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Ryazhenka or kefir, which is healthier. What is healthier: fermented baked milk, kefir, yogurt, Varenets, snowball or katyk

Dairy products are one of the main components of Russian cuisine, and the most common of them are kefir and fermented baked milk. Lately, kefir has become more popular in other parts of the world, but it is usually found abroad using fruit additives. In Russia and others post-Soviet countries it is sold as natural milk product, no added flavorings. In fact, “all natural” is important aspect for many Russians when shopping for groceries and especially when choosing dairy products, although fruit-flavored yoghurts are also very popular. Due to the fact that both of the above drinks are especially popular, the question inevitably arises: what is the difference between kefir and fermented baked milk? What is the difference?

What are these drinks?

Kefir looks like a cross between milk and yogurt. It has a thick texture and a slightly pungent taste. Produced using a bacterial culture to ferment milk. Historically, people made this at home, but today most consumers buy industrially produced kefir at grocery stores.

Ryazhenka tastes like kefir, but it is softer. The taste of this product is less spicy, but still stronger than regular yogurt. In addition, fermented baked milk has a smooth, uniform texture. As you can see in the photo, kefir is pure white, and fermented baked milk has a brown tint. This is because fermented baked milk is a fermented product. This product was historically produced by baking fermented milk in the oven or simmering it at a low temperature in the oven for several hours. Again, today, as a rule, consumers simply buy ready-made fermented baked milk in grocery stores.

So both products are fermented different ways milk. In order to understand the difference between fermented baked milk, yogurt and kefir, it is necessary to study in detail the properties of each product.

What is kefir?

Kefir is rich in nutrients and probiotics and is incredibly beneficial for digestion and gut health. Many researchers believe it is a healthier and better-acting alternative to yogurt. There are several known beneficial qualities of kefir, which are confirmed by research. To understand how kefir differs from fermented baked milk, it is necessary to study its composition. How is it made?

First and foremost, kefir is a fermented drink traditionally made using cow's or goat's milk. It is made by adding special spores to milk. However, these are not spores in the generally accepted sense, but cultures of yeast and lactic acid bacteria, which superficially resemble cauliflower. Within 24 hours or so, microorganisms multiply and ferment the sugar in the milk, turning it into kefir. The spores are then removed from the liquid and can be used again.

Dairy-free versions of kefir can be made from coconut milk, nut milk, or other sweet liquids. However, they will not have the same nutritional value, as a milk drink, which is a rich source of calcium, protein and B vitamins.

Probiotic effect

Kefir is a more powerful probiotic than yogurt. Some microorganisms contained in it may have beneficial effects on health when regular use. The main effects are improved digestion, weight management and mental health. How does kefir differ from fermented baked milk and Snezhka, if we consider the benefits for digestion?

Probiotics can help restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in your gut. This is why they are very effective in treating many forms of diarrhea. There is also a lot of evidence that probiotics and probiotic foods can help with all kinds of irritable bowel syndrome, ulcers caused by Helicobacter infection, and others. For this reason, kefir may be beneficial if you have digestive problems.

Yogurt is the most famous probiotic food in the world, but kefir is a much more powerful source. Its spores contain about 30 strains of bacteria and yeast, making it a very powerful probiotic. Other fermented dairy products are made from much fewer strains and do not contain any yeast, including Snezhok, which is a Soviet and Russian analogue yogurt.

Other beneficial qualities of kefir

In addition, kefir has powerful antibacterial properties- Some probiotics contained in it are believed to protect against infections. For example, the unique microorganisms Lactobacillus kefiri, which are contained only in this drink. Research shows that this probiotic may inhibit the growth of various harmful bacteria, including Salmonella, Helicobacter pylori and E. coli. This is one of characteristic features How kefir differs from fermented baked milk.

Kefiran, a type of carbohydrate found in kefir, also has antibacterial properties.

Another proven fact is that kefir can improve bone health and reduce the risk of osteoporosis. This condition is especially common among older women and dramatically increases the risk of fractures. Ensuring adequate calcium intake is one of the most effective ways improve bone strength and slow the progression of osteoporosis.

Kefir, made from full-fat milk, is not only an excellent source of calcium, but also vitamin K2. This nutrient plays a central role in calcium metabolism, and its consumption reduces the risk of fractures by 81%.

Kefir also helps prevent oncological diseases. As you know, cancer is one of the leading causes of death in the world. This disease occurs when abnormal cells grow uncontrollably in the body and a tumor occurs. Probiotics found in fermented dairy products are believed to inhibit tumor growth by reducing the formation of carcinogenic compounds and also stimulate the immune system.

What is fermented baked milk?

Ryazhenka is a fermented milk product made from baked milk fermented with lactic acid thermophilic streptococcus. Because it is made from heat-treated milk, which is usually heated for a long time, it has a tan or creamy hue and a classic sour milk taste. This drink does not contain artificial colors or stabilizers; it is a completely natural fermented milk product.

Real fermented baked milk is homogeneous. What is the difference between fermented baked milk and kefir? In contrast, it should not have any clots or gaseousness, and should have a delicate and pleasant taste. However, milky films on its surface are acceptable. Content nutrients in fermented baked milk is actually similar to the content of those in milk, but at the same time they are better absorbed.

Useful qualities of fermented baked milk

It is assumed that fermented baked milk also has therapeutic qualities: one glass of the drink contains a quarter daily needs the body in calcium and 20 percent phosphorus. Ryazhenka protein is easier to digest than milk.

The main criterion for determining how kefir differs from fermented baked milk is the composition of the fermenting substance. Lactic acid contained in the latter gives appetite and improves performance gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Ryazhenka facilitates the restoration of the stomach, intestines, pancreas, and is also used to treat gastritis. It contains a complex biologically active substances(enzymes, free amino acids, antibiotic substances) accumulated as a result of the activity of lactic acid bacteria. Ryazhenka is good for health for those who suffer inflammatory diseases liver, pancreas, gall bladder, intestines.

Consumption of kefir and fermented baked milk

Most people just drink kefir and fermented baked milk pure form, but you can use them in other ways. They mix well with fresh or dried fruits and nuts, and are great in place of milk with granola, muesli, and oatmeal. What to choose - kefir or fermented baked milk - depends on personal preferences.

Some argue that fermented baked milk can be used as a substitute for buttermilk when making pancakes, but this is not a popular combination. At the same time, pancakes and pancakes made with kefir dough are a widespread dish.

Ryazhenka is also used for cosmetic purposes. For example, to make your skin softer, you need to add a liter of fermented baked milk to your bath water. Your skin will look great after taking this bath for just 15 minutes. If this treatment is repeated regularly for a month, you will enjoy long-term effects. Whenever you use this product, keep in mind that the fresher the fermented baked milk, the more beneficial it is. This is explained by the fact that it is the fresh drink that contains the maximum of beneficial live lactic acid bacteria.

Ryazhenka and kefir: calories

How is kefir different from fermented baked milk? If you compare the calorie content of the products, you can see that fermented baked milk contains 66.00 kcal, while kefir has only 41.00 kcal per 100 grams. Thus, for weight watchers, the choice is obvious. However, in addition to the calorie content of foods, it is important to know their other characteristics. To make a fair comparison, you need to pay attention to the protein content, amount of carbohydrates and, most importantly, the presence of fat in both of these dairy products.

Fat in fermented baked milk and kefir

The difference between kefir and fermented baked milk regarding their calorie content may not always be the determining factor. You need to look at other details as well. Thus, there are many misconceptions about fats and their effects on the body. Ryazhenka contains 3.60 grams of fat, while kefir contains 0.93 grams. Of these fats, some are saturated and trans fats (which are unhealthy), while the rest are mono- and polyunsaturated (healthy and even essential).

Given this division, fermented baked milk contains 2.40 grams saturated fat, kefir - 0.66 grams. The amount of trans fat in kefir is 0.04 grams. Both saturated and trans fats are unhealthy and should be avoided as they increase the risk of CHD. Speaking of useful ingredients of this type, kefir contains 0.31 grams of monounsaturated fat and 0.05 gram of polyunsaturated fat.

Amount of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are considered the main source of energy in the body. As in the case of calorie content, fermented baked milk contains more carbohydrates - 4.80 grams, kefir - 4.48 grams. These substances help in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Carbohydrates in fermented baked milk and kefir can be divided into two types: fiber and sugar. In both dairy products, only the latter is present. Usually, after eating, the body breaks down food into fiber, sugar and starch, but in fermented baked milk and kefir there are no fibers at all.

Based on the above, it is difficult to conclude which is healthier - kefir or fermented baked milk, and why. On the one hand, kefir contains fewer calories and fat, so it is preferable for those who are watching their weight. On the other hand, fermented baked milk has a unique chemical composition, the benefits of which are obvious for health.

We all know about the benefits of dairy and fermented milk products. The phrase “Children drink milk - you will be healthy!” has repeatedly confirmed its importance. But milk is not the only dairy product of animal origin. Based on it, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese and cheeses, cream and sour cream, yogurt and whey, as well as fermented baked milk are produced. How is it useful? Let's try to figure it out.

What kind of drink is this?

The popular electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia gives the following explanation: fermented baked milk is a sour milk drink produced by lactic acid fermentation of baked cow's milk. Everything seems clear. What kind of baked milk is this?

Milk will become baked during prolonged heating. It seems to “languish”, but does not boil. After a few hours, it turns out to be a “baked” milk drink. Ryazhenka is then made from it.

For fermentation, because fermented baked milk should become fermented milk, thermophilic lactic acid bacteria are used. After 3-6 hours the drink is ready to drink.

Difference between kefir and fermented baked milk

We have two widely popular fermented milk drinks - fermented baked milk and kefir. Perhaps the latter breaks all records in popularity. This fermented milk product can be found in the menu of many diets and healthy diets nutrition, while this is practically not said about fermented baked milk. The question arises: what is healthier - fermented baked milk or kefir?

Undoubtedly, both products are useful. Lactic acid bacteria contained in drinks have a positive effect on the quality of human health and life expectancy. Once in our body, they come to the aid of our own lactic acid bacteria, enhancing their protective functions.

In the process of fermenting these fermented milk drinks, different technologies are used. As we have already learned, to make fermented baked milk, milk must first be “simmered” and only then subjected to fermentation. Kefir is obtained from whole milk without preliminary “simmering”, but also during the fermentation process.

This means that the first difference is the quality of raw materials (milk). The second is a set of components for sourdough. When producing fermented baked milk, thermophilic streptococci and acidophilus are added to the raw material. And the fermentation of kefir occurs due to the combination of yeast and lactic-acetic bacteria (more than 20 types in total).

And yet, kefir or fermented baked milk - which is healthier? Experts say that of these two fermented milk drinks Ryazhenka is healthier. And all because during the long “simmering” process there are practically no foreign bacteria left in the milk.

Composition of ryazhenka

Fermented baked milk, like all dairy products, contains one of the most important “building” elements for our skeleton - calcium. So, in 1 tbsp. drink, its quantity is equal to the daily intake of this substance.

Another important element- phosphorus. By drinking a glass of fermented baked milk, you will receive 20% of daily norm phosphorus.

The quality of proteins contained in fermented baked milk is much higher than in plain milk, which in turn affects their digestibility.

Lactic acids help normalize the microflora of the stomach and intestines, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and increase appetite. Ryazhenka’s calorie content exceeds that of kefir (which has great importance for a growing organism). On average, its indicators are 40-85 kcal (depending on the composition of fats).

Other substances include:

  • vitamins B1, B2, A, C and PP;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • mono- and disaccharides;
  • organic and unsaturated fatty acids;
  • ash.

Ryazhenka: benefits and harms

Due to its composition and easy digestibility, fermented baked milk certainly has a number of beneficial properties. True, this cannot be stated with absolute certainty, because in some cases one should abstain from use.

Is fermented baked milk good or bad for you at night? To quell the feeling of hunger, quickly satiate, or as a light dinner, a glass of fermented baked milk is quite suitable. But due to its calorie content, nutritionists advise not to overdose on the drink if you intend to lose weight. Fermented baked milk will bring benefits if you drink no more than 100-200 ml at night.

You can talk about the dangers of the product if you consider the list of contraindications. So it is not advisable to drink the drink for people with stomach ulcers and gastritis with increased acidity. Those who are allergic to milk are prohibited from consuming fermented baked milk. By the way, intolerance affects all derivatives. Even in small quantities, milk can cause a feeling of discomfort, bloating and even the urge to vomit.

That's it for the list harmful effects is exhausted. Let's move on to the question: how is fermented baked milk useful?

Exceptional utility

Ryazhenka is easily digestible. It is recommended for use by those who have calcium deficiency. By replenishing the reserves of this substance, it protects the body from the development of osteoporosis and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The drink favors the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes kidney function.

Lactic acids stimulate appetite, which is often used in children's menu and as part of the dietary table during the rehabilitation period after various diseases. These same acids actively fight pathogenic microflora. A glass of fermented baked milk can be beneficial even after a hearty lunch: all thanks to a set of beneficial enzymes, amino acids and antibiotic substances.

As a therapeutic and preventive measure, it is recommended to regularly consume fermented baked milk for diseases of the biliary tract, hypertension, atherosclerosis and others. internal pathologies. Certain positive points in the fight against obesity (due to its influence on digestive processes). However, in the latter case, one should not forget that the product is quite high in calories, so abuse in the fight against overweight still not welcome.

Riboflavin helps normalize the body's energy metabolism. It is noticed that daily use at least 1 tbsp. Ryazhenka will help overcome migraine pain.

How to use the product?

Ryazhenka can be drunk simply as a milk drink, you don’t even need to sweeten it. It has a pleasant taste and delicate consistency. And by adding some berries or fruits you can make an excellent milkshake. And if you add a little cottage cheese to the mixture, you get a delicious smoothie. Some housewives use fermented milk product instead of kefir in baking. There are also recipes for making sauces and dressings based on fermented baked milk.

The drink has also found its reflection in cosmetology. Prepare and use at home cosmetic product as easy as pie:

  • face and body scrub: fermented baked milk and table salt;
  • face masks: nourishing - fermented baked milk and a few drops essential oil; anti-inflammatory - with oatmeal; tonic - with lemon juice and egg yolk;
  • hair mask: mixture castor oil and fermented milk drink in a 1:1 ratio (holding time on hair 120 minutes);
  • relaxing milk baths: no more than 1 liter of drink is consumed at a time (water temperature is about 40 degrees); duration of the procedure - 10 minutes; Frequency: a couple of times a week for a month.

We prepare fermented baked milk ourselves

  1. Bring fresh milk (2 l) to a boil.
  2. Let it simmer over low heat for 1.5 hours.
  3. Place in the oven for another 20 minutes (until a film forms).
  4. We wait until it cools to room temperature.
  5. Add 75-100 g of sour cream to the saucepan.
  6. Keep warm for 6-8 hours.
  7. Store the finished drink in the refrigerator.

Currently, the range of fermented milk products is quite diverse. Although the main characteristics of almost all are similar, there are still differences: in composition, in the manufacturing method, in taste and in appearance. To choose suitable product, you need to study more deeply the nuances of the manufacturing process and use of products.


Yogurt, kefir and fermented baked milk are fermented milk products and have a beneficial effect on the human body, improving it general state and increasing immunity. All three subspecies are made from milk by fermenting it with various microorganisms under regulated production conditions.

Positive characteristics of all natural fermented milk products:

  • are sources of vitamins and microelements;
  • contribute normal functioning digestive system, improving metabolism;
  • are used in various diets to remove toxins and waste and help fight excess weight.

The established algorithm for manufacturing all three types of product on industrial enterprises includes the following main points:

  1. milk purification process and optimization of fat content in it;
  2. dispersion and homogenization of milk composition;
  3. carrying out the procedure of pasteurization of the liquid and its subsequent cooling;
  4. carrying out the fermentation process at a certain temperature;
  5. cooling the composition to 10-12 degrees and then infusing the product (lasts from 12 hours to a day);
  6. bringing the liquid to a temperature of 4-6 degrees;
  7. packaging of the finished product.

Used when conducting this process similar food processing equipment consisting of:

  • equipment intended for receiving dairy raw materials;
  • a special container for its storage, implementation of the fermentation procedure and further infusion of fermented milk products;
  • heat exchange device;
  • unit for mixing and dispersing raw materials;
  • food pumps;
  • equipment for homogenization and pasteurization of milk composition;
  • special installation for packaging into containers in which final product will be implemented.

The storage conditions and periods for all three products are the same; they need to be kept in refrigerated chambers for no more than 5-7 days. We are talking about natural, “live” products.

Ryazhenka’s relatives are also Varenets and Turkic katyk, matsoni and yogurt without additives. Products such as koumiss and ayran are more similar to kefir due to the addition of special fungi.



What is the difference?

There is a difference in the properties of all these products, which lies in the individual characteristics given below.


Bulgaria is considered the birthplace of yogurt. When fermenting this product, use different kinds Bulgarian bacillus and thermophilic streptococcus. The composition of most yoghurts implies the presence of milk powder, which in itself also has useful characteristics and promotes the survival of the right bacteria during product manufacturing and storage.

The starter elements used in the yogurt making process are the most effective at fermenting lactose. It is for this reason that the product is suitable for use by people whose bodies digest milk poorly or not at all.

And also this fermented milk product is less susceptible to the effects of others than others. gastric juice, whereby beneficial bacteria can live to get into intestinal tract person.

If we talk about taste, natural yogurt is quite neutral, but fruit fillings brighten up this fact. Another difference is the high protein content; in kefir, its amount is much less.


Its homeland is the North Caucasus. This subtype of fermented milk product is obtained by adding a rather complex fungal starter, which is a symbiosis of lactic acid microorganisms and yeast. Kefir infuses a little longer than other products (from one to three days). The product has the property of instability even during consumption, since fresh kefir tends to have a laxative effect, and three-day-old kefir - on the contrary.

One of the most useful properties is that it contains bacteria that are able to settle on the walls of the intestine and put its microflora in order and improve the digestion process.

Most often, kefir is made without the use of food fillers, so it has a characteristic sour taste. The product goes well with dishes made from meat, fish, poultry, eggs and others that contain proteins. Kefir can form clots and gas-forming elements, as a result of which it is not recommended for use by persons with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract.


The birthplace of the product is Ukraine. The main difference between ryazhenka is that it is based on baked milk. That is why it has a characteristic creamy shade. The process of fermenting the product is carried out by adding thermophilic lactic acid streptococci and pure cultures of Bulgarian bacillus to the milk.

During the manufacturing procedure, a large amount of water is evaporated from the product, as a result of which the concentration of useful elements in it is higher than in other fermented milk products. But fermented baked milk is much higher in calories and fat than kefir, as a result of which it is not suitable for dietary nutrition. The product has a delicate and sweetish taste. The formation of milk foam is allowed. Goes well with various fruits and berries, as well as bread without yeast.

Which is healthier?

All fermented milk products have positive influence on the body, improve metabolism. It is impossible to say for sure which product is better and healthier: yogurt, fermented baked milk or kefir. It all depends on the individual preferences and needs of the person. Eg:

  • natural yogurt or kefir are more suitable for dietary nutrition due to their low calorie and fat content;
  • kefir is not recommended for people who suffer from stomach or intestinal diseases due to the content of gas-forming elements;
  • kefir has a high calcium content, which is well absorbed and promotes the absorption of other foods, and is rich in other microelements (fluorine, iodine, copper);
  • microorganisms contained in kefir can stop the proliferation of harmful microbes and remove toxins;
  • Ryazhenka contains a higher concentration useful substances due to evaporation large quantity water during heat treatment, it contains vitamins and other useful elements, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur and iron;
  • Ryazhenka can be consumed even by people with high stomach acidity;
  • natural yogurt has the ability to rid the human body of streptococci, typhoid bacilli and staphylococci;
  • yogurt without unnecessary additives has big amount vitamins, organic and saturated fatty acids, mono- and disaccharides, micro- and macroelements.

Special Recommendations on the use of these products in childhood are also available. So, kefir can be given even to small children, but after the introduction of cereals and various baby purees. It is still not recommended for use by infants under 8-9 months due to its composition. For example, casein ( milk protein) may cause allergic reaction, and the intestines completely small child he simply cannot cope with it.

The use of such a product implies an increased load on the kidneys and digestive system. Premature introduction of fermented milk products into a child’s diet can contribute to the development of diarrhea and anemia.

Giving children kefir starts with a daily dose of 20-30 ml, gradually increasing it to a volume of 200 ml. You should not purchase regular product, but for children, the composition of which is adapted to only developing organism. Natural yogurt without unnecessary additives and preservatives can be given to children in natural form or add fruit (berry) puree. Recommended daily dose for a child aged 8-9 months is 100-150 ml.

Here are a few important advice on the purchase and use of fermented milk products.

  • One-day kefir will relieve constipation, and three-day kefir is suitable for people suffering from gastritis with low acidity And chronic colitis(accompanied by diarrhea).
  • You should buy all fermented milk products only with a shelf life of no more than 5-7 days, since beneficial microorganisms live very little.
  • It is necessary to replace yoghurts with dyes, preservatives and various flavoring additives with natural ones with the addition of fresh fruit, since only such a product will bring the proper benefits.
  • You can freeze kefir at home to obtain it when defrosted natural cottage cheese, since at negative temperatures coagulation of milk protein begins to occur. The cottage cheese turns out tender and pasty.
  • All fermented milk products are recommended to be consumed during intensive treatment antibiotics. This will help reduce several times negative impact on the body of the strong medical supplies and support the vital activity of beneficial microorganisms.
  • In case of heavy metal poisoning, it is also necessary to use dairy and fermented milk products to remove toxic substances.
  • All products can be prepared at home if purchased at a pharmacy special composition for fermentation. Such products will be even more useful.

Thus, all fermented milk products will be useful, but individual intolerance to the body and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract should be taken into account. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the shelf life and composition, which should not contain unnecessary components.

To find out which fermented milk product should always be in your refrigerator, see below.

To find out how yogurt differs from kefir and fermented baked milk, it is necessary to consider these products separately. Each of them has a different effect on the body. The presence of lactic acid bacteria in the composition is of great value for the stomach and intestines. Healthy gut– the key to good digestion. The lactic acid bacteria included in the composition help to improve its functioning. Let's look at the main difference. What product is more or less useful interests the audience? of different ages and health status.

What is the difference

Let's figure out the difference between yogurt, kefir and fermented baked milk. Are they all useful? We know that they are used to speed up the digestion process.

These fermented milk products help restore intestinal microflora even after taking antibiotics, which is a huge plus and reason widespread use.

The benefits of lactic acid drinks depend on which area of ​​their action you pay attention to. Let's look at the difference between them and determine what is more suitable for each individual.

The difference between yogurt, fermented baked milk and kefir is quite significant. They differ in taste, color, degree of fat content, consistency and the method of fermentation itself. Kefir has White color, homogeneous structure and has a sour taste.

Fermentation can be lactic acid or alcoholic. Cow's milk with low fat percentage kefir grains combines several types of microorganisms.

As it matures, the percentage of alcohol increases. Curdled milk is thick sour milk, or deliberately fermented with the help of lactic acid fungi. Its composition is dense with a sour taste and smell.

Ryazhenka is baked milk that is fermented with special fungi. This is a fermented milk drink with a sweetish, delicate taste and creamy tint. Ryazhenka is made from thermally treated baked milk.

There is practically no foreign bacteria left in it. Of the products presented above, fermented baked milk is the best absorbed.

It is impossible to determine with precision what is more beneficial for a person. Many fermented milk products are good for the intestines, the only difference is in taste, fat content, individual intolerance if there is certain diseases. You can drink kefir while on a diet.

When preparing fermented baked milk, some of the water evaporates, but the main beneficial features are saved. Doctors in controversial situations recommend fermented baked milk, since it contains more necessary and beneficial microbes for the stomach, but the leader in restoring microflora is kefir.

It is worth keeping in mind that it increases gas formation and is not suitable for people with sensitive stomachs. But kefir perfectly destroys putrefactive microorganisms in the intestines, noticeably superior to yogurt.

For gastritis with low acidity, you should introduce kefir into your diet and drink 3 times a day before meals in the amount of ½ cup. It should not be consumed directly from the refrigerator or overheated; it should be at room temperature.

The leading position in digestibility is occupied by fermented baked milk. When making yogurt, the milk sours on its own; no additional microorganisms are required.

One-day kefir will help with constipation. A two-day drink is recommended for diabetes, anemia, gastritis, as well as for the prevention of heart attacks and strokes. Three-day kefir suitable for people with diarrhea.

Read also

Many housewives have a designated place in the refrigerator for dairy products. Interested to know which is better and less caloric? Below is a list of three commonly used types.


  • curdled milk contains at least 3.2% fat;
  • kefir is considered the most dietary product, its fat content ranges from 0 to 3.2%;
  • The fat content of fermented baked milk is from 3.2% to 6%, homemade can be even fatter.

For a complete healthy eating A person should definitely include milk and dairy products in his menu. They cannot be replaced with anything else; they are great for losing weight. But we're talking about not about all products in this series.

Curdled milk is completely digestible and suitable for diets. Kefir remains a dietary drink. It cannot match its leadership with other competitors.

Let's look at the composition of the products:

  1. Kefir. Contains iron, vitamins PP, A, H, B, P, C, D, E, chromium, Ca, iodine, amino acids.
  2. Ryazhenka. Contains vitamins D, P, C, A, PP, B, K, Na, Ca, Fe.
  3. Curdled milk. Rich in vitamin C and B, as well as fatty acids.

Will need fresh homemade milk, sour cream/kefir for sourdough. For 3 liter jar you will need 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream and 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar. Mix all the contents, and put the jar itself in a warm place for 10 hours. You can keep curdled milk in the refrigerator for 3-4 days.

With constant consumption of this fermented milk drink, the condition of everything digestive tract improves, namely:

  • intestinal motility is improved;
  • microflora is restored;
  • waste and toxins are removed;
  • problems associated with digestion of food go away;
  • the condition of the body as a whole improves;
  • immunity increases.

This is an excellent prevention cardiovascular diseases. It has a positive effect on all organs and helps the body after a stroke or heart attack.

Basically, kefir takes first place in baking recipes. He gives them ease and especially delicate taste. Pies and muffins become more filling. Is it possible to replace kefir with yogurt if there is none in the refrigerator and you don’t want to go to the store?

What function does kefir perform in dough? When the acid and soda interact, the dough fills with bubbles and the baked goods become fluffy. Curdled milk is also a fermented milk product, therefore, kefir can be replaced with this product.

Such types of baked goods as butter, unleavened and yeast baked goods are most often prepared with the addition of kefir. The dough becomes fluffy and tasty. Kefir ferments, imparting viscosity and plasticity.

Is it possible to replace kefir with another fermented milk product, such as fermented baked milk? Of course yes. The dough will turn out just as airy and porous, but we must not forget that kefir has high acidity, so there is no need to quench the soda.

When using fermented baked milk, quench the soda with vinegar. For some people, kefir is contraindicated and replacing it with fermented baked milk will allow them to continue consuming their favorite foods without compromising their health.

Prepared with the addition of fermented milk products. The main fermented milk ingredient is usually kefir or sour milk.

With the addition of fermented baked milk, the pancakes will turn out just as tender and appetizing, and a hint of baked milk will only add softness to the taste. Below is a simple recipe that will brighten every family's morning.

We will need:

  1. Ryazhenka 0.5 liters.
  2. Flour 3 cups.
  3. Salt 1 pinch.
  4. Eggs 2 pcs.
  5. Soda 0.5 teaspoon.
  6. Sugar 1 tbsp. spoon.
  7. Vegetable oil.

Whisk together the fermented baked milk, eggs, sugar and salt. Mix the resulting mass with flour and soda. Stir again. The dough should be thick, but there may be some lumps.

Place in a warm place for 20 minutes. After the dough has rested, without disturbing, scoop the resulting mixture from the plate with a spoon. Heat the frying pan over vegetable oil.

Place the pancakes and fry on both sides until golden brown. You can prepare pancakes with kefir and fermented baked milk in 40 minutes.

Homemade cream cheese

Making homemade cheese yourself is not difficult. Homemade recipe has a great advantage compared to the cheese that we are used to seeing on store shelves.

You can get it like dietary product using low-fat ingredients and not dietary. In any case, the choice is always yours. Consider a recipe for making cream cheese at home.

It is very light and pleasant to the taste, melting on the tongue. It's quick and easy to prepare. We need 1 liter of cream. Leave the bowl for 2 days in a warm place to get curdled milk.

After the cream has soured, strain the yogurt through cheesecloth. Squeeze lightly to remove excess whey. Place under a press weighing about 2.5 kg. The amazing food can be consumed within half an hour.

Pancakes with sour milk

If you love curdled milk and store it in the refrigerator, or often leave unfinished milk unattended, then this recipe is for you. Let's learn how to make a masterpiece using products that are on hand in every family.

Important condition for pancakes with yogurt - the density of the dough.

It should look like store-bought sour cream. We will need 1 cup of yogurt, 2 cups of flour, 0.5 teaspoon soda, 0.5 teaspoon salt, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar and sunflower oil about 5 tbsp. spoons

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the egg with baking powder or soda, sugar, butter and salt.
  2. Combine ¼ part of the flour and ½ part of a glass of curdled milk, bringing to a homogeneous mass.
  3. Add the rest and mix until the cream becomes thick.
  4. Wait 30 minutes.
  5. Heat the frying pan, add oil, pour the dough into the middle part so that the mass spreads along the bottom.
  6. Fry pancakes on both sides.

We have looked at the main points of how yogurt differs from kefir and fermented baked milk. You have learned what is healthier and what is higher in calories. Each drink is unique in its own way.

In the intestines pathogenic bacteria. However, the environmental situation today is unfavorable, which affects health; as a result, the microflora of our body is constantly depressed, which means it needs to be replenished. The first products of this kind appeared in the fifties, when Soviet dairies produced “Mechnikov yogurt”, acidophilic milk, which was obtained using individual species microorganisms, kefir was fermented using a fungal culture. But these products were perishable and were stored for a maximum of three days. Therefore, over time, their production had to be abandoned. And only when it was possible to create a starter from bacterial associations that allow products for a long time stay fresh, kefir, yogurt, and fermented baked milk appeared on the shelves again.

What is healthier: kefir or fermented baked milk?

The cleanest and useful product- fermented baked milk. It is made on the basis of milk, which has been “languished” for a long time and there is practically no foreign bacteria left in it, and then it is fermented with thermophilic streptococcus and acidophilus bacillus, which are very beneficial for health. In the West, by the way, kefir is especially popular. Kefir is fermented with a combination of yeast, lactic acid and acetic acid bacteria and also benefits the body. The microflora of fermented baked milk and kefir, entering the human body, produces lactic acid, which prevents unwanted, pathogenic microorganisms and neutralizes them.

Plastic containers are worse than glass, but better than cellophane

Does the quality of kefir, yogurt or fermented baked milk depend on the packaging? They say that plastic dishes are harmful to health?

By far the best packaging is glassware. But when using glass containers, there is a possibility that during production it may be damaged and a piece broken glass will end up in kefir. Of course, plastic dishes are not the best option, but now they use plastic for products that is not harmful to health as packaging for kefir or fermented baked milk.

What is better - plastic or a bag?

A product in soft packaging quickly loses its consistency, because... First, these packages are loaded into factory containers, then they are rearranged in the store, then buyers repeatedly rearrange the packages on the counter and this, of course, affects the quality of the product, which is why it is cheaper.

Unsanitary "grandmother's cottage cheese"

They say that grandmothers at the market have much better cottage cheese...

Grandma’s cottage cheese really tastes better because she uses full-fat, undiluted milk to prepare it. But this does not mean at all that it good quality. Not a single housewife can stand it sanitary standards. That's why homemade cottage cheese It is stored for only two or three days, and then such a fluff appears on it - acidum lactis, so your body has absolutely no use for it. But at enterprises, cottage cheese is made from pasteurized milk; it is stored longer because there are no pathogenic bacteria.

A common belief is that it is harmful for adults to drink milk because there is no enzyme that breaks it down. This is true?

This is bullshit. Milk is a healthy product at any age. It contains very necessary for the body calcium, vitamins, amino acids, in addition, milk protein is easily digestible. And lactase, the same enzyme that breaks down milk sugar, which you are talking about, all people have. But with age, the digestive processes in the human body weaken and the breakdown of lactose too, but this does not mean that milk ceases to be absorbed and becomes harmful to health. Everyone should listen to their body. Escherichia coli“loves” lactose, so some people experience discomfort (bloating) after drinking milk.

Many people are very suspicious of T-milk, saying that it can be stored for a long time, and apparently preservatives have been added. This is true?

Another misconception. In fact, T-milk is the milk itself High Quality. There is no foreign microflora in it, because it undergoes heat treatment for 1-2 seconds at a temperature of 150°C. This allows you to destroy all harmful microflora and at the same time preserve vitamins, calcium and protein.

Expert opinion

Don't sit on kefir diet! You need to lose weight with kefir very carefully.

Endocrinologist Yulia Buldygina does not recommend going on a kefir diet, because as a result, along with extra pounds the body loses necessary proteins and carbohydrates. According to the expert, kefir will be more gentle fasting days. About once a week, no more than two days.

Drink at least two and a half liters a day if you want to lose weight, it is best to kefir with 0.5% - 1% fat content, advises Yulia Buldygina. – For people suffering from colitis and pancreatitis, kefir days are contraindicated, since kefir increases intestinal motility and colic may begin.