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Colpitis caused by Escherichia coli. Manifestation and treatment of purulent colpitis in women

Health reproductive system women is an issue that requires increased attention at any age. Unfortunately, there are very few representatives of the fair sex who have never encountered one or another pathology of the genital organs.

However, if gonorrhea or syphilis, thanks to the abundance of information about their consequences, force a woman to take a thorough approach to treatment, then many women suffer from colpitis (especially nonspecific) for a long time don't pay attention. According to statistics, at least 60% of visitors to a gynecological office have one form or another of pathology.

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Colpitis - what is it?

What is colpitis in gynecology? Colpitis is an inflammatory lesion of the vaginal mucosa. The second name of the pathology is vaginitis. Accordingly, we can conclude that this disease affects exclusively women. Colpitis in men is impossible due to the lack of a vagina as such.

  • However, representatives of the stronger half of humanity in some cases can contribute to the development of colpitis in a woman (sexual partner).

The diagnosis of “colpitis” in gynecology is one of the most common, and this is due to the fact that this condition develops under the influence of many different factors:

  • decline immune status women;
  • mechanical injuries to the genital organs (rough sex, consequences of abortion, defloration, childbirth);
  • local chemical exposure(spermicidals);
  • insufficient or too frequent intimate hygiene;
  • pathology endocrine system;
  • allergic reactions (to underwear, intimate hygiene products);
  • pathologies of the reproductive system (anomalies of the vagina, hypofunction of the ovaries, inflammatory process in the uterine cavity);
  • vitamin deficiency, long-term antibiotic therapy or unbalanced diet;
  • hormonal contraception (including the use intrauterine device);
  • menopause;
  • pregnancy.

However, there are only two most common, main causes of colpitis - infection with pathogens sexually transmitted infections and activation of opportunistic vaginal flora. Vaginitis can be caused by infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, protozoa and fungi. Depending on the type of pathogen, the principles of treatment and symptoms of colpitis differ.

Types of colpitis, classification

The primary source of infection that causes colpitis may be located directly in the vagina. In this case, they speak of the primary form of the disease.

With secondary descending colpitis, the infection “descends” from the area of ​​the uterus, and in the case of ascending colpitis, it spreads from the external genitalia.

Based on the severity of clinical manifestations, inflammatory processes in the vagina are usually divided into three main forms - acute, subacute and chronic.

In the first case, the symptoms are severe, cause significant discomfort to the woman, and often limit daily activity. The chronic form is asymptomatic or with minimal manifestations and is characterized by periodic relapses.

In subacute colpitis, the gynecologist notes moderate redness of the vaginal mucosa; the patient may have no complaints. There is also an asymptomatic form - it can be detected only by the results of a smear on the flora, which is characterized by the 4th (last) degree of purity.

Depending on the character pathological changes The following types of colpitis are distinguished in the vagina:

  1. Diffuse (focal) – individual areas of lesions are visible;
  2. Atrophic – there is a general thinning of the mucous membrane;
  3. Serous-purulent, purulent - characterized by copious characteristic discharge.

However, the most extensive classification of colpitis is based on the type of pathogen. Inflammation of the vagina can be nonspecific and specific. Nonspecific colpitis is caused by representatives of a woman’s own microflora:

  • streptococci;
  • coli;
  • staphylococci;
  • Proteus;
  • gardnerella.

To the most common pathogens specific vaginitis include yeast fungi, Trichomonas, gonococci, chlamydia, cytomegalovirus, urea and mycoplasma. Less commonly, colpitis can be caused by the pathogens of syphilis and tuberculosis.

Signs and symptoms of colpitis in women

Since inflammation of the vaginal mucosa can occur due to a whole range of reasons, then clinical picture The disease will differ in each specific case.

Specific colpitis

Scanty symptoms are typical for colpitis of viral and mycoplasma etiology. Often, apart from inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane, there are no specific signs. The patient may not have any complaints even with a syphilitic lesion, but during colposcopy the gynecologist notices syphiloma, reminiscent of cancerous degeneration of the tissue.

A blurred clinical picture is possible in the case of a tuberculosis process; sometimes the patient complains of unexpressed pain. During a colposcopic examination of the vagina, the doctor notices pseudo-erosions and ulcers caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Candidiasis colpitis (yeast)– a fairly common phenomenon, especially in pregnant women and women who often use antibiotics. The second name for this disease is thrush. Yeast infection of the vaginal mucosa in acute candidal colpitis causes bright, characteristic symptoms:

  • abundant curdled discharge white;
  • sour odor of vaginal discharge;
  • itching in the intimate area;
  • pain when urinating;
  • minor traces of blood in the discharge;
  • swelling of the labia.

discharge during colpitis

Trichomonas colpitis causes the causative agent of one of the sexually transmitted infections. With this pathology, which occurs in an acute form, it is possible to increase body temperature up to 38˚C. Trichomonas actively multiplies in the genital tract, often affecting the urethra, which is manifested by urination disorders and abdominal pain.

With Trichomonas colpitis, vaginal discharge becomes profuse and foamy, has a yellowish or greenish tint (in neglected form) and an unpleasant odor. The discharge irritates the vulva and causes severe itching. During sexual intercourse, pain occurs, the vaginal mucosa is easily injured and bleeds.

Extremely in rare cases diagnose chlamydial colpitis. Discharge in this condition becomes scarce, the patient complains of pain, itching, and urinary disorders.

Nonspecific colpitis

Nonspecific vaginitis in acute form is characterized by an abundance of vaginal discharge. The patient is bothered by a burning sensation in the intimate area, itching often interferes with even sleep, and pain occurs when urinating. It is also possible pain syndrome. Against the background of heavy discharge, the external genitalia become red and swollen.

Atrophic colpitis

In contrast to specific and nonspecific, atrophic colpitis in women is of an aseptic nature - its symptoms and treatment also differ. The pathology is provoked by menopause.

Due to decreased ovarian activity, estrogen production decreases, causing growth epithelial cells, as a result of which the mucous membranes of the genital organs become thinner, dry out, and the concentration of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria decreases.

Against the background of suppression of normal flora, it is possible to activate conditionally pathogenic microorganisms with the development of symptoms of nonspecific colpitis. However, often patients have no complaints at all - this form of vaginitis develops slowly, gradually. Atrophic colpitis has the following symptoms:

  • vaginal dryness;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • spotting after intimacy, taking smears;
  • irritation from soap.

Treatment of colpitis - drugs and methods

The treatment strategy for colpitis in women is determined by the etiology of the disease. For vaginitis, drugs with antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal and combined action, and hormonal agents. Any form of the disease involves local treatment colpitis with candles, vaginal tablets or ointment tampons for insertion into the vagina.

With a nonspecific form the following drugs are prescribed:

  • polygynax, mycogynax (a combination of antimicrobial and antifungal agents);
  • vocadine or betadine (local antiseptics in the form of suppositories);
  • meratin-combi (a combination of antimicrobial drugs, antifungal and hormonal agents);
  • terzhinan (suppositories complex composition containing antifungal agents, antibiotic and glucocorticoid).

Candidiasis colpitis treated with imidazole derivatives, suppositories with nystatin and natamycin. Shown local application ointment or cream "Pimafucort". It also contains a hormone.

For trichomoniasis and gardnerellosis(bacterial vaginosis) metronidazole drugs are used - antimicrobial agent wide range actions, as well as terzhinan, meratin-combi, mikozhinaks. Development bacterial vaginosis can be stopped by inserting ointment tampons with Dalatsin into the vagina twice a day.

A specific remedy for Trichomonas colpitis is vaginal suppositories"Trichomonasid", the course of treatment is also supplemented with antiseptic suppositories "Heksikon".

Colpitis viral etiology treated with interferon derivatives in the form of suppositories, ointments or sprays.

  • Specific and nonspecific vaginitis involves sanitation of the vagina using douching, sitz baths with herbal solutions, as well as Miramistin and Chlorhexidine.

In addition to eliminating the infectious agent, it is necessary to “increase” the normal flora. For this purpose, intravaginally administered preparations of live lyophilized bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (Bifikol, Vagilak, Atsilak, etc.) are suitable. Shown special diet, which implies limiting sweets, fried foods, pickles, spicy food. Must be included dairy products and vegetables in the diet.

Atrophic colpitis can be stopped with hormonal drugs:

  • "Ovestin" intravaginally;
  • tablets "Anzhelik", "Cliogest" orally.

In case of severe chronic course Vitamin therapy, immunostimulants and physical treatment are indicated.

Colpitis during pregnancy - is it dangerous?

Pregnancy is accompanied by a natural decrease in immunity. Against this background, many “sleeping” ones are often activated chronic pathologies Not only reproductive organs, but systemic. However, even if they were not there, physiological immunosuppression often causes an increase in the activity of opportunistic flora, and at the same time candidal colpitis or bacterial vaginosis develops.

  • Such conditions cannot be left without attention.

And although a limited list of drugs is used for treatment, you should never refuse therapy. The inflammation will begin to rise upward, affecting the cervix and the uterus itself. Possible intrauterine infection of the fetus, threat of miscarriage or premature birth or infection of a child during natural delivery.

The following drugs are allowed during pregnancy:

  • ointment "Dalacin";
  • suppositories “Pimafucin”, “Itraconazole”, “Natamycin”, “Trichopol”;
  • tablets "Trichopol" (from 20 weeks).


If the cause of the disease is correctly established and therapy is started on time, colpitis responds well to treatment and does not cause complications. Otherwise, the pathology may transition into chronic form, spread of inflammation to other organs of the reproductive system.

For persistent vaginitis, it is indicated comprehensive examination. Perhaps it will reveal some systemic disease, which became the cause. Only by eliminating it will you be able to get rid of colpitis.

Infectious colpitis is the most dangerous during pregnancy, as it threatens the life and health of the fetus.

Of all gynecological diseases, diagnosed in women, colpitis (vaginitis) occurs most often. The pathology is detected in more than 60% of patients, mainly of childbearing age, but there are situations when colpitis is detected in girls 4–14 years old and postmenopausal women.

Colpitis or vaginitis is a disease inflammatory in nature, affecting the vaginal mucosa. Most often, the inflammatory process simultaneously affects the cervix, the upper tissues of the urethra or the mucous membrane of the external genitalia. The disease is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane and the occurrence large quantity discharge, often purulent in nature with a pungent odor.

Reference! Normal microflora The vagina in women of reproductive age is almost 98% represented by lactobacilli.

A vaginal environment with a pH value below 4.5 serves as a certain barrier to infections. Acidic environment prevents the proliferation of microorganisms. Reducing lactobacilli changes normal level microflora, which contributes to the spread of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

Causes of the disease

The main factors in the occurrence of colpitis are associated with the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the vagina or an increase in the number of opportunistic microorganisms. When enough high level immunity they are in an inactive state, and their presence does not cause concern to the woman. If protective functions the body is weakened, then the conditionally pathogenic character changes to pathogenic, causing the appearance of vaginitis. The causative agents of the disease are:

  • cytomegalovirus;
  • Trichomonas;
  • gonococci;
  • staphylococcus;
  • chlamydia;
  • candida;
  • streptococcus.

The disease can also be caused by the herpes virus and HPV (human papillomavirus).

Depending on the age of the patient, the causes of vaginitis may be the following:

  1. For girls inflammation occurs due to infection entering the microflora along with the bloodstream during diseases (measles, tonsillitis, flu), the presence foreign bodies in the genitals, allergic manifestations, entry of the pathogen from gastrointestinal tract.
  2. In women of childbearing age colpitis is more common infectious nature, caused by Trichomonas and transmitted through sexual contact. Also, the occurrence of vaginitis can occur due to violations hormonal levels(pregnancy, endocrine diseases, diabetes). The risk group includes patients with gynecological diseases and with mechanical injuries to the mucous membranes (abortion, use of intrauterine devices, illiterate douching), long-term use antibiotics, allergic manifestations for suppositories, contraceptives, lubricants, sanitary pads.
  3. Women over 55 years old influenced hormonal changes the body can also detect senile colpitis. At the same time, the mucous membranes of the genitals dry out, become thinner, and the resulting microtraumas provoke inflammation.

Symptoms of the disease

All manifestations of colpitis are associated with its appearance. Pathology can manifest itself in chronic and acute stage.

Acute phase

Symptoms when acute course illnesses appear suddenly and quickly. Patients note specific burning sensations, itching in the vagina and genitals. The discharge becomes abundant and acquires a different consistency and character (foaming, cheesy, purulent, thick, creamy, resembling a gel). The smell of the discharge is strong and pungent, similar to fish. They have a yellow or greenish tint.

Feels when urinating painful sensations lower abdomen. Over time, the pain intensifies and becomes nagging. The mucous tissues of the vagina and genitals become red, and swelling becomes noticeable. At this time, the mucous membranes are especially traumatic and any physical impact leads to bleeding. All symptoms of acute vaginitis are determined by the infection that provoked the disease. Heat absent, very rarely it can rise to 37–37.5 degrees.

These unpleasant symptoms oppress sexual attraction. Sexual contact causes pain and bleeding due to microtrauma of the vaginal walls.

Chronic phase

If a woman does not accept all options for the treatment of acute colpitis, then its transition to chronic stage almost inevitable. Undoubtedly the symptoms will not be as pronounced, as in acute vaginitis, but this form of the disease is also unacceptable. The presence of infection is present, inflammation is present, although a certain suppression of disease activity is noticeable.

Important! The danger of colpitis in chronic form lies in the fact that the inflammatory process eventually spreads to the uterus and appendages, and this, in turn, leads to infertility.

Types of disease

One of the many causes of disease is microorganisms. Therefore, they highlight the following types colpitis:

  • nonspecific– caused by opportunistic pathogens (Candida, E. coli, streptococcus and staphylococcus);
  • specific– occurs due to the influence of pathogenic microorganisms (Trichomonas, gonococci, herpes virus, chlamydia).

The most common of nonspecific colpitis is candidiasis. It occurs due to an increase in the yeast-like fungus Candida, which is activated due to provoking factors. It is characterized by severe itching and cheesy discharge.

However, the development of pathology is not always associated with infection. In some cases, colpitis can be allergic in nature. The resulting inflammatory process directly depends on allergens: condoms, foreign objects.

Atrophic colpitis

Due to changes hormonal levels atrophic colpitis is often diagnosed. Due to a decrease in estrogen production, patients experience vaginal dryness. The disease is sluggish and almost asymptomatic. The number of lactobacilli decreases, and opportunistic microbes begin to actively spread, causing inflammation and the appearance of discharge. The mucous tissues in the vagina acquire a pale pink tint and become thin with pinpoint hemorrhages.

Colpitis and pregnancy

Discovered colpitis in pregnant women can cause all sorts of complications, and negatively affect the development and gestation of the fetus. The risk of infection of the child during childbirth especially increases. The inflammatory process on the vaginal mucosa sometimes provokes miscarriage and infection amniotic fluid, and with them the fruit. Vaginitis during pregnancy leads to disorders in immune system and changes hormonal levels.

In the chronic course of the disease, the symptoms are less pronounced, and the acute stage of the disease leads to the appearance of copious discharge, accompanied by nagging pain lower abdomen.

Attention! Treatment of colpitis with drugs local use They are mostly safe, however, their use is permissible after prescription and examination by a gynecologist.

Treatment of the disease

Treatment of colpitis is based on integrated approach and is aimed at eliminating the causative agent of the disease. When choosing medicines the type of colpitis is taken into account available accompanying illnesses and the woman's age. Self-medication is unacceptable. The use of drugs should be carried out after visiting a gynecologist and following the treatment regimen recommended by him.

During therapy, you should refrain from intimacy in order to prevent infection from occurring, and strictly adhere to special diet diet with the exception of sweet and spicy foods, maintain personal hygiene, wash more than twice a day.

Local treatment involves the use disinfectant solutions for douching based on:

  • boric acid;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • soda;
  • a decoction of herbs with an anti-inflammatory effect (oak bark, chamomile).

Suppositories and tablets are also used for local effects.. Their choice depends on the type of colpitis pathogen.

  • "Terzhinan";
  • "Vocadine";
  • "Polygynax".

The period of use is determined by the treating gynecologist.

For trichomonas colpitis the following are applicable:

  • "Trichopolus";
  • "Tinidazole";
  • "Hexicon".

Candidal vaginitis can be easily eliminated by the following means::

  • "Nystatin";
  • "Pimafucin";
  • "Clotrimazole".

After completing the course of therapy, it should be normalized vaginal microflora through:

  • "Bifikol";
  • "Lactobacterin";
  • "Acylact".

Traditional methods of therapy

They remain popular in the treatment of colpitis and folk recipes. Their use is considered as additional impact to drug treatment. Douching is carried out with herbal infusions:

  • calendula;
  • series;
  • sage.

Douching is carried out in the morning and at night. An infusion of centaury and sweet clover is taken internally up to two times a day. Sea buckthorn oil is no less effective. A gauze swab soaked in it is inserted overnight.

Forecast and prevention of the disease

Preventive measures to prevent colpitis are based on compliance with intimate hygiene standards, orderly sexual intercourse, and immediate treatment of diseases. genitourinary system, maintaining immunity. Any change in discharge should be a reason for a visit to a gynecologist.

Prevention of the development of pathology in childhood based on regular hygiene procedures and treatment of chronic diseases.

With timely and well-chosen treatment, vaginitis does not pose a threat to women’s health. It should be remembered that self-medication and lack of preventive measures adversely affects reproductive functions.

Purulent colpitis is an inflammation of the vagina, which is accompanied by the appearance of pus and threatens the development of complications, since the infection can quickly spread to nearby organs (cervix and external genitalia). If signs of the disease occur, you should never self-medicate; you should consult a doctor.

Causes of the disease

Most often, the disease develops as a result of colonization of the vaginal mucosa by pathogenic flora.

As a result, lactic acid bacteria, which are the basis normal biocenosis among women. However, the development of colpitis does not always occur; sometimes the body is able to independently eliminate the infection and prevent its development. And only in the presence of provoking factors, the risk of developing the disease rapidly increases.

These include:

Symptoms of purulent vaginitis

The acute stage of colpitis develops extremely quickly. Women celebrate discomfort in the area of ​​intimate organs - pain, itching, burning. Appear copious discharge from the vagina, having purulent character. The inflammatory process is accompanied by pain, especially during hygiene procedures.

The complicated course of colpitis is characterized by an increase in body temperature to febrile levels and the occurrence of intoxication of the body, which manifests itself in the form of weakness, dizziness, increased heart rate and other signs. It is possible that the infection may spread to nearby organs, resulting in damage to the uterus and external genitalia.

The sub-old form of colpitis is less pronounced clinical symptoms. Chronic phase characterized by a relapsing course. Exacerbations of the disease occur when immunity decreases and the woman’s body’s own defenses weaken.


To make a diagnosis of colpitis, collecting an anamnesis is not enough. It is also necessary to carry out gynecological examination women using mirrors, which visualize the inflamed vaginal mucosa. In this case, the doctor must take a smear for flora and cytological examination. This is necessary in order to identify the pathogen that provoked the development of colpitis and determine its sensitivity to the action of antimicrobial drugs, which will allow for a rapid recovery.

To the complex diagnostic procedures includes colposcopy - examination of the cervix under magnification using a microscope. This will install initial signs development of the inflammatory process due to the transfer of infection from the vagina.

Other tests for colpitis include general research blood and urine. An increase in leukocytes and erythrocyte sedimentation rate are determined.

Colpitis is often accompanied by pathologies of other organs of the reproductive system. An ultrasound will help determine the extent of damage to the ovaries.

Treatment of purulent colpitis

Treatment of colpitis, which is purulent in nature, is carried out in the gynecology department so that the woman is constantly under medical supervision. This is due to the fact that in order to achieve rapid therapeutic effect not only is it required systemic use antibacterial drugs, but also a local effect on the pathological focus:

  • applications;
  • douching;
  • candles;
  • ointments;
  • vaginal baths, etc.

The treatment of colpitis is based on the use of antibiotics. Choice required drug should be done by a doctor, since it is necessary to take into account all contraindications for use and possible side effects. Severe disease requires immediate initiation of antibiotic therapy, so preference is given to broad-spectrum drugs from the cephalosporin group. If they are ineffective, the regimen is corrected taking into account data on the sensitivity of the pathogen to the action of antimicrobial agents.

Local therapy consists of sanitation of the external genitalia. To do this, a woman should douche daily and wash herself with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, chlorophyllipt, Rivanol, zinc sulfate and other agents. Good results shows the use of decoctions based on medicinal herbs, which have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, analgesic and antimicrobial actions. These include:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • oak bark, etc.

Local application will help speed up recovery antibacterial agents- Terzhinan, Polizhinaks, Mikozhinaks, Meratin-combi and other drugs in the form of suppositories.

To achieve a quick recovery, a woman must complete the prescribed course of treatment. Even general health returned to normal, therapy cannot be interrupted. This threatens the transition of colpitis to a chronic form.

Possible consequences

Colpitis tends not only to progress rapidly, but also to spread pathological process to other organs of the reproductive system. The infection may spread to the external genitalia or upward path involve the uterus in inflammation, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

The likelihood of developing complications with colpitis increases sharply in the absence of timely treatment. When the ovaries are damaged, the ovarian-menstrual cycle is disrupted, which may result in problems with conception, and in the event of pregnancy, difficulties in bearing the fetus.

If an infection occurs in urethra Cystitis, urethritis and even nephritis develop. The chronic course of colpitis is a predisposing factor to the development of cervical erosion with further degeneration of cells into atypical structures.


To prevent the development of colpitis, a woman must follow the rules of personal hygiene every day. For hygiene procedures, use only approved products that have a neutral acidity level and do not dry out the skin and mucous membranes.

Organize proper nutrition and sufficient drinking regime. This will help provide every cell in the human body useful vitamins and other important substances.

Sexual activity with one partner helps prevent colpitis. Due to promiscuous sexual contacts, the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections increases.

Strengthening the immune system plays an important role in the prevention of colpitis. To do this, a woman must harden herself, avoid stress and overwork. In the autumn-winter period, you should take multivitamin complexes.

(vaginitis) - an inflammatory process in the vagina due to infection, metabolic, endocrine disorders, injuries. Signs of the disease include excessive leucorrhoea, itching, pain in the vagina and lower abdomen. The neglect of the inflammatory process in the vagina can lead to fusion of its walls, the rise of infection and the development of inflammatory diseases uterus and appendages, cervical erosion and, as a consequence, - ectopic pregnancy or infertility. The main diagnosis of colpitis includes colposcopy and bacteriological examination.

Due to unpleasant painful sensations A woman’s sexual activity decreases and the desire for intimacy is suppressed. Also, swelling and soreness of the vaginal walls makes internal examination with the help of speculum impossible.

If similar symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist for examination and accurate diagnosis. Treatment of vaginitis initial stage more effective and helps avoid complications. IN severe cases inflammatory processes can affect the internal genital organs (uterus, appendages) and cause endometritis, cervical erosion, and lead to infertility.

Diagnosis of colpitis

Colpitis can be diagnosed by examining the vagina and cervix using mirrors. In acute vaginitis, the folds of the vaginal mucosa are loose, brightly colored, very thickened and swollen, covered with a coating of serous or purulent films. When touching and scraping the plaque, the vaginal walls are damaged and may bleed. In severe cases, erosion of the mucosal epithelium is observed. In the chronic course of colpitis, mucosal defects are less pronounced and the discharge is insignificant.

Prevention of vulvovaginitis in girls consists, first of all, of adequate hygiene procedures, general health measures, and treatment of lesions chronic infection. As a rule, when proper treatment colpitis does not pose a serious threat to the patient’s health. However, ignoring colpitis, self-medication and non-compliance with preventive measures can seriously negatively affect reproductive health women.