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Chronic hepatocholecystitis treatment. Treatment of acute acalculous cholecystitis. Causes of cholecystitis

Cholecystitis is a disease (inflammation) of the gallbladder, the main symptom of which is severe pain in the right side when changing body position. Every year the number of these diseases increases by 15%, and the occurrence of stones annually increases by 20% among the adult population. It is noticed that men are less prone to cholecystitis than women after 50 years.

What is this disease, what are the causes and characteristics in adults, as well as treatments and diet for normal functioning gallbladder, we will consider later in the article.

Cholecystitis: what is it?

Cholecystitis is an acute inflammatory process taking place in gallbladder person. The main principles of the development of the inflammatory process in the wall of the gallbladder: the presence of microflora in the lumen of the gallbladder and violations of the outflow of bile.

The role of bile in the physiology of digestion:

  • Dilutes processed food gastric juice, changes gastric digestion to intestinal;
  • Stimulates peristalsis thin department intestines;
  • Activates the production of physiological mucus, which performs protective function in the intestines;
  • Neutralizes bilirubin, cholesterol and a number of other substances;
  • Starts digestive enzymes.

Currently, 10-20% of the adult population suffers from cholecystitis, and this disease has a tendency to further increase. It is connected with in a sedentary manner life, the nature of nutrition (excessive consumption of food rich in animal fats - fatty meat, eggs, butter), growth endocrine disorders(obesity, sugar).


Depending on the duration of the course of the disease, there are:

Acute cholecystitis

Acute acalculous cholecystitis is rare, usually proceeds without complications and ends in recovery, sometimes it can become chronic. The disease most often develops in the presence of stones in the gallbladder and is a complication of cholelithiasis.

Chronic form

Chronic cholecystitis. Inflammation of the gallbladder occurs slowly and gradually, often without bright signs diseases. As in acute form, the patient may be haunted by pain in the right side, in the hypochondrium, especially after a sharp shake of the body.

Both sharp and chronic cholecystitis may be:

  • calculous (i.e. associated with the formation of stones in the bladder, its share reaches 80%);
  • stoneless (up to 20%).

In young patients, as a rule, acalculous cholecystitis is found, but starting from the age of 30, the frequency of verification of calculous cholecystitis increases rapidly.

According to the nature of inflammation, they are:

  • catarrhal;
  • Purulent;
  • gangrenous;
  • Phlegmonous;
  • Mixed.


Most common cause The development of cholecystitis is the entry of microbes into the body and their subsequent development. Cholecystitis can provoke streptococci, coli, enterococci, . That is why antibiotics are used for treatment.

Common causes:

  • Congenital malformations of the gallbladder, pregnancy, prolapse of the abdominal organs
  • Biliary dyskinesia
  • bile stone disease
  • Availability helminthic invasion- ascariasis, giardiasis, strongyloidiasis,
  • Alcoholism, obesity, an abundance of fatty, spicy food in the diet, violation of the diet.

Inflammatory processes in the gallbladder itself or neighboring organs lead to a change in the natural balance of biochemical parameters and tumors. The lack of an adequate response leads to a violation metabolic processes, in particular to a poor outflow of bile, and, consequently, to cholecystitis.

Provoking factors:

  • irrational nutrition with the dominance of fatty, spicy, spicy and salty foods;
  • non-compliance with the diet (long breaks between meals, plentiful evening night meals, lack of hot food);
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • hypodynamia;
  • chronic constipation and intoxication of the body;
  • allergic reactions;
  • age-related disorders in the blood supply to the abdominal organs;
  • trauma;
  • hereditary factor.

Symptoms of cholecystitis in adults

The main symptom of cholecystitis, which patients most complain about, is pain under the ribs in the right side, especially when changing the position of the body, which can also be felt in the right shoulder, shoulder blade, side of the neck. The pain goes away after a while on its own or after taking an anesthetic, but in the future it gradually increases, and then it becomes regular.

Typical symptoms of cholecystitis:

  • Availability dull pain on the right, above the waist, responding in the shoulder blade, lower back, arm;
  • lack of appetite;
  • digestive problems;
  • endless nausea;
  • belching bitter;
  • violation of gas formation;
  • the appearance of chills;
  • signs of jaundice on the skin.

Patients may not experience all of the symptoms listed. Their severity varies from barely perceptible (with sluggish chronic course) to almost unbearable (for example, in the case biliary colicsudden attack intense pain).

The main symptoms of chronic cholecystitis:

  • Indigestion, vomiting, nausea, lack of appetite
  • blunt pain on the right under the ribs, radiating to the back, shoulder blade
  • Bitterness in the mouth, belching bitterness
  • Heaviness in the right hypochondrium
  • Possible yellowing of the skin

The occurrence of an attack

An attack of cholecystitis develops for many reasons. Here are the most common:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • infection in the bile ducts; diseases of the stomach, leading to a violation of the movement of bile;
  • stagnation of bile;
  • blockage of the vessels of the bile ducts as a result of atherosclerosis.

With the onset of an attack of cholecystitis, the symptoms take the following form:

  • the appearance of acute, sharp pain on the right, above the waist;
  • yellowing of the skin;
  • vomiting after eating;
  • the patient cannot find a place for himself;
  • the occurrence of severe weakness;
  • pressure reduction;
  • increased heart rate;
  • the appearance in the mouth of acute bitterness.

In cases of repeated acute attacks inflammation in the gallbladder disease is defined as chronic. This form can proceed as if there is gallstones, as well as in their absence. May develop slowly and imperceptibly over a long period of several months to years, or occur immediately due to the transferred acute stage cholecystitis.

How to relieve an attack of cholecystitis?

Attack acute cholecystitis always has a sudden character, has acutely pronounced symptoms.

Actions on seizure What is forbidden to do
  • provide peace to the patient;
  • put cold compress per area severe pain(right side of the abdomen);
  • apply an antispasmodic drug (no-shpa);
  • after bouts of vomiting, apply mineral water without gas on a sodium chloride, hydrocarbonate basis.
  • call for emergency help.
First of all, analgesics and narcotic painkillers are prohibited. Such help lubricates the symptoms of acute cholecystitis, and the doctor may prescribe the wrong treatment. In addition, during an attack it is strictly forbidden:
  • drink alcohol;
  • take any other medicines not prescribed by a doctor;
  • do enemas;
  • put a heating pad on the abdomen.


The presence of any cholecystitis is always fraught with possible development complications. Some of them are very dangerous and require urgent surgical intervention.

Prolonged inactivity can lead to the development of quite unpleasant complications:

  • cholangitis;
  • the formation of a fistula in the stomach, hepatic flexure, duodenum;
  • reactive hepatitis;
  • “shutdown” of the bladder (the gall no longer performs its functions in sufficient volume);
  • pericholedochal lymphadenitis (inflammation develops in the bile ducts);
  • bladder empyema (purulent inflammation);
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • gallstone gangrene with the appearance;
  • perforation (rupture of the bladder).


Cholecystitis is treated by a gastroenterologist. In the chronic form of the disease, it will be useful to consult a nutritionist. Additional help a physiotherapist can provide.

To make a diagnosis, the following activities are carried out:

  • collection of anamnesis;
  • examination of the patient;
  • laboratory examinations;
  • instrumental research.

Laboratory research:

  • General blood analysis. Reveals signs of inflammation.
  • Blood chemistry: total bilirubin and its fractions, transaminases, alkaline phosphatase, cholesterol. There is a moderate increase.
  • Blood sugar. For diagnosing diabetes.
  • General urine analysis. For differential diagnosis with kidney disease.
  • Kal on . To identify .
  • Microscopic and bacteriological examination of bile.
  • Immunoenzymatic blood test for giardiasis.
  • Analysis of feces for elastase 1. For the diagnosis of pancreatitis.

The following diagnostic methods are used:

  • Ultrasound diagnostics. It is carried out in order to detect signs of pathologically altered tissues of the gallbladder, in some cases, stones;
  • Cholegraphy. Method x-ray examination complementary to ultrasound. Used to detect hidden pathologies of the gallbladder;
  • sounding duodenum. Used to sample the contents of the small intestine.

The best way to determine the presence of the disease is an early examination. Most often, the identification of some deviations chemical composition bile may require only a non-strict diet.

How to treat cholecystitis?

Medical tactics is determined by the form of cholecystitis, its stage and severity. Acute forms of the disease are treated exclusively in the hospital. In chronic cases, patients with mild and uncomplicated forms without intense pain can do without hospitalization.

Treatment of cholecystitis in adults consists of the following steps:

  • Diet therapy. Maintaining an adequate diet is extremely important.
  • Antibiotic therapy. The appointment of an antibiotic is possible after establishing the nature of the inflammation, that is, what pathogen caused the pathogenesis of the disease.
  • symptomatic treatment. It is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease. It can be immunostimulating, antihistamine, sedatives, choleretic drugs, hepatoprotectors.
  • Compliance with the regimen, physiotherapy, especially during periods of remission.


Medicines for cholecystitis should be taken with great care, because. with the wrong selection or the order of their intake, the risk of exacerbation of the disease increases. This is especially true in the presence of stones in the choleretic bladder.

Be sure to consult your doctor who, based on the diagnosis, will prescribe you a course of treatment for cholecystitis, following which a positive prognosis for recovery will increase significantly!

Additional activities:

  • herbal medicine - teas with immortelle, St. John's wort, corn stigmas, mint;
  • procedure of blind probing (tubage) - is carried out 1 time in 7 days, only in the absence of adhesions and pronounced constrictions bile ducts;
  • physiotherapy - electrophoresis, diathermy, mud therapy, inductothermy.

Treatment of chronic cholecystitis is primarily aimed at stimulating the process of bile discharge, eliminating spasmodic phenomena in the biliary tract and gallbladder. A set of measures is also being carried out that are designed to destroy the causative agent of inflammation.


The operation is often prescribed for acute cholecystitis. Unlike acute, the decision to perform surgical manipulation is not made immediately. Doctors can monitor his condition for several days, do a biochemical analysis of the contents of the gallbladder, conduct an ultrasound scan, take blood for analysis, and only when the full picture of the development of the disease is clarified is the final decision made.

Most often, it is stone disease that causes cholecystectomy. At untimely treatment diseases destroy the walls of the gallbladder, and the process of digestion is disturbed. The operation can be performed in two ways: laparoscopy and open cholecystectomy.

The purpose of the operation for cholecystitis is to remove the inflammatory focus, i.e. gallbladder as the primary source of the disease. At the same time, you need to make sure full patency bile ducts, remove obstructions and ensure the free passage of bile into the intestines.

Certainly, possible to avoid surgery, if you seek treatment at the first symptoms, as well as adhere to a diet and follow all the recommendations of doctors.


With cholecystitis, it is recommended to eat in small portions, as often as possible, at least 4-5 times a day. It is strongly recommended to make a diet with constant time food intake. It is very important that bile does not stagnate. The very intake of food into the body by the hour can be considered as a choleretic agent, especially since it is natural for a weakened gastrointestinal system.

Three main directions of the diet for cholecystitis:

  • Unloading the liver and other digestive organs.
  • Normalization of the level of bile.
  • Improving the performance of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is allowed to use in the first days of illness:

  • freshly prepared (not canned!) juices from berries and fruits;
  • mineral water without gas;
  • sweet tea is not strong;
  • rosehip decoction (if there are no contraindications to its use).

After the acute symptoms of the disease in question subside (as a rule, this happens after 1-2 days), the patient is allowed to introduce pureed soups, mucous porridges, kissels, sweet tea with crackers into the diet (they should be made from white bread).

Allowed foods during the diet Prohibited Products
  • soups on vegetable broth with various cereals, vegetables, pasta, borscht, beetroot soup, fresh cabbage soup, dairy soup with cereals, fruit soup with rice;
  • low-fat varieties of meat, poultry (chicken, turkey) and fish (cod, ice, pike perch, hake, navaga, etc.) in boiled, baked (pre-boiled), stewed (with juice removed) form; beef stroganoff, pilaf from boiled meat. Meat and poultry are cooked mainly in a piece, it can also be in the form of meatballs, cutlets, meatballs;
  • fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, White cabbage; boiled and stewed carrots, potatoes, beets, zucchini, pumpkin, cauliflower.
  • Non-acidic sauerkraut, fresh herbs (parsley, dill), legumes - green peas are allowed. Onions are allowed to be added to dishes after it is boiled;

The list of preferred fluids for cholecystitis includes:

  • non-carbonated mineral water;
  • juice from fruits and berries;
  • tea without sugar, weak;
  • rosehip compote.
  • Fatty foods - animal fats: pork, lamb, duck, eggs, butter, chocolate.
  • Fried food should be excluded. These products make it difficult for patients with cholecystitis to digest, since bile does not enter the intestines well.
  • Alcohol (especially beer and champagne) - it contributes to the appearance of gallstones.
  • Salty, sour, spicy and smoked - they contribute to the production of bile, which can cause stretching of the inflamed organ.
  • You will also have to forget about carbonated drinks and coffee.

Note: no procedures for dilution and removal of bile without a preliminary examination can be carried out categorically. If there is even a small stone in the gallbladder or ducts, then the sudden movement of bile can lead the patient to the operating table for emergency surgical care.

Folk remedies

Before using folk remedies for cholecystitis, be sure to consult a gastroenterologist.

  1. Corn silk- 10 g pour 200 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes, take ¼ cup 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Juice of one lemon and a tablespoon of salt pour a liter boiled water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. Effective method emptying of the gallbladder.
  3. Pumpkin . Cook as many pumpkin dishes as you can. It is useful to take freshly squeezed juice from the pulp of a vegetable (200 ml per day).
  4. Add 2 tsp to boiling water immortelle flowers, 2 tsp lingonberry leaves, 3 tsp knotweed and 1 tsp flowers chamomile. Let it brew for 2-3 hours. Take ½ cup three times a day.
  5. Mix the ingredients in the given quantities: peppermint, chamomile, kidney tea - 2 tablespoons each; medicinal soapwort, common hops (cones) - 3 tbsp. l. For 1 liter of boiling water, take 3 tablespoons of the collection. Take 100 ml 6 times a day.
  6. Take 2 teaspoons chopped sage leaf medicinal, brew 2 cups boiling water. Insist 30 minutes, strain. Take 1 tablespoon every 2 hours for inflammation of the gallbladder, liver.


The main prevention of cholecystitis is to significantly reduce the likelihood of gallstones. And in order to prevent the formation of stones, it is necessary to be attentive to your diet and to those products that are consumed daily.

To protect yourself from the appearance of symptoms of inflammatory processes in the walls of the gallbladder in adults, prevention of cholecystitis at home is required, including:

  1. Observe the diet, limit the consumption of fatty and fried foods, exclude alcoholic and carbonated drinks, give preference to fractional nutrition, strive to normalize body weight.
  2. Timely sanitation of probable foci of infection in the body - organs oral cavity and nasopharynx.
  3. Once a year, undergo a dispensary examination using the method of ultrasound therapy of the hepatobiliary system.

Timely detected and prescribed symptoms and treatment of cholecystitis in adults, full compliance with the instructions of the attending physician - all this makes the prognosis for the cure of acute cholecystitis quite optimistic. But even in the case of a chronic course pathological process the patient loses his ability to work only during the period of exacerbation. The rest of the time he feels good.

Inflammation of the gallbladder is called cholecystitis in modern medicine. This disease can appear in both children and adults. The inflammatory process in this organ of the digestive system is often accompanied by various violations, including those associated with the biliary system.

According to statistics, about 10% of the total population of our country suffers from cholecystitis, and these figures are growing every year, even despite the huge progress in the medical field. Today there are several effective methods treatment of chronic and acute cholecystitis using high-quality medicines and ultrasound. But only a doctor can prescribe therapy, taking into account the results of the patient's diagnosis and his age.

Inflammation of the gallbladder can develop in both adults and children. The disease occurs in an acute or chronic form with severe signs of the disease or is completely asymptomatic. In addition, cholecystitis is a common disease, sometimes leading to complications.

Often inflammation of the gallbladder is a consequence of gallstone disease. But young people (under 20 years old) are less prone to stone formation when compared, for example, with those over 50 years old. The probability of detecting hyperechoic formations (polyps and stones) on ultrasound with cholecystitis in elderly people is high.

As for children, they are often diagnosed with angiocholecystitis or cholecystocholangitis. Purulent lesions are uncommon, although in medical practice there are also severe cases.

If a child is diagnosed with cholecystitis, the symptoms of the disease may differ from its manifestations in adults. So, babies are most often worried about paroxysmal pain, nausea, stool disorders, bitter taste in the mouth and lack of appetite. In the presence of such a clinical picture, you should immediately seek medical attention. medical assistance. Initially, you can visit the pediatrician. In the event that symptoms appear in an adult with cholecystitis, consultation with a therapist or gastroenterologist will be indispensable.

The formation of stones in the gallbladder is the main trigger factor influencing the appearance of acute cholecystitis. It is these hyperechoic formations that often block the outflow of bile and create favorable conditions for the vital activity of pathogenic microflora. Streptococci, staphylococci, Escherichia, etc. can provoke the development of inflammation.

Acute cholecystitis may appear against the background of:

Only a competent doctor can determine the causes of the appearance and development of acute inflammation of the gallbladder. Any experiments for the purpose of self-treatment can lead to irreparable consequences.

Nutrition as a cause of acute and chronic cholecystitis

Nutrition includes a whole list of different predisposing factors that can influence the development of acute or chronic cholecystitis. Negative influence can provide:

  • systematic overeating;
  • constant snacking on the go;
  • poor chewing of food;
  • unhealthy menu when a person consumes fatty foods for breakfast, lunch or dinner, fried foods, canned food or spicy snacks (high cholesterol foods are also not recommended).

In addition, you should not eat dishes that are prepared without observing the basic rules. For example, harm digestive system can apply vegetables fried on the "old" sunflower oil, stale food, insufficient heat treatment etc.

Chronic cholecystitis may worsen due to malnutrition, therefore, during remission, it is advisable to adhere to the doctor's recommendations. It is allowed to include in the diet:

  • low-fat varieties of cheese;
  • non-acidic berries and fruits;
  • lean meat and fish;
  • vegetable oils;
  • rosehip broth, weak tea, dried fruit compotes;
  • dried bread;
  • steamed or boiled vegetables.

If a person has chronic or acute cholecystitis, then doctors strongly recommend giving up alcohol, legumes, fatty dairy products, pickled vegetables, coffee, mushrooms, spicy and canned foods.

When cholecystitis is detected, the symptoms of the disease can be different. Moreover, the clinical picture always depends on the form of the disease, on the presence of concomitant chronic diseases in the patient, and even on the environment.

Among the most common signs of acute and chronic cholecystitis, pain in the hypochondrium with right side. The symptom may appear sharply or intensify after eating, for example, if the patient consumed fatty and fried foods, alcoholic or carbonated drinks.

If acute cholecystitis is diagnosed, the symptoms can be different:

  • sharp paroxysmal pains radiating to the neck, shoulder blades, heart;
  • excessive sweating;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fever;
  • feeling of bitterness in the mouth.

Elevated body temperature is optional specific sign cholecystitis, because in each individual patient the disease has its own clinical picture. And if in one patient the body temperature during an exacerbation has fibril indicators, then in another such a symptom may be completely absent. Especially if we are talking about the elderly or those who have significant malfunctions in the immune system.

Which has a chronic, relapsing character.

Causes of chronic cholecystitis

The development of the disease is associated with a violation of the motor-evacuation function of the gallbladder, resulting in stagnation and thickening of bile. Later, an infection joins and inflammation occurs. With a prolonged course, deformations, adhesions of the bladder, fistulas, adhesions with neighboring organs can form. Chronic stagnation of bile contributes to stone formation in the gallbladder and, accordingly, the development of calculous cholecystitis.

The development of the disease is facilitated by:

Congenital disorder of the anatomy of the gallbladder;

Hypodynamia of the bladder (decreased tone);

Prolapse of the abdominal organs;

Diet disorders (obesity, overeating, regular use fatty, spicy foods, alcoholism);

Dyskinesia of the biliary tract according to the hypomotor type;

Dyskinesia of the biliary tract of a mixed type;

Non-functioning gallbladder.

Patient's actions

Patients with chronic cholecystitis must strictly adhere to a special diet (No. 5 according to Pevzner - in remission, diet No. 5A - with exacerbation). Eating is done every 3-4 hours in small portions (fractional nutrition), limit the use of fatty, fried, spicy, spicy foods, carbonated drinks, alcohol-containing products. Raw fruits and vegetables are prohibited egg yolks, pastry products, creamy and oil creams, ice cream, nuts. With exacerbations, steamed or boiled foods are recommended in a warm form. Fruits and vegetables allowed to patients during periods of remission: dried apricots, watermelon and melon, carrots, prunes, raisins.

Treatment chronic cholecystitis

Apply antibacterial drugs a wide range actions (groups of cephalosporins - cefazolin, ceftriaxone), detoxification therapy ( infusion administration solutions of sodium chloride, glucose, etc.), enzyme preparations (pancreatin). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, paracetamol) are used to relieve pain, relieve inflammation, antispasmodics (drotaverine, mebeverine hydrochloride) are prescribed to relieve spasm of the smooth muscles of the bladder and ducts.

To eliminate stagnation of bile in a non-calculous form, agents are used that enhance peristalsis. biliary tract(sea buckthorn, olive oil, magnesia), drugs that increase the secretion of bile - choleretics (allochol, cholenzim, liobil, hofitol).

For treatment during periods of exacerbations of chronic uncomplicated cholecystitis, herbal medicine is prescribed: decoctions of herbs (valerian, peppermint, chamomile, calendula).

Physiotherapeutic treatment is also used: electrophoresis, reflexology, amplipulse, mud therapy. Recommended spa treatment at balneological resorts.

In chronic calculous cholecystitis, surgical removal gallbladder (cholecystectomy). Medication calculous cholecystitis is treated with drugs with salts of ursodeoxycholic, chenodeoxycholic acids.



Perforation of the gallbladder wall.

Bladder empyema.

reactive hepatitis.

Prevention chronic cholecystitis

Compliance healthy lifestyle life, rejection of harmful eating habits, physical activity, timely treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In surgeons, acute inflammation of the gallbladder is considered the most common disease after appendicitis. According to medical statistics, this disease affects mainly people 40-60 years old. Moreover, there are 3.5 times more women in the number of patients than men. Timely treatment helps save the lives of many patients.

In all forms of gallbladder pathology, an indispensable condition effective therapy diseases - medical nutrition. Its main principles: the rejection of alcohol, heavy, fatty foods and strong, carbonated drinks, frequent use food in small portions. The purpose of such a diet is the sparing effect of food on the bladder and on the liver. In acute cholecystitis and exacerbations of the chronic variant of the disease, fasting is prescribed in the first days. Then for 3-4 weeks - diet No. 5a, subsequently - No. 5 for a long time.

Conservative treatment gallbladder involves the complex use pharmaceutical tablets, medicinal herbs, home remedies. Patients are encouraged to drink mineral water mined in Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk or Borjomi. practiced various methods physiotherapy. In the absence of the expected result, doctors perform operations by removing the bubble.

Chronic cholecystitis - treatment

With this disease, which develops for a long time due to a bacterial infection or the presence of stones, deformation of the mucous membrane and walls of the gallbladder occurs. Treatment of chronic cholecystitis should be carried out by a gastroenterologist. Periods of relative calm alternate with episodes of exacerbations. The most important condition therapy - you can not violate the prohibitions of the diet.

With cholecystitis, especially chronic, it is required to conduct a long course of treatment with drugs of various effects.

To reduce the drug load, doctors prescribe herbal preparation Gastroguttal.

Gastroguttal are gastric drops based on medicinal herbs.

The composition includes tinctures of valerian, wormwood, mint and belladonna. The drug has a relaxing effect on the functioning of the gallbladder, helps relieve symptoms of cholecystitis and normalizes the functioning of the biliary tract.

Gastroguttal also relieves inflammation and spasms, which are the main cause of intestinal pain.

The bitterness of wormwood stimulates the activity of the digestive glands (helps increase the secretion of bile, gastric and pancreatic juice), improves the motor function of the stomach and intestines, has an anti-inflammatory effect and activates the body's defenses.

And peppermint, which is part of Gastroguttal, improves the qualitative composition of bile, promotes the proper movement of food through the digestive tract and eliminates bloating.

Herbal, natural composition Gastroguttal makes taking the drug pleasant to the taste when added to tea, and liquid dosage form contributes more fast action.

How to treat a gallbladder in a chronic form? Medical treatment lies in complex application drugs of the following groups:

A patient with a suspicion of such a diagnosis is subject to immediate hospitalization. Treatment of acute cholecystitis should be carried out in a hospital setting. This form of the disease occurs more often in the presence of stones. How to cure gallbladder acute inflammation? If the patient's condition is not critical, conservative therapy. To relieve pain, analgesics are prescribed, drugs that normalize the functioning of the gallbladder are put on the right side of the cold.

bacterial infection suppressed by antibiotics. In the early days, fasting is practiced with alkaline drink- acids, proteins and fats make the gallbladder work hard. For additional food and detoxification of the body prescribed droppers. If after 2-3 days the pain does not go away, the temperature is high, then surgical intervention is undertaken. This may be a puncture with drainage of the bladder or its removal.

Calculous cholecystitis - treatment

The basic principles of therapy for the disease in the presence and absence of stones are largely similar. How to cure calculous cholecystitis? The doctor chooses a regimen based on how acutely the patient is ill. In addition, the therapy of the calculous type of the disease depends on the localization of the stones. If, for example, they are in the lumen of the common duct, then choleretic drugs should not be used, since such drugs can set the stones in motion and clog the bile ducts.

With an exacerbation of the disease during inpatient treatment fasting, painkillers, anticholinergic and antispasmodic drugs, detoxification droppers are prescribed. Subsequent meals should correspond to dietary table No. 5a, then No. 5. Treatment of calculous cholecystitis without surgery takes more than one month. Strict compliance diets should not be stopped when the severity of the disease subsides. The ban on spicy, fatty, fried foods and alcohol should be for life.

Acalculous cholecystitis - treatment

The infection easily penetrates the sluggish gallbladder with stagnant bile. Signs of an exacerbation of the acalculous form of the disease are similar to the symptoms of an acute calculous variant of the disease. How to treat inflammation of the gallbladder when there are no stones? If the patient's condition is serious, with a risk to life, it is necessary to urgently remove it. Conservative treatment of acalculous cholecystitis also requires considerable time. The main condition for therapy is, again, a strict diet.

Cholecystitis in children - treatment

Treatment of cholecystitis at home

Still in first place diet food. Additional Treatment cholecystitis at home can be carried out only after the approval of the doctor. Possible options:

  • the use of bran, beetroot juice, raw or soft-boiled eggs, vegetable oils to activate the outflow of bile;
  • drinking mineral water;
  • exercises with inclinations of the body, unhurried jogging;
  • taking a warm (not hot!) bath with a feeling of impending pain.

Treatment of cholecystitis with drugs

modern medicine has effective drugs for the treatment of this disease. In the treatment of cholecystitis with drugs today, it is often recommended to take:

  • analgesics- Ketonal, Analgin, Baralgin;
  • antispasmodics- No-shpa, Duspatalin, Mebeverin;
  • drugs that normalize the gallbladder- Riabal; Platifillin; magnesium sulfate, Sorbitol, Xylitol, Holosas;
  • choleretic agents- Digestal, Festal, Cholenzim, Allochol;
  • antibiotics- Ampicillin, Ciprofloxacin, Furazolidone;
  • hepatoprotectors- Essentiale, Gepabene, Karsil;
  • litholithics(preparations that dissolve stones) - Ursosan, Exhol, Ursofalk, etc.

Cholecystitis - treatment with folk remedies

  • Knotweed decoction: 1 tbsp. spoon pharmacy herb pour one glass of water, put on water bath, boil for half an hour, filter.
  • Calamus infusion: 1 teaspoon of finely chopped roots brew 1/2 cup of boiling water, warm and insist until the infusion cools, then strain.
  • Infusion of corn silk: 1 tbsp. brew a spoonful of dry raw materials with one glass of boiling water, warm and infuse for 1 hour, then filter.

Video: treatment of cholecystitis with folk remedies

The main symptoms of the pathology are nausea, bitterness in the oral cavity and a pulling feeling in the right hypochondrium. Treatment of cholecystitis should be complex and systemic, with the choice therapeutic methods and medicines can only be carried out by a doctor.

Diets for cholecystitis

For the treatment of calculous and stoneless types of the disease, as a rule, diet No. 5 is used, the main principle of which is to reduce the consumption of foods rich in cholesterol. At the same time, therapeutic nutrition for cholecystitis implies an increase in the amount of vegetable fiber in the menu of a sick person. In case of exacerbation and chronic course of the disease, the following products should be excluded from the diet:

  • any marinades, sauces;
  • fish/meat broths;
  • legumes;
  • fried food;
  • sausages;
  • canned food, semi-finished products;
  • spicy food, spices;
  • sour berries such as viburnum or cranberries;
  • sweet pastries;
  • cocoa, coffee.

With cholelithiasis, it is worth supplementing your menu:

  • bran / rye bread;
  • milk, cottage cheese, sour cream;
  • different cereals;
  • creamy, olive oil;
  • lean soups in vegetable broth;
  • boiled lean poultry, fish;
  • pasta;
  • fresh sweet fruits;
  • raw vegetables;
  • weak tea, compotes, kissels, mineral water.

Eating with inflammation of the gallbladder and liver should be done correctly: you should eat fractionally, 5-6 times a day, while the portions should be small. This is the only way to ensure that bile is secreted in sufficient quantities and at the right time. To avoid spasms of the bile ducts, it is worth giving up too hot or cold food. During therapeutic diet It is worth arranging 1-2 days of fasting per week. It is allowed to drink only mineral water and herbal decoctions.

Treatment of cholecystitis with drugs

An attack of acute cholecystitis is a good reason for hospitalization of the patient. At the same time, doctors conduct research and take necessary materials for analysis to determine if the patient has any complications in the gallbladder cavity. After a complete examination, the patient is diagnosed and prescribed adequate therapy. How will cholecystitis be treated in the hospital? If an inflammatory process was detected, as evidenced by fever the patient's body, he is prescribed:

  • antibiotics;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

After the focus of inflammation is suppressed, the doctor prescribes an appointment choleretic agents. This necessary measure to accelerate the removal of excess bile, stones from the body and to improve general condition patient with cholecystitis. The main task is to reduce the inflammatory process. With the help of choleretic drugs, this can be done quickly, so they treat even those patients who have observed early stage development of pathology.

If during the diagnosis stones or calcifications were detected in the ducts or the organ itself, which is accompanied by a serious inflammation of the bile organ, the doctor prescribes an operation. Conservative treatment in this case will be ineffective. Surgical intervention, in addition, can be prescribed to a man or woman with cholecystitis, if drug therapy did not give the expected results. In all other cases, for the treatment of cholecystitis, medications. Find out how to treat the disease below.

Cholagogue drugs

The main drugs and prescriptions are:

  1. Allohol. A remedy for cholecystitis based on bile acids stimulates the formation of bile. The disease should be treated by taking 2 tablets 3-4 times a day. The course of therapy is 2 months.
  2. Nicodin. An effective synthetic remedy for calculous cholecystitis is taken for 2-3 weeks, 1-2 tablets three times a day.
  3. Xylitol. The drug irritates the duodenal membrane, due to which it has not only a choleretic, but also a laxative effect. The tool accelerates lipid metabolism and taken 50-100 ml twice or thrice a day for a maximum of 3 months.
  4. Berberine. Treat cholecystitis with this drug for a month, taking 1-2 tablets three times a day.
  5. Holonerton. The drug for cholecystitis of the calculous type eliminates the stagnation of bile in the bladder, has an antispasmodic effect. Holonerton normalizes pressure in the gallbladder. It is worth treating the disease with them until the moment when the patient's condition returns to normal. The recommended daily dosage is no more than 3 tablets.

pain pills

It is forbidden to use any drugs for the treatment of cholecystitis at home, as they can aggravate the patient's condition. Any remedy must be prescribed by a doctor. So, with a hypotonic and large gallbladder, you can not take any antispasmodics, otherwise stagnation may form. Common painkillers such as Aspirin, Paracetamol or Ibuprofen will not be effective. How to treat cholecystitis with antispasmodics? To relieve pain and spasm, the following drugs will help:

  • Drotaverine;
  • Atropine;
  • Papaverine;
  • Duspatalin;
  • Platifillin.


At healthy person bile is sterile, and with the development of cholecystitis, pathogenic bacteria begin to multiply in it, provoking inflammation of the bladder walls. Since bile in the intestine is immediately contaminated with microflora, sowing in this case is ineffective, and the doctor prescribes broad-spectrum antibiotics. If a patient has leukocytosis in the blood and high temperature body treatment at home involves the use of penicillins, macrolides. When the patient is in the hospital, cholecystitis is treated with gentamicin and cephalosporins, which are administered intramuscularly.

Anti-inflammatory drugs

This group of drugs for cholecystitis, in addition to its main function, has an analgesic effect and helps to normalize body temperature. Doctors for this purpose, as a rule, prescribe drugs based on:

  • piroxicam;
  • paracetamol;
  • ibuprofen.

Surgical treatment of the gallbladder

If the inflammation acquires a purulent or destructive form and spreads, there is a risk of gallbladder rupture with subsequent peritonitis. At the same time, postponing surgical intervention unacceptable. In addition, the indication for surgery is the presence of numerous or large stones in the organ. The doctor can choose one of two methods surgical treatment diseases:

  1. Remove the gallbladder.
  2. Drain the organ outward to heal first acute symptoms with the help of drugs, and operate later.

How to treat the gallbladder folk remedies

Phytotherapy in the treatment of cholecystitis has a complex effect on the body. Folk remedies contribute to the liquefaction of bile, its withdrawal, relieve spasms and inflammation from the bile ducts. However, decoctions and infusions of herbs should not treat the patient: substances are used as an additional, and not the main measure to combat the disease. Besides, folk remedies can be used in chronic cholecystitis to prevent exacerbation. Mineral waters also perfectly treat the gallbladder.


A great advantage of phytotherapy is its gentle effect on the body, thanks to which such means can be treated even during pregnancy. In the complex therapy of inflammation of the gallbladder, the following herbs are used:

  • parsley;
  • tansy;
  • corn silk;
  • yarrow;
  • rose hip;
  • mint;
  • barberry;
  • immortelle.

Recipes effective means, which will help treat chronic cholecystitis at home:

  1. herbal collection No. 1. Mix equal amounts of tansy flowers, immortelle, corn stigmas. Pour ½ tbsp. collection with boiling water (250 ml). Take the infusion in small sips throughout the day.
  2. Herbal collection No. 2. Combine 1 spoon each of calendula flowers, tansy, St. John's wort, rose hips, horsetail, coltsfoot, plantain, mint, yarrow, nettle, eucalyptus, Birch buds. Boil this mixture in a liter of water, then let stand for at least half an hour. Take a decoction daily for ½ tbsp. half an hour before meals twice.
  3. vegetable juices. Effective against disease. You should drink a mixture of cucumber, carrot, lemon, beet juice throughout the day (½ tbsp each). This remedy will quickly remove stones from the gallbladder.

Homeopathic treatment for cholecystitis

Main principle Homeopathy consists in using for the treatment of a disease a remedy of a similar chemical composition that the stones themselves have in the gallbladder. For example, if a urinalysis determined that they consist of phosphate and oxalic acids, then cholecystitis should be treated with the same substances. These acids contain the following drugs:

  • Hekalava;
  • Acidum;
  • Okvalicum;
  • Lipodum;
  • Lycopodium, ave.
