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Wandering pain in the abdomen. Why does my stomach hurt and severe stabbing pain in my stomach?

Abdominal pain is the most common type of pain not only in adults, but also in children. The causes of the appearance can be a variety of factors, ranging from diseases of organs localized directly in the abdomen, and ending with inflammatory processes in other internal organs. It is very important to distinguish the nature of spasms during illnesses from pain arising due to simple overeating. In the first case, the person will be bothered by nausea and dizziness, diarrhea and weakness, pain below or above the navel, and in the second - a dull girdling pain.

Cases where spasms last less than a minute are not a cause for concern, but for preventive purposes you should consult a doctor. Quite normal occurrence Abdominal pain is considered to occur in the early stages of pregnancy (in later may indicate impending birth). A child often experiences this disorder due to anxiety before a visit. educational institution— the occurrence of discomfort is caused by the influence nervous system on the gastrointestinal tract.

Girdle pain in the abdomen often occurs during the first menstruation in girls. Place of origin intense pain It can also tell a lot not only to the person, but also to the doctor during diagnosis. For example, pain below the navel and right side of the abdomen means that inflammation begins - but if it becomes sharp and unbearable, a rupture of the intestinal appendix has probably occurred. Pain to the left and above the navel - neoplasms in the colon.

Despite wide range variety of diseases and processes affecting the occurrence of spasms, they all manifest themselves with almost the same symptoms. Diarrhea, often mixed with blood, may be added to the clinical picture, or general weakness body. It is worth noting that the intensity pain syndrome may change.


Abdominal pain occurs when there is inflammation or damage to internal organs. Discomfort is expressed as a result of exacerbation of their course. Such disorders include:

  • inflammation of appendicitis - for such a disease there are several characteristic signs of manifestation, the main of which is nausea and incessant sharp pain that occurs in a certain place - with right side abdomen and below the navel. Every adult and child can be susceptible to this disorder. Children most often experience a strong increase in temperature up to 39 degrees and dizziness;
  • inflammatory process in the pancreas - accompanied by similar symptoms as with appendicitis, but additional symptoms also appear, such as diarrhea and spreading pain to the shoulders and shoulder blades. Abdominal cramps are of a girdling nature;
  • with an acute course - expressed by nausea, a sharp aversion to food and diarrhea;
  • infectious or allergic disorders of the kidneys - frequent urge to urination, dizziness, change in color and consistency of urine, body temperature above normal, girdling spasms;
  • infections in the respiratory tract or inflammation of the tonsils in a child;
  • And . Symptoms, such as girdle pain, nausea, and bloody diarrhea, may come and go intermittently;
  • formation - accompanied by fever, as well as cramps throughout the abdominal area, but more often above the navel;
  • malignant neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hernia - in this case the pain will be expressed on the left side and below the navel;
  • rupture of some internal organs, including the spleen, liver or ovaries;
  • insufficient blood supply to organs abdominal cavity.

A group of disorders that are accompanied by abdominal pain:

  • severe in a child - with this illness, girdling pain occurs throughout the entire abdomen, but is aggravated in the navel area;
  • V digestive tract;
  • lactose deficiency.

In addition, there are a number of factors that have nothing to do with pathogenic processes in internal organs:

Basically, the last group of reasons causes the appearance of constant aching pain in a stomach.


According to the place of manifestation of the most intense sensations, pain can be:

  • girdle pain throughout the abdominal area;
  • appearing above the pubis - female organ problems reproductive system. The spasms may not be intense, but in some cases they become cutting;
  • localized above or below the navel - disease small intestine, inflammation of the appendix or hernia. The occurrence of pain in the navel area during pregnancy is usually caused by the growth of the fetus;
  • spreading to the back and groin - organ pathologies urinary system;
  • pain in the abdomen on the right - indicates problems with the liver, gall bladder;
  • arising on the left side - pancreatitis or peptic ulcer.

In addition, the nature of the pain can also tell a lot:

  • sharp - sharp or;
  • cutting - ulcer, ectopic pregnancy;
  • stupid - education. Along with nausea, it indicates early pregnancy;
  • shingles - oncological neoplasms, kidney pathologies, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Whatever type of pain occurs, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible for a full diagnosis and effective treatment.


Despite the fact that abdominal pain can be caused by a wide variety of factors, they will manifest themselves in approximately the same way - only the degree of intensity of the accompanying symptoms will differ. The main symptoms are:

  • an increase in body temperature - in an adult will be observed only in certain diseases, mainly acute course, and in a child with all disorders;
  • attacks of severe dizziness and migraines;
  • followed by diarrhea and vice versa;
  • reduction or complete absence appetite;
  • change in color of stool and urine;
  • spread of pain to the lower back, shoulders, above and below the navel;
  • nausea and vomiting (in some diseases with blood impurities);
  • increase in abdominal volume;
  • frequent urge to urinate;
  • acquisition skin pale shade;
  • general weakness of the patient’s body;
  • sour belching;
  • abdominal muscle tension;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • Not comfortable position body, which the patient takes to reduce the intensity of spasms.

If an adult or child exhibits one or more of the above symptoms, it is necessary to immediately call ambulance, because without timely medical intervention, most diseases can lead to complications and even death.

The appearance of abdominal pain during pregnancy should not be a cause for concern if it occurs rarely, does not cause discomfort and goes away quickly. In addition, attacks of nausea and abdominal pain are the first signs that a female is about to become a mother. But if the pain is sharp and does not go away for a long time, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage. Symptoms of menstruation, especially if they appear in a girl for the first time in her life, can be - severe dizziness, up to loss of consciousness, difficulty breathing, girdling pain, which often radiates to the back, a slight increase in body temperature.


In cases where abdominal pain is not very intense, a person can independently recognize possible factor the occurrence of this feeling. To do this you need:

  • accept horizontal position, lying on your back and relax;
  • try to determine where the pain is most severe. This is especially important to do for diagnosis, because different localization, for example, below or above the navel, on the right or left side, is inherent certain diseases. To do this, you need to carefully probe the entire abdominal area with your fingers;
  • make an attempt to describe the nature of the pain. It can be sharp, sharp, dull, aching, cutting or encircling;
  • determine what signs are accompanied by spasms - nausea, diarrhea, often followed by constipation, increased temperature, severe weakness and attacks of dizziness. Monitor the increase in their intensity when moving or coughing;
  • try to remember what caused these unpleasant sensations. Were these diseases that occurred previously, menstruation, severe stress or physical activity, eating. Pain is often caused by pregnancy in the early stages.

These activities can be carried out by adults independently. If a child shows pain, the measures are carried out by his parents.

After receiving the results of all tests, the doctor can make several decisions regarding the patient:

  • urgent hospitalization - in cases of ruptured appendicitis, peptic ulcer, formation of stones or tumors, as well as in case of ectopic pregnancy;
  • planned treatment in a hospital - mainly for disorders not directly related to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • home treatment and monitoring of the patient - if a person seeks help at the very initial stage of symptoms, as well as in the case of menstruation or pregnancy (in the early stages).

When the patient is a child, his treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting.


The main therapy for abdominal pain is to eliminate the underlying disease. But this can only be done in medical institution. Therefore, until the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to ensure complete rest for the victim, especially the child, and under no circumstances allow him to eat. You can only drink cold, purified water. Painkillers should not be used. After the patient is taken to the hospital and diagnosed, there are several possible ways treatment:

  • immediate operation - especially if appendicitis ruptures, since purulent fluid can spread throughout the body, causing blood poisoning and death of the patient. In addition, operations are prescribed for hernia, oncological tumors and ulcers, as well as for acute occurrence symptoms in a child, in particular, such as diarrhea with blood, a critical increase in body temperature, rapid heartbeat;
  • inpatient treatment - involves reducing the intensity of symptoms (for example, weakness, dizziness or persistent nausea) with various medications, the selection of which depends on the underlying disease. In addition, a woman needs to spend several days in a clinical setting if pain occurs during pregnancy, especially in the early stages.

If pain occurs in the lower abdomen during menstruation, girls and women are prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and drugs that reduce the intensity of cramps. In some cases, it can help relieve period pain special diet, you just have to give up alcoholic drinks and smoking, as well as fatty and spicy food. But in cases where such methods did not alleviate the condition, and the pain during menstruation only intensified, and additional symptoms appeared, such as spasms above the navel and an increase in body temperature, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

But these are only general methods of therapy; treatment is prescribed individually for each patient, depending on the intensity of pain and its location.

A person often has pain. Many people get used to this and even say: “If something hurts, it means you’re still alive.” The joke, of course, is good, but controversial.

Possible causes of abdominal pain

We often hear stories from acquaintances and friends about how our stomachs are churning today or that there is “war” in our stomachs again or “a nightmare, how our stomach hurts today.”

It is very important to understand that pain is a signal of danger. Abdominal pain can vary. But Special attention should be given to acute and extremely dangerous diseases manifested by abdominal pain.

Most often, pain and discomfort in the abdomen are a sign of problems in the system gastrointestinal tract. However, this is not always the case. There are diseases of other organs in which the main symptom is abdominal pain.

Problems may require different speeds response - providing immediate assistance and diseases that develop and last a long time and do not pose a threat to life “now”.

Speaking of spicy surgical pathology, doctors often use the term " acute stomach"We are talking about conditions that require fast response and, as a rule, surgical treatment. However, the term “acute abdomen” is more likely to be correct when determining treatment tactics, rather than describing the pain syndrome itself. Often, truly acute pain does not require emergency measures, while non-intense can be extremely dangerous.

Every person should know about such acute conditions and how to behave if danger arises.

How can the disease manifest itself? As a rule, the disease makes itself felt in one of 3 ways or a combination of manifestations: pain, general manifestations, dysfunction of the organ.

Everyone knows what pain is. Common symptoms include: fever, sweating, dizziness, malaise, weakness, poor appetite. A dysfunction of the organ can be assumed if there is vomiting, diarrhea, no stool, or gas.

When do you need to immediately, regardless of the time of day or day of the week, seek help from an emergency medical service or directly to a hospital?

  1. Abdominal trauma (blow, injury, compression)
  2. Bleeding: profuse nosebleeds, vomiting blood, black stools, blood in the stool. We also note noticeably more abundant or sudden onset. In this case, you should contact your treating gynecologist as soon as possible. Attention! Any bleeding, even those that seem light, accompanied by dizziness, deterioration of health, weakness, requires an emergency examination by a doctor.
  3. Sudden onset of acute pain (including sudden pain at night causing awakening and insomnia)
  4. Abdominal pain accompanied by fever
  5. Abdominal pain accompanied by diarrhea and/or vomiting
  6. Acute pain that intensifies until unbearable
  7. Diffuse pain of moderate or severe intensity, intensifying to unbearable
  8. Pain with the development of tension in the abdominal muscles (the abdomen is hard, painful, limited breathing movements belly)
  9. Abdominal pain with lack of gas and stool
  10. Abdominal pain accompanied by pallor and cold sweat
  11. Abdominal pain accompanied by rapid heartbeat

It is difficult for a non-specialist to identify some signs, for example, tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall. This should be left to the doctor. But the main alarming symptoms can be seen in the complexity of the situation. For example, if you are sweating or your heart is pounding, and the pain only intensifies, your temperature has risen, vomiting or diarrhea has appeared, the surest way out is to dial “03” without a doubt, since the situation may soon become fatal.

What specific diseases can cause an “acute abdomen”?

Acute inflammatory diseases of the abdominal cavity:

  1. Acute appendicitis- inflammation of the vermiform appendix of the cecum (appendix). The symptoms of acute appendicitis are extremely varied, so diagnosing appendicitis is complex, making a seemingly simple disease very dangerous. Despite the location of the appendix in the right iliac region (lower abdomen on the right side), pain can arise in the stomach and then “descend” to the iliac region. The pain is accompanied by nausea and sometimes vomiting. Body temperature is often elevated.
  2. Acute Meckel's diverticulitis. Meckel's diverticulum is an invagination (protrusion) of the wall of the small intestine, formed as a result of incomplete occlusion of the vitelline duct, which is involved in the nutrition of the fetus. Most common in children under 6 years of age, but may cause acute pathology and in adults. It can manifest itself as intestinal bleeding (in this case, the stool becomes bloody or brownish-black), intestinal obstruction. Acute cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. The pain in this case occurs suddenly under the ribs on the right, it is intense and constant. It is important to note that pain can “radiate” to the heart area, shoulder, collarbone or scapula, which sometimes gives reason to confuse cholecystitis with heart disease. The pain is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. From the first days, body temperature rises.
  3. Acute pancreatitis- inflammation of the pancreas. Dangerous and serious illness. The main symptoms are abdominal pain, bloating, and painful vomiting. The typical location of pain is the navel area with gradual spread throughout the abdomen. Sometimes diarrhea develops.
  4. Peritonitis- peritoneal inflammation syndrome. Extremely dangerous condition which requires an urgent response. With peritonitis, patients complain of sharp severe pain in the abdomen, worsening with changes in body position. Vomiting often, usually no stool. The patient's condition quickly deteriorates, the body becomes dehydrated, and toxins enter the blood in large quantities, which can even lead to shock. The patient feels dry mouth, rapid heartbeat, pale face, and may experience cold sweat.

Acute obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Acute intestinal obstruction . Depending on the type of obstruction, the pain can be more or less intense, but it always occurs suddenly, has a cramping nature and is often without precise localization. Vomiting, stool and gas retention - typical symptoms intestinal obstruction.
  2. Strangulated hernia. Typically, patients are aware of the presence of a hernia and should be warned about the possibility of strangulation. A hernia is characterized by 4 signs: sharp pain throughout the abdomen or in the area of ​​the hernia, irreducibility (the hernia cannot be reduced when pressed), tension and pain in the hernia, lack of transmission of the cough impulse (this sign is detected by doctors during examination).

Perforation of hollow organs:

  1. Perforation of gastric or duodenal ulcers
  2. Perforation of diverticula
  3. Gallbladder perforation
  4. Tumors

When hollow organs perforate, peritonitis develops. It is not always possible to immediately determine the cause of peritonitis, but peritonitis is always severe pain, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, intoxication, and increased body temperature.

Bleeding into the lumen of hollow organs or into the abdominal cavity:

  1. Splenic rupture
  2. Liver rupture
  3. Gap abdominal aorta
  4. Ovarian rupture
  5. Bleeding from stomach or duodenal ulcers
  6. Intestinal bleeding
  7. Bleeding from hemorrhoids

Bleeding is always very dangerous, especially if we're talking about O internal ruptures. Common symptoms of blood loss are severe general weakness, dizziness, palpitations, and loss of consciousness. When bleeding from ulcers of the stomach, esophagus, intestines or rectum, vomiting of blood (scarlet or altered), melena (black stool) or blood in the stool is observed, respectively. If the patient suddenly loses consciousness, is weak, and pale, he should be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Poor circulation in the abdominal organs: blockage, spasm, mechanical compression of the vessels of the abdominal organs leads to acute, intense, persistent pain in the abdomen, the localization of which depends on the location of the organ.

"Women's" problems:

  1. Ovarian rupture
  2. Ectopic pregnancy
  3. Circulatory disorders in the ovaries, myomatous nodes, tumor formations of the pelvis

Pain in gynecological diseases can be mild (excluding ruptures) and gradually intensify. The pain is localized in the lower abdomen on the right or left.

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« Acute stomach» — dangerous condition, in which significant damage to the abdominal organs occurs and requires immediate surgical care. This condition can occur in many diseases, but the signs characteristic of an “acute abdomen” will be common. These are the following symptoms:
Unbearable sudden pain in the abdomen, causing groans
Increased pain with the slightest movement and coughing
Unable to find a position to relieve suffering
Signs of intestinal obstruction: no stool, bloating
Protective tension in the abdominal muscles
Heavy general state with tachycardia, cold sweat, weakness, pallor, falling blood pressure.

“Acute abdomen” can occur as a one-time symptom that first appears without a previous disease. This is, for example, a rupture of the spleen due to an abdominal injury or acute appendicitis, which will immediately require surgical care.
But very often “acute abdomen” occurs as a complication already existing disease. For example, perforation of a long-existing stomach ulcer or rupture of an ovarian cyst, renal colic at urolithiasis, which is not eliminated by taking antispasmodics.
Therefore, timely and adequate treatment chronic diseases is the prevention of their exacerbation and severe consequences.

Diseases that can give the picture of an “acute abdomen”
Acute intestinal obstruction
Acute appendicitis
Acute pancreatitis
Hepatic and renal colic
Perforated ulcer of the stomach or duodenum
Rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm
Thrombosis, embolism and spasm of mesenteric (mesenteric) vessels
Ovarian cyst torsion, ovarian rupture
Aborted ectopic pregnancy with rupture fallopian tube
Heart attack or rupture of the spleen
Liver rupture
Strangulated hernia, etc.
In any of these conditions, you cannot hesitate for a minute to call an ambulance.
We present short description the main symptoms of these diseases.

Acute intestinal obstruction
Causes leading to intestinal obstruction: intestinal spasm or paresis (disappearance of peristalsis), tumor, strangulated hernia, adhesions, fecal stones, thrombosis and embolism of mesenteric vessels, foreign bodies, peritonitis, helminthic and hair balls, overeating after hunger. And on adhesive disease accounts for up to 70% of all cases of obstruction.
Cramping unbearable pain throughout the abdomen occurs suddenly, and its intensity increases, the patient groans in pain.
It is during this first period that it is urgent to call an ambulance. Before her arrival, you can give the sick person an antispasmodic (no-shpu, baralgin, papaverine); laxatives are strictly contraindicated.
Then (without providing medical care) against the background of some reduction in pain, repeated vomiting occurs, first with the remains of food with bile, and subsequently acquires a fecal character, severe dryness in the mouth, thirst.
There is no stool and no gases, the abdomen is swollen and asymmetrical, intestinal peristalsis can sometimes be seen by eye.
With some types of obstruction, mucus and blood may be released from the rectum.
The patient is very restless, tossing about in bed.
Characterized by pale skin, tachycardia, decreased blood pressure, shock.
Before the development of peritonitis, the abdomen is soft, painful in the area where the obstruction to feces is located.

Acute appendicitis
This disease is more common than any other acute conditions stomach, however, its danger cannot be underestimated.
Characterized by a sudden onset with pain in the epigastric or periumbilical region. Gradually the pain intensifies and moves to the right bottom part belly. It often radiates into the rectum when lying on the left side and gets worse while walking (especially when right leg appears behind).
There is an increase in temperature to 37.2-38 ° C, nausea or vomiting, tachycardia, dry mouth.
When palpating the right lower abdomen, the pain intensifies, especially severely when removing the arms ( positive symptom Shchetkin-Blumberg), the muscles in this area are tense.
In old age, signs of appendicitis can be smoothed out, because... Sensitivity decreases with age nerve endings, and the process is sluggish.

Acute pancreatitis
In acute pancreatitis, massive destruction of pancreatic tissue occurs. This is an extremely dangerous disease that requires immediate medical attention. If this help is not provided to the sick person, he may die several hours or days after the onset of the disease.
The pain first occurs in the right or left upper abdomen or under the “spoon”, then becomes encircling. May spread throughout the abdomen.
The pain is severe, unbearable, as with a myocardial infarction or perforated ulcer.
Often the onset of pain is preceded by drinking large amounts of strong alcoholic drinks or fatty foods.
Repeated vomiting, which does not bring relief, and bloating are typical.
The general condition is severe, sluggish, the skin is cold and moist, blood pressure is reduced, tachycardia, shock is possible in severe pancreatitis.
The feces become light or gray, and their quantity increases significantly.
The tongue is dry and inflamed, and inflammation can cover the entire mouth.
The skin is pale, jaundiced or bluish. Small hemorrhages may appear around the navel and on the buttocks.

Biliary or hepatic colic (Acute cholecystitis)
It usually occurs in the evening or at night in patients with cholelithiasis or a tumor, when a stone or tumor blocks the outflow of bile from the gallbladder, i.e. strangulation of the stone occurs in the biliary tract.
Characterized by sharp, acute, cramping pain in the right hypochondrium or right side, radiating to the back, under right shoulder blade, in the shoulder or neck.
The temperature can rise to 37.5-38.5°C and be accompanied by chills, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, and tachycardia. Occasionally – jaundice and itchy skin.
Patients often groan and rush around trying to find a position that would relieve pain, but they cannot find it.
The occurrence of an attack is preceded by the consumption of fatty or fried foods, alcohol, cold drinks, as well as overeating, physical activity, bumpy driving, and stress.
When palpating, tension in the muscles of that part of the abdominal wall where the projection of the gallbladder is located is noted. The Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom is positive (maximum pain when removing the hands from the abdomen).
An attack of biliary colic can be a single attack, when removal of the gallbladder is immediately required, or it can last up to 5–6 hours and go away after the use of antispasmodics.

Kidney stone disease (renal colic)
This condition develops when stones (and sometimes a tumor) block the flow of urine from the kidneys.
The pain is unilateral in the side or lower back, unbearable, cutting, cramping, radiating to the lower abdomen, thigh and groin area.
Often there is bloating, nausea and vomiting, constipation, and urination becomes more frequent. There may be an increase in temperature.
The skin is pale, cold, damp.
Behavior during such an attack of colic is restless, it is impossible to find a comfortable position, so the patient rushes about in bed.

Perforation of a stomach or duodenal ulcer
It occurs against the background of an existing peptic ulcer or may be its first sign. The duodenum is most often affected (85%).
Maximum perforations occur in autumn or spring.
Before the ulcer perforates, warning signs often occur - increased pain, chills, low-grade fever, nausea.
Sudden severe stabbing pain in the stomach or right hypochondrium, which then spreads to the right lower abdomen, and later throughout the entire abdomen.
The pain radiates to the right shoulder, collarbone or right shoulder blade.
There may be vomiting with blood.
The skin is pale or ashen-gray, moist, cold sweat.
The abdomen does not participate in breathing, it is very tense.
The patient takes a forced stationary position lying on the right side with legs bent and brought to the stomach.
After the first attack, the dagger pain may subside for 3-6 hours, the condition will improve, but then everything returns again, because... peritonitis occurs; vomiting appears, sometimes with blood, the temperature rises, the pulse quickens, and the blood pressure drops. Waiting for a period of improvement after the first symptoms of perforation is a direct threat to life.

Peritonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum)
Peritonitis, as a rule, is the result of complications of other diseases of the abdominal organs (appendicitis, acute cholecystitis, rupture of abdominal aortic aneurysm, perforated gastric ulcer, acute pancreatitis). The main signs of peritonitis underlie the concept of “acute abdomen”.
Severe unbearable pain in the abdomen, which intensifies with movement, coughing and even breathing with tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.
Pain first occurs at the location of the organ where the disaster occurred, and then spreads to the entire abdomen.
For different diseases, pain can radiate to different places:
-For diseases of the liver and gall bladder - in the right shoulder.
-If the spleen is affected - in the left shoulder.
-For diseases of the pancreas - in the back.
- For kidney diseases and urinary tract- in the lower abdomen.
Severe bloating, signs of intestinal obstruction.
Vomiting, blood in stool,
Severe general condition: pallor, cold sweat, tachycardia, maybe shock.

Dissecting aneurysm of the abdominal aorta with its rupture
tearing of the inner layer of the aorta with blood flowing between the layers of the aortic walls and subsequent dissection.
Sudden, tearing, stretching or burning pain in the navel area.
The pain is very intense from the very beginning and continues continuously, spreading along the course of the dissection, often radiating to the lower back.
There is slight tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall, but there are no symptoms of peritoneal irritation.
Most often develops in the morning.
Mostly men over 55 years of age with a hereditary predisposition are affected.
Evolving in the background severe atherosclerosis, hypertension, rheumatism or previous syphilis. The risk also increases during pregnancy.
If during dissection all 3 layers of the aortic wall break through, then internal bleeding occurs with rapid blood loss, which is later joined by symptoms of peritoneal irritation, i.e. "acute abdomen":
Severe tension in the muscles of the abdominal wall with the inability to move and touch the abdomen.
Dizziness, pallor, cold sweat, drop in pressure with collapse, tachycardia, loss of consciousness.
There may be vomiting.

Thrombosis, embolism, spasm of mesenteric (mesenteric) vessels
The mesenteric vessels supply blood to the intestines.
These three conditions have similar clinical picture, because spasm, thrombosis, and embolism of mesenteric vessels lead to impaired circulation in the intestinal wall, oxygen starvation and the development of intestinal infarction.
With spasm of the mesenteric vessels, the pain is periodic, acute, intermittent, spreads throughout the abdomen and lasts about 3-4 minutes.
Reception antispasmodics(papaverine, no-spa, nitroglycerin) relieves pain during spasm of mesenteric vessels.
For blockage (thrombosis) blood clot mesenteric vessels or their embolism, signs of peritonitis and intestinal obstruction are observed:
The pain with thrombosis of the mesenteric vessels is constant, strong, cutting, begins suddenly and is accompanied by severe bloating.
The localization of pain depends on the location of the vascular lesion: in the navel, in the right or left iliac region, or spreads throughout the abdomen.
The pain intensifies with the slightest movement, so patients lie motionless on their backs with their knees bent.
Nausea and uncontrollable vomiting are observed from the very beginning of the disease.
Retention of stool and bloating.
Sometimes it may be frequent at the beginning loose stool mixed with blood.
The condition is serious, characterized by pallor, cold sweat, dry tongue, tachycardia, and sometimes shock.
Tension of the abdominal wall muscles is noted.
Thrombosis of mesenteric vessels most often occurs in patients atrial fibrillation, atherosclerosis and suffered a heart attack myocardium.

Ovarian cyst rupture
The provoking factor is physical activity, injury, sexual intercourse.
It manifests itself as sudden pain in the lower abdomen, at first the pain is local on the right or left, then becomes diffuse.

Torsion of ovarian cyst
The pain is associated with ovarian ischemia and manifests itself suddenly as acute pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left. There is increased pain upon palpation and there are symptoms of peritoneal irritation.
Often a woman knows that she has a cyst.

Spontaneous (spontaneous) abortion
Abdominal pain is acute, strong, cramping, sudden. Occurs in the suprapubic region.
Accompanied by uterine bleeding.
More often it occurs after physical effort, heavy lifting, injury, or sexual intercourse.

Fallopian rupture (uterine) tubes during ectopic pregnancy
An ectopic pregnancy is accompanied by moderate pain and a delay in menstruation, and there may be slight bleeding from the vagina. If a complication occurs in the form of a pipe rupture, the pain suddenly intensifies, becomes diffuse, and the bleeding becomes severe, leading to fainting. The lower abdomen is very painful when palpated, and symptoms of peritoneal irritation appear.
This condition is often associated with physical activity, heavy lifting, and sexual intercourse.

Tumor diseases of the abdominal organs
Pain when malignant tumors very rarely is the first sign of the disease, and its appearance indicates an advanced process.
Pain is almost always preceded by a “precancerous disease,” for example, a long-term and improperly treated chronic atrophic gastritis or peptic ulcer, intestinal polyps. Therefore, pain with tumors initially has the character of the disease against which they develop, but later the nature of the pain changes, its dependence on food and other symptoms familiar to the patient.
It is necessary to pay close attention to the appearance of new symptoms or changes in the nature of old and familiar signs. It is at this stage that treatment gives good results. But an “acute abdomen” with tumors is a sign that speaks of an advanced process. Don't wait for threatening symptoms.
Always take into account heredity through parents, brothers and sisters.
Signs of neoplasms at the onset of the disease are nonspecific and may resemble other diseases. These are bloating, nausea, heartburn, discomfort in the stomach, loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea, etc.
However, regardless of which organ is affected, there are a number of signs that
allow one to suspect the presence of a tumor in the abdominal cavity:
Unexplained anemia
Unreasonable weight loss and loss of appetite,
Abdominal pain that occurs at night
If the disease began after 50 years of age;
Fever of unknown origin,
Causeless general failing weakness, depression, apathy
Persistent constipation that does not relieve drug treatment,
The appearance of blood and mucus in the stool,
Pale earthy skin tone,
Sudden onset of jaundice
The tumor can be palpated.

Splenic infarction
The reason for the development of this pathology is thrombosis or embolism of the vessels of the spleen, which occurs with certain heart defects, increased pressure in the vena cava, bacterial endocarditis, rheumatism, ischemic heart disease, and leukemia.
If the infarction is small-focal, it may be asymptomatic or with minor pain in the left hypochondrium.
If the heart attack affects a large area, severe, sudden pain occurs in the left hypochondrium (sometimes spreading to the entire abdomen), which intensifies with breathing, movement and coughing. The pain radiates under left shoulder blade and in the lower back.
At extensive heart attack collapse may develop.
There is an increase in temperature, tachycardia, a drop in pressure, possible vomiting, and intestinal paresis.
Muscle tension in the left hypochondrium is slight, palpation of the abdomen is painful.
Self-healing occurs more often.

Splenic rupture
Rupture of the spleen can occur in two situations: 1. Spontaneously, if the spleen is pathologically changed as a result of leukemia, mononucleosis, cirrhosis of the liver, etc., it is enlarged and its capsule is thinned. In this case, rupture can occur even without apparent reason or at the slightest abdominal injury. Therefore, with an enlarged spleen, heavy physical activity and contact types sports 2. A healthy spleen ruptures during strong blows or injuries. The presence of a torso injury or a blow to the left side immediately before the disease is very important in diagnosis.
The moment of rupture most often manifests itself as fainting, and lasts for several hours. Later, pain appears in the left hypochondrium, sometimes it covers the entire abdomen, sometimes it radiates to the left shoulder. The pain is acute, but not as severe as with peritonitis.
Signs of peritoneal irritation may then appear with slight tension in the abdominal muscles. The Shchetkin-Blumberg symptom is not always positive.
When the spleen ruptures, blood large quantities enters the abdominal cavity, causing all the signs of internal bleeding: the sensation of flashes of light before the eyes, cold, wet and pale skin, dizziness, cold sweat, weakness, rapid thready pulse, decreased blood pressure, lethargy, confusion. Shock does not always develop.
Patients take a position on the left side with legs bent to the stomach.
On palpation, pain is present, but muscle tension is weak.
A ruptured spleen always requires surgery.

Liver rupture
The cause is abdominal injuries.
Often occurs simultaneously with splenic rupture.
Signs of internal bleeding are mild, because... the liver does not bleed as much as the spleen, but the general condition of a ruptured liver is always more severe, because almost always accompanied by shock.
The pain is more pronounced in the right hypochondrium.
When the liver ruptures, jaundice sometimes develops, because blood clots can block the bile duct.
The prognosis for liver rupture is always worse than for splenic rupture.

Strangulated hernia
A hernia is the protrusion of organs located in the abdominal cavity with the parietal layer of the peritoneum into the spaces between the muscles or under the skin through natural anatomical openings or acquired after injury and surgery.
The most common are inguinal, umbilical, and postoperative hernias.
The cause of hernias is an increase intra-abdominal pressure, which increases during heavy physical exertion, constipation, difficult childbirth, and prolonged severe coughing.
A hernia can develop even after a single increase in intra-abdominal pressure, for example when lifting heavy objects.
A person can have a hernia for quite a long time and not bother them. But sometimes the hernial contents come out through the hernial opening and are not reduced. As a result, infringement occurs.
Intestinal strangulation is especially dangerous because plus intestinal obstruction with severe intoxication is added to the disturbance of blood circulation in it.
If a hernia is strangulated, regardless of its location, the symptoms will be the same:
Acute pain during physical exertion and not decreasing after its cessation.
Severe pallor of the skin, tachycardia, drop in blood pressure, anxiety.
If you cough and put your hand on the hernia, you can feel that cough impulse is not transmitted to her.
There may be vomiting, sometimes with a fecal odor, and bloating.
When the intestines are strangulated, signs of intestinal obstruction develop.
In case of prolonged strangulation, suppuration of the hernia occurs with high temperature, intoxication, severe swelling and redness in the area of ​​the hernial protrusion.
Peritonitis may subsequently develop.
A dense round formation is determined at the location of the hernia.
Do not try to repair the hernia yourself! You may do it incorrectly and cause further complications. Call an ambulance immediately, and before it arrives, you need to lie on your back, place a container of ice on the area of ​​the hernial protrusion and drink an antispasmodic (baralgin or no-shpu).

Many people complain of abdominal pain, but do not seek medical help. Some people don’t like doctors and hospitals, others avoid them diagnostic procedures. Some are even afraid to find out about the far-fetched terrible diagnosis and therefore they put off going to the doctor for a long time. What diseases and disorders can cause discomfort or pain in the abdomen?

Main causes of abdominal pain

Gallstones and cholecystitis

To diagnose gallbladder diseases, ultrasound examination and blood tests are prescribed.

Inflammation of the pancreas causes severe, burning pain in the middle or upper abdomen. Sometimes the pain radiates to the back and chest. A person experiences nausea, vomiting, and fever. Among the main reasons for the development of pancreatitis are alcohol addiction, as well as the formation of gallstones. Pancreatitis often requires hospitalization.

As with gallbladder diseases, if pancreatitis is suspected, blood tests and an ultrasound of the abdominal organs should be performed. To prescribe appropriate studies, make an appointment with.

Inflammatory bowel disease can lead to scarring, abdominal abscesses (peritonitis), and intestinal obstruction. These serious changes manifest as abdominal pain along with diarrhea and rectal bleeding. Symptoms of IBD are chronic, but appear in cycles: they flare up and then fade away. For this reason, diagnosing the disease can be difficult.

IBD must be constantly monitored, because it leads to very serious consequences. Launched stages inflammatory diseases intestines can lead to cancer.


Inflammation of appendicitis is manifested by sudden pain in the center of the abdomen, which moves to its lower right side. Appendicitis mainly affects children and young people. Ignoring inflammation of the appendix is ​​extremely dangerous, because it can burst and cause peritonitis.

If you notice symptoms of appendicitis in yourself or your loved ones, call an ambulance immediately!

Oncological disease

This disease can affect any of the abdominal organs - liver, pancreas, stomach, gallbladder, ovaries. Painful sensations usually appear over late stages. Other symptoms include loss of appetite and weight, persistent vomiting, and bloating.

  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Bloating
  • Stool with blood and mucus
  • Rash or itching around the rectum or vulva
  • Feeling tired
  • Weight loss

Lactose intolerance

Millions of people suffer from this type of food intolerance. Among its symptoms:

  • Moderate abdominal pain
  • Flatulence
  • Belching
  • Diarrhea

There is only one solution - complete or partial refusal of dairy products.

Intolerancegluten free

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye. In people with intolerance, this protein damages the walls small intestine. As a result, its ability to absorb nutrients received from food is lost.

A person with intolerance has a stomach ache, flatulence and a feeling of fatigue. The most severe form of gluten intolerance is called celiac disease.

Spinal diseases

Up to 62% of patients with spinal diseases suffer from abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, and hemorrhoids. Such data were provided by American specialists from the University of Medicine in 2012.

Some patients who do not suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract complain of abdominal pain due to orthopedic problems. If you fall into this category of people, an experienced one will do everything possible to improve the health of your spine. Perhaps it is problems with the spine that cause painful sensations in the abdominal area.

Stress and depression

Constant stress can also cause abdominal pain. If a person develops depression, their chances of experiencing irritable bowel syndrome increase.

When to seek medical help:

  • Abdominal discomfort lasting 1 week or longer
  • Abdominal pain that does not subside within 24-48 hours or gets worse
  • Pain with nausea and vomiting
  • Bloating for more than two days
  • A burning sensation during urination or frequent trips to the toilet
  • Diarrhea that lasts several days
  • Pain in the abdominal area with increased temperature
  • Prolonged vaginal bleeding
  • Unexplained weight loss

In what cases should you call your doctor immediately:

  • A person suffers from cancer and his stomach hurt
  • Constipation accompanied by vomiting
  • Vomiting blood or blood in the stool
  • Black or tarry stools
  • Sudden, sharp abdominal pain
  • Pain between the shoulder blades accompanied by nausea
  • The abdomen is sensitive and painful to touch, or vice versa – the abdomen is hard and hard to the touch
  • Abdominal pain during pregnancy
  • Recent abdominal trauma

Why is it important to seek help as early as possible?

Almost each of the diseases discussed does not just cause pain and unnecessary worries.

If you don't receive it on time medical care, serious and sometimes life-threatening complications can develop. Don’t wait, make an appointment through or call the numbers listed at the top of the site.


  1. 18 Reasons Why Your Stomach Hurts, Health.com,
  2. 5 Reasons Your Stomach May Hurt, The Johns Hopkins Hospital,
  3. Abdominal Pain, U.S. National Library of Medicine,
  4. Abdominal Pain, Patient.info,
  5. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, U.S. National Library of Medicine,
  6. Symptoms & Causes of Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis, The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases,
  7. Endometriosis, Mayo Clinic,
  8. E. Ebert, Gastrointestinal Involvement in Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical Perspective, University of Medicine and Dentistry New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School,
  9. Intestinal parasites, University of Maryland Medical Center (UMMC).

Abdominal pain – blurry and at the same time common symptom, with complaints from both adults and very young patients. Such pains are varied in nature and can be harbingers of very unpleasant diseases for which immediate hospitalization is indicated. Sometimes it is very difficult for patients to describe them unambiguously.

Most people have heard the expression “sharp stomach” at least once in their lives. Acute abdominal pain most often indicates appendicitis or about colic– bile, liver, kidney.

In older people, especially those who have recently had a heart attack, or those diagnosed with arrhythmia or atherosclerosis, there is a fairly high probability of developing circulatory disorders in the intestines (appear).

Such sharp pains are divided into two broad categories - they can be constant or paroxysmal.

Paroxysmal pain characterized by a gradual increase followed by disappearance. Such pain is also called colic. They are caused by spasms of the smooth muscles of hollow internal organs. With colic, patients often change their body position.

Constant pain characterized by their limitations, i.e. they are localized directly above the damaged internal organ. They almost always increase noticeably with palpation, movement or coughing. Severe muscle tension is also noted. Then the patients try to lie motionless.

In the case of such pain, it is very important to determine the presence/absence of peritonitis or acute intestinal obstruction, which can cause shock varying degrees intensity and directly threaten human life.

Sudden severe pain

This type of pain can be aggravated by vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, fever and chills. These symptoms may indicate intestinal infection or food poisoning.

Poisoning or infection develops quite quickly, usually within a few hours after a person has eaten low-quality food. Such conditions can be aggravated by:

  • severe nausea or vomiting;
  • watery diarrhea;
  • general weakness;
  • pain of a torsional nature in the peri-umbilical area.

Pain with bloody diarrhea

Such pain may vary to varying degrees intensity and are observed in very serious intestinal diseases - salmonellosis or dysentery. In other cases it may be non-specific ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease. Additional symptoms may indicate the latter disease:
  • frequent diarrhea with blood clots;
  • temperature jumps up to 38°C and above;
  • pain of a periodic nature, objectively not related to the consumption of spoiled food.

Abdominal pain after eating

Very often, such pains are of a pronounced cutting nature and differ in varying degrees of intensity. They disappear after defecation and may alternate with diarrhea or constipation. In this case it can be diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome, a fairly common illness. It is not usually classified as a dangerous disease, but it significantly reduces people’s quality of life.

At this syndrome There is a change in the composition of the intestinal microflora due to stress, consumption of a number of foods or hereditary predisposition. Additional characteristic features can be:

  • body temperature does not rise above 37-37.5°C;
  • stool is always without blood clots;
  • no vomiting is observed;
  • attacks of pain are not directly related to eating food or consuming any specific food group.

Pain in the upper abdomen

These pains, as well as the accompanying heartburn, may indicate gastroesophageal reflux. These very common diseases are also characterized by:
  • sharp or dull pain in the upper abdomen or back;
  • sharp pain in the left hypochondrium;
  • loss of appetite;
  • a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen, which patients interpret as pain, a feeling of fullness in the stomach.

Night and hunger pains

Such pain is observed with ulcers or even stomach cancer. A stomach or duodenal ulcer makes itself felt:
  • burning pain in the left side and/or upper part of the stomach;
  • pain that occurs on an empty stomach and disappears after eating;
  • pain that gets worse at night;
Additional symptoms, indicating an ulcer, often become:
  • vomiting or nausea after eating;
  • frequent attacks of heartburn;
  • feeling of quick satiety even after a small amount of food;
  • feeling of discomfort in the upper part of the stomach;
  • feeling .
In the future, the nature of such pain may change. They may become longer lasting, duller and no longer associated with food intake.

Shingles pain

One of the main reasons for such pain may be. This disease is especially dangerous when it occurs in its acute form. The following signs may indicate an acute form:
  • the pain is sharp, cutting in nature;
  • vomiting appears and severe bloating belly;
  • painful sensations appeared after a heavy meal or overuse alcoholic drinks, especially strong ones.
Signs chronic pancreatitis are periodic pain that appear after eating fried food, with high content fats or spices.

Abdominal pain (video)

Abdominal pain in adults and children is the complaint most often encountered by doctors. What to do and what not to do in such cases.

Basic diagnostic methods

Correct diagnosis of abdominal pain is possible only when a person does not try to be his own doctor. That is why in this state you should not use any painkillers or narcotic drugs, drink all kinds of “grandmother’s infusions,” or apply hot or cold things to your stomach. The patient should be transported immediately to medical institution, If:
  • spicy painful sensations lasts more than 2 hours in a row;
  • V stool blood appeared;
  • cramping periodic pain torments a person for more than 12 hours;
  • joined the pain frequent vomiting, especially with an admixture of blood or bile;
  • body temperature increased sharply;
  • weakness and fainting appeared.
A person in this condition should be helped to take a body position in which the pain will be less severe, and take his medical record.

If a person took any medical supplies, you should also take their packaging with you and show it to your doctor.

If the patient has difficulty speaking, family and friends should, if possible, describe his condition.

The nature and location of pain is of great importance for the final diagnosis.

Medical workers carry out:

  • general and biochemical tests blood;
  • colonoscopy;
  • radiography;
  • special tests for antibodies to Helicobacter, markers of viral hepatitis, and dysbacteriosis.

If your child has a stomach ache

Statistically, the most common reason baby's abdominal pain - acute intestinal infection. The main risk group is children under 5-6 years old. Most often, children catch it due to their still very weak, immature immunity, which is not able to fight the infection on its own.

Sources of infection are found throughout the house, and a child can easily become infected while playing. Additional symptoms for this condition, in addition to abdominal pain, often include:

  • severe diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • heat;
  • weakness.
In this condition, the child’s risk of dehydration increases sharply. It is very important to organize correct mode drinking, i.e. The baby should drink more often, but little by little: a teaspoon every 5 minutes. It should be remembered that in this condition, it is strictly forbidden to stuff a child with any disinfectants.

If there is any visible deterioration in the condition, the baby should be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible. Otherwise, he may end up in the intensive care unit, and the recovery process will be significantly prolonged.

Another fairly common cause of abdominal pain in a child is intestinal obstruction. Intussusception is almost always accompanied by constipation, the attacks of pain are cramping, weakness is felt, and gases cease to pass away.

The sooner the little patient is taken to the hospital, the less severe the consequences will be. The diagnosis is confirmed using ultrasound. Gentle treatment methods include:

  • using an enema;
  • introduction of special drugs;
  • subsequent use of the control solution, which is released along with the feces, demonstrates that patency has been restored.
If it is not possible to help a small patient in this way, surgical intervention is indicated.