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To get out of binge drinking at home. Withdrawal from binge drinking is medicated. Did you have any relatives in your family who went on long-term “binges”?

The difficult problem of binge drinking is faced not only by those who actually go on a binge, but also by members of their families, who in this case suffer no less than the alcoholic himself. Binge drinking can be considered the consumption of alcoholic beverages for two days in a row. If a person wants to have a hangover in the morning after drinking alcohol the day before, we can assume that he has gone on a binge. At this moment, the second stage of alcoholism begins, causing an irresistible desire to drink. How longer person is in this state, the more difficult it is to solve this problem.

How to get out of binge drinking as soon as possible? To accomplish this task, you need to decide on the most appropriate moment. WITH psychological point vision, you need to allocate at least 2 days to get out of binge drinking. The most noticeable effect can be obtained only 3-4 days after stopping drinking alcohol. Already noticeable relief of a person’s condition occurs on the second day.

The question of how to get out of binge drinking is almost impossible to solve without the real desire of the alcoholic himself. A person must decide not to drink. Of course, it is very difficult to get such a decision from a drunk person, but it is still possible.

4. B lunch time You should drink 2 capsules of Essentiale Forte and Mezim, and eat broth or liquid soup. If arrhythmia or tachycardia occurs, you should take half a tablet of atenolol. The other half of the tablet should be taken in the evening.

5. At 7-8 pm we have dinner with thin porridge or soup. At this moment, it is important not to overeat, since by this time an acute feeling of hunger arises.

6. After dinner you need to go to bed.

8. The next morning you need to get up before hours. This morning you can drink a cup of coffee. We take medications in the same quantities as the day before, with the exception of Valocordin. A good movie or doing something you love can help you overcome depression. During this time, you should drink plenty of fluids. At good appetite you should eat heavily, but without fanaticism.

It is difficult to find a greater evil than alcohol addiction. Alcohol mercilessly undermines the health of many people, destroys mental abilities and personality drinking man, leads to early death.

The tricky thing about alcohol is that severe consequences They do not come immediately, but gradually and imperceptibly. At first, alcohol brings emotional and physical relief from everyday troubles.

Subsequently, the person realizes that he can no longer do without constant libations, which have long ceased to be produced desired effect, but quit bad habit He is no longer able to do it on his own. Coming - mental and physical dependence from alcoholic drinks.

Often leads to alcohol binge serious condition hangover. A person does not know how to competently overcome frightening symptoms - feelings of fear, depression, heart problems, headache– and starts the day with a new portion of alcohol, which brings dubious and short-lived relief.

Knowing simple techniques, you can quickly . Combination of medications with folk remedies will quickly remove all the consequences alcohol intoxication.

Necessary first aid measures for the body

How quickly at home? To begin with, a person who has been in a drunken state for a long time must himself come to the decision to overcome this illness. Unobtrusive help will definitely be needed in this difficult event. loved one. Next steps are taken to relieve symptoms alcohol poisoning, such as:

  • toxic damage to organs (liver, stomach);
  • dry mouth – popularly known as “dry mouth”;
  • headache and nausea with toxic damage internal organs(liver, stomach);
  • irritation;
  • tachycardia;
  • state of anxiety;
  • tremors and convulsions.

You can cope with these symptoms in one day, but the removal of alcoholic compounds from the body occurs within 3 days.

In the morning, after overcoming yourself, you should take a contrast shower, which tones the body and washes away all kinds of toxins from the body. Hot bath It is not recommended to take. The extra load on the heart, which is already working under strain, leads to increased blood pressure and possible brain disorders.

For accelerated elimination toxic substances You should try to drink about 2 liters of liquid per day. Drink plenty of fluids– the main component of the daily diet of a person recovering from heavy drinking. You can drink everything except strong tea, energy drinks, carbonated drinks and coffee.

Natural (!) kvass, weak tea with lemon, kefir, compotes, brines and vegetable juices. You should not use marinade with the addition of vinegar - the mucous membranes of the stomach are already burned by alcohol. Hydrocarbonate mineral water (Essentuki, Borjomi) effectively reduces alcohol imbalance.

The effect of mineral water for hangover syndrome begins in the mouth when the bubbles burst carbon dioxide, which irritates the sensitive mucous membrane, thereby stimulating the brain. The presence of gas bubbles increases the volume of absorbed water, which immediately enters the blood at the level of the stomach and esophagus.

If upon admission mineral water if the stomach is irritated, the bubbling effect of carbonated water can cause vomiting. Cleansing the stomach through vomiting is an excellent way to free the insides from the breakdown products of alcohol and from food debris that accumulates undigested alcohol.

Dehydration of the body, which inevitably occurs when drinking alcohol-containing drinks, leads to poor health. But the reason for this is not a lack of water, but a lack of blood volume. The mineral water quickly enters circulatory system, normalizing the volume of circulating blood.

Abundant intake of mineral water leads to recovery water-salt balance and frequent urination. As a result, the swelling of organ tissues, which causes headaches, gradually disappears. Excess fluid comes out along with toxic substances in the body.

Rules for eating

Hangover syndrome causes persistent disgust for any food. But the stomach must be forced to work. Low-fat broth is very well received. Jellied fish or fruit jelly contain a lot of glycine, which relieves psychological stress. Vegetable salads of spinach and cucumbers, seasoned vegetable oil, and fruits, especially citrus fruits or bananas, will replenish vitamins and minerals.

It is not recommended to “improve your health” with a heavy meal after a hangover. Fatty food It does not at all make it easier to get out of binge drinking, as some suggest, but only aggravates the serious condition. Hearty foods contain a lot of fat and proteins, which put a strain on the liver, which can barely cope with the neutralization of harmful substances.

Alcohol flushes such things out of the body necessary substances, like potassium, magnesium and vitamins. This causes interruptions in the functioning of the heart and seizures. Any nuts and sesame contain a lot of magnesium, seaweed. Sunflower seeds are a real storehouse of microelements.

Grape and gooseberry juice contains a lot succinic acid. This substance effectively helps the body during the period after heavy drinking: it protects against toxic poisoning, activates cellular respiration and improves overall well-being.

In case of alcohol intoxication, it is very useful to drink oatmeal broth. Its diuretic effect helps the body get rid of swelling, which means the headache will go away. Oats, rich in B vitamins, provide the liver with the necessary enzymes for processing toxic substances. Oatmeal broth normalizes blood pressure and restores brain function.

To prepare the decoction, it is better to take unpeeled oat grains (one glass), but you can use oatmeal or flakes. Pour dry raw materials with 5 glasses of water and cook for 20 minutes. You can add honey to the strained broth - another excellent medicine for hangover– and take, if possible, 0.5 liters every 40 minutes. You should drink at least 1 liter of decoction per day.

In case of a hangover, diuretic products and frequent urination. In this case, it is better to take phytodiuretics: a diuretic mixture, lingonberry leaf or green tea.

Medication assistance

It is impossible to relieve a severe state of alcohol intoxication without the help of medications. Here it is necessary to take into account chronic diseases person, and the severity of his hangover syndrome. In such cases, when taking medications, you should definitely consult a doctor, because what works great for one may harm another. Below is sample list first aid medications for withdrawal from binge drinking.

First mandatory drug– activated carbon is a sorbent that absorbs toxic alcohol residues. When taking charcoal, you should follow the rule: one tablet is designed for 10 kg of human weight. 2 hours after taking sorbents, it is necessary to empty the intestines, otherwise a reverse effect will inevitably occur. Polysorb or Filtrum is an alternative to activated carbon.

Hangover tachycardia is relieved with the help of Anaprilin and Asparkam. For the liver – Essentiale forte. Glycine will help restore balance nervous system. Headaches can be relieved with instant aspirin. But for those with ulcers, it is better to abstain from it and use paracetamol or citramon.

Strong heartbeat is calmed by taking Obsedan. Valocordin also copes well with this task. Magnesia is a popular remedy for withdrawal from binge drinking. Magnesium sulfate, or “Epsom salt”, has a laxative effect, so it is better to take it after sorbents (Polysorb, Filtrum, activated carbon).

Effects of magnesium on the body:

  • anticonvulsant effect – relief of headaches;
  • replenishment of magnesium reserves in the body - stabilization of the nervous system, support of the heart;
  • removal of edema.

It is difficult to talk about a positive attitude after many days of alcoholic libation. But to get out of binge drinking, a positive environment must be established at home. Relatives on at this stage should in every possible way encourage a person’s desire to get rid of alcohol addiction. No reproaches or complaints. Only calming conversations.

Favorite movies or music, influx fresh air and a cozy environment should contribute to psychological balance. The main thing is to avoid communicating with drinking friends at all costs.

With the therapy described above, by the evening the painful condition improves significantly. After a few more days, an irresistible desire to live will appear. But only the help of loved ones and qualified specialists will help curb the constant need for alcoholic beverages.

Thank you for your feedback


    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Has anyone succeeded in ridding their husband of alcoholism? My drink never stops, I don’t know what to do anymore ((I was thinking about getting a divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things, and only after reading this article, I was able to wean my husband off alcohol; now he doesn’t drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, that’s what I wrote in my first comment) I’ll duplicate it just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a scam? Why do they sell on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet because stores and pharmacies charge outrageous markups. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now they sell everything on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editor's response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not implemented through pharmacy chain and retail stores to avoid overpricing. Currently you can only order from official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I didn’t notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is fine if payment is made upon receipt.

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried traditional methods to get rid of alcoholism? My father drinks, I can’t influence him in any way ((

    Andrey () A week ago

    I haven’t tried any folk remedies, my father-in-law still drinks and drinks

It is necessary to get out of binge drinking with the help of a specialist, but not every person has such an opportunity. You can cope with this yourself at home, gradually reducing the dose of alcohol. In this state you need to take sedatives, activated charcoal and drink plenty of water. It is forbidden to smoke, take a contrast shower and overload the body with physical activity. If it comes to hallucinations or delirium tremens, you should immediately call an ambulance.

    Show all

    How to quit binge drinking at home without the help of doctors

    Binge drinking is the consumption of alcoholic beverages that lasts at least two days. During a binge, an alcoholic gets drunk, wakes up with a hangover, and to get rid of it, takes new doses of alcohol and moves on to the next round. Relatives conclude that the person needs treatment.

    Self-medication is dangerous, and to relieve binge drinking, you need to call a narcologist to your home and place the patient in an inpatient setting. If an alcoholic asks for help, he can stop on his own at home and stop the craving for alcohol.

    Alcoholism - dangerous disease, and not a consequence of a person’s weak will. The patient's body becomes dependent on alcohol as much as it is dependent on drugs.

    If the drinking didn't last long

    To recover from binge drinking at home, a person needs to be confirmed in his desire and endure hangover syndrome, arising from interruption of drunkenness.

    A quick withdrawal is painful, and if carried out without the help of a specialist, it can have unpleasant consequences.

    There should be medications at home: for headaches - Analgin and Citramon, for removing toxins - activated carbon, for the heart - Valocordin, Validol, Corvalol. Food and drink should include: mineral water, berries and fruit juices, milk, any brine, honey and jam, citrus fruits, fatty, rich broth.

    How to get a person out of a binge that lasted up to three days:

    1. 1. The patient should stop drinking alcohol in the evening.
    2. 2. The next morning he should drink one and a half liters of any drink listed above, then take two tablets activated carbon, and medications for stomach, liver, and headaches are taken as needed.
    3. 3. After this, he should eat a heavy meal of fatty broth with bread and take a contrast shower. It is recommended to read and listen throughout the day good music, watch TV, take a walk, but don’t get overtired. The removal of alcohol from the blood occurs very slowly.
    4. 4. In the middle of the day, medications for the stomach and liver and activated charcoal are repeated. Cardiac medications are taken as needed, followed by a hearty lunch. Drink a lot of juices, tea with lemon and honey. At this time, you need to walk more, move actively, but not overwork.
    5. 5. In the evening, you should repeat the medication and have dinner, then take a relaxing warm shower.

    All these actions will help you get out of short-term drunkenness with virtually no health consequences. Enough willpower and desire - and a person will be able to solve his problem on his own.

    Exit after a long binge that lasted 7 days

    It is difficult to help an alcoholic quit at home. week-long binge, quick exit in 1 day is unlikely.

    The hangover syndrome occurs with severe intoxication and the liver cannot cope with the removal of toxins. The poison begins to spread throughout the body. Addicted people feel bad every morning as a result of:

    • Failures in the cardiovascular system;
    • Increased work of the pancreas;
    • Changes in brain function;
    • Great load on the liver.

    An alcoholic does not admit that he is sick and does not ask for help. After a multi-day binge, you cannot suddenly stop drinking; you need to gradually reduce the dose, drink no more than a glass and have a snack at one time. Should you drink strong alcohol, wine and beer will not help in this case. After drinking beer, a person will suffer from a beer hangover.

    First you need to stop the alcoholic from drinking alcohol. To quickly get rid of half-digested alcohol, the best treatment is gastric lavage. You need to prepare a solution: take one teaspoon each of soda and salt, dissolve in a liter of water. The patient should drink two liters and induce vomiting.

    Then let the patient rest a little and you can begin to withdraw from binge drinking using traditional methods. Neutralization of toxins after alcohol intoxication possible using the following means:

    • Any brine or sour juices;
    • Fresh a raw egg beat well, add salt and eat;
    • Tea with lemon, you can add honey;
    • Take a liter of water, half a liter of kefir, a teaspoon of sugar and a pinch of salt, mix and drink in one gulp - withdrawal symptoms will pass quickly;
    • Add three drops to 350 ml of water ammonia and drink;
    • Take activated carbon twice a day at the rate of: one tablet per ten kilograms of body weight; three times a day in a glass of water, two tablets of aspirin, glycerin, vitamin C and B vitamins;
    • Milk with honey.

    You can stop a protracted binge without medication using the following methods:

    • Place mustard plasters on the back of the head;
    • Take a contrast shower every hour;
    • Feed the patient generously sour cabbage soup and fatty broth.

    Using medications to help you stop drinking

    The first medicine to take is Limontar. You need to take one tablet per glass of water and add soda to it on the tip of a knife, drink it before eating (you need to force the patient to eat). Then they take Glycine four times a day, it returns clarity of consciousness to the person and relieves headaches. Then they give Aspirin tablets twice a day to thin the blood. It is recommended to start taking these drugs when the dose of alcohol is reduced.

    In the evening you need to give up drinking. On the first evening of refusal, a difficult stage begins - it is difficult for a person to fall asleep. It is advisable to take Phenazepam, but it is not sold without a prescription and not everyone can buy it, just like Donormil. Any sedative will do, Afobazol can be used.

Binge drinking is defined as drinking alcoholic beverages that continues for at least two days. During this time, he manages to get drunk (no matter for what reason - an already formed addiction or simply out of a desire to escape from problems), wake up with hangover symptoms, get rid of them by taking a new portion of alcohol, and then go to the next round. Binge drinking, as one of the clearest signs of alcoholism, makes the conclusion obvious to the alcoholic’s relatives: it is necessary to quickly begin treatment. But how to treat such specific disease It is possible only when the patient independently gives consent, for this he must first be taken out of the binge.

Binge drinking refers to drinking alcohol over a long period of time.

Without going to the doctor

Experts say that self-medication is dangerous, that the most effective methods recovery from a binge state are those that imply calling a doctor, that recovery from a binge at home cannot be compared in quality with the same procedure, but in inpatient conditions. All this is true, but treatment can be successful or unsuccessful depending on whether the patient himself wants recovery. If binge alcoholic asks for help - even at home he will be able to stop his craving for alcohol, if not, no one will be able to help him (at least, for real and for a long time).

If the drunkenness was short-lived

Before quitting a binge at home, you should make sure of the alcoholic’s corresponding desire and his strength to endure the torment that interrupting drunkenness will entail. Important: the rapid withdrawal of a person from a long-term binge is painful, painful and time-consuming, and if you do not resort to the services of specialists, such treatment can have consequences. If a person has only had a chance to drink for a short time, but he independently realized the need for help, it is quite possible to help him.

You can treat a drunkard after 3-4 days of binge drinking using the following method:

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at a dispensary, nothing helped. Helped effective method, which was recommended by Elena Malysheva. EFFECTIVE METHOD

Activated carbon to remove toxins

  1. Buy medications: activated carbon to remove toxins; Validol, Valocordin, Corvalol, valerian to protect the heart; Citramon, Analgin for headaches; drugs to support the liver and stomach.
  2. Provide a supply of citrus fruits, honey and jam, milk, mineral water, fruit and berry juices, brine (tomatoes/cucumbers/sauerkraut), thick, fatty beef broth in the house.
  3. Gather your strength and stop drinking alcohol the night before, abandoning such a means of restoring health as.
  4. On the morning of the first day when an alcoholic begins to recover from binge drinking, he should be given at least one and a half liters of any stored drink (brine, mineral water, juice), then given medications - activated carbon (2 tablets), Corvalol (20 drops), and, if necessary, medications for the liver and against headaches.
  5. Next, you need to eat a hearty meal of fatty broth with bread, after which treatment with a contrast shower is recommended. You should do something throughout the day - watch movies, walk, read, most importantly, do not overwork. Detoxification means the removal of alcohol and its metabolites from the blood, which occurs very slowly.
  6. In the middle of the day you need to repeat the intake of activated carbon and medications for the liver and stomach. If necessary, you can put Validol under your tongue or drop Valocordin, and then have a hearty lunch. You need to drink as much as possible at this time, preferably drinking tea with honey and lemon, juices. In the afternoon, the alcoholic should be forced to move actively, take a walk, avoiding overwork.
  7. In the evening, the drinking person is prescribed to take medication and dinner as usual, then take a long shower. The next morning, the treatment suggests taking activated charcoal again.

Such activities will help you get out of not too long-term drunkenness with minimal consequences for health. The main condition for breaking out of binge drinking at home is the willpower of the drinker, his desire to cope with trouble on his own and the lack of beer recovery in the morning.

After a long time of abuse

It is correct to bring a drinker out of prolonged drunkenness, especially in conditions home treatment, much more difficult. You won’t be able to help quickly - you’ll have to stop first vicious circle drunkenness-hangover, interrupt the continuous absorption of alcohol. Best treatment for this purpose - gastric lavage to get rid of half-digested alcohol. To do this, you need to prepare a solution of salt and soda (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water), give it to drink in an amount of at least 1.5-2 liters, then induce vomiting by pressing the handle of a spoon on the root of the alcoholic’s tongue.

Take a quick test and receive a free brochure “Binge Alcoholism and How to Cope with It.”

Did you have any relatives in your family who went on long-term “binges”?

Do you get a hangover the day after drinking a large dose of alcohol?

Does it become “easier” for you if you “hangover” (drink) the morning after a stormy feast?

What is your normal blood pressure?

Do you have an “acute” desire to “drink” after taking a small dose of alcohol?

Do you feel more confident and relaxed after drinking alcohol?

After rinsing, you can allow the patient to move away from long stay drunk for some time, after which you can begin to come out of the binge using folk remedies. You can use the following non-traditional drugs that can quickly neutralize toxins after alcohol intoxication:

Tea with lemon

  • Tea with lemon;
  • ammonia (3 drops) with water (350 ml);
  • milk with honey;
  • cucumber or cabbage brine, sour juices;
  • activated carbon (1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight twice a day), aspirin (2 tablets per glass of water 3 times a day every 4 hours), vitamins – C, group B, glycerin;
  • kefir (500 ml) with water (1 l), sugar (1 tsp) and salt (pinch) - if you drink the mixture in one gulp, you can quickly relieve withdrawal symptoms.
  • a fresh raw egg, which must be thoroughly beaten, salted and given to the alcoholic to eat.

Also, among the methods that allow you to stop a protracted binge not with medication, but unconventionally, there are:

  • feeding the alcoholic abundantly with fatty broths and sour cabbage soup;
  • frequent (every hour) contrast shower;
  • mustard plasters on the back of the head.

Folk recipes

Very effective means, making withdrawal from drunkenness almost painless, are herbal and berry infusions and decoctions. For example, rosehip infusion, the task of which is to help relieve a hangover and get rid of alcohol breakdown products. It's easy to prepare:

  1. You need to take 150 grams. rosehip, rinse it, throw it into a thermos.
  2. Berries in a thermos should be filled boiled water(not boiling water).
  3. After 12 hours, when they get into the water beneficial features rose hips, making it as concentrated and healthy as possible, the infusion can be drunk in volumes of 1.5-2 liters per day.

Folk remedies for binge drinking allow you to properly stop the cycle of alcohol abuse without causing additional harm to the patient’s health. Similar non-traditional drugs include:

  • chamomile infusion: brew chamomile (160 grams of flowers) in boiling water (3 liters), let it brew for half an hour, then steam the patient’s legs and pour on the back of the head;
  • vitamin drink: lemon (3 pcs.), cut, pour cold water(1 l.), boil and boil for half an hour, then cool and give to the patient to drink during the day;
  • decoction of marigolds: pour boiling water (1 liter) over flowers (18 g), boil for 3 minutes and leave for 3 hours, then take a glass 5 times a day.

Breaking out of binge drinking at home involves not only using traditional methods helping an alcoholic, but also creating comfortable living conditions in the family from a psychological point of view. It is extremely important to stimulate a person, to convince him to get rid of addiction on his own, but without depriving him of support. Drunken alcoholic in a very in rare cases is able to show willpower, having withstood all the tests associated with giving up alcohol. Family help is incredibly important for such people, which for relatives means the following rules:

  1. Complete elimination of alcohol. This means that family members must be vigilant to ensure that no alcoholic beverages are present in the house, so that the sick person does not come into contact with those who might tempt him with alcohol, and also cannot obtain it on his own. No beer “recovery”!
  2. One hundred percent support. Before breaking out of binge drinking at home for real, a binge alcoholic must feel the support of his loved ones. Relatives organizing treatment, for their part, need to keep complaints, dissatisfaction, reproaches and grievances to themselves if they really want to stop the vicious circle of the disease.
  3. Clear daily routine. Relatives will have to make sure that the patient follows a strict schedule: eats on time, takes medications, takes a shower, exercises, and rests. Need to pick up proper diet, monitor the fat content of food and the amount of liquid you drink - all this is important, since the treatment should not harm other organs, in particular the stomach and liver.

The patient himself, who has decided to recover from an alcoholic hangover, must prepare himself for a long-term positive result, however, do not be under the illusion that everything will be easy. It will be difficult even to stop drinking for one day in order to begin the healing process, and when, a few hours after abstinence, your health condition sharply worsens and you want a beer hangover, there will be no way to tolerate it.

This is the main danger of quitting binge drinking at home - stopping the supply of poison to the body often leads to such a phenomenon as ". To help in the fight against this disorder, either special medications (“dry drip”) or a set of drugs that provoke the removal of toxins and restore the optimal balance of life will help. important substances. Traditionally, such a set includes activated charcoal, valocordin and some kind of liver support (including last years Essentiale Forte is popular).

Alcohol binge can be considered the most severe exacerbation; during this period a person is not able to give up alcohol. Binge drinking, in other words, a hangover syndrome in which alcohol no longer brings the expected effect, but is only a support for the satisfactory state of the alcoholic. Binge drinking can last from three days to several months, and sometimes up to several years.

During a period of binge drinking, a person is unable to give up alcohol

This phenomenon is accompanied by severe intoxication of the body. The liver fights harmful toxins, but if you abuse alcohol, the organ stops coping and the toxic poison spreads throughout the body.

Very often, recovery from binge drinking at home is more successful than in hospital settings. It's worth it, let's take a look. how to get out of binge drinking on your own and the principles of combating this disease without resorting to the help of doctors.

What will help you get out of binge drinking?

To facilitate general state A person who abuses alcohol should drink as much fluid as possible. This will allow the body to detoxify itself. This can be done using: non-carbonated mineral water, cucumber pickle, fruit juice, chicken broth, weak tea with the addition of lemon or mint. When vomiting, a “cerucal” tablet can help, which should be washed down with a minimum amount of water. The following medications will also support the body from illness:

When you come out of a binge, activated carbon will restore your work gastrointestinal tract In addition, toxins will be removed from the body. Take the tablets for at least three days; for longer periods, it is better to take Polyphepan. It is an ideal sorbent and best assistant when quitting binge drinking at home.

With migraines, inner trembling, aches and severe chills Two tablets of analgin and two tablets of no-shpa will do just fine. They must be chewed and taken twice a day. It is not recommended to drink when binge drinking acetylsalicylic acid, so as not to harm the gastric mucosa, because it is already injured alcoholic drinks and possible lack of food.

What will help you get out of binge drinking at home is not a hot, but a comfortable bath, with the addition of sea ​​salt, pine extracts and herbal preparations. Restore immunity when long-term use alcoholic beverages can be supplemented with vitamins B6, ascorbic acid and glycine.

Stop drinking alcohol the night before

Following some tips when leaving alcoholic binge at home you can achieve ideal results with minimal effort. To do this you need:

  • Stop drinking alcohol the night before.
  • Do not force exhausted organs to withdraw from binge drinking: smoothly and gradually.
  • Before leaving the binge, go to bed early, after drinking a glass of water with twenty drops of mint.
  • When you wake up, do not drink alcoholic beverages, but kvass, still water, brine, fruit drink and kefir are what you need to consume. The liquid will promote natural detoxification and dilute the blood.
  • Throughout the day, take eight tablets of activated carbon and the same amount of another sorbent. If you experience rapid heartbeat, drink validol and put glycine under your tongue. With the nausea reflex, taking mint capsules can help. Do not take the medicine with strong drink, green tea with the addition of lemon slices and honey.
  • If vomiting occurs within 60 minutes after taking medication, there is no need to stop. You should repeat taking the pills, drinking plenty of water, so that the liquid is constantly replenished, then the exit from the binge will be much easier.
  • Do not use on the first day a large number of food, you can get by with low-fat chicken broth, with rye bun. Following your meal, take 2-3 pancreatin tablets.
  • Rest more during the day, which will significantly improve the health of an alcoholic. The next day you can take walks in the fresh air.
  • If the patient’s condition becomes worse when leaving the binge at home, you need to drink ten to fifteen drops of Valocordin. Dissolve glycine and vitamin B throughout the first day.
  • If a person has decided to firmly quit binge drinking, but he works somewhere, he should take care of spending his time passively in advance. Since during this period there is frequent visit depressive thoughts and obsessions. Therefore, when being treated at home for this illness, watching your favorite, positive films will calm your state of mind.
  • Relatives of the person suffering alcohol addiction, must constantly be nearby and not leave the alcoholic for a long time.

Kvass, still water, brine, fruit drink - should be consumed when coming out of binge drinking

Breaking out of binge drinking, daily instructions

It will be easier to remove the body from a long-term binge if you follow useful instructions.

First day: waking up in the morning and opening your eyes, drink at least 700 grams of water or brine, then take medications. The main rule of the first day is to find the strength within yourself not to drink alcohol. No need to rush into extreme measures and take in large doses Valocordin or other medications containing barbiturates. Valerian (decoction), motherwort, and phenibut can be used to help you get rid of binge drinking at home perfectly and harmlessly. This day is the most difficult, having survived it in all respects, it will be easier to cope with the illness in the future!

The second day: it will be easier, the pain will subside a little, the person will gain self-control. During the entire second day, you need to drink at least five liters of fluid, and take effective medications to eliminate symptoms. Do not drink alcohol, do not take sleeping pills before going to bed, you can take one Phenazepam tablet.

Third day: recovering from binge drinking at home, adhering to all the rules and regulations. Very often, an alcoholic is in a broken, depressed state; there is a risk of depression, since all the energy was spent on fighting the disease. The basic rule is: do not stop there, consume healthy fluids, vitamins and medications. During the third day, eating a variety of foods regularly can help distract your thoughts from a melancholic mood: doing your favorite activities and doing chores around the house.

When quitting binge drinking, it is important to know:

  • If within three days, after quitting the binge on your own, a person’s condition has not improved, it is necessary to seek help from a specialist. Otherwise, you may experience serious complications, because the body has suffered intoxication, which can lead to alcoholic delirium.
  • It is not easy to remove the body from binge drinking at home. This event cannot be called comfortable, pleasant and easy, but, alas, you have to pay for excessive drinking of alcoholic beverages. Particularly painful and painful symptoms are observed in people who have been on a drinking binge for more than five days.
  • Breaking out of binge drinking at home will be more effective if you turn off your phone and completely ignore your drinking buddies.
  • The main threat, besides the thirst for drinking alcohol, is: excessive abuse medicines, because when severe symptoms You always want to quickly get rid of discomfort, pain and insomnia. A serious threat to the body is: phenazepam, barbiturates, sleeping pills. Before taking medications, you should carefully read the instructions, or entrust this activity to your loved ones. It is they who, during the period of withdrawal from binge drinking at home, should support the sick person and help him achieve peace of mind.
  • After three difficult days, after quitting the binge at home, you need to do any useful and interesting thing: organize renovation work in the house, go to the cinema, devote evenings to family walks.
  • Also, when breaking out of binge drinking at home, small physical exercise. If you do not overuse exercise, the patient’s condition can improve much faster: blood flow stabilizes and speeds up. metabolic processes. Danger can exist under heavy loads; the heart is especially vulnerable, because during the period of heavy drinking, fluid spreads through the tissues, so the blood acquires a thick and viscous consistency. The heart will need maximum effort to push dense blood through the vessels.
  • In the first two days of withdrawal from binge drinking at home, take contrast shower undesirable, as there is a violation of vascular tone. In this situation, it is unknown what reaction the body will have to a rough shake; it is simply impossible to predict the outcome. A heart attack or stroke may occur, so it is better not to risk it.
  • During withdrawal from heavy drinking at home, it is advisable to consume less nicotine, and if possible, then quit smoking altogether.

If, when you quit binge drinking on your own, a person’s condition does not improve, you need to seek help from a specialist.

When coming out of a binge, should you give up alcohol immediately or gradually?

The opinions of specialists on this issue are not the same. Some are sure that it is more effective to remove the body from binge drinking at home by giving up drinking alcohol immediately, and they are sure that the first hundred grams of alcohol can be followed by 200–500 grams of the next alcohol. Accordingly, the result will be the same: a long binge. The second experts believe that the dose of alcohol should be reduced gradually, and give the following arguments:

  • Removing your body from binge drinking at home will be less painful.
  • By gradually reducing the dose of alcohol, the hangover syndrome is automatically mitigated, and the risk of developing delirium tremens, epilepsy and heart attacks is also significantly reduced.

Whatever method is chosen by a person who has decided to withdraw the body from binge drinking at home, it is necessary to remember only one thing: alcohol is a poison that slowly kills the body! Take care of your health!