the affected lobe, and with radiography, clearing is found. Changes from the side of cardio-vascular system occur from the first days of illness. An increase in body temperature by 1 ° C is accompanied by an increase in heart rate by 10-20 waves per 1 min. The pulse becomes full, at this time the heartbeat also increases. Heart sounds are clear, but amplified, especially the second one pulmonary artery. In cases of prolonged illness or complications, the pulse quickens, becomes weaker and softer. The veins become more tortuous and filled with blood, the mucous membranes have a bluish tint, and if the liver is damaged, they become jaundiced. Often, during a critical drop in temperature, vascular insufficiency develops: muscle tone, peripheral veins become empty, visible mucous membranes turn pale, the temperature of the peripheral parts of the body decreases, the pulse becomes thready, heart sounds weaken, and blood pressure drops. During this period they disappear conditioned reflexes, reflexes of the skin and cornea decrease.
Animals have decreased appetite and slowed peristalsis. Gastritis and coprostasis are often observed. Diuresis in the first days of the disease is significantly reduced, and with the onset of the resolution stage it is noticeably increased. Change accordingly physicochemical characteristics urine. In the first days of illness, urine has a high relative density (above 1.036), traces of protein are found in it, and the chloride content is reduced. In the resolution stage, the relative density of urine decreases, protein disappears, and the amount of chlorides increases. Urine reaction in herbivores serious condition slightly acidic, and alkaline during the recovery period.
Morphological and biochemical composition blood changes: significant leukocytosis is noted, a nuclear shift to the left to young, rarely to myelocytes; the number of eosinophils decreases and the number of monocytes increases. ESR in the first days of the disease is slowed down, and in the resolution stage it is accelerated. The total amount of protein in the first three stages is increased to 8.5% due to an increase in the tlobulin fraction, the content of bilirubin also increases up to 30 mg%, lactic acid - up to 20 mg%; the maintenance of chlorides and a reserve alkalinity of blood decrease. With the resolution of the process, the morphological and biochemical composition of the blood is restored.

Flow. The duration of the disease depends on the conditions of detention, feeding of the animals, the condition of the body, the timeliness and completeness of treatment. Timely initiation of treatment for good conditions maintenance and feeding often interrupts the process at the first stage of its development. In most cases, the disease lasts 14-15 days, and sometimes more. The latter happens when the disease is complicated by exudative pleurisy, hepatitis, in advanced cases- purulent pneumonia or gangrene of the lungs and ends in death.

The prognosis depends on the condition of the body, the location of the lesion and the duration of the course. More favorable for abortive forms of pneumonia, less favorable for lesions of the upper third of the lung and periaphragmatic area.

Pathological and anatomical changes. Each stage of development is accompanied by characteristic pathomorphological changes.
The flushing stage is characterized by hyperemia, blood stasis, slight exudation of serous fluid into the alveoli and interstitial spaces lung tissue. The affected lobe of the lung is slightly enlarged, dark red in color, rather dense; the lumen of the pulmonary alveoli, in addition to serous fluid, contains a small amount of red blood cells.
The red liver stage is accompanied by further sweating of fluid rich in protein and red blood cells. The alveoli are completely filled with a coagulated red mass. The affected lobe of the lung is airless and resembles the liver in consistency and color.
In the stage of gray hepatization, fibrinous exudate contains a large number of leukocytes and rejected alveolar epithelium.
In the stage of yellow hepatization, the lung tissue is dense, yellow in color; in the lumen of the bronchi, a large amount of dense and a small amount of liquid mass of saffron-yellow color is found.
The resolution stage begins from the moment the inflammatory phenomena fade away. At this time, the alveoli are filled with yellow exudate; in some cases, growths of connective tissue (carnification) and death of the alveolar tissue are found.

Diagnosis. Diagnosis of lobar pneumonia is based on identifying its characteristic clinical signs. To them. include a rapid rise in body temperature, a constant type of fever, a large focus of dullness, bilateral nasal discharge of saffron-yellow color, and a staged process. At the same time, studies are carried out to diagnose atypical lobar pneumonia. In all cases of manifestation of lobar pneumonia, a thorough analysis of the epizootic situation and differentiation of lobar pneumonia from peripneumonia, bronchopneumonia, pleurisy and pericarditis is necessary.

Treatment. During treatment, the following tasks are set: to provide the sick animal with the necessary nutrients, reduce oxygen deficiency, delay the development of pathogenic microflora, create an outflow of blood from the affected part of the lung, normalize neurotrophic processes in these areas, promote the resorption and removal of accumulated exudate and eliminate symptoms indicating a critical condition of the body. To complete the assigned tasks, sick animals are placed in rooms with clean, dry and warm air. The diet includes high-quality forb hay, malted and yeasted feed, and pine needle infusion in small quantities. Warming compresses, warm wraps, mustard plasters, cupping, rubbing, skin, blocking nerve nodes and trunks with novocaine help to relieve the processes.
A. M. Kolesov (1945) proposed a treatment regimen for lobar pneumonia in horses, which can also be used for large cattle. Treatment but its method depends on the stage of pneumonia: at the stage of hot flashes, rest is created, novarsenol is administered intravenously - 0.01 g per 1 kg of body weight (in isotonic sodium chloride solution), 10% calcium chloride solution - 200-250 ml, prescribed mustard plasters; in the stage of red and gray hepatization - novarsenol (second administration), mustard plasters or cups, rubbing the chest with irritating liniments, 20% camphor oil-20 ml 3 times a day or 10% caffeine - 20-30 ml subcutaneously, 400-600 ml 5% glucose solution into a vein and 0.5 units of insulin subcutaneously. per 1 kg of body weight; in the resolution stage, expectorants are given: ammonium chloride - 7-15 g, sodium hydrocaroonate - 20 g 3 times a day and diuretics: orally - juniper berries - 20-50 g, furosemide - 0.4, diacarb - 1.5-2, timisol - 5-10, hypothiazide - 0.25-0.5, potassium acetate (potassium acetate) - 25-60, bearberry leaves - 15-20, orthosiphon leaf - 30-35. hexamegalenetetramine (urotropine) orally and intravenously, 5-10 g 2 times a day for 3-4 days. Short walks are useful at this time.
Satisfactory results have been obtained from the use of norsulfazole, which is administered orally at a dose of 5-12 g (0.05 g per 1 kg of body weight) 4-5 times a day. Soluble norsulfazole ( sodium salt norsulfazole) is administered intravenously at 0.02-0.06 g per 1 kg of body weight 2-3 times a day for 4-5 days. in a row until body temperature drops. Good action sulfadimezine has an effect when administered orally after 4 hours at 0.08 g per 1 kg of body weight, on the 3-4th day of treatment - 0.02 after 6 hours, on the 5th day - but 0.01 g after 8 hours
Sulfanilamide preparations are combined with antibiotics (penicillin, bicillin-3, streptomycin, terramycin) or broad-spectrum antibiotics (streptomycin, tetracycline, neomycin sulfate, erythromycin) are used. In the case of using antibiotics without prolongators, it is recommended to administer them 4-5 times a day for 4-6 days. before the elimination of the main phenomena of the disease, when using antibiotics with prolongators, they can be administered after 8-12-48-120 hours. It is useful to combine antibiotic therapy with novocaine blockade of the star node - 0.25-0.5% novocaine solution at a dose of 0.5 -1 ml per
1 kg of body weight or intravenous administration of a 0.5-1% solution of novocaine 30-50 ml for 2-3 days in a row, once a day, some recommend administering once every 3-4 days. Along with sulfonamides and antibiotics, mustard plasters, cupping, diathermy, and UHF are used. To accelerate the course of the disease, use calcium chloride or calcium glyconate. Oxygen therapy and intravenous administration of glucose with ascorbic acid(0.5 ml of 40% glucose solution and 7 mg of ascorbic acid) and subcutaneous insulin 0.5 units. per 1 kg of body weight. Oxygen is administered through a special mask or subcutaneously into the chest area in an amount of 10-12 liters. At the resolution stage, expectorants are prescribed: ammonium chloride - 7-15 g per day, if there is no intestinal catarrh, or sodium bicarbonate - 15-30 g.
Cardiac activity is supported with camphor. She is introduced into oil solutions(20%) subcutaneously for large animals at a dose of 20 ml 2-3 times a day. Cordiamine is prescribed subcutaneously in 10-20 ml (25% solution). For vascular insufficiency, adrenaline (1:1000) - 1-5 ml is administered intravenously, norepinephrine (1:500-1:1000) - 2-5 ml in 100 ml of 5% glucose solution, mezaton, 1% - ny solution -
3 - 10 ml subcutaneously or intramuscularly. In prolonged cases, autohemotherapy is used - 30-50 ml daily for
4 - 5 days
At high body temperatures, antifibrin is given orally - 15-30 g, phenacytin - 15-25, latophenine - 10-15 g, a short-term cold shower followed by rubbing the body, warm wrapping and keeping the patient in a room with an air temperature of about 20 ° C. If the animal coughing, he is prescribed morphine subcutaneously, dionine - orally 0.2-0.3 g 1-2 times a day, omnopon - subcutaneously 0.2-0.3 g
2 times a day.

Inflammatory processes in the lungs of pets are not uncommon. The cause of the disease is most often an infection that enters the respiratory system. foreign objects. As a result of the development of the pathological process, normal gas exchange is disrupted, which severe cases may be life threatening four-legged friend. Treatment of pneumonia is complex and should be carried out under the supervision of a veterinary specialist.

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Perennial veterinary practice shows that the main reasons contributing to the development of pneumonia in dogs are the following:

Factors that provoke pneumonia, according to veterinarians, are:

  • Weakening of the body's immune system. failure to local immunity resisting the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the mucous membranes increases the risk of developing pneumonia. Veterinarians consider insufficient production of class A immunoglobulin to be one of the main immunological reasons pneumonia in animals.
  • Sudden temperature changes. Long-term walks in the winter are dangerous for short-haired dog breeds.
  • Unsatisfactory living conditions (damp, cold room with drafts).
  • Injuries in the chest area.
  • Contacts with relatives sick with infectious pathologies.
  • Unbalanced. Diet, poor complete proteins, vitamins, minerals weakens the body and increases the risk of inflammatory pathology.
  • Hit pathogens with low-quality feed. Fungal pneumonia can develop due to contamination of food with pathogenic fungi, such as Aspergillus.
  • Long-term use of certain medications, such as Digoxin.
  • Chemotherapy for malignant neoplasms.
  • Metabolic diseases (diabetes, uremia).

Puppies and older pets are most often susceptible to inflammation in the lungs due to a weak immune system. Hunting, guard and sled dogs, which due to the nature of their service have to deal with unfavorable factors external environment.

Types of pneumonia

The variety of causes leading to pneumonia in domestic animals determines the types of pathology. Experts distinguish between infectious and non-infectious types of pneumonia in dogs.


Inflammation of the lungs caused by the introduction of pathogenic microflora refers to infectious species illness.

The infectious agent can enter the dog’s body with food, water, through contact with a sick animal, as well as through the hematogenous and lymphogenous route during the underlying disease.


Aspiration pneumonia is a non-infectious form of the disease. The disease develops for several reasons: inhalation of small foreign objects, vomiting, paralysis and other neuromuscular diseases of the pharynx and esophagus, incorrect insertion of the tube for artificial feeding. Often the cause of aspiration is the administration of a drug by mouth.

Based on the nature of the inflammatory process in the lung tissue, veterinary specialists distinguish between catarrhal and lobar pneumonia.


The catarrhal form of the disease is characteristic of bronchopneumonia, when in the inflammatory pathological process bronchi and alveoli are involved. In this case, serous or serous-catarrhal exudate is formed, and the pathology is focal in nature. Puppies and older dogs are susceptible to the disease.


The most severe type of inflammatory process is lobar pneumonia. The pathology is associated with the fact that fibrin filaments, formed as a result of pathological inflammation, sweat into the lumen of the alveoli and bronchi. In addition to fibrinous exudate, erythrocytes and leukocytes are exuded.

In case of lobar pneumonia, veterinary specialists distinguish the stage of active hyperemia, red and gray hepatization and resolution. At the stage of red hepatization, fibrin fibers and red blood cells leave the capillaries. The gray hepatization stage is characterized by the migration of leukocytes. At the resolution stage, the exudate liquefies.

Symptoms in a dog

At the beginning of the disease, the owner usually observes general symptoms, characteristic of many respiratory diseases:

  • loss of appetite or complete failure from food, increased thirst;
  • lethargic, drowsy, apathetic state of the pet;
  • nose dry and hot to the touch;
  • chills, indicating an increase in body temperature;
  • nasal discharge of a mucopurulent nature.

With the development of inflammation, the symptoms become more characteristic of pneumonia:

Severity clinical picture largely depends on the severity of the inflammation and the state of the dog’s immune system.

Diagnostic methods

If pneumonia is suspected, the veterinarian will first perform lung percussion to detect areas of dullness and auscultation to assess breath sounds. Detection of wheezing, increased respiratory sounds, attenuation of breathing in different areas lungs indicate a pathological process.

An informative diagnostic method is an x-ray examination of the animal's chest. The inflamed area of ​​the lungs appears on the image as a darkening with an uneven border.

Complex therapy of the disease includes antibacterial agents, vasodilators, expectorants and mucolytic drugs. Special attention is given to the maintenance and proper feeding of a sick pet.

Antibiotics prescribed by your doctor

Antibacterial drugs play a leading role in the treatment of pneumonia in animals.
therapy. Its effectiveness can be increased by performing preliminary tests of sputum or bronchial washings for sensitivity to a particular group of antimicrobial agents.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are most often prescribed for illness: Gentamicin, Ampicillin, Amoxiclav. Cephalosporin drugs are effective: Cefotaxime, Ceftriaxone, Cephalexin, Cefuroxime. Cephalosporins are active against staphylococci, streptococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.

If the causative agent of pneumonia is chlamydia or mycoplasma, tetracyclines - Doxycycline, as well as macrolides, for example Sumamed, are used.

Vitamin therapy

An integrated approach necessarily includes vitamin therapy. By recommendation veterinarian a four-legged pet may be prescribed multivitamins, as well as intramuscular injections ascorbic acid, B vitamins. Useful for illness fat soluble vitamin A, which influences tissue regeneration processes.

Home care and recovery

After the pet’s condition has been stabilized in the hospital, get well soon at home, the owner must provide competent care:

  • The room should be warm, dry, without drafts
  • A balanced diet must be enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  • On the recommendation of a veterinarian, the owner can massage the chest to stimulate mucus production.
  • Useful at home dry heat in the form of irradiation with a Sollux lamp.

Warming up a dog's chest with a Sollux lamp
  • Strict compliance with the instructions of a veterinary specialist. Uncontrolled use of antitussive drugs, for example those based on codeine, is not allowed.
  • Treatment should be carried out under the control of radiographic examination.

Disease prevention

The owner can prevent the development of pneumonia in a four-legged family member by doing following tips and recommendations from veterinary specialists:

Pneumonia in dogs is a common disease that affects the alveolar tissue. Inflammation usually occurs with the introduction of pathogenic microflora. Dogs are often diagnosed with the aspiration form of the disease. Diagnostics includes general clinical methods and chest x-ray.

Treatment is complex and based on long-term use antibacterial drugs and should only be carried out under the supervision of a veterinarian.

Useful video

For information on the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia in dogs, watch this video:

Acute pneumonia with sweating into the alveoli and bronchioles of rapidly coagulating fibrinous exudate with a high content of red blood cells. The disease is characterized by the cyclical development of the pathological process, the rapid involvement of large areas of the lung (lobar pneumonia). The disease is observed in all animal species, but in its most typical (staged) form it occurs in horses.

Etiology. The causes of lobar pneumonia in horses have not been sufficiently studied. With the same clinical signs, they have two diseases. One of them is highly contagious (contagious equine pleuropneumonia) and is infectious, the other (lobar pneumonia) is not contagious and is considered non-contagious.

Croupous pneumonia as a typical process in the lungs (except for contagious pleuropneumonia) is observed in pasteurellosis, salmonellosis, horse wash, and hemorrhagic disease of horses. It also occurs after overwork, hypothermia, long-term transportation of horses and exposure to other unfavorable factors that reduce the body's resistance.

Clinical signs. The disease suddenly begins with high fever, depression, cough, rapid breathing and difficulty breathing. By auscultation, small and large bubbling wheezes are established (high tide stage); On the second to eighth day, when the exudate released into the lumen of the alveoli coagulates and the flow of air into the alveoli completely stops (hepatization stage), wheezing is no longer audible, but bronchial breathing is detected. Percussion at this stage of pneumonia establishes dullness over a large area of ​​the chest (lobar pneumonia). Its characteristic feature is the curved top (and not horizontal, unlike exudative pleurisy) border. An extensive area of ​​dullness is a very typical sign of lobar pneumonia. But sometimes, when inflammation is localized in the center of the lungs, when the focus is removed from the periphery and for this reason cannot be detected by percussion, extensive dullness is absent.

After 3-4 days from the onset of dullness, moist rales reappear in the lungs, indicating the beginning of the melting of the exudate and its resorption. Percussion at this time establishes the clarification of the percussion sound, i.e. its gradual transition from dull or dull to clear pulmonary (resolution stage). The appearance of wheezing and clearing of the percussion sound indicate the passage of air into the alveoli. Throughout the illness (if no treatment is applied) until the process begins to resolve, the animal maintains a high body temperature (a constant type of fever).

With the beginning of the resorption of the exudate, nasal discharge of a rusty-brown color appears (an admixture of blood breakdown products). Sometimes bleeding is observed at the beginning of the disease. Urine output decreases at the height of the disease, and increases when the resolution stage approaches. Protein, red blood cells, epithelium, and kidneys are often found in the urine, indicating inflammation of these organs.

The activity of the cardiovascular system changes. The pulse quickens. At the beginning of the disease, it is full, strong, the cardiac impulse and the second sound on the pulmonary artery are intensified. With the development of heart failure, edema appears, the filling of peripheral veins increases, the pulse weakens, has a small wave, the first tone is somewhat muffled and stretched out.

A febrile disease characterized by fibrinous inflammation of the lungs of the lobar type. Mostly horses are affected.

E t i o l o g and i

The primary role in the occurrence of lobar pneumonia is given to two factors: pathogenic microflora and allergic condition organism.

Most researchers associate the occurrence of lobar pneumonia with an increase in allergic reaction organism caused by a strong irritant - stressor.


The pathological process in lobar pneumonia in most cases develops rapidly (hyperergic inflammation) and is characterized by the rapid coverage of large areas of the lungs within several hours and the leakage of hemorrhagic-fibrinous exudate into the cavity of the alveoli. The inflammatory process in the lungs as a result of the penetration of pathogenic microflora spreads in three ways: bronchogenic, hematogenous and lymphatic.

The typical course of lobar pneumonia is characterized by a certain staged development of the inflammatory process.

There are four successive stages. The stage of inflammatory hyperemia, or hot flash, lasts from several hours to 2 days. At this stage, there is a pronounced overflow of cellular capillaries with blood, the patency of the capillary walls is impaired, diapedesis of erythrocytes, sweating of serous-hemorrhagic exudate into the lumen of the alveoli and bronchi, and swelling of the alveolar epithelium.

The stage of red hepatization is characterized by filling the lumen of the alveoli and bronchi with coagulated substances from erythrocytes and plasma proteins, mainly fibrinogen. The duration of this stage is 2-3 days. The stage of gray hepatization lasts 2-3, sometimes up to 4-5 days. At this stage, fatty degeneration of fibrinous exudate occurs and the number of leukocytes in it further increases.

The resolution stage is characterized by liquefaction of fibrinous exudate under the action of proteolytic and lipolytic enzymes, ero resorption and partial release through the respiratory tract during coughing. The duration of the permit station ranges from 2-5 days.

With lobar pneumonia, the function of the central nervous system, heart, liver, kidneys, intestines and other organs.

Pathological changes

In the stage of inflammatory hyperemia, the affected areas of the lungs are enlarged in volume, swollen, red-blue in color, do not sink in water, and when pressed, a foamy reddish liquid is released from the lumen of the bronchi when cut.

In the stages of red and gray hepatization, the affected lungs are airless, dense to the touch, resemble liver in consistency (hence the name hepatization), graininess is expressed on the cut, and they sink in water. In the stage of red hepatization, the coagulated fibrous exudate gives the lungs a red color, and in the stage of gray hepatization, the lung has a grayish or yellowish color due to fatty degeneration and migration of leukocytes.

In the resolution stage, the lung resembles the spleen in consistency and color, the granularity is less pronounced.

S ymptoms

In typical cases, lobar pneumonia occurs acutely, less often subacutely.

Signs of the disease appear suddenly: in sick animals, general depression quickly increases, appetite is lost, breathing becomes sharply rapid and tense, hyperemia and yellowness of the mucous membranes appear. Fever of a constant type: from the first day of illness with a typical staged development and until the stage of resolution, it lasts high level Regardless of the time of day, the horse’s temperature is usually within 41-42 °C. The pulse is increased against the norm by 10-20 per minute. The heartbeat is pounding, the second heart sound is increased.

In the first hours and days of illness, a dry, painful cough is noted, which later becomes less painful, dull and wet. The stage of red hepatization is characterized by bilateral outflow of brown or reddish-brown hemorrhagic-fibrinous exudate from the nasal openings. Upon auscultation in the stages of inflammatory hyperemia and resolution, harsh vesicular or bronchial breathing, crepitus, and moist rales are detected.

In the stages of red and gray hepatization, dry rales, bronchial breathing are listened to, or the absence of respiratory sounds in the areas of hepatization is detected. Percussion in the stages of inflammatory hyperemia and resolution in places of lung damage reveals a sound with a tympanic tint, and in the stage of hepatization - areas of dullness or dullness with a border that is arched and convex and located in the upper third of the pulmonary field.

D i a g n o z

based on history and clinical symptoms, the main of which are: suddenness of the disease, acute course, constant type of fever, staged course, extensive zone of dullness of the lung area in the form of an upward curved arc - corresponds to the upper arcuate line of the lung.

A blood test reveals leukocytosis with an increase in the number of band neutrophils and the presence of young neutrophils, lymphopenia, eosinopenia, a sharply increased ESR, a relative increase in globulin and a decrease in albumin protein fractions, the presence of large quantity fibrin and direct bilirubin.

X-ray examination reveals extensive intense foci of darkening of the pulmonary field. The intensity of the darkening is most pronounced in the stages of red and gray hepatization.


Cautious, delaying the provision of medical care is often unfavorable.


primary goal drug treatment- impact on pathogenic bacterial microflora, aimed at its destruction.

Etiotropic bacterial therapy is carried out immediately after diagnosis, for which antibiotics or sulfonamide drugs are used in maximum doses.

Antibiotics and sulfonamide drugs are prescribed for a course of treatment in such a way as to ensure their constant therapeutic concentration in the blood.

Antibiotics are administered intramuscularly 3-4 times a day for 6-10 days in a row at an average rate of 7000-10,000 units/kg. If antibiotics do not provide an effect, it is advisable to use other antibiotics to the maximum extent possible. therapeutic doses(previously laboratory research determine the most active antibacterial drug based on the sensitivity of the pulmonary microflora to it).

Norsulfazole, sulfadimezin, etazol or sulfonamide drugs of similar dosage are given orally 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days in a row.

In parallel with antibacterial therapy, pathogenetic, replacement and symptomatic therapy is indicated.

Antiallergic drugs include intravenous injections of sodium thiosulfate and calcium chloride. For this purpose, you can also use suprastin or pipolfen internally.

With progressive intoxication of the body, it is administered intravenously hypertonic solutions glucose with ascorbic acid, sodium chloride or hexamethylenetetramine.

When symptoms of cardiovascular failure develop, caffeine, intravenous camphor-alcohol solutions, strophanthin, cordiamine, adrenaline are used in therapeutic doses, and in case of hypoxia, oxygen therapy is carried out.

To accelerate the resorption of exudate in the resolution stage in the complex medicinal products expectorants and diuretics are used.

In the first 3-4 days of illness, in parallel with antibacterial drugs, it is recommended: unilateral blockade of the lower cervical sympathetic nodes, rubbing the chest walls with turpentine or 5% mustard alcohol, placing jars on the side surfaces of calves and small animals chest wall, use inductothermy, UHF, heating the chest with incandescent lamps (not in the heart area), warm wraps, heating pads and other means of physiotherapy.

In cases of sluggish or chronic course, with slow resorption of pneumonic foci, pneumosclerosis and the transition of inflammation to the pleura, autohemotherapy, iodine preparations, ion therapy, etc. are indicated.

P r o f i l a c t i c a

Aimed at increasing the body's resistance, compliance with maintenance technology and proper use of sports and working animals.

Exist various classifications pneumonia.

Primary; Primary pneumonia occurs when an animal is hypothermic, given cold water, or fed frozen food. Inadequate feeding and lack of vitamins in the diet contribute to the occurrence of Pneumonia.

Secondary; Secondary pneumonia occurs as a complication of non-contagious and infectious diseases.

With the flow:



Taking into account the spread and mechanism of development of the pathological process

Lobar (lobar, focal) pneumonia is characterized by a relatively rapid spread of the inflammatory process in the lungs, typically affecting individual lobes of the lungs or even the entire lung in the first hours of the disease. Lobar pneumonia almost always occurs quickly and severely, with pronounced clinical signs, and often has a characteristic stage. Lobar and some infectious pneumonias (infectious pleuropneumonia, pasteurellosis, etc.) occur in this type;

It must be taken into account that with lobar and lobular pneumonia there may be many etiological factors and several changing forms of the inflammatory process. Therefore, diagnoses - intravital (clinical) and postmortem (pathoanatomical) - in terms of terminology may sometimes not coincide.

Depending on the pathogen

Infectious pneumonias are divided into:

Fungal. It is mainly caused by the fungi Cryptococcus neoformans, the causative agent of cryptococcosis, and is difficult to treat.

Viral. For example, with viral distemper of carnivores or as a complication of respiratory viral infections of cats.

Bacterial. As a rule, this is a second infection accompanying bronchotracheitis, which often develops in small puppies when transported to long distances, or when feed masses enter the respiratory tract due to megaesophagus (total dilatation of the esophagus).

Based on the nature of the inflammatory process in the lungs and pathological changes:

According to this principle, pneumonia is divided into serous, catarrhal, serous-catarrhal, catarrhal-purulent, purulent, abscessing, purulent-necrotic, fibrinous, indurative, necrotic, etc.

Symptoms of lobar pneumonia are general weakness and increased body temperature. Above 39 °C, shortness of breath, cyanosis. Over the affected lobe of the lung, the dullness of percussion sound is canceled, bronchial breathing, crepitus, and pleural friction noise are heard. Focal bronchopneumonia is characterized by a sluggish, wet, painful cough, easily provoked by percussion of the chest. The pulmonary fields reveal foci of dullness of percussion sound, bronchovesicular breathing and moist fine-bubble ringing rales are heard.


Hematological research methods for bronchopneumonia reveal neutrophilic leukocytosis with a shift to the left, lymphopenia, eosinopenia, monocytosis, increased ESR, decrease in reserve alkalinity, decrease in catalase activity of erythrocytes, relative decrease in the albumin fraction of blood serum and increase in globulin fractions of proteins, decrease in the degree of hemoglobin saturation arterial blood oxygen.

The most objective and exact method diagnostics - selective x-ray examination. IN initial stages X-ray examination reveals homogeneous foci of shading with uneven contours in the apical and cardiac lobes of the lungs, blurring of the pulmonary field in the cranial areas of the lungs, and veiling of the anterior border of the heart. In chronic bronchopneumonia with localized lesions, dense, well-contoured foci of shading are visible in the area of ​​the apical and cardiac lobes. In this case, the anterior border of the heart is almost invisible in most cases. In patients with chronic confluent forms of bronchopneumonia with diffuse lesions of the lungs, X-ray examination reveals diffuse, extensive, intense shading in the anterior and lower parts of the pulmonary field. The borders of the heart, the cardiophrenic triangle and the contours of the ribs in the affected areas are not distinguished.

For mass research on large livestock farms, a fluorographic method for the differential diagnosis of bronchopneumonia was proposed (R. G. Mustakimov, 1970) different forms in calves, sheep and pigs.

In some cases, to clarify the diagnosis, a biopsy from the affected areas of the lungs, bronchography, bronchophotography, examination of tracheal mucus, nasal discharge, and other research methods are used. During clinical examination, selective pathological autopsies with histological examination of animals suspected of the disease and animals killed for diagnostic purposes are recommended.

With bronchitis, there is no or mild increase in body temperature, dull areas of the lungs are not identified, leukocytosis is not expressed, and X-ray examination does not reveal shadowed foci in the lungs.

Unlike lobar pneumonia, with bronchopneumonia there is no suddenness of the disease, a staged course, a constant type of fever, lobar foci of dullness in the first days of the disease, or fibrinous discharge from the nasal openings.

Effective symptomatic remedies, as with bronchitis, for a period of 7 days, but it is necessary to immediately introduce broad-spectrum antibiotics into high doses. For viral infections, this is only as an addition to the treatment of the underlying disease. In case of severe disease, glucocorticoids, cardiac glycosides and drugs that improve blood circulation are also prescribed.

Bacterial pneumonia

Cough leading clinical sign inflammation of the lungs is a very common symptom of many diseases in dogs and cats. Therefore, the diagnosis of pneumonia cannot be made solely on the basis of the results of a clinical examination; an X-ray examination is required. Taking into account the data of the medical history and illness, it is possible to identify patients from the risk group who should be examined most carefully.

Coughing in puppies purchased from a pet store, market, shelter, or picked up on the street can be a sign of both bronchotracheitis and canine distemper.

Coughing dogs and cats with high temperature, with a lack of appetite, indifferent to the world around them, must definitely pass x-ray examination; Many patients with pneumonia do not have a fever, and some even remain as active as normal.

Dogs suspected of having megaesophagus should be evaluated for pneumonia, and patients with a confirmed diagnosis should undergo periodic radiographic evaluation.

Kittens with acute infection of the upper respiratory tract, in the absence of positive dynamics for treatment, should undergo an x-ray examination.

It's important to remember that bacterial pneumonia- a secondary process that complicates the course of the underlying disease. Therefore, the main task of the doctor is to recognize this disease, to diagnose correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. And this may require additional diagnostic procedures and consultations with specialists, for example, a cardiologist, oncologist, etc.

Assessing the condition of an animal with pneumonia

The condition of an animal with pneumonia can be assessed as:

Stable - the animal has a strong cough, but maintains a good appetite and normal activity. Such patients can be treated at home.

Unstable - poor appetite, or lack thereof, lethargy and apathy, the patient must be admitted to a hospital.

Critical - the body does not receive the required amount of oxygen; the patient requires oxygen therapy and/or artificial ventilation lungs, as well as round-the-clock monitoring.

The prognosis for pneumonia is cautious. It all depends on the primary problem in each individual animal.

Aspiration pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs resulting from water, food, or vomit entering the respiratory tract. Aspiration occurs in drowning animals, with diseases of the central nervous system, obstruction of the esophagus by a foreign body, loss of consciousness, anesthesia during full stomach, at the moment of swallowing. Severe aspiration pneumonia is rare. A severe course of the disease occurs when the aspirated masses are highly acidic.


At first, the animal experiences a rapid increase in hemodynamic shock, but then, as the airways are cleared, the condition improves. Further, the picture becomes similar to ordinary bronchopneumonia. The localization of radiographic opacities in the lungs is determined by the position of the dog’s body at the time of aspiration. The most typical are caudoventral opacities.

The listed phenomena always occur urgently, therefore, if possible, the doctor himself carries out emergency measures or instructs the owner over the phone about first aid. At the first moment, the animal is placed in a head-down position, and 2-3 minutes after the bulk of the foreign body has drained off, 3 sharp lateral compressions of the chest are performed to push out the remains. With deep aspiration, the aspirated masses are sucked out of the trachea and main bronchi using a probe. Then a 4.2% sodium bicarbonate solution is injected there, thus washing the airways twice. Additionally, broad-spectrum antibiotics, bronchospasmolytics and glucocorticoids are prescribed. In cases of intractable shock, the prognosis is unfavorable.

Septic and thromboembolic pneumonia

There are rarely. Hematogenous spread of microbes (streptococci, staphylococci, coli etc.) against the background of a decrease in the natural resistance of the body (overload, surgery, therapy with glucocorticoids or cytostatics) determines the development of the disease.

The phenomena of septicopyemia come to the fore: high body temperature, general weakness, anorexia, shortness of breath (can be severe), cough (not pronounced). The phenomena of endo- and myocarditis, polyarthritis, etc. are added. Auscultation does not provide definite data. On the radiograph, there are disseminated multiple blurred spots of darkening in the diaphragmatic lobes. Treatment is carried out for 10-14 days with broad-spectrum antibiotics and agents that improve blood circulation.

The diagnosis is confirmed by examination of sputum and feces for eggs and larvae of worms.

Mycotic pneumonia

Rarely registered. They occur in certain regions of the country and are caused by pathogenic fungi type of proactinomycetes. Mycotic pneumonia can occur secondary to long-term use of aminoglycoside antibiotics. Pneumonia of mycotic origin is indicated by the presence of symptoms chronic inflammation respiratory organs simultaneously with damage to the skin, mucous membranes, lymph nodes, central nervous system and bones. At the same time, a whitish coating is sometimes found on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, and mouth. X-ray examination reveals changes only in primary mycoses. Histoplasmosis, coccidioidomycosis and nocardiosis are accompanied by severe enlargement of the bronchial lymph nodes and darkening in the region of the roots of the lungs. Primary lesions in blastomycosis and histoplasmosis give round shadows in the lungs, reminiscent of tumor metastases. Nocardiosis and actinomycosis are almost always accompanied by purulent pleurisy. The diagnosis is made by examining samples of pleural exudate or bronchial secretions. Filamentous fungi are detected. An additional indication may be the resistance of the sick animal to traditional therapy. But treatment is possible. The use of amphoterecin B for 4 weeks is effective. and more (to avoid relapse). During the treatment, the mucous membranes are additionally treated with Lugol's solution.

Uremic pneumonia

Inflammation of the lungs accompanying uremia, since the latter predisposes to pulmonary edema and the development of bacterial infection.

Treatment: antibiotics and anti-uremia drugs are prescribed.

Animal hantavirus pneumonia syndrome

The reservoir and sources of the pathogen have not been clearly established; It is believed that these are deer, or white-footed, mice (Peromyscus maniculatus), which have field conditions a similar Muerto Canyon virus has been identified.

Atelectatic pneumonia

It occurs due to the formation of insufficiently ventilated, collapsed or airless areas in the lungs (hypopneumatosis and atelectasis). Mostly emaciated, weakened animals get sick. Sheep are more often affected, horses, pigs and cattle are less common.


The cause of atelectatic pneumonia is the stocking of the herd with underdeveloped young animals. This happens when malnutrition pregnant animals (lack of protein, mineral components, vitamins and other essential substances in the diet). As a result, underdeveloped young animals are born with increased susceptibility to the disease. Predisposing reasons are overcrowded housing (especially in insufficiently ventilated rooms with an increased concentration of harmful gases), hypogalactia of the uterus, lack of walking and active exercise.

Treatment of pneumonia

The goal of treatment is to stabilize the patient's general condition so that owners have the opportunity to treat their pet at home, since the duration of therapy is several weeks. If the animal has a good appetite, it is prescribed antibiotics in tablets with food, a course of physiotherapy and periodic x-ray examinations to monitor the dynamics of the disease.

Animals isolated with lobar pneumonia are considered as suspected infectious disease. Therefore, they are placed in a separate isolated room or isolation ward, and the room from which the patients are isolated is disinfected. Until clarification accurate diagnosis No new animals are brought into this room.

In calm weather, patients are kept in the summer under shady canopies or in the shade of trees. The best quality green grass, hay, and fodder carrots are introduced into the diet of herbivores. Drinking water is not limited.

The main goal of drug treatment is to influence pathogenic bacterial microflora, aimed at its destruction and inhibition of reproduction. Etiotropic bacterial therapy is carried out immediately after diagnosis, for which novarsenol, miarsenol, antibiotics or sulfonamide drugs are used in maximum doses.

When inpatient treatment The patient is prescribed the following treatment measures: - Antibiotic therapy

In hospital settings, antibacterial drugs are used in the form of injections. It is important that active substance the drug penetrated into pus and sputum; not all antibiotics are capable of this. Doctors try to prescribe a combination of antibiotics that complement each other's action to cover the entire spectrum of gram-positive and gram-negative, aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. In each case, an antibiotic sensitivity test should be performed before starting antibiotic therapy. To do this, you need to obtain a tracheal wash. The procedure is performed under sedation. The resulting secretion is sent to a bacteriological laboratory, where it is sown on nutrient media, a pure bacterial culture is isolated and titrated for sensitivity to antibiotics. In parallel with the washings, the histology of the bronchi is taken, which is important for the patient’s prognosis.


In this case it is special massage for better sputum separation. Rapid tapping of the chest helps to separate secretions from the lungs and remove them into the lumen of the bronchi. Once in the respiratory tract, the discharge provokes a cough, which provides rapid elimination sputum. This procedure must be carried out at least 4 times a day and as long as the animal continues to cough.

Light physical activity also promotes better effective removal secret. It is recommended to avoid increased exercise due to respiratory failure. This issue requires an individual approach.

Oxygen therapy

Its appointment is necessary for severe forms of respiratory failure. For the same reason, artificial ventilation may be required. Room air contains about 20% oxygen, and the gas mixture during oxygen therapy contains 40%. Higher concentrations are not recommended due to toxic effect pure oxygen on lung tissue. The patient who requires this type of therapy is usually in very serious condition.

Infusion therapy (“drips”)

Infusion therapy is carried out for animals that show signs of decompensation (shortness of breath, vomiting, loose stools, refusal to feed). Such therapy must be carried out in a hospital setting, since the condition of the animals is respiratory failure severe and it is important to carefully monitor indicators such as urine output per hour and increasing shortness of breath. This cannot be done at home, as there is a risk of developing pulmonary or cerebral edema.

home care

Once the patient regains normal appetite, treatment can be continued at home. And in this case, the owner and his family members are required strict adherence rules:

Do not allow your pet to stay in cold, damp air for long periods of time. In inclement and frosty weather, it is better to stay at home.

Tapping massage 4 times a day, light physical activity to stimulate cough.

Do not suppress your cough with special cough suppressants. Regular removal of infected secretions from the respiratory tract is necessary.

Use antibiotics according to instructions. The course of treatment is up to several weeks.

The patient requires periodic x-ray examinations.

Please discuss any changes in your treatment regimen with your doctor.