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Health benefits of sesame oil and secrets of use. Sesame oil for face, body and hair

Sesame oil light, nutritious. It brings many health benefits. Although it is not the most popular in our time, it was the most famous and revered in Ancient India.

One of the earliest and most profound researchers in Ayurveda, Charaka, said that sesame oil is the best of all oils.

It was used to relieve various diseases and states of the body. This is perhaps the oldest oil in the world. We are only now beginning to understand its health benefits.

Sesame oil can help you achieve flawless skin, healthy hair and glowing healthy skin from the inside. After reading the article, evaluate for yourself whether the benefits and harms of sesame oil are great, and at the same time you will find out why and how to take it.

Sesame oil is obtained from sesame seeds. Plants in the sesame genus have amazing abilities. They tolerate drought very well.

People of ancient civilizations in India, China, Egypt and the Middle East discovered that sesame seeds are good for extracting oil. So, it is one of the oldest derived oils in the history of human civilization.

Sesame seeds are mainly of two types:

  • White sesame seeds. They are white or cream colored. The oil obtained from these seeds is light in color.
  • Black sesame seeds. They are dark in color, and the oil is correspondingly dark in color.

Sesame oil has many powerful therapeutic and healing properties. Only a few of them have been evaluated and verified through scientific research.

  • Anti-inflammatory. It helps because it contains fatty acids.
  • Antioxidant. Does not spoil for a long time due to these antioxidant nutrients.
  • Antidiabetic.
  • Hypotensive (lowers blood pressure).
  • Antibacterial. Kills many strains of bacteria.
  • Antiatherogenic. Reduces the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  • Antidepressant. Reduces depression.
  • DNA protection. Sesame oil protects the DNA of body cells from damage caused by exposure to external factors(radiation).
  • Anticancer. Sesame oil has now been found to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.
  • Emollient. Perfectly moisturizes and treats dry skin.
  • Regenerative, rejuvenating. Sesame oil has powerful anti-aging properties nutrients.
  • Skin restoration. Promotes restoration and renewal of skin cells. Causes scarring and rapid healing of wounds.
  • Sun protection. Sesame oil has a natural SPF, although it is small. It is not comparable to sunscreen cosmetics, but it can be used in natural sun protection formulations.
  • Antirheumatic. Used in Ayurvedic practice. Oil is used as a base component.
  • Anticholesterol. Improves lipid profile people who use it.
  • Detoxification. One of the few massage oils to remove toxins from the body.
  • Great for massage.
  • Laxative. Provides quick relief from constipation.

Ancient people used this oil for its healing properties, which can bring it back to glory.

How to take sesame oil, benefits and harm to the body

All ways in which sesame oil can be used at home must be cold pressed. Sesame oil has excellent nutritional properties, which were used to reverse the disease.

Needless to say, this composition provides numerous health benefits. Our ancestors knew about this and used sesame oil for thousands of years.

The beneficial properties for the skin of sesame oil are countless. It's so rich in content useful substances and vitamins. It should be applied directly to the skin of the face. This improves the texture of the skin, making it softer and smoother.

Softens, hydrates skin and may reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. This effect is explained by the content of a special micronutrient called sesamol.

It also lightens tan and irregular pigmentation. Its antioxidant and sun protection properties provide double protection against UV damage.

For young skin. Teenagers find it difficult to choose a cream to care for their face. Some oils are too thick and heavy, and cosmetics are not always suitable. The solution is sesame oil; it will satisfy all the needs of the younger generation.

Complete control over pustules and rashes. It neutralizes toxins that cause inflammation and clogged pores.

Lifting effect. It tightens the skin well, especially around the nose. Reduces the appearance of enlarged pores, making it look healthier and younger.

Heals skin damage. For any scratches, cuts or cracks, apply oil to the wound. The speed of recovery will surprise you. The skin is elastic, soft and elastic.

For baby's skin. An excellent product for caring for baby's delicate and sensitive skin. It is applied under the diaper and protects against rashes caused by the acidic effects of body waste.

Even though sesame oil is a little heavier than other massage oils, it is used for massage.

Preferably used to detoxify the body through the skin.

How to properly massage using sesame oil

Warm sesame oil is applied liberally to the skin. The idea is to "bathe" in it. After application, keep the oil on the skin for about 15-30 minutes. Rinse it off with water.

The oil is ideal for a morning massage before your shower, although you can use it at any time. This treatment removes many environmental and internal toxins, leaving the body detoxified.

The skin is the largest organ of the body that contains toxins. We have many in our skin harmful substances, which are trapped inside it. This massage will improve blood circulation in the skin, making it work better.

According to Ayurveda, sesame oil can be consumed daily in the morning for self-massage. It is aimed at strengthening body tissues, reducing physical activity, improvements appearance skin and to protect against old age.

Studies have confirmed that applying sesame oil to a child's skin promotes growth. Children who received sesame oil massage experienced additional increases in height, weight, and body circumference. The duration of sleep also increases after a massage.

Sesame oil for hair growth

For massage. Sesame oil makes an excellent massage for the scalp. It deeply conditions the scalp and improves the health of hair follicles.

For hair damage. Sesame oil treats hair that gets damaged due to use chemical substances: soaps, shampoos, conditioners, paints, and even high temperature hair dryers and straighteners.

Sesame oil helps hair return to its original health (to some extent). It absorbs many toxins that accumulate on the scalp.

Absorb fat soluble vitamins and minerals that ended up on the skin while swimming in sea ​​water or in the pool.

Hot compress. Apply warm sesame oil to your scalp for a hot compress. This will make your hair softer and easier to comb.

Heating the oil is done to penetrate deeply and condition the skin.

Nutrition of hair follicles. Sesame oil has good composition irreplaceable fatty acids, which increase the health of hair follicles.

For psoriasis. The oil eliminates flaking and dryness. That is why it is useful in the fight against dandruff.

Against hair loss. It is indispensable and effective in preventing hair loss that occurs due to fungal infection of the scalp. Sesame oil is a powerful antifungal agent.

Quick hair shine. Do you have an event planned and urgently need to add shine to dull hair? No problem. You just need to take 4-5 drops of sesame seeds in your palms and distribute them throughout your hair.

Now you can enjoy their shine. Distributing it at the ends will save them from damage and they will not split.

Easily get rid of lice. You will need to add a few drops of lavender and rosemary oil to sesame oil and make a hot mask on the scalp. There will be no lice. Then you need to comb your hair with a fine comb to remove the remaining eggs.

This effect can be minimized by applying sesame oil before or after bathing. It washes chlorine out of hair scales.

Healthy! By applying sesame oil on the outer rim of the ear canal, you can effectively prevent infection from entering the ear.

Against depression sesame oil helps if taken orally or used for massage. The study found that sesamol in its composition helps inhibit the production of cytokines. This significantly reduces the risk of developing clinical depression due to stress.

Some people do, others know, and some have never heard of it. There is a method body cleansing oil sesame seeds. This practice is ancient and very effective. Usually used for this Coconut oil, but sesame is not inferior to it in any way for these purposes.

Cleanse the body of toxins. Place some sesame seed oil in your mouth, just enough to feel comfortable. Keep it inside your mouth for about 5 minutes. Rinse your mouth with it, chew it and push it through your teeth.

If you did everything correctly, the oil will become white and liquid. Then you should spit it out and rinse your mouth well with water and salt or soda.

It kills harmful bacteria in the oral cavity, Candida fungi and those that cause stomatitis. At the same time, it protects teeth and gums. This practice is also beneficial for gingivitis.

For a healthy intestine. Sesame oil helps improve gut health when regular use. Its presence in the diet improves the condition digestive system in some inflammatory processes, in particular with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. It helps in treating intestinal obstruction.

Reducing cholesterol. Maintain its level at in good condition it is much easier with sesame oil due to the presence of fatty acids in it. Sesame oil reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Antitumor effect. Sesame oil has been identified as anti-cancer for several diseases:

The anti-cancer effect of sesame oil is due to sesamin. It has a cytotoxic effect against cancer cells, effectively blocking their spread.

Sesame oil has a pleasant, sweet taste and delicate aroma. It is stable and resistant to rancidity. It is added to salads and main dishes.

You can use toasted sesame oil, which has a rich flavor and is great for adding to recipes.

Contraindications, safe dosage and toxicity

Sesame oil is safe. It does not irritate the skin, therefore it is favorable for massage. It does not make the skin photosensitive, so you can safely use it in the sun.

No specific information about its safe level for medicinal purposes. However, people with allergies to sesame seeds should avoid this oil. It should also not be used by those prone to chronic diarrhea.

There are contraindications for taking sesame oil, there are a few of them and among them:

  • Varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.
  • Increased blood clotting.
  • Danger of development urolithiasis when combining oil with products containing oxalic acid and aspirin.

Sesame oil leaves no woman indifferent and rave reviews are proof of this. It not only returns beauty to your hair and youth to your skin, it improves women Health, normalizes weight and gives strength and self-confidence.

Sesame or sesame oil is used in cooking, medicine, cosmetology and technology. The beneficial properties and contraindications of sesame oil were known to people more than 6 centuries ago. Sesame is one of the ancient plants in agriculture. It began to be cultivated on the African continent. The ancient Assyrians and Egyptians valued sesame and made bread, intoxicating drinks, and edible oil from it. According to one of the Assyrian legends, the gods ate aromatic sesame oil to strengthen the body and spirit before the creation of the world.

Beneficial properties of sesame oil

Sesame seeds contain metals that are not transferred into the oil during oil production. But it contains a significant amount of minerals and vitamins, polyunsaturated (PUFA) and saturated (SFA) fatty acids. The lignans contained in the oil increase thermal stability and shelf life, so it is added to other vegetable oils to stabilize them.

PUFAs are represented by omega 3 and 6 fatty acids. It contains almost equal amounts of ω 9 and ω 6 – 42.8 and 40.4%, respectively. The oil contains ω 3 PUFAs, which amount to 0.6%. For the therapeutic effect, the ratio ω 6/ ω 3 is important. Ideally, it should be 10/1 in the diet healthy person and 3/1 or 5/1 for healing and preventative nutrition. The importance of the PUFA balance has been confirmed by a number of clinical studies.

For example, consuming sesame oil reduces mortality from disease by 70%. cardiovascular pathologies. It has an inhibitory effect on the progression inflammatory process in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and has a beneficial effect on the well-being of patients with asthma.

Sesame oil contains α – (0.8 mg/100 g of oil) and β+γ (26-28 mg) tocopherol isomers. A mixture of isomers or vitamin E is of great importance for the human body.

Has a beneficial effect on:

  • gonads of men and women, it is not for nothing that tocopherol is translated as “bringing children.” Sesame oil:
  • enhances lactation;
  • normalizes hormonal background and reduces the symptoms of menopause;
  • stimulates sperm production;
  • normalize prostate function;
  • increase erection and libido;
  • skin, contributing to:
  • removal of toxins;
  • regeneration – healing without scarring;
  • UV protection and prevention of age spots;
  • rejuvenation – reduces wrinkles and stimulates collagen synthesis;
  • cardiovascular system:
  • prolongs the life of red blood cells;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • eliminates anemia;
  • reduces blood pressure;
  • the nervous system, participating in the formation of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers, which, among other things, facilitates the course of Alzheimer's disease;
  • muscle tissue, ensuring the synthesis of collagen fibers.

Tocopherols in sesame oil prevent the development of malignant diseases, increase the absorption of magnesium and protect fat-soluble vitamins from destruction by oxygen.

The component under discussion has high antiradical activity, since it contains up to 600 mg/100 g of sesamin oil and about 200 mg/100 mg of sesamolin oil.

Inhibition of negative radicals is increased due to the synergistic effects of:

  • tocopherols;
  • β – carotene;
  • lutein;
  • zeaxanthin;
  • phospholipids.

The antioxidant pool of sesame oil is the highest among vegetable oils.

Sesame oil is rich in calcium. Calcium and phosphorus complex prevents destruction bone tissue and is an effective remedy in the fight against osteoporosis. It is used as a massage oil that warms muscles, relieves hypertonicity (tension), relaxes and relieves pain. The oil is used for baby massage to treat inflammatory diseases.

Application in dietary nutrition alleviates the condition of patients with irritable bowel syndrome, it normalizes weight - breaks down fat, promoting weight loss, or helps “build up meat” when exhausted.

Areas of application of herbal product

Sesame oil is used in Thai, Japanese, Chinese, and Indian traditional cuisine. In European cuisine it is used to prepare sauces, baked goods, and sweets.

Widely used in aromatherapy, folk and official medicine. In cosmetology and perfumery, the oil is used to prepare creams, masks for hair and face, and perfume compositions.

In cosmetology

Sesame seed oil has been used in the creation cosmetics V Ancient Egypt. Recipes based on it were given in papyri dating back to 1500 BC. e. It was used in cosmetology in India, Assyria, and Iran. In India, sesame oil is sacred, bestowing immortality. It is mentioned in the Vedas and Puranas. The goddess of love Lakshmi symbolizes the essence of sesame oil - eternal youth and beauty.

Sesame oil for face and body provides the following positive effects:

  • cleanses it of impurities and dead cells;
  • penetrating deeply into the dermis proteins, silicon and ascorbic acid ensure the removal of toxins and stimulate collagen synthesis, which strengthens the epidermis, smoothes wrinkles, and evens out the relief. Prevents the appearance of age spots;
  • vitamins in the oil help retain moisture in the skin, stimulate blood circulation, gas exchange and nutrition;
  • normalizes skin pH, restores its barrier properties;
  • The zinc contained in the oil helps eliminate pathogenic microbes, relieves redness and inflammation. Used in treatment skin diseases– psoriasis, eczema, mycosis, accelerates the healing of wounds and burns;
  • phytosterols and PUFAs prolong the youth of the skin and eliminate signs of age-related changes;
  • sesamol and other antioxidants protect the skin from UV exposure harmful influence ecology.

These properties of sesame oil are used in the preparation of home and industrial therapeutic and prophylactic products for the skin:

  • oily and dry;
  • problematic - prone to acne and irritation;
  • fading and tired.

It is introduced into hygienic lipstick to soften the skin of the lips, caring creams for the eyelids and skin in the orbital area, in sunscreen cosmetics, and makeup remover products. Sesame oil is used as a base for aroma lamps. The oil is a component of baby creams. It is used for warming and relaxing massage.

In the form of baths, sesame oil is used to strengthen and grow nails. It has an antifungal effect on the nail plate. Therefore, the oil is used in complex therapy mycoses of nails.

By rubbing sesame oil into the scalp, the beauties of the East restore their silkiness and add shine.

Sesame oil for hair:

  • improves the structure of the scalp;
  • prevents dandruff;
  • normalizes sebum secretion;
  • accelerates hair growth.

It is used in complex treatment alopecia and seborrhea. Regular use of hair oil prevents the appearance of gray hair, protects against the damaging effects of the environment, UV radiation, and the effects of hard and salty sea water.

In traditional medicine

IN traditional medicine sesame oil is used as a solvent for antipsychotics. It prolongs the effect of the drug, reduces the severity side effects, shortens the course of treatment, prevents exacerbation of mental illness.

Shatbinda and Dabur are made from sesame oil - nasal drops that cure ENT diseases - sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, sinusitis, Chronical bronchitis And allergic rhinitis. Drops stimulate mental activity, relieve headache, improve memory.

The Ayurvedic company Thousand Petals produces medicinal drops for the eyes and ears based on sesame oil. Drishti and Patanjali eye drops relieve fatigue, soothe, treat conjunctivitis and cataracts. Glaucoma and cataracts are treated with Ayton drops. Ujala drops normalize intraocular pressure.

Capsules with sesamin sesame oil heal the liver, protect it from toxins, alcohols, and reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol. Pharmaceutical companies Axis Labs, Universal Nutrition, SciVation produce dietary supplements containing concentrated sesamin.

Vitamin E is extracted from sesame oil, a complex of tocopherol isomers that are sold in capsule form.

Folk remedies

If in official medicine the development of sesame oil is just beginning, then in folk medicine it has been tested for centuries and is widely used in the treatment of many diseases.

Ayurveda recommends cleansing and healing the body with the help of a morning “rinse” oral cavity and nasopharynx with sesame oil. This procedure is called "gandusha". You need to put sesame oil in your mouth and “suck” it, holding it for about 3 minutes. Thanks to this procedure, toxins are removed from the body, teeth and gums become stronger, and become elastic. vocal cords, the mucous membrane is restored, ENT and colds.

Warmed sesame oil is used to rub the chest and feet for colds, pneumonia, and bronchitis.

Compresses and oils applied to a burn or wound for 20-30 minutes contribute to their fast healing without scars and hyperpigmentation.

Microenemas are made from heated oil to treat constipation, anal fissures, internal hemorrhoids.

For pyelonephritis, urethritis, cystitis, sesame oil is consumed orally for 2 weeks.

For joint inflammation, rheumatism, gout, heated oil is rubbed into the joint and wrapped in a warm cloth.

For otitis media, 1-2 drops of warm sesame oil are instilled into the ear.

To alleviate the condition of Alzheimer's patients, it is recommended to instill 1-2 drops of oil into each nostril and rub it on the feet, hands, and massage the head.

Sesame oil: methods of use and dosage

Various pathologies require in various ways use of sesame oil and its dose. Efficiency therapeutic effects depends on how to take sesame oil and in what dosage.

Useful product taken:

  • 2 tsp each on an empty stomach for gastritis, ulcerative colitis, irritable bowel syndrome;
  • 2 tsp each ½ before meals for constipation and intestinal atony;
  • for disease prevention and complex treatment various pathologies take 1 tsp. oils 3 times a day.
Age (years)Quantity (drops)Admission conditions
Adults and teenagers (> 14)20-30 2-3 times a day with meals
1-3 3-5 while eating
4-6 5-10 -«-
7-9 10-15 before meals
10-14 20-30 while eating

The course of treatment is 3 months. If necessary, the course can be repeated after a week's break.

Benefits and harms for the child’s body

Sesame oil is good for child's body as a measure to prevent seasonal colds, for the treatment of colds and ENT diseases. Massage with herbal remedy relieves diaper rash in children, diaper dermatitis, softens and protects the skin. Massage calms capricious children and improves sleep. Gum massage – facilitates teething, treats thrush, relieves pain and redness.

For schoolchildren, taking sesame oil will help them better absorb educational material. For children who are intensely involved in sports, it will help relieve fatigue and muscle soreness (as a rub), increase endurance and muscle strength.

However, information is increasingly emerging about allergies caused by sesame oil. Scientists suggest that this is due to the expansion of the area of ​​​​use of oil, which causes an overdose and an allergic reaction.

Contraindications for use

Since sesame oil natural product, then there are not many contraindications to its use.

In addition to individual intolerance, before taking sesame oil, people with:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • tendency to form blood clots;
  • varicose veins.

It is not recommended to use sesame oil and certain drugs containing:

  • aspirin;
  • oxalic acid;
  • female sex hormones (estrogens).

Oxalic acid and calcium from sesame oil form insoluble compounds that are deposited in the form of stones (stones and sand) in the kidneys, bladder and other hollow organs.

Phytoestrogens oils when combined with hormonal drug may cause excess dosage and corresponding disturbances in the body.

Indications: chronic cough(dry), weak lungs, chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, dysentery, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, weak gums, tooth decay, hair loss, weak bones, sotheoporosis, exhaustion, convalescence, arthritis, sciatica, gout, body and face care product and hair. The best oil for people with the Vata dosha type.

Cautions: obesity, high Pitta.

Shelf life: the oil does not lose its properties for up to 5 years, but it must be stored in a place protected from the sun.

Sesame oil is the best oil in Ayurveda for the treatment of diseases associated with Vata disorders, in particular for the treatment of joint pain, rheumatoid polyarthritis, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis. For these purposes, sesame oil is slightly heated and gently rubbed into painful areas bodies. Mixed with lemon juice, it is applied to burns, boils and ulcers.

Sesame oil has a warming effect, so it is good to rub it into the chest, head, feet and palms for colds, flu, dry cough, pneumonia, asthma. For ear pain, two or three drops of warm oil are dripped into the ears at night.

For Vata-type hemorrhoids, which is accompanied by loss of appetite and pain not only in the rectum, but also in the pelvis, back, lower abdomen and Bladder, wherein hemorrhoids dry, hard, patchy to the touch, rarely bleed or swell, no appetite - in these cases, warm sesame oil or Mahanarayan oil based on it is used to moisturize and lubricate the colon, which is applied externally to the anus or in the form of enemas (half a cup In the evening).

If you add a little camphor, cardamom and cinnamon to sesame oil, you can apply it to your head for migraines and dizziness.

IN cold period year, it’s good to do “abhyanga” at least once a week - an oil massage of the whole body. To do this, one tablespoon of oil (pre-evaporated) is slightly heated, then rubbed into the skin with soft circular movements for 15-20 minutes, after which take a warm shower. Oil massage transfers energy to our body and eliminates stagnation on its surface; it also nourishes the heart, calms the mind, gives elasticity to muscles and ligaments, and strengthens bones.

Sesame oil contains a lot of solar energy, so when consumed orally (1 teaspoon on an empty stomach), the body rejuvenates, bones and teeth are strengthened, the walls of the stomach and intestines are well lubricated, which promotes better absorption of food.

With oil massage through the skin, the body is strongly cleansed of toxins, so in Panchakarma clinics massage with sesame oil is of great importance. The skin and gastrointestinal tract are physical barriers that separate us from environment and controlling entry into the body, letting nutrients in and blocking the path of pathogens. When the skin is cleansed of all its impurities, the condition also improves. gastrointestinal tract. For people with a predominant Vata constitution, oil massage is more necessary than for people with other constitutions, since it promotes their “down-to-earthness” and also has protective anti-radiation properties. External and indoor application medicinal oils(particularly sesame) is a fundamental method used by Ayurveda to balance Vata - the constitution and regulate Vata-related conditions.

Oil foot massage helps healthy sleep. If you have poor eyesight, oil your nails before going to bed. thumbs legs

Based on sesame oil in Ayurvedic medicine, many famous oils that are widely used in practice are produced, such as “Mahanarayan”, “Shadbindu”, “Bringaraj”, “Chandanadi”, “Mahamasha” and many others.

Sesame oil formulations can be prepared with many Ayurvedic herbs such as shatavari, ashwagandha, sandalwood, bala, manjishtha, etc. To do this, the herbs are added to sesame oil with water, then the water is evaporated and the oil is filtered.

Based on Internet materials.

Ancient Ayurveda in modern spa practice

Ayurveda- this is the oldest tradition in the world, an excellent effective technology for restoring strength, health, and beauty, which came from India and is rapidly gaining popularity in Russia and throughout the world. Ayurveda focuses on absolute health and perfect beauty.

In our troubled age: chronic fatigue, stress, a restless rhythm of monotonous activity, an unhealthy environment - this and much more lead to the fact that a person very quickly loses health and attractiveness. Ayurveda gives a beautiful, young life without worries and diseases, life in harmony with the whole world.



100% natural sesame oil obtained by cold pressing. The oil is produced using ancient traditional methods and has high quality, has a sweetish-nutty taste, light in structure. Thanks to sesamol, it is highly stable during long-term storage (up to 8 years). One of the main remedies used in Ayurveda.

Penetrates deeply into skin cells, helps cleanse it, restores water-lipid balance, removes harmful products metabolism and dead cells. The oil is rich in microelements, vitamins E, A and contains balanced polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins and natural antioxidants.

Sesame oil contains a lot of magnesium - an anti-stress element that has a calming effect, relaxing the muscles of the face and body. Has active antioxidant, regenerating and moisturizing effects. Ayurveda calls sesame oil "hot and spicy." Suppresses “cold” diseases, suppresses “mucus and wind”. This oil restores skin health, heals wounds, cracks, burns and soothes pain. Naturally moisturizes and soothes sunburned and irritated skin. Ideal for any type of massage.

When caring for facial skin, you can mix it with (frankincense, myrrh, lemon, bergamot, etc.) - the skin changes beyond recognition. Grease is normalized. Pores are reduced and smoothed, inflammation and blemishes disappear.

Sesame oil is good antibacterial agent for skin and nails. It makes an excellent basis for nourishing cosmetic products and is suitable for all skin types, especially useful for dry, aging and flaky skin. Has a warming effect.

In India, from birth, babies receive a 10-minute massage with sesame or a mixture of sesame and mustard oil. At the same time, children develop much more actively than their peers, get sick less and sleep soundly and peacefully.

Recommended for caring for all hair types. Sesame oil- a panacea for oily and sore scalp. An ideal product for hair dyed or chemically treated. Sesame oil gives hair shine and softness and protects it from drying out. Guarantees protection from harmful ultraviolet rays and prevents them from drying out. Protects hair from exposure to the sun, sea and chlorinated water.

Sesame oil contains a lot of magnesium, an anti-stress element that has a calming effect that relaxes the muscles of the face and body. Therefore, as an additional result of hair care, you will get a fresh, rested face with a blush on your cheeks.

Currently, many European natural hair cosmetics are prepared based on sesame oil (masks, mousses, shampoos, conditioners, etc.). Systematic use of sesame oil will preserve the beauty and health of your hair for a long time.

Sesame oil is valuable product nutrition that has a beneficial effect on health in case of lipid metabolism disorders (normalizes metabolism), hypertension, inflammatory and degenerative diseases joints. Sesame oil is effectively used to prevent osteoporosis due to the presence of calcium and phosphorus ( building materials for bone tissue) and phytoestrogens that control bone resorption processes.

In case of exhaustion, sesame oil promotes “meat growth”; in case of obesity, it promotes weight loss.

In all cases, sesame oil strengthens the body. This oil is one of the main remedies used in Ayurveda. It is considered healing, removing poisons and toxins from the body. Ayurvedic medicine calls sesame oil “hot and spicy.” Suppresses “cold” diseases, suppresses “mucus and wind”. It is effective when pulmonary diseases, shortness of breath, dry cough, asthma, heart disease, liver disease, gall bladder, pancreas (in particular diabetes) and thyroid gland, during treatment increased acidity gastric juice, anemia.

Also used for constipation and ulcers.

IN modern medicine sesame oil is used internally to treat thrombopenic purpura, essential thrombopenia and hemorrhagic diathesis.
It increases the number of platelets and accelerates blood clotting. Used for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis (prevents the formation of blood clots).

IN medical purposes Sesame oil obtained by cold pressing is used.

Used in cooking injection solutions from fat-soluble drugs, oil emulsions, medicinal oils, ointments, liniments, plasters.

With the arrival of the winter months a large number of people complain about unpleasant condition- dryness of the nasal mucosa (including burning, itching, nasal congestion, the appearance of crusty substances and clots). An effective remedy This treatment is sesame oil. Two drops of sesame oil before bed, rubbing the soles of your feet and chest will relieve you of colds and chronic colds.

Instilling two drops of sesame oil into the ears will improve hearing and prevent hearing-related diseases.

Mode of application

Warm to body temperature and use for massage. Can be flavored with a drop. Ideal for any type of massage.

For hair care- apply to the scalp, massaging thoroughly - rub in. Wash off warm water after 30 minutes. After this, wash your hair using Ayurvedic soap. For greater effect The oil can be heated by placing the bottle in hot water.

For body care - different kinds massage, from the lightest to the hardest. After the massage, leave on the body for 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water and Ayurvedic soap.

For facial care- Apply with gentle movements onto the face and décolleté (you can add). After 30 minutes, blot off excess with a napkin.

In Ayurvedic medicine daily morning procedure is "Gandusha"- This is a mouth and throat rinse with sesame oil. It is carried out as follows: take sesame oil into your mouth and hold it for 3 minutes, moving it slightly in the mouth. This procedure will remove all harmful substances that are released from the body overnight into the oral cavity. It will strengthen teeth and gums and prevent the development of caries. It will reduce sensitivity to the consumption of acidic substances and strengthen taste buds. It will successfully help cope with expression wrinkles and strengthen the chin. Gandusha It helps a lot to improve your voice. This procedure is especially useful for those who live in dusty cities, use central heating, and in cold climates. Since this causes the mucous membranes of the throat and nose to dry out greatly. The nasal mucosa also needs to be lubricated with sesame oil before going outside. This will help effectively fight ENT diseases.

Massage oils with therapeutic effect

Approximately 50% of the effect of Ayurvedic procedures is provided by oils prepared according to the classic recipe from a variety of medicinal plants. In Ayurveda, there are more than 30 types of medicinal oils, each of which contains from 7 to 30 herbal components.

Ayurvedic medicinal herbal oils have amazing healing properties. Known in Sanskrit as "Sidha Tailam" acts directly on the skin, blood, muscles, connective tissues, lungs and intestines. Accelerate metabolism in these tissues, maintain and restore their health.

Recipes of time-tested Ayurvedic oils cleanse and enrich the blood, soften and nourish the skin, strengthen muscles and connective tissues, enhance the energy of the lungs and intestines, lubricate joints, giving them flexibility and mobility, dissolve and remove salt deposits, and relieve pain.

Source of information - materials from Arya company

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Scientists cannot agree on which country first began to use sesame oil, the use of which is inextricably linked with its healing properties and benefits for the body. And the reason for this is a thousand-year history, during which people in many parts of the planet recognized the value of this product. It is obtained by pressing by processing Indian sesame seeds. The beneficial properties of sesame oil are associated with the content of unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, palmitic, oleic and stearic. They are easily absorbed by the body and do not pose a health hazard. The product is also rich in vitamins A, B and E.

Beneficial properties of sesame oil

By using oil in various dishes, you can:

  • reduce the risk of developing hypertension and blood clots on the walls of blood vessels;
  • slow down the aging process;
  • strengthen immune system thanks to increased levels of vitamin E, iron and calcium.

Sesame oil - treatment according to Ayurveda

According to ancient Indian health science and harmonious development person, this product is an ideal tool for removing toxins. You just need to rinse your mouth with sesame oil, allowing it to draw out toxic substances from the body. Ayurveda recommends carrying out the procedure on a regular basis. The beneficial properties of sesame oil in cleansing the body provide:

This method is an excellent alternative to teeth whitener and chemical compositions for rinsing, and therefore it can be safely added to the list of morning procedures.

How to use the beneficial properties of sesame oil according to Ayurveda

It is best to use the technique on an empty stomach, the first thing after waking up: you can rinse your mouth while taking a shower or while preparing breakfast. Place one spoon of pure sesame oil in your mouth for 10 to 20 minutes. You will notice that it takes on a whitish hue as it absorbs toxic substances from the body. It is important to spit out the oil into a trash can without any residue (be careful not to wash it down the water supply - this can cause a blockage) and rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.

Massage oil

Finally, sesame oil can be used for a relaxing and moisturizing massage. It's perfect for giving your skin a glowing glow. healthy looking and protect from adverse effects sun rays. For self-massage, take one or two tablespoons of sesame oil and rub over the body, focusing Special attention head, face and legs. These areas are especially sensitive. Take a warm shower for 5-10 minutes, allowing the oil to absorb into the skin. You can also complete the procedure with a cold pour, which will provide an excellent healing effect.