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Medical standard level of uric acid in the blood. Why is a blood uric acid test performed?

A blood test for uric acid is performed as part of a standard biochemical examination, and each of us has taken it many times.

It is known that the basis of life on earth is proteins, from which all living organisms are composed. Proteins are called the basis of life, and even life itself is called (by Friedrich Engels) “the mode of existence of protein bodies.” But in order to synthesize proteins, there is hereditary information encoded in the form of individual genes. Genes are sequences of nucleotides, and the nucleotides that make up the DNA strands are in turn made up of nitrogenous bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. Of these, adenine and guanine are purine bases because they contain a purine group in their molecule.

These substances contain nitrogen, and like any metabolite, nucleotides must be broken down from time to time. Therefore, their final breakdown product of purine bases exists in the blood, which is called uric acid.

Uric acid in the human body

By removing uric acid, the human body is freed from excess nitrogen. Normally, in a healthy person, the concentration of this compound in plasma is balanced, on the one hand, by the process of synthesis of this compound, and on the other hand, by the rate of excretion by the kidneys.

But not only its own nucleotides and DNA disintegrate during renewal cell nuclei, a person can absorb a lot of purine bases from food. Everyone knows gout, or the “disease of kings.” With this disease, there is so much uric acid in the blood that its excess is deposited in the joints in the form of sharp crystals, causing severe pain.

Gout was called “the disease of kings” because there are a lot of purine bases in delicious dishes: in the liver, in the brain, in the tongue, in red wine, in pates. We can say that any exquisite European cuisine heavily loads the body with purine compounds. In gout there is a significant impairment purine metabolism, excess uric acid can damage not only joints, but also various internal organs.

The concentration of this compound may also increase if it is poorly excreted by the kidneys. It is clear that if a massive breakdown of its own cells occurs in the body, then this also causes sharp increase concentration of uric acid in blood plasma. This occurs after taking drugs that have a cytotoxic effect, as well as during the breakdown malignant tumors. The condition of elevated uric acid in a blood test is called hyperuricemia. And this state is medical practice strongly associated with atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, excess weight, urolithiasis.

Indications for the study and preparation rules

How to take the analysis correctly, and what indications exist for this study?

In order for the interpretation of a blood test for uric acid to be correct, you need to follow some measures before taking the test.

As usual, it is taken venous blood on an empty stomach, always after a period of overnight fasting, which lasted at least 8 hours. Water, of course, can be drunk. The main thing is that on the eve of the study the patient does not eat food that is rich in protein and purine bases.

It is also necessary to exclude processes that can lead to increased protein breakdown: these are psycho-emotional stress, heavy physical labor, and sports training.

Drinking alcohol, especially wine or beer, can significantly increase the level of uric acid in the blood and distort test results. Research urinary blood on products of purine metabolism is necessary if the following diseases and conditions are suspected:

  • gout;
  • urolithiasis (it is known that stones called urates can be deposited from uric acid in the renal pelvis);
  • comprehensive assessment of kidney function in chronic kidney diseases;
  • lymphoproliferative pathology.

Also at different malignant neoplasms increased decay occurs various cells, which also leads to a surge in the level of this nitrogenous compound.

Normal values

In blood test uric acid designated as Uric acid, uric acid. We present normal values:

  • in children under the age of 14 years, concentration fluctuations are normally within the range of 120 - 320 micromol per liter;
  • in adolescents, young men and adult men, there is more uric acid in the blood than in women, and normal values ​​range from 210 - 420 µmol/l;
  • in girls and women over 14 years of age, the value of this blood plasma metabolite is in the range of 150-350 µmol/l.

The determination of uric acid should take into account age: children have increased protein synthesis, and nucleic acids required for anabolic processes. In old age, on the contrary, decay processes predominate, so the level of uric acid in old people is higher than in children. In what diseases and conditions is a change in the concentration of this metabolite observed?

Level up

In laboratory practice there are various methods determination of uric acid. But, regardless of them, high values ​​occur with the following pathological diseases and states:

  • first of all, it is gout, which occurs more often in mature and elderly men;
  • hereditary deficiency of the enzyme that transforms purines into uric acid - this disease is called Lesch-Nyhan syndrome;
  • malignant neoplasms of the blood, multiple myeloma, various shapes And ;
  • alcoholism;
  • long-term complete fasting;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • taking medications such as diuretics, cytostatics, salicylic acid derivatives;
  • for family hereditary conditions - with so-called idiopathic hyperuricemia;
  • with various diets with a high protein content;
  • with increased physical activity;
  • finally, increased analysis on uric acid in the blood can be with late toxicosis of pregnant women and with eclampsia, as well as with malignant pernicious anemia, caused by .

If the concentration is low

What does a decrease in serum uric acid indicate in patients? This does not happen so often, but conditions still occur in which a deficiency of purine bases occurs. For example, the drug allopurinol is often prescribed to a patient with gout. It reduces uric acid in the blood serum, and in case of overdose it may be less than it should be.

Reduce the concentration of uric acid various defects renal tubules, which leak more of it into the urine than necessary. Uric acid is also reduced in a biochemical blood test with a diet low in purine (for example, a vegetarian diet without legumes). The concentration of this metabolite also decreases in diseases such as hepatocerebral dystrophy or Wilson-Konovalov disease.

Uric acid is primarily clinical practice, a reliable marker of nitrogen metabolism disorders and increased cell breakdown, as well as kidney damage.

The results of diagnostic studies are sometimes perplexing and seem like incomprehensible wisdom. But one has only to make an effort to delve a little into the indicators of normality and pathology, and the picture becomes extremely clear, and, what is very important, it becomes possible to more objectively judge the state of one’s own body.

Thus, the level of uric acid indicates the functional state of the urinary system and even nutritional errors.

Therefore, the study of blood test parameters for uric acid content is of interest to men and is of great practical importance.

What is uric acid

Uric acid was first isolated from stones Bladder, and only after some time the level of laboratory equipment made it possible to detect it in human urine. Chemical structure this substance was identified later.

This substance is the result of ( the final product) transformations they undergo inside human body purines are organic chemical compounds that come with food and are of enormous importance for the processes of synthesis of ribonucleic acids (DNA and RNA). Considering that new proteins are constantly being formed in tissues, and this requires ribonucleic acids, one can understand how important the process of timely removal of uric acid is.

The main share of uric acid is formed in the liver, then with the flow of passing blood it enters the kidneys, from where it is excreted along with urine. Small amounts of this substance are constantly present in various fabrics body.

Blood test: indications and preparation

Uric acid in the blood is determined by conducting a special biochemical research. Indications for this analysis are:

  1. Clinical picture of gout and the need for its reliable identification.
  2. Grade functional state urinary system (in particular, kidneys).
  3. Diseases of the lymphatic system.
  4. Deposits of stones in the organs of the urinary system.

In order for the study to show the most reliable picture, it is necessary to prepare for blood sampling to determine uric acid:

  1. Before donating blood, you should not eat for 6-8 hours; it is better if the collection is carried out in morning time, on an empty stomach. Drinking water consumption is allowed.
  2. The study should be carried out before the start of the upcoming treatment or 2 weeks after its completion. If there is an urgent need to conduct an analysis during the admission process pharmaceuticals, all directions should be reflected medicines indicating their dosage.
  3. On the day before blood sampling, fatty, fried, spicy food, smoked products and alcohol.
  4. A day or two before the test, the diet is limited to coffee, tea and fish. Products from the following list are completely excluded: meat, offal, legumes, liver. They all contain a large number of purine bases and can distort the analysis picture.
  5. It is not advisable to donate blood after various diagnostic procedures (ultrasound examination, radiography, fluorography), as well as immediately after visiting the physiotherapy room.

Such simple measures significantly increase the quality and accuracy of diagnosis.

Decoding the received data

Uric acid levels are measured in micromoles per liter of blood. Since the body of women, men and children metabolizes differently, during which uric acid is released, the rate of its content in the blood serum will be different each time. Some experts believe that normal indicators even change depending on the age of the person.

  1. For children (under 12 years of age), numbers from 120 to 330 µmol/l are considered normal.
  2. For women under 60 years old - from 200 to 300 µmol/l, at older ages - from 210 to 430 µmol/l.
  3. For men under 60 years of age, the normal range will be from 250 to 450 µmol/l, and for men from an older age category - from 250 to 480 µmol/l.

Some experts are confident that, regardless of a person’s gender and age, the level of uric acid in his blood serum should not be lower than 0.15 mmol/l, but not higher than 0.35 mmol/l.

Products such as coffee, tea, cocoa and alcohol, as well as medications such as ascorbic acid, acetylsalicylic acid and nicotinic acid, diuretics, theophylline, levodopa and methyldopa.

Reduced uric acid values ​​can be detected if the person took hormonal drugs(corticosteroids and estrogens), allopurinol, azathioprine, clofibrate, mannitol or warfarin.

Exceeding the maximum permissible threshold may be an objective sign of gout (both primary and secondary), and also indicate great content in the diet of purine bases. Therefore, to establish a more precise reason for the increase in uric acid levels, the patient is prescribed a purine-free diet, and then the study is repeated. In addition, high levels of uric acid are characteristic of such pathological conditions as:

  • Lesch-Nyhan syndrome;
  • Kelly-Siegmiller syndrome;
  • psoriasis;
  • renal failure;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • lead salt poisoning;
  • Vaquez disease;
  • myeloproliferative syndrome.

The level of uric acid increases with prolonged abuse of alcoholic beverages.

A decrease in the quantitative values ​​of uric acid content in the blood serum may indicate some congenital pathologies(xanthinuria and purine nucleophosphorylase deficiency), the presence of an oncological process in the body and diabetes mellitus. The level of uric acid decreases in severe burns and AIDS.

Uric acid in a blood test is a reason to think about your health. It occurs as a result of the metabolic breakdown of purines digestive system.

Purines are found in significant quantities in protein foods, namely in organ meats, yeast, fish, and some types of seafood. Should I be alarmed if I receive a biochemistry result “above normal” in a uric acid test?

Every person’s body has a natural amount of this acid; it is regulated by the balance of the substance synthesized and excreted. Uric acid is mainly concentrated in the human liver. The body gets rid of purine breakdown products through the kidneys. High levels of uric acid in a person's blood are called hyperuricemia. This condition can be either congenital or acquired.

If the body is healthy, then the proportion of acid in its blood is regulated depending on the nature of the foods it consumes, which can be either saturated or low in purines. Among adults, the concentration of uric acid in the blood of men is usually higher than that of women. In children, the same indicator in the blood serum is lower than in adults.

What determines the rise or fall of uric acid levels?

The congenital form of the disease is also called primary (found in Lesch-Negan and Kelly-Siegmiller syndromes). Secondary hyperuricemia usually occurs as a result of an unbalanced diet with a predominance of foods rich in purines. Also, the disease can be caused by eating fatty and high-calorie foods or, on the contrary, be the result of starvation.

Typically, the manifestation of acquired hyperuricemia is accelerated by the following disorders and conditions:

  • psoriasis;
  • lead intoxication;
  • exhaustion;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • alcoholism;
  • a diet rich in purines;
  • consequences of chemotherapy;
  • myelodysplastic disease.

A person may also experience the opposite condition - hypouricemia, that is reduced content uric acid, which also carries or congenital ( hereditary factor), or acquired character (in patients with AIDS, in those who have suffered severe burns, in cases of cancer).

The condition may develop due to the use of drugs that reduce the concentration of uric acid, or from too often undergoing X-ray diagnostics with the introduction of contrast fluid.

Uric acid level: in children - 120-320 µmol/l, in women - 150-350 µmol/l, in men - 210-420 µmol/l.

How to Diagnose Hyperuricemia

Plays a key role in diagnosing the disease biochemical analysis blood. To confirm the high proportion of uric acid in the body, the doctor prescribes a 24-hour urine test. Tests are often prescribed if the patient suffers from urolithiasis or there is a suspicion of gout, to check the efficiency of the kidneys. A test for hyperuricemia is carried out if a person is sick or has had lymphoproliferative diseases (leukemia, lymphoma).

In order for a blood test to be indicative, several rules of preparation for it must be observed:

  1. Blood is donated on an empty stomach (the previous meal was at least 7 hours ago).
  2. Before taking the test, you should avoid taking medications for 2 weeks if possible. If it is impossible to stop taking them, the referral must describe in detail the dosage and current regimen of medications.
  3. One day before laboratory research you should not eat fried foods, you should give up alcohol, and avoid physical fatigue.
  4. The accuracy of the analysis increases if 2 days before the test you do not eat foods rich in purines (meat, fish, legumes, seafood, drinks containing caffeine, etc.).
  5. It is advisable to differentiate the time between taking a blood test for uric acid and diagnostic studies on x-rays, ultrasound, physiotherapy.

Interpretation of the analysis and further prescriptions should be carried out only by the attending physician.

Elevated uric acid in a blood test: why is it dangerous?

When interacting with sodium, uric acid crystallizes into sodium urate. Deposition of urate crystals in the kidneys and joints leads to gout and chronic arthritis. Therefore, for the diagnosis of these diseases, the level of uric acid in the body is so important.

Gout can develop when purine metabolism is disrupted. Men, according to statistics, get it more often than women; the disease often manifests itself after 50 years. Due to the effect of the female sex hormone estrogen on reducing the formation of uric acid, women before menopause develop hyperuricemia extremely rarely.

In the vast majority of cases, gout occurs precisely due to hyperuricemia against the background of delayed excretion of uric acid from the kidneys.

The general course of the disease occurs in 4 stages: hyperuricemia without external manifestations, acute or chronic arthritis, the period between crises and the deposition of gouty salts in the joints.

Determining the level of acid in the blood has important for the diagnosis of gout at the asymptomatic stage. IN male body dangerous concentration- more than 480 µmol/l, in women - more than 380 µmol/l. There is a small chance of developing gouty arthritis already at the asymptomatic stage.

The development of the disease occurs in waves, which can be tracked by a blood test, when over a certain period of time the concentration of uric acid periodically returns to normal from a level 3-4 times higher than the usual level.

In some patients sharp pains in the joints are observed only periodically, in the rest destructive process progresses slowly, but without serious exacerbations. To monitor the patient's condition, doctors prescribe x-rays of the joints. In most cases, the disease does not directly threaten the patient’s life, but concomitant manifestations significantly reduce its quality. On average, one third of gout patients suffer from kidney stones. Up to a quarter of patients die from kidney failure. Hyperuricemia entails cardiovascular pathologies and may be a risk factor for coronary heart disease and arterial hypertension.

Treatment and prevention of hyperuricemia

This disease can be treated with medications that stimulate the excretory capacity of the kidneys, or allopurinol, which affects purine metabolism.

The key to recovery from hyperuricemia is special diet, in which there should be no foods with a high concentration of purines. Alcohol-containing drinks are excluded, including beer (although sometimes a little dry wine is allowed). Consumption of baked, fried, smoked foods is not allowed. Meat by-products and internal organs (heart, kidneys, brain, liver) are prohibited, as are sausage, canned food and legumes (beans, peas, seeds, soy). Soups should be lean.

In addition, a patient with hyperuricemia should not consume cheese, whole milk, radishes, broths, spinach, sorrel, grapes, cauliflower, juices, cocoa, cream cakes, chocolate, canned food. On the contrary, the appearance in the diet of chicken, rabbit, turkey, and various vegetable soups welcome.

Dairy and dairy products, greens, various vegetables, fruits and berries ( White cabbage, peeled potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, watermelons, lemons, green apples), olive and vegetable oil. Good result give fasting days.

For healthy people Those who are afraid of getting hyperuricemia, the restrictions are much less strict, but it is advisable to diversify their diet with fermented milk products, lean meat and fish, fruits, vegetables and soups made from them, eggs, compotes and rosehip decoctions.

A high proportion of uric acid in a blood test indicates several reasons. Treatment of the disease begins in order to get rid of the original cause that caused the excess substance in the body. To avoid serious complications it is necessary to gradually reduce the level of uric acid. If a person already has gout, do not limit yourself drug therapy anti-inflammatory and painkillers, because it's just symptomatic treatment which will provide temporary relief.

Long content higher level uric acid in the body can be life-threatening, which is why it is so important to change your diet in time and switch to healthy image life.

Uric acid is formed in the liver and is microscopic crystals of sodium salts. By itself, it is not toxic, but when it enters the blood plasma, this substance undergoes oxidation and helps remove excess nitrogen from the body. The kidneys are responsible for removing waste products, including uric acid. Normally, uric acid is evacuated along with urea, but if malfunctions occur in the liver or kidneys, salts accumulate and its concentration in the body increases. In such cases, doctors talk about hyperuricemia, which can be detected using laboratory tests.

Increased uric acid levels is one of the signs of the following diseases that have common name– “uricopathy”:

  • gout, rheumatism, arthritis. If the rate of UA synthesis exceeds the rate of its elimination from the body, the process of purine metabolism is disrupted. The retention of this substance in the body affects the activity of the kidneys, renal failure develops, leading to problems with the joints: salts are deposited in the kidneys, joints, and other tissues;
  • atherosclerosis, hypertonic disease, ischemic disease hearts. Often, excess MK provokes arterial stenosis, which contributes to problems in cardiovascular system. Note that the relationship between increased uric acid levels and the risk of developing coronary diseases for scientists involved in medical research, becomes more and more obvious every year;
  • hypoparathyroidism. Hyperuricemia is usually accompanied by an increase in calcium levels: bone begins to suffer from its deficiency, and at the same time urate crystals become the nucleus for calcium stones;
  • diabetes, obesity, acromegaly and other organ diseases endocrine system. Metabolic disorders may be caused by hormonal hyperglycemia and impaired purine metabolism;
  • diseases the development of which is triggered by excess lipoproteins and cholesterol (stroke, heart attack, Alzheimer's disease, hypothyroidism and others);
  • hemolytic anemia, leukemia, polycythemia and other blood diseases. Due to an increase in the level of purine bases, blood viscosity increases;
  • scarlet fever, tuberculosis, pneumonia and some others acute infections;
  • liver diseases and biliary tract;
  • nephropathy;
  • eczema and psoriasis;
  • some oncological diseases;
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • other.
If uric acid is elevated, symptoms this pathology will be:
  • diathesis in children, expressed in redness of the cheeks and the appearance of reddish spots on the skin of the arms, legs, and torso;
  • rapid formation of tartar;
  • increased fatigue;
  • syndrome chronic fatigue and general loss of strength.
The main role in the diagnosis of this disease is played by lab tests blood and urine.

Causes of hyperuricemia

Official Western medicine recognizes the reasons high levels of uric acid:

In Tibetan medicine, energy imbalance is considered as the root cause of ailments accompanied by an increase in UA content. Impaired functioning of the liver, which produces too much uric acid, most often occurs due to disturbance of the “hot” “dosha” of Bile. Excessive heat in the body is caused by intense or frequent negative emotions: anger, rage, irritability, envy, etc. Moreover, the balance of this regulative constitution is greatly affected by frequent use alcoholic beverages, physical and mental overstrain, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity.

Lack of harmony in the “dosha” Mucus helps cool the body, and the kidneys are the first to respond to it: it is their dysfunction that provokes the accumulation of uric acid. Cold illnesses can be the result of stress, prolonged sadness, unreasonable anxiety, low self-esteem, self-criticism and other destructive experiences.

Another reason for this pathology is kidney prolapse, which interferes with normal metabolism and creates conditions for the deposition of urate in the joints.

Treatment of hyperuricemia in Tibetan medicine centers

To stop the process of increasing the concentration of uric acid in the blood, allopaths use quite aggressive, according to eastern doctors, medications: diclofenac, ibuprofen, colchicine, indomethacin, etc. On the one hand, they can really relieve inflammation caused by salt deposition, but on the other hand, their use is fraught with ulceration of the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and impaired blood circulation. That's why tibetan medicine– opponent drug therapy, Where side effects can completely obscure the beneficial properties.

The primary measure to combat diseases caused by metabolic disorders in the East is lifestyle changes: reasonable physical activity, peace of mind and correction eating habits in accordance with the natural "dosha". Both allopaths and Tibetan healers agree on the importance diets for high uric acid. The patient should exclude or extremely limit foods rich in purines in the diet, such as:

  • lamb, veal, meat of other young animals;
  • offal;
  • sausages;
  • salmon, tuna, trout, perch, herring, pike perch and some other types of fish;
  • shrimp, shellfish, crustaceans;
  • greens appearing in early spring;
  • wheat products and wheat flour;
  • canned foods;
  • chocolate;
  • dairy products;
  • mushrooms;
  • nuts;
  • legumes;
  • cold drinks;
  • coffee;
  • alcohol.
At integrated approach For treatment, Tibetan doctors personally prescribe courses of the following procedures to the patient:

Performs important functions in the body. However, if the levels of the substance in the blood are higher than normal, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment, since this condition is characterized not only by a deterioration in the patient’s well-being, but also by the development of complications.

To normalize acid levels, various medications and recipes traditional medicine. It is also mandatory during treatment to comply with general principles the right image life, which contribute to the reduction of substances in the body.

Uric acid - what is it, its normal indicator

Uric acid is a substance that is produced as a result of the metabolic process when purines are broken down by the digestive system. The substance is formed in. Usually it dissolves in the blood and enters the kidneys. In this case, uric acid is eliminated through urination.

Among important functions This substance is secreted in the body:

  • Antioxidant effect, which is to protect cells from free radicals.
  • Activation of adrenaline and norepinephrine, which affects normal functioning nervous system.
  • Preventing the development of cancer cells.
  • Excretion from the body carbon dioxide with urine.

The amount of substance in the blood depends on age criterion, as well as the gender of the person. Normal level are the following indicators:

  • In men – from 210 to 420 µmol per liter
  • For women - from 150 to 350
  • Children under one month – up to 311
  • Under one year of age – from 90 to 372
  • From one to fourteen years – from 120 to 320

The highest levels of acid are normally observed in the male body. This is explained by the fact that when executing physical work A man’s body needs frequent replenishment of proteins.

To obtain accurate and reliable results, you need to know how to properly prepare for the study. Experts recommend donating blood on an empty stomach. It is also important to exclude foods containing a large amount of proteins several days before the analysis, and alcoholic drinks. If a person has taken any medications, the doctor must be told about this factor. It is advisable for people over forty-five years old to undergo diagnostics annually.

Blood for research is taken from a vein. Uric acid is determined in blood serum. Typically, test results can be obtained at the clinic the next day.

Main factors of increased level

Hyperuricemia - high levels of uric acid in the blood

The increase in the substance in the blood is influenced by physiological and pathological factors. The two main reasons for urinary levels above normal are considered to be a violation of the production of the substance in the liver and improper excretion by the kidneys.

Uric acid increases in the following cases:

  • Heavy physical activity.
  • Starvation long time.
  • Protein diet.
  • Long-term use of certain medications.
  • Eating foods that contain large amounts of protein.
  • Alcohol abuse.

An increase in the substance is determined in the blood in the following diseases:

  • Pathologies in which it is difficult to excrete a substance in the urine.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system (acidosis).
  • Hereditary diseases (Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, Hodgkin's disease).
  • Psoriasis and others pathological conditions skin.
  • Liver pathologies (,).
  • Infectious diseases(scarlet fever, tuberculosis, pneumonia).
  • Hypovitaminosis (mainly vitamin B12 deficiency).
  • Oncological diseases (most often leukemia, lymphoma).
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • High levels in the body and lipoproteins
  • Hyperuricemia is considered important sign for the diagnosis of gout.
  • Uric acid can increase due to obesity and complications of pregnancy, for example, toxicosis.

Signs of high blood levels

On increased content uric acid in the body may indicate the following signs:

  • Bad feeling.
  • Lower back pain.
  • High.
  • Pain in the joints.
  • Indigestion.
  • General weakness.

One of common signs hyperuricemia in adults is considered to be the occurrence of dental calculus and decreased performance. When the substance increases in the body, pain may occur when urinating.

In children, hyperuricemia may be accompanied by enuresis, frequent pain in a stomach, neurological disorders. Diathesis spots are often observed in young patients.

Treatment methods

First of all, treatment should be aimed at the underlying disease that provoked high level uric acid. Therefore, only a specialist can prescribe medications. If uric acid increases due to physiological reasons, then this condition does not require special therapy. Over time, the level will normalize on its own.

Typically, in order to lower uric acid in the body, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • Drugs that remove uric acid from the blood. These include Probenecid.
  • Medicines that reduce uric acid production. Usually prescribed when complications of elevated levels of the substance begin to appear. These drugs include Colchicine, Allopurinol, Benzobromarone.
  • Drugs that transfer a substance into the blood from tissues and affect the intensity of its excretion in the urine. The most effective of this group of drugs is Tsinhoven.
  • For hyperuricemia, diuretics such as Lasix, Mannitol, Furosemide, Sulfinpyrazole are often prescribed.

Other methods of reducing substances in the blood are:

  • Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking liquid helps, as a result of which excess uric acid is removed from the body. It is recommended to drink from nine to fifteen glasses of plain water per day.
  • Proper nutrition. It is necessary to exclude from the diet foods that contain purines. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid meat by-products, anchovies, beer, confectionery, white bread, smoked meats, legumes, drinks containing fructose. It is also important to limit your salt intake. It is advisable to eat fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products. Portions for hyperuricemia should be small, it is better to eat up to five times a day.
  • Weight loss. It is recommended to increase physical activity and adhere to a certain diet. However, it is necessary to avoid fasting.

Useful video - Uric acid in the blood: causes and treatment

IN alternative medicine There are also recipes that help normalize uric acid. Among these remedies, the most effective is considered to be the oral use of decoctions and tinctures from the following medicinal plants:

  • Sabelnik.
  • Lingonberry (leaves).
  • Collection of calendula, pharmaceutical chamomile and sage.
  • Birch leaves.
  • Lemon and garlic.

It is recommended to take nettle juice as an auxiliary medicine for high uric acid levels. Using folk remedies It is important to remember that they are not a panacea, but are used as an auxiliary method to the main treatment.

If uric acid is elevated in the body for a long time, this can lead to the development of serious conditions.

Often, a high level of a substance in the blood leads to the following pathologies:

  • Gout.
  • Formation of stones in the kidneys and urinary ducts.
  • Intoxication of the body.
  • Ischemic disease.
  • Myocardial infarction.
  • Angina pectoris.
  • Chronic arthritis.

Often, when there is a high level of uric acid in the body, damage to the nervous system occurs, which causes migraines, sleep disorders, decreased vision, and attacks of aggression.

The development of complications depends on the localization of the formation of sodium urates by uric acid. If crystals appear in the kidneys, diseases of this organ occur. When urate is deposited in the joints, gout and...