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Tonic herbs and plants. Survival in anomalous zones

Nowadays, due to the hectic and stressful lifestyle, more and more people feel sluggish and apathetic even in at a young age. Some people prefer to increase their alertness by using synthetic drinks like energy drinks.

Others consume huge amounts of coffee day and night to feel energized during rush hours at work or school. And still others follow the surest path, using tonic medicinal herbs.

The best healer is nature!

The teaching about these plants belongs to Ayurveda. According to her philosophy, these components of decoctions and infusions have a beneficial effect on the chakras responsible for the flow of vital energy and strength in the body. If you start using them (of course, provided proper preparation and excerpts), you will feel an influx of strength and vigor, a general strengthening effect on the entire body, and relief from various chronic diseases that can significantly reduce the quality of your life.

Herbal medicine, although it is an alternative technique, is still unrecognized from outside official medicine, recommended even by doctors. In any case, many doctors advise it to their patients when undergoing standard courses of treatment.

Traditional medicine has long known the art of healing the soul and body with the help of healing plant components. Some healers believe that it is with the help of herbs and flowers that you can rid yourself of even the most terrible and insidious pathologies which are considered fatal. Medicinal properties Each component of herbal medicine is unique and has its own effect on the body.

One thing is clear - herbal treatment almost always gives excellent results. Plus, you have nothing to lose because this therapy is the gentlest and most neutral of all existing options. If you are constantly experiencing psychological stress, have become nervous, irritable and tired, try preparing a mixture for tonic herbal tea!

Why are herbs so beneficial?

Mother Nature has given us everything we need for treatment. various pathologies And discomfort states. Even synthetic drugs are made in the likeness natural ingredients, which existed long before the active development of chemistry and biology. However, today for some reason we prefer to look for easy ways.

Of course, why collect and brew herbs when you can run to the nearest pharmacy and buy synthetic vitamin and mineral complexes?

However, you should know that natural products, whether food or medicinal plants, act on our organs and systems much more delicately than their aggressive chemical derivatives.

You can purchase ready-made tonic herbal infusions from herbalists. Although these medicinal products can be increasingly seen on the windows of pharmaceutical stores. Preparing decoctions and other drinks from them is not at all difficult, and even an amateur in such things can handle it. The collection, which does not require sequential processing, can be brewed in the same way as you prepare regular loose-leaf tea.

When experiencing constant stress and a feeling of fatigue due to hard work, you can turn to psychostimulants, or you can turn to herbs and roots, which affect the body albeit slowly, but really well. Yes, various tablets and syrups provide an almost immediate effect, but as soon as you stop taking them, the condition worsens. In addition, they can cause severe damage general condition health.

With herbs the situation is completely opposite. They cannot be called instant action agents, but they are designed to improve the health of the body at a global level. In addition, they provide a cumulative effect, which means that it does not “dissipate” after completion of the course.

If you want to turn to herbal medicine traditions, but do not find tonic herbs in the pharmacy, turn to knowledgeable people who devote most of their lives to healing with natural gifts. From them you can purchase all the components of the fees separately and make your own “cocktail”, suitable individually for your case.

What herbs are useful for toning the body, and what effect do they give?

There are many herbs and spices that effectively tones the body, affecting the production of specific hormones.

We have compiled for you a whole list of herbs that tonic the body:

The following plants can also be classified as tonic herbs:

  1. Aloe;
  2. Kalanchoe;
  3. Manchurian Aralia;
  4. Rhodiola rosea;
  5. Rosehip cinnamon;
  6. Borage;
  7. Birch;
  8. Birch mushroom;
  9. Common hop;
  10. Tarragon;
  11. Zamanikha;
  12. Gorse;
  13. Common burdock;
  14. Thyme;
  15. Orchis;
  16. Prickly tartar;
  17. The sequence is tripartite;
  18. Stinging nettle;
  19. St. John's wort;
  20. Eleutherococcus senticosus.

By taking tonic drinks made from spices and herbs, you will clear your thoughts of unnecessary vanities and fill your body vital energy, strengthen all organs and systems of your own body.

Herbal infusions are known for being a kind of storehouse of folk knowledge. They have a gentle effect on the body, without exposing it to stress, but not only the body becomes healthier from natural medicinal herbs.

How to properly collect and select herbs:

According to astrologers, the most favorable time for collection medicinal herbs- this is the Full Moon. This is due to how the plant and its energy react to the phase of the moon. During the growth of the Moon, energy tends to accumulate and reaches its maximum by the Full Moon. This is why it is advised to collect herbs during the Full Moon. This is one of the ancient traditions. Collecting herbs has its own secrets, which have been passed down from generation to generation for several centuries.

It is recommended to collect herbs yourself. When purchasing from a pharmacy, be sure to double-check them so as not to harm yourself with defective material. Be careful. if a naturally strong-smelling herb has a weak odor. Stems and leaves must be undamaged and have sufficient bright color. It’s bad if the color is uneven. Moreover, the grass may be covered in mold or damaged by insects. For this reason, you should avoid buying ground herbs to avoid scammers.

How to drink herbal tonic solution correctly.

You can see the first effect of using the tonic solution quite quickly. But in order for it to take full effect, do not stop drinking it for at least a month. This is due to the fact that medicinal and tonic herbs exhibit their effects over a fairly long period of time, having not a quick, but a gradual effect on the human body. Moreover, when chronic diseases It is recommended to drink infusions for at least three months, sometimes up to six.

Recipes for tonic infusions.

There are a lot of recipes for tonic herbal tinctures, but you need to monitor your body’s reaction to them. If an allergy occurs, immediately stop taking this infusion, replacing it with another if desired. If you have never drunk such infusions before or have not taken them for a long time, you should start taking it with 1/3 glass, preparing the body.

If you want to influence your health from the spiritual side, then Feng Shui amulets for longevity, health and good luck are also suitable for you.

Talismans of longevity and health:

Turtle. The main symbol of longevity, wisdom and good health. This is the strongest defender of your health, which requires the presence of water nearby.

Crane. According to the philosophy of Eastern teachings, cranes are pure birds that are not subject to time and failure.

Bear. This is the embodiment of strength and independence. Bears are strong not only in spirit, but also in body, which has a positive effect on the well-being of people using such a talisman.

Diamond. An indestructible stone that can only be destroyed by another diamond. It is a symbol of unshakable independence and good health.

Good luck talismans:

Turtle. Along with longevity, it also gives good luck in all areas of life.

Horseshoe. This is a symbol of good luck in European culture; it is not alien to Feng Shui. You can decorate it with red ribbons or bells. And be sure to hang it correctly so that it resembles a full bowl and not an upside-down one.

Coins and toad. Luck in money and financial sphere is very important in modern world. A toad can help with this - place it on your desktop, and put the coins nearby.

Goldfish. If you have an aquarium, the goldfish in it will become a real living talisman of well-being. But you can also use their figures or images.
jade jewelry and amulets.

Cooking method: Any of the following infusions is brewed in the ratio of two teaspoons of herbal tonic mixture to two glasses of boiling water. The infusion must be left to brew for an hour, after which it can be strained. It is recommended to take 3-4 times daily, in a volume of no more than half a glass.

first recipe: it is 1 part nettle leaves and 2 parts rowan fruits.

second recipe: For 4 parts of rowan fruit you will need raspberry and black currant fruits, two parts of each type. One part of black currant leaves is also added here.

third recipe: take three parts each of rose hips, nettle leaves and carrot roots. Add also one part of black currant fruit.

fourth recipe: Mix one part each of blackcurrant and rose hips.

fifth recipe: For this collection you will need one part each of plantain leaves and peony root. They need to be mixed with two parts of rowan fruit.

Medicinal mixtures have the living energy of nature. Herbs can not only heal the body, but also heal the spirit, protect against evil forces and protect against the evil eye. Our ancestors knew about their magical properties for a long time.

Herbal infusions are always beneficial, and if you take them correctly, you will achieve even greater results. Besides traditional medicine and similar herbal preparations, many have experienced positive effect homeopathic treatment. Perhaps it will suit you too.

Contrary to popular belief, homeopathy cannot be called a newfangled invention. In fact, her idea is not new: the founder of this direction is considered German doctor Hahnemann, who lived in the 19th century. Today, homeopathy is quite popular along with other branches of medicine, for example, folk medicine.

At the core homeopathic method lies the principle of similarity. The idea of ​​treating like with like is not new: snakes and bee poisons were used by healers for centuries before becoming part of modern medicines. So our ancestors kicked out the wedge with the wedge.

Nowadays homeopathy is called a variety alternative medicine, in which drugs are used that are diluted to a significant extent and at high concentration capable of causing healthy person the same symptoms as the patient undergoing treatment homeopathic remedies. This principle has something in common with vaccines. Homeopathy focuses on things like individual approach, the memory of water in which homeopathic medicines are diluted, and the placebo effect, which is often recalled by skeptics who believe healing effect homeopathy is self-hypnosis and nothing more.

When homeopathy is stronger than conventional medicines:

Homeopathy is powerless for diseases that require surgical intervention. In other cases, despite its controversial status in scientific circles, homeopathy is used. Homeopathic medicines A homeopathic doctor can prescribe for the treatment of nervous disorders, diseases musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, digestive disorders or respiratory system. Homeopathy is used for oncological diseases when official medicine is powerless.

Homeopathic remedies are often used for weight loss or other cosmetic problems. For example, they resort to it not only to combat overweight, but also to get rid of wrinkles and delay the aging process of the skin.

Adherents of extrasensory perception speak about the ability of water to remember and heal. No wonder there are many ways to attract health or luck with the help of water.

This group includes fragrant plants of various chemical composition, which in folk medicine are used to increase tone, as a general tonic. Essential oils have antiseptic, phytoncidal, antispasmodic properties, irritate the skin and mucous membranes, causing burning and hypothermia. Excreted by the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and lungs, they activate the activity of these organs. Thus, some essential oil plants are used as herbs, spicy vegetables, and spices. This causes the separation of digestive juices and a general strengthening effect. In no large quantities essential oils increase urine output. For some oils, the diuretic effect is especially characteristic (juniper oil, parsley, lovage, etc.). In large quantities, essential oils irritate and damage the kidneys. Excreted by the lungs, essential oils promote the separation of mucus (the expectorant effect of anise, fennel, pine oil, etc.). IN last years It has been shown (Nikolaevsky, Eremenko, Ivanov, 1987) that essential oils have strong immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory activity and are good antioxidants.

On nervous system essential oils act in two phases: first they excite and then depress it (Beyul et al., 1959). Based on this, it becomes clear that there is inconsistency in the literature data on the tonic effect of many essential oil plants, especially with prolonged use. Thus, V.P. Makhlayuk (1967) classifies essential oil plants as tonic, stimulating and restorative, such as ivy budra, hyssop, camphorosma de Marseilles, lovage, rosemary, rue, horehound, etc. At the same time He classifies rue as a calming plant, and in the first edition of the same book (Makhlayuk, 1964) he includes lemon balm among both stimulants and sedatives. The same inconsistency, according to different authors, arises in relation to the action of rose, St. John's wort, catnip oil. According to our data, this can be explained by the fact that essential oils usually have a more noticeable tonic (first phase) than a calming effect (second phase). However, this division is conditional, since in large doses some essential oils, such as horehound, have a strong sedative effect, hypotensive effect(Gubergrits, Solomchenko, 1966).

According to our data, the final effect of essential oils on the nervous system depends on its initial functional state. When overexcited (asthenic stage of neuroses), essential oil plants can have an inhibitory effect even in low concentrations. It is characteristic that the general strengthening effect due to the socogon effect is preserved.

In patients with the asthenic stage of neuroses, depression, especially latent, essential oil plants, on the contrary, help clarify consciousness, awaken interest in life, and have a tonic effect due to their irritating effect. Essential oil plants are used with caution in the presence of gastric ulcers and duodenum, enterocolitis, acute jade, hepatitis, cholecystitis, etc.

Amur velvet, or Cork tree(Phellodendron amurense Rupr.). The bark contains essential oil, berberine, and many flavonoids. The drugs have an appetizing, juice-like effect and are used in Asian countries as a tonic for gastritis, general exhaustion, and anemia (Ibragimov, Ibragimova, 1960). The plant is included in Eastern medicine recipes for psychasthenia and mental fatigue. It is promising for the search for new ergogenic substances.

Silver birch, or warty(Betula pendula Roth.), fluffy birch(Betula pubescens Ehrh = Betula alba L.). The trunk bark contains ursolic and oleanolic acids in an amount of 0.04% (Rimpler, Kuhn, Dencker, 1966). The buds and young sticky leaves are used as an aromatic and strengthening agent (Krylov and Stepanov, 1979).

Budra ivy-shaped(Glechoma hederacea L.). In domestic and German folk medicine, the plant is used as a tonic, stimulant, appetizing, and diuretic. Particularly effective Fresh Juice(2 tablespoons 2 times a day) for hepatitis with jaundice, anemia (Gubergrits, Solomchenko, 1966). The plant stimulates metabolism (Kovaleva, 1971) and has a strengthening effect (Popov, 1974).

Verbena officinalis(Verbena officinalis L.). The herb contains essential oil with the smell of camphor and bitter glycosides. This is related to the use of the plant for general weakness, exhaustion, cerebrosclerosis (Popov, 1974; Seredin, Sokolov, 1973).

Urban gravilate(Geum urbanum L. = Caryophyllata urbana Scop.). Essential oil the plant has the smell of eugenol, replacing imported cloves (Aliev, Aliev, Rakhimova, 1961). The rhizomes of the plant are described by many authors as a tonic and potency enhancer. It is popularly used as a spice (Grossheim, 1942; Grom, 1965).

Monnier root. A plant from the umbrella family, common in Eastern Siberia, the Amur region and the Primorsky Territory. The fruits contain essential oil, which has a general tonic effect (Zakrividoroga, 1961). IN oriental medicine used for impotence, as a strengthening, appetizing, tonic (Schroter, 1975).

Hyssop officinalis(Hyssopus officinalis L.). The herb is used for anemia and exhaustion, which is apparently due to its use as a spicy seasoning for sauces, soups, etc. (Matsku, Krejcha, 1981).

Campharosma Marseilles(Campharosma monspeliana L.). The plant is rich in essential oil (Vykhodtsev, Nikitina, 1946). Herbal preparations are popularly used as an aphrodisiac (Abramov, Gaze, 1950).

Iris (iris) calamus(Iris pseudacorus L.). This and other types of iris have long been recommended as a tonic (Annenkov, 1878). In addition, the plant is included in Zdrenko’s collection, which is used in the treatment of anacid gastritis and malignant tumors(appetizing, strengthening effect). Rhizomes of related species were used in Tibetan medicine as a general tonic for anemia (Guseva, 1966).

Catnip(Nepeta cataria L.). The herb contains essential oil with a strong lemon odor. The plant has long been used in Europe and Eastern countries as a spicy, appetizing, tonic, choleretic agent, with anemia, hysteria, melancholy. The general strengthening effect is shown in the clinic (Chopik, Dudchenko, Krasnova, 1983).

Lavender angustifolia(Lavandula angustifolia Mill. = L. vera D.C., L. spica L.), lavender officinalis(Lavandula. officinalis L.). Distributed in Southern European countries, where it is used as a spice (Kibala, 1986). The herb contains ursolic acid. Plant preparations are used for neurasthenia, paralysis, and as a general tonic (Popov, 1974; Iordanov et al., 1966). The herb is included in the pharmacopoeias of 16 countries as a tonic and sedative.

Lovage officinalis(Levisticum officinalis L.). Found only in cultivation, occasionally runs wild. Leaf cuttings, stems and roots are considered good spices. People use plant preparations as a tonic, stomachic, with impotence (Popov, 1974; Chopik, Dudchenko, Krasnova, 1983).

Ambrosia pigweed(Chenopodium ambrosioides L.). The plant contains up to 0.48% essential oil (Galkin, 1950), its composition contains ascaridole from 40 to 85%. IN Chinese medicine the aerial part is included in restorative, tonic, and soothing teas (Wilson, 1963). Essential oil is considered a stimulant.

Melissa officinalis(Melissa officinalis L.). Even in the “Canon of Medical Science,” Avicenna described this plant as increasing vitality and driving away melancholy. In medicine in Western Europe, it has long been used as a gastric, tonic, appetizing remedy, for anemia, and heart disease. In Lithuania, an infusion of lemon balm and marjoram is used to strengthen memory. At the same time, the plant is widely used among people for stress, overwork, hysteria, hypochondria, insomnia, excessive excitability, as a sedative (Popov, 1974; Sklyarevsky, 1972; Korbelar, 1981).

Melissa has the ability to cause a “training” and “activation” reaction in patients with chronic hyperacid gastritis, and an improvement in the body’s adaptive reactions can be observed even 2-3 months after stopping the use of small doses of the plant infusion (Krivenko, Shulipenko, 1984). Relieves pain in the heart area, with angina pectoris, reduces arterial pressure, normalizes breathing in bronchial asthma, has an antispasmodic and analgesic effect (Kurdinov, Kukhareva, Lipnik, 1984).

Peppermint(Mentha piperita L.), field mint (Mentha arvensis L.). In the old days, mint tea was considered the best among “internal warming agents” (Sklyarevsky, 1972). Menthol dilates the blood vessels of the heart, brain, and lungs. Apparently, this is related to the use of mint for migraines, hypochondria, and hysteria (Popov, 1974). The plant regulates functions gastrointestinal tract, has a choleretic effect. Field mint is used by people as a cooling and stimulating agent (Sakhobiddinov, 1948).

Parsnips(Pastinaca sativa L.), wild parsnip (Pastinaca sylvestris Mill.). Both plants have long been used in cooking as a spice. It is popularly used as an appetizing, restorative remedy for general loss of strength and during the period of recovery from debilitating diseases. In this case, an infusion of crushed roots with sugar or honey is used (2 tablespoons of root per glass of boiling water). Decoctions of crushed leaves (1-1.5 tablespoons per glass of water) or crushed fruits (1/2 teaspoon per 2 glasses of water) are also used. Essential oil is found predominantly in fruits rather than in grass and roots (Sklyarevsky, 1972). Furocoumarins from the plant calm the nervous system and have an antispasmodic effect (Chopik, Dudchenko, Krasnova, 1983).

Damask rose(Rosa damascena Mil. f. trigintipetata Dick), white rose (Rosa alba L.). These and other types of roses are cultivated in our country and abroad to obtain rose oil containing geraniol, nerol, citronellol, eugenol, linalool (Iordanov et al., 1976). Jam and candied fruits, as well as rose honey are prepared from rose petals (Popov, 1974). Rose oil has long been used in folk medicine different countries as a tonic, anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antispasmodic, antiallergic, anthelmintic(Midday, Sotnik, Khlantsov, 1979). At the same time, Bulgarian pharmacologists have established that rose oil has a narcotic effect 2 times stronger than chloroform and 25 times stronger than ether. Perhaps that is why rose petals were placed under the pillow as a sleeping pill (Globko, 1986). Preparations from rose petals are used as tonics and vitamins (Kovaleva, 1971).

Rosemary officinalis(Rosmarinus officinails L.). Plant preparations stimulate appetite, calm and tone the nervous system, and act as a tonic (Popov, 1974). The plant is used to increase mental activity, strengthening memory, in case of loss of sleep, as a juice, choleretic, diuretic, sedative(Grodzinsky et al., 1986). In Western European countries, it is believed that rosemary as a spice can make a person cheerful and happy, relieve evil dreams, and preserve youth. However, it should be consumed in moderation, as in large quantities it is harmful to health (Kibala, 1986). This may be due to the presence of camphor in the essential oil. Formerly a popular remedy for dizziness, nervous disorders, loss of strength was rosemary water, distilled with alcohol.

The ergogenic effect of the plant appears to depend on the presence of ursolic acid. However, its tonic effect is offset by the more powerful sedative effect of rosemary alkaloid, studied in the laboratory of pharmacology of VILR by L. N. Sokolov and P. V. Kurten. In experiments on rats, rosemaricin enhanced inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex, reduced convulsions in mice caused by camphor, corazole and strychnine, had a choleretic, antiulcer effect and did not affect blood circulation and respiration. Apparently, it is the sedative effect of rosemaricin, and not the effect of essential oil, that can explain the fact that plant preparations are most effective for menopausal nervous disorders, neuroses, and sleep disorders. The plant deserves further study.

Rue(Ruta graveolens L.). The plant contains essential oil, bitterness, flavonoids, glycosides, rutin, which has the properties of vitamin P, as well as furocumaria. Such a variety of substances have both tonic and sedative effect. Therefore, people use drugs as a tonic and antispasmodic for atherosclerosis, neuroses, especially during menopause (Kovaleva, 1971). In domestic and Indian folk medicine, the plant is used for general weakness, palpitations, and impotence. It is a popular spice in Western Europe and the Baltic countries. Contraindicated during pregnancy (Iordanov et al., 1976; Chopik, Dudchenko, Krasnova, 1983).

creeping thyme(Thymus serpyllum L.), common thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.). Thyme is used as a versatile spice with a slightly bitter taste. Considered a sedative sleeping pills(Makhlayuk, 1967). The essential oil contains a lot of thymol, which, like menthol, has a strengthening, irritating, tonic effect, has an effect on atherosclerosis, is a strong antiseptic, much less toxic than phenol and cresol (Korbelar, Endris, 1981). Close species of thyme were used as a tonic for nervous exhaustion and paralysis (Utkin, 1931).

Dill fragrant(Anethum graveolens L.) and fennel(Foeniculum vulgare Mill. = F. officinale All.). Both plants from the Apiaceae family have similar uses. They are popularly used as a sedative for insomnia, to eliminate headaches (antispasmodic effect), to stimulate the activity of a tired heart, to increase the body's resistance (Kovaleva, 1971), as a stimulant and strengthening agent (Popov, 1974).

Common horehound(Marrubium vulgare L.). The plant is widely used among people as a general tonic, as a bitterness for poor digestion and jaundice. For anemia, drink fresh juice along with honey from 30 to 60 g per day (Gubergrits, Solomchenko, 1966). In recent years, it has been shown that plant preparations regulate cardiac activity like hawthorn. Therefore, they are recommended for extrasystole and cardiac weakness (Chopik, Dudchenko, Krasnova, 1983).


A favorite among children, dried licorice roots are sold in health food stores. They are rich in components similar to steroids, which have a stimulating effect on the glands responsible for the production of adrenaline.
Licorice strengthens the immune system by stimulating the production of interferon (a protein released by cells in response to viral infections).


Add sprouted alfalfa seeds to salads to restore appetite and improve digestion. Alfalfa is rich in phytoestrogens, components that stimulate hormone production. It also contains easy-to-absorb nutrients and vitamins that strengthen the body and give the will to live, and also contribute to the enlightenment of the mind.


Yerba mate, or Yerba sante as it is often called, is a native American shrub that has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Unlike caffeine, this stimulant also promotes relaxation and sleep and increases the flow of oxygen to the brain and heart.

Dandelion is commonly thought of as a weed, but it is actually an excellent tonic. Chopped leaves or root infusion are rich in proteins, minerals and nutrients. This is an excellent herb for the "building" of blood cells, it stimulates blood circulation and promotes the production gastric juice. Dandelion also promotes detoxification. In spring, add fresh young
leaves in salads to maintain tone.

Oatmeal has a tonic effect. Incorporate oats into your diet in the form of breakfast cereals or tortillas and you will experience the positive effects of their energy-boosting components. Oatmeal is rich in a complex of carbohydrates, which help normalize blood sugar levels and also stimulate the thyroid gland.
Oatmeal restores and maintains the necessary energy level.

A renowned brain tonic, ginseng root is also an excellent energy tonic. It strengthens the adrenal glands and stimulates cytotoxic T cells immune system which are responsible for removing toxins. You can make your own tonic from crushed root, but some stores healthy eating They sell chewing gum made from ginseng root, as well as ginseng tea.

Gotu kola

The bittersweet taste of gotu kola infusion is due to the bitterness of this plant. This herb is used in Ayurveda medicine as a tonic, improves brain function and memory, and purifies the blood. It also improves the functioning of the immune system and helps protect the body from toxins and infections.


Indications for use of the herbal collection "For fatigue (Tonic)":

Muscle weakness, decreased activity;
- Depression, apathy;
- Syndrome chronic fatigue;
- Sleep disorders, phobias;
- Increased stress at work or during exams, defense scientific works;
- Lack of appetite;
- Stress;
- Recovery period after surgical interventions;
- Exhaustion of the body and sudden weight loss;
- Elevated physical exercise when playing sports.

In our chemical age, saturated with artificial medicines, traditional medicine does not lose its position. The collection of medicinal herbs is carried out in ecologically clean regions of Russia. For example, Kuban medicinal herbal preparations are in high demand among the population. Herbal collections "Russian Roots" are a guarantee of quality. Raw materials included in various medical fees herbs, collected by hand, processed, dried, sorted and packaged in transparent bags. Herbal recipes are prepared by experienced pharmacists or herbal medicine specialists.

Herbal teas "Russian Roots" - under our brand
we collect the best for you!

Modern life requires physical and mental effort, concentration, memory, excellent performance and endurance from adults and teenagers. Herbal collection " From fatigue (tonic)" is effective for chronic fatigue and depression, decreased performance, sleep disturbances, stressful periods during study, passing exams, and responsible work. With regular use medicinal tea from fatigue your stamina will return, healthy sleep, vigor, muscle strength, vitality and good mood.

Medicinal properties this fee herbs have obvious benefits for the entire body and are due to the medicinal herbs included in its composition. Herbal collection « From fatigue (tonic)" consists of plants that increase the tone of the heart, blood vessels, muscles, normalize blood pressure, stimulate memory and mental activity, activate the body's potential for active image life.

Herbal tea for fatigue has been used for centuries in folk medicine to give strength and vigor to a person during difficult periods of his life. The herbal tea quickly quenches thirst and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the kidneys and bladder. Useful for children and adults.

In our online store "Russian Roots" you can buy herbal tea « From fatigue (tonic)"and consult on its use. Our managers will be happy to answer all your questions regarding our products, they will tell you where to buy this medicinal collection, How much does it cost.The large assortment and excellent prices of our online store will pleasantly surprise you.

Ready-made dry herbal teas can be bought at a pharmacy in Moscow or in our online store, or ordered by mail.About what is useful herbal tea « From fatigue (tonic)"What it cures, how it is taken, you will find out by visiting the page of our website.



Nettle, rose hips, oregano, string, mint, St. John's wort, horsetail, motherwort.


Method of preparation and use collecting herbs" Fromfatigue (Tonic)":

To prepare tonic tea from herbal collection to relieve fatigue “Russian Roots”, you can order by mail a first-class collection of medicinal herbs, which you can buy in Moscow in our online store.

Take a tablespoon of raw material, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for half an hour, it’s easy to do at home. To give vigor and efficiency, drink the resulting tea half a glass 3-4 times a day for two to three months to achieve benefits and maintain the results achieved.

To achieve the best therapeutic effect, take herbal tea« From fatigue (tonic)"during breaks it is recommended to alternate with collecting herbs