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What is better for treating the liver: Essentiale or Karsil? Is it possible to take Carsil and Essentiale at the same time?

"Karsil", what does this hepatoprotective, antitoxic medicine help with? The drug has a natural composition, effectively protects and cleanses the liver of toxins. Tablets "Karsil" instructions for use and reviews from doctors are recommended to be taken for hepatitis, cirrhosis, after long-term use alcohol.

Composition and release form

The medicine is produced in the form of brownish dragees. Sold in blisters of 10 tablets. The composition of the drug "Karsil", which helps with liver problems, includes a dry extract of milk thistle fruit - silymarin. Its volume in one tablet is 35 mg. Auxiliary elements are sorbitol, magnesium stearate, sodium bicarbonate, povidone and other components.

Pharmacological action

Why are Karsil tablets so popular among patients? The medicine is effective and has hepatoprotective and antitoxic properties. The protective effect of the product is manifested due to the inclusion in its composition of a number of flavonolignans isolated from milk thistle fruits.

Medicine has proven the antihepatotoxic effect of the active substance – silymarin. It is created by the drug due to the adhesion of toxins by hepatocytes, which leads to stopping the development of steatosis and fibrosis of the liver.

The medicine activates the reproduction of phospholipids and proteins in damaged liver cells, strengthens their membranes, and returns them to a normal state lipid metabolism. Karsil tablets exhibit an antioxidant effect, bind free radicals.

The result of the drug is an improvement in the condition of patients. The severity of their symptoms decreases and their liver function levels stabilize. Patients' appetite and digestive health improve.

Tablets "Karsil": what are they used for?

Indications for the use of dragees are the following conditions:

non-viral etiology chronic hepatitis; liver steatosis caused by alcohol consumption and other causes; liver intoxication; cirrhosis (complex therapy).

The drug is prescribed as a prophylaxis against intoxication of the body during long-term use medications and alcohol consumption.


The instructions for use of the drug "Karsil" do not recommend drinking:

children under 5 years old; in case of hypersensitivity to the composition of the Karsil tablets, which can cause an allergy.

Carsil tablets: instructions for use

The pills are taken orally whole with a sufficient amount of water. To the question: “How to take Karsil - before or after meals?” There is no information in the instructions. Doctors recommend taking tablets after meals, although there is no big difference in how to take the medicine before or after meals.

Children over 12 years of age and adult patients for pulmonary and moderate severity for liver diseases, you need to take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. IN difficult cases the dosage is doubled to 4 tablets. The duration of therapy depends on the complexity of the pathology and usually takes from 1 to 3 months.

The medicine "Karsil" is given to children from 5 to 12 years old based on their body weight: 3 mg per kg. The resulting volume of the drug is divided 2-3 times.

Side effects

The drug "Karsil", reviews and instructions indicate this, is well tolerated by patients. Negative reactions of the body are observed in in rare cases. They go away when you stop taking the drug. Side effects include:

dyspepsia; alopecia; skin rashes; nausea; itching; diarrhea.


"Karsil" can be replaced by the following analogues:

"Antral"; "Livolin Forte"; "Phosphogliv"; "Glutargin"; "Enerliv"; "Hepa-Merz"; Essliver Forte. "Lecithin"; "Livenziale"; "Levasil"; "Progepao"; "Hepatox"; "Liv.52" and other means.

A large number of drugs with similar effects and a variety of forms are available. Identical active substance contained in synonyms:

"Silibor"; "Karsil Forte"; "Legalon"; "Rosilymarin"; "Darsil"; "Hepalex", etc.

Use with alcohol

Taking the drug "Karsil" and alcohol at the same time will not help positive result. The action of the drug is aimed at improving the condition of the liver, and alcohol destroys its cells. You should not count on maintaining the original health of the liver by alternately taking alcohol and hepatoprotective medications.

Price, where to buy

In Moscow you can buy Karsil tablets for 370 rubles. The price in Kyiv is 113 hryvnia. In Minsk, the dragee costs 8.4-13.6 bel. rubles In Kazakhstan, you will have to pay 2,720 tenge for tablets.


On forums dedicated to liver treatment, reviews of the drug “Karsil” are positive. People with liver problems experience improvement in digestive function, nausea, heaviness and pain in the abdomen disappear. Patients report improved overall health. Doctors point to the effectiveness of the remedy for cleansing the liver after chemotherapy and the use of antibiotics.

There are reviews from women related to the use of Karsil tablets for weight loss. Here positive effect weight loss manifests itself as a result of improved absorption of food and digestion.

It must be remembered that a good result from treatment can be achieved by long-term use of the drug, diet and abstinence from alcohol.

Many people ask on forums: “Essentiale N or Karsil – which is better”? Experts answer as follows. Both analogues are effective hepatoprotectors, well restoring and protecting liver cells. The difference between the drugs lies in their composition and mechanism of action.

The active elements of the drug "Essentiale" are phospholipids. The action of this analogue is more aimed at restoring liver cells. The medication is appropriate to use for complex liver lesions. In this case, an injection form of the drug may be prescribed. The same can be said about the enhanced version of the drug “Essential Forte N”.

"Karsil" or "Liv. 52” – which is better?

This case is similar to the one described above. Both analogues are effective and are used for the same indications. The drug "Liv. 52" has other herbal ingredients and additionally exhibits a choleretic effect. Both medications are interchangeable and complementary. However, doctors still prefer Karsil tablets to their Indian counterpart.

“Karsil” or “Karsil Forte” – which is better?

The difference between the drugs is the amount of the active component - silymarin. In the Forte variety its content is 90 mg, in the standard variety it is 22.5 mg. Taking the medication is more convenient during the treatment of severe liver damage, when a large dose of medication is required. Also, Karsil Forte is produced in the form of capsules, which increases its bioavailability.

Karsil is an effective hepatoprotective drug that is used for the treatment and prevention of acute or chronic inflammatory diseases of the liver and biliary tract.

The main operating medicinal substances Karsila are milk thistle and silymarin, which have excellent anti-inflammatory and antitoxic properties.

Periodic use of Karsil allows you to normalize the performance of the liver, and, at the same time, the overall functioning digestive system the patient also improves noticeably.

In addition, Karsil is very often used to restore damaged liver cells after long-term use various medications or frequent alcohol abuse.

Main indications for use of Karsil:

acute or chronic form hepatitis; infectious-toxic liver damage (including recovery after long-term alcoholism); cirrhosis; cholecystitis; dystrophic liver damage.

Attention: Before you start taking Karsil, it is recommended that you consult with your physician in order to prevent possible development unwanted complications.

Available drug in the form of tablets or dragees for internal (oral) administration.

How to drink Karsil?

The minimum interval between taking the drug should be at least 5-6 hours. Average duration Treatment with Karsil is 1-2 months, depending on the specific disease.

For preventive purposes medicinal product you should drink 1 t. 1-2 r. per day after meals for about 2-3 weeks.

Remember: It is not recommended to exceed the daily dose of the drug in order to prevent a possible overdose, the main symptoms of which may be nausea, dizziness, vomiting, palpitations, general weakness or diarrhea.

Contraindications to the use of Karsil

children under 12 years of age; increased sensitivity of the body to the main medicinal components of the drug; oncological (cancerous) diseases.

Side effects of Karsil

As a rule, Karsil is quite well tolerated by patients, while side effects can develop very rarely, the most common of which are:

nausea; itchy skin; diarrhea; allergic rash(occurs extremely rarely in case of an allergy to the main components of the drug); heartbeat disturbance (tachycardia or bradycardia); dry mouth; constipation; dizziness; loss of appetite; dyspnea.

If any of the above side effects develop, you must completely stop further use of the drug, and also be sure to consult a doctor!

In this article, we found out what Karsil helps with, as well as how to take it correctly.

1 tablet contains 22.5 mg silymarin(dry fruit extract spotted milk thistle).

Additional ingredients: povidone K 25, lactose monohydrate, wheat starch, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, polysorbate 80, mannitol (E 421), talc, sodium bicarbonate, crospovidone, cellulose acetyl phthalate, glycerin, sucrose, diethyl phthalate, acacia, titanium dioxide (E 171), gelatin, macrogol 6000, brown Opalux AS 26586 (dye).

Release form

The Sopharma company produces the medicine Karsil in the form of coated tablets, 80 pieces per pack.

Pharmacological action

Antitoxic, hepatoprotective.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Karsil is remedy belonging to the group hepatoprotectors(according to Wikipedia, derived from Latin language, where “hepar” is a noun – liver, and “protecto” is a verb – to protect). The active herbal component of Carsil tablets for the liver is silymarin, possessing antitoxic And hepatoprotective action and representing a complex flavonolignans(silicristin, silydianin, isosilibinin, silibinin), which is extracted from fruits spotted milk thistle.

It has been proven for certain that antihepatotoxic efficiency silymarin manifests itself due to its ability to compete in the membrane hepatocytes With toxins, for the corresponding receptor complexes, which leads to stabilization of the membrane itself and, as a consequence, to inhibition of the processes of formation of the liver fibrosis And steatosis. Silymarin participates in the regulation of cellular metabolic and other processes by adjusting the permeability of cell membranes, inhibiting 5-lipoxygenase flow, mainly leukotriene B4 and interactions with reactive free oxygen radicals. Silymarin activates protein synthesis(functional and structural proteins) and phospholipid biosynthesis in the affected liver cells (normalizing the metabolism lipids), strengthens their membranes, shows antioxidant action, tying free radicals, thereby protecting the cellular structure of the liver from harmful influences and promoting its restoration.

Effects flavonoids, to which belongs and silymarin, are determined by them antioxidant qualities and aimed at improving microcirculation. Clinical manifestations These effects are expressed in a decrease in the severity of objective and subjective symptoms and stabilization of liver functional parameters (activity bilirubin, gamma globulin, transaminases). The summed up result of the effects silymarin is a significant improvement in the patient’s general condition and a significant reduction in disorders from digestive system, and in patients with problems digestion of food due to liver diseases there is a qualitative improved appetite.

At orally slow absorption occurs silymarin in the gastrointestinal tract. The drug is characterized by enterohepatic circulation and does not accumulate in human body. Distribution in tissues and organs is quite intense, with the highest concentrations in the liver and minor concentrations in the kidneys, heart, lungs and other organs.

Metabolic transformations silymarin pass through conjugation to the liver. As products metabolism found in bile sulfates And glucuronides. Medium T½ silymarin equals 6 hours, excretion for the most part (about 80%) is carried out with bile in the form sulfates And glucuronides and to some insignificant (about 5%) extent in the urine.

Indications for use of Karsil

Indications for use of Karsil are: toxic liver damage in patients with liver cirrhosis and her inflammatory diseases chronic course.


Contraindications to taking Karsil are conditions acute intoxication (poisoning) of various origins and age up to 5 years.

Also, before taking Karsil, you should make sure that there is no personal hypersensitivity To silymarin or other components of the drug.

Side effects

As a rule, prophylaxis or treatment using Karsil is tolerated without any complications or negative effects, only in rare cases or in case of personal high sensitivity The following side effects have been observed: nausea; increase alopecia; dyspepsia; cutaneous itching/rash; diarrhea; increased violations associated with vestibular system.

These negative phenomena are transient in nature and disappear without a trace after the end of therapy.

Carsil tablets, instructions for use

Instructions for use of Karsil provide for exclusively oral (orally, “through the mouth”) administration of tablets, taking into account all contraindications to their use. The tablets should be swallowed whole and washed down with 100-200 ml of water.

How to take Karsil - before or after meals?

IN official instructions For tablets there is no information on the effect of food intake on pharmacokinetic parameters silymarin, which in itself should mean that there is no fundamental difference between the options for drinking it - before or after meals. However, the recommendations for use silymarin in other drugs (for example, in the instructions for Darsil) there are instructions for taking it after meals, and some other sources (websites, forums) advise the exact opposite. In this case, it is worth clarifying this point with the doctor prescribing the drug and relying on his experience and qualifications.

Dosage regimens

When taking the medicine by patients over 12 years of age if it is used for treatment liver pathologies mild or moderate severity, 1-2 tablets (22.5-45 mg) are prescribed three times every 24 hours. In severe situations, it is possible to double the dosage while maintaining the frequency of doses.

When treating children (5-12 years old), the daily dosage is determined according to their weight and is respectively 3 mg per kilogram of body weight. Installed this way daily dose divided into 2-3 balanced doses per 24 hours.

The duration of treatment is determined based on the painful condition and its severity and, on average, takes 3 months.


There is still no objective evidence of cases of overdose when using silymarin. However, in the case where an accidental or deliberate violation of the dosage regimen is observed with taking excessive doses of Karsil (several times more therapeutic) should be induced in the patient vomiting, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and appoint sorbents. If against this background any negative symptoms definitely associated with an overdose, it is necessary to carry out therapy appropriate to the symptoms, for which the entire range of indications indicated for certain disorders is used therapeutic measures and medicines.


With the combined use of Karsil and oral estrogen-progestin contraceptives observed a decrease in efficiency contraceptive drugs.

In case of parallel reception with silymarin the effects of anticoagulants may be enhanced ( Plavix, Warfarin, Polocard, Clopidogrel); antihistamines ( Aleric, Fexofenadine, Histaphene, Diazolin); lipid-lowering drugs ( Simvastatin, Lovastatin, Basilip, Klyvas, Atorvastatin); antineoplastic drugs ( Vinblastine, Neoben, Vincristine, Navirel); psycholeptics ( Diazepam, Nozepam, Gidazepam, Alprazolam, Tazepam); antifungal agents (Nizoral, Ketoconazole), due to the suppressive effect on cytochrome P450.

Terms of sale

Karsil is an over-the-counter drug.

Storage conditions

Without special storage conditions, at temperatures up to 25 ° C.

Best before date

From the date of production – 2 years.

Special instructions

Before taking the drug Karsil, you should understand that the treatment liver damage can only be effective if giving up alcohol and compliance diet therapy.

Because of the ability silymarin manifest estrogen-like action, caution should be exercised when prescribing it to patients with disorders hormonal levels (endometriosis; carcinoma ovaries, mammary glands, uterus; uterine fibroids; prostate carcinoma).

Wheat starch, which is contained in the drug, may include gluten(small amount), and therefore taking Karsil is considered safe for patients with lutein enteropathy(celiac disease). Other patients with wheat allergy(different from celiac disease) accept this drug shouldn't.

Karsil includes lactose, what should be taken into account when prescribing it to patients with sugar intolerance.

Development jaundice against the background of the reception silymarin requires immediate consultation with a doctor.

IN veterinary medicine Karsil is also used for diseases animal liver, most often for cats and dogs. The dosage and regimen is determined by the veterinarian, usually according to the scheme for children 5-12 years old (3 mg silymarin per kilogram of body weight). For example, to treat a dog weighing 15 kilograms, 45 mg is prescribed silymarin(2 tablets of Karsil).

Karsil's analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches: Hepa-Merz; Antral; Hepatox; Glutargin; Levasil; Dalmaxin; Lesfall; Livolin Forte; Lecithin; Orniliv; Livenziale; Progepao; Ornitox; Liv.52; Simepar; Triliv; Phosphogliv; Essentiale Forte N; Enerliv; Essliver Forte.

The price of analogues (drugs with a similar main effect) of Karsila varies within a very wide range. For example, drugs Simepar And Antral can be purchased for a third cheaper, capsules Livolina Forte And Enerliva approximately the same price, and injection solutions such as Ornitox And Hepatox,– several times more expensive. It is also worth noting that Karsil analogues are available in various dosage forms ( injection solution, tablets, granulates, capsules), with different numbers of treatment units and frequency of use, so you should not focus on the cost of packaging. First, you need to decide on the active ingredient that is exactly suitable for treating your painful condition, and only then make a choice among its synonyms.

Essentiale N or Karsil - which is better?

It is impossible to give a definite answer which of these drugs is better. Both medicines are representatives of the same group - hepatoprotectors, both have a positive effect on protection And liver cell restoration, but differ in their composition (active ingredient Essentiale - essential phospholipids) and the mechanism of action on the liver. In the case of using Karsil, first of all, it can be traced protective function, and the effects Essentiale are more aimed at restoring cellular structure and regeneration. It is possible that with liver damage difficult character it would be more appropriate to use Essentiale, especially in ampoules, since the effectiveness injectable drugs almost always higher than their oral counterparts. In other situations it may be that the effects silymarin will be enough, and there is no point in using more expensive drugs. In any case, the choice of drug should be left to the doctor and the treatment regimen prescribed by him should be strictly followed.

Exactly the same actions should be followed when choosing between oral medications Karsil or Essentiale Forte N. What is best for a patient to take? varying degrees gravity liver damage, can only be recommended by a doctor after a comprehensive study of the problem.

Karsil or Liv. 52 – which is better?

As in the previous case of choosing between analogues of drugs used for treatment liver diseases, it should be understood that often medications intended to solve the same health problem have different composition active ingredients. In the case of the drug Liv. 52 This is a whole complex of plant substances with a total hepatoprotective And choleretic action. In fact these medicines are very similar in their effect on liver cells and often replace and/or complement each other. To be fair, it must be said that most doctors still trust the quality of Sopharma products, that is, Karsil, more than its Indian counterpart - Liv. 52.

Synonyms Karsil

Heparete Forte; Darsil; Silibinin; Hepalex; Silibor; Legalon; Silimarol; Karsil Forte; Heparsil; Rosilymarin; Silimar.

Karsil or Karsil Forte - which is better?

In this case, the choice of drug is determined only by the degree of severity liver damage, since the differences between these two medicines are Karsil/ Karsil Forte consist only in their form (tablets/capsules), mass content silymarin(22.5/90 mg) and some changes in the composition of additional ingredients. In fact, the need for Sopharma to produce the drug Karsil Forte was dictated by a large number of tablets of its previous synonym, which patients had to take once severe liver damage. Increased dose to 90 mg silymarin made it more convenient to take when prescribed high dosages of the drug, and the capsulated form slightly increased bioavailability. It is also possible to take these drugs in combination when the optimal single dosage is between the mass values ​​of its active ingredient. For example, when prescribing 135 mg silymarin You can take 1 capsule at a time Karsila Forte(90 mg) and 2 tablets of Karsil (22.5 mg).

For children

It is not recommended to use Karsil to treat children under 5 years of age.

With alcohol

The combination of Karsil and alcohol is at least equal to the zero effect of the treatment, since the effects silymarin aimed at restoration of damaged liver cells, and alcohol performs a completely opposite function. Also, you should not hope that alternating the consumption of alcoholic beverages with taking hepatoprotectors, you can preserve the liver in its original form, since it toxic harm which alcohol causes to the liver when consumed excessive consumption, no medications can prevent, much less reverse.

During pregnancy (and lactation)

On at the moment everything is potential possible complications silymarin in relation to the fetus, the expectant mother and infants have not been studied, and therefore it is unknown what exactly the consequences of pregnancy And lactation Karsil tablets can cause this, for which they are not prescribed during these periods.

This is "Karsil" or "Essentiale Forte". What is better, we have to find out today. Thanks to intrusive advertising, we all know very well what these drugs are. They protect our liver cells and are very often prescribed for varying degrees lesions of this organ. That is, this drug is a hepaprotector, and one of the most famous, and there are many of them. Today our goal is to analyze the action of two of them, compare and draw a conclusion: “Karsil” or - which is better. Let's try to find the answer together.

When exactly are hepaprotectors needed?

People tend not to see a doctor on time. Therefore, when a person begins to experience heaviness and pain due to liver disease, general weakness and malaise, he chalks it up to a cold, temporary problems in the body that will go away on their own. Even when the symptoms become obvious, many are not inclined to go to the appointment, but begin to look for information about the drugs. In particular, "Karsil" or what better can help. In fact, this approach is completely wrong; a person himself cannot put correct diagnosis or choose an adequate drug for treatment, this requires the help of a specialist.

Misconceptions and Myths

Today, a large amount of information and advertising of drugs makes them more known to the general public. Moreover, with the advent of the Internet, everyone can read information and find the “suitable” drug for themselves. This fundamentally incorrect assumption also applies to hepaprotectors. In fact, their use may be justified in the presence of toxic, alcoholic and viral hepatitis, as well as with the regular use of certain medications. These may be antibiotics and hormonal contraceptives, painkillers and other drugs. However, people understand this somewhat differently, perceiving hepaprotectors as better protection for the liver during the holidays, which neutralizes the effects fatty foods and alcohol. All that remains is to choose, “Karsil” or “Essentiale Forte” - which is better.

Features of taking hepaprotectors

Contrary to this popular belief, taking these drugs at the same time in order to support the body before or after a serious dose of alcohol or a heavy feast does not make any sense. Such medications must be taken in courses and only as prescribed by a doctor, while observing low calorie diet and completely eliminating alcohol. This is the only way to achieve desired result. In this case, the doctor must make a choice: “Karsil” or “Essentiale Forte”. It’s difficult to say which is better and which is worse, each of them has its own characteristics. It's just that these drugs different mechanism actions.

Active ingredients for liver protection

All drugs that are available on the market can be based on one of the natural, natural ingredients. These are bile acids, amino acids and extracts medicinal plants. That is, they are all produced at natural basis and are designed to restore normal liver function. Modern ones can be divided into several groups based on the active substance. In addition, we have on sale complex preparations, which contain several active components at once. Therefore, most often the choice is between the two most known drugs- “Essentiale Forte” or “Karsil”. That is why today we are not considering all the other hepaprotective drugs, in which you can really get confused, but we are taking into account only these two.

Main characteristics of the drug "Karsil"

The oldest drug on the market and known since Soviet times remains the drug “Karsil”. Its price is relatively low, which affects its popularity. At the same time, this is an extremely effective medicine that not only restores destroyed and damaged areas of the liver, but also stimulates active growth cells. This drug is based on the active substance silymarin, that is, an extract

There are a number of diseases for which it is necessary to immediately prescribe the drug "Karsil". Its price is relatively low; a package of 80 tablets will cost about 280 rubles. Therefore, if a long course is required, then this is the best option. The drug is usually prescribed if there is a history of hepatitis. The second area in which the drug is successfully used is treatment chronic hepatitis, however, non-viral in nature. It is used to treat alcoholism and liver cirrhosis. In addition, there is such a thing as regular use large quantity medications that have a serious effect on the liver. To relieve intoxication and maintain cells the most important body"Karsil" is used. Instructions, price, reviews - all this information is important, but we must not forget that it is advisable to use medications only after receiving a doctor’s prescription.

However, herbal and natural “Karsil” is widely used for preventive purposes. In this case, it is recommended to take one tablet three to four times a day. But for treatment you need to take 4 tablets at a time.

Main characteristics of the drug "Essentiale Forte"

Essentiale Forte tablets are also hepaprotectors, although we must be aware that their spectrum of action is somewhat different. These tablets contain essential phospholipids; they are embedded in the lipid layer of the membranes of damaged cells, thus restoring the cell. As a result, the liver can more effectively neutralize toxic substances. In addition, the drug contains B vitamins. So there is no need to create illusions, “Essentiale Forte 100” does not restore liver cells, therefore, if this organ is seriously damaged, it is useless to use the tablet form, but even injections can only slightly relieve intoxication. The drug allows you to restore the cell walls of the liver, provided that there is something to restore. Adults are usually prescribed 2 capsules, 2-3 times a day. The cost of the drug is quite high, from 700 rubles per package.

Which one is better

It remains to answer the most important question about which of these drugs most optimally copes with its tasks, that is, restores liver function. Both of these drugs are hepaprotectors, but the indications for use are different. As we wrote above, “Karsil” is useless in the treatment of hepatitis that is viral in nature. In this case, the medicine “Essentiale Forte” will be optimal. Along with other means, it can help achieve good results. However, Essentiale Forte, in turn, costs much more. In this case, the course of treatment is at least six months, so the amount of treatment increases significantly. At the same time, Karsil is much cheaper, and the duration of its use does not exceed three months.

Finally, the last thing I want to talk about is safety. Herbal "Karsil" is prohibited for use in children, pregnant and lactating women. At the same time, Essentiale Forte can be taken by people belonging to these categories. That is, before making a choice, it is necessary to assess the severity of the disease, indications and contraindications, on the basis of which you can make your choice.

Let's sum it up

Often the common man is driven by one interest - to purchase a good drug at a reasonable price. affordable price. Unfortunately, it is impossible to say unequivocally which drug is the best. Everything is very individual, so before starting a course of treatment, you need to consult a doctor. He will be the one who will be able to assess the condition of your body and choose exactly the treatment that will be as effective and safe as possible. This is much better than experimenting with your health.

Unfavorable environmental conditions, low motor activity, unbalanced diet and availability bad habits often become causes of liver failure. Doctors often recommend that patients take the hepatoprotectors Essentiale Forte or Karsila. Medicines are used to restore the functional activity of the body's main biological filter, which is subject to significant stress. Whether Karsil or Essentiale Forte is better for a particular person should, of course, be decided by a gastroenterologist. The doctor takes into account the results of laboratory and instrumental studies, and also general condition human health.

Karsil and Essentiale Forte are used to treat various pathologies liver

Characteristic features of hepatoprotectors

An experienced diagnostician will determine that a patient has liver problems even by appearance. A person’s skin becomes gray and dry, redness and rashes appear on it various localizations. To normalize liver function, as well as cleanse it of toxins and toxic compounds, hepatoprotectors are used.

Medicines for the restoration of hepatocytes contain various active ingredients:

  • essential phospholipids;
  • extracts from medicinal plants;
  • pumpkin seed oil;
  • ursodeoxycholic acid;
  • one or more amino acids.

Manufacturers often supplement the composition of capsules, tablets or dragees with vitamins B and E. Such hepatoprotectors, especially those containing nicotinamide, are not used in the treatment of patients who have individual sensitivity to these biologically active substances.

Warning: “You can’t just walk into a pharmacy and ask for something to cleanse your liver. This is not only impractical, but also dangerous. Some hepatoprotectors have choleretic effect, which can cause the movement of a large stone and rupture of the bile ducts.”

Most pharmacists and pharmacists will offer the buyer Essentiale Forte. But not only because of the high cost that affects daily revenue. This drug, unlike Karsil, is well tolerated by patients and has a small number of contraindications. But, of course, Karsil is in a more attractive price category for buyers.


is a popular medicine that gastroenterologists recommend taking for various diseases liver. The undoubted advantage of the drug is its natural composition. The active ingredient is an extract from the fruits of milk thistle. This plant is found in almost all biological supplements and means traditional medicine, designed to restore normal liver function.

With the help of Karsil, you can effectively cleanse the liver of toxic compounds

Therapeutic effect

Karsil is characterized by a complex effect on hepatocytes (liver cells). The drug ensures their restoration and protection from toxic compounds, improves microcirculation in damaged tissues. Karsil also exhibits antioxidant and detoxification properties. After a course of use of the drug, the functional activity of the liver increases significantly:

  • the formation of its own phospholipids is activated;
  • intracellular metabolism is stimulated;
  • lipid metabolism is normalized;
  • the destruction of cell membranes is prevented;
  • bile secretion improves.

Milk thistle extract prevents the penetration of toxic compounds into hepatocytes. It binds them and is processed into less aggressive metabolites. In patients, not only the symptoms of liver disease disappear, but also the optimal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is restored.

Indications for use

Doctors often prescribe Karsil to prevent damage to liver cells when taken pharmacological drugs, negatively affecting hepatocytes - cytostatics, sulfonamides, antibiotics. The drug is indicated for patients with the following diseases:

  • hepatitis of non-viral origin;
  • alcoholic fatty degeneration liver;
  • cirrhosis;
  • damage to liver cells after hepatitis.

Manufacturers also produce Karsil Forte. This drug contains a larger amount of active substance than regular Karsil and is prescribed to patients with serious liver problems.

Essentiale Forte

Unlike Karsil, Essentiale Forte has two dosage forms - capsules and solution for intravenous use. The drug is recommended by gastroenterologists for patients diagnosed with severe damage to liver tissue. In these cases, it is advisable to use the injection form of the drug. The capsules are designed to gradually restore hepatocytes over a fairly long period of time.

Therapeutic effect

Abuse alcoholic drinks, taking a large number of medications, intoxication of the body become causes of damage to hepatocytes. In the absence of medical intervention, liver cells are completely destroyed, and in their place, liver cells are formed. connective tissue, which is devoid of any functional activity. Taking Essentiale Forte prevents the development of events according to the following negative scenario:

  • will be saved and restored cellular structures liver;
  • phospholipid-dependent enzyme systems are restored;
  • the metabolism of lipids and proteins improves;
  • liver cells are stabilized;
  • The detoxification function of the liver is normalized.

Phospholipids contained in Essential Forte are integrated into damaged hepatocytes and prevent their final destruction.

Indications for use

When choosing whether to prescribe Essentiale or Karsil to a patient, the gastroenterologist must take into account the degree of damage to hepatocytes. Milk thistle tablets are more often used during the rehabilitation period after the main therapy. Essentiale Forte is prescribed immediately after one of the following diagnoses is made:

  • fatty degeneration of the liver of various origins;
  • psoriasis;
  • toxicosis in any trimester of pregnancy;
  • hepatitis of viral etiology;
  • cirrhosis;
  • chronic liver pathologies.

Essentiale Forte restores hepatocytes damaged as a result of poisoning by poisons of plant and animal origin, heavy metals, caustic acids and alkalis.

Warning: “Exceeding the dosage of the drug or the duration of the course of treatment will cause digestive upset - bloating, nausea, vomiting, heartburn.”

How to make the right choice

Despite the fact that Karsil and Essentiale Forte belong to hepatoprotectors, the indications for their use vary significantly. Milk thistle extract will not provide any benefit for chronic viral hepatitis. But Essentiale Forte does not remove waste and toxins from liver cells as effectively as Karsil. There are other significant differences:

  • the cost of Essentiale Forte is much higher and treatment requires a larger number of packages of the drug;
  • the duration of the course of treatment with Karsil is significantly shorter;
  • Essentiale Forte can be used in the treatment of pregnant women and young children, and Karsil is indicated for use only from 12 years of age and is not prescribed to women during pregnancy;
  • Essentiale Forte has fewer contraindications than Karsil;
  • Karsil often provokes the development of allergic reactions.

When making a choice between two drugs with similar effects, you should consider not only how Karsil differs from Essentiale Forte. Great value it makes sense to use them when prescribed by the doctor diagnosis. Without prior examination of the patient, taking these medications can seriously harm a person's health.

The drug "Karsil" is a medicine plant origin, containing biologically active ingredients, obtained from the milk thistle plant. This drug protects the liver from harmful effects. Today we will consider the main points regarding the drug "Karsil": instructions, analogues, side effects, price, conditions of its storage and sale. Let's look at another remedy separately - the medicine "Essentiale". This is an analogue of the drug “Karsil”, which, by the way, is actively advertised on TV. We will find out what the advantages and disadvantages of this medication are, and we will also determine which of the two medications is better for the patient to choose.

The drug "Karsil": indications

This remedy is prescribed to patients in the following cases:

  • To prevent toxic liver damage if a person takes medications or alcohol for a long time.
  • Conditions after previous hepatitis.
  • Cirrhosis.
  • Non-viral
  • For toxic liver damage.

Structure of the drug

The drug "Karsil", the composition of which is indicated on the packaging, is a biconvex tablet of brown color, odorless. This medication includes the following components:

  • Active ingredient - silymarin - 35 mg.
  • Additional elements - wheat starch, lactose monohydrate, talc, povidone, microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, sorbitol, sodium bicarbonate.

The “Karsil” product, the composition of which was described above, is packaged in blisters of 10 tablets each.

Directions for use

This medication is necessary for children over 12 years of age, as well as adults, to take 1-2 tablets orally three times a day. IN severe cases The doctor may double the dose. The duration of therapy is usually at least 3 months.


This medication should not be taken in the following situations:

  • At hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
  • During the period of acute intoxication.
  • Children under 12 years old.
  • Pregnant women, as well as breastfeeding mothers.

Side effects from the drug "Karsil"

This product may cause side effects such as:

  • Nausea.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Rash.
  • Alopecia.
  • Skin itching.
  • Dyspepsia.


If a person accidentally took the medicine “Karsil” (price, analogues of which will be discussed further), then the patient should definitely take measures to prevent the deterioration of his condition. To do this, you should immediately induce vomiting, perform gastric lavage, take activated carbon or "Enterosgel" and provide yourself with peace for a while.

Analogues of the drug "Karsil"

This medication has many prototypes that can be purchased at any pharmacy. And these are drugs such as “Essentiale”, “Silegon”, “Silibor”, “Silymarin”, “Phosphogliv”, “Rosilymarin”. However, the most popular analogue of the medicine to which the article is devoted is the medicine “Essentiale”.

Therefore, since we have already considered all the questions regarding such a product as “Karsil” - instructions for use, analogues, the price of this drug, now it would be appropriate to examine its main prototype. Moreover, it is no worse than the medicine to which the article is devoted, and in some respects even surpasses it.

Storage and sales conditions

The drug "Karsil" is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. The medication should be stored in a dry place, protected from the sun, and also in a place where children cannot reach. Permissible temperature storage - no higher than 25 degrees. The shelf life of this product is 24 months.

The drug "Karsil" and "Karsil forte" - what is the difference?

The tablets of the second medication contain a larger amount of active substance. Many experts prescribe the drug "Karsil" with for preventive purposes. The most convenient way to do this is to use a long-acting medication called Karsil Forte.

According to the instructions, you need to take Karsil tablets 3 times a day. This is not very convenient for people who work during the day, and they may simply forget to drink this remedy. And the medicine “Karsil Forte” was created for the comfort of patients, since the medicine needs to be taken only in the morning and in the evening. That is, the person woke up, took the drug, came back after work and drank the second dose of the drug.

The drug "Karsil forte": similar medications

This medication has several analogues. These are medications such as “Silimar”, “Silymarin”, “Legalon”, “Silibor”, “Darsil”. All of these medications can become a worthy replacement means "Karsil forte". Analogues of this drug also contain silymarin as the main substance. Some of the above-mentioned similar products are cheaper, while others are on par with them.

Cost of medicine "Karsil" and "Karsil forte"

The price of the first medicine is quite reasonable and will be affordable for any resident of our country. So, for a package of 30 capsules you will have to pay approximately 270 rubles. For the drug "Karsil Forte" you will need to pay not much more - 290 rubles for 30 tablets.

The drug "Essentiale": indications for use

This analogue of "Karsil" - a medicine prescribed for various problems with the liver, doctors can prescribe for the following ailments:

  • Hepatitis in both acute and chronic forms.
  • Fatty liver degeneration (including in diabetes).
  • Cirrhosis, necrosis of liver cells.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Toxic liver damage, including toxicosis during pregnancy.
  • Neurodermatitis.
  • Radiation syndrome.

Release form

The product "Essentiale" is an analogue of "Karsila" - a drug that has more contraindications, is sold in pharmacies in two forms:

  1. In the form of capsules.
  2. In the form of ampoules for injection.

Composition of Essentiale

This analogue of “Karsil” - a medicine, by the way, quite popular - includes the following components:

  1. 1 capsule contains: active substance - essential phospholipids. Auxiliary elements: solid fat, soy and castor oil, ethanol, dyes.
  2. 1 ampoule of Essentiale contains the following components: active substance - essential phospholipids. Excipients other than in the capsule, and these are: dioxycholic acid, sodium chloride, sodium hydroxide, riboflavin, water for injection.

Application of capsules "Essentiale"

Doctors can prescribe this analogue of “Karsil”, a medicine available only in capsule form, to both children and adults. Typically the first dose is 2 capsules three times a day. As maintenance therapy - 1 capsule 3 times a day. You need to take the medicine during meals. It is forbidden to chew the pills; they should only be swallowed with a small amount of water.

Use of intravenous injections "Essentiale"

Adults and children are prescribed injections into a vein, 5-10 ml per day. In severe situations - from 10 to 20 ml per day. Up to 10 ml of medication can be administered at a time. If this drug is administered to a patient in a diluted form, then it is advisable to use the patient’s own blood and mix the medication in a 1:1 ratio.

Often they usually do it for 10 days. As a maintenance therapy, the patient subsequently drinks capsules.

The general course of treatment with this medication is from 3 to 6 months.

Side effects from Essentiale

Very rarely, when taking high doses of this drug, the patient may experience diarrhea. In general, this medicine is well tolerated by patients, without causing any further disorders in them.

Cost of Essentiale

The price of this medication depends on the form of its release. So, for the solution for intravenous administration(5 ampoules of 5 ml) you need to pay about 600 rubles. And for 30 capsules you will have to pay about 450 rubles. As you can see, the price of the drug “Essentiale” is much higher than the drug “Karsil”.

Storage, conditions for dispensing from pharmacies of the drug "Essentiale"

The shelf life of this product is 3 years. Capsules should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees, and ampoules in the refrigerator (from +2 to +8 degrees). This remedy is available only with a doctor's prescription.

Which medication should I choose?

The question: which is better - “Karsil” or “Essentiale” cannot be answered unequivocally. It all depends on a particular disease. So, if we are talking about toxic liver damage of varying severity, then it would be better to carry out therapy with the drug “Karsil”. If the patient has multiple liver lesions or fatty hepatosis, which requires accelerating the growth of new cells, then it is better to buy Essentiale.

Similarities and differences between the two drugs

Both medicines are made on the basis natural ingredients. Also, both drugs belong to the group of hepatoprotectors, the function of which is to protect liver cells from various factors. This is where the similarities between these drugs end. What are their differences?

  1. Dosage of drugs. Carsil capsules are usually taken for 3 months, and Essentiale tablets are often prescribed for up to 6 months.
  2. Contraindications. The drug "Karsil" should not be taken by children under 12 years of age, pregnant women, or breastfeeding mothers. On the contrary, Essentiale capsules can be prescribed to these categories of the population.
  3. The product "Karsil" is available in only one form - in the form of capsules. At the same time, the medicine “Essentiale” is dispensed from pharmacies in two forms: capsules and solution for injection.
  4. Price. The cost of the drug "Karsil" is much less than its analogue.
  5. Impact on the body. Since the drug "Essentiale" is available in the form of ampoules for injection, as well as in the form of capsules, unlike the drug "Karsil" it activates the effect faster useful substances to the affected areas of the liver.
  6. Conditions of implementation. The drug "Karsil" is available without a prescription, while the drug "Essentiale" can only be purchased if there is an official document from the doctor.

Now you know everything about the drug “Karsil”: price, analogues, rules of use, terms of sale of this medicine. We determined that there is an excellent substitute for this product, called “Essentiale”. Although this medicine has some advantages over Karsil capsules, it also has a main drawback - its price, which many will not afford. In general, only a doctor can help you decide which drug is best to buy. If a specialist has prescribed the medication “Karsil” or “Essentiale”, then you need to purchase exactly the drug that the doctor recommended.

The liver experiences enormous stress every day as it performs hundreds of functions. In addition to the fact that it produces enzymes that digest food, the organ filters the blood, takes on the full impact of toxins and poisons, and participates in hematopoiesis. Every person should special attention pay attention to your liver and help it in every possible way to recover from illness, alcohol intake, and so on. Assist in this special drugs, which are called hepatoprotectors.

In this case, we will talk about such popular medicines as Karsil and Essentiale. Both drugs can be taken both during treatment and for the prevention of liver diseases. However, often people want to know which one is better.

Now we will try to answer which is better - Karsil or Essentiale Forte? You always want to use only the best effective remedy, because you can’t skimp on your health and it’s better to play it safe every time.


Because man lives in rhythm modern life, then he often has to drink alcohol, inhale toxins right on the streets of the city and resist persistent diseases, then liver protection is very important for him. Karsil does an excellent job of preventing liver diseases. It has a good effect on liver enzymes and softens the effects of toxic substances. He is somewhat less able to restore damaged areas of the organ. It is often prescribed for the following problems:

to restore the liver after alcohol;
in case of toxic damage (for example, during chemotherapy), etc.

The medicine must be taken before meals. You can drink it with water. The dose is set by the attending physician, who relies on data about the disease. For the purpose of prevention, the drug is taken more than twice a day. If we are talking about treatment, then the norm increases up to three times. The average course of treatment with Karsil should be 3 months.

Essentiale forte

Essentiale is commonly called a powerful regenerating drug, the main active substance which are phospholipids. These are irreplaceable elements of body cells. Without them, processes such as regeneration and cell division are impossible. Essentiale significantly accelerates this process, thereby returning the damaged organ to its normal state. This drug is especially effective for diseases such as:

fatty degeneration liver;
liver cell necrosis;
toxic damage to the body;
toxicosis during pregnancy.

In addition, Essentiale is prescribed for the treatment radiation sickness. The course of treatment with the drug is at least 3 months. If you take the medicine, for example, for 2 months, the result will be insignificant. Only after 3 months the effect of phospholipids will be noticeable.

The main differences between the drugs

Both medicines are developed based on natural ingredients natural origin. Both help the liver restore its functions, but there are significant differences between them.

1. Karsil shows itself best in treating the consequences of toxic damage. Essentiale is more effective for serious and extensive lesions - with cirrhosis, fatty hepatosis etc. If Karsil seems to create a barrier, then Essentiale restores damaged organ fragments.
2. Karsil must also be used for at least 3 months. Essentiale only begins to act after 3 months of use. Ideally, it should be drunk for six months, then the fight against serious diseases will be effective.
3. Essentiale has significantly fewer contraindications, than Karsil. It should only be avoided if the patient is not yet 12 years old or has an individual intolerance to the components. Karsil should not be taken during pregnancy, lactation and in case of severe liver damage.
4. The price of Karsil is significantly lower than Essentiale.
5. Karsil's components act faster on the body.

Now it becomes clear why the drugs are different, although at first glance they perform the same role. However, reviews of both are extremely positive. You can safely drink Karsil for prevention, for example, after drinking alcohol. If the case involves serious poisoning, Essentiale has an advantage. It is impossible to say which drug is better, since each of them is good at one thing. Therefore, you cannot make your own choice. Only your attending physician, who can better see what your liver needs at the moment, can prescribe medications.