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Is it healthy to drink yeast? Benefits of yeast supplement. Indications and contraindications for use of the product


Brewer's yeast (Faex medicinalis)


The drug Brewer's yeast has therapeutic effect thanks to B complex vitamins, amino acids And minerals that are included in its composition.
Active substance The drug is involved in the regulation of redox processes, protein, lipid and carbon metabolism, and also activates a number of enzymes.
The drug improves the functioning of the immune system, promotes tissue restoration processes (including epithelial cells), and strengthens the body's resistance.
The drug also regulates the functioning of the endocrine, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.
The vitamins that make up Brewer's Yeast are components of enzymatic systems that regulate the metabolism of biological macromolecules (proteins, fats and carbohydrates).
Individually, each of the B vitamins takes part in many biological active reactions, and their balanced amount in the body is necessary for the normal activity of metabolic reactions.

Brewer's yeast contains 4 B vitamins, which are necessary for normal operation nervous system, neuronal metabolism, as well as deficiency states B vitamins.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamin) in the human body, being phosphorylated, it turns into cocarboxylase (a coenzyme of many enzymatic reactions).
Thiamine is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses in the synapses of neurons, the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, as well as in all key metabolic reactions in blood and muscle cells, the nervous system, and the heart.
Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) regulates redox processes during the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Takes part in the formation of hemoglobin, supports normal vision and skin regeneration.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine) in phosphorylated form it is a coenzyme in the metabolic processes of amino acids (transamination, decarboxylation, etc.), necessary for the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system.
Participates in the biosynthesis of neurotransmitters: histamine, serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine and adrenaline.

Vitamin B12 (Cyanocobalamin) necessary for the maturation of red blood cells and normal hematopoiesis. Cyanocobalamin, in coenzyme form (methylcobalamin and adenosylcobalamin), is necessary for the processes of replication and cell growth. Vitamin B12 is involved in a number of biochemical reactions - in the transport of methyl groups, in translation processes, synthesis nucleic acids, in the metabolism of amino acids, lipids, carbohydrates.
Cyanocobalamin affects the functioning of the nervous system (synthesis of RNA, DNA, myelin and the lipid composition of cerebrosides and phospholipids).
The components of the drug are water-soluble vitamins, so they do not accumulate in the body.
Suction and distribution.
Vitamins B1 and B6 are absorbed in the upper regions intestinal tract.
The absorption of vitamin B12 depends on the availability internal factor in the stomach and upper section intestinal tract. The transport protein transcobalamin II is responsible for the further transport of cyanocobalamin into tissues.

Vitamins B1, B6, B12 are metabolized in the liver. Riboflavin is transformed into flavin mononucleotide (coenzyme) - and then into another form - the coenzyme flavin adenine dinucleotide.
Approximately 60% of metabolites are associated with blood plasma proteins.
Excretion from the body.
Vitamin B6 is excreted from the body in urine. Unchanged pyridoxine and thiamine are excreted by the kidneys (8 - 10%).
In case of an overdose of the drug, the excretion of vitamins B1 and B6 through the intestines increases. Vitamin B12 is secreted into bile and recirculated through the liver.
Minor part dose taken Cyanocobalamin (6-30%) is excreted from the body in the urine during the first eight hours.
Zinccobalamin crosses the placental barrier and also enters breast milk during lactation.

Indications for

Brewer's yeast is prescribed to adults and children for prevention of:
- violation of vitamin, mineral and protein-carbohydrate metabolism;
- increased neuropsychic and physical stress;
- alcoholism;
- disease of the mucous membrane and skin of the corners of the mouth caused by streptococci (angular stomatitis);
- group B hypovitaminosis;
- dysbacteriosis;
- prolonged exposure to hazardous chemicals and radiation, as well as exposure to unfavorable climatic conditions;
- inadequate or unbalanced nutrition, especially during the recovery period after infectious or somatic diseases.

Brewer's yeast tablets are often used for prevention occurrence of cardiovascular diseases vascular system when smoking, arterial hypertension and dyslipoproteinemia.
In dermatology the drug is used for the treatment and prevention of:
- dermatosis;
- itching;
- furunculosis;
- psoriasis, eczema.
Brewer's yeast is often used for acne, especially in adolescence, inside and in the form of masks.
If necessary, brewer's yeast is prescribed for weight gain.
The drug improves metabolic processes, as a result of which appetite improves.
However, the use of the drug should be combined with regular training to increase muscle mass.
For weight gain, it is advisable to use brewer's yeast after consulting a nutritionist who will select proper diet and diet.

Mode of application:

Brewer's yeast in tablets is used orally after meals.
For prevention Usually a course of 30 days is prescribed:
- adults – 1 g 2-3 times a day;
- children from 7 to 12 years old – 0.5 g 2 times a day;
- children from 3 to 7 years old – 0.25 g 2 times a day.
Brewer's yeast in tablets is not prescribed to children under 3 years of age.

If necessary (especially in unfavorable climatic zones), the course is repeated after consultation with a doctor after 1-3 months.
During treatment, a dose increased by 1.5-2 times is usually used.
The dose is specifically calculated under heavy mental or physical stress, at the rate of 0.3-0.5 g per 1 kg per day.
Brewer's yeast is also often used for hair and nails.
For brittle, dry and slow-growing hair cosmetologists prescribe a drug with sulfur and zinc. For hair Brewer's yeast can also be used externally in the form of masks.
To do this, 1-2 tablets are crushed and diluted with water to the appropriate consistency. You can add other ingredients to the masks - honey, fruit or vegetable juice.


Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
- Leber's disease (hereditary atrophy optic nerve);
- candidiasis dysbacteriosis;
- Do not use in patients taking the antiparkinsonian drug levodopa.
When signs appear hypersensitivity, you should stop taking the drug.

other medicinal
by other means:

Since the drug Brewer's yeast is multicomponent drug, as a result of its use with other medications, the activity of both the drug itself and those medical supplies, which are applied simultaneously.
Use of oral contraceptives, alcohol and diuretics reduces vitamin B1 levels(thiamine).
Magnesium is necessary for the activation of vitamin B1, its transition of thiamine to an active state. The simultaneous use of brewer's yeast with magnesium-containing preparations is advisable.

Brewer's yeast should not be used in patients taking levodopa, since vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) suppresses the effect of this this tool.
Also pyridoxine may interfere with absorption and reduce blood levels of anticonvulsants(phenobarbital and phenytoin).
Pyridoxine chloride can increase the level of intracellular microelements Mg and Zn.
The dose of brewer's yeast should be increased when used simultaneously with oral contraception, penicillin, isoniazid, cycloserine and theophylline.


Patients during pregnancy and lactation should use complex preparations vitamins and microelements only after consultation with your doctor.

Release form:

Brewer's yeast tablets round shape Brown with the smell of yeast - 500 mg each; 60 pcs. in bottles.

Storage conditions:

Store at room temperature in a dry place.
Keep away from children.

1 tablet of Brewer's Yeast contains:
- active substance : brewer's yeast - 500 mg;
- Excipients : silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate.

(2 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Poor appetite, pathological weight loss, low rates of muscle mass growth are undesirable conditions that interfere with both bodybuilding and Everyday life, however, when using brewer's yeast, you can gain weight without unnecessary difficulties.

Brewer's yeast is natural product, which does not have a toxic effect on the human body systems.

Brewer's yeast - what is it?

A beneficial fungal organism, brewer's yeast is created from premium quality beer wort, hops and barley. The resulting dry extract is used to create tablets, which are placed in plastic bottles to be sent to pharmacy chains.

In addition to yeast in tablets, they are also sold in capsules and powder form. Raw yeast is difficult to digest, often leading to digestive upset, while autolysates, which are sold in pharmacies, do not cause such a negative reaction.

Fact. High the nutritional value Nutritional yeast provides more than 50% of the proteins needed to increase body weight.

Benefits and harms

A large number of incoming vitamins and amino acids help the body replenish energy losses and prevent the occurrence of vitamin deficiency.

The protein molecules included in the composition are quickly absorbed, so beneficial effects are observed after the first use of yeast. Additionally, taking them allows you to get rid of dermatological problems - rashes,...

Positive properties additives:

  • increases hair elasticity (biotin);
  • skin condition improves (panthenol);
  • the process of iron absorption (B12) is accelerated;
  • the process of hematopoiesis is enhanced (folic acid);
  • immunity increases (zinc);
  • increased appetite (chrome).

At long-term use it is possible to develop intestinal dysbiosis, as well as an increase in allergic reactions.

The benefits and harms of the supplement are in different proportions: positive aspects still more, so the use of this remedy is recommended by many doctors and professional bodybuilders.

Dosages for weight gain in sports (bodybuilding)

If weight gain is required, how to take yeast is a question that often arises. Athletes strive to increase the size of their body, but to ensure this happens, it is necessary to select the optimal dosage of this nutritional supplement. The total duration of the course should also be from 4 to 6 weeks, with a rest period of at least 1 month.

Reception regimen:

  1. the total number of tablets per day is up to 25;
  2. single dosage - 3–5 tablets;
  3. frequency of administration - 4–5 times;
  4. minimum water consumption - 2 liters;
  5. consumption relative to food - within 10 minutes;
  6. An alternative option is to take it immediately after a meal.

If the powder is taken, its concentration will be 1–1.5 tbsp. l per day. Persons with a fast metabolism can increase the concentration to 2 tbsp. l and 20–28 tablets, respectively. The loose form is very convenient for cooking from milk, raw eggs and yeast - this is what I used in my youth to accelerate muscle gain.

It is also necessary to adhere to the recommended serving ratio to human body weight - 0.3 g per 1 kg. The calorie content of a 100-gram serving is 440–460 kcal.

Advice. To recover quickly, after training you should eat more protein foods, as well as gainers.

Considering the likelihood of suppressing intestinal microflora by taking yeast, doctors advise taking Linex after the course and similar drugs containing bacterial lysates. The drugs normalize the ratio of beneficial and opportunistic pathogens to a healthy level.

You should stop taking the pills when you reach 70–80% of the weight that the athlete wanted to gain. The reason is the slow action of yeast, which has a kind of inertia (kilograms are gained even after stopping the course for several weeks).

Constant use of dietary supplements is prohibited: the instructions for use contain instructions on observing breaks between courses, otherwise potency in men may weaken due to. Breaks between courses allow you not to suppress production important elements necessary to maintain men's health.

Fact: If you want to overcome, consuming brewer's yeast makes it easier to get rid of the craving for alcohol.


The fungal origin of the food additive leads to restrictions associated with the inability to use it in the presence of diseases caused by the influence of this biological agent ( fungal infection skin, nails, internal organs).

Reception should also be limited for children under three years of age who have not yet fully developed immunity. Taboo on admission:

  • individual intolerance;
  • kidney diseases;
  • gout;
  • optic nerve atrophy;
  • dysbiosis.

If your health condition is burdened with these diseases, then it is better to stop using brewer’s yeast. It is also better for older people not to include them in their diet due to their nucleic acid content.

It is also prohibited to take them during pregnancy; another restriction is their combined use with diuretics and contraceptives, which can reduce the effect of medications.

Side effects

Brewer's yeast for women can cause problems associated with a sharp change in body proportions. Although the supplement regulates metabolism, if you have a high tendency to gain weight, you can quickly exceed the result that was originally planned.

Girls can also detect a recurrence of thrush during the course, and men - balanoposthitis. It is also possible that there is an uncontrollable increase in appetite, a failure menstrual cycle and increased blood pressure.

Manufactured products and estimated price

There is an abundance of products on the market from different manufacturers, which use a brewing additive. Manufacturers often add another component to enhance the effect of the drug. How to drink with additional ingredients?


  • WITH ascorbic acid. The supplement in combination with vitamin C can significantly increase the body's defenses, especially during epidemics. The action of yeast is also enriched by the restoration of the vascular system and increased performance. Produced by the Eco-mon company in plastic containers of 100 tablets. Price - 130–150 rubles.
  • . The dietary supplement is used for weak children who are underweight. The most famous manufacturer is Ekko Plus, which allows you to buy a useful product for 150–170 rubles (100 tablets).
  • With zinc. Recommended for men as a means of increasing testosterone levels, which also allows for more successful performance. sports training. Can be used as aid to enhance potency. Produced by the Eco-mon company in standard quantities of 100 tablets, the price is 130–140 rubles.
  • With sulfur. It is better not to buy this option for those who have decided to gain weight: the introduction of sulfur - a mineral for weight loss - allows you to slow down the metabolism and, as a result, block the main effect of yeast. It is rational to use this combination of substances to improve skin, hair and nails. An option is taken in a reduced dose - 3 tablets three times a day. Manufacturer - Alkoy-Pharm, cost - 220–240 rubles (100 tablets).
  • With calcium. This type of dietary supplement is an excellent solution for athletes who lift heavy weights. The presence of calcium, while promoting skeletal growth, helps protect bones from damage. An additional effect is the restoration of the nervous system. Manufacturer - "Eco-plus", price - 110–130 rubles (100 tablets).
  • With iodine. Recommended for people who have a tendency to develop thyroid diseases. Another condition is living in a region where there is a deficiency of iodine in food and products. In addition to increasing weight, the dietary supplement also normalizes activity endocrine system and helps remove toxins from the body. Manufacturers: Bitra, which produces products under the Nagipol line with iodine and carnitine.”

If you require a product in powder form, you can purchase a product from Solgar (USA). The net content of the package is 400 g, the price is 1.2–1.5 thousand rubles. In capsules of 100 pcs. You can purchase Melvita brand products (France) for 800 rubles.

Decide which better yeast, can only be based on additional goals pursued by the buyer (to protect bone apparatus, enhance testosterone production, etc.). If additional impact is not required, then it is enough to purchase the classic version.

Yeast analogues

If you have an individual intolerance to a component or the presence of contraindications to the use of this dietary supplement, you can choose substitutes that promote weight gain.

Yeast alternative:

  • . Sports protein mixtures consist half of “fast” carbohydrates, which give strength during training, and “slow” types, which contribute to weight gain. Excellent for those who do not have the opportunity to eat fully, but do not want to have a daily calorie deficit from the recommended norm.
  • high calorie content.

    An alternative gainer option can be infant formula and meat puree, which are also easily digestible and provide a lot of energy.


    Taking brewer's yeast is an indispensable way to normalize weight in people who suffer from excessive thinness or are rehabilitating after a debilitating illness. The lack of artificial synthesis of the supplement also helps to safely increase your own body weight.

    Effective use during training also allows you to save your personal budget, while the cost of purchasing sports nutrition usually high.

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    It’s interesting to know what the benefits and harms of brewer’s yeast are. This one is biological active drug It is often recommended to take for health improvement. To understand the properties of yeast, you need to study its composition and features.

    What is brewer's yeast and what is it used for?

    In fact, brewer's yeast is a yeast fungus or the simplest single-celled organisms responsible for the fermentation process. They are used in the production of beer; they give the alcoholic drink strength and a pleasant bitter taste.

    But beer fungi are used not only in the beer industry. In pharmacies they are sold as food supplement, because their properties are very beneficial for health. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals, and the effect of brewer's yeast is beneficial for all body systems.

    Vitamins and microelements in brewer's yeast

    The discreet-looking tablets contain a whole range of useful substances. Includes:

    • subgroup B vitamins;
    • vitamins D and P;
    • vitamins E and H;
    • folic acid;
    • amino acids;
    • fatty acid;
    • minerals phosphorus, iron, zinc;
    • calcium and magnesium;
    • selenium and manganese.

    Nutritional value and calorie content of brewer's yeast

    The product is very rich in protein, which takes up about 12.7 g of general composition. The yeast also contains fats in the amount of 2.7 g. The product does not contain carbohydrates at all, and its calorie content per 100 g is 75 kcal, that is, it is quite low.

    Types of brewer's yeast

    Yeast can be purchased in several forms, and each form has its own properties and characteristics.

    1. Liquid, or live, yeast. This product is sold by breweries, and its benefits are superior to all major varieties. However, the supplement has a drawback - it does not last long, and if you have dysbacteriosis, candidiasis and other fungal diseases, you should not drink it - the properties will be harmful.
    2. Powder. This useful supplement can be purchased at a pharmacy. It is convenient because it can be stored even in room heat and for quite a long time. Before use, the powder is diluted with water.
    3. Pills . Yeast food supplement is the most popular because it is stored for a long time, and it is easy to take - there is no need to measure the dosage and pre-prepare the product for use. In addition, tablets may include useful additional elements.

    Benefits of brewer's yeast

    • helps strengthen the nervous and immune systems;
    • preventively protects against viruses and infections;
    • improves tone and increases vigor;
    • enhances the production of insulin by the pancreas;
    • relieves the syndrome chronic fatigue and increases endurance;
    • regulates blood pressure;
    • helps cope with skin inflammation and rashes.

    For women

    The benefit of brewer's yeast tablets for women is that the product helps significantly maintain health and beauty. appearance skin. The supplement is useful for eczema and psoriasis, it softens too dry epidermis, and also strengthens nails and hair.

    For men

    The benefit of brewer's yeast in tablets for men is that the supplement helps both gain weight when playing sports and lose weight if you are overweight. The product has a positive effect on physical and mental endurance, improves appetite and has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.

    For children

    The properties of the product are very useful for children and adolescents, since yeast strengthens the child’s immunity, serves as a preventive measure against anemia, vitamin deficiency and stomach disorders. For teenagers, the beer supplement is valuable because it helps cope with acne and pimples without harming the skin.

    As a rule, beer supplements are prescribed to children after 3 years of age, and the daily dosage is only 0.5 g of the product. After 6 years, the dosage can be increased to 1 g per day.

    Attention! A supplement based on beer fungi should be given to children only with the permission of a pediatrician, since its properties can be both beneficial and harmful.

    The individual dosage should also be determined by the doctor.

    During pregnancy

    The supplement is very useful for women during pregnancy, as it saturates the body with protein and amino acids, prevents acne and brittle nails. But you need to use it with caution, and you should completely refrain from taking liquid yeast so that there is no harm to the intestines.

    It is best to consult a gynecologist regarding the use of a useful product. If there are no diseases of the kidneys, stomach or intestines, and the woman does not suffer from thrush, most likely, the supplement will be allowed, since it will not be harmful.

    Indications for use of brewer's yeast

    Typically, a beer additive is prescribed for use in the following conditions:

    • failures of metabolic processes;
    • acute and chronic diseases of the skin and mucous membranes;
    • increased physical and psychological stress;
    • intestinal dysbiosis;
    • cardiovascular diseases;
    • lack of B vitamins.

    How to take brewer's yeast tablets

    In order for beer fungi in tablets to be beneficial and not cause accidental harm, they must be used according to the scheme specified in the instructions.

    • The daily dosage for children from 3 to 12 years is no more than 3 tablets per day - one tablet on a full stomach.
    • Teenagers and adults should also take the supplement three times a day, but 2 tablets.

    After this, you need to make an interval between courses so that an excess of nutrients does not cause harm.

    Recipe for taking brewer's yeast powder

    The powdered beer additive should be diluted in a glass of warm water before use. The dosages prescribed are as follows:

    • for children under 12 years old - 1 teaspoon per day;
    • for adolescents under 16 years old - 1 large spoon per day;
    • for adults - no more than 2 large spoons per day.

    As for the dosage for children under 6 years old, it should be determined by a doctor to avoid harm, as well as the need to use a dietary supplement in general.

    Brewer's yeast for weight gain

    With the right regular use The action of brewer's yeast has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and intestines. The food supplement helps improve metabolism and supplies the body with valuable minerals and vitamins. In addition, the product contains a lot of amino acids and natural protein.

    Thanks to these properties of the supplement, the functioning of internal organs is normalized and appetite improves. Accordingly, body weight also increases - the product is very useful for excessive thinness.

    Brewer's yeast for weight loss

    The product can also be taken to successfully get rid of extra pounds. Excess weight is often the result malfunction exchange system. With metabolic disorders, waste products are retained in the body, and this affects body weight. The benefit of brewer's yeast for the intestines is that its properties accelerate metabolic processes. This makes weight loss happen faster. The main thing is to combine the intake of beer supplements with diet and exercise.

    Brewer's yeast in bodybuilding

    Since beer fungus is rich in protein, which plays a major role in building muscles, the dietary supplement is taken by bodybuilders seeking to build muscle. Brewer's yeast for athletes gives good results in combination with training and healthy diet- extra body fat quickly decrease, and the volume of muscle mass increases.

    In order for the properties of the supplement to increase muscle mass, it must be taken in increased dosages. A single dosage can be up to 5 tablets of the drug, and the supplement can be taken up to 5 times per day. It is extremely important to drink enough water - at least 2 liters per day, otherwise the drug may be harmful.

    The use of brewer's yeast in cosmetology

    Beer fungi have the most beneficial effect on the appearance of skin, hair and nail plates. Therefore, their properties are actively used in cosmetology - the product can often be found as an ingredient in shampoos and masks. Homemade beauty recipes are also popular.

    Brewer's yeast face masks

    The beer supplement improves the tone of the epidermis, helps get rid of irritations and evens out skin color. For a normal type of epidermis, you can make the following mask:

    • yeast powder in the amount of 2 teaspoons is diluted in kefir;
    • the mixture is infused for one and a half hours;
    • then the mask is applied to the face and neck and kept for a quarter of an hour.

    If the skin is dry, then the recipe needs to be changed a little - dilute the powder not in kefir, but in heated milk and leave for just an hour. Keep the product on your face for no more than 15 minutes.

    Important! Maximum result The properties of the masks will be beneficial if you do them daily for at least a week in a row.

    Brewer's yeast for beautiful hair

    Brewer's yeast is beneficial for hair growth. If your curls are dry and prone to falling out, then this product will help strengthen them and restore volume:

    • 10 g of yeast powder is diluted in half a glass of kefir;
    • add a teaspoon of honey;
    • infuse the mixture for half an hour, and then distribute it over your hair, wrap your head in a towel and hold nourishing mask for an hour.

    For oily hair The recipe will be a little different:

    • 10 g of powder should be mixed with a raw chicken egg;
    • dilute with a large spoon of warm water;
    • let the mixture sit for an hour, then apply it to your hair and keep it on your head for another hour, wrapped in a towel.

    You need to use hair cleansing and strengthening products for about 20 days in a row, followed by a two-week break.

    Brewer's yeast for nails

    The beer additive has a strengthening effect on the nail plates - they stop peeling and crumbling. To restore health and shine to your nails, you need to regularly take mini-baths. Brewer's yeast is simply diluted in a small amount of water, and then kept in a useful tool fingertips.

    The properties of the drug in tablet form have a beneficial effect on the condition of the nails - the supplement replenishes the lack of nutrients in the body.

    Does brewer's yeast help with acne?

    The healing properties of brewer's yeast for the skin are that it effectively cleanses the deep layers of the epidermis, relieves irritation, and also helps improve metabolic processes in skin cells. Therefore, with profuse pimples and acne, the product is of great benefit - it supplies epidermal cells with vitamin B and participates in the process of elastin and collagen synthesis.

    To combat acne, it is best to choose drugs from pharmacies that are specifically designed to normalize the condition of the skin. Many supplements in tablets are labeled with a special label - “for acne.” Supplements enriched with zinc and sulfur have an effective effect.

    Brewer's yeast will help against acne maximum effect, if you combine taking pills with homemade masks based on yeast powder. For example, the following mask has a universal effect:

    • 2 teaspoons of yeast powder are mixed with olive oil and natural yogurt in the same volumes;
    • add 1 teaspoon each of orange, carrot and lemon juice to the mixture;
    • mix until smooth and spread over the face for a quarter of an hour.

    If you look at the before and after photos of brewer's yeast, the result is completely obvious. Besides, complex therapy brings results very quickly - after a couple of weeks the skin becomes clearer.

    How is brewer's yeast used in veterinary medicine?

    Natural acids, vitamins B1 and B6, minerals in the supplement are useful not only for human body. The properties of the product are actively used in veterinary medicine to combat skin diseases in animals - eczema and dermatitis.

    In addition, the supplement is often prescribed to four-legged pets before exhibitions, since the drug adds shine to the animals' coat and prevents hair loss.

    What are the benefits of brewer's yeast with additional microelements?

    The beneficial properties of brewer's yeast will appear even if you take the supplement in pure form. But supplements with additional elements are especially valuable for the body - they have a complex effect on the body.

    Brewer's yeast with sulfur

    The benefits of brewer's yeast with sulfur are especially great for the skin - the additional mineral component in the supplement helps fight acne, blackheads and inflammation. Sulfur normalizes the production of subcutaneous fat, helps narrow pores, and accelerates the regeneration of skin cells.

    Brewer's yeast with calcium and magnesium

    The presence of calcium in the dietary supplement has a beneficial effect on bones and joints. When using such drugs, the condition of tooth enamel improves, and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system develop less frequently. Also, calcium in the product is good for hair and nails; the supplement has a beneficial effect on nervous system.

    Magnesium supplements are particularly beneficial for people engaged in heavy physical or mental work. Magnesium maintains energy reserves in the body, helps to always be in good shape, and serves as a prevention of chronic fatigue.

    Brewer's yeast with selenium

    The benefits and harms of brewer's yeast with selenium are that the enriched supplement has a positive effect on the immune system and protects the body from colds and infections. Selenium in the drug promotes healthy liver function and prevents the development of tumors.

    As for harm, selenium supplements can be dangerous if you are individually intolerant to the component. An overdose of this chemical should not be allowed - excess selenium in the body increases cancer risks.

    Brewer's yeast with zinc

    The benefits of brewer's yeast with zinc are especially great for the reproductive system. It is recommended to use the product for women with menstrual irregularities and for men with problems with potency.

    A useful supplement is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of infertility. In addition, preparations with zinc are beneficial for those prone to varicose veins and diabetes.

    Brewer's yeast harm and side effects

    The benefits of consuming brewer's yeast, when used correctly, rarely turn out to be harmful. However, there is a certain danger in overdose. Excessive use may cause unpleasant effects- such as belching and diarrhea, flatulence and bloating, fermentation processes will start in the body.

    Under certain conditions useful supplement may cause dysbacteriosis. If fungal diseases are present, it is better to refrain from consuming it - the product may contribute to the development of the disease. In particular, when taking live fungi in liquid form, a deterioration in the condition of thrush is often observed.

    Contraindications to the use of brewer's yeast

    In some cases, brewer's yeast is harmful to health even when not large quantities. Contraindications for them are:

    • advanced age over 70 years - yeast supplements contain too much nucleic acid;
    • individual allergies;
    • gout and kidney failure;
    • fungal diseases, including thrush;
    • hypervitaminosis.

    Yeast should be used with caution and with the permission of a doctor during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for infants under 3 years of age - in all these cases, the properties can be harmful.

    Where is brewer's yeast found?

    IN natural form Yeast can only be found in live beer. The benefits of yeast in beer are also quite great, but this drink must be consumed very carefully so that there is no harm.

    You can drink it in small quantities and very rarely; the beer should be completely natural. And of course, the drink is completely contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children and people with chronic illnesses - for them the properties of alcohol will only cause harm.

    How to choose the right brewer's yeast

    Brewer's yeast enriched with additional minerals brings maximum benefit. When consumed, the properties of brewer's yeast are enhanced by the action of a certain substance, and beneficial effect it turns out stronger.

    To choose the right additive, you need to understand which systems need additional protection. For example:

    • yeast with iron is best suited for use with reduced hemoglobin and anemia;
    • additive with succinic acid recommended for athletes and people whose work involves intense physical activity;
    • the properties of preparations with iodine help well with diseases of the thyroid gland;
    • for liver diseases, yeast with zinc is recommended for use;
    • strengthen joints, nails and tooth enamel yeast, which contains calcium, will allow.

    Classic brewer's yeast can be used for general strengthening. You just need to make sure that you are not allergic to this food additive and that its properties will not cause harm.


    The benefits and harms of brewer's yeast depend on whether there are any strict contraindications to its use. If the use of a food additive is allowed, then there will be unconditional health benefits - even classic yeast will help improve your well-being.

    Brewer's yeast is a popular biologically active additive to food that has a lot of beneficial properties and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body as a whole. The order in which you take the yeast depends on the desired end result, as well as general condition body.


    Composition of brewer's yeast

    Brewer's yeast is a single-celled plant organism belonging to the class of fungi. They contain a lot of useful enzymes and other components involved in accelerating the processes of fermentation and oxidation of organic compounds (usually carbohydrates). Brewer's yeast is a treasure trove minerals(magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, manganese, iron, zinc and others) vitamins B, E, PP, H, D, natural highly digestible protein, as well as a source essential amino acids, which are present in them almost in in full force. Therefore in medical practice they are recommended as an excellent therapeutic and prophylactic agent that increases the body’s overall resistance to stress and various diseases, improving general health and tone, increasing performance.

    Today there are many drugs, the main active ingredient of which is brewer’s yeast, and zinc, magnesium, succinic acid, etc. are used as additional components. The choice of such a dietary supplement will depend on the problem being solved.

    Benefits of brewer's yeast

    The benefits of brewer's yeast for our body are invaluable; they normalize metabolic processes (carbohydrate, fat, protein metabolism), improve the processes of digestion and assimilation of food, increase appetite, improve and restore work gastrointestinal tract, support the normal functioning of the pancreas, stimulate the processes of removing toxins from the body, thereby improving the overall functioning of the body.

    They are a means of replenishing vitamin B reserves.

    They are especially useful for diabetics because they contain large quantities of chromium, which stimulates the body to “fight” glucose.

    Yeast helps cope with emotional and physical stress, have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

    Helps maintain acid-base balance biofluids in the body.

    When taking brewer's yeast, the condition of facial skin significantly improves, especially problematic and oily skin with enlarged pores, pimples and acne. Additional application externally, in the form of masks, will help improve the condition of the hair, strengthen the roots, and get rid of dandruff. Recipes for masks made from brewer's yeast are very effective, but they have a significant drawback - the presence of a strong and persistent yeast odor from the hair, which is not so easy to wash off, review of the mask.

    Brewer's yeast helps strengthen the immune system, exhibits high antioxidant properties, preventing early aging, and prevents the development of liver cancer.

    A useful feature of brewer's yeast is the ability to increase the content good cholesterol and reduce its overall level in the body (for example, taking 2 tablespoons of brewer's yeast once a day for two months will help reduce cholesterol levels by 10%).

    Taking brewer's yeast is also useful for wounds and cuts, as it has the property of accelerating regenerative processes in tissues.

    Video: 10 useful facts about brewer's yeast.

    Enriched brewer's yeast

    In pharmacies and specialized stores you can find brewer's yeast enriched with succinic acid, magnesium, zinc, selenium, etc.

    Brewer's yeast with succinic acid increases muscle elasticity, which is especially useful for athletes and people with increased physical activity, since they prevent the occurrence of pain in overworked muscles, increasing the body's ability to adapt to increased loads without exhaustion.

    Magnesium, in combination with yeast, is involved in protein synthesis and maintains energy reserves in the body, therefore it is recommended for its deficiency in the body.

    With a lack of zinc in the body, cholesterol levels increase, prostate diseases develop, sexual activity is suppressed or greatly reduced, infertility develops, and problems with skin, hair and nails appear. Brewer's yeast with zinc successfully solves all these problems.

    Brewer's yeast in combination with iron serves as an excellent remedy to prevent anemia.

    Brewer's yeast with selenium is best source selenium, which is in an easily digestible form in the preparation, strengthens the immune system, stimulates the body's protective and antiviral abilities, and has a positive effect on the liver, especially in the presence of its diseases in chronic or acute forms. This dietary supplement also prevents premature aging and the development of tumors of various natures.

    Brewer's yeast, enriched with calcium, perfectly strengthens teeth, hair and nails, and in combination with potassium helps restore the human nervous system and increase muscle tone. The use of brewer's yeast with sulfur preserves skin elasticity and prevents aging. Brewer's yeast enriched with iodine promotes recovery normal functioning thyroid gland.

    Indications for use of brewer's yeast

    • Diabetes.
    • Recovery period after serious illness to eliminate exhaustion (for weight gain) and make up for deficiencies nutrients.
    • Prevention of B-hypovitaminosis.
    • Permanent cracks in the corners of the mouth.
    • Unbalanced diet.
    • Obesity.
    • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
    • Furunculosis (adolescent acne).
    • Dermatoses due to nervous conditions.
    • Eczema, psoriasis.
    • Anemia.
    • Exposure to chemicals, radiation.
    • Violation of metabolic processes.
    • Fragility and excessive dryness of hair and nails (improvement after 1-1.5 months of use).
    • Intense stress (physical, mental).
    • Disease Prevention of cardio-vascular system.
    • Neuralgia.
    • Oily and problem skin.

    Brewer's yeast, how to take

    Brewer's yeast is taken in courses of one to two months, taking into account existing problems. Persistent improvement usually occurs after a month to a month and a half of daily use. During the year, no more than three such treatment and prophylactic courses can be carried out with an interval of two to three months between each.

    Brewer's yeast is taken for prevention by adults and children over 12 years of age, one tablet three times a day, an hour after meals (usually the dosage is indicated on the drug). A large dosage of yeast should be agreed with a specialist. Children 3-7 years old are recommended to take brewer's yeast 0.25 g once a day, children from seven years old - 0.5 g twice a day, also between meals.

    Side effects of taking brewer's yeast

    Taking brewer's yeast can cause allergic reactions such as urticaria and itching.

    Contraindications to taking brewer's yeast

    • Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.
    • Kidney diseases.
    • Due to the content of nucleic acids, they are contraindicated for elderly people.
    • Optic atrophy (genetic disease).
    • Fungal diseases.
    • Children under three years old.
    • Pregnancy (only after consulting a doctor).
    • Gout.

    Is it possible to take brewer's yeast at the same time as medications?

    During the reception period medications Taking brewer's yeast should be discussed with your doctor, since it can change the activity of the medicine used and also change its properties.

    Some may say that brewer's yeast, for all its advantages, inevitably leads to weight gain. excess weight. I will say right away that if a woman does not have metabolic disorders or disorders endocrine nature, then there will be no weight gain when taking yeast. After all, it is these violations that provoke obesity. The drug, on the contrary, restores impaired metabolic processes, improves the absorption of nutrients, especially protein, so the body does not need to require additional portions of food. Brewer's yeast is often used in a weight loss program.

    Now you know that brewer’s yeast can solve a lot of problems, take it without fear, but only after first consulting a doctor and his recommendations.

    What is brewer's yeast? Brewer's yeast is a dietary supplement with beneficial properties and has a beneficial effect on the body. The additive contains fungi belonging to the yeast group.

    Previously, a beer drink was considered medicine, which has a beneficial effect on appetite and normalizes the nervous system. Currently, the additive is used in dry, live and tablet form. What are the benefits of brewer's yeast?

    Composition and application

    What effect do they have on the body? What does it contain?

    Yeast composition:

    1. Aminocarboxylic acids;
    2. Protein;
    3. Thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine;
    4. Ascorbic acid;
    5. Monounsaturated fatty acids.

    All elements are beneficial for the body and are actively used in complex treatment chronic diseases. Why do you take the supplement?

    Useful for treatment:

    • Diabetes mellitus;
    • High blood pressure;
    • For viral infections;
    • Excess weight;
    • Painful menstruation in women;
    • Dry lips;
    • Convulsive syndrome in the calf muscles;
    • Sleep disorders;
    • Atherosclerotic deposits;
    • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
    • Inflammatory, acute or chronic, purulent skin diseases;
    • Alcohol and nicotine addiction;
    • Neurotic diseases;
    • Complications after radiotherapy.

    Brewer's yeast with zinc has pronounced antibacterial and antiviral effects. Reduce cholesterol levels and have a beneficial effect on reproductive system body.

    Used to prevent varicose veins. Brewer's yeast with selenium normalizes liver function, slows down the aging process, and increases the body's immune strength. They have restorative properties after active exercise.

    Nutritional value and calorie content

    Calorie content of the supplement: 452 kcal per hundred grams. One tablespoon contains 45 kcal, which does not make much difference in daily calorie content food.

    One teaspoon of brewer's yeast contains: 0.01 grams of fat, 0.25 grams of carbohydrates, 0.36 grams of protein.

    Brewer's yeast is often used in cosmetic procedures. What is the effect of external use of the supplement?

    Hair benefits:

    • Stimulate growth;
    • Add volume;
    • Maintain rich color;
    • Relieves split ends and irritation on the scalp.

    Dry yeast can be added to hair masks, rinses, and balms, but not more than once a week. You can make your own mask from brewer’s yeast by mixing with it: olive oil, decoction of nettle leaves and kefir.

    Benefits for face and body:

    1. Improve blood circulation;
    2. Moisturize and tighten the skin;
    3. Relieve tension (massage procedures);
    4. Gives firmness and elasticity to the skin;
    5. Reduce inflammation, get rid of acne and oily shine. Such masks will be useful in adolescence(13-17 years old), helping boys and girls with painful rashes on the face and body.

    Take the tablets orally, one at a time, twice a day or dissolve in warm water to prepare the solution. The resulting concentrate is filtered and used to rinse hair, wipe the face or make hand baths.

    Additional rules of use:

    • Yeast of any form is diluted with warm water;
    • It is necessary to constantly stir the yeast mixture to prevent the formation of lumps;
    • Before applying the mask, you must first steam your face. You can use a steam bath with a decoction of chamomile, sage or celandine;
    • After half an hour, the mask must be removed.

    Such masks can be used up to two times a week. It is important to use heated water; the tablets will not dissolve in cold water, and all beneficial bacteria will die in hot water.

    Yeast in the role of weight loss and weight gain

    Due to their low calorie content, in moderation they will help in the fight against overweight. The supplement accelerates metabolism and replenishes vitamin deficiencies.

    If you double the dosage of the drug (take five to six tablets a day), it will help build muscle mass.

    How to take correctly

    The harm and benefits of brewer's yeast depend on the dosage and purpose of use. How to take brewer's yeast?

    Children from six to twelve years old are recommended to take half a tablet, twice a day. For adults, to achieve positive effect, you need to take one tablet, two to three times a day after meals. Therapy is carried out in a course of one or two months. It is possible to repeat the course, not earlier than after three months.

    Can I make my own brewer's yeast? What products will be needed for this?


    1. Baking flour;
    2. Warm still water;
    3. Live beer;
    4. Sucrose.

    Pour flour into water in equal proportions (one glass), and bring the solution to a homogeneous mass. Place the composition in a warm place for five to six hours (it is better to leave it near the radiator). After the solution has infused, add a tablespoon of granulated sugar and a glass of unpasteurized live beer.

    Stir thoroughly and place again in a warm place to cook completely. Pour the prepared solution into a glass container and store in the refrigerator. Interaction of the additive with direct sun rays and moisture.

    What are the benefits of brewer's yeast?

    What are the benefits of brewer's yeast? What properties do they have in tablets?


    • Activate brain performance;
    • Oppose depressive states and deterioration of mood and alertness;
    • Protect against viruses and bacterial infections;
    • Replenishes the lack of animal protein;
    • Improves blood circulation in the brain;
    • Increase appetite;
    • Output harmful substances from the human body;
    • Accelerate metabolism;
    • Increase immunity;
    • They have a strengthening effect on blood vessels and normalize heart rate;
    • They have a regenerating effect. Able to accelerate the healing of wounds, ulcers and other damaged tissues;
    • Helps digestion useful substances from food;
    • Restores the body after intense exercise;
    • Cleanses the skin of the face and body from rashes;
    • They have rejuvenating properties for the body.

    The supplement is used as vitamins for women due to its positive effects on growth hair follicles and nails. They strengthen the nail plate and tooth enamel, and make the hair strong and silky.

    Brewer's yeast will be useful for athletes, it increases the body's endurance and increases the duration of training. The pure protein included in the composition is good material, for muscle building.

    Harm from yeast to humans

    What is the harm of brewer's yeast? Women who abuse dietary supplements are at risk of developing candidiasis. Living organisms in its composition can provoke fungal infections.

    Possible negative interaction of the additive with hormonal contraceptives, alcoholic drinks and diuretic medicines.

    Not recommended for use during inflammatory diseases urinary tract and kidney stones. Symptoms of intolerance to individual components of the composition may occur. Whether there is a Negative consequences from the use of biological additives?

    What are the side effects

    If dosage is incorrect or allergic reaction on the components of the composition, poisoning may occur. What signs are characteristic of an overdose of yeast?

    Side effects:

    • Inflammation on skin(burning, rash);
    • Vomiting;
    • Diathesis;
    • Pain in the abdominal area;
    • Loose stools;
    • Swelling;
    • Gas formation, heartburn;
    • Fungal infections.

    If such symptoms occur, consult a doctor. This supplement may not be right for you.

    Video: brewer's yeast for men and women