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Treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Symptoms and treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Self-confidence and attractiveness to other people are two closely related concepts. And they largely depend on appearance. In fact, unkempt hair can alienate others and prevent you from building any kind of relationship: work, friendship or love. But the problem is that the appearance of hair does not always depend on the degree of care. Sometimes visible unkemptness is a consequence of an illness; this is how oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp manifests itself, the symptoms and treatment of which will be discussed in more detail, we will provide reviews, and also consider the possible causes of its appearance.

By oily seborrhea, dermatologists and trichologists mean a condition in which the sebaceous glands located in the skin of the scalp begin to work especially actively. As a result, the composition of sebum changes, and the skin becomes covered with many rather large scales of light yellow color that line the head under the hair. The hair on your head begins to shine. Why does my hair get oily?

What causes oily seborrhea? Causes

In fact, doctors do not know exactly the factors that provoke the occurrence of such a pathology. But they have some guesses. So, doctors believe that such a condition can occur during natural periods. hormonal changes occurring during adolescence. After stabilizing the level of hormones in the blood, the condition of the scalp returns to normal.

Also the reason for the development oily seborrhea head may lie in the presence of a genetic predisposition. This disease can also occur when hormonal disorders, namely when there is an excessive amount male hormones(androgens) in the body. In women in this situation, there is a parallel decrease in female hormones (estrogens), the pathology can be explained by ovarian disease, obesity, etc.

There are also a number of other ailments that can provoke the appearance of oily seborrhea. They are mainly presented:

Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract;

Various pathologies of the central nervous system;

Mental disorders;

Pathologies of the endocrine or thyroid gland;

Chronic fatigue syndrome;

Chronic infectious diseases;

And more serious illnesses, for example, cancer, Parkinson's disease.

The occurrence of oily seborrhea can be triggered by dietary disturbances, for example, eating a significant amount of spicy, salty, sweet and fatty foods. Drinking alcoholic beverages can be dangerous. Of course, oily seborrhea can develop due to insufficient hygiene.

Symptoms of oily seborrhea

The disease makes itself felt with quite characteristic symptoms of seborrhea. With this disease, the scalp becomes shiny, which indicates excessive secretion of subcutaneous sebum. When touching oily skin sebum may remain on the fingers. Seborrhea usually causes severe itching and is accompanied by hair loss. With this disorder, a fat head seems constantly damp. And the hair becomes oily just a few hours after washing and the head quickly becomes unkempt. Clogged pores can cause acne.

The affected areas of the head are covered with large scales of light yellow color. If you forcefully exfoliate them, you may notice pink, inflamed skin underneath. Of course, this state of hair on the head is not healthy. What to do with your hair and scalp?

Treatment methods for oily seborrhea

Pick up effective method Treatment of oily seborrhea will be helped by a specialist trichologist or dermatologist. Shampoos designed to care for especially oily hair. Basically, they contain plant components represented by horsetail, nettle, shawl and coltsfoot. They may also contain a variety of vitamins and minerals. Special medicated shampoos with antifungal components, zinc, tar, etc. are used (Nizoral, Sulsen, Sebuton, Zincon, etc.).

Of course, for successful correction of the disease, it is important to identify the cause of its occurrence in time and begin to treat seborrhea. So, in case of hormonal disorders, you may need to take hormonal medications, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract require adherence to a strict diet and medication prescribed by a specialist. Diagnosed infectious lesions chronic form also require appropriate correction to achieve stable remission.

Patients with oily seborrhea are strongly recommended to adhere to the correct balanced nutrition, take vitamin complexes (Zinc Lozenges and also Super-Complex can be an excellent option); B vitamins are considered especially useful; products with bismuth and bromine can be used.

Many people turn to dermatologists with complaints about incipient baldness and one of the most common diagnoses is seborrhea, which frightens people with its incomprehensibility and scary name. Let's find out the main causes, symptoms and treatments. Seborrhea of ​​the scalp is a chronic skin disease. It is also often called seborrheic dermatitis. When it occurs, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted and the chemical composition of the secretion produced by the sebaceous gland may change. As a result, there is an increased or decreased secretion of fat, which creates conditions for the development infectious diseases.

To diagnose seborrhea they do biochemical analysis and a blood test for hormones, then examine the skin and hair.

Predisposition to seborrhea can cause

Hereditary (genetic) predisposition to this disease, hormonal imbalance, bad influence factors environment, urological diseases in men, gynecological diseases in women, most often, ovaries, mental and neurological diseases, and gastrointestinal diseases, appeared due to poor nutrition and various fad diets.

Treatment methods

Seborrhea is treated only in combination with the underlying disease. For quick and successful treatment Taking care of your skin and hair yourself is important. For these purposes, it is best to buy medicinal shampoos and ointments at the pharmacy. It is also important to be observed by a specialist during the course of treatment for seborrhea.

With seborrheic alopecia, it is necessary to stay bareheaded in the sun for as long as possible in the summer, unless there are other contraindications to this.

Do not hesitate to contact specialist doctors. It’s better to sleep peacefully if you find out that you have dandruff only because you didn’t wash your hair well with shampoo.

How to Avoid Seborrheic Dermatitis

As a form of prevention, you can suggest maintaining personal hygiene: you need to wash your face early in the morning, when you just wake up and after work, using special lotions suitable for your skin type. It is advisable to select shampoos for the appropriate hair type (oily, dry, dyed). To avoid counterfeits, it is better to buy shampoos in pharmacies.

Take vitamin A regularly, it is most abundant in carrots. For better absorption by the body, it is best to make a carrot salad dressed with oil. Regularly undergo medical examinations to identify diseases, preventing the disease from becoming chronic.

The main signs of seborrhea of ​​the scalp are oily skin, flaking and itching of the skin, hair loss, and severe dandruff.

The main feature of seborrhea from dandruff is that dandruff can appear not only as a result of the disease, but also from a number of other reasons: inappropriate shampoo, poor care. Such dandruff does not lead to changes in the structure of the sebaceous gland.

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp is divided into 3 types: oily, dry and mixed.

Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp

Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp begins to appear as excess secretion sebum due to increased production of sebaceous gland secretion. This type of seborrhea is the most common and widespread.

Main symptoms

The scalp with oily seborrhea is greasy, easily inflamed, itchy, may become covered with red spots, appears thickened, and has a yellowish tint. If you do not pay attention to quickly greasy hair and do not seek help from a dermatologist, the disease will progress.

Most often, the disease begins on the skin of the face, then the scalp is affected. Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp is recognized by easily scraped off, yellowish, greasy scales. Hair very quickly, even within a day after washing, becomes covered with grease and sticks together into greasy, unwashed strands. A person notices that their hair begins to fall out a lot and large quantities. Seborrhea on the head can be accompanied by severe, unbearable itching.

Like the most serious complication- You are at risk of baldness. It is extremely difficult to restore hair growth after recovery. If you consult a specialist in a timely manner, the disease can be quickly treated without consequences.

Treatment and prevention

Preparations in the form of alcohol solutions are very helpful in treating this type of disease. Most often, doctors prescribe: for one month, continue rubbing a 2% solution of salicylic acid, a 60% solution of sodium thiosulfate, sulsen paste, alcohol solution Naftalan oil.

Traditional methods give good results in the treatment of seborrhea at home only on initial stage, and do not provide guarantees that the disease will not recur.
Most Recommended folk recipes for the treatment of oily seborrhea of ​​the head - burdock roots, oak bark, some dermatologists recommend using a solution of baking soda.

Burdock roots for the treatment of oily seborrhea

Two tablespoons of finely chopped young burdock roots are poured into one glass high boiling water and keep on low heat for about 10-15 minutes. When the tincture has cooled, rub it into the scalp, every other day, for two weeks, and rinse your hair with it every time after washing. For oily seborrhea, this remedy helps well against dandruff and greatly accelerates hair growth and structure.

At the same time, it is recommended to take orally a mixture of burdock root decoction, nettle infusion and wormwood tincture, two tablespoons three times a day. Infusions, decoctions and tinctures are prepared separately and poured into one container in equal proportions.
Ready-made wormwood tincture is sold at the pharmacy. Nettle tincture is prepared: two tablespoons of finely chopped leaves are poured with one glass of strong boiling water, left for 45 minutes, filtered.

Rubbing with baking soda

Dilute one teaspoon of baking soda in a liter of boiled water and rub in the resulting solution 20-30 minutes before you plan to start washing your hair.

Rubbing soda into the scalp is very helpful both for the treatment and prevention of seborrhea.

Oak bark decoction

To treat oily seborrhea, it is recommended to wash your hair with a decoction of oak bark every 3 days for 2 months. To do this, take three tablespoons of oak bark, pour them with a liter of cool water and put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes, then let it brew for 20-30 minutes.

Afterwards, strain it properly. 1 liter of decoction may not be enough to properly wash your hair, so it is advisable to prepare 2-3 liters in advance.

After two months of use, you must rinse clean, dry hair with the same decoction after washing.

Dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp

This type of disease can manifest itself as decreased secretion of the sebaceous gland, not only on the head, but also on the skin of the face and body.

Symptoms of dry seborrhea

The disease begins with peeling of the skin, hair becomes thin, dry, breaks easily, and loses its shine. Then white dandruff appears, looking like scales. When neglected, premature baldness begins.

Many people, not suspecting that seborrhea manifests itself in this way, begin to fight it on their own, and go to the doctor when it is no longer possible to restore hair growth, but only to stop further baldness.

For dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp, dermatologists often recommend using ointments containing sulfur, salicylic acid, sometimes hormonal ointments

Treatment and prevention

For dry seborrhea, 10% sulfur ointment helps well. The ointment is rubbed into the scalp, dividing the hair into small strands, for 3-5 minutes for 8 days. On the 9th day, give your hair a rest, and on the 10th day, rinse your hair thoroughly with boiled, or distilled, water with medicated shampoo, with big amount containing selenium sulfide, zinc pyrithione, tar, ketoconazole.

On the 11th day, the hair must be treated with a solution boric acid(Dilute 2 teaspoons of boric acid in 150 ml of water heated to 90C and mix thoroughly). Before going to bed, rub the solution into the skin, wrap your head in a towel and leave overnight. Has proven itself very well inexpensive remedy Pasta-Sulsena.
Such rubbing is repeated for 3 days in a row. Then give your head a rest for 7 days and after this treatment, rinse your hair again. The treatment cycle is repeated for dry seborrhea 2-3 times.

Traditional methods of treating dry seborrhea

To replenish the lack of fat, you can rub oils and fatty creams into the skin, but do this not with too sharp intense movements, but softly, so as not to damage dry skin. Most popular for treatment Burr oil and a mixture of vegetable oils and lemon juice. They are easy to prepare at home.

Rubbing burdock oil

For the treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the head, treatment with burdock oil shows good results.

The oil is applied and rubbed into the scalp, a cap or scarf is put on top and left for 2 hours, after which the head is washed off the oil with shampoo.

The procedure is repeated every 3 days for one month. After 6 months, the course of treatment must be repeated.

Rubbing a mixture of sunflower oil and lemon juice

For dry hair, it is very useful to massage your hair with burdock, olive or sunflower oil 10 minutes before you start washing your hair. You need 3 tablespoons and lemon juice(1/2 lemon). The oil is rubbed into the scalp with light massage movements along the partings, separated by 1 cm from each other.

If you have had to deal with this disease, you can share your experience, treatment methods, and information about the disease. This will be useful for our readers.
Be attentive to yourself, watch your health!

One of the common reasons for turning to dermatologists and, somewhat less frequently, to cosmetologists is diseases of the scalp and hair, which are associated with defects in the structure and shape of the latter, their fragility, early baldness, dandruff, itching of the scalp, hair loss and many other symptoms.

Scalp diseases accompanied by the following clinical symptoms, for many people they become an important source of psycho-emotional discomfort, contributing to a decrease in the quality of life. They often lead to social isolation and difficulties in finding a job.

What are the types of scalp diseases and their causes?

A large number of them are known, but the main and most common of them are:

  1. Seborrhea.
  2. Psoriasis, or scaly lichen.
  3. Mycoses, or diseases caused by fungi.
  4. Pustular diseases.

Many dermatological diseases occur due to impaired blood supply hair follicles and dysfunction of the sebaceous glands with impaired sebum secretion, which can occur under the influence of various factors:

  • genetic predisposition, which determines the type of structure and functioning of skin elements;
  • diseases of the endocrine glands and hormonal imbalance, especially androgens and estrogens;
  • instability of the function of the autonomic nervous system;
  • frequent stressful situations and prolonged psycho-emotional stress;
  • some mental illness- schizophrenia, manic-depressive state, epilepsy;
  • metabolic disorders, poor nutrition and lack of vitamins A and E, and microelements, especially selenium, zinc, magnesium;
  • reducing the level of general and local immunity;
  • systemic autoimmune diseases connective tissue(collagenosis) and diseases of internal organs;
  • fungal infections, acute infectious diseases and the presence of foci of chronic infection in the body;
  • improper use of scalp and hair care products or their poor quality, frequent use of a hair dryer to dry hair;
  • excessive influence various types electromagnetic radiation and high content chemical aerosols in the air, etc.

Treatment of the scalp and hair depends on the type of disease, causative factor, severity

process, nature of the course and accompanying pathologies.

Brief description of the most common pathology


This dermatosis is a disease of the scalp, the most characteristic symptom of which is a disorder in the formation of sebum. It can be expressed both in a violation of the amount of its production, and in a change in the chemical composition.

IN in good condition After secretion by the sebaceous glands, fat fills the ducts of the hair follicles, mixes with sweat, emulsifies and is distributed along the skin grooves over almost the entire surface of the scalp. As a result, an emulsion water-lipid film is formed, providing a certain acidic environment and performing protective functions: preventing excessive negative influence ultraviolet rays, drying and waterlogging of the skin, exposure to chemical elements of the external environment.

Insufficient sebum production does not provide full protection, which leads to dryness and increased vulnerability. Hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands creates a greenhouse effect, as a result of which the stratum corneum softens, its porosity increases and permeability increases. Due to the expansion of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous and sweat glands, bacteria, masses of separated epithelium and dirt penetrate into them more easily, and plugs are formed that clog the mouths of the hair follicles.

In addition, with seborrhea, not only disturbances in the secretion of sebum occur, but also its qualitative changes. For example, the ratio of fatty acids changes - the concentration of linoleic acid decreases significantly, resulting in an increase in acidity skin surface. This further increases the permeability of the stratum corneum and causes irritation.

Such conditions are ideal for the activation and development of saprophytic fungi on the scalp, the reproduction and growth of staphylococci and other infectious pathogens that are representatives normal microflora on the surface of the skin. Microorganisms cause damage to the walls skin glands and their ducts, secrete the enzyme lipase, which breaks down fatty triglycerides into free fatty acids, and the latter, in turn, increase skin irritation and reduce its protective functions.

All these mechanisms contribute to increased severity of seborrhea, the formation of seborrheic dermatitis and eczema. There are three forms of seborrhea:

  • fat;
  • dry;
  • mixed.

Oily seborrhea

Depending on the composition and physical and chemical properties lard, can be liquid or thick. In the first case, the fat has a liquid, oily consistency due to the increased concentration of free fatty acids. At thick form The consistency of the fat is doughy.

The disease manifests itself in changes in the scalp: it becomes shiny, thickened, elasticity is reduced, the pores are enlarged, and its color acquires a brownish or yellowish-gray tint. The hair becomes greasy, shiny, sticks together in strands, and quickly, 2-3 days after washing your hair, becomes covered with dirt. Particles of desquamated epithelium (dandruff) stick together into plates and form fairly large scales of a yellowish color, with which the hair is abundantly covered.

These symptoms are accompanied by itching of the head, sometimes severe. Frequent washing is ineffective and provokes an even greater increase in the function of the sebaceous glands and hair contamination.

Dry seborrhea

This scalp disease is accompanied by such basic subjective symptoms as slight itching and a feeling of tightness, especially after washing your hair. cool water.

With this form of seborrhea, a decrease in the function of the sebaceous glands is possible, which usually occurs in children before puberty. It is mainly associated with insufficient development of the pilosebaceous apparatus. In adults, the function of the skin glands is usually preserved, but their secretion has a high degree of viscosity and is poorly distributed over the scalp.

As a result, the superficial epidermal layers become dry, the skin becomes increased sensitivity and is susceptible to the influence of even minor stimuli. The horny epithelium in the form of small scales covers all hair. Less commonly, they layer on top of each other, forming grayish and yellowish plates and crusts. Peeling develops over the entire surface of the scalp or only in the parietal-occipital zone.

Due to dryness, hair becomes thin with split ends and brittle. Reddish or pinkish spots (seborrhoids) may form on the skin. It is often noted increased loss hair.

Sometimes dry seborrhea is unexpressed and is accompanied only by moderate dryness and somewhat increased flaking, reminiscent of dandruff.

Mixed form of seborrhea

Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish and is a combination of manifestations of both previous variants of the disease or their combination with localization on the head and other parts of the body.

Seborrheic dermatitis, or eczema, and dandruff

It is considered an independent dermatosis, and according to some experts, a complication of seborrhea. The occurrence of pathology is predisposed by the presence of one or another form of seborrhea, various endocrine disorders accompanying it, as well as factors that provoke the development of seborrhea. A milder form of seborrheic dermatitis is dandruff, which occurs as a result of a pathologically accelerated process of cellular regeneration of the epithelium.

If normally the transformation of basal keratinocytes and their rise to the stratum corneum occurs on average within 25-30 days, then with seborrheic dermatitis this lasts only about 1 - 2 weeks. Small whitish cells of the dead epithelium are separated prematurely. Many of them do not have time to lose water and stick together, forming small whitish or grayish flaky scales, which are dandruff. In this case, the number of layers of the horny epithelium is reduced by more than half, and the layers themselves and the cells in them are not located tightly to each other, but loosely and chaotically.

Seborrheic dermatitis primarily affects the scalp and, to a lesser extent, other areas of the body. The disease occurs chronically and over a long period of time. The main cause of exacerbations is most often stressful conditions and mental fatigue.

Characteristic symptoms of the disease:

  1. Dry scalp.
  2. Areas of redness.
  3. Pityriasis peeling.
  4. Serous-purulent and serous-hemorrhagic (bloody) crusts. If they are removed, a solid pinkish, weeping lesion on the skin surface is exposed.

When lesions appear in the area behind the ear, significant redness with swelling develops, deep painful cracks, weeping and scales with crusts form in the skin folds.

Scalp psoriasis

The disease is chronic in nature with periodically relapsing course. It manifests itself as specific papular rashes of pinkish-reddish color, on which easily removable silvery scales are located. The lesions consist of plaques with clear boundaries and irregular, bizarre outlines. Their size ranges from 1-2 mm to 1-2 cm or more.

Psoriasis can be hereditary, i.e. due to genetic reasons, or acquired mainly due to dysfunction of the liver, endocrine or nervous system. Exacerbations are facilitated by unfavorable climatic conditions, digestive dysfunction, and mental stress.

The disease is considered incurable, but it is quite possible to reduce the frequency and severity of exacerbations, as well as eliminate the consequences.

Mycoses, or fungal diseases of the scalp

Mycoses of the head are caused by pathogenic fungi. They most often affect children and women young, much less often - men. These diseases are infectious and are transmitted from sick animals or from a sick person when using common hygiene and hair care items (combs, underwear, towels, hats). Symptoms of fungal diseases of the scalp vary and depend on the infectious pathogen.

These lesions include:

  1. Microsporia.
  2. Trichophytosis.

Favus, or scab

The causative agent of the disease is highly stable in the external environment and is capable of existing for a long time, without losing its activity, in the dust of residential premises, carpets, and furniture. Infection occurs through direct contact or as a result of using contaminated objects.

The disease manifests itself as peculiar crusts on the scalp, from which comes bad smell. They look like saucer-shaped shields with a depression in the central part. The crusts are often riddled with hair. The latter take on a dull appearance and resemble a dusty wig. The crusts tend to merge, and the hair roots underneath them atrophy. The hair itself is not subject to breakage, but is easily removed. Persistent focal baldness develops.

The affected areas are sometimes covered with pityriasis-like small scales, and on the smooth areas purulent or yellowish-brown crusts are formed, in the center of which there are vellus hairs.


This scalp disease is caused by a fungus transmitted through contact with sick pets or a sick person, and is infectious. Foci of pityriasis-like skin peeling with clear boundaries appear on the skin, accompanied by itching. The hair in the area of ​​the lesions breaks off at a distance of 5-7 mm from the surface of the skin, is covered with a whitish film and has a dull grayish color.


Its other name is "". It is transmitted through direct contact with sick dogs or cats, as well as through things belonging to a sick person. It can be superficial, which most often affects teenage children, or deep, affecting mainly young people. The superficial form is manifested by small rounded lesions, in the area of ​​which the hair is broken off at different heights from the skin surface. Their occurrence is accompanied by itching and peeling of the epithelium.

The deep form of the disease is characterized by small rounded areas of complete baldness. At the border of the lesions, suppuration of the hair follicles occurs, accompanied by an unpleasant sweetish odor. Along the edges of the lesions, hair is easily removed, and the remaining areas of the scalp are covered with multiple crusts.

Pustular diseases of the scalp, or pyoderma

They constitute a large group of diverse lesions caused by various microorganisms. The latter are present on the surface of the skin or are brought into it from other foci of infection. These pathogens are most often Staphylococcus aureus, less often - streptococci of groups “A”, “C”, “F”, pyogenic (pyogenic) streptococci or their association with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, coli, Proteus and other types of pathogenic microorganisms.

Pustular diseases can occur independently with low general or local skin immunity, especially with endocrine disorders and diabetes mellitus. However, they are often a complication of seborrhea and psoriasis, in which there are all conditions for the rapid reproduction and development of bacteria.

Main types of pyoderma


It is a superficial pustule at the mouth of the hair follicle. It is preceded by the appearance of a reddish inflammatory spot around the hair with a diameter of up to 7 mm. After a few hours, an element (pustule) of a hemispherical shape with a diameter of up to 5 mm with a dense tire and a pinkish corolla develops. As a result of opening the pustule, yellow purulent contents are released and the ulcerative surface is exposed. After this, a crust forms, which is subsequently rejected. A brownish-pink stain and slight peeling of the epidermis remain in this place. Ostiofolliculitis goes away on its own within a few days (3-4) without scar formation. In some cases, it can be complicated by other forms of pyoderma, for example, folliculitis.


It is an acute purulent inflammation of the hair follicle. Unlike the previous form, it is accompanied by swelling (infiltration) around the pustule and significant pain. After the process resolves and the pus drains, a crust forms. Subsequently, the infiltrate resolves or a scar forms. A deeper process is characterized by the spread of inflammation into the dermal layers and resolution within 1 week with the obligatory formation of a scar.


This is a purulent-necrotic acute inflammatory process that affects the follicle, sebaceous gland and surrounding subcutaneous fatty tissue. Often it occurs as a further development of ostiofolliculitis and/or folliculitis. An increase in the volume of the pustule is accompanied by severe pain and significant infiltration. After opening the cover of the pustule, in the center of the latter you can see a greenish necrotic core, which gradually separates along with the liquid purulent contents. As the pus and core separate, the size of the infiltrate and the intensity of pain decrease. Healing ends with the formation of scar tissue.

The duration of the reverse development of the boil largely depends on the state of the body and its reactivity. Boils on the head pose a risk of complications such as sepsis or thrombosis of the superficial and/or deep veins, which are connected to the sinuses of the brain through anastomoses (connections).


Also purulent inflammation with tissue necrosis, but only of several follicles. The inflammatory process spreads not only towards the periphery of the main focus, but also into the depths of the tissues. Around several hair follicles, which are located in the center of the lesion purulent inflammation, deep skin necrosis develops. This area turns purple-blue or black. In several of its areas, the tissue “melts” with the formation of multiple holes and the release of purulent-bloody contents from them. After this, a superficial ulcer with uneven outlines and greenish-yellow necrotic rods is formed. After their slow, compared to a boil, rejection, a deep ulcerative surface remains with “undermined” bluish tint, uneven and irregularly shaped edges.

Gradually, the ulcerative surface is completely cleared and covered with granulations, followed by the formation of a scar. The presence of a carbuncle is accompanied by general intoxication, an increase in temperature and, in some cases, an increase in the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes. This type of purulent inflammation on the head is an even greater danger in terms of the occurrence of the complications mentioned above - sepsis and venous thrombosis.

All of the above-mentioned dermatological diseases of the scalp require a thorough examination, determining the presence of concomitant pathology, specific individual approach in the choice of treatment and exclusion of cosmetic procedures, the consequence of which may be a deterioration in the course of the process and its spread.

Probably, many girls have encountered the fact that after freeing their hair from tight elastic bands, hairpins and other accessories, their scalp was very sore. This is quite normal reaction for similar hairstyles. But besides this, there are other reasons that cause scalp pain and hair loss.


They may be as follows:

  1. First of all, it should be highlighted improper care behind the hair roots. This point includes not only the inappropriate choice of balm or shampoo for the hair type, but also frequent use various means of styling (varnishes, gels, mousses). This leads to a heavier hair structure, causing it to quickly become dirty. Therefore, your scalp may hurt and your hair may fall out. In order to avoid this, it is necessary to correct the listed disadvantages into advantages. That is, choose hair care products according to the type.
  2. Dry scalp, dandruff. In principle, these problems also arise due to incorrectly selected shampoo and other cosmetic products. It is worth noting that some girls use tar shampoo to solve dandruff problems. If you use it too often, it leads to dry scalp. Its use is recommended 1-2 times a week. For daily care he doesn't fit. Therefore, to eliminate dryness and dandruff, choose other products. An excellent option is moisturizing homemade masks.
  3. Blood circulation is impaired. If you constantly experience unexpected pain in the root zone, this is most likely the main symptom. vegetative-vascular dystonia. Everything that is required from the patient, contact specialized clinic to receive qualified advice. The specialist will be required to prescribe tests to identify vascular diseases or spasms. It is immediately worth noting that it is impossible to determine the true cause on your own. A person can only guess about this, but only a doctor can state the true cause.
  4. Lack of headwear during the cold season. When the head becomes hypothermic, a narrowing occurs blood vessels, weakening of hair, impaired blood circulation in the hair follicles. As a result, scalp pain occurs. The only thing that can be recommended in this case is to wear a warm hat, even if you have a beautiful hairstyle.
  5. Experienced stress. Each person is individual in their own way. According to experts, all human diseases are directly related to nerves. The only difference is that for some people, nervous tension affects them very strongly, while for others, on the contrary, they are developed for this. good immunity. First of all, it all depends on how impressionable, emotional and psychologically stable a person is. Since stress cannot always be dealt with alone, seek professional help. Based on complaints and diagnostics, he will select a drug. At home, soothing tea with lemon balm, mint and other herbs will help. You can buy them at the pharmacy in the form of a tincture.

There have also been cases where pain occurs in the root zone of the hair due to a new hairstyle. Even if you comb your bangs into an area that is unusual for them, pain may occur. In this case, massage with your fingertips or a special comb is ideal.

Other causes of hair loss

In addition to the factors mentioned above, there are other reasons:

  • bad ecology. If possible, it is better to change your permanent place of residence by moving to another locality with a less aggressive environment. Although, this is impossible to predict. Otherwise, try to go to the sea at least once a year, or at least to the dacha;
  • hard water. Experts recommend washing your hair boiled water. Of course, it needs to be cooled to a comfortable temperature in advance;
  • hot, scorching sun.

According to verified statistics, every third woman faces a similar problem. Most of them chalk it up to fatigue or simply ignore it. At the same time, they don’t even know what all this can lead to. For example, it may be androgenic, diffuse, alopecia areata. To solve a particular problem, various means are selected.

The roots of the hair on my head hurt and my hair is falling out, what should I do?

First of all, you need to seek advice from a specialist. He will more specifically and accurately outline methods of dealing with pain in the root zone, as well as hair loss. After all, every owner of the fair sex wants to have beautiful and luxurious hair, without any kind of discomfort.

Here's what they advise about this:

  • buy a comb made of natural material;
  • choose shampoos, conditioners, masks and conditioners according to your hair type;
  • If possible, avoid worries, stress, and depression. If this is not possible, take a sedative;
  • spend more time outdoors. Do not forget that in order to restore the strength spent throughout the day, you need to sleep at least eight hours a day. Of course, some people need more sleep when working night shifts;
  • during the demi-season, take multivitamin complexes recommended by a qualified specialist. In addition, review your diet, include more vegetables, sea fish and fruits;
  • it is impossible not to mention useful property massage. You can do it yourself or go to professionals.

Apart from this, try not to have tight hairstyles. In general, it’s better to walk around with your hair loose, of course, not while preparing food.

Hair roots on the head hurt: medications

Once the true cause is identified, it must be eliminated. Most often, pain in the root zone goes away after removing the hair from a tight elastic band and massage. But if these simple measures do not help, try the following methods listed below:

  1. Take a pain reliever. You can also try applying Lidocaine to dry scalp. It is best to buy it in aerosol form. Be extremely careful when using it, it contains alcohol, which frequent use leads to dryness of the scalp. Therefore, if there are wounds on the head, it is better to simply massage with your fingertips in the place where it hurts the most.
  2. Normalize your emotional state. Motherwort has proven itself best.
  3. Improve blood circulation with a mask. For example, it can be made based on mustard and pepper tincture.

If itching bothers you, eliminate it. For this there is special means. They can be purchased in the form of a spray or mask; the rules for application are outlined in the instructions for use.

Strengthening hair at home

Today on the Internet you can find a certain number of different masks for strengthening hair. This material will offer several items:

  • beat a couple of yolks with vodka (40 ml). Apply to the root zone and massage for 2-3 minutes. Wrap your head in a warm towel. Wash off after half an hour. Remember that the mask must first be washed off with cool water to prevent the egg from curdling;
  • mix 1 banana, yolk and 20 grams of liquid honey. After this, add ½ glass of beer. Apply the mixture with a brush, preferably only to the roots. Then wrap them in a plastic bag and a towel. Wash off after an hour, not earlier. After the first procedure, you will notice that the curls have become very soft and silky. Hair loss can be eliminated within 1-2 weeks with regular use;
  • mix onion and garlic juice in equal quantities. The main thing is to wet the roots enough, and with what remains you can lubricate the ends. After combining the components, heat the composition in a water bath. Next, follow a similar scenario as in the previously described recipes;
  • take in equal proportions following products: mayonnaise, mustard powder, butter and olive oil. It’s worth noting right away that the mask will turn out to be very greasy, so before you wash it off, dilute it in 200 ml warm water½ lemon. Be careful, if the mask starts to burn strongly, you don’t need to endure it, go wash it off. Upon completion water procedure, be sure to apply balm. It is recommended to do this mask once a week, not more often;
  • cut off the lower leaves of the agave and put it in the refrigerator for ten days. Then remove the outer skin and squeeze the juice out of the pulp. The resulting liquid should be rubbed into the root zone of the hair. To stop hair loss in a month, this procedure should be carried out every 2-3 days.

A good effect can be achieved by using olive and essential oils. In the first case, you can use the product in its pure form, preheating it in a water bath to a comfortable temperature. In the second case, it is recommended to mix different essential oils. For example, it could be jojoba, peach, almond and similar oils. When you buy them at the pharmacy, be sure to pay attention to what problems they help fight. Unfortunately, not every essential oil indicated for hair loss. If you buy Castor oil, make no mistake, it is also effective in combating hair loss. By the way, some girls note fast growth after using it regularly.

Seborrhea is a dermatosis that occurs as a result of excessive work of the sebaceous glands. Sebum is fatty acid, fats and proteins secreted by glands. Pathology is often a consequence of dysfunction of the neuroendocrine system. Our article will discuss the main points concerning this pathology - forms, causes, diagnosis and treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home and with medication (under the guidance of specialists).

Sebum is the secretion of the sebaceous glands

The sebaceous glands act as generators of sebum, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the human body.

  • Protects skin from infections.
  • Softens and protects the skin - thanks to sebum, the skin does not flake or crack.
  • Protects skin from drying out.

Distributed in the thickness of the skin of the human body. The structure of the glands is branched, resembling a tree. However, their distribution is uneven. There is a concept of “seborrheic zones” - areas in which sebaceous glands are densely concentrated relative to other areas of the body. The forehead, T-zone of the face, ears, scalp, shoulders, chest - all these are seborrheic areas that are more susceptible to the disease. Not all sebaceous glands are active; their number depends on:

In children, almost all sebaceous glands are inactive until the body enters the stage of puberty. With an increase in the volume of sex hormones, the action of the sebaceous glands is activated. In an adult healthy person The activity of the sebaceous glands is stable for a long time, and begins to decrease only with age. If, for any reason, functional disorders occur in the body, fertile soil is formed for the occurrence of the disease “seborrhea of ​​the scalp.” Treatment at home is not a sufficient measure, and if symptoms of the disease occur, it is imperative to contact medical care to a specialist.

Forms of seborrhea

As noted above, seborrhea is a dermatosis that results from disruption of the sebaceous glands. Depending on the causes of the disease, as well as the signs of manifestation, there are:

  • oily seborrhea,
  • dry seborrhea,
  • combined form of seborrhea.

Oily seborrhea is a pathology that often occurs during the transition period, so to speak, during hormonal “chaos”. Young women are more susceptible to this disease, however, men also suffer from oily seborrhea, the long course of which leads to pathological hair loss.

The occurrence of dry seborrhea is due to decreased sebum secretion. is a consequence of a decrease in the barrier functions of the body as a result of many reasons - heavy physical labor, unbalanced nutrition, psycho-emotional stress. IN healthy condition The life cycle of skin cells takes a certain period of time. If there are problems in the body, the period of cell renewal becomes shorter and dandruff forms. At the same time, the health of the hair is disrupted - it splits, becomes thinner, breaks, and can actively fall out.

Mixed seborrhea combines the manifestations of dry and oily forms in one area of ​​the skin.

Children, just like adults, are susceptible to this pathology. The disease can manifest itself already in the first months of a small person’s life. As a rule, the disease has two forms - childhood seborrheic dermatitis and “adult” seborrhea of ​​the scalp in children. Treatment mainly depends on which form of the disease predominates. Sometimes therapy is not required; the symptoms of the disease go away on their own as the child grows older.

Symptoms of the disease

It is known that the disease not only leads to increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, but also to a change in the qualitative structure of the sebaceous secretions of the skin. The main manifestations of the disease in humans are:

  • itching accompanied by hair loss;
  • profuse dandruff;
  • oily shine and flaking of the skin.

It should be noted that seborrhea is accompanied by an inflammatory process. First, the disease occurs in the back of the head, and then affects the boundaries of hair growth.

In addition to the appearance of white scales at the roots of the hair, another sign of dry seborrhea is itching. The prolonged course of the disease leads to the appearance of foci of inflammation - red spots covered with a crust. When scratching these formations, bleeding is observed. Damage to the formations is fraught with the addition of a secondary infection. Treatment of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp usually does not cause difficulties. However, if the disease is not treated, running form seborrhea of ​​the scalp can affect and skin bodies. Irregular hygiene leads to the progression of pathology. In approximately 10% of patients, the area of ​​eyelashes, eyebrows, and facial hair - mustache or beard - is affected.

Bright pronounced sign Oily seborrhea is the appearance of large yellow scales covering the scalp. Exfoliation of such formations does not lead to painful sensations. However, after removing the scales, after a short time, the skin becomes covered with them again. Increased sebum production leads to hair sticking together and, as a result, untidy hair. appearance. Even regular hair washing does not solve this problem.

What do they lead to in the body?

Among the main reasons leading to the occurrence of the disease are:

  • hormonal disorders,
  • consequences of other diseases,
  • long-term medication use,
  • activity of yeast-like fungi.

Hormonal imbalances are the main reason behind which dermatitis occurs. In a healthy male body, the ratio of androgens and estrogens is in a balanced state. If the balance is disturbed in the direction of increasing the amount of androgens, active generation of sebum occurs. An increase in the level of the androgen hormone is inextricably linked with the acceleration of its metabolic processes, which can be caused by: hereditary factors, and the presence of tumors that are provoked by the growth of androgens in the body (testicular tumor).

In women, the determining factor is the ratio of androgens and progesterone. Seborrhea occurs at any age, but mainly manifests itself in transition period. This form of pathology is called physiological and usually disappears after completion of the specified period.

Reasons why seborrhea occurs

The trigger for the occurrence of seborrhea can be various types serious illnesses, for example, Parkinson's disease. Mental disorders - schizophrenia, manic-depressive or infectious psychosis, epilepsy can also trigger the occurrence of pathology. Disruption of the process of sebum secretion is also observed after long-term use. medications- progesterone, glucocorticosteroids, testosterone.

One more important reason causing the formation of pathology is a decrease in the barrier functions of the body. The fact is that yeast-like fungi (Pityrosporum ovale) are constantly present on human skin, the number of which in a healthy state is limited, and with increased production of sebum, it increases sharply. This is due to the fact that microorganisms form opportunistic microflora. For their vital functions they use the secretion of the sebaceous glands. In case of violation protective functions skin, the body is not able to control the growth of fungal microflora. Fungi begin to actively multiply, causing the development of skin pathologies.

Seborrhea of ​​the scalp: treatment (before and after photos)

It is known that many diseases are the result of disorders occurring in the body. Failure to work, frequent stress and constant psycho-emotional tension - a complex of factors contributing to the development pathological conditions. Seborrhea of ​​the scalp is no exception. Drug treatment, physiotherapy, traditional medicine recipes are a set of measures aimed primarily at normalizing the patient’s nervous system, restoring the balance of hormones in the blood, and increasing barrier functions.

In the treatment plan, a mandatory point is the appointment antifungal agents. However, the drug is selected only after laboratory research- bacterial culture and microscopy to determine the type of fungus and the body’s sensitivity to it. As a rule, drugs from the azole group are prescribed to combat seborrhea. This could be “Dermazol”, “Keto Plus”, “Nizoral”, “Bifon”. The photo on the left shows the condition of the skin after treatment.

Women are prescribed contraceptives in order to regulate hormonal levels and restore ovarian function.

Among the general strengthening drugs, one can highlight medications that contain vitamins of groups A, B, D, E; ascorbic and nicotinic acid; calcium, iron, zinc; Dietary supplements, biogenic stimulants.

Oily skin requires constant special care and compliance with all hygiene standards. For external use, it is recommended for dandruff, for example, Sebozol.

Treatment with physiotherapy

Good in the treatment of dermatosis therapeutic effect They provide physiotherapy - in combination with drug therapy, they have a stimulating effect on the hair follicles to which the sebaceous glands are attached. To the main medical procedures include:

  • Cryomassage of the scalp is a complex procedure through which a massage effect is applied to the hair and cold therapy. Under the influence of cold, the blood vessels narrow, due to which the work of the sebaceous glands returns to normal, and the process of inflammation is relieved.
  • Magnetotherapy is an alternative medicine method that is based on the use of a magnetic field in medicinal purposes.
  • Electroporation is the effect of electric pulse currents on the skin.
  • Darsonvalization is a procedure that, through exposure of the skin to high-frequency pulse current increases its tone, enhances blood circulation and lymph flow, affects nerve processes.
  • Laser puncture is a procedure for influencing points of the body with low-energy laser beam. This is a fairly new physiotherapeutic method used in the treatment of seborrhea.

In addition, ultraviolet light has a positive effect on the restoration of the scalp after seborrhea.

Seborrhea is a disease that occurs due to a whole complex of functional disorders of the body. Therefore, when diagnosing pathology, it is necessary to resort to a combination of techniques, including:

For seborrhea, it is recommended to eat fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins, microelements and fiber. But you should avoid spicy and fatty foods and canned foods. It is recommended to limit the consumption of salt and flour.

Useful for seborrhea, and for health in general, hiking, sports, healthy sleep. Often patients with scalp disease are prescribed sulfur and mineral baths, taking sedatives.

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp with folk remedies

In addition to physiotherapeutic methods and drug treatment, the secrets of traditional medicine help in the fight against seborrhea. They are quite diverse and involve an external therapeutic effect on the affected areas of the scalp.

For example, a very common recipe in the fight against oily seborrhea is the use of a weak solution of baking soda - 20 minutes before washing your hair, the prepared product is applied to the scalp.

But for dry seborrhea, ten percent is successfully used sulfur ointment, which is also rubbed into the scalp. The manipulation is done for eight days, then the hair is allowed to rest. After the course, the head should be washed with boiled water using medicated shampoos, which contain selenium or tar.

Our ancestors also prepared ointments, infusions, decoctions, and masks from herbal raw materials. However, differentiated methods are used in the treatment of dry and oily seborrhea.

In addition, it is important to remember that recipes alternative medicine- it's just additional methods treatments that are used in conjunction with medications. Using herbal therapy alone does not exclude the possibility of relapse of the disease. It is important to periodically change the recipes used to avoid the body becoming accustomed to any of the components.

Decoctions for the treatment of oily seborrhea

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home can be done using herbal decoctions. A good remedy considered to be burdock, popularly known as burdock. The roots of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. The multicomponent chemical composition of burdock root has a positive effect on the activity of the sebaceous glands, regulating their activity and inhibiting the spread of fungal flora, and prevents the spread of inflammatory processes. To prepare the decoction, you need to mix a few tablespoons of the roots with a small amount of boiling water (1 cup) and simmer over low heat for a quarter of an hour. Cool the broth and apply to the hair roots. Therapy is usually carried out for several weeks. In parallel with these, you can use a mixture of equal parts of a decoction of burdock, nettle and wormwood (2 tablespoons each) three times a day for oral administration.

An effective and simple treatment for scalp seborrhea at home is performed using an infusion of nettle leaves.

It is useful for seborrhea to wash your hair with a decoction of oak bark for several months. To prepare the medicine you will need to pour two tablespoons of oak bark hot water, boil, leave for about half an hour.

Birch leaves can be used as a hair rinse after washing. healing power They also have decoctions of St. John's wort, chamomile, and sage.

Masks for the treatment of oily seborrhea

Treatment of seborrhea of ​​the scalp at home also means using all kinds of hair masks, the main component of which is egg yolk in combination with alcohol, yeast. The yolk has the property of drying the skin, which is important when inflammatory processes epidermis. Let's look at a few examples of popular hair masks.

Mask based on honey, aloe juice and castor oil. For cooking remedy you will need castor oil, honey and aloe juice in equal proportions (one teaspoon each). The components must be mixed until smooth and applied to the scalp; to create a bath effect, wrap for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off with warm water.

Mask based on badyagi and boric acid. According to the recipe, you need to mix a teaspoon of badyagi and a pre-prepared solution of boric acid (half a teaspoon of acid, half a glass of water). Rub into hair while warm until the appearance of a lung tingling. After 30 minutes, wash off.

Folk remedies for the treatment of dry seborrhea

A small amount of oil on the skin and hair is what characterizes dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Treatment folk remedies is aimed at replenishing the lack of sebum by rubbing oils and fatty creams into the scalp. It is important to remember here that the oil is rubbed in very carefully and carefully, since such manipulations can cause hair breakage. In addition, excess oil leads to clogging of skin pores, and as a result, disruption of its thermoregulation.

In therapy, oils of flax, sea buckthorn, parsley, black poplar, and tricolor violet are used. Sea buckthorn oil combine with olive oil - one part sea buckthorn oil and nine parts olive oil. The medicinal mixture is recommended to be applied to the scalp. The course of treatment is a month. It is also possible to use sea buckthorn fruits instead of oil.

Pure burdock oil can be used for medicinal purposes. The recommended procedure time is two hours, no more than twice a week. The procedure is carried out within a month. Then the course is repeated after six months.

Rubbing procedure for dry seborrhea

“Rubing” is a manipulation that is often used for the diagnosis of “dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp.” Treatment at home involves a procedure similar to rubbing oils, but extracts of various herbs are used as a remedy. Let's look at a few simple but quite effective recipes.

Rubbing in nourishing cream with henna. For cooking medicinal composition You will need one part henna powder, two parts warm water and seven parts nourishing cream. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and apply the resulting mixture to the scalp twice a week. Important for achievement therapeutic effect perform ten procedures. To treat dry seborrhea of ​​the head, ointments containing sulfur and salicylic acid are often used.

Rubbing in oil infusion of black poplar buds. Black poplar buds are mixed with vegetable oil in a ratio of 1:5. The resulting mixture is kept in a water bath for about an hour, then filtered.

In addition to rubbing, to treat dry seborrhea, you can prepare various herbal infusions and use them for washing your hair. Onion peels, oregano, and coltsfoot are used as raw materials.

To summarize all of the above, we can highlight the main theses. From the materials of our article, the reader can learn that the disease caused by increased secretion of the sebaceous glands is called “seborrhea of ​​the scalp.” Symptoms and treatment of a disease are interconnected things, since treatment tactics directly depend on the form of the disease, i.e., on what signs are characteristic of it. In medicine, pathology is divided into dry, oily, and combined seborrhea. Mixed seborrhea combines the characteristics of oily and dry forms. Oily seborrhea is manifested by the formation of yellow scales on the scalp; untidy appearance of hair, increased oiliness, which is not eliminated even by frequent washing. Itching and white scales at the roots of the hair indicate that a person most likely has dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp.

Treatment (shampoos, alternative medicine recipes, medications) should be carried out only after consultation with qualified specialist. In general, seborrhea responds quite well to treatment. As a rule, therapy is aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but also at increasing the barrier functions of the patient’s body and stabilizing his hormonal levels. This is understandable, because main reason The onset of the disease is the abnormal secretion of the sebaceous glands, caused, in turn, by functional disorders in the body. A good addition to traditional methods The treatment is physiotherapy.