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Why is there little wax in the ears? Ear wax: why does it form and how to remove it? Why does wax form in the ears?

Looking into ear canal, see eardrum It's unlikely to succeed. But noticing earwax is very likely. But sometimes its color can cause concern. Black wax in the ears may be a cause for concern. Why it appears and how to eliminate the problem - a doctor can best tell you about this.

Earwax is a natural secretion produced by the glands of the external auditory canal. It contains fats, organic acids, salts, and protein molecules (immunoglobulins). Thanks to this, sulfur provides a number of important functions:

  • Protection from germs.
  • Lubrication and moisturizing.
  • Removing contaminants.

The viscous secretion prevents dust, bacteria and insects from reaching the eardrum. It binds them on its surface and brings them out during chewing movements. Thus, sulfur is an integral component of the external ear canal. Normally its color is yellow-brown.

Causes and mechanisms

If the earwax in the ear has turned black, then it is necessary to determine the source of the disturbance. And the reason similar phenomenon Several states may appear. These include:

  • Sulfur plug.
  • Foreign bodies.
  • Mechanical damage.
  • Otomycosis.

One should not lose sight of such a factor as excessive contamination of the ear canal. This is observed when being in conditions of excessive dust in the air or as a result of neglect of personal hygiene.

The causes of black wax in the ear vary. What exactly became the source of disturbances in a child or adult remains to be determined by the doctor.


Those who notice that the wax in their ears has turned black are unlikely to be able to find out the cause without the intervention of a doctor. The specialist will analyze the complaints and conduct an inspection, on the basis of which he will make a preliminary conclusion. Then the situation will become significantly clearer, and the person will understand whether it was worth worrying about.

Sulfur plug

It is known that wax leaves the ears on its own. But under certain conditions this process becomes difficult. If a child has a congenital feature in the form of narrow and tortuous auditory canals, then in the future he will most likely encounter a problem called sulfur plug. Long time Once in the ear, it hardens and is firmly attached to the skin. The color of sulfur becomes dark brown.

For a long time the plug is asymptomatic. If it completely blocks the lumen (for example, it gets wet after swimming), then unpleasant signs appear:

  • Feeling stuffed up.
  • Noise in the ear.
  • Feeling your own voice (autophony).
  • Reflex cough (sometimes).

When the sulfur penetrates deeper and reaches the eardrum, it clinical picture accompanied by dizziness, nausea and headaches. Upon examination, brown wax is visible, which has closed the external auditory canal.

Foreign bodies

In the ears, wax turns black even after foreign bodies (specks of dust and insects) stick to it. Other findings are often found in children (seeds, peas, plasticine, small toys). This seemingly trivial situation can cause significant suffering. An insect or other object reaches the eardrum and irritates it, causing the ear to hurt. In addition, noise and itching appear, and sound perception worsens. Sometimes cough, nausea and dizziness occur. Their origin is reflexive.

Mechanical damage

Sulfur can turn black due to the accumulation of blood. This is often observed when mechanical damage skin of the external auditory canal. Injury from a sharp object or even an ear stick is not that uncommon, especially in childhood. The following symptoms occur:

  • Painful sensations.
  • Skin hypersensitivity.
  • Ear itching.

In addition, blood can be released outside, which becomes immediately noticeable to others. And the patient himself feels as if some kind of liquid is flowing from the ear. Subsequently, the coagulated blood becomes black.


In the development of otomycosis of the external auditory canal great importance is given to the application hormonal drugs or antibiotics, immunodeficiencies, allergization of the body. The causative agent of the disease is fungi (yeast-like or mold). Black-brown color sulfur is acquired when infected with Aspergillus. This is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • Itching and soreness.
  • Feeling of stuffiness.
  • Noise in the ear.
  • Discharges.

Examination reveals a red tint to the skin of the ear canal, the presence of caseous masses and sulfur. As the fungal pathology progresses, the symptoms increase.

After contracting otomycosis, a patient may find brownish-black masses coming out of their ear. Sulfur also takes on a similar hue.

Additional diagnostics

Black wax accumulated in the ear becomes a reason for a full diagnosis. And although the doctor will receive a lot of information during a clinical examination, the value additional methods This won't make it any less. The main thing is that they allow you to identify the pathogen infectious pathology. To do this, an analysis of discharge and swabs from the ears is prescribed. They are examined under a microscope and inoculated on nutrient media.


Therapeutic measures are determined by the diagnostic results. In case of cerumen impaction, the doctor rinses the ear canal warm water from a large syringe with a capacity of 100–150 ml. Pre-hardened masses should be softened by instilling hydrogen peroxide into the ear. Foreign bodies are also removed by washing or instrumental means using a special area with a blunt hook.

For open wounds (abrasions, scratches) with bleeding, the skin of the ear canal must be treated with hydrogen peroxide by inserting a cotton swab dipped in the solution. If the doctor has diagnosed otomycosis, then treatment is carried out using specific drugs antifungal action(both local and systemic):

  • Lamisil.
  • Clotrimazole.
  • Nizoral.
  • Diflucan.
  • Orungal.

The ear is also washed with antiseptics (boronic or salicylic acid). When identifying an allergic mood in the body, use antihistamines. If the infection is combined, then antibacterial agents are also included in the treatment complex.


It is worth paying attention to issues of prevention. First of all, careful ear hygiene is needed, but within the limits of what is permissible. Wax should not be removed very often - once a week will be enough. You should clean the ear canal carefully, without using hard objects that can damage the skin and cause bleeding. Any medications (especially hormones and antibiotics) should be used rationally and only on the recommendation of a doctor. And it will always help to increase the body’s resistance to diseases healthy image life.

What is wrong with the ear and why black wax suddenly began to form in it - these are questions for the doctor. Only a specialist can give a competent answer by determining the cause of the violations. Based on the diagnostic results, the patient will be prescribed therapeutic measures that will relieve the child or adult from the unpleasant phenomenon. And compliance preventive recommendations will help avoid similar situations in the future.

Earwax is a light brown liquid. Wax is intended to protect the inside of the ear from dust accumulation, but too much of it leads to the formation of ear plugs. You need to know where earwax comes from in order not to harm your health. Earwax is a product of the work of the sulfur glands; it contains various organic substances. Why you should pay close attention to color and consistency earwax.

How is it formed and what functions does it perform?

Earwax forms in the outer third of the ear canal. During normal functioning of the body, an adult produces about 15 mg of sulfur per month. This is exactly what is needed for protection. inner ear from the influence of unfavorable factors.

Sera renders antiseptic effect, foreign microorganisms getting on it die. A person with healthy organs earwax is constantly formed and is removed without causing difficulties.

Increased or insufficient formation of sulfur may indicate pathologies, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Why is the process of sulfur formation so important for the body?

Functions of sulfur.

Earwax performs a number of important functions:

  • cleansing;
  • lubricating;
  • protecting.

Sulfur cleanses the ear canal, lubricates it, thereby preventing the appearance of painful cracks.

Composition of earwax.

The composition of sulfur in each individual case is unique, it depends on environment, nutrition, lifestyle. Interestingly, the composition of sulfur in men and women is completely different. Sulfur is necessary for the normal functioning of the hearing organs and consists of:

  1. Waxy substance.
  2. A substance produced by the sebaceous glands.
  3. Dead cells of the upper layer of skin.

Pathologies in the formation of matter

Insufficient sulfur formation.

If there is not enough wax in the ears, this can negatively affect the quality of a person’s hearing. Due to violation protective function pathogenic microorganisms fall into inner ear, thereby causing discomfort.

There is no moisture in the ear canal, itching and flaking occur. The reasons for insufficient sulfur formation include: otosclerosis, bad habits, congenital pathologies, advanced age.

Patients in adulthood more often complain of itching and irritation of the ear canal, restore normal functioning in this case it is quite difficult, but it can cope with the discomfort; in this case, Lorindem ointment or its analogues can be used.

Otosclerosis - serious illness, the solution to which in some cases can only be surgery. If this disease develops, wax formation in one ear may be increased, while in the other there is no wax at all. Symptoms of the disease are: tinnitus, hearing loss, dizziness. Sulfur is needed in normal quantity For normal operation hearing organs.

Bad habits have negative impact for all functions of the body. Unfortunately, just give up bad habits not enough, often required competent treatment prescribed by a specialist.

Increased sulfur formation.

Increased formation of sulfur does not pose many dangers if the sulfur is not dry. Liquid wax flows out of the ear on its own, making it impossible for a wax plug to form.

The presence of dry wax in the ear in excess requires immediate appeal see an otolaryngologist, because accumulating sulfur deposits can cause a plug to form.

Excess sulfur production can be associated with a number of factors and diseases. The main thing is that if there is a lot of wax in the ears, this does not mean that you need to clean your ears more often with cotton swabs, this harms the hearing organs.

Chronic dermatitis can cause dysfunction in the formation of sulfur; in this particular case, you should consult an allergist who can correctly select antihistamines. As soon as the disease stops bothering the patient, the problem of sulfur formation will be solved.

Increased content cholesterol in the blood can also cause this problem. Then you should stick to special diet, and undergo treatment under the supervision of specialists. Symptom high cholesterol may cause yellowing of the skin.

It should be noted that if a person constantly uses a hearing aid or headphones, this causes stimulation of the glands responsible for the formation of sulfur, hence the excess sulfur.

If a person is constantly in dusty conditions, the work of his sulfur glands should increase, this will indicate that the body is functioning correctly, and there is no reason to worry.

Symptoms of dysfunction of the sulfur glands:

Color and consistency of earwax.

In some cases, the color and consistency of sulfur may vary within normal limits, then there is no reason to worry. But sometimes changes indicate the development of diseases that require immediate treatment.

Darkening of wax is often associated with Randu-Osler syndrome, and dark wax is normal in some ethnicities. Often transmitted hereditarily, symptoms include nosebleeds. If bleeding occurs frequently, anemia occurs.

Treatment is usually aimed at stopping bleeding. For gentle therapy, iron-containing drugs are used; if this is not enough, surgical intervention is used.

Yellow sulfur mixed with white clots indicates what is happening in the purulent inflammatory process. Associated symptoms of the disease: increased body temperature, appears general weakness, inflammation of the lymph nodes occurs. To prescribe the correct treatment, you should be tested for pathogens this process, most likely, you will need to take antibiotics and immunomodulatory drugs.

Black wax may indicate the presence of blood clots or fungal disease. The causative agents of otomycosis are fungal spores. Characteristic features of this disease are: tinnitus, itching, burning, pain, hearing loss, presence of discharge. If black wax forms in the ears, treatment must be started immediately.

If earwax becomes White color, this indicates that the body does not essential vitamins and microelements. Earwax gray most often indicates contamination as a result of being in dusty areas.

The presence of liquid sulfur may indicate inflammatory processes occurring in the ear as a result of injury. Dry wax in the ears indicates the danger of wax plug formation.

Normally, earwax has no odor. If earwax becomes fishy, ​​or putrid smell, this speaks of staphylococcal infection or putrefactive processes.

It is important to be attentive to the processes occurring in the body. Any changes in the processes of sulfur formation can cause irreparable harm hearing, even to the point of deafness. In case of any pathological changes, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Almost 20 mg of sulfur is excreted in the ears over the course of one month. It is produced in the outer part of the ear in the cartilaginous tissue, which contains almost two thousand glands. Every person understands the need for sulfur. Her most important task– maintaining immaculate cleanliness in the passage, as well as natural moisture. Dirt or dust entering the ear canal cannot move further to the middle ear. Sulfur envelops unnecessary objects and prevents them from harming the health of the ears.

Every day, sulfur is removed independently during chewing food, as well as during communication and other moments when it works lower jaw. However, there are cases when inflammation occurs in the ear and as a result a lot of wax is released. Therefore, we will take a closer look at why there is a lot of wax in the ear and what to do if wax leaks from the ear of a baby.

Peroxide will significantly soften the cork itself. the procedure will pass painless and fast.

Doctors allow washing at home, but best to trust this procedure professionals.

In the future, for prevention, instill in the ears or wash the ears every day.

Thus, you will reduce the risk of plug formation and normalize natural release. Remember that the less you clean your ears, the less dry wax will form.

If a child has a lot of wax in the ears, the reasons lie in lack of hygiene or trauma to the ear. Children often put small parts, pens or pencils in their ears.

At this time, the child should be explained why he should be careful and why he should not put foreign objects in his ears.

A common cause of the formation of abundant sulfur secretion is frequent use headphones, earplugs or hearing aids. When wearing gadgets, wax cannot leave the ear, so it accumulates in the passage, causing the appearance of wax plugs.

During this time, the patient often suffers from:

  • burning;
  • stuffy ears;
  • partial or complete hearing loss.

In this case, experts strongly recommend prophylaxis and instillation into the ear twice a month.

If you are producing a lot of wax and you don't know the cause, you should get your health checked. Perhaps the following inflammations form in the ear organ:

  1. Dermatitis- this is a disease skin, in which the provoking factor lies in chemical, biological or physical factors. During the process of inflammation, severe redness in the outer ear area, the appearance of blisters and eczema, itching and severe burning are formed. In some cases, a person's body temperature rises. During the course of the disease, not only the composition of sulfur changes, but also its consistency.
  2. In addition, you should check the content blood cholesterol. In case of elevated levels, increased sulfur secretion is only a symptom of the disease. In addition, patients complain of strong painful sensations in the extremities, as well as changes in skin color. During this time, you should strictly monitor your diet and take medications that lower cholesterol levels.
  3. If your professional activity associated with places where waste, dust or dirt accumulate, construction waste and chemical elements, increased formation of wax in the ears cannot be avoided. At this time, it is necessary to instill Remo-Vax into the ears monthly and be observed by an otolaryngologist.
  4. It is known that stress and depression affect the increase in the work of not only the sulfur glands, but also the entire function of all organs.

Most often it will help to cope with these problems complex therapy, using ear drops or a rinsing procedure.

Do not remove excess wax with sharp objects.

Otherwise, you will damage the integrity of the skin and damage the condition of the eardrum.

If examinations indicate the absence of these reasons, it is important to pay attention to reasons such as:

  1. Age-related changes.
  2. Otosclerosis.
  3. Having bad habits.
  4. Poor hygiene.
  5. Otomycosis.

Consult your doctor if your earwax develops a foul odor. There is probably inflammation in the ear caused by the penetration of a staphylococcal infection.

Do not worry if sulfur has acquired any unnatural shade (gray, beige) if you live in a metropolis. Live in big cities exposes the body pathological changes. Therefore, city dwellers' sulfur often turns gray.


Remember that sulfur has important function in organism. Therefore, when black sulfur appears or forms unpleasant odor from the ears, seek qualified help. Otherwise, you will miss the first signs of the inflammatory process. It is known that diseases are easier and cheaper to treat early stages inflammation.

It is especially important to monitor ear discharge in young children. In childhood, sulfur discharge is not dangerous, but if there is excessive production or, conversely, disruption of the sulfur glands, the child is susceptible to otitis media.

If a lot of wax accumulates in the ears, there are reasons for this. In most cases, this phenomenon is not an anomaly, but only indicates active work sulfur glands. However, under certain conditions, such secretions can lead to blockage of the ear canal and a decrease in the quality of sound transmission.

Functions of sulfur and the mechanism of its formation

To understand why so much wax accumulates in the ears, we should consider the mechanism of its formation. Every person has a huge number of sulfur glands in their ears. Every day they produce a specific secretion, the total volume of which can exceed 15-20 mg per month.

These glands are located in the front of the ear canal in the outer ear, so there is no point in trying to clean the farther part of the organ.

Sulfur has specific tasks. Their implementation allows you to protect your hearing from negative impact environment, infections, garbage and other influences. The functions of the sulfur glands include:

  • hydration;
  • protection;
  • cleaning;
  • disinfection.

The secretions protect the ear canal from drying out and prevent dirt and dust from getting deep into the ear. In addition, the viscous secretion pushes out foreign particles and harmful microorganisms outward, ensuring the cleanliness and health of the organ.

Causes of accumulation of discharge and how to get rid of wax plug

To prevent disruption of the above functions and the formation of a plug, it is necessary to monitor the cleanliness of the external channel. Remove excess secretions weekly, otherwise the amount will exceed permissible norm, which will lead to negative consequences.

Cluster old sulfur- the main factor why solids are formed. The situation is aggravated by abundant pollution with dust and other solid particles. When they clump together, they form so-called plugs, which not only violate the hygiene of the organ, but also have unpleasant consequences.

Earwax accumulations can get deep into the ear canal and cause blockage. This is why people who neglect hygiene rules often suffer from hearing impairment. Sulfur plug interferes with the perception of sounds and partially muffles them. In addition, it can cause and put pressure on the eardrum.

To restore hearing and cleanliness in your ears, you need to get rid of the wax plug. Having understood for yourself why it is formed, it is important to prevent the situation from reoccurring and to promptly remove the contamination. Several techniques can be used to extract already lost secretions.

The simplest and most obvious is mechanical action. Since the plug is a solid buildup of wax, it can be removed using tweezers. You need to act extremely carefully so as not to damage the organ and not push the pieces even further. It is best if the procedure is performed by a doctor.

When removing at home, the collection should be visible in the ear. For convenience, the sink needs to be pulled back a little to straighten the channel. Next, the tip of the tweezers grabs the sulfur and carefully pulls it out. If you doubt that you can cope with this task, it is better not to risk it and seek help from an otolaryngologist.

You can use hydrogen peroxide. You need to carefully drop a small amount (5-10 drops into each ear) into the ear and wait 5-10 minutes. Hissing means that the liquid is still working and corroding the secretions. Then you need to pour it out of the ear brown liquid and wipe it down.

To prevent the accumulation of wax in the ears, it is necessary to clean it regularly. There are several recommendations regarding this process:

  • Cotton swabs are not the best hygiene tool. They are not sterile and can harm your ears. Naturally, hairpins and other traumatic objects should not be used for cleaning.
  • For greater effectiveness, cotton wool can be moistened with water or peroxide.
  • You can't put the stick deep. This can damage the eardrum or clog the narrowing canal in the ear.
  • The wax glands are located in the outer part of the ear, therefore, when cleaning there is no need to penetrate deep into the organ.
  • Additionally, it is necessary to clean the ear itself.

If you accidentally damage your ear while cleaning, you may need to see a doctor. If there is a wound, the risk of infection and the development of external otitis or otomycosis increases.

To prevent traffic jams, you can visit an ENT specialist from time to time for hygiene procedures.

As soon as you notice that a lot of wax has accumulated in your ears, you need to clean them. Regular and proper hygiene procedures will prevent contamination of the ear canal. At the same time, the hearing organs will be reliably protected from debris and infections.

Many people notice discharge from the ear canal - wax. Normally, it does not cause any discomfort to a person. However, sometimes, wax in the ears can cause the development of wax plugs in adults, which leads to impaired hearing and infections. You can control the production of sulfur secretions with the help of medications, changes in diet, and refusal to use earplugs and headphones.

What is earwax

The secret that is being developed special glands(ceruminous), mixing with sweat, particles of the epidermis and sebum, form earwax secretions, which perform a number of protective and adaptive functions of the human hearing system. Earwax is released in different amounts and consistencies. Changes in its characteristics directly depend on the state of human health.

Where does it come from?

Earwax is produced by ceruminous (sulfur) glands located in the skin of the external auditory canal. In one ear there are about two thousand of these glands, which produce about 0.02 mg of secretion per day. The color, consistency and amount of secretion produced by the glands depends on genetic, racial predisposition, age, and the presence of chronic diseases.

What does it consist of?

The composition of the ear secretion includes the following elements: fats produced by the glands (lanosterol, cholesterol), antibacterial substances, sweat, mineral salts And fatty acid. Often the constituent elements of the secretion are desquamated particles of the epidermis of the ear canal, sebum, and hair. The ear contains opportunistic microorganisms and bacteria.

What is it for?

Sera performs following functions:

  • cleaning the ear canal;
  • antibacterial function;
  • serves as a lubricant for the walls of the ear canal;
  • protection from dust, dirt;
  • sulfur protects the eardrum from drying out;
  • protection against water ingress.

Why does wax form in the ears?

The production of earwax by special glands is one of the body's defense mechanisms. With help antibacterial properties, fat content, the walls of the outer ear, the eardrum are not exposed to excessive exposure to small particles of dust and microbes, the risks of developing infectious diseases hearing organs. The ability to perceive sounds thanks to ear secretions lasts much longer.


The production of black secretion by the glands indicates that they are damaged by a fungus or other single-celled microorganisms, for example, Giardia. When affected by fungal spores, in addition to black discharge, patients are bothered by constant severe itching, hearing impairment. Black wax in the human ear is one of the reliable signs diagnostics for mucoid lesions of the body. Sometimes dark color The secretion of the ear canal is caused by clots of coagulated blood.


Scarlet or red may indicate a source of bleeding, such as a scratch. If the color is red ear discharge saved longer than a day, or stains periodically, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Discoloration of red, burgundy, or bright orange may occur while taking the antibiotic Rifamycin to treat middle ear infections.

Dark brown

Dark sulfur is not always a sign of disease. The color of the secretion often depends on the degree of contamination of the ear canal and individual predisposition. May vary according to color scheme from sandy to dark brown. However, it is necessary to pay attention to a sharp change in the color of the discharge from light to dark, to associated symptoms: itching, burning, temperature, pain. This change may be a sign of many inflammatory diseases, including external otitis or hypersecretion of the ear glands.


The release of wax in the ears of a dry consistency is one of the signs of the presence of skin diseases: dermatitis, skin emphysema. High viscosity of ear secretions can be caused by insufficient consumption of animal fats by the patient or a specific genetic mutation, which occurs in approximately 3% of Europeans and 5% of people of the Asian race. In this case, treatment is carried out by adjusting the diet.


A white discharge means that there is a deficiency of certain trace elements, such as iron or copper. The production of a secretion resembling thick sour cream indicates severe vitamin deficiency. This condition can be relieved by taking several courses of iron supplements, synthetic vitamins which should be prescribed by the attending physician. The ability of earwax to reflect the condition of the entire body is used to diagnose diseases.


Watery discharge from the ear occur with a lack of secretion of the sulfur glands or with excessive work of the sweat glands. Selection reduced viscosity may indicate an active inflammatory process in the organ, high general temperature, traumatic brain injury or concussion. With prolonged secretion liquid consistency, it is necessary to carry out a series diagnostic measures to exclude serious pathologies.


Earwax must be removed from the ear on its own, and the ear canal must self-clean itself of secretions. The use of ear swabs, cotton wool or bandage turundas by otolaryngologists is not recommended, since the auxiliary instruments irritate the receptors of the glands, and they begin to produce much more sulfur than necessary, which provokes the appearance of cerumen plugs and inflammation. Careless use of hygiene items can cause injury to the eardrum and infection of the hearing organ, so it is better not to disturb the self-cleaning of the ear canal.

The presence of wax secretion in the ears does not mean that they are dirty; only the auricles and the outer centimeter need to be washed auditory tube. The use of additional instruments leads to injuries to the eardrum, up to complete loss hearing, violation of the integrity of the walls of the external auditory organ, which in severe cases is the cause of the development of meningitis and other dangerous infectious diseases.

Reasons for the lack of wax in the ears

One of the main reasons is blockage of the glands due to various factors: infections, poor ear hygiene. Sometimes the absence of earwax is genetic trait body. In this case, the patient is recommended to lubricate external passage ear on your own with Vaseline or glycerin ointment. The reason for the absence or small amount of earwax can be benign or malignant tumor skin of the wall of the passage, blocking the ducts of the sebaceous, sulfur, sweat glands, disorders of the body's metabolic functions.

One of the reasons for the lack of secret is elderly age. Over time, the functioning of all glands in the body, including sulfur, weakens or stops completely, so older people suffer from dry ears (especially if they use a hearing aid). In this case, doctors prescribe special moisturizing drops containing saline solution, glycerin and fatty acids - they prevent drying out and injury to the eardrum.

Causes of excess

Sometimes there is much more earwax produced than is necessary. This condition is called hypersecretion. At the same time, the patient notes constant feeling humidity, wet greasy stains on pillowcases, hats. The main causes of hypersecretion:

  1. Chronic dermatitis. The disease is characterized by the presence of spots on the skin of the ear canal. Hypersecretion of sulfur secretion is a symptom of skin disease.
  2. High cholesterol levels. Cholesterol and its acids are a constituent element of sulfur. A significant increase in its content leads to an excess of secretion.
  3. Constant use of headphones, hearing aids, earplugs. The presence of foreign bodies in the auditory tube is annoying nerve endings glands, stimulating their secretion and increasing the amount of sulfur.
  4. Strongly nervous tension During a long time. Stress stimulates the secretion of all glands in the body.
  5. A lot of earwax sometimes forms on later pregnancy or in a newborn child.
  6. Poor hygiene, which causes a lot of wax to form in the ears.
  7. Damage to the ear canal.

What is wax plug

The formation of sulfur occurs evenly, and it can be easily removed with a finger while washing, showering or bathing. However, the amount of sulfur produced may increase, the skin begins to peel off, which leads to secretion retention, excess, compaction, accumulation and, as a result, a cerumen plug is formed in the ear. If ear plug does not completely cover the auditory tube, the patient does not notice its presence. The presence of structural features of the ear auditory tube contributes to the accumulation of wax in the ears.


Ear plugs are a common occurrence, especially among middle-aged and older people. The beginning of the formation of sulfur deposits is often not felt by humans. Signs of blockage of the ear canal appear already when the wax plug occupies more than half of the lumen eustachian tube. The most common symptoms of earwax in the ear:

  • hearing impairment;
  • severe itching of the ear;
  • feeling foreign body;
  • pain is constant or intermittent;
  • dizziness, pain in the temporal regions;
  • feeling of stuffiness in the ears.


The wax plug causes discomfort to the patient, impairs hearing, and carries the risk of infection of the middle and inner ear, so it is necessary to remove the wax plug from the ear canal. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure yourself due to the risk of damaging the eardrum. If you suspect the presence of wax in the ear, you should contact an emergency room or other medical institution. The rinsing procedure for wax removal is carried out in three ways to remove contaminants:

  1. Rinse the passage of sulfur masses using hydrogen peroxide. A special peroxide solution is instilled into the ear using a pipette, and the patient is placed on the opposite side for a while. After 10-15 minutes they ask you to turn over. The injected peroxide should flow out of the ear.
  2. Special drugs. Produced in the form of drops, in a package with a dispenser. Such preparations are instilled into the ear canal and examined after a few minutes to ensure that the wax plug has been removed.
  3. By air. During this procedure, air under pressure is pumped deep into the Eustachian tube, as a result of which softened pieces of sulfur are torn off from the wall of the passage, then the external auditory canal is cleaned using a cotton swab.
  4. Rinse with saline solution. Warm saline solution is drawn into a clean syringe without a needle. The patient is placed on the couch on the opposite side, and a solution is injected with a sharp jet under pressure, which washes away the excess. The method is now rarely used due to the risk of damage to the eardrum.


To prevent ear plugs, you should follow correct mode ear hygiene, avoid getting foreign objects into the ear canal, use ear plugs less often cotton swabs for care ears, earplugs, headphones. It is recommended to undergo regular preventive examinations with an otolaryngologist, who, if necessary, will rinse the ear canal with saline solution and prescribe ointment or wax suppositories that help remove secretions and prevent the formation of plugs.
