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Cereals for blood group 3 are positive. How to eat and what foods to eat on a diet for the third negative blood group

The diet for blood type 3 is positive, what is suitable for carriers of this blood type, what foods can be eaten, which cannot, and what doctors think about this.

Hello, dear readers and subscribers, Svetlana Morozova is with you. I continue the topic of nutrition. Today we will look at group 3. What nutrition is historically suitable for carriers of this blood type - read further in the article.

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Do you want to lose weight? Interested in diets?

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Universal eater and creator

When did blood group 3 appear? When people adapted to agriculture, cattle breeding and continued to develop new lands. “Nomads” is what Peter D’adamo, the founder of blood type diets, calls the owners of this group.

New territories, new infections, new climate - people learned to adapt to everything. Accordingly, the body acquired properties suitable for group 3:

  • Powerful;
  • Stress resistance;
  • Active brain;
  • Well developed muscles;
  • Excellent digestion and stable intestines.

And therefore, the food system of the “nomads” was also formed in a special way. New types of vegetables and fruits, beans, grains, fish from various reservoirs, meat of wild and domestic animals, almost all the gifts of farming and livestock breeding - the body assimilates everything and directs it in the right direction.

And, according to the scientific approach, this is still relevant now. It would be useful for everyone individual program nutrition, selected not only for the state of health and general rules, but also according to the blood group and its genetic memory of products.

The Rh factor does not play a role here. Negative blood can only affect the ability to conceive and bear a child, but this no longer depends on the blood type.

Dietary approach

The third group is characterized by versatility. Holders of such blood can equally successfully engage in both physical and mental work. This also applies to nutrition - anything is possible.

For all blood groups, foods are divided into three types: beneficial, neutral and harmful. Despite the omnivorous nature of group 3, there is also a division here, albeit not so pronounced. Let's take a closer look.

Which products are the most useful both for weight loss and generally for maintaining health:

  • Meat: lamb, rabbit;
  • Sea fish (mackerel, cod, salmon, flounder);
  • Eggs;
  • Cereals: oatmeal, rice;
  • Legumes;
  • with a low fat content;
  • Green vegetables, fruits and berries: greens, cabbage, spinach, peppers, apples, pears, cucumbers, plums, gooseberries;
  • Vegetable oils.

Neutral Products that are added to the diet for variety and balance:

  • Beef, veal;
  • Seafood;
  • River fish;
  • Milk;
  • Nuts and seeds;
  • Olives;
  • Whole wheat bread;
  • Vegetables: onions, garlic, radishes, turnips, radishes, beets, carrots;
  • Fruits, berries: citrus fruits, kiwi, melon, blueberries, currants, grapes, apricots.

And here are harmful foods that slow down metabolism, disrupt digestion and accumulate excess weight:

  • Buckwheat, millet;
  • Meat: pork, poultry (chicken, goose, duck);
  • Meat by-products, lard;
  • Fatty dairy products;
  • Corn;
  • Peanut;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Persimmon;
  • Coconuts;
  • Grenades;
  • Alcohol.

Such foods should be excluded completely.

Diet for blood type 3 positive: example of nutrition

What could it be sample menu for those losing weight with the third group:

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  • Breakfast: porridge with milk, or meat with vegetable salad, or omelet;
  • Second breakfast: cottage cheese, or fruit, or vegetable salad, or egg;
  • Lunch: vegetable soup or meat broth, for the second fish or meat with vegetables;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit, or cottage cheese, or vegetable, or cheesecakes, or casserole, or egg;
  • Dinner: vegetable casserole, or stewed vegetables, or stew, fish or piece of meat;
  • Before bed: a glass of kefir or yogurt without additives.

As usual, all drinks are sugar-free and it is advisable to use a minimum of salt. Or without it at all.

Refusal of rich pastries, sweets and tasty harmful foods is a matter of course. And, of course, we don’t fry anything, everything is just boiled, baked, steamed.

Diet for blood type 3 is positive: a little about gender differences

The food chart for women is slightly different from what is allowed for men.

For example, women should focus on legumes - they contain plant analogues of female sex hormones. Men take vegetable ones from mushrooms and cereals. This is especially important with a sports diet.

If your work is more related to mental work, then men can sometimes feed their brains with sweets. For women, it is better to choose a sweet fruit, it will be a more effective nourishment.

Blood type 3 positive diet: is it really beneficial?

Doctors have the same opinion about such diets. This is not a panacea, but only additional recommendations for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition. What does “correct” mean: varied and balanced, with “live” products. If you need to lose weight, then your diet should be at a slight calorie deficit.

But no diet will help you if you exercise little, abuse alcohol, fatty, fried, and fast food. Being slim is for healthy people. If you want to lose weight, take care of your health. Find a sport you like, relax, get good sleep, eat right and definitely without hunger. That is, no strict and unbalanced mono-diets that promise weight loss of more than 1.5 kg per week.

In general, try not to go on diets. The Internet is now full of various bright headlines like: “How to lose 10 kg in a week.” Protein diets, carbohydrates, on saliva, on cereals... This will not add health, which means beautiful figure and even more so.

I wish you good health. And everything else will follow.

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The dietary menu for those with blood group B is considered universal. The diet includes all types of foods without any special restrictions. The Rh factor has virtually no effect on the creation of a daily diet. A diet for a week has been developed. During this time, excess weight is lost and metabolic processes are stabilized.

Effect on metabolic processes in the body

Representatives rare group blood are considered omnivores. The daily menu is based on the presence of any food of animal and plant origin. The exception is certain types of products.

Owners of 3 blood groups are different good health. The digestive system rarely malfunctions. Metabolism may be disrupted due to the consumption of certain types of legumes and cereals. Fried foods and too fatty meats negatively affect the functioning of the pancreas. The result is a slowdown metabolic processes, which can cause diseases.

  • We prepare meat dishes. We give preference to rabbit, venison, and lamb. Beef is considered neutral, but eating it is not prohibited.
  • We choose low-fat dairy products.
  • The egg can be consumed daily - up to 6 times a day.
  • We eat more vegetables. Meat goes well with vegetable side dish. We give preference to all types of cabbage, beets, carrots, parsnips, bell pepper, eggplants, greens.
  • From the list of seafood, black caviar and some types of fish are allowed, such as salmon, pike, flounder, mackerel.
  • It is better to cook food with olive or flax oil.
  • We eat more fruits, mainly citrus fruits, cherries, bananas, pineapple, cranberries.
  • Traditionally, we choose green tea varieties. It has a tonic effect and acts as an antioxidant. In addition, we drink juices from permitted fruits, water with lemon, black tea, and coffee.
  • As for alcoholic beverages, you are allowed to drink a little beer or wine.

If you are new to the diet for blood type 3, carefully read the list of permitted and prohibited foods.

The impact of the Rh factor on menu planning

The Rh factor of B-blood owners has virtually no effect on their diet. Carriers of blood group B(-) are more likely to suffer from possible diseases than representatives of blood group B (+). Therefore, the first thing you need to do is completely abandon foods that inhibit the functioning of the pancreas, namely:

  • fried food;
  • fat meat;
  • wheat products;
  • confectionery with high sugar content.

The latter can afford relaxations in their diet, but they still shouldn’t abuse it.

By adhering to dietary nutrition, owners of any Rh factor can balance their daily diet. This will improve the metabolic process and reduce the risk of serious diseases.

To maintain the pancreas, representatives of blood group 3 need to have snacks between main meals. The stomach should not feel hungry for a long period of time.

Dividing products into groups

Diet food developer D-Adam divided products into 3 groups according to criteria of value for the body:

1.Healthy foods, which do not interfere with the food processing process. Due to them, the functioning of the digestive system is stabilized and metabolism is normalized:

  • meat from the permitted list;
  • maritime and River fish;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • olive oil;
  • soya beans;
  • greens, mainly parsley;
  • vegetable crops;
  • fruits;
  • green tea, coffee, juices, decoctions.

2.Neutral products, which do not affect the functioning of the body in any way:

  • meat products:
    • ground meat;
    • liver;
    • salo.
  • River fish:
    • carp;
    • perch;
  • whole milk;
  • butter;
  • almonds and walnuts;
  • legumes;
  • bakery products;
  • seasonings;
  • winter preparations;
  • mushrooms;
  • fruit:
    • blackberry;
    • gooseberry;
    • blueberry;
    • raspberries;
    • currant.

3.Negative Products, which are difficult to process, releasing toxic substances. Undigested food remains in the body in the form of fat deposits:

  • meat products:
    • pork;
    • duck;
    • ham;
    • sausages.
  • fish products:
    • seaweed;
    • crustaceans;
    • acne.
  • ice cream;
  • peanut, corn, sunflower oil;
  • hazelnuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds;
  • cereals:
    • pearl barley;
    • buckwheat;
    • barley
  • corn and rye flour;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise, cinnamon;
  • potatoes, radishes, tomatoes;
  • fruit:
    • avocado;
    • barberry;
    • olives.

To products that promote rapid decline weights include: young red meat, licorice, vegetables, boiled liver, egg.

Products, especially increasing body weight: buckwheat, corn, soft wheat, peanuts and lentils.

Refusal of products of categories 2 and 3 will allow you to cleanse the intestines and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Seven-day diet for weight control

The diet for blood group 3 is considered especially useful. Representatives of blood group B will be able to diversify dietary ration. The optimal ratio of animal and plant food saturates the body essential vitamins and microelements.

The digestive tract of owners of this blood type equally copes with proteins and carbohydrates of any origin. Unlike their predecessors, they are allowed sweets and flour products. In this case, it is necessary to correctly compare the products so that the body receives more benefits.

We will develop the menu as desired, taking into account the list of permitted products. Representatives of blood type B who are overweight need to focus on vegetables and fruits. If dietary nutrition is used to cleanse and maintain the body, you can include a wide variety of foods within reasonable limits.

During the period of weekly weight loss, a person does not experience an urgent need for favorite foods and no discomfort. Balanced diet saturates the body with energy reserves for the coming day.

Consider a sample menu for the day


  • on the first day, boil a couple of eggs;
  • the egg can be combined with a sandwich flavored with butter;
  • Next we prepare breakfast, alternating dishes:
    • milk noodle soup;
    • cottage cheese casserole with sour cream;
    • syrniki;
    • 2 egg omelet;
    • cereals with milk;
    • scrambled eggs;
    • rice porridge.
  • Green tea or pineapple juice is recommended as drinks.

It is allowed to alternate dishes in any order. The main breakfast product should not exceed 300 grams.


  • the second meal may consist of one fruit or berries, for example, we eat a green apple, an orange, a handful of cherries or a banana;
  • an alternative would be a glass of juice from permitted fruits;
  • Instead of a sweet snack, you can prepare a small portion light vegetable salad


  • First, let's prepare your choice:
    • champignon cream soup;
    • soup based on turkey by-products;
    • cream soup with asparagus cabbage;
    • mushroom soup.
  • for the second course, boil a piece of permitted meat or liver;
  • as a side dish we will prepare any vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil;
  • We finish the meal with rosehip infusion or green tea.

Be sure to follow the norm. The total volume of lunch food should not exceed 600 grams, in addition to drinks.

Afternoon snack:

  • The consumption of products based on fermented milk is allowed - up to 200 grams:
  • if you cannot tolerate milk, you can eat a few walnuts or drink a glass apple juice with pulp.


The last meal will be based on fish or meat dishes. It is better to boil or stew the products. Total dinner serving – 400 grams:

  • You are allowed to eat up to 200 grams of meat or fish (it is better to alternate);
  • Serve a vegetable side dish: a portion of light salad. We give preference to Brussels sprouts;
  • We finish dinner with a glass carrot juice or herbal decoction.

As for alcohol, those with blood type 3 tolerate it well. But you still shouldn’t abuse it. Alcohol-containing products in large quantities will not do any good! A glass of beer or a glass of natural wine with dinner is sometimes allowed.

Over a seven-day period, 1.5-3 kg of excess weight is lost. In a month of eating this way, you can lose 5-7 kilograms. The diet is considered completely safe.

There are no contraindications for dietary nutrition. It is possible to exclude from the diet foods that are not permitted for health reasons. Before you start losing weight, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Strengthening your diet. Frequency of dietary meals

Those with B-blood are, for the most part, energetic and active people by virtue of natural features. They do not need to exert themselves physically while dieting. You can get mental relief by doing yoga.

If a representative of blood group 3 is obese, which is extremely rare, then during the period of “abstinence” from food it is necessary to engage in sports: light jogging, fitness, swimming, breathing exercises.

There are no restrictions on the frequency of the diet. This kind of nutrition is a lifestyle based on eating the right foods. Energetic representatives of this blood group may forget about food in the hustle and bustle. The seven-day diet can be used as a schedule for starting a meal. Lovers of fatty and fried foods need to have a fasting week at least once a month to stay in shape.

The body of representatives of blood group 3 absorbs almost all food. If you follow a healthy diet, in addition to losing excess weight, the body gains lightness and comfort. Additional energy appears. Those with blood type 3 are surprised to realize that you can lose weight by eating your favorite foods.

Every person has a certain blood type. Although it’s hard to believe at first, our blood influences our character, lifestyle, preferences - and all this depends on one of the four groups. Accordingly, the food regimen is different for each group. What is beneficial for some may be harmful for others. Since the third blood group is less common in people than the first or second, it would be useful for its owners to know information about their group, as well as about the peculiarities of dietary adaptation for themselves.

The third blood group is B (III). Statistics do not lie that these are active, energetic and creative individuals. They have visualization abilities and know how to reduce the negative effects of stress through relaxation. They have a strong immune and nervous system - the roots of such features lie precisely in their active lifestyle. This blood type was identified as a result of the migration of masses of people in ancient times, now it is approximately 20% of the population of our planet.

People with type B blood have virtually no conflicts due to their mental flexibility; it is easier for them to find a workaround than to rush into a fight against obstacles. They can easily adapt to a new environment, always looking for new sensations. Easy to find mutual language with people, while for the most part they are nonconformists and egoists. They cannot live within the prescribed framework, and all the time they try to disrupt the order the way they want.

With a decrease in resistance to stress and a desire for new sensations, depression may occur. Sensitivity and impressionability put pressure on the psyche, which leads to emotional overload. Such people need to control and streamline their lives so that overstrain does not occur and the body does not lose its ability to be resilient.

For blood type 3, almost any food is suitable; they are “omnivores”, thanks to their strong immune system.

Poultry, meat.

Healthy: rabbit meat, lamb, lamb, venison.

Acceptable: beef, turkey and pheasant, buffalo, liver of various animals.

Avoid: chicken, bacon, goose, partridge, quail, chicken, ham, pork, duck, heart of any type of animal.


Useful for: halibut, flounder, salmon, sea bass, sturgeon (and its caviar), mackerel, haddock, sardine, pike, cod.

Acceptable: squid, carp, rainbow trout, herring, striped catfish.

Avoid: rockfish, anchovy, crab, shrimp, smoked salmon, lobster, shellfish, octopus, eel, crayfish, striped bass.

Eggs and dairy products.

Healthy: goat milk, eggs, homemade cheese, yogurt, kefir and skim milk, pressed cottage cheese, Mozzarella cheese.

Acceptable: butter, buttermilk, soy milk and whole milk, cream cheese, milk sorbet, Eden cheese.

Avoid: processed cheese, ice cream.

Fats and oils.

Useful: olive oil.

Acceptable: flaxseed oil and cod liver oil.

Avoid: sunflower, peanut, corn oils.

Nuts, seeds.

Acceptable: walnuts, almonds.

Avoid: pine nuts, peanuts, cashews, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, pistachios, hazelnuts.

Leguminous plants.

Healthy: red soybeans, dark beans, vegetable beans.

Acceptable: green peas, white and green beans.

Avoid: Lentils, chickpeas, black beans.

Cereals and grains.

Healthy: oatmeal, rice and oat bran, rice, millet.

Avoid: cornflakes, buckwheat, sprouted wheat, rye, barley, corn flour.

Baking, bread.

Healthy: millet bread, rice cakes.

Acceptable: bread made from rye meal, soy flour, gluten-free bread.

Avoid: hot wheat buns, rye bread.

Pasta, grains.

Healthy: rice and oat flour.

Acceptable: brown and polished rice, premium wheat flour.

Avoid: whole grain flour (wheat), rye, barley flour.


Healthy: eggplants, cabbage, broccoli, peppers of almost all types (green, yellow, red hot, capsicum), carrots, beet leaves, parsley, parsnips, beets, yams.

Acceptable: rutabaga, potatoes, greenhouse mushrooms, green onions, leafy vegetables, cucumbers, asparagus, onions, horseradish, dill, pumpkin, spinach, garlic.

Avoid: corn, tomatoes, olives, radishes.

Berries and fruits.

Healthy: pineapple, banana, grapes, plum, papaya.

Acceptable: watermelon, apricot, orange, grapefruit, pear, lingonberry, cherry, blueberry, melon, blackberry, raisin, strawberry, strawberry, kiwi, fig, currant, mango, lemon, raspberry, blueberry, dates and tangerines, peaches, prunes, apple, elderberry.

Avoid. Coconut, pomegranate, persimmon, rhubarb.

Liquids and juices.

Healthy: pineapple, grape, cabbage, cranberry.

Acceptable: water with lemon juice, plum, apricot, cherry, apple, orange, grapefruit, carrot, cucumber, apple cider.

Avoid: tomato juice.


Healthy: green tea.

Acceptable: red and white wine, beer, coffee, black tea.

Avoid: Drinks with ethyl alcohol, seltzer water, soda drinks.

Infusions (herbal teas).

Beneficial: ginseng, ginger, raspberry leaves, parsley, peppermint, sage, rose hips.

Acceptable: white birch buds, elderberry, alzina, hawthorn, valerian, smooth elm, St. John's wort, green oak bark, strawberry leaves, burdock, mint, dandelion, chamomile, yarrow, sorrel, echinacea.

Avoid: aloe, cassia, red clover, mullein, linden, coltsfoot, rhubarb, hops.


Healthy: ginger, cayenne pepper, curry, horseradish, parsley.

Acceptable: agar, anise, basil, vanilla, cloves, vinegar, cardamom, Bay leaf, coriander, honey, paprika, nutmeg, mint, rosemary, soy sauce, brown sugar, salt, garlic, dill, cumin, sage, chocolate, saffron, tarragon.

Avoid: Edible gelatin, barley malt, cinnamon, cornstarch. Peppers – allspice, white, ground black.


Acceptable: mustard, marinades, pickles, jam. Mayonnaise, jelly.

Avoid: ketchup.

Foods that lead to weight gain in blood type 3:

  • Corn – slows down metabolism, weakens insulin;
  • Lentils – interfere with the absorption of nutrients;
  • Peanuts – slows down liver function;
  • Sesame – metabolism slows down;
  • Buckwheat – slows down digestion;
  • Wheat – slows down metabolism.

It is important to understand that certain group meals are not a fashion statement or a short-term fad. It's a lifestyle.

Each blood group has its own food products. It is important to know what to eat to maintain a healthy body. Active people with blood type 3 need products that support the pace and rhythm of their lives.

About a fifth of the world's total population (20.6%) have blood group 3. According to the theory of the American naturopathic doctor D’Adamo, these people began to be called “nomads.” They combined the characteristics of people with the first blood group, “hunters,” and the population with the second blood group, “farmers.” This group appeared on earth 15 thousand years ago as a result of mixing and migration of races. This caused a change eating behavior: Now people knew how not only to hunt and grow crops, but also began to domesticate animals, and also roam in search of a better life.

The blood type 3 diet is considered the simplest and most varied, as it allows you to eat meat products, like the “hunters”, eat plant foods, like the “farmers” diet, and also consume dairy products.

Table of foods for people with blood group 3

We have compiled an easy-to-use table of foods for the blood type 3 diet. In it you will find harmful, healthy and neutral foods that will help you balance your diet and achieve your ideal weight.

Product category Healthy foods Neutral products Harmful products
Meat, eggs Lamb, rabbit, lamb, venison, chicken eggs turkey, beef, veal, pheasant, buffalo, liver, game and quail eggs goose, horse meat, partridge, chicken, quail, offal, game, pork, bacon, ham, beef heart, duck, guinea fowl
Milk and dairy products goat milk, kefir, yoghurts, homemade cheese and cottage cheese, goat and sheep cheese butter, soy milk and cheese, hard cheeses, whole milk and whey ice cream, processed cheese, Swiss cheese
Seafood sardine, flounder, salmon, mackerel, sea bass, cod, pike and black caviar, sturgeon, halibut, brown trout, hake, haddock scallop, herring, croaker, squid, tuna, silver and yellow perch, striped catfish arctic char, barracuda, beluga, gastropods and bivalves, rock and striped bass, crab, lobster, crayfish, mussels, shrimp, smoked salmon, octopus, pollock, eel, snail, oysters, rainbow and river trout, anchovy, turtles, frogs
Fats olive oil linseed oil, fish fat and cod liver oil sunflower, corn, peanut, sesame, cottonseed and safflower oil
Cereals rice, oats, millet, - buckwheat, corn, rye, wheat, barley, amaranth
Bread and cotton products rice cakes, millet bread, diet bread bread made from oat bran, soy flour, spelled, gluten-free bread Rye and wheat bread and products made from this and corn flour
Legumes dark beans, green and lima beans, red soybeans green peas, red, broad and copper beans, white beans Chickpeas, lentils, black beans, black eye peas, pinto
Vegetables beets and their leaves, carrots, eggplants, sweet potatoes, peppers: chili, yellow, green; parsnips, cabbage: white, red, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collards, cauliflower, Chinese; mustard leaves potatoes, asparagus, spinach, daikon, celery, pumpkin, all types of onions, garlic, lettuce, cucumbers, zucchini, ginger, kohlrabi, rutabaga, mushrooms, rapeseed, fennel, turnips, chicory, white peas artichoke, avocado, olives, Jerusalem artichoke, radish, tomatoes, tempex, soy
Fruits and berries Bananas, plums, pineapples, grapes, cranberries, papaya oranges, apples, apricots, watermelons, elderberries, lingonberries, cherries, blueberries, pears, grapefruits, melons, strawberries, blackberries, strawberries, figs, raisins, kiwis, lemons, currants, mangoes, raspberries, peaches, tangerines, dates, prunes, blueberry pomegranates, persimmon, carom, starfruit, prickly pear, coconut, rhubarb
Spices horseradish, curry, ginger, parsley and cayenne pepper Everything except the prohibited ones cinnamon, allspice, tapioca, almond extract, corn syrup, edible gelatin, black and white pepper, barley malt, corn starch
Sauces, seasonings prepared from permitted vegetables, spices and fats everything except mayonnaise and other sauces vegetable oil Ketchup, nuts, peanuts, peanut butter
Drinks and juices green tea, juices healthy fruits, vegetables and berries black tea and coffee, juices from neutral fruits, vegetables and berries, wine, beer alcoholic drinks, tomato juice, sweet soda
Herbal decoctions, infusions ginseng, ginger, raspberry leaves, mint leaves, rose hips, parsley, licorice root are prohibited: Birch buds, valerian, elderberry, verbena, St. John's wort, strawberry leaves, dandelion, chamomile, yarrow, echinacea with aloe, gentian, hay, red clover, mullein, corn silk, linden, coltsfoot, shepherd's purse, rhubarb, hops, skullcap.

The table contains the most commonly used food products that can be used by those who want to normalize their body and improve their health.

Characteristics of people with 3 positive blood group

The selection of products for people with III+ blood group is explained by the fact that these people able to quickly adapt to changes, tolerate changes in climatic conditions and diet composition more easily.

The strengths of people with positive blood type 3 are:

  • powerful immune and digestive system;
  • balance, flexibility, ability to get along with others;
  • rapid adaptation to changes in the environment and diet;
  • strong nervous system;
  • according to statistics, among thin people who are not inclined to be overweight, people with the third blood group predominate;
  • Usually these people, precisely because of their vitality, do not feel tired or, without gaining weight, continue to eat anything until they become seriously ill.

The diet contains almost all types of food that can be combined with each other and prepared from them into delicious and healthy dietary dishes.

The weaknesses of representatives of those with blood group 3 are:

  • tendency to overeat;
  • development diabetes mellitus 1 and 2 groups;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • instability to rare diseases and viruses;
  • tendency to autoimmune diseases;
  • multiple sclerosis.

Here you can watch a video about the characteristics of people with the third blood group:

Diet for women with blood group 3

In this case, the menu is different in that it should be even less caloric, more natural and correct.

The fact is that female body gets used to changes much faster, therefore, the low calorie content of dishes is taken by the body for granted. You will feel lightness and increased performance if you exclude refractory fats and heavy and difficult-to-digest meat dishes from your diet. Increasing your daily menu of plant foods will lead to rapid weight loss and restoration of activity.

Rh negative

The Rh factor is not important for choosing a diet. The diet for people with 3 positive blood group is practically the same as for people with 3 negative blood group. Same products shown, however please note individual characteristics, choosing those products from which you do not have allergic reactions, and your health remains good.

Physical exercise

Need to increase physical activity, especially if you want to quickly bring your body back to normal.

Here are the types of physical activities shown to you:

  • cycling or exercise bike (how to choose a cheap exercise machine);
  • walking or on a treadmill; running should be light so as not to impair joint mobility;
  • swimming in open reservoirs or pools (all about water aerobics);
  • tennis, badminton;
  • aerobics and shaping (all about Pilates);
  • yoga – all its varieties (yoga for beginners).

Reviews about the diet

Here is the feedback we received from our readers:

Alisa, 34 years old, teacher
I teach biology at school, so I agree that people with different groups blood exist at the cellular level. Unfortunately, I myself cannot boast of an ideal figure, since I sit a lot. But having learned about this diet, I began to slowly rebuild my diet, removing what I used to love, for example, giving up pork, ketchup, and wheat bread. The result is obvious - about 5 kg in the last two months.

Diana, 45 years old, conductor
I always ate what I wanted, that’s how it was in our family, but over the years the weight began to grow, I realized that something needed to be changed, but strict diets were not for me. When I found a diet for blood type 3, I was glad that I could eat so much. Now I watch my diet, I brew it in a thermos useful herbs, I take ready-made meals to work. I started losing weight, I even changed my work clothes to two sizes smaller, but I don’t have any scales yet, I don’t know how much I’ve lost.

Valentina, 57 years old, pensioner
When I retired, I began to cook a lot, as a result my weight increased, and my family was against such a diet. I began to cook for myself only what I could from the diet according to my blood type, I have it 3, and my husband and son have the second, now everyone eats their own, but it’s not difficult for me, I like to cook. I have already lost 3.5kg in two weeks.

What is your blood type?

Watch a video about how blood types differ and why the correct one is so important chemical composition products:

Nowadays, excess weight is a scourge for most people in developed countries. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the quality of food. This is why blood type diets are becoming more and more popular. This approach allows you to give the body optimal nutrition. This also allows you to reduce the risk of excess weight, as well as lose weight if you already have a problem.

The difference in nutrition is due to genetic characteristics body. It is assumed that groups arose among people living in different conditions. The third group appeared among the nomads. Therefore, nutrition for owners of this type should be appropriate. But at the same time, they respond well to changes in diet and can eat a wide variety of foods.

Products for blood group 3 positive

The best option would be to use it for nutrition as much as possible. suitable products. After all, despite all the versatility, such people also have products that are not only suitable for themselves, but also have a negative effect on the body. First of all it suffers psychological condition. Therefore, nutrition for blood group 3 positive should be as balanced as possible.

Since the owners of such blood come from nomads, they can easily eat meat, and plant products will also not be superfluous. But here it is worth remembering that not all products can be used for nutrition.

First, let's see what you can use:

  • Meat. You can definitely eat lamb and rabbit meat;
  • Vegetables. The list here is quite large. Recommended: eggplants, broccoli, beets, carrots, other similar root vegetables, peppers, cabbage;
  • Fish. The list of permitted products here is also substantial: mackerel, salmon, halibut, pike, sturgeon or caviar, flounder, cod;
  • Cereals: oatmeal, rice flour pasta, rice;
  • Eggs;
  • Legumes. Soybeans, beans, beans;
  • Dairy. Healthy ones include the following: low-fat cheeses, especially goat cheeses; cottage cheese, yogurt;
  • Rice cakes, millet bread;
  • Ginger and curry;
  • Fruits: banana, apricot, plum, pineapple;
  • Green tea,
  • Almost any juice;
  • Olive oil.

Products that should be consumed in limited quantities:

  • Poultry meat: turkey, beef, as well as veal and liver;
  • Fish: herring, trout, haddock, squid, carp;
  • Vegetables. Asparagus, greens, salads, potatoes, cucumbers, pumpkin, garlic;
  • Green peas, others canned legumes, green and/or white beans;
  • Pasta from any wheat flour, as well as brown rice;
  • Whole milk, possibly butter;
  • Soy milk;
  • Any spices except allspice;
  • Pickles, mayonnaise, jam or jelly, mustard;
  • Lemon water, coffee, red and white wine.

There are also a number of products that are completely prohibited for consumption;

  • Chicken, as well as other types of poultry, under no circumstances should you eat pork;
  • Ice cream;
  • All seafood, crustaceans, perch;
  • Vegetable oils. Soybean and sunflower;
  • Cereals. Buckwheat, corn, wheat, barley, rye;
  • Lentils, and also chickpeas;
  • Tomatoes, corn;
  • Fruits are prohibited: pear, coconut, pomegranate;
  • Drinks should not be consumed tomato juice and alcohol.

Be sure to eliminate all junk food from your diet; it is its consumption that will lead to gradual weight gain, as well as other health problems. A table of foods for blood group 3 will help you control your diet.

Table of foods for 3 positive blood group

Mutton Turkey Chicken and other types of poultry
Rabbit meat Beef, veal Ice cream
Eggplant Liver Seafood
Broccoli Herring Crustaceans
Beet Trout Perch
Carrot Haddock Soybean oil
Pepper Squid Sunflower oil
Cabbage Carp Buckwheat
Mackerel Asparagus Corn
Salmon Greenery Wheat
Halibut Salads Barley
Pike Potato Rye
Sturgeon cucumbers Lentils
Caviar Pumpkin Tomatoes
Flounder Garlic Corn
Cod Green pea Pear
Oat groats Pasta made from any wheat flour Coconut
Rice flour pasta Brown rice Pomegranate
Rice Whole milk
Eggs Butter
Soybeans Soy milk
Beans All fruits except those that are prohibited
Beans Any spices except allspice
Low-fat cheeses Pickles
Cottage cheese Mayonnaise
Yogurt Jam
Rice cakes Mustard
Millet bread Lemon water
Ginger and curry Coffee
Banana Red wine
Apricot White wine
Plum Jelly
A pineapple Canned legumes
Green tea Green beans
Juice (almost any) White beans
Olive oil

Diet for blood type 3 positive

Let's look at the nutritional features for people with a similar blood type. It is worth noting that such a diet does not give quick results to get positive effect It’s worth making it a sustainable habit. Any failure will lead to a negative reaction from the body. Be sure to monitor the content of all necessary substances in your food.

A feature of this group of people is their good adaptability; they respond well to changes in diet, as well as to a variety of foods. Therefore, the blood group 3 diet is separate meals. This allows you to accelerate your metabolic rate, which, together with the consumption of certain foods, gives excellent results.

Since people with this feature can eat a varied diet, creating a diet for them will not be a problem. Below we show some food pairings that are ideal for them.


  • Cheesecakes with condensed milk. Regular tea;
  • Regular vegetable sauté, classic omelette, rice cake, any juice;
  • Buckwheat porridge with banana, tea;
  • Toast with real turkey, regular greens and vegetables. Coffee;
  • Rice porridge with apple, cocoa.

You can use snacks between main meals;

  • Milk-fruit jelly;
  • Suitable dried fruits;
  • Pancakes with jam or cottage cheese;
  • Any fruit salad;
  • Nuts.

Sample menu options for lunch:

  • Turkey soup, grilled fish with a side dish of rice, beet/carrot and garlic salad;
  • Vegetable soup, veal with classic cream or other similar sauce, casserole with cabbage and zucchini;
  • Peasant fish soup, grilled mackerel, salad with cheese;
  • Borsch with beef and beans, cucumber salad, pasta with vegetables, basil;
  • Beef meatball soup, stewed liver with rice, radish salad with arugula.

You should definitely add an afternoon snack to your meal plan. This will avoid feeling hungry between meals.

The afternoon snack may include the following dishes:

  • Charlotte with apples, tea;
  • Wheat toast with jam, regular or soy milk;
  • Charlotte with apples, tea;
  • Curd dessert, juice.

Dinner is also important technique food. It can include the following products:

  • Stewed rabbit, potato casserole with any mushrooms;
  • Grilled trout, side dish of brown rice, cucumber salad;
  • Pilaf with lamb, cabbage salad, cheese and celery;
  • Oatmeal with suitable fruit or jam, cocoa;
  • Potato casserole with vegetables, lightly salted herring.

This sample list dishes from which you can create a complete menu. Please note that you should not eat the same thing every day, the food should be varied, then there will be no problems.

Products for blood group 3 negative

You can often hear questions about how the list of products differs for people with a third negative blood group. In fact, there are no special differences here. You can still use the same products. The same products are prohibited. But here it is worth paying more attention to nutrition. Rh negative makes the body more sensitive to nutrition. It is necessary to completely eliminate prohibited foods from the diet, and also be very careful about those allowed for limited consumption.

Diet for blood group 3 negative

It is necessary to take into account the demands of the body of such people. The diet for blood type 3 negative should be as varied as possible. In principle, you can use what is described for positive rhesus menu, but be sure to remove products that have limited use. Thus, you are guaranteed to avoid many problems with the body.
Many people consider the disadvantages of such a diet to be the inability to control weight loss. It decreases smoothly over the long term. Therefore, you can often hear about the low effectiveness of this particular approach. But, in fact, the effectiveness of the technique has been proven by a large number of studies, which cannot be doubted. If you are faced with the task of achieving the most rational nutrition, then it makes sense to adopt this diet.

The dietary menu for those with blood group B is considered universal. The diet includes all types of foods without any special restrictions. The Rh factor has virtually no effect on the creation of a daily diet. A diet for a week has been developed. During this time, excess weight is lost and metabolic processes are stabilized.

Effect on metabolic processes in the body

Representatives of the rare blood group are considered omnivores. The daily menu is based on the presence of any food of animal and plant origin. The exception is certain types of products.

Those with blood group 3 are in good health. The digestive system rarely malfunctions. Metabolism may be disrupted due to the consumption of certain types of legumes and grains. Fried foods and too fatty meats negatively affect the functioning of the pancreas. As a result, metabolic processes slow down, which can provoke diseases.

  • We prepare meat dishes. We give preference to rabbit, venison, and lamb. Beef is considered neutral, but eating it is not prohibited.
  • We choose low-fat dairy products.
  • The egg can be consumed daily - up to 6 times a day.
  • We eat more vegetables. Meat goes well with vegetable side dish. We give preference to all types of cabbage, beets, carrots, parsnips, bell peppers, eggplants, and herbs.
  • From the list of seafood, black caviar and some types of fish are allowed, such as salmon, pike, flounder, mackerel.
  • It is better to cook food with olive or flax oil.
  • We eat more fruits, mainly citrus fruits, cherries, bananas, pineapple, cranberries.
  • Traditionally, we choose green tea varieties. It has a tonic effect and acts as an antioxidant. In addition, we drink juices from permitted fruits, water with lemon, black tea, and coffee.
  • As for alcoholic beverages, you are allowed to drink a little beer or wine.

If you are new to the diet for blood type 3, carefully read the list of permitted and prohibited foods.

The impact of the Rh factor on menu planning

The Rh factor of B-blood owners has virtually no effect on their diet. Carriers of blood group B(-) are more likely to suffer from possible diseases than representatives of blood group B(+). Therefore, the first thing you need to do is completely abandon foods that inhibit the functioning of the pancreas, namely:

  • fried food;
  • fat meat;
  • wheat products;
  • confectionery products with high sugar content.

The latter can afford relaxations in their diet, but they still shouldn’t abuse it.

By adhering to dietary nutrition, owners of any Rh factor can balance their daily diet. This will improve the metabolic process and reduce the risk of serious diseases.

To maintain the pancreas, representatives of blood group 3 need to have snacks between main meals. The stomach should not feel hungry for a long period of time.

Dividing products into groups

Diet food developer D-Adam divided products into 3 groups according to criteria of value for the body:

1. Useful products that do not interfere with the food processing process. Due to them, the functioning of the digestive system is stabilized and metabolism is normalized:

  • meat from the permitted list;
  • sea ​​and river fish;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • olive oil;
  • soya beans;
  • greens, mainly parsley;
  • vegetable crops;
  • fruits;
  • green tea, coffee, juices, decoctions.

2. Neutral products that do not affect the body’s functioning in any way:

  • meat products:
    • ground meat;
    • liver;
    • salo.
  • River fish:
    • carp;
    • perch;
  • whole milk;
  • butter;
  • almonds and walnuts;
  • legumes;
  • bakery products;
  • seasonings;
  • winter preparations;
  • mushrooms;
  • fruit:
    • blackberry;
    • gooseberry;
    • blueberry;
    • raspberries;
    • currant.

3. Negative products that are difficult to process, releasing toxic substances. Undigested food remains in the body in the form of fat deposits:

  • meat products:
    • pork;
    • duck;
    • ham;
    • sausages.
  • fish products:
    • seaweed;
    • crustaceans;
    • acne.
  • ice cream;
  • peanut, corn, sunflower oil;
  • hazelnuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds;
  • cereals:
    • pearl barley;
    • buckwheat;
    • barley
  • corn and rye flour;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise, cinnamon;
  • potatoes, radishes, tomatoes;
  • fruit:
    • avocado;
    • barberry;
    • olives.

Products that promote rapid weight loss include: young red meat, licorice, vegetables, boiled liver, eggs.

Products that especially increase body weight: buckwheat, corn, soft wheat, peanuts and lentils.

Refusal of products of categories 2 and 3 will allow you to cleanse the intestines and improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

Seven-day diet for weight control

The diet for blood group 3 is considered especially useful. Representatives of blood group B will be able to diversify their diet. The optimal ratio of animal and plant foods saturates the body with essential vitamins and microelements.

The digestive tract of owners of this blood type equally copes with proteins and carbohydrates of any origin. Unlike their predecessors, they are allowed sweets and flour products. In this case, it is necessary to correctly compare the products so that the body receives more benefits.

We will develop the menu as desired, taking into account the list of permitted products. Representatives of blood type B who are overweight need to focus on vegetables and fruits. If dietary nutrition is used to cleanse and maintain the body, you can include a wide variety of foods within reasonable limits.

During the period of weekly weight loss, a person does not experience an urgent need for favorite foods and no discomfort. A balanced diet saturates the body with energy reserves for the coming day.

Consider a sample menu for the day


  • on the first day, boil a couple of eggs;
  • the egg can be combined with a sandwich flavored with butter;
  • Next we prepare breakfast, alternating dishes:
    • milk noodle soup;
    • cottage cheese casserole with sour cream;
    • syrniki;
    • 2 egg omelet;
    • oatmeal with milk;
    • scrambled eggs;
    • rice porridge.
  • Green tea or pineapple juice is recommended as drinks.

It is allowed to alternate dishes in any order. The main breakfast product should not exceed 300 grams.


  • the second meal may consist of one fruit or berries, for example, we eat a green apple, an orange, a handful of cherries or a banana;
  • an alternative would be a glass of juice from permitted fruits;
  • Instead of a sweet snack, you can prepare a small portion of a light vegetable salad.


  • First, let's prepare your choice:
    • champignon cream soup;
    • soup based on turkey by-products;
    • cream soup with asparagus cabbage;
    • mushroom soup.
  • for the second course, boil a piece of permitted meat or liver;
  • as a side dish we will prepare any vegetable salad seasoned with olive oil;
  • We finish the meal with rosehip infusion or green tea.

Be sure to follow the norm. The total volume of lunch food should not exceed 600 grams, in addition to drinks.

Afternoon snack:

  • The consumption of products based on fermented milk is allowed - up to 200 grams:
    • low-fat cottage cheese;
    • natural yogurt;
    • a glass of kefir.
  • If you cannot tolerate milk, you can eat a few walnuts or drink a glass of apple juice with pulp.


The last meal will be based on fish or meat dishes. It is better to boil or stew the products. Total dinner serving – 400 grams:

  • You are allowed to eat up to 200 grams of meat or fish (it is better to alternate);
  • Serve a vegetable side dish: a portion of light salad. We give preference to Brussels sprouts;
  • We finish dinner with a glass of carrot juice or herbal decoction.

As for alcohol, those with blood type 3 tolerate it well. But you still shouldn’t abuse it. Alcohol-containing products in large quantities will not bring any benefit! A glass of beer or a glass of natural wine with dinner is sometimes allowed.

Over a seven-day period, 1.5-3 kg of excess weight is lost. In a month of eating this way, you can lose 5-7 kilograms. The diet is considered completely safe.

There are no contraindications for dietary nutrition. It is possible to exclude from the diet foods that are not permitted for health reasons. Before you start losing weight, be sure to consult with a specialist.

Strengthening your diet. Frequency of dietary meals

Those with B-blood are, for the most part, energetic and active people due to their natural characteristics. They do not need to exert themselves physically while dieting. You can get mental relief by doing yoga.

If a representative of blood group 3 is obese, which is extremely rare, then during the period of “abstinence” from food it is necessary to engage in sports: light jogging, fitness, swimming, breathing exercises.

There are no restrictions on the frequency of the diet. This type of nutrition is a lifestyle based on eating the right foods. Energetic representatives of this blood group may forget about food in the hustle and bustle. The seven-day diet can be used as a schedule for starting a meal. Lovers of fatty and fried foods need to have a fasting week at least once a month to stay in shape.

The body of representatives of blood group 3 absorbs almost all food. If you follow a healthy diet, in addition to losing excess weight, the body gains lightness and comfort. Additional energy appears. Those with blood type 3 are surprised to realize that you can lose weight by eating your favorite foods.

Fashion changes its trends so quickly. This applies not only to clothes, accessories and other things, and style details. Also, fashion for female forms changed in different eras.

For example: in the 17th century, all beauties sought to gain weight in order to meet the latest fashion of those times. This fashionable trend was justified by the fact that fat women look full of strength and health, and will be able to give birth to an entire army of heirs.

But times change, and with them the appearance of man changes. Nowadays, BBWs are, so to speak, an acquired taste.

But everywhere they try to instill in us the ideal of beauty of current models: tall, fairly thin, narrow hips, small breasts. And many girls strive for this standard, driving themselves to anorexia.

A sociological survey of men on the topic: “What do you see as the ideal appearance of a woman” did not confirm this imposed type. Men, first of all, see the beauty of a woman in a healthy, toned body, a beautiful, proportionate figure, and straight posture.

And there is not a word about thinness. Yes, of course, you need to keep fit, because a beautiful physique contains not only an aesthetic component, but also health.

Many women, trying to lose weight, literally abuse their bodies. They use medications with questionable ingredients. They go on uncontrolled diets, or even simply starve, ruining their health.

The most annoying thing is that the result is not always achieved. And if you manage to lose extra pounds, then later they come back like a boomerang, often bringing with them “friends” - the extra pounds.

Features of the diet by blood type

Now on the Internet, in magazines, on television you can hear, see and read about many different developed diets. But which of these many options is right for you?

Not so long ago, dietary complexes appeared that were developed specifically to calculate the group and Rh factor of a person’s blood.

The founders of this method are father and son - Jason and Peter D'Adam, naturopathic doctors who for a long time studied the effect of various products on people of various indigenous populations, that is, people from different parts of the Earth.

At first, D'Adam Sr. was active in research, and then his work was continued by Peter, who discovered the effect of various products and their chemical components on the immune and digestive systems of people, according to their genetic origin.

And after this he developed diets for owners of all blood groups.

Based on his conclusions, it appears next system power supply:

  1. Holders of blood group I, by their origin, belong to the most ancient people who ate prey from hunting. Accordingly, the basis of their diet should be meat, fish and poultry. But dairy and grain products are no less important for them;
  2. People with blood group II are descendants of farmers. Their diet should be based on various vegetarian foods, and liver consumption is allowed. It is advisable to exclude meat and milk, as digestive tract They don’t handle this kind of food well;
  3. Group III is the heritage of nomads. The immunity of carriers of this blood type is simply enviable. And the digestive system is adapted to different types of food. Most of all, such people should consume milk and dairy products. But in order not to gain extra pounds, you should refrain from eating sesame seeds, corn, peanuts, buckwheat, and lentils. As for meat, it is better to give special preference to lamb, rabbit and lamb meat;
  4. Those in whose veins blood of group 4 flows are, so to speak, mestizos. Their digestion leaves much to be desired. People with this blood type react strongly to changes in the menu. To lose extra pounds, you need to introduce restrictions on meat intake, and lean more on seafood, greens and pineapples.

Diet III (+): its menu and contraindications

One fifth of the world's population are owners Group III blood who are descendants of “nomads”.

And it is not surprising that with the genes of such ancestors, these people truly have strong immunity and are able to adapt to everything new without special effort and consequences.

But you just have to give slack in the diet, which will lead to an imbalance, and the body will react to it chronic fatigue, and, The following diseases may appear:

  • Viral infections;
  • Diabetes;
  • Immune diseases;
  • Multiple sclerosis.

In addition, excess food intake, or poor nutrition leads to excess weight. So what kind of diet for blood group 3 will be positive for Rh and also positive in terms of results? Which foods can you safely eat and which should you avoid?

Diet menu

Of the most useful products for normalizing weight and maintaining shape, the menu should include:

  • As for meat, it is better to give preference to lamb and lamb, as well as rabbit and venison;
  • Salmon is more suitable for fish;
  • Butter, yogurt, kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk;
  • Olive oil;
  • Among the cereals, it is worth noting rice and oatmeal;
  • Fruits: pineapple, papaya, grapes, bananas;
  • Among the greens, vegetables and roots, parsley, carrots and ginger are worth highlighting;
  • Beans, legumes and soybeans;
  • Berries: rose hips and cranberries.

To improve digestion and metabolism, you should focus on the following products:

  • Liquorice tea;
  • Greens and vegetables;
  • Lean meat, liver and liver;
  • Chicken and quail eggs.

Also, there is big choice foods that you can safely eat, but in limited quantities, and this will not ruin your diet:

  • Among the fish we can mention herring;
  • Berries: lingonberries, watermelon, blueberries, cherries, strawberries and strawberries;
  • Flaxseed oil;
  • Drinks: apricot, lemon, grapefruit and orange juices, coffee, beer;
  • Green beans;
  • The only fruits are apples;
  • Products made from soy flour.

Diet for 3 positive blood group in the table


For the fastest and most effective weight loss, you should categorically exclude the following food addictions from your diet:

  • Meat: pork, chicken and duck;
  • Almost all seafood, especially shrimp and anchovy, except salmon and herring;
  • Corn, lentils, sesame, almonds, peanuts and tree nuts;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Fruits: pomegranates, persimmons, avocados;
  • Vegetables: radish, pumpkin, tomatoes, radish, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • Processed and smoked cheese;
  • From cereals: buckwheat, bread made from rye and wheat flour;
  • Ice cream;
  • Cinnamon;
  • Carbonated and soda drinks, tomato juice, pomegranate juice.

Also, contraindications to the use of this diet are liver diseases and biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes and some allergic reactions. It is in this regard that diet and products 3 positive group blood samples must be carefully selected.

Based on the presence or absence of antigens, blood is divided into four groups. An additional classification is the Rh factor, which indicates the presence of a specific protein. According to the last criterion, Rh can be positive or negative, which makes a difference not only in personality, but also in nutrition. For people with negative Rh, a blood group 3 negative diet is suitable. The food chart for women will include recommendations related to the Rh factor.

Developer of blood type nutrition, naturopath Peter Jay D'Adamo recommended not to pay attention to rhesus. But other experts believe that people with negative blood type descended from ancient European and Asian vegetarian farmers. By paying attention to their diet, they can easily control and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Nutrition for blood group 3 negative can be adjusted taking into account the list of products for negative Rhesus:

  1. Grains. Cereals and whole grains, wholemeal flour, soybeans, and oats should be present in the diet. You can cook coarse grains, barley, couscous, quinoa, and all types of rice.
  2. Seafood. Our agricultural ancestors did not eat pork, beef, lamb or game. In Turkey, chicken was occasionally cooked. But trout, salmon, red snapper, cod, and sardines were abundantly used in the diet.
  3. Plant proteins, such as seeds, nuts, legumes, should be on the menu. Dairy products are bad for your metabolism, but soy cheese is a valid option. Peanut, pumpkin seeds, lentils, red soybeans and green beans should come first. But sunflower, sesame, and poppy seeds are limited.
  4. Fruits and vegetables- the basis of the diet of people with negative Rh factor. You should eat six servings of vegetables and three various types fruits per day. Broccoli, spinach, blackberries, cherries, figs, blueberries, onions, pineapple, garlic should be on the menu. But it is worth limiting the consumption of beets, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, grapes, apples, watermelon, and strawberries. It is better to avoid potatoes, bananas, tomatoes, eggplants and oranges, cayenne and red peppers.

Features of the diet for blood group 3 negative

By developing blood type diets, D'Adamo tried to achieve several goals:

  • fast weight loss;
  • increase energy;
  • improvement of well-being.

Main focus The doctor does on compatibility with lectin in products. Food that was not part of the diet of our ancestors can undermine our health and lead to weight gain. However, doctors insist that there is no justification for this theory. Excluding specific foods from the diet causes deficiencies nutrients.

Holders of the third blood group have descendants from the ancient steppes of Mongolia, therefore the naturopath advised switching to the diet of nomads, compiling a list of foods for nutrition according to blood group 3 negative. Blood influences personality formation, health and adaptation to the external environment.

Strengths for the third blood group:

  • stable nervous system;
  • instant adaptation to changes;
  • strong immunity.

Weak sides for the third blood group:

  • the effects of stress and depression;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • tendency to colds and viral infections;
  • allergies;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • autoimmune diseases.

Nutrition according to blood group 3 negative for women and men designed to reduce risk health deterioration:

  1. In fact, you can consume everything, but balance the menu: do not overeat, calculate your needs for proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Meat (except pork and chicken), fish, dairy products, fruits and vegetables (except tomatoes, olives, corn and pumpkin), eggs, legumes and all cereals, except wheat and buckwheat, can be included in the diet.
  2. Use vitamin and mineral complexes with iron, lecithin, magnesium, licorice, echinacea and digestive enzymes.
  3. Green tea, coffee, beer, wine, juices (grape, cranberry, cabbage, pineapple, orange), fruits, vegetables, fish, eggs, herbs, beef, and liver are healthy foods. Some contain vitamin B complex for nervous system, others are antioxidants for the immune system.
  4. Avoid dishes made from lentils, chickpeas, peanuts, cashews, hazelnuts, seafood (shrimp, crab, clams, oysters), tomato, lemon and pomegranate juice, carbonated drinks, mayonnaise, pomegranate, avocado, persimmons, radishes, potatoes, seaweed, agar -agar, chickpeas, quail eggs, barley, rye.

General recommendations for the third blood group with negative Rhesus

Basic principles nutrition for blood group 3 negative:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • cleansing the body;
  • optimization of all organ systems.

By removing foods with a negative impact from the menu, a person with a third blood type can easily lose kilograms without a deficiency of necessary microelements. The task when losing weight is to give the body what it needs without going through shock therapy with low-calorie diets.

Must be excluded from food products containing wheat flour, buckwheat, peanuts and corn (including starch), since their consumption is associated with a decrease in metabolism due to their effect on insulin production.

Simple tips:

  • reduce consumption fatty foods and sugar;
  • limit consumption of fried and smoked foods;
  • Be sure to eat meat (except pork and chicken), fish and dairy products.

Physical exercises for the third blood group with negative Rh

Heavy physical activity causes excessive fatigue in the body. Because people with the third group blood will do swimming, cycling, tennis, yoga, golf, martial arts and walking. Sports hobbies should expand your social circle and become a source positive emotions and new sensations that are so necessary for purposeful and sociable people. Physical exercise help to stay in harmony, enhance brain function.

Diet according to blood type 3 negative for weight loss

Protein in the diet should be higher 40% . D'Adamo recommends that people with a negative blood type include lamb, rabbit, sea fish (salmon, trout, cod, halibut and mackerel), low-fat dairy products, cheeses and legumes in their menu. You can add beef, turkey, tuna, cheddar and parmesan cheese, and beans to your diet, but completely avoid peanuts, lentils, pork, shellfish or chicken. Lectins from the latest banned foods increase the risk of strokes and immune disorders.

Complex carbohydrates from cereals - no more than 10%. Wheat, corn, barley, wheat, rye and buckwheat flours and cereals should be avoided because, according to D'Adamo, these foods contain lectins that will cause insulin problems, blood disorders, excessive fatigue and weight gain. You should choose rice, oatmeal, bran and millet as side dishes. Can be consumed once a week semolina and bread.

Fruits and vegetables - fiber for immunity and practically 50% diet. All types of sprouts (except Brussels sprouts), salads and mustard greens, beets, and carrots can be the basis of the menu. Pineapples, lingonberries, grapes, plums are considered the most healthy fruits. However, tomatoes, corn, avocados, artichokes, coconut, pomegranates and persimmons should be avoided. The reason for this is lectins, which cause disruption of the stomach.

Fats in the diet of people with blood group III should be kept to a minimum. Pork and fatty dairy products remain prohibited. When cooking, olive oil is used instead of sunflower, corn and rapeseed.

Ginger, curry, cayenne pepper and parsley are the best spices and seasonings for people with negative blood type, while pepper, ketchup, allspice, cinnamon and corn syrup are some of the worst ingredients for cooking. You can drink coffee, green and Herb tea, fresh juices from recommended fruits and vegetables. You should absolutely avoid store-bought juices with sugar and all kinds of chemicals. Alcohol is acceptable no more than twice a week.

In fact, the diet for negative blood type 3 is similar to the rules healthy image life except for adjustments individual species products. But they do not upset the balance of nutrients and minerals.