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What flushes the kidneys? Kidney cleansing with medications and folk remedies. How to clean kidney stones

The kidneys perform the function of cleansing harmful substances, remove fluid, maintain acid-base balance. Incorrect operation this organ can lead to serious problems.

Kidney cleansing is not only medicines, but also folk remedies will help bring the body back to normal.

The kidneys work as a filter, removing toxins and harmful substances from the urine. But this does not always happen; remaining in the renal ducts and pelvis, these substances eventually turn into sand and stones.

Freeing kidney stones often requires surgical intervention, so you should worry in advance and carry out procedures for proper operation this organ.

Symptoms of problems arising in the kidneys:

  • bags, swelling under the eyes;
  • pain when urinating, frequent or infrequent urination;
  • pain in the groin, lower abdomen, lower back;
  • joint pain;
  • urine with mucus, blood, cloudy;
  • weakness, sweating;
  • vision problems.

Causes kidney problems largely depend on lifestyle:

  • water;
  • low quality products;
  • poor nutrition;
  • alcohol, especially beer;
  • smoking;
  • stress;
  • medications.

Timely cleansing of the kidneys helps this organ remove unnecessary fluid and mucus, improves balance, and removes sand and stones that have appeared. However, before you start cleansing, you should definitely be examined at a medical facility and undergo an ultrasound of the kidneys. If the size of the stones is 1 mm or more, in this case you need to refuse cleansing, otherwise the ducts will become clogged, after which surgery cannot be avoided.

You should cleanse your kidneys 2 times a year for 2-4 weeks. The best option will make it a habit to carry out these procedures without waiting for the stones to appear.

Kidney cleansing may be accompanied by pain during urination, aching pain in the lumbar region. So the kidneys begin to actively perform their functions, removing toxins and sand. You can soothe such pain by taking a bath.

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Necessary nutrition

You can cleanse your kidneys at home different ways, but you definitely need to eat right, observing the following conditions:

  • one day – fasting, drink only water;
  • a lot of vegetables, fruits;
  • a large volume of water, juices, compotes, green tea;
  • eating small portions only during the day.

It is necessary to exclude hot spices (horseradish, mustard, etc.), alcohol, fatty broths, canned food, smoked meats from the diet, fatty fish and meat, pastries, chocolate, strong coffee.

If necessary, you should cleanse your kidneys Special attention focus on products that will help make this process less painful:

  • non-bran bread;
  • vegetable soups, with cereals, pasta;
  • lean types of fish and meat, steamed cutlets;
  • porridge, pasta, stewed and boiled vegetables;
  • milk and dairy products, vegetable oil;
  • decoctions of bran, rose hips, juices, jelly, compotes, watermelons, melons.

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Cleansing diets and methods

To normalize kidney function, you should use one of the following diets:

  1. Watermelon. For a week, preferably in August or September, eat only watermelons and rye bread. If you feel weak and the urine becomes cloudy, this indicates that the kidneys are being cleansed. If there are no such symptoms, then you should extend this diet for a week. Watermelon rinds can be crushed, dried, and then brewed as diuretic tea.
  2. Cucumber. Fresh cucumbers and early potatoes, cooked in their jackets without salt, take 1-2 weeks.

There are other methods that can be used at home that make it possible to cleanse diseased kidneys or do it preventively:

  1. Strawberry and wild strawberry juices. Sprinkle the berries with sugar (1 kg of berries - 100 g of sugar) and store in the cold. Drink half a glass of the resulting juice 20 minutes before eating. The preparation for the winter (1 kg of berries - 500 g of sugar) should be diluted equally with water.
  2. Berry. A large glass of berries (cranberries or lingonberries) every day for a month is a good diuretic and is effective in preventing the appearance of stones. Do not use if there are stones or coarse sand.
  3. Rose hip decoction. 15 minutes 2 tbsp. dry rose hips and 250 g of water are boiled. Ready decoction Drink in 3 doses during the day. The cleansing process lasts 2 weeks.
  4. Fresh juices. The best cleansing juices to drink every day: birch (1 glass fresh juice+ 1 tsp. honey), carrot (1/4 cup + drop olive oil 4 times a day), pumpkin (1/2 cup 2 times a day). Cleaning lasts 3-8 weeks. Drink juice between meals, do not dilute with water.
  5. Medicinal herbs. Make a mixture of herbs: 1 tsp. linden color, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, blackberry leaves, St. John's wort, black elderberry flowers. 4 tbsp. of this mixture and 1 tbsp. chamomile flowers pour ½ liter of boiling water. Herbal decoction prepare in a water bath for 40 minutes, then strain, take 4 times an hour before meals. Take for 5 days.
  6. Radish. Grate a clean radish with peel, squeeze out the juice, add a spoonful of honey. Take 1 tbsp for 2-3 weeks. 3-4 times a day.
  7. Bay leaf. 1-2 sheets are boiled for 1-2 minutes, everything is drunk during the day. The solution is taken for 3 days, then a break of 2 weeks, repeat 3-4 times.
  8. Birch buds. 1 tbsp. birch buds and a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, take ½ glass 3 times a day for 1-2 weeks.
  9. Lemon and parsley. 2 lemons are twisted in a meat grinder, a few chopped sprigs of parsley are added, 2 tbsp. honey, take a tablespoon in the morning before meals, store in the cold. The entire mixture is used per course.

Kidney cleansing can also be done through taking herbal baths.

Recipes for preparing a bath:

  1. 200 g of birch leaves, sage, knotweed are poured into 3-4 liters of boiling water, infused for 2-3 hours, filtered and poured into the bath. The bath is taken for 15 minutes for 6-8 weeks every day or every other day.
  2. 150 g of horsetail is poured with boiling water, infused for an hour, and then added to the water, taken foot baths. 350 g of horsetail is prepared for a full bath. You should take baths during kidney exacerbations.

The results of cleansing procedures are noticeable within a month. It is worth deciding which method is more effective, and not bringing the situation to the intervention of surgeons.

Kidneys - main body, which has the function of removing waste and toxins from the body. The load on the kidneys is enormous, so it is important to monitor the health of this organ urinary system.

Regular cleansing of the kidneys with folk remedies helps prevention of urolithiasis, and is quite accessible at home.

Why and how often do you need to cleanse your kidneys?

The main purpose of the kidneys is blood filtration, removal from it toxic substances, products of metabolism and decay. However, over time, a microscopic layer of mucus and waste products of the body forms in the renal pelvis, tubules and glomeruli.

This layer increases over time, stones can form, and as a result, it develops urolithiasis disease with blockage of the ducts.

Periodic cleansing activities contribute to their full functioning. There are many signs that indicate that the kidneys urgently need cleaning:

Kidney cleansing is aimed not only at removing mucus and sand deposits, but also at normalization of acid-base, saline and water balance body.

The optimal frequency of cleansing is once a year, if there is a tendency to form kidney stones - 2 times per year.

Contraindications to the procedure

Cleansing the kidneys has benefits for the entire body, promoting its health. But the procedure has a number of contraindications, among which:

  1. confirmed urolithiasis;
  2. acute inflammatory processes of the urinary system: pyelonephritis, kidney cysts, glomerulonephritis;
  3. all trimesters of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  4. period of menstruation in women;
  5. recovery period after serious illnesses: strokes, heart attacks, complex abdominal operations;
  6. prostate diseases in men, including adenoma.

Kidney cleansing is strictly prohibited in case of general weakened condition - low-grade fever of unknown nature, tumors, precancerous conditions. Children under 18 years of age are included in the list of absolute contraindications.

How to prepare and carry out a kidney cleanse yourself?

So that the procedure brings maximum effect , it is necessary to prepare the body for cleansing.

Following simple measures will allow you to tune your body in the right way and make cleansing easy and effective.

Preparatory measures:

  • transition to the correct one dietary food, ideally - with complete refusal from products of animal origin;
  • eating large quantities fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber: cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, apples, pears;
  • drinking large amounts of fluids, including plain water, fresh juices, green tea with a complete refusal of sweet black tea, coffee, carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • adding spices to food that have a “warming” effect: ginger, chili pepper, garlic;
  • carrying out a kidney examination: delivery and ultrasound diagnostics, including a mandatory consultation with a nephrologist;
  • increase motor activity(walking, running, light physical activity);
  • preliminary cleansing of the intestines and liver.

It is advisable to start preparing for cleaning a month and a half in advance. It is equally important to choose the right period for cleansing procedures; the ideal time is considered early spring or early autumn.

During cleaning should be observed important points:

Effective ways

Ways traditional medicine There are many methods for cleansing the kidneys - from the usual drinking water to herbal medicine and medicinal baths. The cleaning method using vegetable and fruit juices and watermelon is very popular.

For people prone to allergic manifestations and intolerance, before carrying out manipulations you should make sure that there is no allergic reactions on the product.

Cleansing with water- simple and natural way remove waste, toxins, and salts from the body. The essence of the procedure is to drink up to 4 liters of clean melted or settled water, 1-2 glasses every 1-1.5 hours. You need to drink water slowly, in small sips.

Herbal infusions and kidney teas

Drinking kidney teas is an effective method for powerful cleansing and healing of the kidneys.

Pharmacy teas “Diuretic”, “Kidney”, “Brusniver”, thanks to the optimal composition with the presence of diuretic, antimicrobial and healing components, are able to completely remove toxins in 7-10 days and activate the functioning of the urinary system.

Reception flax seed infusion- soft and effective remedy, capable of cleansing not only the kidneys, but also the liver and gastrointestinal tract.

It is necessary to drink the infusion (100 g of flax seed per liter of boiling water, infuse in a thermos) 100 g at an interval of 2 hours will allow you to remove everything unnecessary from the body in 2 days.

Kidney cleansing using healing fees allows you to carefully and thoroughly wash out deposits of thick mucus and salts from the renal vessels and tubules. Thanks to the rich composition herbal kidney tea The cleaning process takes place without pain and discomfort due to the presence of herbs with antispasmodic effects.

Proven Recipes cleansing herbal mixtures:

  1. a mixture of oregano, St. John's wort, lemon balm, sage in equal proportions (5 g each), pour a liter of boiling water, leave until cool, drink 100 g daily for 7 days;
  2. a mixture of equal parts of linden flowers, pumpkin seeds, elder flowers, flax seeds, St. John's wort, blackberry leaves in a volume of 40 g, mixed with 10 g of dried flowers, pour 500 ml of boiling water, boil over low heat for 30 minutes, strain, cool and drink the decoction per day, divided into 4 equal portions; general course - at least 5 days;
  3. a mixture of equal parts of knotweed, bearberry, lingonberry leaf, chamomile and tricolor violet flowers in a volume of 20 g, steam with a liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 5 hours; drink 100 ml three times a day, for 10 days.

Cleansing with berries

Drinking juices from vegetables and fruits certain types promotes the removal of toxins and reduces the level of slagging in the kidneys and ureters. For cleaning, it is recommended to drink juices from cucumber, carrots, a mixture of lemon juice and the juice of parsley, radish, and zucchini. The course lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.

Use sour berries- or cranberries - has a beneficial effect on the condition of the urinary system. The presence of lemon berries, ascorbic acids will allow you to dissolve small kidney stones and prevent sand and mucus from settling.

The abundance of micro- and macroelements, vitamins A, E, PP in berries makes the cleansing process beneficial for the whole body.

The method of cleaning with sour berries is simple: for 2 weeks you need to eat a full glass of lingonberries (cranberries) per day, to improve the taste of the berries you can eat a teaspoon of honey. If you have large stones and stomach problems, this method will not work.

Herbal baths

Hot baths with added herbal infusions useful in the process of cleansing the kidneys and can enhance the effect. Taking herbal baths helps to dilate blood vessels and facilitate the process of removing toxins and sand. Baths will also help with pain, which often occurs when cleansing the kidneys.

Baths have particular benefits:

  1. horsetail: for 350 g of fresh horsetail, take 2 liters of boiling water, leave the mixture, cool, strain and pour into a bath with moderate warm water(37-39°); take the procedure no longer than 15 minutes, frequency of use - daily or every other day for a week;
  2. hay: mix hay dust in equal parts with oat straw and pine branches, pour boiling water over a bucket, keep on fire for 20 minutes, after cooling, strain and pour into a common bath;
  3. mixed: a mixture of birch leaves, knotweed and sage in a volume of 200 g, pour 4 liters of boiling water, leave until cool, strain, add to a bath with warm water (33-35°); general course - 1.5-2 months.

Kidney cleansing - necessary procedure, requiring careful preparation. If you follow all the rules for its implementation, you can significantly improve your health and reduce the risk of developing inflammatory diseases kidneys, improve metabolic processes in organism.

But it is important to remember that despite the relative safety of cleaning methods, before the procedure, you must contact a specialist.

If the dosage of consumed herbal decoctions, infusions and juices is unreasonably exceeded, you can bring to the body more harm than benefit. Therefore, kidney cleansing must be approached wisely.

Cleansing the kidneys and liver according to the method of Professor Neumyvakin - watch the video:

How to quickly and effectively cleanse the kidneys at home, as well as the selection of diuretics and cleansing techniques.

The kidneys are important part urinary system. One of them essential functions the elimination of toxins, waste and excess salts from the body occurs. If for some reason they begin to be lazy, then stagnation begins in the system, and later in the entire body. This leads to malfunctions in most of the most important systems of the human body.

When to clean

Doctors unanimously recommend carrying out simple kidney cleansing procedures 1 to 2 times a year. It depends on how actively they work and what your lifestyle is. More frequent cleanings are needed for those who have sedentary work and a love of too much and meat food.

Here are the main signs that indicate that the kidneys are beginning to stop coping with their task:

  • Frequent swelling of the limbs and regular morning bags under the eyes;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Frequent or, conversely, extremely rare and painful urges to urination. You need to be more careful with this symptom, since many much more serious symptoms can manifest themselves this way. serious illnesses;
  • Stitching pains in the renal region ().

If you identify such symptoms, you should definitely seek examination and recommendations from a therapist or urologist.

The following series of symptoms no longer indicates that the kidneys are having difficulty coping, but that they are simply in terrible condition:

  • Persistent bags under the eyes;
  • Headache different strengths;
  • Constant weakness. The body is regularly covered with perspiration;
  • Complete apathy and a feeling of “dead battery”;
  • Too much rapid pulse without reason;
  • Feeling of heaviness in the limbs;
  • Very dark, beer-like, and often cloudy urine;
  • Chills and elevated temperature;
  • The appearance of vision problems. Pain in the eyes or under eyeball. Intraocular pressure disorders.

Preparing the body for cleansing

Check with your doctor to determine if you have kidney stones. After undergoing tests and an ultrasound, it will become clear whether your kidneys are storing such “reserves”. Sand and microliths (formations up to 4 mm in diameter) are not dangerous, and as a result of cleaning the kidneys can come out painlessly and on their own.

If there are formations larger than 4 - 5 mm, then first you need to get rid of the stones. This is especially true for stones with a sharp edge. If such a stone begins to move, it can cut the ureter and associated tissues. This could end very sadly, including death.

In addition to identifying stones, you will need to find out their nature of formation:

  • Carbonate;
  • Urate;
  • Phosphate;
  • Oxalate.

The method of elimination and selection of medications depends on this.

A week and a half before cleansing, it is better to give up meat and fatty foods by following a diet course. If it is difficult to give up animal food completely, then choose lean meat and steam it (do not fry it).

Also, for the entire course, give up:

  1. Orekhov;
  2. Carbonated drinks;
  3. Chocolate;
  4. Strong broths;
  5. Coffee.

Cleansing technique

The entire cleaning process can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. We eliminate all causes of the formation of stones and the accumulation of toxins and waste in the kidneys.
  2. We dissolve, crush and facilitate the removal of sand, microliths and stones.
  3. We cleanse the entire system when using diuretics (diuretics).

At any stage you will be required to follow a diet and drinking regime. You need to drink a lot (at least 1.5 liters of liquid per day). For these purposes, use juices, weak black or green teas, water (can be mineral without gases).

At the very first stage, you will have to reconsider the principle of nutrition. Food must have time to be digested and eliminated completely. This will prevent additional waste from forming. The recommended diet is:

  • First drink juice or tea;
  • Then come stewed, raw or boiled vegetables;
  • On last stage meat and porridge are eaten.

It is better not to mix products from these stages with each other. Dinner should be light, and it is better to drink 1 glass of liquid every hour. By eating according to this principle, you eliminate most of the causes of the formation of stones or sand. It is also worth adding jogging or gymnastics to this. At the elimination stage, you can add special exercise therapy ( physical therapy).

Selection of diuretics

Furosemide. This is a potent diuretic and is not suitable for long-term use. When taking it, there is a decrease in pressure and a drop in venous tone. One of the advantages is the combination of a low price tag with high efficiency. It works for up to 6 hours, helping to quickly remove excess fluid from the body. Disadvantages include the effect on the cardiac system and the frequent occurrence of allergies.

Indapamide. Medium strength drug. Not recommended for use by those with low blood pressure, since the drug will lower it even more. Among the advantages, it is allowed for long-term use. Valid for 24 hours after administration. Low price tag. Relieves edema of varying origins. The disadvantages include quite a large number of side effects (constipation, cough, development of allergies and blurred vision).

Triamterene. Belongs to the group of potassium-sparing diuretics. It is often prescribed to those with edema caused by heart failure. The drug has a mild effect. If the dosages are observed, it is allowed for use by children. Valid for up to 12 hours, the drug can be taken long time. Disadvantages include poor solubility (may appear in urine as sediment) and a prohibition on exceeding the dosage of 30 mg per day. Prohibited for use during lactation.

Choosing dietary supplements

Not everyone is suitable for taking diuretics. For example, heart patients and hypotensive patients need to be extremely careful when taking diuretics. More harmless dietary supplements are being developed especially for such cases:

Biotic ROZ nephro (Spring of health). It is a complex of herbal extracts and symbiotic ferment (special bacteria that improve intestinal function). Helps fight kidney laziness. In addition to helping to remove toxins, it normalizes digestion and timely bowel movements.

Nephrocleans (Vitamax). Helps cleanse the kidneys and the entire urinary system. Contains extracts plant origin(cranberry and watermelon juices, parsley, horsetail, bearberry, juniper berries, corn silk). In addition to the diuretic effect, it is an immunomodulator. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Bladder Comfort (Crystal Star). Helps cleanse the kidneys due to the extracts containing 15 herbs (marshmallow, cranberry, dogwood, etc.). Has antimicrobial properties and the ability to relieve pain syndrome. Contains no gluten.

Cleaning the kidneys with fir oil

Essential oils are an excellent natural solvent for kidney stones and sand. They remove toxins and also settle on the surface of stones due to their insolubility in water. Perhaps the most accessible is essential oil fir trees

For about a week, drink any diuretic infusions from herbs (lingonberry or bearberry leaves, special herbs, birch buds). It is better to do this through a cocktail straw so as not to spoil the enamel of your teeth. Next, add 5 drops to the decoctions. fir oil(2.5%). You need to drink this mixture three times a day, half an hour before meals.

After 3 or 4 days, sediment and cloudiness may be noticeable in the urine. It was mucus and dissolved stones that began to come out. Add light jogging every day to your routine. If suddenly there are sharp pains, then it is better to consult a doctor. Perhaps a too large stone moved. In total, the course takes about 2 weeks. You can repeat this procedure once a year.

There is another way. Take 50 g of the following herbs - oregano, lemon balm, knotweed, lingonberry leaf. All herbs need to be very finely chopped. And divide the mass into 5 parts. 5 g of fir oil is added to each of them as they are used. The mixture is brewed at the rate of a glass of liquid per 2 tablespoons of the mixture. Drink warm several times a day between meals (through a straw). Most effective method- drink on an empty stomach. You can eat 1 teaspoon of honey with a decoction. All herbs must be used within a week. It is better to stick to a meat-free diet during this time.

Cleaning at home

Flax-seed. Brew at the rate of 1 tsp per 1 tbsp of water. Boil for 5 minutes, then leave. We drink 0.5 tbsp every 2 hours for a couple of days. Can be added to infusion for taste lemon juice;

Cleaning with watermelon. This technique is not used only if the kidney stones are of phosphate origin. In all other cases, it is recommended to eat 2–3 kg of watermelon daily for a week. Choose the ripest fruits for these purposes. It is advisable to give up meat during this time and generally stick to a diet. Also add light jogging or exercise to the complex.


Before cleansing your kidneys or your body in general, be sure to consult your doctor. To avoid side effects.

Normally, the human body has two kidneys. They are located on both sides spinal column. Right kidney located slightly lower than the left one, since it borders the liver from above. The buds are bean-shaped. The dimensions of one bud are approximately 10-12 cm in length, 5-6 cm in width and 3 cm in thickness. The weight of an adult human kidney is approximately 120-300 g. In addition to the formation of urine, the kidneys perform many other important functions:

1. Endocrine function kidneys - consists of the synthesis of renin (a hormone that helps the body retain water and regulate the volume of circulating blood), erythropoietin - a specific hormone that stimulates the formation of red blood cells in bone marrow and prostaglandins - biologically active substances regulating blood pressure.

2. Metabolic function of the kidneys. In the kidneys, the transformation and synthesis of many substances necessary for normal functioning body (for example, the conversion of vitamin D into its most active form- vitamin D3.

3. Regulation acid-base balance- kidney support normal ratio alkaline and acidic components of blood plasma by releasing excess hydrogen ions (H+) or bicarbonate (HCO3-).

How do we take care of our kidneys? Spring-autumn winds, drafts, clothing that is not appropriate for the weather, cold feet and many other factors cause the kidneys to begin to work poorly and make themselves felt by pain in the lumbar region.

For normal operation kidneys, you need to drink 2 liters of water a day, namely water. It is useful to drink fruit drinks and teas that help remove excess fluids from the body, such as cranberry juice, lingonberry, green tea, decoction of parsley leaves with the addition of lemon and honey to taste. This drink significantly prevents the formation of kidney stones. Coffee and sweet carbonated drinks irritate the kidneys. Excessive use mineral water, especially without therapeutic need, can provoke the formation of kidney stones. Beer dehydrates the body and very often causes malfunction of the kidneys, so beer should never quench your thirst. Strong Negative influence Alcohol affects the kidneys and destroys kidney cells, sometimes leading to acute renal failure.

Any chronic diseases significantly interfere with the proper functioning of the kidneys. Especially dangerous are hypertension, increased weight, colds, liver diseases and biliary tract. Rough skin and cracked heels are often signs that your kidneys are experiencing severe problems that have not yet become more serious. Hormonal contraceptives even more dangerous for the kidneys, like chemical (unnatural) ones medicines. All these components are poison for the kidneys and force the kidneys to work to neutralize them, just like the liver.

Most of all, the kidneys love movement. Sedentary, sedentary lifestyle life contributes to stagnation, improper water exchange, as well as the formation of kidney stones. This also happens because salt metabolism is disrupted, salt is poorly excreted and settles in the kidneys in the form of stones. Preventatively the best physical exercise for the kidneys - walk around the room on all fours. This pose helps improve kidney function and proper urine flow.

Academic medicine warns about careful handling table salt, which should enter our body per day no more than 5 g, but this is not happening. On average, we consume 10-20 g of salt, and many even more. Hiddenly over-salted foods are very harmful to the kidneys: chips, various crackers, fish with beer (two “impact” products on the kidneys at once!), dried squid and other “delicacies”. No less harmful smoked sausages, smoked fish and meat, canned vegetables, seasonings containing glutamate, which supposedly improves the taste of any food.

In one minute, one liter of blood is pumped through the kidneys, and in a day, which is easy to calculate, 1,700 liters. Sick, cold kidneys do not cope well with this work, making it difficult to treat cardiovascular diseases.

Most often, women suffer from kidney disease, and it begins during pregnancy. Men suffer from kidney diseases especially often as a result of prostate diseases, prostate adenoma, etc. Thin, tall, asthenic people are more susceptible to kidney diseases. Fat people and their kidneys are “covered” with a protective fatty capsule, which helps maintain them in their normal position. In thin people, this capsule is very small, and there is a risk of kidney prolapse.

The diet for proper kidney function should be such as to promote the removal of fluids from the body. These are food products such as watermelon, melon, cucumbers, apples, honey, cabbage, radish, Bell pepper, sea buckthorn, red vegetables and fruits, which contain large amounts of vitamin A. These include all seafood and sea fish

For kidney disease. Treatment with folk remedies.
To get rid of sand in the kidneys, chop 1 kg. fresh parsley with roots and 1 large celery root finely, add 1 kg. honey and 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring. Leave for 3 days. Add another 1 liter of water, bring to a boil again, strain, not allowing the mixture to cool. Take 3 tablespoons before meals.

In Russia, garlic tincture with vodka is used to remove kidney stones and Bladder as a rejuvenating agent.

To dissolve stones in urinary tract dissolve in 180 ml fresh strawberry juice 3.7 g baking soda. Take 4 tbsp. l. for 20 days, preferably before meals.

To cleanse your kidneys, take 1 teaspoon of flaxseed in 1 glass of water. Boil the mixture. Take 1/2 cup every 2 hours for 2 days. Before use, dilute with water.

To get rid of swelling, put washed parsley roots and greens in the evening through a meat grinder, exactly a glass. Place in a glass bowl, pour in 2 cups of boiling water, cover tightly (with a towel) and leave until morning. In the morning, strain the infusion through 2 - 3 layers of gauze. Add juice from 1 lemon. Drink no more than 1/3 glass per day in 2 divided doses. Drink for 2 days, break for 3 days, and so on until the swelling disappears. Does not irritate the kidneys.

Madder roots. To prepare healing decoction, you need to pour 1 tbsp. spoon of crushed roots with a glass of boiling water and leave overnight. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 20-30 minutes before meals 3 times a day (do not exceed the dose!). Prepare a portion each evening for the next day. The course of treatment is a month; for large stones, treatment can last 1.5-2 months.

Birch juice. In spring, be sure to drink a glass of birch sap on an empty stomach 3 times a day before meals. Birch sap drives stones and sand out of the kidneys and bladder.

The kidneys are the body's main energy store. In all self-healing teachings, increased attention is paid to them.

According to the ideas of our ancestors, the juice of life accumulates in the kidneys, which is spent on the needs of the body.

There is a simple technique for working with them. When used regularly, it has a beneficial effect on the kidneys and the entire body as a whole.

Place your palms on the kidney area on your back and hold there until warmth arises.

Then move your palms from your back to your stomach and slowly lower them along the ureters: from the lower border of the ribs on the right and left to the pubic hair and bladder.

Hold your palms on your pubic area until warmth appears.

Then slowly move your hands along the ureters on the right and left up to the lower border of the ribs and place your palms again on the back, in the area of ​​the kidneys.

The first repetitions of this exercise should be done in contact with the body, and then you can move on to the non-contact method of influencing the kidneys.

But the heating of the kidneys itself must be carried out through contact, by laying hands on the corresponding area of ​​the back.