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Plantain and its healing properties. Medicinal properties of plantain juice. Plantain tincture - application

No traditional medicine contains as many healing properties as plantain; it is an inexhaustible source of the most useful substances. Theme "Plantain - medicinal properties and contraindications" has been well studied. It’s easier to list what the plant doesn’t help with, it’s such a universal remedy. At the same time, it is accessible for use, unpretentious, and grows almost everywhere.

Types of plantain

An inconspicuous-looking plant grows on the side of the road. Its name is associated with the word plantago, which means “foot”, “to lead”. It accompanies a person everywhere: in almost any life situations and for most diseases, it has a minimum of contraindications. It is also called the “seven-veined travel companion”: the seeds on the leaves, after ripening, stick to clothing, offering themselves as travel companions. The plant has small correct form flower, it happens different heights– from 10 to 70 cm. There are about 200 species of plantain in the world, but three are considered the main medicinal ones:

  1. Large (another name is ordinary) - for the treatment of wounds, bruises, boils, from low blood pressure.
  2. Lanceolate - with long leaves. Instances of plantain lanceolata are used to heal the bronchi and whooping cough.
  3. Medium (also called flea) - rarely grows in secluded places, used as a laxative.

What are the benefits of plantain?

Medicinal beneficial features plantain is reflected in a vivid legend. Once two snakes warmed themselves in the sun. Suddenly a cart came out unexpectedly. One snake crawled to the side, and the second fell under the wheels. The surviving reptile returned with some kind of leaf and healed the victim. People noticed this and began to use it themselves. wonderful plant V medicinal purposes.

People have long understood the benefits of plantain. The plant is widely known for its medicinal antibacterial and wound-healing properties, with a minimal number of contraindications. Contains vitamins C and K, flavonoids, and is notable for the presence of tannins. Stimulates appetite, lowers cholesterol. The healing properties of plantain will be described in detail below. For now, let’s say that, in addition to medicine, there are two more industries for using the plant:

  1. Cosmetology – cleanse the feminine area with fresh juice oily skin, dry skin, relieve inflammation, eliminate acne. Ice cubes frozen in molds are used to wipe the face, the juice is the basis for homemade soap with moisturizing properties. Using a hot compress first and then a cold compress will revitalize your skin. If you crush the plant and apply it to your heels, calluses and cracks will heal faster. And the infusion mixed with honey and butter, can be used as a cream.
  2. Cooking - for example, in Japan, the processing of plants for food has acquired an industrial scale. Adding plantain to canned tomatoes or cucumbers will give you a fresh flavor. Like nettles, delicious cabbage soup is made from the plant. It is used both as fresh herbs and as a specific seasoning.


Plantain seeds are almost half composed of mucus and, thanks to its enveloping properties, have anti-inflammatory medicinal properties. The seeds are used for inflammation and for healing cracks. Seed powder is used for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, both for temporary disorders (diarrhea) and for serious illnesses(stomach ulcers). They will save you from hemorrhoids and dangerous diabetes. The seeds will help men to increase potency, and women – to treat infertility in gynecology. The seed husk is used to cleanse the body.


Having hemostatic properties and providing a therapeutic bactericidal effect, the leaves will cope with burns and boils. They are capable of healing any wound, everyone knows this from childhood. They relieve headaches: crushed leaves are applied to the forehead. It’s good to stock up on leaves in advance: it’s best to collect them in late August-early September, after flowering, collect the leaves, cutting off up to 3 cm from the bottom in dry weather, dry on paper, and place in cloth bags. The leaves are washed, applied to the sore spot, and fixed with a bandage or plaster.


The roots of flea and large plantain contain many substances that have an analgesic effect. For toothache, it is recommended to chew the root until it subsides. discomfort, in the ears - put it on the side where there is discomfort. The roots, as part of the plantain plant, have antimicrobial qualities, which is why ancient herbalists have red wine tinctures for herpes. The roots are useful for kidney diseases, fever, tuberculosis. They are effective against insect bites (such as bees), even snake bites.

Medicinal properties of plantain

The plantain treatment is known as effective method almost without contraindications since time immemorial. Raw materials from the plant are included in the active composition large quantity drugs, it is the basis of many recipes of traditional folk medicine. Some countries practice growing this plant as a separate medicinal crop. The most important medicinal properties are listed below.

  1. Effect on malignant tumors - plantains are used externally (compresses) and internally.
  2. Reducing blood loss – external and internal, including uterine bleeding.
  3. Destroying microbes and fighting inflammation inhibits the growth of staphylococcus and helps get rid of it.
  4. Expectorant properties.
  5. Regulating tone – have hypotensive properties, reduce blood pressure.
  6. Improved digestion.
  7. Anti-edematous properties.
  8. Fighting depression, nervousness, insomnia - can have a sedative effect.
  9. Diuretic effect.
  10. Stimulation of sweating.
  11. Action against allergies.
  12. Regulation of gastric secretion, influence on the intestinal muscles.


Preparations based on plantain are used in pharmacology and the perfume industry. The widespread distribution of the plant, the minimum of contraindications and side effects for medications are an undeniable advantage. In perfumery, the creams “Alyonushka”, “Dreams”, “Tulip”, the cosmetic set “Balm”, and the biolotion “Flora” are known. These are available for sale pharmaceutical drugs, How:

  1. "Plantaglucid" (for the treatment of gastritis, ulcers, twelve duodenum).
  2. “Gerbion syrup with plantain” (syrups are used for dry coughs, thin mucus, and speed up the clearing of it from the bronchi).
  3. "Mucoplant from Doctor Taissa" (for expectoration).
  4. Cough syrup Natur Product with plantain.
  5. Great plantain juice (against respiratory infections, in complex therapy gastrointestinal tract).
  6. Mucofalk granules (for intestinal pathologies, for healing anal fissures).
  7. Fibralax powder (for the treatment of intestinal disorders, anal fissures, recovery after surgery).


Despite the apparent simplicity of preparation, decoctions from plantain are incredibly effective, strengthen the immune system, and help with dangerous illnesses. They can soothe the gastric mucosa, cleanse the intestines, alleviate diabetes, and cure hormonal infertility in women. Decoctions in cosmetology prevent hair dullness. Contraindications for internal use: individual intolerance, increased blood clotting.


Infusions are prepared at home or purchased in pharmacies. The remedy cures bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, whooping cough. Infusions with water are characterized by a healing effect (therapy for wounds, abscesses, skin ulcers, boils), infusions with vodka - relieve gastrointestinal ailments, alcohol tinctures - assistants in the treatment of wounds and abrasions. The remedies are effective against constipation, which occurs when chronic inflammation colon. Restrictions for use - allergies, ulcers. Drink the infusion carefully; excessive consumption can cause blood clots.


The syrup is healing for ulcers, gastritis, flatulence, diarrhea, and blood loss. And in winter, at the height of colds and viruses, you can’t do without it. The syrup is made at home and honey is added. Preparation requires patience: medicinal extract secreted for months, the product is kept in the refrigerator and drained. Although the herb is harmless, children are prescribed cough syrup by doctor's prescription. Pharmacies even have products for infants. Allergy sufferers and asthmatics will have to monitor the body's reaction and start taking it with small doses.


The main property of the plant juice is hemostatic; upon contact with blood, it acts with lightning speed. In addition to fighting viruses, bacteria, and inflammation, the product is used for other purposes: to activate the immune system, relieve pain, and relieve spasms. At increased nervousness the juice soothes, and in case of relative lethargy, it tones up. It also improves metabolism. The juice is used externally (in lotions) and internally, stored for no more than a week, and preferably fresh - 2-3 days. Do not use by hypertensive patients, pregnant women, or during lactation.

Treatment with plantain

The ancient Romans and Greeks treated the intestines and stomach with plantain. Miraculous properties plants were appreciated by Hippocrates. Avicenna recognized that it had antiseptic qualities and took the leaves to stop bleeding and heal wounds. All parts of the plant are used: seeds, leaves, roots. Products based on it are prepared at home or bought in pharmacies. This is an assistant for all occasions, with virtually no contraindications, when answering the question “What does plantain treat?” we can safely say: almost everything.

Against cough

The plant has a healing effect in the treatment of bronchitis or pneumonia. It can counteract wet cough(stimulate coughing) and dry cough (separation of bronchial mucus, due to which the sputum is liquefied and removed from the lungs). Plantain for coughs and to eliminate pulmonary ailments is not used prophylactically, but exclusively for therapy. For example, decoctions and infusions of leaves and roots help fight bronchitis; water extracts help fight tracheitis. For recipes, it is very important to maintain proportions:

  1. To facilitate coughing and accelerate the removal of sputum: 4 tablespoons are poured into 2 cups of boiling water. The resulting mixture is brewed for 60 to 90 minutes and then strained. The product is drunk before meals four times a day, two tablespoons.
  2. To speed up relief from cough, the leaves are sprinkled with sugar in a deep bowl, kept for several months until the juice thickens, and syrup is obtained. Another recipe: take equal parts of crushed leaves with honey, boil them for 30 minutes over low heat, filter the melted liquid.

For stomach diseases

Plantain for the stomach is truly magic grass. It is effective when different forms gastritis, enterocolitis, ulcers (with the exception of the period when the ulcer worsened). The plant normalizes microflora. The main thing is to determine the acidity of the stomach: treatment is only suitable if it is reduced level. There are the following useful folk remedies:

  1. To increase the acidity level, pour a tablespoon of seeds into a glass of water, and drink the resulting mixture on an empty stomach for a month.
  2. For pain, chew a few leaves for a couple of minutes.
  3. At acute gastritis when gastric juice is characterized by low acidity: take a tablespoon of herbal juice three times a day before meals. In winter, fresh juice and vodka are taken in equal quantities for the tincture.

For stomach ulcers

For ulcers, treatment with folk remedies will complement well traditional medicine. The plant helps to naturally heal all defects and eliminate any inflammation. Phytoactive substances in the composition prevent irritation of the mucous membrane, corrosion hydrochloric acid, gently enveloping, accelerating recovery. Plantain juice can normalize the level of gastrin, an enzyme responsible for the production gastric juice, absorption of minerals, vitamins. The progression of the ulcer will be eased by:

  1. Squeezing juice from fresh leaves - everything is filtered through a filter or paper gauze, infused in the dark for 2 hours.
  2. Infusion of seeds (relieves pain, prevents inflammation) - take 2 tablespoons of seeds, pour 1.5 cups boiled water, infuse for at least one and a half hours in a dark place.

For skin inflammation

To relieve inflammation in case of problems with the skin or mucous membranes, a poultice is prepared: the seeds are allowed to swell in hot water and crushed. To eliminate erysipelas, the leaves are washed with boiling water, crushed (must be crushed), and applied to the affected areas. Treating sore spots with an infusion of leaves is also suitable for this purpose. The following recipes have an anti-inflammatory effect:

  1. Ointment for skin inflammation, cracked heels, palms, elbows, wounds with pus: powder from dry leaves is mixed with animal fat, petroleum jelly or butter in a ratio of 1:9.
  2. Plantain oil for inflammation, burns, abscesses, boils, dermatitis: mix the juice in equal quantities with any oil (preferably olive), pour into a bottle, and leave in the refrigerator for ten days.

For the treatment of asthma

If a person has an acute narrowing of the lumen of the bronchi, convulsions of the laryngeal fissure begin, and an attack of suffocation occurs. Asthma causes severe discomfort and anxiety, often at night, the face takes on a bluish tint, and tears appear. In serious cases, you cannot do without a doctor, but for prevention and initial therapy Home remedies will be useful:

  1. Take equal amounts of plantain and forest pine buds - 4 teaspoons, pour everything with 1 glass of boiled water, infuse for 2 hours, heat over low heat for 3-5 minutes, strain, use 3-4 times a day.
  2. Mixes 30 grams pine buds, plantain leaves, coltsfoot, everything is crushed. Take a glass for 4 teaspoons of the mixture cold water. Everything is infused for 2 hours and boiled. The remedy must be divided into three doses.

For wound healing

Here the plant is the real “king”, this is its main purpose. Easily stops bleeding, helps with poorly healing wounds, abscesses, suppurations. It’s as easy as shelling pears to wash the leaves and apply in several layers. It is advisable to secure it with a bandage and replace it after a few hours. At purulent wounds treatment is:

  1. Fresh leaves are crushed until juice is formed, wrapped in cloth, secured to the wound, and left overnight.
  2. Plantain tincture with vodka: a jar is filled with young leaves, vodka is poured into it, everything is infused for 10 days, it can be stored until the summer of next year.

For toothache

Painful sensations in their teeth they are ready to force anyone to climb the wall. If you don’t have a painkiller on hand, before visiting the dentist, you can make a decoction: pour boiling water over several plants, let everything cool, strain and ready for rinsing. You can rinse your mouth with this decoction almost every day; it will strengthen your gums. You can squeeze out plantain juice and rub it on your gums and teeth that hurt.

For pulmonary tuberculosis

The effect of drug therapy for lung diseases, including tuberculosis, can be enhanced by drinking 1 tablespoon of plantain juice three times a day. Freezing in ice bags is encouraged. Second folk remedy make it more difficult. 4 tablespoons of the root are poured into 800 ml of boiling water, cooked for 20 minutes over low heat, 4 tablespoons of leaves are added and boiling continues for another 5 minutes. The resulting contents are cooled, filtered, and half a kilogram of honey is added to it. The product is drunk three times a day, 50 grams after meals.

For constipation

The plant is unanimously recognized as one of the best means natural origin to combat constipation. It is found in almost every supplement designed to get rid of sensitive issue. It is worth not losing sight of two fundamental points: if you drink a herbal remedy more than necessary and too often, there is a risk of aggravating the situation. The second rule: drink plenty of water, because the husk swells to a size that exceeds its weight. Among the popular decoctions, infusions and gruels, there are two simple remedies:

  1. On an empty stomach in the morning and towards night they drink and drink big amount water seeds (the norm per day is 20 grams of seeds).
  2. 50 grams of seeds are boiled over low heat for 15 minutes, the decoction is infused for 2 hours, consumed once a day.

Plantain contraindications

There are few contraindications for the use of the plant, but they exist: gastric or intestinal ulcers during an exacerbation, hypersecretion of gastric juice, a tendency to develop blood clots, increased blood clotting, allergic reactions. Asthmatics should definitely consult a specialist before taking it. In any case, start with small dosages, guided by the principle “Do no harm.”


The medicinal properties of plantain and contraindications have been known since ancient times. Recipes for treatment with this plant were also familiar to eastern healers. early Middle Ages. Avicenna mentioned this plant in his writings, speaking of its effectiveness against colds and malignant ulcers. Since ancient times, the herb has been distributed throughout Europe. Europeans accidentally brought plantain to North America, so local residents called it “trace.” white man" The plant received its Russian name due to its favorite distribution area - near the road. IN Latin the word “plantago” (a merger of the words “planta” and “agere”) means “to move the sole.”

Features of a medicinal plant

What is the healing power of plantain? How to collect it correctly and what types of this medicinal plant can be harvested? Is there any harm to health possible when treated with this popular “favorite” and “healer”?


The plantain plant is a “cosmopolitan”, it can be found in many parts of the world - in Europe, Asia, North Africa and America, India. You won’t see it except in the Far North and in the desert. Feels good in temperate, subtropical latitudes. Unpretentious, gets along well with various types plants, its growth is not hampered by trampled, dense soil, so it can often be seen near roads. But it also loves damp places, the coastal part of reservoirs, wastelands and slopes, and is often found near housing, in summer cottages, and in thickets of bushes. Because of the longitudinal veins on the leaf, this grass is called the “seven-veined fellow traveler.” The inflorescences easily stick to the clothes of passers-by, wheels of transport, animal fur, and thus the plant turns into a “fellow traveler”. But there are no accidents in nature. This is how plantain seeds are spread.

Plantain lanceolate, or lanceolate. Flea plantain. Plantain is average.

Types of plantain

There are about 250 species of this plant in nature. Most plantains are perennial weeds. Many of them rightfully occupy an honorable place in pharmacology. The most common “healer” is the great plantain. What other species can be collected as medicinal raw materials?

  • Lanceolate, or lanceolate. Its peculiarity is lanceolate, sharp leaves with long petioles and pubescent veins. Seeds are grooved, pressed with inside, and the inflorescence spike is denser compared to other species. Unlike other varieties, it can take root on dry slopes and tolerates heat well. It is valued in folk medicine and pharmacology in the same way as the great plantain.
  • Flea. It is also called flea, sandy, Indian, rough. What's it like botanical description flea plantain? Unlike other varieties, it is an annual with a branched, glandular stem (up to 40 cm), long pedicels on which grow small flowers in the shape of ovoid heads. The most commonly used medicine is the seeds, which contain a lot of mucilage, but the stems and leaves are also used to extract the juice.
  • Average . It has serrated leaves pressed to the ground, short petioles, flower shoots can grow up to 50 cm; The seeds are flat on one side only.

In some countries, plantain, lanceolate and fleagrass are grown for the pharmaceutical industry. Plantain, depending on the type and climate zone, begins to bloom in June and ends in September.

Botanical characteristics

Plantain. Botanical illustration from the book “Naturgeschichte des Pflanzenreichs” by H.H. Schubert.

What does a large plantain look like? Every child is familiar with this plant. There is no need to make a detailed botanical description of it. And yet, if we resort to botanical terms, the “portrait” will be as follows:

  • root: short, thread-like and thin, with a developed, branched rhizome;
  • leaves: collected in a basal rosette, wide, oval, smooth, with long petioles;
  • flowers: located in the axils of the bracts, small, brown in color, the inflorescence is in the form of a long spike, and the straight flower stem (arrow) can be from 15 to 30 cm in height;
  • fruits: in the form of a multi-seeded capsule that opens across.


Plantain herb is valued for its leaves, inflorescences, seeds and roots. The collection of these raw materials is carried out in different time. The leaves are most often harvested.

  • Collection. The leaves can be collected from May to August, until they begin to turn yellow. Re-collection is possible after haymaking; it is carried out in August and September. The leaves are cut or the grass is mowed, and then raw materials are selected from it. It is recommended to collect plantain only in dry weather. This is explained by the fact that the seeds become abundantly covered with mucus from moisture and therefore quickly deteriorate. It is also important to pick the medicinal plant in an environmentally friendly place. If plantain root is required, carefully dig it up and pull it out along with the stem and leaves, wash it thoroughly and dry it. It is better to harvest in the fall.
  • Drying. Dry in natural conditions. Sheds, attics, and enclosed spaces with good ventilation are suitable for this purpose. It is recommended to spread the leaves in a thin layer and stir them so that they do not rot. How to determine the readiness of raw materials? If the petioles crack, it means they can be packaged and stored.
  • Storage . The raw materials are placed in linen bags and protected from sun rays and moisture. Can be stored for 2 years.

In addition to drying, the leaves can be frozen and packaged in small portions. At the same time, all healing properties herbs. But they must be used within 6 months. Seeds are collected when fully ripe, starting in August and ending in October.

Healing effect

Why is plantain so valuable in folk medicine and pharmacology?

  • Medicinal properties of plantain root. The root extract contains substances that provide analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, infusion and alcohol tincture from the root are used for toothache and periodontal disease. Also in herbalists you can find a recipe for a red wine tincture from plantain root, which is drunk for herpes infection. The product is used externally in the form of lotions to relieve swelling.
  • Medicinal properties of plantain leaves. People far from traditional medicine and pharmacology know that plantain leaf is the first remedy for stopping bleeding from cuts and scratches. This natural antiseptic. It is applied to the wounds whole or crushed and applied as a bandage. The leaves of this plant are unique in their chemical composition: they contain an abundance of phytoncides, potassium, glycosides, enzymes, alkaloids, resins, organic acids, flavonoids, polysaccharides, carbohydrates, proteins, steroids and tannins, chlorophyll, as well as carotene, vitamin C and K.
  • Medicinal properties of seeds. Valued for its high content essential oil, complex organic compounds (especially saponins), mucus, oleic acid. In pharmacology they are used along with the leaves.

Wide spectrum of pharmacological action:

  • wound healing;
  • antiseptic;
  • antiallergic;
  • enveloping;
  • emollient;
  • sedative;
  • expectorant;
  • secretory;
  • hemostatic;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • bronchodilator;
  • antidiabetic;
  • hypotensive (lowering blood pressure);
  • restorative.

List of indications and contraindications

What are the indications for treatment with plantain? Can this plant harm the body?

  • Respiratory system . This is the first cough remedy for colds, flu, ARVI, bronchitis and pneumonia, tracheitis and laryngitis. It also stops hemoptysis in tuberculosis, relieves attacks of obsessive whooping cough, and acts simultaneously as an expectorant, enveloping and anti-inflammatory medicine. It thins and removes thick mucus well.
  • Digestive organs. Famous medicine for gastritis with low acidity, stomach and duodenal ulcers. It also treats diseases of the gallbladder and intestines, relieves colic, spasms in colitis and enterocolitis, acts as a carminative, choleretic agent. Helps with dysentery, normalizes appetite and overall digestion.
  • urinary system. It is not a first choice medicinal plant for kidney and bladder diseases. However, it is beneficial for polyuria and nocturnal enuresis.
  • Metabolism. It affects cholesterol metabolism, stimulates metabolic processes, and is taken for diabetes, obesity, and cleansing the body of toxins and waste.
  • External use. They treat not only wounds, but also abscesses, boils, allergic skin lesions, phlegmon, lichen, acne, trophic ulcers, erysipelas, insect and snake bites. Can be used for rinsing oral cavity and throat in dentistry and otolaryngology. This remedy is also effective for inflammation and eye injuries.
  • Tonic and depressant . It is recommended for chronic fatigue, loss of strength, insomnia, neuroses, irritability. Taken for the prevention of anemia, vitamin deficiency, anorexia.
  • Analgesic and antihypertensive. Well relieves ear, headache and toothache. Reduces pressure in hypertension, removes swelling, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Gynecology. Plantain is useful for women when gynecological diseases. It is used externally for douching for inflammation, treating cervical erosion; the herb promotes rapid tissue regeneration. It is taken orally as a hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding (stimulates blood clotting).

In folk medicine, this plant is presented as an antitumor agent. It is difficult to defend or, conversely, challenge this method of treatment. There is no scientific evidence of its effectiveness, however, there are reviews of cases of healing from stomach and intestinal cancer during a course of plantain therapy. The remedy is also believed to help with external malignant tumors. Most often, plant juice is taken for treatment.

List of contraindications: any exacerbations chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, chronic gastritis with increased secretion, blood clotting diseases, thrombophlebitis, allergic reaction in the form of rash, itching, swelling, difficulty breathing. Side effects may manifest themselves in the form of the following symptoms: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, diarrhea, abdominal cramps. If they are detected, you should stop taking it and consult a doctor.

Application in pharmacology and folk medicine

What are the uses of plantain in traditional medical practice and traditional medicine? At the pharmacy you can purchase medicines made from this valuable raw material. But you can also prepare decoctions, infusions, alcohol tinctures, and fresh juice at home.

Pharmacy drugs

Decoction and infusion

Some application features:

  • A decoction of the inflorescences is a good painkiller, quickly relieves intestinal colic, stomach cramps.
  • An infusion of the root is used as an analgesic, antitumor medicine, and is also effective for colds and tuberculosis.
  • If you add nettle to the infusion of plantain leaves, you get a strong hemostatic agent (drink orally for hemorrhoids, uterine, and nosebleeds).
  • Strong, concentrated infusions are used externally, applied to wounds, and treated with abscesses.

Preparation of plantain infusion

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Leave for 2 hours.

Take 2 tbsp strained. l. 30 minutes before meals. The infusion is beneficial for gastritis, stomach ulcers, inflammation of the intestines, as well as diseases of the bronchi and lungs.

Preparation of plantain decoction

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. dry leaves.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist for half an hour.
  4. Strain.

The decoction can be drunk in a larger dosage - ¼ cup 4 times a day.

Preparation of alcohol tincture

  1. Take 2 parts of chopped fresh leaf.
  2. Pour in 1 part vodka.
  3. Shake well.
  4. Leave for 3 weeks in a glass container.
  5. Strain.

The product is taken in small doses - 1 tsp. before meals. Lowers blood pressure, normalizes hormonal background, stops uterine bleeding.

Juice and fresh leaves

Plantain juice is a antibacterial agent. He can stop development bacterial infection on early stage. Fights staphylococcus, streptococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, coli. It also gives a powerful wound-healing effect, stops purulent processes, promotes intensive growth granulation and tissue regeneration. Recipes for plantain juice with egg whites are a popular remedy for burns. Fresh Juice with the paste applied to wounds and bruises.

Preparation of fresh plantain mixture

  1. Take 3 tbsp. l. crushed fresh leaves along with juice.
  2. Add 3 tbsp. l. honey
  3. Place in a closed container.
  4. Leave in a warm place for 4 hours.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals, washed down with water. The drug is taken for prevention and treatment malignant tumors. Externally used in the form of lotions.

Making cough syrup

  1. Take crushed fresh leaves and sugar in equal proportions.
  2. Place ingredients in layers in a sterilized jar.
  3. The jar is closed and the syrup is infused for 2 months in a cool place.
  4. The finished syrup is stored in the refrigerator.

Take 1 tsp. three times a day.


What does plantain seed infusion help with? Acts as an emollient, enveloping, anti-inflammatory medicine. The most valuable substance the seeds contain mucilage. It has a beneficial effect on the respiratory organs, the digestive organs, and reproductive system. It is useful to drink for coughs, hemorrhoids, constipation, gout, especially for diabetes. It is noteworthy that the infusion of seeds is drunk cold for hemorrhoids. How else are the seeds used?

  • Plantain seeds for infertility. The product affects the production female hormones and normalizes the menstrual cycle. It is prescribed for infertility caused by ovarian dysfunction.
  • Plantain seeds for men. They are prescribed in combination with other herbs for male infertility. The seeds increase sperm activity. The course of treatment is long.
  • When coughing. Can be used mixed with leaves, but for more therapeutic effect an infusion is prepared from the seeds alone.
  • External use. A paste of steamed seeds is applied to wounds and affected areas of the skin.

Preparing a decoction from seeds

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. seeds
  2. Pour ½ cup boiling water.
  3. Keep in a water bath for 5 minutes.
  4. Leave until completely cool.

Before use, strain and drink 2 tbsp. l. before every meal. It is also recommended to drink the unstrained decoction along with the seeds in the morning and evening. It helps with constipation, normalizes digestion, eliminates bloating and cramps due to colitis.

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, decoctions and infusions of plantain are allowed; the medicinal plant does not pose a danger to the development of the fetus. The herb is prescribed internally and externally for the following diseases and symptoms:

  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, colds, ARVI, cough;
  • indigestion, constipation (pregnant women often suffer from this);
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • externally for treating the skin and mucous membranes.

We must not forget about general contraindications. Pregnant women with acute forms Gastrointestinal diseases, thrombophlebitis, blood clotting disorders, plantain is contraindicated. Consultation with a doctor before use for any indication is required.

The beneficial properties of plantain and contraindications are known not only among the people, but are also described in detail in scientific medicine. What should you know about plantain? It's not only powerful antiseptic, which has wound healing and hemostatic properties. It is also an effective bronchodilator, expectorant, enveloping, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, and sedative.

In the article we discuss the great plantain - uses and contraindications, botanical description and distribution area. You will learn how to collect and store the plant, how to prepare decoctions and infusions for coughs, constipation, gastritis and infertility.

Large plantain (lat. Plantágo májor) - herbaceous plant Plantain family (Plantaginaceae). The plant has become widespread due to its unique healing composition.

Many other names are known - roadside or boil grass, seven-grain grass, fellow traveler, cut grass. Appearance plantain

What does it look like

The plant has a short rhizome dotted with thread-like roots. The leaves are petiolate, broadly oval in shape, collected in a basal rosette. The petioles are equal in length to the leaf blade. The peduncle is straight, 15−45 cm long, with a cylindrical inflorescence in the form of a spikelet. The flowers are small, four-membered, the sepals are membranous, the corolla is light brownish. The flowering period occurs in May-June and lasts until August-September. The fruit is in the form of a box.

Where does it grow

In Russia, plantain grass grows everywhere, except in the Far North. Grows in sand, on clay, in the shade or in the sun. Doesn't get trampled. Plantain can be found along roads, in fields, forests and meadows. It actively reproduces, eventually displacing other herbs.

Plantain leaves

At the plantain medicinal properties have leaves. Decoctions and infusions from the leaves are used to treat many diseases. Fresh leaves are applied to boils and wounds. Ointment from the dried plant is considered an effective remedy for the treatment of ulcers on the skin.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition:

  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins A, C, K;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • polysaccharides;
  • organic acids;
  • saponins.

Plantain seeds have a mucilage content of 44%, fatty oils- 22%, protein - 22%, amino acids -16%.

At the plantain large leaves used for medicinal purposes.

Medicinal properties

Pharmacological properties of the plant:

  • pain reliever;
  • regenerating;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiallergic;
  • antitumor;
  • wound healing;
  • hypnotic.

The healing properties of plantain have been known since ancient times.

The plant supports protective functions body. Thanks to unique composition, plantain is used to normalize cholesterol levels.

The antibacterial components included in the composition effectively fight E. coli and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. At various infections use plantain infusions.

Due to its antiseptic properties, topical treatment with plantain is suitable for healing scratches.

Plantain has an anti-inflammatory effect. A decoction based on the plant is used to treat coughs, viral infection, restoration of immunity.

How to collect

Collect leaves during flowering period. Collect the medicinal plant with your hands, cut with scissors. Pick off only the leaves, leaving a rosette of the plant. Store leaves in wicker baskets or bags. Dry in a well-ventilated area, under a canopy outside, or in the attic.

To dry the leaves evenly, spread them in a thin layer on paper.

During drying, stir the medicinal raw materials periodically. Sufficient drying can be judged by the fact that the petioles break easily, since they are quite dry. When properly stored, whole leaves retain their beneficial properties for 3 years, crushed raw materials for 2 years.

How to use

Use of plantain should be for indications or as a preventive measure. Before using plant-based products, read the instructions for use of plantain.

Cough syrup

In folk medicine, not only decoctions and infusions are used, but also plantain syrup. Treating coughs with plantain syrup is quite effective. Children like the sweet taste of the syrup. Also use the syrup to treat colds.

Plantain for cough - effective remedy for the treatment of infections of the upper respiratory tract. Sometimes coltsfoot and plantain are taken together.


  1. Young leaves of the plant - 3 tbsp.
  2. Honey - 150 gr.
  3. Boiling water - 150 ml.

How to cook: Wash the leaves, dry them, and mince them. Pour boiling water over the leaves in the indicated dosage and let it brew for 30 minutes. Add melted honey to the mixture, put on fire and heat for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat, cool, strain. Next, place the syrup in the refrigerator until completely cooled. Store the syrup for no longer than 8-9 months.

How to use: Take syrup no more than 3 times a day, 1 tsp.

Result: Expectorant, thins mucus.

Infusion for constipation

All plant-based products are effective only if taken regularly. If you suffer from constipation, it is recommended to reconsider your diet and consult a gastroenterologist.

As a complex therapy to normalize stool, try taking an infusion from the plant. Plantain acts as a laxative for constipation. Do not exceed the dosage indicated in prescriptions.


  1. Dried leaves plantain - 1 tbsp.
  2. Boiling water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over the leaves, leave for 2 hours.

How to use: Take 2 tbsp 30 minutes before meals. infusion.

Result: The plant relieves spasms and helps to empty the intestines. Effective against inflammation and ulcers.

Decoction for gastritis

Plantain for gastritis is used as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic. When regularly taken in decoctions based on the plant, plantain acts as a mild laxative for the stomach.


  1. Dried leaves of the plant - 1 tbsp.
  2. Boiled water - 1 glass.

How to cook: Pour water over the dried leaves. Leave the decoction for 30 minutes.

How to use: Strain the decoction before use. Take ¼ cup up to 4 times a day.

Result: Painkiller, relieves cramps, colic in the stomach.

Infusion for infertility

Use plantain for infertility as a bath infusion. Water treatments follow the course. To achieve effective results, take a bath with the infusion for 15 days.


  1. Leaves and rhizomes of the plant - 50 gr.
  2. Boiling water - 1 liter.

How to cook: Pour boiling water over all parts of the plant. Give the mixture time to brew and strain.

How to use: Add plantain infusion to your bath for conception. Take a bath with the infusion for no more than 20 minutes a day.

Result: Stimulates ovulation, relaxes, relieves inflammation.

Plantain juice

If you study the beneficial properties of the plant, the juice of the great plantain is used to treat digestive problems and eye infections. Plantain juice relieves inflammation, eliminates infection, and promotes wound healing.

Eastern healers add plant juice to honey and give it to children in minimal quantities to treat cough. The juice is also used to treat nasopharyngeal infections. The juice is suitable for facial treatment. Acne on the face goes away and no marks remain on the skin.

Plantain for children

Plantain for children is used from the age of 3 years. Pharmacies have factory-made syrups that contain plant components, but it is better for children to give syrup prepared independently at home.

When coughing, give syrup to children in a dosage of no more than 2.5 ml at a time. Starting from the age of 6 years, the dosage is 3.5 ml, from 12 years - 5 ml.

Please note that if a child suffers from dermatitis, allergies or diabetes, then syrup should not be given, as it contains sugar. In this case, replace the syrup with a weak plantain decoction.

Plantain during pregnancy

With a competent approach to treatment, plantain can be useful for pregnant women. In the absence of contraindications, the plant is used at all stages of pregnancy.

A pregnant girl has a reduced resistance to infections and a weakened immune system. To protect a pregnant woman from viruses, doctors prescribe decoctions based on medicinal herbs, as they do not contain chemicals. The plant is considered a natural, effective antiseptic that improves immunity.

There are often cases when plantain is prescribed to eliminate toxicosis and constipation. To normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, use weak tea or decoction.

Before use, check with your doctor about the possibility of using the medicinal plant, the optimal dosage and personal recommendations. Despite all the usefulness of plantain, pregnant women should be treated with caution with any medications, including folk remedies.


Use plantain during pregnancy only after consulting a doctor.


  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases in the acute phase;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • intolerance to plant components;
  • children up to 3 years old.

All people experience it differently side effects. Before applying the juice or ointment, apply the mixture first to open area skin and evaluate the result after 5 minutes. If no redness, itching or other symptoms are detected, then the plant can be used.

Side symptoms appear as follows:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • diarrhea;
  • abdominal cramps.

If they are detected, you should stop taking plant-based medications and consult a doctor.

Before using different products, study the properties and contraindications of plantain.


The plant belongs to the genus Plantain of the Plantain family, order Lamiaceae, class Dicotyledons, department Angiosperms.


Today there are more than 30 varieties of plantain. Almost all species are considered weeds and grow in uncontrolled places, but some varieties are listed in the Red Book.

The most healing and useful action has a large plantain. Along with it, types such as flea, lanceolate and medium are used for medicinal purposes.

Flea beetle is an annual herbaceous plant, 10 to 40 cm in height, with a slightly branched stem. The leaves are linear, 2−3 cm long, 1−4 cm wide. At the top, the umbellate inflorescence is collected in a spike. The fruit is an ellipsoidal box 3−4 mm. It blooms in June, the fruits ripen in July.

Lanceolate is a perennial herbaceous plant with grooved stems 20−50 cm high. The leaves are lanceolate, located in a basal rosette, entire edges have from 3 to 7 veins, 4−15 cm long, 0.5−2 cm wide. Fruits are elliptical boxes , 3 mm long. The seeds have one side convex and the other grooved. Blooms in May - June. The fruits ripen in June.

Medium - a perennial herbaceous plant with a grooved stem, 15-50 cm high. The leaves are slightly pointed, ovate, located in a basal rosette, 4-20 cm long, 2-8 cm wide. The fruits are ovoid boxes, each of which contains from 2 to 5 seeds. The flowering period is from May to September. The fruits ripen in June.

For more information about plantain, watch the video:

Great plantain infographics

Photo of large plantain, its beneficial properties and uses:
Infographics on plantain

What to remember

  1. Plantain is treatment plant, which grows everywhere in Russia.
  2. The plant is effective in treating infertility, gastrointestinal problems and skin infections.
  3. Before using plant-based products, study the medicinal properties and contraindications of plantain.
  4. Properly collect and store plant leaves. Only in this case you will receive healing raw materials, which are stored for about 3 years.
  5. In the absence of contraindications, decoctions and infusions based on the plant can be taken during pregnancy.

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Plantain grows almost everywhere, on any soil. It is often perceived as a weed. However, the medicinal properties of plantain can quickly stop bleeding and cope with many types of diseases.

Useful properties of plantain

Plantain herb has nutritional value. It is added to animal feed, and salads are also prepared from it. vegetable soups.

Plantain is used in many folk recipes. In many countries it is specially grown as a medicinal plant.

The seeds, leaves and roots of the plant have beneficial and healing properties. Plantain consists of organic acids, polysaccharides, vitamins C, B4, K, proteins, carbohydrates and many other useful substances.
Useful qualities of plantain
Traditional medicine highlights the following beneficial properties of plantain:

  1. Sedative effect(helps with irritation, neuroses).
  2. Hypotensive effect(normalizes blood pressure, relieves swelling).
  3. Anti-inflammatory property (treatment of inflammatory processes, urinary tract).
  4. Restoration of reproductive function (helps with infertility).
  5. Hemostatic effect (helps with external and internal bleeding).
  6. Disinfects and prevents the penetration of bacteria.
  7. Analgesic effect (calms headaches and toothache, ear pain).
  8. Improves potency in men.
  9. Reduces the amount in the blood, helps with sugar.
  10. Antitumor effect (prevention and treatment of cancer).

How and where to collect and prepare medicinal plantain

To harvest, the plant must be collected in clean places, away from roads and animal walking areas. Do not take sick or damaged leaves.

When to collect plantain for medicinal purposes? It depends on what part of the plantain is needed.

It is best to cut plantain leaves, stems and flowers after flowering and before seeds appear (June-October). The leaves have a pattern formed by large veins.

The seeds are most useful when ripe (late summer-early autumn). The root has maximum medicinal properties in the fall, the month of September - November.

In order not to harm the root of the plant, it is better to cut it with scissors or garden tools. When harvested, plantain must be dry. It is not recommended to collect after dew or rain, as the plant may rot.

The preparation includes:

  • Washing under clean water, division into the necessary parts
  • Dry in a ventilated area, avoiding direct sunlight. Simply place the plant parts on paper and turn them over occasionally until completely dry.
  • Dried plantain is stored in wooden boxes or cloth (paper) bags in a ventilated room. The period of use is 2 years.
  • Dry parts of plantain can be frozen. Use frozen cheese within six months.

Contraindications to the use of plantain

Possessing many beneficial qualities, plantain, like any medications, has contraindications:

  1. High acidity of gastric juice
  2. Exacerbation of stomach or intestinal ulcers
  3. Increased blood clotting
  4. Tendency to develop blood clots
  5. Individual intolerance and allergy to plantain

The use of plantain is usually well tolerated. Only rarely can side effects occur - vomiting, diarrhea,...

Recipes for making infusion and juice

Infusion recipe:
To make plantain infusion, you need:
1 tbsp. Pour a cup of boiling water over the crushed plant.
Leave to simmer for an hour or 30 minutes in a water bath. Then strain.
This infusion with fresh leaves is good for washing wounds, ulcers, fistulas, boils, and abscesses.

Plantain juice. Wash fresh leaves, dry them and pour boiling water over them. Then grind using a meat grinder. Ready mixture squeeze through the fabric. This juice is especially useful if the pancreas suffers.
If the juice is very thick, you can add water and boil for 3 minutes.

Treatment with plantain

Fresh, Blank sheet plantain can be applied to wounds, bites, bruises, burns to eliminate pain. In unofficial medicine, plantain recipes have positive reviews and have a beneficial effect on human health.

Plantain oil especially good for the skin. In infants, the oil eliminates irritation and diaper rash, softens the skin. Plantain oil is often used in cosmetology.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Plantain can be used to treat gastritis, stomach ulcers, poisoning, and inflammation of the duodenum. Plantain juice is good for the stomach. It relieves stomach pain, increases appetite and gastric acidity, and relieves intestinal inflammation. You need to drink juice three times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp.

After consulting a doctor, an ulcer can be treated with the following recipe:


Mix 1 tsp. dried plantain leaves with 1 tsp. sage Pour ½ liter of boiling water over everything and boil for 5 minutes. Insist. Drink half a glass once a day. After a week and a half, increase the intake up to three times a day.

Powder from dried leaves is good to take on an empty stomach and wash down with water if stool is difficult.

Cough treatment

Plantain infusion helps to cure cough, activates the respiratory tract, and removes mucous masses from the bronchi. The infusion can be used for acute respiratory viral infections, tonsillitis, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, and tuberculosis.

For children, to add a sweetish taste, you can add honey to the infusion.

If you have a sore throat, you need to gargle with the infusion every hour. For bronchitis, the infusion is taken three times a day. For colds Plantain juice should be mixed with honey in equal parts. Drink 1 tbsp. four times a day

Plantain treatment for men and women

The value of plantain lies in the fact that it helps treat infertility. Its use in the fight against infertility helps both women and men.


1 tbsp. dry leaves, pour a glass of hot water, then heat in a water bath for 5 minutes and leave to steep for an hour.

You need to drink the decoction 30 minutes before meals, two tablespoons. three times a day. The course lasts 21 days, if necessary, repeat after a week.

For women, plantain is especially valuable because it contains the substance phytosterol, which in its composition is close to women's.

This substance in plantain helps restore the menstrual cycle, hormonal balance, and solve problems with ovulation and untimely menopause.

For males, plantain seeds will be a salvation for male impotence in bed. Dry seed powder will improve and normalize potency. You need to take 1 gram per day. dry seed powder 1 time a day half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 90 days.

For hemorrhoids

For hemorrhoids, you can drink decoctions or infusions, or you can make an effective lotion.


You need to mash 7-10 large plantain leaves. Pour boiling water over them and leave for 5 minutes. Then, lightly squeezing, distribute the leaves on a bandage or soft fabric.

Apply this lotion to the affected areas and keep until it cools completely. The course of treatment is 10 days. First, the knots will soften, and then completely dissolve.

Strong plantain tea will also help. Infuse tea for up to half an hour. It is better to drink it after each bowel movement.

Treatment for diabetes mellitus

Diabetes even with complicated forms it can be cured with plantain. Dilute plantain juice with liquid honey and take 1 tbsp 15 minutes before meals. three times a day.


2 tbsp. Pour a cup of boiling water over the plantain herb. Heat in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then cool a little and strain. Drink half a cup of infusion three times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Plantain – unique medicine, accessible to everyone. Easy to use and has few contraindications.

Applications, recipes and medicinal properties of plantain.

Medicinal plant plantain genus of perennial and annual grasses of the subshrub family plantains. About 250 species are known and grow in subtropical and temperate zones (less common in the tropics).

Plantain. Description. They are often found along roads, in meadows, in sand, in steppes, in weedy places, wastelands. In most types plantain seeds contains aucubin glycoside and mucus. Name - flea seed.


Plantain. Benefit and harm. Video



In traditional medicine plantain leaf infusion will help how expectorant means, bronchial, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough. In medicine, practical preparations plantain applicable when ulcer 12 – typus and stomach. Externally used for inflammation of the nasopharynx And oral cavity, boils, purulent, burns, phlegmon, cuts, bruises, wounds, chronic ulcers(How bacteriostatic and wound healing). IN gynecology are used when endometritis, infertility, anovulation, adixitis, at parametritis, myometritis. Plantain juice good for acne and treatment corneal wounds And neurodermatitis.


Plantain for cancer. Video

Plantain for gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, ulcers of the duodenum and stomach: 3 teaspoons of dried leaves per cup of boiling water. Leave for six to eight hours, drink a third of a cup. in 30 min. before eating.

Upper respiratory tract catarrh is treated with plantain infusion. Tablespoon dried plantain pour a liter of boiling water and keep it on low heat for ten minutes. Leave in a warm place for a day. Strain and drink according to Art. spoon 3 times a day, for 15 minutes. before eating.

PLANTINE FOR COLITIS, ENTEROCOLITIS, GASTRITIS there will be a result if plantain juice drink a spoonful 3 times a day a quarter of an hour before meals. On winter period vodka preserve by mixing in equal parts.

Infusion of plantain leaves has a good effect on the MALE GENITAL GLANDS and is used for IMPOTENCE. Cooking infusion of plantain leaves so: twenty-five gr. raw materials pour boiling water Art. leave for 60 minutes, strain. Take a spoonful of tbsp. three to four times a day.

FOLK RECIPE FOR PLANTAIN SEED INSTRUCTION: Twenty five gr. raw materials, pour boiling water into a glass, shake for a long time, then filter. Take a spoonful of tbsp. 3 times a day before meals.

PLANNANT PREPARATION. Plantain juice squeezed out of fresh leaves, harvested from May to September. Sheets with part of the cuttings rinse in cool water(the water is allowed to drain), scald with boiling water, then pass through a meat grinder and squeeze through a thick cloth. In case of obtaining thick juice, dilute with water in a ratio of one to one. Boil for 1 to 3 minutes. Take one to two tablespoons. together with a spoon tbsp. honey three to four times a day before meals (dilute the juice in 0.5 cups of water at room temperature). One course - thirty days.

Plantain oil, homemade.