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What are the benefits of sesame seeds for humans? Sesame seeds beneficial properties. How to take sesame seeds

Among the wide variety oriental spices and seasonings, sesame seeds occupy special place. Their subtle, light nutty taste is indispensable in the preparation of many dishes. They are especially often used in Oriental and Asian cuisine. Also very much is squeezed from the seeds healthy oil, which is actively used in cosmetology and is used in medicine.

In general, small sesame seeds have a powerful healing power. People have known and used them for many centuries. In eastern countries, sesame was considered an ingredient in the recipe for the ancient elixir of youth. The many valuable components that make up the seeds give sesame seeds high healing properties that allow them to cope with many ailments.

How to use it medicinal purposes sesame seed, benefit and harm, beneficial features, the use of its seeds and what oils - I’ll tell you about all this today:

What are the benefits of sesame seeds?

These small, tasty seeds contain many minerals. For example, there is calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron. There are many vitamins, for example, vitamin A, which is necessary for the eyes. It contains a lot of phytin, a substance involved in phosphorus-calcium metabolism. Therefore, sesame is very useful to use for prevention, as well as to use in the treatment of diseases. skeletal system: osteoporosis, radiculitis, rheumatism, as well as articular and muscular neuralgia.

But the most important thing is that the seeds contain sesamin - very rare, unique substance. Sesamin is a powerful plant antioxidant. Once in the body, it reduces the level bad cholesterol, and also activates metabolic processes in organism.

The seeds and oil are very useful for preventing the development of atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases. They are used in the treatment of asthma, thyroid gland, with anemia. Used to stop bleeding.

They are useful for women who are breastfeeding if there is congestion in the mammary glands or inflammation (mastitis). For treatment inflammatory process seeds, crushed to powder, are moistened with warm vegetable oil. Then soak a gauze pad generously and apply it to the mammary gland.

Healing oil Used to treat colds and indigestion. Taken orally for gastritis and ulcers. The oil is taken to strengthen the skeletal system, improve the body's defenses and increase vitality.

How to extract the power that sesame seeds contain? Application in medicine

To cleanse and heal the body, grind the seeds fried in a dry frying pan to a powder using a coffee grinder. Take 1-2 tsp. before meals with a small amount warm water. The course of admission is 2 weeks.

If you have a cold, heat the oil in a water bath (up to 38-40 degrees). Rub it on your back and chest. Then put on warm clothes and lie down under the blanket.

The beneficial properties of the oil are also used to treat sore throat and pharyngitis. Add a few drops per cup warm milk, drink three times a day.

For inflammation of the middle ear, 1-2 drops of warm oil are instilled into ear canals.

Benefit, the use of seeds is effective in food poisoning accompanied by diarrhea. They have the ability to cleanse the body of poisons and toxic substances. Therefore, in case of poisoning, chop 1 tsp. seeds until powder, mix with a quarter glass of honey. Add 1 tsp. mixture per cup with warm boiled water. It is recommended to drink every 1-2 hours until the condition improves.

To increase blood clotting, take 1 tbsp every morning, immediately after waking up. l. sesame oil. This recipe is also effective in treating gastritis and relieving persistent constipation.

If you have a toothache, this oil will also help. wonderful plant. Just rub just a few drops into the area of ​​the gum where the sore tooth is located.

At complex treatment hemorrhoids, anal fissures, prepare a decoction: Add 1 tbsp. l. seeds into a small saucepan. Pour half a glass of boiling water. Boil at very low temperature for only 3 minutes. Cool. Use warm broth to wash and lotion anus.

Who shouldn't eat sesame seeds? Harm

The benefits and harms of sesame have been studied quite well. Therefore, experts warn that frequent use may cause serious allergic reaction. So people prone to allergies need to pay serious attention to this.

Eating large amounts of seeds can cause stomach and intestinal upset. Treatment with sesame is strictly contraindicated for people with increased blood clotting and a tendency to thrombosis.

People who do not have these contraindications should also not overuse sesame. This may bring harm rather than benefit. To improve your health, it is enough to eat no more than 20-30 g per day.

Moderate consumption will provide the body with all necessary substances. Therefore, use sesame for treatment, but do not exceed the dosage when preparing medicinal products and be healthy!

Coming from the tropical and subtropical zones of South Africa, sesame (“sesame”, “sim-sim”) has become popular in all countries of the world, famous for its undeniable beneficial properties. We have a special love for this annual herbaceous oilseed crop eastern countries- China, Korea, Japan, adding sesame seeds to baked goods and desserts, salads, snacks and meat dishes.

Asians reverence Sesame oil, characterized by zero cholesterol content, high content of the antioxidant sesamin and maintaining its healing properties up to 9 years old. In the East, it was believed that sesame seed was the main component of the magical elixir of immortality.

The photo shows how sesame seeds grow in northern Africa

What do sesame seeds look like?

Sesame seeds ripen in an elongated fruit-box, pressed against a stem 50-100 cm high. The boxes are collected a little before ripening and are dried in the sun, as the ripened fruit opens, spilling the seeds onto the ground. Their color can vary from jet black to boiling white.

Fun fact: There are approximately 178 sesame seeds on a Big Mac bun.

What are the benefits of sesame seeds?

Chemical composition sesame seeds are represented by fats, constituting up to 65% of its total mass, proteins - up to 25%, carbohydrates - up to 10%. At the same time, it has a relatively low calorie content among oilseeds: 565 kcal per 100 g of seeds.

The fatty acid composition in the form of saturated, mono- and polyunsaturated compounds includes acids:

  • oleic, which blocks “bad” cholesterol and reduces its level in the body;
  • linoleic, involved in the contraction of the smooth muscles of the uterus and gastrointestinal tract, necessary for correct formation brain structure, visual organs and genitourinary system during the prenatal period in the fetus;
  • palmitic acid, which promotes the synthesis of its own collagen and elastin;
  • stearic, preserving protective properties epidermis.

This heat-loving culture is rich in: vitamins A, B, C, E, thiamine, PP, riboflavin; minerals - silicon, vanadium, manganese, copper, nickel, iron, phosphorus, zinc, boron, potassium, iodine.

Just picked ripe sesame seed box

Benefits of sesame seeds for women

Sesame has a special effect on female body: it contains lignans - analogues female hormone estrogen. After 45 years of age regular use sesame helps reduce symptoms menopause and balance hormonal background.

Sesame also holds the record for calcium content - 1.1-1.4 g of macronutrient per 100 g of seeds. That is why it is recommended by doctors as a mandatory product for the diet of pregnant and lactating women: by strengthening bone tissue, it prevents the fragility of the skeletal bones of the mother and child, and serves as a preventative against tooth decay during gestation.

My signature salad recipe with sesame seeds

After watching my friend, I decided to include sesame seeds in my diet. It all started with a simple carrot salad, which for me became a real rainbow of original flavor combinations.

Ingredients: 4 medium carrots, cut into strips; 1 tbsp. sesame; sauce from 3 tbsp. olive oil, 1 tsp. ground ginger, juice of half an orange and a lemon. Pepper, cilantro and salt - to taste.

A small portion of carrot salad with sesame seeds will satisfy your hunger for 2-3 hours while losing weight

Top 3 beauty recipes from sesame seeds

Recipe 1 - body scrub

Mix equal amounts of crushed sesame seeds and honey until smooth. Apply to the skin of the body and massage for 5 minutes. After the procedure, rinse off the scrub with warm water.

Recipe 2 - hair mask

Rub heated sesame oil into the roots of the hair with massaging movements and process the curls along the entire length. Wrap your head in plastic and keep the mask on for 2 hours. Rinse your curls with warm water.

Recipe 3 - overnight face mask

In 1 tsp. sesame oil add 4 capsules of vitamin A and 4 capsules of vitamin E.

Daily value and how to properly consume sesame seeds

Optimal daily norm, good for health: 1-2 tsp. sesame oil or 100 g of seed. It should be remembered that frying destroys all the beneficial properties of this oilseed, so sesame should be taken only raw, boiled, steamed or heated.

Sesame kozinaki or homemade halva are perfect for those with a sweet tooth.

For whom sesame seeds are contraindicated?

Can cause harm overuse sesame, including during pregnancy. Sesame is contraindicated for:

  1. urolithiasis;
  2. thrombosis and increased blood clotting;
  3. individual intolerance;
  4. taking aspirin.

Sesame has been known to people since ancient times. Initially, it was used in cooking, adding to various dishes. It gives them an unusual taste. After the research, it became known , What are the benefits of sesame seeds from a medical point of view and what problems should they be used to solve?

Sesame, or sesame in Latin, is an oil plant up to 3 meters high, life cycle which is 1 year. It begins to bloom in June, and after 2 months the fruits ripen. Flowering duration is only 1 day. After wilting, special boxes are formed in which the seeds are located.

This heat-loving crop grows in the tropics and subtropics. India is considered the homeland, then sesame began to be cultivated in North Africa and Pakistan. Over time he received wide use in Asia and the Caucasus.

In our country, sesame can only be grown in southern latitudes. The plant is especially picky about soil - only loamy soil is suitable for it. Amateur gardeners are trying to plant it in their own summer cottages, creating the necessary conditions. However, this venture is not always crowned with success.

Composition and calorie content

Sesame seeds contain a large number of components:

  • vitamins A, B1 (thiamine), B2, PP and E;
  • minerals - iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus. And the amount of calcium in unpeeled seeds is especially high - 970 mg per 100 g. This is more than in cottage cheese and cheese;
  • phytin;
  • sesamin is an organic substance that reduces the level of “bad” cholesterol and promotes weight loss;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • fatty acid.

Sesame seeds half consist of oil, so their calorie content is quite high - about 580 kcal per 100 g.

Benefits of sesame seeds

Sesame seeds bring significant benefits to the body. Possible harm depends on individual characteristics humans and occurs in rare cases.

They have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and can inhibit cancer cells. The beneficial effect is expressed in the following:

  1. Sesame is involved in replenishing calcium, which is necessary for proper formation bone tissue. Fluorine and zinc contribute to it better absorption Therefore, regular consumption of sesame seeds is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis.
  2. Sesamin normalizes lipid metabolism and promotes weight loss. In combination with fatty acids, it reduces cholesterol levels and prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis.
  3. Vitamins A and E slow down the aging process and help maintain youth and beauty. They have antioxidant properties and protect the body from negative action free radicals.
  4. Fiber and vitamin PP promote better digestion of food and cleanse the intestines of harmful substances.
  5. Thiamine is necessary for normal functioning heart and blood vessels, supports health nervous system, accelerates metabolism and improves nutrient absorption.
  6. Phytosterol strengthens the immune system. As a result, a person almost completely stops getting colds.
  7. Bodybuilders eat sesame seeds to gain weight faster muscle mass because protein makes up about 20% of the total mass of the seed. It is also eaten by vegetarians, making up for the lack of animal proteins.
  8. Vitamin B2 accelerates growth, so sesame is not large quantities recommended for children.
  9. The benefits of sesame for women include a beneficial effect on reproductive system and breast health. Lotions will help get rid of mastopathy. Daily use seeds at the onset of menopause will help relieve its symptoms.
  10. Flosterin prevents recruitment extra pounds and the appearance of age-related disorders.
  11. The antibacterial effect of the seeds has a beneficial effect on the condition of the oral cavity.
  12. They improve liver function, in particular, help alleviate hangover syndrome.

However, fried sesame, which is used in cooking, does not have beneficial properties. All valuable components are destroyed during heat treatment (95%).

Black sesame seeds are less common in Russia, but they also have beneficial properties. They are used to treat skin diseases, osteoporosis, arthritis, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and preventing cancer. In addition, the concentration of calcium in them is even higher than in white ones.

How to use

Medicinal sesame seed received wide application in cooking, cosmetology and medicine.

Sesame has a pleasant nutty aroma and rich taste. Therefore, its seeds are added to salads and used to decorate baked goods. With their help you can give the usual sauce unusual taste. Or mix with breadcrumbs. Only the seeds need to be crushed first. And to get a brighter taste, it is recommended to fry them.

For treatment certain diseases The following recipes are used:

  1. A mixture of 2 teaspoons of crushed sesame seeds and 1 tbsp will relieve constipation. spoon of honey. It should be washed down with a glass of water. This drink should be consumed until all symptoms pass.
  2. For neuralgia, you need to eat 1 spoon of sesame seeds with honey.
  3. To treat inflammation of the mammary gland, make a compress from ground sesame seeds and vegetable oil.
  4. The following decoction will help with hemorrhoids - 2 tbsp. Place spoons of seeds and 500 ml of water and boil for 5 minutes. Then you need to cool it and drink a little during the day.

In the absence of significant health problems, it is enough to eat 2-3 teaspoons of seeds per day. They will provide the body with the necessary useful substances. But they should not be consumed on an empty stomach, otherwise nausea and severe thirst will occur.

The seeds need to be chewed thoroughly, or soaked in water for 2-3 hours, and then eaten. They are also used to reduce appetite, since the feeling of fullness lasts for quite a long time.

Sesame oil is actively used in cosmetology. It has the following properties:

  • protects skin from ultraviolet radiation, therefore it is an integral component of sunscreens;
  • vitamins improve appearance skin, heal minor damage and tighten pores;
  • If you add oil to a hair mask, your hair will become incredibly shiny and silky.

Available for sale ready-made products with sesame oil. Or you can purchase it separately and make your own masks for beauty and health. If you apply it at night, it will get rid of cracked heels. It can be used to lubricate children's skin, which often becomes irritated due to constant wearing diapers And the oil mixture apple cider vinegar and water will remove toxins from the skin.

Sesame oil is also widely used in medicine. It is included in medicinal gels, ointments and patches, as well as drugs that improve blood clotting.

How to store

In order for seeds to bring maximum benefit, they must be carefully selected and certain storage conditions must be observed. They should be dry and crumbly. It is better to buy seeds in transparent packaging or by weight. Then their quality can be visually assessed.

If the sesame has a bitter taste, it means it has gone bad. They should not be eaten.

Sesame should be stored in a dry place that is not exposed to direct Sun rays. It must be poured into an airtight container. These conditions are suitable for unhulled seeds.

If the shell has been removed from the beans, they must be placed in the refrigerator or freezer. This way they will retain their valuable components for about six months.

Harm and contraindications

Regardless of great benefit sesame seeds, in some cases they cause harm.

Their use for medicinal purposes should be limited in the following cases:

  • with high blood clotting and thrombosis;
  • with a predisposition to the formation of kidney stones and sand in the urinary system;
  • at increased acidity stomach;
  • when individual intolerance to components occurs.

During pregnancy, sesame should be eaten with extreme caution, because it can change hormonal levels and cause miscarriage.

Knowing the beneficial properties and contraindications for consuming sesame seeds will help you use them most effectively.

Sesame is a valuable oilseed plant, the seeds of which have a strong beneficial effect on the human body. They are part of medicines, are used to prepare medicinal potions. When used wisely, sesame will bring exceptional benefits to the body.

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Sesame is one of the most ancient oilseeds, also known as simsim and sesame. Sesame is widely used to this day, since ordinary people are well aware of the issue of sesame seeds: benefits and harm.

Although sesame has many beneficial properties, it is grown mainly for the production of oil, used both in cooking and in medicinal and for cosmetic purposes.

The birthplace of sesame is considered South Africa, but it is also grown in the countries of the Far East, Central Asia and in India.

It is worth noting that sesame seeds are widely used abroad, while our compatriots use them mainly for gastronomic purposes, for example, to make desserts such as halva. Sesame is also used as a topping for various bakery products. But it’s worth getting better acquainted with the question of sesame seeds: benefits and harms, because it’s not entirely reasonable to use so much useful remedy exclusively for culinary delights.

Composition and calorie content

The percentage of oils in sesame seeds is approximately 45-55%.

Sesame also contains powerful antioxidant sesamin, which is widely used to prevent many diseases, including cancer, as well as to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. The ability to lower cholesterol is also due to the presence of beta-sitosterol in sesame seeds. It is thanks to these substances that sesame seeds and sesame oil have a very long shelf life.

Also, sesame seeds contain many proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, vitamins A, B, C, E, it is rich in potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and other useful mineral compounds, dietary fiber and lecithin.

Sesame contains phytin, a substance that helps restore and normalize mineral balance in the body. Strengthening immune system, increasing the body's resistance various infections Phytosterol helps reduce the risk of getting the flu. The same element reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and fights the problem of obesity.

Thiamine is responsible for normalizing metabolism in the body, as well as improving the functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin PP is extremely useful for the proper functioning of the digestive system.

Energy value sesame seed is approximately 560-580 kcal.

Beneficial features

Sesame seeds, the benefits and harms of which are determined by their chemical composition, have a delicate, pleasant taste.

To extract maximum benefit made from sesame, it is best consumed soaked or slightly warmed. Roasted seeds added to any dish are simply an aromatic seasoning that lacks most of the beneficial properties.

The benefit of sesame seeds is that they improve the condition of hair and nails, have positive impact on blood composition, stimulate body growth due to the content of riboflavin.

Since sesame seeds contain calcium in large quantities, it is simply indispensable for joints and bones; it is used to prevent osteoporosis. This spice also promotes active muscle building.

Ancient healers used sesame seeds, the benefits and harms of which were known many centuries ago, for the purpose of treatment colds. The benefit of this spice also lies in the fact that it helps ease the breathing of people with asthma and lung diseases.

Healers were sure that sesame helps maintain good condition female reproductive system. Therefore, even in ancient times, they recommended that women chew one spoonful of these seeds daily. Sesame is also recommended for nursing mothers, because it reduces the risk of mastopathy. These seeds are especially useful for women over 45 years of age, as they contain phytoestrogen - a substitute for female sex hormones.

It has been noticed that in combination with poppy and flax seeds, sesame becomes a strong aphrodisiac, which makes it useful for both women and men.

Benefits and uses of sesame oil

Sesame oil is very actively used in medicine for the production of various ointments, emulsions and plasters, since it is known that this product improves blood clotting.

Sesame oil also has a laxative effect.

Sesame oil is also used in cosmetology, as it has moisturizing and softening properties. It can relieve irritation, normalize the protective properties of the skin, stimulate its regeneration and smooth out wrinkles. It is known to block ultraviolet rays. Sesame seed oil is also used for massage and as a makeup remover.

Harm of sesame and contraindications for use

Sesame seeds, the benefits and harms of which can border on each other, also have some contraindications.

Since this product improves blood clotting, it should be used with caution by people with increased coagulability and thrombosis. It is also contraindicated for urolithiasis.

Since the gastric mucosa is very sensitive to sesame seeds, it will bring great benefits to the body if consumed in moderation. For a healthy adult, the norm for sesame consumption is 2-3 teaspoons per day. And the harm of sesame will especially affect if you eat it on an empty stomach - this will inevitably cause a feeling of thirst and nausea.

Selection and storage of sesame seeds

When choosing sesame seeds, you need to make sure that the seeds are dry and crumbly. Therefore, it is best to buy sesame seeds in transparent bags or by weight. The seeds should not have a bitter taste.

Unpeeled sesame has much higher beneficial properties, as well as a longer shelf life. Unhulled sesame seeds can be stored in an airtight container in a dry, dark and cool place. In such conditions, sesame is stored for about three months.

The shelf life of peeled seeds is sharply reduced and they go rancid very quickly. To prevent rancidity, it is best to store peeled sesame seeds in the refrigerator or freezer. In a refrigerated place, the shelf life of the seeds is about six months, and in the freezer they retain their beneficial properties for about a year.

It's worth noting that none of this applies to sesame seed oil. This product can be stored for years, absolutely without deterioration in quality, even when stored in a place with high temperature. Sesame oil can retain its beneficial properties for about ten years.

The benefits of sesame seed oil did not immediately become known. Initially, this product was used as a fuel and lubricant. People realized that sesame oil was great for culinary purposes only in the 6th century BC.

The number of sesame seeds on the famous Big Mac is almost always 178.

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This is what a sesame seed looks like

We continue on the pages of our website to tell you, our dear readers, about those useful gifts The nature that surrounds us. And today, sesame seeds come to our attention. It would seem, well, what benefit can there be from a seed - only the tiniest, however, in fact, sesame seeds have a number of useful and unique properties, and we invite you to talk about them today.

About the benefits and harms of sesame seeds, how and why to use them correctly, and who should avoid sesame seeds

General information about sesame seeds

Sesame can be used not only in cooking

Sesame is also called sesame, and this plant has been known since ancient times. It is noteworthy that at that time sesame seeds were shrouded in an aura of secrets and legends. However, despite the fact that today science has managed to find logical explanations and confirmations for many of the secrets of sesame seeds, sesame still has something to surprise us with.

So, for example,

sesame is annual plant, the fruits of which resemble small oblong boxes that are filled with multi-colored seeds - from blue-black to snow-white.

This seed is used in cooking, sesame oil is prepared from it, and the seed and oil have also found application in the field of traditional medicine and cosmetology. It is noteworthy that people abroad are more familiar with sesame, but we are just beginning to discover all those unique properties, which are hidden in sesame seeds and we learn that sesame seeds can not only be sprinkled on buns, but even... treated.

Sesame seed calories

As a rule, the calorie content of any type of seed is quite high, since such seeds contain a lot of fat. Sesame seeds are no exception, and in their composition you can find not only fats, but also oils (the content of such oils is 45-55%). Well, if we directly consider the issue of caloric content, then 100 grams of such seeds account for 560-580 kilocalories, however, these data cannot be called accurate, since the caloric content of seeds can vary depending on the shape of the seed, size and even its color...

Sesame seed how to take

In fact, sesame seeds will only be beneficial for your body if you use them correctly -

To do this, the sesame seeds must first be soaked or heated.

If you eat raw seeds or fry them, then it will just be an aromatic seasoning, devoid of most of its beneficial properties. Also, it is worth knowing that sesame seeds are necessary - that is why it is recommended to pre-soak them. When soaked, softened sesame seeds are easy to chew and easier to absorb by the body.

Useful substances in sesame seeds

Sesame seeds contain large quantities of oils, which consist of acids of organic origin, polyunsaturated and saturated fatty acids, triglycerides and glycerol esters, as well as the substance sesamin, which is a powerful natural antioxidant. This substance is useful for prevention various diseases including cancer, it has properties in the blood... Also, in the composition of sesame seeds you can find carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids and vitamins A, E, B, C, mineral compounds, calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, magnesium and phytin ( responsible for restoring mineral balance human body), lecithin and dietary fiber...

Benefits of sesame seeds

The consumption of sesame seeds has a beneficial effect on the condition of human hair and nails, has a positive effect on the composition of human blood and stimulates growth and regeneration processes in the body, thanks to the riboflavin contained in such sesame seeds. Well, the substance thiamine is responsible for normalizing and improving the functioning of the nervous system, while vitamin PP in sesame has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

We have already written that sesame is rich in calcium and this makes it an indispensable product for joints and bones. Thus, regular consumption of sesame seeds will help prevent osteoprosis. And the whole human body after such “sesame” therapy becomes stronger, the processes of building muscle tissue actively occur - the latter is very important for athletes and bodybuilders.

The presence of phytosterol in sesame seeds reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, cholesterol accumulation and obesity.

For women over 45 years old, sesame is absolutely necessary, since these seeds contain sesame, which is a natural substitute for female sex hormones.

Sesame oil beneficial properties

Oil is prepared from sesame seeds, and this oil stands out for its beneficial properties. Thus, it is actively used for the manufacture of ointments, emulsions, and applied to the surface of patches, since the substances contained in such oil have the property of promoting blood clotting. Well, if you take this sesame oil internally, it has a mild laxative effect, and with its help you can treat hemorrhoidal diathesis.