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How to drink water pepper correctly. With heavy periods. Instructions for use: Water pepper extract

In the article we discuss water pepper. You will learn what medicinal properties it has, how to prepare raw materials, how to prepare medicines based on it, how to use them for menstruation, for hemorrhoids, for hair growth, and what contraindications there are for water pepper.

Water pepper or Knotweed is an annual herbaceous medicinal plant of the Buckwheat family. Highlander got its name from the spicy peppery taste of its leaves and seeds. People call it suburysh, frogwort, pepper buckwheat, water knotweed, turnip, wild or forest mustard. Latin name: Persicaria hydropiper.

What does it look like

Appearance of water pepper (pepper knotweed). A plant with a height of 30 to 90 cm with knotty, erect, branched or bare stems of a brown-red hue. The leaves are light green, lanceolate, tapering at the base and tip, 3 to 9 cm long.

The leaf surface is smooth, with translucent glands and a brown-red spot.

Inflorescences are spike-shaped racemes from 3 to 8 cm long on long pedicels. From 1 to 3 inflorescences develop in the sockets of the stem. Flowers white or Pink colour with yellow depressed glands with outside perianth. There are 6 to 8 stamens in each flower. The flowering period is from June to September.

The fruits are small, single-seeded, with a woody pericarp, two- or three-sided, dark brown color. The fruiting period is from August to October.

Where does it grow

Peppermint knotweed can be found almost throughout Russia, as well as in Europe, Asia, northern Africa and Australia. Water pepper grows in wetlands, along the banks of reservoirs, along roads, in flooded meadows and arable lands. Propagated by seeds. Prefers moist and rich soils.

For more information about peppermint (water pepper), see the following video:

Peppermint herb

The healing properties of water pepper were known to ancient healers. The ancient Greeks and Romans used knotweed for heavy bleeding and during malaria epidemics. In Russia, in the first half of the twentieth century, the medicinal properties of peppermint were comprehensively studied, and it was officially introduced into the state pharmacopoeia as a coagulant for bleeding of various etiologies.

IN medical purposes They use plant herbs, which contain many biologically active substances.

Chemical composition

The above-ground part of the plant contains the following substances:

  • essential oils;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • tannins;
  • acetic acid;
  • formic acid;
  • Apple acid;
  • valeric acid;
  • rutoside;
  • carotene;
  • tocopherol;
  • flavonoids;
  • ergosterol;
  • phytosterol;
  • glycosides;
  • naphthoquinone;
  • acetylcholine;
  • Sahara;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • silver.

Medicinal properties

The plant has the following medicinal properties:

  • hemostatic;
  • astringent;
  • fixing;
  • antiseptic;
  • antibacterial;
  • wound healing;
  • pain reliever;
  • antitumor;
  • diuretic;
  • antimalarial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • calming.

In medicine, water pepper is used to treat the following ailments:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • hemorrhoidal bleeding;
  • uterine atony;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • heavy menstruation;
  • endometrial hyperplasia of the uterus;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • pain of various etiologies;
  • tumors;
  • swelling of the limbs;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • malaria;
  • wounds and pustular inflammation of the skin;
  • hair loss.

Traditional recipes based on water pepper should be used only after consulting a doctor. The doctor prescribes the dosage and course of treatment for each patient individually.

How to collect

For medicinal purposes, the aerial parts of the plant are collected during the flowering period. The grass is cleaned of dirt, darkened and rotten leaves, washed under running water and dried.

The cleaned raw materials are laid out on a tarpaulin and dried in a shaded, well-ventilated area. The raw materials are also dried in automatic dryers at a temperature of 40 to 50 degrees.

After drying, the knotweed herb loses its pungent taste, but the bitter taste still remains. Store medicinal raw materials in paper envelopes or fabric bags in a dry, dark place. Shelf life: 2 years.

The plant is also harvested for culinary purposes. The grass is collected during the fruiting period along with the seeds. Raw materials are used in fresh, before adding to dishes, chop.

How to use

Peppermint extract can be purchased at any pharmacy. Water pepper is used as a medicinal and food plant. The dried herb of peppermint is used to prepare medicinal decoctions, infusions and extracts with hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effects. They are taken orally and used externally.

IN medicinal purposes fresh grass is also used. For headaches, it is crushed and applied to the back of the head and temples. Water pepper gruel is used to treat scars and scars.

In cosmetology, the plant is used against hair loss, seborrhea, acne and to relieve inflammation of the skin. To do this, use a tincture or extract based on knotweed. Freshly cut grass is used to get rid of freckles and age spots. In addition, various dishes are prepared with water pepper. cosmetic masks and use them against cellulite, to accelerate hair growth, strengthen eyelashes and eyebrows.

In cooking, crushed grass and knotweed seeds are used as seasoning. Like Bell pepper, it gives dishes a pungent taste and spicy aroma. As a spice, water pepper is quite popular in Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore.

Knotweed is also used in the manufacture of dyes. Based on it, paint is made in yellow, yellow-green, golden, gray and khaki colors.

During menstruation (heavy bleeding)

With heavy uterine bleeding, disorders menstrual cycle To contract the uterus after childbirth and to stop menstruation, take an alcohol or water infusion of water pepper. Highlander helps reduce the amount of discharge, reduces the permeability of the endometrial vessels of the uterus, relieves pain and alleviates the woman’s condition.

Alcohol infusion


  1. Peppermint - 15 g.
  2. Food alcohol (40%) - 200 ml.

How to cook: Place the raw materials in a glass container and fill it with alcohol. Seal the container tightly and place in a cool, dark place. Infuse water pepper for 14 days. Shake the container periodically. At the end of the period, filter the infusion through gauze.

How to use: Dilute 10 drops of the product in 50-100 ml of boiled water. Take three times daily before meals.

Alcohol infusion is also used to delay menstruation. 3-4 days before the start of menstruation, take 45 drops diluted in boiled water infusion 3 times a day. The first dose is in the morning on an empty stomach, the second and third - during the day, half an hour before meals.

Water infusion


  1. Peppermint - 15 g.
  2. Drinking water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Boil water and pour in the chopped knotweed herb. Place it on water bath for 15 minutes, then let the product sit for 45 minutes. Before taking, filter through gauze.

How to use: Take 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day before meals.

For hemorrhoids

To treat hemorrhoids, an alcoholic extract of peppermint is used. It helps reduce hemorrhoidal bleeding and relieve inflammation.

Alcohol extract


  1. Peppermint - 150−200 g.
  2. Food alcohol (70%) - 200 ml.

How to cook: Grind the dried herb and place it in a glass container. Fill with alcohol and let it brew for a week. Before use, filter the product through gauze.

How to use: Take 30-40 drops of the extract diluted in boiled water three times a day before meals.

Also, for hemorrhoids, a decoction based on water pepper is prepared and sitz baths are taken with it.

Bath decoction


  1. Peppermint - 2 tbsp.
  2. Clean water - 2 l.

How to cook: Boil water and pour boiling water over the herb. Let sit for 10 minutes, then filter through cheesecloth and cool to room temperature.

How to use: Pour the broth into a bowl and sit in it so that the area of ​​inflammation is completely immersed in the liquid. Bath time is 15 minutes.

An ointment is prepared from fresh knotweed grass for the external treatment of hemorrhoids.



  1. Peppermint - 50 g.
  2. Melted pork fat or Vaseline - 100 g.

How to cook: Grind the herb to a pulp, then mix thoroughly with the fat base. Store the ointment in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass jar.

How to use: Apply ointment to hemorrhoids and the anal area every day.

For hair growth

For the treatment of alopecia in men and women, as well as for the improvement and rapid growth hair masks are prepared based on water pepper extract.


  1. Peppermint (extract) - 1 tsp.
  2. Castor oil - 1 tsp.
  3. Any hair mask or conditioner - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients in a non-metallic bowl. Prepare for the procedure a coloring brush, cling film and a warm scarf.

How to use: Carry out the procedure on unwashed hair. Using a brush, apply the mask to the roots. Gently massage the product into your scalp using fingertips. Do not apply the mask to your strands! Wrap your head with film and a scarf. Keep the mask on for 1 hour. The mask will warm up the scalp. If you feel a strong burning sensation, do not tolerate it and wash off the mask ahead of time.

At the end of the procedure, wash off the mask cool water and wash your hair with shampoo. To remove oily shine from your hair, rinse your hair warm water, acidified with lemon juice.

Water pepper tincture

Pharmacies sell ready-made tincture of water pepper. The tincture is released in dark glass bottles. The average price is 90 rubles for 50 ml.

The tincture is used as a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. Before use, the product is diluted in boiled water.

Water Pepper Extract

An extract is a more concentrated infusion of water pepper. It can also be purchased at pharmacies. The average price is 35 rubles for 25 ml.

Used for gynecological and hemorrhoidal bleeding, to stimulate uterine tone, and also as an antiseptic and coagulant in the treatment of cervical erosion. Before ingestion, the extract is also diluted in boiled water.


The peppery knotweed has the following contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance;
  • kidney inflammation;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • chronic constipation;
  • age up to 10 years.

IN in rare cases when treated with water pepper, nausea, dizziness, headache, urticaria may develop, itchy skin and swelling.

During pregnancy, taking medicines based on water pepper is also contraindicated. The plant stimulates contraction of the muscles of the uterus and increases its tone. This can lead to miscarriage and premature birth.

When breastfeeding, the use of water pepper is allowed, but only under the supervision of a doctor. Only a doctor can give competent instructions for taking the drug during lactation.


The plant has the following taxometric classification:

  • department: Flowers;
  • class: Dicotyledons;
  • order: Cloves;
  • family: Buckwheat;
  • genus: Persicaria;
  • species: Pepper knotweed.


The genus Persicaria includes 66 species of annual and perennial herbaceous plants. The most common types of knotweed:

  • capitate;
  • Chinese;
  • multileaf;
  • sorrel-leaved;
  • multi-spike;
  • Virginia;
  • dyeing;
  • Senegalese;
  • point;
  • Pennsylvanian;
  • Oriental;
  • small;
  • long-chaete.

Amphibious knotweed and kidneyweed are also used for medicinal purposes. They have healing properties similar to water pepper.

Water pepper infographics

Photo of water pepper, it beneficial features and application
Water Pepper Infographic

What to remember

  1. In medicine, water pepper herb is used in dried and fresh form.
  2. Medicinal products based on knotweed are not intended for frequent use and self-treatment.
  3. Before using water pepper, you should consult your doctor.

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Water pepper or peppermint - annual medicinal herbaceous plant, belonging to the buckwheat family, has hemostatic, sedative, analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Water pepper grows almost everywhere - from Europe to the Far East. Australia and Africa are considered the birthplace of this plant.

Pharmacological action of water pepper

Water pepper contains many useful substances. Its aerial part contains acetic, malic, paracoumaric, chlorogenic, valeric, formic acids, pectin, essential oil, vitamins C, K, D, E, PP, tannin, tannins, flavonoids (quercetin, avicularin, hyperoside), wax, mucus, phlobafen, phytosterol, calcium oxalate, carotene, sugar, magnesium, silver, manganese, titanium. The roots of the plant contain anthraglycosides.

Isorhamnetin, rhamnazine, hyperoside, quercitrin, flavonoids and kaempferol reduce permeability and increase strength blood vessels. Ascorbic acid and rutin calms the nervous system.

IN Ancient Greece and Rome, Water Pepper was used to cleanse wounds and also treat tumors. Paracelsus in the 16th century described this plant as an external irritant, used instead of mustard plasters.

IN scientific medicine this medicinal plant was introduced by A. O. Petrovsky, who drew attention to its ability to stop bleeding.

In addition to the hemostatic effect, Water Pepper has an analgesic and sedative, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Preparations from this plant have a choleretic and diuretic effect, reduce pain during menstruation, and reduce acidity gastric juice, increase the tone of the uterus and intestines, constrict blood vessels, improve heart function, blood clotting, and “shrink” hemorrhoids.

Indications for use of Water Pepper

According to the instructions, Water Pepper is used for:

  • Spastic and atonic constipation;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Uterine bleeding;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Urolithiasis;
  • Dysentery;
  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Headache;
  • Gastritis;
  • Peptic ulcer;
  • Fever;
  • Sore throat;
  • Scrofula;
  • Stomatitis;
  • Diseases of the oral mucosa;
  • Gum diseases;
  • Eczema;
  • Nodular goiter;
  • Hair loss.

Contraindications to the use of Water Pepper

Peppermint preparations are contraindicated in coronary disease heart disease, nephritis, kidney disease, hypertension, chronic constipation, hypersensitivity to this medicinal plant, as well as pregnant women and children under ten years of age.

How to use Water Pepper

Various medicines can be made from Peppermint: infusions, decoctions, juice. Fresh water pepper herb is applied to the forehead for headaches.

Water pepper can be used as a remedy for internal and topical use.

Tincture of Water Pepper is used for heavy and painful menstruation, atony and hypotension of the uterus, uterine bleeding, postpartum and hemorrhoidal bleeding orally, 30-40 drops 3 times a day.

For malaria, prepare a decoction from the dry grass of peppermint, pouring 1 tablespoon of the raw material with half a liter of boiling water. The resulting and cooled decoction should be drunk one day before.

At peptic ulcer, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis and urolithiasis Prepare a decoction from the roots of the plant by boiling 20 g of finely chopped rhizomes in one liter of water. The decoction is taken four times a day, half a glass.

For hemorrhoids, the following decoction is used for sitz baths and washes: 50 g of dry water pepper herb is poured into two glasses of water and boiled.

After childbirth, take Water Pepper extract (infusion of 2 tablespoons of raw material in a glass of alcohol (40% solution)) twice a day, 30 drops before meals.

To prevent painful and heavy menstruation, take Water Pepper tincture for three to six months (1 tablespoon of the herb is poured into 200 ml of water, heated in a water bath, infused for 45 minutes) - 2-3 times a day, 1 tablespoon.

To reduce hair loss and accelerate hair growth, use a plant extract prepared from dry herb powder and 70% alcohol (1:1) with the addition of liquid vitamin E. The product must be rubbed into the scalp with massage movements and then left for 15 minutes. The composition is washed off with regular shampoo.

Side effects of water pepper

According to reviews, Water pepper can cause adverse reactions in the form of: headache, dizziness, urticaria, nausea and vomiting.

Latin name: Polygonum hydropiper
ATX code: B02BX
Active substance: Active components
water pepper herbs
Manufacturer: LLC NPP KAMELIA (Russia);
VAT “Fitofarm”, ZAT Pharmaceutical Factory
"Viola" (Ukraine)
Dispensing from the pharmacy: Over the counter
Storage conditions: at temperatures from 8 to 15°C
Best before date: 3 years.

An alcoholic tincture of water pepper herb is used as an addition to the main therapy in obstetrics, gynecology, stomach or intestinal bleeding, or for hemorrhoids. This natural remedy is rich in flavonoids, organic acids and tannins, and is officially recognized as medicinal.

Water pepper extract has a pronounced odor and bitter taste. Since the tincture is alcohol-based, its use is contraindicated for people performing precise, complex work that requires maximum concentration, and motorists.

Indications for use

Water pepper extract is prescribed:

  • Stopping bleeding after abortion
  • Stopping uterine bleeding after miscarriage
  • Stopping bleeding after childbirth
  • Excessive bleeding during menstruation
  • Bleeding during treatment of cervical erosion
  • Bleeding from small vessels stomach
  • Bleeding in the intestines
  • Bleeding due to hemorrhoids
  • For cosmetic purposes.

The drug is prescribed only as an addition to the main treatment.

Composition and its medicinal properties

Natural water pepper extract herbal preparation With ethyl alcohol in the composition (its volume of the total mass is 70%).

The product has a hemostatic effect. This is possible due to the effect on blood clotting and capillary permeability.

In the case of uterine bleeding, their amount is reduced due to the effect on the strength of uterine contractions. With strong contractions, the vessels and capillaries are compressed, thereby reducing the force of bleeding.

The effect of using the drug is cumulative.

The components processed by the body are partially excreted in the urine and bile. Some of them are accumulated by the body in the form of glycogen (glucose).

Release forms

The average price in Russia for a volume of 25 ml is 50 rubles.

The product is available in liquid form. The liquid is bottled in darkened glass bottles of 25 ml, 30 ml and 50 ml. The bottle is packed in cardboard box with a picture of a plant on front side. Label design depends on the manufacturer. Information on the box and label on the bottle is required: date, place of production, composition and expiration date.

The tincture is colorless, has a pronounced odor and a not very pleasant bitter taste.

Mode of application

Reception involves taking 30-40 drops three times a day half an hour before meals. Drops can be washed down clean water. The duration of treatment can vary from 5 to 10 days.

The instructions for use are uniform and do not depend on the place of production.

Reception of water pepper for hair: olive or Castor oil. The mixture is heated, applied for 5 minutes and washed off after 5 minutes. The procedure is recommended to be carried out regularly for 2 months. As a result, hair growth accelerates, it becomes healthy and shiny.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Liquid extract water pepper is absolutely contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

When breastfeeding, use is allowed only at the discretion of the attending physician, if there are no other ways to improve the patient's condition. Taking the extract does not affect lactation, but it is recommended to avoid feeding the newborn at this time.

Water pepper after childbirth stimulates uterine contractions. Using pepper to contract the uterus is most often used after a miscarriage or abortion. This treatment helps stimulate contractions of the uterus, and this, in turn, will speed up the recovery process of the woman's body and stop heavy bleeding.

Contraindications and precautions

  • Pregnancy
  • Children under 18 years old
  • Drivers behind the wheel
  • Employees of industries requiring maximum concentration
  • At inflammatory processes in the bladder
  • For nephritis
  • For kidney diseases.

If it is known that the patient has increased blood clotting, this remedy will not suit him.

Under special supervision, the drug is used in patients with:

  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Liver disorders
  • Severe stages of alcoholism.

Cross-drug interactions

No cases of negative interactions with other drugs have been identified.

Side effects

In pregnant women, the medicine can cause premature birth due to increased uterine tone. That is why during this period the product will be banned.

In rare cases, an allergy to the components of the drug may develop; if the intolerance is known in advance, the drug should not be used.


It is very important to observe the period of permissible use of the extract. At long-term use A strong vasoconstriction may form, which in turn will cause an attack of hypertension.

This information has not been confirmed by research, but theoretically the development of such a syndrome is possible.


There are no exact analogues of the remedy, but there are substitutes that are similar in situations for prescribing such treatment.

Manufacturer: Lek (Slovenia)

Price: 380 rubles for a package of 100 tablets and 530 rubles for 50 ampoules.

The active ingredient etamsylate has an angioprotective effect. This means that bleeding quickly stops and a primary blood clot forms at the site of injury. The action occurs within 10-15 minutes. It is eliminated almost completely within 24 hours.


The medicine is used not only to stop bleeding, but also to prevent it. This is one of the first aid remedies for bleeding. different origins. Easy to buy, almost always in stock.


At frequent use may cause blood clots. The injections of this medicine are very painful.

Manufacturers: Lugansk Chemical Plant, Ukraine; pilot plant GNTsLS DP Ukrmedprom, Ukraine; PharmFirma SOTEX, Russia; BIOCHIMIC, Russia; BIOSYNTHESIS, Russia.

Price: in tablets 104 rubles for 50 pieces, in ampoules 84 rubles for 10 pieces.

Active ingredient: Etamzilat. Often used to stop heavy bleeding stopping them for a long time.


The action comes very quickly. So many positive feedback when taken during heavy menstruation. It's inexpensive.


The product should not be used by pregnant women in the first trimester or breastfeeding women.

Water pepper (pepper knotweed) is a herbaceous plant of the Buckwheat family that has a pungent, hot, peppery taste. It reaches a height of up to 90 cm, has an erect stem of a reddish color. The leaves are green, oblong, alternate, with translucent points of essential oil glands on the upper side.

The flowers are small, red or pink, collected in often hanging racemes. The knotweed produces fruits - egg-shaped nuts, convex on one side and flat on the other. It grows mainly in meadows, shrubs, alder forests, along the banks of rivers and lakes, along roads.

The herb of the plant is used as a medicinal raw material.

Dosage forms and composition of water pepper

A lot of medicines are made from the herb, including water pepper tincture, water pepper extract, and various herbal preparations containing the plant.

They sell dried water pepper herb, from which you can make your own tincture or extract. The plant is included in suppositories against hemorrhoids.

Highlander contains a lot of useful substances, including macro- and microelements: silver, titanium, magnesium, manganese, as well as vitamins E, D, C, K, as well as essential oil, glycoside, tannins.

pharmachologic effect

The herb has unique healing and hemostatic properties. IN folk medicine Water pepper tincture is used for uterine bleeding and for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

During menstruation, knotweed is also effective as a means of reducing blood loss, slowing down the drop in hemoglobin levels, and relieving cramps and pain. It is often used when postpartum hemorrhage. It is important that when stopping bleeding, the medicine does not cause an increase in blood pressure, so it can be used without fear even by hypertensive patients.

The first pharmacological studies of the herb were carried out in 1912, and it was then that it was discovered that drugs based on this herb have pronounced hemostatic properties, which were more effective than drugs based on goldenseal, a popular plant at that time.

Water pepper strengthens blood vessels and significantly reduces their permeability, accelerating blood clotting.

Polygonum extract can increase contraction of the uterine muscles. Thanks to the components included in the plant, it also has a pronounced bactericidal effect.

The herb is effective for varicose veins veins, various skin diseases, dysentery, stones and sand in the bladder and kidneys, duodenal and stomach ulcers. Used as a mouth rinse for sore throat and sore throat.

Externally, the herb is used to treat eczema, skin wounds and burns, and nodular goiter.

Polygonum has also been recognized as having antitumor properties.

Instructions for water pepper

In the form of a tincture or extract, the drug is used in obstetric and gynecological practice for:

  • Subinvolution of the uterus;
  • Uterine postpartum hemorrhage.

Highlander is effective for long and heavy periods, as well as for bleeding from small vessels and capillaries of the intestines, stomach, and mild hemorrhoidal bleeding.

According to the instructions, it is advisable to use water pepper not as an independent remedy, but as part of complex treatment for internal and uterine bleeding.

As part of complex preparations, Water Pepper herb is prescribed to patients with chronic colitis accompanied by erosive and ulcerative lesions mucous membrane, with hemorrhoids.

Method of using water pepper and dosage

Polygonum extract is prescribed 30-40 drops three to four times a day. It is used as a hemostatic agent.

Take 1/3 cup of water pepper tincture three to four times a day before meals. It is strictly forbidden to take the medicine yourself. You should first consult a doctor who will determine the exact dosage of the medication and the duration of therapy.

Side effects of water pepper

The instructions for the tincture contain some warnings for its use. Yes, such side effects like headache, nausea, dizziness.

It is possible to develop allergic reactions - skin rashes, itching, swelling. If these reactions occur, it is recommended to stop taking the medication. If swelling appears in the throat area and is constantly increasing, you should immediately seek medical help.


The alcohol tincture of the plant should not be taken by persons with hypersensitivity to alcohol.

Storage conditions

Store dry raw materials, as well as tincture and extract, in a dark place inaccessible to children for no longer than three years.

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Traditional medicine has long been using water pepper as a remedy. It grows near rivers, lakes, and can be found in wet meadows. This plant is also called peppermint because it has a hot, pungent taste. Water pepper tincture has a unique medicinal property– its use helps stop bleeding. Highlander can be bought inexpensively at any pharmacy in free access.

What is water pepper tincture

The plant reaches a height of 30 to 90 centimeters. The stem is branched, the leaves are sharp or blunt in shape, and the small flowers have a reddish tint. Peppermint produces fruits in the form of ovoid structures, flat on one side and convex on the other. Water pepper – useful plant, which is included in many drugs and cosmetics.

Highlander is used in the form of tinctures and suppositories, because it has established itself as an excellent hemostatic agent, due to which it is popular in medicine. This herb improves blood clotting properties due to its glycoside content, essential oils, tannins, and thanks to this combination, it has a bactericidal effect. Highlander is often used in gynecology and cosmetology, as a raw material for medicines and tinctures.

How it works

The infusion of water pepper acts as a healing and hemostatic agent, thanks to its constituents:

  • organic acids;
  • tannins;
  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins K, A, E, C;
  • salts of magnesium, titanium and manganese.

The hemostatic effect is achieved mainly due to vitamin K and tannins, which, together with mineral salts provide an analgesic effect. Flavonoids help reduce swelling, reduce vascular permeability, and have an antispasmodic and antiviral effect. Tannins create an astringent and bactericidal effect. Thanks to formic, malic, acetic and polygonic acids, processes alkalize the body and get rid of toxins. Vitamins protect against free radicals.

Indications for use

The range of uses of the plant for medicinal purposes is very wide: from diseases respiratory tract and ending gynecological diseases. Liquid extract of water pepper is prescribed for the following diseases:

The effect of the tincture

An infusion of water pepper is primarily used for the recovery of women after childbirth, heavy menstruation, and bleeding from hemorrhoids. It works effectively due to its analgesic, sedative, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, astringent, and hemostatic properties. When used in herbal infusions with other plants, gives positive effect in the treatment of rheumatism, ulcers on the mucous membranes, diarrhea, chronic diseases small and large intestines (colitis, enterocolitis).

How to use water pepper tincture

This drug can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. For preparation, alcohol (vodka) and dry herbs are used. How to drink water pepper tincture: in official instructions It is recommended to use it about four times a day, 30-40 drops. For pain relief during menstruation, for example, it is recommended to take 30 drops twice a day, half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 2-3 months, then it is recommended to take a break (for a month). If necessary, the course is repeated. Can be used as a decoction for stomach diseases and intestinal microflora disorders.

After childbirth

Peppermint has an effective effect on uterine contractility, which is why it is often prescribed to women after childbirth due to its stimulating, analgesic, antiseptic and hemostatic properties. After childbirth, it is better to use the plant extract. To prepare it, you need to mix 40% alcohol (1 glass) and 30 g (two tablespoons) of herbs and leave to brew. You should drink the infusion 30 drops before meals a couple of times a day. If breastfeeding, it should be taken with caution, under the supervision of a doctor.

Water pepper for menstruation

Peppermint is a popular remedy for treating women's problems, pain and bleeding. An infusion of water pepper during menstruation is used:

  • For decreasing pain. Relaxes the muscles of the uterus, reduces spasm;
  • At pronounced manifestation premenstrual syndrome. Eliminates nervousness increased irritability;
  • Normalizes intestinal function during menstruation, which may be disrupted under the influence of increased levels of gestagens during this period;
  • At long periods. If your period lasts more than a week, taking pepper will help stop the bleeding. Take a dry plant in a dose of 40 grams and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, place in a water bath for 5 minutes, close the lid for two hours. How to take water pepper tincture: half a glass, every six hours;
  • For skin rashes before menstruation. Normalizes progesterone levels, thereby reducing the number of skin rashes.

In case of intense discharge, tincture of water pepper brings it within normal limits and can stop uterine bleeding of various etiologies, including intermenstrual bleeding. Effective action The drug is achieved by its ability to quickly trigger the blood coagulation system. When the endometrium of the uterus is rejected, the tincture helps fast healing wounds, thereby reducing the timing of menstruation. Normalizing hormonal background, it prevents the thickening of the lining of the uterus.

For gastrointestinal diseases

In addition to increasing blood clotting, the tincture can be used to normalize the flora of the gastrointestinal tract. Water pepper is used in adjuvant therapy for such disorders gastrointestinal tract:

  • gastric and intestinal bleeding;
  • dyspeptic intestinal disorders;
  • prolonged diarrhea or vomiting;
  • in the presence of stomach ulcers;
  • oncological diseases.

Water pepper extract for uterine contraction

Water pepper tincture is used as an effective remedy for uterine contractions after childbirth. This is one of the ways to stop uterine or hemorrhoidal bleeding and hypotension. After examination, the mother in labor is prescribed pills or natural remedies, which include water pepper tincture. The course of treatment is individual, at the discretion of the specialist.

Water pepper for hemorrhoids

In medicine, this plant is used to treat another disease: inflammation of hemorrhoids in the anus. Methods of using water pepper tincture for the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  • Sitz baths. Cool the broth and pour it into a bowl, sit down. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. You can use baths with added milk. Pour boiling water over 400 g of dry herb and leave for one hour. During this time, prepare the milk mixture: add half a loaf to 500 ml of milk white bread, insist and strain the milk. Mix knotweed and milk, pour into a bowl.
  • Ointment. It’s easy to prepare at home: grind the rendered lard and plant stems until smooth. Store in the refrigerator, it is recommended to use before bed, lubricating the anus. Do not apply to an open wound.

How to take the tincture

For hemorrhoids, water pepper tincture is used due to its hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties, analgesic local action, which is important for inflammation of hemorrhoids. Another remedy is prescribed orally, mainly to women after childbirth for quick recovery birth canal. How much to drink: 30-40 drops 3-4 times a day.

Water Pepper Growth Extract for Hair

The product is excellent for hair and skin care. Effective for active growth hair and anti-loss. It is also used as a hair growth stimulating drug for eyebrows. Water pepper tincture is sold in pharmacies or online stores without prescriptions. It can also be purchased at beauty stores that offer hair and skin care products.

Mask recipes

Pepper tincture is ideal for an effective remedy for hair loss and growth stimulation. Use it together with shampoo or lotion. Instructions for using masks for hair growth:

  1. Vitamin mask recipe. Mix the following components: vitamin E in oil and knotweed extract in equal proportions, rub into the scalp, wrap a warm towel around the head, leave for 15 - 20 minutes, after the time has elapsed, rinse with warm water and shampoo. After the first use, the condition of the hair will improve and a healthy shine will appear.
  2. Rinse lotion. Dilute a couple of tablespoons of knotweed powder with a liter of water or chamomile decoction. Rinse your hair with this solution every time after washing your hair. Store in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days.
  3. Firming mask. Mix 30 ml of castor oil and 3 teaspoons of knotweed extract. Apply only castor oil to the roots of the hair, and to the ends. Put on a plastic cap or bag, wrap it in a warm scarf, leave for 20 minutes, rinse with shampoo, apply balm. The healing effect will be noticeable within 2 weeks after use.

Contraindications for water pepper

Like anyone medicine, the tincture has contraindications. It is not recommended for use in cases of kidney disease: the product has a diuretic effect. In addition, the tincture is contraindicated in inflammatory processes. Bladder, with pyelonephritis, nephritis, glomerulonephritis. A direct contraindication is during pregnancy.

People with hypertension should take it with caution: the infusion constricts blood vessels, which will immediately affect the person’s well-being. Not recommended for use when various diseases hearts, availability chronic constipation, individual intolerance and allergic reaction on the grass. Can cause side effects:

  • nausea;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • hives (rashes) on the skin;
  • dyspeptic disorders.

When feeding a baby

A woman is prescribed highlander after childbirth for speedy recovery and stopping bleeding. Based on the results of numerous studies, it has been proven that the tincture is safe during lactation, but when consumed in small quantities. To avoid the toxic effects of the tincture on the baby, it is recommended not to feed the child while taking the product.

What are the dangers during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, you need to take care of your health and nutrition, and take any medications with extreme caution - this also applies to knotweed infusion. The plant has a drawback - it increases the tone of the uterus, the consequences of which can be as follows:

  • in the first trimester, this can cause miscarriage, lead to missed abortion or death ovum;
  • on later leads to premature birth or spontaneous abortion;
  • contributes to the development of isthmic-cervical insufficiency.

Price of water pepper infusion

Water pepper extract is available, relatively cheap and very effective means. You can buy or order raw water pepper or tincture in many pharmacies, on the open market, without a doctor’s prescription. The purchase price varies from 14 to 73 rubles (for 25 ml). The cost of peppermint in the city and region (Moscow) is presented in the table:
