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Plantar fasciitis causes. Plantar fasciitis: causes and exercises to strengthen the foot. Surgical removal of plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is a disease that forms as a result of inflammatory and degenerative processes in the plantar (plantar) fascia.

The disease is accompanied by pain in the heel, which becomes stronger with load on the foot. Fasciitis also occurs due to damage to soft tissues and bone growths.

In common people this disease called ““’, but this name is not reliable, since bone spur appears as a result of a disease.

The most vulnerable group of people are women over 40 years of age. Plantar fasciitis can also occur in athletes when they experience severe stress in the heel area.

Causes of the disease

Plantar fasciitis may occur due to prolonged and severe overload of the ligaments.

This disease mainly affects middle-aged and elderly people.

Weightlifters, ballerinas and track and field athletes also very often experience fasciitis due to special loads.

The list of main problems that cause the disease includes:

  • strong and prolonged stress on the legs;
  • when the shoe wears down, the position of the foot takes incorrect position, also called pronation, i.e. turning of the foot when walking inward;
  • long-term wearing of tight shoes and high-heeled shoes;
  • V lumbar region spine;
  • problems with insufficient blood supply to the legs due to obliterating atherosclerosis;
  • excess weight;
  • high arches of the foot and are also dangerous factors;
  • diseases of inflammatory and degenerative type (arthrosis and arthritis);
  • on the background age-related changes thinning of the layer of subcutaneous fatty tissue in the heel area may occur;
  • and thin the layer of tissue in the heel area, which provokes the appearance of the disease.

Factors provoking the development of the disease

These factors can contribute to the development of fasciitis, so you also need to take a closer look at them and correct any mistakes.

  1. The first factor are uncomfortable and tight shoes, so it’s better to wear sports shoes, or place a soft insole in it.
  2. The second factor is walking barefoot. If you like to walk barefoot, then you should stop doing this. You should only walk at home in slippers.
  3. The third and final factor is overweight. Due to excess, many different serious problems, such as diseases of cardio-vascular system, but this also creates a huge load on the heel, which is why the disease can worsen. Therefore, it is worth starting to lead healthy image life by eliminating fatty and starchy foods from your diet and exercising regularly.

Symptoms of plantar fasciitis

The most common symptom of the disease is sharp pain in the heel area, which usually occurs when walking.

This pathology has characteristic feature, which is pain when taking the first steps, immediately after waking up.

This factor appears due to the fact that at night, with a long rest, micro sprains in the ligaments begin to heal, and when a person begins to walk, the ligaments are stretched again, causing pain.

Also, pain may appear after a long stay in one position, after special physical activity and basically classes active species sports According to patient descriptions, the pain with fasciitis is similar in sensation to the pain when piercing the foot with a pin.

Also, as the disease progresses, it may appear Blunt pain. As a rule, pain appears only in the plantar area of ​​the heel. But in some cases it may also start to hurt back surface bones.

If fasciitis is in neglected form, then a person may stop walking altogether, since it is very difficult to move without stepping on the heel, this can also cause other diseases associated with socks and outer part feet.

Diagnosis of fasciitis

Marginal osteophyte calcaneus(heel spur) on x-ray of the foot

If the symptoms described above occur, you should immediately contact a specialist. He, in turn, must examine the patient’s leg and be sure to conduct an X-ray examination, only then will the doctor be able to accurately determine the severity of the disease and prescribe effective method treatment.

During the examination, the doctor examines the heels for swelling and points where pain occurs. But the X-ray results will show growths of the heel bone.

Often, with symptoms of fasciitis, patients do not know which specialist to contact; this disease is dealt with traumatologists and orthopedists, but if there is no clinic near you this specialist, You can seek help from a surgeon.

Treatment of plantar fasciitis

In case of illness, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are used medical supplies. As a rule, various massages and physical therapy are used. With more severe cases Laser therapy is also used.

Drug treatment

To treat fasciitis, take anti-inflammatory drugs (not containing steroids). Painkillers you can take:

  • Naproxen;
  • Hydrocortisone ointment;
  • Aspirin;
  • Ibuprofen (ointments and tablets);
  • Indomethacin ointment.

The remedies will remove inflammation in the leg and reduce pain. You also have the choice of using tablets or creams.

If you decide to be treated with pills, take them only after meals. And if you resorted to creams, then without any prescriptions, simply apply them to the inflamed area.

If the symptoms become severely aggravated, it is worth using corticosteroids (diprospan, flosterone). Injections this drug will relieve the pain for a while, but still do not forget that this is only a temporary solution to this problem.

The injections are quite painful, and if you overuse them, you can seriously damage your heel.

Surgical interventions

Before resorting to surgery, you need to see a specialist physical therapist. He will definitely tell you what to do, and will be able to tell you whether it is necessary to resort to such serious methods cure the disease.

Consult a physiotherapist only after using all other (non-medical) treatments. You may not have to lie down on the surgical table at all, and other options will help eliminate plantar fasciitis.

If, nevertheless, no methods could stop the development of the disease, then, of course, it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention, since this is the only remaining method. This procedure will be able to completely eliminate inflammation in the ligaments and relieve sprains. At surgical intervention They remove part of the ligaments, which eliminates fasciitis.

But not everything is so good; during surgery, you need to be aware that there are a number of risks; the list of dangers associated with surgery includes:

  • development of neuroma;
  • infections;
  • tarsal tunnel syndrome;
  • constant sharp pain and swelling.

There is also a risk that long time After surgery, the ability to regenerate wounds will slow down.

You should take the operation seriously and contact a truly good specialists, remember that health is more valuable than money. Therefore, you need to go to a clinic with a good reputation.

Use of extracorporeal shock wave therapy

This method is a safer option than surgery. Treatment occurs by directing sound waves to the affected area, the method is aimed at relaxing the leg muscles.

This type treatment is used only if symptoms of fasciitis do not disappear after 6 months of treatment.

The procedure also has side effects, such as swelling of the treated area and bruising. The method is not as aggressive as surgery, but also less effective.

Various Alternative and Home Treatments for Fasciitis

Insoles for shoes

To reduce the load on your feet, you need to use different kinds insoles and heels. It is of course advisable to use orthopedic insoles. This type of insoles provides additional support for the feet.

You need to put orthopedic insoles in two shoes, that is, if you only have pain in one leg, you don’t need to use insoles on only one leg. After all, shoes should be balanced, which can prevent heel pain.

To choose the right insoles, you need to contact the appropriate specialist, who, in turn, will find out the parameters of your feet and write out an order for special orthopedic shoes.

You can also use so-called orthoses, prosthetic devices in the form of boots. The orthosis is a fixation for the legs during sleep, since the foot is rigidly placed at an angle closer to the lower leg.

This method will help the micro-tears that form during the day to heal properly.

Physical therapy (6 effective exercises for plantar fascia)

There are complex exercises to prevent plantar fasciitis. Only 6 exercises will be listed.

1 exercise.

In the first exercise you need to lean on the wall and extend your arms. Once you are confident that your leg is extended as far back as possible while the other is slightly in front, shift your weight to your back leg.

Then, move your body forward, without lifting your heels, and remain in this position for 30 seconds until you feel a stretch.

Exercise 2.

In this exercise, you need to stretch your feet as far as possible, and then use your hands to bend all your toes back, Special attention should be given to the thumb.

This exercise must be done alternating, that is, first bend the knee, and then do the exercise with the leg straightened.

The foot should be kept in a state of tension for greater effectiveness. The exercise is performed 10 repetitions, 2-3 times a day.

Exercise 3.

To perform this exercise you need to take a small stool. Stand on a stool, rest your hands on a stable support, the ideal option would be a wall. When you are confident that you can maintain balance, then begin the exercise.

Stand on your toes and strain your foot, you need to stand in this position for 30 seconds and then return to the starting position. The exercise is performed for 10 repetitions, 3 times a day.

Exercise 4

To do this exercise, take a small towel and lay it on the floor. Then try to lift it using only your toes. Hold the towel for about 30 seconds, then slowly release and relax your legs. Perform 10 repetitions, 3 times a day.

Exercise 5

This exercise involves stretching your feet so that your toes are under tension. Then apply light pressure to the fascia area and make circular movements.

This exercise should be done several times a day until a feeling of relaxation appears in the arch of the foot.

Exercise 6

For this exercise you need to take cold jar, for example, with soda, or some small ball, and then press it with your foot and start rolling it along the floor in order to relax the arch of your foot. It is worth doing 30 to 50 repetitions a day to keep your feet relaxed.

Other methods of treating the disease.

Other treatment methods include massages, mud and mineral baths and warming rubs. Gamma therapy is also sometimes used.

Gamma therapy is performed on radiotherapy units widely used in the field of oncology.

Disease Prevention

Some of the treatments are also applied beforehand to prevent fasciitis. Several of these methods need to be highlighted:

  • maintaining the body in appropriate shape;
  • wearing comfortable shoes, or better yet, orthopedic ones;
  • do not test your legs with excessive physical activity;

Plantar fascia prognosis

This disease has a very favorable prognosis and can pose a health hazard only in its advanced form. Also, if a bone formation on the fascia is fractured, the disease can take a severe form.

Videos on the topic

The common disease “heel spur” also has another medical name – plantar fasciitis. Sometimes you can find another formulation of the diagnosis – plantar fasciitis of the foot. Patients experiencing this disease have an inflammatory process in the elastic tissues of the foot.

A few words about the structure of the foot

The foot is a huge mechanism that consists of many ligaments, bones and other parts. So, there are only 26 bones here, of which the largest is the heel. On calcaneal tubercle the largest concentration of all ligaments is concentrated, blood vessels And nerve endings. There is also a large ligament - fascia ( Achilles tendon), which is responsible for keeping the heel in the required condition.

It is the main shock absorber of the sole and takes on the main load. It is not surprising that sometimes this ligament experiences overload. The most weakness at the fascia - this is the area where it is attached to the tubercle, and accordingly, problems arise most of all here.


Because the main reason deterioration of the condition of the ligamentous tissue are overloads, then, accordingly, everyone is most susceptible to the disease active people, both men and women. But there are also risk groups, or provoking factors, which are discussed below.

Flat feet

Violation of the anatomy of the foot sooner or later leads to different joint diseases, and in any part of the skeleton, starting from the foot and ending with the cervical vertebrae. With congenital flat feet, fasciitis appears somewhat more often, and its therapy involves only reducing the manifestation acute condition. In other words, in this case, both flat feet and plantar fasciitis should be treated.

Excess weight

The load that obese people carry every day can constantly undermine the condition of the ligamentous tissue in the foot. With the accumulation of provoking factors, the situation becomes more complicated and an inflammatory process develops in certain areas of the foot.

Professional sports activities

Athletes, like no one else, are familiar with diseases of the musculoskeletal system firsthand. Of course they the immune system is in excellent condition and constant monitoring by trainers gives tangible results. But even the most persistent give in under the pressure of a mind-blowing load, and the body simply cannot stand it.

Uncomfortable shoes

Usually we're talking about about women, since only they are capable of wearing beautiful but tight high-heeled shoes for the sake of fashion. The provoking factor is high heel, since the area of ​​the foot decreases, but the mass (weight) of the woman remains the same.

Connection between heel spur and heels are obvious. Experts never tire of repeating that shoes should be comfortable if a woman wants to drive. active life until old age


Over the years, all ongoing processes in the body worsen. Thus, blood circulation in the lower extremities is significantly reduced. This leads to a lack of supply of nutritional components to the tissues of the joints lower limbs, and plantar fasciitis of the foot is just one of the possible problems, which may appear.

Metabolic diseases

Often fasciitis is secondary disease in people with diabetes mellitus, lupus erythematosus, gout or atherosclerosis. Such a patient must undergo treatment from several specialists at once.


Fortunately, the heel area is extremely rarely injured (more often this happens in professional athletes), because the foot is protected from external influence shoe sole.


Plantar fasciitis can be diagnosed before going to the doctor. Such patients experience severe pain in the heel area in the morning, when the whole body and joints are rested. Gradually, as you move, the pain begins to subside, and by the evening it completely disappears. But as soon as a person rests a little longer, unpleasant symptoms appear again.

Gradually, the time when the pain disappears will begin to decrease, and it will become firmly established in a person’s life. Severe discomfort It also occurs while walking, especially when going up and down stairs. In these situations, the fascia is stretched to its maximum, and the inflamed tissue manifests itself with pain.

You need to understand that often when heel spur Osteophytes - bone formations - appear. They bring excruciating pain because they touch the nerves running here. The situation can become critical, and it will be difficult for the patient to simply stand on his leg, not to mention everyday movements and walking. A person tries to lean on something, and gradually crutches appear in his life. Also, manifestations of fasciitis include a change in the gait of patients.


Patients who complain of pain in the foot are most often referred by specialists for x-rays, the results of which will show abnormalities in bone growth. Osteophytes are also clearly visible on the x-ray. But x-rays are not a sufficient research method for foot diseases.

It is strongly recommended to also undergo an MRI to assess the condition of the soft tissues. So, only on MRI can you see internal swelling and localization of the inflammatory process, as well as pinched nerves, if any. And of course, MRI images make it possible to exclude or confirm other pathologies.

MRI for this disease is considered more informative method diagnostics than x-rays. The photographs will make it possible to see the heel “in cross-section”, in several projections at once


The sooner the patient begins treatment for plantar fasciitis of the foot, the greater the chance of a full recovery without consequences. If a visit to the doctor is postponed, the patient will experience deterioration in the condition of the foot, destructive and destructive processes, and then the likelihood of disability increases significantly. So, all the recommendations and remedies prescribed by the doctor should be used.

What is it based on? effective therapy plantar fasciitis of the foot:

  • Load limitation. This disease is so serious that it makes sense not only to give up routine housework that requires being on your feet, but also to take sick leave. In other words, the legs, at least at first, need almost complete rest, as with fractures.
  • Medicines. Most often, experts prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to patients to reduce activity. pathological process in the tissues of the joint. To the complex oral medications, may also include analgesics and antispasmodics, which also reduce the sensitivity of this area of ​​the foot, and therefore improve the patient’s well-being.
  • Therapy local means . Usually involves the use various ointments, gels and creams on the foot area. You should not neglect them, because they can significantly improve the condition of the soft tissues and ligaments in the foot. Sometimes they work even better than oral tablets because they are applied directly to the affected area. In addition, in this way only small part active substance, which means the patient is unlikely to experience side effects.
  • Physiotherapy. Physiotherapeutic methods for this disease will help not only speed up regenerative processes, but also reduce the size of osteophytes. For this effect, shock wave therapy is considered the most useful. The waves passing through the skin promote the splitting of bone formations, and gradually they will completely disappear.
  • Orthoses. Supportive orthoses are usually used at night. Their shape is different. Some look like a boot, with the foot in a slightly bent position. Others look like cut-off socks. This will help gently stretch the tendon and prevent pain in the morning.
  • Exercise therapy. Physiotherapy in this case, it is intended to improve the condition of tissues and blood circulation. This kind of gymnastics is not for muscles. The exercises must be demonstrated by a specialist. It is also better to undergo the first sessions of exercise therapy under his supervision, who will evaluate not only the correctness of execution, but also the patient’s sensations. Gradually, the load can be increased, but only with the consent and recommendation of the instructor.
  • Injections. If the above methods give little effect, then use corticosteroid injections directly into the inflamed ligament.

Surgical intervention

It is urgently needed in rare cases. Thus, about 70% of all patients recover with the help of conservative treatment methods, and only with severe, persistent pain can the doctor raise the question of the need for surgery. What can a doctor do? So, the surgeon can slightly separate the tendon from bone tissue However, this will weaken the arch of the foot, and some of the function of this joint may be weakened or even lost.

The second method is a “calf release,” where the surgeon lengthens the calf muscle during surgery. Today, minimally invasive procedures are almost always used, meaning the surgeon gains access to the tissues of the foot through small punctures rather than completely cutting through the skin tissue. This method is less traumatic and speeds up the rehabilitation period.

This is what the simplest orthosis used for plantar fasciitis of the foot looks like. It does not need to be worn all the time, but several hours a day, more often at night.

Traditional methods of treatment

You should treat them as helpers, not as your only the right ways heel spur treatment. Most often, such therapy involves the use of compresses and baths to help reduce inflammation and prevent micro-tears of the ligament, which often happens with plantar fasciitis.

The simplest recipe foot bath that's how it is. You need to pour water into the container and add salt (at the rate of 1 tablespoon per liter of water). You need to soak your feet in salt water for 20–30 minutes. Salt not only helps to increase the elasticity of the ligament tissue, but also expands the pores, and therefore such a bath can be used before applying a healing cream.

There is another way to improve the condition of ligamentous tissue. To do this, take 2 handfuls of potato peelings and flax seeds, add 2 glasses of water and boil to a thick paste. Now you need to wait for it to cool to a warm temperature. You need to keep your feet in this paste for 20 minutes, and then rinse your feet and dry them. By the way, it is very useful to do this procedure before gymnastics or massage, since such a bath warms up all the tissues and increases their elasticity, preparing them for exercise.

Let's sum it up

Plantar fasciitis of the foot is a disease that can be easily treated, but if not seen by a doctor in a timely manner, it can leave unpleasant memories (complications) for life. Complex therapy With this diagnosis, it will speed up recovery and improve the prognosis for an active life.

Plantar fasciitis (inflammation of the plantar fascia) is often diagnosed in women 40 years of age and older. Doctors call the main causes of the disease:

  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes for a long time.
  • Availability overweight bodies.
  • Diabetes mellitus, gout and other diseases.
  • Flat feet, circulatory and metabolic disorders in the lower extremities.
  • Previously suffered foot injuries (this is especially typical for people involved in professional sports).

It can be difficult to recognize and begin treatment in a timely manner, because the disease is early stages may manifest itself as swelling and fatigue of the legs. After some time, patients may notice an increase in pain in the heel area, which will persist even at rest. That is why, if you are part of at least one of the risk groups, you began to notice discomfort in the feet, you should consult a specialist as soon as possible.

Despite the warnings of doctors, many patients who have been diagnosed with fasciitis prefer to be treated at home, using folk recipes. Judging by the reviews, such remedies as medical bile, salt, iodine, honey, propolis, etc. help relieve pain, swelling of soft tissues, restore blood circulation and metabolism. Medicines made on the basis of these components must be taken in courses, taking into account the availability contraindications. In some patients who comprehensively use both folk and traditional methods treatment, relief came fairly quickly, and most of the unpleasant symptoms went away. That is why we should list common folk methods for eliminating plantar fasciitis.

Medical bile against inflammation

Medical bile, which was used in ancient times as a treatment for joint diseases, helps relieve unpleasant symptoms of fasciitis. Find it medicine You can buy it at any pharmacy, and you don’t need a doctor’s prescription to purchase it. The following bile-based recipes will eliminate heel pain, reduce swelling of soft tissues, and normalize metabolism:

Mix bile and vodka in a 1:1 ratio. Steam your sore feet hot water, and then apply a bandage soaked in medicinal composition. Place parchment or wax paper on top, apply an elastic bandage and put on a wool sock. It is more advisable to do such warming compresses at night for 20–25 days (usually after this time noticeable relief occurs).
A compress of vodka, shampoo and bile will not only relieve pain, but also make the skin soft and elastic. To prepare this remedy, you will need 20 grams of vodka (or alcohol) and shampoo, as well as 50 grams of medical bile. The composition is also applied to gauze and applied to sore spots.
There are other folk recipes using bile for plantar fasciitis, however, the above can be called not only effective, but also easy to make.

Egg and vinegar

An ointment made from vinegar, eggs and honey was previously famous for its anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. To prepare such a remedy for plantar fasciitis, you need to take egg and place it in a container with vinegar for several days (the vinegar can be anything - apple, rice, etc.). During this time, the shell will dissolve, and the egg-vinegar essence will remain in the cup. The resulting ingredient must be poured into large capacity, add 30–50 grams of natural butter and mix thoroughly. The finished medicine should be applied to a piece of bandage or gauze and applied to the heel spur overnight, providing the sore foot with rest and warmth.

Aspirin for plantar fasciitis

The familiar aspirin has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect on plantar fasciitis, eliminating most of the unpleasant symptoms. With a course of treatment with folk remedies based on aspirin, you can not only get rid of acute pain in the heel area, but also improve blood circulation and metabolism in the tissues affected by the disease.

The easiest way is to prepare a solution of aspirin and vodka by mixing the components in a ratio of 10 tablets per 250 ml of liquid. As soon as the product has infused (1–1.5 days), it must be applied to a piece of gauze and applied to the sore heel overnight. To avoid rapid drying of the material, polyethylene is placed on top, fixing it elastic bandage and putting on a wool sock. Relief occurs in approximately 7–14 days. If the solution dries out and corrodes the skin, it should be treated with a rich cream or natural butter in the morning.

Treatment of plantar fasciitis with iodine

Folk remedies based on iodine-alcohol solution are used in great demand among patients diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. Their main difference is ease of preparation, as well as impressive efficiency. During a course of treatment, many patients stopped complaining about sharp pains in the heel, noticed the appearance of ease when walking, a decrease in swelling and a burning sensation.

Iodine baths

This method of treatment will not require special time and material costs, because to prepare the medicine you need to take 2–5 tbsp. l. iodine solution and dilute them in 3 liters of hot water. Baths should be taken daily for 20 minutes. After completing the procedure, wipe the feet dry and apply to the heel. iodine grid and put on woolen socks. In addition, you can simply immerse your heels in a concentrated iodine solution for 5–10 minutes. With this treatment, the active component penetrates into the skin, stopping the process of inflammation of the soft tissues.

Sea salt for heel spurs

Marine and salt has also proven itself well in the treatment of plantar fasciitis. This substance has an anti-inflammatory and warming effect, allows you to normalize metabolism and blood circulation in soft tissues.

Compresses with sea salt, iodine and honey

To prepare this remedy, you will need 50 ml of iodine-alcohol solution, a tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of salt. All components must be thoroughly mixed, then applied to a piece of gauze or a cotton swab, applied to the sore spot and secured with an elastic bandage. It is more advisable to do this procedure at night, providing the foot with warmth and peace.

Salt massage

A daily massage with salt heated in a frying pan will help relieve pain from fasciitis. During a course of treatment, in some cases, complete elimination of the disease was observed.

Salt baths

It is very simple to prepare a salt bath that will eliminate the pain and burning sensation of a heel spur. To do this, you need to dissolve a pack of tableware or sea ​​salt, wait until the water has cooled slightly and immerse your sore heels in it. The procedure continues until the water cools to room temperature. The course of treatment is 10–14 days.

Folk remedies based on burdock

Fresh burdock leaves can also stop the inflammatory process with plantar fasciitis, improve blood circulation, and help remove toxins and waste from soft tissues. For the plant to begin to provide medicinal properties on affected feet, you just need to apply this natural remedy to the sore heel, secure it with an elastic bandage and put on a wool sock. As soon as the burdock leaf dries, you should take a fresh one and repeat the procedure.

Crushed burdock leaf with the addition of a tablespoon can relieve the unpleasant symptoms of fasciitis, as well as soften cracked and irritated skin in the area of ​​the heel spur. castor oil. In most cases, improvement becomes noticeable within 7-14 days from the start of treatment.

Honey and propolis in the fight against plantar fasciitis

Bee products (honey and propolis) are also used as folk ways relief from plantar fasciitis. From these components you can make decoctions, compresses, ointments. For example, you can do natural ointment from honey and wheat flour, mixing the ingredients in a 1:1 ratio. The resulting mass should be thoroughly kneaded, shaped into a flat cake and applied to the heel spur. During a course of treatment active ingredients contained in honey normalizes metabolic processes, relieve pain, reduce swelling of inflamed tissues.

A similar effect can be achieved by preparing propolis-vaseline ointment. To do this, you need to combine the components in a 1:2 ratio, respectively, and mix them thoroughly. You can add a small amount of butter to the finished mass. Propolis medicine for fasciitis is applied to sore feet every day until complete cure(during the procedure you need to provide warmth and rest to your feet).

In conclusion, it is worth saying that folk remedies for plantar fasciitis cannot be used as the primary treatment. To completely eliminate the disease, you need to use traditional methods - massage, physiotherapy, medications. It is also necessary to provide relief for sore feet, wear comfortable ones, and maintain a sleep-wake schedule. Only in this case can a noticeable improvement in the condition be achieved and the development of the disease be stopped.

Plantar fasciitis of the foot.

Plantar fasciitis (fasciitis, heel spur) is a disease associated with overstrain and concomitant inflammation of the plantar ligament of the foot. Diagnosis plantar fasciitis is confirmed in every tenth patient who consults a doctor with heel pain. Treatment of the disease is carried out by a traumatologist-orthopedist.

Patients complain of severe pain when trying to step on the heel. Problems begin in the morning when you get up - this is called the “first steps” symptom. If the spur is not running, then later symptoms weaken. They arise again after long periods of immobility, during sedentary work. It’s even worse when you work while standing – this greatly increases the load on your feet.

An x-ray of the foot shows a bone build-up in the heel area, characteristic of plantar fasciitis. Sometimes there is no bone growth, but the disease is there.

Without treatment, the condition gradually worsens. The pain becomes more intense and does not subside even during rest. It becomes difficult to walk. The patient is forced to limp, and sometimes he can no longer do without a stick. To avoid letting your feet reach such a deplorable state, consult a doctor at the first signs of illness and begin treatment immediately.

Causes of plantar fasciitis

People pay for walking upright with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. And although in the course of evolution the feet have adapted well to vertical position bodies, sometimes they cannot withstand the load. At risk are representatives of a number of professions (teachers, salespeople, ballet dancers), athletes (especially runners), people with overweight. Let's add here the pursuit of fashion with its narrow or flat shoes, into which poor feet are squeezed! It is not surprising that women suffer from heel spurs much more often than men.

Also distinguished hereditary factors risk of plantar fasciitis. It's a congenital weakness connective tissue, due to which the ligaments are more sensitive to overloads.

The plantar fascia attaches to the heel bone at one end and to the base of the toes at the other. It supports the arch of the foot, preventing it from flattening. When pushing off with the foot, the fascia stretches, and in a relaxed state it contracts. The correct structure of the foot allows the ligament to withstand increased loads when walking and running, and flat feet and other deformities provoke the development of spurs.

With chronic overstrain of the feet, the collagen fibers of the fascia change structure, lose elasticity and tear. While the feet are at rest, the tears heal and the tissues are restored, but not completely - because normal tissue is replaced by scar tissue, and the fascia itself is shortened.

Foci of inflammation and swelling form around fiber breaks. If the ligament is injured daily, the inflammation intensifies. Metabolism is disrupted in damaged tissue, and calcium salts are deposited over time. Sometimes bone growths in the form of spines form - osteophytes. On x-rays they look like spikes growing forward from the heel bone, which is why they are called “spurs.” Osteophytes themselves do not cause pain, but can irritate surrounding tissue.

What methods are used to treat plantar fasciitis?

Treatment of heel spurs is always complex and primarily conservative. Conservative methods successful in 80% of patients. If the doctor immediately sets you up for surgery, listen to another opinion. Surgery- This last resort in case other methods did not help. IN postoperative period There are frequent complications that the doctor must warn about.

Unloading the feet

When treating plantar fasciitis, the factors that cause chronic overuse of the feet are eliminated.

Ways to reduce stress on your feet:

  • fight against excess weight;
  • treatment of flat feet and other foot deformities;
  • selection of shoes “according to the foot”;
  • limiting physical activity;
  • special orthopedic insoles and orthoses.

Insoles with arch supports and heel pads relieve heels and reduce pain. The insoles additionally support the arch and prevent it from sagging. If finances allow, make them to order. This real help feet with heel spurs, especially if it is not possible to temporarily limit or eliminate physical activity.

Strengthening and stretching

To strengthen foot muscles and stretch plantar fascia are appointed:

  • physiotherapy;
  • wearing orthoses;
  • taping.

Medical complexes have been developed for training the muscles of the foot and stretching the plantar ligament. Learn how to perform the exercises correctly from a physical therapy instructor and practice regularly. This is important for orthopedic problems - by solving them, you can also get rid of the spur.

The fashionable term “taping” means almost the same as bandaging, only it is performed with a special sports or medical tape, elastic adhesive tape. It is permissible to replace the tape with a wide adhesive plaster. For a spur, the tape is applied directly to the sole so that the ligament is slightly stretched. The procedure is performed by a kinesiotherapist or sports doctor.

Orthoses (another name is braces) are used for the same purpose as tapes - to ensure restoration of the ligament in an elongated state during rest. They fix the foot in a position at right angles to the shin.

Medications for plantar fasciitis

At excruciating pain painkillers are prescribed. To reduce inflammation - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in tablets or ointments. Use of NSAIDs limited due to side effects and is carried out under the supervision of a doctor. Sometimes “heavy artillery” is used - steroid injections, but this is fraught dangerous complication, rupture of the plantar ligament. In addition, the injection is given at the point of maximum pain, which is difficult for patients to tolerate. But sometimes such treatment helps to forget about the pain for a long time.

Physiotherapeutic treatments

Physiotherapy provides analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. For plantar fasciitis, the following are successfully used:

  • medicinal electrophoresis (iontophoresis);
  • ultrasonic phonophoresis;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • X-ray therapy;
  • laser treatment;
  • shock wave therapy.

In electrophoresis and phonophoresis they use combined action physical factors and medicines. During the procedures, corticosteroids are injected into the heel: hydrocortisone, betamethasone, disprospan.

Shock wave therapy.

Electric currents, ultrasound, laser ray and X-ray radiation improve metabolism and blood circulation, relieve inflammation and swelling. But only shock wave therapy can remove osteophytes. The sound wave destroys calcifications and growths, after which they are gradually removed from the tissues. Therapeutic effect achieved in several sessions.

All physiotherapy procedures have contraindications, so the choice of method remains with the doctor. Patience is required from the patient: physiotherapy is prescribed in courses, procedures are carried out daily or every other day.

Additional treatments

Among them, warming ointments from natural ingredients, homeopathy, home baths. All kinds are popular traditional methods, but before taking any risks, consult your doctor. And do not try to treat yourself without confirming the diagnosis with a doctor.

Treatment of plantar fasciitis requires careful adherence to doctor's orders. Although there is no miraculous remedy that will get rid of spurs once and for all, the main thing is that this disease is curable.

Plantar fasciitis - slowly developing disease, and on initial stages As a rule, no attention is paid to it. If any unpleasant sensations arise, it seems that your legs are simply tired, and everything will go away as soon as they rest. However, over time, the pain only gets worse, especially after rest.

Heel fasciitis is more common in women, older adults, and athletes. According to the international classification of diseases, the disease is given the name plantar fascial fibromatosis. Popularly, plantar fasciitis is called a “heel spur”; the scientific name is plantar fasciitis. At its core, this is an inflammatory process in the heel bone. As the disease progresses, tissue compaction occurs, and a bony protrusion appears at the site of salt deposition.

Fasciitis of the foot causes a person’s gait to change, and permanent lameness may develop, and it is also very unpleasant, at first the pain is present only when walking, and then at rest too.

Causes of the disease

Elderly people often encounter a disease such as plantar fasciitis, the reasons for which lie in severe and regular overload of the ligamentous apparatus. That is why professional ballerinas and athletes often suffer from this pathology.

The disease has an inflammatory onset, but after some time the disease progresses, and as a result, degenerative processes begin to develop. This can be caused by:

  • excess weight, as obese people place increased stress on their feet;
  • the presence of osteochondrosis in the lumbar spine;
  • wearing tight shoes and high heels;
  • inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • flat feet;
  • poor blood supply to the lower extremities.

In order to cure this disease, it is necessary to find out for what reason it developed, since fasciitis is only a consequence, if you try to treat it, you may not achieve the result.

It is necessary to eliminate the root cause of the pathology, and after that you can begin to treat heel fasciitis using conservative methods.

Clinical picture

The symptoms of plantar fasciitis cannot be ignored or confused. The clinic is quite bright:

  • pain in the heels or entire feet;
  • burning sensation when placing weight on the heel;
  • swelling of the ankle and ankle joint;
  • pain in the Achilles tendon area.

To confirm the diagnosis, you need to do an ultrasound (the photo shows what it looks like), but you can begin to suspect plantar fasciitis on your own. Severe sharp pain in the morning is the main symptom of the disease.

During the day the pain becomes less intense, but gets worse towards night. It may intensify after prolonged sitting and sudden rise. Also a striking symptom is flabbiness of the arch of the foot. Since the symptoms of plantar fasciitis are more than typical, there are usually no difficulties with diagnosis.

Therapy for fasciitis

When the cause of the disease has been identified and, if possible, eliminated, treatment can begin. It is primarily aimed at reducing pain syndrome.

For plantar fasciitis, treatment is prescribed by an orthopedic traumatologist or surgeon. To relieve the inflammatory process, homeopathic or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Provided that ligamentous apparatus has not lost its elasticity, even the resulting bone growth will not cause pain. But if available severe pain anti-inflammatory drugs must be taken for a long time. Concerning local treatment, then compresses are prescribed.

The use of physiotherapy gives positive results:

If conservative treatment Plantar fasciitis turns out to be ineffective, then the question of surgical intervention arises, however, according to statistics, only 70% of operations can be considered successful.

The operation is performed under local anesthesia- it is injected into the spine, thereby blocking sensitivity. The operation can be traditional (open) or endoscopic (minimally invasive). The latter is naturally less traumatic, and the recovery process is easier and faster.

The following complications are possible after surgery:

  • the nerve may be injured during the operation;
  • the postoperative wound takes a long time to heal and it may fester;
  • pain may intensify;
  • nerve cells can form a benign tumor.

Treatment with traditional methods

How to treat plantar fasciitis at home? Beneficial features ginger relieves inflammation and relieves pain. Grate the ginger root, take 1 tbsp. l. the resulting mass and fill it with water (glass). Boil the product for 2-3 minutes, remove from heat and let stand for 10 minutes, then drink throughout the day.

  1. Turmeric is also a fairly strong pain reliever. Per glass warm milk you will need 1 tsp. turmeric, mix it well in milk and drink. If you don't like the taste, you can add honey.
  2. Muscle stiffness and inflammation will help eliminate fish fat, in addition, it contains beneficial omega-3 fatty acid which help reduce pain. Eating fish or drinking fish oil is very helpful for plantar fasciitis.
  3. Cayenne pepper is also a good pain reliever and you can use it to make foot baths. Just add a pinch of pepper to a bowl of water. Make sure that the water is not hot, otherwise it may cause skin irritation. The bath should be taken for 10 minutes, then be sure to rinse your feet warm water. If your feet have cuts or inflammation, you should not use pepper. If the bath causes discomfort and causes severe burning, you should immediately stop the procedure and rinse your feet with clean water.
  4. The “king” of all home remedies is apple cider vinegar; it perfectly relieves pain and treats inflammation. Take a glass warm water, add 1 tsp to it. honey and 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, stir and drink. Important: do not drink apple cider vinegar without diluting it with water - this may cause various diseases Gastrointestinal tract. Apple vinegar can also be used for baths: add 2 tbsp to a bowl of water. l. and soak your feet for 5-10 minutes.

Folk remedies (like medications) are also aimed at relieving pain. However, to treat plantar fasciitis, the main thing is to eliminate its cause.

Disease prevention

To prevent fasciitis, you must follow these guidelines:

  • watch your weight;
  • Before training, stretch and warm up calf muscles and feet, especially for runners;
  • increase the mileage for the race once a week and by no more than 10%;
  • if you run on asphalt, choose good running shoes with springy soles;
  • do not wear shoes that are too narrow or loose, they should support your feet well;
  • Take a stop regularly in the evenings;
  • once a week, relax your feet in a bath with ginger or any medicinal herbs, which have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Remember that a progressive and protracted disease is more difficult to treat. Therefore, at the first unpleasant symptoms consult a doctor for diagnosis.