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Nervous system lesions. Treatment of inflammation of the sciatic nerve with conservative and folk remedies

The peripheral nervous system consists of the cranial and spinal nerves and nerve plexuses. They are located outside the brain of the back and head and are designed to deliver impulses from the central nervous system to any muscle in the body, as well as for response information to the central nervous system. Diseases of the peripheral nervous system arise due to weak protection of the system itself, as a result of its mechanical damage, and diseases can also be caused by infections, intoxications, vitamin deficiencies, and circulatory disorders.

Types of inflammation of nerve endings and associated diseases

  • When the nerve roots become inflamed, radiculitis occurs.
  • Inflammation of the nerve cords - funiculitis.
  • Plexus of nerves leads to the development of plexitis.
  • If the peripheral nerves are inflamed, mononeuritis occurs.
  • Multiple inflammations - polyneuritis.

Symptoms of diseases

For diseases of neuritis (radiculitis), neuropathies (radiculopathies), neuralgia, including intercostal neuralgia, trigeminal and facial nerve(polyneuropathy), Guillain-Barré syndrome, patients complain of the presence of:

  • acute pain syndromes in problem areas of the skin and mucous membranes;
  • numbness, bloating, increased or decreased sensitivity, “crawling flies”;
  • disorders of eye movement, facial muscles, limbs.

Treatment with preparations from pine needles

Oils and extracts prepared from coniferous trees, have long been used in folk medicine, because they antimicrobial actions superior to some antibiotic drugs.

Oil and extracts of fir and Siberian cedar relieve inflammation and strengthen the immune system, producing an antitumor effect. For any disease of the peripheral nervous system, it is useful after taking hot bath or warming up with a blue lamp, rub preparations from coniferous trees into the pain points with a massage. This will also help with joint diseases: rheumatoid polyarthritis, arthritis. You just need to warm them up first with a salt compress.

Particularly popular for local external treatment of inflammation peripheral nerves became balm “Coniferous gift”, because it contains oil pine nuts and Siberian fir extract. The benefits of the balm also lie in the fact that it contains burdock root and eucalyptus leaf, which significantly enhances the healing effects of the product.

Burdock root- a healer and favorite of the people, endowed with painkillers, wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties. IN oil extracts needles enhance the healing properties of burdock root.

Eucalyptus leaves and essential oil of which are used to treat many diseases. Eucalyptus-based ointments successfully treat arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, and peripheral nerve diseases.

Balm “Coniferous Gift” is applied to the affected areas and rubbed in with a massage until hyperemia appears to relieve pain and fatigue in the muscles and joints. For pain (radiculitis), it is useful to use hot compresses adding a few drops to hot water. Cold compresses with balm treat bruises, sprains, joint arthritis, headache, warm compresses - inflammation of the trigeminal and facial nerves. Baths (37-38°C) with the addition of 10-15 drops of “Coniferous Gift” balm will be healing for the entire nervous system.

Contraindicated use the balm in case of individual intolerance to the components, pregnancy, acute inflammation kidneys, cardiac decompensation.
For information about diseases of the peripheral nervous system, their causes, and methods of treatment, watch the video.

Except in rare medical cases, painful sensations Almost every person experiences it at least once in their life. The nervous system is responsible for them. Unpleasant feeling pain is caused by irritation or inflammation of nerve endings. It can occur against the background of an infection entering the body, due to muscle spasm that compresses blood vessels, etc. Although often inflammation is only a signal indicating the presence of a serious disease in the body.

Often the causes of illness are hypothermia, drafts, and previous injuries - these are the sources primary inflammation. Secondary occurs against the background of certain diseases.

Before starting a diagnosis and prescribing treatment, the patient should describe his symptoms and sensations to the doctor in as much detail as possible. Main sign inflammation is pain, the source of which cannot always be identified independently. It can get worse at night, with any physical activity, even walking, sometimes in the cold.

Second most characteristic feature, indicating that there is inflammation of the nerve endings in the body - this is a burning and tingling sensation in the affected area. Depending on the area of ​​pathology, pain can occur even with minor skin irritations.

In general, all symptoms depend on the area of ​​the body in which the damage occurs. For example, when the nerve endings of the legs become inflamed, the sensitivity of the foot or lower leg worsens. Often movements in the knee area are severely limited and the slightest change in position causes pain. In case of eye disease, pain makes itself felt when moving eyeballs, vision often decreases.

Inflammation of the nerve endings of the spine

Very sharp pain is accompanied by damage to the nerves of the spine. Infectious diseases of the spine, osteochondrosis, and severe trauma can lead to inflammation.

Sometimes the back area is sharply pierced by acute pain, which can arise as a result of excessive stress, which often leads to radiculitis. Its main symptom is vertebral neuralgia. Symptoms gradually increase as the spinal disease progresses. Radiculitis also often appears after “advanced” osteochondrosis. It can “settle” in any area of ​​the spine, which leads to constant pain in the back, reminiscent of impulses.

With osteochondrosis, which is the cause of back pain in 90% of cases, degenerative change intervertebral discs. When a disc ruptures, it extends beyond the spinal region. Around it are located blood vessels and nerve endings. If the disc touches them, then the person experiences pain syndrome.

Among the main diseases of the spine that provoke acute pain are also: intervertebral hernia, lumbago, sciatica, scoliosis, intercostal neuralgia. Of course, this is not the entire list of diseases that can provoke inflammation of nerve endings. Therefore, you should not self-medicate.

In most cases, a warm wool scarf or blanket on the lower back is not enough. Accurate diagnosis Only the doctor who prescribes it can diagnose effective treatment, promoting a speedy recovery.

Inflammation of the occipital nerve

Leads to frequent headaches. Pain occurs in the back of the head and radiates to the front and sides of the head. Often, patients describe pain similar to what they experience with migraine. The scalp can also become very sensitive to various types of touch. For example, even when trying to comb your hair, unpleasant painful sensations occur.

By the way, with occipital inflammation of the nerve endings, doctors often encounter some difficulties. They are due to the fact that it is often difficult at this stage to distinguish inflammation from other causes that cause headaches. Therefore, the patient is obliged to describe all the symptoms present in as much detail as possible and honestly answer the doctors’ questions.

If headaches bother you constantly, you should immediately consult a specialist. In this case, taking exclusively painkillers, which the patient chooses at his own discretion at the pharmacy, is not enough. Doctors often conduct comprehensive diagnostics, including computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. This is necessary because sometimes secondary occipital neuralgia can be caused by infections, brain tumors, injuries, and lupus.

If the inflammation does not require surgical intervention, the doctor will prescribe treatment aimed at relieving pain. Drug treatment is combined with physiotherapy procedures and massage. In addition, doctors recommend getting more rest. Additionally, a course of anticonvulsants and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed.

Cases where surgical intervention is required to treat a disease occur less frequently. For chronic pain and lack of positive results from conservative treatment methods, surgery is indicated.

Treatment of inflammation

Sometimes inflammation of the nerve endings is so severe that pain occurs even with the slightest irritation of the skin.

In order for the prescribed treatment to be effective, it is necessary to establish the cause that caused the disease. If all the symptoms indicate that an infection has led to inflammation of the nerve endings, doctors usually prescribe antibiotic injections. Treatment with antiviral drugs is often required.

In case of decreased blood circulation (ischemia), take medicines, which dilate blood vessels and stimulate their work. If symptoms indicate traumatic neuritis, doctors prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications. Additionally, a course of injections may be prescribed.

When drug treatment comes to an end, the patient may be referred to physical therapy.

Sometimes surgical intervention is required to free the nerve. The need for surgery occurs when there is severe pressure or when the nerve grows in the wrong direction.

Inflammation of nerve endings is often a symptom of serious diseases. Therefore, neglect pain in the area sciatic nerve, spine, head or other area of ​​the body is not allowed. You should immediately consult a doctor to remove discomfort. Regular pain is not a reason for self-medication, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. It is important to find the cause of the pathology and eliminate it with the help of a competent doctor.

Inflammation of nerve endings or radiculopathy is perceived by a person as pain, which is natural signal body to dangerous pathological processes that occur in it. Pain sensations are ordinary electrical nerve signals, no different from signals caused by sounds, images or smells. The irritating effect is caused by the brain's reaction to received information about danger.

Many people ignore such signals or consider it the height of masculinity to endure such inconveniences, when seemingly causeless pains not associated with internal organ ailments or injuries are symptoms of various, dangerous diseases nervous system.

Neuralgia and neuritis are inflammations of the nerves that occur due to various reasons, sometimes inflammation occurs not of the nerves themselves, but of their endings or other parts.

Nerve endings are special tiny formations at the ends of neural processes that are responsible for receiving or transmitting information in the form of electrical signals.

There are several types of endings according to their area of ​​specialization:

  • Synapses that transmit impulses between neurons.
  • Receptors or afferent endings that transmit information to a nerve cell from the external environment.
  • Effectors – transmitting an information impulse from a neuron to tissue cells.

Inflammation of nerve endings is often called neuritis, when in addition to pain, paralysis, paresis, reduction or loss of sensitivity in the area of ​​responsibility of the damaged area of ​​the nervous system may occur.

Neuritis is more dangerous illness than neuralgia, since the symptoms of neuralgia are caused only by the influence of something on the nerve, and not by its breakdown. With severe neuritis, which is a disease of the nerves themselves with a violation of their internal structure, the nerve may not recover, as well as the functions it performed.

It would be more correct to consider that inflammation of the nerve endings is a disease that is part of neuritis and its classification, and not directly by it, since with neuritis other parts can be affected nerve cells or nerves.

What promotes inflammation

A variety of factors can contribute to inflammation of nerve endings. negative factors influence on the body or the nerve itself:

  • Drafts and hypothermia.
  • Infection of the body with viruses, bacteria or fungi.
  • Inflammation of surrounding tissues.
  • Muscle spasms or compression of the nerve area.
  • Bruises.
  • Local infections in the form of an abscess.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Deficiency of certain substances, vitamins or minerals in the body.
  • Malfunctions of the endocrine system.
  • Toxic poisoning.
  • Heredity or individual characteristics body structure.
  • Tumor processes and many other factors.

More often, inflammation of the nerves begins with prolonged negative irritating effects on the nerve or with infection.

Symptoms and types

The classification of inflammation of the nerve endings is based on the area of ​​nerve damage, as well as their symptoms. There are the following main types, each of which has its own individual manifestations:

  • Inflammation, also known as ulnar, carpal, radial or ulnar, running along the arm through the wrist. In this case, the work of the hand is disrupted or sensations arise in it in the form of numbness, tingling, pain or restriction of finger movement. The pain can shoot throughout the entire path of the nerve or be localized only at the site of inflammation.
  • Problems when the sensitivity of the skin or the ability to flex the hip joint decreases, as well as pain along the surface of the leg, which can shoot throughout the leg.
  • Inflammation of the nerve endings of the spine, which is one of the most dangerous types of neuritis and manifests itself in the form severe pain in the back, chest or neck, depending on the area affected, which is called sciatica. Radiculitis also has its own classification, based on symptoms depending on the area of ​​dislocation: radiculitis of the lumbosacral, cervical or thoracic region.
  • Inflammation is pain in the heel or lumbago from it, leading to the inability to fully lean on it.
  • Damage to the nerve endings of the facial nerve is represented by disturbances in facial expressions, numbness of parts of the face or unpleasant sensations.
  • A disease of the auditory nerve, when in addition to pain, hearing is lost or weakened, and problems with balance or nausea begin due to auditory nerve also responsible for the vestibular apparatus.
  • Damage to the intercostal nerve causes more discomfort, since pain can occur not only when moving the body, but when breathing, which makes it difficult or unpleasant. In this case, the pain is truly hellish.

  • accompanied by loss or distortion of vision.
  • Damage to the sciatic nerve endings manifests itself in the form of pain in the lower limb and impaired sensitivity and ability to move the leg. There are severe cutting groin and lumbar pains.
  • Nerve disease occipital region provokes headaches, pain around the back of the head, pain from touching it, “twitching” of the nerve in the head, a negative reaction to light and lumbago in the ear or lower jaw.

In addition to the above, there are many more types of this disease: exactly as many nerves as there are in the body, each of which can become inflamed; other cases are extremely rare.

The concepts of primary inflammation of nerve endings are used - direct, and secondary, which develops against the background of any disease.


To determine the presence of neuritis, a neurological examination and testing of nerve function using reflexes and testing motor functions, if possible, is performed.

To determine the extent of damage, use instrumental methods examinations:

  • Electroneurography is a study of the speed of impulse transmission along a fiber and its conductivity. Allows you to determine the extent and area of ​​damage.
  • Electromyography – examines the boelectric activity of muscles and checks functional state neurons.
  • Evoked potentials are a method similar to electroneuronography, but for deep nerves, such as the optic and auditory, where they are affected by sound or image and the conductivity is recorded by the activity of the corresponding parts of the brain.
  • Ultrasound, X-ray, MRI or CT are diagnostic methods designed to quickly identify the physical cause of damage to the nerve and its endings and prescribe necessary treatment than the disorder itself.

If you suspect infectious lesion are carried out lab tests blood and other tissues, up to and including biopsy in extreme cases.


Usually, neuritis of any origin is well treated, especially in young people whose regenerative abilities are high. However, if not, then it may lead to complete loss nerve of its functions, the capabilities that it performed: vision, hearing, sensitivity, motor activity, secretion of any glands, as well as provoke a stop in the work of any internal organ and etc.


Treatment occurs by eliminating the cause of inflammation of the nerve endings, which may require the following procedures:

  • Antiviral or antibacterial drug therapy.
  • Surgical treatment with compression or physical impact.
  • Anti-edematous therapy.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation.
  • Biogenic stimulation – stimulation of restoration processes with special preparations.
  • Anticholinesterase therapy is treatment with drugs that inhibit nervous activity.
  • Fortification and replenishment of deficiencies of minerals and other substances.
  • Plastic or surgical suturing of the nerve, when a severely damaged area is removed.
  • Local introduction medicines directly next to the nerve.
  • Physiotherapy treatment.
  • stimulation of the nerve.
  • Symptomatic treatment with anesthetics.

Treatment of inflammation of nerve endings is selected individually and depends on the specific type of neuritis and its location. With this disease, traditional methods selected with the help of a doctor are very helpful.


Diseases such as neuralgia or neuritis, which in addition to inflammation of the nerve endings has many other manifestations (radiculitis, funiculitis, plexitis, mononeuritis, polyneuritis) are similar in the method and names of classification, causes of occurrence, symptoms and treatment methods, may well lead the patient into confusion.

These ailments have a common essence and few differences:

  • Neuralgia is a disease of the nerve for the same reasons without changing its structure, but only through its excessive excitation.
  • Neuritis can be called a late or acute stage of neuralgia, when a disease of the nerve tissue itself occurs with its disorders.
  • Varieties of neuritis differ from each other in the disease of specific parts of the nerve: nerve endings, nerve roots, peripheral nerves, etc. The causes and methods of treatment for all these diseases are the same. IN separate category You can distinguish plexitis - a plexus of nerves or fusion.

It is not necessary for a non-specialist to understand all the terminology, classification of neuralgia and neuritis, the main thing is to remember that a seemingly minor disease from the outside, which may not cause much suffering, only mild discomfort, can quickly lead to serious problems when the process is left to chance.

Nerve tissues are extremely difficult to restore, while the neurons themselves die forever, and the so-called restoration occurs by taking over the functions of dead cells by others. If it is necessary to consult a doctor, no one wants to lose, for example, the ability to move a leg because of some stupidity, which could have been solved at one time by simply warming it up or a couple of injections. Neuralgia and neuritis, like all diseases, are treated faster and more effectively the earlier they are started necessary procedures without triggering the disease.

Inflammation of nerve endings or radiculopathy is perceived by a person as pain, which is a natural signal of the body to dangerous pathological processes that occur in it. Pain sensations are ordinary electrical nerve signals, no different from signals caused by sounds, images or smells. The irritating effect is caused by the brain's reaction to received information about danger.

Many people ignore such signals or consider it the height of masculinity to endure such inconveniences, when seemingly causeless pain, not associated with internal organ ailments or injuries, are symptoms of various dangerous diseases of the nervous system.

Nerve endings are special tiny formations at the ends of neural processes that are responsible for receiving or transmitting information in the form of electrical nerve impulses.

There are several types of endings according to their area of ​​specialization:

  • Synapses that transmit impulses between neurons.
  • Receptors or afferent endings that transmit information to a nerve cell from the external environment.
  • Effectors – transmitting an information impulse from a neuron to tissue cells.

Inflammation of nerve endings is often called neuritis, when in addition to pain, paralysis, paresis, reduction or loss of sensitivity in the area of ​​responsibility of the damaged area of ​​the nervous system may occur.

Neuritis is a more dangerous disease than neuralgia, since the symptoms of neuralgia are caused only by the influence of something on the nerve, and not by its breakdown. With severe neuritis, which is a disease of the nerves themselves with a violation of their internal structure, the nerve may not recover, as well as the functions it performed.

It would be more correct to consider that inflammation of the nerve endings is a disease that is part of neuritis and its classification, and not directly by it, since with neuritis other parts of nerve cells or nerves can be affected.

What promotes inflammation

A variety of negative factors affecting the body or the nerve itself can contribute to inflammation of nerve endings:

  • Drafts and hypothermia.
  • Infection of the body with viruses, bacteria or fungi.
  • Inflammation of surrounding tissues.
  • Muscle spasms or compression of the nerve area.
  • Bruises.
  • Local infections in the form of an abscess.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Deficiency of certain substances, vitamins or minerals in the body.
  • Malfunctions of the endocrine system.
  • Toxic poisoning.
  • Heredity or individual structural features of the body.
  • Tumor processes and many other factors.

More often, inflammation of the nerves begins with prolonged negative irritating effects on the nerve or with infection.

Symptoms and types

The classification of inflammation of the nerve endings is based on the area of ​​nerve damage, as well as their symptoms. There are the following main types, each of which has its own individual manifestations:

  • Inflammation median nerve, also known as ulnar, carpal, radial or ulnar, running along the arm through the wrist. In this case, the work of the hand is disrupted or sensations arise in it in the form of numbness, tingling, pain or restriction of finger movement. The pain can shoot throughout the entire path of the nerve or be localized only at the site of inflammation.
  • Femoral nerve problems, where skin sensitivity or the ability to flex the hip joint are reduced, as well as pain along the surface of the leg, which can shoot down the entire leg.
  • Inflammation of the nerve endings of the spine, which is one of the most dangerous types of neuritis and manifests itself in the form of severe pain in the back, chest or neck, depending on the affected area, which is called sciatica. Radiculitis also has its own classification, based on symptoms depending on the area of ​​dislocation: radiculitis of the lumbosacral, cervical or thoracic region.
  • Inflammation peroneal nerve– pain in the heel or lumbago from it, leading to the inability to fully lean on it.
  • Damage to the nerve endings of the facial nerve is represented by disturbances in facial expressions, numbness of parts of the face or unpleasant sensations.
  • A disease of the auditory nerve, when in addition to pain, hearing is lost or weakened, and problems with balance or nausea begin due to the fact that the auditory nerve is also responsible for the vestibular apparatus.
  • Damage to the intercostal nerve causes more discomfort, since pain can occur not only when moving the body, but when breathing, which makes it difficult or unpleasant. In this case, the pain is truly hellish.
  • Inflammation optic nerve accompanied by loss or distortion of vision.
  • Damage to the sciatic nerve endings manifests itself in the form of pain in the lower limb and impaired sensitivity and ability to move the leg. There are severe cutting groin and lumbar pains.
  • Disease of the nerve endings in the occipital region provokes headaches, pain around the back of the head, pain from touching it, “twitching” of the nerve in the head, a negative reaction to light and lumbago in the ear or lower jaw.

In addition to the above, there are many more types of this disease: exactly as many as there are nerves in the body, each of which can become inflamed; other cases are extremely rare.

The concepts of primary inflammation of nerve endings are used - direct, and secondary, which develops against the background of any disease.


To determine the presence of neuritis, a neurological examination and testing of nerve function using reflexes and testing motor functions, if possible, is performed.

To determine the extent of damage, instrumental examination methods are used:

  • Electroneurography is a study of the speed of impulse transmission along a fiber and its conductivity. Allows you to determine the extent and area of ​​damage.
  • Electromyography – examines the boelectric activity of muscles and checks the functional state of neurons.
  • Evoked potentials are a method similar to electroneuronography, but for deep nerves, such as the optic and auditory, where they are affected by sound or image and the conductivity is recorded by the activity of the corresponding parts of the brain.
  • Ultrasound, X-ray, MRI or CT are diagnostic methods designed to identify the physical cause of damage to the nerve and its endings and prescribe the necessary treatment, rather than the disorder itself.

If an infection is suspected, laboratory tests of blood and other tissues are performed, including a biopsy of nerve tissue in extreme cases.


Usually, neuritis of any origin is well treated, especially in young people whose regenerative abilities are high. However, if neuritis is not treated, it can lead to a complete loss of the nerve’s functions, the capabilities it performed: vision, hearing, sensitivity, motor activity, secretion of any glands, as well as provoke the cessation of the work of any internal organ and etc.


Treatment occurs by eliminating the cause of inflammation of the nerve endings, which may require the following procedures:

  • Antiviral or antibacterial drug therapy.
  • Surgical treatment with compression or physical impact.
  • Anti-edematous therapy.
  • Stimulation of blood circulation.
  • Biogenic stimulation – stimulation of restoration processes with special preparations.
  • Anticholinesterase therapy is treatment with drugs that inhibit nervous activity.
  • Fortification and replenishment of deficiencies of minerals and other substances.
  • Plastic or surgical suturing of the nerve, when a severely damaged area is removed.
  • Local administration of drugs directly near the nerve.
  • Physiotherapy treatment.
  • stimulation of the nerve.
  • Symptomatic treatment with anesthetics.

Treatment of inflammation of nerve endings is selected individually and depends on the specific type of neuritis and its location. With this disease, traditional methods selected with the help of a doctor are very helpful.


Diseases such as neuralgia or neuritis, which in addition to inflammation of the nerve endings has many other manifestations (radiculitis, funiculitis, plexitis, mononeuritis, polyneuritis) are similar in the method and names of classification, causes of occurrence, symptoms and treatment methods, may well lead the patient into confusion.

These ailments have a common essence and few differences:

  • Neuralgia is a disease of the nerve for the same reasons without changing its structure, but only through its excessive excitation.
  • Neuritis can be called a late or acute stage of neuralgia, when a disease of the nerve tissue itself occurs with its disorders.
  • Varieties of neuritis differ from each other in the disease of specific parts of the nerve: nerve endings, nerve roots, peripheral nerves, etc. The causes and methods of treatment for all these diseases are the same. Plexitis can be classified as a separate category - a plexus of nerves or fusion.

It is not necessary for a non-specialist to understand all the terminology, classification of neuralgia and neuritis, the main thing is to remember that a seemingly minor disease from the outside, which may not cause much suffering, only mild discomfort, can quickly lead to serious problems when the process is left to chance.

Nerve tissues are extremely difficult to restore, while the neurons themselves die forever, and the so-called restoration occurs by taking over the functions of dead cells by others. If you have signs of neuralgia, you should definitely consult a doctor; no one wants to lose, for example, the ability to move a leg because of some stupidity, which could have been solved at one time by simply warming it up or a couple of injections. Neuralgia and neuritis, like all diseases, are treated faster and more effectively the earlier the necessary procedures are started without triggering the disease.

With the exception of rare medical cases, almost every person experiences pain at least once in their life. The nervous system is responsible for them. An unpleasant feeling of pain causes irritation or inflammation of the nerve endings. It can occur against the background of an infection entering the body, due to muscle spasm that compresses blood vessels, etc. Although often inflammation is only a signal indicating the presence of a serious disease in the body.

Often the causes of illness are hypothermia, drafts, and previous injuries - these are sources of primary inflammation. Secondary occurs against the background of certain diseases.

Symptoms of inflammation of nerve endings

Before starting a diagnosis and prescribing treatment, the patient should describe his symptoms and sensations to the doctor in as much detail as possible. The main sign of inflammation is pain, the source of which cannot always be identified independently. It can get worse at night, with any physical activity, even walking, sometimes in the cold.

The second most characteristic sign indicating that there is inflammation of the nerve endings in the body is burning and tingling in the affected area. Depending on the area of ​​pathology, pain can occur even with minor skin irritations.

In general, all symptoms depend on the area of ​​the body in which the damage occurs. For example, when the nerve endings of the legs become inflamed, the sensitivity of the foot or lower leg worsens. Often movements in the knee area are severely limited and the slightest change in position causes pain. In case of eye disease, pain makes itself felt when moving the eyeballs, and vision often decreases.

Inflammation of the nerve endings of the spine

Very sharp pain is accompanied by damage to the nerves of the spine. Infectious diseases of the spine, osteochondrosis, and severe trauma can lead to inflammation.

Sometimes the back area is sharply pierced by acute pain, which can arise as a result of excessive stress, which often leads to radiculitis. Its main symptom is vertebral neuralgia. Symptoms gradually increase as the spinal disease progresses. Radiculitis also often appears after “advanced” osteochondrosis. It can “settle” in any area of ​​the spine, which leads to constant pain in the back, reminiscent of impulses.

With osteochondrosis, which is the cause of back pain in 90% of cases, a degenerative change in the intervertebral discs occurs. When a disc ruptures, it extends beyond the spinal region. Around it are located blood vessels and nerve endings. If the disc touches them, the person experiences pain.

Among the main diseases of the spine that provoke acute pain are also intervertebral hernia, lumbago, sciatica, scoliosis, and intercostal neuralgia. Of course, this is not the entire list of diseases that can provoke inflammation of nerve endings. Therefore, you should not self-medicate.

In most cases, a warm wool scarf or blanket on the lower back is not enough. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment to promote a speedy recovery.

Inflammation of the occipital nerve

Inflammation occipital nerve leads to frequent headaches. Pain occurs in the back of the head and radiates to the front and sides of the head. Often, patients describe pain similar to what they experience with migraine. The scalp can also become very sensitive to various types of touch. For example, even when trying to comb your hair, unpleasant painful sensations occur.

By the way, with occipital inflammation of the nerve endings, doctors often encounter some difficulties. They are due to the fact that it is often difficult at this stage to distinguish inflammation from other causes that cause headaches. Therefore, the patient is obliged to describe all the symptoms present in as much detail as possible and honestly answer the doctors’ questions.

If headaches bother you constantly, you should immediately consult a specialist. In this case, taking exclusively painkillers, which the patient chooses at his own discretion at the pharmacy, is not enough. Doctors often conduct complex diagnostics, including computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. This is necessary because sometimes secondary occipital neuralgia can be caused by infections, brain tumors, injuries, and lupus.

If the inflammation does not require surgical intervention, the doctor will prescribe treatment aimed at relieving pain. Drug treatment is combined with physiotherapy procedures and massage. In addition, doctors recommend getting more rest. Additionally, a course of anticonvulsants and steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed.

Cases where surgical intervention is required to treat a disease occur less frequently. For chronic pain and lack of positive results from conservative treatment methods, surgery is indicated.

Treatment of inflammation

Sometimes inflammation of the nerve endings is so severe that pain occurs even with the slightest irritation of the skin.

In order for the prescribed treatment to be effective, it is necessary to establish the cause that caused the disease. If all the symptoms indicate that an infection has led to inflammation of the nerve endings, doctors usually prescribe antibiotic injections. Treatment with antiviral drugs is often required.

In case of decreased blood circulation (ischemia), medications are taken that dilate blood vessels and stimulate their function. If symptoms indicate traumatic neuritis, doctors prescribe painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications. Additionally, a course of injections may be prescribed.

When drug treatment comes to an end, the patient may be referred to physical therapy.

Sometimes surgical intervention is required to free the nerve. The need for surgery occurs when there is severe pressure or when the nerve grows in the wrong direction.

Inflammation of nerve endings is often a symptom of serious diseases. Therefore, it is impossible to neglect pain in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve, spine, head or other area of ​​the body. You should immediately consult a doctor to relieve any discomfort. Regular pain is not a reason for self-medication, which can lead to unpleasant consequences. It is important to find the cause of the pathology and eliminate it with the help of a competent doctor.

The nervous system is responsible for sensory, motor activity and the functioning of the endocrine and immune systems in the human body. Development of the inflammatory process in nerve roots causes pain and limited mobility. It is difficult for a person to move, the sensitivity of joints and soft tissues is impaired. Inflammation of the nerve in the leg, the symptoms of which cause significant discomfort, appears more often as concomitant pathology against the background of other diseases of the spine or viral infection body.

Signs of sciatica

Sciatica is an inflammation of the sciatic nerve, which is one of the largest in the body. It originates in spinal cord, and its branches pass through the buttocks along the entire lower limb down to the toes. The main causes of the disease:

  • prolonged hypothermia;
  • compression of nerve endings due to displacement of the intervertebral disc;
  • mechanical injuries of the lumbar spine;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • viral, infectious diseases;
  • pelvic organ injuries;
  • piriformis syndrome;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • bone spurs on the vertebrae;
  • narrowing of the spinal canal (stenosis);
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • compression of the nerve by an oncological neoplasm.

The main symptoms of sciatica are a burning sensation and pain that appears in the lower section spine and spreads in a descending manner down to the leg. Uncomfortable sensations intensify with the slightest movement, disturbing even at night. The patient is limited in movement, and difficulties often arise with the functioning of the hip and knee joints. When diagnosed, abnormal neurological reflexes are observed.

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve most often affects one limb, while the opposite side may become numb, tingling, or have a pins and needles sensation. This is due to a violation of the innervation of muscle tissue. It also occurs bilateral inflammation sciatic nerve, the patient experiences severe pain when trying to stand up or make any movement.

The most common cause of inflammation of the sciatic nerve is pinching of the nerve endings due to protrusion of the intervertebral hernia.

The pain syndrome may be varying degrees intensity, accompanied by tingling and numbness in the leg, loss of sensitivity of soft tissues.

If timely treatment is not carried out, damage to the sciatic nerve can lead to limited mobility in the knee, feet, disruption of the digestive system, possible urinary and fecal incontinence, often reddened, swollen skin on the lower back or thigh area. The disease must be treated by a neurologist or neurologist.

Neuritis and neuralgia

Neuritis usually has infectious nature. With this disease, inflammation of the femoral, sciatic, tibial or peroneal nerve is observed. The main causes of pathology include the following conditions:

  • hypothermia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • vascular disorders;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • compression of the nerve trunk;
  • chemical, alcohol poisoning;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • complications of diabetes.

When the femoral nerve becomes inflamed, pain, burning and numbness occurs in the outer thigh. Discomfort increases while walking and when making sudden movements. In addition, it is difficult for the patient to bend his leg at the knee.

Sciatic nerve neuritis is most often caused by spinal injuries, pelvic fractures, or cancerous tumors. The main symptoms are disturbances in the sensitivity of the muscles of the lower leg and foot, the patient cannot stand on his toes and heels, he becomes numb back surface buttocks, thighs. The pain can occur spontaneously, have a throbbing or aching character.

Neuritis tibial nerve manifests itself as difficulty flexing the toes, skin hyperemic, hot to the touch. Symptoms of pathology are caused by mechanical injuries, viral and infectious diseases.

Neuralgia of the external femoral nerve is characterized by pain with outside hips, the syndrome worsens at night, causes insomnia, walking and physical activity also lead to significant discomfort.

Pinched nerve in the knee joint

A condition that develops against the background of a pinched nerve can cause sharp pain in the leg or knee. The main symptoms of the pathology include the following:

  • acute pain in the knee;
  • decreased sensitivity, numbness;
  • burning sensation, tingling sensation;
  • involuntary nervous tic;
  • limitation of motor activity in the knee;
  • muscle atrophy of varying degrees.

Neuralgia (nerve pain) is not an independent disease; most often it appears when the meniscus is damaged, increased physical activity, joint inflammation, as a result of injuries, fractures. In turn, lack of mobility, a sedentary lifestyle, and obesity can also lead to a pinched nerve in the knee. If they appear oncological tumors in the joint area, compression of the nerve roots occurs as the tumor grows. This condition can only be treated surgically.

Sometimes inflammation of the nerve endings in the knee is caused by pinching of the sciatic nerve in the spine or compression intervertebral hernias. For this reason, treatment must be carried out comprehensively.

Diagnostic methods

To identify symptoms of inflammation of the sciatic, femoral or tibial nerve, relieve acute pain and carry out treatment, you need to consult a neurologist. The doctor examines and interviews the patient. Are being done x-rays damaged limb in different projections, magnetic resonance imaging may be necessary.

In order to diagnose sciatica and neuralgia, the Lasegue test is performed or the “tension symptom” is checked. The essence of the technique is based on identifying spastic muscle contractions when nerve roots are pinched. When, when bending a straight leg in hip joint tension occurs on the sciatic, femoral and tibial nerves, the patient feels acute pain in the leg, lower back, and thigh.

Lerrey's symptoms help identify nerve inflammation. The patient is asked to rise from a lying position with straight legs. Severe pain indicates damage to the femoral, sciatic or tibial nerve. Pinched vertebrae are determined by the Bekhterev method. The patient's healthy leg is lifted, but pain appears in the affected limb.

Additionally, the patient may need to consult a rheumatologist, neurosurgeon, vertebrologist, oncologist, traumatologist and vascular surgeon. Specialists will help you correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Treatment of inflammatory diseases

Symptoms of infectious neuritis of the sciatic, tibial, femoral and knee nerves can be relieved by taking antibacterial drugs. Additionally, treatment with non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral drugs, muscle relaxants, and vitamin therapy is prescribed.

If the symptoms of neuralgia are caused by dilation of blood vessels, ischemia, thrombophlebitis, treatment with vasodilators is prescribed. In case of injury, the limb is fixed and, if necessary, a plaster or tight bandage is applied. The patient is prescribed bed rest; he needs to sleep on a hard mattress. To relieve pain, swelling of the limb should be treated with ointments and gels containing anesthetics; diuretics are also prescribed.

If the pain is too severe, it must be stopped with novocaine or hormonal blockade.

After removal acute symptoms patients are treated with physiotherapeutic procedures: massage, electrophoresis, exercise therapy, UHF, electromyostimulation, manual therapy. For carpal tunnel syndrome, medications are injected directly into the affected canal.

When treatment with medications or physiotherapeutic procedures does not help relieve pain, the patient’s condition worsens, surgical intervention. In this way, decompression of the pinched femoral or tibial nerve is performed. In case of irreversible processes in the nerve fibers, the neurosurgeon performs stitching or plastic surgery of tissues. Treat surgically it is necessary to rupture the meniscus in the knee, displaced fractures, hernia of the spinal column.

Inflammation of the sciatic, femoral, tibial and peroneal nerves in young people responds well to therapy, treatment has a positive prognosis. In elderly patients suffering from diabetes, the disease is progressive, and paralysis of muscle tissue and deformation of the joints of the foot may develop.

Pain is the main signal that something unnatural is happening in the body. inflammatory process, affecting one or another organ or system.

Thus, inflammation of the nerve endings can cause a lot of pain and neurological problems - numbness and flaccid paralysis, loss of performance and so on.

Inflammation of nerve endings is an inflammatory process that occurs in the body and affects nerve fibers, endings, and as a result, the development of neuritis occurs.

Doctors distinguish two types of neuritis - primary, which in turn is divided into colds, tunnel or ischemic, and secondary, developing against the background of other neurological pathologies, or as a consequence of their development.

Where do the roots of the problem come from?

Inflammation of the nerve ending can be caused by various reasons:

  • external factors– this is pinching, injury, poisoning;
  • internal factors– these reasons include diabetes and pregnancy, excess weight and rheumatism, disruption of the endocrine system, infection and heredity.

But the main root causes that can provoke inflammation of the nerve roots are:

  • hypothermia and infections that develop during colds;
  • injuries and malfunction of the circulatory system;
  • lack of vitamins in the body patient, especially B vitamins, as well as alcohol poisoning, toxins or other harmful substances and heavy metals;
  • problems with the functioning of the endocrine glands– this is diabetes mellitus or goiter.

Symptoms depending on location

The symptoms of inflammation depend on which nerve or its ending is affected. However, doctors highlight general symptoms, characteristic in general for inflammation nerve ending:

  • attacks of neuropathic pain, which intensify during physical exertion, during hypothermia, or after a long stay in an uncomfortable position;
  • loss of sensation and numbness, a feeling of tingling and crawling “goosebumps” throughout the body;
  • inability to fully move limbs, the muscles weaken, they can gradually atrophy and decrease in size;
  • coming failure in work vascular system, internal glands of organs and systems, as a result of which the patient sweats excessively, cyanosis and swelling appear on the skin.

Narrower symptoms of inflammation of the nerve ending will depend on the type of neuritis and its location:

  1. Inflammation in forearm area– the ulnar, radial or median nerve manifests itself in the form of a malfunction in the mobility of the limb, when the patient is unable to bend or moves the arm with difficulty, moves the fingers poorly. At the same time, pain and a feeling of numbness or tingling develop along the affected nerve itself, at the site of inflammation.
  2. Inflammation of the endings femoral nerve– in this case, there is a violation in the ability to flex the limbs in the hip and knee joints, the sensitivity of the dermis decreases, especially in the lower part of the leg and foot, the muscles become flabby and weaken, decreasing in size.
  3. Inflammation of the endings peroneal nerve leads to the fact that a person is simply unable to fully rest on his heels, his gait changes, lameness and shuffling of the foot develop.
  4. Defeat endings facial nerve– in this case, the affected half of the face will become more relaxed, asymmetry develops, the eyes may not close, the patient is unable to control facial expressions, and the lips move worse.

Diseases arising from inflammation of the nerves

Due to the fact that the inflammatory process is the infringement of the nerve ending, this can lead to the development of many neurological diseases. In particular, with inflammation of the nerve endings of one location or another, the patient may develop the following symptoms:

  1. Inflammation of the optic nerve roots and as a result - the appearance of fog before the eyes, problems with visual acuity, pain when moving the eyeball.
  2. Inflammatory process affecting hearing aid – in this case, the patient hears poorly and is bothered by tinnitus. If the inflammatory process spreads to the nerve surrounding the brain and the vestibular apparatus, the patient may experience fainting and dizziness, nausea and vomiting, and sensorineural hearing loss may develop.
  3. Inflammation of the nerve ending can lead to damage facial nerve and as a consequence underlip will be shifted downwards, the palpebral fissure will widen, the patient will lose the ability to control facial wrinkles.
  4. Inflammation radial nerve endings leads to the patient developing drop hand syndrome - the inability to extend the forearm, wrists, and sensitivity is lost on the back of it.
  5. Inflammation of nerve endings, affecting endings of the fibular nerve leads to the development of hanging syndrome lower limbs– the patient loses the ability to fully move and stand on his heels. His gait changes and muscle atrophy occurs at the site of the inflammatory process and pinching of the nerve ending.
  6. The inflammatory process and its completion brachial nerve leads to attacks of pain in the joint, inability to fully move the arm, is diagnosed muscle weakness, sensitivity of the dermis at the site of inflammation.
  7. Solaritewe're talking about about inflammation of the end of the solar plexus nerve, acute pain is felt in the chest.

As you can see, inflammation of the nervous system can be localized anywhere - it can be the eyes and shoulders, arms and legs, the solar plexus area, the face and the hearing aid.

Most often, inflammation and, accordingly, infringement of the end of the nerve process affects the facial, optic and tibial nerves - the nervous system permeates the entire body of the patient, which determines that the location of the neuritis can be anywhere.

Diagnosis and treatment

Making a diagnosis involves a direct examination of the patient, collection of anamnesis, collection of biomaterial for analysis - blood and

A hernia provokes inflammation of the nerve endings of the spine

urine. It is also necessary to refer the patient for electroneurography (assessment of nerve conductivity) and examination by a highly specialized specialist.

Correct and effective treatment begins with eliminating the root cause that provoked the inflammatory process that affects the nerve endings:

  • If the reason is infection of the nervous system, then the doctor prescribes a course of antibiotics, plus antiviral drugs such as Gamma globulin or Interferon.
  • During development ischemia– the doctor prescribes a course of drugs that stimulate the work and dilation of blood vessels, for example, Papaverine and Eufillin.
  • At traumatic injury nerve endings– during the treatment process, the doctor prescribes analgesics, as well as anti-inflammatory and painkillers, such as Ibuprofen and Diclofenac. Doctors are required to prescribe medications that relieve swelling, vitamin complexes, containing large quantities of B vitamins. Finally, the patient is prescribed a course of physiotherapeutic procedures - UHF heating, a course therapeutic exercises and massage, which allows you to restore and normalize muscle function.
  • If there is severe nerve damage– surgical intervention may be prescribed when neurosurgeons free the pinched end or the entire nerve.

In the absence of timely diagnosis and treatment, the patient may develop the following negative consequences:

  • failure in the motor functions of the limbs, the whole body, up to the development of complete or flaccid paralysis;
  • impairment, complete or partial loss of sensitivity, as well as the development of muscle tissue atrophy.

Nerve endings in human body responsible for pain and tactile sensations. The facial nerve is responsible for the facial muscles; if it gets cold, it will not only hurt, but also provoke the appearance of external symptoms. The disease is called nephropathy, it is caused by damage to the facial nerve, resulting in paresis of the facial muscles. There are 25 cases of this disease per 100 thousand people.

What is the facial nerve

It performs a motor function and regulates the work of facial muscles. The fibers of the intermediate nerve are responsible for the production of saliva, tears, sensitivity of the tongue (also called the lingual nerve), and skin. The nerve trunk consists of long processes nerve cells-neurons. They are covered with a special membrane, perineuria.


The facial nerve has the following anatomy: nerve trunk - motor fibers; The lymph nodes and capillaries supplying nerve cells nutrients; cortical area cerebral hemispheres, nuclei that are located between the pons and the pons oblongata.The nucleus of the nerve is responsible for facial expressions, the nucleus of the solitary tract regulates the taste fibers of the tongue, the superior salivary nucleus is responsible for salivary and lacrimal glands.

From the nuclei, the nerve stretches to the muscles, forming 2 extended knees. Suitable for temporal bone ending together with the fibers of the intermediate nerve through the auditory opening. Then it passes through the petrous part, then the internal auditory canal to the facial nerve canal. Then the ending leaves the temporal bone through the stylomastoid foramen, passes into the parotid gland, and divides into small and large branches intertwined. The latter control the functioning of the muscles of the cheeks, nostrils, forehead, orbicularis oris and eyes. Complex structure and the peculiarity of the location of the nerve provoke various pathologies when it is dysfunctional.


The nervus facialis innervates the muscles that are responsible for facial expression. It is also responsible for transmitting a signal to the brain when the tongue comes into contact with salty, sour, sweet, etc. The facial nerve ending performs a parasympathetic function, i.e. provides connection between parts of the head and neck with the CNS (central nervous system). Provide a response to external factors of the following glands:

  • salivary;
  • lacrimal;
  • responsible for the production of mucus in the pharynx, palate, and nose.

Facial nerve diseases

There are twelve pairs of endings on the head. Nervus facialis is one of them. Various kinds negative impacts can cause inflammation of the facial nerve, which is medically called neuropathy (neuritis, Fothergill's neuralgia). There are many studies of this pathology, so methods have been developed effective therapy diseases. A complex scheme is used, which includes medication, physiotherapeutic treatment or, if necessary, surgical intervention.


Inflammation of the facial ending is considered chronic illness. Patients with this pathology suffer from excruciating pain in different places that are applied to the location of the trigeminal ending, for example:

  • above, below the jaw;
  • area around the eye sockets.

Exists unilateral inflammation trigeminal nerve and bilateral pathology, when pain simultaneously spreads to the left and right sides of the face. According to medical statistics, girls suffer from neuritis more often than men, especially many cases have been registered in people over 50 years of age, so the older generation is at risk.


As a rule, inflammation of only one half of the face is observed, but in 2% of cases both parts are affected. This condition is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • impaired ocular function, the patient cannot look away to the side;
  • increased or decreased sensitivity of the affected part of the face;
  • face stretching;
  • profuse lacrimation or dry eye;
  • curvature of the lips (impaired facial expressions);
  • severe shooting pain;
  • decreased salivation;
  • distortion of individual facial muscles;
  • increased or decreased hearing;
  • drooping corners of the eyes;
  • chills;
  • deterioration taste sensations;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • severe fatigue;
  • small rash on the face;
  • migraine;
  • severe paralysis of the facial muscles;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia.

The symptoms described above do not always indicate inflammation; some other diseases of the face, nose, and neck may give similar symptoms. It is important to be able to differentiate and correctly recognize the manifestations of pathology. For this disease there are two definitions of pain syndrome:

  1. Typical pain. Diagnosed when acute course neuralgia. The character will be shooting, sharp, reminiscent of an electric shock to certain parts of the face.
  2. Unusual pain. It is localized, as a rule, over most of the facial space, has a constant character, a wave-like course with exacerbation and attenuation. There have been cases where pain lasts for 20 seconds for several hours, preventing a person from falling asleep.

Causes of neuritis

This nerve ending is highly sensitive to external factors. Facial nerve neuropathy can develop for the following reasons:

  1. Consequences of meningitis.
  2. Staying in a draft, severe hypothermia.
  3. Herpes, which affects the nerve endings.
  4. Multiple sclerosis.
  5. Malocclusion.
  6. Constant pressure on the nerve from blood vessels and tumors.
  7. Aneurysm.
  8. Concussion.
  9. Facial injury.
  10. Chronic pathologies sinuses.
  11. Dental procedures after anesthesia of the inferior alveolar nerve.
  12. Viral infections, cold.
  13. A sharp decrease in immunity.
  14. Severe psycho-emotional shock.
  15. Defeat of the upper respiratory tract different bacterial infections.
  16. Immune disorders against the background of poor nutrition.

There are other reasons that can trigger sudden inflammation:

  • blow to the nose;
  • shaving;
  • smile;
  • sharp touch to the face;
  • teeth cleaning.


Making a diagnosis of neuritis is not difficult because the clinical manifestations are very obvious. If there is a need to carry out deep research, to find out the root causes that caused inflammation of the nerve ending, MRI and electromyography may be prescribed. When you visit your doctor, he will ask you to perform a diagnostic test. the following actions:

  • smile;
  • close your eyes, raise your eyebrows;
  • imitate blowing out a candle;
  • show a grin of teeth.

If any of these actions cannot be performed or facial asymmetry appears, then this indicates trigeminal neuralgia. The specialist will also check the anterior third of the tongue; for this, light tingling sensations are performed to determine the sensitivity of the organ. Eyes are checked for watery or dry eyes. These steps are sufficient to make a diagnosis and determine the symptoms of neuropathy.


This pathology has been well studied by medicine, so there are working treatment regimens that help relieve a person from excruciating pain. Treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve consists of a set of measures, including a course of medication, physiotherapeutic procedures, and massage. If necessary, you can use traditional medicine If all the methods described above do not bring a positive result, surgery is prescribed.


Therapy is prescribed individually in each case by a doctor. In many ways, the course is drawn up based on the root cause that provoked the inflammation. Traditional treatment neuralgia includes the use the following types medicines:

  1. Hormones (Prednisolone) and glucocorticosteroids (dexamethasone).
  2. Oral anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, for example, Nimesulide.
  3. Medicines that reduce swelling, diuretics (Furosemide).
  4. Analgesics are prescribed for excruciating and severe pain (Analgin).
  5. Muscle tremors, spasms are relieved with antispasmodics (Drotaverine).
  6. To improve blood circulation, vasodilating medications are prescribed.
  7. In case of significant impairment of the motor functions of the facial muscles, the patient is prescribed metabolic drugs, for example, Nerobol.
  8. Strengthen the immune system and improve metabolism using B vitamins.
  9. If nerve inflammation develops due to herpes or other viral diseases, it is prescribed antiviral drugs, as a rule, Lavomax, Gerpevir.
  10. Severe pain syndrome requires strong (narcotic) painkillers (Tramadol, Promedol). Non-narcotic medications may also be prescribed for intramuscular injections, for example, Dexalgin, Ketanov.
  11. For general strengthening The body needs to take vitamin complexes, Neurorubin and Neurobion are good options.


This is one of additional methods therapy for inflammation of the facial nerve ending. It is based on the activation of areas of the cerebral cortex using injections that are aimed at specific points on the human body. The effect of acupuncture provides relief from swelling, increases local immunity, and improves the sensitivity of nerve cells. The acupuncture technique has an anti-inflammatory effect. This becomes the main indication for the procedure if the inflammation is caused by a viral herpetic infection.

Physiotherapy helps relieve pain in order to improve general health patient, regulation of metabolic processes, restore hormonal balance. Maximum effect in the treatment of inflammation of the facial nerve ending. It is recommended to carry out the procedures at acute stage neuropathy, this will help avoid unpleasant complications and severe course of the disease. During acupuncture it is necessary to observe following rules:

  1. Observe correct ratio excitatory and inhibitory method.
  2. The latter is needed for the healthy facial part in order to relax the muscles on the diseased half.
  3. The stimulation method is necessary to increase irritation of the facial muscles.
  4. To improve general state person, it is necessary to perform acupuncture on individual points of the legs and arms.

Exposure to needles for inflammation of the face is carried out on six muscle groups. The following areas need to be addressed:

  1. In the area of ​​the chin and mouth there are muscles that are responsible for the movement of the chin, nose, upper lip.
  2. buccal muscle, maximum effect achieved by horizontal insertion of the needle.
  3. It affects the muscle that is responsible for lowering the septum.
  4. Injections are given in the area of ​​the cheekbones and the orbicularis oculi muscle.
  5. The action on the frontal belly of the supracranial, pyramidal muscles is carried out in the forehead area.


Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed if necessary to reduce swelling, inflammation, normalize microcirculation, improve conductivity and metabolic processes. Helps if inflammation or pinching of the facial nerve occurs. When treating neuropathy, the following procedures are prescribed:

  • SMV therapy helps to reduce swelling;
  • local darsonvalization to improve the nutrition of nerve fibers;
  • low-intensity UHF therapy for anti-edematous action;
  • infrared laser therapy, which is necessary to dilate blood vessels, accelerate recovery processes, and improve blood circulation;
  • You can speed up the recovery of damaged nerve fibers using ultrasound therapy;
  • phonophoresis with proserin, hydrocortisone;
  • massotherapy;
  • Ultratone therapy is prescribed to improve microcirculation;
  • paraffin applications;
  • myoelectric stimulation to normalize neuromuscular conduction.


This procedure refers to physiotherapeutic methods. Treatment in this way helps relieve tension from sore muscles, increase the tone of connections that have atrophied. Regular massage will improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation, and get rid of severe pain. A procedure is performed to influence reflex zones in the ears, face, and neck. The patient should be in a sitting position, with the head resting on the headrest so that all facial muscles are relaxed.

Movements during the massage should be rhythmic, but light. You should not perform the procedure yourself; it should be done by a specialist who is able to handle it. The massage technique is as follows:

  • It is necessary to warm up the muscles using circular, light movements;
  • then you need to move to the parotid zone with stroking movements;
  • total duration of the procedure – 15 minutes;
  • The course of therapy lasts no more than 10 sessions and can be repeated after 14 days.

Surgical methods

Surgery in the treatment of the facial nerve ending, it is prescribed only in the absence of the expected results from conservative therapy. Surgery is usually used when there is partial or complete rupture of the nerve fiber. A positive outcome can only be expected if the procedure was performed within the first 12 months after the onset of nerve inflammation.

As a rule, autotransplantation of the facial nerve ending is performed when the surgeon replaces damaged tissue part of a large nerve trunk. Often this femoral nerve, because its topography and anatomy are suitable for this procedure. Surgery is also prescribed in cases where conservative treatment does not help after 10 months of therapy. If the facial nerve is pinched due to the growth of an oncological process, surgeons first remove the tumor.

Folk remedies

You can use homemade recipes in the composition complex therapy to speed up recovery. Before taking it, be sure to discuss with your doctor about the compatibility of the products. A noticeable effect appears only after 10-12 days of treatment. Below are several effective options traditional medicine:

  1. Warming up with sand or salt. You need to heat a glass of clean sand or salt in a frying pan. Then take a thick cloth and pour it there, tying it in the form of a bag. Apply to the sore spot for 30 minutes before going to bed, repeat for a month. Warming up will improve muscle condition and speed up recovery.
  2. Rubbing with a 10% mummy solution. Ready product can be bought at a pharmacy. Apply a little mummy to a cotton pad, then from the center of the ear, with light movements, begin to massage the facial muscles for 5 minutes. Then you need to dissolve it in a glass warm milk 1 tsp. honey, 0.2 g mummy and drink the product. Therapy lasts 2 weeks.
  3. Black poplar buds. You will need 2 tbsp. l. plants (dried or fresh), chop them and mix with 2 tbsp. l. butter. Apply the resulting ointment to the skin after warming up, rub in gently, repeat once a day. Course duration – 2 weeks. Resins and oils from the kidneys have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.


If inflammation of the facial nerve ending occurs, the duration of therapy can last from several months to a year, so it is better to prevent this condition. To prevent the disease, you can adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Visit your dentist regularly to monitor your dental health.
  2. All bacteriological infectious pathologies treat in time so that they do not cause inflammation.
  3. Support immune protection body, toughen up.
  4. Avoid hypothermia to prevent primary neuritis.
  5. If any symptoms of illness appear, consult a doctor immediately.
  6. Avoid any neuroses (shocks, stress, etc.)
  7. Stop smoking, which lowers your immune system, and start actively playing sports.
  8. Eat more vegetables and fruits to get sick less often.
  9. Stop drinking alcohol completely or reduce it.
  10. Avoid drafts, facial and traumatic brain injuries.
