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Causes of pigmentation on legs. Causes and treatment of pigmentation on the legs using pharmacy and home remedies. Toxic reticular melanosis

Brown spots on the legs can appear in almost anyone. Sometimes this is a symptom of a serious pathology, and in other cases it is a feature of skin development. Therefore, if dark spots are detected on any part of the body, you must consult a doctor for diagnosis and specific treatment.

Types of stains

Dark spots on the skin of the legs may be accompanied by a change in the structure of the affected area and its elevation above the surrounding surface. Such formations have a different nature of origin, which determines the tactics of therapy.


Vascular spots are purple or slightly Brown color. Their shade depends on the condition of the blood in this area. It can enter from the vessel, exit into surrounding tissues, or continue to participate in the bloodstream.

Vascular formations on the skin that can appear on the surface of the legs are divided into the following types:

  • Spots, the appearance of which is associated with temporary dilation of blood vessels. This can happen when an allergic reaction develops after injury to the skin.
  • Specks associated with stable vasodilation. Such formations include hemangiomas and “stars”.
  • Hemorrhagic spots. Their appearance is associated with the release of blood from the vessel.


Appear due to increased or reduced content melanin in a specific area of ​​the skin. This is a pigment that gives the epidermis a specific color. May occur on the legs dark spots following types:

Reasons for appearance

Causes of increased pigmentation on the skin lower limbs are called:

  • The presence of problems with the functioning of certain organs or systems.
  • Frequent trauma to the skin. Frequent shaving or other cosmetic procedures have a particularly negative effect on the condition of the epidermis on the legs.
  • Negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.
  • Poor nutrition, which leads to insufficient intake of nutrients into the body.
  • Presence of dermatological diseases.

If small spots are detected on the surface of the lower leg, you should contact an endocrinologist, as this may be a symptom of diabetes.

Provoking factors

This problem can occur in both men and women of any age. Many internal or external factors lead to this. The most common of them include:

  • Having light skin.
  • The development of an allergic reaction that triggers negative changes in the skin.
  • Hormonal imbalance in the body. Diseases endocrine system often lead to skin problems. Natural change hormonal levels (during puberty, when carrying a child) can also provoke the appearance of such a pathology.
  • Having problems with vascular system(especially varicose veins).
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes and clothes that can disrupt the blood supply to tissues.
  • Elderly age. Over time, everything gets worse chronic diseases, and is observed natural aging skin.


When brown spots there are visible areas on the legs limited area, the color of which is significantly darker than the usual skin tone. They can have absolutely different sizes- in diameter from several millimeters to centimeters - and shape - round, oval, irregular.

In many cases, the patient complains of the presence of some additional symptoms. The spot may itch, peel, hurt, or cause no physical discomfort.


You can get rid of spots on your skin only after doing complex diagnostics. It is necessary to determine the cause that led to the problem, after which treatment tactics can be developed.

If dark spots are caused by increased pigmentation of the skin, you need to get rid of all unfavorable factors. First of all, you should limit your exposure to the sun in the summer at lunchtime, when its activity is maximum. Apply in parallel special means or special treatment procedures are carried out to quickly and effectively remove hyperpigmentation.

Drug treatment

You can fight brown spots on the surface of the epidermis with the help of special products that are applied internally or used for local processing. Action active substances Such drugs are aimed at the following:

In parallel, the patient is prescribed vitamin-mineral complexes that compensate for possible deficiencies nutrients in organism.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

Physiotherapy is effective if the spots are caused by poor circulation. Improve fabric supply useful substances can be done using the following procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • treatment with pulsed currents.

If the problem occurs due to diabetes, magnetic and ozone therapy is used. In this case, mud therapy is very effective.


To get rid of spots on the epidermis, they resort to such surgical methods treatment:

  • cryotherapy (use of liquid nitrogen);
  • laser therapy;
  • chemical peeling;
  • phototherapy.

Traditional treatment

Both men and women can use the recipes traditional medicine to eliminate dark spots on the skin. Getting rid of defects occurs due to positive properties some products that have a lightening effect. To obtain the desired result, it is enough to apply special products containing whitening components to the skin every day.

The following products can even out skin tone:

  1. Lemon or grapefruit. Concentrated freshly squeezed juice is used to lighten the skin. It is used to treat the surface of the lower extremities several times a day.
  2. Kefir. Included in many lightening masks. If desired, can be used as the main and only ingredient.
  3. Parsley. A decoction of this plant has a lightening effect. To prepare it, 50 g of greens are boiled in 500 ml of water, then cooled, filtered and used to treat problem areas.


To prevent the development of skin hyperpigmentation and other problems of a similar nature, you must follow simple rules:

  • If you are exposed to the scorching rays of the sun for a long time, you need to use special sunscreens. At such times, it is recommended to wear clothing that will protect the skin as much as possible from exposure to ultraviolet radiation. And if possible, you should avoid staying on the street altogether.
  • It is necessary to adhere to the optimal drinking regime and eat right.
  • When the first alarming symptoms You need to visit a doctor to have your body examined.

Brown spots on the skin are most often an alarming sign of a malfunction in the body. Therefore, you should not neglect treating the problem, especially if it is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms.

The legs, like the rest of the human body, are periodically dotted with various types of spots. Some of them are associated with blood vessels, others with pigmentation of the skin. Brown spots on the lower extremities are considered pigmented and are observed quite often. The causes and treatment of these pathologies are not always the same thing, which requires mandatory consultation with a specialist.

What are pigment spots on the legs?

The pigment melanin is responsible for the appearance of brown spots, in particular, its excess or deficiency. When, due to some provoking factors, the production of such pigment inside melanocyte cells is disrupted, then similar cosmetic defects of a dark or light shade are formed on certain parts of the skin. This pathological process is called hyperpigmentation.

When red-brown spots are observed on the lower extremities, this indicates a violation in the integrity of the vessel. In such a situation, small capillaries may rupture, unable to hold the entire volume of blood.

This also causes the formation big spot red on the surface of the leg. This phenomenon is observed in overweight patients or in patients who, due to the nature of their work activities, are forced to long time be in a standing position.

Such formations, mainly, are not able to go away on their own and are not only a cosmetic defect, but can also cause the formation of a hematoma under the skin - not without dangerous condition, leading to disruption of normal blood circulation.


Experts distinguish 3 types of pigmentation failures:

  • Leucoderma. This condition is characterized by hypopigmentation, which can occur due to a decrease in the content of either complete absence melanin.
  • Melasma. This condition is characterized by the presence of hyperpigmentation of the skin, which appears in the process of increased melanin production.
  • Gray-blue dyspigmentation. This condition triggered by the presence of melanin in the skin, it is deposited in the color of the dermis.

It must be remembered that not all disorders are considered independent diseases. They may indicate the progression of some pathological process within the human body, which can cause various changes in the shade of the skin, hair and eyes.

In many situations, age spots on the legs can appear due to leukoderma.


The provoking factors for the appearance of disruptions in pigmentation are caused by a considerable number of general and local processes. Their main essence is that, under the influence of various circumstances, a large number of melanocytes develop on the skin of the lower extremities.

Such an accumulation leads to darkening of a certain part of the dermis, which looks like a spot from the outside. As a result, the process of spot formation stops here, and the pigmentation disorder will remain unchanged for a long period of time, or its growth or lightening is noted.

TO common reasons factors that provoke the occurrence of such a cosmetic defect include the following:

  • Renal and liver diseases, endocrine diseases. These pathological processes cause the production of substances that activate the formation of melanin to begin inside the human body. This affects the occurrence of pigment disorders on the skin of various parts of the body, including the legs.
  • Hormonal disorders and pathological processes, regardless of gender, affect pigmentation failure.
  • Influence solar rays. During this, photoaging processes begin in the skin, the manifestation of which will be the formation of hyperpigmented areas on the legs.

Local factors causing such a cosmetic defect on the lower extremities include:

  • Violation of local blood flow, caused by wearing tight shoes and clothes. This kind of microcirculation disorders is caused by vascular (endoarteritis, varicose veins) and heart diseases, and a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Stopny hyperhidrosis(increased sweating of the feet) is often the cause of persistent pigment spots on the skin.
  • Permanent small injuries and skin abrasions of the lower extremities.
  • The influence of certain chemicals(while working in hazardous conditions).

These are the main factors causing disruptions in the pigmentation of the skin of the legs. For females additionally similar condition is caused by the use of cosmetic preparations for the care of the lower extremities, shaving and trauma to the dermis during depilation.


Dark spots on the legs have different color intensities, shapes and locations. In one situation, the affected area appears in the shape of a small dot and is located on the foot. In another, dark spots may appear on the lower leg.

Defects on the skin of the lower extremities, which are colored Blue colour, indicate the formation of chronic venous insufficiency. In such a situation, an unaesthetic wide mesh appears on the legs.


Therapy for pigment spots begins with diagnosis general condition. When a pigment spot has formed on the skin of the lower extremities, you should initially necessary diagnostics and establish the root cause of the appearance of such a cosmetic defect, and then begin the treatment itself.

Certain age spots must be distinguished from skin diseases, pityriasis rosea and other pathologies. To do this, a scraping is taken from the top layer of the affected area and its contents are examined under magnification.

In some cases it is prescribed general analysis blood, an allergic reaction test and consultation with specialized doctors.


When hyperpigmentation is caused by any pathological process, then first of all it is necessary to engage in its therapy. Everything needs to be removed irritating factors(for example, limiting exposure to ultraviolet radiation, refusing to wear tight shoes or synthetic clothing).

Probably, when the irritant is eliminated, the spots will disappear on their own. However, when this does not happen, pigmentation can be eliminated using the following methods.

Drug treatment

The technique consists of using medications, intended for internal use or lubricating the affected areas of the skin with special ointments or solutions that help lighten the spots.

Similar medications include active ingredients, whose action is aimed at:

  • slowing down production by melanocytes pigments(hydroquinone);
  • reduction in quantity melanin in skin cells (retin).

With constant use, the therapy will be extremely effective. In addition, vitamin complexes for internal use in large dosages and subgroup B vitamins as injections are prescribed as additional treatment.

To prevent pigmentation on the lower extremities from becoming a cause for concern, you should not sunbathe for a long time in the sun. If the spots have increased in size, changed shape, or become painful, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Dermatological techniques

The most effective cosmetic techniques:

  • Cryotherapy. Effective method elimination of pigmentation on the lower extremities. Liquid nitrogen is applied pointwise to the affected parts of the skin using a sprayer or applicator, these areas are “frozen” and begin to peel off within 7 days.
  • Medical removal laser. The rays reach the desired depth. The manipulation is minimally invasive (the patient does not feel pain) and is considered one of the most effective. There are no scars left at the end. It is optimal to do 3-6 sessions.
  • Peeling. Exfoliation of the skin using highly concentrated substances to reduce the intensity of pigment spots on the lower extremities. The manipulation is traumatic and provokes redness, but then the skin cells will recover.
  • Phototherapy. Influence using special light lamps of a certain wavelength. The time of manipulation in a specific situation is determined by the doctor.

The use of any method for removing increased pigmentation of the skin must be agreed with a specialist, since improper therapy can harm the patient and threaten his health.

Brown pigment spots appear as a result of many factors, taking into account which it is possible to make a prediction regarding their danger. In any situation, it is optimal not to engage self-treatment so as not to aggravate the situation and provoke adverse consequences.

Age spots on the legs are a rather unpleasant cosmetic defect of the skin, which is quite difficult to hide in the summer.

This phenomenon causes a lot of difficulties for females, since the resulting increased pigmentation can cause a complex psychological problems. You can get rid of pigmentation yourself using special cosmetics or by consulting a doctor.

Brown spots on the surface of the legs may indicate the development of a large number of pathologies: from varicose veins to liver disease. Dark spots on the surface of the legs are alarm signal, which requires an immediate in-person examination by a doctor. If you suspect varicose veins and have other symptoms such as a feeling of fatigue and heaviness in the legs, as well as pain and cramps, it is advisable to consult a qualified phlebologist.

If spots appear on the legs, the reasons can be very diverse and it is necessary to identify as soon as possible the disease or condition that caused the development of such a symptom.

Dark spots on the legs can have different color intensity, shape and location. In one case, the tumor may look like a small dot and be located on the feet. In other cases, dark spots may develop on the lower leg.

Dark spots on the surface of the legs, colored bluish, may indicate the development of chronic venous insufficiency. In this case, the formation of an unaesthetic extensive mesh on the surface of the legs is observed.

Brown spots on the legs can be caused by: various diseases, and the influence of external factors. You should have information regarding the main reasons that can cause spots on the legs:

  • If there is the formation of chloasma - extensive brown spots on the legs or in the face, the reasons may be associated with disruption of the normal functioning of the thyroid system, adrenal glands or liver.
  • A similar problem can arise as a consequence of certain cosmetic procedures: for example, hair removal.
  • The reason for the formation of brown spots on the legs may be the presence of rare disease- lentigo. This is a congenital pathology in which neoplasms on the legs can have different color intensities and locations. Along with this, severe peeling of the skin may occur.
  • Brown dark growths that appear as small dots may turn out to be ordinary freckles. Such neoplasms on the legs or body do not pose a threat to the life and health of the patient. The formation of such brown spots on the legs can be caused by exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • A dark spot on the surface of the legs can form due to insufficient intake of certain vitamins and microelements into the human body. Brown growths on the legs may be a sign of a lack of rutin, vitamin A or ascorbic acid. You can compensate for the lack of nutrients by adjusting your daily diet or using special multivitamin complexes which the doctor will prescribe.
  • Brown spots on the legs can be manifestations of various dermatological diseases. For example, in the case of development of neurofibromatosis or versicolor neoplasms on the legs can have different colors and areas of distribution.

If there is insufficient supply of blood and nutrients to the area of ​​the lower extremities, brown tumors can also form on the leg X.

  • It is possible to develop vascular formations caused by frostbite, hormonal changes, hereditary factor, the patient's exposure to bad habits.

If the patient discovers the formation of a dark spot on the legs, then the reasons may be related to the development diabetes mellitus or atherosclerosis. In this case, neoplasms on the leg are located mainly in the lower leg area. Treatment in this case should begin as soon as possible to prevent the development of complications.

If red-brown spots are observed on the legs, this may be an indication of a violation of the integrity of the vessel. In this case, small capillaries rupture, which cannot hold the entire volume of blood. This can also cause a large red spot to form on the surface of the leg. Similar phenomenon may be observed in patients with overweight bodies or in people who, due to the nature of their work activities, are forced to stand for a long time.

Such a stain most likely will not go away on its own and is not only cosmetic defect, but can also provoke the development subcutaneous hematoma– a dangerous condition that leads to disruption of normal blood flow.

Varicose veins are accompanied by a violation functional state walls of blood vessels and veins, leads to loss of elasticity and fragility of capillaries. This, in turn, becomes the reason that provokes brown spots on the surface of the legs.

In this case, brown spots on the legs become one of the symptoms of the disease, which should not be paid without due attention.

If the spot on the leg is caused by varicose veins, then a whole range of measures will be required to eliminate the problem:

  • Normalization of excess weight.
  • Diet adjustments.
  • Usage compression hosiery or elastic bandages.
  • Performing some physical therapy exercises.
  • The use of medications that help normalize blood composition and improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Patients with varicose veins are often prone to developing dark spots in the lower extremities. A similar reaction of the body is observed in the case of rapid development of the disease. In order to get rid of the problem, the patient must undergo an appropriate course of treatment.

In order to eliminate dark spots, it may be necessary to use certain groups of medications, use minimally invasive treatment methods, or undergo surgery.

Brown spots on the surface of the legs may be vascular or pigmented. The reason why a pigmented neoplasm can form is a decrease in the concentration of the pigment substance in the body. In this case, spots form on the legs, which can have different colors. If a dark spot on the surface of the legs causes discomfort, begins to itch or hurt, you should consult a dermatologist as soon as possible.

To remove old pigmentation, the following recipe can be used: it is recommended to apply a compress of hydrogen peroxide mixed with a small amount of water and badyagi powder to the surface of the skin. The mixture is applied to the skin for 10-15 minutes, after which it is thoroughly washed. cool water. A longer exposure time can negatively affect the condition of the skin and provoke the development of burns. If during all manipulations the patient feels a strong burning sensation or development allergic manifestations, then the mixture should be washed off immediately.

In the event that spots on the legs are formed as a result of exposure to sun rays, then in the future it is recommended to give preference to the use of sunscreens with high level SPF. In order to eliminate cosmetic imperfections on the leg, creams and lotions that have a whitening effect on the skin can be used.


If the spot is of vascular origin and formed as a result of changes in hormonal levels, the use of certain groups of medications, or during pregnancy, then a similar problem can be solved with the help of a laser. In order to achieve the desired effect, several procedures may be required. This method of therapy is effective and safe. The recovery period may take up to several weeks. It is recommended to carry out such manipulations in the winter season, when there is no direct exposure to solar radiation.

If the patient does not attach due importance and does not pay attention to dark spots on the legs, the pathology can progress and provoke the development of irreversible, serious complications. For example, if dark spots on the legs are caused by varicose veins, then the lack of proper therapy can lead to the development of thrombophlebitis.

If the patient discovers brown growths or red-brown spots on the feet, in the shin area or on any other part of the legs, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

The presence of black spots on the legs can be an alarming sign or simply an unpleasant defect. The article explains why they appear and what they are like. In addition, some basic procedures are highlighted that are needed in order to get rid of this problem forever.

Dark spots on the legs or feet may be caused by a large number diseases and conditions of both the skin and the whole body. If they appear in women, this is a big nuisance, which deprives them of the freedom to choose what to wear.

Skin diseases and conditions

The most common causes of dark, black or dark red spots on the lower extremities are pathological conditions in the skin itself, caused by pigmentation or temporary inflammation. Most of them are not dangerous to general human health, but some require urgent treatment. This is especially true for skin cancer (melanoma).


Inflamed acne darkens

Not often, but sometimes acne (blackheads) appears on the legs. This is caused hormonal imbalance, as a result of which the body starts production large quantity protein (keratin), and it blocks skin pores. There will be certain small pimples, the skin around which becomes dark over time due to inflammation.

Keratosis pilaris (pityriasis pilaris)

Follicular keratosis

Keratosis pilaris appears as a large number of small red dots or pimples on the thighs, sides of the legs and even on the buttocks. Since this issue does not affect general health, then treatment is not mandatory. But if you are concerned about the appearance of such a rash, then you need to use special moisturizing creams containing ingredients such as urea, glycolic acid; retinoids for local application eg: tretinoin or steroid creams and lotions.

Do not apply different cream products at the same time when removing such dark spots on legs, but only one at a time.

Age spots (lentigo)

Age spots

Age spots or solar lentigo are dark brown spots that appear due to hyperpigmentation. The main reason for their appearance on the legs is exposure to UV rays from the sun. These radiations cause pigment cells (melanocytes) to produce more melanin, which accumulates in the upper layers of the skin.
Prevention plays an important role in preventing age spots. Avoid spending too much time in the sun. Otherwise, regular use of sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher will help.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH)

PIH can look very different and can sometimes even mimic melanoma (breast cancer). It depends on the reasons that caused inflammatory process on the skin, skin color itself and other factors

Your feet are at high risk for post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. And in this case, black spots can be formed due to scars left after all kinds of injuries, including burns. The cause is the reaction of melanin-producing cells to an inflammatory condition. Because of this, they produce more of this pigment.


Flat warts on the legs usually appear as spots because they accumulate in clusters

These are small, rough growths on the skin caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). There are several types of warts, but common (vulgar) warts are the main cause of dark spots on the legs and feet.

Exist topical creams for treatment, such as salicylic acid, cantharidin, dinitrochlorobenzene or cidofovir. They have a positive effect on this infection. Other ways to remove warts on the feet are laser therapy, removal with duct tape, and surgery.


The photo shows many atypical moles on a child’s leg. These should be treated very carefully to prevent their degeneration into skin cancer.

Unlike warts, moles appear when, at a certain point, skin cells become overfilled with pigment and turn into melanocytes, which accumulate to form dark growths. Moles can appear on any part of a person's skin. By nature, moles tend to darken, creating black or brown spots on the legs.

Moles that appear in infancy or at birth are called congenital. But most of the dark moles visible on the legs are acquired. Although moles rarely pose any health hazard, you should consult a dermatologist at the slightest unusual change (pain, discharge).

Open comedones (strawberry legs effect)

Open comedones are the same blackheads that many people have

This term describes dark spots on the legs after shaving. Poor shaving is accompanied by the formation of ingrown hairs. As a result, slight inflammation around the hair pore leads to the formation of very small wounds that can attract germs and bacteria.


Papules are not a specific cause, but a type of rash. Their appearance can cause many things, including insect bites

Papules are dark red spots or dots that rise slightly above the surface of the skin. In addition to acne, insect bites, flat warts or plantar warts- common causes of papules.

When an insect injects venom, it takes time for the body to eliminate these toxic substances. During this process, papules often form in the form of dark spots at the site of the bite.


Melanoma may resemble a mole. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to such features as asymmetrical shape, pain, itching, discharge

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that can occur anywhere on the body. This is the most serious cause of darkened skin patches that cannot be ignored.

Dark spots on the lower legs and ankles

Venous stasis (venous stagnation)

Venous congestion may be accompanied by itching. Skin changes color to purple or brown

According to wikipedia.org, venostasis is “slow blood flow in the veins,” characterized by the appearance of dark spots on the lower legs and ankles.

Provoking factors are: frequent long stay driving a car, on an airplane, lying down.
This condition is associated with varicose veins, which usually lead to poor blood flow to the heart. As a result, a lot of fluid is retained in the legs and pressure increases, which destroys small blood vessels. Blood rich in iron (hemoglobin) accumulates in tissue cells. That's why dark color provides iron to tissues.

At some point, bubbles may form and release a watery fluid.

Prevention is the best answer to venous stasis. You need to walk a lot and do exercises.

Diabetic dermopathy

Diabetic spots

Another cause of dark spots on the legs, especially the lower legs, is diabetic dermopathy. Most often, the immediate cause of this disease is unknown, but it may be indicated by the presence of small dark spots on the lower extremities. They may be scaly around the area of ​​increased pigmentation.
As the name itself indicates, these dark spots are associated with diabetes, and more specifically with changes in the structure of certain small blood vessels.

Therapeutic treatment of diabetes is part of the treatment of diabetic dermopathy.

Dark spots on feet

Melanoma of the foot

Melanoma - skin cancer

The main causes of melanoma of the foot are prolonged exposure to the sun and solarium, especially lying down and with lamps high pressure. These devices produce just the right amount of UV rays that, when they come into contact with your skin, cause the formation of dark spots.
The most vulnerable are young people under 20, but this is all purely individual. Other factors that can lead to the development of these cancerous growths on the legs are: skin infections and the presence of sunburn.

For quite a long time, melanoma of the legs was treated with cryotherapy.

Schamberg's disease (chronic pigmentary purpura)

In Schamberg's disease, dark spots begin to appear on the bottom of the legs and gradually spread further upward.

According to Dr. AT Raju, this disease is a condition caused by short-term systemic hemorrhage in the skin, the exact cause of which is not yet known. Symptoms of Schamberg's disease include red spots on the lower extremities that turn brown or black and resemble bruises. More common in men.

Doing stretching exercises or moving your legs in different positions will prevent this, but laser therapy is more effective for treatment.

Dark spots on the soles of the feet

Plantar warts

These are harmless, benign growths caused by a virus known as human papillomavirus (HPV). They enter the body through small openings such as cuts, injuries or open blisters. It is at these points of penetration that a wart appears.

There are two types of plantar warts. These are solitary and mosaic warts. Solitary warts grow singly, while mosaic warts form small groups of small dots on the soles of the feet. To get rid of unpleasant formations, you need to use good creams and also carry out medical procedures.

Some signs that indicate that a growth on the sole of the foot is a wart:

  • difficulty standing for long periods of time due to pain;
  • the presence of a thickened area of ​​skin around the wart;
  • very small black spots on compacted areas;
  • After injury, pain appears.

Because plantar warts are not easy to treat, it is recommended to prevent their spread. Avoid hard shoes or share someone else's shoes. Avoid scratches and cuts to prevent this infection.

You can remove dark spots that are warts at home using salicylic acid. Or it is better to use special procedures - cryotherapy (liquid nitrogen).

Petechial hemorrhages

Petechiae (small hemorrhages due to destruction of capillaries) may indicate serious illnesses. The cause in the photo is endocarditis (inflammation of the heart)

Dark spots on the soles of the feet may appear due to pressure exerted by body weight. For example, after walking for a long time, the capillaries break down, so you may notice small spots of boiled blood (bruises).
Following healthy tips and doing regular body exercises such as jogging and walking will improve proper blood circulation. But you should definitely pay attention to such petechiae, as they can be a sign serious problems with health, including heart disease.

Kaposi's sarcoma

In Kaposi's sarcoma, purple plaques and nodules usually appear on the skin of the lower extremities, especially in the ankles and feet.

There is another serious cause of dark tumors - Kaposi's sarcoma, caused by human herpes virus type 8. The disease usually begins as cancerous lesions that grow intermittently and become larger over time. These skin lesions are described as purple, reddish, or bluish-black. Commonly affected areas are the lower parts of the legs, especially the ankles and soles of the feet.

How to get rid of it?

Note! Below are ways to remove dark spots caused by skin pigmentation. All other diseases and conditions require treatment prescribed only by a doctor.

Laser therapy

Laser can effectively remove dark spots on legs, but it is expensive. The price depends on the area of ​​leather being processed and the quantity necessary procedures. Nevertheless, some people choose this particular method and are satisfied with the result.

Laser therapy is a non-surgical procedure that uses the properties of pulsed light waves aimed specifically at the affected area of ​​the skin. Dark cells absorb these impulses and are destroyed.

Fraxel Dual laser

This method is suitable for all skin types and colors. The uniqueness is that the removal process is aimed only at melanin pigments. This ensures that only dark growths are removed and does not affect healthy areas of tissue.

Chemical peels

Superficial peeling is the safest type of skin removal because it tends to penetrate the thinner layers of tissue. In fact, to remove dark spots on your legs, you can do regular exfoliation with the right treatments using topical creams:

  • alpha-hydroxyl creams containing lactic, malic, citric or glycolic acid;
  • Jessner pling (combination of funds);
  • exfoliation with retinoic acid;
  • beta-hydroxy acids.

Avoid deep exfoliation as it can cause serious complications on the skin of your feet rather than effectively remove dark spots from your skin.


Dermabrasion (mechanical resurfacing) can help with dark spots on the legs, especially if they have appeared recently - a few months ago or even earlier. Dermabrasion with a special tool can be used in conjunction with the application of some of the modern treatment creams, such as glycolic acid.
This removes or erases the top layer of the skin, which contains dead cells, including dark cells due to melanin.


In addition to the methods described above, there are cosmetic and pharmacy products for skin lightening. These include special lotions, gels and creams that reduce pigmentation.

Topical creams

  1. Acidic creams that allow you to see changes on the skin during post-inflammatory pigmentation from chemical burns. An example is azelaic acid.
  2. Lightening (whitening) creams. Some hydroquinone whitening creams have high concentration brightening ingredients. But it is better to choose those that have lower percentages of these substances to prevent yourself from serious side effects.
  3. Medicines or creams with benzoyl peroxide. Suitable for removing dark spots on legs and feet and treating acne. Creams that combine benzoyl with salicylic acid and adapalene.
  4. Mederma and Vita-K gels are examples of products for reducing scars, including acne scars.

NOTE. Never apply such products to open wounds or dark spots on the legs that look like bruises. You must adhere to the indications and method of use in the instructions.

Examples of known means

A good range of skin care creams, serums and gels for treating or reducing black spots on legs are available at your local pharmacy or online (including international retailers such as Amazon.com).

According to the descriptions, some of the best creams are:

  1. Sonya Dakar Nutrasphere Fade Away.
  2. Mederma.
  3. Vita-K.
  4. Clinical Dark Spot Corrector.

Other treatments

There are simplified ways to remove certain types of dark formations on the legs.

Silicone scar strips

They are available in pharmacy chain or on the Internet. The properties of silicone give them the ability to adhere firmly to the surface of the skin, so you will not feel discomfort. The most famous brand is ScarAway

Lightening creams Melapads and Melarase

For more quick removal pigments due to insect bites, use Melapads or Melarase brand creams. They need to be applied twice a day - morning and evening. Unfortunately, these products are popular abroad, but they can only be ordered from us via the Internet. But you can find affordable alternatives at the pharmacy, for example, Rescuer ointment.

How to quickly remove dark spots on legs?

If you want to get rid of dark spots quickly, you should switch to a more time-effective form of treatment, such as laser therapy. If you feel that such expensive methods are not available to you, then try good products to remove dark spots:

  • A combination of over-the-counter whitening creams and retinoids can have amazing results.
  • Try dermabrasion or superficial peeling for early stages age spots or after minor injuries such as sunburn.
  • Strong lightening creams, creams with alpha-hydroxyl, glycolic, and tartaric acids will also be effective.

Folk remedies

There are many treatments that can help you remove dark spots on legs at home. Some of them can really help in certain cases.

Lemon juice + turmeric and yogurt

Lemon juice and turmeric have good natural whitening properties.

Make a mixture containing approximately equal amounts of turmeric, yogurt and lemon juice. Let the product sit for 10-15 minutes. Since to receive desired results It will take some time (usually a few weeks), you should patiently use the mixture daily.

Strawberry scrub

For this homemade treatment, you need sea salt, almonds, olive or apricot oil, and strawberries.

  1. Add a few tablespoons of chopped almonds or olive oil into prepared strawberry puree.
  2. Add 1 tablespoon of sea salt to the mixture and apply to your feet.
  3. You can also massage the soles of your feet using strawberry puree.
  4. Rub this as long as you can into each black spot on the sole of the foot for satisfactory results.

Shea Butter

Shea butter contains vitamin E, which is very beneficial for the skin on the lower legs. Apply this oil before going to bed. Rinse off in the morning warm water, gently cleanse with a pumice stone, and see how your formations on your feet will disappear over time.

Castor oil, grape seed oil or vitamin E

This is another one reliable way prevention and prevention of further development of age spots. Just apply castor oil or other oil mentioned above on your feet regularly.

Horseradish and apple cider vinegar

If you want youthful skin, try this simple home remedy. Prepare the horseradish mixture apple cider vinegar and let it sit for about 10 days. Filter the mixture. Rub into areas of skin where you notice darkening.

Aloe vera and honey

One of the natural remedies for skin pigmentation, as well as the appearance of freckles, includes such wonderful
natural ingredients like aloe vera gel (pulp) and honey. It will also help improve skin tone and smoothness.

The fastest acting folk remedies

Are there natural remedies to remove dark spots on legs quickly? Important thing what you need to understand is that folk remedies must be applied continuously and regularly.

Among the best means that you should use regularly are lemon, turmeric and yogurt. Fast-acting natural whitening ingredients found in lemon juice, and the turmeric and yogurt help it absorb into the skin more effectively instead of drying out immediately.
Strawberry foot scrub can also be used for fresh foot spurs.

If you were bitten by a blood-sucking insect last night, quick action will help avoid stains. The first step is to purchase a steroid cream to reduce inflammation. To get rid of the redness effect, apply vitamin E oil as soon as possible as it has a soothing effect. This product can be used to remove stains on the legs and arms after insect bites.

There are many reasons that provoke the appearance of pigments on the legs, some are associated with changes in the balance of hormones in the body, some are due to age-related changes skin. Sometimes pigments can appear suddenly and cause no discomfort other than cosmetic ones.

In order to cure spots on the legs, you need to identify the cause of their appearance. Pigments mainly appear due to the following factors:

  • Lentigo - these spots are often called senile spots, as they often occur in people after forty years of age. They are associated with changes in the structure of the skin and the melanin pigment, responsible for its color, is produced unevenly. You can get rid of leg spots caused by age-related changes using laser resurfacing or remove them with liquid nitrogen;
  • Diseases internal organs may also appear as brown spots on the legs. They do not cause discomfort. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor will prescribe medications that will eliminate not only the underlying disease, but will also treat spots on the legs;
  • Allergic pigmentation on the legs - some cosmetics can increase the skin's sensitivity to the sun; sometimes creams, hair removal and peelings reduce the protection of the skin on the legs. In this case, you should avoid sunbathing until the allergic spots disappear completely;
  • Photosensitivity caused by medication - sometimes certain medications, such as antibiotics, can make the skin of your feet more sensitive to the sun. When exposed to the sun, cells reduce their protection from UV rays, spots and sometimes blisters appear. In this case, in order to remove spots on the legs, the doctor must adjust medicinal product or replace it with another.

A common cause of smooth brown spots on the legs is pregnancy, hormonal contraceptives or menopause - all conditions accompanied by changes in the level of hormones in the blood.

In this case, to get rid of stains on your legs, additional treatment is not required, the pigments will go away on their own after the hormonal levels normalize.

In any case, if rashes of any kind appear on the body, you need to visit a doctor to determine the cause of the spots on the legs and get rid of them.

Types of pigments

Pigmentation on the legs can vary in shape, color, and the nature of the rash. By external signs and symptoms can suggest what disease they are caused by.

  • Moles - exist in the vast majority of people, have different shapes, can be either smooth or have a protruding shape. The appearance of moles is caused by the accumulation of pigment cells - melanotocytes in this area. Also, these spots are red - these are vascular moles, which are less dangerous than brown ones. If a mole begins to change shape, bleed or itch, this is a reason to visit a dermatologist as soon as possible, as they may be oncogenic;
  • Freckles - mainly appear in people under 35 years of age; they can be localized not only on the face, but also on the legs. These formations are harmless and do not cause physical discomfort. They can be removed using chemical peeling, laser resurfacing and other procedures, but there is a high probability of their reappearance;
  • “Senile” spots are brown pigments that appear on open areas body, including the legs. The fact is that with age, the structure of the skin begins to change and melanotocytes begin to produce pigment unevenly. When these areas are exposed to UV rays, they turn brown, forming lentigines;
  • Also, uneven color of the skin of the legs can be caused by chloasma, the occurrence of which is more typical for women with altered hormonal levels- pregnant women, during menopause and while taking oral contraceptives. How to get rid of pigmentation on the legs in the form of chloasma? - in most cases, this anomaly does not require treatment and goes away when the level of hormones in the blood stabilizes;
  • Also, pigments on the legs may be due to systemic disease when there is no pigment in certain areas of the skin - vitiligo and other skin diseases, such as pityriasis versicolor and others.

Since there are many diseases that provoke the appearance of spots on the skin - they can be either infectious or caused by disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, the exact cause can only be determined by a doctor based on the research carried out.

How to remove age spots on legs

If age spots appear on your legs, how to get rid of them? Removal of pigmentation on the legs is possible after permission from the attending physician for this procedure.

Based on the method of removing unwanted stains, all procedures can be divided into several types:

  1. Hardware cosmetology involves removing spots using modern cosmetology equipment under the supervision of a specialist with a higher medical education.

The most popular methods:

  • Laser - a laser beam of a strictly defined length is used, which “burns out” the pigments. Within a week after the procedure, a crust forms, then new cells are formed that do not contain pigmented areas. If there are many spots or they are deep, several sessions will be required. This method also removes vascular spots on the legs well. Treatment of vascular spots occurs over several visits;
  • Phototherapy is a method that does not destroy the skin; spots on the legs are treated without surgery. Under the influence of a light beam, the cellular pigment is destroyed and after several sessions the spots disappear;
  • Mesotherapy and biorevitalization - using an injection or laser, they are injected into the skin medicines, which not only lighten it, but also improve blood circulation and remove spider veins;
  • Cryodestruction - by destroying pigmented areas with liquid nitrogen, the temperature of which reaches -200C, you can remove not only brown rashes, but also get rid of spots on the legs after acne and injuries.
  1. Removal pharmaceutical products- lightening creams and ointments.
  2. Usage folk recipes at home.

Getting rid of stains using pharmaceutical products

You can also cure spots on your legs using creams and ointments that are sold at the pharmacy. They effectively lighten the skin tone of the legs when used as a course, and also quite safely destroy pigmentation.

These funds have the following active ingredients in its composition:

  • Tretinol or vitamin A;
  • Acids;
  • Arbutin or hydroquinone.

It is worth noting that bleaching products containing hydroquinone are effective, but this substance is quite toxic and often causes allergic reactions, which is why it is prohibited in a number of EU countries.

Therefore, when choosing a method for eliminating spots on the legs, how to reduce them, it is advisable to discuss this with your doctor.

When removing spots on the legs, whether using hardware cosmetology or other means, you need to protect the skin from the sun, moisturize it and be sure to use products with a solar filter, since at this time the cells are most sensitive to the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Removal using home recipes

To remove spots on the legs with less material costs, you can use folk remedies such as fruits, vegetables, fermented milk products and other remedies for pigmentation on the legs.

Treatment should be carried out only after consulting a doctor.

Here are the simplest and most popular recipes to remove pigment spots on the legs:

  • Lemon juice: twice a day, wipe the pigments on your feet with freshly squeezed lemon juice and rinse off. For sensitive skin, lemon juice can be mixed with a teaspoon of honey;
  • Using peroxide: 4-5 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide can be mixed with 20 grams of fresh yeast and applied only to spots. Keep for 15 minutes and rinse;
  • You can grind the cucumber into a paste and apply it to the spots twice a day;
  • In summer, you can use celandine juice to wipe away rashes;
  • Also good action fermented milk products - sour milk, kefir, yogurt. Use these drinks to wipe the spots in the morning and evening. The visible effect will be in a month.

If after using masks or homemade lotions the skin of your feet seems tight, you can moisturize it with a neutral, fragrance-free baby cream or base cream. cosmetic oil. You should not add essential oils - this will increase the sensitivity of your feet to the sun.


To remove spots on the legs, treatment and prevention must be timely.

Measures to prevent pigmentation on the legs include the following rules:

  • A balanced diet, the diet should be rich in vitamins. Avoid fatty, spicy and too salty foods - these foods will not benefit the body as a whole and will negatively affect the skin;
  • Refusal bad habits- alcohol abuse and smoking can cause irreparable damage to health, aggravate problems with the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys, which will cause the formation of age spots on the legs, the treatment of which is quite long;
  • Decorative cosmetics should be used minimally in the hot season, the same applies to body lotions with perfumes and essential oils- these substances increase the body's sensitivity to the sun. Also check the expiration date of cosmetic products, do not use expired products;
  • To remove pigment spots on the leg caused by prolonged sunbathing, it is enough to limit exposure to the sun on these areas until complete healing and use sunscreen in the future;
  • When sunbathing, avoid the midday sun, which has an aggressive effect on epidermal cells. At this time, there is a high risk of getting sunburn;
  • Use body creams with an ultraviolet filter when you are on the beach and swimming; renew the layer every 30 minutes, as these products wear off and their degree of protection decreases.