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The influence of Russian triad on the body, the benefits and harms of the drug. Russian triad for parasites: how to take, treatment for children, side effects

The recipe for Russian triad was proposed by Dr. Ivanchenko.

  • tansy;
  • wormwood;
  • carnation.

To prepare the composition, it is recommended to take leaves and fruits of wormwood, clove seeds and tansy flowers. These components have anthelmintic, antimicrobial, cleansing and antithermal effects. The spectrum of action of triad is extensive:

  • wormwood and tansy have an effect on tapeworms and roundworms;
  • cloves destroy eggs, larvae of worms and adults.

Why exactly the triad?

An unpleasant proximity to helminths causes a person not only discomfort and changes in health status:

  • toxic waste products of worms negatively affect the human condition;
  • the body is poisoned, signs of intoxication are possible;
  • the work of the gastrointestinal tract becomes difficult;
  • has a suppressive effect on the immune system;
  • increases slagging in the body;
  • negatively affects health skeletal system person;
  • allergies arise and old diseases worsen;
  • bring imbalance to the functioning of the pancreas and liver.

Wormwood and tansy powder have been used for a long time. They served for disinfection of the home, inhalations, rubbing and decoctions. Our ancestors noticed that these plants have the ability to expel worms from the human body.

Indications for taking triad

All components of the composition have different effects on the body. The following effects are known: antiseptic, antimicrobial, antipyretic, anthelmintic.

  • prevention of the appearance of foreign inhabitants in the body;
  • the presence of helminths in one of the family members;
  • with frequent inflammatory processes in the throat;
  • with inflammatory manifestations on the skin;
  • gynecological problems;
  • decrease in vital activity.

The presence of worms in the body poses a certain threat to health. Helminthic diseases affect the body as a whole and individual organs in particular. Young children experience growth retardation and significant weight loss. The functions of the gastrointestinal tract organs are disrupted, the body becomes intoxicated, bleeding can develop and the human immune system is affected. Some manifestations indicating a worm infection:

  • poor hemoglobin levels;
  • development of diarrhea or constipation;
  • weight loss;
  • frequent colds;
  • irritability, distracted attention and inability to concentrate for long periods of time.

How to be treated with triad

Ideally, it is best to take the medicine in capsules, which contain three main components. You can purchase them at the pharmacy and fill them with a mixture of herbs yourself. But if this is not possible, you can prepare the mixture yourself. For the medicine, you need to mix two hundred grams of dry wormwood, four hundred grams of dry cloves and two hundred grams of dried tansy flowers. It is recommended to store the components separately in a glass container with an airtight lid.

This remedy is less toxic and does not have such strict contraindications as the main composition. The scheme of use is the same as composition number one.

Contraindications when taking the drug composition

Each drug has contraindications. Troychatka is not recommended for use in the following conditions:

  • chronic stomach diseases;
  • gastritis;
  • intolerance to the components of the mixture:
  • early childhood up to three years of age;
  • high blood pressure;
  • menstruation;
  • breastfeeding;
  • pregnancy at any stage.

Before starting treatment, you should consult with your doctor to confirm the diagnosis. The doctor must assess the person's health status. Sometimes the symptoms of infestations can indicate other diseases. When treating with folk remedies, do not forget that uncontrolled use of medications can lead to deterioration of health.

What kind of health can we talk about if roundworms, whipworms, dysentery amoebas, cat flukes and other nasty things coexist quietly in our body?

That’s why it’s so important, even if you are very clean and don’t believe that you might have something there, but you have problems with digestion or skin, then at least for prevention it’s worth taking a course of triad 1-2 times a year.

Doctor medical sciences V. A. Ivanchenko developed 2 variants of the triad - No. 1 and No. 2.

Russian triad No. 1 includes tansy, wormwood and cloves. These three components have anthelmintic, antipyretic, socogonal, antimicrobial and antiseptic effect. All components should be ground to a powder in a coffee grinder. A single dose of tansy flowers is 1g, and the daily dose is 3g. For the herb wormwood, a single dose is 300 mg, and a daily dose is 1 g. For clove powder, 0.5 and 1.5 g, respectively.

For greater effect All three components should be taken at once. It is better if you mix everything by weight in advance and pour this powder mixture into empty medicine capsules (they are sometimes sold in some pharmacies). If there are no capsules, you can take the powder and wash it down with water, as it is very bitter.

Reception scheme for Russian troika No. 1

The powder is always taken half an hour before meals. On the first day, take 1 single dose in the morning. On the second day, take 2 times in the morning and at lunch. From day 3 and throughout the week, take 3 times a day. Then take it already daily dose Once a week for several months.

Contraindications: Russian triad No. 1 is not recommended to be taken for peptic ulcers and erosive gastritis, and with hypertension, with caution, since cloves increase arterial pressure. Also, should not be used during menstruation.

Taking into account the contraindications to taking the first triad, V. A. Ivanchenko developed triad No. 2.

Russian triad No. 2 includes caraway seeds, calendula flowers and calamus root. All these components should also be ground to a powder state. Single and daily doses: cumin - 0.5 and 1.5g, calendula flowers - 1 and 3g, calamus roots - 0.5 and 1.5g.

Since these herbs are non-toxic, they can be used without capsules, i.e., drink the powder with half a glass of water. Russian troika No. 2 should be taken in the same way as No. 1, only daily use should be extended to 2 weeks. And then, also as a preventive measure, take a daily dose once a week.

And it was also noticed that after taking Russian triad for 2 weeks, a person completely gets rid of acne, the skin becomes clean and elastic. published

Even professional doctors They call this remedy a universal “first aid” and recommend using it if your body temperature has risen above 38 degrees. The troika for temperature helps to cope with acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, and inflammatory diseases.

Indications for use

In fact, this remedy can always be used if an adult or child has a fever due to an inflammatory process, seasonal cold or flu. In addition, the triad for temperature is truly indispensable for other infectious diseases.

Today, there are many opinions about the effectiveness of this drug. Some people consider it indispensable, while others, on the contrary, think that it is more harmful than useful. In any case, if your body temperature rises to 38 degrees, do not rush to bring it down. The fact is that thanks to it a hot environment is created in the body, which you don’t like pathogens. Harmful bacteria stop multiplying and die immediately if the patient’s body temperature rises to 38.5 degrees. In addition, some medications work more effectively only in this condition of the body.

Shoot down high temperature necessary: ​​for congenital and acquired heart defects, if you have frequent fainting or convulsions, arrhythmia, for neurotic or mental disorders(epilepsy).

Release form

Doctors also call triad a lytic mixture. Usually a solution is used for injection, but you can also take tablets. Lytic mixture means that this drug is combined agent, which helps quickly stabilize normal temperature bodies. Triad also has an analgesic effect.


The classic version of the triad includes three main components: Analgin, No-shpa and Diphenhydramine. Therefore, we will consider the pharmacodynamics of each of them.

  1. Analgin. It contains metamizole sodium, which is a derivative of pyrazolone. The drug has a weak antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effect. Its mechanism is associated with inhibition of PG (prostaglandin) synthesis. 20-40 minutes after taking the drug, it develops pharmachologic effect. Maximum effectiveness is achieved after two hours.
  2. No-shpa. The active ingredient is drotaverine, which is a derivative of isoquinoline. It has a powerful antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles due to inhibition of the phosphodiesterase enzyme. The latter is necessary for the hydrolysis of AMP and cAMP.
  3. Diazolin. The drug is an H1-histamine receptor blocker. It has an antiallergic effect and helps reduce swelling of the mucous membranes. Using this remedy, you can weaken the effect of histamine on smooth muscles, uterus, bronchi and intestines, reduce the severity of hypotension, and increase vascular permeability. Penetrates slightly into the central nervous system, but does not have a hypnotic or sedative effect. Anesthetic and M-cholinergic properties are weakly expressed. The effect is achieved 15-30 minutes after administration. Its duration can last up to 2 days.


Let's consider the pharmacokinetics of each drug that is included in the composition classic recipe triads.

  1. Analgin. Completely and quickly absorbed immediately after oral administration. There is no unchanged metamizole in the blood. The drug is excreted by the kidneys. In this case, metabolites can be released along with breast milk. Completely excreted in urine.
  2. No-shpa. Completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract after oral administration. But after metabolism during the first passage through the liver, 65% of the drug can enter the systemic circulation. After 45-60 minutes it reaches plasma.
  3. Diazolin. Due to the fact that the drug is absorbed quite quickly through gastrointestinal tract, diazolin immediately penetrates the body tissues. Its bioavailability can range from 40% to 60%. The plasma half-life is 4 hours. It practically does not penetrate the blood-brain barrier. Metabolism takes place in the liver. The drug is excreted by the kidneys.

Use of triad for temperature during pregnancy

During pregnancy and lactation, you should not take troika for fever. This is explained by the fact that it contains Analgin. In this case, it is necessary to look for a suitable alternative. For example, using three various drugs in tablet form (Suprastin, No-Shpa and Baralgin). It is also worth consulting with a doctor who will prescribe effective therapy, safe for health expectant mother and fruit.

Contraindications for use

In what cases should the lytic mixture not be used?

  1. cutting or wandering pain in the abdominal area. This may be one of the symptoms of appendicitis.
  2. Individual intolerance to at least one of the components of the triad.
  3. If the patient has already taken any analogue of Analgin before the injection. This may lead to an overdose.
  4. Pregnancy and lactation.

Triad composition depending on temperature

As mentioned above, the triplet from temperature is combination drug. IN classic composition This remedy includes: No-shpa (in particular, the component drovaterin), diphenhydramine and analgin. But today, most manufacturers are trying to replace diphenhydramine (which can only be bought with a doctor’s prescription) with others antihistamines(Suprastin, Tavegil, Diazolin). In some cases, other components of the triad are also replaced. For example, No-shpa is often replaced by Papaverine, which has a similar effect.

An interesting fact is that all the drugs that are part of the triad, in fact, do not have an antipyretic effect, but together they help reduce body temperature to normal indicators. Why is this happening? These products help your immune system fight bacteria. As a rule, at high temperatures, joints ache, pulse quickens, and headaches. Troychatka, with the help of its components, copes with these symptoms (analgin will relieve pain, papaverine or no-spa will relieve spasm of blood vessels and dilate them, diazolin will relieve tissue swelling).

Troychatka from temperature for children

Diseases that cause fever are common in both adults and children. Children tolerate fevers worse. And, although many doctors do not recommend lowering the temperature to 38 degrees, parents often do this.

IN similar cases The threefold temperature test for children is very often used. In its composition, it is no different from the classic one (analgin, papaverine or no-spa and any antihistamine). In what cases can such a drug be prescribed to a child and how safe is it?

Doctors often prescribe intramuscular injection triad in order to reduce high body temperature, regardless of what caused it (viral or bacterial infections). If you choose the right proportions, then the combination of three individual drugs will help quickly stabilize the temperature, relieve painful sensations in the joints, overcome headache. But, if you give a triad injection to a child, you should remember that during inflammatory processes it helps to relieve the temperature only for three to four hours, after which the fever appears again. Due to the heavy load on children's body, triad can be administered no more than three times a day.

Remember, only a doctor can prescribe a fever test, especially if fever appears in young children. The danger lies in the fact that parents may choose the wrong dosage of drugs. If your child has a fever, you should call a doctor immediately and not self-medicate.

However, there are times when the baby has a high body temperature, and it is not possible to call a specialist. To prevent seizures, which may cause fatal outcome, must always be kept in home medicine cabinet prepared triad or at least the drugs that are part of it (in any form).

If your child is afraid of injections, you can make a microenema from the components of the triad, which will take effect within 5-10 minutes. But you should not abuse this remedy.

How is a triplet done based on temperature?

It is worth understanding that triad is a rather serious drug that should not be introduced into the body just like that. It is prescribed only in in case of emergency when you need to quickly bring down the temperature.


Only a competent specialist can make the correct three-piece, which will help bring down the high temperature in your particular case. The thing is that triad is made from three main components, which can be replaced with other drugs with a similar effect. For example, if Papaverine is not at hand, it can be replaced with Paracetamol, and Diphenhydramine with Suprastin or Diazolin. Analgin can be easily replaced with any painkiller. Sometimes only a doctor can choose effective means, especially if we're talking about about the treatment of the child.

  • We take tansy baskets, wormwood leaves and clove seeds. All ingredients must be thoroughly dried naturally. Grind each separately to a powder. Now mix, taking 2 parts tansy and one part each of cloves and wormwood.

Advice: If you really don’t want to drink bitter decoctions, tinctures and infusions, you can try taking capsules. In this case, homemade or pharmaceutical triad must be ground into powder and filled into gelatin capsules. You should consult your doctor about the appropriateness of the method and dosage.

  • The second approach differs from the first only in the proportions of the plants. Some doctors believe that it is better to take 4 parts tansy, 2 parts cloves and only 1 part wormwood. The effectiveness of the composition will be the same, and the severity of bitterness will decrease.
  • For especially sensitive people, there is another way to prepare Russian triad, although it does not have the same effectiveness as classic options. But it can be used even by people with gastritis, peptic ulcer and hypertension. You need to mix 2 parts, 1 part calamus root and 1 part thyme. All ingredients must be dry.

From the resulting collections you can prepare decoctions, infusions and tinctures. The form of the product will influence the design and schedule of treatment. Specialists do not have any particular preference for any of the drinks; they all have equal efficiency and safe for health.

To prepare a decoction of Russian triad, you need to take a glass of the dry mixture and pour 1 liter of boiling water over it. Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. After this, remove the broth from the stove, put it in a warm place and leave for 2 hours under the lid. We filter the liquid and drink according to one of the working schemes:

  • 1 glass 2 times a day before meals.
  • 1 glass 2 times a day - in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before bed.
  • 1 glass after each meal, but not more than 3 times a day.

Every day you need to prepare a new decoction of Russian triad. The duration of treatment is 21 days. After this you need to take a break of 2 weeks and take necessary tests. If the need to cleanse the body continues, after the specified time you need to make another approach.

Infusion of Russian troika

An infusion of Russian triad is most often used in the treatment of children. To prepare it, you need to take 130 g of the dry mixture, pour 1 liter of boiling water over it and leave in a thermos for 3-4 hours. Next, the liquid is filtered and given to the child according to one of the following schemes:

  • 150 ml after meals for 14 days.
  • 200 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed for 14 days.
  • 1 glass 2-3 times a day for 21 days.

This cleaning is especially effective for enterobiasis and ascariasis. If necessary, treatment can be repeated, but only 1 month after completion of the first approach.

This cooking option medicine from the Russian triad gives the most pronounced positive results. The medium is vodka or diluted alcohol. Products are preserved essential oils unchanged, which allows for maximum efficiency. Take 150 g of dry product, pour in 300 ml of vodka, close the container and leave for 7 days. When the liquid becomes amber in color, you can begin treatment according to one of the following regimens:

  • 25 drops in the morning before breakfast and in the evening before bed.
  • 20 drops 2 times a day after meals.
  • 30 drops diluted in a glass of drinking or boiled water, 2-3 times a day before meals.

The duration of treatment should be at least 10-14 days. If the desired results are not achieved, re-therapy is carried out no earlier than after 2 months. A similar product based on Russian triad is not suitable for treating pregnant women, children and hypertensive patients.

Contraindications to taking Russian triad

The mixture of Russian triad is absolutely natural, but if you are individually intolerant to the ingredients, it can cause unpleasant side effects. In addition, there are several conditions in which taking the drug in any form is contraindicated:

  • Diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage.
  • Pathological decrease in immunity caused by internal or external factors.
  • Severe poisoning and intoxication.
  • Senile and early childhood(consultation with a doctor is required).

Plant components in the mixture can enter into chemical reactions With medications. When taking any medications, treatment for worms natural product must be agreed with specialists. If any side effects occur from further therapy need to refuse.

Russian troika is usually sold in paper bags or cardboard boxes. After opening the package, it is recommended to transfer the mixture into a glass or metal container with a well-lapped lid. If the mixture gets wet or mold appears on its surface, the product must be thrown away; it will no longer be beneficial. In cases where an initially strong-smelling composition loses its aroma, it is also better to dispose of the product; it is no longer useful.



At its core, the Russian triad is herbal tea. It contains three components in certain proportions. It is sold in pharmacies in dry form or can be prepared independently and used both fresh and dried without reducing its effectiveness.

These are almost all types of invasions that are found in Russia and are localized in the intestines. That is, triad can help against worms of almost any type.


Besides, distinguishing feature The remedy is that it affects not only helminths in the intestines, but also fungi and some bacteria. It is also good because it can be used for both children and adults.

Do not rely on herbal treatment for severe infestations. Their effectiveness, including the triad, is much lower than that of medical supplies. Therefore, they do not always help cope with infection. If, after completing the course of treatment, there is no improvement (or there is a negative trend during the course), you should immediately consult a doctor.

Composition, price

Methods of application

The use of the second version of the mixture is similar, only the dosages will be different (0.5 g of cumin, 0.5 g of calamus root, 1 g of calendula at one time). The product should also be taken three times a day, half an hour before meals.

However, the main course with daily intake is recommended to be extended to two months. The peculiarity of this composition is that it effectively relieves intoxication and allergic syndrome caused by worms, for this reason the patient’s skin is cleansed and health improves.


Contraindications for the two compositions of the collection differ significantly. There are quite a lot of contraindications and side effects and composition with tansy. It cannot be used in the following cases:

  • Peptic ulcer, especially perforated ulcer, since essential oils in the composition can worsen the patient’s condition;
  • Erosive gastritis, because its composition is quite aggressive for the mucous membrane;
  • Increased stomach acidity, tendency to heartburn, since stimulation of secretion by the composition will lead to a worsening of the condition or an attack;
  • Cloves can increase blood pressure, so in case of hypertension it is better to use the composition with caution;
  • Not recommended for use during menstruation.

Therefore, the effectiveness of the composition is much lower, and when treatment rather than prevention is required, it is better to choose the first option.


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