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How to get rid of cholesterol using folk remedies. Eat more blue, purple and red fruits. Video: how to reduce high cholesterol without drugs

The liver is responsible for the disposal of cholesterol in the human body. It is she who converts excess cholesterol into bile acid, which enters the intestines and is then excreted. in a natural way.

Sometimes this well-established mechanism fails. The most common reason for this disorder is a simple inability to eat properly. When a person eats foods with a high content of animal fat, cholesterol begins to circulate in excess in the blood serum, and this begins to affect the general condition the whole body.

To restore your health, let's talk today about how to get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood. Moreover, it is possible.

8 mmol/liter and above – severe hypercholesterolemia

6.5 – 8 mmol/liter – moderate hypercholesterolemia

5.2 – 6.5 mmol/liter – risk zone

5.2 millimoles per liter or less is considered normal

When high content cholesterol, you need to reconsider your diet.

When planning your daily diet, it is important to know that saturated fats increase the level of this substance in the blood. Such fats are found in meat products, animal fat, cheeses and butter. The less we consume these products, the better.

Reduce cholesterol levels polyunsaturated fats. They are rich in fish and seafood, soybean, sunflower and corn oil, lean fish and low-fat dairy products.

Monounsaturated fats are also effective in lowering cholesterol. These healthy fats contained in olive oil and peanut butter, avocado and nuts.

To get rid of high cholesterol in the blood you should follow certain rules.

* Limit your consumption of chicken eggs. Scrambled eggs are especially harmful. One chicken egg contains almost the entire daily cholesterol requirement for an adult. A safe minimum is 3 chicken eggs per week. Moreover, egg whites practically do not contain this harmful substance. All cholesterol is found in egg yolks. Try making an omelet with one whole egg and two or three whites. For baking, use not one egg, but two whites.

* Replace pork dishes with lean beef. This is the most The best way reduce blood cholesterol. However, remember that beef fat It is better to cut it off, as it is the most harmful.

* Try not to drink coffee that boils while being prepared. The best way to make coffee is in a drip coffee maker. She gives comparatively low temperature drink.

* Instead of black tea, it is better to drink green tea. After all, it helps get rid of cholesterol plaques in blood arteries.

* Eat more vegetables and fruits. Apples are the most useful in this case. Eat a few medium-sized apples every day or drink half a liter of their juice a day. By the way, grapefruits are very useful, as well as honey, which contains as many antioxidants as apples.

* Exercising will help you lose excess cholesterol. During physical activity, blood passes through the liver faster, and it more actively rids the body of harmful substances.

Also, to plan your diet and follow a diet, it will be useful for you to know how much cholesterol is contained in 100 g of some popular foods:

Beef – 70 mg;
Pork - 200 mg;
Lamb – 70 mg;
Low-fat milk - 10 mg;
Pork liver – 130 mg;
Veal – 110 mg;
Rabbit meat – 40 mg;
Beef liver – 270 mg;
Cheese - 520 mg;
Butter - 190 mg;

100 g of duck meat contains 500 mg of cholesterol, chicken - 80 mg. In one chicken egg– 272 mg, in quail – 600 mg.

And now that you know why cholesterol in the blood rises and how to get rid of it, review your diet, eat more fresh herbs, vegetables, fruits, and berries. Replace black tea with green and coffee with fresh juices and skim milk. Include fresh fish in your diet. Particularly useful are lean cod, pike,

This question would have been appropriate half a century ago. And now a literate person will ask: “How to get rid of high bad cholesterol?” After all, the negative role of low and very low density lipoproteins has long been established. These fractions of total cholesterol cause atherosclerotic lesion blood vessels and subsequently severe diseases.

There are several options for eliminating excess cholesterol in the blood:

  • taking medications and folk remedies that reduce lipoprotein levels;
  • consumption of dietary products;
  • fight against overweight;
  • maintaining sufficient physical activity;
  • changing your attitude towards stressful situations.

Let's consider all the possibilities in order.

Three classes of drugs are widely used:

  • statins - block the production of low-density lipoproteins (,);
  • drugs nicotinic acid- inhibit the release of the “bad” fraction of cholesterol from the depot in the liver (nicotinic acid in injections);
  • drugs that bind bile acids (sequestrants) are rarely used in Russia.

These medications solve the problem of getting rid of cholesterol.

Tested folk remedies are prepared independently. Treatment requires a long period of time and patience:

  • It is recommended to prepare a tincture of garlic: grind 300g through a meat grinder, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka and leave in the dark for about a month. Drink in drops, diluting with milk. Treatment begins with 10 drops three times a day before meals, gradually increasing the dose to 25 drops. Cleansing is carried out once every five years.
  • In the same way, twisted garlic is mixed with the juice of twenty lemons. Take a teaspoon 3 times a day.
  • There are recommendations for adding honey and vegetable oil to the garlic-lemon mixture.
  • Bee products are a folk remedy for treating and getting rid of cholesterol.
  • Honey is used in food instead of sugar and added to any herbal teas.
  • Bee bread - you need to chew and swallow before meals three times a day.
  • From bee death An alcohol tincture is prepared, which is used in drops.

  • Hawthorn is one of the most used remedies. A decoction is prepared from it by boiling the picked fruits in a saucepan. Flowers and berries are added to tea. You can buy ready-made at the pharmacy alcohol tincture hawthorn and consume in drops.
  • Recommended medicinal tea with herbs (plantain, St. John's wort, lemon balm, oregano, mint). You can brew each herb separately or prepare and mix the collection.
  • Rosehip berries are used in fresh for tea and dried for infusions. Combines well with honey.
  • A few frozen rowan or cranberry berries before meals add vitamins and activate metabolism.
  • Oatmeal broth from pre-soaked boiled oats is rich in anti-cholesterol substances.
  • Shilajit - taken as soluble tablets.


You can partially get rid of cholesterol as a harmful substance that leads to disruption of body functions by limiting and completely banning certain foods.

Products that you will have to give up:

  • butter and animal fats (lard);
  • fatty meat (lamb, pork, beef) and meat products(hams, sausage) especially smoked;
  • sweets with cream and rich flour dishes;
  • white loaves;
  • alcohol, beer and sweet carbonated drinks;
  • all hot seasonings, spices;
  • processed cheese, sour cream and cream, mayonnaise;
  • chocolate and candies.

  • vegetable oils (olive, );
  • lean beef, veal, chicken and turkey, game meat;
  • seaweed and cabbage;
  • still mineral water, green and black tea, coffee no more than two cups per day;
  • fresh skim milk and kefir, 5% cottage cheese, limited hard cheese;
  • boiled no more than two pieces per week;
  • dill, parsley, celery;
  • onion and ;
  • and 400 g per day;
  • instead of sugar;
  • porridge (oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley);
  • rye bread with bran.

It has been proven that just by following a diet you can reduce blood cholesterol levels by 10%.

The problem of excess weight

The above diet will help in the fight against excess weight, but limited in calories to 1000-1500 kcal per day. All dishes must be steamed or baked. Fried foods and rich meat broths are strictly prohibited.

Physical education and sports as a way to get rid of cholesterol are promoted by many doctors, television programs, fashion magazines. Sport helps you lose weight and achieve stress resistance. You need regular regular exercise in the morning or after work. Walk at least three kilometers a day. Complete refusal from the elevator. Recommended sports - swimming, cycling, Pilates, jogging, yoga. Can't study strength training after 50 years.

Stress and cholesterol

Unfortunately, in our lives there may arise unexpected situations, for which we are not ready. In this case, the body reacts with an increased release of adrenaline into the blood and an increase in cholesterol levels. Very rarely are we able to prevent such conditions, so it remains to develop our own resilience plan. When stressed, the reaction is exactly the same as when preparing for physical activity.

  • By engaging in physical activity, we can avoid harmful effects stress.
  • You shouldn't be overloaded at work.
  • Weekends and vacations should be devoted to relaxation.
  • After work, you can engage in pleasant physical labor and think about a hobby.
  • Psychologists recommend auto-training classes for self-conviction and calm. You can start learning in a group or continue on your own.

To combat excess cholesterol, it is not enough to fulfill the requirements of one of the listed sections. It is naive to expect results by simply lying on the couch and reciting a yoga mantra. You need to do everything at once.

Cholesterol is a natural organic fatty alcohol found in the cells of all living organisms.

If you have decided to get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood, then first of all you need to know that 80% of cholesterol is produced by the body, and this cholesterol is important for its proper functioning. Cholesterol is necessary for the production of vitamin D, it is also involved in the production of female and male hormones, performs important role in brain activity, immunity, and even helps protect against cancer. As you know, 20% of cholesterol enters the body through food. It’s this 20% that you can get rid of. There are several ways to get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood.

Diet. If you have high blood cholesterol, you need to follow a diet

  • The main thing is to remove foods containing large amounts of fat from your diet: meat, butter, refined oil, cheese. These products can be replaced with seafood: fish, poultry, low-fat dairy products.

  • Remove from diet sunflower oil, use olive oil for cooking. Also when eaten low-fat foods and in combination with olive oil, this leads to lower cholesterol. The main thing is daily use.

  • Eat less eggs. This does not mean that you need to remove them from your diet altogether, you just need to reduce their quantity. Since eggs contain high amounts of cholesterol, limit your consumption to 3 eggs per week. In an egg, cholesterol is found in greater quantities in the yolk than in the white, but you can simply not eat the yolk. And also, now stores sell eggs with low cholesterol.

  • Introduce legumes into your diet. First of all, they remove cholesterol from the body, and since they are highly nutritious, your body will have enough nutrients since you are not consuming fatty meats. Leguminous plants diversify your diet because there are a huge number of types.

  • Eat more fruits. Fruits reduce blood cholesterol. Grapefruit reduces best by an average of 7% over 8 weeks. To do this, you need to eat half a fruit a day. But, since not everyone likes it, you can combine it with other fruits. For example, eat a slice of grapefruit plus an apple or banana.

  • Eat oat bran. They also remove cholesterol from the body well, like legumes; they can be consumed either instead of legumes or in addition. Eat about 100 grams daily. oat bran in the form of porridge or buns. On average, cholesterol decreases by 5% in 4 weeks.

  • Corn is also effective in helping to get rid of cholesterol. If you eat 1 tbsp. A spoonful of corn bran daily can reduce cholesterol by 20% in 12 weeks.

  • Add vegetables such as carrots to your diet onion, broccoli. These vegetables help get rid of cholesterol in the body.

  • Don't remove beef from your diet. Beef contains fiber, which the body requires for health. Only remove visible fat from meat when cooking. Beef will not lower cholesterol, but it will also prevent it from rising. The main thing is to consume in moderation, no more than 200 grams. in a day.

  • Consume skim milk. Low-fat milk prevents the formation of cholesterol in the liver. Skim milk also contains many elements that your body needs.

  • Garlic. Eating garlic reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood. But when cooked hot, garlic loses its effect on cholesterol. Due to the fact that garlic “gives” an unpleasant, persistent odor, scientists have already developed garlic tincture, odorless, which is sold in pharmacies.

  • Drink less coffee. Known fact that coffee increases blood cholesterol. Replace coffee with tea. Tea, or rather one of the elements of tea, tannin, helps reduce and normalize cholesterol in the blood.

Another aspect of how to get rid of cholesterol in the blood is to lead a healthy lifestyle.

  • Do not smoke. Studies show that when smoking 20 cigarettes a week, cholesterol in the body increases. Moreover good cholesterol, which our body produces, decreases.

  • Watch your body weight. The main determinant of cholesterol in the blood is body weight. The more fat you get, the more more quantity cholesterol in your blood. Every time you gain half a kilogram, your cholesterol rises by 2 levels. Control your weight through diet and physical activity.

  • Play sports. Choose a sport that you like and practice it every day. With the help of physical activity, fats in your body will quickly break down, and, naturally, this will not lead to.

  • Scientists have proven that relaxation helps lower cholesterol. Relax! Listen to your favorite music, use relaxation techniques. Be less nervous and take care of your emotional health.

You can get rid of cholesterol in the blood using folk remedies

  • There are medicinal plants that slow down the absorption of cholesterol, these are: raspberry, sea buckthorn, chamomile, coltsfoot. Take a tablespoon medicinal plants and make yourself tea, which you need to drink half a glass a day. You can alternate herbs, or use only one. Also make sure that you are not allergic to the herbs listed.

  • Walnuts also help slow down the absorption of cholesterol. Eat walnuts daily.

  • There are medicinal plants that slow down the production of cholesterol. Brew and drink tea with ginseng and plantain. Lingonberries also slow down the production of cholesterol, eat them more often.

  • There are plants that stimulate the actives to overcome excess cholesterol from the body. Brew and drink rosehip tea. You can make a rosehip tincture. Take vodka and rose hips in a 1:1 ratio. Pour vodka over the rose hips and leave to steep for two weeks. Take 3 drops daily. Dill and fennel also remove excess cholesterol.

If you are following a diet, eating right, not worrying a lot, playing sports, and blood cholesterol is not decreasing - then, as a last resort, contact medications. But remember, doctors do not recommend starting treatment with medications right away; any doctor will first recommend diet and exercise.

Getting rid of cholesterol is difficult, but possible. The only difficulty is to overcome your habits and laziness. Learn to eat right, watch your weight, exercise, and in these ways you will surely get rid of cholesterol.

Cholesterol is one of the types of fats produced by our body. It is necessary for full metabolism, synthesis of vitamins and maintenance of all organs. Reduced cholesterol It is rare, so patients are mainly concerned about its high levels.

To reduce the level, doctors urge you to follow a diet, lose excess weight and exercise daily. We will discuss which of these methods are the most effective in our article.

What is cholesterol?

If this fat is so necessary for the body, why control its amount and try to reduce it if it exceeds the norm. When tests show levels exceeding 200 milligrams per deciliter, the risk of the following diseases increases sharply:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • coronary heart disease;
  • angina pectoris;
  • stroke;
  • Myocardial infarction.

But, as recent studies have shown, not all the cholesterol in our blood is dangerous to health. There are 3 varieties of it, and each of them performs its own function:

  • LDL. Carries cholesterol from the liver to the organs.
  • HDL. Cleanses the body of lipids by returning them back to the liver.
  • Triglyceride. The source of energy for the body, in case of excess, is directed to adipose tissue.

The coordinated work of the three components ensures the full functioning of the entire organism, but disruptions in this balance lead to serious consequences.

To bring your cholesterol levels back to normal, you must adhere to proper nutrition taking into account some nuances:

  1. Eliminate saturated fats from the menu. These are the main sources of cholesterol and can greatly affect your cholesterol levels. Products that contain them include: fatty meats, chicken skins, cheeses, palm oil, butter, refined oils. Replace them with fish, nuts, vegetables, flaxseed or olive oil.
  2. Eat no more than 3 eggs per week. The danger of this product lies in its contents large quantity cholesterol, but studies have found that you should not completely stop eating it. If you eat eggs every other day, this will not affect your blood counts. Moreover, you can eat proteins in unlimited quantities, because all the “harmfulness” is in the yolks.
  3. fall in love legumes. Peas, beans, soybeans and other representatives of this type of plant contain useful substance pectin, which controls the absorption of cholesterol. It removes all excess from the body without causing harm to health.
  4. Less effective, but still useful in this regard, are fruits, since they also contain pectin. They are also sources of vitamins. Grapefruits contain the most pectin. Apples and pears also contain pectin and should be eaten with the peel on.
  5. Bran interferes with the absorption of cholesterol. Therefore, you should eat at least 1 bowl of porridge every day. You can use bran to prepare your favorite baked goods, which will become not only tasty, but also healthy.
  6. If you don't want to give up meat, then eat red beef. Clean it from veins and strips of fat, steam or bake. You can also consume skim milk, which will not cause harm if you have high cholesterol.
  7. Garlic reduces the level of harmful fats in the blood. Add it to salads, hot dishes, or eat it plain. To avoid being bothered by its pungent smell, drink a glass of milk or sweet tea after eating.
  8. There are studies showing the effect of coffee on cholesterol levels. But there are no facts indicating exactly how the drink affects the amount of fat. If you are worried about your health, then it is rational to stop drinking coffee, at least for the period of treatment.

Advice from nutritionists will help not only control cholesterol and prevent its high levels, but also get rid of other health problems. They are based on proper nutrition and can be used both as treatment and prevention.

Not only proper nutrition, but also lifestyle affects the amount of cholesterol in the human body. To reduce the level of this indicator and bring your health back to normal, you need to adhere to the following principles:

  1. Stop smoking. The fact is that people who have nicotine addiction and those who smoke at least 1 pack of cigarettes per week, their cholesterol levels are increased by several points. In this case, most of the fat is occupied by LDL.
  2. Learn to deal with stress. People suffering from high nervous excitability, as well as those who are overcome by feelings of anxiety, have high levels of fat in the blood. A calm environment, eliminating the cause of stress and strengthening the nervous system will help correct the situation.
  3. Get into the habit of running in the morning. This will not only strengthen the body, but also help the proper absorption of fats, the energy from which will be used to restore strength after training. It is also useful to go to the pool, Gym or do gymnastics at home.
  4. Get rid of extra pounds. Scientists from the Netherlands have established a direct relationship between an increase in cholesterol and an increase in the amount of body fat. Each kilogram gained raises the level by 4 points.

If you are worried about your future and do not want to develop cardiovascular disease in a few years, then you should quit smoking, lose weight and start exercising right now.

To quickly get rid of high cholesterol levels, include supplements containing the following vitamins and minerals in your diet:

  1. A nicotinic acid. You should start taking this drug with a minimum dose, gradually increasing it by 2-3 times. A course of nicotinic acid lasting 30 days will help reduce general indicator and bad cholesterol content.
  2. Ascorbic acid. Gives good result in combination with pectin, lowering cholesterol quickly and for a long time. Therefore, fruits such as lemon, orange or grapefruit are considered the best fat fighters.
  3. Vitamin E. Helps lower cholesterol by increasing the production of HDL, which helps cleanse blood vessels. But its use will be effective only if the course lasts at least 3 months.
  4. Calcium. This mineral is less effective than vitamins, but also helps cardiovascular system. In addition, it strengthens bones and makes the body more resilient and stronger.

You should not prescribe medications yourself, even though they are not medicines. Only with the help of a doctor can you adjust your diet and choose dietary supplements that are suitable for your body.

Traditional methods for cholesterol

Among other things, there are also folk remedies that will become additional helpers in the fight against cholesterol. They will enhance the effect of diet and exercise and contribute to a speedy recovery:

  1. Medicinal plants. Herbs such as chamomile, raspberry, coltsfoot and sea buckthorn prevent the absorption of bad cholesterol. Ginseng and plantain reduce its production. Rosehip, dill and fennel speed up elimination. One glass of tea per day, prepared from one or more of the listed plants, is enough.
  2. Tea. Our usual drink turns out to be a fighter against excess cholesterol. The substance tannin found in the leaves of the plant maintains its level at normal levels.
  3. Propolis. It should be taken daily for 4 months, half an hour before meals, dissolved in a small amount of water.
  4. Eggplant. Wash the vegetables and cut into small pieces. Drop in cold water for a few minutes, then cut into strips, add chopped carrots and season lemon juice. This salad should be eaten daily.
  5. Rowan. When the first frosts pass, you can begin to collect this berry and dry it for easy storage. You need to eat a handful of rowan once a day for 4 days. You can repeat the course monthly.

So that the question of how to reduce high cholesterol does not bother you for many years, you need to start taking care of your health today. If you eat right, exercise and don’t smoke, you may never know what diseases of the cardiovascular system are.

Video: how to reduce high cholesterol without drugs

Since about 20-25% of cholesterol enters the human body through food, the first condition for normalizing the level is adjusting the diet. Diabetics need to follow a diet and avoid cholesterol-containing foods.

Additionally, folk remedies are used. Professor Neumyvakin offers treatment with hydrogen peroxide. In his opinion, correct application medicine promotes cleansing blood vessels, since peroxide dissolves cholesterol plaques, accelerates blood circulation in the body.

Well proven medicinal plants. But to achieve the desired result, several courses of therapy are required. Let's find out how to get rid of cholesterol at home, and what are the most effective methods?

Treatment according to Neumyvakin

Therapy according to Neumyvakin is not medication, but unconventional method treatment high cholesterol. Official medicine does not comment on this option in any way, but it has a lot positive feedback from diabetics who managed to lower LDL with hydrogen peroxide. For achievement therapeutic effect a number of rules must be followed.

Only 3% hydrogen peroxide is used for treatment. The product is not suitable for external use, since it contains a slight admixture of lead, which can negatively affect the health of patients. During treatment, diabetics should not take medications that thin the blood. Strictly prohibited alcoholic drinks, junk food, coffee, strong tea.

Professor Neumyvakin has developed a treatment regimen that involves taking the drug orally. In his opinion, this method helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, cleanse blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques. In addition, the use of peroxide has a positive effect on the glycemic profile of patients, which is important for diabetics.

Therapy rules:

  • Hydrogen peroxide for oral administration is mixed with plain water room temperature. Liquid volume – 50 ml. It can be added to 100-150 ml of water to prevent side effects;
  • Frequency of use – three times a day;
  • On the first day, take three drops. On the second day, 4 drops at a time and so increase the dose until the eighth day inclusive;
  • From days 9 to 15, the dosage is increased by two drops;
  • From 16 to 21 days, take 25 drops every day;
  • From day 21, the dose is reduced by one or 2 drops per day (it is recommended to focus on your well-being).

Peroxide helps dissolve bad cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation in the body, normalizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism in diabetics, reduces sugar in the body. Side effects do not develop if the recommended dosage is followed.

If during treatment there is increased sweating, rapid heartbeat, and severe discomfort in the stomach, then the course must be interrupted.

After a few days, resumption is allowed, but the dose is reduced by a third.

Diet and exercise for high cholesterol

Sugar level

If a diabetic has LDL levels above 3.3 units, then you need to reconsider your diet. Many doctors, answering the question of how to get rid of cholesterol in the blood, recommend a health-improving diet that excludes many foods.

Saturated fats must be removed from the diet. They are the main sources of cholesterol. These include fatty varieties meat, chicken skin, cheeses, high-fat dairy products, butter and palm oil, refined oils. Alternatively consume linseed oil, fish, fish fat, vegetables.

Peas and beans are foods that help normalize cholesterol levels. You need to soak 100 g of the product in ordinary water for the night. In the morning, drain the water, add new liquid and cook until tender. The resulting portion is eaten in two doses. Duration of use – 21 days.

Bran interferes with the absorption of cholesterol in the body, so it is recommended to eat 50 g of the product every day. Cereals cleanse atherosclerotic deposits well.

Basic nutrition tips:

  1. The basis should be fruits and vegetables. Diabetics should choose unsweetened fruits so as not to provoke a hypoglycemic state.
  2. Garlic - a good product, helping to cure atherosclerosis. It can be added to salads and meat. This vegetable is used in many folk remedies.
  3. It is important to give up coffee. The drink not only increases cholesterol levels, but also negatively affects the glycemia of diabetics.
  4. Limit your egg consumption to 3 eggs per week. There is no need to completely abandon them, since the product contains the substance lecithin, which helps normalize lipid and carbohydrate metabolism in the body and reduces the concentration of low-density lipoproteins.

Dynamic training is recommended as physical activity - cycling, brisk walking, swimming, tennis, basketball. Definitely, excessive stress on the body will not bring benefits, so you need to train in moderation. Before playing sports, you should visit your doctor to make sure there are no contraindications. You won't be able to remove cholesterol quickly.

Improvements in diabetics against the background of proper nutrition and moderate physical activity are observed after 2-3 months.

Getting rid of cholesterol using folk remedies

So how to get rid of cholesterol? Alternative medicine offers many ways based on products and medicinal plants. Propolis tincture has proven itself well - you can prepare it yourself or purchase it at the pharmacy. Recipe: pour 5 g of the component with vodka/alcohol and leave in a dark place. Filter.

Take 7 drops half an hour before meals. The frequency of administration is 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is one month. Afterwards, you can take a week break and repeat the therapy at the recommended dosage. If, while taking it, you develop side effects, therapy is stopped immediately.

Many recipes traditional medicine have a complex effect. They not only reduce cholesterol levels, but also reduce glucose levels in the body and normalize metabolic processes which helps to get rid of excess weight.

The following folk methods will help reduce the amount in the body:

  • Decoction based medicinal herbs. Take in equal proportions pharmaceutical chamomile, sea buckthorn leaves, coltsfoot. One tablespoon of herbal ingredients is poured into 250 ml hot water. Wrap the container in a towel and leave for 2-3 hours. Take a dessert spoon - dilute in 50 ml warm water, reception is carried out three times a day. The duration of the treatment course is three months;
  • Walnuts help cleanse blood vessels from plaque. They can be eaten fresh - a diabetic should eat 2-3 kernels per day. From walnut partitions prepare medicinal tincture: 15 g of the component is poured with water, left for 2 weeks in a warm place in a closed container. Take 10 ml before meals in the morning. The recipe is for 10 days of treatment. Afterwards you need a 10-day break, and then the course is repeated;
  • Linden tea normalizes blood sugar in diabetics and helps remove excess dangerous cholesterol. Add a tablespoon of linden inflorescences to 250 ml of hot water and leave for 15 minutes. Drink like tea. You can drink several cups a day, regardless of meals.

Ginger tea has many medicinal properties. The drink relieves excess weight in type 2 diabetes, removes dangerous cholesterol, waste and toxins from the body, has a beneficial effect on glycemia, and improves immunity. To make tea, rub a small piece of the root on fine grater. Add 2 tablespoons of gruel to 1000 ml of water and leave for one hour. To improve the taste, squeeze the juice of one lemon. Drink in a day.