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Where does a runny nose come from? What to do when snot appears. How to get rid of nasal congestion

In order to understand in detail where snot in the nose comes from, you need to consider its composition. In fact, snot consists of the following components:

  • ordinary water (up to 95%);
  • secreted mucin protein (up to 3% of the total composition);

In addition to the main components, nasal discharge may contain small amounts of elements such as other protein compounds, epithelial cells, and nucleic acids.

It is the mucin that gives the viscosity and thickness to the texture of snot. Detailed studies of this protein compound have shown that it has excellent bactericidal properties that help effectively fight infection.

Mucin production in humans continues even in the absence of colds. There is a need for the body in a small amount of this protein. The snot is slightly moistened inner surface nasal mucosa, thereby creating an obstacle to the penetration of various dust particles and dangerous bacteria. Upon contact with moisture contained in the air, mucin increases tenfold, so snot begins to flow.

Causes of nasal runny

Why is snot flowing? In fact, they are produced by the human body constantly in small quantities, they are vital for normal functioning respiratory organs. But the question of where a runny nose comes from arises in people only when the amount they secrete significantly exceeds the norm. An interesting fact is that the nasal mucosa of a healthy person produces more than 500 ml of muconasal secretion every day; this should not be alarmed, since this is the norm for everyone.

The process of mucus formation during a cold is similar, but the production of mucin increases several times. This happens because the produced substance with bactericidal properties quickly loses its beneficial properties during the destruction of dangerous bacteria. That is why unnecessary mucus is removed from the nose, and new mucus is actively produced in return. The stronger the attack of bacteria on the body, the stronger the flow from the nose.

People who have discovered this unpleasant sign of a cold are trying to find out whether this nasal mucus is harmful. In reality, swallowing a small amount of nasal secretion is absolutely safe; it happens all the time in a healthy person. This action does not lead to the spread of dangerous bacteria inside, but if this secretion is produced beyond the norm, then it is best to get rid of the mucus by periodically blowing your nose.

If mucus from the nose is produced in excess of the norm, then it is necessary to find out the reason for its appearance so that treatment is carried out as quickly and effectively as possible. Among the main reasons that can cause severe mucus secretion, it is worth noting the following:

  • presence of colds;
  • possible allergic reactions;
  • any mechanical damage, scratches that violate the natural integrity of the nasal mucosa.

The main mechanism of action of mucus in each specific case is different character. At the moment of an allergic reaction to an irritant, it appears in order to remove from the inner part of the mucous membrane those allergens that caused its appearance. Such a runny nose quickly loses its strength when contact with the irritant stops. Also, active secretion of snot can begin when a person begins to cry, due to the penetration of tears into nasal cavity.

There is probably not a single person on Earth who has never had a cold. Therefore, each of us knows that faithful companion A cold is a runny nose. But not everyone knows where snot comes from and what function it performs. In this article we will try to understand these issues.

What is snot?

To understand where snot comes from, you need to know what they are and the mechanism of their appearance.

Snot, or muconasal secretion, is a mucus produced by mucous membranes, which contains water (95%), mucin protein (3%), salts (1-2%), and epithelial cells.

Mucin determines the properties of mucus - it gives it viscosity, that is, the more it is produced, the thicker the snot. In addition, it has antimicrobial and antiviral effect. Snot is always produced, even in small quantities in a healthy person. And this happens due to the fact that mucin absorbs moisture from the atmospheric air and increases in volume many times. This is where the snot comes from in our noses. They envelop the surface of the nasal mucosa and prevent the penetration of viruses, bacteria, and dust particles into respiratory tract.

Causes of snot

While there are only a few of them, few people think about where snot comes from, because, as a rule, they do not cause inconvenience. But if viruses or bacteria enter the upper respiratory tract, a lot of mucus begins to be released, which is due to the same mucin. He neutralizes pathogens, at the same time loses its bactericidal properties and flows out of the nose, and in return for waste mucus
a new one is formed.

Another cause of snot is allergies. In this case, mucus is produced in order to wash away irritating allergens from the inside of the nose.

Also, a little more snot is released than usual when mechanical damage nasal mucosa, for example, with scratches. The mucus envelops the wound, thereby preventing infection from entering it.

What types of snot are there?

You've probably noticed that snot varies in consistency and color. They can be clear and runny or thick and green. Their color can be yellow, gray, or even brown. By the appearance of snot, one can guess what nature of the infection that has affected the patient - viral or bacterial. Let's look at this question in more detail.

If the snot is colorless and liquid, then this indicates that the body has been attacked by viruses. Mucus also has the same consistency when you have allergies. But if bacteria have settled in the upper respiratory tract, then the snot becomes thick and green. A larger amount of mucin is needed to neutralize bacteria, and the more mucin there is, as mentioned above, the thicker and more viscous the mucus becomes. At the same time, antibodies that fight bacteria produce enzymes that color the mucus green.

Rust-colored snot may indicate more serious illnesses, for example, pneumonia or bleeding of the respiratory tract. Smokers' snot may be yellow or brown. The reason for this is nicotine, which colors the mucus.

How to get rid of snot with allergies?

Recently, due to environmental deterioration, allergies have become quite common. It can be used for anything - flowering plants, dust, fungus, some food products, wool and much more. Most often it is accompanied by copious discharge of snot. When an allergen enters the nasal cavity, mucus begins to secrete, which tries to wash it away. Therefore, the first thing you need to do is try to stop contact with the irritating substance, if, of course, it is known. At seasonal allergies Rinsing your nose with water daily may help. Also appointed antihistamines, blocking the production of histamine, local hormonal drugs and vasoconstrictors that relieve swelling of the mucous membrane.

Treatment of runny nose for colds

To the question “What to do: snot is flowing, how to treat it?” Many doctors answer that first of all, it is necessary to ensure an easy outflow of mucus from the nasal cavity, and for this it must be liquid. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly moisturize the mucous membrane - irrigate it saline solutions, and also monitor the air humidity in the room - it should not be too dry. In this case, the mucin absorbs a large amount of moisture, the mucus liquefies and flows freely, and with it pathogenic bacteria, you just need to blow your nose from time to time.

To alleviate the condition, especially at night, you can use vasoconstrictor drops in the nose. They relieve swelling of the mucous membrane, and breathing becomes much easier. But they should not be abused, since with prolonged use they aggravate the severity of the condition.

Doctors also prescribe, depending on the nature of the disease, antiviral drugs or antibiotics that treat not the snot itself, but its cause.

Treatment of a runny nose with traditional medicine

There are many more traditional medicines with which you can effectively get rid of snot; from all the variety you need to choose your most convenient method.

Thus, we figured out where snot comes from, what is the reason for its appearance and how to treat it. It becomes clear that they are not only not harmful to the body, but, on the contrary, they protect our health. Don't get sick!

Any person knows what a cold, runny nose and snot are - the latter are the most unpleasant symptoms of diseases. If you ask the question where snot comes from, you will hear a lot of things - they will tell you about the outflow of fluid from the brain, and about the filtration of blood plasma, and about the release of excess moisture from the lungs, and much more. Such pseudoscientific hypotheses are fundamentally incorrect - none of them have any real basis. Let's look at where snot comes from in the human body and why it is needed.

Doctors believe that any person needs to know what snot is, and in scientific terms - nasal mucus. Their chemical composition simple enough:

  • water - 95%;
  • mucin protein - 3%;
  • salts and solutions of various chemical compounds - 1%;
  • enzymes, free amino acids, lipids and other organic substances - up to 1%.

Of greatest interest is the protein mucin, which is found not only in the nose and snot, but also in other parts of the human body. It contains quite a large amount of sugar and other complex hydrocarbon compounds. Thanks to this, the protein is able to absorb a large volume of water and thicken it - which is why snot has a similar consistency.

However, one should also not neglect the last point, which includes less than 1% of the mass of snot.

When you have a cold, the human body releases a lot of enzymes, some of which pass into nasal mucus. Such organic compounds are able to fight bacteria and viruses, significantly alleviating the patient’s condition.

Salt solutions are also important, but their function is different - they support normal nutrition surrounding tissues, ensuring the health of the human body.

Nasal mucus may contain other components, in such cases it also changes its color, allowing the doctor to make a diagnosis by quickly determining the type of disease. The most common is green and thick white snot, which may indicate viral and bacterial diseases. However, we will leave this topic for last, but for now let’s talk about the mechanism of the appearance of nasal mucus and its purpose.

Origin and purpose

To understand where snot comes from, it’s worth looking at its medical name mentioned at the beginning of the article - nasal mucus. They are secreted by mucous membranes, which protect the respiratory tract from the penetration of bacteria and accidental damage various items. Mucin, which is secreted from the mucous membranes in the nose, upon contact with any source of moisture increases approximately 600 times, which is the cause constant appearance snot for any cold.

Knowing what snot is, you can easily guess its purpose. They capture external irritants, such as dust and microscopic objects that can cause damage to the human body. Thanks to this, the patient’s condition significantly improves and the progression of the disease slows down. Also, nasal mucus envelops the inner surface of the nostrils, nourishing them with moisture, salts and other vital nutrients. important substances, preventing the development of various diseases.


In 90% of cases, snot appears due to a runny nose caused by a certain infection. If the snot is sticky and has a clearly visible white tint, there is a very high probability bacterial infection human respiratory tract. If the nasal mucus is green, the culprit is viral infection, which will be much more difficult to deal with. Snot catches microorganisms and retains them, preventing them from penetrating further into the body - this is why the slightest infections do not cause pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis and other serious diseases.

About 8% of the remaining cases of snot are associated with allergies. At allergic rhinitis nasal mucus is necessary for trapping irritants, which can be represented by household dust, pollen and a variety of chemical compounds. An additional volume of mucus forms in the nose, which serves as a kind of barrier to the penetration of allergens into the deep respiratory tract. In addition, nasal mucus prevents the inside of the nostrils from drying out, which causes the formation of painful microtraumas that serve as a kind of “gate” for infection.

If you want to know where the snot comes from in the remaining 2% of cases, then you should pay attention to injuries that can be caused to the nostrils by fingers or by inhaling various substances. Nasal mucus provides improved nutrition to the damaged area and promotes maximum fast healing wounds. Snot can appear when the body is hypothermic - they are a protective reaction of the body preparing for an attack by pathogens. In addition, an increased volume of nasal mucus may appear due to irritation caused by vasomotor rhinitis, getting used to and in other special cases. You should also know that snot is constantly in a person’s nose, but it is invisible due to its small volume.

Where does snot come from? Analysis of the color and consistency of these discharges can answer this question and many others (for example, about the stage of the disease). The symptom can be caused by a cold, hypothermia, a viral infection or an allergic reaction, which are often accompanied by a runny nose. Many perceive him as unpleasant reaction body, however, not everyone thinks about the usefulness and source of snot. Where does snot in the nose come from?

The glands located in secrete a certain amount of fluid. As a rule, it is transparent in color, liquid, and slightly salty in taste. What is mucus and what does it contain? This:

  • water is the main component and makes up about 95% of the total volume;
  • the protein mucin secreted by the glands - it is responsible for the viscosity of mucus and accounts for more than 3%;
  • salt - snot contains in small quantities, no more than 1%.

Mucin, although it makes up only a small part of mucus, is its main component. It is this protein that has bactericidal properties, playing a major role in the fight against infections. It is produced in the required quantity and in a healthy body. A small volume of mucus consists of dead bacteria, leukocytes, proteins, and epithelial cells. Here lies the answer to the question of where snot comes from when you have a runny nose.

For healthy body The typical discharge is 500 ml of mucus per day. It can come and go naturally, flowing down back wall throat, that is, it is simply swallowed by a person. Therefore, the fears of many mothers about their child eating snot are unfounded. However, since a runny nose is the body’s reaction to external stimulus, a certain amount of bacteria can get inside, so blowing your nose is the most best way getting rid of excess mucus.

For a healthy person, the mucus produced in the nose performs the following functions:

  • lubricates mucous membranes;
  • warms cold air;
  • removes particles of dust and dirt that enter the nasal cavity along with the inhaled air;
  • protects against harmful bacteria.

The main part of the snot secreted by the glands is spent on lubricating the mucous membrane and forming an antibacterial barrier. Therefore, in a healthy person, excess does not flow out. Insufficient mucus formation leads to atrophic rhinitis.

An increase in nasal discharge causes discomfort, along with other symptoms. In order to get rid of such an unpleasant symptom as quickly as possible, you should use correct scheme treatment, and for this you need to know why snot appears. Experts consider an increase in the amount of mucus as a reaction of the immune system to an irritant. Experts call following reasons where snot can come from:

  • mechanical damage, minor internal scratches;
  • colds;
  • allergic reactions;
  • eating hot or spicy foods.

For each case, the mechanism of snot formation has characteristic features. Injuries that damage the integrity of the lining of the nasal passages become covered with mucus locally. The resulting protective layer serves as an obstacle to bacteria and infections and promotes speedy healing.

The snot produced by allergies washes the irritant out of the nasal cavity, thereby reducing the aggressiveness of the factor. Stopping contact with the allergen helps restore normal secretion production by the glands. The appearance of tears also causes profuse flow from the nose. This is due to the fact that when humidity increases, the mucin protein, which is taken from the glands, increases in size.

When an infection occurs, expansion occurs blood vessels, swelling forms in the nasal cavity. The glands react accordingly to this by increasing the secretion of mucus, aimed at eliminating the pathogen from the nasal cavity. The appearance of snot of a certain consistency is due to the bactericidal effect of mucin. It interacts with the infection, its molecules die and are excreted in the snot, which provokes the glands to produce more protein. Thus, both the quantity and viscosity of snot increase.

As a rule, nasal discharge is colorless, thin or of medium thickness. A change in color may indicate the presence of the following factors:

  1. Abundant liquid mucus is released when viruses or bacteria enter the body; their appearance is a protective reaction of the immune system.
  2. Greens thick snot appear at the end of the disease, when dead bacteria are actively eliminated from the body. May indicate inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. The appearance of bloody streaks in green snot can be a sign of infection with staphylococcus or meningococcus.
  3. Nicotine can turn mucus yellow. Snot of this shade is characteristic of heavy smokers, when you give up a bad habit, the color changes to transparent.
  4. If the patient does not smoke, yellow snot is a symptom acute phase chronic disease, which requires urgent medical consultation.
  5. The whitish color of mucus indicates the presence purulent process, the formation of polyps, a disease that has such a symptom. This acute sinusitis, adenoiditis, but sometimes a similar color of snot is characteristic of allergies, cytomegalovirus, complications after the flu, etc.
  6. Bloody discharge occurs due to mechanical damage, thinning of the walls of blood vessels, or the appearance of fungus. As statistics show, brown snot are not dangerous to the human body; it can easily cope with them.

A disease such as rhinitis is not perceived by patients as dangerous. From childhood, a person gets used to the fact that a runny nose is accompanying symptom many diseases. However, it must be treated, since discharge observed for longer than two weeks can lead to certain complications. The most common are:

  • sinusitis - an inflammatory disease of the sinuses, the symptoms of which are severe headache, fever, purulent snot;
  • otitis - inflammatory process, flowing in auricle, accompanied by decreased hearing, severe pain, increased body temperature, and possible leakage of pus from the ear.

In order to avoid complications, measures should be taken to prevent the body from weakening. These include giving up bad habits, changing your diet, eliminating fast food, carbonated drinks, fatty and smoked foods, adding vegetables and fruits.

Hardening shows positive results. Can be used as a douche cool water, so foot baths with liquid at room temperature, contrast shower.

Seasonal viral diseases can be avoided by limiting visits to crowded places, taking complex vitamins and prophylactic agents. Ventilating the room and periodically damp cleaning will help clean the air of allergens. Periodic rinsing of the nasal cavity with sea water can moisturize the mucous membranes and remove germs.

Necessary treatment

The standard treatment regimen is to use vasoconstrictor drops. However, they must be used with caution, no more than three days. Pregnant women are prohibited from using drops such as Naphthyzin, Farmazolin and others. Experts recommend oil-based preparations and sea water.

The topic of this article is where does snot in the nose come from and how to effectively deal with a runny nose so that snot will quickly stop bothering us and our nose will not be stuffy for a long time. As you know, a cold will not take long to appear when the seasons change. Naturally, almost every cold does not go away without snot. Where do they come from? Some believe that this fluid flows from the brain, others believe that this substance is nothing more than the cytoplasm of the blood. Which one of them should you believe?

It is quite remarkable that when a person sneezes, the speed of the snot in flight reaches 160 km/h. It has been proven that a huge amount of snot appearing in the nose is absorbed by the person. It is also known that micro-hairs are located on almost the entire surface of the human respiratory tract, which collect mucus after a person swallows it. It's clear that gastric juice helps kill an incredible amount of all kinds of bacteria and infections.

So where does snot in the nose come from? This mucus is still produced by the respiratory system in the nasal cavity. Snot does not have a bad effect on the body, much less is it harmful, as many people believe. They accumulate in order to protect the airways and lungs from dehydration. The substances that make up snot in the nose confirm that they are a harmless substance. They consist of water, protein, salt, mucin, and cells. Thanks to mucin, snot can absorb a lot of moisture. It also helps them become thick and moist. Snot is a kind of filter. providing protection to our body, and in particular the lungs, from dust or any small debris.

It's no secret that mucus is produced using mucous membranes. By the way, the mucin mentioned above gives volume to snot. Largely due to its action, the volume of this substance can increase 600 times. By the way, a considerable amount of snot is produced when a person cries. When a person gets sick, the amount of snot increases. This is due to the fact that to combat harmful substances more mucin is released.

Many people with illness strive to you can stop the snot faster. To stop them, medications such as decongestants and antihistamines are used. For those who are not happy with medications, there are some other options available.

One of these methods is, of course, thorough blowing your nose. This method is truly the most effective, but in many situations this action is neglected, largely due to the fact that blowing your nose is not very attractive in public.

You can also pick out snot with your finger, because when it gets into the nasal cavity, bacteria remain in it, which can subsequently cause significant complications.

Below we will consider the question of where snot in the nose comes from. Let's look at it in more detail modern methods treatment of runny nose and cold treatment with folk remedies, and we will also explain why the mucus in the nose turns a particular color.

We have presented you with the most full information about the nature of the runny nose and colds, and also about how to quickly get rid of a runny nose. We hope that the question is where does snot come from?. Now it is not relevant for you and you can easily cure a runny nose without filling your body with antibiotics at the first signs of a cold and the appearance of light-colored snot.

It got a little colder and immediately started snot! Where do these come from? unpleasant discharge from the nose, how dangerous are they, and how to effectively deal with them? Such questions are faced by people with weak immunity, and the slightest hypothermia, damp weather, rain or light wind causes them to develop a runny nose.

And here the question arises: what is it - profuse flow from the nose? Where does snot in the nose come from? Most of us will be very surprised to learn that snot is produced almost always - both in healthy people and in sick people. In addition, it is normal for such discharge to be up to 500 ml per day. However, if there is no infection, the discharge is clear and consists of 95-96% water. We don’t notice them because we simply swallow them along with saliva. The remaining 3% is a special protein - mucin, and a little more than 1% is insoluble salts.

The most important part of this secretion (snot) is mucin. This natural substance effectively combats various kinds bacteria, harmful viruses.

To understand how snot is formed, you need to know the following: when air enters the nasal mucosa, it also contains a significant amount of bacteria. Mucin destroys these bacteria, and then the harmless snot enters the stomach, where it is processed hydrochloric acid. Usually healthy people do not notice this. (Hence the answer to the question is it harmful to swallow snot). A new portion is produced to replace the used mucin.

Copious nasal discharge appears during crying. This is due to the fact that tear ducts come out into the nasopharynx and when a person cries, not all the tears have time to get out, some of them end up in the nose and come out in the form of snot.

What is snot used for in the human body?

The secretion is produced by microscopic glands located in the nasal mucosa. However, in addition to protecting the body from microbes, this substance also performs other important functions for the body, there are several of them. Secretion secreted by the glands of the nasal cavity:

  • protects the body from infection. As has already been said.
  • Moisturizes the nasopharyngeal mucosa and prevents it from drying out. This is very important, since a lack of moisture can lead to cracking of the dry mucous membrane and the formation of wounds.
  • Protects the nasal cavity from damage. When a wound appears in the nose, the secretion fills it, as if forming a film on top. This prevents germs from entering the blood.

Causes of a runny nose

Now let's figure out why snot flows. If too many microorganisms enter the nasal cavity, more mucin will be needed to destroy them. The glands are capable of producing no more than 700 ml, so more mucin is produced, and the amount of fluid remains almost unchanged. The snot simply becomes more viscous, it can no longer be swallowed unnoticed - we get a runny nose that flows from the nose (sometimes this happens spontaneously).

At allergic manifestations snot is a reaction of the nasal mucosa to an allergen. The mucous membrane swells, causing a large separation of fluid. Here the discharge is usually liquid and abundant.

How can you tell by the appearance of snot the cause of its occurrence?

Nasal discharge itself is not a disease - it is only one of its symptoms. A runny nose can have different textures and colors, which can be used to determine the cause of the snot.

So, profuse flow from the nose appears with rhinitis and sinusitis (including sinusitis), here this is a sign purulent inflammation. The discharge will be thick green (a sign bacterial infection) or even yellow (admixture of leukocytes). In this case, snot is mucus and pus accumulated in the nasal cavity and sinuses (sinuses).

A runny nose can be a symptom of bronchitis or pneumonia (green or yellow discharge). In this case, mucus accumulated in the bronchi or lungs enters not only the larynx, but also the nose and a runny nose forms. Here, along with nasal discharge, severe weakness, cough, high temperature bodies. If these symptoms appear, it is very important to consult a physician.

However, brown or yellow snot is observed in long-term smokers. From which it follows that in this case they get their shade due to tobacco products, as well as the looseness of the blood vessels.

With allergies, the discharge is clear, profuse, and can sometimes have a greenish color. Before snot forms, it occurs frequent sneezing, lacrimation, pain in the eyes, discomfort in the nose.

Copious and sticky, but light-colored snot in ARVI and common colds. Here, a runny nose will be accompanied by coughing, sneezing, a slight increase in body temperature, and sometimes a slight sore throat.

Some treatments for a runny nose

In order to be sure to know why snot appears, to establish its cause.

Productive treatment of snot is possible only after identifying the cause and its effective treatment.

In some cases, by curing the cause, you can get rid of a runny nose.

Often, to eliminate the flow of their nose due to allergies, along with antihistamines, vasoconstrictor nasal drops are prescribed: Nazol, Noxprey, Xylene, etc. Special antihistamines are used: Zyrtec, Claritidine, Erius, etc.

For rhinitis and sinusitis, nasal rinsing is indicated. antiseptic solutions: saline solution, Dolphin, Physiomer. Used along with systemic treatment local antibiotics: Bioparox, Isofra.

Blowing your nose periodically is very effective, but do it in public places shouldn't.

The nasal mucosa is very sensitive and people with weak immune systems develop snot even after a walk in the park in humid weather. The most good treatment scientists call hardening the body: contrast foot baths and contrast showers, physical exercise on fresh air, quitting smoking - all this will help get rid of snot for a long time.

Plays an important role in preventing the appearance of snot proper nutrition, healthy image life and walks in the fresh air.

Where does snot come from? Every person throughout his life is faced with the phenomenon of rhinitis, so he is interested in issues related to this disease.

For example, why is mucous discharge salty, or how and where does the mucus that accumulates in the nose come from, does it turn into snot, and much more?

Nasal discharge appears at any time and is not always due to the development of colds. It is worth noting that this minor symptom any illness brings a lot of inconvenience and problems.

Moreover, they do not always appear when you cry or have a cold. In general, first things first.

As was said earlier, if the nose is snotty, then this is not a separate disease, but rather a sign any significant pathology. In humans, mucous discharge in the nose can appear at the most various reasons.

However, the factors that cause a runny nose to develop should be identified so as not to miss the onset of the development of any serious disease.

Snot is a nasal mucous secretion that is a product of the secretory activity of many glands located in the nasal mucosa. Thanks to the secretion of such mucus, the respiratory organs are protected from exposure harmful factors. Thus, green snot performs the following functions:

  1. disinfect;
  2. collect dirt and dust;
  3. moisturize;
  4. kill harmful microbes;
  5. warm.

The composition of mucus is salts, water and proteins, the main one of which is mucin, which makes the discharge thicker. If the secretion is normal, then the glands produce up to 100 ml of the substance in 24 hours, due to which a protective barrier is formed and mucus is not released from the nasal cavity. And with poor mucus production in the nose, a feeling of discomfort and dryness occurs.

Therefore, not all mucus can be called snot, but only part of it that accumulates in the nose or is released outward, that is, a liquefied or excess composition.

Thus, to the question: where does snot come from in a person’s nose, we can answer that it is formed when the structure, composition or secretory function of mucus is disrupted, as a result of which it turns into snot.

When green discharge flows in copious amounts from the nasal cavity, this phenomenon is called a runny nose.

It is worth noting that with abnormal mucus synthesis, its volume can be up to two liters per day.

How are snot formed?

How and where does snot come from? The pathogenesis of the appearance of discharge in humans is associated with a change in the volume of fluid already produced due to exposure external factors And increased amount produced enzyme.

A person sniffles when bacteria, viruses or some allergens enter the nasal cavity, so a natural reaction occurs immune system to increase the synthesis of mucus, mixed with non-living infected organisms, which turns into snot. Thus, an excessive amount of substance is formed, which is expelled, which explains where the snot comes from.

In addition, the liquid turns into snot when increased tone blood vessels, many of which are located in the nasal mucosa.

In addition, a person often sniffles due to the influence of external factors such as moisture (especially salty moisture) entering the nasal cavity. When it affects the mucous membranes, the mucin expands, so the mucus liquefies and its volume increases.

Depending on the factors causing snot, it may be different composition, color (most often they are green) and consistency.

Why does snot appear?

Mucus turns into snot due to a number of factors. The main reasons answering the question of why nasal discharge flows include:

  • Cold. This reason occurs most often. In this case, a runny nose appears due to increased secretion of mucus in response to the proliferation of viruses that provoke the occurrence of the disease. Thus, the glands protect respiratory system from infections. The discharge contains mucus and particles of non-living viruses.
  • Tears. A person also sniffles when he cries, because tears entering the nose cause the mucin to expand.
  • Allergy. When an allergen hits the nasal mucosa, a natural reaction occurs and the mucus turns into snot by increasing the secretion of a protein substance.
  • After hepatitis B, DTP vaccinations and other diseases the child may develop. When he sniffles, a protective reaction of the body occurs.
  • Accumulation of unused mucus in the nose at night. That's why in the morning it turns into snot.
  • After eating. Occasionally, nasal discharge occurs after eating certain foods that stimulate blood circulation and hot dishes.

As you can see, a runny nose does not only appear with a cold. It is also formed due to overheating, hypothermia, nervous stress and much more.

For what reasons does snot change color?

Normal mucus discharged from the nose is clear, medium-thick mucus. If the runny nose is colorless, then you don’t have to worry too much, since it’s good sign. But if the discharge changes color and composition, you should consult a doctor.

Green snot indicates that viruses have entered the nose and the body is active struggle with them. Moreover, this color often indicates the presence of pneumonia, flu or bronchitis.

Smokers may notice mucus that has a brownish-yellow tint due to exposure to nicotine. But if it’s so snotty non-smoker, then this indicates the presence of a serious chronic illness respiratory organs, so it is important to see a doctor immediately.

If snot flows whitish in color, then most likely they are purulent. However, this phenomenon occurs in some allergic reactions. But with a pronounced purulent runny nose it can be assumed that it indicates the occurrence of acute form sinusitis.

Red spots and blood streaks appear in snot for a variety of reasons. However, this runny nose is often harmless. He talks about weak and nearby blood vessels that are damaged mechanically. It can be either orange, sometimes brown.

If a person sniffles and develops green discharge with blood, this may indicate infection with staphylococcus or meningococcus.

A yellow discharge with blood admixtures indicate the presence acute pneumonia, so the patient needs to be examined urgently.

Is it possible to swallow mucus?

Some people are accustomed not to blowing their nose, but to swallow the snot, passing it through the mouth. As a rule, this phenomenon is common for young children.

However, how dangerous this can be can only be judged by determining for what reasons the mucus turned into snot. But in most cases, a person sniffles when the nasal mucosa protects the organ from contact with harmful microorganisms for colds and other viral infections.

By the way, in oral cavity There are no immune mechanisms of this kind, and the function of the saliva secreted is to fight other microbes. Consequently, the mouth does not provide effective resistance, as a result of which it does not protect the body, and the infection progresses further.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that swallowing snot is harmful to health, because in this case the risk of further infection increases significantly. Therefore, if a person sniffles, then the best way to get rid of excess mucus is to blow his nose.

Can complications develop?

The secretion of mucus from the nasal cavity can be ambivalent. So, when a person sniffles with a cold (which is scientifically called rhinitis), this indicates that his body is fighting pathogens, because without such protection the likelihood of infection would increase significantly.

But at the same time, when the mucus turns into snot, which makes breathing difficult, cutting off the oxygen supply, then this process requires treatment. Moreover, excessive accumulation of discharge, in particular with an admixture of pus, can contribute to the occurrence of such chronic forms diseases like:

  1. otitis;
  2. sinusitis;
  3. adenoiditis;
  4. frontal sinusitis;
  5. tracheitis;
  6. pneumonia;
  7. sinusitis and so on.

Therefore, it is important not to forget about preventive measures, and if your nose is runny, then therapeutic measures. At the same time, you cannot dry out the nasal cavity. Therefore, only congestion and excessive discharge need to be eliminated.

Treatment must be carried out if the mucus has turned into yellow or green snot. To this end, doctors and traditional medicine recommend:

  • vasoconstrictor drops (Rinozolin, Naftizign);
  • inhalations based on potato or eucalyptus;
  • rinsing the cavity using drugs such as Protalgol, Salin, Aquamaris;
  • decoctions of St. John's wort and chamomile;
  • drops of aloe, kalonchoe and onion juice;
  • antihistamines (Diazolin)

The doctor will tell you in detail about the treatment of a runny nose and how to deal with snot in the video in this article.

Most people have a runny nose several times a year. But not everyone can explain what snot is, where it comes from, what snot is needed for and why it often has a green tint. Some believe that snot is a substance flowing from the brain, others call it the cytoplasm of the blood. For still others, the question of where snot comes from remains a mystery.

What is snot, its composition

Scientifically speaking, snot is nasal mucus. Even a child knows where snot is formed: in the nasal cavity. Oddly enough, mucous secretions play quite a role important role: protect the respiratory tract from dust and dehydration. For those who are aware of this, the question does not arise: “Why do we need snot?”

However, only a few people know what snot is made of. It turns out that their composition is quite simple:

  • water;
  • salt (here why is snot salty);
  • several types of proteins, for example: mucin protein, which makes nasal mucus thick.

In addition, nasal secretions contain antibodies against bacteria and viruses, including enzymes that kill pathogens. Thus, mucus is a kind of filter that protects the lungs from the penetration of small debris.

Why, when and how snot is formed

Probably every person has had the thought of how snot forms in the nose: they appear, it turns out, thanks to the retinal mucosa present in the nasal cavity. The volume and size of the discharge depends on the mucin protein, which, in contact with moisture, can increase the amount of mucus.

When running infectious disease, often appears bad smell from the nose. In such situations, the question usually arises: “Why does snot stink?” The stench most often indicates the formation purulent discharge, which is considered a complication of the disease. Therefore, you should immediately seek qualified help.

In a healthy person, the nasal mucosa produces approximately 100 ml of snot per day. And during illness - up to 2 liters, since in this case the body’s defensive reaction causes snot.

Main reasons for education

More often severe runny nose appears during illness, but there are other times when mucus is released from the nose. For example, when a person cries, snot flows. Many people are interested in why this happens. In reality, everything is quite simple: tears enter the nasal cavity, which creates additional moisture.

It is also common to produce more mucus when eating hot food. It is also not difficult to explain why snot appears after eating. This is due to the tone of the blood vessels of the nasal concha. It increases, and the production of snot accelerates.

Don’t immediately panic if you have snot in the morning: during sleep, under certain circumstances, nasal mucus can accumulate in the nasopharynx. However, it is still worth seeing a doctor, because when diagnosed with an allergy, snot is the first sign. In this case, down and feather pillows should be considered as the main irritant.

In essence, vaccination is the introduction of a neutralized pathogen into the body. This helps develop immunity to the disease. However, any such intervention temporarily reduces defensive reactions, therefore, for example, snot after DPT or hepatitis B vaccination is quite possible.

But you shouldn’t associate mantu and snot. In this case, a runny nose usually indicates the onset of colds. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that any vaccination is done only healthy person. Therefore, snot after mantoux or another vaccine, as a rule, indicates the addition of an infection. This means you need to see a doctor.

Is it possible to eat snot

Since a runny nose gets worse during illness, many people often wonder: is it possible to eat snot? Whether it is harmful or not - everyone should know, although nasal mucus is swallowed mainly by children. It is quite stupid to make a complaint against a baby that he eats snot: chewing it, of course, is undesirable, but it is difficult to explain this to small children.

The situation is different when adults eat snot: there are several reasons why they do this. It's one thing if you can't blow your nose. And it’s completely different when this is done intentionally, and without thinking about what will happen if there is snot.

Many doctors believe that childhood the habit of eating snot is formed: how to prevent adults from doing this? Probably no specialist will give a clear answer. The most suitable option is to popularly explain whether eating snot is healthy and why it is better not to do it.

Sometimes snot comes out through the mouth: why this happens is not difficult to explain. After all, the nose and mouth are quite closely interconnected. It is not for nothing that when these organs become ill, only one doctor, an otolaryngologist, deals with treatment.

Despite the fact that nasal mucus protects the body from the penetration of many bacteria, runny nose - quite serious problem . Therefore, before finding out whether snot is contagious, it is necessary to identify the nature of the disease. Indeed, under certain circumstances, mucous discharge from the nose does not pose any threat. However, if the cause of their formation is an infection, then the risk of infection is significant.

Every year, with the onset of slushy weather, thousands of people around us begin to sneeze, cough, and blow their noses. Everyone knows what a runny nose is, but not everyone wonders where the snot comes from. And somehow it’s not customary to talk about this delicate topic. Be that as it may, if such a phenomenon exists, then we need to talk about it.

It's just nasal mucus

However, before you find out where these secretions come from, no matter what they are - transparent or green, you need to figure out what they are - at least in terms of their chemical composition.

IN medical literature ordinary unpleasant snot is called nasal mucus in Latin, which literally translates as “nasal mucus, phlegm.” This is exactly what they represent. Snot is also called muconasal secretion.

The watery liquid that forms the basis of nasal mucus contains:

  • proteins;
  • salt;
  • carbohydrates;
  • water (almost 95%);
  • nucleic acids;
  • some cells (in particular epithelium).

What makes snot thick or watery is the main protein it contains, mucin. It contains sugar and makes it easier to digest more water, which in turn affects the viscosity of mucus: more mucin - thicker nasal mucus.

Mucin has one more property: it is present in small quantities in the nose all the time, and not just during a cold with a runny nose or vasomotor rhinitis.