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How to remove breast fibroids. Breast fibroma in women. Prognosis and possible complications

Inna Bereznikova

Reading time: 5 minutes


This is a benign oncological formation that develops in women from connective tissue. In principle, it can occur in any part of the body: in muscles and other tissues. In our article we will look at localization in the mammary gland.

Breast fibroma is a painless thickening of the spherical or oval shape near the nipple, which rolls freely in the tissues. Its sizes vary from a few millimeters to 6 centimeters.


On initial stage the only symptom by which the disease can be determined is a small lump in the breast near the nipple. It consists of atypical cells. When palpating pain does not arise. Another symptom that can indicate the disease is a feeling of heaviness in the chest a few days before menstruation.

Other symptoms if they occur benign tumor not visible. If symptoms occur (pain in the area chest, disorder menstrual cycle etc.) are signs that a benign tumor is turning into a malignant one. Fortunately, this phenomenon can only be observed in the case of phalloid fibroma in in rare cases.


The first thing you need to do to identify the disease is. At initial examination He will determine the presence of a tumor and prescribe instrumental examinations, including:

Based on the results of treatment, the disease itself, its type and form will be determined.

Treatment of breast fibroids

Breast fibroma is a disease that is not considered dangerous. Despite this, in most cases it can be treated surgical method. In rare cases (when the tumor grows to a size of 8 cm), therapeutic treatment is prescribed, which is aimed at partial resorption of the tumor. It should be remembered that cases complete cure conservative method very rare.

There are two types of surgery that are relevant in the treatment of breast fibroids.

  1. sectional resection. It is used only when doctors suspect cancer. It means parts of an organ with significant deformation of the mammary gland itself. A recovery period in a hospital setting is required. Used quite rarely;
  2. enucleation. A gentle method in which only the tumor itself is removed. In this case, the mammary gland completely retains its shape. There is no recovery period required after surgery, and sutures are removed within a week after treatment.

Breast fibroma is a disease that does not represent great danger for the patient, however, this does not mean at all that this problem does not need to be solved!

Breast diseases are among the most common and occur mainly in women after 35-40 years of age. That is why doctors advise all women to undergo preventive examination and breast examination at least once a year. Early diagnosis and treatment of tumors in the mammary glands allows one to avoid disastrous consequences in the form of breast cancer.

What is fibroma?

To begin with, we should define the concept of fibroma. This benign education in the mammary gland, which appears due to the proliferation of connective tissue. In other words, this is a tumor that has clear boundaries and is clearly palpable under the skin, but does not cause discomfort upon palpation.


Typically fibroma mammary gland in women it occurs due to hormonal imbalance in the body. The predominance or deficiency of certain hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroxine) leads to the formation of mastopathy and, as a consequence, fibroma. Also, this disease often occurs in combination with menstrual irregularities (dysmenorrhea) or infertility. Heredity is a significant factor, which also occurs in most cases.

Let's consider other causes of the disease:

  1. Reception oral contraceptives and gonadotropic medicinal plants.
  2. Stress.
  3. Injuries to the chest or mammary glands.
  4. Bad habits.
  5. Sudden weight gain.
  6. Diseases thyroid gland.
  7. Menopause, pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage.
  8. Breast-feeding.
  9. Pregnancy.


A woman may not immediately detect breast fibroma, the symptoms of which are usually mild: the disease does not cause the woman any inconvenience or any painful sensations. The only exception is the premenstrual period, when the mammary glands may feel heaviness or a feeling of fullness.

The tumor itself can be easily felt under the skin and is quite mobile, has clear outlines and does not hurt when pressed.

Deterioration general well-being or any other symptoms when initial stage no disease is observed. Only if the tumor has developed into a malignant one may there be pain in the affected area, discharge from the nipple, breast deformation and enlargement of regional lymph nodes.

In any case, if a tumor is detected, it is necessary to urgently conduct an examination and find out its nature.


Let's look at the main types of breast fibroids that are most common:

  1. Perikanalicular. Characterized by tissue growth in the area of ​​the milk ducts. It has clear boundaries and a very dense structure. Over time, calcifications are found in this structure - calcium salts that are deposited inside the tumor.
  2. Intracanalicular. The tumor grows in the inner layer of the milk ducts. More loose in consistency, it does not have such clear boundaries as pericanalicular.
  3. Mixed. This is a combination of the two forms listed above, which occurs more often than others.
  4. Leaf-shaped (phylloid) form. This type of breast fibroma is dangerous because it can grow very quickly and take malignant form.

Depending on how the tumor grows, there are two types.

Let's look at them:

  1. Diffuse form. Connective tissue grows unevenly throughout the entire structure of the mammary gland. It most often occurs in women after 40 years of age and in most cases takes on a malignant form. This is due to the fact that papillomas or calcifications can form in the cyst cavity. In this case, the gland tissue is prone to sclerosis.
  2. Nodal form. It is characterized by single or multiple inclusions of neoplasms throughout the entire structure of the gland.

If the tumor consists of fibrous tissue, then we are talking about fibroadenoma. If the glandular component predominates, then it is adenofibroma. A combination of both forms of tumor occurs in one woman.

Possible complications

As mentioned above, when a tumor is initially detected, it is extremely important to examine it and find out its nature. Many women postpone the examination “for later”, since the lump in the breast does not hurt or cause discomfort. However, the tumor may begin to grow rapidly and become malignant.


First of all, every woman should conduct a self-examination on the days of the cycle before the onset of menstruation. Women during menopause must undergo a mammogram and examination by a mammologist once a year.

As already mentioned, fibroma in the chest can be detected by palpation, since its size can sometimes be up to several centimeters in diameter.

During the examination, the doctor will not be able to ignore such a neoplasm and will prescribe additional examination:

  • mammography;
  • Ultrasound or MRI;
  • biopsy.

On ultrasound diagnostics or tomography can determine the consistency of the tumor: whether it contains fluid, calcifications or its hollow structure.

Mammography allows you to determine the location of the tumor, its borders and size.

Using a fine-needle biopsy, material is taken from the tumor itself to determine its nature: whether it is malignant or benign.

Treatment methods

Depending on the results of the examination and the nature of the tumor, the doctor may prescribe the following treatment methods.


In the event that the fibroma does not have big sizes(up to 8 mm) and benign nature, the doctor prescribes next treatment:

  1. Hormonal drugs to correct the imbalance.
  2. Vitamins for increasing vitality and general tone.
  3. Immunostimulants.

It is worth noting that treatment lasts at least six months and drug treatment does not always give positive results and the tumor resolves.

Surgical intervention

The most popular way to get rid of fibroids, which has its own indications:

  1. Tumor diameter more than 2 cm.
  2. Active growth education.
  3. Malignant nature of the tumor.
  4. The patient's desire to get rid of the disease.
  5. Pregnancy planning.
  6. Leaf-shaped fibroma.

In the event that the doctor has every reason to suspect a woman malignant process, tumor resection is performed. That is, it is completely removed along with all surrounding tissues.

If the fibroma is benign, it is removed with minimal loss healthy tissue and cosmetic effect. Shape and appearance the breast does not suffer. Postoperative period passes without any peculiarities and in long stay The woman does not need hospitalization.

Folk remedies

In combination with medicines often used and folk recipes.

Let's look at a few:

  1. Tincture of calendula flowers can be taken three times a day half an hour before meals (one tablespoon).
  2. Make a mixture of crushed ingredients: oak bark (20 g), pomegranate seeds (10 g), viburnum branches (15 g). For a glass of boiling water you will need one teaspoon of the mixture. Brew in a water bath, then cover with a towel and leave for about an hour. Then strain and drink before each meal (40 minutes before).
  3. Decoctions of chamomile, rose hips, St. John's wort, cinquefoil, and chaga mushroom are also used in the fight against tumors.

Please note that self-medication is not always justified and may have unexpected consequences. Before taking any medicinal herbs And medicinal tinctures, consult your doctor.


Knowing the causes of the disease, you can reduce the risks of its manifestation in advance. First and foremost, it is best to undergo regular breast examinations, starting at a young age. Early diagnosis will help identify predisposition to breast tumors and prevent their occurrence.

A woman needs to carefully monitor her health: this primarily concerns endocrine and reproductive system.

It's best to lead healthy image life, avoid abortions and unnecessary stress.

Regular sex life, first birth before age 30, breastfeeding, healthy and active image life - here best prevention fibroids.

Breast fibroma is a type of tumor that occurs in muscle tissue, resembles a ball in shape. Usually occurs before menstruation, discomfort begins in the chest. If you have been diagnosed with fibroma, you need to find out the nature of the origin of the tumor.

Types of tumor

Breast fibroids come in several types:

  • nodular fibroadenoma;
  • breast fibromatosis;
  • lipofibrosis.

Fibromatosis is a tumor that is localized throughout the gland. Fibroadenoma is a neoplasm that is concentrated in a specific location. The reason for the formation of fibroadenoma is a dysfunction of sex hormones, hormonal background unstable.

Fibroma has round shape, varies in size from 2 mm to 7 centimeters. Fibroadenoma is not localized to other tissues.

Breast lipofibrosis usually appears after 40 years of age. If the formation was diagnosed in more than early age, this speaks of hereditary predisposition. When a lipoma spreads to other tissues of the body, such as the neck or abdomen, it can cause complications. The formation reaches up to 10 cm in the chest. If a lipoma or fibroadenoma is discovered, it is necessary to take tissue samples for examination to ensure that it is of good quality.

Classification according to ICD-10:

  1. Solitary cyst of the mammary gland: breast cyst
  2. Diffuse cystic mastopathy: cystic breast
  3. Breast fibrosclerosis: cystic mastopathy with epithelial proliferation

Causes of neoplasms

The exact reasons for the appearance of lipoma in the breast have not been found. Experts are inclined to believe that breast fibroma develops due to the following factors:

  1. Pathologies of the endocrine and reproductive system.
  2. Often fibroadenoma is detected if there is thyroid dysfunction.
  3. The woman terminated her pregnancy many times and could not become pregnant until she was 30 years old.
  4. Impact to the chest area.
  5. Excessive sun exposure and frequent visit solarium.
  6. Excess weight, poor quality nutrition.
  7. Alcohol abuse and smoking.
  8. Mental instability, constant stress.
  9. Any gynecological diseases.
  10. When carrying a child.
  11. During puberty in girls.

Classification of tumors

  1. Perikanalicular. Located closer to the ducts. Fibroadenoma is expressed as a clear formation, sometimes covered with calcium salts and feels hard to the touch.
  2. Intracanalicular formation may affect the ducts. Breast fibroma resembles a loose form, there is no clear outline.
  3. Mixed type. The tumor is more common than others and has signs of the previous two.
  4. Phylloid or leaf-shaped fibroadenoma is rare. It grows quickly, there is a possibility of transition to sarcoma (cancerous tumor).
  5. Lipofibramotosis of the mammary gland is a tumor localized mainly in adipose tissue.

There are two types of tumors: diffuse fibroadenomatosis and fibroadenoma. The first type is characterized by the fact that it grows into all layers of the chest and becomes very dense. The second type is similar to a spherical shape. This fibroma can grow up to seven centimeters.


For staging correct diagnosis diseases, it is necessary to conduct an examination in the office of a mammologist. The examination is carried out by palpating the chest. If a breast cyst is detected, an ultrasound is prescribed to determine the location, determine the boundaries of the tumor, and size. Using ultrasound, a tissue sample is taken for analysis (biopsy) for further study for histology and identification possible development cancer cells. Diagnosis ends with a cytology test. When performing mammography, breast fibroma resembles a circle shape in the image, with a clear outline.


Fibroids do not cause much discomfort. Fibroadenoma can occur at any age. In the period from 12 to 20 years, fibroma forms as an immature or juvenile fibroma. The second group is women under 30 and after.

Reason: frequent abortions, pathologies female organs And hormonal disbalance, mental and emotional stress. The third group is women over 40 years old. During menopause, the adenoma becomes very hard, so it is easier to palpate. Lipoma and fibroma of the mammary gland are formed in women who take oral hormonal contraceptives in more at a young age. If a woman notices symptoms of a breast mass, she should immediately contact a doctor for correct diagnosis. Based on the examination results, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.


Usually breast fibroids are not subjected to conservative treatment, this method works when early diagnostics. The duration of therapy lasts six months. If there is no improvement, surgery is performed. If there is a suspicion of oncological formation, surgical intervention cannot be avoided. Conduct the following types removal surgery:

  • enucleation (operation is performed under local anesthesia)
  • sectoral resection of the tumor (carried out if there is a suspicion of a cancerous tumor).

After the fibroma is removed from the mammary gland, tissue samples are examined for histology. The postoperative period passes without any special manifestations or discomfort.

Danger of disease

This disease can develop for a long time and not manifest itself. The tumor can grow quickly and change the appearance of the mammary glands (there are cases when it has spread throughout the entire breast and greatly increased in size). Among large tumors There are leaf-shaped forms that have the potential to develop into a cancerous tumor.

Alternative medicine

Although they say that treatment folk remedies will not bring any effect, for prevention and early detection For tumor diseases, this method is very helpful. If the tumor is benign, you can take decoctions of medicinal plants - chamomile, marshmallow, rose hips and St. John's wort. In the treatment of these tumors, even if they are cancerous, the chaga mushroom is used. Methods traditional medicine will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and reduce the development of fibroids in breast tissue.

The following recipe helps against tumors: take oak bark, half of a pomegranate peel and raspberry bark.

Finely chop the bark and crusts, place in a saucepan, pour hot water(250 ml per glass of finished raw materials). Wait until it boils and then leave for 45 minutes. Strain the broth and take three times (divide the resulting volume into three doses).

To avoid such a relapse, a woman should be examined by a mammologist once a year and twice by a gynecologist.

The pathology may reappear

If juvenile fibroids are formed at an early age, then they can be cured. After surgery to remove fibroadenoma, the tumor may recur. There is only one reason for the recurrence of the tumor - there is no prevention to eliminate the disorder hormonal balance in a woman's body.

The main reason is dysfunction of sex hormones! Reappearance tumors may occur in 10-15% of cases. If therapy is carried out immediately, the function of the woman’s genital organs and endocrine system returns to normal, and the risk of fibroids decreases.

Fibromabenign neoplasm, developing from connective tissue. May occur on the skin, tendons, internal organs(uterus, ovaries), mammary gland. Breast fibroma appears as a dense, spherical painless compaction, sometimes accompanied by a feeling of fullness of the chest before menstruation. If a fibroid is detected, it should be excluded malignant tumor mammary gland, observation by a mammologist is necessary to decide on treatment methods. In most cases, breast fibroma has to be removed due to the danger of its malignant transformation.

General information

Fibroma- a benign neoplasm that develops from connective tissue. It can occur on the skin, tendons, internal organs (uterus, ovaries), and mammary gland. Breast fibroma manifests itself as a dense, spherical, painless lump, sometimes accompanied by a feeling of fullness of the breast before menstruation. If a fibroma is detected, a malignant breast tumor should be excluded; observation by a mammologist is necessary to decide on treatment methods.

The most common is ordinary fibroadenoma. According to its morphological structure, it can be pericanalicular, intracanalicular and mixed. Such fibroids are not prone to malignant degeneration. A rarer type of fibroadenoma is phylloides (leaf-shaped). These tumors grow quite rapidly and tend to become malignant and degenerate into sarcoma.

Symptoms of breast fibroma

Fibroadenoma is palpable from the gland tissue as a round tumor of dense consistency, easily movable with smooth surface and painless. As a rule, subjectively small fibroadenoma does not cause discomfort. If diffuse fibroadenomatosis (diffuse mastopathy) is characterized by a tendency to grow fibrous tissue throughout the gland, then fibroadenoma is a localized benign tumor.

Fibroadenoma is clinical manifestation nodular mastopathy. The emergence and development of this form of mastopathy is facilitated by hormonal imbalance. Fibroadenoma has a round shape, dense consistency and is palpated as a mobile node not connected to the skin with a diameter ranging from a few millimeters to 5-7 centimeters.

Most often, women notice that a nodule (sometimes several) is felt in the chest, freely rolling around inside the mammary gland. Fibroadenomas are not prone to damage nearby tissues and are not able to spread to other organs. However, detection of a dense nodular formation in the breast is an indication for a biopsy to rule out breast cancer.

Diagnosis of breast fibroma

Diagnosis of breast fibroadenoma is not difficult for a mammologist. Upon palpation, a tumor formation is determined; ultrasound of the mammary glands visualizes its location, structure (fibrous or cystic formation), the shape and size are specified. A breast biopsy is performed under ultrasound guidance.

The biopsy is exposed cytological examination to identify possible malignant cells and prevent breast cancer. The final diagnosis is made based on the result of histological examination of the tumor after removal.

When performing mammography, fibroadenoma is visible on the image as denser than the surrounding tissues round formation with clearly defined contours. Long-term fibroadenomas can become calcified (impregnated with calcium salts) and acquire higher radiopacity.


As a rule, fibroadenoma is capable of long time show no tendency to progress or develop complications. In rare cases, it can grow quickly and deform the mammary gland (sometimes there are gigantic fibroadenomas that completely fill the breast and significantly increase its size). Among giant tumors of the mammary glands, leaf-shaped fibroadenomas, which are prone to malignant degeneration into sarcomas, are sometimes found.


Breast fibroids are subject to surgical removal in the vast majority of cases. Sometimes (if the size of the fibroadenoma does not exceed 5-8 mm) a course is prescribed therapeutic treatment aimed at its resorption. Well conservative therapy, as a rule, takes 4-6 months and is performed under ultrasound guidance. However, cases of complete tumor resorption even with strict adherence medical prescriptions are quite rare.

In the absence of positive dynamics from therapeutic methods, as well as in detecting tumors big size(or with progression of fibroadenoma growth) recommended surgical treatment. Another indication for fibroid removal is suspected breast cancer.

For fibroadenoma, two types of surgical interventions are performed: sectoral resection of the mammary gland and enucleation of the tumor. Sectional resection is performed when there is reason to suspect breast cancer. Enucleation is the removal of only the tumor, performed under local anesthesia and does not require long-term postoperative treatment in a hospital. After the tumor is removed, histological examination her fabrics.

The postoperative period is usually painless and does not cause significant discomfort. The sutures are removed 7-10 days after surgery. A high-quality operation from the point of view of plastic surgery (internal cosmetic stitches) does not leave a pronounced defect on the skin.


Surgical removal of breast fibroids does not cause noticeable inconvenience in later life, but it must be remembered that this symptomatic treatment and relapse (formation new tumor) is possible both in this and in the other mammary gland.

Breast fibroma is a benign neoplasm that develops in connective tissues and is caused by hormonal imbalance. The tumor is characterized by clearly defined boundaries, dense consistency and painlessness on palpation. Fibroma is not connected to the skin, so it has easy mobility. In some cases, usually before menstruation, discomfort and a feeling of fullness in the chest area may be observed. During pregnancy, the tumor may increase in size.

Classification of breast fibroma

Fibroma is usually divided into diffuse fibroadenomatosis of the mammary gland and fibroadenoma. In the first case fibrous tissue spreads across inner surface mammary gland, in the second - it is localized in the connective tissue and has a spherical shape.

In addition, breast fibroadenoma itself is classified according to location and type of growth:

  • Leaf-shaped or phylloid (characteristic fast growth and the ability to assume a malignant nature);
  • Interacanaliculatory ( pathological tissue penetrates into the lumen of the ducts);
  • Perikanalikulatory (formation of pathological tissue around the ducts);
  • Mixed form: has signs of pericacanalicular and intercanalicular fibroadenoma.

Causes of breast fibroma development

On this moment No specific causes provoking the development of fibroids have been identified. However, numerous observations show that the pathology develops against the background of a high index of the female sex hormone - estrogen. That is why the peak of the disease occurs between 15 and 35 years of age.

Many doctors believe that the following can contribute to the development of a benign breast tumor:

  • Uterine fibroadenoma;
  • Ovarian neoplasm;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • Liver diseases;
  • Frequent abortions;
  • Taking hormonal contraceptives;
  • Excess body weight.

Symptoms of breast fibroma

There are no manifestations of this disease clear signs. However, a woman can detect a tumor on her own by palpating her breasts. Neoplasms can be single or multiple; they are easily identified by palpation along clearly defined boundaries. As a rule, fibroadenoma is located in the upper lobe of the breast and never grows in the peripapillary zone. Usually the tumor is found in only one breast, but sometimes (in 10% of cases) fibroids can affect both breasts. The size of the seal ranges from a few millimeters to seven centimeters.

A woman, having felt a tumor, should immediately contact a specialist, only he will make a final diagnosis and prescribe competent treatment.

Diagnosis of breast fibroma

The mammologist performs a step-by-step examination:

  • Clinical examination;
  • Palpation of the chest;
  • Ultrasonography;
  • Mammography;
  • Fine needle biopsy.

Ultrasound allows you to evaluate the consistency of the tumor: hollow, liquid filling or compacted.

Mammography - an x-ray of the mammary glands is performed in two projections in order to determine the location of the tumor, size, extent and nature of the compaction.

A fine-needle biopsy of fibroids examines the nature of the tumor - benign or malignant. In some cases, if there is doubt about determining the form of the disease, a core needle biopsy may be indicated. However, the final diagnosis for the presence cancer placed only after removal of the tumor.

When describing the type of breast fibroma, it is put differential diagnosis, indicating the following pathologies:

  • Mammary cancer;
  • Breast cyst;
  • Cystadenopapilloma (formation of ugly lobules in the lumen of the cyst).

Complications of breast fibroids

Despite the fact that complications are observed quite rarely, it is worth considering the possibility of a rapid increase in tumor size and its development into a cancerous form. That is why, when seals are first detected, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will conduct a detailed examination and prescribe the necessary prescriptions.

Treatment of breast fibroids

After a detailed examination, a specialist prescribes treatment, which can be therapeutic or surgical. The choice of method depends on the size of the tumor.

In cases where the fibroma does not exceed 8 mm, a course of drug therapy is recommended. Treatment usually lasts about six months, with mandatory ultrasound monitoring. But even if a woman strictly follows all the doctor’s instructions, complete resorption of the tumor is extremely rare.

If the tumor is large or drug therapy has not given positive results, then it is assigned surgery, which is performed in a hospital. Also surgery indicated for suspected malignant breast tumors.

Surgery to remove fibroids can be performed in two ways: sectoral removal and enucleation of the tumor. The first method is used in the presence of cancer cells identified by biopsy. In this case, the tumor is excised along with the adjacent tissue. On the seventh day, the stitches are removed. With a professionally performed sectoral operation to remove fibroadenoma, there are practically no visible marks left on the chest. Sutures are applied to the mammary gland using an intradermal cosmetic method; after they are removed and completely healed, they become almost invisible. The postoperative period is quite painless.

Enucliation is performed under local anesthesia and involves excision of the benign tumor itself. After this surgical intervention not required long treatment in a hospital setting.

In both the first and second cases, the excised pathological tissue is sent for histological examination to confirm or exclude malignancy.

Treatment of breast fibroids with folk remedies

The use of traditional medicine methods is indicated only in combination with drug therapy fibroadenomas and only on the recommendation of a mammologist. A specialist can recommend herbal tinctures from licorice root, wheatgrass, marshmallow, chamomile flowers, fennel fruits. Also, in the treatment of the disease, aloe juice, chaga, honey, decoctions of wormwood, St. John's wort, yarrow, fir cones. However, it is worth warning those women who prefer only traditional medicine: in no case neglect drug treatment. By giving preference to herbal medicine, a woman risks losing precious time and causing the disease to develop into a malignant form.

Prognosis for breast fibroma

After undergoing therapeutic or surgical treatment fibroadenomas, the prognosis is generally favorable. However, you should be aware that even after successful treatment, there is a risk of a tumor developing in the other breast.

In order to prevent the disease, women are recommended to regularly visit a mammologist and examine the mammary glands using ultrasound and mammography.