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A large red spot on the child's lower back. Fever and red spots on the child’s body: possible causes

There are many factors that cause red spots to appear on a child's body. This may be due to a dangerous infectious or viral disease, allergies, or a common insect bite. Almost always the rash is accompanied by hyperthermia, which indicates defensive reaction baby. Red spots on a child’s body and elevated temperature are a significant reason for a visit to the pediatrician, because some diseases can be very difficult for a weak child’s body to tolerate.

Types of skin rashes

There are many types skin rashes, which are easy to distinguish with the naked eye. It is customary to distinguish the following groups:

For most diseases, a rash is not primary symptom. Most often, general weakness of the body, loss of appetite, hyperthermia, chills, and sometimes nausea and cough are first observed. If the appearance of red spots on the skin of a child is accompanied by an increase in temperature, then you should immediately consult a doctor, as this indicates the presence of an infection or virus in the body.

Common causes of rash

There are many diseases accompanied by red spots on the body that are unique to children. Almost all of them occur in infancy, preschool or primary school age, and after recovery the body develops strong resistance to the causative agent of the disease.

Illnesses of this type occur in children after visiting public places, as well as due to non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. Pediatricians believe that it is better to get over the disease similar diseases precisely in childhood, since in adulthood there is a risk of serious complications.


Incubation period illness lasts for three days heat, cough, rhinitis and conjunctivitis occur. After this, a rash forms on the face, spreading to the child’s torso and limbs. This process is always accompanied by hyperthermia, which is difficult to bring down. Even after complete recovery, the red spots flake off for some time.


Incubation period chickenpox can last up to several weeks, and after which hyperthermia is suddenly observed, appetite disappears, and the child becomes lethargic and drowsy. Characteristic red spots appear on the body, turning into very itchy blisters. Manifestations of skin rashes are usually localized between the fingers, in armpits, as well as on the oral mucosa. During the acute period, a stable low-grade fever remains until recovery.


This is a fast-acting disease of exceptional contagiousness. A child can be a carrier of the infection for a whole week from the moment of infection, and no symptoms appear. Small red spots accompanied by low-grade fever, occur throughout the body. The most common location is the baby's face, back and chest. IN in rare cases rashes appear in the mouth. The disease lasts no more than 3-5 days, after which the temperature stabilizes and the spots begin to disappear.

Scarlet fever

The causative agent of this disease is streptococcus. Scarlet fever is characterized high fever, acute pain in the nasopharynx and a small red rash that itches very much. The favorite place for rashes is the groin, armpit. The only place on the body where spots cannot be is the area between the nose and lips. The illness lasts no more than a week, after which the condition improves significantly.

Erythema infectiosum

Often the disease is diagnosed as a common ARVI, since at the onset of the disease the symptoms are completely consistent respiratory disease. Starting from 2-3 days, characteristic raised red dots appear on the body, which merge into large spots. The rash always starts on the cheeks and then spreads to the entire body. With Chamer's erythema, the temperature always rises, which lasts the entire acute period diseases.


Infants are most susceptible to this disease, but it can also be diagnosed in older children. The onset of the disease is always accompanied by fever, which subsides only after 3-4 days. After this, a pink papular rash appears on the neck, face, and limbs, which does not cause any discomfort to the child. The causative agent of the disease is herpes virus type six.


The disease in its manifestations resembles early stage traditional tuberculosis. The child develops hyperthermia, abdominal pain and joint aches. After a few days, a rash appears, which is usually localized on the extremities. Skin manifestations last only a few days, and then the disease recedes.


Pityriasis rosea

The main cause of the disease is infection of the skin by a fungus. In places increased sweating scaly red spots form. Ringworm is usually accompanied general weakness body, slight increase lymph nodes, hyperthermia in the evening and morning.

Molluscum contagiosum

A viral disease diagnosed in infants. Characteristic nodular spots of a red hue appear on the child’s skin, which are dense to the touch. The disease is always accompanied by hyperthermia, weakness and apathy.

Allergic rash

When allergen particles enter the human body, a characteristic rash may occur, which is often accompanied by profuse lacrimation, sneezing, coughing and a significant increase in body temperature. Special case illness - urticaria. During this disease, red blisters appear on the skin, which prevent the baby from sleeping and exercising. business as usual. At the onset of the disease, severe fever may occur, which is then replaced by low-grade fever.

Second common case allergic rash in children - diathesis. It is believed that this is only the first stage of the allergy itself. It is characterized by the appearance of red spots on the puppies, behind the ears and on the limbs. As a rule, low-grade hyperthermia occurs, which can lead to irritability, apathy and loss of appetite in the baby.

Rash and fever from poor hygiene

Most often found in newborns contact dermatitis, diaper rash and prickly heat. It appears as small red spots, especially in areas of excessive sweating. Both diseases can be accompanied by hyperthermia, especially if the child is overly wrapped. Almost always normalization of the microclimate in the nursery, proper selection of clothes and hygiene procedures help to quickly resolve the problem.

Consequences of insect bites

Skin rash due to the bite of many types of insects is a characteristic reaction child's body to the toxin entering it. They, as a rule, do not cause rashes; the spots are single and located in completely different parts bodies. The most dangerous are wasp and bee stings, which can cause swelling, even leading to the development of Quincke's edema. Insect bites often cause a slight increase in temperature in the affected area, which quickly decreases.

In adults, the skin is rarely perfectly clean without any defects and this is considered the norm, but spots on the skin of children should cause concern among parents, because in most cases they are a symptom of some disease. Clean skin the child has a sign good health And good immunity. The slightest changes in its integrity should be a reason to visit a dermatologist or therapist.

Types of skin spots

Modern medicine has already thoroughly studied diseases that can manifest themselves on the skin. In total, there are more than 80 of them, but there are only 5 forms of the rash:

  1. A spot is a limited area of ​​skin that differs in a different texture, color or shape from the main cover.
  2. Papule - protrudes above the skin, has a dense structure, has no contents, is often colored normal color skin. It can be determined by palpation.
  3. The plaque does not rise above the skin, but affects large parts of it, has a clear pattern and flat texture.
  4. The vesicle has internal contents, rises above the skin, and when pressed can rupture and release the contents. May be characterized by different sizes.
  5. A pustule resembles a vesicle, only the contents are usually purulent.

These skin manifestations, as can be seen from the description, are categorically different from each other, but little-informed parents often call them simply spots, because all are characterized by the presence of redness along their perimeter. It is because of this that parents cannot accurately describe to the doctor how the disease began and what the first tumor looked like, which in turn makes it much more difficult to make a diagnosis.

Causes of stain formation

Spots on a child’s skin can be caused by various factors, most often the cause of skin defects are:

  • allergic reactions;
  • erythema;
  • hives.

Lack of hygiene and low room temperature can cause spots on a child's skin. With prolonged contact with feces and urine, on the child’s skin in groin area and there may be spots on the back - this is diaper dermatitis. If a child is wrapped too tightly, he will develop heat rash. In case of exposure low temperatures are broken in the skin metabolic processes, and spots appear on the body that peel off.

Each of the reasons can affect children, regardless of age, so parents should, before starting treatment, figure out what exactly caused the spot on the skin. Correctly identifying the cause of the disease is a guarantee of complete recovery.

Allergic reaction

A spot on a child’s skin can provoke reactions to a certain provocateur; it can come with food, through direct contact with the allergen, or through Airways. The parents' task will be to identify the allergen; in the future, the baby's contact with the provocateur should be limited. Be sure to pay attention to what your baby eats. Often an allergic spot appears after eggs, sweets and exotic dishes. You can recognize an allergic reaction by the fact that the spots spread over the entire body, they do not have a clear localization, are characterized by a vague shape and different sizes, causing severe itching and burning. Against the background of an allergy, the temperature may rise and manifest itself typical symptoms colds - watery eyes or runny nose.

Insect bites

Spots on a child’s body, photos that are available on the Internet, often appear due to insect bites. While the baby is in the stroller, he cannot drive mosquitoes or other midges away from himself, so he is good prey for them. When a child gets older, he himself looks for adventures, because there is an increased interest in environment makes him take in his hands and mouth everything that moves and does not lie correctly. Some insects can provoke a severe reaction with their bite, and even anaphylactic shock.

An insect bite can be differentiated by spots located close to each other, which can rise above the surface of the skin and have an entrance hole. If the sting was caused by a wasp or a bee, you need to carefully examine the skin; it is likely that a sting remains; it must be removed.


Very common in newborns and children younger age. The disease is characterized by abnormal redness of the skin of an uneven shape, which occurs due to excessive blood flow to the capillaries. The disease begins with small red dots on the face, which merge into a large red spot. It smoothly moves to the neck and slides to other parts of the body. On early stage, a spot on the cheek resembles a slap mark, is characterized by swelling and can rise above the skin. Erythema has clearly defined boundaries, and the rash is clearly localized in one place. As the disease progresses, the spot becomes pale and disappears over time.

Molluscum contagiosum

Found in infancy, spots on the skin resemble round nodules with a pearlescent tint. When you press on them, the curdled contents are separated. Initially, one nodule appears, and after a few days, other neoplasms appear - the more nodules, the more worse condition immunity in the child. The rash is not itchy and painful sensations. Lasts no more than a week and go away on your own, although it may get more complicated bacterial infection that gets into the opened nodule if personal hygiene rules are not followed.

Infectious diseases as causes of spots

Spots that turn into blisters every other day may indicate chickenpox. Parents should remember whether the child has had contact with children who might already be sick. Against the background of a rash that causes severe itching, the temperature may rise and the child will be weakened. With chickenpox, spots are located throughout the body. You can find out that it is smallpox by the presence of spots on the child in the axillary area, between the fingers and on inside cheeks. After the stains have been treated antiseptic, they dry out and a crust forms in their place. It is strictly forbidden to rip it off.

During chickenpox, a child is very contagious, so his contact with people who are not immune to smallpox should be limited.


A very contagious disease manifests itself on the body, usually 2 days after contact with a sick person. The peculiarity of this disease is that pink spots on the body do not appear immediately, but only after a week. At first, the child has a high temperature, which does not stop medications. There is a rash on the body oval shape and the spots can merge into one large formation. Measles can be recognized by the fact that it spreads from top to bottom. Initially, the skin behind the ears turns red, then on the face and gradually moves to the neck. On last stage the spots begin to disappear, but in their place brown scaly plaques develop, which cause severe itching.


This disease develops almost instantly on a child’s body; it is almost impossible to confuse it with others. After a provoking factor, the rash spreads throughout the body in a matter of hours. At first, the spots look like allergies, but an increased accumulation of spots of the same size, which is noted on the bends of the arms and knees, debunks this opinion. Many rubella spots are also observed on the child’s buttocks. The little patient has no “live” place on his body, he is all red, but the rash does not last long and after three days, it goes away on its own, without medical intervention.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is known to cause streptococcal infection, which can manifest itself not only as a sore throat and sharp jump temperature, but also a rash in the form of red spots on the body. The disease develops against the background of reduced immunity. Enters the body from unwashed vegetables, through contact with sick people, as well as by airborne droplets. In a child, the spot caused by streptococcus goes away after three days - initially it just turns pale, and then becomes covered with a hard crust. Under no circumstances should you tear off this crust; a scar may form in its place and it will fall off on its own.


The disease is caused by herpes virus type 6. The skin rash looks like red spots different shapes and sizes. If you look closely, the spots resemble rose flowers, hence the name. The rash spreads throughout the body, but the rash is preceded by a high temperature that lasts for 4 days. The spots are concentrated more on the child's neck and arms. Children under 5 years of age are more susceptible to this disease; at older ages, roseola is rarely observed, this is due to increased immunity.

Up to 3 years of age, a child uses the immunity received from the mother during intrauterine development, and only after 3 years of age do they develop their own defense system.

Pityriasis rosea

Ranked second after allergic reaction by frequency of manifestations. Children constantly come into contact with animals, touch interesting things, which can cause a fungal infection. Ringworm can be recognized by red, scaly spots that rise slightly above the general surface of the skin and cause severe itching. When scratching, the spots increase and spread to new areas. The infection can cause fever and enlarged lymph nodes.

This type of lichen is not contagious, so you can safely contact your baby; he does not need isolation. Ringworm goes away after careful therapy. Letting the disease take its course is strictly prohibited.

An accurate diagnosis can only be made by qualified specialist. Under no circumstances should you engage in self-diagnosis and treatment of a child. You can only worsen the situation and complicate the work of doctors. All you can do is strengthen your baby’s immunity, monitor his nutrition and hygiene in order to avoid the development of infectious diseases and allergic reactions in the future.

Redness – possible symptom many diseases, both harmless and requiring treatment.

If you suspect serious illness consultation with a doctor is necessary. How to understand why spots appeared on a child’s skin?

The most common causes of redness in young children are the body’s natural reaction to hot weather on delicate skin. Miliaria forms on the folds, neck, back, chest, armpits due to difficulty sweating.

The surface layer of the skin swells slightly and small red blisters appear. Miliaria usually does not cause itching or discomfort and disappears quickly with proper care.

Diaper rash may appear as red, swollen, tender patches or flaking. The skin in the area of ​​diaper rash becomes moist.

Both prickly heat and diaper rash can occur due to poor baby hygiene, synthetic clothing, especially if parents dress the baby too warmly, or use fatty skin creams in the summer.

As for hygiene, delicate baby skin becomes irritated due to being in a diaper for a long time, especially with feces or urine.


In newborns, very often in the first months of life, acne may appear on the face, neck, and sometimes head. Occurs due to the start of functioning skin glands and does not require special treatment. By six months, acne goes away without leaving any traces. Hygiene is important for its speedy disappearance.

These are the most common causes of spots in newborns. In addition, there may be cases of an allergic reaction that appears after contact with the allergen and goes away after its removal, and single insect bites. Another cause of a rash can be infectious diseases. In this case, parents need to be very careful and rush to the hospital at the slightest suspicion.


Chickenpox, which affects children under 15 years of age, is spread through the air or through contact with someone who is sick. First, the child feels unwell and has an increase in temperature, which after one or two days is accompanied by a rash - a pink spot.

Then it turns into itchy blisters. Do not allow the skin to be scratched, as if the blisters are injured, it can cause infection or leave scars. At the same time, a spot on the skin, blisters, and crusts may appear on them. The spots on the child’s body may remain for about a week after recovery.


90% of unvaccinated people will get sick if they come into contact with an infected person. The disease is considered highly contagious. First, a runny nose appears, the eyes begin to water, and the child may cough. After a couple of days, redness appears: it starts from the behind-the-ear area and face, spreads to the body, and the child develops red spots on the arms and legs.

At the moment of redness, the temperature may begin to rise again if it was brought down before. When the rashes reach the legs, they begin to turn pale on the face. This distinctive feature measles: on the first day it rashes on the face, on the second - spots on the child’s stomach, on the third - on the limbs.

The rash may be a little itchy. Traces may remain after treatment Brown or peeling, after about a week and a half they disappear.


A fairly common disease among children aged 5 to 15 years. It is accompanied by a sore throat, as well as headaches, increased tearfulness of the eyes and fever. Before the active phase of the disease, the temperature rises very slightly, the lymph nodes in the neck increase in size, this period is usually not noticed by parents.

Then pink rashes appear on the face and down the body, usually after three days they disappear on their own, and may be slightly itchy. Sometimes rubella goes away without any rash at all, then it can easily be confused with a cold.

However, for pregnant women, this disease can be very dangerous, since if infected in the first trimester of pregnancy, there is a possibility of abnormal development of the fetus.

Scarlet fever

The distinctive symptoms of the disease are strong pain in the throat (as during a sore throat) and a rise in temperature, three days after which a small rash. It does not affect the nasolabial triangle.

Her favorite places are the folds, armpits, groin, and crooks of the limbs. Within a week, the rashes disappear, leaving areas with peeling. One more additional symptom The color of the tongue is crimson with noticeable papillae.


In the case of erythema, the rash begins from the face. It turns red, as if the child had been slapped, then it begins to spread throughout the body, the rashes merge into a red spot on the child’s skin, then the spots turn white inside. Sometimes they have a blue tint. The feet and hands usually remain without redness.

And a couple of days before this, the child may feel unwell, have a fever, and may develop a slight cough. After a few weeks, the rash goes away. It is worth noting that during the period of the rash the child is no longer contagious, it is an immune reaction.


Herpes, in addition to many other troubles, causes roseola, which at first looks like a fever or cold with an increase in temperature. After 3-4 days the symptoms change pink spots different sizes, they may rise slightly above the surface of the skin.

It does not cause pain and does not itch. The temperature drop is sharp. After 4-5 days the rash goes away.

Most often, very young children under two years of age suffer from roseola; they can be infected by parents or other adults. The disease may not be recognized by the doctor, since during the period when teeth are being cut, an increase in temperature is often explained by this. But if it exceeds 38 degrees, it is unlikely that the cause is teeth.

Molluscum contagiosum

Red dense nodules with a diameter of up to 5 mm appear on the body. It all starts with one such nodule, then more and more of them appear. The weaker the immune system, the more nodules will appear.

If you squeeze out a nodule, a substance similar to cottage cheese in consistency will appear (it is not recommended to press or squeeze out nodules). They usually go away on their own, even without treatment.

However, they do not cause itching or pain, but for parents such diseases are a reason to strengthen the baby’s immunity.

Meningococcal infection

Meningococcus can be in the human body without any consequences, without causing illness, but under certain conditions (for example, additional viruses or a decrease in living standards) it can cause meningitis and sepsis.

Sepsis develops very rapidly, so meningococcal infection being treated in hospital with antibiotics.

With sepsis, a petechial rash appears on gray skin. It looks like small bruises that have a star-shaped structure and grow. The symptom appears on the legs, arms, and torso. During meningitis, nothing appears on the skin.


Urticaria, on the contrary, causes a lot of discomfort to the child and parents.

The blisters that form with it are very itchy, the child cannot sleep and is even uncomfortable playing. The baby is restless and may refuse to eat.

Hives can appear suddenly and disappear just as quickly. Its causes vary, from an allergic reaction to food or tissue to infection.

Pityriasis rosea

When the fungus that causes lichen occurs, red spots appear on the child’s body; a photo of them will help you easily distinguish them from other rashes. They usually form where there is sweating. These spots itch and flake, they are dry.

Additional symptoms may include fever and swollen lymph nodes. Children become infected with lichen from dogs and cats.

Since there are several types of lichen, you should consult a doctor to determine what to do in a particular case. Accurate diagnosis placed after analysis - scraping from the affected area of ​​skin.

When to see a doctor

Since the rash is often caused by infectious diseases, parents usually call a doctor at home to avoid infecting other people. We need to measure the temperature. If it is elevated, this is a sure sign infectious disease. Monitor the child’s condition and the appearance of additional symptoms.

If there is no temperature, the cause may be insufficient hygiene. Mothers should pay attention to what products they use to wash their baby and whether they wash them often enough.

Before the examination, you should not smear the rash with any substances that can stain the skin and complicate the diagnosis.

In particular difficult cases you need to call an ambulance. If you see the following symptoms:

  • it is difficult for the child to breathe normally;
  • the baby loses consciousness or is confused;
  • there are signs anaphylactic shock, severe allergic reaction (sharp decrease blood pressure, breathing problems, fainting);
  • a significant increase in temperature, which is not interrupted by anything;
  • chest pain in a child.

What not to do if you have a rash

Rashes are stressful for a child’s skin, so it is necessary to exclude the following actions so as not to worsen the condition even further:

  • Do not apply ointments and creams to your skin without first consulting your doctor, especially if they may change the color of the rash.
  • Do not self-medicate or give your child medications without a doctor's prescription. The exception is an allergic reaction if you have used the medicine before and know how the body will react to it.
  • Whenever possible, minimize scratching and avoid squeezing, especially in case of infection.

Folk remedies for rashes

Traditional recipes will help irritated skin with red spots, swelling, itching.

Dill is good remedy if the skin is very itchy. Its juice is moistened with the child’s skin three times a day.

To relieve the redness of rashes, use an infusion of birch buds. They are poured with boiling water (1 tablespoon of birch buds per glass of water) and left for half an hour. Then gauze or other clean material is soaked in the infusion. soft cloth and apply to the affected skin of the child.

Also, to reduce rashes, mix celandine and yarrow, herbs with strong anti-inflammatory properties. Pour two tablespoons of herbs (one spoon of each) into a glass of water and leave for several hours. Afterwards, filter the pulp and apply it to the skin. To achieve an effect, such procedures should last about 20 minutes several times a day.

Almost every mother, especially if she has more than one child, performs many functions. She is a cook, a teacher, a pediatrician, and a dermatologist all rolled into one. Moreover Special attention is paid to the health of the child, because sometimes foods, clothes or other things familiar to an adult can cause specific reaction. Red spots on a child’s body, especially if they itch, can signal various health conditions - both generally safe and those requiring an urgent visit to a specialist. Most common cause The occurrence of such spots in children is an allergy, but you need to understand in which cases it is really allergy, and in which cases it is other diseases, and how to deal with all this.

Classification of spots and probable causes of their appearance

Doctors divide the morphological signs of all rashes on the body into primary and secondary. This makes diagnosis much easier.

The primary signs are as follows.

  1. Stains. These are altered areas of the skin, which in relief do not differ from the surrounding healthy tissue.
  2. Bubbles. This is a dense formation that can be localized on any part of the body. A distinctive feature is the mandatory presence of liquid inside.
  3. Blister. This is an inflamed area of ​​skin resulting from swelling. After treatment it disappears, most often leaving no traces on the skin.
  4. Pustule or abscess. Distinctive features are the obligatory presence of pus inside, and after opening and treatment it leaves a scar on the skin.
  5. Papule. Formation having both hard and soft consistency. When several of these papules join together, a so-called plaque is formed, which causes discomfort to the child.
  6. Tubercle. Represents most often solid seal, slightly rising above the surface of the epidermis. May be of different colors depending on the cause of its appearance.

After the primary signs appear, after some time the formation of secondary ones occurs. These include:

  • crusts,
  • erosion,
  • scales,
  • scarring,
  • cracks,
  • ulcers

All the causes of red spots on the body small child divided into large groups. This is an allergic reaction to various pathogens, insect bites, infectious diseases, skin pathologies and heat rash in newborns.

Allergic reaction

When a child has red spots on his body, the first thought is this. Very often, in young children, red rashes signal that a product is not suitable for the body.

Doctors divide allergies into types depending on the cause of its occurrence:

  • food allergies;
  • hives;
  • photodermatosis;
  • toxidermy.

Food allergies

This kind of allergy occurs most often, because, despite the abundance of products on store shelves, it is difficult to find among them those that do not contain various additives, preservatives, etc. And the body of children, and especially infants, reacts very poorly to such a composition. It is for this reason that pediatricians prescribe to nursing mothers special diet, and also recommend transferring the baby to artificial feeding as late as possible.

Very often the cause of allergies in children is following products: eggs, citrus fruits, strawberries, mushrooms, cottage cheese, chocolate, honey. If parents suffer from, then there is a very high probability that the child will have a reaction to the same product. Allergies can also be caused by viral diseases or intestinal dysbiosis.

With such an allergy in children, red spots appear on the body entirely or in large areas. In infants, they can be localized only on the cheeks - diathesis. Most often, such rashes are accompanied by itching, burning and indigestion. In particularly severe cases, swelling of the lips and mucous membranes appears.


It is one of the subtypes of dermatological allergies. The reasons for its appearance may be various factors. Characteristic manifestations dermatitis are:

  • redness of skin areas,
  • abrasions,
  • peeling, roughness of the skin.

If dermatitis is not treated, blisters appear, which then open and turn into weeping lesions. If left untreated at this stage, the lesions become abscesses and can further complicate the child’s life.


Also applies to dermatological allergies. Characterized by the appearance of blistering rashes on the body Pink colour with red circles around the edges. The blisters protrude slightly above the surface of the skin, are itchy and have noticeable symmetry. Very often, urticaria occurs as an allergic reaction to taking a drug. But it can also be a reaction to the use food products, use of inappropriate cosmetics or on items of clothing.

Experts have noticed that, than older child, the more factors appear that can cause urticaria. At the age of up to 6 months, such a reaction of the body practically does not occur. But as you grow older, the list of possible causes of urticaria includes helminthiases, worms and other microorganisms.

Chronic urticaria can occur with liver disease, digestive system, leukemia and other diseases.


A fairly rare type of allergy is a reaction to sunlight. It most often manifests itself in children under three years of age and almost always must be preceded by one of the following factors:

  • viral diseases,
  • existing allergies,
  • some chronic pathologies,
  • reception individual species antibiotics.

Photodermatosis manifests itself in the form of red spots that appear on areas of the skin unprotected by clothing. Often accompanied by lacrimation and swelling of the face.

Toxidermy or toxicoderma

This subtype of dermatological allergy is characterized by the presence inflammatory processes on the skin and mucous membranes of the child. Depending on the cause of its occurrence, doctors divide toxicerma into food, drug and others. The most common is drug toxicity, which appears as a reaction of the body to taking a drug.

The severity of the clinical picture directly depends on the severity of the body’s allergic reaction. Usually itching appears first, then papules form in this place.

In this case, symptoms of general intoxication are observed - fever, nausea, lethargy, headache And so on.

With a particularly strong allergic reaction, Quincke's edema may appear, which is a threat to the health and life of the baby.

Insect bites

Insects such as wasps, bees, mosquitoes and others may be the reason why a child has red spots on the body that itch or hurt. The bites are similar in appearance to an allergic reaction, but the number of red spots is usually noticeably less.

If you are firmly convinced that it is a bite, then there is no need to contact a specialist, unless, of course, an allergic reaction occurs. It is enough to lubricate the area with the red spot with a special ointment or cream that will reduce the itching. And if the child managed to scratch the bites, and the mosquito bites are very itchy, then you can use brilliant green for treatment.

Infectious pathologies

There are quite a few infectious diseases that can cause the appearance of red spots on a child’s body. They all differ in their manifestations and also require various methods treatment and subsequent care of the patient.

Chicken pox

This disease, more popularly known as chickenpox, appears as red spots that eventually become blisters. Next, small red dots appear, fever, nausea, sore throat, upset stomach, and weakness. Very often, redness starts from the cheeks, spaces between the fingers and armpits.

Young children tolerate this disease quite easily if treatment is started on time.


The method of transmission of the disease is tactile. Symptoms such as cough, runny nose, fever, fear appear first sunlight. Then red spots appear, which have enough big size. Gradually, the color of the rash changes to brown, then peeling begins. The spots are irregular in size and can be located in any part of the body.

Scarlet fever

If a child has flaky red spots on the body, accompanied by pain in the throat, then this is scarlet fever. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets or due to poor hygiene. Children's toys and household items can become carriers of the disease, so if there are other children in the family, it is necessary to isolate the sick person.


The disease is characterized by the appearance of red spots a week after the first symptoms appear: sore throat and. The red rashes do not last long, and the child’s temperature practically does not rise.


First, the body temperature rises, and as it decreases, red spots begin to appear. The cause of the disease is the sixth herpes virus.

Skin pathologies

To the children's skin diseases include viral dermatosis and pustular lesions of the skin.

Viral dermatosis is most often found in preschool and younger children school age. The cause is intracellular viruses. In addition to red rashes, it is characterized by fever, peeling and general weakness.

The skin is considered the largest organ in humans. Skin is a kind of indicator of the baby's health. Any rash on the baby’s body horrifies caring parents. Do not panic, carefully examine the child, call a doctor.

Red spots on the baby's body cause about 100 various diseases. Identifying the specific cause at home is problematic. Only an experienced pediatrician, after carrying out some diagnostic procedures, can determine what caused the red spots on the body and prescribe specific treatment.

Types of pathology

Doctors distinguish the morphological signs of the rash into primary and secondary. Many diseases are diagnosed by appearance rashes and accompanying symptoms.

Primary signs include:

  • spot. It is characterized by a changed area of ​​the skin, its consistency and relief do not differ from the normal epidermis;
  • bubble. It is a dense formation of small size; there is always some liquid inside it. Bubbles appear with herpes, eczema, and can be located on any part of the skin;
  • blister. Characterized by an inflamed area of ​​the skin, resulting from swelling of the dermis, for example, with urticaria. After treatment, the blister completely disappears, leaving not a single trace behind;
  • pustule. Another name for the formation is an abscess; it is a various kind of formation filled with pus. After opening, a scar forms in its place;
  • papule. It has a soft or dense consistency, the formation does not leave scars. When several papules join together, a large plaque is formed, causing a lot of inconvenience to the child;
  • tubercle. It is characterized by an asexual base, the formation rises above the surface of the skin. The color of the tubercles changes upon palpation; the specific color depends on the cause of the problem.

After primary signs secondary ones appear, these include:

  • scales;
  • crusts;
  • cracks;
  • erosion;
  • ulcers;
  • scars and other pathologies.

Some problems go away without a trace, others remain forever.

Probable causes

All unfavorable factors and diseases are conventionally divided into several large groups. Only after identifying the specific cause is it possible to begin treating the baby. Before treatment, be sure to visit a pediatrician, a specialist will carry out full examination child's body, will prescribe appropriate therapy.

Allergic reactions

In children weak immunity, any non-specific product, pet hair, and other allergens cause an unpredictable reaction in the baby. The rashes have different shape, character, distinguishing feature red spots - after contact with the allergen, they quickly appear, and also quickly disappear as a result of the withdrawal of the latter.

Insect bites

Midges and mosquitoes love to bite children, such rashes cause horror in young parents, they begin to look for infectious causes rashes. The characteristic symptoms of insect bites are caused by the following processes:

  • children often scratch wounds and introduce infection there;
  • the body reacts sharply to toxins caused by insects;
  • in rare cases, the cause of red spots on the body is a reaction to infections caused by insects.

Chicken pox

Per group infectious diseases accounts for about 70% of all visits to the pediatrician. When an infection occurs in a baby, there are usually other unpleasant symptoms: increased body temperature, head, stomach, chills, nausea, loss of appetite. Red spots on the baby’s body may not appear immediately; sometimes the problem appears several days after infection.

The disease is very contagious and is common among children, epidemics of the disease are often observed. The incubation period of the disease is up to three weeks, then the child’s body temperature rises sharply, the baby becomes lethargic, and loses appetite. Gradually, the baby’s entire body becomes covered with red spots, then they turn into blisters that constantly itch.

In most cases, the rashes are localized between the fingers, in the armpits. In infants, the temperature does not rise much, sometimes it does not exceed the normal mark on the thermometer. (We have an article about chickenpox).


The incubation period of the disease is no more than fourteen days, the patient is dangerous to others for about five days. The baby develops a high temperature, photophobia, and a runny nose. Red spots gradually turn into brown formations covered with peeling. (Read more about measles on this page.)


Transmitted by airborne droplets, the disease is highly contagious. The pathology is accompanied by the formation of small pink spots throughout the body. The red formations do not last long; after three days they disappear completely. The temperature almost never rises. (The address is written about rubella in children).


The pathology is characterized by the presence of uneven red spots on the skin. From the first day on the baby's face appears small rash, gradually spreads throughout the body. The disease disappears after 15 days, leaving no problems behind.

Scarlet fever

The disease is caused by streptococcus, characteristic symptoms: fever, sore throat. Three days later, the baby’s body is covered with a small red rash; the formations like to “settle” in all folds. Then the skin becomes noticeably pale and severe peeling begins. (Read the article about scarlet fever).


The disease is manifested by elevated body temperature and lasts no more than 4 days. As the temperature drops, red spots begin to cover the baby's skin. The disease is caused by the sixth herpes virus and requires treatment. (We have an article about baby roseola).

Note! Any infectious disease requires close medical attention and appropriate treatment.

Serious pathologies of blood vessels and blood

Rashes on the body are caused by hemorrhages, bruises are painted in different colors, sometimes they are delivered to a small patient painful sensations. In some cases, a small reddish rash appears on the child’s body. The cause of the problem is a violation of vascular permeability, a significant decrease in the number of blood vessels, which adversely affects blood clotting.

Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules

In young children, it often appears. Problems arise against the background of the characteristics of children's skin, constant violations of personal hygiene rules, and wearing diapers. Do not wrap your baby under any circumstances. let the skin breathe. Make sure that the child is not constantly in wet diapers or dirty diapers. Carry out air baths regularly, leave the baby without clothes for at least half an hour every day.

In what cases should you immediately consult a doctor?

Red spots on the body of children - serious reason call a doctor at home. It is forbidden to take the baby to the hospital if the pathology has infectious characters, you endanger everyone around you. Before the doctors arrive, do not smear the rash with any coloring compounds, they can smear clinical picture, diagnosis will be difficult.

Call an ambulance immediately if you find:

  • chest pain;
  • disturbances of consciousness: fainting, increased drowsiness, confusion, speech disorders;
  • labored breathing;
  • severely elevated body temperature, not brought down by many means;
  • runny nose, inability to breathe normally;
  • anaphylactic shock ( pathological condition, characterized by difficulty breathing, loss of consciousness, decreased blood pressure, lung collapse), occurs with a severe allergic reaction.

What is prohibited to do

When treating red spots in a child, you can follow some rules; they will help you cope with any ailments quickly and effectively. Doctors highlight a special list of rules that cannot be broken:

  • squeeze out, comb formations on the body. This aspect especially concerns infectious diseases accompanied by severe itching;
  • Do not give your baby any medications without first consulting a doctor. Permitted to use antihistamines in case of an allergic reaction, only those that you gave to the baby before;
  • It is forbidden to smear red spots with any ointments without consulting a pediatrician, especially with dyes.

Note to parents! To prevent any unpleasant consequences Follow all doctor's instructions carefully and do not take any action without your doctor's approval.

Methods and rules of treatment

The choice of treatment tactics depends on the specific disease. Only a specialist will correctly identify the cause of the pathology and prescribe the necessary medical procedures. In most cases, the disease requires examination by a dermatologist or pediatrician. Neglected situations require a thorough examination of the child’s body and treatment of existing problems.

Folk remedies and recipes

Natural medicines do an excellent job of treating redness, swelling, and rashes on the skin. They have no contraindications and are absolutely safe for the baby’s health.

Effective recipes:

  • yarrow + celandine. Mix a tablespoon of dry raw materials, add a glass of water, leave for two hours. Ready product strain, apply the resulting pulp to the affected areas of the skin. Apply useful lotions several times a day, manipulations should last at least 20 minutes;
  • infusion of birch buds copes well with inflammation and redness skin. Pour a tablespoon of kidneys into a glass of boiling water, wait half an hour, soak gauze in the resulting solution, apply to the red spots on the baby’s body;
  • Dill juice is great for itching. Use only fresh remedy, moisten the rashes on the baby’s body with dill juice. Carry out healing manipulations three times a day.

Apply folk remedies only after consultation with a pediatrician.

Prevention measures

It is difficult to prevent the appearance of red spots on your baby's skin. A young parent cannot prevent and protect the baby from unfavorable factors(insects, sick people, food allergens). Try to strengthen the child’s immunity, strengthen it, give the baby multivitamins. The body's strong defenses prevent infection and help quickly cope with illnesses.

Red spots on the baby's body - common occurrence in pediatrics. Be sure to find out the reason for their appearance and begin treatment immediately.