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Use of Kalanchoe in folk medicine. What Kalanchoe treats - the use of a unique plant

TO alanchoe.

Flower of life, indoor ginseng, green first aid kit, home healer in a flowerpot - this is what people call this amazing plant. Many peoples around the world have known since ancient times what unique healing properties it has, but traditional medicine and herbal medicine are still studying it.

The plant entered our indoor floriculture quite recently, although other types of Kalanchoe have long been known to gardeners. This is an unpretentious evergreen plant. The stem reaches 120 cm. It grows quickly, the leaves are fleshy and juicy, the length of the lower ones is 15-20 cm, the width is 10 cm. At home it grows in flowerpots. Features indoor ginseng compared to Kalanchoe pinnate - abundant formation of aerial children from brood leaf buds, producing leaves with roots. The stem of Kalanchoe Degremona is uneven, often creeping, and requires support. The leaf blades are more jagged, oblong-pointed, and have a much darker color compared to Kalanchoe pinnate.


In summer and winter, the plant is placed in bright, sunny rooms. In winter, the temperature should not be lower than 12-15° C.

During the growth period, watering is moderate. In winter, the plant is watered very rarely. In the summer, they are fed twice a month with fertilizers for cacti; viviparous Kalanchoe should be fertilized once a month.

Propagated by leaf and stem cuttings. Small plants are placed in substrates containing large amounts of sand.

After flowering, the flower stalks should be removed. Place the plant on a shady windowsill for one month and hardly water it. Then move it to a well-lit place and water as usual.


According to information traditional medicine, Kalanchoe Degremona has long been used in everyday life in the treatment of many diseases. Medicinal value Kalanchoe has an aerial part - grass (leaves). Juice is obtained from it, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. The drug stimulates wound healing and cleansing of necrotic (dead) tissue. Dosage forms - Kalanchoe juice and Kalanchoe ointment - are widely used in medicine. The juice of a plant grown on a windowsill contains flavonoids, a small amount of tannins, vitamin C, micro- and macroelements: aluminum, magnesium, iron, calcium, manganese, copper. The leaves of Kalanchoe contain polysaccharides, organic acids: malic, oxalic, acetic, as well as enzymes from which active drugs are obtained.


JUICE: cut the plant and keep it at a temperature of 5-10 degrees in a dark place for no more than 7 days. After this, everything is crushed and ground with a wooden spoon to a paste. Then squeeze the juice through sterile gauze and leave in a container until sediment settles for 2 days. The juice is diluted with 20% alcohol in a ratio of 20:1. Store it at a temperature of 10°C.

Kalanchoe juice is used only as an external remedy for the treatment of trophic ulcers, purulent infection, bedsores, fistulas, as well as skin grafts. In these cases, 4-5 layers of gauze, generously moistened with Kalanchoe juice, are applied to the surface of the wound. Kalanchoe ointment in combination with St. John's wort oil is useful. Kalanchoe juice is used in the treatment of periodontal disease. Aerosol inhalation of juice reduces bleeding gums and relieves itching.

OINTMENT: In a clean cup, mix 30 ml of juice and 50 g of pure lanolin. Add 50 g of Vaseline to the slurry and mix until smooth. Use for boils trophic ulcers.

ALCOHOL TINCTURE: 2 tbsp. crushed leaf, pour 200 ml of 40% alcohol and leave to infuse in a warm room for 10 days. Strain and use for compresses and rinsing. For inflammation of the middle ear, instill 1-2 drops of tincture at night.

Kalanchoe has healing properties. The plant is indispensable for people who experience attacks in the morning. bad mood and they just can’t get to work. The soft, unobtrusive energy of the plant will help to raise vitality. It is enough to sit near the Kalanchoe for half an hour, and you will feel a surge of strength. You can place the plant anywhere: in the kitchen, in the living room, and in the nursery - the energy of Kalanchoe is always positive and will put you in a peaceful mood. In the bedroom, the plant will provide you with dreams without nightmares and purify the air from harmful microbes. It’s not for nothing that he is called the house doctor.

For vitamin deficiency and loss of strength: eat a teaspoon of “babies” daily or add them to salads.

For a runny nose: squeeze the juice out of the leaf and put 1-2 drops into your nose once or twice a day.

At varicose veins veins on the legs, prepare a tincture: fill a 0.5 liter jar with finely chopped Kalanchoe leaves and fill with vodka to the top, close tightly, leave for a week in a dark place. Rub your feet with the tincture at night, using circular movements, moving from the feet upward. The course of treatment is 2-3 months.

For trophic, post-thrombophlebic and post-traumatic ulcers: fold gauze or a wide bandage three to four times, moisten it generously with freshly squeezed juice and apply to the sore spot. Change the dressing daily.

For minor wounds, boils, cracked nipples: apply 2-3 drops of juice to the affected area.

For burns: apply crushed leaves to damaged skin for two hours.

For blepharitis, conjunctivitis, sore throat, tonsillitis, stomatitis: pour 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves with a glass of boiling water, simmer for 2-3 minutes, then let the broth cool and strain. Rinse your eyes with it three times a day and gargle.

Valentina Matveichenko, herbalist


FOR STOMACH ULCERS, take 1 tsp of plant juice for a month. 3 times a day. You will forget about the disease.

FOR SINUS, dilute the juice boiled water in a ratio of 1:2 and suck through the nose. Everything goes away in a week.

FOR FLU, for prevention, lubricate the nasal mucosa with juice 2-3 times a day. In this way, an epidemic can be avoided. It is believed that houses that have 2-3 flowerpots with Kalanchoe Degremon will avoid the flu.

FOR EAR INFLAMMATION, drop 1-2 drops of juice into the sore ear 3-4 times a day.

FOR INFLAMMATION OF THE EYELIDS, 1-2 drops of juice are dripped onto the eyelids 3-4 times a day.

FOR INFLAMMATION OF THE GUM, ORAL CAVITY, take the juice into your mouth and rinse.

FOR PURPUS WOUNDS, BOLES, SKIN BOLDS, ECZEMA, HERPES, BURNS, drop 2-3 drops of juice onto the affected parts of the body several times a day. The wound heals quickly and disappears. The course of treatment is 5-6 days. For burns, mix the juice with protein and apply to the affected areas.

IN CERVICAL EROSION (in initial stage) 10-15 applications with juice, and the erosion is delayed.

FOR MASTITIAS, lubricate the juice 2-3 times a day around the nipples, make compresses with it 3 times a day on the swollen mammary glands. The temperature drops and everything goes away.


FOR TUBERCULOSIS, take 1 tsp. juice diluted with water 1:2, twice a day after meals.

FOR PSORIASIS, tie crushed Kalanchoe leaves to disease-affected areas.

FROM WARTS: cover the wart with crushed leaves, tie and hold this compress for a while.

FOR MENTAL AND PHYSICAL FATIGUE, chew and swallow a fresh leaf. After 15-20 minutes, the body is restored and performance returns.

FOR VARICOSE VEINS: fill half a liter bottle with chopped Kalanchoe leaves and fill to the top with vodka or 70% alcohol, place in a dark place and shake periodically. After a week, the tincture is ready. Rub your feet with the tincture, starting from the feet, moving to the knees and above. The pain in the legs will go away quickly, but to cure the network of veins, the procedure must be carried out within 4 months.

Now more...

1. For inflammation of the tonsils, prepare Kalanchoe juice, dilute it with slightly warmed water and irrigate the throat every hour.

2. How to make juice from Kalanchoe?
It is better to prepare it in advance and preserve it. Then you will always have a supply of juice just in case. It is necessary to cut off the leaves and stems of Kalanchoe and put them in the refrigerator for three to four days (can be kept for up to a week). Finely chop and crush with a wooden rolling pin. Fold the gauze in several layers and squeeze out the juice. Leave it in the refrigerator for another two days, then pour it into a bottle without shaking so that no sediment gets in. Add vodka diluted with half and half water. For one gram of Kalanchoe juice, take twenty grams of diluted vodka. Keep the juice in the refrigerator.

3. Making balm from Kalanchoe.
Take fifty grams of lanolin, fifty grams of Vaseline and thirty milliliters of Kalanchoe juice. Beat everything well. This balm can be used to treat boils and pimples.

4. To make an alcohol tincture from Kalanchoe, take two tablespoons of greens and finely chop. Fill with vodka. For one tablespoon of Kalanchoe greens, take one hundred milliliters of vodka. Close the container tightly and leave for a week and a half in a dark closet. This product is used only for external treatment of wounds. Ingestion alcohol infusion ki Kalanchoe improves vision. You should take one tablespoon three times a day for two weeks. Then you should take a break for ten days and drink the tincture again.

5. For otitis media, place two drops of Kalanchoe alcohol tincture in your ear before bedtime and close ear canal cotton wool and go to bed.

6. If you suffer from vitamin deficiency or anemia, collect small kalanchoes growing on the edges of the leaves and eat them. One teaspoon per day will be enough. In the same case, when you have no time to collect “babies” from Kalanchoe, replace them biologically active additive Spirulina from Tiens. This preparation also contains all the necessary vitamins and microelements for normal operation body.

7. For varicose veins, treat your legs with alcohol tincture of Kalanchoe.

8. For ulcers on the lower extremities, apply a bandage made of three layers of gauze soaked in Kalanchoe juice to the sore spots. Wear this bandage constantly, moistening it once a day.

9. If you suffer from stomach ulcers, drink one teaspoon of Kalanchoe juice three times a day. This remedy is excellent at healing ulcers.

10. For conjunctivitis and blepharitis, drop two drops of freshly prepared Kalanchoe juice into your eyes three times a day.

11. If you have been diagnosed with cervical erosion, use tampons soaked in Kalanchoe juice. The procedure should be carried out for two weeks in a row. Very effective remedy.

12. Mastitis in the early stages is treated by treating the nipple circles with Kalanchoe juice. Also apply lotions to the sore mammary gland three times a day. Soon the temperature will return to normal.

13. Drinking one teaspoon of Kalanchoe juice three times a day helps get rid of inflammation in the excretory and digestive organs.

14. If you suffer from psoriasis or eczema, take a Kalanchoe leaf, peel it and tie it to the ulcers. The same should be done to get rid of warts.

More information is here..


Among the plants around us there are many whose medicinal properties are truly unique. One of them is Kalanchoe, which, without exaggeration, can be called a pharmacy on the windowsill. This is popular home plant It is very unpretentious, easily propagated, and its thick leaves are a source of healing juice, which is widely used in various areas of official medicine, folk healing, and cosmetology. In particular, the plant is part of the most effective medicines for varicose veins, widely used for runny nose and sinusitis. In addition, the flower helps strengthen hair, treats acne, and has virtually no contraindications for use.

Plant characteristics

Numerous varieties of Kalanchoe belong to the genus of succulents, that is, plants whose leaves are capable of accumulating large amounts of juice. They grow wild in Africa, subtropical zones of Asia, as well as in South America and the islands of Oceania. Starting from the century before last, indoor plants began to be grown in Europe, not forgetting about its medicinal properties.

On the windowsills of our houses you can most often find three types:

  1. Kalanchoe pinnata is an erect plant with axillary leaves and flowers in the form of red-pink panicles.. It has the most pronounced healing qualities.
  2. Kalanchoe Degremona. Its triangular leaves form brood buds at their edges, from which an independent plant develops, taking root immediately after falling. This type is widely used in folk medicine, it is grown in subtropical zones for the production of medicinal raw materials.
  3. Less known are the medicinal properties of the third variety, Blossfeld. The plant has rounded leaves and red inflorescences that open throughout the winter. It is prized mainly by florists, although research has shown that it also has medicinal qualities.

Chemical composition

Juicy leaves contain 90% juice, which, in turn, is very rich in bio active ingredients. The largest share among all ingredients is accounted for by flavonoids (luteolin, quercetin, eupafolin, luteolin, etc.). Additionally contains:

  • triterpenoids, which stop the growth of tumors;
  • bufadienolides, which belong to the group of steroids that have cardiotonic and antitumor effects;
  • polysaccharides, organic acids, tannins;
  • vitamins;
  • trace elements (zinc, chromium, manganese, molybdenum, etc.).

Scientific research has found that the plant can influence various aspects of activity human body, although its exact mechanism has not yet been fully elucidated.

The activity of the juice increases after the cut leaves have been in the dark for a certain time.

Treatment characteristics

The fact that this plant stops bleeding, promotes wound healing and even stops toothache, has been known for a long time. Since the time of keeping the flower at home, it has been used in therapy:

  • wounds and abscesses, including mastitis;
  • burns;
  • runny nose;
  • otitis;
  • sinusitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • cleansing the face of pimples and blackheads;
  • stimulating hair growth, etc.

The medicinal properties were systematically studied in the early sixties of the last century. It was found that the extract has antimicrobial and antiviral effects, in particular, it is active against staphylococci, some types of influenza viruses, polioviruses II, etc., and also helps to increase immunity and regeneration processes, cleans wounds of dead tissue. As a result of the research, medicinal preparations were developed that are currently recommended for use in dentistry, gynecology, surgery, otolaryngology and other areas of medicine.

The juice of this plant is sold in pharmacies - in the form of liquid with the addition of alcohol, as well as granulated. This is officially registered pharmacological drug recommended for external use, including for the treatment of postoperative sutures, washing and irrigation of mucous membranes, as well as for the runny nose, sinusitis, otitis media, varicose veins and other diseases. At the pharmacy you can purchase ready-made pharmaceutical forms in the form of extract and ointment.

People's and Alternative medicine recommends internal use plants for the treatment of tuberculosis, gastritis, peptic ulcer, kidney inflammation.

How to prepare and store?

Leaves and young shoots are used to prepare juice at home. They are cut, washed and placed in the refrigerator for a week. After this, the raw materials are crushed and squeezed. To enhance the beneficial properties, the extract is kept in the refrigerator for another day or two, filtered and drained from the sediment; it should be transparent (or with a slight suspension), have a yellowish color and a pleasant herbal odor.

You can immediately use the remedy for a runny nose, otitis media, sinusitis, eye burns and for other purposes, or preserve the juice with alcohol (1 part alcohol per five parts juice) and store in a sealed glass container in the refrigerator for no more than a year.


At home, juice, crushed mass, water and alcohol infusion, and ointments are used.

Fresh leaves

One of the most popular and fastest ways is to use a freshly picked leaf. It is washed, crushed with a knife or meat grinder and wrapped in a gauze napkin. The application is applied to:

  • cuts with bleeding;
  • boils, burns, bedsores;
  • nodes from varicose veins;
  • sore gums and other painful places.

From the pulp, doused with an equal amount of vodka, you can prepare an effective lotion for oily hair and acne-prone skin. It has the beneficial property of restoring immunity after serious illnesses. To do this, you need to eat one leaf per day (no larger than matchbox) or a tablespoon of growth buds.


You can prepare nasal drops for a runny nose and sinusitis according to the recipe given above. If necessary, the liquid can be squeezed out of the pulp through a napkin and dropped in immediately (one drop every two hours). It is in this form that it is best to use Kalanchoe for a runny nose in children. For adults, the dose can be up to four drops in each nostril after two hours. After instillation, sneezing may appear, but then the nose clears and the disease goes away.

Juice diluted with water (a teaspoon in a third of a glass) is taken twice a day half an hour before meals as an adjuvant for tuberculosis, and also as a prophylaxis in case of contact with a tuberculosis patient. The course of such treatment is three months.

The squeeze is used to lubricate cuts, burns, inflamed areas of the skin, irrigate purulent wounds, bedsores, postoperative sutures, make lotions and gynecological tampons. It is also widely used in cosmetology. The extract has properties:

  • remove pimples and blackheads;
  • increase skin elasticity and smooth out wrinkles, especially on the neck;
  • treat inflammation and pustules;
  • whiten the face and eliminate pigmentation.

The lotions eliminate swelling of the eyelids, puffiness and dark circles under the eyes, and daily rubbing of the scalp accelerates hair growth and helps stop baldness.


To prepare the infusion, the leaves are poured with water and kept in a water bath for 10 minutes. For external use, take plant materials and liquid in a ratio of 1:5, for oral use – 1:10. The concentrated product is used to treat:

  • varicose veins;
  • ulcers;
  • burns;
  • bedsores;
  • eczema and other dermatological diseases;
  • inflamed eyelids and other areas of the skin.

The product is useful for rinsing the mouth and throat for sore throat, stomatitis, toothache, douching for erosion and vaginitis, as well as strengthening hair. A weaker solution is used to treat anacid gastritis and chronic colitis. To do this, drink it twice a day for a month, 30 minutes before meals. Dosage – up to half a glass.


Kalanchoe extract is prepared by boiling a water infusion. Young shoots and leaves are crushed, poured with water in a ratio of 1:5 and boiled in a water bath for twenty minutes. Then the mixture is filtered, and the resulting liquid is boiled to half the original volume. To preserve all the beneficial properties, the product should be stored in the cold in a glass container for no more than a year. Applications are made from it for treatment:

  • burns;
  • fistulas;
  • periodontal disease;
  • gingivitis.

Alcohol tincture

To prepare the tincture fresh leaves Place loosely in a glass container and fill with vodka to the top. The mixture is kept for 10 days in a dark but warm place, shaking daily, then filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Alcohol tincture of Kalanchoe is used for:

  • manifestations of varicose veins (rubbing every evening);
  • otitis (drop 1-2 drops at night);
  • treatment of wounds and abscesses;
  • rinse your mouth and throat (a teaspoon per glass of water).

Homemade ointment

Ready-to-use ointment is sold in pharmacies, but it is easy to prepare at home. For the most simple recipe a tablespoon of canned juice is mixed with two tablespoons of pork or goose fat, you can also use fresh butter or lanolin. The product helps in the treatment of:

  • insect bites;
  • boils;
  • cracks on lips, heels, hands;
  • burns;
  • hematoma;
  • joint pain;
  • dry skin prone to inflammation.

The medicine can be used for both adults and children.


Topical use of Kalanchoe has no contraindications - the plant does not cause complications, is not toxic and has no side effects (except for allergies).

However, when taken orally, an overdose of this drug can be dangerous, in particular, cause cardiac dysfunction. Strictly contraindicated internal treatment at:

  • pregnancy;
  • liver problems;
  • thrombosis;
  • hypotension;
  • V childhood.

Update: October 2018

Kalanchoe is an extensive genus perennial plants family Crassulaceae. Today, more than two hundred species of plants are known that grow in the tropics, Southeast and South Africa, Australia, some are grown as ornamental plants. The largest species diversity (about 100) is found on the African continent, somewhat less in Central America, Australia, South Asia, Mexico, Cape Verde, Hawaii, Caribbean and Canary Islands.

The most common types of Kalanchoe, which have medicinal properties and are used in recipes of traditional and official medicine, especially for the treatment of ENT pathologies (for the runny nose, sinusitis), are:

  • Cirrus (Kalanchóe pinnata) is the most studied species used in official medicine for the preparation of pharmaceuticals. It is this type, as it is more studied, that should be used in home recipes;
  • Blossfeldiana (Kalanchoe blossfeldiana) is a less studied variety, but is also used by herbalists;
  • Degremona (Kalanchoe daigremontiana) is a crop that most often appears in traditional medicine recipes. Some Western sources report the toxicity of all parts of this plant species, but there are no recorded cases of poisoning in humans.

A feature of plants is their ability to take water from the air, which determines their high survival rate in unfavorable conditions and adaptability to such conditions.

Morphological description

Kalanchoe pinnate

It can reach a height of up to 2 m, has a strong, fleshy stem, tree-like below. On the stem opposite each other are petioled leaves slightly pubescent with hairs, having round shape and glossy surface. Often, leaf buds are formed in the recesses of the teeth, which are intended for vegetative propagation.

The plant blooms irregularly and not strongly; flowering often occurs on cold period of the year. The inflorescences are axillary panicles: large bisexual flowers sit on the pedicels. Every kalanchoe flower- this is the basis of 4 fruit-boxes, which are surrounded by the remains of the corolla. The seeds are small, oval.

Kalanchoe Degremona

This is a popular variety of the genus, the peculiarity of which is the presence of children located on the edges of the leaves. The babies fall off the leaves very easily and quickly take root. The crop is not tall, up to 50 cm, the stems most often creep, so they need support. The leaves are oblong, pointed, dark green. Flowering occurs in winter - the flowers are bell-shaped, large, pink-violet in color.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld

This is a popular plant with numerous bare, weakly branched stems. The height of the plant reaches up to 30 cm. The leaves are round or ovoid in shape, green or dark green in color. Sometimes there is a red border along the edge of the leaf. It blooms for a long time, from the beginning of winter to the beginning of summer. Flowers of dark red, pink, yellow or orange reach a diameter of up to 1 cm, collected in inflorescences in the shape of brushes.

History and popularization of Kalanchoe

ABOUT healing properties Kalanchoe was known in ancient times - the inhabitants of the island of Madagascar, which is considered the historical homeland of the culture, were actively treated with the juice of the plant both internally and externally. In a number of countries, the plant has found use in the treatment of tuberculosis. On the territory of modern European countries, where the plant was imported as a medicinal plant, there were many adherents alternative treatment For example, Johann Goethe daily ingested Kalanchoe “babies”, which, in his opinion, had a rejuvenating effect.

The plant attracted the attention of scientists only in 1962, when notes began to appear about the so-called “indoor ginseng,” which eliminated many diseases forever.

The first clinical trials were organized in 1966. The fresh juice of the plant was used to treat fistulas, wounds and burns in several patients, which healed very poorly. The result of the experiment was positive and proved that Kalanchoe has medicinal properties and can be used internally and externally.

The plant juice quickly gained popularity and began to be produced on an industrial scale. A little later, ointments appeared. All drugs were used to heal wounds, cleanse them of necrotic masses and eliminate inflammatory phenomena.

Collection and preparation

Since Kalanchoe is an indoor plant, it should not be prepared in advance. However, experienced herbalists do not entirely agree with this position and recommend special preparation of the plant before preparing dosage forms.

The best time to harvest leaves is from the beginning of August to the end of October. The required number of leaves are cut from the plant, washed in water and placed in a dry, dark and cool place for 7 days. It is believed that during this period the leaves actively accumulate biogenic stimulants. Next, the leaves are crushed to a semi-liquid mass and the juice is squeezed out of them. The resulting raw material is quite cloudy, so it can be left in the refrigerator for several days, then filtered and used for its intended purpose.

For long-term storage of juice, it is necessary to ensure its sterility - dilute it with medical alcohol in a ratio of 5:1 and store in the refrigerator. Such raw materials can be used within 1 year.

Chemical composition

Kalanchoe leaves, which are the raw material for obtaining dosage forms, contain:

  • a large number of micro- and macroelements (magnesium, aluminum, copper, calcium, iron and manganese), which have a positive effect on the course of redox processes, hematopoiesis, blood clotting reactions, and also participate in muscle function;
  • enzymes - natural catalysts, protein organic substances that regulate metabolism, accelerating all chemical processes;
  • bufadienolides are steroid substances that affect the tone of the heart muscle;
  • organic acids: isocitric, malic, citric, oxalic and acetic acids, which have a choleretic effect, have a bactericidal effect, and prevent putrefaction in the intestines. They reduce the processes of autointoxication and help the effective absorption of calcium and food in general. Participate in regulation metabolic processes, as well as biogenic stimulants;
  • tannins that have antimicrobial, astringent and hemostatic effects;
  • polysaccharides;
  • flavonoids (kaempferol, quercetin).

Beyond Data useful substances, according to herbalists, in the process of short-term storage of the leaf in the dark at low temperatures biogenic stimulants accumulate in it. However, this theory has no evidence base.

It is believed that the rich natural composition determines the high antimicrobial activity of the plant, so it can be grown on windowsills for natural disinfection of indoor air.

Medicinal properties of Kalanchoe

It has been proven that the juice of the plant has:

  • bactericidal;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bacteriostatic action.

Most often prescribed for external use and treatment of various skin lesions, especially purulent and poorly healing ones. Thanks to the culture's ability to clear necrotic masses, it is called the “surgeon without a knife.”

Research has proven that Kalanchoe juice has a bactericidal effect on hemolytic and non-hemolytic streptococcus and on Staphylococcus aureus, which explains high efficiency for sinusitis, external skin diseases, otitis, tonsillitis, since the etiological causative agents of these pathologies are most often the specified flora.

At the Department of Microbiology of NMU named after. Bogomolets A. A. studied the antiviral activity of juice different types of this plant: K. velutina, blossfeldiana, pinnata and crenata have the greatest activity against the influenza virus, Coxsackie B1 and B6. Antiviral properties work when you have a runny nose viral etiology, which allows you to cure ARVI by early stages, since the entry point for infection is the respiratory tract, including the nasal mucosa.

In a number scientific works The immunomodulatory, adaptogenic and antihistamine properties of the juice have been proven, which makes it possible to take Kalanchoe preparations prophylactically during seasonal infections, recovery from serious illnesses, etc.

Application of Kalanchoe

The Kalanchoe plant is included in skin care cosmetics, ointments, and some tinctures and solutions. Treatment with Kalanchoe juice is most justified to obtain an anti-inflammatory effect when applied externally: the juice inhibits the exudative phase of the inflammatory reaction and suppresses the formation of granulations in the proliferative phase of inflammation.

In surgery

Ointment and juice are actively used in surgery for the treatment of trophic ulcers, including post-thrombophlebitic, varicose, post-traumatic, purulent-necrotic formations, and bedsores. Used to clean the wound before suturing.

At ulcerative lesions sterile gauze, folded in 4-5 layers, is moistened with juice, half diluted with 1% solution of novocaine(to avoid burning). If we're talking about about diabetic ulcers, insulin is used instead of novocaine. In cases of contamination of the wound with bacteria and purulent discharge from the ulcer, an appropriate antibiotic to which the isolated pathogen is sensitive is added to the juice.

In dentistry

The juice is used in treatment running forms gingivitis, periodontitis, severe forms stomatitis. It is sprayed onto the damaged mucous membrane several times a day. Such procedures help stop bleeding, cleanse purulent masses and epithelialize lesions.

In gynecology

Juice and ointment are used to accelerate the healing of perineal tears after childbirth, treatment of endocervicitis, cervical erosion, cracked nipples.

In ophthalmology

Plant preparations help cure erosion and corneal injuries, neuroparalytic, ulcerative keratitis, eye burns, etc., and are effective in patients in whom treatment with other drugs has not given the desired therapeutic effect.

In otolaryngology

The juice is used to treat chronic forms of tonsillitis, as well as runny nose, sinusitis in the early stages, and uncomplicated otitis media. It is believed that the juice helps restore damaged eardrum. A promising direction is the treatment of simple and toxicoallergic chronic tonsillitis in children using electrophoresis of Kalanchoe juice coupled with UHF therapy, carried out every other day.

In cosmetology

Effective in the fight against acne and fine wrinkles.

Homemade recipes from Kalanchoe


  • Effectively heal the skin, help get rid of acne, as well as fine wrinkles, and stop bleeding. How to use: cut a plant leaf from the stem, carefully remove the outer skin and wipe this part on the face, area around the eyes, neck or cut on the skin.
  • A leaf applied to the skin under the eyes will help eliminate dark circles if done regularly.
  • During treatment colds, especially those occurring with damage to the nasopharynx, you should chew a Kalanchoe leaf 3-4 times a day after meals and then spit out the pulp. This method It will also help with periodontal disease.
  • If you grind the leaf into a paste and apply it to the warts, securing it with a bandage, you can get rid of these unpleasant formations. The dressing should be changed to a fresh one 2 times a day. Treatment is carried out for a week.


  • Available in volumes of 10, 30 and 50 g. Before use, the ointment is kept at room temperature for half an hour.
  • Homemade recipe: freshly squeezed or already diluted with alcohol juice in a volume of 30 g is mixed in 50 g of lanolin, heated in an enamel pan until dissolved, but not allowing it to boil, then poured into a sterile jar, cooled and stored in the refrigerator.
  • The ointment can be used to treat various wounds, treat bedsores, fistulas, and be used for skin rash, frostbite, eczema, etc.


Chop the stems and leaves, add boiling water in a ratio of 1:5 to raw materials and leave for 20 minutes in a water bath. Then strain the extract and boil over low heat until the volume is reduced by 2 times. Cool and store in the refrigerator. Used for:

  • irrigation of the oral cavity and rubbing into the gums for dental diseases, periodontitis,
  • for lubricating ulcers and non-healing wounds skin,
  • washing fistulas (in diluted form).


  • We outlined the recipe for making juice above. You can buy juice at the pharmacy - the drug is available in ampoules of 3, 5, 10 ml, as well as bottles of 10, 20, 100 ml. Before use, it is heated to 37 C.
  • To treat varicose veins, gauze folded in several layers should be soaked in Kalanchoe juice and placed on the varicose veins, leaving it for at least an hour. A 10-day course is carried out.
  • Effective in the complex treatment of erysipelas: the juice is diluted with 0.5% novocaine solution in a 1:1 ratio and a sterile napkin is moistened in the solution and applied to the erysipelas. The napkin is additionally moistened with juice 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 5-6 days.
  • The juice is also used in the treatment of iritis, arthrosis, peri- and polyarthritis, iridocyclitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, gingivitis, conjunctivitis, purulent wounds, burns, bedsores, etc. The drug is involved in the regulation of metabolic processes, has an anti-inflammatory effect, cleanses wounds and promotes their healing. Treatment is carried out for 15-20 days.
  • Still fresh juice can be instilled into the nose, 1-2 drops in each nasal passage 2-3 times a day (a number of sources advise carrying out the procedure every 1-2 hours), as a preventative and remedy from a runny nose, sinusitis, during an epidemic of ARVI and influenza. Instead of instillation, you can gently lubricate the nasal mucosa. Kalanchoe should be dripped after hygiene procedures.
  • When treating eye diseases, 1 drop of fresh juice is dripped into each conjunctival sac after 4 hours.

Many people are interested in whether children with rhinitis can take Kalanchoe juice?

Many people use this remedy even for infants, but dilute the juice with cooled boiled water 1:1. This medicinal composition, which is dripped 1 drop into each nasal passage 2-3 times a day, eliminates nasal congestion, cleanses the mucous membrane and has a local antiviral and antimicrobial effect. If you follow the general recommendations, this dosage form can be used from 3 years of age.


The raw material (crushed leaf) is placed in an enamel bowl and poured with boiling water: for external use 1:5, for internal use - 1:10, cover with a lid and incubate for about 20 minutes in a water bath.

Used to treat varicose veins, purulent wounds, burns, inflammation of the eyelids, gargling. Taken orally for gastrointestinal diseases, gynecological pathologies, tuberculosis, gastritis, occurring with low acidity, gastroduodenitis and chronic colitis - 1 tbsp. 2 r per day before meals for 1 month (in the case of tuberculosis - 3-4 months for both the patient and those in contact with him).


This dosage form is rarely used, but still occurs. Pre-crushed leaves are placed in a half-liter bottle and 70% alcohol is added, sealed and placed in a dark place for 7 days, shaking the contents periodically. Then filter and store in the refrigerator.

The tincture is used for rubbing against varicose veins lower limbs. The product also helps with felon, pustular skin diseases, mastopathy, inflammatory processes in the oral cavity: sore spots are treated with the tincture several times a day.

Combined use

Very often, plant preparations are combined with antibiotics, other herbal remedies, physiotherapy, etc. This allows you to achieve greater effect.

Most often this is justified in the treatment of thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, post-traumatic ulcers, and pustular lesions. In folk medicine Kalanchoe combine with flax seeds, chamomile flowers, sweet clover, and marshmallow leaves.


  • Children under 3 years of age (due to lack of clinical trials on the use of the plant in young children);
  • Individual intolerance;
  • Acute allergic diseases;
  • Pregnancy.

Side effects

They develop quite rarely. Locally, in the area where the drug is applied, burning, swelling, and redness of the skin may occur. From general reactions which often develop with an overdose of the drug, one can note nausea, weakness, epigastric pain, headache. IN severe cases with individual intolerance may develop anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema.

Our article will tell you more about this amazing plant and its effects.

Any of the varieties of this plant is used. At home, you can usually find the Degremon variety, a characteristic representative of this large family. It is distinguished by a fleshy stem and triangular leaves with a glossy, slightly curved surface. Along the edges they are usually framed by so-called brood buds - children with a well-developed root system that can immediately take root after separation from the mother plant.

Ornamental Kalanchoe species are also suitable for use in medicinal purposes, but for this you need several plants, because they are all compact in size. Degremona, in contrast, is quite tall and can grow more than 40 centimeters throughout the year. Pruning also does not interfere with the development of Kalanchoe, and for some species it is a prerequisite for good care.

The chemical composition of Kalanchoe juice is quite complex; it contains organic acids, vitamins, trace elements, tannins and mineral salts. Such diversity acts as a natural “doping” for the body. Biologically active substances help increase overall tone and resistance.

This amazing flower is especially useful for the prevention of colds and flu.

It acts as a natural air purifier and disinfectant, killing viruses and bacteria, so it is very important to always have this plant on hand both at home and at work.

Useful properties of Kalanchoe:

  • Strong anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Antibacterial effect.
  • Cleanses the blood.
  • Promotes healing of wounds and burns.
  • Removes toxins from the body.
  • Immunostimulating effect.

In addition, Kalanchoe boasts positively charged energy. Being in the apartment, it contributes to a favorable atmosphere, gives strength and improves the general condition of the household.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of Kalanchoe

There can be many recipes, because this plant can be used not only outside, but also inside. To prepare a healing potion, freshly prepared or canned Kalanchoe juice is used.

Based on this component, external forms of medicines can be prepared: ointments, gels and compresses. An alcohol tincture of Kalanchoe is also used, which can be stored for a long time without losing the therapeutic effect.

Basic preparation nuances:

  • A plant that is at least two years old is best suited, so the result will be more noticeable.
  • Before use it is necessary to carry out preparatory activities. The plant is not watered or fertilized at least a week before cutting the leaves. This will allow biologically active substances to accumulate. Also, you should not move the pot with Kalanchoe to another place or change the lighting and temperature conditions.
  • The lower leaves are cut off, dust and dirt are wiped with a clean cloth, but under no circumstances are they washed with water.
  • After cutting, the leaves are placed in a cool place, first wrapped in an opaque cloth. The bottom shelf of the refrigerator or cellar is perfect.
  • Extreme aging of the leaves will allow you to concentrate all the beneficial substances as much as possible. Similar actions are also recommended for obtaining juice from another indoor “savior” - aloe. Cut leaves must be stored in the refrigerator for at least 10 days.
  • To obtain juice, it is advisable to use wooden spoons and glassware so that the active components do not come into contact with metal objects.
  • The squeezed juice must be left in the refrigerator for several days to allow sediment to settle. Only used top part liquids.

After all the manipulations, you can use the finished juice or “preserve” it with a vodka solution. To do this, take one part juice, 10 parts vodka and the same amount of water. The resulting mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a month. You can also purchase ready-made Kalanchoe juice at the pharmacy, as well as preparations based on this component.

Alcohol tincture is also widely used in folk medicine. To do this, the juice prepared according to the above algorithm is mixed with undiluted vodka in the proportion of 2 tablespoons of juice per 200 ml of vodka.

Kalanchoe cream is often used for cosmetic purposes and the treatment of various dermatological problems. You can also prepare it yourself. To do this, you need to take 30 ml of juice and mix with 50 g of petroleum jelly or lanolin, which you first melt a little in a water bath. It must be stored in the refrigerator.

Despite the relative safety of traditional medicine, any treatment with Kalanchoe, as well as the use of drugs based on it, must be agreed with the attending physician. This is primarily due to the risk of side effects, as well as the development of allergic reactions.

Contraindications for the use of Kalanchoe:

  • Individual intolerance.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Low blood pressure.
  • Neoplasms.
  • Liver diseases, especially cirrhosis and hepatitis.

It is not forbidden to use Kalanchoe in childhood, but for this it is advisable to dilute it in half with water and not use alcohol tinctures.

Instructions for use of Kalanchoe juice

Use different medications It is necessary only after consulting a doctor, this is especially important when taking medications orally. Kalanchoe juice and infusion have a pronounced antiseptic and regenerative effect.

Most often you can find recipes for using Kalanchoe for a runny nose. Few people avoided this specific procedure in childhood. When Kalanchoe is instilled into the nose, involuntary sneezing appears, which quickly and effectively clears the sinuses.

This is not the only beneficial use of this plant; the entire spectrum cannot be placed within one article, especially since every day the properties of Kalanchoe are finding other evidence of their power.

Any use requires prior approval and compliance possible contraindications, for example, Kalanchoe is not prescribed during pregnancy even when treating a common runny nose.

Treatment with Kalanchoe at home

  • Kalanchoe juice for a runny nose is used in its pure form for adults. To do this, drop two drops into each nostril at least four times a day. Kalanchoe for a runny nose for children is diluted in half with boiled water, or simply lubricated the nasal passage for disinfection.
  • Treatment of tonsillitis (tonsillitis) is carried out as follows: dilute the juice in half with warm water and gargle as often as possible until complete recovery.
  • Rub the juice into the gums three times a day, rinse the mouth with a weak solution for periodontal disease and other gum diseases.
  • To relieve toothache, use a cotton swab moistened with juice and apply it to the sore spot.
  • Otitis media can also be cured by instilling two drops of tincture into the ear three times a day, and then plugging the passage with a cotton swab dipped in the solution.

With excellent antiseptic effect, the components of the plant are able to quickly and effectively heal wounds and inflammatory processes on the skin. Kalanchoe will help with trophic ulcers, burns, acne and even varicose veins, the main conditions: high-quality raw materials and regular use.

  • Gauze compresses soaked in juice are used to treat purulent and trophic wounds. The dressing is changed once a day.
  • Burns can also be cured with this wonderful medicine. To do this, it is enough to apply sterile gauze with Kalanchoe juice.
  • Varicose veins respond well to daily rubbing with alcohol tincture. The course is two weeks, after a break of 10 days and again until complete recovery.
  • Bedsores can also be lubricated fresh juice plants, this helps restore the natural tone and blood supply to the tissues.
  • Pharmacy or homemade ointment works well against insect bites, joint pain, eczema and bruises.
  • For acne, it is enough to lubricate the damaged areas with fresh juice until the symptoms disappear.
  • Home cosmetology also often uses the active components of this plant to create masks and creams. Good action will help soothe inflamed skin, slightly whitening and smoothing its surface.
  • A decoction of the leaves can be used as additional remedy healing of postoperative sutures and scars.
  • Fungal diseases can be successfully treated with juice lotions. The compress must be changed three times a day, using a fresh one each time.
  • A Kalanchoe leaf with cut skin is applied to warts, areas affected by eczema and psoriasis.

When taken orally, the juice of this amazing plant is able to increase hemoglobin, enhance natural immune protection body and even cope with ulcers and other gastrointestinal diseases.

How to use Kalanchoe orally

  • A teaspoon of juice three times a day can cure stomach ulcers in complex therapy.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system are also treated using a similar scheme.
  • Kalanchoe tincture boosts immunity and can protect the body from seasonal colds and flu. It is especially useful to take it if you are surrounded by people already sick with the flu.

Kalanchoe has a special effect on the structure of the eye apparatus. The use of such funds must be agreed upon with a specialist. Contraindications for Kalanchoe listed earlier, but even in their absence, the dosage regimen and possible dosage are adjusted on an individual basis.

Kalanchoe for eye treatment

  • You can restore vision according to the following scheme: a tablespoon of alcohol tincture three times a day. The course of treatment is two weeks, after which you need to take a break for 10 days, then again for two weeks.
  • Welding burns can be treated by placing one drop in each eye every four hours. You can alternate Kalanchoe and calendula.
  • Conjunctivitis and blepharitis are treated with juice dripped into the eyes, two to three drops three times a day.

The above ways to use a home healer are not a complete list. Traditional medicine actively uses it together with its main “competitor” - indoor aloe, which has also long been known as effective remedy home therapy.

Other uses of the plant's medicinal juice

  • Lubricate cracked nipples with fresh juice during lactation. Before feeding, rinse with warm water.
  • You can use decoction compresses in the early stages of mastitis.
  • For tuberculosis, as an additional restorative agent, one teaspoon half an hour before meals. Provides maximum efficiency long-term use. Can also be used as a means of prevention if there is a sick person in the house.
  • Daily intake of Kalanchoe can increase hemoglobin levels. To do this, it is enough to eat two leaves of the plant or a tablespoon of “babies”. This must be done on an empty stomach, half an hour before the next meal.
  • Cervical erosion and other gynecological diseases are treated using cotton swabs with juice. The treatment regimen must be prescribed by a doctor. The course is at least two weeks.

Kalanchoe - treatment plant, long known for its unique properties.

Simple and effective recipes will help with a variety of problems. Most often, fresh or canned juice from a pharmacy is used, as well as alcohol tinctures and ointments that you can make yourself. Unique chemical composition active natural ingredients makes it an excellent antiseptic and also helps cope with many diseases.

How to properly use Kalanchoe for treatment various ailments, described in our article. The product has some limitations and contraindications, so consultation with a doctor before use is required.

Take out the leaves and chop them. Place the resulting pulp in cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice.

Kalanchoe juice has a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory effect, promotes rapid cell regeneration, so use it to treat wounds, ulcers, erosions, bedsores and skin rashes. Apply gauze soaked in juice to the affected area for a few minutes. Repeat the procedures several times a day for 5-6 days.

To treat external damage, you can use Kalanchoe-based ointment. To prepare it, mix 2 tbsp. flower juice with 2 tbsp. ghee. Place the resulting mixture on water bath for 20-30 minutes. Cool the ointment, put it in a glass jar and store it in the refrigerator.

Kalanchoe tincture is used to treat varicose veins. Mix a glass of crushed Kalanchoe leaves with 500 ml of vodka. Place the tincture in a dark place for 3-4 weeks. Remember to shake the container every day. The strained tincture can be refrigerated in a glass container.

Soak cotton pads in the tincture and make circular movements over the skin of your feet. Start the massage from the feet, gradually moving higher. This procedure should be done before bedtime. Pain and fatigue will go away immediately, and venous networks in two to three weeks.

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The homeland of Kalanchoe is Africa and Madagascar. The plant belongs to the Crassulaceae family and has fleshy leaves that are capable of storing moisture, like other succulents. However, among lovers of indoor floriculture, Kalanchoe is popular not only for its decorative foliage, it beautiful plant with attractive flowers that bloom in winter. And some species also have medicinal properties.

Kalanchoe Blossfeld

The most common cultivated species is Kalanchoe Blossfeld. This is a plant with branching stems and elongated rounded fleshy leaves. Its size is small; the diameter and height of Kalanchoe Blossfield reaches only 30 cm.

Among gardeners it is especially valued for its beautiful flowering. Small double flowers of red, yellow or orange are collected in inflorescences that crown the stem of the plant.

Kalanchoe Kalandiva

Kalanchoe Kalandiva is a hybrid of Kalanchoe Blossfeld. The flowering of this species is much longer (up to six months) and more abundant. A cap of small bright double flowers covers the plant also in winter, provided proper care is taken.

To achieve repeated flowering, it is necessary to form a bush. elongated shoots immediately after the plant has finished flowering. They can be rooted in water and new specimens can be obtained.

Kalanchoe Daigremont

The unusual plant Kalanchoe Daigremont is a “viviparous” succulent. It has a straight, non-branching stem, covered with elongated triangular-shaped leaves with denticles along the edges. On each of these teeth a new tiny plant grows (the so-called brood bud) with leaves and aerial roots.

It is very easy to propagate Daigremont's Kalanchoe, thanks to these daughter plants, just separate the bud and place it on the surface of the substrate. The succulent will soon take root and begin to grow.

Kalanchoe Mangus

Externally, Kalanchoe Mangus resembles Daigremont; the difference between these species is that the latter blooms in early spring with small flowers. After flowering ends, it is recommended to shorten the shoots. The succulent will very quickly grow green mass and continue to develop.

Kalanchoe dissected

The unusual foliage of Kalanchoe dissected, like other species, is juicy and fleshy, but they are strongly dissected, which is why this type of Kalanchoe is popularly called “deer horns.” With age it becomes more decorative.

Kalanchoe trumpetiflora

In nature, this species lives on the island of Madagascar. This is a subshrub reaching 70 cm in height. It has elongated long leaves with many bud buds.

The plant blooms profusely. The flowers are quite large, tubular in shape. In addition, they have a huge variety of colors ranging from white to purple and dark purple.

Kalanchoe is one of the most famous medicinal plants in Russia. And this despite the fact that under natural conditions this plant can only be found in such exotic places as Africa, South America, as well as South and Southeast Asia.

Medicinal properties of Kalanchoe

The anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and bactericidal properties of the Kalanchoe plant have been known to people since ancient times. For this reason, it is often used as a medicine for fast healing wounds and relief from burns. However, this is not all the healing capabilities of this amazing plant, which is recognized as medicinal not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine.

Kalanchoe, possessing an impressive amount of useful substances, has found application in surgery, dentistry, etc. In many countries, this plant has long been a recognized cure for tuberculosis and stomach ulcers.

Kalanchoe tincture can be rubbed into the skin to improve blood circulation and prevent blockage of blood vessels. Not only the leaves of the plant itself can be useful, but also the small shoots that are located along the edges of these same leaves.

These shoots are good “energy drinks”, and therefore it is enough to consume one teaspoon of them every day and very soon you can forget about such phenomena as vitamin deficiency and loss of strength. If you need to get rid of a runny nose, then you need to instill a couple of drops of freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice into your nostrils twice a day.

The tincture can also be useful for varicose veins. To cure this ailment, you need to take a half-liter container and fill it with finely chopped leaves of the plant, and then fill it to the very brim with vodka. Next, the container is tightly closed with a lid and placed in a dark room. Duration of infusion is one week. The prepared tincture should be rubbed into sore legs every day at night. Rubbing must begin from the bottom up.

Kalanchoe in the fight against ulcers and burns

By applying gauze soaked in freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice, you can quickly get rid of post-thrombophlebic, trophic and post-traumatic ulcers. When boils form and small wounds appear, applying a few drops of juice will help. If you receive a burn, it is recommended to apply crushed leaves of the plant to the affected area and keep it there for several hours.

Kalanchoe is a very effective remedy for the treatment of sore throat, stomatitis, blepharitis and conjunctivitis. To make a medicine for these diseases, you need to pour 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves of the plant into a glass of boiling water, then boil for a couple of minutes and, after allowing to cool, strain. This decoction should be used three times a day to gargle and wash out an inflamed eye.

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Kalanchoe is an unpretentious indoor plant, which is very often grown on a windowsill, most often not because of its decorative properties, but for use for medicinal purposes. This flower has long been considered a home healer, thanks to its beneficial properties which nature endowed him with.