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The benefits of egg yolk – we break another myth about its harm. Egg yolk

“The color of the yolk depends on what the chicken is fed. For some reason, it is believed that orange yolks are healthier. Unfortunately, no matter how much we care about our nutrition, we do not always understand which foods are actually healthy and which are not. You can sprinkle something into the bird's food and the yolk will turn red. Question: what's in the food? Factories have their own feeding systems; the larger the production, the more these systems rely on chemical additives. And in general, I noticed that in general, factory eggs are more whitish and faded in color, while farm eggs are more saturated in color. That is, the yellow yolk of a farm egg will be brighter than the yellow yolk of a factory egg. The other side of the coin is that farmers do not have money for vaccines, but poultry need them, just like small children. Therefore, farm eggs are considered “healthy” rather conditionally. Personally, I find this picture more visually pleasing: you break an egg, and the yolk is a juicy orange color. For me, such eggs taste more interesting, richer or something. But I’m not ready to overpay three times for this, especially since the benefits, as I said, are very conditional.”

Alexey Berzin, chef of the Cook’kareku restaurant:

“The color of the yolk depends on the chicken’s diet. Food may contain substances that affect color, for example, carotenoids, which are responsible for red shades: remember the same carrots. If the chicken is simply pecking at the grass, the color of the yolk will be richer. But you won't taste much difference. The taste also depends on the food, but not on the color additives, but on the naturalness of the ingredients. Farm eggs with any yolks will taste better than industrial eggs with orange ones. There is also a gastronomic sense in using eggs with different yolks: for example, creme brulee from orange yolks turns out very beautiful and bright. And many people visually like it when scrambled eggs with bright yolks are on the plate. But when we were choosing eggs for the restaurant (in Cook’kareku eggs are present in almost every dish. - Note ed.), we were guided not by the visual component, but by quality: we take dietary eggs with a shelf life of up to 10 days and small ones (the older the chicken, the larger the eggs): it seems to me that small eggs taste better.”

Irina Nikulina, chief livestock specialist of Sinyavinskaya Poultry Farm CJSC:

« Egg yolk- the richest part of a chicken egg. The pigments in the yolk are carotenoids. These are very common natural pigments of yellow, orange or red in nature. Carotenes, which give color to the yolk, cannot be synthesized in the chicken's body. Therefore, the main factor influencing the content of carotenes and, therefore, determining the color of the egg yolk is poultry feed. The color of the yolk is also affected by the age of the bird: the older the hen, the less saturated the color of the yolk of her eggs.

If the bird's diet contains additives rich in yellow pigment, the yolk will appear a more saturated yellow or orange hue. This effect is achieved by bright yellow corn and grass meal. If you feed your chicken pale corn and alfalfa, the yolk color will be pale yellow. When feeding with colorless food, the yolk will have a barely noticeable yellow tint. There are a lot of color options. And if you buy an egg with orange yolk, there is no guarantee that the chicken was fed the correct supplements and not chemicals. Therefore, you should not draw conclusions about the quality of the product only by the color of the yolk.

This begs the question: why do grandmothers in the village always have eggs with a bright orange yolk? The answer is very simple: domestic chickens eat more grass, and it contains a lot of beta-carotenoids, which are more active natural dyes. In industrial poultry farming conditions, feed mainly consists of grains and can include up to 16 components, including grass meal. This is a complex dish prepared for poultry.

So: the color of the yolk is not a sign of freshness and naturalness and does not in any way affect the quality, nutritional value and taste of the egg. The common belief that orange yolk is more natural and better than yellow is a misconception. And the color of the yolk does not depend at all on the color of the shell. There is no need to think that brown eggs have a richer yolk, and white ones are always paler. This is also a misconception.

But it’s difficult to argue about taste. And the point here, I believe, is this. When we talk about food, we immediately imagine that the dish should look tasty, and therefore bright. And here the orange yolk, of course, wins. But this does not mean that yellow is worse or not as tasty.

Often egg producers try to feed laying hens brightly colored feed to make the product look more attractive to the buyer. But if bright color yolk was an indicator of quality, then all manufacturers would strive to achieve a color close to red. But this is not happening.”

Egg yolk is a collection of nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary for the full development of a living organism. The yolk is present in all animal and human eggs, but its quantity and composition varies significantly. Egg yolk ranges in color from pale yellow to bright orange. It depends on the color of the bird's plumage and its diet.

Norms and rules of use

For normal development of the body and active work Doctors recommend eating 1-2 eggs per day. Eggs should be eaten as fresh as possible. When the shell is broken, the egg should not have a cloudy color and the characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide. To check the freshness of an egg at home, place it in a glass of water. A fresh one will sink to the bottom, and an egg that has lain for more than three weeks will float to the surface and part of it will be above the surface of the water.


The egg should be stored in the refrigerator with the pointed end down for no more than three weeks. This will prevent the yolk from touching the air chamber and keep it centered.

Calorie content of yolk

The yolk is different increased content proteins and fats. Its calorie content is 352 kcal per 100 g fresh product. In dried form, it contains 667 kcal per 100 g. It is very nutritious, and its excessive consumption can cause obesity.

Nutritional value per 100 grams:

Useful properties of yolk

Composition and presence of nutrients

Egg yolk contains 12 vitamins vital for the human body, and the percentage of some is the daily requirement. Most of all vitamins, B9, B1, B2, B12, F, . Nature also took care of supplying the yolk with all the necessary microelements. There are more than 50 of them, most of them contain phosphorus, calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfur and chlorine. In addition, the yolk contains proteins, lipids, carotenoids, lecithin and cholesterol. Another advantage of the yolk is that it nutrients are absorbed by the human body by 95%. The maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients is stored in the raw yolk, but in this form it can only be consumed if you are completely confident in the health of the bird.

Lycetin contained in the yolk nourishes nerve tissue And human brain, being a prophylactic against sclerosis. It also helps normalize the functioning of the liver, gall bladder and bile ducts. Carotenoids increase visual acuity and have a preventive effect on development senile cataract. Compared to other foods, yolk cholesterol is not saturated fat and therefore breaks down easily.

Egg yolk also contains phospholipids, which bind and remove excess cholesterol. The yolk nutrient cholein interferes with the formation and development of malignant tumors, in particular breast cancer.

Egg yolk substances are involved in the process of hematopoiesis and are a good stimulant. immune system, stimulate brain function, strengthen joints and bones. It also stimulates the outflow of bile, which causes better peristalsis of the stomach and intestines. Eating yolk during pregnancy prevents the risk of developing pathologies and birth defects in newborns.

Use of yolk in cosmetology

Thanks to your nutritional properties the yolk is used in the preparation of masks, creams and other cosmetics. It prevents dry skin and hair, relieves inflammation and irritation, and has a rejuvenating effect. Washing your hair with raw egg yolk makes your hair strong, soft and manageable. It can also be applied to the facial skin for 20 minutes, which will ensure smoothness and elasticity of the skin. The mask is suitable for all skin types. But to further moisturize dry skin, you can prepare a mask consisting of honey (1 tsp), steamed oatmeal (1 tbsp), olive oil(1 tsp) or any other oil and yolk. Mix everything thoroughly, apply to the face and décolleté and leave for 15-20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse thoroughly with warm water.

To remove excess fat and shine from the skin, you should prepare a mask based on cosmetic clay (0.5 tbsp) and yolk. Apply for 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

A mask made of burdock oil (2-4 tablespoons depending on the length) and one yolk will help get rid of dandruff and moisturize your hair. The mixture must be mixed and applied with rubbing movements to the scalp and along the entire length of the hair. The mask should be kept under a plastic bag for 40 minutes. For oily hair Burdock oil should be replaced with camphor oil and kept for only 5 minutes.

In cooking

The yolk is used in cooking in the preparation of sauces, mayonnaise, creams, casseroles, poached eggs, salads and other dishes. Dishes using eggs and egg yolk should only be stored in the refrigerator.

There is an opinion that eggs and the yolk in particular are difficult to digest. However, this process fully depends on the degree of heat treatment. Soft-boiled eggs and fried eggs are digested in the stomach within 1-2 hours, and hard-boiled eggs and fried eggs on both sides take 3 hours.

This product is suitable for dietary nutrition; it relieves hunger for a long time, activates metabolic processes, and supplies the body with all necessary nutrients. To achieve good results, use the following recommendations:

  • eat vegetables raw or boil them, do not add oil;
  • from drinks use herbal teas, green tea;
  • sausage, mayonnaise, fast food, sweet carbonated drinks, others harmful products exclude from the menu;
  • drink plenty of water;
  • for constipation, add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet;
  • use low-fat varieties meat, fish;
  • Avoid the egg diet if you have kidney, heart or vascular diseases.

Which is better white or yolk?

Most (up to 90%) of the nutrients are concentrated in the yolk, and only 10% of vitamins, minerals and acids remain for the protein. The amount of calories in the whites is much less than in the yolk, so the white part is used for dietary nutrition.

The lack of vitamins and minerals is the reason why it is better to eat the yellow part of the product. Experts recommend eating whites along with yolks in order to be full, get nutrients from food and lose weight.

How many eggs can you eat on a diet?

Until recently, there was an opinion that the product contained substances that could significantly increase cholesterol levels in human blood. Because of this, the restriction on their use was strict - up to 3 pieces per week. Latest Research showed that this opinion is erroneous. To raise your cholesterol levels, you need to eat more fatty foods or experience constant stress.

Modern doctors and nutritionists say that daily consumption of proteins and yolks will not harm the body. Acceptable rate– 3 pieces per day for healthy person.

As for dietary nutrition, this figure can be much higher. These weight loss options are only suitable for short-term use.

Do not overuse methods of getting rid of excess weight, which use more than 3 pieces of the main component per day.

There are several options for the egg diet. A significant part of them relate to protein nutrition systems that contain foods high in protein. Stick to a diet with big amount People with high cholesterol, as well as diabetics, should not include whites and yolks in the menu.

On boiled eggs

It will take just three days to get rid of 3 kilograms of excess weight using boiled eggs for weight loss. For normal body function, drink at least 2 liters of water per day and take complex vitamins. You need to eat the following for 3 days:

  • breakfast: oatmeal with water, 3 boiled eggs, green tea;
  • lunch: eggs – 5 pieces, green tea;
  • dinner: 5 eggs, green tea.

To lose weight, you can arrange 1 fasting day based on this amazing product of animal origin. There are several options for carrying it out. For example, you can use a diet in which breakfast, lunch and dinner consist of the same set of products: 1 boiled main component, 1 green apple. Such a menu should be supplemented a large number of clean water.

On eggs and cottage cheese

On egg whites and grapefruit

You can achieve amazing results in losing weight with the help of a protein-grapefruit diet. Fresh fruits and egg whites make it possible to get rid of several kilograms in the week for which the diet is designed.

To lose weight you will need 35 eggs and 35 bright orange grapefruits. These foods are all you need to fuel you for the week.

Before every meal you need to drink a glass warm water, then eat protein, and an hour later – grapefruit. You need to alternate citruses and proteins all day.

The protein-grapefruit diet option is difficult to maintain; you will need enormous willpower not to eat something extra in 7 days, so there is a simplified weight loss method - the egg-grapefruit one. You won't feel hungry, and your food choices aren't as strict. Indicative menu as follows:

  • breakfast: half a grapefruit (required), 2 eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, cheese or cheese of your choice;
  • lunch: chicken, fish or beef, vegetable salad or stew;
  • dinner: baked omelet of 2 eggs, cottage cheese-grapefruit or egg-vegetable casserole.

By throwing away the yolks, we essentially deprive ourselves of a significant part of an extremely healthy product that is so easy to prepare.

Photo Credit: jypsygen via Compfight cc

This unloading is most often done either on eggs and citrus fruits, or on eggs and fermented milk products. I said about the option with citrus fruits, I’ll say about fermented milk variations:

  • With kefir. We choose low-fat, and you can drink it as much as you like. Or replace mineral water, green tea.
  • With cottage cheese. Again, the fat percentage should be zero. It is advisable to eat it this way, but many people cannot eat cottage cheese dry, for example, I am also among them. Therefore, it is allowed to add yogurt to cottage cheese.
  • With cheese. Unsalted cheese is the lowest fat. But you can eat no more than 150 g of it per day.

As for the eggs themselves, on a fasting day you can eat 3 of them, no more. And again, it’s better to cook soft-boiled. And don't eat them at night.

And we drink a lot, at least 2 liters. This volume includes water, tea, and herbal infusions. It is better not to drink juices - they are too sweet and concentrated for relief, even freshly squeezed.

The most loyal, probably. And the simplest one. You just need to eat a certain amount of food every day for a week. How and when is how you distribute it yourself, but no more than it should be.

Indeed, only the egg yolk contains all the cholesterol (about 300 mg) found in a chicken egg. But fears about this are unfounded for people with normal metabolism.

Cholesterol from chicken yolk is not able to increase its level in human blood. If an athlete has an excess of this substance, then only then is it worth reducing the consumption of chicken egg yolks to one per day.

Before you find out how to lose weight on egg yolks, let's consider how this product is useful and what harm it can cause to health.

Losing weight with egg yolk is not only effective, but also healthy. The product contains 15 microelements that are necessary for normal functioning body, and 11 vitamins.

And biotin, which is part of raw yolks, normalizes lipid metabolism. This will not only help you get rid of excess weight, but also solve the problem of cellulite.

Vitamin H, which is part of egg yolk, improves brain function.

If we talk about the benefits of losing weight with the help of egg yolk, then it contains no carbohydrates. Accordingly, when using the product body fat will not be formed. The calorie content of the product is 54 kcal. Not all dietary products nutrition can boast such a low calorie content, so nutritionists paid attention to this product and recommended the yolk for weight loss.

As for the harm, it is worth noting the high cholesterol content in the product, so doctors do not recommend yolk mono-diets even absolutely healthy women. In any case, before you go on a diet, consult your therapist and nutritionist whether you can eat yolk and in what quantity.

Before using eggs, wash them thoroughly with baking soda. This must be done in order to wash away harmful microflora.

Egg yolks for weight loss can be consumed in 3 states:

  • raw;
  • fried;
  • boiled.

Let's consider each option separately.

Raw yolks

Losing weight with chicken egg yolks when consumed raw is difficult. This is due to the fact that raw yolk is absorbed by 10-15%.

Accordingly, the body receives virtually no nutrients from the product. In addition, there is a possibility of infection with salmonellosis.

This infection, which causes complications on the liver and cardiovascular system. An infected egg can only be identified by laboratory research, so doctors do not recommend eating raw yolks for weight loss.

Fried yolks

Many people have breakfast with omelettes, in the preparation of which only yolks can be used. Such dishes have excellent taste, but are quite high in calories, so nutritionists do not recommend including fried eggs in the diet.

The exception is steam omelettes. They are somewhat inferior in taste to fried ones, but their calorie content is low. Such dishes can be included in the diet menu.

Boiled yolks

Nutritionists agree that boiled egg yolks for weight loss are the best option. It is advisable to boil the egg for 8-9 minutes. This yolk is absorbed by the body almost 100%, which contributes to effective weight loss.

It is also worth noting that heat treatment kills salmonella. But this only applies to hard-boiled chicken eggs. For short duration heat treatment Salmonella survives, which is like eating a raw egg.

For the diet to be effective, you must follow 4 rules.

  • eat egg yolks only in the morning;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day, preferably mineral, but without gas;
  • Spend 30 minutes 3-4 times a week physical exercise. No need to visit gym. You can do the exercises at home. It is advisable to do this at the same time;
  • Take extra vitamins. Since only certain foods are allowed during the diet, the body does not receive all the minerals necessary for normal functioning.

You can replace the yolks of chicken eggs with quail ones. In this case, replace 1 chicken egg with 2 quail eggs.

The egg yolk diet for weight loss is contraindicated for people suffering from urolithiasis or cardiovascular diseases. It is designed for 3 weeks. Weight loss varies from 5 to 10 kg, as evidenced by real reviews women who have tried this method losing weight on yourself. So, let's figure out how you can lose weight using egg yolks.

For breakfast every day we eat 2 yolks and one grapefruit. Those women who do not like grapefruits can replace them with oranges. After breakfast, you are allowed to drink a cup of unsweetened tea or coffee. Preference should be given herbal tea. Lunches and dinners will vary, so we will describe them in detail.

Nutrition calendar

Whatever effective weight loss on the yolks, it is important to maintain the result obtained during the yolk diet. It is advisable to leave breakfast for two to three days the same as it was during the diet. For lunch, add soups and vegetables. You can have fermented milk products for dinner.

You need to eat in small portions, the weight of which does not exceed 150-200 g. Any woman who has lost weight should take this rule into account. Otherwise, the lost kilograms will come back.

To the question, is it possible to lose weight with the help of yolk, we answered. The advantage of this diet is that the diet contains a lot of fruits and vegetables. Also included in the diet meat dishes. Due to the varied menu, the diet is quite easy to tolerate.

As for the disadvantages, losing weight with egg yolk is a rather lengthy process and involves excluding many products from the menu (noodles, porridge, flour). In addition, you should not expect instant weight loss.

Excess weight will go away gradually. But, according to doctors, sudden weight loss is harmful to health, so this disadvantage can be considered as an advantage.

You don’t have to go on a diet, but limit yourself to including one or two dishes made from egg yolks in the menu. It could be a salad. Low-calorie egg and green onion salad is popular in the summer. But unlike classic recipe, in our case, only the yolk is used in preparation. Season the salad with low-fat sour cream or lemon juice.

Even if losing weight is not your goal in itself, it is advisable to do a fasting day at least once within two weeks. This helps cleanse the body of waste and toxins.

Another recipe for losing weight with yolks involves using a blender, into which we place egg yolks and honey in a 2:1 ratio and beat. You need to take this cocktail in the morning. This will help you get rid of 2 kg in a week, as evidenced by reviews of women who have tried this method. The result, of course, is not impressive. But considering how little effort you have to put in, it's impressive.

The answer to the question of whether eggs are really effective in losing weight is positive, but it is important to know how and in what form to consume them - raw, boiled, or the white and yolk separately. Each option has specific recommendations, following which you can achieve beautiful slim figure.

The reason for introducing such a product into the diet is its low calorie content and a large amount of protein in the composition. In addition, it contains vitamins, nutrients and useful microelements.

If you are also interested in whether you can lose weight on eggs, read the information below.

There are many options for protein diets, the main permitted product of which is eggs. Such nutrition systems limit the consumption of carbohydrates.

It turns out that the diet contains a lot of proteins, which is why the body begins to convert its own fat reserves into energy. In addition, you can eat not only chicken.

Quail deserved it good feedback thanks to its hypoallergenicity. Duck eggs on a diet, on the contrary, are poorly absorbed by the body.

Egg diet

Options for egg diets can be listed for a long time, but the kefir mono-diet is considered one of the most effective. It is very simple, easy to carry and gives good results. In a week you can lose up to 5-7 extra pounds. The main condition is to eat 2 eggs for breakfast every day, and drink up to 1.5 liters of kefir per day. It is necessary to add other products to them depending on the day of the diet:

  • first - 4 boiled potatoes;
  • second – 150-200 g chicken breast;
  • third - up to 150-200 g of lean beef;
  • fourth – 150-200 g of lean fish;
  • fifth – up to 1 kg of apples or vegetable salads;
  • sixth and seventh - only kefir, water and 2 eggs.

Losing weight with yolk

The benefits and harms of egg yolks are an eternal topic of debate and disagreement between ordinary people and nutritionists. Despite the compelling facts that prove positive action product on the human body, there are those who believe that eating chicken yolks for weight loss is harmful to health. Below are the most common myths about the dangers of the product.

The average calorie content of a chicken egg is 70 kcal, of which the yolk accounts for 54 calories. The yolk contains 2/3 of all the nutrients in the product.

Recipe No. 1. Raw yolk for weight loss.

Some diets advise drinking chicken yolks on an empty stomach. However, this method is considered not the most successful. Raw yolks for weight loss are poorly absorbed by the body compared to cooked ones. In addition, there is still a risk of contracting salmonellosis. For those who want to take a chance: you will need 2 yolks, which you drink before or instead of breakfast.

Recipe No. 2. Fried yolk for weight loss.

Omelette and scrambled eggs are considered delicious options for how to cook eggs. However, these dishes are also the most high-calorie.

When frying an omelet, the calorie content of the product increases significantly due to the fats in the vegetable oil. Needless to say, a person will not be able to lose weight instantly with such a diet? Only a steamed dish can be considered dietary.

An omelet prepared in this way has an equally pleasant taste, but contains fewer calories.

Recipe No. 3. Boiled yolk for weight loss.

This method of preparing eggs is considered the most acceptable. During cooking, the protein changes its structure to one that is more suitable for our body, making food easier to digest. With prolonged temperature treatment (10 minutes), salmonella bacteria die and the product becomes safe.

Is it possible to lose weight with yolk? Thanks to the composition of the product, it has a fat-burning effect and helps to quickly lose weight for those who want to make their figure more refined. In the diet, eggs are combined with citrus fruits and vegetables, so the proposed recipes can be supplemented fresh salads, natural juices and sauces.

Egg smoothie for weight loss

  1. Take 2 yolks and half a teaspoon of honey, beat the ingredients with a blender.
  2. Take the sweet drink in the morning on an empty stomach for 3 days.
  3. The result of the diet will be 1.5-2 kilograms lost.

Omelette made from yolks in the oven for weight loss

  1. Separate 5 yolks and beat them with a whisk.
  2. Add half a glass of milk, salt and black pepper to the mixture, mix the ingredients thoroughly.
  3. Grease the baking dish vegetable oil, pour chicken yolks into it and bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes at 150 degrees.
  4. Decorate ready dish greens.

Salad with vegetables and yolks for weight loss

  1. Place 5-6 lettuce leaves on a plate, place half boiled yolks on top (you need 5 eggs).
  2. Chop 4-5 cherry tomatoes and place on top of the salad.
  3. Prepare the dressing for the dish by mixing spices with a spoon of balsamic vinegar or lemon juice and a spoonful of olive oil.
  4. Pour the prepared sauce over the vegetable salad and eat the dish fresh.

How to lose weight on yolks? The yolk diet lasts 3 weeks and allows you to achieve a reduction in body weight by 8-15 kilograms. Since this method of losing weight has contraindications, you should consult your doctor before starting the course.

Compliance Rules

  1. During the yolk diet, drink plenty of clean water.
  2. The menu should include a small amount of low-fat dairy and fermented milk products.
  3. Do not break your diet, try to eat at the same time, otherwise you will not be able to lose more than 2-3 kilograms.
  4. If there are few products on the menu and you feel hungry, add a couple more egg yolks to your diet, which are eaten as a snack between main meals.
  5. Chicken eggs can be replaced with quail eggs (1 chicken = 2 quail).
  6. Play sports while losing weight, this will help achieve results.
  7. Accept vitamin complexes to saturate the body with everything necessary substances during the yolk diet.

Yolk diet menu for a week

The essence of the diet is daily use a couple of egg yolks, citrus and plenty of water. Losing weight with egg yolks is considered effective and safe, since the high nutritional value of the product provides the body with energy and gives a stable feeling of fullness.

Sample menu for a week:

  • 1 day - sour apple, 200 grams boiled chicken fillet. For dinner, eat a fruit salad of orange, apple and kiwi, topped with unsweetened yogurt.
  • Day 2 - fresh cucumber, 200 grams of dietary meat. You can eat in the evening light salad from peppers, cucumbers, carrots.
  • Day 3 - low-fat soft cottage cheese 0.25 kg, vegetable salad, a slice of black bread. For dinner, cook fresh vegetable soup and bake a piece of fish with lemon and herbs.
  • Day 4 - in the morning you can eat any amount of fruit; for dinner you can have a portion of chicken fillet or lean beef and an onion salad with celery and tomatoes.
  • Day 5 - vegetable stew with zucchini, tomatoes, onions, carrots, a couple of slices of low-fat cheese. In the evening, eat 0.2 kg of boiled fish, fresh or stewed vegetables.
  • Day 6 - a couple of apples, a glass of kefir. For dinner you can eat fruit salad with yogurt, dietary meat with vegetables.
  • Day 7 - vegetables, light soup with chicken. In the evening, eat a vegetable stew from a head of cabbage, a bunch of greens, bell pepper and tomatoes.
  1. Boil the yolks. This cooking method is considered successful for weight loss, since boiled yolks are better digested by the stomach.
  2. Don't overuse eggs. Recommended daily norm product is equal to a couple of pieces per day.
  3. Do not mix yolks with carbohydrates. This complicates the process of digesting food.
  4. Don't neglect water. A diet based on yolks will not be effective without plenty of drinking regime.
  5. Eat the yolks in the morning. So, the appetite will be suppressed, and daily calorie content menu has been shortened.

Each diet has its pros and cons, by weighing which a person determines whether this method of losing weight is suitable for him or not. A significant factor in this is the effectiveness of a particular type of diet. You can verify the effectiveness of losing weight using egg yolks by looking at photos of people who managed to lose a significant amount of excess weight.

For a long time nutritionists were unanimous in their opinion that eating egg yolks in large quantities is harmful. Therefore, it was believed that losing weight with the help of yolks was unrealistic. The high cholesterol content made eggs a real taboo for people suffering from heart and vascular diseases.

Recent studies have caused nutritionists to question the correctness of their judgments. Egg yolk is one of the most healthy products animal origin. Here is the list beneficial properties chicken yolks.

  • Chicken yolks– a powerful natural antioxidant. They effectively protect the body from radiation and other environmental pollutants.
  • Normalizes cardiovascular activity.
  • Actively nourish nerve cells(they are “responsible for this” active substances– choline and lecithin).

And, of course, the weight loss effect. Thanks to biotin (its other name is vitamin H), stimulation fat metabolism leads to rapid, almost instantaneous weight loss.

Egg dishes are filling and well digestible. At the same time, the feeling of satiety remains long time, so you have the opportunity to get rid of extra centimeters and kilograms, while providing the body with useful substances and much-needed energy.

Yolk for weight loss is suitable in any form: fried, boiled or even raw. However, it must be taken into account that there is raw eggs should be used with caution because there is a risk of salmonella infection. And the digestion of eggs that have been subjected to heat treatment, compared to raw ones, occurs much faster.

Like other diets, this diet also has contraindications that cannot be ignored.

By itself, massage of problem areas of the body using egg yolk does not lead to weight loss. But the skin becomes more beautiful and elastic, and the body seems more toned. For massage, use a mixture of four yolks and three tablespoons of honey.

Before the massage, it is useful to take a warm bath and cleanse the skin with a scrub. A mixture of honey and yolks is applied to a slightly damp body with gentle massaging movements. The duration of the massage session is 15 minutes. Then the egg-honey mixture is washed off with water.

Here are the most typical reviews about losing weight with yolk.

Massage with yolks

The benefits of the product for weight loss have already been proven, but before including it in diet menu, it is worth finding out in what form to eat eggs - raw, boiled, fried, or the yolk and white separately. Each option involves certain recommendations, following which you can significantly lose weight.

The reason for using the product during a diet is that this dish is low in calories and contains a lot of protein. In addition, eggs contain vitamins, beneficial microelements and nutrients that are very necessary during weight loss.


The best option for dietary ration will become boiled eggs. The thermally processed product has a low calorie content: about 157 kcal per 100 g.

From such food the body receives amino acids, carbohydrates and fats, as well as vitamins of groups B, A, E, H, PP, K, etc. In addition, the boiled product is rich in iron, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, fluorine, contains albumin, biotin, extremely important for women folic acid.

The beneficial substances are retained even after cooking, and the protein is completely absorbed by the body.

Nutritionists recommend adding boiled eggs to your diet menu for weight loss in the amount of 1-2 pieces per day. You should not be afraid of cholesterol, because in addition to it, the product contains phospholipids, which reduce the concentration of this substance and stimulate the regeneration of liver tissue.

During a diet, eggs can be consumed in the morning and evening, but it is better to leave only the white for later and eat it no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime. Addendum to light dinner Low-fat cottage cheese or a glass of 1% kefir will serve from 2-3 proteins.

As a rule, athletes use the product in this form. Bodybuilders are preparing protein shakes to be taken on an empty stomach.

Raw eggs are suitable for weight loss, just like boiled ones: the body spends the same amount of energy on processing both, and their calorie content is also no different. However, raw protein is less digestible (by about 70%), in contrast to thermally processed protein.

The calorie content and composition of the raw product does not differ from that of the cooked product.


People often like scrambled eggs and omelettes more than boiled eggs. During the diet, the consumption of such dishes is allowed, but in minimal quantities and occasionally.

Nutritionists believe that you should not combine the product with fats (the calorie content of fried eggs in oil increases 3-5 times and can reach 900 kcal). If you fry a diet omelette in a dry frying pan with a non-stick coating, you don’t have to worry about a lot of calories.

Omelet or scrambled eggs in oil (it is better to use olive oil) are allowed to be eaten no more than once a week.

Eggs can be seen on the menu of various diets, since they are considered a balanced product in their composition. Is it possible to eat eggs while losing weight, in what form should they be consumed?

The average calorie content of this popular product is 158 kcal per 100 g (about 70 kcal per 1 piece). Most The yolk provides calories (it contains 3 times more calories than the white).

During the diet, eggs can and should be consumed - it is recommended to boil them soft-boiled (cooking time: 2-3 minutes), in a bag (cooking time: 5-6 minutes), hard-boiled (cooking time: 8-9 minutes).

It is quite acceptable to cook poached eggs - the shell is broken and the contents are released directly into boiling water. For those who need to reduce their calorie intake as much as possible, it is recommended to consume only protein.

Egg diet can be supplemented with vegetables, herbs, cereals, lean meat products.

Nutritionists believe that eggs should not be combined with fats. The calorie content of a product fried in fat can increase 3-5 times - it all depends on the amount of fat used (100 g of fat provides about 900 kcal). If you fry an egg in a dry non-stick frying pan, you don't have to worry about the increase in calories.

Is it possible to eat eggs at night while losing weight?

It is quite acceptable to eat eggs in the evening (for dinner) - it is recommended to finish the meal 2-3 hours before resting for the night. You should not eat them immediately before going to bed - it takes about 3 hours for the product to be completely absorbed. Such a meal will lead to indigestion.

Is it possible to eat eggs while losing weight? Nutritionists confirm the benefits of this product for the body and recommend introducing it into the diet menu. If you follow reasonable standards, you don’t have to be afraid harmful influence cholesterol.

Controversy over bad cholesterol in eggs and its harm to health continue to this day, but even so this product Recommended for those who are losing weight and even for those who are obese. All because of the low calorie content - only about 70 kcal in one piece.

The protein in their composition has no analogues in nature, which is why it is so necessary for the body. For this reason, you even need to eat eggs when losing weight, but in the right quantities.

The ideal option for losing weight on eggs is to eat them boiled. In this case, there is no risk of contracting salmonellosis.

Even just by eating one egg or an omelet instead of sausage sandwiches in the morning, you will already bring more benefits to your body. By using this breakfast regularly, you will begin to lose weight.

Is it possible to eat boiled eggs on a diet? They are allowed to be consumed even in the evening, but only one piece and not daily. The best option is to eat boiled eggs for weight loss not whole, but leave only the white for dinner, adding greens to it.

  1. Boiled eggs at night for weight loss can be eaten no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  2. If you expect to go to bed in another 4-5 hours, you will have to make a second dinner from low-fat cottage cheese, glasses of kefir or 1-3 boiled proteins.

Athletes often consume raw eggs. They prepare protein shakes that they drink on an empty stomach.

This is where the fashion came from using raw eggs for weight loss, although this is not at all necessary. The body spends the same amount of energy processing raw and cooked food.

They also do not differ in calorie content. In addition, boiled protein is completely absorbed, while raw protein is only 70% digestible.

If you still decide to use the last option, then buy quail or chicken eggs, but not duck ones.

Boiled eggs can quickly get boring, and almost everyone likes them much better fried. In this case, it is important to prepare the dish correctly so that it does not turn out to be too high in calories.

For scrambled eggs, use a non-stick frying pan. This way you can cook without oil, just a drop of olive won’t hurt.

For taste, you can add garlic, shrimp, sea ​​salt, mushrooms or cheese. Scrambled eggs in butter are permissible no more than once every 7-10 days.

With a relatively low calorie content, improper consumption of eggs can lead to excess weight. When losing weight, the product can be included in the diet, but only if certain rules are followed:

  • Eat it in the morning (ideally for breakfast).
  • Fried eggs not recommended for those who are losing weight. Scrambled eggs are usually cooked in oil, and this increases the calorie content of the dish several times.
  • Cooking eggs in a non-stick frying pan without using fat is allowed for breakfast.
  • Only protein should be left for dinner. It is not recommended to eat yolk at night.
  • Poached eggs are also allowed in the diet if you follow a diet.
  • You should eat no more than one egg per day.
  • Duck eggs are harder for the body to digest, so it is better to exclude them.

The most high-calorie part of the product is the yolk. In addition to useful substances, it also contains fats, so nutritionists say that frequent consumption of it, especially for dinner, makes you fat.

Egg white is a valuable protein that promotes weight loss. You can eat it without restrictions, but it is better to limit the consumption of yolk to 2-3 pieces per week. Therefore, if you want to lose weight with eggs, eat them boiled, and only the whites for dinner.

Why is protein so valuable? It is well absorbed by the body, and it construction material for muscle tissue, which itself burns fat. If the amount of protein in the diet exceeds the amount of fat, then the process of losing weight in the body will be launched at the biological level.

Not everyone is ready to give up their favorite dish during the period of weight loss, and this is not at all necessary. If you have a frying pan with a special coating that allows you to cook without oil, use it without restrictions. Scrambled eggs with added fat when losing weight are allowed no more than once every 7-10 days. It is better not to fry duck eggs at all, even if you decide to eat them for breakfast.

You can eat a boiled egg for a late dinner, but not more than one and not every day. If in doubt, leave only the protein for dinner, adding fresh herbs to it.

If you want to get rid of excess weight, then dinner should be protein 2-3 hours before bedtime. If after dinner you are going to go to bed 4-5 hours later, then you need to make a second dinner consisting of low-fat cottage cheese or 1-3 whites of boiled chicken eggs.

Reply from the site

There are 2 reasons why nutritionists do not recommend eating egg yolks.

1. Cholesterol. Each yolk contains about 0.2 g of cholesterol. This substance is indispensable for the functioning of the body, but is synthesized in the required quantities internal organs. About 0.5-0.7 g of cholesterol per day should come from food. That's 3 yolks, but there are other foods that contain cholesterol. Many bodybuilders eat several dozen eggs per day. If they didn’t throw away the yolks, there would be a clear overkill with cholesterol...

2. Fats. The yolk contains about 5 g of fat. If you eat one omelet per day, fats will be beneficial. Things are completely different when there are dozens of eggs in the daily diet. 20 eggs = 100 g of fat, which very often does not fit into the daily requirement.

Thus, you should throw away the yolks only if you eat more than 5 eggs per day ( of these, still leave 2-3 yolks). In other cases, it is better to eat the yolks, because... they contain a lot of useful substances!

The egg combines nutrients in an amazingly balanced way: egg white It is distinguished by a high content of the simple protein albumin and extremely low calorie content, and the rich yolk contains vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for health. fatty acid and a large amount of cholesterol - a substance with such a bad reputation that many people, trying to protect themselves from health problems, neglect the yolk and include only egg whites in their diet. But how reasonable is this approach?

Should you worry about cholesterol?

Cholesterol contained in egg yolks is beneficial and is necessary for the body to synthesize hormones and cell membranes. This is not the scary and terrible cholesterol that leads to atherosclerosis and increases the risk of blood clots. Recent studies by American experts have shown that eating yolks in no way leads to unhealthy levels of cholesterol in the blood, as do, for example, trans fats, overeating or low physical activity.

On the contrary, egg cholesterol helps replace the lack of calcium in the blood and even reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol, which prevents the formation of plaques in the blood. But this, of course, does not mean that you should eat 5 eggs in one sitting: this will be akin to eating only candies or, say, only cucumbers, and in best case scenario will not do any good if it does no harm.

Remember that nature loves harmony and moderation in everything, and even the egg is designed in such a way that it is popular among adherents healthy eating The protein is poorly digested without the yolk and loses its protein value.

Vitamin yolk

Focusing (as we found out, completely in vain) on the high content of cholesterol in the yolk, many often forget about many useful vitamins, which the “sunny” core of the egg can boast of. The list is headed by B vitamins, which are involved in all metabolic processes body, and first of all - B12, which prevents the development of anemia and keeps us in good shape.

It is also vitamin A, which regenerates tissue and strengthens the immune system, vitamin D, which is responsible for the health of our skeleton and removes heavy metals from the body, and the rejuvenating antioxidant vitamin E. By the way, protein against this background does not look as pale as it seems: it is in turn, it also contains B vitamins and blood-clotting vitamin K. It is probably worth clarifying that all these useful components of an egg are best absorbed together with each other, and therefore do not separate the white from the yolk, but feel free to eat it completely.

Minerals and vital elements

We have already mentioned amazing property produce yolk good cholesterol and prevent the formation of “bad”: this occurs due to the high content of lecithin in the yolk, which actively fights the appearance of excess weight and removes excess “wrong” cholesterol.

Linolenic acid, which makes up 16% of the total yolk content, is a very necessary thing for the body, which is unable to independently produce this substance - it is an essential fatty acid. unsaturated acid, necessary for normal life person.

Choline improves metabolism and normalizes fat metabolism, and melatonin regulates activity endocrine system And blood pressure. If the yolk still has not convinced you of its benefits, we remind you that in addition to all this, it also contains calcium, phosphorus and, like bananas, a significant amount of potassium.

Not just protein

While some people happily use yolks to make mayonnaise, cream for cakes, or, succumbing to a gastronomic impulse, for egg liqueur, other people strictly monitor their diet and adhere to a strict protein diet, eating only the low-calorie component of the egg.

Bad news for the latter: the proteins that egg whites are so rich in (mainly due to their volume) are also contained in the yolk, and even in combination with healthy fats, without which the main substance responsible for the construction beautiful body, it simply won’t be digested. If you rely on whites separated from yolks, you can seriously deplete your body and reduce its reserves of vitamin A, which is always in short supply.