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Brown snot in an adult is a dangerous symptom. Is brown vaginal discharge normal or a sign of illness?

Changes in the color of vaginal secretions may be caused by natural and pathological reasons. Brown discharge without odor and pain cannot be considered harmless. Despite the absence of accompanying symptoms, such clinical manifestations quite often indicate health problems.

Discharge Brown odorless is a generalized concept. This way you can describe dark yellow, brown, light and dark brown, as well as.

Its main components are the secretion produced by the glands of the reproductive system and the fluid from cervical canal. Leucorrhoea acquires an uncharacteristic color when oxidized and coagulated blood gets into it. In this case, discharge of a light or dark brown hue may not smell at all, and unpleasant sensations may not appear.

Such changes are observed during pregnancy and different phases cycle. Women do not perceive them as signs of illness. There is a misconception that pathology should always be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. In fact, everything is somewhat different. There may be a hidden threat in the body that is only indicated by an uncharacteristic secretion.

Brown discharge in women: norm and pathology

The appearance of mucus with a brown tint is considered normal in the following cases:

The occurrence of uncharacteristic secretion does not signal the development of an intimate disease. Such symptoms appear due to hormonal changes and for a number of other reasons. If the mucus becomes abundant and heterogeneous, then this indicates the presence of disorders in women in the reproductive system.

Fine brown liquid sometimes appears at the time of ovulation, during implantation ovum. The nature of the secretion is short-term and spotting.

Pathology can be suspected in the following cases:

  • discharge is observed, but the woman does not take hormonal contraceptives;
  • Uncharacteristic mucus is formed during menopause, when the regulation is absent for more than a year;
  • appears brown slime after each intimate relationship;
  • there are accompanying symptoms (odor, pain, hyperthermia).

The presence of pathological secretion is a reason to visit a gynecologist. It often indicates diseases that, if not properly treated, can lead to serious consequences.

Discharge that appears at different periods of the cycle

Brown mucus in women appears in different periods cycle. Such changes often indicate the development of pathology, but in certain situations they are regarded as a variant of the norm.

Before your period

A few days before your period is due, it is sometimes noted brown daub. If such a symptom appears once, then there is no cause for concern. It indicates that the process of endometrial shedding has begun in the uterus.

Among the factors that can provoke prolonged brown secretion before menstruation (about a week) are:

  • exposure to stress;
  • improper organization of diet;
  • following a strict diet;
  • maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle;
  • chronic lack of sleep;
  • Availability bad habits;
  • excessive physical stress;
  • hormonal fluctuations.

The appearance of brown liquid often indicates a cycle failure and the development of pathologies. Particularly dangerous are those leucorrhoea that are accompanied by an uncharacteristic odor and pain in the lower back and abdomen.

In the middle of the cycle

Quite often they appear during the period of ovulation, which occurs in the very middle of the cycle. At this moment, the fertilized egg matures and leaves the follicle. In this case, they are damaged small vessels, which causes the release of blood. It gets into the secretion, oxidizes and flows out. Therefore, a brown daub is formed, with a dark or light tint.

This mucus has no odor, but can sometimes be accompanied by mild pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms indicate favorable period for conception.

Instead of menstruation

Dark brown, odorless discharge is sometimes observed after sexual intercourse. If such a phenomenon is observed once, then there is no cause for alarm. The spotting secretion that appears should cause concern. Such changes most often indicate hormonal disorders. It is extremely important to identify their cause and eliminate it.

After menstruation

Spotting with a brown tint can be observed at the beginning of the cycle - immediately after the end of the cycle. The appearance is due natural causes. The remains of blood and endometrium, which did not have time to come out during the critical days, gradually coagulate and acquire this shade. They don't call discomfort, have no odor and disappear after a couple of days. If pain subsequently appears and the volume of discharge increases, then you should immediately be examined by a gynecologist.

A small amount of brown secretion at the end of regulation is often observed in women in postpartum period. The walls of the reproductive organ are still stretched and weakened, which leads to the appearance of similar symptoms. As soon as the tone of the uterus returns to normal, there will be no such leucorrhoea after menstrual periods.

Pathological causes

Uncharacteristic discharge may occur under the influence of pathological factors. Many of them are asymptomatic, and their presence is indicated only by a smearing brown secretion. As a rule, such clinical manifestations are observed in cases of damage to the reproductive organ. They can appear before the regulation, immediately after its completion, and sometimes during other periods of the cycle.


Ulcerations on the cervix of the reproductive organ often do not cause any symptoms. They can only appear occasionally scanty discharge after intimacy. When the scale of the lesion increases and the pathology is in advanced stage, then the mucus acquires a sharp, purulent aroma.


With the development of this pathology, an abnormal growth of the functional uterine layer is noted. Due to this, blood from the reproductive organ cannot escape and begins to accumulate in the uterine cavity and genital tract. As a consequence of this, a brown spot appears at the end of menstruation.


A copious dark secretion that appears long after your period has ended is considered a clear sign pathology. This process can be triggered by polyps growing on the tissues of the cervix or the reproductive organ itself. In addition to scanty leucorrhea, there is often a delay in regulation. When the growth grows, there are also painful sensations and pus in the secretion.


With the growth of benign or malignant formations, the appearance of brown mucus is often observed. It is extremely important to identify them early stage development to prevent serious complications.

Prevention and treatment

To avoid such problems, you should follow simple recommendations:

  1. Don't flout the rules intimate hygiene. You need to wash yourself twice a day and do not use regular soap, but special means.
  2. During critical days, replace hygiene items every 3-4 hours.
  3. Do not use panty liners regularly, but only in the middle of the cycle and closer to the beginning of critical days, when the volume of secretion increases.
  4. Stick to healthy eating. Reduce consumption to a minimum harmful products and increase the amount of vegetables and fruits in the diet. The menu should be complete and balanced.
  5. To refuse from bad habits. Smoking and abuse alcoholic drinks negatively affect the state of the reproductive system.
  6. Don't overexert yourself. Physical exercise should be moderate.
  7. Maintain a daily routine. There should be enough time for sleep and rest.
  8. Treat any diseases in a timely manner, regardless of the nature of their occurrence.
  9. Regularly undergo examination by a gynecologist.

The treatment regimen largely depends on the cause of the appearance of brown discharge that is not accompanied by unpleasant smell and pain. If they were provoked hormonal disorder, then prescribe hormonal medications. In the event of erosion, endometriosis, the appearance of tumors or polyps, resort to surgical intervention. IN postoperative period held drug therapy, aimed at full recovery reproductive system.

The reasons that provoke the appearance of brown spotting are different. Often these symptoms occur due to natural processes, occurring in the body. Sometimes they signal the development of the disease. It is extremely important to identify it at the initial stage of development, when the only clinical manifestation pathology is uncharacteristic secretion. You should definitely consult your doctor. A change in the nature of discharge may indicate serious problems with health, which can lead to a number of complications.

The color of the leucorrhoea is one of the characteristic signs by which the condition is judged reproductive health women. A change in shade is not always a sign of pathology. Individual characteristics of the body affect the condition hormonal levels, composition and blood clotting, production of vaginal mucus. The appearance of brown discharge in women is often associated with normal physiological processes, but can be the result of a serious illness. It is important to find out the cause and, if necessary, receive timely treatment.


Why do such discharges occur?

The brown color of the discharge always indicates the presence of coagulated blood in it. The intensity of the color depends on its quantity, as well as on the consistency of the mucus. Liquid leucorrhoea is usually light brown, almost pink. The discharge is thick, containing stagnant blood or clots, and is dark brown.

The causes of bleeding may be:

  • physiological processes related to damage blood vessels(these include menstruation, ovulation, implantation of the embryo into the endometrium, postpartum self-cleaning of the uterus);
  • hormonal changes in the body leading to menstrual irregularities;
  • damage to the epithelial membranes of the genital organs during abortion, gynecological procedures, sexual intercourse;
  • age-related changes in the structure of the vaginal mucosa;
  • damage to the surfaces of the cervix and vagina as a result of inflammatory processes;
  • processes in the uterus and ovaries, leading to improper development of their tissues and blood vessels;
  • genital injuries;
  • inflammation Bladder.

Normal discharge

Normal brown discharge is not abundant, does not have an unpleasant odor, and is uniform in composition. Such discharge appears when using hormonal contraceptives, with slight damage to the capillaries of the vagina during douching, examination by a gynecologist, sometimes after violent sexual intercourse, as well as at the beginning and after the end of menstruation, during ovulation, implantation of a fertilized egg.

Brownish leucorrhoea may also appear after nervous stress, physical fatigue.

Pathological discharge

They can be abundant or spotting depending on the type of pathology. They have an unpleasant odor and contain dark clumps blood or particles of dead tissue, may contain pus, lumps, foam. Often alternate with bright red bleeding.

A clear sign of pathology is the appearance of spotting on any day of the cycle, if it is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, lower back, or other menstrual irregularities, infertility is observed.

Pathology is indicated by the appearance of bloody leucorrhoea during menopause (after menopause). May be a sign of serious illness constant appearance spotting after sex.

Brown discharge is pathological, accompanied by itching and burning in the vagina, frequent urination, and fever.

Diseases and pathologies that cause bloody leucorrhoea

Ectopic pregnancy. This dangerous condition, in which the fertilized egg is fixed outside the uterine cavity (most often in fallopian tube, less often in the cervix). The cause may be inflammation of the appendages, the formation of adhesions and tumors in the uterine cavity. Damage to the tissue at the site of attachment of the embryo leads to the appearance of spotting dark brown leucorrhoea. They are also associated with rupture of the membrane of the ovum, its rejection, and “tubal abortion.” One of the most dangerous scenarios is a rupture fallopian tube at 6-8 weeks.

Erosion, cervical dysplasia. The diseases are associated with changes in the structure of the epithelium of the pharynx of the cervix, which extends into the vagina, ulceration of the surface and damage to small vessels.

Colpitis, cervicitis– inflammation of the vagina and cervix. Thinning and atrophy of the mucous membranes occurs, and bleeding cracks form on them. Disruption of the microflora leads to the development of fungi (thrush), facilitating penetration into genitourinary organs causative agents of sexually transmitted infections. Brownish discharge has an unpleasant odor and unusual consistency.

Endometritis. The inflammatory process in the uterus causes purulent brownish discharge to appear instead of normal periods. Pain in the lower abdomen occurs, and body temperature may rise. Chronic process causes infertility.

Endometrial hyperplasia, endometriosis. Pathological growth of the endometrium leads to various menstrual disorders, the appearance of spotting dark brown leucorrhoea with clots after menstruation, as well as between them.

Polyps. Their formation is considered one of the manifestations of endometrial hyperplasia. Polyps are round growths in the basal layer. Most often they are found in women of menopausal age.

Ovarian cysts. Manifestations depend on the type and origin of such neoplasms. Spotting brown discharge may appear before and after menstruation. At the same time, the duration and total volume of blood loss increase. Blood clots may appear.

Tumors of the uterus. Manifestations depend on their location and size. Bloody issues spotting appear when the tumors are large enough, which makes it difficult early diagnosis such diseases.

Brown discharge that appears at different periods of the cycle

The appearance of brown discharge in women can be both normal and pathological. If in any doubt, it is better to consult a doctor.

Before your period

If dark discharge occur in a woman 1 day before menstruation, this is normal and indicates the beginning of endometrial detachment. Their appearance several days before the onset of menstrual bleeding may be associated with the use of hormonal contraceptives, as well as with the presence of diseases of the genital organs.

Video: Why bloody leucorrhoea appears before and after menstruation

In the middle of the cycle

Light brown discharge normally appears in the middle of the cycle due to ovulation, when the follicle ruptures and a mature egg is released from it. They are scanty, do not cause discomfort, and last no more than 2 days.

Instead of menstruation

The reason that spotting brown leucorrhoea appears instead of normal periods may be:

  • the onset of pregnancy (including ectopic);
  • hormonal contraception;
  • use hormonal medications, antidepressants and anticoagulants;
  • sudden weight loss, nervous or physical fatigue;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • onset of puberty or menopause.

After menstruation

Spotting brown discharge can be observed after the end of menstrual bleeding, if she has decreased blood clotting, weakened uterine tone, and also if last days During her period, the woman was overly physically active. If such discharge appears within 1-2 days, it is not dangerous. If they last longer and are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, the cause may be endometriosis, polycystic disease, or uterine tumors.

When using oral contraceptives and IUDs

The cause of spotting and bloody leucorrhoea is an artificial change in hormonal levels in order to suppress ovulation. The body adapts to the new state within about 3 months. If the brown spot appears longer, then you need to choose another drug or method of contraception.

After intercourse

If there is insufficient mucus production in the cervix, microcracks can form on the walls of the vagina, which leads to the appearance of scanty brownish mucus. Dryness may be a consequence of a woman's low arousal during sex. Most often, this condition occurs during menopause.

Video: Causes of brown discharge after sex

During pregnancy

After pregnancy, there should be no true menstruation, but instead, scanty brownish-pink discharge may appear. This occurs when a woman has low progesterone levels, causing the endometrium to partially shed.

“Periods” after a delay can be either normal implantation bleeding or a sign of early miscarriage, as well as a symptom ectopic pregnancy.

In teenagers

The instability of hormonal levels in the first years after the onset of puberty leads to the fact that menstruation comes chaotically. Instead, scanty brown discharge may appear.

During menopause

A sharp decline in the production of female sex hormones leads to the gradual disappearance of menstruation. In this case, prolonged delays occur, menstruation turns into irregular dark brown discharge. This is a natural process, but the same condition is also characteristic of various serious diseases. In particular, such symptoms are observed in the presence of malignant tumors. Moreover, the likelihood of their occurrence in women over 50 years of age is increased. Therefore, after the onset of menopause, it is especially important to undergo an examination if suspicious signs appear.

What to do if brown discharge appears

Since the reasons for their appearance can be quite serious, you should not hesitate to visit a doctor. Put correct diagnosis impossible on your own. At the same time, get rid of advanced disease much harder. If the cause of the pathology is not identified in time and treatment is not started, infertility is possible, severe complications and dangerous conditions.

If signs appear obvious pathology or even if you just have doubts about the origin of the brownish discharge, you need to go to the doctor. Detect inflammatory and infectious diseases Smear, blood and urine tests will help. An ultrasound will show the presence of tumors. If necessary, blood tests for hormones will be prescribed. You may need to consult a urologist and endocrinologist.

Vaginal discharge is normal for any woman, usually it is not profuse, whitish in color and does not have a strong, pronounced odor, these characteristics may vary slightly depending on the day menstrual cycle, food, immune status and under the influence of various medical supplies. Brown discharge in women can be really scary at times, what can they talk about when it is the norm?

Fine female discharge contain transudate, the secretion of glands located on the mucous membranes of the reproductive system, and particles of the epithelium that lines the vagina. The whitish color and sour, but not unpleasant, odor are due to the activity of the vaginal microflora, namely lactic acid bacteria. Due to disturbances in the microflora and various diseases The color and smell of the discharge may change; changes can be used to roughly indicate an infection or disease.

Mucusy brown discharge can be a sign of a serious illness, but depending on the phase of the cycle and the intake various drugs, especially hormonal ones, they can be considered the norm. This nature of the secretion should definitely alert you against the background of the following signs:

  • the appearance of brown discharge or secretion mixed with blood between menstruation, while the woman is not taking hormonal medications;
  • there is pain in the lower abdomen or in the lumbar region, in the area of ​​the external genitalia and vagina there is dryness and burning, pain that intensifies during urination and sexual intercourse, there are rashes on the mucous membrane;
  • discharge occurs during menopause, while last menstruation was quite a long time ago, a year or more has passed since it, their occurrence during menopause may indicate the development of a serious pathology;
  • bloody and brownish discharge occurs after sexual intercourse.

In general, the brownish color of the discharge usually indicates the presence of blood in it, therefore, at certain phases of the menstrual cycle, its appearance can be called normal. However, if other symptoms of various gynecological diseases, you should consult a doctor.

Important! If the appearance of brownish discharge occurs with an increase in general temperature body, you need to urgently consult a doctor, this may indicate the presence inflammatory process.

Why does a woman have brown discharge?

There are many reasons for brown discharge; first of all, it is worth considering in which case the presence of brown discharge is considered normal:

  1. The appearance of such impurities in the secret before the onset of menstruation - a day or several hours. In this case it is natural state with the gradual onset of menstruation.
  2. The appearance of such a secretion immediately after menstruation is a gradual end of menstruation.
  3. Dark brown discharge between periods while taking hormonal drugs. In this case they are side effect taking medications, however, it is advisable to consult a doctor; it may be better to choose another remedy.
  4. Red-brown secretion after active sex. In this case, they arise due to minor microtraumas of the mucous membrane; this phenomenon is also common after the first contact in life or over a long period of time. Next time you just need to be more careful; microtraumas are not dangerous, but their occurrence is undesirable in any case.

Brown discharge instead of periods may also be normal for women taking hormonal contraceptives. Due to some medications, some women experience a complete loss of menstruation and spotting may be present instead.

In some cases, it is extremely important to understand whether brownish discharge appears along with urine when urinating. Brown discharge and frequent urination talk about the occurrence of urethritis or cystitis - inflammatory diseases urethra and bladder. In this case, when urinating, a burning sensation occurs, and there is pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region.

With these diseases, the temperature may rise, usually symptoms develop with a cold or against the background of hypothermia. If such symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. Brown discharge with cystitis usually comes from the urethra along with urine, so you can notice it after urinating on toilet paper or underwear.

Brown discharge mid-cycle

The brownish secretion between periods is quite alarming symptom, if the woman does not take any hormonal medications. The most common causes of this symptomatology are the following conditions:

  1. Uterine bleeding. He is usually called extremely serious illnesses: endometritis, cervical erosion, various neoplasms, including malignant ones. You should be especially wary if discharge occurs every time after sexual intercourse, even quite mild ones.
  2. Intermenstrual bleeding. These bleedings are usually caused by less serious factors, most often various injuries genital organs, stress, metabolic disorders, exposure to certain medications.

Important! If brown and bloody inclusions occur in the secretion, it is necessary to do an ultrasound of the pelvic organs and a smear.

Yellowish-brown discharge with an unpleasant odor may indicate an infection, usually sexually transmitted. In this case, there is usually itching and burning in the genital area, pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

During pregnancy, the appearance of a brownish secretion is an extremely alarming symptom, as it may indicate a possible miscarriage. If blood occurs during pregnancy, especially later later pregnancy, you need to urgently consult your doctor. If you do not intervene in time, the pregnancy may be terminated.

In older women, bloody and brownish secretions are an extremely alarming sign, especially if enough time has passed since the onset of menopause. This may indicate the development of oncology, so you should immediately contact a gynecologist.

Treatment of diseases that cause such symptoms depends on accurately identifying the cause. Can be applied various means from local ointments and candles until surgical intervention. If brown discharge occurs due to hormonal medications, it is recommended to try changing the product.

In general, you should not delay when problems arise. this symptom. Self-medication is extremely undesirable; it can lead to a worsening of the condition, regardless of the disease.

Brown discharge not associated with menstruation is a big concern for women, and there are quite good reasons for this. It is generally accepted among experts that vaginal discharge are a kind of indicator women's health and the state of the reproductive system. The indicators of mucus secretion can tell a gynecologist a lot. Of course, the brown mucous mass does not always appear as a result of a pathological process, and in some cases there is no reason for special concern. However, often this phenomenon becomes a symptom of a disease, and this is no longer something to joke about. When brown vaginal discharge appears, you should not panic, but you should not let the process take its course - the situation must be kept under control.

Why does the discharge turn brown?

Vaginal discharge is always present in any woman, which is a normal physiological process. Considered normal discharge clear slime odorless and irritating, manifested in a small volume, and their intensity varies during the menstrual cycle, reaching a maximum during the period of ovulation. The usual composition includes leukocytes and lactobacilli.

Brown discharge is a mucous mass with bloody impurities. It is the blood that provides them with a brown tint (with rare exceptions when the coloring is provided by pigments), and the saturation depends on the concentration of the blood component. Very small amounts of blood in the mass give a pale brown tint, and an increase in blood content increases the color saturation (dark brown discharge, and sometimes even almost black).

It should be noted that brownish tints are provided by clotted blood, i.e. there is rapid blood clotting and a deep source of bleeding; a slow removal of the mass is possible. If the blood does not have time to clot, the discharge becomes red, scarlet or pink.

It is the bloody bases of brown mucus that cause increased anxiety. In order for such discharge to appear, an internal source of bleeding is necessary. Physiologically female reproductive system is constantly aimed at creating conditions for fertilization of the egg and maintaining conception, which becomes the essence of the menstrual cycle. Physiological secretions in women, they largely depend on the periods of the menstrual cycle, which is facilitated by changes in hormonal levels.

Complete cleansing of the system from everything unnecessary in case of failed fertilization is ensured by menstruation, the bloody component of which is perceived as a completely natural phenomenon. However, small blood impurities of the same nature can be released at other times, which causes shades of brown in the discharge. The process of ovulation itself also creates sources of bleeding. Thus, dark brown discharge is largely determined by the menstrual cycle.

In addition to this, it is necessary to note some other characteristic periods in women's lives, when the characteristics of vaginal discharge can change radically. First of all, this is the entire period of pregnancy with a real hormonal “revolution,” as well as the period of puberty in girls, menopause, and sexual intercourse.

In general, brown discharge can be caused by non-hazardous physiological processes, but it can also become a sign of a pathological lesion (disease, injury). When analyzing the nature of mucus, the following indicators are taken into account: color and its saturation; volume; consistency; presence of odor, itching, pain, discomfort, impurities, etc. Pathological discharge always accompanied by additional symptoms.

Physiological processes

In order to understand the degree of danger of dark brown vaginal discharge, it is necessary to differentiate non-dangerous, physiological phenomena from pathological processes. First of all, physiological processes are determined by the menstrual cycle. Brown spotting for 1-2 days after menstruation is considered quite normal. This is how the remains of unclaimed cells come out of the uterine cavity: first it is red-brown, and then light brown mucus. If the brown masses persist for more than 5 days, you should consult a doctor, because... pathologies are possible. Spotting brown discharge can be detected 2-3 days before the start of menstruation. This is how the female body reacts to sudden external changes (climate, psychological factors, physical overload).

In the middle of the menstrual cycle (13-16 days after menstruation), the appearance of spotting is associated with the ovulation process. Such phenomena are, in principle, anomalous, but within the limits permissible norm. They are caused by a sharp hormonal imbalance.

Most often, fairly heavy brown discharge can be observed within 3-4 months after the first use of hormonal-type contraceptives.

During pregnancy, at different stages, brown discharge may have a natural physiological nature. On early stages During pregnancy, physiological phenomena are caused by the implantation of the egg into the uterine wall. The process of fixation of the fertilized egg occurs with the rupture of the smallest blood vessels, and the released blood mixes with the vaginal mucus. The mass may acquire a brownish, beige or pink tint. Such discharge is quite thick (cream consistency) and abundant, but does not have alarming symptoms, and pain syndrome quite insignificant. The duration of the process can be 2-4 weeks.

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can cause spotting around the time of your period before conception. This brown discharge is also considered normal. Moreover, these manifestations should not be abundant and long-lasting (more than 2-2.5 days). A relapse of such an anomaly can occur again after 2-3 months.

Possible causes of non-pathological manifestations

Another fairly powerful stimulus for activating secretions can be considered sexual intercourse. Almost 20% of all women experience a significant increase in the intensity of discharge, incl. brownish after sex. Bloody discharge is observed during the first sexual intercourse in a girl’s life and the subsequent 2-3 contacts. Another option for the appearance of blood impurities in vaginal mucus is sex when a woman is not ready for contact, when insufficient lubrication has been released, and frictional movements lead to abrasion of the vaginal mucosa and microcracks.

A fairly common cause of these manifestations can be contraception. different types. In particular they are considered normal reaction female body to start taking hormonal contraceptives or switch to other pills. Bloody marks can be detected within 4-6 months after starting to use the tablets. If discharge is detected after this period, it means that this type the drug is not suitable and should be replaced with another drug. If changing pills does not help, then you need to contact a gynecologist.

A similar reaction of the body may follow when suddenly stopping taking pills after prolonged use. A reaction is even possible if a woman simply forgot to take one tablet at the usual time. The body gets used to receiving a portion of hormones from the outside. Brown discharge also occurs with other methods of contraception. This phenomenon is detected within 3-4 months after installation intrauterine device. Longer and copious discharge mean that spiral protection is not suitable for a woman individual characteristics body.

Manifestations of pathogenic factors

Brown vaginal discharge may be a sign of pathology genitourinary system.The following main ones stand out: pathogenic causes such a manifestation:

  1. 1. Endometritis is an inflammatory reaction of the uterine mucosa (endometrium). Brown mucus is usually accompanied by an unpleasant odor and sometimes pain aching character in the lower abdomen. The main causes of the disease are abortions, miscarriages, hormonal imbalance, infectious lesions, postpartum complications. Pathology has chronic course and is very dangerous during pregnancy, because disrupts the attachment of the fertilized egg to uterine wall.
  2. 2. Endometriosis - damage to the uterus or its cervix. Pathology in the uterine cervix develops in the form of small cysts and nodules or streaky growths of red or bluish color. Damage to the uterine body mainly occurs in the muscle layer. With endometriosis, dark brown discharge is recorded, clearly indicating a blood component. After menstruation, the mucus secreted becomes somewhat lighter than before.
  3. 3. Endometrial hyperplasia. Dark brown spotting type discharge is observed before menstruation and long time after they are completed. The causes of this pathology: violation metabolic process(especially carbohydrate and lipid), hormonal imbalance, arterial hypertension, congenital anomalies, various diseases reproductive system.
  4. 4. Presence of polyps. Brown discharge is often a sign of the presence of polyps in the uterine mucosa or cervical canal. Their presence often provokes inflammatory reaction. Especially heavy bleeding It is detected when polyps are damaged, in particular during sexual intercourse.
  5. 5. Detachment of the ovum. Prolonged spotting and spotting may indicate detachment of the fertilized egg or placenta from the uterine wall. Important symptom- paroxysmal pain in the lower abdomen with irradiation to the lumbar area.
  6. 6. Ectopic pregnancy. When such an anomaly arises, brown manifestations with an admixture of ichor are observed. Additional symptoms: arterial hypotension, pain in the lower abdomen, tachycardia, dizziness, general weakness.

Presence of diseases and pathologies

Brown bleeding from the vagina can be provoked, in addition to the above pathologies, by a number of other diseases of the inflammatory, infectious and tumor type. The following diseases should be noted:

  1. 1. Oncological diseases. Particularly noteworthy are uterine cancer and cervical cancer. Bleeding in the presence of such tumors is especially pronounced after sexual intercourse.
  2. 2. Erosion or ectopia of the cervix - ulceration or defects in the mucous membrane of the vaginal part of the cervix. Pathology can occur in a woman at any age, and greatest danger consists of a tendency to transform into malignancy. The disease is especially dangerous if there is a papilloma virus in the body, which increases the likelihood of cancer. Erosion upon examination is observed in the form of a superficial ulcer with an area of ​​redness measuring 3-20 mm. Bloody discharge increases during sexual intercourse, because... is happening mechanical damage defects.
  3. 3. Uterine adenomyosis - extensive growth of the uterine endometrium. Main symptoms: brown discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle, excessively heavy periods, menstrual irregularities, bloating, pain that worsens during sex.
  4. 4. Uterine fibroid is a benign tumor that has a connective tissue structure and forms on the uterine wall. Symptoms directly depend on the degree of proliferation and include menstrual irregularities, pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen, dysuric symptoms, and radiating pain to the lower back.
  5. 5. Sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted diseases: syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, candidiasis, etc. Characteristic signs: strong unpleasant odor, severe itching, burning. Bleeding increases after sexual intercourse.

Brown discharge in women can be caused by for various reasons. Physiological manifestations do not require treatment, but are obligatory preventive measures: careful hygiene, optimization of nutrition, giving up bad habits, strengthening the body. If pathologies become the cause of the discharge, then you should not self-medicate. Only a doctor, after conducting appropriate examinations, diagnoses specific disease and prescribe adequate treatment.

It must immediately be said that normally fluid should be released from a woman’s vagina. However, not every discharge can be considered normal. Normal secretions include clear, light (from 50 mg per day) mucus that has no odor. Normal discharge do not cause inconvenience, do not cause itching, burning or irritation of the vagina. Mucus discharge increases in quantity over time until the day of ovulation arrives (approximately the 14th day after menstruation). During this period, the mucus changes its properties. Feeling of wetness in the external genital area this period is a completely normal sign.

You should be especially wary of discharge that is brown in color. A brown, brownish tint to the liquid undoubtedly indicates bloody or bloody additions to the mucus. And this, in turn, may indicate disorders of the female reproductive system. Let's consider diseases that can cause brown discharge.

Symptoms of brown discharge

Brown discharge can be a symptom of chronic endometritis, i.e. inflammation of the endometrium, which is the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. Brown discharge with endometritis appears before and after menstruation and often has an unpleasant odor. From time to time, brown mucus occurs in the middle of the cycle and is combined with aching pain in the lower half of the abdomen. Chronic endometritis is serious danger during pregnancy, it can provoke miscarriages at different stages.

Discharge mixed with blood are also the main signs of endometriosis of the cervix or uterine body. In this case, pain may not necessarily appear. Endometriosis of the cervix is ​​nodular, small cystic formations or growths in the form of red or purplish-blue stripes. Dark bloody and brown discharge may occur from some lesions. Endometriosis of the uterine body is a proliferation of endometrial cells in the myometrium (muscle layer of the uterus). Pathological discharge decreases in size after menstruation, and its color becomes lighter.

Staining, bloody, brown discharge at the end of the cycle before menstruation or for a long time after menstruation may indicate endometrial hyperplasia. The causes of hyperplasia may have different nature. Often such pathology is formed as a result of disorders hormonal balance, as well as carbohydrate, lipid and other types of metabolism.

Brown discharge may be a symptom of a polyp in the uterus. The cause of the appearance of a polyp may be a pathology of the uterine mucosa or cervical canal against the background of a chronic inflammatory process. The cause of uterine polyps is most often hormonal disorders.

Brown discharge during pregnancy - staining, containing blood - is one of the first symptoms of abruption of the ovum or placenta, which occurred several days or even a week ago. As a rule, such discharge is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, reminiscent of “light” contractions.

Often, brown discharge with ichor indicates an ectopic pregnancy. At the same time, the woman feels a decrease blood pressure, periodic or constant pain lower abdomen, increased heart rate, dizziness.

Brownish discharge may occur in the first months of taking hormonal hormones contraception, which is the norm. However, if this phenomenon lasts for the 3rd month or more, then this drug is not suitable and a new contraceptive is required.