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How to quickly quit smoking at home. How to quickly quit smoking at home using folk methods Methods for quitting smoking

Tobacco is an annual plant of the nightshade family. To obtain smoking tobacco, its leaves are subjected to special processing, consisting of processes such as sorting, drying, fermentation, drying, and grinding. A distinctive property of tobacco is the presence of a special toxic substance in it - nicotine.

In the process of smoking a cigarette or a cigarette, tobacco and paper are burned when high temperature. The smoke inhaled by a smoker contains a huge amount harmful substances: nicotine, carbon monoxide, traces of hydrocyanic acid, etc.

Many people do not know even a hundredth of the harmful effects of tobacco smoke. Typically, knowledge about the dangers of smoking is limited to the possibility of developing cancer. Everyone knows at least one person who, smoking 40 cigarettes a day, lived to be eighty years old. This is actually true. However, for every one person who is resistant to the effects of cigarette poison, there are 1,000 people who are susceptible to it. No matter how you look at it, cigarettes are highly toxic. And few of us are endowed with a constitution that allows us to smoke without getting some kind of disease - mild or fatal.

Cigarette smoke contains about three thousand known to us constituent elements. We have no idea about the effect of many of these substances on the body. However, it is well known that 16 of them can cause cancer. Nicotine is a highly addictive substance.

The most dangerous substance for health is nicotine. Penetrating with smoke into the respiratory tract and lungs, it is quickly absorbed through the mucous membranes. The information that a drop of pure nicotine can kill a horse is not an exaggeration. The picture of acute nicotine poisoning can be seen in novice smokers. It is given very figuratively by L.N. Tolstoy in his story “Youth”:

“The smell of tobacco was pleasant, but it was bitter in my mouth and it took my breath away. However, steeling my heart, I inhaled the smoke for quite a long time, tried to blow rings and inhale. Soon the whole room was filled with bluish clouds of smoke, the pipe began to wheeze, the hot tobacco jumped, and I felt a bitterness in my mouth and a slight dizziness in my head. I wanted to stop and just look at myself in the mirror with my pipe, when, to my surprise, I began to unsteady on my feet, the room began to spin, and, looking at the mirror, which I approached with difficulty, I saw that my face was as pale as a sheet. I barely had time to fall on the sofa when I felt such nausea and such weakness that I imagined that the tube was fatal for me, it seemed to me that I was dying. I was seriously frightened... and with a terrible headache, he lay relaxed on the sofa for a long time..."

With constant smoking, a person's tolerance to nicotine gradually increases, which necessitates the need to increase the daily dose of cigarettes. If the intake of nicotine into the body stops, the smoker develops withdrawal symptoms, that is, painful physical and mental disorders; removed or alleviated after taking the next dose of nicotine.

Within a few weeks of starting smoking, most people notice that their nervous system requires nicotine to maintain good health. In addition to this main reason for addiction to cigarettes, it is worth noting that tobacco, being a plant, contains a large number of different compounds that are used human body, such as nickel and cobalt. Therefore, when trying to quit smoking, not only does the nervous system feel a lack of something, but the body can also experience a deficiency, since substances absorbed through the lungs quickly penetrate the body and, after a short time, satisfy the needs without involving the intestines in this process. In other words, getting necessary substances through the lungs, the intestines no longer require such hard work, and it stops chemical processes. Therefore, if you quit smoking, there may be a delay of several days before the intestines begin to absorb the necessary substances again. This factor must be taken into account when providing assistance in the fight against smoking.

It’s probably not worth explaining how harmful the effect of tobacco is on the lungs. A common consequence of chronic nicotine poisoning is “smoker's bronchitis,” which gradually leads to the development of emphysema. It is characterized by difficulty breathing, persistent shortness of breath, weakness, sharp deterioration ability to work.

Nicotine is, in addition, a strong cardiac and vascular poison. A person who smokes does not even know that just one cigarette increases the beat of his heart by 18-20 beats per minute. The number of heartbeats per day in smokers is 15-20 thousand more. Of course, this cannot but affect the condition of the heart muscle. Smokers, without parting with a cigarette, force their hearts to work hard. Under the influence of nicotine, blood vessels narrow and changes occur in their walls, which contributes to the development of atherosclerosis.

Systematic smoking is one of the main causes of blood vessel disease - obliterating endarteritis arteries of the leg and foot (this disease is also called intermittent claudication). The narrowing (obliteration) of blood vessels, which occurs as a result of increased proliferation of their inner membrane, leads to the fact that areas of the body remote from the heart, and, above all, lower limbs, begin to have a poor blood supply, which can ultimately lead to gangrene.

The following are other conditions that may be associated with smoking: Sinusitis. Anosmia (inability to distinguish odors). Otitis. Loss of taste. Visual impairment (tobacco amblyopia). Catarrhal phenomena. Recurrent cough and frequent colds. Conjunctivitis. Bad facial skin. Destruction of teeth and gums. Laryngitis. Pharyngitis. Frequent sore throats. Angina pectoris. Strokes. Ulcers of the stomach and intestines. Ulcerative colitis. Esophageal ulcers. Violation menstrual cycle, infertility.

Cancer is not the best frequent illness caused by smoking. However, there is no doubt that smoking increases the risk of developing cancer or directly causes cancer of the oral cavity, tongue, pharynx, larynx, bronchial tree, lungs, esophagus, stomach, Bladder, skin and ovaries.

It is worth remembering that lung development stops only after twenty years. Smoking before this age disrupts the formation of lung tissue. Therefore, the earlier you start smoking, the worse the prognosis.

Passive smokers (inhaling cigarette smoke smoking by others) are at the same risk if they are sensitive to the effects of tobacco.

As a rule, a person who is not deprived of will and has decided to finally give up smoking is able to cope with this task on his own, without turning to doctors.

There are two ways to quit smoking. The first is a sharp, immediate cessation of smoking. In such cases, it is better to use a period for this that is not associated with increased nervous tension: days of rest, travel, or stay in medical institutions. Only the first two to three days are difficult to bear. Then the withdrawal symptoms pass, good health returns, mood improves, and the person feels a surge of strength and vigor.

Another way is to gradually wean yourself from tobacco, to consistently reduce the daily dose of cigarettes smoked, which helps to avoid withdrawal symptoms and the unpleasant sensations associated with it.

A lot of various techniques designed to help people quit smoking, and most have an element of success. The combined use of all is preferable possible types treatments that can have a positive effect. Having determined how the addiction occurred: psychologically or physically (and possibly in both ways), you can choose the appropriate course of treatment.

It should be noted that all kinds of distractions are very useful here. In addition, the environment in which the smoker is located is of considerable importance: it is important that he does not have an incentive to smoke, there is no reason to worry too much and be nervous, so that other people do not smoke nearby. For some smokers, mints can replace cigarettes.

It also happens that a person, having decided to quit smoking, cannot do without the help of a doctor. This help consists of psychotherapeutic influence, the use of medications that alleviate the condition during nicotine withdrawal, and alternative medicine methods (acupuncture, breathing exercises, etc.). The doctor may prescribe heart medications, sleeping pills, and various drugs, calming nervous system.

A fairly effective measure in the fight against smoking is mouth rinsing. astringents, causing aversion to tobacco smoke. Such agents include a 0.25% solution of silver nitrate and a solution of eucalyptus oil (15-20 drops per glass). You should rinse your mouth with these substances several times a day, and immediately before trying to smoke.

Sometimes a course of one or another treatment is repeated to avoid a possible resumption of the previous addiction to tobacco. It should be remembered that one smoked cigarette can destroy everything that a person has worked so hard for.


It is necessary to determine whether the smoker “wants” to quit smoking or wants to “want to quit.” Often unsuccessful attempts at treatment occur because the person does not have a well-conscious desire to quit. The psychotherapist needs to find out if this is so and establish at what stage the smoker is. Psychotherapy or other psychological measures should be used to bring the smoker to the point of “wanting to quit.”


There are two known methods of hypnosis; they can be used individually or in combination. According to one technique, the hypnotherapist immerses the patient in a state of deep relaxation, and the statement that smoking is harmful and unpleasant for the body is introduced into the subconscious. If the session is successful, upon returning from a state of deep relaxation, the smoker does not experience a craving for smoking. It is proposed to conduct three or four sessions of such hypnotherapy. Success in this case occurs in only 10-30% of patients who have undergone treatment. According to another technique, the doctor immerses the patient in a hypnotic state, during which the hypnotherapist communicates with the subconscious part of the person’s psyche, where, one might say, a bad habit arises and strengthens. Very often, initiation into smoking occurs at an age when “membership” in a group requires the ability to smoke. Nicotine, by creating a feeling of some kind of well-being, masks sadness, guilt or fear, which are driven into the subconscious and may go unnoticed during drug treatment. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the presence of this psychological impact in the patient, which must be dealt with before the person is weaned from cigarettes.

Treatment with nicotine substitutes.

Alkaloids such as lobeline (derived from lobelia, a plant in the campanaceae family) and cytisine (found in broom and thermopsis seeds) affect the autonomic nervous system, as well as metabolic processes in the body an effect similar to nicotine. At the same time, the smoker loses the “taste” for cigarettes. But at the same time, when you stop smoking, the human body begins to lack some compounds useful for life, which were previously absorbed through cigarette smoke. Providing the body with an increased amount of the required substance in special supplements can reduce some of the deficiency in the body. Therefore, intravenous supplementation would be beneficial as an alternative to slower intestinal absorption.


A specially designed diet to remove toxic substances from the body helps the body get rid of nicotine, which affects the nervous system and settles in fatty layers. The faster nicotine is eliminated from the body, the faster the deficiency in certain substances will decrease.

Physical exercise.

It is very important to introduce a special exercise program to control breathing and increase oxygen absorption. Smoking reduces lung capacity and the body's consumption of oxygen, an increase in which improves a person's well-being. Techniques such as qigong, tai chi, yoga and basic aerobic exercises are the most beneficial.

Breathing exercises.

Until recently, yoga and qigong were considered the most recognized methods for restoring the activity of the lungs and blood flow, using and saturating the body with oxygen. These methods still remain very useful when used correctly. However, more recently, a new method developed by the Russian doctor Buteyko and bearing his name has brilliantly proven itself in world medical practice. The Buteyko breathing method differs from traditional yoga. It stimulates shallow breathing, which ultimately changes acid-base balance body and relieves the craving for smoking. This method is becoming increasingly popular and accessible, and it only takes a few sessions to learn. Previous studies have shown the enormous potential of this type of treatment.


Massage, especially manual lymph drainage and shiatsu, helps remove nicotine from tissues, which, in turn, helps restore the body's functioning.


Acupuncture - For sharing With other methods, acupuncture is extremely helpful in addiction recovery. Even used on its own, this method shows good results. Acupuncture can wear general character or be an auriculopuncture (acupuncture in active points auricle).

Nicotine replenishing substitutes.

Nicotine patch, chewing gum or implants help in cases with a lack of sensitivity to other methods, but we should not forget that when using them, nicotine continues to enter the body, affecting the nervous system and does not relieve addiction. If the patient is not released from the cause that caused the addiction, then in this case we're talking about about simply replacing one connection with another. As soon as the effect of the substitute ends, addiction to cigarettes, being uncured, returns.

    Do not smoke.

    Avoid being around smokers.

    If you smoke, do not smoke indoors. Smoke slowly.

    Don't smoke on empty stomach, in the morning on an empty stomach.

    Try to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke.

    Do not finish smoking the cigarette, throw it away as soon as you satisfy the craving.

    Do not smoke in or near areas where children live or play.

    Don't smoke in front of children - they will imitate you.

If you want to quit smoking:

    Determine for yourself what you want: “quit” smoking or “want to quit” smoking. If you really want to quit this habit, first consult a psychotherapist or hypnotherapist.

    Try a macrobiotic diet.

    Accept increased amount multiminerals, vitamins and microelements for at least 6 weeks. Their intravenous administration is possible.

    Follow a diet to cleanse your body of toxic substances.

    Find the medicine you need from books or from a qualified homeopath and take it for a month.

    Learn the techniques of qigong, tai chi or yoga. Perform aerobic exercises 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes. The most preferred method is the Buteyko method. Try to find a qualified specialist who knows this method.

    If you have difficulty walking, get a massage from a specialist in manual lymphatic drainage or shiatsu.

For many smokers, sooner or later the question becomes relevant: how to quit smoking forever? Have you already tried to give up this bad habit? Due to repeated attempts, the understanding came that this was exclusively difficult process? You shouldn’t admit your own powerlessness in advance.

You can quit smoking on your own without going to a specialized drug treatment clinic or taking all kinds of medications. After all, the power that can provide direct assistance in overcoming addiction is hidden within the person himself.

To find out how to quit smoking forever, you should read this article. Six basic steps that an active smoker must take to help him quit the smoking habit and become happy and healthy.

STEP 1 – motivation

Having a strong desire to change own life, improving your appearance and health is an excellent reason to start fighting your existing bad habit. Quite often, this motivation is quite enough for those who really have a strong desire to quit smoking. This is especially true for older smokers or those who have a significant “experience” of using cigarettes. However, why then does such motivation last until the moment one of your colleagues or friends offers you a cigarette? Only because health returns after a while, money is saved, the smell goes away, and the false ideas that one cigarette can bring pleasure do not disappear.

Enthusiasm at first supports the strength of those giving up the habit, but there are so many temptations around: smoking breaks at work, the traditional morning cigarette with a cup of coffee, a well-deserved dose of “relaxation.” So how to quit smoking forever?

In order for weaning off nicotine use to occur quickly and easily, you need to clearly define not only your motivation. It is also necessary to remember what smoking was like in the past, how much it interfered with life. Because this is precisely what becomes the key reason that worries every smoker. This is necessary not to intimidate someone who is quitting their habit, but to sometimes remind them in the process of the horrors of active smoking they have experienced. Therefore, when answering the question of how to quit smoking forever, you first need to form your own motivation. After all, it should act not only in the first days of quitting smoking, but also in the future, guaranteeing a healthy, long life, full of all sorts of bright moments. All this will be the best reward for surviving nicotine withdrawal.

STEP 2 – putting things in order in your mind

Smoking is considered by some people to be a sign of weakness. Of course this is not true. Those who have tried many times to find a way to get rid of smoking forever know that it is quite difficult to overcome this addiction even with enormous willpower and serious attention.

Our readers have discovered a guaranteed way to quit smoking! This is 100% natural remedy, which is based exclusively on herbs, and mixed in such a way that you can easily, without extra costs, without withdrawal symptoms, without gaining excess weight and without stress, get rid of nicotine addiction ONCE AND FOR ALL! I want to quit smoking..."

Many people know the expression that everything modern diseases- from nerves. This statement is also true for smoking, which is actually a direct nicotine addiction. It cannot arise out of nowhere. For a person to become addicted to using cigarettes, there must be reasons.

So why do people smoke? To begin with, the vast majority have one reason - everyone around them smokes. After a person gets involved, his reasons for smoking begin to vary: to become more confident, to relieve anxiety, to get rid of fear. Some smokers use a cigarette as a remedy for boredom, some simply imitate others or try to fit into a certain company.

Unites all smokers real faith the process of smoking has advantages, pleasure from it, the opportunity to relax, become interesting in a friendly company, or have the opportunity to discuss issues in the smoking room. However, how does nicotine use help a person become more seductive to the opposite sex and more interesting to their interlocutors? How can tobacco improve work or personal relationships? How can daily poisoning relieve stress? The answer to all questions is obvious - no way.

Quitting smoking is easy. To do this, you just need to understand that cigarettes are not capable of bringing anything positive into life. On the contrary, the brain, poisoned by tobacco smoke, thinks much worse; the constantly excited unequal system is extremely unstable, affecting mood swings, causing uncertainty and shame. A smoker loses concentration, attention, the ability to make the right decisions, and to interact most adequately with people and the environment. Accordingly, the effect of smoking is exactly the opposite of what was expected.

STEP 3 – making a plan

It is necessary to determine a day to stop inhaling tobacco smoke, ending this nightmare. This day should be comfortable, just convenient. Regardless of an important meeting or negotiation, certification or exams. You shouldn’t worry or be sad, even if there were previous unsuccessful attempts; you shouldn’t initially set yourself up for difficulties. It’s better to imagine how the world around you will bloom with new colors and gain new sensations when the dense veil of tobacco smoke disappears. A person who has figured out how to quit smoking forever and quits this addiction will exude positivity and energy.

We need to discard excuses like “it’s not the right time yet”, “there are so many everyday stress", "cigarettes are the only joy of gray everyday life" and other things. Drug addiction provides a constant desire to smoke, so no “right moment” may come at all.

Some, in search of a solution to how to quit smoking forever, take this step “as a bet” or “how long can you hold out.” This option is the worst. Everyone has only one in life the most important person who wants better and more for himself - he himself. And when an important act like giving up the bad habit of smoking is carried out on a dare, this will create additional stress and tension. You need to quit for yourself! Sometimes they give up for the sake of loved ones, because this is also incredibly important. However, even here it is worth quitting, first of all, for yourself, because this can really increase your chances, and also absolutely eliminate the feeling of sacrifice that often arises. When the habit of smoking becomes a thing of the past, of course, your loved ones will be happy and glad.

On day X you can do whatever you want. There is no need to specifically change anything in your usual routine. Moreover, you should absolutely not give up spending time with friends, a cup of morning coffee, or even a hike in nature. Just enjoy a cigarette-free life in the most ordinary, familiar situations.

STEP 4 – don’t switch to tobacco substitutes

The existing nicotine addiction, which becomes a reason to look for a way to get rid of smoking forever, cannot be gotten rid of only by changing the way nicotine enters the body - with the help of patches or electronic devices for smoking (cigarettes, vapes, etc.). In any case, the drug that forces the smoker to light a cigarette ends up in the human bloodstream, continuing to actively destroy the body. Therefore, when quitting smoking, any substitutes containing nicotine are not helpful. It is as harmful as cigarettes, but in a different “wrapper”.

STEP 5 – diet

The decision to get rid of a bad habit is commendable. But people are sometimes stopped by the fear of appearing extra pounds, possible digestive problems. Therefore, when figuring out how to quit smoking forever, it is worth talking about this fear.

It must be recognized that a fairly large number of people who quit smoking subsequently gain weight. However, there is no need to worry about this, because you only need to follow one useful advice– watch your diet.

Despite the integration of nicotine (as well as other various substances) into certain processes occurring in human body, contrary to popular belief, it has no effect on weight at all. Weight gain is becoming common because people who forcefully quit smoking, as well as those suffering from this process trying to replace the existing addiction with all kinds of food. Understanding that smoking is not an integral part of existence will lead to another understanding - that a person is not deprived of some important part of life.

STEP 6 – enjoying life

It’s a wonderful feeling to breathe in clean air without tobacco, forget about an annoying cough, not feel discomfort or soreness in your throat, get rid of unpleasant odor from clothes, from the mouth. Your teeth will gradually cleanse, your skin will return to normal, it will have a healthy tint, it will be cleared of acne and age spots.

Night sleep will become restful, morning awakenings will bring fullness of strength and exceptional vigor. A person will begin to have enough time for work, family, gym, entertainment, even hobbies. There is no point in returning to the smoky life of a smoker, always dissatisfied with life and wandering through it with a bunch of negative factors, No. However, you should try not to make mistakes in behavior so as not to return to smoking. For example, focusing on the negative or continuing to believe that there is something good in this addiction.

This is very effective way quit smoking forever. Therefore, it is worth starting the first step now.

A little about secrets..

Smoking cessation methods: medications, nicotine-containing and aversive drugs, acupuncture, psychotherapy, hypnosis, coding. Practical advice for quitting smoking

Smoking is usually talked about as a bad habit. But if this is a habit, it is not harmful, but painful. To be completely precise, smoking is a painful addiction. Dependence is both chemical and psychological - emotional. Women are more emotional and therefore fall more easily and deeper into tobacco addiction, which is not always possible to get rid of even during pregnancy.

When smoking, all human organs and systems are affected. Chronic poisoning nicotine leads to the development of pathology of cardio-vascular system. Under the influence of nicotine, all blood vessels are damaged; First of all, nutrition suffers from this important organs: brain, heart, kidneys and stomach. As a result - diseases of the heart, blood vessels, and gastrointestinal tract.

Smoking is the cause of so-called smoker's bronchitis. Besides, smoking people are much more likely to be susceptible to diseases such as conjunctivitis, otitis media, laryngitis, pharyngitis, and tonsillitis.

In addition to nicotine, tobacco smoke contains about three thousand chemical substances, 16 of which are carcinogenic, that is, they can cause the development of cancerous tumor. It has been established that 80% of lung cancer cases are associated with smoking.

Women who smoke are often at risk of disorders and infertility. Women who smoke ten cigarettes a day are 50% more likely to have ovum attaches and grows in fallopian tube, and not in the uterus, and then dies.

Smoking and fetus

If a woman who smokes becomes pregnant, then her baby is in danger. The most visible result of smoking during pregnancy is fetal malnutrition (decreased weight). Risk of having an underweight baby smoking woman increases by 8 times. Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk of spontaneous abortion, premature birth, premature Congenital heart and brain defects are more common in children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy. In addition, children of smoking mothers have small but visible deviations in physical and intellectual development. As a rule, they are stunted, get sick more often, and study worse.

Defining a strategy

Medicinal methods

The most common of them is replacing smoking with the use of nicotine-containing products. These are nicotine patches, chewing gum, and inhalers. Their mechanism of action is the same: they provide access to nicotine into the body, thereby protecting a person from unpleasant withdrawal syndrome (it is manifested by deterioration in well-being, anxiety, palpitations, headache, etc.). At the same time, the stimulating effect of nicotine on the body remains, but the toxins contained in tobacco smoke no longer enter the body and the smoking stereotype is not reinforced.

The nicotine patch is applied to the upper arm or thigh once a day and delivers a specific dose of nicotine to the body through the skin. The course lasts 8-10 weeks. Every three weeks the patch is changed to a weaker one. Nicotine chewing gum (one of the most famous is Nicorette) provides nicotine through the oral mucosa. Its disadvantage is the unpleasant taste for some and the need to chew and hold the gum in the mouth for a long time, about 30 minutes (if you quickly chew and swallow saliva, its effect is reduced). Sometimes it causes stomach upset.

A nicotine inhaler is shaped like a cigarette and allows you to inhale nicotine. Since its use imitates smoking a cigarette, it is psychologically more comfortable. At the same time, you have to take about 80 puffs to get the dose of nicotine contained in one piece of chewing gum, which is not always convenient. The frequency and duration of taking the drugs is regulated by the patient himself after reading the instructions for use, depending on the intensity of the desire to smoke.

When using a nicotine patch, chewing gum, or nicotine, nicotine continues to enter the body and has its effect. Negative influence. Substitutes are suitable when planning pregnancy. These drugs should be discontinued after withdrawal symptoms have subsided. But a patch, chewing gum, or an inhaler may not always be effective - the person’s desire still comes first in giving up a bad habit.

Aversive means

Another way to help quit smoking is to use special medicines, disgusting(aversion) to the taste of tobacco smoke. Good results are achieved by rinsing the mouth with a 0.25% solution of silver nitrate, a 0.1% (weak pink) solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of eucalyptus oil. The same effect is achieved when rinsing aqueous solution tannin and glycerin. Rinsing your mouth with these drugs makes the taste of tobacco smoke unpleasant and contributes to the development of a negative reflex to smoking. It is necessary to rinse every three hours for 7-10 days.


Acupuncture (acupuncture or acupuncture) can be a very effective way to stop smoking. There are two types of acupuncture most commonly used. In one case, active points on the entire surface of the body are used to insert needles, in the other, active points in the auricle (auriculopuncture).

If we compare human brain with a computer in which one of the programs supports smoking, then biologically active points can be figuratively represented in the form of a keyboard, with which you can block or completely destroy an unnecessary program. Even using this method in isolation gives good results.


Psychotherapy is the best way to get rid of tobacco addiction. The main psychotherapeutic methods used to treat tobacco addiction are hypnotherapy and cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Sessions are conducted both individually and in groups.

Hypnotherapy (hypnosis, coding)

The hypnotic state is used to instill aversion to tobacco smoke and enhance the impression of information about negative action smoking, strengthening the decision to lead healthy image life. The psychotherapist puts the patient into a state of deep hypnotic trance, persistently and repeatedly repeats that smoking is extremely harmful to the body, suggests how disgusting it is to smoke, and describes the advantages of living without cigarettes. A woman planning a pregnancy is asked to imagine how, when smoking, poison enters the child’s body and how he suffers from it. Images are drawn of what happens to the baby with each puff, how his heart begins to contract intensely and work hard, while the blood vessels delay the flow of oxygen and nutrients. These images form a negative attitude towards smoking. If the session is successful, upon returning from the hypnotic state, the woman does not experience a craving for smoking, and sometimes even the thought of smoking becomes unacceptable. To consolidate the result, three or four such sessions are performed.

Another way of using hypnotic trance is no less effective, when in the process treatment session the psychotherapist conducts a dialogue with the department of the subconscious mind responsible for the smoking process. It is believed that the subconscious, through smoking, tries to help a person better adapt to life, but it can also find other ways of behavior.

Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy

When using this technique, the process of quitting smoking includes two stages:

  • understanding the reasons for smoking and awareness of behavior that supports smoking;
  • formation of behavior patterns without smoking.

At the first stage, an analysis of the smoking process is carried out: when the patient smokes (for example, in the morning on an empty stomach, after a meal, with a cup of coffee, after coming to work, after criticism, in case of a quarrel, etc.) and what emotional sensations (anxiety, rage) , sadness, joy, dissatisfaction with oneself, etc.) make him want to smoke a cigarette; what goals (relax, calm down, tune in to work...) he wants to achieve with this.

At the second stage, it is proposed to develop new behavioral tactics. To do this, you need to think about how to avoid such situations, or, if this is not possible, how you can behave differently in these moments. For example, if you smoke after eating, go for a walk instead; give up your morning cup of coffee for two weeks, replacing it with a glass of juice; to relax, take a bath or listen to music instead of a cigarette; learn to smooth out conflicts with your husband by reading special literature; In the morning, instead of a cigarette, do physical exercise (or sex); if you are frustrated, try to get emotional support from people close to you. Over time, the craving for cigarettes decreases, and after a few weeks it will disappear completely.

When you begin the process of quitting smoking, remove everything associated with this bad habit: cigarettes, lighters, ashtrays. Avoid places where they smoke, and, conversely, go to places where smoking is prohibited. Tell those around you and your loved ones that you have quit smoking. To quickly remove toxic substances from the body and reduce cravings for cigarettes, drink more fluids - juices and mineral water are best. During the first two weeks, give up everything that provokes the desire to smoke: alcohol, coffee, spicy and salty foods. Eat more vegetables and fruits, less pasta, flour, and sweets. To neutralize nicotine in the body, you need to take vitamins E, C and A. You can use standard multivitamin complexes.

Get some exercise. Physical exercise will relieve stress and help your body recover from the damage caused by smoking.

Calculate how much money you saved when you started smoking less. Save the money you save on cigarettes and buy yourself gifts with it to lift your spirits.

Many women refuse to quit smoking because they are afraid of gaining weight. Indeed, some people who quit smoking (as practice shows, about 30%) can gain 2-3 kilograms for two reasons: due to a slowdown in metabolism caused by a decrease in nicotine levels in the body, and more frequent use food. Doctors recommend abstaining from dieting while quitting smoking, as it is difficult to endure two such tests at the same time. If you need a snack to suppress the urge to smoke, eat something low in calories - fruit, carrots. In any case, smoking poses a much greater danger to your health than being overweight.

How to suppress the desire to smoke?

  • Quickly remember that a moment of weakness can immediately destroy all previous successful efforts to quit smoking.
  • Use self-hypnosis. Repeat one of the instructions for quitting smoking:
    “My decision to free myself from addiction is final. For me it is vital. I am confident in my abilities. No situation or proposal will force me to change my decision.”
    “For the sake of my health and the health of my children, I will do everything necessary and free myself from tobacco addiction, which sooner or later will make me disabled and shorten my life.”
    "Smoking is poison for me. Tobacco smoke poisons my body. Quitting smoking will bring me cleansing and healing of the body, add strength and vigor."
  • Look at the clock when you want to smoke and remind yourself that you only need to hold on for a few minutes, after which the urge to smoke will weaken or go away altogether.
  • Get moving, do something, call someone on the phone, change your surroundings.
  • Take it slow and deep breath, count to 5, also slowly exhale at the count of “5” (repeat 5 times).
  • As you inhale, hold your breath until the lit match burns, then extinguish it by slowly exhaling.
  • Place a bracelet on your wrist. When a strong desire to smoke appears, strongly squeeze or pull your wrist with a bracelet, while repeating to yourself “hold on.” You can add: “My will is strengthening... I am being reborn to a new life... I have freed myself from tobacco poisons... I have overcome this problem... I am proud of it.”

Mikhail Golubev,
Psychotherapist, Ph.D. honey. sciences,
Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine
and balneology, Moscow
Article from the magazine "9 months" N 12 2006

Man is born immaculate and pure. The Lord did not create a smoke pipe in the body. This means that missing a cigarette and suffering is unnatural for people. Healthy body resists smoking with nausea and dizziness, but bragging, imitation and fashion sometimes win out. The formula for social vice is known - 1. programming, 2. use, 3. habit, 4. attitude. All links of this formula are stably connected. This is why it is so difficult for a smoker to quit smoking. Difficult, but possible. Let's talk about how to quit smoking, on your own, without a psychologist, without willpower....

People who quit smoking and never start again advise:

  • set a goal for yourself, have a strong desire to recover from a bad habit;
  • make it a rule to take water treatments, take long walks twice a day, take breaks from working with physical exercise and deep breathing;
  • give up fatty foods fried foods and spices, from coffee and sweets; switch to vegetables, fruits and 6-8 glasses of liquid per day;
  • Avoid friends who offer to smoke and throw away ashtrays;
  • choose the appropriate method: immediate cessation or gradual withdrawal;
  • use individual medications as prescribed by a doctor (lobeline, cytisine, anabasine chloride), mouth rinse (tannin solutions, silver nitrate), reflexology; psychotherapy, incl. hypnosis and autogenic training.

How to get rid of psychological addiction?

In the method of quitting smoking, it is important to take into account the psychology of smokers. Help yourself. Answer the question: “Why do I smoke”? Choose from the list below the main argument for quitting smoking or come up with your own:

  • I don’t want to fill the pockets of tobacco business owners;
  • I will not become a drug addict-smoker;
  • I will free myself from a costly and unhealthy habit;
  • I realize myself in life regardless of tobacco;
  • I will be in excellent physical shape;
  • I will save my life;
  • I will become purer spiritually;
  • I will be fresher, younger, without tobacco smells;
  • I will not set a bad example for my children and friends.
  • Stop depending on nicotine!


Psychological dependence on nicotine is difficult to overcome. This requires months, during which psychological refusal and motivation are developed.

The reason for the first puff and the reasons for smoking can be associated with negative events, a fair amount of stress, depression, and melancholy. A person who considers himself lonely, deprived, lost, unlucky, or chronically tired needs the help of a psychologist. A specialist will help overcome acute psychological trauma and the consequences of prolonged stressful conditions.

Tablets from psychological dependence does not exist. There are other ways to quit smoking - to make efforts and forever achieve the worldview of non-smokers. And a psychologist will help with this.

It is worth trying the psychological and pedagogical method of G.A. Shichko. The method involves keeping diaries, auto-training, using self-influence formulas, dousing cold water etc.

Life change

Provocation! Cigarettes “flicker” in stores, bars, and during work breaks. What to do? Limit contact with smokers, leave them out of sight; do not visit places where smoking is common.

Alcoholic drinks reduce self-control. Noisy events and friendly companies provoke smokers. Avoid the temptation of champagne, coffee and cigars, and avoid clubs and restaurants. Go where smoking is prohibited. Avoid places where you have actively smoked in the past.

Some couples cite intimacy as one of the reasons for not quitting smoking. However, it is obvious that a cigarette after sex cannot bring you closer. Get rid of smoking in bed and replace the harmful ritual with a drink for two.

Don't quit smoking because you're afraid of getting fat? The metabolism really accelerates, but the sides increase because... muscles weaken, cigarettes spoil the sense of smell and taste, provoking “omnivorousness.” You should change your cigarette to healthy food, join the yoga fans, buy a subscription to the pool or gym.

When going on vacation or a business trip, do not take tobacco with you. Cartons of cigarettes take up half the suitcase. With a change of scenery, start a new life.

For yourself beloved

When answering the question of the best way to quit smoking, you need to realize what it gives you personally. What awaits you:

  • saving money;
  • climb physical activity and strength;
  • restoration of smell and subtle taste;
  • cleanliness and freshness of home and clothes;
  • disappearance of unpleasant “yellow fingers” and cough;
  • increasing disease resistance;
  • improvement of well-being;
  • it will be pleasant to communicate with you;
  • life will be long and fulfilling.

Tell everyone close to you about the change in your life. Praise yourself for every day you live without cigarettes. Say: “What a wonderful world without tobacco!”

Help yourself with a new method of personal encouragement. To do this, first every day, and later weekly or monthly, give yourself gifts. Treat your non-smoker self to shopping or activities. The money you used to spend on cigarettes will bring you a lot of joy.

How to get rid of physical addiction?

The greater the smoking experience and the intensity of the smoking process, the higher the physical dependence. At the same time, it is very difficult to get rid of a bad habit forever. If you do nothing, the intervals between smoking will be shorter and the number of cigarettes will be greater.

Due to physical addiction and changes in the perception of olfactory and taste receptors, many people like the process of smoking. Some people think about how to quit smoking forever, but a strong tobacco addiction and nicotine hunger makes you reach for a cigarette.

To combat physical cravings, it is necessary to take into account both physical and psychological aspects. With proper and constant work on yourself, physical dependence on nicotine goes away within 2 weeks.


Tabex are anti-smoking tablets, the raw material for which is the creeping broom plant. Cytisine is obtained from broom - active substance Tabex, which relieves a destructive habit. By replacing nicotine, the tablets do not provoke a craving for smoking. They are swallowed whole with water. The course of treatment is carried out in correct dosage and according to the scheme.

Chewing gum Nicorette

Nicorette chewing gum is a means of nicotine replacement therapy. A serious attitude and following instructions give positive results for those who have decided to rid themselves of the smoking habit. Start your morning with Nicorette before you even get out of bed.

A 2 mg nicotine gum corresponds to 1/2 or 1/3 of a cigarette; 4 mg is equivalent to a whole cigarette. You need to use the product correctly:

  • To prevent sticking and unpalatability, combine with another flavored gum;
  • to avoid hiccups, replace chewing with sucking or biting;
  • Nicotine from Nicorette enters the blood through the mucous membrane, so if swallowed with saliva, it is useless. Chewing gum in the mouth - you cannot drink;
  • For hardness, do not warm the elastic in your pockets and store it in the refrigerator;
  • If ulcers appear in the mouth, increase the amount of the drug.

The Nicorette course is given from 6 to 12 weeks, depending on the category of smokers: “A” - weakly dependent on nicotine, “B” - with average degree dependencies, “C” - highly dependent. Persons from category “B” initially require from 10 to 20 plates per day, over time the need decreases. The break between two “doses” should not be long.

Nicorette is useful for those who are used to keeping their hands busy. The “ritual” of unsealing the gum will replace preparations for smoking. You can put Nicorette in your mouth like you would a cigarette.


Therapy with Champix is ​​aimed at stopping smoking. Treatment begins either 1-2 weeks before the chosen date of quitting cigarettes; or stop smoking between 8 and 35 days of taking Champix. If the goal is achieved in 12 weeks, a new 12-week course consolidates it.


The drug Brizantine serves the purpose of reducing the craving for nicotine both in the first days of quitting cigarettes (the abstinence period) and during the impulsive desire to smoke. The course of treatment is 3 months. The tablet is kept in the mouth until dissolved 2-3 times a day (if the craving for a cigarette increases - 5-6 times).

Quit smoking on your own

The nicotine hunger of the inner monster makes you reach for a cigarette. No matter how much you dream of getting rid of smoking, no matter what psychologists, biochemists, or psychics you invite, only you yourself can part with the unnatural addiction.

Help yourself start a new day using anti-smoking auto-training: “I have a strong will and character. I can live without cigarettes. I hate the taste of cigarettes and smoke. I quit smoking. I am healthy and cheerful. I'm done with smoking forever."

To relax, put on your favorite music. Close your eyes and repeat: “I am stronger than a cigarette and I can do a lot. I draw strength from myself. But I'm not a terminator and I need to rest. Five minutes, I’ll recover and the cigarette has nothing to do with it. Don't poison yourself, but relax! And I do it!

Quit smoking using folk remedies

Start reducing daily dose nicotine, for example, from 10 cigarettes to 1 pc. Afterwards, use herbal solutions and medicinal cigarettes, which are preceded by special deep breathing for 1 minute - inhale; up to 2 minutes - delay; 1.5 min - exhale.


Decoctions of oat and buckwheat-wheat bran will help overcome smoking syndrome. 8 times a day, 50 ml before meals and smoking.


For heavy smokers who consume from 20 to 80 cigarettes per day, cleansing procedures are recommended. Inhalations (every other day) from eucalyptus, lavender and oregano oil, as well as from elderberry flowers and warty birch buds improve gas exchange in the respiratory organs, cleanse them of tar, harmful resins, radionuclides and their salts.


Potatoes contain a large amount of cobalt, which supports the cardiovascular system of a former smoker. In order not to gain weight by avoiding foods that are high in fat and sugar, it is worth introducing rice, potatoes, and bread from wheat flour coarse grind.


Ginger is used as an infusion for a suffocating cough. Place 500 g of washed, peeled, ground ginger into a liter of alcohol, keep, shaking, in a warm place for 2 weeks, when the color of weak tea is filtered, squeezing out and discarding the root. For 1 day, the infusion settles and drains without sediment. Take 2 times a day after meals, dilute 1 tsp. in 1/2 cup of water.


Lobelia is included in patches and is called Indian tobacco. Similar to lobelia, in order to overcome the craving for smoking, a wormwood cigarette (wormwood, horse chestnut, thyme, elderberry, anise seeds, etc.) is used, which is smoked once in the morning, before meals. If the “withdrawal syndrome” is strong, regular tobacco is added to the medicinal tubes in an ever-decreasing dose.

Bird cherry, ginger root, calamus, fennel seeds, peanuts are useful for chewing during “withdrawal syndrome”. Bird cherry branches can be stored along with cigarettes.


Mint is part of the herbal solution, which is taken when craving smoking. 3 tbsp. spoons of the mixture and 300 ml of boiling water are immersed in a thermos for 2 hours. Take 8 times a day, 50 ml. The collection includes:

  • 10 g each mint, chamomile, oregano, linden flowers, lingonberry leaf;
  • 8 g each of raspberry leaf, strawberry leaf, incense, lavender flowers;
  • 20 g each of juniper, thorn, hawthorn, rose hips;
  • 8 g each of licorice root and valerian;
  • 5 g calamus root;
  • 15 g St. John's wort;
  • 20 g sage;
  • 10 g thyme.

Calamus root

Calamus root, chewed in the mouth with a strong desire to smoke, releases active substances which are absorbed through the oral mucosa. The effect can be so strong that a nicotine puff will cause vomiting. This will probably help you get out of tobacco hypnosis forever.


Then download the smoking cessation plan.
With its help it will be much easier to quit.

Probably all people know that addiction to cigarettes is much more psychological than physical. To quit smoking forever, all you really need is a clear awareness of your desire. Traditional methods will help you cope with the consequences of physical dependence and do without the intervention of various nicotine patches and similar drugs.

How to quit smoking

Quitting smoking can be done quickly and easily if you follow certain rules:

  1. Throw away absolutely all cigarettes that are at home, in bags, pockets, or at work. Don't just throw it away - tear it up, throw it straight into the garbage disposal or toilet. If you leave one cigarette in the house, it will make you think about it all day long, and you will lose your temper within two days.
  2. Don't listen to people who tell you to quit smoking gradually, as "gradually" can take years or a lifetime.

You can and should quit smoking abruptly in one day, in an instant. Do not listen to people talking about some severe harm to the body after quitting nicotine - these are lies, myths. A particularly scary myth is that if a pregnant woman stops smoking, it will affect the baby's health. All stories about this are just excuses from psychologically dependent people.

For one day

To quit smoking in one day, it is important to replace the smoking process with something. For example, when the desire to take a drag appears, you can start eating fruits, fresh vegetables, raisins, dried apricots. Also, many have been helped by auto-trainings and programs that act on a person’s subconscious. Acupuncture is effective and breathing exercises. It is important to note that you can quit smoking in one day only if the person wants to.

During pregnancy

Smoking expectant mother may have a bad effect on the child. Therefore, it is important to get rid of a bad habit at the planning stage. If a woman smoked several cigarettes a day, then it is better to give up tobacco immediately. If you smoked about a pack a day, it is better to extend the withdrawal process for 2-3 weeks. To do this, the dose of nicotine must be gradually reduced daily. An inhaler, special chewing gum, a patch, and electronic cigarettes can help. Vitamin therapy can cope with withdrawal symptoms.

Using an electronic cigarette

Usage electronic cigarette allows you to get rid of both physical and psychological dependence. To quit smoking, you need to use cartridges with the maximum nicotine content for a month. Then 2-3 months - with medium, then a month - with low, and, finally, the last month - without nicotine.

Traditional methods

There are several methods to quit smoking without using pills and patches:

  • self-hypnosis - develop an aversion to smoking;
  • breathing exercises;
  • acupuncture;
  • use of herbal cigarettes;
  • use of traditional methods.

Important! Do not try various patches, tablets, sprays on your health, do not pay for dubious “coding” sessions, you are quite capable of coping alone if you have an irresistible desire.

Buy a bottle or package of any yogurt in advance and when you really want to smoke, dip a cigarette and light it. Having tried a cigarette, it is unlikely that you will be tempted to smoke in the near future, but if the desire arises, repeat the experiment. There are more complex and effective means:

  • in a bowl cold water add a few tablespoons of oats and leave for a day;
  • put on fire and turn off as soon as the water starts to boil;
  • strain and leave to cool;
  • The decoction should be taken in three sips, as soon as you feel a strong desire to take up a cigarette.


The following recipe, based on oats, but green, promises to defeat the craving for cigarettes already on the fifth day:

  • pour green oats with alcohol in a ratio of one to ten;
  • leave for a couple of hours, strain, use 20 drops if you want to smoke.

The last oat-based recipe in a row, but not the last in terms of effectiveness:

  • Pour 100 grams of oats into a saucepan with a liter of clean water and put on fire;
  • boil for about an hour, add three tablespoons of calendula and continue boiling for another five minutes;
  • leave for an hour, strain;
  • drink two to three glasses daily.

Advice! Rinse your mouth as soon as you feel the urge to take up a cigarette.


The following recipe is also used as a mouth rinse when the urge to smoke is strong:

  • dilute the crushed rhizome of the knotweed with a glass of boiling water and cook for two to three minutes;
  • leave for about an hour; with regular use, a gag reflex will gradually develop in response to thoughts of a cigarette.

Tincture of copper and silver

If it is possible to obtain a tincture containing particles of copper and silver, with regular use it will also develop an aversion to thoughts of cigarettes. The substances contained in it will give a negative reaction when you try to smoke, even to the point of nausea. If bird cherry or calamus grows nearby, pick a sprig and chew as above. The not-so-pleasant taste will soon discourage you from smoking and even the smell of smoke forever; the effect is promised in just ten days.

Eucalyptus leaves

The following recipe will help cope with unpleasant, and possibly painful sensations, which may occur due to acute nicotine deficiency:

  • Pour a tablespoon of crushed eucalyptus leaves into a cup of boiling water and leave for an hour;
  • strain, add an equal amount of honey and glycerin to the broth;
  • take at least seven times a day, several sips, for a month.

Attention! Honey can cause allergies.

Collection of herbs

The ingredients for the following recipe are not easy to come by:

  • take two absolutely equal parts of nettle, Irish moss, gill, horsetail, bird knotweed and pikulnik;
  • pour a liter of boiling water, cook for ten minutes;
  • leave for an hour, drink half a glass before meals.

Cereal decoction

  • Boil barley, millet, oats and rye for ten minutes;
  • pour the resulting broth into a thermos and leave for a day;
  • strain and drink a glass at least four times a day before meals.


Plantain, famous for its healing and antiseptic actions, can also help you quit smoking:

  • Mix dry crushed plantain and horseradish leaves, chew for five minutes, three times a day.

Important! You should not use horseradish if you have stomach problems.


An effective and time-tested way to quit smoking is to rinse your mouth with baking soda.

  1. To do this, you need to dilute a tablespoon of baking soda in a glass of water.
  2. Rinse your mouth with the resulting solution several times a day.

Thus, not only does the desire to smoke disappear, but also the breath is freshened and the oral cavity is disinfected.

Another method: when there is a strong desire to smoke, you need to put a pinch of salt on the tip of your tongue so that it gradually dissolves. It is important not to get carried away with this method so as not to damage the digestive tract.

The following recipe includes wild rosemary and St. John's wort; it differs from all of the above in its pleasant taste and aroma:

  • Boil a tablespoon of chopped herbs in a liter of water for 20 minutes;
  • leave for three hours and drink as tea.

How to quit smoking for a teenager

Since a teenager does not yet have a strong addiction to nicotine, quitting smoking is not difficult. Desire is important. Proper motivation, a clear goal, the ability to cope with withdrawal, and the help of others will also help. It is important to analyze what led to the bad habit and avoid temptations.

  1. For the first few days when you quit smoking, wash down your meals with a glass of milk. This reduces the desire to get a new dose of nicotine. If it finds you at home, distract yourself by eating fruit and squeezing juice. The rich, concentrated taste will help get rid of the desire to “drag on.”
  2. Do not replace cigarettes with crackers, seeds, or cookies - the products are easy to eat and high in calories, hence the myth that quitting smoking promotes weight gain. excess weight. Also, do not replace with lollipops and other sucking sweets - due to the high sugar content in the composition, your teeth will be destroyed in the shortest possible time.
  3. If you want to smoke, eat fresh vegetables and fruits - this will distract you from the bad habit and saturate your body with vitamins.

How to quit smoking gradually

If you still decide to quit smoking gradually or don’t know how to give up the bad habit on your own, if you don’t have the willpower, then use the following tips. The essence of the method of gradually quitting cigarettes is to slowly accustom the body to functioning without nicotine. This process takes place in several stages:

  1. Switch to lighter cigarettes with less nicotine. Here it is important to set for yourself the maximum possible number of cigarettes smoked per day and under no circumstances exceed it.
  2. Try not to finish smoking each cigarette.
  3. Reduce the number of cigarettes by one per week.
  4. Stop smoking and throw away everything associated with the bad habit.

Also, dried meat can help in the fight against the desire to take up a cigarette, preferably beef, it is low in calories and satisfies the appetite well. Drink twice as much as regular pure water, drinking water, this will help the body remove toxins faster. It is advisable to exclude tea and coffee, at least for the first two weeks; if you absolutely cannot live without tea, replace black with green, with the addition of lemon.