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What does cinquefoil tincture help with? Using cinquefoil tincture for joints: results, side effects

Tincture for joints is one of the most popular ways to use this plant, although its use is not limited to the treatment of arthrosis, other arthritis, and osteochondrosis.

Due to its composition, cinquefoil grass has the ability to suppress activity cancer cells, strengthens the immune system, treats gastrointestinal diseases, cleanses the intestines, relieves fever, is used for.

Here we look at how cinquefoil is used to treat joints. Form - tincture, with vodka or alcohol.

General information about the plant

Sabelniks are a genus of perennial herbaceous plants. Medical use They find everything, but, as a rule, when speaking about cinquefoil, they mean the marsh one. The plant is a subshrub, the stems are red-brown, the foliage is dark green, the red flowers have five petals (like all plants from the rose family), collected in an inflorescence.

In folk medicine it is used mainly to treat joint diseases. At the same time, it is characterized sufficiently widespread use, has the following medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antipyretics;
  • analgesics (pain relievers);
  • antitumor;
  • useful for gastrointestinal diseases and infections of the upper respiratory tract.

The use of marsh cinquefoil is not limited to traditional medicine: the industrial pharmacopoeia produces alcohol tinctures, ointments, and bioactive additives in the form of capsules. But the composition of cinquefoil has not yet been studied well enough. Rhizomes contain:

  • essential oils;
  • carotene and vitamin C;
  • organic acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • catechins (organic substances from the group of flavonoids);
  • saponins;
  • tannins;
  • resins, gums.

Procurement of raw materials

To prepare a tincture of marsh cinquefoil at home, you should start by collecting the right raw materials.

Sabelnik grows throughout Russia, in swampy areas, and there are usually no difficulties in finding it.

The grass is collected in early spring or autumn (when the plant is just waking up, or when it is already going to rest, having accumulated all the nutrients in the underground part).

Be sure to evaluate the place of growth. If the soil is poor (bottom swamps), the finished cinquefoil tincture with vodka will have a pale, light yellow tint.

The healing properties of such a drug will be weaker than those prepared from cinquefoil in high-moor, rich soils. The “correct” plant has powerful, brightly colored stems, juicy red-burgundy flowers, and the color of the brewed liquid is rich light brown.

When choosing rhizomes on the market, pay attention to their quality. They must be woody, without leaves.

The effectiveness of the tincture

Any herb can be used in in various forms: tincture, decoction, compress, ointment, extract, tea. Sabelnik is most effective in the form alcohol tincture.

It is used as aid in the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis. Cinquefoil tincture relieves joint pain of various origins, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Important: cinquefoil not only combines well with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs often prescribed for joint diseases, but also enhances their effects. This makes it possible to reduce them daily dose, which may be important for many patients.

Sabelnik shows high efficiency from osteochondrosis. is a change in tissue intervertebral discs, their thinning and degradation, which manifests itself as pain, difficulty and stiffness of movements.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is often noticed for indirect reasons: headaches, dizziness, weakness, decreased performance.

How to take cinquefoil correctly for joint pain, crunching, and difficult mobility? Course treatment. Below are discussed general schemes, but the symptoms of arthritis or arthrosis can be different.

A lot depends on the stage of the disease. Any conservative methods effective only for beginners.

The duration of the course should definitely be agreed with the attending physician, especially considering the fact that cinquefoil enhances the effect of other medications and their dosage must be recalculated.

Possible additional intake of chondroitin, calcium, moderate and reasonable physical exercise– all this together will reduce discomfort in joints, strengthen bone and joint tissue, slow down the development of degenerative processes, which can occur even in relatively young people (25-30 years old).

Interesting: cinquefoil does not irritate the gastric mucosa, this is important for most patients with joint problems ( average age arthritis - 40-50 years).

A few reviews confirm the effectiveness of the plant. A typical review: “cinquefoil plus a good chonoprotector – the joints feel great.”

Many people note good results, improved well-being, and the disappearance of crunching. It is worth paying tribute to the authors of the reviews: everyone approaches it competently, using cinquefoil in combination with other methods of treatment.

Recipes and regimens

For joints and spine there are two main recipes:

  • Vodka tincture. Take 500 ml. alcohol, pour 2 tbsp. spoons of well-chopped rhizomes. Place in a dark place and leave for 20 days. Check periodically, shaking, so that the raw materials do not settle to the bottom. Strain thoroughly through cheesecloth (several times, changing the cheesecloth), or use a fine sieve.
  • Alcohol tincture of cinquefoil. The recipe is similar, only due to the greater strength of the base, you need to insist not for 20 days, but for 14.

Choose your vodka carefully. Choose quality brands: “Nemiroff”, “Bread Gift”, “Khortytsya”.

Many people use vodka because of its availability, although it is advisable to make a tincture with alcohol (70-80°) - such a strength allows for better extraction active substances from herbs.

How to take orally?

The tincture according to the first recipe is drunk in a diluted form at your own discretion. 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Minimum course – 3 weeks. After this period, a break is required. After that you can repeat.

Take strictly before meals, half an hour or 20 minutes.

How to use externally?

The same tincture can become a complete replacement for an external remedy. Pharmacy ointment with cinquefoil is inexpensive (up to 250 rubles), but if there is a ready-made tincture containing cinquefoil, it will successfully replace the ointment.

Externally applied only to joints outside the stage of exacerbation of inflammatory processes.

Pre-steam the desired parts of the body in the bath, then rub the tincture into the affected areas (for example, these can be ankle joints), immediately wrapped in a warm woolen cloth.

Such rubdowns can be repeated up to 3 times a day: they soothe, relieve pain, and help restore mobility and elasticity of joint tissues.

Or make compresses:

  • soak gauze or soft cotton cloth in the tincture;
  • apply to the affected area;
  • on top there is an insulating layer.

Homemade ointment for joints

Alcohol infusion of cinquefoil for joints can be used externally not only on its own, but also as part of homemade ointment. This is a softer option that will neutralize negative action drying effect of alcohol on the skin.

Take any hand cream, it’s better domestic production, with a simple composition.

Creams from the Nevskaya Cosmetics factory and the Kalina concern are suitable. Their cost is 40-50 rubles. per tube. Add cinquefoil vodka tincture (1 tsp) to 1 tube of cream and mix thoroughly.

Other components: pepper tincture(1 tsp), high quality natural honey(1 tbsp), oil solution of vitamin E (10 drops) - are not required, but they will enhance the warming effect of the finished cream, add nourishing, softening and rejuvenating properties to the skin.

The mixture is thoroughly mixed, applied fresh, and can be stored in the refrigerator, but preferably no more than a week. Rub into joints with soft circular movements. It relieves pain well and warms it up.

For external use, you can also purchase a ready-made balm with cinquefoil, for example

  • “Sabelnik gel-balm 911” from Twin-Tex, cost about 100 rubles.

Ingredients like any other industrial product, more verified. In addition to cinquefoil, it contains extracts of arnica, nettle, juniper oil, eucalyptus, thyme, and, of course, a base that allows you to better preserve and transport the active substances of herbs. Attention: contains preservatives – parabens.

Since joint diseases require complex treatment, it will be effective to combine cinquefoil internally and externally. So, compresses and ointment will successfully complement cinquefoil tablets from "Evalar".

They are inexpensive - 177 rubles. for 60 pieces and are shown even to those who are not diagnosed serious illnesses joints, but there are prerequisites for their development.

Taking cinquefoil in tablets as a dietary supplement helps maintain youth and flexibility of the musculoskeletal system, including the spine.

Cinquefoil extract is not combined with other herbs to avoid weakening its effect.

Tincture from "Evalar"

Tincture of cinquefoil for the treatment of joints from Evalar is a red-brown or golden-colored liquid. Contains ethanol 40 %.

  • 1 tsp. stir in 1/3 cup of clean water.
  • Take before meals, 2-3 times a day.
  • Course – 2 months.

Possible side effects: nausea and disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract.

How do real patients comment on treatment with cinquefoil tincture from Evalar? There are very few reviews, but they are all positive. Users note that the decrease pain symptoms perhaps already on the 3rd day of taking the tincture (in dosages according to the official instructions).

There are cases of hygroma resorption (within 2 weeks of use). In some patients who lead a healthy lifestyle for the joints (yoga, taking chondoprotectors, a gentle lifestyle), the disappearance of pain and a decrease in crunching were noted after 2 months of regular use.

Contraindications and harm

If there are indications, cinquefoil tincture for joints can be used in long courses. Side effects are few and almost all are associated with a reaction to alcohol: nausea and diarrhea are possible. Not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding patients or children under 3 years of age.

Individual intolerance is rare. It goes well with many medications, but consultation with a doctor for existing prescriptions is required.

Drinking homemade or industrially prepared tincture may be contraindicated for persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, nervous system, genitourinary system due to alcohol content.

How to replace cinquefoil?

Cinquefoil tincture is not the only remedy for joints that can be used at home.

Be sure to keep in mind that the use of herbs in folk medicine is an art. Below are just possible options.

Only after getting to know them in detail can you use them to create your own preparations that will be effective in treating joints in a specific case, in a specific patient.

It is best to coordinate the selected herbs with your doctor and create a collection with the help of a professional herbalist.

For arthrosis

For compresses: aloe, burdock, juniper needles.

Decoctions: juniper fruits (especially useful for those patients who, in addition to arthrosis, have gout), infusions based on the leaves and bark of birch, nettle, elecampane, tricolor violet flowers, calendula, oak bark, willow, aspen, lingonberry leaves, poplar buds or pine, flax seeds, St. John's wort, calamus root, galangal,

Alcohol tinctures: comfrey, burdock, sweet clover, wild rosemary, thyme, hops, wheatgrass.

For baths: juniper (needles and fruits).

Of these, comfrey and cinquefoil are considered the most effective for arthrosis.

For rheumatoid arthritis

For collections: meadowsweet, budra, drop cap, yarrow, St. John's wort, Linden blossom, black elderberry flowers, horsetail, birch leaves or buds, calendula, lemon balm, tricolor violet, wild rosemary.

Alcohol tinctures: arnica, meadowsweet, calendula.

You can consider: burdock, sage, peony, elecampane, ginseng, nettle, fig, dandelion, marin root, Manchurian aralia, tea plant.

Among all these options, cinquefoil is one of the most preferred. Judging by the reviews, it is effective and efficient, has few contraindications, is not uncommon, industrial ready-made drugs, which can be used to supplement a course of treatment, are inexpensive.

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Hello, dear friends!

I want to contribute today Additional information to my old publication about marsh cinquefoil and place it on the main page.

You can talk endlessly about this miracle herb, its beneficial properties and uses. I often make cinquefoil tincture for myself, it’s not at all difficult. Drinking it is easy and pleasant, and it helps not only to treat joints and other ailments, but is also needed for prevention, because cinquefoil can delay old age and even prevent death.

It is not for nothing that the name of the plant comes from the word “saber” and means victory over numerous diseases, like cutting with a saber.

What marsh cinquefoil looks like: description, photo, where it growswhen to collect

Marsh cinquefoil or dekop, also called cinquefoil, grows in the Caucasus, Siberia, the Far East, North America and Scandinavia along the banks of reservoirs, lakes and swamps.

They say that it can be found even in the Arctic.

This plant is a shrub with a long trailing and creeping stem and leaves similar to strawberries, only more elongated. The cinquefoil blooms from spring to autumn, its flowers resemble stars of a dark purple color.

Take a look at the photo, this is what cinquefoil grass looks like:

Sabelnik is used for dyeing wool, cotton and flax, and for tanning leather. The plant is loved by reindeer, moose and beavers.

For us people, cinquefoil is also very useful. You can even brew tea with it. Doctor Tibetan medicine A.A. Even in the last century, Badmaev used cinquefoil in almost all treatment recipes for legs, stomach, or tumors.

All parts of the plant have medicinal properties. The upper one - the stem along with leaves and flowers - is harvested in the second half of summer on the new moon, withered and dried in the shade.

The rhizome accumulates the greatest value in late spring and early autumn, at which time harvesting is done; cinquefoil roots need to be dug up on the waning moon.

Store dried raw materials in paper bags, linen bags or glass jars.

You can buy cinquefoil rhizomes at any pharmacy. When purchasing, make sure that the roots are dry, have a tubular structure and are free of filament fibers.

Useful properties of marsh cinquefoil

To understand how much cinquefoil beneficial features, look what unique composition elements in its leaves, flowers and roots:

  • micro and macro - elements that provide normal functioning heart and kidneys, restoring intestinal function, strengthening tissue and bones
  • vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system
  • anticoagulants and antacids that thin the blood, fight tumors, protect against viruses, infections, bacteria
  • flavonoids
  • organic acids tannins - remove heavy metal salts
  • saponins
  • essential oils.

Thanks to this the richest composition and cinquefoil has a variety of medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • antibacterial
  • painkiller
  • wound healing
  • antipruritic
  • expectorants
  • antispasmodic
  • astringent
  • diaphoretic and antipyretic
  • hemostatic
  • anesthetic
  • diuretic
  • tonic
  • immunostimulating
  • powerful antitumor.

Plant preparations can knock down high temperature; improve blood condition; cleanse the body of toxins and waste; calm down nervous system; increase appetite; Provide natural lubrication of joints.

Studies have shown that marsh cinquefoil is almost the only plant that renews the body's cells, removes salts, perfectly cleanses the lymph and the entire body as a whole. harmful substances. That is why he is able to prolong youth.

Application of marsh cinquefoil

Sabelnik can cure various, even incurable diseases.

Sabelnik is used in the form of tablets, tinctures, ointments, balms, which are produced by the pharmacological industry. Pharmacies sell both herbs and roots. Usually instructions for use are always included.

What does marsh cinquefoil help with and what does it treat?

Due to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effects, cinquefoil tincture is used in the treatment of colds, flu, tonsillitis, and tuberculosis. It is recommended to drink it at night.

An infusion or decoction of the plant is used for diarrhea, venereal diseases, for stomach pain, gastritis, ulcers, for liver and gallbladder diseases, hemorrhoids, for gum inflammation, for gargling, treatment inflammatory diseases upper respiratory tract.

Sabelnik effectively treats heart disease -vascular diseases and all blood diseases. It thins the blood without causing any harmful side effects.

Used to treat female diseases.

Treats joints, spine, polyarthritis, gout, arthritis, osteoporosis.

Fresh grass leaves promote healing of wounds and cuts.

Since cinquefoil has antitumor properties, tincture from it is successfully used to treat colorectal cancer, breast cancer, fibroids, mastopathy, and nodular goiter.

After all, this herb eliminates inflammation, relieves pain, removes swelling, and makes joints more mobile.

For arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, radiculitis, salt deposition in the spine, both ointments and tablets based on cinquefoil can be used to relieve pain.

But experts consider taking cinquefoil tincture with vodka orally to be the most effective. And at the same time, it is recommended to take baths with cinquefoil branches and rhizomes, and you can also rub the tincture into sore spots.

Tincture of marsh cinquefoil

I would like to explain a little in what cases to drink tea, decoction or tincture of marsh cinquefoil.

As I already wrote above, to relieve fatigue, increase tone, prevent colds, etc. You can brew and drink some tea. For this purpose, the above-ground part of the plant is used. You can buy ready-made phytopackets at the pharmacy.

It is impossible to make tea or infusion from rhizomes, since they are very hard and require other preparation methods. In particular, a decoction or infusion of vodka.

To prepare the decoction, pour one tablespoon of cinquefoil roots with a glass of boiling water and cook over low heat for 3 minutes. Then leave for 1 hour and strain. Take the decoction 1/3 cup three times a day before meals, again for colds and digestive disorders.

This method may be necessary for children or those who are prohibited from drinking alcohol.

An extract or extract of cinquefoil, obtained by infusing it with vodka, contains the maximum of valuable and useful properties, so it is better to use a tincture for treatment.


  • joint treatment
  • cold, flu
  • angina pectoris
  • tuberculosis
  • mastopathy
  • stomach and breast cancer
  • and so on and so forth (read above).

How to do

The rhizomes of cinquefoil can be purchased at any pharmacy. Conveniently packaged in packs of 50 grams.

Use vodka for tincture good quality. For 100 grams of finely chopped roots you need to take one liter of vodka. In high-proof alcohol, all the beneficial properties will burn out, so alcohol will not suit us.

Pour the raw materials into a jar, fill it with vodka, close the lid tightly and put it in a dark, warm place (just in a closet) for 10-15 days. Some sources say that you need to insist for 40 days. This will not make it worse, but I found out from the literature that 10 days is enough.

How to drink

You need to take one tablespoon of the tincture an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Proponents of treatment with folk remedies are often interested in the question of cinquefoil tincture with vodka: what diseases are effective against? This tool helps in the treatment of diseases due to the effect of cinquefoil on the body, which is enhanced by alcohol. It is recommended to consult a doctor before starting treatment.

Chemical composition and properties of cinquefoil

The plant contains a large number of useful substances, vitamins, minerals. All parts can be used to make medicines: the necessary compounds are found in the roots, leaves, and stems.

Marsh cinquefoil contains essential oils, flavonoids, vitamin C, gum, resins, carotene, and tannins. It is rich in vitamins A, P. The composition includes potassium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, calcium, phenol carbonic acids.

The plant has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps eliminate painful sensations, lower the temperature. Its use allows you to speed up the process of recovery and wound healing. Sabelnik also has an antiseptic and astringent effect. With its help, you can cure bleeding, get rid of toxins, waste products and decay products accumulated in the body, and strengthen the immune system. The product speeds up metabolism and accelerates adaptation to new environmental conditions.

Treatment with cinquefoil tincture is effective for diseases digestive system, this remedy also helps when gargling a sore throat. Sabelnik is used as additional remedy in the treatment of stomach cancer, helps get rid of toothache, effectively reduces body temperature when it is very high. The tincture also helps with women's diseases: mastopathy, uterine bleeding. This use, however, is not recognized by official medicine; only herbalists use the plant in the treatment of these diseases.

How to make your own tincture

Although the product can be purchased inexpensively in pharmacies, many people are interested in how to prepare cinquefoil tincture themselves at home. There are several recipes for preparing medicine that use different parts of the plant. For the production of natural medicinal product you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. crushed rhizomes;
  • 0.5 l of vodka.

You should pour the roots with alcohol, close the container hermetically and put it in a dark place for 20 days to allow the mixture to infuse. You should shake it several times a day to avoid the crushed rhizomes settling to the bottom of the container and to speed up the process of transferring useful substances from raw materials into alcohol. When the medicine is infused, you should strain it using a special paper filter or a gauze bandage folded several times to get rid of plant particles.

For another option, you will need to take dry leaves. The raw materials should be placed in liter jar so that they occupy 1/3 of the capacity. The raw material is poured with pure alcohol on top. Close the container tightly and leave for 3 weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Then strain the liquid, carefully squeezing out the raw materials.

For cooking natural medicine You can also take other components. Tinctures made from a mixture of plants help well.

Instructions for use of medicinal tincture

The resulting product can be taken orally. Dosages vary depending on the disease. It is recommended to consult with your doctor so that a specialist can select an individual dosage regimen.

Most often, the drug is taken twice a day before meals. 1 tsp medications are diluted in 1/3 glass of water at room temperature. The course of treatment is 2 months. After this you need to take a break. Again, you can be treated with this natural drug only with the permission of the doctor.

For arthrosis, take the tincture 1 tbsp. before eating. In addition, it is used for rubbing diseased areas, making lotions and compresses.

The tincture can be used for rinsing. If you have a sore throat or pain in your teeth or gums, you should rinse your mouth twice a day: morning and evening.

Rubbing also helps. This effect allows you to warm up the damaged area, reduce pain, and speed up recovery.

It is recommended to use an ointment based on alcohol tincture. To prepare this product, take 1 package of baby cream without aromatic additives, add 1 tsp to it. tinctures of cinquefoil and red pepper, 1 tbsp. liquid honey and 10 drops of vitamin E. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. The resulting ointment should be applied to the affected areas with light circular movements.

Sabelnik is also used for treatment cancerous tumors as an aid. It is part of a special tea. The dosage and treatment regimen should be selected by the doctor individually.

Contraindications for use

This product has strong effect, so it should be taken with caution. For some people this natural preparation contraindicated.

You cannot be treated with this drink while pregnant and during lactation, since the tincture contains alcohol, which negatively affects the growth and development of the embryo. Alcohol-containing products should not be used to treat alcohol-dependent minors.

Since cinquefoil lowers blood pressure, its use for hypotension is contraindicated. It should not be used if you have an allergic reaction, individual intolerance or hypersensitivity. Such therapy is prohibited for bradycardia. If you have kidney disease, you should be treated with caution.

Since the composition contains alcohol, the tincture cannot be treated with inflammation of the pancreas, cystitis, liver pathologies and other conditions in which the consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited.

In some cases, patients experience nausea, diarrhea, allergic reactions. If an adverse reaction occurs, treatment should be discontinued.

About the marsh cinquefoil, or decope, five-leafed cinquefoil, it is known from manuscripts of the 17th century. Even in those ancient times, it was used as a healing agent, giving a person strength and energy, as a drug for healing wounds and ailments.

Medicinal properties and composition of cinquefoil

Although everything healing properties Although this plant has not yet been fully studied, its well-known and multifaceted unique properties can be noted.

Sabelnik is a treasury of active healing substances, which have a positive effect on metabolism and general state person:

  • vitamin C (protection against infections and colds);
  • flavonoids (useful for the liver and capillaries);
  • carotene (strong antioxidant effect);
  • saponins (tone, promote coughing);
  • beneficial organic acids;
  • specific essential oil;
  • macro- and microelements;
  • tannins (prevention of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract; removal of waste and toxins);
  • resins, mucus, frozen bark juice.

Did you know?Mention of amazing properties Marsh cinquefoil is found in manuscripts of the 17th century. But to this day, the study of all the medicinal qualities of this plant continues.

These elements, in addition to those already listed:

  • promote removal from the body extra salts how to prevent certain joint ailments;
  • lead to improved joint mobility and strengthening of cartilage, thus helping with arthritis and arthrosis, osteochondrosis, polyarthritis, intervertebral hernia, gout, osteoporosis and many others;
  • improve blood composition and circulation, thereby having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the entire body as a whole;
  • increase hemostasis and help prevent and stop bleeding;
  • accelerate the restoration of tissues and thereby help their rapid healing after injuries and damage to integrity;

  • being a natural analgesic, it reduces joint and muscle pain;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect, and therefore cinquefoil is used to relieve inflammation during illnesses oral cavity and respiratory tract, are also used in the treatment of gynecological ailments;
  • exhibit antipyretic and diaphoretic effects, reducing temperature and accelerating overall healing.

Sabelnik is used internally and externally.

Internally used for:

  • rheumatism;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acute respiratory illnesses;
  • diarrhea and other stomach disorders;
  • obesity.

Externally used for:

  • ulcers;
  • injuries, bruises and bleeding wounds;
  • gout;
  • radiculitis.
For example, in the treatment of stomach cancer, breast cancer, leukemia, salt deposits, arthritis and rheumatism, arthrosis, and colds, vodka or alcohol tincture is used, but we will talk about it a little below.

Important! In order not to harm your health, you need to collect cinquefoil away from industrial enterprises, landfills, highways and railroad tracks.

Rules for the procurement of medicinal raw materials

The cinquefoil grows in swamps and wet soils: coastal thickets, swampy meadows, along the banks of overgrown small rivers. When harvesting this plant, you must take into account some important features. They are as follows: healing qualities both the leaves and the roots of the plant have it, however, what is suitable for harvesting - the roots or the leaves - depends on what time of year the collection is made.

Terms and conditions for collecting grass

The rhizomes contain the most useful substances, however, in order to preserve them as much as possible, you need to adhere to certain rules when collecting:

  • most favorable time for collection - early spring or late autumn. In early spring, the above-ground part of the cinquefoil is still “sleeping”, and the rhizome does not give up its substances to it, and in late autumn, when the green part of the plant has withered, the rhizome has accumulated a lot nutrients for winter and early spring;
  • Factors such as lunar tides should be taken into account. The collection should be made when the Moon is waning - during this period, the juices of the plant are collected in the rhizome, thereby increasing its medicinal value;
  • It is the rhizome that needs to be collected, i.e. the underground part of the stem; it has a dark brown or black color, as well as many “nodules” and roots extending in different directions;
  • you should take a young one, top part rhizomes - it has a lighter shade on the outside, and greenish on the inside. The young part is usually about half a meter long.

As for the leaves, the timing and method of collecting them are different:

  • they need to be harvested in mid-July, when the flowers begin to bloom;
  • collection is carried out during the new moon, when the “greenery” accumulates greatest number juice;
  • Only the upper parts of plants are collected; leaves located near the water are susceptible to damage by harmful microorganisms.
Store dried leaves in paper bags or canvas bags in dry places. Shelf life - up to two years.

Did you know? The length of the cinquefoil can reach one meter.

How to dry cinquefoil

The process of drying dekop is simple, but drying rhizomes and leaves has its own characteristics, which we will discuss below.


  1. Wash the collected cut young parts of the rhizomes well in running water and cut off all the side roots with a knife.
  2. Cut fresh raw materials into 2-3 cm pieces, lay them out in one layer on cardboard or plywood, or on thick paper, and dry them in the sun so that they are well blown by the breeze.
  3. The dried pieces are then finally dried in the sun or in a dryer, or in an oven or stove, but the temperature should not be more than 40 degrees.
  4. The readiness of the raw material is determined by its fragility - when pressed, the pieces should break, if they bend, it is defective.
Store finished product in a tightly closed glass container, without access to air, in a dark place with low humidity. Shelf life is three years.

Important! Before using cinquefoil, you should consult your doctor.


Direct drying is carried out in a shaded place blown by the wind (on a balcony, veranda or under an awning), on cardboard or thick paper, and in order to prevent rotting, the raw materials must be stirred periodically.

How to prepare and how to take cinquefoil tincture with alcohol

Alcohol tincture is considered the most effective medicine based on cinquefoil.

Alcohol tinctures of cinquefoil come in two types:

  1. From the roots.
  2. From roots and stems with leaves.
Let's look at the recipes for these tinctures.


Root tincture.

Video: how to prepare cinquefoil tincture.

Drink one diluted amount of water - 50 ml per 1 tbsp. a spoonful of tincture three times a day before meals for no more than 20-25 days. If necessary, repeat the course after a week's break.

Tincture of roots and aerial parts.

  1. Mix 100 g of dry ingredients (root, leaves and stems) in a ratio of two parts rhizome to one part leaves and stems.
  2. Pour the resulting composition into 0.5 liters of alcohol.
  3. Infuse in a warm place away from light for at least two weeks.
  4. Filter, pour into small glass containers and store sealed.
Take with one glass of water. spoon three times a day before meals for a month. For reliable results, you need to drink a liter of tincture per month.

Dosage regimen for prevention

To prevent diseases and improve immunity, take the tincture one tablespoon twice a day for twenty days. During the course of treatment, take breaks for three days.

Features of the use of tincture and treatment of diseases

The tincture is especially effective in treating salt deposits in cervical spine spine, arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, as well as flu and colds. After treatment in human body Metabolism accelerates, toxins are eliminated and immunity is strengthened.

For flu and colds

For these ailments, a tincture of cinquefoil roots will help. Its recipe and dosage regimen are described in detail above.

To treat stomach problems

It will also help with problems with the reproductive system:

  • chop 2 tbsp. spoons of cinquefoil root;
  • pour the crushed root with half a liter of good vodka or alcohol diluted in half with boiled water;
  • leave for three weeks in a place deprived of light, shaking daily. Sign of readiness - dark brown color composition;
  • drain.

Marsh cinquefoil is a plant of the Rosaceae family (in Latin Rosoideae), the main habitat of which is swamps and lake shores. There are several types of cinquefoil - it is both a grass and a low, up to 50 cm, shrub. Sabelnik grows in the vast expanses of Siberia, European countries and North America, and everywhere people find it used in medicine.

Chemical composition and properties of cinquefoil

All parts of the plant – both leaves and rhizomes – have medicinal properties. They contain vitamins, gum, resins, tannins, gallic acid, ascorbic acid, carotene, micro- and macroelements.

Flavonoids, organic acids, and phenolcarboxylic acids were found in the leaves and stems. IN essential oil cinquefoil contains terpeneol, pinene and methylheptenone.

Useful for humans chemical substances contained in cinquefoil and determine its use in folk and official medicine. What does cinquefoil help with?

Marsh cinquefoil has hemostatic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial, hypotensive, diaphoretic, reparative, anticonvulsant, antiscorbutic, antitumor and wound-healing effects.

The use of preparations from marsh cinquefoil can cure many diseases. They can be taken to treat joints, spinal hernia, diarrhea, tuberculosis, leucorrhoea, rheumatism, bleeding, animal bites.

The use of cinquefoil can be both internal and external for compresses, rubbing, treating wounds and lotions, as well as for the treatment of malignant neoplasms.

Infusions of rhizomes can be used to treat breast and stomach cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis, hepatitis, thrombophlebitis, and neuralgic pain. ethnoscience actively uses the diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties of cinquefoil.

Preparations of cinquefoil have a beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, female organs, respiratory and digestive organs. Infusions and decoctions relieve pain, soothe itching, cleanse purulent wounds, stop bleeding, promote wound healing.

Medicinal raw materials are harvested in the summer - leaves and stems during flowering, roots in late August - early September. Just like others medicinal herbs, cinquefoil is dried in the shade in drafts, as well as in the oven at a temperature of 40-50 degrees. Raw materials are stored for 2 years.

Recipes from cinquefoil

You can make a lot of cinquefoil from marsh cinquefoil medicinal drugs– infusions, tinctures, ointments. Based on cinquefoil pharmaceutical companies They produce tablets, ointments, balms, alcohol tinctures, creams, and all of them are used in medicine. The most effective means is an alcohol tincture because it is in alcohol that water-insoluble substances dissolve, and besides, alcohol instantly delivers them to the right place.

Using the recipes proposed in this article, you can independently make some simple medicines from marsh cinquefoil, of course, if you have the opportunity to collect and prepare raw materials in an ecologically clean area.

Recipe 1.

Tincture of cinquefoil with vodka or alcohol. Fill a liter jar 1/3 with chopped cinquefoil roots. Pour 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol, close nylon cover, put it in a dark place for 3 weeks. Then strain and pour into a clean container.

Application and indications: the tincture should be drunk for arthritis, rheumatism, stomach and breast cancer, stomatitis, salt deposits in the spine, inflammation and colds. You need to drink 1 tablespoon of the tincture 3 times a day before meals, with water.

For the purposes of prevention and treatment, the course lasts 20 days, after which you need to take a break for 3 days and repeat the treatment. Alcohol tincture can be used for rubbing, treating wounds, and compresses.

Recipe 2.

A herniated disc does not need to be treated surgical method. There is a lot for this folk remedies, for example, marsh cinquefoil. To treat spinal hernia, cinquefoil can be used in the form of a decoction or tincture. First we give the recipe for the decoction. Pour 1 tablespoon of cinquefoil rhizomes with a glass of boiling water and boil for 15 minutes. After cooling, the broth should be strained and topped up with warm water. boiled water so that you get 250 ml of liquid.

Use of the decoction for spinal hernia: drink 3 times a day, 1/3 cup after meals. Similarly, the decoction can be taken for gout, radiculitis, and osteochondrosis.

Recipe 3.

Tincture of cinquefoil in vodka for the treatment of spinal hernia. The grass and cinquefoil rhizomes are crushed and placed in a liter jar with a third of the volume. The jar is completely filled with vodka and closed with a nylon lid. Leave for 21 days, then filter.

Use of the tincture: to get rid of a hernia of the spine, you need to drink the tincture 3 times a day, 1 tablespoon. In addition, the tincture can be used for rubbing problem areas spine, but in this case it is not the vertebrae that are rubbed, but the area around them. Complex treatment hernia will be more effective. While taking the medicine, you should avoid alcoholic beverages, spicy and sour foods.

Recipe 4.

Sabelnik gives good results in the treatment of joints; for these purposes, you can make decoctions, tinctures, and ointments. First, let's make a cinquefoil tincture with vodka or alcohol. Mix 50 grams of raw materials and 500 ml of vodka or alcohol, leave for 3 weeks, shaking from time to time. Then strain the tincture and store it in the refrigerator.

Application: for joint pain you need to drink 1 tbsp. spoon of tincture three times a day, diluting with 50 ml of water. From the alcohol tincture you can make ointment, compresses and rubbing of sore joints.

Rubbing is done very simply - apply the tincture to the area of ​​sore joints, rub it, then wrap it in cellophane and wrap it in a warm cloth.

Compresses are made like this: soak a linen cloth in the tincture and wrap it around the sore joints. Cover with cellophane, wrap with a cloth, leave for several hours or overnight.

Recipe 5.

In addition, you can make an ointment to treat joints. To do this, you need to take 1 tablespoon of cinquefoil alcohol tincture, 1 teaspoon of red pepper tincture, 5 drops oil solution vitamin E, goose or lamb fat - 50 ml.

Mix the ingredients and first keep them at room temperature for 3-4 hours, then put them in the refrigerator. To rub sore joints, the ointment should be applied 3-4 times a day, last time- for the night.

Recipe 6.

Tincture for the treatment of joints from cinquefoil and galangal in vodka. Fill a liter jar halfway with chopped cinquefoil and galangal rhizomes, fill with vodka to the top. Leave for 3 weeks, then strain.

Application: external or internal. You need to drink the tincture in the same way as in recipe No. 4.

Recipe 7.

A decoction of cinquefoil. 2 tbsp. spoons of raw materials pour 500 ml of boiling water, cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Then strain and take for stomach cancer, activity disorders thyroid gland, rheumatism, 50 ml 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.


Sabelnik lowers blood pressure, so it should not be taken by hypotensive patients.

Sabelnik is a harmless plant, however, some of its substances can cause individual intolerance.

Preparations from cinquefoil are contraindicated for internal use during pregnancy and lactation.

Alcohol tinctures of cinquefoil cannot be used to treat children, persons in alcohol addiction, and persons for whom alcohol is contraindicated for other reasons.