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Medicines that suppress cough. Cough. Medicines and treatments

– a reflex act aimed at cleansing the respiratory mucosa from various irritants - physical, organic, chemical. Cough - clinical sign and the majority respiratory pathologies. Its main goal is to expel all foreign bodies, microbes and phlegm from the respiratory tract, thereby improving the patency of the airways.

A cough signals an existing problem in the human body and gives a command to eliminate the causes that caused it.

Before purchasing cough tablets and starting treatment, it is necessary to determine its type, strength, duration, timbre, and the nature of the sputum.


Cough occurs:

  1. Acute, subacute, chronic,
  2. Strong, hysterical and weak in the form of a slight cough,
  3. Constant, morning, night,
  4. , sonorous, deep or hysterical.

A viscous secretion of the lungs, bronchi and trachea, secreted during expectoration and containing saliva, discharge from the nose, sinuses, and oral cavity. Sputum can be serous, mucous, purulent, mixed with blood.

The most common causes of cough: inflammation of the bronchi and lungs, bronchial asthma, lung cancer, pathology of the heart and blood vessels, allergies.

Treatment of any type of cough is etiotropic. Only by eliminating the cause of the cough can you get rid of it for a long time.

Treatment of dry cough

Medicines intended to treat dry cough suppress the cough center in the brain and block the cough at the level of the nerve endings of the tracheobronchial tree.

These medications should not be used to eliminate a wet cough, since stagnation of secretions in the bronchi is possible. They should be used as prescribed by a specialist after undergoing a comprehensive examination.

Centrally acting narcotic cough medications

Drugs in this group have a narcotic effect on the body, are available by prescription, and have many side effects. are used for treatment severe cough, contraindicated in children under 2 years of age, suppress the activity of the epithelium of the bronchial tree.

Codeine is an opioid that suppresses the cough center. This is dope natural origin, widely used in medicine as a cough medicine and pain reliever. Codeine is the main active ingredient in Codelac cough tablets and Cofex and Tussin Plus syrups. The cough reflex is inhibited at the level of the central links, due to which the cough stops.

"Hydrocodone"– oral effective drug against cough with a pronounced analgesic effect.

Long-term use of these medications can lead to the development of euphoria and addiction in the patient. They should be taken immediately before bed so that a painful cough does not interfere with sleep.

Non-narcotic centrally acting antitussives

Non-narcotic tablets and syrups suppress the cough center in the brain and weaken the signals coming from the inflamed bronchi to the cerebral cortex.

Peripheral cough medications

They suppress coughing at the level of tracheobronchial tree receptors, have analgesic and antispasmodic effects on the respiratory system, change the viscosity of the secretion. Cough medicines are divided into coatings and local anesthetics.

  1. "Libexin"– a cough suppressant that suppresses the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the respiratory system and reduces the susceptibility of cough receptors to signs of inflammation. The drug reduces the activity of the respiratory center, maintaining its functions in full.
  2. "Bithiodin"– tablets for dry cough, not addictive and side effects. The antitussive effect is due largely to the effect on mucosal receptors respiratory tract and to a lesser extent - on the centers of the nervous system.
  3. "Levopront"– syrup that helps reduce the intensity and frequency of cough and has a bronchodilator effect. The drug has a peripheral effect on the tracheobronchial tree.

Medicines for wet cough

To treat wet cough, patients are prescribed secretomotor and secretolytic tablets, mixtures and syrups.


They enhance the production of bronchial secretions, dilute mucus and promote it rapid elimination from the body.

  • "Mukaltin"- secretolytic and expectorant herbal remedy. Marshmallow, which is part of the drug, reflexively enhances the stimulation of the ciliated epithelium, the peristalsis of the respiratory bronchioles, the secretion of the bronchial glands, the dilution of mucus, and the release of sputum during coughing. "Mukaltin" moderately fights inflammation, envelops the mucous membrane and protects it from irritating substances, restores damaged tissue. The drug does not have toxic effect. Similar effects are dyspepsia and allergies.
  • "Doctor Mom"- a natural remedy that provides soft action on the body and having a minimum side effects. The medicine helps to quickly get rid of phlegm. The syrup has a local irritating, distracting, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. "Doctor Mom" ​​is often prescribed to patients with a dry cough, which quickly turns into a wet one.
  • "Gedelix"– an effective expectorant, produced in the form of syrup. It contains substances that have mucolytic, bronchodilator and antioxidant effects, destroying pathogenic microbes and fungi. Biologically active substances, included in its composition, improve microcirculation, remove salts from the body, protect the liver and kidneys from the influence of external factors.


Mucolytic drugs are intended to thin out viscous and thick phlegm, which makes it easier to move away. Mucolytics restore the bronchial mucosa and elasticity of the lungs. They are usually prescribed together with expectorants to enhance the therapeutic effect of drugs from both groups.

  1. "Bromhexine"– cough tablets that reduce the viscosity of sputum and promote its rapid elimination. This is an effective mucolytic agent with a pronounced expectorant effect. Due to the depolarization of protein fibers, the consistency of the sputum changes and the viscosity decreases. "Bromhexine" has a weak antitussive and pronounced secretolytic effect. The drug is able to stimulate the formation of surfactant and ensure the stability of alveolar cells during respiration.
  2. Ambrobene cough syrup– a mucolytic agent, under the influence of which the bronchial glands produce mucus, the motor activity of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium increases, sticky sputum liquefies and comes out. The active ingredient in Ambrobene syrup is ambroxol. It has anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects, stimulates local immunity, enhances the penetration of certain antibiotics into sputum and stimulates the production of surfactant, a substance that prevents the collapse of the alveoli of the lungs.
  3. "ACC"– cough tablets, soluble in water. This dosage form is absorbed and acts much faster than others. The drug reduces the viscosity of mucus and facilitates the discharge of sputum through the influence of acetylcysteine ​​on it rheological properties. "ACC" is a non-toxic medicine that can be used long time. It can be used with for preventive purposes to reduce the frequency and severity of exacerbations in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases respiratory organs.

Mucolytic drugs act mildly. Therapeutic effect after their use is achieved quickly. Negative consequences of taking mucolytics are intolerance to the components of the drugs and exacerbation of stomach diseases.

A cough that lasts several weeks and is accompanied by the formation of purulent discharge and fever requires contact with a specialist. Self-treatment in this case is unacceptable.

Combined antitussives

Drugs in this group contain two or more medicinal components, which enhance each other's effects.

Cough medicines for children

To treat cough in children, specialists usually prescribe mixtures and syrups. It is much easier for babies to take them than tablets.

Children under two years of age are prescribed Lazolvan, Linkas, Prospan, and Bromhexine syrups.

Children over two years old are prescribed “Gerbion”, “ACC”, “Gedelix”, “Libexin Muco”. Cough syrups based on marshmallow or licorice are very effective, safe, and natural. They can be purchased at any pharmacy and are inexpensive.

Modern pharmacy offers a huge selection of cough medicines, among which there is no universal one. Some drugs are effective against a dry, persistent cough, while others eliminate a productive cough with phlegm. The treatment regimen for respiratory diseases differs among different categories of people. For children the best remedy for coughs it will be one thing, for the elderly - another. What is ideal for some people is completely unacceptable for others. This is due to the side effects of many cough medications and depends on the condition of the respiratory system and the degree of immune defense body.

In any case, only a doctor should prescribe treatment with antitussives, after carefully diagnosing the disease.

Video: cough medicines, “Doctor Komarovsky”

Cough is an increased exhalation through the mouth that occurs as a reflex to irritation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract (nasopharynx or oropharynx), trachea or bronchi. The mucous membrane can be irritated by accumulated sputum, infectious agents (bacteria or viruses), allergens, and foreign bodies. The purpose of a cough is to clear the airways of mucus and foreign bodies to restore normal air flow to the respiratory system.
There are dry and productive (with sputum) cough. Dry cough is typical for allergic reactions, viral lesions pharynx, larynx and trachea, whooping cough, pleurisy. Moist cough- This is a cough of smokers, a cough when acute bronchitis, chronic obstructive bronchitis, bronchiectasis.
Cough is a symptom of most organ damage respiratory system, therefore, when coughing, it is highly advisable to consult a doctor to clarify the main diagnosis and select treatment not only for the cough, but also for the underlying disease that caused the cough reflex.

Cough medicines

All drugs used to treat cough are divided into the following groups:

I. Drugs that suppress the cough reflex.
1) Central action. Suppress the cough center in the central nervous system (medulla oblongata).
A) Opioid. Methylmorphine (codeine), ethylmorphine (dionini), dimemorphan (dastosin), dextromethorphan (Tussal), morpholinylethylmorphine (pholcodine). At the same time as the cough center, the respiratory center of the medulla oblongata is also suppressed. They are addictive.
B) Non-opioid. Butamirate (sinecode), glaucine (glauvent), oxeladine (tusuprex, paxeladin), pentoxyverine (sedotussin), ledin. Only the cough center is suppressed. Not addictive. Don't change motor activity gastrointestinal tract.
IN) Combination drugs From cough. Due to additional components, they have not only antitussive, but also other effects.
Methylmorphine + paracetamol (codelmix). Additionally reduces fever. Methylmorphine + phenyltoloxamine (codipront). Codipront also has an antihistamine effect.
Methylmorphine + terpine hydrate + sodium bicarbonate (codterpine). Methylmorphine + sodium bicarbonate + thermopsis herb + licorice root (codelac). They have an additional mucokinetic effect.
Dextromethorphan + paracetomol (grippostad). Dextromethorphan + salbutamol (Redol). Has an additional bronchodilator effect.
Dextromethorphan + terpene hydrate + levomenthol (glycodin).
Morpholinylethylmorphine + chlorphenamine + guaifenesin + biclotymol (hexapneumin). It also has antihistamine, bronchodilator, antipyretic, and antibacterial effects.
Butamirate + guaifenesin (Stoptussin). At the same time, it improves the liquefaction and removal of mucus.
Glaucine + ephedrine + camphor basil oil (broncholitin, bronchocin). Additionally, it combines the properties of a bronchodilator and antimicrobial agent.

2) Antitussives of peripheral action. They act on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, reducing its irritation, expand smooth muscles in the walls of the bronchi, reducing bronchospasm, and have anti-inflammatory activity.
A) Prenoxydiazine (libexin). Levodropropizine (Levopront). Tipepidine (bithionyl).
B) Local anesthetics (lidocaine, dicaine, benzocaine). By reducing the sensitivity of the mucous membrane, they reduce its irritability.
C) Enveloping agents (licorice, eucalyptus extract, glycerin) a little-used group.

II. Mucolytics. Medications improve the fluidity of sputum without increasing its volume, improve sputum discharge by increasing mucociliary clearance. Act on goblet cells of the bronchial mucosa, reducing increased secretion of sputum. Also normalize biochemical composition sputum.
1. Mucolytics with direct action. They destroy complex chemical compounds in sputum.
A) Thiols. Acetylcysteine, cysteine, mistaborn, mucosolvin, mucomist, fluimucil, mesna. These drugs contain a thiol group, which destroys the complex polysaccharides of sputum, thus improving its drainage from the bronchial tree. Acetylcysteine ​​is also an antioxidant, reducing lipid peroxidation while maintaining cell wall integrity.
B) Enzymes. Trypsin, alphachymotrypsin, streptokinase, streptodornase. These drugs break the bonds in glycopeptides. In addition to reducing the viscosity of sputum, they have an anti-inflammatory effect.
C) Drugs with a different active principle. Ascorbic acid, hypertonic solution, iodine compounds (potassium iodide), sodium bicarbonate in combination with marshmallow (mucaltin). An underutilized group.
2. Mucolytics with indirect action.
A) Drugs that reduce the production of mucus and change its composition. S-carboxymethylcysteine, letostein, sobrerol.
B) Drugs that change the adhesiveness of the gel layer. Bromhexine (bisolvone), ambroxol (ambrohexal, lazolvan, ambrobene, chalixol, ambrosan, flavamed), sodium bicarbonate, sodium ethanesulfate.
B) Pinenes and terpenes. Camphor, menthol, terpineol, essential oils pine and fir trees. A group of drugs that are often used in everyday life or are included in combined dietary supplements.
D) Emetics and drugs that act reflexively on the muscles of the bronchi. Sodium citrate, ammonium chloride, ipecac, thermopsis. A group that is practically unused at present.
D) Drugs that reduce the production of mucus by the bronchial glands.
Beta2-adrenergic agonists: formoterol (foradil); salmeterol (Serevent), salbutamol (Ventolin), fenoterol (Berotec), terbutaline (Bricanil). Stimulate mucociliary clearance.
Xanthines. Theophylline. Stimulator of mucociliary clearance.
Antihistamines (ketotifen).
Leukotriene receptor antagonists. Zafirlukast (akolat), montelukast (singulair), pranlukast.
Glucocorticosteroids (prednisolone, metypred, budesonide (Benacort, Pulmicort); ciclesonide (Alvesco), beclomethasone dipropionate (Becotide, Clenil); mometasone (Asmonex), azmocort, triamcenolone acetonide, flunisolide (Ingacort), fluticasone propionate (Flixotide).

Since cough is a protective reflex mechanism, suppressing it can often lead to a worsening of the underlying disease. Therefore, self-administration of antitussive drugs is not only harmful, but also dangerous. The only drugs not long-term use which can be carried out independently - the drugs ambroxol and lazolvan (thinning and removing phlegm).

To relieve attacks painful cough, we bring to your attention three popular methods: breathing, general and rubbing method.

A constant cough can cause a lot of inconvenience not only to the patient himself, but also to those around him. Here are some tips on how you can relieve coughing attacks and make breathing easier.

  1. Try not to breathe through your mouth and inhale air only through your nose.
  2. Between breaths, try to clear your throat for eight seconds.
  3. Repeat the steps for 4-5 minutes.

This product can be used if you are in public place and you urgently need to suppress severe attacks cough.

  1. Rub your feet thoroughly and apply a warming balm to them.
  2. Put on warm socks and lie down for at least five minutes, completely relaxed.
  3. If your cough doesn't go away, walk around a bit without taking off your socks.

To carry out the procedure, use any warming balm that is available at your nearest pharmacy.

  1. Drink plenty of water. The liquid will help remove harmful bacteria from the body and will maintain the moisture of the mucous membrane of the throat. Dissolve cough lozenges and lozenges. This remedy also helps to moisturize the mucous membrane and eliminates sore throat.
  2. Drink Herb tea or lemon juice, dissolved in warm water. You can add honey to it. Warm liquid will make phlegm more liquid, and honey will soothe irritated mucous membranes and ease coughing attacks.
  3. Chew a piece of ginger with salt. This will help relieve irritation from the throat mucosa.
  4. Gargle with salted water. Salt has a disinfectant effect on the mucous membrane of the throat and oral cavity and makes breathing easier. Try not to swallow salt water.
  1. Mix a teaspoon apple cider vinegar and a glass of water and drink this mixture. Vinegar has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect on the throat.
  2. Inhale over special device or just in the shower. Warm steam makes mucus less viscous and improves the expectoration process.
  3. Boil two cinnamon sticks in lime juice. Cinnamon thins phlegm, and lime contains a lot of vitamin C, which will strengthen your immune system and your body will be better able to fight cough.
  4. Get plenty of rest and relaxation so that your body can accumulate energy to fight the cold.
  5. Keep the air clean. Make sure there are no irritants in the air in your apartment: cigarette smoke or other fumes. Dirty air will irritate your lungs and make coughing attacks worse.
  • Drink plenty of water. But this needs to be done slowly and with long pauses, so as not to cause another coughing attack.
  • When you lie down, you start coughing. But this does not happen when you are sitting. Therefore, when going to bed, place several pillows under your head.
  • To stop coughing attacks, use lozenges or special drops
  • Drink ginger tea if you don't want to chew ginger. To do this, add grated ginger root to boiling water and let it simmer for five minutes. After this, you can immerse a bag of your favorite tea in the liquid and let it brew for a few minutes, and then add sugar to taste.
  • Gargle with salt water. But the results will appear only after you carry out the procedure every two hours for three days.

Attention! If your cough does not stop or you produce too much mucus when you cough, be sure to consult a doctor.

Cough-blocking drugs are medications that suppress cough by acting directly on the centers and receptors in the brain responsible for this reflex. Medicines of this type do not eliminate the main cause of the disease: their task is to suppress the painful nonproductive cough without expectoration.

Cough is one of the body’s reflexes that acts defensive reaction the body to the entry of foreign objects into the respiratory system or the accumulation of mucus in them.

The cough center of the brain controls the process of this reflex. It receives information from conductors who are located on different areas: around the ears and nose, vocal cords, near the pericardium, in the areas of the larynx and pleura, as well as in the area of ​​separation of the large bronchi and trachea.

For reference. The described spheres are united vagus nerve: it receives impulses from these receptors and then transmits them to a special part of the brain, which is called the cough center.

The location of this section is the medulla oblongata.

This department, receiving the necessary data, transmits impulses to the nerve fibers that control the abdominal muscles, diaphragm and chest. When they contract, a reflex reaction appears - coughing.

To suppress the reaction, antitussive drugs are often prescribed to suppress the cough center.

Characteristics and names of antitussives

Antitussive drugs act either directly on the cough center or on receptors, helping to reduce their sensitivity. Such tablets or syrups do not affect the cause of the disease: their task is to relieve symptoms. This is especially true for non-productive coughs.

Cough suppressants are prescribed for dry cough caused by the following diseases:

  • tracheitis;

The following medications of this type are distinguished:

Antitussive tablets to suppress the reflex have the following actions:

  • dilution of sputum when coughing without expelling it;
  • activation of the ciliated epithelium;
  • antiviral effect;
  • stimulation of muscle contraction of the bronchi.

List of drugs

The category of antitussive medications includes the following:

Note! Antitussive drugs may cause such side effects as addiction to the drug, drowsiness, decreased blood pressure, nausea.

Prohibitions for use and precautions

Taking medications that block the cough center or nerve endings, transmitting impulses to it, contraindicated for:

  • severe dysfunctions of the respiratory system;
  • intolerance by the body to the active elements of the drug;
  • periods of gestation and breastfeeding;
  • asthma.

For children

Children are prescribed only those medications that are as safe as possible for their health. These include the following.

Cough in children occurs due to respiratory and viral colds. It is painful and requires mandatory treatment. For the right choice antitussive medications, it is necessary to determine the nature of the cough. When dry and wet cough Various medications are prescribed, since the first block the nerve impulses of the cough center, the second promote the separation and removal of sputum. All cough remedies are symptomatic, that is, they relieve cough syndrome, but for complete recovery you also need drugs that kill the causative agent of the disease.

Children with colds are often prescribed cough suppressants.

The development of ARVI is initially characterized by a dry cough, then it turns into a wet cough. This qualitative transition involves different methods therapy. If complications arise in the form of infection spreading to the bronchi, trachea, or laryngitis begins, the treatment regimen becomes more complicated. Sick children should take medications to suppress cough and relieve inflammatory process.

What requirements must children's antitussives meet?

Medicines for children that help suppress cough should be effective, but not have adverse side effects on children's body. Therefore, children are not prescribed medications that have a toxic effect. In addition, all prescribed drugs must meet the following characteristics:

  • so that the child swallows them without difficulty;
  • have a convenient dosage;
  • be palatable;
  • do not irritate the mucous membranes in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract.

Treatment of dry cough should be under medical supervision

Doctors take these special conditions into account when prescribing cough suppressants for children, including pharmacy chain There are always medications intended for children in dosage and release form in the form of syrups, elixirs, drops.

Common medications for treating children's cough

Among modern safe drugs, capable of suppressing a child’s dry cough, pharmacies sell medications without prescriptions that have replaced codeine-containing drugs. This eliminates addiction and adverse effects on nervous system kids.

  • Syrup and drops. The active active ingredient in the composition is the substance butamirate. For children of different ages recommended various shapes- infants from 2 months to three years should be treated with drops, older children with syrup. The course of treatment lasts 7 days, the remedy is used for dry cough, and is effective for whooping cough. It has a number of contraindications; before giving it to children, you need to read the instructions.

Sinecode - effective remedy cough syrup in the form of a syrup that children really like

  • Herbion is a herbal preparation intended for expectorant and anti-inflammatory effects. The raw materials for its production are medicinal herbs- mallow and plantain. Syrup from medicinal plants It has a pleasant taste and smell; children readily drink it. It is prescribed to children no earlier than two years of age. Contains fructose, so children with hypersensitivity Gerbion is contraindicated for this substance.
  • Lazolvan is intended for children who have been diagnosed with diabetes. Active component is ambroxol, which has a thinning effect on mucus and promotes its rapid removal. Available in the form of syrup, tablets and aerosols. Tablets are recommended for children over 6 years of age; aerosol and liquid forms(syrup).
  • Dr. Theiss is a drug from green leaves plantain, maybe with the addition of ascorbic acid, chamomile and lemon balm. Recommended for use at night for children over one year of age.

Lazolvan is an effective mucolytic agent that can also be given to children

Other drugs to suppress cough center receptors

Along with the common medications listed above, other drugs are actively used that act on the same principle as codeine-containing drugs, but they do not contain a narcotic component. These include Tusuprex, which has a depressant effect on the cough center. It is allowed to be taken by children from the age of two at a dosage of 5 mg three times a day.

Same central action possesses Glaucine, but it has Negative consequences in the form of an effect on vascular receptors and provokes a sharp decrease in pressure. Therefore, children after two years of age should take it with caution under the supervision of a doctor. Dosage regimen: twice or thrice a day.

Instead of Sinecode, you can use it to suppress cough receptors inexpensive analogue- Omnitus. It is recommended for children from two years of age in the form of syrup and for children after six years of age in tablet form.

If you need an inexpensive but effective drug for dry cough, then Omnitus is an excellent solution

Libexin is considered a medicine for adults, for children's use It is recommended to take a quarter, a third or half of a tablet, depending on the age of the child. The dosage must be agreed with the doctor.

Remember that it is advisable to take medications intended strictly for children. Their pharmacological properties designed for a child's body. In addition, errors in dosage are eliminated.

This section describes drugs that suppress dry cough, but are not relevant for whooping cough. To treat this disease, you need medications that have the ability to kill whooping cough bacillus. These antibiotics are erythromycin or azithromycin. You can suppress coughing attacks with the help of Coldrex Broncho, Sinetos, Tussin. These are modern antitussive drugs that work to relieve an attack. Dibazol and Phenobarbital are intended to increase resistance to hypoxia.

Tussin is suitable for effective cough suppression

A group of drugs for the treatment of wet cough

When a dry cough develops into a productive form, it should not be suppressed. Treatment at this stage comes down to thinning the mucus and accelerating its removal from the respiratory tract. Chemicals cope with this task.

Keep in mind that, unlike natural remedies Medicines based on chemical compounds are more dangerous, so their use should be treated with caution.

The most popular medicine is Bromhexine, which is converted in the human body to ambroxol. This product is available in two forms - liquid and tablets. It is not recommended for children under three years of age to take tablets; syrup is intended for them in a strictly prescribed dosage of no more than 4 ml three times a day. After six years, it is allowed to take the drug in solid form.

Bromhexine syrup is suitable for the youngest patients

Among other drugs are known:

  • Acetylcysteine ​​- has a mucolytic effect and antioxidant protection. An analogue of ACC, Fluimucil, this drug is available in various forms - solid powder and liquid syrup. It can be taken up to four times a day, maximum dose- 100 mg from two years of age. There is also an inhalation form with the addition of chloramphenicol.
  • Carbocisteine ​​and its analog Fluifort. The latter has a prolonged action, after application healing effect It lasts for another 8 days. Carbocysteine ​​can be taken by children from one month old; Fluifort can be taken only after two years.

The choice of any medications for children must be approached very carefully.

Antitussive drug with universal action

It is considered a complex cough medicine. Its mechanism of action is that it works as an antitussive, mucolytic, mucomotor and bronchodilator. Its versatility is based on its three-component composition. Active ingredients are Bromhexine, Guaifenesin, Salbutamol. Ascoril is indispensable for serious complications, such as obstructive bronchitis, bronchial asthma. A syrup is produced for children; it is prescribed in a dosage of 5 ml three times a day from the age of three.

About mustard plasters and herbal preparations

Well-known elixirs and syrups based on medicinal plants help fight cough attacks.

  1. Alcoholic thyme extract to relieve inflammation and accelerate the onset of expectoration.
  2. Mucaltin tablets with marshmallow extract, which have virtually no contraindications.
  3. having a depressing effect on the cough center.
  4. based on thyme herb extract, which can be drunk by children from six months of age.

Pertussin - natural proven over the years herbal remedy From cough

Group herbal preparations- exactly this safe treatment cough in children. With timely initiation of treatment, you can get by only with them, without resorting to complex medicines, this will help minimize side effects from therapy.

You can enhance the effect of antitussive medications with mustard plasters. If you use this product carefully, it is suitable even for small children. They can be used to treat babies from six months.


To inhibit attacks of dry cough in children, you can only use medications prescribed by a doctor. If you follow all the recommendations. That painful attacks the child will experience them less frequently. Take the dosage of medications seriously, even an extra drop of the drug can harm your baby, so do not try to choose medications yourself, trust the health of your child to specialists.

How to help your child with a dry cough, you will learn from this video: