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Pain in the heart area: causes. Why pain in the heart area may occur

Heart pain can manifest itself various ailments, not necessarily related to cardiology. Gastrointestinal diseases have similar symptoms, respiratory system, skeleton, as well as various neurological disorders.

What to do if your heart hurts? If such sensations occur, it is necessary to be able to accurately determine their nature, because in most cases the patient may require urgent qualified assistance. It is very important to know the manifestations of a heart attack, the consequences of which can be very dire.

Why does my heart hurt? Unpleasant sensations in the chest can occur in a person, regardless of his physical condition and age. Their possible reasons are:

  • heart pathologies;
  • previous injuries;
  • skeletal diseases;
  • dysfunction of the respiratory system;
  • pathologies arising in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • nervous overstrain.

Considering the reasons described above, if discomfort occurs in the chest, the patient should figure out what exactly is hurting him. It is necessary to know what symptoms of pain in the heart indicate the development of diseases of this organ.

Development mechanism

The heart is a hollow organ that pumps blood throughout the body through contraction muscle tissue. It works continuously throughout a person's life, and a case of cardiac arrest leads to fatal outcome.

Normal myocardial function is ensured due to sufficient supply of the organ nutrients and oxygen. If the level of blood flow in the heart muscle decreases, this triggers the breakdown of glucose without the participation of oxygen, provoking the release of lactic acid.

The organ contains many nerve endings who get irritated when high concentrations lactic acid.

The most common cause of pain is insufficient nutrition of the heart.

Often, against the background of nerve irritation, the process of inflammation begins, localized anywhere in the organ. Depending on the cause and type of lesion, pain can be of a different nature.

How to recognize a heart attack

Heart disease can be identified by a number of characteristic features. It should be noted that often with diseases of this organ the patient does not experience any pain or discomfort. In other cases, patients complain of heaviness in the chest, heart pain and difficulty breathing, but as a result, these symptoms are in no way related to diseases of a cardiac nature.

One of the most terrible reasons pain in the chest area is heart attack. Is not medical diagnosis, and one of the courses of cardiac diseases. If it occurs, you must take Urgent measures aimed at saving the patient's life. Therefore, it is very important to promptly recognize the following symptoms:

  1. Pains of a pressing and squeezing nature, localized behind the sternum and radiating to the left arm, neck, back, jaw. In this case, shortness of breath, attacks of nausea, and increased sweating may occur.
  2. Even with minor exertion, the patient begins to choke. We are talking not only about physical, but also about psychological factors. Usually, to relieve pain, it is enough to take Nitroglycerin.
  3. Shortness of breath when lying down and while eating. Before an attack, the patient suffers from insomnia or, on the contrary, he may fall asleep while sitting.
  4. Increased fatigue can overcome the patient a couple of months before the attack.
  5. Cardiac dysfunction is manifested by swelling. At first they are insignificant and are noticeable only by marks from shoes and rings on the fingers. If the patient experiences serious swelling, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.
  6. Erectile dysfunction in men occurs several years before ischemia is detected.
  7. Stopping breathing during sleep is a sure sign of a heart attack.

A heart attack can last up to half an hour. Taking Nitroglycerin is not able to improve the patient's condition.

Myocardial infarction

This disease often leads to death. It affects the heart muscle, negatively affecting the functioning of the organ. Most often accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • heaviness, painful sensations squeezing or pressing nature, localized in the center of the chest and moving to the left arm;
  • increased heart rate, crashes heart rate;
  • dizziness, nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting;
  • general weakness and anxiety;
  • pale skin, increased sweating.

Another course of a heart attack is possible, in which there are no symptoms. In this case we're talking about about a silent heart attack. Signs extensive heart attack resemble acute heart failure, when the patient experiences suffocation, shortness of breath, blue discoloration of the fingertips and lips, accompanied by loss of consciousness. If you suspect this disease, you absolutely cannot wait.

Cardiac ischemia

For the most part, this disease manifests itself with signs of angina pectoris. Patients most often complain of heaviness and pressing sensations in the chest. Severe pain can radiate to the shoulder blade, neck, arm, lower jaw and throat. Most often this occurs due to physical activity and experiences.

Experts identify the following symptoms of the disease:

  • cardiopalmus;
  • nausea;
  • weakness;
  • irregular pulse;
  • sweating

IN advanced cases Disease attacks can appear at any time. If your heart hurts at night, then this is an unfavorable symptom.

Inflammatory heart diseases

One of the causes of a number of heart diseases is various inflammations. The differences between the ailments of this group are determined by the location of the pathological focus. Depending on its location and size, the manifestations of the disease may differ.

This disease is characterized by inflammation of the outer lining of the heart. In this case, pain occurs in the middle of the chest, which radiates to the neck, arm and back, intensifying when coughing, inhaling or swallowing. Most patients report severe pain when lying down. There is some relief when bending forward or sitting.

Most often, the pain in the heart is dull and paroxysmal, but occasionally it can become cutting. This occurs against the background of an increased heart rate.


This disease is characterized by inflammation of the heart muscle, namely the myocardium. Most patients with this disease complain of pressing, aching or stabbing pain. They occur in the heart area, regardless of physical activity. They can be observed even at rest. At the same time, the medicine “Nitroglycerin” does not stop pain syndrome.


Almost all patients who have been diagnosed with this condition experience pain. Most often they occur when hypertrophic form diseases. With the development of pathology, pain sensations may change:

  1. At the first stage, they are long-lasting and not associated with physical activity. Localization can be almost everywhere in the upper body.
  2. In an advanced state, the disease manifests itself as spontaneous paroxysmal pain that occurs as a result of physical exertion. Nitroglycerin can help, although not in all cases.

Valve diseases

The symptoms of these ailments directly depend on their severity. A seriously ill person may not have any complaints. Therefore, the disease is recognized by the following signs:

  • shortness of breath, as well as breathing problems that occur during exercise and in a lying position;
  • discomfort in the form of squeezing and heaviness in the chest, which occurs when inhaling cold air and exertion;
  • weakness, dizziness;
  • arrhythmia, increased heart rate and disruptions.

Valve diseases can lead to the development of heart failure. Its symptoms are swelling of the legs, obesity, and bloating.

Other cardiac diseases

There are a number of other heart diseases that manifest themselves as follows:

  1. Arrhythmia. Pain in the heart, which in advanced cases affects the arm.
  2. Heart defects. Regardless of the nature of the disease (congenital or acquired defect), it may not have any manifestations for many years. Experts note pain as symptoms of different nature(aching, cutting and even stabbing). In this case, swelling of the limbs and surges in blood pressure are possible.
  3. Aortic stenosis. At first, the patient experiences shortness of breath due to physical exertion, fatigue and general weakness. There may be irregularities in the heart rhythm and a feeling of heaviness in the chest. When the disease is complicated by coronary insufficiency dizziness and fainting, angina pectoris and cardiac asthma are observed.
  4. Prolapse mitral valve. Severe pain occurs in the area of ​​the heart, which does not depend in any way on physical activity person. Most often they appear at night and in the morning, when the patient faints, becomes dizzy, the pulse exceeds the norm, and the patient himself complains of lack of air.
  5. Aortic diseases. Pain in the chest occurs suddenly and is described by patients as excruciating and bursting. Sometimes they reach such strength that they can lead to loss of consciousness. Therefore, the patient needs urgent hospitalization. An aortic aneurysm is accompanied by unexpressed throbbing pain that can spread to the back. If an aneurysm ruptures, the pain becomes unbearable and death is possible.
  6. Thromboembolism pulmonary artery. The pain intensifies when inhaling. The difference between the disease and the manifestations of angina pectoris is that the pain does not spread to other places. There is a sharp drop in pressure, cyanosis of the skin, severe shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat.

Chest pain of non-cardiac origin

Very often, patients complain of severe pain in the heart, but diagnostics show that they are caused by a disease that is in no way related to cardiology. Due to the similarity of manifestations, the patient may simply confuse the symptoms, because pain in the chest area does not always indicate cardiac problems.

Intercostal neuralgia

Signs of this disease are often mistaken for heart pain. Patients with neuralgia experience symptoms similar to angina pectoris, but there are significant differences:

  • The pain with neuralgia is sharp, shooting in nature.
  • When moving, turning, sharp breaths, laughter and coughing, there is an increase in pain.
  • It is possible to have both a quick cessation of pain and a significant attack (hours or even days), when with every movement the patient’s condition may worsen.
  • The localization of pain occurs between the ribs pointwise (left or right), and can radiate to the lower back, heart, back, spine.

Pain in the heart area can manifest itself in both chest and cervical osteochondrosis. Symptoms of this disease in many ways resemble angina pectoris. Most often, patients complain of the following pain sensations:

  • severe heart pain;
  • irradiation to the left arm and the area between the shoulder blades;
  • pain in the back and upper abdomen, which intensifies with inhalation and sudden movements.

When the pain appears at night, it resembles heart pain, accompanied by causeless fear. The drug "Nitroglycerin" is not able to reduce discomfort.

CNS diseases

When such disorders occur, most patients complain of heart pain. Most often, they describe their condition in different ways:

  • most complaints are associated with acute pain of a short-term or constant nature;
  • Some patients experience aching pain and burning sensations.

Accompanied by this nearby autonomic disorders. Appears:

  • general irritability;
  • loss of sleep or constant drowsiness;

  • anxiety;
  • fever, feeling of chilliness in the extremities;
  • dry or, on the contrary, too moist skin;
  • discomfort in the stomach area, muscle pain and headaches.

Most often, people suffering from neuroses are able to describe in all colors false symptoms. At the same time, heart patients, as a rule, talk about their feelings extremely sparingly. Due to the absence of changes on the ECG, cardioneurosis is very often confused with coronary artery disease.

Problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract

If pain is caused by pathologies of the digestive system, then it is characterized by a longer duration than cardiac pain. In this case, heartburn, nausea and even vomiting are observed. Typically these symptoms occur after eating.

Often when acute pancreatitis The patient is diagnosed with a heart attack. Against the background of this disease, severe vomiting appears. Gallbladder spasms can also cause pain in the left side of the chest. Most patients mistakenly attribute this to heart disease, when they need completely different treatment.

The way your heart hurts may indicate development certain disease, not necessarily of a cardiac nature. The features of the manifestation of most ailments that cause discomfort in the chest area were described above. This knowledge will help the patient recognize the first signs of the disease and understand that he needs urgent treatment.

Any pain keeps people tense and reduces their quality of life. Knowing your chronic diseases, a person can determine the cause of pain himself. But if this happens for the first time, for a long time, then the factors influencing the occurrence of pain should be determined by the doctor. Many pathologies have similar symptoms, which makes it difficult to establish a diagnosis with one medical examination. And you need to react, because delay can cost the patient his life. This is especially true for aching pain in the heart.

Aching pain in the heart area is the most common symptom of disease. Mistaking it for a heart condition, patients are often surprised that in fact it is not one. The chest has large plexuses, nerve fibers, the inflammation of which leads to constant voltage in her area. Therefore, chest pain is conventionally grouped into cardiac and extracardiac. In scientific terminology – cardiogenic, associated with heart pathologies, and non-cardiogenic, associated with other ailments of the body.

When turning to a cardiologist, sometimes, in addition to describing the discomfort in the sternum, the patient cannot determine other manifestations of the pathology. But for the doctor, the type of pain, duration, and causes of occurrence carry enough information to distinguish dull aching true ones from false ones. To do this, the following factors are analyzed:

1. Conditions for pain:

  • during or after loading;
  • at rest
  • daytime or at night;
  • connection with food

2. Type of sensations:

  • pricks;
  • whines;
  • cuts;
  • presses;
  • periodically or constantly;

3. Duration of attacks;

4. When they stop.

Causes of non-cardiogenic pain

Symptoms similar to those of ischemic heart disease require careful diagnosis. When a patient goes to see a doctor for cardiac concerns, he suddenly receives a completely different diagnosis. Therefore, if aching pain in the heart area are classified as the following diseases, then for now you don’t have to worry about the main organ:

Causes of cardiogenic pain

If the heart aches due to its pathology, then it is important to determine the specific group to which it belongs:

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the heart: endocarditis, myocarditis, pericarditis. All of them are united by inflammation of the myocardial walls. The nature of the pain is dull or stabbing, gradually increasing. Shortness of breath, weakness, intoxication, and palpitations begin.
  2. Myocardial dystrophy, which occurs as a result of a metabolic disorder in the tissues of the heart muscle, reducing its contractility. There are many various reasons. The disease progresses, a dull aching develops into an intense one, and chronic heart failure suddenly manifests itself.
  3. All kinds of defects do not provoke painful syndromes, but accompanying disorders are the reason that the heart aches.
  4. IHD – cardiac ischemia develops when there is a mismatch between the need for oxygen and the amount supplied by the bloodstream. This occurs due to narrowing of the lumen coronary vessels as a result of atherosclerosis.

Its consequence may be:

2. Myocardial infarction is a situation when the lack of oxygen becomes critical and tissue necrosis occurs in a specific area.

Its associated symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • hypotension;
  • sweating;
  • pallor;
  • dyspnea;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • fear of death.


Self-diagnosis is expressed in establishing a connection between pain syndromes and the pathology of the organ that provokes them. Many people are familiar with the effect of distrust of a diagnosis. The patient tries to consult another medical institution, asks questions on medical forums. Recently, there is a set of programs on the Internet that make life easier for the patient. The initial pathology data is entered into the method, and it produces the result. Cheap and cheerful. There are no statistics on such self-diagnosis. If in a conversation with the doctor the patient cannot clearly tell what is aching in the heart area, then the iron friend needs your experiences only as indicators of the initial input. In treatment on pre-medical stage You need to take the drugs and observe their effect. This is especially true when the heart aches. A litmus test may be taking Nitroglycerin or other heart medications. If the pain attack stops, then there is a high probability that the aching in the heart area is precisely because of its pathology.

Therapeutic measures

The list of cardiogenic pain is very extensive, and this serious symptom for a visit to the doctor. It is unacceptable to procrastinate and continue to get sick, only making things worse for yourself. Each pathology has its own treatment protocol. It is impossible to constantly experience pain on the left side, rapid pulse, lack of air, when every breath can be felt in left shoulder blade. Wherein left hand begins to go numb, it is often difficult to make physical movements without shortness of breath. So, what to do if your heart aches? You need to go through a series of studies.

Contacting specialists will provide the opportunity to carry out the necessary diagnostics:

  • monitoring electrocardiogram, which tracks the work of the heart over a 24-hour period;
  • regular cardiogram;
  • Ultrasound, which will help determine the speed of blood circulation.

After this, treatment is prescribed, which must be completed in full. Its essence is not only the ability to take a few pills. If the patient's life is at risk, then it is indicated surgical intervention. Some examples of treatment of heart pathologies:

  • Myocarditis, which has mild symptoms, therapy comes down to strengthening training and reducing active loads.
  • Myocarditis caused by infections requires treatment bed rest, the use of antiviral, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory non-steroids, depending on the type of microorganism.
  • Pericarditis in the absence of heart failure can be treated conservative methods. In this case, diuretics are prescribed. Sometimes hardening of the pericardium occurs, which is treated surgically.
  • Mitral valve prolapse uses beta blockers for its purpose, which normalize heart rhythm, palpitations, and relieve anxiety.

Special mention must be made about teenagers and pregnancy. In this category, heart pain of various etiologies may occur, mainly based on changes hormonal levels They are associated with the restructuring of the body and are temporary.

Taking medications can make you feel nauseous, dizzy, and pounding in your temples, but side effects possible if the dosage conditions are not met.

According to statistics, the main killers of humanity are:

  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • peripheral artery disease;
  • rheumatic heart disease;
  • myocarditis;
  • heart attacks;
  • strokes.

Timely treatment of these pathologies is the key to extending the life of nations. Most of the diseases could be stopped or prevented by eliminating the risks that provoke them. Often expensive drugs are not required for this. Awareness the right image life comes with age, when, as the saying goes, it’s too late to drink Borjomi. Home remedies could adequately perform a preventive function.

Therefore, pathologies of cardio-vascular system- the very first reason why there is aching in the heart area. If pain of this nature begins to haunt you and occurs even at rest, you should immediately go for examination to a doctor. The choice of treatment method should remain with the cardiologist.

When the heart aches, reasons feeling unwell it is recommended to find out in as soon as possible. To do this, you need to contact a cardiologist. Next, the doctor will prescribe an electrocardiogram and, if necessary, other tests that will help diagnose correct diagnosis to determine appropriate treatment.

Ignoring the problem can lead to a worsening of the patient's condition.

Causes of discomfort

  1. Pressing and aching pain in the heart area is characteristic of a process such as angina pectoris. Unpleasant feelings can be localized not only in the heart area, but also spread to the arm, leg, abdomen and even jaw. With angina pectoris, the patient does not feel stabbing pain, this is not typical for this disease. An attack may begin after physical activity. Its duration ranges from 5-10 minutes. If you take a nitroglycerin tablet (put it under your tongue), the symptoms of angina disappear.
  2. Another reason that causes aching pain in the heart area is myocardial infarction. With a heart attack, the symptoms are similar to angina pectoris, but distinguishing feature This pathology is that it can begin at any time, regardless of the state of rest or wakefulness. That is, a person can relax in a chair, go for a walk or actively engage in sports. If the victim is given a nitroglycerin tablet, his condition does not improve. When a myocardial infarction is diagnosed, the patient requires hospitalization.
  3. Myocarditis is another unpleasant disease that provokes an aching condition in the area of ​​the heart muscle. The provocateur of the development of the pathological process is inflammation, which occurs due to infectious diseases or occurs after them as a complication. In addition to aching pain, the patient experiences a disturbance in heart rhythm, dullness of tones and noises. The formation of blood clots in the cardiac cavity is considered to be a severe course of the disease. With myocarditis, pain accompanies a person constantly, that is, it may not subside for several days. To get rid of pathology, treatment is carried out comprehensively. It is aimed not only at eliminating unpleasant symptoms, but also at suppressing inflammatory process and normalization of the functioning of the entire body.
  4. The inflammatory process occurring in the pericardial layers, with possible accumulation of fluid in the pericardial cavity, which is accompanied by aching pain in the heart area, indicates pericarditis. The peculiarity of this disease is that aching pain is characteristic only in initial stage development of the disease. Other symptoms include rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath and cough.
  5. Feelings of discomfort and pain can be caused by cardiomyopathy. This pathological process, in which sclerotic and dystrophic lesions of cardiac cells are observed. The patient often experiences chest pain, shortness of breath, tachycardia, and swelling of the legs. Treatment of cardiomyopathy is selected according to the stage and severity of the disease. It can be conservative, that is, medication, or radical, such as a heart transplant.
  6. A constantly present aching pain that does not subside after taking nitroglycerin may indicate mitral valve prolapse. This pathology in most cases it does not require treatment, but it is possible that even surgical intervention may be required. Mitral valve prolapse is more common among the younger population.
  7. Other diseases such as anemia, vitamin deficiencies, bad habits etc., can lead to the development of myocardiostrophy. This disease is more common in men over 40 years of age. In addition to aching pain, there is a decreased arterial pressure, shortness of breath and atrial fibrillation.

Other pathologies

Other reasons that cause aching pain in the area of ​​the heart muscle may not be related to diseases of the heart itself, but may be caused by other factors.

Aching pain in adolescence what he wears short-term nature and most often occurs after emotional overexcitation, is provoked by changes in hormonal levels. IN puberty The body experiences a lot of changes associated with growing up. When the process of puberty is completed, all symptoms go away on their own.

You can alleviate a teenager’s condition; for this it is recommended to take a pill sedative previously prescribed by a doctor. Additionally, you need to monitor your diet. Food should be balanced and contain sufficient amounts of vitamins. Rest and wakefulness mode this period life is also very important.

Due to reasons such as changes in hormonal levels, aching pain, shortness of breath, etc. may accompany a woman during menopause.

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First of all, a person is tormented by a constant, dull, nagging pain in the heart. This indicative symptom doctors observe 70-90% of patients with myocarditis. As a rule, physical activity has no effect on increasing or decreasing this pain.

The heart rate and its indicators on the electrocardiogram also remain almost unchanged. So myocarditis can be tracked and diagnosed independently only by the nature of the pain.

Mitral valve prolapse and its symptoms

This disruption of the heart can be recognized by long, constant, tedious, pressing pain. They can be either piercing or slowly pestering. Even such strong remedies as nitroglycerin do not help with this pain. Therefore, call an ambulance immediately, because the disease is very dangerous. May be fatal.

Cardiomyopathy and its symptoms

Wherein heart disease pain is the most important and indicative symptom. True, the nature of the pain is gradually changing. At first the pain is mild, then intensifies. Moreover, physical activity does not intensify the pain in the heart, but it may not go away for a long time, and even painkillers may not help.

When walking, even for a short time, pain in the heart area may intensify. They can also occur suddenly, without the person understanding the reasons. Then you definitely need ambulance.

Pericarditis and its symptoms

Pericarditis can also be diagnosed by the same symptom - pain in the heart area. But there are other features. The pain does not torment a person for long, it is mild and passes quickly.

The pain disappears because fluid accumulates in the pericardial area and prevents the pericardial layers (parts of the heart) from rubbing against each other, becoming inflamed and painful.

Pain can be observed under the ribs, in the left arm, under the shoulder blades, but is extremely rare. But in right shoulder, chest and right side ribs pain in the pericardium may radiate. It is sharp, cutting or aching, but short-lived. This is a telling symptom.

The person's breathing becomes difficult, especially as the pain intensifies. A person freezes in one position and finds it difficult to move. Then the patient needs an ambulance, and immediate help.

Heart defect (acquired)

When the structure of the heart is compromised, blood circulation slows and the heart is not adequately supplied useful substances. As a result, the myocardium is deformed, and metabolic processes are no longer as active in it.

The heart hurts and cannot work well. Heart disease is dangerous because a person can die unexpectedly. Therefore, you need to constantly keep your condition under control and at the first signs of deterioration in your health, immediately consult a doctor.

Myocardial dystrophy and its symptoms

This disease is quite difficult to diagnose correctly because its symptoms can be varied. Among them are severe pain in the heart, deterioration in health, and poor sleep.

Arterial hypertension

Tendency to high blood pressure and bad job hearts are a pretty bad match. High blood pressure may be aggravated by heart pain. Its character can be varied: from prolonged pressing pain to heaviness in the heart area.

The latter plagues a person due to overstrain of the aortic walls and myocardial receptors.


Her characteristic symptom is also a pain in the heart. It can be different, and its types are different. Here they are.

Cardialgia (simple)

This pain is very severe, long, piercing. It most often torments a person in the upper chest. The pain can be long-term or very short - from a couple of minutes to 4-5 hours. This pain occurs in almost 100% of patients.

Another type of cardialgia is angiotic

The type of pain with this cardialgia is like cannon shots - it comes in attacks. These attacks can pass, and then come again like waves - for 2-3 days. It may occur in different areas bodies and grabs into its clutches more than a quarter of patients with heart pathologies.

In addition to pain, patients may have breathing problems (shortness of breath), rapid pulse, nervousness. This pain can go away without medication, on its own, or after taking simple painkillers.

Another type of cardialgia is angiotic

This type of heart disease can be identified by attacks of pain in the area chest(left). Cardialgia of the angiotic type is a malfunction autonomic system. The pain with this disease can be very long-lasting and may not go away for a long time.

The pain can be pressing, as if a press is being pressed down on your chest.

In addition to this symptom, you may experience unreasonable fear, a feeling of panic, the heart beats too often and too quickly and there may also be shortness of breath.

More than a third of patients may suffer from symptoms of angiotic cardialgia, which is aggravated by complex diseases nervous system, the functioning of a part of the brain - the hypothalamus - is disrupted.

In this case, the pain is very burning, like nettles. It torments a person in the chest area and radiates to the area between the ribs.

The pain is so severe that even touching the skin hurts. Conventional painkillers and nitroglycerin do not help, nor does validol. But warming up can help, for example, using mustard plasters on the chest area on the left, where the heart is located.

Scientists call the cause of this type of disease excessive stimulation and irritation of the heart plexuses. And it occurs in approximately 20% of patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Angina (pseudoangina)

With this type of angina, the pain is pressing, there is aching in the chest, and the heart muscle is compressed. But this type of disease is also called false, because the cause is not physical heart defects, but rather nervous tension.

Stress can provoke false angina in more than 20% of patients. Metabolism in the myocardium is disrupted, and the heart begins to work intermittently. If a person is also in a hurry, runs too fast, or even walks for a long time and quickly, pseudoangina may begin to bother him.

When the causes of pain in the heart are neuralgia

The heart does not hurt on its own; malfunctions in its functioning can provoke other diseases. They are associated with neuralgia. For example, heart pain can occur due to pain in the chest, spine, shoulder muscles and joints.

This pain is accompanied by several groups of syndromes.

Syndrome of muscle, vertebral or rib pain

The pain is constant, its nature does not change, and the pain begins and continues in one area of ​​the body

The pain continues and intensifies if a person changes body position or overexerts himself physically; stress can also cause increased pain.

The pain is not too severe, but long-lasting; with injuries not related to the heart, it may intensify

Pain intensifies when pressing with fingers, pain in muscles not related to the heart area

The pain disappears when applying mustard plasters, pepper plaster or other warming agents. Massage can also help get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Novocaine can also loosen the grip of angina.

Intercostal neuralgia pain syndrome

The pain begins abruptly, the heart area is very painful. Even if the pain lasts a long time, it may not go away over time, but get worse.

Pain in the heart can intensify with body movements and is especially disturbing in the spine area.

Pain in the heart can be aggravated by pain in the neck and chest - the entire area, this is a very large area.

Between the ribs, when pressed, there can be very strong pain(it occurs very abruptly)

Osteochondrosis and associated heart pain

With osteochondrosis, pain is not only in the spine, but also in areas adjacent to it. And in the area of ​​the heart too. Both vertebrae and muscles hurt. The more the spine is deformed (and with osteochondrosis this is exactly what happens), the more likely you are to experience heart pain.

The cause of pain is said to be compression of the nerve roots when the spinal disc is displaced. This may also be accompanied by radiculitis in the cervicothoracic area of ​​the body.

What can be the pain in the heart with osteochondrosis?

Heart pain can vary in nature. It depends on how much the nerve roots are compressed. As a result, the pain can be sharp, pressing, aching, cutting, long-lasting, and vice versa – weak, but tedious and not going away.

The pain can become stronger as soon as a person turns his whole body or head, or even simply sneezes or coughs.

The pain can radiate to the arm, neck, forearm, even fingers. This makes movements difficult, even hand movements.

The pain in this situation begins in the chest area, and then moves to the spine and chest area. Thoracic radiculitis in this case can worsen significantly.

It is better for a person in this situation not to get injured. Injuries only make the pain worse different parts bodies. May be accompanied by muscle spasms, especially when moving.

Localization of pain in osteochondrosis

Chest pain can be bothersome, especially after a heart attack. It can also disturb a person due to dystrophy of the heart muscle or recent injuries. The pain may intensify even when you touch the skin with your fingers in the area where the pain is located.

The chest hurts especially, as well as under the ribs, in the shoulder and even in the hand. The pain is aggravated if a person has overworked, worked physically, or moved too much.

Chest pain may worsen with what is called Tietze syndrome. The cause may be inflammation of the cartilage in the ribs. The pain may progress to the lower or upper chest. Especially when pressing with your fingers.

Pain may occur due to compression of a nerve in the limbs or in the area between the ribs. Pain in the heart area may occur along with pain in the shoulders and neck. These unpleasant symptoms may be combined with paleness of the face, the person may shake with chills.

Cardialgia associated with psychogenic factors

This type of cardialgia is manifested by pain in the heart area, and this pain has its own character, special and different from other types of pain. The most troubling pain is in the upper left part of the chest; pain in the left nipple may be especially troubling. The pain can move throughout the body and vary in intensity.

The pain associated with manifestations of cardialgia can be sharp or weak, long-lasting or not very long, as well as pressing or cutting, or pulsating. It is typical that nitroglycerin may not help with such pain. But ordinary inexpensive validol and sedatives help very well.

In this case, you need to take these medications and call an ambulance.