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A rapid pulse is an alarming signal. Increased heart rate what to do

The pulse is a repeated beat in the blood vessels caused by the contraction of the heart muscle. It can be arterial, venous and capillary, just like pressure. For diagnosis, the most informative is arterial pulse. It makes it possible to evaluate the work of the heart using many indicators. For example, Chinese medicine describes almost 100 characteristics of the pulse, which are used to diagnose human diseases.

There are many points for measuring pulse on the body. The most accessible and understandable to the common man, not related to medicine, is the section of the radial artery close to the wrist. Four fingers, except the thumb, are placed along the blood vessel and, with light pressure, the pulses of blood are felt. Measure the number of beats per minute. This is most optimal, as there may be changes in rhythm. IN in case of emergency do this for 15 or 30 seconds, and the result is multiplied by 4 or 2, respectively.

Two different concepts should not be confused - high heart rate and heart rate. Frequency is the number of beats per minute, and pulse height is the maximum amplitude of oscillation of the artery wall, often caused by aortic insufficiency. The second indicator is familiar and important for doctors to determine accurate diagnosis. By high heart rate, ordinary people understand its high frequency.

In addition to the two indicators already mentioned, there are others: rhythm, fullness, tension, symmetry.


Physiological tachycardia, not associated with disease, and pathological tachycardia may be observed. The reasons for the first are the following factors:

  • Physical overload of the body.
  • Increased nervous excitability.
  • Strong emotions, such as fear.
  • Various stressful conditions.
  • Alcohol.
  • Drugs.
  • Caffeine.
  • Eating foods containing a lot of fat.
  • Taking certain medications.

After termination stated reasons, the pulse returns to normal. If its elevated levels are permanent, then this condition is caused by pathological process in the human body. Then tachycardia indicates diseases:

  • Heart and blood vessels.
  • Blood.
  • Nervous system.
  • Oncological.
  • Endocrine.
  • Infectious.

Tachycardia may be accompanied by weakness, a feeling of pulsation in the large blood arteries, strong heartbeat, ringing in the ears. It happens that the eyes become dark, and the body becomes covered in cold sweat. If the diseases that lead to such conditions are not treated, then everything can end:

  • Brain stroke.
  • Acute ventricular failure.
  • Cardiac asthma.
  • Arrhythmic shock.


If you find yourself with such symptoms, then you should not fuss and panic. On the contrary, you need to calm down, drink a glass of water, ventilate the room and lie down. IN supine position the heart rate will decrease. And then call ambulance to eliminate complex pathological consequences. Especially if there was, and the weakness did not go away, and sedatives did not lead to improvement.

At home, you can use one of the following remedies: 30 drops of valerian tincture, motherwort, valocordin or their analogues.

Treatment of physiological tachycardia is usually not required. Include heart-healthy foods in your diet blood vessels. Don't eat a lot of fat. Quitting smoking and alcohol will also improve your well-being.

Pathological processes involve the treatment of diseases that cause rapid heart rate. You cannot do without the help of doctors here. You will be offered a thorough examination and comprehensive treatment.

To identify pathologies, you may be prescribed:

  1. Special monitoring study (it involves monitoring the body’s condition throughout the day).
  2. Cardiograms with and without exercise.
  3. Ultrasound of the heart and thyroid gland.
  4. Blood chemistry.
  5. Examinations to exclude cancer.

High pulse and high blood pressure

Such a tandem indicates the presence of heart and vascular diseases, such as hypertension. When blood vessels narrow, blood pressure increases, the heart has to work harder and the heart rate increases. Only a doctor can find out the reasons for the process. Such conditions are observed when hypertensive crisis and others dangerous conditions and diseases. Due to the seriousness of the consequences, you should not hesitate to visit a specialist. Only he can make a correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

The combination of high blood pressure and pulse does not always indicate the presence of pathologies. It may be caused by other reasons. U healthy people under some circumstances: stress (no difference, positive or negative), insomnia, strong alcohol, this combination is also possible.

There are others - high blood pressure and pulse reduced frequency, low blood pressure and rapid pulse, normal blood pressure and rapid pulse. High pulse and low blood pressure are associated with the disorder autonomic system under heavy physical and mental stress.

A strict relationship between heart rate and blood pressure has not been established.

Why is the heart rate high at rest?

Many doctors believe that a pulse of 90 beats or higher at rest is associated with the presence of pathology. Increased risk of developing coronary disease heart, heart attack. Often, tachycardia at rest is caused by heart rhythm disturbances. The pulse can increase up to 200 beats per minute. The person suffers from shortness of breath, chest pain, and dizziness. Obesity and diabetes contribute to such conditions.

High heart rate (130 or higher) at rest for a long time weakens the heart muscle. She starts to work poorly. To restore, they resort to electrical stimulation or drug therapy.

The heart muscle, like others, requires training. In athletes, at rest, the heart rate may be less than 60 beats per minute.

High heart rate during pregnancy

An increase in heart rate with low blood pressure may occur in pregnant women. This state is physiological in them. It is associated with an increase in progesterone levels and its effect on the walls of blood vessels. The occurrence of iron deficiency anemia also has an impact.

During pregnancy, a larger volume of blood and increased circulation are needed. The load on the heart increases, and it compensates for it with frequent contractions. A woman's body adapts to this. You need more rest, adherence to a daily routine and good nutrition with vitamins.

For the health of every person, the most important thing is self-control and disease prevention. Those who stick healthy way life, get sick less, tolerate stress and adverse factors better.

Every fifth mature person after the age of forty is faced with such an ailment as a high pulse. Anyone who has detected three-digit numbers of heart beats on their tonometer should know what to do.

Why is high heart rate dangerous?

Normal heartbeat indicators are individual for each person, however, according to statistics, in healthy people they are ranging from 60 to 90 beats per minute.

For special accuracy, heart rate measurements should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach: eating certain foods can slightly adjust the readings in one direction or another, and by the evening the heart rate inevitably increases. In addition, you need to remember that in a standing position the frequency of contractions is higher.

Pulse can be measured with sufficient accuracy using modern electronic tonometers. However, this can be done without special devices, catching the heartbeat on the wrist, temples or neck. The measurement should be carried out for a minute; Anything less is not recommended as the numbers will be inaccurate.

A high pulse in itself is not a disease, but it accompanies many dangerous diseases. Indicators above hundreds should be serious reason for concern: in case of too frequent contractions of the heart, it does not have the opportunity to fill, which causes oxygen starvation.

This disorder in the body must be treated immediately, otherwise the following disorders will begin to develop:

  • Ventricular failure;
  • Problems with blood circulation in the brain leading to stroke;
  • Cardiac asthma (attacks of asthma accompanying heart disease);
  • Arrhythmic shock is a disturbance in heart rhythm that leads to a decrease in blood pressure and the appearance of symptoms of shock.

Why is the pulse high at normal blood pressure?

If the pulse reaches 80 beats in a supine position and more than a hundred in a standing position, and a person has not experienced physical or emotional stress in the last five minutes, then he suffers from a very common disease - tachycardia.

Reasons for heart rate increase normal values pressure can be either a completely normal reaction of the body to some pathogens or pathological.

In particular, it is quite normal if the pulse increases as a result of the following factors:

  • Psychological factors: emotional tension, excitement and stress;
  • Poor diet with a predominance of salty and fatty foods;
  • Effect of cigarettes, strong tea, coffee, alcohol.
  • High body temperature;
  • Insomnia.
  • At the same time, tachycardia may be a companion following problems with health:

    • Breathing disorder;
    • Vitamin deficiency;
    • Intoxication;
    • Diseases of cardio-vascular system;
    • Endocrine disorders;
    • Diseases of the nervous system.

    High pulse with high blood pressure: what to do?

    Increased heart rate on its own unfavorable factor for the body, and in combination with high blood pressure it forms an explosive mixture. At the same time, it becomes difficult for a person to breathe, he is tormented by unbearable headache in the temples and back of the head, chest pain.

    The main thing that should be done in this situation is to go to the doctor and identify the cause of this condition, since the result of self-medication can be very sad.

    However, in the short term the following tips may help:

    1. If elevated blood pressure and pulse are caused by physical overexertion, then it should be stopped;
    2. Open a vent or, if possible, a window to allow fresh air to enter;
    3. Drink some water and lie down for about twenty minutes;
    4. Squeeze with your hands top part belly;
    5. Do breathing exercises: hold your breath, close your nose with your fingers and strain;
    6. Massaging the neck (on the side where the carotid arteries are located) may help;
    7. If available, take sedatives - valerian, peony, motherwort. Will fit as alcohol solutions, and tablets;
    8. If the blood pressure is particularly high, you should take moxonidine or captopril;
    9. If your chest hurts and your consciousness becomes cloudy, it is better to call an ambulance.

    Rapid heartbeat with low blood pressure

    A high pulse in tandem with low blood pressure can be caused by the following factors:

    • Blockage of blood vessels (atherosclerosis);
    • Dehydration;
    • Serious blood loss;
    • Pregnancy;
    • Difficulties with electrical conductivity hearts;
    • Body temperature is below normal;
    • Cardiac ischemia;
    • Heatstroke;
    • Side effects of various medications;
    • Diabetes;
    • Problems with the myocardium.

    A similar situation often occurs in people in adulthood. Often a strong, almost loud heartbeat is accompanied by:

    • Dyspnea;
    • Headache;
    • Pallor;
    • Weakness, feeling of loss of strength;
    • Dizziness;
    • In serious cases, fainting may occur.

    Most often, all these symptoms are signs of upcoming tachycardia.

    Rare pulse with high blood pressure: what to do?

    Typically, high blood pressure goes hand in hand with a high heart rate. However, it often happens reverse situation- pulse below 60 beats with a pressure of about 150/90. This condition may be a sign of the following diseases:

    • Pathologies and prophets of the heart muscle;
    • Problems with the thyroid gland;
    • Failure of the hormonal system;
    • Disorders of the sinus node;
    • Vegetative-vascular dystonia;
    • A side effect of a long course of medication;
    • Inflammatory process of the inner lining of the heart - endocarditis;
    • Heart block.

    In this case, a visit to the doctor is mandatory. To avoid a recurrence of this condition, you need to:

    • Take all medications prescribed by a specialist;
    • Give up bad habits such as smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol;
    • Do not rely on strong coffee and tea;
    • Take care of yours mental health and avoid stress and depression whenever possible;
    • Constantly keep your finger on the pulse - and in the literal sense of the word: timely detected pathology contributes to successful treatment.

    Tachycardia is called constant, without physical activity and stress, high heart rate. Only a certified specialist can tell you what to do. Self-medication can lead to very sad consequences.

    Video about heart rate

    In this video, cardiologist Ilya Repin will tell you which pulse is considered normal and which is elevated:

    As you know, the pulse directly indicates the activity of the cardiovascular system, and its slowdown or acceleration is often a sign of some rather serious conditions. Thus, a sufficiently frequent heartbeat in a healthy adult most often signals a sufficiently sedentary life and insufficient training of the heart muscles. A poorly trained heart has difficulty performing its functions of blood supply against the background of some physical activity, so it has to speed up its rhythm. Let's talk about why a rapid pulse appears, what causes it, what needs to be done in case of a rapid pulse.

    In order to understand how to correct the heartbeat, you first need to understand why it occurred. The functioning of the heart can change due to anxiety and physical activity, as well as due to overeating and emotional distress. Your heart may also suffer and beat faster if you are overweight.

    It must be remembered that in certain situations, a rapid pulse should be considered as a variant of the norm. So, in newborn babies, the heart beats much more often than in adults, in order to maintain the optimal functioning of all organs and systems.

    However, in most cases, this phenomenon, which doctors classify as tachycardia, is pathological in nature and requires a professional examination and proper therapy.

    If a rapid pulse is not of a normal physiological nature, then it develops into the most different time days, regardless of physical activity. Tachycardia can overtake a person at complete rest or during sleep.

    An excessively rapid pulse should not be considered as separate disease is just a symptom that indicates possible availability a person has some pathological condition. For example, this is how some endocrine ailments and poisonings of various etiologies can manifest themselves. The pulse quite naturally accelerates even if a person is in a state of fever. Among other things, not least on the list of reasons for this phenomenon are a variety of heart ailments that require especially close attention.

    So, in fairly mature people, the heart muscle is very worn out, which from time to time can manifest itself as attacks of tachycardia. In addition, the heartbeat noticeably increases with the consumption of foods high in caffeine, including coffee, chocolate, and strong tea.

    Harm normal operation hearts can medicinal compositions, consumed uncontrollably, as well as narcotic and hallucinogenic substances, antidepressant drugs. The development of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections also makes itself felt by a rapid heart rate.

    If the heartbeat quickens against the background of a decrease in blood pressure, then we can conclude that a person is developing vegetative-vascular dystonia, anemia or strong emotional experiences.

    You need to be especially careful if the pulse quickens during the period of night rest or at rest, and also if this symptom is accompanied by strong painful sensations in the chest area. In this case, you should immediately seek medical help, since the described clinical picture may indicate an impending heart attack.


    If the pulse increases due to physical activity or psycho-emotional experiences, treatment is not required, the patient’s condition should normalize on its own. However, you should not engage in self-diagnosis, because quite often similar phenomenon may indicate the development of more serious conditions. If you find that your pulse is becoming rapid, it is better to consult a doctor, even if this phenomenon has passed without a trace. With constant relapses of tachycardia, in no case should you postpone the visit until later, because health, and sometimes life, depends on it.

    To normalize your pulse on your own, you should take a maximum breath and hold your breath a little - literally for ten to fifteen seconds. Then you need to exhale the air.

    You can also perform a small and non-intense massage in the area carotid artery.

    Concerning medications to correct rapid heart rate, Valocordin and Corvalol have a good effect. These drugs effectively eliminate tachycardia if you drink them in an amount of twenty to thirty drops. More serious medicinal compounds, for example, anaprilin or veropamil, should not be taken independently, without consulting a doctor. These drugs are aimed directly at reducing the number of heartbeats and should only be prescribed by a doctor.

    Folk remedies

    To normalize your pulse, you can drink a glass of tea brewed from mint or lemon balm, or from a mixture of these herbs. This drink can be sweetened with some honey.

    For systematic tachycardia, it is recommended to take an infusion based on the color of blue cornflower. Brew a teaspoon of plant material with a glass of just boiled water and leave for one hour. Strain the resulting mixture and take half a glass three times a day, about half an hour before meals.

    Remember that increased heart rate requires at least consultation with a doctor, and any treatment should be carried out only after the doctor's approval.

    The heart rate increases the more the heart has to work to pump blood and oxygen. Heartbeat usually accelerated by excessive emotions, exercise, large meals, nervous excitement. In addition, the work of the heart is affected by the presence of excess weight, which makes it more difficult for it to cope with the responsibilities assigned to it. Let's consider what are the main causes of rapid pulse and its treatment.

    In older people and children, a rapid pulse is associated with the presence of physiological characteristics body. The heart rate in newborn babies is 120-140 beats per minute, which is explained by intensive growth body.

    There are many reasons for heart palpitations. What to do if your heart rate is elevated? First of all, it is important to be able to distinguish between pathological tachycardia and normal reaction the body to the physical activity endured, to anxiety, fear, anxiety, stress.

    A distinctive feature of pathological tachycardia is that it manifests itself at rest, which raises the question - what disease can cause a rapid heartbeat?

    There are many pathological conditions in which the patient’s pulse quickens: febrile syndromes, work failures endocrine system, nervous and mental disorders, poisoning the body with alcohol or toxic substances. In addition, management, lack of physical activity, or the presence of malfunctions of the heart can affect the heartbeat. For the latter reason, heart failure may develop.

    The main factors for increased heart rate include:

    • restless sleep or insomnia;
    • use of stimulant drugs nervous system(antidepressants);
    • use of stimulants;
    • use psychoactive substances(hallucinogens, drugs, aphrodisiacs);
    • abuse of drinks that contain caffeine (strong tea, coffee, energy drinks);
    • the presence of frequent stress;
    • overwork;
    • excessive alcohol consumption;
    • prolonged or indiscriminate use of certain medications;
    • high blood pressure;
    • diseases of the upper respiratory tract(flu, ARVI);
    • strong physical activity;
    • old age.

    Tachycardia can be caused by a lack of calcium and magnesium in the body. But an excess of these substances also has Negative influence on human health. During illness, as body temperature rises, there is an increase in heart rate.

    There is a direct effect on the mechanism of cardiac activity stressful situations related to problems at work or in family life. Negative impact, especially on the heart, the consumption of chocolate in large quantities has.

    Increased heart rate with low blood pressure

    Increased heart rate when normal pressure- a heartbeat that exceeds 90 beats per minute. If the patient has a rapid pulse, this may indicate the presence of vegetative-vascular dystonia, anemia and other health problems. Tachycardia often acts as a sign of an underlying disease as a consequence of psycho-emotional manifestations.

    Treatment for elevated heart rate

    Treatment for rapid heart rate should begin with a visit to the doctor to rule out serious pathological conditions. A cardiologist can help with making a diagnosis. The specialist will direct you to undergo a series of tests and recommend visiting related specialists, in order to exclude the influence of certain diseases on the heartbeat.

    Doctor's orders are usually next: general analysis blood, blood test for hormones produced thyroid gland and adrenaline, ultrasound of the heart, electrocardiogram of the heart, visit to the endocrinologist. After receiving the test results, the doctor will determine the causes of tachycardia and prescribe appropriate treatment.

    Patients with palpitations should avoid using drugs that have a stimulating effect on cardiac activity. They are also recommended to regularly perform simple physical exercise and reset the existing one excess weight, since simultaneously with weight loss, the load on the heart will decrease. The condition of the cardiovascular system can be improved through aerobic exercise.

    The pulse is an oscillation of the arterial walls caused by the contraction of the heart muscle. It can be determined by pressing with your fingers major arteries in places as close as possible to the surface: on the radial artery in the area of ​​the wrist, on the carotid artery passing in the neck. It is recommended to measure your pulse rate shortly after waking up, without getting out of bed. In a healthy adult, normal values ​​range from sixty to eighty beats per minute.

    Even in the absence pathological reasons, heart rate values ​​can change under the influence of many factors, the main of which are:

    • Age group - in children of the first year of life the parameter is normally about 110-120, to adolescence gradually decreases to the level of an adult. In older people, the pulsation becomes somewhat more frequent again.
    • Physical activity - in people who regularly engage in sports, have high level physical training in calm state pulse rate is lower than that of those who most spends days without moving.
    • Gender - men have tachycardia, i.e. increased heart rate, occurs less frequently than in the fairer sex.
    • Pregnancy, especially the last trimester.
    • Strong positive or negative emotions.

    To assess the pulse, several indicators are assessed:

    • Frequency- number of shocks per minute. The value may change depending on whether the person is lying down or standing at the time of measurement, what time of day the procedure is performed and other factors.
    • Voltage- depends on the effort required for palpation, is directly dependent on the level blood pressure.
    • Rhythm- normally, the same period of time should pass between beats, otherwise arrhythmia is diagnosed.

    For what reasons does the rate increase?

    In order not to worry about your health without reason or, on the contrary, to be wary and see a doctor, you need to know why your pulse quickens.

    To obtain the most accurate result, the pulse should be measured not fifteen or thirty, but sixty seconds, i.e. a full minute. Otherwise, if a person has arrhythmia, unreliable values ​​will be obtained.

    Tachycardia can be caused by the following factors:

    • Stressful situations.
    • Increased blood pressure levels.
    • Excess body weight.
    • Sleep disorders, insomnia.
    • Accumulated fatigue.
    • Addictions - use alcoholic drinks, narcotic substances.
    • Use of drugs that increase sexual activity.
    • Taking antidepressants and some other medications.

    What other causes of such a condition as rapid pulse are there? Rapid heartbeat is one of the symptoms of such disorders:

    • Cardiopathologies - myocarditis, rheumatic carditis, heart failure, myocardial infarction, etc.
    • Hypertension.
    • Neurocirculatory dystonia.
    • Disorders of the functions of the central nervous system.
    • Changes in impulse conductivity of cardiac tissues.
    • Malignant neoplasms.
    • Anemia of various nature.
    • Infectious and inflammatory processes.
    • Intoxication.
    • Pathologies of the respiratory organs.
    • Endocrine disorders - disorders of the thyroid gland.
    • Changes in hormonal levels.
    • Flu, ARVI, colds accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

    How does it manifest?

    An increase in pulse rate is one of the main symptoms of tachycardia, which, depending on the causes that caused it, is divided into:

    1. Sinus- called physiological reasons(emotional stress, physical labor, sports). Pulsation exceeding one hundred beats normalizes a short time after the cause is eliminated.
    2. Paroxysmal- as a rule, it is caused by dysfunctions of the heart, is of the nature sudden attack. The indicator increases to 140 - 220, the person experiences severe dizziness, pain in the heart, nausea, weakness, difficulty breathing, and may lose consciousness.

    In turn, paroxysmal tachycardia is divided into:

    1. Atrial- while maintaining a normal rhythm, myocardial hypoxia develops. Characteristic symptoms are increased blood pressure, shortness of breath, lack of air, a feeling of heaviness in the chest.
    2. Ventricular- develops in the case of myocarditis, various types ischemia, heart defects. This condition is extremely dangerous and can cause pulmonary edema, shock, or cardiac arrest.

    Now let's look at the cases when at different levels Blood pressure and learn how to treat disorders.

    Frequent pulse with normal blood pressure readings

    This condition can be caused simply by overeating or being in a stuffy room, but at the same time, it signals the development of serious cardiac pathologies that require immediate treatment. But most often, an increase in pulse frequency acts as a compensatory reaction and continues a short time. Also similar condition observed with constant stress, a tense psychological atmosphere at work or at home, chronic forms heart and infectious-inflammatory diseases.

    When visiting a doctor with such complaints, the patient is sent for the following examinations:

    • General blood and urine analysis, determination of hormone levels.
    • Ultrasound examination of the heart.

    Lungs are used for treatment sedatives plant origin(tinctures of motherwort, valerian, sedative herbal tea), sedatives(Adaptol), β-blockers (Bisoprolol).

    Palpitations with low blood pressure

    This condition is observed when:

    • Severe intoxication.
    • Anaphylactic shock.
    • Massive bleeding.
    • Myocardial infarction.
    • Neurocirculatory dystonia.
    • The period of bearing a child is explained by the narrowing of blood vessels under the influence of progesterone and a simultaneous increase in the volume of blood flowing through the vascular bed.

    The patient experiences heart pain, heaviness in the chest, throbbing headaches in the temporal and occipital areas, mental excitement.

    Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disorder. If such a condition develops during pregnancy, the woman needs to spend more time in bed, follow a daily routine, night sleep at least nine to ten hours, make some adjustments to your diet. It is recommended to take Valocordin or Corvalol.

    The pulse rate may increase with strong excitement, anxiety, or physical activity. In such cases it is natural reaction body: the brain's need for oxygen and glucose increases significantly and, in order to compensate for their deficiency, the myocardium begins to contract more often and blood flow increases.

    Tachycardia and high blood pressure

    A simultaneous increase in heart rate and an increase in blood pressure is characteristic of strong nervous excitement and physical exertion that is too heavy for the body. This is explained by the release of adrenaline in such cases, which increases the heart rate and increases blood pressure. What to do when a high pulse is observed with high blood pressure? First of all, you should go in for sports, improve your physical fitness, visit more fresh air. You should also drink caffeine-containing drinks as little as possible: strong coffee, tea, energy drinks. In addition, drugs are prescribed that help lower blood pressure, most often β-blockers (Anaprilin). In any case, you should consult a doctor who will refer you for examinations, find out the cause of the pathology and select treatment regimen to eliminate it.