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Low temperature 35.3. Low body temperature: causes

It's no secret that acute respiratory diseases in most cases are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. Heat - natural reaction the human body to toxins formed during the life of pathogenic microorganisms, which irritate the thermoregulation zones located in the brain.

When body temperature rises to 39°C, almost all known viruses die. But sometimes when colds And viral infections Body temperature does not increase, but decreases. Such a strange phenomenon usually causes anxiety and bewilderment. Is it dangerous? What to do in this situation?

Why does the temperature drop during acute respiratory diseases?

In fact, low body temperature during a cold, accompanied by tachycardia, is not so rare symptom. It’s just that the body of a sick person is exhausted and exhausted, it is not able to maintain body heat at a normal level. A sharp drop in body temperature during acute respiratory disease is a sure sign of exhaustion immune system. In this case, the body surrenders to the onslaught of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.

  • Medical experts generally believe that the temperature of a healthy person is 36.6°C.
  • But in reality, the human body can heat up to 37°C and cool down to 36°C during the day.

And this normal phenomenon, depending on physical condition organism and conditions environment. A small number of people have a body temperature that does not exceed 35.5°C at all throughout their lives. These people manage to live fully at such low temperatures until gray hair. But if, during a flu or cold, the body suddenly cools down to 35.0 - 35.5 ° C, then the body’s defenses are depleted and can no longer fight the infection.

Decreased body temperature in young children

In children under three years of age, in the vast majority of cases, the temperature during acute respiratory diseases does not increase, but decreases. Children's body sensitive and weak, he is unable to effectively resist pathogens. In this situation, parents must provide the child with:

  • vitamins to strengthen the immune system,
  • warm clothes,
  • plenty of warm drinks.

If your baby gets sick during the cold season, it is advisable to limit walking outside. In no case should rubbing be done at low temperatures, as the baby will only get worse. It is better to prepare hot herbal tea for him, cover him with a blanket, and place a heating pad under his back. Many pediatricians note that the temperature in young patients drops sharply after taking the homeopathic immunostimulant Anaferon.

What pathologies cause body temperature to decrease?

Most often, body temperature decreases when the body weakens after the flu or cold. But acute respiratory diseases are not the only causes of sudden cooling human body. Doctors identify many factors that negatively affect the body’s thermoregulation.

  1. A decrease in temperature is almost always recorded when the immune system is suppressed.
  2. Low body temperature is also observed in people suffering from vitamin deficiency.

Vitamin deficiency in the body is usually observed after severe infectious diseases, since the immune system spends a large amount nutrients to fight pathogenic microorganisms. To normalize the content of vitamins in the body, it is necessary to eat vegetables and fruits daily and take vitamin and mineral complexes.

A sharp decrease in body temperature and increased heart rate is recorded in people with a cold or flu who decide to engage in sports training or vigorous physical activity. In acute respiratory diseases, the human body quickly gets tired; if it is overstressed, recovery is delayed, and the temperature drops to dangerous levels.

Some people lose weight during the flu, sometimes even to the point of anorexia. In this condition, a decrease in temperature is often observed. But even people who do not have the flu and who are significantly underweight constantly have a low temperature. Also, the body can cool down due to circulatory disorders during ARVI, and also due to wearing shoes that do not fit, uncomfortable and tight clothing that compresses blood vessels.

Symptoms of decreased body temperature during acute respiratory infections

Understand that the temperature has dropped by external signs not easy. It’s better not to worry about guessing, but to use a thermometer. Most often, a sick person with a decrease in body temperature experiences the following symptoms:

  • weakness, powerlessness;
  • drowsiness;
  • feeling of overwork;
  • apathetic state.

Some sick people become nervous, anxious, and irritable. IN in rare cases low temperature is accompanied by dizziness, severe migraine, low blood pressure, and tinnitus. Adults, like children, should never rub their bodies when cooling their bodies after a cold or flu. This procedure does not normalize temperature indicators, but only worsens the person’s condition.

To increase the temperature after a respiratory illness, it is recommended for an adult to:

  • make yourself hot tea with natural honey,
  • drink fresh squeezed juices,
  • eat fruits and vegetables daily,
  • take vitamin and mineral complexes.

While lying in bed or sitting in front of the TV, you can place a hot heating pad under your side or back.

What and how to treat low body temperature?

If your body temperature is low and you have a cold, you don’t need to worry too much. Temperatures return to normal when recovery occurs. However, if your body temperature decreases, it is still advisable to visit your doctor. Medical specialist can give recommendations on how to alleviate the condition, daily routine and nutrition, and advise the most suitable medications And vitamin complexes.

There are several ways to raise body temperature, get rid of rapid heartbeat and runny nose.

  1. Firstly, the sick person must be in a state of peace and relaxation. He definitely needs to stay in bed, sleep soundly at night and rest well during the day, because his body fights pathogenic microorganisms even during sleep.
  2. Secondly, during illness, a person needs to protect himself as much as possible from stressful situations and experiences, and try to control his emotions. Any nervous shock negatively affect the body’s condition and slow down the healing process. A person with a cold and a low temperature should forget about going to work for a while.
  3. Thirdly, to normalize heart rate and body temperature after a cold, you need to eat a high-quality and balanced diet.

The daily diet must include foods rich in vitamins, microelements and other nutrients. The menu should include fresh, unheated vegetables, berries, fruits, as well as fermented milk dishes that help improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

If a doctor diagnoses a vitamin deficiency in a patient after the flu, he prescribes vitamin complexes. The body of a person who has had an acute illness especially needs respiratory disease person in ascorbic acid, because vitamin C is important for strengthening the immune system. It is useful during illness to drink a drink made from crushed eggshells and lemon juice.

To increase body temperature during a cold, you can:

  1. accept hot bath,
  2. drink herbal tea with honey,
  3. go to bed with a heating pad.

It is very useful to drink during respiratory diseases, accompanied by a decrease in temperature, runny nose and tachycardia, restorative medications plant origin: eleutherococcus, ginseng, echinacea. It is strictly forbidden to take antipyretic medications at low body temperature.

Prevention of low temperature

To avoid colds and viral diseases accompanied by tachycardia and a decrease in body temperature, it is necessary to harden yourself, devote time to physical training, maintain active image life. During the first hardening procedure, you do not need to immediately tip the bucket over yourself ice water. The water temperature should be lowered gradually: first use slightly warm, then cold, and finally ice-cold water.

You need to eat well and nutritiously, when creating a menu, choose foods rich in vitamins and minerals. In the cold season of the year, when going for a walk, you need to dress warmly, and most importantly, wear only thick, waterproof, comfortable shoes. You can’t wear tight and tight-fitting boots in winter: there is no layer of air between them and your feet. As a result, the blood vessels of the legs are compressed, the limbs freeze, and the body temperature decreases.

There is no need to worry if, despite all precautions, a cold develops and your body temperature suddenly drops. After all, this means that the immune system has overcome pathogenic microorganisms, but after the struggle she weakened. We just need to help her recover.

Attention, TODAY only!

IN in good condition The body temperature of both an adult and a child should not exceed 37 degrees, that is, 36.6–36.9 are healthy thermometer readings, and as for the lower limit, a temperature of up to 36–35.5 gives cause for concern.

There are many people in the world for whom 35.5 is working temperature and all their lives they do not experience any problems because of this “non-norm”. We will not consider these cases. You should sound the alarm if your body has not encountered such a temperature, and if you feel clearly unwell because of this.

What to do?

First, let's define the symptoms of low temperature, or as this condition is also called - loss of strength:

  1. Weakness.
  2. The desire to sleep, even if the sleep was long.
  3. Feeling of unreasonable irritation.
  4. Inhibition of actions and thoughts.
  5. Poor general health.

Causes of decreased body temperature

  1. External factors (reasons) that provoke low temperature in an adult and a child are well known and banal - overwork at work (study), lack of vacations, stress and constant pressure, excessive physical activity and other delights modern life They signal that it’s time to stop and take a break. Hence the loss of strength and the temperature of 35. The body simply refuses to move on and the person has no choice but to rest on sick leave. You should not achieve such overloads, and at the first sensation of “overworking,” you need to give yourself a little rest and take valerian, motherwort or eleutherococcus daily to relieve stress and get good sleep.
  2. Internal factors due to which the body temperature drops below 35.5 include a lack of vitamins, microelements, etc. This includes anemia with iron deficiency, and a lack of vitamins B, C. Here you will need blood tests for hemoglobin, consultation a therapist and a complex of drugs that restore the imbalance of substances necessary for the body.
  3. Another internal factor– state of immunity. For example, a low body temperature occurs after recovery from a serious illness that took all your strength, and now the body takes the slightest load extremely hard. Also, a decrease in temperature can be caused by an unbalanced diet, due to diet or long fasting. First of all, you should take your vitamins and immediately recalculate your daily ration according to the actual needs of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Such calculations are made based on normal weight, per kilogram of which a certain norm of nutrients is required. There are millions of tables on the Internet that help you calculate your diet.
  4. The reason for the low temperature may be associated with intoxication of the body due to overload of the liver with excessive libations of alcohol, as well as as a result of self-medication. Often, having played the role of know-it-all doctor, we take medications that we have prescribed for ourselves, without observing the dosage. As a result, the body is poisoned, the consequences of which are quite dire.
  5. The cause of a drop in temperature beyond the normal range may be the beginning of an exacerbation of chronic diseases. If you are unlucky and have any, welcome to your doctor.
  6. Temperature decreases due to hypothyroidism - this is dysfunction thyroid gland associated with a decrease in its activity. With this not very dangerous, but significant condition, it is important to periodically see a doctor to prevent exacerbations.
  7. Unhealthy adrenal glands also cause a decrease in temperature. To prevent diseases of these organs, it is important to never deny the body fluids. clean water. Drinking plenty of fluids and eating seasonal fruits that cleanse the body should become the rule.

Other reasons

Pregnant women often complain of a low temperature - 35-35.5, accompanied by nausea and migraines. This period usually occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy and is called toxicosis.

All symptoms, including low temperature, should be reported to the antenatal clinic at regular checkups so as not to miss any serious diseases.

Why does a child's body temperature drop?

A child who is ill becomes lethargic and apathetic, loses his appetite, even if his favorite dishes are offered. First of all, you should measure his temperature, and if it is lowered to 35–35.5, it is better to contact a pediatrician, and before he arrives, warm the child with a heating pad, a blanket, or lie down with him, hugging the baby, warming him with your body. There is no need to do anything else, otherwise you can harm the child’s body.

A body temperature of 33 degrees is considered critical - such hypothermia occurs if the child is hypothermic, for example, for a long time spent outside and in severe frost. Hypothermia can also occur in adults. It is important to remember that if a person is suspected of hypothermia, they should not be placed directly into a hot bath, so as not to cause vasospasm and death. If hypothermia is serious, you need to start by changing into warm, dry clothes and warming up with warm, but not hot, drinks.

In critical cases, they first call an ambulance, and then provide first aid until the medical team arrives.

What to do if your body temperature drops below normal

In general, if you are not worried about a drop in temperature and it happens rarely, you can not sound the alarm, but just relax and include vitamins in your diet. If the condition requires seeing a doctor, you may be prescribed a course of physiotherapy or balneotherapy, prescribe restorative medications or a course of treatment for chronic ailments.

In most cases, it is necessary to prevent and independently maintain a lifestyle in which there cannot be a “loss of strength” and low temperature.

Here's what to do:

  • take care of your health - eat healthy food and give up bad habits;
  • maintain the habit of going to bed before midnight;
  • get enough sleep - at least 8 hours a day;
  • physical activity, moderate sports;
  • ventilate the room in which you spend all your time, douse yourself with cold water;
  • spend 20–30 minutes a day walking;
  • take vitamins;
  • try to avoid stressful situations by taking the tenth route;
  • train your facial expressions to smile.

These rules can be followed by both adults and children, activating all protective functions body.

Nutrition and temperature

To increase the temperature to normal, it is recommended to prepare the following mixture: walnuts chop with dried apricots, dried plums, honey and raisins. Take the resulting mass one teaspoon once a day. Even a child will like this medicine.

The second recipe is to brew tea from currant leaves, add lemon juice and a spoonful of honey to the cooled broth. Drink in one go.

The third option is currant vitamin. Grind currants with sugar and drink throughout the day with warm tea. Currants are extremely rich in vitamin C.

What exactly to do if the temperature drops to 35 in a child or an adult:

  1. Place the patient in bed, covering him with warm blankets.
  2. Warm heating pads or warm water bottles should be placed on your feet.
  3. Dial a basin warm water and accept foot baths With essential oils pine needles, St. John's wort.
  4. Drink St. John's wort tincture or warm tea with raspberry jam or vitamin.
  5. Grandmother's method is to drink water with a pencil lead, which is previously crushed into powder. Graphite raises the temperature for several hours.
  6. Do some physical exercise - run, do squats, or do 10-20 push-ups. This will help you tone up and increase the frequency of your heart muscle. This way the body will warm up faster.
  7. Create positive emotions, in such an atmosphere recovery will come faster.

If you continue to feel unwell for several days and you cannot increase your temperature, you need to go to the doctor.

“Normal” body temperature is considered to be 36.6 °C, but in fact, each person has his own individual temperature norm in the average range from 35.9 to 37.2 °C. This personal temperature is formed around the age of 14 for girls and at 20 for boys, and it depends on age, race, and even... gender! Yes, yes, men are on average half a degree colder than women. By the way, during the day the temperature of every absolutely healthy person fluctuates slightly within half a degree: in the morning the human body is colder than in the evening.

When to go to the doctor?

Deviations of body temperature from the norm, both upward and downward, are often a reason to consult a doctor.

Very low temperature - 34.9 to 35.2 °C - talking about:

As you can see from this list, any of the reasons described requires an urgent trip to the doctor. Even a hangover, if it is so severe, should be treated with a course of IV drips, which will help the body quickly get rid of the toxic breakdown products of alcohol. By the way, the thermometer readings below the specified limit is already a direct reason for urgently calling an ambulance.

Moderate drop in temperature – from 35.3 to 35.8 °C – may indicate:

At all, constant feeling chilliness, cold and wet palms and feet are a reason to consult a doctor. It is quite possible that he will not find any serious problems for you, and will only recommend “improving” your diet and making your daily routine more rational, including moderate physical activity and increasing sleep duration. On the other hand, there is a possibility that the unpleasant chills that torment you are one of the first symptoms of a terrible disease that needs to be treated now, before it has time to develop complications and enter the chronic stage.

Normal temperature is from 35.9 to 36.9°C – says that acute diseases V this moment you are not suffering, and your thermoregulation processes are normal. However, normal temperature is not always combined with ideal order in the body. In some cases, with chronic diseases or reduced immunity, there may be no temperature changes, and this must be remembered!

Moderately elevated (low-grade) temperature – from 37.0 to 37.3°C this is the boundary between health and illness. May indicate:

However, such a temperature may have completely non-painful reasons:

  • visiting a bathhouse or sauna, hot bath
  • intense sports training
  • spicy food

In the case when you haven’t trained, haven’t gone to the bathhouse, or dined at a Mexican restaurant, and your temperature is still a little elevated, you should go to the doctor, and it’s very important to do this without taking any antipyretic or anti-inflammatory medications - firstly , at this temperature there is no need for them, secondly, medical supplies can blur the picture of the disease and prevent the doctor from making the correct diagnosis.

Heat 37.4–40.2 °C indicates acute inflammatory process and the need for medical attention. The question of whether to take antipyretic drugs in this case is decided individually. There is a widespread opinion that the temperature cannot be “brought down” to 38 °C - and in most cases this opinion is correct: the proteins of the immune system begin to work in full force precisely at temperatures above 37.5 °C, and the average person without severe chronic diseases able to withstand temperatures up to 38.5 °C without additional harm to health. However, people suffering from certain neurological and mental illness, must be careful: they have heat may cause .

Temperatures above 40.3°C are life-threatening and require emergency medical attention.

Some interesting facts about temperature:

  • There are foods that reduce body temperature by almost a degree. These are green varieties of gooseberries, yellow plums and cane sugar.
  • In 1995, scientists officially recorded the lowest “normal” body temperature - in a completely healthy and feeling great 19-year-old Canadian woman, it was 34.4 °C.
  • Known for their extraordinary therapeutic discoveries, Korean doctors have come up with a way to treat seasonal autumn-spring pain, which affects many people. They suggested lowering the temperature of the upper body while simultaneously increasing the temperature lower half. In essence, this is the health formula that has long been known to everyone: “Keep your feet warm and your head cold,” but doctors from Korea say that it can also be used to improve mood that stubbornly tends to zero.

Let's measure correctly!

However, instead of panicking because your body temperature is not normal, you should first think about whether you are measuring it correctly? Familiar to everyone since childhood mercury thermometer under the arm gives far from the most accurate results.

Firstly, it is still better to purchase a modern, electronic thermometer, which allows you to measure temperature with an accuracy of hundredths of a degree.

Secondly, the location of measurement is important for the accuracy of the result. The armpit is convenient, but due to large quantity sweat glands - inaccurate. The oral cavity is also convenient (just remember to disinfect the thermometer), but you must remember that the temperature there is approximately half a degree higher than the temperature in the armpit, in addition, if you ate or drank something hot, smoked or drank alcohol, the readings may be falsely high.

Measuring the temperature in the rectum gives some of the most accurate results, you just need to take into account that the temperature there is approximately one degree higher than the temperature under the armpit, in addition, the thermometer readings may be false after sports training or taking a bath.

And, the “champion” in terms of accuracy of results is external ear canal. You just need to remember that measuring the temperature in it requires a special thermometer and strict adherence to the nuances of the procedure, violation of which can lead to erroneous results.

Hypothermia can be a sign of serious problems in the body. It is no less dangerous than fever. Moreover, often a person simply does not pay attention to such a malfunction in the body, whereas it is necessary to sound the alarm as soon as he feels unwell. So, what does low human body temperature mean? Why does it happen? What explains it? What reasons cause the body to “get cold”? And what to do if you suddenly notice this symptom?


How can you tell if your body temperature is low? Symptoms

With hypothermia, certain signs develop that indicate its occurrence. These include:

  • severe dizziness, sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness;
  • a state of near fainting for a long time;
  • chills, feeling of lack of warmth, constant desire to warm up;
  • paleness skin. Cold sweat;
  • numbness of the extremities with a tendency to progress, the appearance of goose bumps on the skin;
  • difficulty trying to focus on objects;
  • feeling of weakness, malaise;
  • feeling drowsy;
  • confused thoughts;
  • slow thinking, speech;
  • sudden onset of restlessness and anxiety;
  • muscle twitching of the limbs, trembling in the fingers and hands.

Why is the temperature dropping?

Surely everyone has noticed at some point that their body temperature is low. The reasons for this process in the body can be very different, most often it appears under the influence of processes occurring in the environment, or due to disorders in the body. This is a nonspecific symptom; there are many reasons for its development. Let's take a closer look at the most common of them.


If there is a prolonged period of low body temperature, a woman should suspect the development of pregnancy. Most often, its values ​​do not exceed 36 degrees Celsius. In pregnant women, hypothermia can occur due to disruption of the body. The most common causes of low body temperature in pregnant women:

  • malnutrition: the body lacks resources, including vitamins;
  • decreased immunity: a woman “gives” everything construction material for the development of the baby, experiencing a lack of nutrients;
  • presence of chronic diseases: endocrine disorders can cause hypothermia;
  • anemia: a fairly common ailment in pregnant women that can cause a drop in temperature;
  • stress, general overstrain and overwork;
  • the presence of infectious diseases during the recovery stage;
  • reception medicines;
  • incorrect temperature measurement or neglect of the rules for determining it;
  • decreased blood glucose levels: occurs if a woman does not eat enough or has developed diabetes.

It is advisable to measure basal temperature, V early dates During pregnancy, its low values ​​may indicate a threat of miscarriage. People who have previously suffered miscarriages or missed pregnancies should be especially careful. If the woman does not feel worse general condition, no need to worry. In this case, it is recommended to observe yourself for 2-3 days. If the temperature also remains low, you should consult a doctor.

Long-term diet, exhaustion

With a lack of nutrients, the body begins to weaken, resulting in a low body temperature. The reasons for this are banal: there are not enough own heat reserves. If a person is on a strict diet or forced fasting for a long time, he loses a huge amount of fat reserves. This substance, together with glycogen, regulates heat balance - heat production and heat transfer. Therefore, a thin or malnourished person is constantly cold for no apparent reason.


Under the influence of aggressive factors external environment(low air temperature, high humidity, wind) hypothermia may develop. Most common reasons Low temperature in this condition can be:

  • long immersion in cold water;
  • prolonged stay in cold conditions with insufficiently warm equipment;
  • long-term wearing of damp and wet clothes.

The body initially produces warmth through shivering, but over time hypothermia develops. This leads to a cessation of metabolism, dangerous fatal. Hypothermia has 3 degrees:

  1. adynamic: a sluggish, drowsy state is observed in a person. He is shivering, and his skin is pale and covered with goosebumps. Breathing does not change, but the pulse becomes slow. Body temperature at this stage is around 34.0-35.0 degrees;
  2. stuporous: physical activity the person’s consciousness is noticeably reduced, consciousness is impaired, the skin becomes bluish and cold to the touch. The pulse is slow, the pressure is reduced, breathing is rare. At this degree, the temperature is 31.0-32 degrees;
  3. convulsive: the patient is unconscious, the pulse is thready, breathing is intermittent, and the pressure is low. At this stage, convulsions appear and often continue long time. Body temperature values ​​do not exceed 30 degrees.

ARVI, influenza, viral infections

Pathogens colds secrete toxins that act on the hypothalamus. This entails a malfunction nervous system, failure in thermoregulation, and, as a result, low body temperature occurs. When an adult or child has a cold and the infection is not fully treated, the defenses are significantly weakened. Therefore, when sick, another respiratory disease a fragile, exhausted body reacts to it with a low body temperature. He is unable to fight the attacks of the infectious agent.


Most often develops Iron-deficiency anemia. It may be accompanied not only by hypothermia, but also general weakness, dizziness. Because hemoglobin cannot be formed in normal quantity against the background of iron deficiency, hypothermia occurs.

Hormonal disbalance

Most common pathology endocrine diseases When a woman or man’s body temperature is low, this is hypothyroidism. With this disease, the function of the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the production of thyroid hormones, is weakened. They regulate metabolic processes in organism. Without their participation, biochemical reactions proceed too slowly, why does the body lacks sufficient energy and hypothermia develops.

If the following signs appear, you must consult an endocrinologist:

  • feeling of chilliness;
  • weight gain for no apparent reason;
  • bowel dysfunction - constipation;
  • general weakness, apathetic, drowsy state;
  • dry skin, dull hair;
  • development of memory impairment.

Medical intervention

When doctors prescribe certain medications, hypothermia occurs. These include:

  • sleeping pills;
  • muscle relaxants;
  • vasoconstrictors for the nose;
  • antidepressants.

In case of an overdose of drugs, a decrease in body temperature may also develop.

Dermatological problems

Certain skin diseases can affect body temperature fluctuations in a “lower” direction. These include:

  • psoriasis;
  • burn disease;
  • severe eczema.

Everything is explained by a large flow of blood to the damaged area, which leads to the development of hypothermia.

Poisoning, toxicosis

In case of intoxication ethyl alcohol and certain narcotic substances can cause a person’s body temperature to drop. The reasons for this are that when such substances are taken in large quantities, the blood vessels begin to dilate, glucose levels change, and tremors are suppressed. A person intensively loses heat, causing his body and internal organs to begin to cool. Often people with alcohol poisoning can sleep right on the street, since under the influence of it they do not feel the cold. This makes the situation even worse. If hypothermia becomes critical, cardiac and respiratory arrest develops.

Bacterial infections

When an infectious disease occurs, the body has to use all the forces of the immune system. After the disease can be overcome, a certain time must pass for the person to recover, so his body temperature is reduced. Often this condition is combined with weakness and general malaise.

Blood poisoning is a systemic inflammatory response to the development of a local infectious process. In this pathological condition, bacteria begin to actively multiply in the blood and poison a person with their toxins. Most often, with sepsis, the development of fever is observed, but in weakened or elderly patients, the opposite reaction occurs - a decrease in body temperature. Defeat occurs nerve centers brain, responsible for the regulation of heat production. Doctors consider hypothermia to be a poor prognostic sign. It is quite often accompanied by depressed consciousness, multiple organ disorders and serious condition sick.

Serious illnesses

There are diseases in which the body temperature of an adult is reduced. The reasons for this condition, as a rule, lie in the pathologies inherent in each of them.


With the development of diabetes mellitus, temperature fluctuations, in particular, a decrease in temperature, may be observed. This occurs due to cellular starvation: blood sugar levels significantly exceed normal indicators. Glucose cannot be properly oxidized, and tissues do not receive energy. Hypoglycemia is pathological condition at diabetes mellitus, which occurs due to a drop in blood glucose levels below 3.3 mmol/l. The body experiences an energy deficit. Appears heavy sweating and a significant drop in temperature.

Pathology of the adrenal glands

Most often this concerns adrenal insufficiency, or Addison's disease. The disease is insidious in that there are no symptoms for a long time and appear only when it enters the chronic stage.


Various disorders of the cardiovascular system, such as VSD (vegetative-vascular dystonia), NCD (neurodiscirculatory dystonia) can cause a slight decrease in temperature. This condition is formed due to constant fluctuations in blood pressure, which results in heat loss.


Development chronic course radiation sickness, which is caused by prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation, is accompanied by the occurrence of hypothermia. For acute form characterized by high body temperature.

When malignant neoplasms Temperature readings may drop. Most often, the phenomenon is observed during the development of brain cancer. The tumor grows and begins to compress the cerebral blood vessels. On initial stages it does not decrease below 35 degrees, but over time the temperature level can drop to 29 degrees. In addition to this symptom, the person suffers from frequent headaches that cannot be relieved with medications.


Fatigue, shock

Lack of normal rest, stress and intense mental and exercise stress can ultimately lead to dysfunction of the body. This first manifests itself in hypothermia, and then there is a shift in the functioning of the immune and endocrine systems person. Taking into account the nature, severity and localization, there are Various types state of shock:

  • neurogenic;
  • cardiogenic;
  • infectious-toxic;
  • septic;
  • traumatic;
  • anaphylactic;
  • combined.

Absolutely all types of shock are accompanied by a decrease in body temperature.

What determines temperature fluctuations?

Body temperature values ​​do not refer to a constant value. They can change under the influence of several factors:

  1. Times of Day. In the morning the temperature is minimum, and in the evening it is maximum. However, their difference should not exceed 1 degree;
  2. Physical activity. In a state of rest or sleep, a person’s values ​​decrease, and after eating, they increase slightly. Under conditions of increased physical stress, an increase in temperature is observed. It is in the muscles that the most intense heat generation is formed: during hard work it increases 4-5 times. Even with chills, the human body increases heat production by 2 times.
  3. Phase of the menstrual cycle. A woman's low body temperature may indicate that she is not pregnant. certain period time. To do this, you must know your “from” and “to” cycle. In the absence of disturbances in the cycle, the “vaginal temperature curve” in the morning has a two-phase form. In the first phase, the temperature is low, does not exceed 36.6 degrees and continues for 14 days under the influence of estrogens. In the second, ovulation occurs with an increase in temperature values ​​to 37.5 degrees and is present for 12-14 days under the influence of progesterone. Before menstruation appears, readings drop. If this does not happen, fertilization has most likely occurred.

How dangerous is this?

Quite often, people incorrectly determine their temperature or under such conditions that its values ​​are below normal. It is believed that a low body temperature of 35.5 in an adult is normal. Hypothermia can be dangerous if its value is less than this indicator. When the thermometer reaches 29.5, a person loses consciousness, and with a subsequent drop in temperature to 27, a coma occurs.

What does a child's low body temperature mean?

The causes of hypothermia in some cases are harmless to the baby’s body, but in others it can pose a threat to his health. The most common causes of low temperature in babies are:

  • the presence of congenital hypothermia in the baby, but this is extremely rare;
  • taking antipyretic drugs: with recent use of drugs in this group, hypothermia may occur;
  • transferred infection This is often the reason why a child’s body temperature is low. Pneumonia, flu and acute respiratory infections greatly weaken the child’s body, and the mechanism of heat regulation is imperfect. In this case, you need to wait several days for the temperature to normalize;
  • recent dream. When waking up, the indicators may be below normal, but this does not affect the condition of the baby in any way;
  • usage vasoconstrictor drugs. In case of an overdose, they cause a narrowing of the capillaries in the nose, which can cause not only hypothermia, but also fainting;
  • development of a viral infection;
  • Availability internal diseases. In case of malfunction of the endocrine system, cardiovascular systems the temperature may drop;
  • overwork. If a child is worried, experiences excessive physical or mental stress, or lacks sleep, the body can signal with such a reaction.

Symptoms of hypothermia are:

  1. indifferent lethargic state;
  2. frequent and sudden mood changes;
  3. complaints of headache;
  4. decreased appetite.

If parents notice such signs against the background of low body temperature, they should immediately seek advice from their local pediatrician. The doctor will help you understand why the child has a low body temperature, he will conduct an examination and, if necessary, refer you to the appropriate specialists.

How to measure temperature correctly?

For the values ​​to be correct, it is necessary to comply certain rules. Thermometry is carried out in several ways:

  1. in the armpit. Quite a popular method for Russia. Differs in simplicity, but inaccuracy of measurement. For this method normal level temperatures range from 35-37 degrees Celsius;
  2. V oral cavity. Most often used in European countries and the USA. It is not recommended for children to use it as they may open their mouth frequently and the thermometry will be inaccurate;
  3. in the ear. It is popular in some countries, but this method is considered inaccurate due to the presence of large errors;
  4. rectal method (in anus) is considered the most accurate and is used to determine the temperature of children. However, in the first months of life this method is not used, since there is a possibility of damaging the intestines with a thermometer. It is worth keeping in mind that the values average temperature rectum is 0.5 degrees higher than in the armpit.

Attention! When measuring body temperature rectally, do not use a mercury thermometer under any circumstances!

To carry out measurements, different thermometers are used:

  • mercury is used to determine temperature armpit at least 5 minutes;
  • The electronic thermometer is first held until a sound signal appears, and then for another 1 minute. If the values ​​have not changed, the procedure is completed. If it rises, hold it for another 2-3 minutes.

It is not advisable to carry out thermometry healthy people, as this can lead to anxiety for no reason.

When to see a doctor?

So, body temperature is low - what to do? If this condition occurs within 24 hours, there is no need to panic. But if a person has persistent hypothermia for 3 days, and is also worried about weakness, lethargy, or semi-fainting, it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist who will conduct an examination and identify its cause.

Medical diagnostics - how is it done?

In addition to thermometry, the following are performed: additional methods examinations:

  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland, internal organs;
  • chest x-ray;
  • general blood and urine analysis;
  • determination of sugar and glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood;
  • blood pressure measurement;
  • fluorography.

Based on this data, the doctor will be able to make a more accurate diagnosis.

How to increase body temperature on your own?

There are methods conservative treatment And traditional medicine, allowing a person to raise his temperature without the help of a doctor. Of course, if you are sure that there is no reason behind it serious illness. So, if you have a constantly low body temperature, what should you do? First, you should turn to “grandmother’s methods.”

Traditional medicine

If the cause of hypothermia is an immune disorder, you can use echinacea tincture or St. John's wort infusion. Valerian and motherwort work well for overwork and stress. A drug that directly increases body temperature is Pyrogenal. It is available in the form of ampoules and is used as injections. Before using medications, it is recommended to consult with a specialist who will prescribe medications in the right dosage. More recipes to raise your temperature:

Ginger root

Peel a piece of the root of the plant and grate it. Brew the resulting mass with 200 ml of boiling water and leave under a closed lid for 5 minutes. Strain the drink and add honey to it. Drink in small sips. This remedy is most often used for hypothermia caused by infectious diseases or hypothermia.

Leaves of fireweed and stinging nettle with flowering top of buckwheat

Take the ingredients in equal proportions to make 3 tbsp. l. crushed raw materials. Brew 500 ml of boiling water, then leave for 3 hours. Strain the drink and drink throughout the day. Take no later than 20 minutes before eating. This remedy is well suited for hypothermia caused by anemia.


Take 3 tsp. ground coffee, eat without drinking water. Product in fast deadlines capable of raising temperature.

Cinnamon and cayenne pepper

Add these seasonings to dishes, half a teaspoon at a time. They have the ability to speed up metabolism due to their high content of essential oils.

Useful video

Quite often, people are not even interested in why their body temperature is constantly low, and do not try to cope with this symptom. However, this condition requires no less close attention than its increase. Hypothermia can be a symptom of quite serious disorders in the body, so if the indicator persistently decreases, you need to seek help. medical care see a specialist who will perform a series of examinations and help identify the cause of the pathology.

Discussion: 2 comments

    I have VSD and often have low body temperature, so I always have a small thermos with hot tea with me)

    I often have a temperature of 35.8 when I'm tired. Where does such an elevated temperature come from in humans??? I’m terribly afraid, although my friends say it’s hormones...

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