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Colpitis in women: symptoms and treatment. Colpitis - symptoms and treatment in women, the best methods of treatment for all types of disease

Colpitis (vaginitis) is called inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. This is a common disease that most women have encountered at least once in their lives. Women of childbearing age are more susceptible to colpitis, but the disease is also registered among very young and elderly women.


Inflammation is the body’s reaction to the aggressive influence of a certain factor: injury, chemical substances, drugs, vital activity of microorganisms, etc. Before we talk about the causes and symptoms of the disease, we need to define the concept normal microflora vagina. Normally, approximately 95% of the vaginal microflora is represented by lactobacilli (Dederlein bacilli) and representatives of opportunistic flora (for example, Candida fungus, staphylococcus, streptococcus, E. coli).

When exposed to unfavorable factors ( chronic diseases, endocrine pathology, decreased immunity, treatment with antibiotics, etc.) changes occur in the microflora. The number of lactobacilli decreases, and this leads to rapid proliferation of opportunistic microflora, and an inflammatory process develops in the vagina.

There are also microorganisms causing diseases sexually transmitted diseases (Trichomonas, chlamydia, gonococcus, herpes virus). These are quite aggressive microorganisms that, if they enter genitourinary organs even with normal vaginal microflora will lead to likely development inflammatory process.

Types of colpitis

So, one of the reasons for the development of colpitis is microorganisms, namely: bacteria, viruses, fungi. Based on this, the following types of colpitis are distinguished:

  • Specific;
  • Non-specific.

Specific colpitis is provoked by STD pathogens - Trichomonas, gonococcus, and virus. It is also worth remembering that in girls, vulvovaginitis can be caused by pinworms. Nonspecific - conditionally pathogenic flora (staphylococcus, streptococcus, Proteus, Escherichia coli or fungi of the genus).

However, not only infection can cause the development of colpitis. Thus, allergic and atrophic colpitis are also distinguished. In the first case, the inflammatory process is a reaction to an allergen - a condom, lubricant, medicine, inserted intravaginally, foreign objects.

Atrophic colpitis develops when there is a violation hormonal levels, namely a decrease in estrogen synthesis. Against the background of reduced secretion of the hormone, the epithelium of the vaginal walls becomes thinner, and the number of lactobacilli decreases. These conditions are sufficient to ensure that, with minimal impact, unfavorable factor the inflammatory process has started. Atrophic colpitis develops in women who are in menopause.

Symptoms of the disease

Expressiveness clinical picture colpitis depends on the duration of the inflammatory process. Acute colpitis occurs with severe symptoms that cause discomfort to the woman. These are symptoms such as:

  • The presence of mucopurulent discharge with an odor from the vagina;
  • Itching and burning in the vagina and vulva;
  • Increased pain during sex and urination.

In the chronic form of colpitis, these symptoms are less pronounced, and sometimes the disease does not cause the woman any discomfort at all.

Based on the characteristics of the discharge, the doctor may suspect the causative agent of colpitis. Candida colpitis, which is caused by the candida fungus, is characterized by the appearance of whitish, curdled discharge. With trichomonas colpitis, the discharge acquires a greenish tint, foams, and has a characteristic smell of rotten fish. With gonococcal colpitis, the discharge becomes purulent.


Colpitis is not as scary as its complications. The whole danger is that if colpitis is not treated, the infection can spread to other genitourinary organs. The infection spreads upward, gradually involving the cervix, the uterus itself, in the inflammatory process, fallopian tubes, ovaries. This can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle, as well as problems with conception. In addition, the infection can spread through the urethra and provoke the development of urethritis and cystitis. The presence of long-term colpitis can serve as a favorable background for the development of cervical erosion.

Colpitis can seriously complicate the course of pregnancy. Progression of the infection can lead to its spread to the amniotic fluid, premature birth. In addition, directly during childbirth, while passing through the birth canal, the newborn can become infected.


Often the complaints described by the patient are enough for the gynecologist to suggest the presence of colpitis. But to confirm the alleged diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct certain studies. First of all, the doctor will definitely conduct a gynecological examination. The insertion of a gynecological speculum into the vagina causes pain in a patient with colpitis. When examining the mucous membrane, the doctor is able to detect its swelling, redness, and the presence of purulent or serous deposits.

After gynecological examination carry out bacterioscopic and bacteriological examination of a smear from the vagina and urethra. This is necessary to identify the pathogen and select the most effective therapy.

During bacterioscopic examination of a smear from cervical canal There is an increased number of leukocytes, the presence of bacteria, a smear from the urethra - 15-20 leukocytes in the field of view. To determine the causative agent of colpitis, a bacteriological study of vaginal discharge is carried out.


During the course of treatment, sexual contact should be excluded. Since colpitis is often a manifestation of an STD, the sexual partner must also undergo treatment. The absence of STD symptoms in a man does not at all exclude their presence, because the infection can occur hidden.

Treatment should be general and local. The main goal of treatment is to fight the infectious agent. For this purpose, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • Antibacterial (azithromycin, doxycycline, tetracycline, cefapexin);
  • Antiprotozoal (metronidazole) - for the treatment of Trichomonas colpitis;
  • Antifungals (fluconazole, ketoconazole, nystatin) - for the treatment of candidal colpitis;
  • Antiviral agents (acyclovir, interferon).

The dosage and duration of taking the medicine are determined by the gynecologist.

For local treatment prescribe intra vaginal suppositories, tablets and ointments. Among the most popular:

Drugs for local treatment have a complex effect. They not only suppress growth and activity pathogenic microorganisms, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, for colpitis, vaginal douching with a solution of chlorhexidine, miramistin, chlorophyllipt two to three times a day is also prescribed. You should not carry out such douching for more than three to four days, as this may interfere with the restoration of the microflora.

After etiotropic treatment, eubiotics are prescribed to restore normal vaginal microflora:

  • Lactobacterin;
  • Vagilak;
  • Bificol;
  • Bifidumbacterin.

Eubiotics help restore the microflora and acidity of the vagina.

To eliminate atrophic colpitis, estrogens are prescribed.

Treatment with folk remedies

Can be successfully used in the complex treatment of colpitis herbal remedies. They cannot be the only treatment, since they are not able to influence the causative agent of the infection. But at the same time, some herbal remedies have an anti-inflammatory effect, eliminate itching and promote better effective recovery vaginal mucosa.

To treat colpitis, you can use a decoction of chamomile. To prepare it, you need to pour a tablespoon of chamomile flowers into a bowl and pour a liter of boiling water. After this, the dishes should be covered with a lid. When the infusion has cooled, it must be strained. The prepared decoction is used for douching in the morning and evening. Infusions for douching can also be prepared from coltsfoot, sage, juniper, calendula, and string.

You can also use sea buckthorn oil. You need to twist a gauze swab, soak it in oil, and then insert it into the vagina for several hours.

Grigorova Valeria, medical observer

Colpitis is a pathological condition based on the inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa, accompanied by pronounced discharge, which has a strong, unpleasant odor, and swelling of the mucous membrane.

Call this disease various infectious agents: mycoplasma, candida, chlamydia, streptococci, ureaplasmosis, herpetic infection.

Not timely treatment symptoms of colpitis in women can lead to the transfer of inflammation to the uterus and ovarian appendages, which entails the development of endometritis, cervical dysplasia or infertility.

Types of pathology

The forms of the disease differ in the underlying causes that provoked the development of inflammation. Each type of pathology has its own manifestations and treatment methods.

Types of colpitis:

1. An increase in the number of candida in the vagina causes candidal colpitis. Signs include: itching, curdled discharge. Routes of infection: weakened immune system, sexual contact. For treatment, local therapy and antimycotic agents are used.

2. Trichomonas provoke the development of trichomonas colpitis. Routes of infection: household items, sexual intercourse. Symptoms: thick, foamy discharge with unpleasant smell, purulent inclusions are possible. An effective remedy Treatment of this type of colpitis is the drug “Metronidazole” (pictured), it is combined with local therapy.

  1. A decrease in estrogen synthesis leads to the development of atrophic colpitis. Pain occurs during sex, followed by a burning sensation in the genital area. Hormone replacement therapy is used for therapeutic purposes.

Provoking factors

There are a number of factors that can provoke the development of this disease:

  • a large number of sexual partners, neglect of contraception (condoms);
  • poor quality underwear;
  • failure to comply with intimate hygiene rules;
  • genital injuries (thermal, mechanical, chemical) – long-term use intrauterine device, ruptures during childbirth, rough sexual intercourse;
  • diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism;
  • chemo or radiation therapy for malignant neoplasms;
  • abortion;
  • allergic manifestations, gastrointestinal diseases;
  • estrogen deficiency in the body;
  • hormonal surges;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • HIV, decreased immunity;
  • taking antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hormones;
  • measles, scarlet fever.

Manifestations of the disease

Colpitis can be divided into specific and nonspecific. By specific colpitis it is necessary to understand inflammation provoked by an STI; its signs are bleeding and swelling of the vaginal walls. Nonspecific colpitis is caused by bacterial flora(staphylococci, E. coli, streptococci). Signs: purulent and mucous discharge from the vagina. Acute course the disease is characterized by:

  • purulent discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • general deterioration of condition;
  • redness of the external genitalia;
  • pain syndrome during and after sexual intercourse.

Photos of symptoms of colpitis in women can be viewed on the Internet. In pregnant women, this disease is often provoked by ureaplasma or mycoplasma. They can cause miscarriage or provoke infection of the fetus during labor.

Senile and atrophic colpitis very often develops against the background of a decrease in the hormonal functionality of the ovaries and a decrease in mucus production in the vagina.


Before carrying out any treatment for colpitis, based on symptoms and photos, you should definitely undergo full examination and pass necessary tests to find out the exact reasons that provoked the development of pathology. All this is carried out under the supervision of the attending physician, taking into account age, type of colpitis, general state woman's health. Causal treatment is mainly used.

The following drugs are used to treat colpitis:

  • Ketoconazole cream is used for a course of about 5 days;
  • treatment of colpitis symptoms is carried out vaginal suppositories"Nystatin" (pictured);

  • Ampicillin tablets and Cephalexin capsules are used for a weekly course;
  • Diflucan tablets are taken once;
  • Treatment with Metronidazole in the form of tablets or vaginal suppositories is carried out for at least 10 days.

For local treatment of colpitis in women, antiseptics and disinfectant solutions. Douching with soda, potassium permanganate, boric acid is carried out for at least 15 days.

The main thing in treatment is the elimination of the provoking factor, as well as concomitant diseases. At diabetes mellitus it is necessary to control blood glucose levels; V childhood, when colpitis is provoked by measles or scarlet fever, antibacterial therapy is carried out.

When the provoking factor is eliminated, the prognosis for the treatment of colpitis is usually always favorable.

  • It is advisable to carry out therapy for both sexual partners, since asymptomatic pathological condition may provoke the development of the disease in the future;
  • it is necessary to maintain careful intimate hygiene using antiseptics;
  • if a child is sick, you should wash him after each urination and defecation, and also make sure that he does not scratch his private parts;
  • laundry should be washed with anti-allergenic agents that do not contain unnecessary additives;
  • you need to follow a diet (consume large amounts of fermented milk products, avoid eating spicy and salty foods), it is not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages.

Recovery period and pregnancy

After recovery, it is necessary to restore the natural biocenosis of the vagina, for which the following is used:

  • "Bifikol", "Vagilak";
  • "Atsilak";
  • "Labilact".

After colpitis during pregnancy, a woman is more susceptible various pathologies than usual. This is caused by significant hormonal changes and weakening of the immune system. In such a situation, treatment should be strictly supervised by a doctor. The selection of medications is a very complex process. But treatment must be carried out, since the pathology threatens the health of not only the woman, but also the child, who can become infected when passing through the birth canal.

Often, for colpitis in women, it is recommended antibacterial treatment(see photo), physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. Pimafucin, Vagotil, and Terzhinan may be prescribed. Local therapy is considered priority, not threatening for a child.

Unconventional treatment

Folk remedies for the treatment of colpitis bring the desired result when combined with drug therapy. Douching with herbs that have anti-inflammatory properties is very often used. Trichomonas colpitis is treated with tampons with wild garlic pulp.

  1. Take 2 parts each of coltsfoot, thyme, calamus root, 1 part each of nettle, buckthorn, St. John's wort. Pour 450-500 milliliters of boiling water. Leave for 12 hours, strain. Drink ½ glass 3 times a day.
  2. Do chamomile infusion, cool and strain. Douching in the morning and evening for 14 days.
  3. Mix wild mallow, chamomile, pedunculate oak bark and sage. Pour 1 liter of boiling water. Use the strained solution to douche and moisten tampons in it.
  4. Medicinal rosemary, yarrow, medicinal sage and take pedunculate oak bark in a ratio of 1:1:1:2. Pour in 3 liters of water and boil. Douche morning and evening.

Inflammatory diseases affect the female genital area and cause reproductive dysfunction. Inflammation often leads to menstrual and sexual dysfunction, ectopic pregnancy, infertility, tumors, endometriosis (the growth of endometrioid tissue in various organs), and adhesions in the pelvic organs.

Colpitis, candidiasis (thrush), vaginal dysbiosis, gardnerellosis ( bacterial vaginosis), vaginitis, chlamydia and trichomoniasis are the most common gynecological pathologies. Many women consider inflammation to be a consequence of hypothermia; they complain of “cold appendages” as soon as they encounter pain and cramping in the lower abdomen. This interpretation of the condition is erroneous.

Reasons for the development of inflammation

Hypothermia can also provoke an exacerbation of the disease, but the pathology itself arises as a result of penetration pathogenic bacteria into the female body through sexual intercourse.

Disturbance of bacterial balance can occur due to stress, climate change, antibiotic use, after transfer serious illness, when changing food. The most common infections are chlamydia, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea, genital herpes, HIV, cytomegalovirus (one of the herpes viruses), and papilloma virus.

These diseases usually appear during or immediately after menstruation. Pain and cramping in the lower abdomen begin, which are accompanied by an increase in temperature, a feeling of nausea, and vomiting.

Vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) is exuberant character, look like white flakes (cheesy discharge). Distinctive feature bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis) – transparent discharge with specific smell fish. With gonorrhea, as well as various cocci, purulent discharge yellowish and greenish color with a thick consistency.

Symptoms of inflammation

Manifestations of inflammation: hyperemia (increased blood supply to a tissue or organ), swelling, increased temperature of the affected area, pain when palpated, impaired functioning of the organ.

Sometimes women experience pain during sexual intercourse, decreased sexual desire (libido) - this refers to hormonal imbalance.

With difficulty or frequent urination, burning sensation when visiting the toilet, the appearance of discharge (leucorrhoea), itching, nagging pain lower abdomen, painful sensations after sexual intercourse, you should definitely consult a gynecologist.

The consequences of chronic inflammation can be disruptions of the menstrual cycle, ectopic pregnancy, adhesive process in the pelvic organs, which threatens infertility.

What is colpitis

Colpitis (vaginitis) - inflammatory disease caused by infection.

Colpitis (vaginitis) is an inflammatory disease of the mucous membrane of the vagina or the vaginal part of the cervix, which is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane and the appearance of copious discharge (white or purulent, with an unpleasant odor).

This condition can occur as a result of infection with candidiasis, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis), genital herpes, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis and other infections.

Colpitis is also caused by gonococci, streptococci, coli, mycoplasmas and other infections that penetrate the vagina from the outside or enter there through the blood flow from the source of inflammation, which is located in the woman’s body.

Untimely treatment can lead to inflammation spreading to the uterus, cervical canal, appendages, which leads to diseases such as endometritis, cervical erosion and infertility.

Body temperature during colpitis is usually normal, even if the disease occurs in the acute stage. In some cases, an increase to low-grade levels is observed.

What contributes to the development of colpitis

IN normal conditions germs die after entering the vagina during the process of self-cleaning.

Colpitis (vaginitis) has the following predisposing factors for its occurrence:

  • weakening of the activity (hypofunction) of the ovaries;
  • general diseases various organs and systems;
  • abnormalities of the reproductive system (displacement of the genital organs, prolapse of the vaginal walls, wide gaping of the genital slit);
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene and hygiene of sexual life ( frequent change partners);
  • changes in the vaginal mucosa (bacterial vaginosis) due to frequent or improper douching, use antiseptics, irrational use contraception, thinning of the mucous membrane in old age (postmenopause);
  • vaginal injuries (mechanical, thermal or chemical).

These factors contribute to a decrease in immunity, unhindered reproduction and penetration of microbes into tissues.

Colpitis can be acute or chronic.

Acute colpitis

Symptoms of acute colpitis occur suddenly. The patient feels pain, itching, burning in the vaginal area, copious discharge mucopurulent or purulent in nature with an admixture of ichor, heaviness in the lower abdomen, sometimes also burning and itching when urinating. When examined, the vaginal mucosa has a red and swollen appearance and begins to bleed at the slightest impact on it (with careless insertion of speculum).

The inflammatory process may spread to the cervix and external genitalia. Features of the course of colpitis (vaginitis) depend on the causative agent of the infection, immunity and age of the woman. Trichomonas colpitis is characterized by abundant purulent, foamy, yellowish-green discharge with an unpleasant odor. With fungal colpitis, the discharge is cheesy and white.

Chronic colpitis

If a woman with acute colpitis does not go to see a specialist, but carries out treatment on her own, the infection may lurk and this will lead to the transition of the disease to chronic form. Under such circumstances, the course of the inflammatory process will be sluggish with periodic exacerbations. Chronic inflammation is characterized by gradual spread of inflammation to other organs: ovaries, uterus, the fallopian tubes.

Trichomonas colpitis

One of the most common forms of colpitis. The disease is transmitted sexually. Along with damage to the vagina, inflammation of the urethra and cervix (trichomoniasis) is observed. In the acute stage of the disease, patients complain of copious frothy yellowish-green vaginal discharge, itching and burning, and increased urination.

Upon examination, the patient is diagnosed with vulvitis (inflammation of the female external genitalia). The vaginal mucosa is diffusely hyperemic, the formation of gas bubbles depends on the concomitant development of gas-forming micrococci. Trichomonas colpitis has chronic course with periodic exacerbations.

Candidiasis colpitis

Inflammation is caused by the proliferation of pathogenic fungi. Diagnosed on the walls of the vagina, in oral cavity and in the large intestine. The main symptoms include curdled discharge and vaginal itching. Infection occurs through sexual contact or when the immune system is weakened.

The disease often develops after a course of antibiotic therapy, because bacteria inhibit the development of fungi, and after taking antibiotics, uncontrolled growth of fungi occurs.

Candidal colpitis is a common problem among pregnant women in the third trimester.

Treatment of this form of candidiasis is carried out with antifungal drugs in combination with local therapy.

Features of colpitis in girls

Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa in girls is usually called vaginitis. It is usually accompanied by inflammation of the external genitalia (vulvitis) and is called vulvovaginitis. The disease is caused by a bacterial infection or allergic reaction body.

The inflammatory process occurs predominantly in a chronic form and is accompanied by scanty discharge mucopurulent in nature. The development of acute vulvovaginitis in girls can occur against the background of viral diseases or when it enters the vagina foreign body.

Colpitis in postmenopause

In women over 55-60 years of age, the disease is called atrophic colpitis. The occurrence of pathology is associated with the onset of menopause, when there is a decrease in the level of sex hormones in the blood, which leads to atrophic changes (drying) of the vaginal mucosa, which are associated with a weakening of the ovaries.

Thinning of the vaginal mucosa occurs, smoothing of its folds, mild injury and inflammation. The disappearance of lactobacilli, which are the main component of the vaginal microflora, leads to the involuntary activation of non-pathogenic flora.

Atrophic colpitis has the following symptoms: pain, dryness in the vagina, itching in the external genital area, discomfort and bleeding of the vagina during sexual intercourse, purulent discharge mixed with blood.

Colpitis during pregnancy

The disease leads to particular inconvenience during pregnancy, but it is not colpitis itself (vaginitis) that is dangerous, but the consequences it can lead to - the occurrence of an ascending infection (harmful to the development of the fetus and poses a danger to the child during childbirth).

Inflammation of the vaginal mucosa in pregnant women can lead to miscarriage, infection of the fetus, or infection amniotic fluid.

There are infectious and bacterial colpitis (vaginitis). During pregnancy, it can cause hormonal changes and disruptions in the immune system.

If colpitis takes a chronic course during pregnancy, painful sensations women become less pronounced. At acute form Pain diseases are accompanied by copious cloudy discharge.

Treatment of colpitis in pregnant women should be given Special attention. Most local medications that are used in the treatment of colpitis are safe during pregnancy, but before using them you should consult a gynecologist.

Diagnosis of colpitis

Correct diagnosis- basis of treatment

Correct diagnosis is the basis of treatment.

The diagnosis is made based on data from a patient interview, examination by a gynecologist and laboratory test results. In acute colpitis, examining the vagina using speculum, the gynecologist notices redness due to increased blood supply to the tissue and swelling of the vaginal mucosa, which often bleeds when touched, and a large amount of mucopurulent discharge is detected in the back of the vaginal vault.

With fungal colpitis, a white coating is found on the reddened mucous membrane of the vagina, and when you try to remove it, the mucous membrane begins to bleed. Tests from the vagina, cervical canal or urethra for laboratory research, in order to clarify the type of pathogen, you need to take it before treating the vagina with medications.

In addition to a standard gynecological examination in a chair, the diagnosis of colpitis may include:

  • colposcopy;
  • cytological and bacteriological analysis;
  • rectal examination;
  • general and biochemical analysis blood;
  • blood test for hormones;
  • amniotest.

How to treat colpitis

Used in the treatment of colpitis A complex approach, which includes:

  • antibiotics that act on the causative agent of infection;
  • general strengthening treatment for immune disorders;
  • washing the external genitalia with solutions, vaginal douching with agents that have an antimicrobial effect;
  • diet (excluding alcohol, spicy, fatty and salty foods).

During the treatment periodically laboratory research discharge. In women of childbearing age, a control smear is taken on the 4-5th day of the menstrual cycle, and in women over 55-60 years of age and girls, a smear is taken after completion of the course of treatment.

Atrophic colpitis: treatment

The development of atrophic colpitis occurs in postmenopausal women, with minimal levels of sex hormones in the blood. Therefore, the main method of treatment for atrophic colpitis is replacement hormone therapy, which is carried out using two methods.

  1. Locally - vaginal suppositories and tablets.
  2. Systemically - tablets and injections.

In the treatment of atrophic colpitis, Ovestin, Klimonorm, Gynodian depot are used.

Treatment of chronic colpitis

Effective treatment should be comprehensive and carried out under the guidance of a gynecologist. The treatment regimen depends on the reasons that led to the development of chronic colpitis. Treatment includes antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and restorative therapy.

For auxiliary treatment specialists use local therapy:

  • treatment with drugs;
  • washing, douching;
  • medicinal tampons in the vagina, suppositories;
  • conducting physiotherapy (magnetic laser).

During treatment of chronic colpitis, you need to abstain from sexual intercourse to prevent repeated illness.

Drugs for the treatment of colpitis include:

  • Nystanin in the form of candles.
  • Neotrizol - suppositories.
  • Cephalexin - capsules.
  • Metronidazole - tablets and vaginal suppositories.
  • Diflucan - tablets.
  • Ampicillin in tablet form.
  • Ketoconazole - cream.
  • Betadine - suppositories.
  • Iodoxide - candles.
  • Acylak, Lactobacterin, Bifikol to restore normal vaginal microflora.

If necessary, the patient's sexual partner is also treated.

Complex therapy supplemented with diet. The diet is enriched with foods containing vitamins and polyunsaturated acids– cod, tuna, salmon, nuts, legumes, seaweed, broccoli.

Treatment of colpitis with folk remedies

Treatment of colpitis with herbs and folk recipes can only be effective when combined with drug treatment. Usually in traditional treatment For colpitis, douching with herbal decoctions is used, which are endowed with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. To treat Trichomonas colpitis, tampons made from wild garlic pulp are used.

Here are some recipes for decoctions:

  1. Chamomile decoction: add 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers to a liter of water and boil for 15 minutes. Then the decoction is cooled, filtered through cheesecloth and used for douching twice a day for two weeks (a decoction of calendula is also prepared).
  2. Coltsfoot leaf - 2 parts, nettle leaf - 1 part, St. John's wort herb - 1 part, common thyme herb - 2 parts, calamus rhizome - 2 parts, buckthorn bark - 1 part. Place two tablespoons of the resulting mixture in a thermos and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Leave overnight, and in the morning strain and take half a glass 3 times a day.
  3. Chamomile inflorescence - 25 g, wild mallow flowers - 10 g, medicinal sage leaves - 15 g, pedunculate oak bark - 10 g. Pour two tablespoons of the resulting mixture with a liter of boiling water. Use for douching and vaginal tampons.
  4. Pour 50 g of dry crushed coltsfoot leaves with a liter of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, then strain. The infusion is used for douching for chronic inflammation vagina, accompanied by pain (a decoction of blackberry leaves is also prepared).
  5. Yarrow herb - 20 g, sage leaves - 20 g, pedunculate oak bark - 40 g, rosemary leaf - 20 g. Mix everything, add three liters of water and boil.

Use twice a day for douching. For the treatment of inflammation of the vagina and cervix caused by trichomoniasis, pathogenic fungi and various bacterial infections, use a 3% propolis solution mixed with 96% ethyl alcohol. Treatment lasts 7-10 days, the drug is used once a day.

Prevention of colpitis

When carrying out the prevention of colpitis, the main task is to eliminate conditions that may facilitate the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the vaginal mucosa.

Prevention includes:

  • timely treatment gynecological diseases, which weaken the activity of the ovaries;
  • strengthening the body's defenses;
  • refusal of perfume additives in bath gels and sprays for intimate areas of the body;
  • refusal of contraceptive gels that contain spermicides that promote changes in the internal microflora of the vagina;
  • daily change of underwear and refusal of pads made of artificial materials (in such an environment microorganisms develop especially well);
  • Preferable use of loose, comfortable clothing and underwear made from natural materials.

Important! Colpitis cannot be classified as a serious illness, but untimely treatment can lead to complications.

Unfortunately, most of the fair sex have experienced what colpitis is. In women, this disease remains one of the most common pathologies.

According to statistics, every 3rd girl currently suffers from one of the forms of colpitis, often without even knowing it. According to evidence from other sources, there are no longer any women left who have not suffered from this disease at least once in their lives.

Colpitis is a very insidious disease that can affect all systems of the body. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, colpitis will cause not only infertility and inflammation of the appendages, but also damage to the cervix and inflammation of the rectum.

In order to avoid such dire consequences, in this article we will take a closer look at the symptoms and treatment in women folk remedies colpitis.

Colpitis. What is this?

Colpitis, vaginitis is an inflammation of the vaginal mucosa. As a rule, middle-aged women suffer from this disease. The culprits of colpitis can be microbes, viruses and fungi of the genus Candida.

Treatment of colpitis is prescribed depending on the type of pathogen and is aimed at eliminating pathogenic microorganisms and normalizing the healthy microflora of the vaginal mucosa. Colpitis therapy is carried out by none other than a gynecologist.

Colpitis - diagnosis and treatment

How is this disease transmitted? Some believe that colpitis is sexually transmitted. However, this is not quite true.

There is a possibility that only the infection that caused it can be transmitted through sexual intercourse, but this may not happen (non-specific infection).

Lactobacilli inhabit the natural flora of the vaginal mucosa and protect it from the invasion of pathogenic bacteria, which enter there mainly during sexual intercourse.

The acidic environment of the vaginal mucosa is a reliable obstacle to the invasion of pathogenic microorganisms.

For various reasons, the number of lactobacilli can fluctuate from normal to alarmingly low, which leads to proliferation causing inflammation microbes

The main culprits of colpitis:

  • disorders endocrine system, hormonal disbalance;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • weak the immune system body;
  • neglect of the basic rules of hygiene;
  • diseases of the genital area: endometriosis, adnexitis, fibroids. They greatly weaken the microflora of the vaginal mucosa, thereby causing inflammation;
  • sexually transmitted diseases. Colpitis does not develop in men, but they can become the culprit for the appearance of this disease in women;
  • mechanical damage to the vaginal mucosa. For the most part, they appear as a result of frequent sexual intercourse, during childbirth, in very in rare cases and vibrators can provoke the occurrence of colpitis;
  • allergic reactions to ointments, special suppositories for the vagina or contraceptives.

In order to determine colpitis in women, it is necessary to consider the features of the manifestation of this disease and its inherent symptoms.

You can detect the presence of this disease in the body by observing the following manifestations:

Varieties of colpitis

  1. Atrophic (age-related) colpitis. The disease is diagnosed in cases where the main cause of inflammation in the vagina is a decrease in the level of the hormone estrogen in a woman’s body. IN more In most cases, this disease occurs in women after menopause, when, due to a decrease in estrogen levels, the vagina loses protection against infections.
  2. Candidiasis (yeast) colpitis. This is an inflammatory process of the vaginal mucosa that occurs after infection by yeast-like fungi. In most cases, candidal colpitis is diagnosed together with damage to the vulvar mucosa. Women suffer from this disease reproductive age. Pregnant women are at increased risk.
  3. Trichomonas colpitis. This is a common sexually transmitted disease. In many cases, Trichomonas colpitis in women occurs along with inflammation of the cervix and urethra. This disease takes on a chronic form and only appears during periods of exacerbation.

Colpitis during pregnancy: consequences for the child

Is it possible to get pregnant with colpitis? Conception during colpitis is possible, but experts do not advise planning a pregnancy during this period, since this disease can lead to complications during pregnancy and there is a danger of infecting the fetus.

Colpitis appears during pregnancy in large quantity women, from 70 to 80%. In this case, the disease can manifest itself in different stages pregnancy, however, the most dangerous time for the development of vaginitis is the final stage, before the birth itself.

Since colpitis is dangerous for both the fetus and the mother, it is very important to diagnose and completely cure it during pregnancy.

So, during pregnancy, colpitis can be dangerous:

A doctor must diagnose the disease. After necessary tests, a course of treatment is prescribed, which will include drugs that support the immune system.

How to treat colpitis in women? The complex of treatment for colpitis must be individual in each specific case.

When a diagnosis of colpitis is made, treatment of the disease will depend on the characteristics female body. It is important for both the patient and her sexual partner to be examined.

For the treatment of colpitis, anti-inflammatory drugs and etiotropic drugs are prescribed. Antibacterial drugs are powerless against colpitis due to the fact that pathogens tolerate the effects of antibiotics quite easily.

In exceptional cases, antibiotic treatment can still be used, but then antibiotics are used only topically (as solutions and emulsions) and for a short period of time. The doctor must also diagnose diseases that accompany colpitis and prescribe a course of treatment for them.

Is it possible to have sex with colpitis? Doctors note that for a complete recovery from colpitis, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse. Let us remind you that during this period it is better for both partners to undergo treatment.

Quite often, doctors suggest using traditional methods in the treatment (depending on the degree of disease progression) of colpitis, but mostly they recommend complex treatment.

For colpitis, the following is prescribed: hydrogen peroxide for lubricating the vaginal walls, douching, tampons with prednisolone ointment, fish oil, Vishnevsky ointment.

Herbalists advise using herbal antibiotics and poisonous plants, decoctions of which work well against harmful microorganisms, provoking the disease.

They also take good pictures inflammatory processes, cleanse the blood, have a restorative effect on the microflora in the vagina.

Therapy for colpitis usually involves eliminating the causative agents of colpitis using antiviral, antibacterial or antifungal drugs and restoring natural state microflora of the vaginal mucosa.

Treatment methods such as strengthening the immune system, physiotherapy, diets are also used.. When treating nonspecific colpitis, drugs against fungal and bacterial infections, giving an anti-inflammatory effect.

The most popular drugs in this group are Terzhinan and Vokadin.

Suppositories are an effective remedy for colpitis.. The suppositories “Terzhinan”, “Pimafucin”, “Klion-D100”, “Vokadin”, which have anti-inflammatory and antifungal effects, have proven themselves well.

For colpitis, which is accompanied by chlamydia, mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis, Genferon suppositories are used, which must be combined with tablets: Fluconazole or Metronidazole.

Use suppositories for colpitis strictly as prescribed by your doctor..

How to treat colpitis at home? It should be noted that in the treatment of such a disease one should combine the use traditional methods with medications prescribed by a doctor.

Douching with chamomile and decoctions of other herbs with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects has proven to be an excellent home remedy for the treatment of colpitis.

It is necessary to remember that what for more therapeutic effect of the means used, all medicinal baths and douching should be carried out lying down.

Chamomile. How to prepare a chamomile decoction for douching? This is very simple to do; you need to boil two tablespoons of chamomile inflorescences in a liter of water for 15 minutes. The resulting broth should be cooled and filtered thoroughly.

Chamomile douching procedures should be carried out 1-2 times a day for 2 weeks. In exactly the same way, you can prepare a decoction of calendula, which is also known for its pronounced anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Celandine. To prepare the infusion, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. pre-crushed celandine herb and brew a glass of boiling water, it is recommended to leave for no more than 20 minutes, then strain.

Add half a glass of broth to a liter warm water and use when douching.

If you want to cleanse the blood, add 1 tablespoon of infusion to a glass clean water and take orally 30 minutes before meals.

In the first stages, the infusion should be taken only once a day, then, if no undesirable symptoms are observed, increase the intake to 3 times a day, 2 tablespoons in half a glass of water.

Basically, treatment with celandine decoction is 10 days, 3 courses each, with a 10-day break between them.

Since celandine is quite poisonous plant, before starting treatment, it is recommended to first consult with a doctor and in the future it is better to carry out treatment under his supervision.

Herbal infusions. Colpitis is perfectly treated by collecting medicinal herbs, which includes St. John's wort, calendula, celandine and chamomile (take all herbs in equal proportions).

For 2 tablespoons of the mixture you will need 1 cup of boiling water, cover the dishes with a napkin and wait half an hour.

Combine the resulting decoction with two glasses of water, do the douching procedure twice, morning and evening, and at night insert a tampon into the vagina, after moistening it in the decoction.

Ginger. To prepare a medicine for colpitis, you need to grind 150 g of ginger roots and add 0.8 liters of high-quality vodka. Ginger should be infused for at least two weeks in a dark glass container, avoiding sunlight.

The course of treatment with ginger tincture depends on the characteristics of your body, so your doctor should determine it.

Immortelle. Infusion of immortelle is also effective for colpitis. It is also quite simple to prepare: pour 20 g of dry immortelle herb into half a liter of boiling water.

You need to infuse the medicine for one hour, strain it thoroughly and then you can begin the douching procedure.

Blueberry. Dried blueberry leaves are also widely used for douching. For cooking medicinal decoction you will need 2 teaspoons of blueberry leaves and a glass of boiling water.

The product can be infused for only half an hour. It is recommended to carry out douching procedures in the morning and evening.

Eucalyptus. Famous for its antiseptic properties and eucalyptus. To prepare a medicinal decoction, take 5 tablespoons of dried eucalyptus, pour 5 cups of boiling water over them and leave for half an hour.

After straining healing decoction ready for use.

Honey. One of the most common remedies for the treatment of colpitis is honey. Needless to say about his wonderful medicinal properties, due to which it is able to kill pathogens of colpitis. It is best to use thyme or linden honey for treatment.

All the above home remedies are very effective. However, it can be noted that positive results are observed only in those women who have undergone complex treatment: this includes not only the timely use of medicinal infusions, especially antiviral ones, and regular douching, but also the mandatory improvement of the health of the sexual partner.

When can you see positive results? Noticeable improvement usually occurs after the first course of therapy (usually lasts 10 days). Then all signs of colpitis disappear, vaginal discharge stop.

Gradually, the microflora and vaginal mucosa are restored, general health the patient improves significantly.

Properly prepared herbal infusions, regular observation by a doctor and patience help get rid of colpitis of all types.

However, the most important thing in treatment is compliance with all the rules of personal hygiene and healthy image life, then you can not only cure colpitis, but also avoid it possible appearance further.