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Medicine to improve memory and attention of schoolchildren. Review of vitamin complexes for the brain. Folk remedies for all professions and almost all ages

There is no mother who would not want her child to bring only positive marks from school. But for successful studies, a child needs to have good attention and memory, and if there are problems with these indicators, there is no need to talk about good academic performance. Special medications can help solve these problems.

Drugs for concentration in children are called nootropics. They allow you to improve the child’s intellectual activity several times and activate him cognitive functions, improve blood supply to the brain. Medicines to improve attention and memory can significantly reduce existing disorders in these indicators mental activity, but they are unable to make their level exceed the norm, given to the child from nature.

Reasons for decreased attention in children and adolescents

The main cause of brain disorders in children and adolescents is an insufficient supply of blood to the brain, which carries oxygen and nutrients. This may be due to constant stress, internal conflict or fear. If the violations are based on psychological problems, then in combination with drug treatment, a visit to a child psychologist or psychiatrist is indicated.

  • Glycine - nootropic drug, increases performance, normalizes sleep, has a sedative effect, improves mental abilities, and activates protective inhibition processes in the central nervous system. Release form: tablets that dissolve under the tongue until completely dissolved.
  • Piracetam - has positive impact on metabolic processes in the brain, promotes better absorption educational material. But if there is a history of individual intolerance or renal failure the drug is contraindicated. Release form: tablets and capsules.
  • Biotredin. The drug contains vitamin B6 and threonine - substances that have positive influence on nervous system. The product activates the cognitive functions of the brain, has a calming effect, and helps improve memory and attention in adolescents. Release form: tablets.
  • Phenibut is a nootropic drug that stimulates blood flow to the brain, reducing the tone of its blood vessels. When using this medicine as prescribed by a doctor, mental performance significantly improves, memory and the ability to remember large amounts of information are activated. The product is available in tablet form.
  • Aminalon is a gamma-aminobutyric acid preparation. Restores metabolism in the brain, improves glucose processing, and removes toxins. Indicated for disorders of the nervous system, to activate mental activity. Release date: tablets.
  • Pantogam is a nootropic drug containing as active substance gamma-aminobutyric acid. Indicated for psycho-emotional overload, attention and memory disorders, to activate intellectual activity, and relieve nervous tension. Release form: syrup, tablets and capsules.
  • Tenoten - homeopathic medicine, improves the nutrition of children's brain cells, accelerates the maturation of the child's nervous system, and promotes the activation of brain processes. Available in tablet form.
  • Noben is a product based on coenzyme Q10. As a result of intake, the concentration of this substance in brain cells increases, memory and the processes of remembering information are activated. Release form: capsules.
  • Bilobil (analogs - Tanakan, Biloba and others) is a medicine based on an extract of the ginkgo biloba plant. Normalizes tone small vessels brain, stimulates the nervous system, has a slight calming effect. The product is available in tablet form.
  • Intellan - removes nervous tension, effective for mental overload. Release form: syrup and tablets.
  • Phezam - indicated for disorders of mental function, decreased memory and concentration, as well as lag in intellectual development. The product eliminates irritability and promotes better learning. Release form: capsules.

It must be remembered that one drug treatment brain disorders will not be enough. You can develop intellectual functions in any way available means- learning by heart, reading, various educational games. In addition, the child needs the care and support of his parents. Only if all these conditions are met is it possible to short term achieve excellent results.

Author of the article: Laukhina Ekaterina

Nutritionist trainer, sports nutritionist, honored author of Evehealth


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This article is based on scientific evidence, written and reviewed by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strive to be objective, unbiased, honest and present both sides of the argument.

School time is a difficult time not only for schoolchildren, but also for their parents. The program changes every year, homework increases. The situation is further complicated by the fact that in addition to school, most children attend various clubs and sections.

In order for children to withstand such stress, they need balanced diet, containing a maximum of vitamins and microelements. But such products, unfortunately, for the most part are “unpalatable” for fidgets. In this case, every mother should take care of quality vitamins for her child.

What tasks should good vitamins for schoolchildren perform?

  1. Improve your ability to concentrate on complex tasks.
  2. Contribute to increasing the level of intelligence.
  3. , make it possible to keep a large amount of material in mind.
  4. Eliminate fatigue and apathy.

To do this, you will need to study the names of vitamins for schoolchildren in more detail.

Of course, a child should get vitamins from natural sources. healthy nutrition. In addition, he must have proper rest and exercise in order to always be in good shape.

Improving mental abilities and physical development:

  1. Vitamin D. This vitamin improves short-term memory function. It also participates in the absorption of fluoride and calcium. With its help, vitamins and minerals quickly enter the bloodstream and are absorbed by the body. Prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis, improves the condition of bones and teeth. These vitamins for memory for schoolchildren are present in beef and pork liver, egg yolks, fish, dairy products, potatoes.
  2. B vitamins. Parents of pupils especially need to pay attention to these vitamins primary classes. It is difficult for very young children who have recently gone to kindergarten to concentrate their attention on one thing for a long time. With vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B12 and folic acid emotional condition will improve. In addition, they are also useful for teenagers who need to keep a large amount of information in their heads, as they form strong memory and improve attention. These vitamins for the brain of schoolchildren are in beef liver, mushrooms, pine nuts, beans.
  3. Vitamin C. Its greatest merit is that it helps the absorption of B vitamins. In addition, it strengthens the child’s memory and protects vision. Popularly considered a “local immunostimulant”. Supports immunity, maintains health. These are present in black currants, rose hips, bell pepper, lemon.
  4. Retinol. It also helps not to get sick in the midst of colds, like vitamin C. Strengthens vision, nails, teeth, and skeleton. Schoolchildren must have foods rich in retinol on their table: eggs, fish, cucumbers, zucchini, liver.
  5. Vitamin E. Improves concentration. Nuts, dried apricots, and sea buckthorn contain this vitamin in sufficient quantities.

In addition, we must not forget about minerals, which should also be included in a schoolchild’s daily diet: chromium, iodine, molybdenum, calcium, omega-3 fatty acids.

Not all children love, for example, liver, fish, and dairy products. But forcing people to eat healthy but unloved foods every day is wrong and is fraught with problems in the future. Therefore, parents of such children do not even need to talk about the benefits of vitamins for schoolchildren.

What vitamins should schoolchildren choose? Reviews from mothers can be quite contradictory. But from the many additives, the following can be distinguished:

  • Vitrum Junior. The drug is effective for increased loads and seasonal vitamin deficiencies.
  • Pikovit forte. Improves concentration, attention, memory. It is effective for “small eaters” because it increases appetite.
  • Alphabet Schoolboy. Improves brain activity, adapts to increased requirements school curriculum, helps strengthen the body's immune forces.

It is also worth paying attention to vitamins for schoolchildren, which are presented on the iHerb website. There is an impressive amount here vitamin complexes designed specifically for children school age to ensure optimal levels of essential vitamins and minerals needed while studying. You can choose dietary supplements in both liquid and tablet form. The properties of the drugs are the same, only the method of administration is different. It's a matter of taste here.

Among iHerb's bestsellers are:

  • - a magnificent, natural, fruity taste will appeal to any child. One capsule contains 16 vitamins and 8 minerals, which are so necessary during school stress.

  • which protect and maintain children's health, improve attention, memory and concentration.

  • will help improve memory, attention and concentration, and increase the level of academic performance. These vitamins are suitable for hyperactive children, making them more diligent.

  • is a specially formulated formula that supports learning, brain development and a healthy nervous system. This supplement is especially recommended for children who eat little or no fish.

Before giving your child any vitamins, be sure to consult your pediatrician!

What can I say finally?

During periods of increased stress at school, schoolchildren need vitamins for memory and attention more than ever. Carefully monitor your child’s diet and limit “junk food”: chips, soda, crackers, fast food.

But you shouldn’t get carried away with vitamin complexes, especially if the foods listed above are always present in your diet. After all, hypervitaminosis is as harmful to the body as vitamin deficiency.

Study well and pay close attention to your well-being!

You can improve brain activity and memory with the help of some useful substances. A certain amount can be obtained from food. However, this is not always enough, so there is a need to take vitamins for the brain and memory. Today we’ll talk about substances that stimulate brain activity and let's look at the types of most effective drugs for adults and children.

One of the main functions of the brain is memory. The causes of increased forgetfulness are quite varied. Often a temporary weakening of attention and memory occurs due to overwork, lack of sleep, emotional stress, or increased anxiety. Such memory impairments are called “functional”.

Usually students, elderly people, children with disabilities suffer due to increased forgetfulness. ADHD syndrome, as well as workers whose activities involve constant mental and physical waste. To get rid of this, you need to eliminate the cause and take a course of vitamins to improve memory and brain activity. To the very important vitamins for the mind include:

  1. Vitamin B1. Affects the brain's ability to remember information. Its lack provokes the appearance of physical and mental weakness, fatigue and depression.
  2. Vitamin B2. Provides the body with energy.
  3. Vitamin B3. Promotes energy production in nerve cells, resulting in improved memory and brain function itself.
  4. Vitamin B5. Responsible for long-term memory and is also capable of suppressing Negative influence alcohol and nicotine on the human brain.
  5. Vitamin B9. Improves the speed of thinking and the quality of memorization.
  6. Vitamin B12. Affects the state of the human body during falling asleep and waking up.
  7. Vitamin C. Protects the body from mental and physical stress, as well as the influence of external negative factors.
  8. Vitamin E. This is a powerful antioxidant. Its action is aimed at eliminating free radicals, the action of which significantly slows down the functioning of the brain.
  9. Vitamin D. Prevents the development of various central nervous system disorders and accelerates brain activity.

These substances are otherwise called “memory vitamins.” Next, let’s look at which food products contain them in the greatest quantities.

Brain Nutrition: Basic Principles

To provide normal operation brain must be observed certain rules. The most important of them:

  1. You can't overeat. A lot of oxygen is consumed to digest excess food. This leads to the formation of free radicals that destroy brain cells.
  2. Stick to fractional meals. Eat 5-6 times a day in small portions.
  3. Include fish in your diet at least 3 times a week.
  4. Use complex carbohydrates(cereals).
  5. Eat vegetables and fruits every day fresh.
  6. Nutrition must be correct and balanced.
  7. Avoid products that are harmful to your brain (alcohol, caffeine, fatty food, sweets).

Vitamins responsible for brain function help prevent a decrease in brain activity and the occurrence of cognitive impairment. They are found in certain amounts in some foods. This food should be included in your daily diet:

  • meat - beef, chicken;
  • offal – pork liver and heart;
  • fish – trout, salmon, sardine;
  • seafood - oysters, shellfish;
  • grain products - whole wheat, oatmeal, millet, brown rice;
  • vegetables – garlic, spinach, red cabbage, broccoli, Bell pepper, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, beets, asparagus;
  • berries and fruits - blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, red apples, oranges, bananas, pomegranate, avocados, persimmons;
  • nuts – almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts;
  • eggs – chicken, quail;
  • natural spices – turmeric, oregano, nutmeg;
  • oils – olive, flaxseed, coconut;
  • dark chocolate (75%);
  • green tea, milk, yogurt.

Vitamin complexes for the brain and memory

To improve brain activity, it is not enough to enrich your diet healthy products. Periodically it is necessary to take a course of special vitamin and mineral complexes. Nowadays, drugs for improving memory are presented in a huge range. Let's look at a few effective means that can be taken by adults:

1. Memory Forte

Improves concentration and memory, maintains clarity of thinking. Must be taken when age-related declines memory, in case of absent-mindedness and in case of high intellectual load. Contains vitamins, extracts medicinal plants, RNA and DNA.

Price: 300-320 rubles.

2. Vitrum Memory

This complex improves cerebral and peripheral blood circulation. It is recommended to take it for long-term memory, improving mental activity and increasing intellectual abilities. Prescribed when it occurs stressful situations And severe overwork. The composition contains B vitamins, vitamin C and plant extracts.

Price: 470-500 rubles.

3. Revien

This complex activates blood circulation in the brain, thereby increasing its activity. Must be taken when chronic fatigue, depression and to stabilize the emotional state. It contains vitamins and minerals, yeast, and plant extracts.

Price: 3500 rubles.

4. Phostphatide-complex Astrum

The drug stabilizes metabolic processes in brain cells, affects memory and mental development. It is recommended to take when overtired, anxiety states, asthenia, and also to improve thinking abilities and memory. Contains lecithin.

Price: 1400 rubles.

Vitamin complexes for students and schoolchildren

Students and high school students devote a lot of time to studying, so they are often susceptible to stress. Sessions, tests, final exams require strong mental stress. In this case, doctors recommend taking special vitamin complexes. The following drugs are suitable for students and schoolchildren:

1. Brain booster

Price: 2500 rubles.

2. Glycine+B Vitamins

The drug improves mood, increases mental performance and reduces psycho-emotional stress. It is recommended to take before and during sessions or exams. Contains vitamins B and glycine.

Price: 200 rubles.

3. Brain-o-flex

The dietary supplement restores brain cells, calms the nervous system, and increases the volume of working brain cells. Contains omega-3, vitamin E, beta-carotene and ginkgo biloba extract.

Price: 1200 rubles.

For preschoolers and schoolchildren younger age Vitamin complexes such as Pikovit, VitaMishki, Alphabet Shkolnik, Vitrum Baby are suitable. These drugs, in addition to enhancing brain activity and improving memory, help strengthen immune system child. They are produced in the form of jelly marmalades, thanks to which children eat them with pleasure.

Precautionary measures

All of the above drugs are not drugs, but are biological active additive to food. Despite this, before you start taking it, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Many complexes have an extensive list of contraindications. There is also a risk of side effects. When taking these vitamin complexes, you should stop taking other medications that contain vitamins that improve brain function. Otherwise, an overdose is possible. An excess of any vitamin is just as harmful as a deficiency.

  • good sleep (for effective rest you need to sleep at least 8 hours);
  • constantly read educational literature (not only improves memory, but also expands vocabulary);
  • learn poetry by heart;
  • play strategic computer games logic (30 minutes a day is enough);
  • work with numbers (this is an effective memory training);
  • constantly learn new things (for example, learn foreign languages);
  • play sports (good) physical form increases the ability to perceive and remember new information);
  • eat well and properly (it is especially important to have breakfast every day).

If you start having problems with memory, and you also feel that you get tired quickly, then the first thing to do is improve your diet and reconsider your lifestyle. It is also important to take vitamins that increase brain activity. However, to do this you will have to contact a specialist who will tell you what is best for you to take individually.

Memory is a complex and mysterious mechanism. Thanks to her, humanity has the right to a future. Memory is capable of storing all memories of events that have occurred. It is thanks to such a phenomenon that a person masters experience. IN Everyday life Any subject's memory is constantly at work. People suffering from amnesia are unable to perceive life's lessons. Every day they have to start all over again, making old mistakes again and again. By taking vitamins for memory, adults and children can improve the functioning of such a complex mechanism.

Main components

Such a brain function, in the case of its optimal operation, consists of three components: initial capabilities, statistical state and training. If memory vitamins are included in the diet in sufficient quantities, it is much easier for adults to cope with many tasks.

  • Initial capabilities are the inclinations gifted to the human brain by nature. It is worth noting that each of us possesses them to one degree or another.
  • The statistical state of memory is another component that determines the potential of a given brain capability. According to experts, the capabilities of our “ gray matter" are almost limitless. The total number of neurons in the brain is 14 billion (despite the fact that the number of connections between them is simply incalculable). The condition of such an organ is determined by many factors. Its functioning is affected magnetic storms, physical and emotional state of a person, occupation, etc.
  • Memory training. This phrase is usually understood as regular efforts of a psychophysiological type that improve brain function. Systematic loads can significantly increase a person’s indicated ability. At the same time, we should not forget that there are effective vitamins to improve memory. In combination with training, they allow you to achieve high results.

Memory work during sleep and wakefulness

During rest, processes take place in the brain in which the most important neurotransmitter (the component that establishes the transmission of nerve messages between neurons) GABA takes part. In case of lack of sleep, the chemical activity of the specified organ is significantly reduced. In addition, the human brain is initially tuned to the natural rhythm of alternating sleep and wakefulness, and therefore it is at night that all restoration processes take place in it. Constant lack of sleep has a detrimental effect on brain function. In such cases, sometimes even memory vitamins do not help. Adults must clearly understand that good sleep- the key to optimal brain functioning.

Physical activity can also have a beneficial effect on gray matter function. Active image life, systematic jogging and walking fresh air- all this will benefit the above-mentioned body.


What vitamins are needed to improve memory? This is a question many people ask from time to time. Surprisingly, it is possible to optimize brain activity proper nutrition. You should know that monotonous foods can often lead to degenerative processes in the brain. Unfortunately, such a result is not immediately apparent. After all, the deficiency of nutrients in the body manifests itself gradually and is cumulative. That is why a reasonable diet should include varied and regular consumption. healthy food, containing vitamins and minerals to improve memory, attention and intelligence. Let’s look at what these components are in more detail:

  • Carbohydrates. The human brain makes up only 2% of the total weight of the entire body. However, the amount of energy it consumes often reaches 20%. As you know, carbohydrates have always been considered the main source of energy. The highest concentration of such substances is found in whole cereals, fruits, vegetables, berries, honey, etc. In case of insufficient intake of the specified substances into the body, brain retardation may develop. Those who practice protein diets should listen carefully to such a statement.
  • Squirrels. No one will deny the importance of these elements for the body. They are the main building material for neurotransmitters and nerve cells that support memory in proper condition. Proteins transport and obtain energy. In case of shortage physical state the person will begin to deteriorate and will feel depressed and tired. In order to prevent the described situation and create an optimal environment for the brain, you should regularly eat meat (at least three times a week). The most valuable thing here is beef. Milk, fish, eggs and cottage cheese also have significant benefits.

  • Fats. Together with the above components, they also allow the body to stock up on energy. It is worth noting here that the components plant origin are more useful than their “brothers” of animal origin (except for the specified substances in the diet should account for at least 15%.

Foods that improve memory

The best option for proper nutrition is a variety of food consumed, containing the above-described components and vitamins for the mind. Food for memory should be filled with the maximum amount of useful substances, as well as their compounds. It should be noted that they are found in almost any product.

  • Banana is an excellent source of easily digestible carbohydrates. It contains amino acids such as methionine, carotene, tryptophan, as well as vitamins C, PP, B2 and B1.
  • Eggs - optimal product for Quail eggs should be considered the most useful. They contain vitamins PP, B2, B1 and A. The set of amino acids includes cysteine, lysine, glutamic acid, methionine and tryptophan.
  • Sprouted cereals. Such products contain potassium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium and zinc. Cereals also contain calcium, selenium, iron and copper. The set of vitamins here is absolutely amazing in its diversity: biotin, F, E, B9, B6, B5, B3, B2, B1.
  • Honey is a storehouse of carbohydrates. It contains 22 of the 24 essential microelements found in human blood. This product can easily replace sugar.
  • Fatty fish - salmon, trout, salmon and herring. It is high in Omega-3 (an essential type of fat).

The most important vitamins for the mind and memory

B vitamins are especially important for optimal brain function. Research has confirmed their effectiveness. These memory vitamins for adults help improve attention and thinking. In addition, the listed substances have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Having the ability to act as antioxidants, such vitamins can create a protective environment for the brain during times of excessive stress. They provide cells with oxygen molecules, preventing the aging process of the above-mentioned organ. If there is a lack of these useful components a person may feel weakness, drowsiness, nervousness, weakened memory, loss of appetite, etc. Let's look at memory vitamins for adults. The list of products in which they are found will allow you to determine the optimal diet.

List of vitamins for memory and mind

Have you ever thought about how many useful substances the body receives from the most regular products? Let's look at what vitamins a person can get from their diet.

  • Thiamine (B1) . This element is able to create the appropriate environment for the development of memorization and cognitive processes in the brain. In case of thiamine deficiency, the human body begins to synthesize in excess uric acid, which affects brain function. Considering the fact that heat treatment may destroy this compound, some fruits and vegetables should be eaten fresh. B1 is also found in foods such as fish, eggs, nuts, meat, oatmeal, peas and buckwheat.
  • Riboflavin (B2) . The main task of such an element is to accelerate mental processes. This vitamin is indispensable in case of active physical and mental work, because it provides the body with energy. The following foods are rich in riboflavin: cabbage, peas, almonds, turnips, green beans, brewer's yeast, tomatoes, etc.
  • Nicotinic acid (B3) . This vitamin can improve memory because it produces energy in nerve cells. The following foods are rich in it: nuts, milk, chicken, yolk, green vegetables, buckwheat, fish.
  • Calcium pantothenate (B5). This vitamin is a memory stimulant long-term type. It promotes the transmission of nerve impulses from neuron to neuron. In addition, produce enzymes that resist negative impact nicotine and alcohol, may be considered vitamins for memory. Adults will get them from foods: peas, liver, eggs, caviar, hazelnuts. Buckwheat, dairy products, and cabbage are also rich in calcium pantothenate.
  • Pyridoxine (B6) . The main task of pyridoxine is to increase intellectual abilities. You can increase the content of this enzyme by eating potatoes, eggs, cabbage, nuts, and bananas.
  • Folic acid (B9). This vitamin can have a beneficial effect on memory and speed of thinking. It is under its influence that inhibition and excitation of the central nervous system occurs. They are rich in dairy products, nuts, cheese, apricots, pumpkin, legumes, red meat.
  • Cyanocobalamin (B12). This vitamin causes daily activity human body, responsible for the transition from sleep to wakefulness and vice versa. You can find B12 in following products: cheese, poultry, herring, beef, kelp, etc.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). It is a powerful antioxidant that protects the body from mental or physical stress. Sources of vitamin C: spinach, citrus fruits, currants, peppers, cabbage, apples, apricots, tomatoes.
  • Calciferol (E). Its main task is to remove toxins from the body, improve functioning of cardio-vascular system, maintaining brain activity. This vitamin is found in foods such as nuts, vegetable oil, seeds, legumes, oatmeal, eggs, liver, etc.

Minerals that have a positive effect

When wondering what vitamins are needed to improve memory, it is important to understand that the body needs not only this component. Big influence minerals also have an effect. As previously noted, proper nutrition can optimize brain function.

  • Iodine . Improves memory and regulates metabolic processes. High concentration This element is observed in iodized salt, seafood and kelp.
  • Selenium . Stabilizes the functioning of brain cells, improves mood, and provides a boost of energy. Contained in buckwheat, seafood, meat, oatmeal and corn.
  • What vitamins are there for adults? No less useful than those listed above is zinc. It is directly involved in the formation of cells human brain, increases attention. It is rich in red meat, brewer's yeast, and seafood.
  • Iron. Promotes the transfer of oxygen to brain cells, improves memory, and increases attention. Iron is found in beans, meat, buckwheat, apples, corn, and persimmons.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. Helps increase intelligence and improve brain activity. Contained in oily fish, vegetable oil, nuts, flax seeds.

Fortified preparations for memory development

Unfortunately, in most cases modern man unable to constantly control your diet. The question arises about where to get memory vitamins for adults. The names of the drugs described below are well known to many. These complexes are capable of providing the body essential minerals and vitamins.

Below we list which drugs improve memory. However, please note that the information provided below is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate. Be sure to consult your doctor.

So, complexes containing vitamins for memory for adults (the list is far from complete, since the choice of a suitable drug is up to the specialist):

  • « Vitrum Memory». This tool improves intellectual activity, optimizes blood circulation in the brain, increases concentration of memory and attention.
  • « Active Lecithin» . The above complex can improve the memory function of the brain in adults. Used to strengthen nerves and increase intelligence. It contains lecithin and B vitamins.
  • « Memory Forte" This is the most effective and safe drug. Used during periods of high intellectual stress, when attention and memory deteriorate, to prevent age-related changes. The complex has no contraindications.

Children's drugs

As you know, vitamin deficiency can cause various abnormalities in a child’s health. First of all, children suffer due to deterioration of brain function. Signs of this are the following sensations: increased fatigue, poor assimilation of information, lack of concentration.

Experts recommend that parents give their babies some vitamins for memory. Improved memory in children after taking the complexes described below was noticed by most mothers. The main thing is to remember that they should be used only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Let's get to the main point. Here are the drugs that improve children's memory:

  • « Pikovit" For children preschool age A drug called Pikovit Omega-3 is recommended. It is produced in the form of syrup. The product contains healthy fats Omega-3, as well as a complex of 10 vitamins.

  • « VitaMishki». An excellent tool for improving the functioning of children's brains. The basis of the drug includes natural juices. “VitaMishki” can not only optimize brain activity, but also improve the child’s immunity. The drug does not contain preservatives or dyes.
  • « Junior Bee Weiss" This vitamin and mineral preparation is intended specifically to support the physical and mental development growing organism. The complex contains iodine, selenium and many vitamins. Prescribed for children under 6 years of age. The drug has no contraindications.


If you are concerned about memory problems, the first thing you should do is improve your diet. Remember, the diet should contain everything essential vitamins for memory. Adults and children who decide to take special complexes should definitely discuss this issue with their doctor.

School time is a serious test for child's body. Attending school, all kinds of clubs, and simply communicating with children every day requires a lot of effort. In order to replenish them, children need to eat right, walk in the fresh air and get vitamins. Vitamins for schoolchildren are divided into five groups: vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamins C, E and D.

School time and vitamins

Vitamin A is important for prevention colds. Taking this vitamin is important in the spring and autumn, when the risk of ARVI and influenza is high. In addition, this vitamin is necessary to maintain visual acuity, which is important for children during school time, given the enormous workload of modern schoolchildren.

B vitamins are excellent vitamins for the memory of schoolchildren. They have a positive effect on the ability to concentrate when receiving new information. In addition, without them the full functioning of the nervous system is impossible.

With a small intake into the body, the following manifestations may develop:

  • irritability,
  • fast fatiguability,
  • weakness,
  • sleep problems.

At the same time, we note the peculiarity of B vitamins: they are quickly eliminated from the body. That is why parents need to constantly supplement their child’s daily diet. such products as:

  • cereals,
  • dairy products,
  • beef liver,
  • mushrooms,
  • Pine nuts,
  • beans.

Next healthy vitamins for the brain of schoolchildren it is vitamin P and D.

Vitamin P is necessary to prevent brain capillaries from permeability and fragility.

Vacations and vitamins

All children and parents look forward to the end of the school year and school holidays. Summer is a time for recuperation and relaxation from mental stress. Pay attention to getting vitamins during the holidays. If school time is the time for vitamins for the memory and attention of schoolchildren, then the holidays are the right time to take those that will strengthen the immune system.

In the spring-autumn period, remember about the prevention of colds and sufficient intake of vitamin C in the body.

IN summer period Take care to take vitamin A (beta-carotene) and vitamin E. The body may experience a deficiency of beta-carotene due to the restriction of foods containing it: liver, butter. With insufficient consumption vegetable oil and porridge there may be a lack of vitamin E.