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Increased emotional lability. Lability - what is it? The meaning of the concept in medicine and psychology

Publication date: 2014-10-01

Emotional lability is pathological condition central nervous system, in which a person is subject to sudden and unconditional mood swings. How often can you hear “hysterical”, “abnormal”, “crazy” about those people who suffer from sudden mood changes. Unfortunately, we are still considered to be the “insignificance” of such sciences as psychology and psychosomatics. Meanwhile, a person who experiences emotional lability suffers more than those around him.

Many years passed before it was proven that emotional lability is not a whim of the patient, but a full-fledged disease. Moreover, it can be an independent disease caused by social factors, and a symptom of other diseases.

Moreover, it should be noted that diseases in which pathology manifests itself as a symptom are themselves formidable and dangerous:

  • cerebral atherosclerosis;
  • cerebral thromboangiitis;
  • diseases associated with pressure changes;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injury or surgical interventions;
  • severe tumors (most often malignant) of the brain itself.

The situation is much more complicated with young patients, whose parents are so exhausted by changes in the child’s psyche that they turn to urgent help to pediatricians. There is a great danger here of confusing emotional lability with the child’s usual increased activity or passivity. The unstable psyche of a small patient has been studied very little, so a lot of practice is required to accurately determine the disease.

It is extremely difficult to work with children who exhibit hyperactivity or severe attention deficit disorder. Such children already behave unpredictably in attempts to gain the attention of adults, and if emotional lability is also layered on top of such a syndrome, then such a child will need to be treated by several specialists in collaboration with each other: a neurologist, a child psychologist and a child psychiatrist.

The peculiarity of this disease is that a person gives in and experiences extreme excitement in the face of minor obstacles. The latter may not be perceived as such in principle. However, for a patient with emotional lability, any step or action may turn out to be an insurmountable “stone” for imaginary overcoming. Sometimes this is how a severe form of vegetative-vascular dystonia manifests itself.

That is why it is impossible to find the cause on your own. Requires correct and professional work by a psychotherapist and neurologist.


Emotional lability can be suspected immediately if a person, at the first minor difficulties, falls into complete despondency, but it is important not to confuse this with the consequences thyroid gland. As a rule, such patients have no desire to resist; they are apathetic, lethargic, and tearful. Such people sincerely and sharply react to any negative source from the outside. Moreover, a film with a bad ending or the need to make some efforts for the next step can plunge them into a new phase of emotional lability with equal success.

Sick patients exhibit symptoms of emotional lability such as restlessness, lack of patience, acute and negative reactions when it comes to assessing their own actions and personality as a whole. They cannot think constructively and are subject to lightning-fast mood swings. They can show aggressiveness, especially in those cases when others show them a way out of the situation.

Such people cannot stand criticism, and if a person does not react aggressively, then another phase of complete despondency and apathy has begun. Such conditions are extremely dangerous for general health, since they seriously destroy the psyche and affect general health. It has been proven that people with unstable emotions and frequent depression often have problems with their internal organs.

Treatment methods

If the treatment concerns small patients, then strict individual approach and continuous monitoring of performance. Young children with increased activity or depression cannot be prescribed standard circuits treatment. More often, children are prescribed medications on a natural basis with mild sedative effect. This could be motherwort, valerian or special herbal children's syrups with natural ingredients.

As the child grows, parents will have to teach them how to cope with attacks of lability, how to feel and recognize the onset of an exacerbation in time. Important: teach small child don't be afraid of your condition. This is important because over time, a factor such as a panic attack may be added. The latter is difficult to bear even for adults, so parents should take this into account and be prepared to have a calming conversation on this topic.

Treatment for adults with emotional lability begins with an assessment. It is necessary to find the cause of this condition, and if this is successful, then all efforts are directed towards treating the main disease. Although in such cases emotional lability is a symptom, prescribed sedatives, strengthening therapy and antidepressants.

An antidepressant is prescribed only by a specialist, based on the patient’s complaints and the symptoms that manifest themselves. If anxiety, fear and panic attacks occur, the help of a neuropsychiatrist is recommended. In general, people who have similar problems are strongly recommended to regularly visit a neuropsychiatrist and have him family doctor.

Emotional lability presented as a pathological condition of the nervous system, in which mood is characterized by instability and sudden, causeless changes

Age and gender predisposition have no effect on the occurrence of the disorder. The personality, at the same time, demonstrates the same reaction to both positive and negative provoking factors. Emotional lability often acts as a symptom accompanying organic brain diseases, vascular pathologies and asthenic conditions.

It is in the cerebral cortex that the patient’s mental reaction in response to the pathogen originates, but if the nervous system is weakened, the pathology in question takes place.

Even the most insignificant irritant can provoke a violent emotional reaction, resentment can cause hysterical laughter, and happiness provokes a person to sob. It is worth mentioning the opposite concept, the so-called rigidity, when the patient’s emotions are scarce. This condition causes less harm to the human body than excessive expression of emotions.

Provoking factors

The causes of the disorder in question are quite extensive and among the most active provoking factors it is worth highlighting the following:

  • periodic stress or constant nervous tension;
  • excess or lack of attention from others;
  • childhood or current psychological trauma;
  • hormonal imbalance, endocrine pathologies and other somatic ailments;
  • avitaminosis.

As already mentioned, emotional lability can play the role of a symptom in the presence of cerebral atherosclerosis, tumor diseases, traumatic brain injury, asthenia, organic brain pathologies or hypertension.

Symptoms of emotional lability

  • lack of self-control;
  • excessive impulsiveness;
  • action without considering the consequences.

Because emotional lability can be borderline and impulsive, other symptoms should be considered within these two categories.

Signs of impulsive lability:

  • , angry-sad mood;
  • sudden outbursts of anger and constant dissatisfaction;
  • hostility and violence towards others.

Over the years, the pathological condition smoothes out if the disease does not progress. In the female part of patients, such changes occur after childbirth or other hormonal changes.

Signs of borderline type:

  • excessive enthusiasm and impressionability;
  • too well developed imagination;
  • frequent changes of interests and opinions under the influence of others;
  • poor perseverance;
  • the actions of such patients can be characterized by the expression “from one extreme to another.”

Emotional lability in a child

Children's capriciousness, according to most people in society, is the result of gaps in upbringing, but such a statement is not always true. There is a direct relationship between lack of attention from peers and adults and pathologies of the nervous system.

If emotional lability is observed in a child, the result may be nervous exhaustion, due to which the symptoms will not stop getting worse. Young patients will constantly demand attention, and in the absence of it, scenes and hysterics cannot be avoided - these are the main signs of this disorder among children.

Not only prohibitions, punishment and other signs of despotic upbringing, but also incessant indulgence in any whims and caprices can have a detrimental effect on the state of the psyche. At a young age, it can act as a symptom initial stage neurosis.

If we consider adolescence, in this situation the mentioned model of behavior does not always indicate pathology, since it is worth taking into account other circumstances - problems of socialization, hormonal changes young body.

Standard criteria in case adolescence have extremely blurred boundaries, so it is very difficult to determine whether the observed picture is adequate. Often parents are forced to resort to the help of a psychologist from educational institution where the child is studying.

Treatment and correction

The pathology in question can only be corrected if the root causes of the disorder were taken into account when planning the therapeutic course. Due to this comprehensive examination before selecting therapy is mandatory.

Treatment for adults

Treatment should be aimed primarily at combating the underlying disease, which played the role of a provoking factor. This may be general restorative therapy and medicines, the action of which is aimed at stabilizing mental activity. Treatment may also involve psychotherapy, especially if mental disorder caused emotional weakness.

Treatment of children

As for the treatment of children, an individual approach in such a situation is the basis. Monitoring of results must be continuous. The presence of depression and increased activity assumes the impossibility of using traditional treatment regimens, therefore, as effective means There are natural medicines with a mild sedative effect.

Examples include herbal baby syrups, valerian or motherwort.

As a small patient grows up, he must learn to control attacks of lability and recognize their onset in time. He should not be afraid of such conditions and believe that something is wrong with him, otherwise, over time, they will be added to the basic symptoms. Even adults have a very difficult time with such conditions, so it is worth making every effort to ensure that a calming conversation with the child gives the necessary result.

Treatment of elderly patients

The formation of the disorder in question in old age requires the use of medications whose action is based on improving blood circulation in the brain. If organic lesions of the central nervous system become the cause of the pathology, treatment should be aimed at the underlying disease, which neurologists and neurosurgeons do an excellent job of.

  1. All types of emotional instability allow the use of over-the-counter nootropic drugs.
  2. Sedatives for plant based also give the desired effect.
  3. The use of antidepressants is permissible only as prescribed by a doctor and only after a thorough examination of the patient’s symptoms and complaints.

The help of a psychoneurologist will not be superfluous if the main picture of the disease is supplemented by panic attacks, fears and anxiety. A specialist in this area should become a family doctor for the patient. Be healthy!

Emotional lability is a disorder and, to a certain extent, even a pathology of the nervous system, characterized by unstable mood. People who have this trait react excessively emotionally to any events and especially difficulties, although these events do not imply such a strong reaction at all. From the point of view of the physiology of nervous activity, emotion means an urge to action. By the way, the term “emotion” itself is derived from the Latin verb “emovere,” which translates as “I excite.”

The object of stimulation in relation to emotions is the cerebral cortex - it awakens a mental reaction. Any motivation, according to the teachings of academician Peter Anokhin, is generated by emotion. And before the launch functional system any emotion is considered negative until a positive result is achieved. In the same case, when the goal turns out to be unattainable, the emotion remains negative. If a person’s nervous system is weakened by any factors, emotional lability occurs, characterized by an instant reaction to any stimulus.

At the same time, it does not matter at all whether it is positive or negative; an emotionally labile person reacts equally sharply to all types of stress. A person can cry with happiness, but resentment, on the contrary, causes hysterical laughter. Any changes can provoke an immediate and violent reaction. This is where emotional lability manifests itself. However, doctors believe that this condition is not as serious as rigidity, since the absence of emotions is much more dangerous to health.

Causes of emotional lability

A nervous system disorder can develop as a result of a variety of factors, including as a consequence of:

  • Prolonged emotional stress: insufficient or excessive attention from others, a series of failures and stress, psychological trauma, constant prohibitions, etc.;
  • Somatic disorder: lack of certain vitamins and minerals, hormonal imbalance, age-related hormonal changes.

Emotional lability can also accompany certain diseases:

  • Hypertension or hypotension;
  • Brain tumors;
  • Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • Obliterating cerebral thromboangiitis;
  • Organic brain damage;
  • Asthenic conditions;
  • Vascular diseases of the brain;
  • Anorexia;
  • Diabetes insipidus;
  • Postpartum depression;
  • Consequences of traumatic brain injuries.

In these cases, the disorder is seen as one symptom of another serious illness. To treat emotional lability caused by emotional overstrain, you should seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist. In all other cases priority is to eliminate the underlying disease.

Symptoms of emotional lability

Disorders of an emotionally labile personality are characterized by a violent reaction to what is happening, impulsiveness and spontaneity of actions, lack of self-control and consideration possible consequences. Moreover, outbursts of passion arise for any reason, even the most insignificant. Symptoms of emotional lability depend on its type, and it can be impulsive or borderline.

For impulsive disorder a person experiences a state of dysphoria, which is characterized by an angry-melancholy, tense affect with pronounced irritability, alternating with outbursts of anger and aggressiveness. Such people often change jobs because they do not get along in teams, as they constantly claim to be a leader, without taking into account their abilities.

IN family life these individuals express dissatisfaction with everyday chores, because they consider them not worthy of attention, which entails frequent conflicts, even to the point of using physical strength in relation to family members. Emotionally unstable people are unyielding, vindictive and vindictive.

If the disease does not progress, then by about 30-40 years of age, emotional lability smoothes out; such men are said to have “gained life experience, wiser." In women, violent emotional outbursts usually disappear after the birth of children, which is due to changes hormonal levels during pregnancy.

If a person with impulsive emotional lability finds himself in unfavorable conditions, he begins to lead a chaotic life, often abuses alcohol, which ultimately leads to the commission of antisocial aggressive acts.

Borderline type disorder characterized by increased enthusiasm, vividness of imagination, special impressionability, extreme sensitivity to obstacles on the path to self-realization, and functioning at the maximum of one’s capabilities. Even to trivial events, the reaction of such individuals can become hyperbolic.

Already in adolescence These people are highly suggestible and prone to fantasizing, and cannot establish stable relationships with peers. Their areas of interest change very quickly, but they do not pay attention to the rules and regulations, including those established by their parents. Therefore, even with good intellectual capabilities Children with emotional lability demonstrate poor academic performance.

Such people in most cases lead an uneven life - periodic changes are observed in it, and quite often they, as they say, go from one extreme to another. For example, an all-consuming passion is abruptly replaced by a loss of interest, and violent feelings are suddenly replaced by a sudden separation. However, these emotionally unstable individuals are able to adapt to new circumstances and find a way out of a difficult situation.

Emotional lability in children

Capricious children are the result of poor upbringing; this point of view is accepted in society. But this is only partly true, since there has been a correlation between the development of neurasthenia syndrome in a child and lack of attention. Emotional lability in children leads to their nervous exhaustion, which further enhances the mental reaction. Demanding increased attention, the child makes “scenes.” Moreover, not only strict upbringing causes protest, which increases emotional instability, but also indulgence in whims leads to a similar result.

Which doctor should I contact if I have emotional weakness?

If you think you have weak character, and you suffer from emotional lability, or this problem is destroying the life of one of your loved ones, then you should seek advice from a psychiatrist or neurologist. But first you should undergo examination by other specialists, on the recommendation of your attending physician. This is necessary to exclude the presence of other diseases that could cause emotional lability.

It should be taken into account that sentimentality and a state of tenderness necessarily accompany organic diseases of the brain, and are constant companions of the asthenic state. If emotional lability is not caused by other, more serious health problems, then the neurologist will prescribe an appropriate course of treatment, which is very individual in each specific case. Close people should support the sick person in everything they can, and get advice from a doctor on how to behave with a weak-willed relative or friend.

Establishing diagnosis

Only a specialist can diagnose lability. Initially, even at the first signs that appear, family and friends should consult a therapist. Based on the examination, the person is then sent to see a psychotherapist and neurologist. It cannot be said that any single doctor is involved in diagnosing emotional lability. This is the combined work of doctors of several specialties.

But in addition to external examinations, the patient must undergo a number of tests. To exclude or confirm the presence of others serious illnesses, at which such mental condition is just a symptom. If the pathology is only a symptom of a more serious disease, the main treatment is directed at this very disease. With recovery, lability also disappears.

Treatment or correction of nervous system lability should only take place under the supervision of a specialist. If necessary, be sure to send the patient to the clinic. Treatment methods and correction are effective and can lead a person to more normal condition, but the course for each patient is selected individually, the symptoms and the root cause of the pathology are necessarily taken into account.


If emotional weakness manifests itself as an impulsive type, with age and under the influence of changes in the hormonal background, its manifestations may fade a little. However, in any case, the pathological condition requires help from specialists. Self-medication is often useless, especially in a situation where weakness is the result of somatic problems. Along with drug therapy or psychological correction Such people are advised to exclude drinks and foods that “stimulate” the nervous system from their diet, and refuse bad habits, balance your lifestyle, avoiding traumatic and stressful influences.

Emotional lability is not a permanent condition. An important point here is the triggering moment, those situations that can cause outbursts of uncontrollable emotions. Some of these triggers include: fatigue, certain stimuli (crowds, high expectations, noise), anxiety, insulin imbalance, thyroid hormone imbalance, menstruation/ premenstrual syndrome/ menopause, high arterial pressure. Healing procedures usually focus on teaching the person how to manage this sudden surge through cognitive behavioral therapy, counseling, support groups, yoga, breathing exercises, relaxation methods, stretching, etc.

Before starting any treatment, it is advisable to visit a doctor. He will be able to better determine the cause of the problem and prescribe effective treatment and medicines.

Should be adhered to certain rules:

  • People around the patient can be the main irritants for the development of an attack. Therefore, not only the patient, but also the people around him should be educated. This will help the patient to be free from additional tension and stress.
  • Take a break, take short breaks, go for a walk, or sit with a cup of tea, this will help you relax, reduce internal tension and will help in the fight against anxiety.
  • Try to ignore, not pay attention to the behavior of such a person, which will help him relax in the future. Treat the behavior - be it laughing, angry, crying - as insignificant and continue the conversation until the attack passes.
  • Avoid stressful factors, exclude certain topics that may cause stress in the patient, try to change the topic and distract the person. Avoid noisy crowded places and eliminate loud sounds.

Receiving a psychotherapeutic consultation by a patient will help a person cope with his deep-seated problems and eliminate the cause of the problems. The doctor can give the patient enough instructions on how to deal with difficult situations. In some cases it may be prescribed medications. Early detection of symptoms of emotional lability along with proper treatment will help from further progression this condition and will preserve the patient’s relationships with people close to him.

Treatment with drugs

Basis drug therapy becomes the use of drugs aimed at healing physiological reason, provoking disturbances in the emotional sphere. If it is impossible to cure the pathology, then medications are selected that block further progression of the disease.

To mitigate uncontrolled expression of emotions that can provoke panic attacks, the doctor may prescribe tranquilizers for painful anxiety. For sleep disorders caused by increased excitability, a course of antipsychotics is recommended, which can be combined with the use of herbal teas.

If this is a pathological deviation, combined with asthenic syndrome, leads to depressive states, for correction it is necessary to resort to antidepressants.


The basis of psychotherapeutic intervention is the goal of identifying internal conflicts, fears, and the possible psychological root cause of the condition. Correction is aimed at eliminating negative factors by working through the problem, relieving anxiety, working with stress resistance and disorders of self-perception. Attention is paid to controlling aggressive behavior.

If there are problems with social adaptation and communication may require training sessions and group therapy. Along with the work carried out with the patient, family therapy is often carried out. It is important not only to teach a person to control emotions and suppress an affective reaction, but also to help family members find an approach to such a person and learn to correctly respond to the mood swings of a person with weakness.

Despite the fact that lack of control over emotional reactions brings a lot of discomfort, one should not assume that the condition is completely uncorrectable. There is no need to try to suppress emotions on your own. Timely seeking help from specialists will allow you to get rid of not only the consequences of emotional instability, but also learn to cope with the condition without harm to yourself or others.

Humans have a remarkable ability to control their emotions. They laugh when they are happy, cry when they are in pain (physical or emotional), and get angry when they are upset.
We humans are gifted with a variety of emotions and as we get older, we develop the ability to express them at the appropriate moment. Almost everyone can experience a fit of laughter, sudden irritability, or a fit of crying and sadness. These things release our repressed emotions - this is normal. At times, however, for some, emotions are out of control and understanding.
An emotionally labile person may laugh at a funeral, or may begin to cry at a joke, or become irritated and angry without apparent reason. These emotions, as a rule, are extremely violent.
Emotional lability is a disorder that is characterized by involuntary emotional manifestations of mood in an excessively expressed form. Individuals suffering from this condition are prone to fits of uncontrollable laughter, outbursts of anger and bouts of crying. These emotions have nothing to do with emotional state person.
Emotional lability occurs in people who suffer from certain diseases, head injury or after a stroke. It can occur due to two main reasons: physical damage to the brain or emotional disorder. In cases of physical damage, the brain and nervous system are damaged due to aging or injury. If a person has faced severe emotional shock, experienced tragic events, such as the loss of family, relationships, work, etc. - this may also cause lability. Below are some possible medical reasons development of emotional lability: brain injury, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Alzheimer's disease, lateral amyotrophic sclerosis, brain tumor, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Cushing's disease, dementia, depression, head injury, HIV syndrome, Huntington's disease, lead poisoning, past encephalitis, postpartum depression, pseudobulbar palsy, postpartum psychosis, mental illness, motor neuron disease, multiple sclerosis, neurosyphilis, hydrocephalus, stroke, Usher syndrome.
Emotional lability is not a permanent condition.
The important point here is the triggering moment, those situations that can cause outbursts of uncontrollable emotions. Some of these triggers include: fatigue, certain stimuli (crowds, high expectations, noise), anxiety, insulin imbalance, thyroid hormone imbalance, menstruation/premenstrual syndrome/menopause, high blood pressure.
Now that you know the cause of these emotional reactions, and what things can trigger them, it's time for the next step, and that's part of the treatment. Treatments typically focus on teaching the person how to manage this sudden surge through cognitive behavioral therapy, counseling, support groups, yoga, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, stretching, and others.
Before starting any treatment, it is advisable to visit a doctor. He will be able to better determine the cause of the problem and prescribe effective treatment and medications.
Certain rules must be followed:
— People around the patient can be the main irritants for the development of an attack. Therefore, not only the patient, but also the people around him should be educated. This will help the patient to be free from additional tension and stress.
- Take a break, take short breaks, go for a walk, or sit with a cup of tea, this will help you relax, reduce internal tension and help in the fight against anxiety.
- Try to ignore, not pay attention to the behavior of such a person, which will help him relax in the future. Treat the behavior—whether laughing, angry, crying—as insignificant and continue the conversation until the attack passes.
- Avoid stressful factors, exclude certain topics that can cause stress in the patient, try to change the topic and distract the person. Avoid noisy crowded places and eliminate loud sounds.
Receiving a psychotherapeutic consultation by a patient will help a person cope with his deep-seated problems and eliminate the cause of the problems. The doctor can give the patient enough instructions on how to deal with difficult situations. In some cases, medications may be prescribed.
Early detection of symptoms of emotional lability along with proper treatment will help prevent further progression of this condition and preserve the patient’s relationships with people close to him.

From the point of view of the physiology of higher nervous activity, emotion means an urge to action. The word is derived from the Latin verb “emovere” - I excite. In relation to emotion, the object of excitation is the cerebral cortex, which generates a mental reaction. According to the teachings of Academician Anokhin, any motivation is generated by emotion. Moreover, before the launch of a functional system, any emotion is considered negative until a positive result is achieved. If the goal turns out to be unattainable, the emotion will remain negative. When a person’s nervous system is weakened, emotional lability occurs, which is characterized by an instant reaction to any stimuli. It doesn’t matter at all what sign it is – “plus” or “minus”.

An emotionally labile person reacts equally sharply to positive and negative stressors. Changes in the situation cause an instant, violent reaction. A person cries with happiness or, conversely, resentment gives rise to hysterical laughter. This is where emotional lability manifests itself, as opposed to stability. Opposite state is called rigidity in psychology, and emotional flatness in psychiatry. Lack of emotions is much more dangerous for human health. Loss of motivation leads to exhaustion faster than an explosion of emotions.

Emotional lability: symptoms

Disorders of an emotionally unstable personality are characterized by impulsiveness, spontaneity of actions in the absence of self-control and without taking into account possible consequences. At the same time, affective outbursts arise for insignificant reasons. In psychiatry to borderline states refers to emotional lability, the symptoms of which manifest themselves depending on the personality type. There are two types of emotional weakness:

  • Impulsive;
  • Borderline.

When upset emotional sphere By impulsive type a persistent state of dysphoria develops, that is, an angry-sad mood, interspersed with outbursts of anger. People who have emotional lability are difficult to get along with in teams because they always claim leadership without taking into account their own abilities. In family life, excitable individuals express dissatisfaction with daily worries, considering them routine and not worthy of attention. Therefore, conflicts often arise, accompanied by breaking dishes and the use of physical violence against family members. The person is unyielding, vengeful, and vindictive. In the absence of progression, emotional lability smoothes out with age, and by the age of 30-40, easily excitable men calm down and “gain life experience.” For women, as a rule, violent emotional outbursts become a thing of the past after the birth of children. This is due to changes in hormonal levels during pregnancy.

Under unfavorable conditions, patients lead chaotic lives and often resort to drinking alcohol, which leads to the commission of aggressive antisocial acts.

The borderline type of personality disorder is characterized by increased impressionability, vivid imagination, and increased enthusiasm. Such emotional lability gives rise to workaholics. People with borderline disorder emotional sphere are easily influenced by others. They easily and happily adopt “ bad habits", norms of behavior not encouraged by society. Borderline Personalities They rush from one extreme to another, so they often break off marriages, quit their jobs and change their place of residence.

Emotional lability in children

Society has an accepted point of view that capricious children are the result of poor upbringing. This is true, but only partly. There is a relationship between lack of attention and the development of neurasthenia syndrome in a child. Persistent emotional lability in children leads to nervous exhaustion, which, in turn, intensifies the mental reaction. The baby requires increased attention, so he makes “scenes.” This is characteristic of hysterical personality development. People with such a psychotype are, as they say, difficult to please. Strict upbringing gives rise to protest, increasing emotional lability; indulging in any whims leads to similar results.

If, from the point of view of others, the child is not deprived of attention, the reason for the heightened perception of changes in the environment should be regarded as the development of neurosis. Neurotic disorder, in turn, is subject to treatment.

Emotional lability, treatment of neuroses

The causes of neurotic conditions are traumatic situations. When the cause is eliminated, emotional lability disappears - treatment by a psychiatrist guarantees positive results if applied in a timely manner. It is necessary to pay attention to the child from a young age. Manifestations of negativism - denial of adult demands - should alert parents.

When emotional lability develops in old age, treatment drugs are aimed at improving blood circulation in the brain. If nervous excitability due to organic lesions nervous system, emotional lability also appears, the treatment of which is to combat the underlying disease. This is the work of neurosurgeons and neuropathologists.

Nootropic drugs sold without prescriptions are indicated for all types of emotional instability. Herbal sedatives have a good effect.

There is a big difference between conventional wisdom and medical diagnoses. Especially when emotional lability develops, drugs for the treatment of which should be taken only on the recommendation of a psychiatrist. The help of a psychologist, of course, has positive influence, but does not eliminate the causes of mental disorders.

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