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Features of the treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon. Achilles tendon: symptoms and treatment of pathology

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon (Achillitis) is a disease that is accompanied by pain in this tendon and dysfunction lower limb. This disease is also called Achilles tendonitis.

The Achilles tendon is the most powerful in the human body and can withstand significant loads. It is the connecting link between the muscles of the lower leg and calcaneus and ensures the safe functioning of the lower limb: jumping, running, rising on toes, etc.

But in cases of excessive physical exertion or when certain diseases Inflammation of the Achilles tendon (tendinitis) develops with severe pain symptoms and impaired limb function. Athletes most often suffer from this disease. With strong jumps or strong tension, micro-tears or stretching of the Achilles occur, which subsequently causes inflammation.

Causes of inflammation of the Achilles tendon

Main reasons, causing inflammation Achilles tendon:

  • strong physical exercise, especially without appropriate preparation of the lower leg muscles, warming them up and stretching the tendon;
  • stretching of the Achilles tendon due to overload;
  • – inflammation of the Achilles tendon bursa can lead to achilles;
  • various types of injuries to the heel bone and Achilles;
  • constant irritation from uncomfortable and tight shoes;
  • infectious inflammation of the Achilles tendon;
  • systemic diseases of connective tissue and joints ();
  • gout, diabetes may also cause inflammation of the Achilles tendon;
  • Constantly wearing high heels is a risk factor.

Symptoms of inflammation of the Achilles tendon (Achillitis)

The main symptom is severe pain above the heel in the tendon area. Sometimes the pain is burning, radiates to the muscles of the lower leg and intensifies with any movement. In some cases it is moderate and is accompanied by slight lameness. Hurts Achilles tendon after running, training, sometimes it hurts in the morning and is accompanied by stiffness in the ankle joint.

Swelling in the Achilles area with a local increase in temperature also often occurs. At chronic inflammation at the site of micro-tears, rough connective tissue can form with the formation of compaction, and also with the deposition of calcium salts, calcifications are formed in this place. "Lump" on the Achilles tendon constantly rubs, which leads to inflammation in the surrounding tissues.

Treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon

Treatment should begin directly at the site of injury, which includes applying a fixative bandage and applying cold. Sports doctors use special containers with cryogenic gas for this purpose. Cold provides pain relief and prevents the development of tissue edema.

The question often arises, how to treat Achilles tendon at home. For this, you can also topically apply ice wrapped in a towel, but only on the first day after the injury. Then you can warm it up with heated salt, flour or sand, or with a water heating pad. You can use anti-inflammatory ointment locally, and also take it in tablet form, but you should take into account the presence of contraindications and complications.

If the inflammation is not associated with injury and develops gradually, it is advisable to seek medical attention. professional help so as not to aggravate the disease. After all, this disease often occurs in fairly serious conditions, such as infectious, systemic and metabolic diseases. Therefore, it would a priori be wrong to treat the Achilles tendon at home.

IN clinical settings carried out to assess the condition of the Achilles, identify the presence of ruptures and tissue swelling.

The next stage of treatment is anti-inflammatory therapy, which is carried out either with medications or is used. Physiotherapeutic procedures have many advantages in relation to drug treatment, but the choice of treatment methods depends on the capabilities of a particular clinic.

It is carried out to eliminate tissue swelling, reduce inflammation and relieve pain. Held local cryotherapy also for the purpose of pain relief, reducing swelling, as well as stimulating biological healing processes. allows you to stimulate tissue regeneration, which significantly speeds up the healing process. In addition, it can reduce inflammation and relieve pain.

For chronic Achilles tendonitis, when there is a “bump” or calcifications, shock wave therapy is performed. This is radical non-invasive method, which softens rough connective tissue and destroys pathological deposits of calcium salts. In addition, it increases blood circulation in the affected area and eliminates pain.

The rehabilitation period includes shin massage, dosed loads and stretching for full recovery functions of the lower limb.

To prevent recurrence of the disease, you should warm up and stretch the muscles of the lower leg and Achilles before loading, and you should also choose comfortable shoes.

The Achilles tendon is the largest and strongest in human body. It performs several functions: it provides movement in three joints, including the subtalar, the ability to walk upright for homo sapiens (the ligament is attached to the heel and tibia, forming a powerful biomechanical triangle) and has a wide range of mechanical properties. Considering the importance of the Achilles tendon, one can imagine how much inconvenience its inflammation can cause, for example, tendonitis (tendopanthia), characterized by the process of general tissue degeneration in the heel tendon, which entails severe pain and limitation of movements.

Pathology can occur in both adults and young people. In adults, connective tissue loses extensibility and elasticity, as a result of such natural processes any increase in loads can cause microtears in tissue and the appearance of inflammatory processes. The cause of connective tissue ruptures in young people is sports or domestic injuries, excessive loads, long-term training, violations of the recovery regime. Delayed treatment may contribute to the progression of the disease to chronic stage, which significantly complicates its treatment and reduces the final effectiveness.

The Achilles (heel) tendon can withstand the most heavy loads, which occur while walking or running, has increased strength and reliability. Nature has provided a set of protective measures that allow it to cope with its role. But age-related changes or excessive uncontrolled physical activity significantly worsen the original functionality or violate their integrity.

The occurrence of injuries is a consequence of overload or age-related physiological changes. Depending on the condition of the tissues, some loads can lead to strengthening of tendons, while others cause dystrophic changes. Tissue damage inevitably causes damage metabolic processes. In some cases, there is a sharp decrease in the amount of fluid (drying of tissues); such processes occur at the age of over forty years.

The Achilles tendon and calf muscle lift and smoothly lower the heel during movement and hold the body in vertical position at rest. Top part tendons are attached to the junction of the muscles, and the lower one is fixed to back surface calcaneal tubercle.

Achilles tendon - anatomy

Achilles tendonitis in athletes

This category of people most often suffers from the disease. Constant overload causes acceleration of tendon aging, and this process is accompanied by frequent micro- or macrotrauma. The situation worsens significantly in the absence of time for normal natural recovery. These negative factors the tissues of the Achilles tendon become inflamed, any movement causes severe pain. The most difficult case is a complete rupture or separation of the tendon from the muscle or bone.

The second cause of injury is a sharp increase in load without long-term preliminary preparation. Patients who are sedentary expose themselves to these risks. sedentary lifestyle life and trying to dramatically increase physical activity. In these cases, the damage is mostly mechanical in nature. Over time, tissues with microcracks and microtears are restored on their own, but numerous scars appear in them, reducing elasticity and extensibility.

Treatment of the inflammatory process is carried out quickly with the help of anti-inflammatory drugs, for mechanical damage requires the use of special rehabilitation therapy and physical therapy. In the most difficult cases it is necessary to resort to surgical methods.

Physiotherapy for the treatment of tendonitis

Factors causing the disease

There are several main reasons that can cause the disease.


After 40 years, inevitable age-related changes in metabolic processes and tissue characteristics occur in the human body. The number of collagen (provide strength) and elastin (provide elasticity) fibers decreases. As a result, the tendons can no longer withstand the forces that they previously handled without problems. IN in good condition The Achilles tendon can stretch at least 5% of its length at rest. This allows for shock-absorbing functions, springy leg movements, and loads on the spine within normal limits. The ability to stretch aged tissues is significantly reduced.

This non-physiological position of the foot causes excessive elongation of the Achilles tendon; it is constantly in a loaded state and is injured.

Like all muscle tissue, tendons begin to degrade in the absence of constant loads. Happening physiological changes muscle and bone tissue. A sharp increase in load causes micro-tears, pain and limited mobility. This process is reversible, as soon as the lifestyle changes - the characteristics of the tendons are completely restored. Loads should be increased gradually, it takes time to strengthen - this is an indispensable condition for gymnastic exercises.

If they have excessive and improper training, there is insufficient time for the tissue to fully recover, this is the cause of tissue inflammation or mechanical rupture. Even mild discomfort in the Achilles tendon should be a signal for rest or examination by a doctor. The initial mild pain in the tendon does not, unfortunately, become a signal for athletes to stop or sharply reduce the intensity of training. As a result, the disease starts and can acquire chronic form. At the same time, the risk of complete rupture of the Achilles tendon increases significantly.

It lengthens the tendon and reduces its plasticity reserves. When walking, excessive deformations occur, resulting in micro-tears or the appearance of inflammatory processes.

Women who wear high-heeled shoes and athletes are at risk. Problems for athletes arise after wearing incorrectly selected shoes. Some sports (weightlifting, discus and hammer throw, etc.) require that the leg be firmly fixed in correct position. If the tendons long time are in an unnaturally shortened or significantly overloaded state, there is a risk of damage. A sudden transition to regular shoes becomes a certain stress for them; the muscles and tendons are not ready to perform their functions in full.

They occur rarely and, as a rule, in an organism weakened by other diseases or in people with insufficient immunity.

In all cases, the modern start of treatment, proper adjustment of physical activity and sufficient time for complete tissue restoration are the main conditions for recovery.

Classification of forms of the disease

  1. Inflammatory processes of the tissues surrounding the tendon - peritendinitis. IN advanced cases tissues degenerate, complete restoration of their condition becomes very difficult.
  2. Inflammation of microtraumas and mechanical injuries of tendons – tendonitis. Only the tendons are affected, the surrounding tissues are not damaged.
  3. Degeneration of tissue at the site of fixation to the heel bone is enthesopathy. Sometimes it can cause the development heel spurs– the complication is difficult to treat and can take on chronic forms.

The signs of all types of diseases are identical - severe pain (can be constant or appear only during loads on the Achilles tendon) and limited mobility of the foot. Without taking proper medical measures, the disease becomes chronic, extreme cases tissue rupture may occur.


Diagnosis can be made after interview, palpation or physical examination. The reason for visiting a doctor is the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the Achilles tendon area. To the radiation and ultrasound examination or magnetic resonance imaging is used in the most difficult cases, when it is not possible to diagnose accurate diagnosis simple methods. Sometimes there is thickening of the tissue, redness of nearby skin, swelling or creaking. Special attention focuses on diagnosing tendon ruptures.

Drug (conservative) treatment

First of all, the immobility of the foot is ensured by applying a plaster, splint, taping or special orthoses.

To localize inflammatory processes, non-steroidal drugs (Naklofen, Nimesil, etc.) are used; in the most advanced cases, antibiotics are required.

How additional measures ointments Dolobene, Solcoseryl, Voltaren and pain-relieving compresses are used. To increase the absorption efficiency of ointments, ultrasonic devices are used. After pain has been relieved, you can begin therapeutic exercises.

Operative (surgical) treatment

Surgical intervention is required after diagnosing a rupture of the Achilles tendon, its separation from the muscles and bone, or in the absence of positive changes as a result of prolonged conservative treatment. During the operation, the tissue that has changed around the tendon is cut off. If, after opening, areas with thickenings are found, then they need to be cut off. To increase the strength of tendons that are too thin after surgery, doctors strengthen them using the tendons of the plantar muscles.

In case of enzetopathy, the bursa is cut off, damaged tissue stitched together, the affected areas are removed. If Haglund's deformity is present, the bone growth is cut off. After the operation, the patient must wear special fixation shoes (immobilizing orthosis) for at least one and a half months. You can step on the operated leg three weeks after the operation; a course of rehabilitation gymnastics is mandatory. The total recovery time for the Achilles tendon depends on the complexity of the injury and can last up to three months.

Therapeutic gymnastics (pictured warm-up on a treadmill)

Used after relieving pain and localizing inflammatory processes. Excellent tool disease prevention.

Rehabilitation gymnastics

  1. Stand facing the wall, the affected leg is slightly extended back onto the toe. Place your hands on the wall and lean forward, the tendon should stretch. You must be in this position for at least thirty seconds, the number of repetitions no more than 5 times.
  2. Stand on a slight elevation and squat on your heels; the number of squats and approaches is set taking into account your physical capabilities.
  3. Raise and lower your body on your toes. Pain is not allowed.

After strengthening the tendons, you can run, play, and gradually increase the load. The main condition is that classes should be regular and the load should be moderate. For professional athletes, a set of exercises is developed individually; return to intense exercise can only be done after complete recovery of the Achilles tendon.

Treatment with folk remedies

Should be carried out after consultation with a doctor; if increased pain or prolonged unproductiveness is detected, the technique should be changed.

Salt baths with the addition of pine needles show good results. The water should be slightly warm and keep your feet for no more than 15 minutes.

Video – Achilles tendonitis

Achilles tendon tendonopathy is an inflammatory and degenerative process. In the absence of appropriate treatment, it becomes chronic.

The heel or Achilles tendon is one of the strongest ligaments in the human body. It can withstand loads of up to 400 kg, but at the same time is most susceptible to injury. The Achilles tendon, together with the calf muscle, is responsible for movement in the foot. Pain arising in this area indicates possible inflammation or ligament damage.

Forms of the disease

Inflammation occurs in middle age due to impaired elasticity and extensibility of the ligaments. More often, violations plague athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor. Degenerative inflammatory process is called tendinitis or tendinopathy. There are several forms of tendinopathy.

  1. Inflammation of the Achilles is tendinitis, but nearby tissues are not affected.
  2. Inflammation and degeneration of ligaments and adjacent tissues – peritendinitis.
  3. With enthesopathy, the inflammatory process spreads to the heel bone, calcification develops, and spurs appear on the heels.

Timely treatment makes it possible to quickly restore inflamed tendons, otherwise the process can develop into a chronic one. But mechanical cracks and tears require long-term treatment and subsequent rehabilitation until the tissues are completely restored. At chronic course the pain gradually intensifies, the process continues for several weeks or even months.

Causes of inflammation

The tendon fibers are twisted into spirals and consist of the proteins collagen and elastin. The first one is durable and practically does not stretch. Elastin, if necessary, can lengthen and return to its original state. Violation of the composition and integrity of elastic fibers causes pain and leads to tendinopathy. The main causes of the disease are as follows:

  • overvoltage calf muscles, excessive load on the tendon;
  • age-related changes in collagen and elastin fibers;
  • physiological characteristics feet (flat feet, club feet);
  • using uncomfortable shoes;
  • metabolic disorders, infectious processes.

Heel pain can occur in athletes and physically trained people. This occurs when there is excessive tension in the ligaments of the foot. During prolonged exercise, tissues do not have time to recover and relax. A neglected problem can even lead to tendon rupture.

With age, the elasticity of the ligaments decreases, which leads to damage and microscopic tears of the fibers. It is especially worth paying attention if pain begins to occur when walking. The Achilles experiences constant microtrauma due to physiological characteristics of the legs, for example, the foot falling inward.

Incorrect selection has an impact sports shoes. Why do women's feet hurt when changing from heels to low soles? In heels, during the day, the calf muscles and ligaments are in a shortened state. When changing from shoes to slippers, they have to stretch.

Symptoms of tendinopathy

Why does the inflammatory process not cause severe pain for a long time? Unpleasant sensations occur with increased loads, and disappear after rest. After some time, as a result of microtraumas, scars form and the elasticity of the ligaments is impaired. Careless sudden movement can lead to tendon rupture. It is characterized by sudden severe pain, it is impossible to move the leg from heel to toe, and sometimes it is impossible to stand on your leg at all.

If the disease is not treated in time, it becomes chronic nature. Subsequently painful sensations in the heel occur even after good rest. The area above the heel hurts with the slightest movement. Walking on inclines and going up and down stairs becomes a real challenge.

The ligaments become denser, and pain appears in the calf muscle. Pain occurs when feeling the heel ligaments. Mobility in the ankle joint is impaired, and creaking occurs during movement. Swelling, hyperthermia and redness of the skin are observed.


It is quite difficult to treat the heel tendons; the blood supply to this area is poor. Insufficient supply of oxygen and nutrients to relieve inflammation and healing. Due to poor circulation, the healing process is complicated and delayed.

If the pain occurs for the first time, you can treat the inflammation yourself. It is enough to temporarily limit the load on the Achilles tendon
impose cold compress. Secure the foot with an elastic bandage. To relieve inflammation, ointments and gels are used. Good effect provide physiotherapeutic procedures - magnetic therapy, electrophoresis with hydrocortisone, ultrasound. Before treatment, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

If the cause of the disease is the physiological characteristics of the foot, high-quality orthopedic shoes. Help should consist of a correct assessment of pronation and subsequent correction of the foot position using orthopedic inlays.

With a sharp severe pain You should consult a doctor immediately. After diagnosis, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • exclude physical activity;
  • fix the foot to limit movements;
  • prescription of painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • physiotherapy;
  • in remission physiotherapy and massage.

Sometimes the only option is surgery.

Folk remedies and methods

There are a number of ways traditional medicine to relieve inflammation in the Achilles tendon. The methods should be used as an addition to the main treatment, in consultation with a doctor. A soft bump may form above the heel. Periodically, this place turns red, swells, and a feeling of heat occurs.

The main effect of the products is aimed at relieving inflammation and pain. On elastic bandage apply the following composition.

  1. For one protein chicken egg add a tablespoon of flour and alcohol, beat thoroughly.
  2. Spread the required amount of mixture in an even layer, bandage ankle joint in the form of gypsum.
  3. Change the dressing daily.

A cold compress with comfrey tincture will help relieve pain when walking. A tablespoon of the product is diluted in a glass of water, soaked in a bandage and a bandage is applied. Instead of comfrey, use grass shepherd's purse(a tablespoon per glass of boiling water), infused for 2 hours. Keep the bandage until it dries.

Oil rubs are useful. For the base you need a teaspoon vegetable oil. By adding two drops of fir and lavender oils, the mixture is lightly rubbed into the area above the heel. You can use another composition: a teaspoon of vegetable oil, with the addition of 5 drops of geranium, clove and lavender oil.

Tendinitis can be treated with ointments made from pork internal fat. To 100 grams of base, add powdered calendula flowers and wormwood herbs, taken 30 grams each. The mixture is heated in a water bath and applied to the affected area in a thin layer.

Preventing tendinitis

The risk group includes athletes, hard working people, and women who prefer high heels. If there are discomfort when walking, it is better to immediately seek help. Treat the disease with early stages Just. But if you start the problem, complications are possible, including a chronic process.

For prevention, you need to follow some rules.

  1. Loads should be increased gradually.
  2. Before performing complex physical exercise Warming up the muscles, stretching and warming up is necessary.
  3. Special attention should be paid to choosing the right shoes.
  4. If your legs hurt during warm-up, exercise should be suspended.

Middle-aged people need to be careful about physical activity. It is worth adding stretching exercises to your daily exercise to strengthen your calf muscles and heel tendon.

It is important to correctly assess your capabilities and distinguish between mild sprains and excessive strain. Be attentive to your body.

The calf muscles are connected to the heel through the calcaneal (Achilles) tendon. It is responsible for the ability to walk, jump, run, and stand on tiptoes. Damage or disease of the Achilles leads to difficulty moving, constant pain above the heel.

Professional athletes are primarily at risk for injuries associated with Achilles tendon injuries. An athlete's foot regularly experiences physical stress.

The Achilles tendon is one of the strongest in the human body, located above the heel. Attachs the triceps surae muscle to the calcaneus. Despite its strength, the Achilles is often injured.

Heel tendon pain is caused by:

  • incorrect foot position when playing sports;
  • wearing uncomfortable, incorrect shoes for sports;
  • decreased elasticity (appears after 40 years).
  • Often, novice athletes ignore pain and redness and continue to train. This has a detrimental effect on the condition of the body and on the ability to train.

    Possible injuries to the heel tendon, general symptoms of the disease.

    Inflammations affecting the Achilles tendon are not infectious nature, are the result of microtraumas, ruptures, and sprains.

    During regular professional sports, the Achilles experiences excessive physical stress and the leg does not have time to recover. As a result, connective tissue is often affected. Inflammation of the Achilles is accompanied by sharp, nagging pain, making it difficult to run and walk. The person notices that the heel at the base is swollen and red. The pain is felt above the heel, spreading down the leg to the thigh.

    Heel tendon lesions:

    • achilles bursitis;
    • tendinitis;
    • paratendonitis;
    • tendinosis;
    • complete tendon rupture.

    Before describing the causes of injuries, let us familiarize ourselves with anatomical structure leg muscles and ligaments. The human leg has a triceps muscle formed by two muscles - the gastrocnemius and soleus. Each tendon and ligament in human body has a synovial (tendon) bursa filled with a special fluid. The bag is located among dense tissues - bones, ligaments, tendons. Synovial fluid reduces the friction force of the vein on the bone and muscle.

    Achilles bursitis

    With Achilles bursitis, the bursa near the heel bone becomes inflamed. Synovial fluid ceases to lubricate the Achilles, and friction between the tendon and calcaneus. The patient feels pain above the heel and experiences pain and discomfort when walking and running. Inflammation bursa caused by a microtear due to improper or sudden rotation of the foot during training.


    A common injury to the Achilles tendon is tendinitis. Microtears of the ligament occur due to severe physical work or training. Tendonitis can even be caused by an unsuccessful jump when a person lands on his toes. The weight of the body acts as a shock force on the base of the triceps muscle, causing tension in the Achilles tendon.

    Tendinitis pain occurs after muscle stagnation, during training or warm-up. After rest, the pain disappears and is felt when palpating the Achilles. When you resume training, the pain returns with new strength, are felt throughout the muscles of the leg, from the hip to the heel, indicating micro-tears in the ligaments.

    If the disease is not treated, it becomes chronic, with constant nagging pain does not pass. It is difficult for a person to climb up and down an inclined surface; in the morning pain is felt above the heel and in the knees.

    In the chronic form of inflammation, the picture of symptoms is as follows:

    • the tendon becomes dense;
    • pain extends along the surface of the leg muscles, from the heel to the thigh;
    • feet bend with difficulty;
    • pain above the heel;
    • movements are accompanied by creaking, clicking;
    • there is redness of the skin in the affected area;
    • tension is felt in the calf muscle;
    • ankle mobility decreases;
    • the tendon above the heel swells.


    The tendon becomes inflamed and connective tissues around, a tendon bursa located at the site of attachment of the Achilles to the heel. It occurs as a result of uncomfortable, tight shoes and leads to degenerative changes in the ligaments.

    The tendon consists of microfibers, tightly woven, like a rope. Numerous microtraumas affect the condition of the ligaments through tears of microfibers. The vein becomes thinner, becomes rougher, elasticity decreases, and the risk of injury increases.


    At the site of microtraumas of the Achilles, scar tissue grows, the tendon becomes denser, growths and irregularities appear. Tendinosis is a factor leading to complete rupture of the Achilles tendon.

    Achilles tendon rupture

    With constant loads and microtraumas in the athlete’s leg, a complete rupture of the heel tendon occurs. Middle-aged men are susceptible to injury if they begin training without “warming up” the muscles. Injury occurs when tendonitis is ignored. As a result of the disease, they develop degenerative changes in ligaments, leading to a decrease in stretchability.

    With an Achilles rupture, hospitalization is inevitable, as is subsequent restriction in training.

    How to treat?

    For treatment, consult a doctor who will prescribe tests. Will help identify tendinitis radiology diagnostics, examination using an ultrasound machine and MRI.

    At the first stage, it is necessary to interrupt sports activities, apply cold to the site of inflammation of the joint, and call an ambulance. To avoid serious injuries, the injured leg needs to remain at rest. Splint the affected leg.

    The doctor will create a treatment plan for the patient. The causes may differ; treatment is selected for the specific case of the disease. IN severe cases surgery is possible.

    The main thing is to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease! If there is pain above the heel, the skin is red, the tendon above the heel is swollen - see a doctor. Pain cannot be ignored so as not to provoke a chronic form of the disease.

    What to do at the first manifestations of Achilles heel disease

    1. Reduce or abandon physical activity.
    2. Provide rest to the joints. Bandage the leg in this place with an elastic bandage.
    3. Avoid running and fast walking.
    4. Contact your doctor.
    5. Use gels or ointments that reduce pain. This is possible after consulting a doctor.


    As you know, it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. Therefore, people leading active image life, it is recommended to follow simple rules.

    • Before training, physical activity, or climbing a mountain, spend time warming up your body. This applies to all muscle groups and tendons.
    • Massage your feet, calf muscles and Achilles regularly using ointments and creams.
    • Get examined by a doctor in a timely manner.
    • Don't ignore heel pain.

    We are always told that playing sports is good for health. Of course, moderate physical activity is simply necessary to be in good shape and have healthy body And healthy mind. But, as you know, playing professional sports is not only money and fame, but also frequent injuries, which sometimes cause an athlete to leave the sport. In our article we will look at one of these diseases - Achilles tendonitis. The treatment of this disease will also be considered.

    What is pathology

    Tendonitis is a disease characterized by inflammation in the Achilles tendon area. Pathology often develops in people who are professionally involved in sports, that is, subject to overexertion, which leads to the appearance of the disease.

    Below we will take a closer look at the treatment. Achilles tendonitis can develop at older ages, even in those who do not play sports. It's connected with age-related changes, the range of motion gradually decreases and the tendon becomes less elastic, which can lead to injury.

    What triggers the development of the disease

    Have you been diagnosed with Achilles tendinitis? The treatment and causes of this pathology will be discussed in the article. First, let's look in more detail at the factors that provoke the disease:

    1. Decrease in elasticity with age. The tendon contains collagen and elastic fibers, which make it strong and stretchable. The older a person gets, the more these indicators decrease, and stress can lead to ruptures or damage to tendon fibers. This is precisely why after 35 years any training should begin with a warm-up.
    2. Heavy loads. As a rule, athletes are exposed to them. Excessive training leads to overstrain of the tendon. A short rest period does not allow the tissues to recover sufficiently and fiber rupture may occur.
    3. Flat feet with overpronation, when the foot falls inward. When walking in this position, the tendon is stretched more and can be injured.
    4. Uncomfortable shoes, especially for sports training. Incorrect load distribution occurs, which can lead to the development of this pathology. Women's love for high heels may end up developing Achilles tendinitis. Treatment in this case is also necessary.
    5. A growth on the heel where the tendon attaches.
    6. Infectious diseases can also trigger the development of pathology.
    7. Some bone and joint problems, such as arthritis. Different leg lengths.
    8. The cause of the development of pathology can be gout, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease.

    Any of these reasons may result in the need for serious treatment, Achilles tendonitis will not go away on its own. It is advisable to consult a doctor when the first signs appear.

    Symptoms of the disease

    This disease can occur in two forms:

    • Spicy.
    • Chronic.

    If there is an acute form of pathology, then the following manifestations are possible:

    • The appearance of pain during exercise or the training process. Gradually the pain subsides, and after rest it completely disappears.

    • If you feel the Achilles tendon, you feel discomfort.

    If you give your legs a rest, the micro-tears heal, so it seems that everything has passed, but new loads lead to re-injury.

    If you do not pay attention to the symptoms in time, then the pathology gradually becomes chronic, which has the following symptoms:

    • Gradual increase in pain.
    • During exercise, the pain becomes stronger, even warming up and warming up do not help.
    • Rest also does not relieve pain; you can already feel it immediately after waking up.
    • When going down or going up stairs, pain develops.

    Both chronic and acute form diseases may also have the following manifestations:

    1. The tendon thickens.
    2. Excessive tension is felt in the calf muscles.
    3. Mobility may be limited in the ankle area.
    4. Pain may be felt throughout the tendon or just in the heel area.
    5. There may be a squeaking sound while driving
    6. It becomes increasingly difficult to bend the foot and stand on the toes.

    Chronic Achilles tendonitis should not be allowed to develop. Treatment in this case will require longer and more serious treatment.

    Types of disease

    The disease can progress and manifest itself in different ways. Depending on this, several forms of pathology are distinguished:

    1. Peritendinitis is manifested by an inflammatory process in the surrounding soft tissues.
    2. Tendinitis - the Achilles tendon itself is affected, the adjacent tissues are not affected.
    3. Enthesopathy. With this form of the disease, a degenerative process develops at the border with the bone, and a heel spur may appear.

    Diagnosis of the disease

    If Achilles tendonitis is suspected, treatment should begin only after the diagnosis has been clarified.

    As diagnostic methods the following are used:

    1. Physical examination. The doctor palpates and determines the places where the pain is felt most.
    2. but in the absence of calcifications, it will not help make an accurate diagnosis.
    3. An MRI will help determine the presence of ruptures.
    4. Ultrasound. It can be used to determine the need for surgical intervention.
    5. It is also carried out X-ray examination, it shows the location of the inflammatory process.

    Once diagnosis confirms Achilles tendonitis, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

    Tendonitis therapy

    If unpleasant sensations in the tendon occur for the first time, then it is often enough to limit the load for a while and give your legs a rest. You can use ice to remove swelling and redness.

    If the pain does not go away even after resting and reducing the load, you will have to visit a doctor. Typically, treatment of this disease is carried out in several directions:

    1. Conservative therapy.
    2. Drug treatment.
    3. Traditional methods of therapy.
    4. Physiotherapeutic procedures.
    5. Surgical intervention.

    Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor chooses treatment tactics.

    Drug treatment for tendinitis

    If Achilles tendinitis occurs, treatment for tears or minor injuries should begin with reducing stress and immobilizing the area. This can be done in several ways:

    • Apply a splint or plaster.
    • Use an elastic bandage.
    • Taping.
    • Application of orthoses that can partially or completely limit movement.

    This is where treatment should begin if Achilles tendinitis occurs. The photo demonstrates this well.

    • Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Nimesil, Naklofen.
    • If extensive inflammation occurs, antibiotic therapy may be required.
    • To relieve pain, you can apply a compress at night using Analgin, Novocaine, or inject an anesthetic.
    • If Achilles tendonitis is diagnosed, treatment with ointments is also possible. For this purpose, Voltaren, Dolobene gel, and Solcoseryl are often used.

    After using medications to relieve inflammation and reduce pain, you can begin physiotherapeutic procedures.

    Physiotherapy against tendinitis

    Physiotherapeutic methods are an excellent complement to drug treatment. The following procedures are most often prescribed to patients:

    • Magnetotherapy.
    • Laser treatment.
    • Ultrasound treatment.
    • Shock wave therapy.

    • Electrophoresis.
    • Mud applications.

    Correctly carried out therapy, if Achilles tendinitis occurs (treatment and symptoms are presented to your attention in the article), will soon give positive result. The pain subsides and mobility is restored.

    Traditional medicine for tendonitis

    Can help with many diseases traditional treatment. Achilles tendonitis also responds well to it. Most in effective ways can be called:

    1. Ice massage. To do this, take plastic cups and pour water into them and place them in the freezer. When the liquid freezes, top part containers massage the injured area for 15-20 minutes several times a day.
    2. "Homemade plaster." Need to beat chicken protein and add 1 tablespoon of alcohol or vodka. Beat well and add a tablespoon of flour. Apply the mixture to an elastic bandage and bandage sore spot. This bandage needs to be changed every day, it will help relieve swelling and pain.
    3. Traditional healers recommend adding turmeric to your diet. The curcumin it contains helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
    4. Usage saline dressings. Must be in a glass first warm water dissolve a tablespoon of salt. Soak a napkin in the liquid, squeeze it out, wrap it in a bag and place it in the freezer for a few minutes. Apply to the sore spot and bandage it, hold until the napkin is completely dry.

    If you have Achilles tendonitis, treatment folk remedies can be carried out using infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs:

    • Prepare an infusion of a tablespoon of comfrey, calendula and 250 ml hot water. Bring to a boil, leave for several hours, then dilute 1 tablespoon of infusion in 300 ml of water and apply a bandage to the injured area.
    • Elecampane compress. You need to take 3 tablespoons of the herb and pour 0.5 liters of hot water, boil for 15 minutes. Soak a napkin in the broth and apply to the sore spot.
    • Using pine twigs to prepare baths. You need to take a bucket and fill two-thirds with pine branches, pour cold water and boil for half an hour. Then you need to leave for 2-3 hours and take baths for 15-20 minutes.
    • Use a mixture of 2 drops of fir and lavender oils to rub the sore spot, and also add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil.
    • Wormwood tincture has a general strengthening effect on the body and relieves inflammation. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of dry herb and pour 250 ml of boiling water, after 30 minutes of infusion, take a tablespoon several times a day.
    1. Calendula ointment will help cope with the inflammatory process. It’s quite simple to prepare: you need to mix equal amounts of baby cream and calendula flowers. It is best to apply to the affected area at night.
    2. Take the same amount pork fat and wormwood ointments, combine and melt over fire. After cooling, it can be applied to the affected area.
    3. You can make an ointment from clay. To do this, take 500 g of clay and dilute it in water to the consistency of mastic, and then add 4 tablespoons apple cider vinegar. Then moisten a napkin in the resulting composition and apply to the sore spot for an hour. The course of therapy is up to 6 procedures and helps get rid of pain and swelling.

    Thus, if a diagnosis of Achilles tendonitis is made, treatment with folk remedies will help you quickly return to your normal lifestyle.


    If everything has been tried conservative methods treatment, but there is no result, then you will have to resort to surgical intervention. During the operation, the doctor makes an incision and excises the affected area, and then the tendon is sutured. If there is a Haglund's growth, then it is also removed.

    If you still had to resort to surgery for a disease such as Achilles tendonitis, treatment and rehabilitation after surgery will take a couple of months. You will have to wear a special boot for 6 weeks. Gradually, after about a couple of weeks, you can try to step on the operated leg.

    After removing the orthosis, a rehabilitation course is prescribed that will help completely restore the functioning of the tendon. This usually takes from a month to three.

    Special exercises for tendonitis

    After surgery, a set of exercises will help you recover faster. Here are some recommendations for their implementation:

    1. Walking comes first; for this you need to choose comfortable shoes and, while moving, perform a smooth roll from heel to toe. Walking time, speed and step length should be increased gradually.
    2. It is recommended to do calf raises and half squats.
    3. Helps recovery well The body loses most of its weight, so those exercises that certain period You can’t do it in the gym, you can safely do it in the water.
    4. You can run only after a good warm-up.
    5. It is useful to perform exercises to stretch the calf muscles and tendons; to do this, stand near a wall, lean on your hands, and put your injured leg back and rest on your toes. Remain in this position for 30 seconds.
    6. Stand on the edge of the platform and squat. This exercise improves the strength and elasticity of the Achilles tendon.

    When performing any exercises, you must remember that the load should increase gradually. Return to sports training is possible only after the permission of the attending physician.

    How to prevent the development of pathology

    We looked at a disease such as Achilles tendonitis. Treatment and prevention must be at the proper level to prevent the development of pathology. To do this, you should follow the following recommendations:

    1. With age, the elasticity of the tendon decreases, so after 40 years it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle and include in a set of exercises those that will help use the calf muscles.
    2. When playing sports or any kind of exercise, you should not immediately start the main exercises; you need to do a warm-up and a stretching routine.
    3. All athletes must ensure compliance with the training regimen; muscles should not be overloaded.
    4. For any sports activity, you need to choose the right shoes.

    If you consult a doctor with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease and follow all recommendations for treatment and recovery, then the prognosis for Achilles tendinitis is quite favorable. Gradually the tissues will recover, the inflammatory process will disappear, and it will be possible to return to a sports regime or to the usual way life. But we must always remember that our health is only in our hands, so take care of yourself.