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How to take a calming cocktail of 5 tinctures. Calming mixture of five tinctures

For problems with sleep, blood pressure and nervous disorders we turn to pharmaceutical products, which usually have an impressive price and weight side effects. Sometimes it is useful to remember the methods of treating your ailments from traditional medicine. One of the effective means is sedative collection of 5 tinctures: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, peony to which, for better effect you can add corvalol. This mixture of tinctures is useful for strengthening the heart, reducing blood pressure and works great as a sedative. Also, five tinctures are a folk remedy for hypertension. Each of them has its own positive influence on health and the body as a whole, but taking drugs together gives greater effect. Let's look at the qualities of each ingredient.

Use tincture, decoction, thick extract this plant. This drug has quite wide application and helps with nervous disorders, warns sharp jumps pressure during stress and even helps with gastrointestinal spasms. Valerian is included in many sedatives and antidepressants. This plant was known back in Ancient Greece, but there it was used only as an aromatic agent. Cleopatra considered the aerial part of valerian an aphrodisiac and kept it near her bed. On this moment The root of a two-year-old plant is used to make medicine; it contains the most useful substances.

It will also help with disorders menstrual cycle, at hypertension and even in illness thyroid gland. Decoctions, tablet forms of the extract, and tinctures of this herb are used. For cooking use top part plants during flowering. Motherwort is the main component of some neurotropic drugs regulating cardiovascular activity.

Helps with cramps, has an analgesic, antispasmodic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect. Also, when taking medications based on this plant, wounds heal faster, harmful cholesterol is eliminated, the central nervous system works better, performance increases and sleep improves. In addition, marin root will help lower blood pressure. Peony tincture is effective for vegetative-vascular diseases, has a slight analgesic effect, which is good for headaches and migraines. Regular use of the tincture helps to better concentrate and absorb information, helps stabilize mood and emotional condition. Both the plant itself and the rhizomes are used to prepare medicines. For all its benefits, peony is also poisonous plant, so you can’t get carried away with treatment with its help. Reviews say that the result of treatment does not occur instantly, but only 7-10 days after the start of treatment

This plant helps normalize blood pressure and digestion. Helps overcome fatigue nervous tension and insomnia. Fruits and flowers strengthen the walls of blood vessels and maintain their elasticity. They have an antitumor and anti-inflammatory effect, and also help wounds heal faster, normalize kidney function, increase blood supply to the brain and heart, and reduce the excitability of the central nervous system. They use infusions, tinctures and decoctions that have positive action for the whole body.

The recipe for making medicine at home is very simple. It is necessary to take ready-made tinctures of hawthorn, peony, valerian, motherwort and pour the contents into a darkened glass container.

A mixture of 5 tinctures is the best folk remedy for high blood pressure, they will also easily calm frayed nerves. It also helps with incipient tachycardia.

In any case, it is better to consult with your doctor before starting treatment. this drug. And you need to remember that moderation is important in everything, so the intake must be carried out strictly in accordance with the recommendations. Excessive use of a mixture of tinctures can cause reverse effect and cause excitement rather than calm.

Attempts to calm frayed nerves or restore restful sleep using tinctures of valerian or motherwort are most often doomed to failure. The most popular sedatives - tinctures of hawthorn, valerian, motherwort and peony individually also affect the nervous system and other organs, but are not able to solve all the problems of a person facing nervous strain or prolonged stress. If you are experiencing constant feeling fatigue, irritation, problems with sleep and appetite, and strong emotional arousal causes interruptions in heart function or digestive disorders, it’s worth a try complex remedy– tincture of hawthorn, valerian, motherwort and peony “in one bottle.”

Tincture of hawthorn, valerian, motherwort and peony - what are its advantages and how it works

Each component included in such a tincture has its own effect, but together they strengthen and complement each other, simultaneously affecting all the “weak points” in the human body, with a weakened nervous system.

Hawthorn– a plant – a healer, hawthorn preparations strengthen the heart muscle, improve blood circulation in the myocardium and reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, reducing the risk of developing coronary disease heart and myocardial infarction. In addition, hawthorn has a mild sedative effect, it strengthens the nervous system, improves immunity and acts as a general tonic. Hawthorn in the tincture helps reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, strengthens the immune system and increases vitality and the patient's mood.

Valerian– an excellent sedative, its effect manifests itself gradually, due to the accumulation of the substance in the body. Valerina reduces reflex excitability nervous system, has a slight antispasmodic effect and has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, slowing the heartbeat and improving cardiac conduction. Taking valerian does not help quick effect, as part of the tincture, cat root is a “remote” action drug; after 1-2 weeks of use, the patient’s nervous system will stop reacting so strongly to any irritants, sleep and appetite will improve, and the heart and stomach will stop reacting to stressful situations.

Motherwort– the main “sedative” component of this tincture. It has a rapid inhibitory effect on the brain, reducing its ability to respond to any stimuli. Motherwort preparations have another remarkable property– they are able to influence the autonomic nervous system, relieving vascular spasm and improving blood circulation in internal organs. It is thanks to motherwort that when taking the tincture, the patient feels relief and calm in the first days of treatment - his irritability decreases, sleep improves and general health.

Peony evasive- a plant that can restore the joy of life and good mood anyone. Peony tincture not only affects the human nervous system, reducing emotional excitability, but also increases the production of endorphins - “hormones of joy”, normalizes mood, restores strength and desire to work and live on, and also strengthens overall health.

Thanks to the complex effect on the nervous system and the body as a whole, tincture of hawthorn, valerian, motherwort, and peony turns out to be several times more effective than each drug individually. Sometimes corvalol is added to herbal preparations to enhance the sedative and cardiotonic effect.

For what diseases is the tincture taken?

This tincture can be taken for chronic stress disorder, constant irritation, hysteria, increased emotional excitability, nervous overstrain, chronic fatigue and depression, sleep and appetite disorders, cerebral circulation, migraine, increased blood pressure and other similar conditions.

How to prepare and take the tincture

The easiest way to prepare this tincture is to buy alcohol tinctures of each drug separately at the pharmacy and mix them. To do this, you need a dark glass container, into which 20-25 ml of each tincture is poured in turn and, if desired, another 15 ml of Corvalol is added, mixed thoroughly and left for several hours.

You can prepare such a tincture yourself; for this you need fresh or dried hawthorn flowers, valerian roots, motherwort leaves, peony rhizomes and 70% pure alcohol. All herbal preparations take in equal quantities, crush and fill with 70% alcohol, at the rate of 1 part of plant mass and 5 parts of alcohol. Then it is left in a dark, cold place for 2-3 weeks and then used for treatment according to the above scheme.


Alcohol tincture should not be used by pregnant and lactating women, as well as by patients suffering from peptic ulcers or alcohol dependence.

Sedatives can be freely purchased from pharmacy chains– many of these drugs are sold without a prescription from a doctor. But not only the pharmacological industry is able to relieve irritation and fatigue, relieve anxiety and fear, and normalize the psycho-emotional background. There are similar remedies in folk medicine, just as effective, but much more useful - they do not contain chemical compounds or artificial additives.

Medicinal herbs

We recommend reading:

Traditional medicine knows many medicinal plants that have sedative property. And please note: they do not have a depressing effect on the central nervous system and are not addictive. Medicinal herbs can be considered as excellent sedatives for adults and children. However, before prescribing these herbs to your child, you should still consult with your pediatrician. (dosages for children will be different).

The most popular medicinal plants with a calming effect:

  1. Oregano. This medicinal herb not only relieves irritation and anxiety, but also provides deep night sleep. Therefore, a decoction of oregano can be safely used not only for nervousness, but also for insomnia associated with. The principle of preparing the decoction: a glass of boiling water + 2 teaspoons of dry oregano, infused for 20 minutes. Dosage regimen: warm, 100 ml, one hour before meals, at least 4 times a day.
  2. Bird's knotweed. This herb, which is considered safe even for children and during pregnancy, has a guaranteed calming effect. The principle of preparing the decoction: a glass of boiling water + a tablespoon of dry raw materials, leave for 4 hours in a thermos. Directions for use: a tablespoon of strained decoction/infusion four times a day.
  3. Thyme. Very useful herb, which, in addition to influencing the psycho-emotional background and functioning of the nervous system, can normalize functionality digestive system(for example, restore appetite, get rid of chronic constipation). The principle of preparing the infusion: a tablespoon of dry raw materials + a glass of boiling water, infuse for 2 hours in a hermetically sealed container. Directions for use: a tablespoon three times a day half an hour before meals.
  4. . This is enough delicious medicine- literally a compote that will bring daily life calmness and tranquility. It is recommended to take it only in mild case irritability, mild insomnia, increased fatigue. This remedy is very effective in the premenstrual period - the woman will feel much calmer and more confident, despite the disorder in hormonal background. Preparation principle: a tablespoon of crushed blood-red hawthorn fruits + a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Directions for use: 2 teaspoons 20 minutes before meals three to four times a day.
  5. Motherwort cordial. This plant has proven itself so well that it is very often used in the preparation of absolutely official medicines. You can prepare an infusion of their motherwort cordial at home - it will be even more useful, if only because the product will not contain any preservatives. Preparation principle: a glass of boiling water per tablespoon of dry crushed raw materials, leave for 15 minutes and strain. Usage regimen: four times a day, regardless of meals, a teaspoon.
  6. . An ordinary grass that grows in fields, meadows, and even courtyards. If you collect it in August, you can drink a decoction from it all winter and “charge” your body with health, including in relation to the nervous system and psycho-emotional background. Preparation principle: pour a tablespoon of dry fireweed tea into a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 4 hours, filter. Directions for use: a tablespoon three times a day before meals.
  7. Valerian root. Another plant that has found its use not only in folk medicine - the pharmacological industry produces quite a lot of medicines with this plant. At home, you can prepare a sedative with valerian root. Preparation principle: grind the root of the plant, take a tablespoon of dry raw materials, pour 300 ml of boiling water

Note: Some of the above types of medicinal plants are contraindicated.

Unusual sedatives for the nervous system

There are several recipes from the category of traditional medicine, which many will perceive with a grin. Indeed, the mixture of some components can hardly be clearly mistaken for medicine - petals of some decorative flowers, ordinary vegetables... And yet, below are two recipes that will help normalize the psycho-emotional background and adjust the mood:

  • mix beet juice (regular, red) and honey in equal proportions, take a teaspoon 4 times a day after meals;

  • take a glass of water and half a glass of white rose petals, the same number of white gladioli petals, 2 tablespoons of white phlox petals. Infuse the mixture for 7 days in a dark place, then add a teaspoon for the entire exchange baking soda, filter the medicine and take a tablespoon three times a day an hour before meals.

These rather strange sedatives homemade can be used to relieve tension, calm down in case of problems that require concentration. But be sure to rule out an allergic reaction to honey and flowers, so as not to worsen your health.

Alcohol tinctures with a sedative effect

Alcohol tinctures have always been considered a good sedative. But they have many contraindications for use:

But if there are no contraindications, then you can sedative use the following alcohol tinctures:

  1. Wine and lemon balm. Take a liter of high-quality white wine, add a tablespoon of crushed lemon balm to it and put it in a dark place for 14 days - during this time the medicine will “ripen”. Take 50 ml tincture three times a day before meals.
  2. Blood red hawthorn flowers. For alcohol tincture It is the flowers of this plant that are needed - take 1 part of them and fill them with 10 parts of alcohol (vodka/moonshine), leave for a week. You need to take the product 15 drops twice a day, it can be diluted in water or drinks.
  3. Cocktail of hawthorn and valerian. Excellent tool, which has a calming effect even with advanced depression and neuroses. It is necessary to prepare two tinctures separately:
  • from hawthorn fruits - mix a glass of crushed berries and a glass of alcohol, leave in a dark place for 20 days;
  • from valerian roots - 5 parts alcohol to 1 part crushed valerian roots, leave for 20 days in a dark and warm place.

A soothing cocktail is prepared immediately before use - mix 10 drops of each tincture and drink. It is recommended to take the product once a day before bedtime.

  1. Peony evasive. A tincture of this flower is sold in pharmacy chains, but you can prepare it yourself - a calming effect is guaranteed. You need to take 10 g of dry raw materials (peony roots and grass) and 100 ml of alcohol, leave for 14 days. Take tincture of peony evader in courses of one month - drink for 30 days/30 days off, daily dosage– 20 drops at night.

Features of the use of sedative alcohol tinctures

Firstly, alcohol tinctures should not be consumed if you are going to drive a car or other vehicle. Even small dose alcohol can change not in better side the level of psychomotor reactions, and it will be problematic to prove that only alcohol from the drug is in the blood.

Secondly, it is necessary to exclude an allergic reaction to all types of medicinal plants with a sedative effect. Otherwise, instead of calming down, you can “earn” itchy skin, rashes, and aggravate disturbances in the psycho-emotional background.

Thirdly, you can not only use the alcohol tinctures described above as a sedative, but also combine them - tincture with valerian and tincture of peony, tincture of hawthorn and wine with lemon balm. But for the first time you need to experiment with small doses - let it be 5 drops of each product, and after 24 hours it will be clear how suitable the resulting product is for the body.

Alcohol tinctures cannot be considered as sedatives for children: ethanol is contraindicated for them even in small doses.

Important:Any alcohol tinctures of a sedative nature can be used only after consulting a doctor. If nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or impaired consciousness occur while taking these medications, you should immediately stop taking the medication, and if your health condition worsens, seek medical help.

Soothing baths

There's one more thing effective remedy as a sedative - baths. They can be performed on almost every person (with the exception of allergy sufferers), they do not imply any restrictions on work or hobbies (unlike alcohol tinctures), medicinal baths will help both people with severe neuroses/depression and those who are simply going through difficult moments in life. Recipes for soothing baths:

  1. Melissa, rosemary, lavender, thyme, mint – take 1 part of these herbs, add 300 ml of water, boil for 7 minutes and strain. The resulting broth should be poured into the bath, the procedure time is 20 minutes.
  2. Sunflower seeds, valerian root - take only 300 g of a mixture of equal proportions of raw materials, pour 3 liters of boiling water and leave for 6 hours. Then pour the resulting infusion into the bath. The water temperature is not higher than 37 degrees, the procedure time is 10 minutes, after the bath you need to rest for 40 minutes.
  3. Rosemary leaf, linden flowers, wormwood herb - pour a kilogram of herbs (all equally) into 4 liters of water, boil for 7 minutes and leave for 5 minutes. The resulting broth is filtered and poured into the bath. The procedure time is 15 minutes.

Baths should be taken in courses of 15-20 procedures, then you need to take a break of 30 days and repeat the procedures if necessary.

note: baths are an excellent sedative for women, with the exception of pregnant women. During pregnancy, baths can only be taken after consultation with the gynecologist. Sedatives from the category of traditional medicine are quite effective - this is confirmed by official medicine. They can be safely used in the treatment of irritability, depression, despondency, sharp changes mood, mild neuroses. But before you make any specific choice in favor of this or that product, you should definitely consult with a specialist.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category.

A modern person has to go through stress every day, experience excessive anxiety, subject the nervous system to overstrain (after all, it gets excited for any reason: from news heard on TV, from even small troubles at work, from the fact that a child has an unexpected rise in temperature, and so on). All this has a detrimental effect on the functioning of the heart and negatively affects the condition of the entire body, disrupts our sleep, worsens our well-being, and reduces efficiency and activity. That's why without sedatives you just can’t get by, even today pharmaceutical companies surprise us with an abundance of products with a sedative effect, offering drugs and tinctures for nerves and stress on plant materials.

Review of herbs that have sedative properties and are suitable for preparing tinctures for stress

Let's look at what herbs generally have a sedative effect on human body and are used by pharmacists to manufacture this type of drug.

  1. Valerian. The tincture on it is called the leader, providing the fastest sedative effect. Impact active substances manifests itself gradually, but has a fairly long-lasting effect due to their accumulation in the body. This medicinal plant significantly reduces the reflex excitability of the nervous system and has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, slowing and normalizing the heartbeat, as well as maintaining cardiac conduction. It is recommended to take the drug in a course to ensure a long-lasting effect, in which neither the heart nor the nervous system will react so sharply to stressful situations.
  2. Hawthorn. This plant is also recognized as one of the best natural healers and protectors of the nervous system. It has a mild sedative effect, helps strengthen the heart muscle, reduces the risk of heart attacks and ischemia, improves local blood circulation, and lowers the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. In addition, the plant includes components that help strengthen the immune system and can be used as a general tonic.
  3. Motherwort. It has a unique and quite strong “calming” effect; it has a positive effect on brain receptors, reducing their ability to respond to any irritants. Components of this medicinal plant help relieve vascular spasms, stimulate blood circulation in internal organs. based on motherwort, they are distinguished by a very rapid manifestation of the result of action, it is noticeable from the first day of treatment. The herb will help relieve irritability, promote restful sleep, and improve a person’s overall well-being.
  4. Peony. This amazing plant, which can lift the mood and restore the joy of life to anyone who has been crippled by stress or a disorder of the nervous system. It reduces emotional excitability, restores strength, increases activity, and what’s interesting is that it stimulates the process of synthesis in the body of endorphins - “hormones of joy”, which helps to fully recover. After all, a good mood is the key to health!
  5. Peppermint. The ability of this plant with a surprisingly pleasant aroma to calm the nervous system, relieve tension, help the body relax, and improve sleep has been known since ancient times. For centuries traditional healers used mint leaves in the treatment of their patients, even today many of us are surprised magical power mint tea or alcohol tincture.

Carefully! Tinctures are alcohol-containing preparations, therefore they have contraindications. They are not prescribed to children, pregnant women and nursing mothers, as well as to those patients who have been diagnosed with peptic ulcer. In all these cases, decoctions with these plants are recommended.

Simple recipes for tinctures for stress and to calm the nervous system

Alcohol tinctures that calm the nervous system including the above-described medicinal herbs sold in almost any pharmacy. But many trust more what is prepared with their own hands. If you have mint, peony, chamomile, valerian and other plants that exhibit sedative effect, then you can use some simple and proven recipes for preparing tinctures, the effect of which is much higher.

Carefully! Lily of the valley is contraindicated after heart attacks, with tachycardia and angina, brain diseases and after traumatic brain injuries.

With the modern rhythm of life, poor ecology, fast food our body is exposed to constant stress, as a result we become more irritable, tense, and a feeling of constant fatigue, anxiety, sleep disturbance. And we are no longer able to cope with all this on our own. If you don’t take any immediate action, you can end up with a bunch of serious illnesses.

To successfully deal with stress, you need to spend more time fresh air, making hiking, play sports, yoga, go for massage treatments, change your attitude towards nutrition. In addition, treatment with herbs that have calming properties will effectively complement these methods of combating stress and irritability. Previously, to put the nervous system in order, people often used herbs and prepared soothing tinctures from them, which effectively helped in treatment. Nowadays, the majority of people, when necessary, run to the pharmacy for one medicine or another. However, even medicines, prepared on the basis of herbs, contain a bunch of other components, the effect of which on the body can be very different. As a result, having cured one disease with the help pharmaceutical product, we can acquire another, caused by it. Moreover, sedatives medications(in particular antidepressants) can cause persistent dependence in a person, have a sedative effect, and can also cause drowsiness and depression.

This raises the question: is it worth choosing at all as a sedative? pharmaceutical drugs? After all, it is much more effective to use what Mother Nature gave us. There are many known simple and effective types soothing herbs, which normalize the state of the nervous system, eliminate insomnia, fatigue and irritability. ethnoscience is represented by a huge number of recipes using herbs and preparing tinctures. Moreover, the use of such drugs does not cause side effects and does not harm health. Of course, before use folk remedies You should still consult your doctor for any contraindications. After all, today in the world it is practically impossible to find completely healthy person. Today, even in some cases of illness, doctors themselves prescribe herbs, both for prevention and treatment.

Soothing herbs and tinctures are much safer to use and have a milder effect than medications, are not addictive. And at the same time they are no less effective in action.

Soothing herbs and tinctures in folk medicine.
A herbal decoction made from motherwort (3 tbsp), mint (3 tbsp), hop cones (2 tbsp) and valerian root (2 tbsp) perfectly soothes and relieves stress. Take two tablespoons of the resulting herbal mixture, pour 200 ml of boiling water and put on water bath for fifteen minutes. After this, cool the mixture, strain through cheesecloth and bring the total volume to 200 ml. It is recommended to take half a glass of the decoction three times a day.

Tincture of angelica (or angelica officinalis) is effective in cases of nervous system disorders, hypertension, rheumatism and some other diseases. To prepare it, crushed angelica root (30 g) should be poured with half a liter of white wine. The mixture must be infused for twenty-four hours, shaking it regularly. After the lapse of specified period the tincture should be strained. You should take it 50 ml twice a day.

An infusion of fireweed (fireweed) tea effectively helps as a preventive measure, as well as in the treatment of many diseases. This infusion is recommended for frequent headaches, insomnia, and also as a sedative. To prepare it, you need to take two tablespoons of dry fireweed herb and pour a glass of boiling water. It is better to do this in a thermos. The mixture needs three to four hours to infuse thoroughly. Then the infusion must be filtered, after which two tablespoons should be consumed four times daily.

The calming properties of valerian have long been recognized in folk and official medicine. Valerian roots can be used alone or in combination with other medicinal herbs. You can take and mix in equal proportions mint leaves, valerian roots, cumin and fennel seeds, chamomile flowers, then pour a tablespoon of this herbal mixture into 200 ml of boiling water. Close and wrap the container in which the herb was brewed and leave for twenty minutes. After this, the infusion must be filtered, squeezed and consumed twice a day, 100 ml.

Or another recipe: also take valerian root, pre-crushed, and dried lemon balm herb in equal proportions. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting mixture into 250 ml of boiling water and let it brew for fifteen minutes. Then the infusion must be filtered through cheesecloth or some kind of strainer. You should drink this infusion like tea, only in small sips. It easily relieves nervous tension. But you shouldn't abuse it, because long-term use contraindicated.

An infusion of the following is good for relieving tension and fatigue herbal collection: mix two parts each of chamomile flowers, crushed valerian root, lemon balm and buckthorn, as well as one part each of mint herb and hop cones. Take a tablespoon of the resulting mixture and brew it with a glass of boiling water, wrap it well and let it brew for two to three hours. Then strain the tincture and drink 100 g daily four times.

Mint, like valerian, is widely known as a good (and most importantly, pleasant) remedy that relieves irritation and nervousness. It can also be brewed separately and drunk as tea, which effectively calms nerves and fights insomnia, improving sleep quality, or can be included in herbal teas with a calming effect. It’s just important to brew this herb in a stainless container. You need to pour a tablespoon of mint into 250 ml of boiling water and put it in a water bath to heat. Heat for fifteen minutes, stirring constantly. After this, the tea must be cooled, strained and adjusted to volume. boiled water up to half a liter. Take 50 ml daily fifteen minutes before meals.

Tincture of lemon balm in white wine is also a very good sedative. Take two tablespoons of pre-crushed dry lemon balm and pour a liter of good white wine, tightly close the container with a lid and leave to infuse in a dark place for two weeks. After two weeks, the tincture should be filtered and you can drink 50 g daily three times.

An infusion of St. John's wort can also relieve irritability and nervousness. To do this, take two tablespoons of St. John's wort and add to it a tablespoon of lemon balm, orange tree and lavender flowers. Then pour three tablespoons of the resulting herbal raw material into a liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for three to four hours. It is recommended to drink this decoction in the form of tea, 200 g 4 times a day. The course of treatment is three weeks.

St. John's wort can also be used to prepare an alcohol tincture. To do this, pour ten tablespoons of this herb into half a liter medical alcohol and leave for two weeks in a dark place. After the tincture is ready, it must be strained and poured into a clean bottle. dark color. It is recommended to use this soothing tincture daily, a teaspoon diluted in 100 ml of milk.

A good remedy for calming the nervous system is tea made from a mixture of tansy, oregano and calendula herbs, taken in the same ratio. Brew three tablespoons of the resulting mixture with half a liter of boiling water, leave for fifteen to thirty minutes, strain and drink half a glass three times during the day.

Heather tea also helps normalize the nervous system and also has an excellent relaxing and calming effect. A tablespoon of herb is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and infused for two to three minutes. Consumed in the form of tea with added sugar or honey.

And here lime tea, it turns out, can help cope not only with colds, but also effectively remove excessive irritability. To prepare it, add one part of linden blossom and lemon balm to 250 ml of boiling water, put on fire and boil for two minutes. After this, the tea should be removed from the heat and allowed to brew for fifteen minutes. Then strain it and you can drink it. Each time the tea is prepared for one serving.

Yarrow is effective in treating many diseases. At the same time, it also perfectly relaxes the muscles and improves the functioning of the nervous system. A tablespoon of dry yarrow is poured into 250 ml of boiling water and allowed to brew for half an hour. The infusion should be consumed three times a day before meals, one tablespoon at a time.

Wormwood infusion helps in cases chronic insomnia, nervous attacks. To prepare it, brew two tablespoons of the herb in 400 ml of boiling water and leave for an hour. It is recommended to drink this infusion 100 ml three to four times a day immediately before meals.

An infusion of the following herbal collection is considered a good sedative: take 20 g each of linden blossom, lemon balm, mint and 10 g each of chamomile and motherwort. It is recommended to store this herbal mixture in a glass container with a lid. At one time, brew three tablespoons of the mixture in a liter of boiling water. You can add dry berries (strawberries, currants, raspberries) to this infusion for taste. You need to drink it in the form of tea, two or three cups daily, you can add a little honey. This tea has a gentle effect on the nervous system; you can drink it for a very long time.

The combination of hawthorn and valerian tinctures gives an excellent calming effect. The tinctures should be prepared separately from each other. To prepare hawthorn tincture, you need to pour a glass of fresh pre-crushed hawthorn berries with a glass of seventy-degree alcohol, leave for three weeks in a dark place, then strain using two or three layers of gauze. To prepare valerian tincture, pour one part of crushed valerian roots with five parts of seventy-degree alcohol, leave for a week in a dark, warm place, and strain through cheesecloth. You should drink thirty drops of each product diluted in boiled water before going to bed.

The following infusion is considered a quick sedative that relaxes the nervous system and the entire body as a whole: collect 10 g of valerian root, 40 g of heather, 30 g each of motherwort and marsh grass. Take four tablespoons of the resulting herbal mixture and brew with boiling water and leave overnight to infuse. After this, the infusion should be drunk every two hours, 50 g with the addition of a spoon of honey.

Soothing juices.
Fruit and vegetable juices can also have a relaxing effect on our body. Beet juice in combination with honey, it perfectly relieves irritability and nervousness. Honey and juice are mixed in equal proportions. You should drink it daily, two tablespoons three to four times.

Herbal infusions can also be used as a sedative for children, but before doing this you need to consult a specialist. Mix two tablespoons of wheatgrass, licorice and marshmallow roots with chamomile flowers and fennel seeds, taken one tablespoon each. Then take two tablespoons of the resulting herbal mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water, put on fire and cook from the moment of boiling for twenty minutes over low heat. Then strain the broth, cool and give children a teaspoon to drink warm before meals and before bed.

Soothing baths.
Calming herbs and tinctures can be used to create soothing baths. For example, a bath with oregano, it not only relieves tension, but also effectively relieves the symptoms of menopause. It is better to take such a bath before bed. Ten to twelve procedures are recommended. To prepare a bath, take 100 g of oregano and add three liters of boiling water. The infusion must be left for at least three hours and then strained. Add this liquid to a bath filled with water. It is necessary to take such a bath half an hour before bedtime and no more than twenty minutes. This procedure should be done every other day.

Or here is a recipe for another soothing bath: mix in equal proportions Linden blossom, wormwood, rosemary leaves. For four liters cold water you need a kilogram of herbs that are infused for ten minutes. Then the mixture is put on fire and boiled from the moment of boiling for five minutes, then insisted again for at least thirty minutes. This decoction should be strained before pouring into the bath. The bath should be half full. You should take this bath once a week, thirty minutes before bedtime.

You can also prepare such a bath: take and mix two parts of crushed calamus root, part of softened sunflower seeds, three parts of crushed valerian root. Take 300 g of the resulting herbal mixture and brew it with two liters of boiling water, put it on the fire and boil for twenty minutes from the moment it boils. Then the infusion should be filtered and added to the filled bath. The water should be warm (not higher than 37 degrees), but not hot. It is recommended to take this bath no more than ten minutes an hour before bedtime. After the procedure, rest for forty minutes is required. This bath is taken for 10 minutes. The course of procedures is 15-20 baths.

You can also use a valerian bath, for which you should pour 100 g of crushed valerian root with two liters of water, put on fire and boil for ten minutes after boiling over low heat. After this, strain the broth and add it to a warm bath.

Or you can prepare this fragrant bath: mix lemon balm, rosemary, sage, Greek lavender, mint, and thyme in equal parts. Then take 600 g of the resulting herbal mixture and brew with three liters of boiling water, put on fire, bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat for another fifteen minutes. Then strain the broth and pour into a filled warm water bath Taking a bath should not exceed fifteen minutes, after which you need to rest for at least an hour. This kind of procedure perfectly calms and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. The course of bathing ranges from eight to fifteen procedures.

A bath with lemon balm infusion effectively relaxes, relieving tension and fatigue. To prepare it, you need to pour five tablespoons of lemon balm into a liter of boiling water, place in a water bath, and after half an hour, strain and pour into a filled bath. Take this bath for 10 - 15 minutes.

The use of medicinal herbs and tinctures as a sedative gives excellent results, and is completely safe for health. And, nevertheless, before using them it is still worth consulting with specialists, since if you do not know or overuse their use may provoke allergic reactions and even poisoning.