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What to do if your leg bones hurt? Bone pain. Causes of bone pain and diseases in which the bones of the legs, arms, and pelvis hurt

Bone pain is a common symptom of many serious diseases. In terms of severity, these are among the most painful and

Every person should know that not paying attention to such pain is very dangerous for their health. Any disease is easier to cure in the early stages than when it causes serious complications.

It's safe to say that Bone pain doesn't just happen . There must be some reasons that cause them.

Bone pain occurs in overworked limbs when they experience unusual stress. In this case, pain in muscles and joints is added.

As a rule, at night, or the next day after exercise.

The occurrence of pain as a result of traumatic lesions

Every person can get injured in the form of a fracture, bruise, or dislocation. All these circumstances can cause acute sharp pain in the bones.

In case of injury, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since a fracture of a limb is a very serious circumstance that can occur for a person.

With a bruise, the pain in the bones will have minimal echoes, but with fractures the pain will be very severe.

Fractures can have different locations and characteristic symptoms:


  • for accurate diagnosis and treatment prescription
  • First aid consists of fixing and immobilizing the injured part of the body.
  • Before the ambulance arrives, the patient with severe pain can be given painkillers.

The occurrence of pain during tumor processes

Bone pain can cause malignant tumors. However, not all types of cancer cause bone pain. Such symptoms are most typical for tumors such as fibrosarcoma and histiocytoma.

At cancerous tumors may only bother you for a long period of time at night, or under heavy loads.

Over time, the pain intensifies and becomes unbearable. The bone is destroyed by the tumor and becomes fragile. This increases the risk of fracture, even with a mild impact.

If the bone is hidden by muscles, then at the beginning of the development of the tumor, its deformation may not even be noticeable visually, but in terms of pain– it will be felt very strongly.

In addition, pain in the bones may indicate metastases growing in them.

Going through chemotherapy sessions, some drugs that are prescribed for cancer can also cause bone pain as a side effect.

The occurrence of pain in systemic blood diseases

Pain can also be caused by diseases that affect the red bone marrow.

These include:

  1. Chronic myeloid leukemia . Symptoms: pain in the pelvic bones, vertebrae, breast bones, ribs; abdominal enlargement; liver enlargement; swelling of the spleen; infections; heavy sweating.
  2. Multiple myeloma. Characterized by pain in the bones of the spine, ribs and pelvis. Bone fragility increases. Main complication: compression fracture spine with pinched nerve processes.
  3. Leukemia is acute. Accompanied by “walking” in the bones throughout the body. In addition, there are symptoms of general malaise with an increase in temperature and lymph nodes.

It is important to seek help in time medical institutions so that the disease does not have time to develop into severe stages.

There are situations in every person’s life when the body begins to malfunction. This can manifest itself in various symptoms: from fairly banal to very serious. But it’s impossible not to pay attention to them. For example, many had to feel aches in the body and bones. This is a fairly common problem that cannot be ignored. Why such signs occur, what else they are accompanied by and how they can be avoided - these are the main questions that need competent answers.

If a person talks about aching bones, then he should first figure out what actually hurts and why. The body consists of many tissues that are penetrated by nerve endings. Therefore, any damage, even the most insignificant, makes itself felt, signaling the body about a problem. Bone, as the main executive organ of the musculoskeletal system, is very compact and hard when cut. But nerve endings that can be irritated, thereby causing pain, are contained for the most part V outer shell– periosteum. But inside they accompany only small capillaries and do not have a decisive role in the appearance of symptoms of aches and pains.

As for joints, there are also no nerve endings in cartilage. But they are contained in a capsule and ligaments. The situation is completely different with the soft tissues surrounding the bones. The latter are abundantly permeated with nerve fibers that react to the slightest changes in normally occurring processes. Any damage, be it swelling, inflammation, mechanical trauma, the action of allergens and toxins, metabolic disorders or other factors - all this can be accompanied by a pain reaction.

It should be noted that the sensation of pain or aches does not always relate specifically to osteoarticular system. This is how changes in muscles and even blood vessels often appear. It’s just difficult for a person to understand what’s really bothering him, because all the bones are surrounded by soft tissue. Violations can be both local and systemic. Therefore, a careful differential diagnosis should be carried out, comparing similar symptoms various conditions. But first, it’s best to look at the least serious causes of body and bone aches. These include:

  • Physical stress and fatigue.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
  • Excess body weight.
  • Inactivity (physical inactivity).
  • Age-related changes.

Everyone probably knows the feeling of aching bones due to fatigue. Pain and weakness are associated with the accumulation of lactic acid in the striated muscles and their spasms. If, due to dietary errors, the level of calcium, magnesium or other trace elements in the body decreases, then similar symptoms may occur. With excess weight, the load on the bones, muscles and ligaments themselves increases, which again adversely affects their condition. A similar situation can arise during pregnancy, when a woman is carrying a child. And with age, aging and degeneration processes occur in tissues, provoking unpleasant phenomena.

But there are many other reasons that cause body aches. Some of them are associated with pathology of bones and soft tissues, while others reflect systemic disorders in the body. This symptom is often considered as a sign of general intoxication, occurring in the following cases:

  • Infectious diseases (influenza and ARVI, rubella, chickenpox, measles, dysentery, brucellosis, trichinosis, tuberculosis).
  • Inflammatory pathology (tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia and pleurisy, pyelonephritis, meningitis).
  • Diseases connective tissue(lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, polymyositis, vasculitis).
  • Pathology of hematopoiesis (leukemia and lymphoma).
  • Oncological processes.
  • Poisoning chemicals and medications.

This is far from full list pathology in which body aches may occur. There are many more diseases with intoxication syndrome; they can be both acute and chronic. If we consider the local processes that caused the pain, then we should first of all note:

  • Traumatic injuries (bruises, sprains, dislocations, fractures).
  • Inflammatory pathology (myositis, arthritis, bursitis and tendinitis, abscesses and phlegmon, osteomyelitis).
  • Degenerative-dystrophic conditions (arthrosis, osteochondrosis).
  • Polyneuritis (with diabetes, hypothyroidism).
  • Vascular disorders (endarteritis, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis and varicose veins of the lower extremities).

Special mention should be made discomfort in the body, which have no physical basis. They arise due to mental disorders and require a separate approach. Considering the above, understanding why bones actually ache is not an easy task. But it is within the power of a qualified and an experienced doctor. In each specific case, a thorough diagnosis is necessary to determine the cause of the discomfort.

The causes of body aches are very varied. They relate to both diseases with intoxication syndrome and other pathologies at the local or systemic level.


Since the origin of aches and pains is very diverse, the clinical picture for each case can be radically different. But there are certain similarities. Everything must go through the prism of the doctor’s clinical thinking in order to ultimately obtain the correct diagnosis.

At the first stage, a survey is conducted to clarify complaints and anamnestic data. During the conversation with the patient, the doctor identifies subjective symptoms, taking into account any details. First of all, he determines the characteristics of the pain itself:

  1. In the form of aching, pulling and dull ache, vague feeling of discomfort or weakness.
  2. Distributed throughout the body or localized only in a specific area (lower and upper limbs, back, periarticular areas).
  3. It occurs periodically (during walking, physical activity, changes in weather) or worries almost constantly.
  4. Expressed moderately, strongly or weakly.

These sensations certainly prevent a person from carrying out his usual activities. In chronic, sluggish conditions, some patients simply get used to the ache and try not to notice it, although this hardly makes it any easier. The doctor evaluates other symptoms that will definitely be present in clinical picture. And in most cases they become decisive when making a preliminary diagnosis.

Diseases with intoxication

When answering the question of why bones ache, you should first consider diseases with intoxication. And among them the most common can be considered respiratory infections when the ENT organs are affected and Airways. In addition to body aches, intoxication syndrome is accompanied by other manifestations:

  • Increasing temperature.
  • Weakness and malaise.
  • Decreased productivity and fatigue.
  • Headaches.
  • Decreased appetite.

Similar signs are not specific and can be observed in various acute diseases: sore throat, purulent sinusitis, laryngotracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy. But local symptoms indicate the predominant localization of the inflammatory process:

  • Difficulty in nasal breathing and runny nose.
  • Sore throat.
  • Hoarseness of voice.
  • Cough (dry or wet).
  • Dyspnea.
  • Chest pain.

During an objective examination, the doctor reveals redness of the mucous membrane of the throat, plaque on the tonsils, wheezing in the lungs, hard or weakened breathing. Each disease has its own symptoms, which are used as a basis for further diagnosis.

But other pathologies not related to the respiratory tract also occur with intoxication, for example, pyelonephritis, leukemia, lupus erythematosus or tumors with metastases. In such cases, they also focus not so much on general, but on specific signs of the disease, reflecting dysfunction of the affected organ or system.

Intoxication syndrome is a nonspecific reaction of the body to an infection, inflammatory, autoimmune or tumor process. But each disease has its own characteristic signs.

Local violations

If the bones hurt not throughout the body, but in certain areas, then the possibility of local disorders should be considered. These include damage to the musculoskeletal system, soft tissues, nerves and blood vessels. With some of them, especially purulent processes, there will also be intoxication, but pain syndrome mainly associated with local changes of inflammatory, metabolic or dystrophic origin. Its location and nature will suggest the likely source of the problem. A accompanying symptoms will only strengthen the diagnosis. These include:

  • In case of injuries and inflammation - local swelling and redness of tissues, bruising, deformation of a limb, forced position, pain when palpated.
  • For neuropathies: persistent pain, burning, numbness, “crawling”, changes in reflexes.
  • At vascular disorders: paleness or cyanosis, swelling of the limb, chilliness, trophic changes (hair loss, spots, ulcers), decreased or absent pulsation, dilated and painful veins.

Patients often note dysfunction of the affected area of ​​the body: difficulties in performing physical work, when walking (claudication), up to loss of ability to work (especially in severe cases). And if at acute processes This is temporary, but with chronic inflammatory-degenerative diseases there is a persistent decrease in a person’s ability to do usual things.

Additional diagnostics

First of all, the doctor needs to identify the cause of changes in the body. What caused the bone pain can only be known for sure after a thorough examination of the patient. Given the variety of possible diseases, diagnosis may involve too many wide range events. But a preliminary doctor’s conclusion made on the basis of a clinical examination helps narrow them down. If speak about respiratory diseases, then the list of necessary procedures may include:

  1. Complete blood count (leukocytes, ESR, hemoglobin, red blood cells).
  2. Blood biochemistry (indicators of inflammation, oxygenation, proteinogram).
  3. Serological analysis (antibodies to viruses and bacteria).
  4. Swab or swabs from the nasopharynx (microscopy, culture, PCR).
  5. Chest X-ray.
  6. Tomography (computer and magnetic resonance imaging).
  7. Bronchoscopy.

For other cases, of course, other means are required. It all depends on the location of the source of damage. Great importance is given differential diagnosis, since many diseases have similar clinical symptoms, and only additional methods help to distinguish them.

Laboratory and instrumental research methods play a key role in determining the cause of body aches.


Therapeutic tactics entirely depend on the nature of the identified pathology. The doctor decides what methods to eliminate the disease. But their main goal will not just be to reduce and eliminate symptoms (although this is possible), but to act directly on the very source of pain impulses. The main thing in therapy is to remove the cause, and other measures are only auxiliary. If we combine all treatment methods, they can be divided into two large groups: conservative and surgical.


Conservative correction measures, as a rule, do not involve invasive intervention in the affected tissue. All influence is carried out from the outside or through the use of certain system-oriented means. Local and general disorders They try to eliminate it using the following therapeutic methods:

  • Medicines.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Massage.

Have the most extensive effect medications, which can be selected for almost any disease. For aching bones, antibiotics and antivirals, anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxants, antispasmodics and vascular agents, vitamins and microelements may be required. This is just a small part of what you will most likely need. The final regimen is determined by the diagnosis, because any remedy has its own indications for use.


Don't stand aside and surgical methods. Surgical treatment necessary in many cases when it is necessary to remove some pathological substrate: pus, non-viable tissue, tumor. This is done by radical or minimally invasive intervention:

  1. Puncture with exudate evacuation and rinsing.
  2. Instrumental excision or resection.
  3. Endoscopic removal (during broncho- or arthroscopy).
  4. Intravascular technician (thrombectomy).

View surgical access and the scope of the operation are determined based on the localization of the pathological focus, its prevalence, general condition patient. In the future, certain rehabilitation measures For speedy recovery functional activity.

If your bones suddenly hurt, you should first consult a doctor. The specialist will conduct necessary diagnostics and determine what it is connected with. And in accordance with the identified problem, he will offer the most effective ways her decisions.

Pain and aches in joints and bones are common, especially among elderly patients. People often complain about problems with the musculoskeletal system at an earlier age.

What factors provoke pain? Is there a way to forever forget about the discomfort, “ache” in the bones, especially with a sharp change in weather conditions. Doctors give advice on what to do if your joints often hurt.

Probable causes

Unpleasant sensations in the musculoskeletal system are caused by various diseases:

  • joint pathologies: , osteomyelitis, ;
  • syphilis, bone tuberculosis;
  • bone tumors;
  • viral infections, infectious and inflammatory diseases often cause complications in the joints, especially in the shoulder area. Negative symptoms appear with Lyme disease, influenza;
  • a sign of negative changes in circulatory system. Pain in the joints sometimes occurs with leukemia and lymphoma.

“Aches” in the bones often appear under the influence of various factors not associated with degenerative changes in the bones cartilage tissue or inflammatory processes. Often the reasons are layered on top of each other, increasing the degree of negative impact.

Joints often hurt in the following cases:

  • severe stress, hypothermia;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • overload during heavy physical labor or sports;
  • with a lack of calcium, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, vitamin D;
  • under prolonged static loads (work “on your feet” or a long “sitting” position depending on the specifics of the profession);
  • In children, pain often occurs when active growth bone tissue;
  • with excessive alcohol consumption, smoking in large quantities.

Find out general rules and recipes for treating joints at home.

About the symptoms and treatment of external epicondylitis elbow joint read the page.

Why is joint pain dangerous?

Aching, nagging pain exhausts a person and interferes with his life and work. Often discomfort increases with a sharp cold snap or worsening weather conditions. It’s not for nothing that people say: “Aching bones means rain.”

But pain is not only discomfort, it is a sign of inflammatory or degenerative changes in cartilage or bone tissue. Often, “ache” in the joints is caused by infection from other parts of the body.

For this reason, you cannot be content with only traditional methods, rubbing your arms, legs and fingers in the hope of reducing pain. Visit to a rheumatologist or arthrologist – The best way to determine the cause of negative symptoms. Only after production accurate diagnosis the treatment will be successful.

Information for patients! Self-medication for pain, aches and pains in bones and joints often causes harm. For example, heating to relieve pain accelerates the development of the inflammatory process in the joints. If the patient had been examined before treatment, the source of destruction would have been identified, and the doctor would have prohibited heating the affected area until the inflammation was relieved.

Localization of pain

At an appointment with an arthrologist and rheumatologist, patients note that most often discomfort is noted in the joints of the upper and lower extremities. Often pain syndrome occurs in the bones of the skeleton and cranium. The main reason for negative symptoms is previous trauma.

An experienced arthrologist or orthopedist will help you cope with the problem. A consultation with a neurologist and an in-depth examination using modern equipment are required. Based on the results of a CT or MRI, the doctor will make a diagnosis and develop a treatment regimen.

Aching in the joints of the hands

The main reason is damage to ligaments, nerve fibers, muscle tissue during excessive physical exertion or while playing sports. Pain syndrome causes osteomyelitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis. Discomfort often develops against the background incorrect exchange substances with poor blood circulation.

“Twisting” legs in the weather: reasons

Painful sensations in lower limbs are recorded most often. High loads, overweight, active movements, overwork, disruptions in metabolic processes, varicose veins - list negative factors we can continue ad infinitum.

Without eliminating the cause, it is impossible to eliminate the discomfort. Patients often suffer from thrombophlebitis, osteoporosis, heel spurs, arthrosis, and polyarthritis of the toes. Painful symptoms are caused by bursitis, flat feet, and gout.

During pregnancy, women often complain of negative sensations in the hip joint. The cause of discomfort is excess load on the musculoskeletal system, lack of minerals and vitamins.

Effective Treatments

Before visiting a doctor, you can reduce pain in several ways:

  • take a tablet of Ketanov, Solpadeine;
  • limit the mobility of the problem joint (do not squeeze);
  • reduce the load on the affected area, provide peace in case of severe pain;
  • apply an ointment with an analgesic effect.

Important! Warming up, rubbing with homemade mixtures, and taking potent drugs is prohibited until the diagnosis is clarified. In many diseases, heat accelerates the development of the inflammatory process. The use of inappropriate tablets often does not act on the destructive focus, but causes side effects in various organs.

Basic methods of therapy

Elimination of the cause, impact on the development mechanism pathological changes to musculoskeletal tissue - the main tasks in the treatment of pain. Symptomatic and pathogenetic agents are used.

Comprehensive treatment regimen:

  • medicines;
  • traditional medicine;
  • diet;
  • gymnastics, massage;
  • surgical intervention.
  • refusal to lift heavy objects, limiting loads on the limbs and spine;
  • changing your diet, increasing the amount of foods containing vitamins various groups, minerals: calcium, magnesium, potassium;
  • at sedentary life - dosed exercise, walks, warm-up during the working day;
  • treatment of diseases that cause “ache” in joints and bones;
  • monitoring the condition of the musculoskeletal corset by a rheumatologist, arthrologist or orthopedist.


The doctor selects medications taking into account the type of disease, the characteristics of pathological changes, and the severity of the pathology. The patient’s task is to take medications on time, follow the dosage, frequency, and duration of use. After a certain period, laboratory and instrumental studies to monitor the results of therapy.

Main groups of medicines:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds. , Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Nimesulide, Nise, Voltaren;
  • analgesics. Solpadeine, Ketanov, Ibuprofen;
  • chondroprotectors. , Chondroitin sulfate, Movex, Structum, Dona, Glucosamine sulfate;
  • antiviral agents. Anaferon, Interferon, Amiksin;
  • antibiotics. Macrolides, cephalosporins, penicillins;
  • antipyretic. Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.

Folk remedies

The choice of formulations depends on the identified pathology. Patients should remember that in case of acute inflammation, heating is prohibited, but in case of arthrosis, sluggish joint pathologies, it is useful. The patient must coordinate all actions regarding the use of homemade compositions not only with the herbalist, but also with the doctor involved in the treatment of the underlying pathology.

Verified folk remedies from “ache” in the bones:

  • with vodka or bischofite;
  • cabbage leaf compress;
  • ointment made from Vaseline and medicinal herbs;
  • compress from;
  • baths with pine extract;
  • lingonberry tea;
  • herbal mixture of St. John's wort, chamomile, hop cones, calendula;
  • baths with hay dust/decoctions of medicinal herbs;
  • rubbing based on hop cones;
  • oil with celandine;
  • tincture of lilac and horse chestnut flowers.


After stopping the inflammatory process in the cartilage tissue and synovial membrane, the doctor recommends modern procedures. More often used A complex approach: the doctor selects several of the most effective methods.

For pain in joints and bones, use:

  • electrophoresis with drugs;
  • ozokerite, mud, paraffin applications;
  • phonophoresis;
  • Magnetic and laser therapy;
  • medicinal baths;
  • UHF heating.

What to do when knee joint? Learn about first aid and further treatment.

There is a page written about the signs, symptoms and treatment of suprapatellar bursitis of the hip joint.

Diet and nutrition

Many diseases of cartilage and bone tissue are caused by poor nutrition. Violation metabolic processes, obesity, salt deposits uric acid in gout - a consequence of absorption in large quantities"harmful" products.

For healthy joints, eat:

  • vegetables;
  • non-acidic fruits;
  • low-fat milk;
  • bran;
  • cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • lean fish;
  • vegetable oils;
  • vegetable soups;
  • herbal infusions, unsweetened tea, compote;
  • dishes with gelatin;
  • salmon fish.

Give up frequent use certain foods (high in purines, hard on the stomach, leaching calcium and potassium from the bones). They are allowed to be included in the menu no more than once a week, during exacerbation of gout attacks, severe lesions It is better to exclude joints completely. Important condition– limiting sugar and salt.

Not suitable for regular use:

  • animal fats;
  • rich broths;
  • fatty meat and fish;
  • sour fruits, citrus fruits;
  • whole milk;
  • baking, White bread, pastries, cakes;
  • strong tea, all types of coffee, especially without milk;
  • chocolate, cocoa, candies;
  • offal (kidneys, liver, tongue, lungs);
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • canned food, semi-finished products.

The optimal methods of heat treatment are steaming, stewing, baking. Fried, dried, smoked foods are harmful to the entire body and the musculoskeletal system. An abundance of spices and hot seasonings also does not bring benefits.

Special exercises and massage

On the recommendation of the attending physician, the patient attends physical therapy classes. Exercises to restore joints are useful for most diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Gymnastics strengthens muscle strength, develops ligaments, and increases tissue elasticity.

A good addition to the exercise therapy complex is massage and self-massage. The hands of an experienced massage therapist work wonders on affected joints and weakened muscles.

The doctor will teach the patient self-massage techniques to restore the problem area at home. The main thing: do not overdo it. Massage movements should be “soft”, of moderate strength for a delicate effect on joints and muscles.

Knowing the underlying causes and treatments helps patients suffering from discomfort in the knees, elbows, hip joint, fingers and toes. In-depth examination, individual development of a treatment regimen - elements of treatment articular pathologies And common diseases giving complications to the musculoskeletal system. It is necessary to make adjustments to the diet, and change your lifestyle if necessary.

Sometimes pain and aches in the joints are not true; such pain is called reflected or false. What characteristics of joint pain may indicate that the source is located elsewhere in our body. More about this in the following video:

The human body has a powerful frame of bones, of which there are more than two hundred in the body. Depending on their purpose and function, bones are divided into:

  • tubular;
  • flat;
  • spongy;
  • mixed.

Diseases, injuries, physiological changes, metabolic disturbances can affect any of them to one degree or another. If for some reason a person has pain in the bones of the whole body, the reason may be hidden behind any of the diagnoses. Only a comprehensive examination and consultation with specialists will be able to answer the question of why this happens and what to do in such a situation.

All causes of pain can be divided into several areas. It must be said that such a symptom as is characteristic of many diseases, physiological or pathological conditions, not to mention injuries or emergency situations.

Groups of causes of bone pain

Bones hurt for many reasons. Sometimes these are isolated pains in individual bones; other conditions are more common: joints and the bones that form them hurt. But bones and joints do not work in isolation. Muscles are attached to them, joints and bones are supplied with blood with the help of blood vessels and are innervated by nerve fibers. Problems and diseases of these organs and systems can also cause bone pain.

Based on etiological origin, it is customary to distinguish the following groups of causes:

  • bone tumors of various origins;
  • pathologies of hematopoietic function bone marrow;
  • infectious diseases and inflammations;
  • pathological and physiological disorders metabolism.

The human body hides many possibilities, but still they are not limitless. Everyone involved in sports should remember this.

Excessive exercise

Sports bring a lot of positive emotions, train the circulatory and respiratory system human body. However, when training muscles, we must not forget that they are inextricably, literally and figuratively, connected with skeletal system person. Muscle fibers are attached to bone processes. When muscles are stretched and compressed, it is these bone formations that are stimulated – the epiphyses and condyles.

Streptococcus, the causative agent of rheumatic lesions, has a special affinity for joints and bones. It settles in the joint cavities, affecting the striated muscles, which causes severe pain in the joints, especially large ones.

Pathological and physiological changes

With age, calcium deficiency develops in bone tissue. This process is physiological and is called osteoporosis. The bones become thinner, become more fragile, the muscles exert increased pressure, which is why pain in the bones of the whole body appears. The tubular bones are the first to be affected. Similar processes occur during pregnancy or vitamin D deficiency.

Calcium, necessary for hematopoiesis and neuromuscular transmission, is insufficiently supplied from the outside or is intensively washed out of the bones. The sensitivity of bones to stress increases, they begin to hurt, increased fragility can lead to fractures and injuries, which also increases pain.


What should you do if bone pain becomes regular and persistent? Of course, seek advice from a surgeon, traumatologist or orthopedist. Purpose of examination using radiography, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging will help you understand the reasons and what to do next.

You may need to consult an endocrinologist or therapist. If a malignant or infectious nature origin of the disease, then a comprehensive examination using instrumental methods will help establish the correct diagnosis.

Prophylactic intake of calcium supplements with microelements prevents age-related osteoporotic changes in bones and ensures full retention of muscle mass by skeletal bones.

The onset of body aches may be preceded by severe physical exertion or a tiring day at work. These causes are accompanied by localized pain in the knee joint, fingers, toes, etc. For more serious causes, such as hormonal imbalance, injuries vertebral sections, disorders nervous system, the aches spread throughout the body.

For effective treatment Experts use and recommend several methods and methods. To treat pain that has spread throughout the body, therapy must be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease. For local manifestations of aches and pain of bones and muscles, topical gels, ointments and creams are used.

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    Why do bones and joints ache throughout the body?

    Modern medicine combines joint pain and bone pain into a single group called rheumatic pain. This group includes inflammatory and dystrophic diseases.

    Among the main causes of pain in bones and joints throughout the body are:

    1. 1. Overload after training and intense sports.
    2. 2. Tumor processes. The nature of pain during tumor processes is variable. The peak of activity occurs at night or during physical heavy work. The dynamics of the disease can last from several weeks to a year. Under influence tumor processes The bones of the whole body weaken, they become vulnerable and fragile. Associated symptoms- chills, fever, weight loss.
    3. 3. Systemic blood disease. Joint pain with these deviations it occurs suddenly or manifests itself under pressure on the bone. These diseases include leukemia, myeloma and bone marrow diseases. Myeloma is malignant disease bone marrow. Has localization in pelvic bones, ribs and spine. This disease occurs in men over 60-70 years of age. The disease may not manifest itself for 15 years, but may appear in later stages severe pain in bones, fractures of arms, legs and vertebrae.
    4. 4. Joint and bone pain throughout the body due to Hodgkin's lymphoma. With this symptom, there is an increase in lymph nodes, allergic reactions and reducing body weight.
    5. 5. Malignant processes in the skin (warts, papillomas, melanomas) can cause pain in the joints and bones.
    6. 6. Side effect of chemotherapy for breast cancer. In this case, metastases spread to the bones.
    7. 7. Lymphotericulosis - benign tumor which can cause joint pain. The pain often affects the tendons near the bones.
    8. 8. Bone tuberculosis. The entry of the tuberculosis bacillus into the spine from the lungs provokes pain in the bones.
    9. 9. Osteomyelitis. Bone pain is accompanied by a fever.
    10. 10. Taking hormonal medications. Women during menopause, before menstruation, or after childbirth may use hormonal medications that can cause pain in bones and joints.
    11. 11. Low physical activity. The immobilized state prevents bone tissue from developing.
    12. 12. Congenital features of collagen development provoke the occurrence of muscle and bone pain.
    13. 13. Sudden climate change or weather change.

    The causes of pain in bones and joints throughout the body are varied. The list presented is not complete. Below are others possible reasons.

    Metabolic disorders

    A deficiency of mineral components obtained with food and slowly absorbed into the intestinal tissue can cause pain.

    A lack of vitamin D causes these unpleasant symptoms. This is a consequence of softening of the bones and the development of osteoporosis. Even with excess calcium, which is considered the main micronutrient for bones, a lack of vitamin D causes them to soften. This disease affects people with diabetes mellitus, abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

    With a lack of vitamin B in the muscle tissues of the limbs, pain and cramps occur. Due to insufficient supply of vitamins, nerve endings are destroyed. Pressure on the muscles causes pain near the bones.

    Hormonal tumor of the thyroid gland

    When diagnosing of this disease tissues take place. This causes disruption of mineral and hormonal metabolism.

    In the early stages of the disease, the patient feels:

    • bone pain;
    • increased fatigue;

    On late stages the bone loses its strength. This causes compression fractures.

    Arthritis of the fingers - causes, symptoms and home treatments

    Osteitis deformans

    If there is pain in all bones throughout the body, osteitis deformans is suspected. This provokes damage to the skeletal system and disruption of the process of bone tissue remodeling.


    • severe pain in the affected areas;
    • deformation of the lower extremities and spine;
    • neurological pathologies.

    Infectious diseases, lifestyle

    Muscle pain occurs due to intoxication with enzymes and particles of dead microorganisms under the influence of an infectious disease. Often, with a cold without fever, a person may feel aches throughout the body.

    Most people spend the day doing sedentary work. Inactivity disrupts the water-salt balance. With a lack of water, the walls of the stomach are depleted. Protective function The gastrointestinal tract is lost, the barrier function is destroyed.

    Salt components increase in bone and muscle tissue, because low mobility and a small amount of water does not allow them to be removed. When the structure of the tissue changes, the nerve endings are irritated, causing pain.

    Aches in the joints and bones of the hands

    Diseases and causes that can cause pain throughout the body or specifically affect the weakest areas were listed. When considering joint and bone pain in the hands, characteristic local problems and causes are revealed.

    Hands and fingers

    The presence of aches in the hands and fingers can be caused by the following reasons:

    1. 1. Trauma in cervical spine spine. This case is characterized by the same pain in all five fingers of one hand or only in the little finger and ring finger.
    2. 2. Bruise of the muscle and bone tissues of the hands and fingers.
    3. 3. Arthritis of the hand joints.
    4. 4. Raynaud's syndrome of pain, spasmodic microvessels of the hands.
    5. 5. Atherosclerosis, obliterating endarteritis.
    6. 6. Compression of the ulnar nerve.
    7. 7. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
    8. 8. Polycythemia ( increased content blood cells).
    9. 9. Vibration disease.
    10. 10. Gout.
    11. 11. Rheumatism.
    12. 12. Tunnel syndrome.
    13. 13. Rheumatoid arthritis.
    14. 14. Sprain.

    Tunnel syndrome occurs when the hand remains in an awkward position for a long time, for example, when working with a computer keyboard and mouse, due to compression of the nerves.

    Right or left hand, joints

    For aches and pains right hand there are no other reasons other than those described earlier. In addition to the general reasons described in the upper sections, there are special ones for the left hand. If there is a ache in the left hand, there is a suspicion of developing infarction myocardium. This is confirmed by the following accompanying symptoms:

    • dyspnea;
    • nausea;
    • pale complexion;
    • cold sweat;
    • pain in the heart area.

    There are very few reasons for pain in the joints of the hands. Develops in diseases of the joints connecting the bones:

    • arthritis;
    • gout;
    • bruise or sprain of ligaments and muscles;
    • osteoarthritis.

    Why do my joints hurt?

    Painful and unpleasant sensations occur when joints ache. The causes of joint pain have already been discussed in general causes. This is mainly rheumatoid arthritis, gout or inflammation of the joint ligaments. However, there are specific causes of aches that cause severe pain only in specific joints.

    Hip and knee joint

    TO common reasons aches in the hip joint are added:

    • hereditary Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease;
    • bone tuberculosis;

    The knee joint can experience debilitating, aching pain for individual reasons:

    • cruciate ligament sprain;
    • bruise, meniscus injury;
    • subluxations and sprains of the kneecap;
    • displacement or crack in the patella;
    • overweight;
    • fibrinous film syndrome - the formation and thickening of folds of ligaments inside the joints;
    • cellulite below the knee.

    Shoulder and elbow joint

    Additional causes of pain in the shoulder joint are as follows:

    • long-term physical labor with arms raised up;
    • calcium deposits in joints;
    • stiff muscles shoulder joint(capsulitis);
    • joint instability;
    • intervertebral hernia in the cervical or thoracic region.

    There are also causes and factors for pain in the elbow joint:

    • - pain when extending the arm in the elbow joint;
    • "golfer's elbow" - occurs when the arm is bent at the elbow joint;
    • Charcot arthropathy;
    • hemophilia;
    • inflammation in the joints of the elbow joint and muscles;
    • osteochondrosis in the lumbar or thoracic spine, causing pinching of the spinal cord roots.

    Why do my legs hurt?

    Aches and a feeling of heaviness in the legs occur when varicose veins veins and flat feet. These pathologies cause outflow disturbances venous blood from the legs, creating a feeling of heaviness. Another reason for the development of weakness and aches is spondyloarthrosis.

    Also, a feeling of weakness and aching in the legs occurs when infectious diseases and inflammatory processes of the lower extremities. This is mostly due to:

    • increased physical activity;
    • uncomfortable shoes;
    • staying in the wrong position for a long time;
    • fatigue.

    In the lower back and legs

    Simultaneous unpleasant condition in the lower extremities and lower back occurs, as a rule, due to osteochondrosis of the vertebrae of the lumbar region. With this disease, pain comes from the lower back and is transmitted to the legs.

    There are other reasons:

    • spondyloarthrosis - spread of aches from the lumbar area to the legs due to damage intervertebral joints lower back;
    • tumors in the lumbar spine;
    • lymphoma;
    • displacement of the lumbar vertebrae;
    • pustular formations in the membrane of the spinal cord;
    • Reiter's syndrome;
    • atypical course of appendicitis;
    • infectious diseases in the genitals;
    • renal colic.

    If your legs ache at night, you can judge from exhausting physical activity during the day. Moreover, it occurs even during moderate physical activity, but when in an uncomfortable position or shoes. The pathology that causes leg pain at night is fibromyalgia.

    Leg joints

    Leg joints may ache periodically or constantly. Moreover, at rest the aches intensify, and under physical activity they subside. This dynamic and characteristic is suitable for rheumatoid arthritis.

    Rheumatoid arthritis affects small joints:

    • phalanges of fingers;
    • ankle

    People over 40 years of age develop osteoarthritis, which is characterized by shin aches after physical activity and worsening at the end of the working day. With osteoarthritis, the patient may notice clicks and creaks in the joints when walking.

    Osteoarthritis affects the large joints of the legs:

    • knee;
    • ankle


    Unpleasant, nagging pain occurs for the following reasons:

    • inflammation and other diseases of the joints of the toes;
    • pathological changes in blood vessels (obliterating endarteritis);
    • ingrown nail;
    • hard calluses on the toes;
    • Morton's neuroma of the initial stage, characterized by constant aching at the base of the toes that progresses to severe pain.


    Pain in the feet is localized throughout the entire foot or occurs in its individual parts and develops for a long time.Causes aching pain- the following conditions and diseases:

    • the initial stage of osteopathy, characteristic of a lack of calcium in the bone tissues of the feet;
    • long stay in a lying state;
    • rapid weight gain;
    • healed injuries and bruises of the soft tissues of the feet;
    • long-term physical activity;
    • stage of recovery after fasciitis - a disease in which inflammation connective tissues heel hand and phalanges of fingers;
    • arthritis of the joints of the feet;
    • compression of the nerves between the toes;
    • deformation of the bones of the feet;
    • subluxation of the bones of the feet: Lesfranc joint, Chopart joint, subtalar joint;
    • flat feet;
    • plantar warts;
    • hard calluses on the feet.


    The causes of pain in bones and joints are very different, therefore for proper treatment It is worth conducting a complete diagnosis of the patient’s body condition. After determining the location of the pain and clarifying the causes, the doctor prescribes treatment. Methods and treatments can vary greatly depending on the severity of the disease and the location of the aches and pains.

    Drug treatment. Prescribed for any diseases of the musculoskeletal system. With this therapy, the patient is prescribed:

    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Methindol, Airtal, Piroxicam, Meloxicam;
    • chondroprotectors for nutrition of bone tissue - Teraflex, Dona, Artra;
    • painkillers - Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen;
    • vitamins;
    • drugs to improve blood circulation - Flexital, Pentoxifylline;
    • for elimination unpleasant symptoms use tablets, ointments and creams - Finalgon, Voltaren, Dolgit.

    Dietary nutrition is recommended if drug treatment is insufficiently effective. This need arises due to the lack of nutrients in bones and joints. Balance is introduced into the diet:

    • reduce salt content;
    • reduce sugar consumption;
    • exclude alcohol;
    • refuse animal proteins;
    • add calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamins A, D, B.

    Changes in physical activity. If muscle, joint and bone pain occurs due to degenerative processes, it is prescribed physical therapy. When overworked, it is advised to reduce the load. At low physical activity It is recommended to move more, walk, play sports. Daily muscle strengthening will eliminate unpleasant symptoms.

    Physiotherapy. Useful and effective passage:

    • manual therapy;
    • massage;
    • electrophoresis;
    • mud therapy;
    • magnetic therapy.

    Using orthoses to reduce stress on joints. Reducing the load on the knee joint and spine has a beneficial effect on the dynamics of treatment. Use of knee pads, corsets and splints only as prescribed by a doctor.

    Biologically active additives

    Since many joint and bone pains are associated with poor metabolism and insufficient nutrition, the use of biological additives seriously improves the condition of the musculoskeletal system.

    To relieve inflammatory processes and degenerative disorders, dietary supplements containing:

    • collagen;
    • chondroitin;
    • hyaluronic acid;
    • glucosamine sulfate;
    • calcium;
    • vitamin D;
    • amino acids;
    • extract of herbs and vegetable oils.

    There are several highly effective drugs to normalize the condition of the musculoskeletal system:

    1. 1. Collagen Ultra. Excellent for pain relief, used for arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis.
    2. 2. Chondro-Nova contains chondroitin and glucosamine and restores normal joint mobility.
    3. 3. Arthrocin has a plant base, created to normalize metabolism in bone tissue.
    4. 4. Chondra restores bone tissue, has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.
    5. 5. Mountain calcium D3 is rich in various microelements.
    6. 6. Detox relieves joint pain and eliminates inflammation.

    Traditional methods of treatment

    Traditional medicine has many means to successfully combat inflammation, pain and aches in joints and bones:

    1. 1. A decoction of cinquefoil grass, aloe and burdock leaves. Brew all the ingredients, squeeze out and apply as a compress on the painful area, and drink the decoction.
    2. 2. A decoction of lingonberries and hawthorn helps with pain in joints and muscles.
    3. 3. Tincture of celandine root, nettle and elderberry leaves. Drink the prepared infusion every day, 50 grams.
    4. 4. Honey with lemon juice And eggshell in proportions 2:1:1. Leave in the refrigerator, take 2 teaspoons every day.
    5. 5. Compress from rye bread with soda and kefir eliminates minor local pain.

    The use of traditional medicine helps with localized pain that is not symptoms serious illnesses. If there is no response to herbal medicine, you should seek qualified help.


    Painful sensations in joints and bones can be the cause of serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, infectious lesions, nutritional imbalances and degenerative disorders. When manifested painful sensations lifestyle changes are worth considering.

    To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, pharmacies provide ointments, gels and tablets. If there is no response to their use, it is necessary to undergo examination by specialists to identify pathological changes.