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Black cumin (nigella, nigella, kalindzhi). Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa Oil)

Black cumin is an annual plant that came to us from the mysterious East. It is there that it is traditionally used in the treatment of various diseases. The Latin name for black cumin is Nigella Sativa.

In Russia it was dubbed “chernushka” or Kalinji, and in English-speaking countries – black grain. Residents of Great Britain called nigella “love in the fog” due to the fact that the bluish-green flowers have an aroma that is not inferior to the most exquisite perfume. This is perhaps the most beautiful name of the plant.

Titles in other languages:

  • English Blackseed;
  • German Echter Schwarzkümmel;
  • fr. nigelle.

Black cumin is amazing beautiful flowers blue color


The height of the plant is about 30 cm. The stem is straight and branched. The leaves are long (2-3 cm) and small, as if collected in a bouquet of three pieces. The flower forms a box, which by autumn opens into five sectors. Seeds fall out of them.

Nigella has small leaves, a straight thin stem and a large flower

Nigella flowers can be different colors

Black cumin seeds are rich in minerals, vitamins and oils


  • Nigella Sativa (black cumin). The height of the plant ranges from 30 to 50 cm. Leaves and branches are located on a straight stem. The shape of the leaves is like that of umbrella plants. After the plant fades, ball-shaped boxes remain instead of flowers. There are 5 thorns protruding from the top of such a capsule. During growth, the seeds smell like anise or dill.
  • Nigella damascena (Turkish black cumin). The name is derived from the city of Damascus. It has a very beautiful appearance, so it is often grown as an ornamental plant. The flowers of Turkish black cumin are rose-like in a rich blue color, and the leaves are thin, dark green. Plant height 75 cm. A calyx of five leaves surrounds the inflorescence. The sepals are milky white, turning blue towards their tips. The Swiss call Nigella damascena “spider flower,” emphasizing its resemblance to an insect.
  • Nigella arvensis (field black cumin). It is also called wild oatmeal. Perhaps the shortest among all types of cumin - 20 cm. It has many branches extending in different directions. And that makes it look like a bush. The flower of this species of black cumin consists of five light blue petals that have light green stripes on the outside. The seeds ripen not in a spherical capsule, as in the species described above, but in a long one, with small horns on top. The color of the seeds is black, the shape is triangle, the smell (pungent and pungent) is not as charming as that of Nigella damascena.

Where does it grow?

The growing area of ​​black cumin is the Mediterranean. Found in southern Europe and western Asia.

Black cumin is very popular in the East and Mediterranean

Method of making spices

Ripe nigella seeds are ground and used as a spicy addition to various dishes. The oil is obtained by distillation.


  • Nigella seeds are shaped like small black pyramids.
  • The taste of the seeds is a bouquet of sweet with bitterness, spicy and tart components.
  • The smell of the seeds is a synthesis of the aromas of nutmeg, pepper and strawberry.

After flowering, the box opens and contains miraculous seeds.

Ground black cumin seeds smell like strawberries, nutmeg and a little pineapple.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Oil. 100 grams of black cumin oil contains 99.9 g of fat. There are no proteins or carbohydrates. Calorie content – ​​896 kcal.

Seeds. 100 grams of crushed seeds contain 17.81 g of protein, 22.27 g of fat, 33.74 g of carbohydrates. Calorie content – ​​375 kcal.

Black cumin seeds in folk medicine Eastern countries are considered a panacea for all diseases

Chemical composition


  • 95% is formed by fatty acids (26 types, of which 8 are saturated, 18 are unsaturated): linoleic, linolenic, oleic, palmitic, arachidonic.
  • Squirrels.
  • The vitamin composition of the oil is formed by B (B1, B2, B3), E.
  • Folic acid.
  • The microelements component is represented by the presence of Ca, Fe, Mg, Na, Zn, Cu, P


  • Amino acids.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Coarse fiber.
  • Vitamins: E, group B (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9).
  • Microelements (K, Na, Ca).
  • Essential oil.

Black cumin oil is rich in vitamins, minerals and fatty acids

Beneficial features

The composition of nigella seeds is very beneficial for our body:

Honey with black cumin - will restore immunity, help in the fight against harmful cholesterol

Harm and contraindications

Despite the fact that nigella has many healing properties, she, like anyone else medicinal substance, there are contraindications.

  • It is strictly prohibited to use the drug when coronary disease hearts.
  • Thrombophlebitis in active form.
  • Post-infarction state.
  • Gastritis with increased acidity in acute form.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Operations related to organ transplantation.


Essential oil from Nigella damascena seeds has a golden color. It seems to be illuminated with a bluish tint. The seed powder of this species of nigella glows when exposed to ultraviolet light. blue. Seeds of other species do not behave this way.

Black cumin essential oil is used in medicine, perfumery and cosmetology

Black cumin oil can be used for salad dressing, but should not be used for frying.


In cooking

  • Nigella seeds are added as an aromatic seasoning in the preparation of various dishes.
  • Added to bakery and confectionery.
  • Used in the preparation of marinades, in canned vegetables and sauerkraut.
  • Additive to salads.
  • Season fatty and hard-to-digest dishes.

Nigella is a favorite seasoning among Hindus and Arabs. They add it to almost all dishes. Europeans prefer to put nigella in baked goods and marinades.

In the East, black cumin is added to almost all baked goods.

In medicine

In Eastern countries they say that Nigella cures all diseases, but death is beyond her control. Indeed, nigella is a cure for many diseases. At the same time, it can be used as an independent remedy or in combination with other components, as well as for preventive purposes. Medicine uses black cumin oil and seed. To prepare the infusion, the seed is mixed with oregano herb, chamomile, and valerian.

To enhance immunity and enrich the body nutrients, add black cumin to your morning smoothie

Black cumin flour is used to add to smoothies and pastries

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, nigella is a component of masks, creams, and ointments.

  • Flour made from plant seeds is a product that cleanses the skin of the face and gives it healthy looking. Useful for maintaining fit, youth and tone. Making a mask is easy. Flour and water are mixed until mushy. Apply the mixture to your face. Pay attention to your skin type. Dry skin - add a little oil plant origin. The mask is removed using warm water.
  • Seeds ground into flour have a positive effect on hair growth. By mixing a handful of flour and warm olive oil to a paste, we get a simple and effective remedy, which strengthens hair. This composition is applied for half an hour.
  • Removes stretch marks caused by pregnancy.
  • Eliminates flaking skin conditions.
  • Removes acne.
  • Strengthens nails. It is enough to add a few drops of oil to the liquid soap you usually use to wash your hands. You can also enrich your hand cream with it.
  • Additive to massage oils.

Soap with black cumin seeds cleanses, renews and heals the skin

For weight loss

In the East, the beneficial properties of black cumin have been known for a long time, but its benefits for combating extra pounds They started talking only recently. Indeed, black cumin seeds can contribute to the process of losing weight, but you shouldn’t expect any special miracles. Official medicine is at the stage of clinical trials of the effects of black cumin seeds on the body and its effectiveness for weight loss.

It has already been proven that regular consumption of seeds helps remove excess liquid from the body and curb appetite. The greatest effectiveness can be achieved by consuming black cumin seeds with other biologically active spices and honey.

With cinnamon and honey

For a glass of warm water you need to take three quarters of a teaspoon of ground black cumin seeds, half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and one dessert spoon of honey. Dilute all ingredients in warm water and drink on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast.

Seeds with lemon juice and honey

Everyone knows about the effectiveness of a glass of warm water with lemon juice in the morning on an empty stomach. However, if you consume, after drinking a glass of diluted lemon juice, 3-4 black cumin seeds and a teaspoon of honey, the benefits for the body will be much greater.

Slimming Tea

You can prepare the following elixir, which will greatly help you lose excess weight. You will need 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed black cumin seeds and 50 ml of boiling water. After ten minutes of infusion, your weight loss tea is ready. It will be a little bitter, so you can add natural honey. The aroma of this tea is indescribable.

Tea with black cumin seeds will help overcome your appetite

At home

  • Used to protect clothes from damage by moths (dry bouquets are hidden in clothes).
  • A means of combating mosquitoes and snakes.

Dry bouquets or sachets with nigella will protect your clothes from moths

  • There is a very beautiful legend about Turkish black cumin about how the German Emperor Frederick I died. The campaign to the Holy Land ended tragically for him. Having settled down for the night near the lake, Frederick went to night walk. He heard a beautiful song. It was a river nymph. It was impossible to resist the singing and image of the river nymph. The delicate blue robe and beautiful face framed by green hair did the trick. When the emperor approached the nymph, she took him underwater with her. At the site of Frederick's disappearance, Richard the Lionheart found a marvelous flower resembling a green-haired mermaid in blue clothes.
  • The Germans gave the species Nigella arvensis a name, which translated means “get lost,” since it was this that German girls gave to guys they didn’t like.

Black cumin (Nigella sativa) used in traditional medicine for centuries. The crude oil and thymoquinone (TQ) extracted from the seeds are effective against many diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, asthma, kidney disease and others. The oil is effective against cancer of the blood, lungs, kidneys, liver, prostate, breast, cervix, and skin with a high degree of safety. The molecular mechanisms of the antitumor role are still not well understood, but some studies have shown that TQ has an antioxidant role and improves the body's defense system, induces apoptosis and controls Akt signaling pathway.

Although the anticancer activity of N. sativa components was recognized thousands of years ago, proper scientific research on this important plant by traditional medicine is history of the last few decades. In this article, you will learn the effects of TQ and black seed oil against different types of cancer with their molecular mechanisms.

Benefits of Black Seed Oil in Cancer Treatment.

Croatian scientists evaluated the antitumor activity of the constituent substances of Nigella sativa thymoquinone ( T.Q. ) and thymohydroquinone ( THQ ) in mice and found that these two phytochemicals in black seed oil could lead to a 52% reduction in tumor cells!

The oil is rich in both plant chemicals, which are unique in that they can help prevent and treat cancer through different mechanisms:

- Antiproliferation

- Apoptosis induction

- Cell cycle arrest

- Generation of reactive oxygen species

- Antimetastasis


The antitumor effects of thymoquinone have also been studied in mice bearing colon, prostate, pancreatic, and lung cancer tumors. The combination of thymoquinone and conventional chemotherapy drugs can lead to a greater therapeutic effect and also reduce the toxicity of the latter.

Cancer is one of the main threats modern life and the second cause of death after myocardial infarction. Millions of people die every year from various types of cancer, despite enormous efforts to find control and treatment methods. In the 20th century, modern medical science made great strides in the fight against the disease. But many diseases, such as cancer, are not yet completely curable. To learn about new and authentic treatments, scientists work with traditional or traditional medicines parallel to modern medicine. Nigella sativa is used in medical purposes for centuries. This plant originated from the South East Asia, and was also used in Ancient Egypt, Greece, the Middle East and Africa. In Islam it is considered one of the largest forms therapeutic medicine. It is a flowering plant whose seeds are used as a spice. The seed is called black cumin in English and is called "Panacea" in Old Latin, meaning "to cure all." On Arabic it is called "Habbah Sawda" or "Habbat el Baraka" and is translated as "Seeds of Blessing". In Bangladesh it is called “Kalo jeera”, in India “Kalonji”, and in China “Hak Jung Chou”. The seeds and oil extracted from this plant are used for medicinal purposes.

The active ingredients of N. sativa have beneficial effects on many diseases, including cancer. For example, it is effective in reducing the risk of atherosclerosis by reducing serum low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and increasing serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. They have a therapeutic and protective effect in diabetes, reducing morphological changes, maintaining the integrity of pancreatic beta cells, and beneficially changing the activity of liver enzymes. Also effective against hypertension, have a powerful antihistamine effect on the airways of asthmatic patients.

These components are promising agents to complement specific treatments schistosomiasis. Black cumin oil protects kidney tissue from oxygen free radicals, prevents renal dysfunction and morphological abnormalities. For thousands of years, N. sativa seeds, oil and extracts have been used as an antitumor agent in the traditional Unani, Ayurvedic and Chinese systems of medicine, which originate from Arab countries, India and China respectively.

Role Nigellasativa as an antitumor agent.

Many active ingredients have been found in the seeds of N. sativa. The seeds contain both fixed and essential oils, proteins, alkaloids and saponin.

Four pharmacologically important components:

Thymoquinone (TQ)

Dithymoquinone (DTQ)

- Thymohydroquinone (THQ)

Thymol (THY)

N. sativa seed oil studied by the method HPLC it was revealed that most of The biological activity of the seeds is associated with thymoquinone, the main component of the essential oil, which is also present in the base oil. TQ is considered powerful antioxidant, has an anti-carcinogenic and anti-mutagenic agent. In addition, TQ is a relatively safe compound, especially when administered orally to experimental animals. A pentacyclic triterpene saponin isolated from the seeds of N. sativa has also been reported to have potent antitumor activity in vivo.

Molecular mechanisms of action of N. sativa against cancer.

Cancer is abnormal cell growth caused by genetic changes. The active ingredients, mainly TQ from N. sativa, act on cancer cells to help kill them through several molecular pathways. These substances are agents that have anticancer activity, protect genetic material from changes, and kill genetically altered cancer cells.

Mechanisms of action of thymoquinone (TQ):

- TQ induces apoptotic cell death in cancer tissues by regulating the expression of apoptotic genes and down-regulating the expression of anti-apoptotic genes.

- TQ suppresses Akt activation by dephosphorylation and thus blocks cancer cell survival.

- TQ deactivates NF-kappa B by inducing cytokine production and thereby controlling oncogenic expression.

- TQ increases the activity of antioxidant enzymes and protects cells from cancer.

- TQ protects normal cell wounds caused by ionizing radiation in cancer treatment.

TQ is also reported to actively control the Akt pathway. The researchers found that TQ effectively inhibited human umbilical vein endothelial cell migration, invasion, and tube formation by suppressing the activation of Akt and extracellular signal-regulated kinase. LPS, a lipopolysaccharide bacterial component, was abrogated by TQ in dendritic cells.

NF-kappa B plays a key role in regulating the immune response, and misregulation of NF-kappa B has been found to be associated with cancer. TQ suppresses tumor necrosis-induced NF-kappa B activation in a dose- and time-dependent manner and inhibits NF-kappa activation B induced by various carcinogens and inflammatory stimuli.

Many studies have shown that black seed oil or TQ has antioxidant activity and increases the activity of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase(GPx) and others. Antioxidant enzymes are clearly linked to cancer - mainly increased activity beneficial against various types of cancer. Oral administration of N. sativa oil or TQ may reduce the toxicity of other anticancer drugs, such as cyclophosphamide, by regulating antioxidant mechanisms, indicating the potential clinical use of these agents to minimize the toxic effects of anticancer drug treatment.

In addition to these cancer-inhibiting properties, components of N. sativa have protective functions against cancer. Radiation therapy is one of the most common treatment strategies for human cancer, but this treatment is risky for healthy tissue. Treatment with black seed oil and glutathin significantly antagonizes the effects of radiation. Therefore N. sativa may be useful tool protection against tissue damage associated with ionizing radiation. The radioprotective potential of black seed oil against the side effects of gamma irradiation has been investigated. Oral administration of black seed oil before irradiation significantly normalized the criteria, and produced significant regeneration in the lymphoid follicles of the spleen and thymus. Thus, N. sativa oil is recognized as a promising natural radioprotective agent against the immunosuppressive and oxidative effects of ionizing radiation.

Black cumin oil in capsules.

Black seed oil or its active ingredients such as TQ are effective against various types of cancer:

Skin cancer (melanoma).

The thymoquinone and thymohydroquinone properties of black seed oil are effective in treating skin cancer due to the oil's powerful antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. By targeting white blood cells, they boost immune health and kill cancer cells.

Blood cancer (leukemia and leukemia).

Research has shown that black cumin has antiproliferative effects in human myeloid leukemia HL-60 cells. This again can be attributed to thymoquinone, which is what makes it so powerful.

Mammary cancer.

Black seed oil shows a continuous ability to suppress the proliferation of breast cancer cells when taken for long-term treatment. Research has shown that large doses led to stronger suppression.

Aqueous and ethanolic extracts of N. sativa were found to be effective in vitro in inactivating breast cancer cells. N. sativa in combination with melatonin and retinoic acid reduced the carcinogenic effects of DMBA (dimethylbenzanthracene) in rat mammary cancer.

Colon cancer.

The thymoquinone and antioxidant properties of black seed oil provide powerful detoxifying abilities from the body. TQ is antitumor and proapoptotic against the colon cancer cell line HCT116. N. sativa oil has the ability to inhibit rat colon carcinogenesis at the post-initiation stage without obvious side effects.

Pancreatic cancer.

The oil has also been shown to be effective in treating pancreatic cancer. TQ induces apoptosis and inhibits proliferation in PDA (pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma) cells. TQ like new inhibitor pro-inflammatory pathways, which provide a promising strategy, combines anti-inflammatory and pro-apoptotic modes of action. TQ can also abolish gemcitabine or oxaliplatin-induced NF-kappa B activation, leading pancreatic tumors to traditional therapeutic agents. The high molecular weight glycoprotein mucin 4 (MUC4) is aberrantly expressed in pancreatic cancer and contributes to the regulation of pancreatic cancer cell differentiation, proliferation, metastasis, and chemoresistance.

Liver cancer.

Another benefit of black seeds is that they also naturally inhibit the growth of liver cancer. When compared to all the side effects of modern medicine, it is important to note the enormous value it offers natural remedy when it comes to treating liver cancer. Oral administration of TQ is effective in increasing quinone reductase and glutathione transferase activities and makes TQ a promising prophylactic agent against chemical carcinogenesis and toxicity in liver cancer.

Lungs' cancer.

Supplementation of the diet with honey and N. sativa has a protective effect against MNU (methylnitrosourea)-induced oxidative stress, inflammatory response, and carcinogenesis in the lung, skin, and colon.


TQ significantly inhibited tumor incidence ( fibrosarcoma). Moreover, TQ delays the onset of fibrosarcoma tumors induced Methylcholantronome (MCA). N. sativa oil also reduced the fibrinolytic potential of the human fibrosarcoma cell line HT1080 in vitro.

Kidney cancer.

Black cumin oil has a chemoprotective effect against renal oxidative stress and renal carcinogenesis. Oral treatment of rats with N. sativa (50-100 mg/kg body weight) resulted in a significant reduction in H2O2 generation, DNA synthesis and tumor incidence.

Ground black cumin seeds (powder) in capsules.

Prostate cancer.

TQ inhibits DNA synthesis, proliferation, and viability of cancerous prostate epithelial cells LNCaP, C4-B, DU145, and PC-3, but not noncancerous BPH-1, via the androgen receptor regulator. TQ is effective in the treatment of hormone-sensitive as well as hormone-refractory prostate cancer. Scientists found that TQ blocked angiogenesis in vitro and in vivo, prevented tumor angiogenesis in a mouse xenograft (PC3) model of human prostate cancer, and inhibited human prostate tumor growth at a low dose, with virtually no adverse side effects. In addition, they found that endothelial cells were more sensitive to TQ-induced cell apoptosis, cell proliferation, and migration inhibition compared to PC3 cancer cells.

Cervical cancer.

The oil is effective in treating cervical cancer. Mainly due to thymoquinone, which increases the number of white cells and suppresses the proliferation of cancer cells.

Brain cancer.

The oil is excellent for controlling and suppressing tumors and cancer cells in the brain. Research teams have concluded that black seed oil is a natural treatment for brain cancer and brain tumors.

Oral cancer.

Research has shown that black seed oil is very effective in suppressing the reproductive function of cancer cells, improving the overall health of the immune system and harming the resistance of cancer cells.


Lymphatic cancer, another name for lymphoma, is a painful disease that affects millions of people around the world. There have been many studies that show that black seed oil is effective in removing lymphatic cancer cells.

Treats bone cancer.

Black cumin oil can suppress the growth of cancer cells bone tissue. This is a good natural alternative harmful medicine, which modern medicine prescribes to millions of people.

How to use.

Research shows that for best results, take 1-2 teaspoons daily in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach and before going to bed at night. The dose can be increased to a dessert spoon 1-2 times a day or more. 1 teaspoon contains approximately 5 g of black cumin oil.

Take for treatment constantly, for prevention on an ongoing basis or taking a break for 1-2 months a year.

For local use: make compresses (lotions) with oil, using cotton wool and gauze. Use oil for massage, rubbing areas of the body or the whole body after a shower, instead of face cream (removes wrinkles, acne). Add various essential oils for external use. More information read the article about oil


The anti-cancer activities of black seed oil components have been recognized thousands of years ago, but scientific research into this important herb in traditional medicine is recent history. Should be carried out more research this plant because it is a safe and promising anticancer agent. There is a need to research the active ingredients more widely because there are few reports on the chemical composition of black cumin seeds and oil. In addition, the precise molecular mechanisms of thymoquinone and other components are different types cancer should be studied with greater care because the current understanding of the effects is not entirely clear. For example, it has been reported that N. sativa oil can protect cells from radiation, but the molecular mechanisms for this are not well understood. There is currently a renewed interest in some parts of the world traditional means protection and treatment of health. Many researchers now believe that traditional medicine is a promising source of new cancer therapy. Extensive research on N. sativa may lead to the discovery of new anticancer strategies. Dmitry Pushkar 5 of 5

Black cumin (Nigella sativa) has been used in traditional medicine for centuries. Crude Oil and Thymoquinone (TQ) Extracted from...

Nefertiti Black Cumin Oil is produced at the Egyptian Al-Jasmine Factory from seeds from El-Fayum plantations.

To produce natural oil from black cumin seeds (Nigella sativa variety), cold-pressed technologies are used at temperatures below 30 degrees. The factory guarantees full control and constant monitoring of raw materials. Production processes use methods for preparing natural oils that existed in ancient Egypt, undeservedly forgotten during the penetration of medieval European methods of obtaining oils and essences for perfumery. The special merit of the management of the Al-Jasmine factory is that the production technology allows you to truly reproduce natural oils with a full set of their properties, as it was in the Ancient Egyptian civilization. When using environmentally friendly raw materials, the perfect color, taste and smell of the product is obtained. Thanks to strict adherence temperature regime the entire set of vitamins, amino acids, and antibacterial properties is preserved. All this allows consumers to achieve guaranteed results when using natural Egyptian oil, whether for cosmetic, food or preventive purposes.

This oil is pressed at the most modern presses allowing to withstand the maximum degree of cold pressing. This allows you to preserve healthy fatty acids and vitamins in their entirety. The manufacturer has certificates for quality control ISO 22000:2005, management control ISO 9001:2008, environmental safety control ISO 14001:2004. And the quality of the oil itself is confirmed by the results of relevant laboratory tests in laboratories in Egypt and Russia:

Black cumin (Nigella Sativa L) belongs to the ranunculaceae family.

For centuries, black cumin has been widely used by millions of people around the world, especially in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Successfully used in folk medicine as part of many recipes from various ailments.
Moreover, it is black cumin that is an indispensable beauty restorer, strengthening the body as a natural product.

For general strengthening the body is recommended to consume 1 tsp on an empty stomach. black cumin (daily dose, which should not be exceeded). Contraindications for use are pregnancy and organ transplantation and implantation. Children under 6 years old - 0.5 tsp. in a day.

Since 1959, over 200 studies have been conducted at international universities, the stunning results of which have been published in articles and reports in various media. This in a wonderful way confirmed the critical importance of black cumin, which was discussed over 1400 years ago.

In 1989, an article appeared in the Pakistan Medical Journal about the phenomenal properties of black seed oil. And in 1992, a study was carried out at the medical department of the university in Dhaka (Bangladesh) antibacterial properties black cumin oil compared to five strong antibiotics: ampicillin, tetracycline, cotrimoxazole, gentamicin and nalidix. acid. The facts are undoubtedly fascinating - black cumin oil has shown itself to be a more effective remedy.

The essential Omega-6 and Omega-9 fatty acids contained in black cumin oil help improve the functioning of the cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems, restoration of normal hormonal balance, normalize sugar levels and lipid metabolism, prevent the development inflammatory processes, and also have a beneficial effect on the skin, play an important role in strengthening the body and cleansing it of all kinds of harmful substances.

It is also worth noting that Nefertiti oil is bottled in a dark-colored glass pharmaceutical bottle, which protects it from sunlight and preserves all the elements vital for human body.

Synonyms: Nigella Sativa Oil, Virgin black cumin oil, black seed, Nigella, matzok, nigella, Roman coriander; Nielle (French, German), Melansion (Greek), Shoniz, Siah Dana (Persian), Ketzach, Ketyach (Hebru), Kalaunji (Hindi, Urdu), Krishna Jirak (sans.), Kalijra (Beng.) , kalaonji jiram (Gujrati), nilajirakira (tel.), kaljira (Mar.), karunji rigam (Tamil), karun chiragam (Mal.), “black caraway seed”, “habbatul-baraka” (blessed seed) and “habbul- Sauda", Shoniz (Arabic)

Odor: The characteristic odor of the oil is due to the content of the fragrant substance – carvone.

Receipt: cold pressed

Chemical composition: Nigelone, minerals, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, calcium, active enzymes, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins A and E. Phospholipids are represented by phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidylinositol. Gas chromatographic methods detected compounds in the oil that affect the synthesis of leukotrienes and inhibit the release of histamine.

Fatty acid composition: Linoleic acid – 55-65%; Oleic acid – 15-18%; Palmitic acid – 10-12%; Eicosenoic acid – 4-5%; Stearic acid – 1-3%; Alpha-linolenic acid – up to 1%

Black cumin is a truly legendary plant of the East. For several centuries, cumin-based medicines have been used by millions of people around the world. Possessing amazing healing properties, black cumin is used in traditional oriental medicine as a remedy for a variety of diseases. Stomach diseases, heart failure, eye ailments, diseases respiratory tract, colds, asthma, bronchitis and headaches are far from full list what black cumin can cure. Moreover, cumin has excellent aromatic properties and aromatherapy based on it is an excellent prevention of diseases of the nervous system.

Cosmetic effect:

Care problem skin any type with acute and congestive inflammatory elements. Skin care for allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis. Absorbing, tonic, regenerating effect. Masks for deep cleansing of skin and pores. Hair care for seborrhea. Increases bust elasticity.

Healing effect:

Nigella oil is used as a highly effective diuretic, choleretic, mild laxative, immunostimulant (acts on the thymus gland, stimulating it. It is known that the thymus gland is responsible for the defenses of the body as a whole.) In addition, it helps in the treatment of various dermatological diseases associated with neurohumoral and histamine disorders. Thanks to the presence of thymoquinone, taking the oil helps reduce blood glucose levels. The essential oils it contains have a pronounced bactericidal and antiseptic effect.

  • strengthens the immune system. During use caraway oil, there is a sort of simultaneous stimulation of the body as a whole. Blood tests of people who took black cumin oil revealed that the content of vital T-lymphocytes, T-killers and other cells responsible for strengthening and strengthening the body’s defenses increased several times, and accordingly led to healing.
  • breaks up kidney stones and bladder,
  • helps replenish the nurse's milk,
  • promotes the removal of worms,
  • when rubbed, it helps to disappear warts,
  • cures runny nose, cough, shortness of breath, jaundice, impotence.
  • effective for bronchitis, asthma;
  • effective antifungal (Candida Albicans), antibacterial, antiviral agent: eliminates itching, regenerates inflamed skin areas. In 1992, the medical department of the University of Dhaha (Bangladesh) conducted a study on the antibacterial properties of black seed oil, in comparison with five strong antibiotics: ampicillin, tetracycline, cotrimoxazole, gentamicin and nalidixic acid. The results are undoubtedly amazing - black cumin oil turned out to be more effective in all respects.
  • optimizes intestinal function by eliminating dysbacteriosis.
  • prevents obesity, promotes weight loss,
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • is an antidote to alcohol;
  • helps increase appetite.

It is also used in the treatment of:

  • diseases associated with indigestion;
  • diseases associated with the urinary system (urinary incontinence);
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers, as well as in the treatment of arthritis; liver disease;
  • diseases associated with inflammation of the nasal passages;
  • recommended for normalization menstrual cycle and increasing the potency of the genitals.

Application methods:

  • For allergies, skin and chronic: 1 teaspoon in the morning and evening, plus wiping the sore spot.
  • For asthma, pneumonia: previous dose, plus chest and back massage with black cumin oil and inhalation (tbsp per 1 liter of water)
  • For eye disease: wipe your temples and eyelids with cumin oil before going to bed. At the same time, apply 7 drops orally with a hot drink, preferably carrot juice.
  • For diseases of the circulatory system: Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a tablespoon of honey and a clove of crushed garlic. Take on an empty stomach for 5 days.
  • for gallbladder disease: add 5 drops of cumin oil to a glass of brewed willow leaves. Use within a week.
  • for bone pain: eat boiled onions mixed with cumin oil 2 times a day. At the same time, rub the areas of pain with cumin oil and mint oil.
  • for swollen spleen: Add 7 drops of oil to a radish decoction sweetened with honey. 1 glass on an empty stomach before bed for a week.
  • for liver diseases: add the previous dose of cumin and 1 spoon of ground oak bark to a cup of honey. Take this portion on an empty stomach every day for a month without a break.
  • for liver inflammation: add 5 drops of cumin oil to a glass of brewed willow leaves. Use within a week.
  • for inflammation of the spleen: Drink oil with dill infusion for a week (5 drops per glass). You can also use willow as in the case of liver inflammation.
  • for hair loss: morning and evening, 1 teaspoon, plus a head massage with a mixture of black cumin and olive oils 1:1, 3 times a week, do not wash off the mixture for 10 minutes (after which the head can be washed with shampoo).
  • for hemorrhoids: diluted black cumin oil + olive oil 1:1, take 3 tablespoons daily for 10 days. Massage sore spot black cumin oil to avoid constipation.
  • for headaches: take a teaspoon and rub the sore spot and the front of the head (without eating sweets, chocolate, etc.)
  • for dizziness and ear pain: you need to drop one drop of cumin oil into the ear
  • for the flu: Stir cumin tincture with olive oil and drop it into the nose 3-4 times a day (for flu and cough).
  • for a diuretic effect: thoroughly boil 1 cup of barley in 1 liter of water until about a cup remains. After cooling, grind 3 cloves of garlic with a mixer and add to this water. Drink on an empty stomach every day and wash down with lemon or other juices.
  • to increase blood pressure: add a few drops of black cumin oil to all hot drinks (tea, milk, coffee).
  • for coughs and nosebleeds: 3 teaspoons every day for a week, with wiping the sore spot, inhalation.
  • for skin growths: morning and evening, 1 teaspoon, + massage the sore spot 3 times a day.
  • at elevated temperatures: Add 7 drops of cumin to a glass of tea, mint, anise, parsley or coriander and drink after meals (3 times a day) for a week. You can also rub your body with oil before going to bed.
  • for sexual weakness: Rub cumin oil on the base of the back (lower part) and massage, wipe the groin. Mix one spoon of honey, 1 spoon of black cumin and a teaspoon of chamomile in a glass of warm water and take it at any time.
  • for toothaches: Rinse your mouth with a mixture of cumin and apple cider vinegar. - at diabetes mellitus: grind 1 glass of cumin, 1 glass of flower watercress (khabbur-rashada), half a glass of pomegranate peel. Mix all this well and take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach. (Store the mixture in a cool place.)
  • for prostate diseases: Rub cumin oil on the base of the back (lower part) and massage, wipe the groin. Stir one spoon of honey, 1 spoon of black cumin and a teaspoon of chamomile into half a glass of warm water and take it at any time.
  • for rheumatism: eat 5 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach. After an hour, drink a glass of cinnamon infusion, adding 5 drops of cumin oil to it. And also: rub 1 or 2 teaspoons of oil into sore spots every day, 2 times a day for 3 months.
  • for weakening and ability to memorize: add 7 drops of oil to mint infusion and sweeten with honey. Drink hot on an empty stomach once a day.
  • to reduce blood cholesterol: previous dose, do not eat food with beef fat.
  • at ringworm, scab, eczema: it is necessary to wipe the disease areas with black cumin oil 3 times a day.
  • for eczema, hair loss, rheumatism: wipe the sore spot with oil, take a teaspoon of oil 25 minutes before breakfast and dinner, drink ½ glass of water with 1 tablespoon dissolved in it natural honey;
  • for narrowing of the heart valves: Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a large spoon of honey and drink with a glass of hot tea. Preferably on an empty stomach and before bedtime.
  • for bruises: the previous dose with rubbing the sore spot 3 times.
  • for stomach ulcers: morning and evening 1 teaspoon, + solution flaxseeds(a tablespoon of flaxseed + a large glass of water) boil for 2 minutes, then infuse. Drink 1 glass daily (it is not recommended to eat sweets and citrus fruits).

For dry cough, bronchial asthma, flu:

  • inhale the oil into the nose and exhale forcefully through the mouth;
  • make an inhalation from a solution of 1 tablespoon of oil in a glass of boiled water;
  • take a teaspoon of oil 25 minutes before breakfast and dinner, drink 0.5 glasses of water with 1 tablespoon of natural honey dissolved in it.

Indigestion, bloating with insufficient bile secretion, gout, functional liver failure (hepatitis, cirrhosis), migraine, exhaustion of the body, increased immunity, stimulation of digestion, improved appetite, antipyretic and diaphoretic effect, diarrhea, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral effects , headache, ear pain, toothache (inflammation of the gums and teeth), high blood pressure, bleeding (nasal mucosa), hemophilia, cancer, cestodes (tapeworms), hemorrhoids, diabetes, increased secretion of the mammary glands, normalization of uterine bleeding, regulation of growth hormones, involuntary urination, stomach and duodenal ulcers, decreased blood cholesterol levels, increased sexual function, prostatitis, urethritis.

Take one teaspoon of black cumin oil in the morning and evening, 15 minutes before meals, followed by a tablespoon of natural honey diluted in half a glass of water.

Sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses), expectorant, dry cough, bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, colds, sinusitis, tonsillitis (inflammation of the upper respiratory tract).

Directions for use and dosage:

Lubricate the inside of the nostril openings with oil, inhale strongly and cough up mucus. Inhalation: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of black cumin oil in half a glass of boiling water. Take one teaspoon of black cumin oil in the morning and evening, 15 minutes before meals, followed by a tablespoon of natural honey diluted in half a glass of water.

Dermatophyte with localization of lesions of the nails and feet, rheumatism and musculoskeletal diseases, dermatitis (eczema), baldness and alopecia areata, psoriasis ( scaly lichen), leprosy, scab, acne, chronic and allergic skin inflammation.

Directions for use and dosage:

Gently rub black cumin oil onto the affected areas of the body. Take one teaspoon of black cumin oil in the morning and evening 15 minutes before meals; You should wash it down with a tablespoon of natural honey diluted in half a glass of water. 15 minutes before meals, one teaspoon of black cumin oil should be washed down with a tablespoon of natural honey diluted in half a glass of water.

Universal dosages, adjusted individually:

From one year to 3 years 1/2 tsp. in a day; From 3 years to 6 years, 1 tsp. in a day; From 6 years to 12 years, 2 tsp. in a day; From 12 years and over 3 tsp. in a day.

Consuming with honey or juice enhances the healing properties of black cumin oil.

Precautionary measures: during pregnancy, do not take orally, but only rub the sore spot with oil. It is forbidden to use in patients with transplanted body organs (liver, kidneys, heart), because The body's immunity is enhanced, which may result in organ rejection. The dose for children is equal to half the dose for adults.

Shelf life: 1 year

Black cumin, also known as nigella sativum, Roman coriander and nigella, grows wild in East Asia, southern Europe and northern Africa. Cultivated in the countries of Central and Southeast Asia, North America, mainly in Egypt and the Middle East. The Mediterranean is considered to be the birthplace of the plant.

Black cumin is annual plant, which belongs to the ranunculaceae family. The stem is erect, branched, up to 60 cm high. The leaves are pinnate and grayish-green. The flowers are large, single, white or blue, on long stalks. After pollination, the carpels grow together into seed-pod-like multileaflets, containing black, triangular, wrinkled seeds when ripe. It can be compared to a long stem with a top similar to the top of a poppy. In the middle there is a fruit, hollow, with black seeds that have a specific taste and smell. The taste is herbaceous, with a slight nutty tint, slightly reminiscent of oregano. Its seeds contain essential oil, flavonoids, tannins, and mineral salts.

Black cumin is used for diseases of the nervous system, abnormal menstruation and even cancer.

Is an effective means of strengthening immune system, reduces blood pressure, lowers cholesterol levels in the blood, and increases appetite.

Optimizes intestinal function by eliminating the phenomena of desbacteriosis, promotes the removal of worms and worms from the body.

Black cumin oil has many forms and uses: as a highly effective

diuretic, choleretic, mild laxative, as an immunostimulating agent, in addition, it gives excellent results in the treatment of various dermatological diseases associated with neuro-humoral and histamine disorders of the body.

It can be taken continuously by nursing mothers to enhance lactation.

Prevents obesity, promotes weight loss.

Steam from warm bread, baked with cumin, relieves headaches and migraines.

It is also successfully used in the treatment of sclerosis, stroke and other vascular diseases.

Al-Intaqi said that if you fry cumin and put it in a cloth bag, it can be used for a runny nose as an inhalation.

If cumin seeds are soaked for an hour in mother's milk, and then give it to a person with hepatitis to smell, you can get a good healing effect due to the fact that this opens the excretory ducts of the liver and gall bladder.

It is known that one of the rulers of Turkestan said that to improve vision one should sniff crushed cumin mixed with iris oil. And also that it is used in vinegar dressings for treatment skin diseases: purulent scabies, leprosy, as well as for old solid tumors.

By lubricating the anus with cumin oil, you can get rid of worms. Cumin cures phlegm during fever.

Cumin, soaked overnight in vinegar and then ground, should be snorted for chronic headaches and facial paralysis; is one of the most reliable means in the treatment of vascular blockage; has a calming effect, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves blood circulation and skin color (in this case it should be taken in the morning)

Cumin oil has a strong effect in the treatment of vascular diseases, in particular cerebral vascular sclerosis.

Black Cumin Oil is an excellent healer, both for internal use - prevention and treatment of various diseases of internal organs, and for applied use in external skin care (psoriasis, eczema, dry skin, massage of joints and scalp).

Black cumin oil is used as an indispensable tool for the care of problematic skin of any type with acute and congestive inflammatory elements, allergic dermatitis, neurodermatitis, and also has a resolving, toning and regenerating effect. Masks are made from it to deeply cleanse the skin and pores.

Used in hair care for seborrhea. Increases bust elasticity. Has anti-cellulite, anti-edematous effect. An effective antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral agent: eliminates itching, regenerates inflamed skin areas.

Cumin oil is a good antidote for snake bites. It has a beneficial effect on enlarged lymph nodes, helping to reduce them.

Scientific data

Since 1959, over 200 studies have been conducted at international universities, the stunning results of which have been published in articles and reports in various media. This perfectly confirmed the essential importance of black cumin, which was spoken about over 1400 years ago.

In 1989, an article appeared in the Pakistan Medical Journal about the phenomenal properties of black seed oil. And in 1992, the medical department of the University of Dhaka (Bangladesh) conducted a study of the antibacterial properties of black cumin oil in comparison with five strong antibiotics: ampicillin, tetracycline, cotrimoxazole, gentamicin and nalidixic acid. The facts undoubtedly lead to

admiration - black cumin oil has shown itself to be a more effective remedy against many bacteria, including even those that have the strongest resistance to medications.

In light of the above studies, it is interesting to note that homeopaths have long used black cumin tincture as an excellent remedy for problems of the digestive tract.

A study by Agarwal (1979) proved that black seed oil is excellent in increasing milk supply in nursing mothers.

In the USA, an analysis of the substances contained in black cumin oil and their effect on the human body was carried out. These studies have shown that this plant, tested for thousands of years, is a real all-healing remedy. Evidence of this is its strong antibacterial and antidote effects. In addition, the oil acts against inflammatory and allergic


American scientists have made the first scientific report on the antitumor (cancer) effects of black seed oil. A significant effect of lowering blood sugar has also been established.

One of the research papers of Professor of Medical Sciences Ahmad Qada mentions the following interesting fact. In his hospital in Florida, AIDS patients were encouraged to consume black cumin. The positive effect of using black cumin was practically visible in a short time. However, nothing was said about the methods of use and dosage. The reports only say that the research has not yet been completed.

It is also known about the results of scientific research conducted in Germany, carried out by Peter Schleicher, on the therapeutic effects of black cumin oil. 70% of those who participated in the experiment, and there were more than 600 people, were cured of allergic diseases. Among them are patients with allergies to pollen and dust, asthmatics, and neurodermatism. The use of black cumin oil against influenza diseases was also effective.

Scientific research has shown that black cumin strengthens the immune system, thereby being a remedy for any disease, because the stability of the immune system is a necessary condition for getting rid of any disease, no matter what its nature; in addition, it has been revealed that black cumin oil improves hair growth and even prevents premature graying.

The value of the enzymatic and lipolytic qualities of black cumin is so high that it is used to produce medicinal product"Nigedaza" for treatment chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract (cholecystitis, enterocolitis, enteritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis).

Lipotropic substances of black cumin provide a stable reduction in cholesterol and are an antidote to alcohol, eliminating the effects of alcohol intoxication.

Black cumin is a classic lipolytic that hydrolyzes vegetable and animal fats and promotes their digestion, utilization and restoration of fat metabolism.

Beauties of different nations used this natural remedy as food additives to maintain harmony and canonize body contours.

Black cumin oil is a therapeutic textbook for restoring the immune and hormonal systems, eliminating hypersecretion of aggressive hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine) and biogenic amines (histamine and serotonin). Due to the presence of a number of mediator substances, this oil stimulates the secretion of histaminase (an antagonist of biogenic amines) and the production of antihistamine antibodies. In addition, the supply of cyclooxygenase to the tissue provides a high coefficient of antiserotonin activity of black

cumin. Therefore this natural preparation recognized by allergists from all countries as an effective means of combating any form of allergy at the local and systemic level.

Black cumin transports essential fatty acids (arachidonic, dihomolinolenic, etc.) and microsomal enzymes into the cells of the human body, from which the membranes of the cells of our body produce important nutrients that regulate local tissue reactions - prostaglandins. These substances improve the secretory functions of the body, stimulate microcirculation, take part in restoring neurotransmitter balance and normalizing excitation-inhibition processes.

The content of the cyclooxygenase enzyme stimulates vascular endothelial cells to synthesize prostocyclins and thromboxanes, which prevent platelet aggregation and adhesion. Thus, black cumin oil has an anti-sclerotic, vasodilating effect, forms hemostatic balance, plus restores natural symbiosis intestinal flora, eliminating the phenomena of dysbacteriosis and supplying active antifungal,

antibacterial and antiviral enzymes.


Black cumin seeds contain fatty oil in an amount of 30% -35% and 1% -1.5% essential.

Black cumin oil is extracted by cooling from the black cumin herb or by cold pressing the black cumin fruit. The oil obtained from the herb contains the following components: volatile oil 1%, persistent oil 84.6%, black seed particles 14.4%.

Usually cumin oil is filtered after production, in this case the oil has a uniform color, unfiltered oil has a black precipitate of tiny seed particles.

Black cumin oil contains more than 100 active ingredients and about 50 catalysts for the natural biosynthesis of cells: saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, lipase, tocopherols, multivitamins A, B, P, essential oil, alkaloids (in particular, damascenin), acetylcholines, catechins, cytokinins, enzymes, etc., some of which have not yet been explored, and work in this area through joint efforts seems fruitful.

This oil is a rich source of "polyneactane" fatty acids, also known as "vital fatty acids" - which are the building blocks of cells and help the organ (body) produce "prostaglandin" E1.

The “fatty acids” that make up the oil contain:

Myristinic acid - 0.5%;

Palmitic acid - 13.7%;

Palmitoleic acid - 0.1%;

Stearic acid - 2.6%;

Oleic acid - 23.7%;

Linoleic acid (linoleic acid - 57.9%, linoleic acid - 0.2%);

Arachidic acid - 1.3%;

Also, the oil contains the following components (mg/l):

Calcium 64

Sulfate 48

Silica 26

Bicarbonate 305

In addition, it contains protein, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, etc.

Indications for use and pharmacological properties of the drug

In a generalized form, caraway oil can be used against various categories of diseases in the following form:

Category one

For indigestion, bloating with insufficient bile secretion, to stimulate bile production, excretion uric acid kidneys (for the treatment of gout), functional liver failure, migraine, exhaustion of the body, to increase vigor and vitality, to strengthen the immune system, especially during the period of treatment and recovery, as an anti-inflammatory, stimulating digestion,

improves appetite, antipyretic and diaphoretic, against diarrhea, anthelmintic, antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, for headaches, high blood pressure, bleeding (nasal mucosa), hemophilia, cancerous tumors, cestodes (tapeworms), diabetes mellitus, as a diuretic, to enhance the secretion of the mammary glands, increased uterine bleeding, as a hormone regulator

growth, involuntary urination, stomach and duodenal ulcers, to reduce blood cholesterol levels, to enhance sexual potency:

Take one teaspoon of black cumin oil in the morning and evening, 15 minutes before meals, then wash it down with a glass of water and a tablespoon of natural honey dissolved in it.

Category two

Sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses), as an expectorant, for dry cough,

bronchial asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, colds:

Directions for use and dosage:

1. Lubricate the inside of the nostril openings with oil, inhale strongly and expectorate the mucus.

2. Inhalation - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of black cumin oil in half a glass of boiling water.

3. Take one teaspoon of black cumin oil in the morning and evening, 15 minutes before meals, then wash it down with a glass of water and a tablespoon of natural honey dissolved in it.

Category three

Dermatophyte with localization of lesions of the nails and feet, rheumatism and musculoskeletal diseases, dermatitis (eczema), baldness and alopecia areata, psoriasis (scaly lichen).

Directions for use and dosage:

1. Gently rub black cumin oil on the affected areas of the body.

2. Take one teaspoon of black cumin oil in the morning and evening, 15 minutes before meals, then wash it down with a glass of water and a tablespoon of natural honey dissolved in it.


1. Respiratory tract diseases:

A. Asthma, cough, pneumonia:

Rub the chest with black cumin oil diluted with olive oil (in the ratio

Take 1 teaspoon orally in the morning and evening;

Massage of the chest and back with black cumin oil and inhalation (a tablespoon per 1 liter of water);

Drink a cup of honey and onion juice mixture morning and evening (for asthma). Course of treatment - 1

b. Chest pain and colds:

Add 1 tablespoon of black cumin to boiling water and inhale the vapors, covering

head (before bed).

V. Cough and nosebleed:

3 teaspoons every day for a week, rubbing the sore spot, inhalation.

Stir black cumin in olive oil and drop it into your nose 3-4 times a day. The flu and cough will pass.

d. Fever:

Add 7 drops of cumin to a glass of tea, mint, anise, parsley or coriander and drink after meals (3 times a day) for a week. You can also rub your body with oil before going to bed or before sunbathing.

e. Runny nose:

Place a cotton ball in the nostrils soaked in pure black cumin oil for 15-20 minutes. You will immediately feel relief. At severe runny nose this procedure can be repeated.

and. When treating inflammation of the nasal passages, the drug is recommended to be used

in the following way:

Steam baths (pour 1 tablespoon of black cumin into a glass boiled water and inhale steam);

Lubricating the walls of the nose from the outside;

Drink a teaspoon of black cumin and a glass of honey diluted in water and take 15 minutes before breakfast and dinner.

2. Ulcers:

Mix 10 drops of black cumin oil with 1 cup of honey. Every morning on an empty stomach, eat 1 spoon of the mixture. Then drink 1 glass of milk. Continue without breaks for 2 months.

A. Stomach ulcer:

In the morning and evening, 1 teaspoon of black cumin oil, washed down with a solution of flaxseeds (a tablespoon of flaxseed in a large glass of water), boiled for 2 minutes, then infused. Drink 1 glass daily (it is not recommended to eat sweets and citrus fruits).

3. Various diseases gastrointestinal tract.

A. To cleanse the stomach:

Cut the garlic clove into small pieces and swallow. Mix ground dill with a glass of honey and take orally immediately after garlic. All this on an empty stomach. Dill after grinding 2 tablespoons. Continue the procedure daily for one week.

b. Diarrhea:

Mix 1 tbsp. l. black cumin oil with a cup of yogurt. Drink the resulting mixture 2 times a day

within 3 days.

4. Hemorrhoids:

Dilute black cumin oil in olive oil in a 1:1 ratio, take 3 tablespoons daily for 10 days. Massage the sore area with black cumin oil to avoid constipation.

Apply black seed oil to the affected area. Drink a drink 3 times a day consisting of 1 teaspoon of black cumin oil and 1 glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice (shake before use). Continue taking this drink for 3 months.

bulbs. Continue this way for 1 month.

6. Diseases of the spleen:

A. Spleen swelling:

Add 7 drops of oil to the radish brew, sweetened with honey. 1 glass on an empty stomach before bed for a week.

b. Inflammation of the spleen:

Drink oil with dill infusion for a week (5 drops per glass). You can also use willow as in the case of liver inflammation.

V. Splenic sluggishness:

Mix a tablespoon of fig jam with a spoon of honey in a glass hot water and add 7 drops of cumin oil. Drink morning and evening for 5 days.

7. Liver diseases:

A. Liver inflammation:

Add 5 drops of cumin oil to a glass of brewed willow leaves. Use within a week.

b. Many liver diseases:

Add the previous dose of cumin and 1 tablespoon of ground oak bark to a cup of honey. Take this portion on an empty stomach every day for a month without a break.

8. Gallbladder disease:

Taking the oil is similar to the case of liver inflammation.

9. For diuresis and cleansing of the entire urinary tract:

A. Stones in the kidneys and bladder.

Boil 1 cup of barley thoroughly in 1 liter of water until about a cup of water remains. After cooling, grind 3 cloves of garlic with a mixer and add to this water.

Drink on an empty stomach every day (before meals) and wash down with lemon or other juices. Avoid sodas.

10. Bloating and gas formation:

Apply a compress with apple cider vinegar and black cumin to your stomach.

Add 3 drops of black cumin oil to tea or coffee.

11. Inflammation of the genital organs:

A. Prostate:

Rub cumin oil on the base of the back (lower part) and massage, wipe the groin. Stir in? a glass of warm water, one spoon of honey, 1 spoon of black cumin and a teaspoon of chamomile and take it at any time.

After chopping, leave the onion in apple cider vinegar for 3 days and then drink 1 cup on an empty stomach.

The course of treatment is 10 days.

b. Inflammation of the genital organs:

Wash the area well with water and soap, then rub black seed oil on the inflamed areas. Do this in the evening and leave until the morning. The course of treatment is 3 days, the result is visible on the first day.

12. Women's diseases:

A. During childbirth:

One of the best means to relieve pain during childbirth: heat black cumin with honey and drink.

b. Gynecological diseases and for the preservation of the child’s fetus:

Use black cumin oil, boiled with anise, sweetened with honey, five times daily.

13. Heart diseases:

A. With a burning heart:

Add a few drops of black cumin oil and 1 teaspoon of honey to a cup of hot milk.

b. Narrowing of the heart valves:

Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a large spoon of honey and drink with a glass of hot tea. Preferably on an empty stomach and before bedtime.

V. High blood pressure:

Mix black cumin with a hot drink (tea, etc.) and rub the body with black cumin oil.

d. To increase blood pressure:

It is necessary to add a few drops of black cumin oil to all hot drinks (tea, milk, coffee).

14. Diseases of the circulatory system:

Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a tablespoon of honey and a clove of crushed garlic. Take on an empty stomach for 5 days. You can also regularly take 5 drops of oil with a glass of thyme or mint.

A. Reducing blood cholesterol:

Add 7 drops of oil to the mint brew and sweeten with honey. Drink hot on an empty stomach once a day; eating with beef fat is prohibited.

b. Heart disease, narrowing blood vessels:

Drink black cumin oil. Promotes the expansion of blood vessels, dissolves fatty deposits in them.

15. Headaches:

Take one teaspoon of black cumin oil 2-3 times a day.

Take a teaspoon and rub the sore spot and the front of the head (without eating sweets, chocolate, etc.)

Rub black cumin oil onto your forehead and sides of your face near your ears. Drink a small spoon of black cumin oil on an empty stomach. After this, the headache stops completely. Treatment period is 3 days.

A. Dizziness:

Add black cumin oil to tea and drink;

Wipe the temples and the back of the head.

b. Meningitis:

Take ground black cumin with natural mulberry juice. Daily.

16. Ear pain:

It is necessary to drop one drop of cumin oil into the ear - it will cleanse the ear and relieve pain, take 1 spoon per day orally;

For 3 days, soak 1 clove of fresh garlic in 28.35 g of black cumin oil. Place a few drops of the mixture directly into the ear and rub the oil around the ear.

Place small pieces of cotton wool soaked in black cumin oil in your ears and do not remove them for 1 hour. The result will not be long in coming.

17. Eye diseases:

Rub black cumin oil around your eyes before bed and drink hot drink, mixed with a few drops of black cumin oil.

Rub whiskey with black cumin oil before bed.

Wipe your temples and eyelids with cumin oil before going to bed. At the same time, apply 7 drops orally with a hot drink, preferably carrot juice.

A. For many eye diseases:

Drop honey into your eyes in the morning and evening before bed, take a tablespoon orally with honey after this procedure.

b. A very effective remedy against eye diseases:

Chew the leaves of young garlic thoroughly and place it on your eyelids in the morning and evening.

18. Toothache:

Boil 8 ounces (226.80g) apple cider vinegar with 2 tablespoons ground black cumin. Strain. Rinse your teeth with the resulting liquid for several days.

Rub the sore spot (tooth) with 1-2 drops of black cumin oil.

Mix black cumin in olive oil and drip into the ear.

19. Insomnia:

Mix 1 teaspoon of black cumin with honey or tea and drink before dinner.

20. Nervous tension:

To reduce nervous tension you can add 5 drops of oil to a cup of coffee.

21. For active work brain and body:

Grind 3 cloves of garlic with three tomatoes, 7 drops of black cumin oil and a little salt with a mixer. Drink chilled.

A. To improve memory:

Bring mint to a boil and mix it with honey and 7 drops of black cumin. Drink hot anytime. You should also stop drinking coffee and tea.

22. Laziness:

Mix 10 drops of black cumin oil with a glass orange juice and take the resulting drink for 10 days immediately after waking up.

23. Rheumatism (muscle pain):

Heat a small amount of black cumin mixed with olive oil and rub the sore area vigorously. Also, before going to bed, drink a drink of boiled black cumin mixed with honey.

Eat 5 cloves of garlic on an empty stomach. After an hour, drink a glass of cinnamon infusion, adding 5 drops of cumin oil to it.

24. Bruises:

Mix a teaspoon of cumin with a large spoon of honey and drink with a glass of hot tea.

Preferably on an empty stomach and before bedtime;

Rubbing the sore spot 3 times.

25. Hair loss:

In the morning and evening, 1 teaspoon of black cumin oil, massage the scalp with a mixture of black cumin oil and olive oil in a 1:1 ratio, 3 times a week, do not wash off the mixture for 10 minutes (after which you can rinse your hair with shampoo).

Drink a teaspoon of black cumin and wash it down with a glass of honey diluted in water and

Take 15 minutes before breakfast and dinner.

Before going to bed, moisten your head and hair with onion juice (or an onion cut in half, rubbing internal part). Wash your hair in the morning warm water.

For dry skin, wash your hair with warm water without soap, then, gently massaging the scalp, rub in table salt. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, after which rinse the hair. Repeat the procedure 6 times. This remedy has saved many from baldness with dry scalp.

A. For hair loss and profuse dandruff with itchy scalp:

Wash your hair with a decoction of mother and stepmother leaves and nettle, 2 tablespoons of both per glass of boiling water.

b. Hair loss mixture:

Calamus rhizome - 20 g, burdock root - 20 g, marigold flowers - 10 g, hop cones - 15 g.

Mix all this, brew in 1 liter of boiling water and use to wet your head overnight.

26. Skin diseases:

Drink a teaspoon of black cumin and a glass of honey diluted in water and take 15 minutes before breakfast and dinner.

Mix 1.5 teaspoons of black cumin oil with 1 tbsp. spoon of olive oil. Rub the resulting mixture onto your face and leave for 1 hour. Then wash off with water and soap.

Lubricating the affected area with black cumin oil.

Mix a small portion of black seed oil with an equal portion of rose water and 2 portions of brown flour. Rub the sore (affected) area with a cloth soaked in vinegar, then immediately apply the above mixture to the skin and try to stay in the sun.

A. Ringworm, eczema:

It is necessary to wipe the disease areas three times a day with black cumin oil.

b. Skin growths:

Morning and evening, 1 teaspoon, massage the sore spot 3 times a day.

V. Allergies, skin inflammation, chronic inflammation:

Morning and evening, 1 teaspoon, rubbing the sore spot.

and. Fistula:

Use in the evening a dough made from gum arabic (acacia), black cumin or its oil, olive oil.

27. Anti-aging face cream:

Mix a spoonful of black cumin oil with a spoonful of olive oil and rub it on your face.

Leave the mask on for an hour, then wash your face with water and soap, and very soon you will see the result.

Hard boil 10 eggs, maybe more. Separate the yolks and chop them finely. Pour the crushed yolks into a frying pan and place on low heat, stirring until the yolk turns black. Oil will appear on top, which should be separated from the blackened yolks. Cool the oil and lubricate the burned areas of the body. The burns will go away very quickly.

The action of this oil leaves no burns, no redness, no scars.

28. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system:

A. Bone pain:

Eat boiled onions mixed with cumin oil 2 times a day. At the same time, rub the areas of pain with cumin oil and mint oil.

29. Boosting immunity:

Take a teaspoon of black cumin with a glass of water with a tablespoon of honey dissolved in it, take it 15 minutes before breakfast and 15 minutes before dinner in the evening.


Many people wonder what is more effective - black cumin seeds or oil? Both are effective, but although the oil is more concentrated, many still prefer to take the seeds (the cost of the oil is higher).

It is prohibited to use the drug in patients with transplanted body organs (liver, kidneys, heart), because The body's immunity is enhanced, which may result in organ rejection.

Not all cumin is black cumin. There are also poisonous varieties of caraway seeds.

Use of black cumin (kalindzhi) in cooking

Black cumin goes well with vegetable dishes (potatoes, carrots, pumpkin), rice dishes and legume soups.

Kalinnji is used when baking bread and cookies (sprinkled on top and added to the dough itself).

Black cumin is added to sweet dishes.

Kalinji seeds go well with berries such as strawberries, black currants, and wild strawberries.

Lately you have often asked: “Is it possible to germinate black cumin seeds (kalindzhi). I had to try. The seeds germinate very well. The sprouts that you see in the photo appeared two days later.