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Omega 3 where the most is contained table. Composition of vegetable oil. Healthiness rating by fatty acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are needed by the body for the proper functioning of the central and peripheral nervous systems, for normal operation hearts. In addition, they are part of the structure of cell membranes.

Scientists have noticed that residents of the Far North rarely suffer from atherosclerosis and heart disease. As it turned out, this is due to the fact that their cholesterol levels are rarely higher than normal. The researchers concluded that this is due to the large amount of fish oil that Eskimos eat. It turns out that the omega-3 fatty acids it contains have the ability to lower triglycerides and cholesterol. Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), which belong to the omega-3 group, cannot be produced by the body, so they enter it only from the outside.

What are omega-3 fatty acids needed for?

Omega-3 fatty acids have bioregulatory effect on the body, promote the production of biologically active eicosanoids (tissue hormones) involved in all biochemical processes in cells.

Omega-3 fatty fatty acids are structural units of cell membranes (brain, visual organs, reproductive organs).

Note:If necessary, fatty acids can be broken down to release energy. That is why, when stored in reserve, they are the body’s energy depot.

These acids regulate blood clotting, reduce the level, especially of low-density lipoproteins, a fraction that is important in the development of atherosclerotic plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

Acting on cardiovascular system, Omega-3s cause dilation of the lumen of blood vessels, entering the heart cells, and improve the contractile function of the myocardium. Thus, the risk of myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, and vascular atherosclerosis is reduced.

IN nervous system Omega-3 helps normalize impulse transmission and also regulates the metabolism of the hormone serotonin, which plays important role in a stable mental state, reducing the possibility of development.

Green plants. Among this group of omega-3 sources are – curly parsley, fragrant dill (garden), .

From leafy stands out in first place purslane– popular in the cuisines of Mediterranean countries. This plant is added to salads. Here it grows in the south as a weed plant. It does not require any special care in gardens and is very unpretentious. Serves as an excellent natural food for poultry, which willingly eats it.

  • flax seeds – 23 g per 1 kg;
  • walnuts – up to 7 g per 1 kg;
  • beans, beans, soybeans, oat sprouts - up to 1.5 g per 1 kg;
  • wheat sprouts – up to 0.7 g per 1 kg.

Hummus a kind of puree made from chickpeas (lamb peas) and tahini (sesame paste). Garlic, lemon and olive oil are added to this dish.

In shops dietary products can be purchased seeds(Spanish sage). The grains of this crop have been known for a long time. In addition to omega-3 acids, they contain lignans, specific antioxidants that have an anticarcinogenic effect and the properties of estrogenic hormones. They can be added to various products, and oil can also be used in food.

Omega-3 Dietary Supplements

If it is not possible to access natural sources omega-3, or for some other reason, can be used nutritional supplements omega-3, available in capsule form.

Available in capsules and fish fat, flax oil. Also created individual drugs acids EPA and DHA.

It is especially convenient to receive these dosage forms patients with moderate and severe stages of disease (myocardial infarction, stroke, severe stages of hypertension).

Taking capsules can simplify the task of treatment in cases of diseases connective tissue having an autoimmune nature - systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, etc.

Unsaturated fatty acids omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9: benefits and harms, consumption rates, products containing them, proportions of fatty acids in the human diet.

Fatty acids are saturated and unsaturated. The second group includes polyunsaturated fats omega-3 and omega-6 and monounsaturated omega-9. Only 20 fatty acids are vital for humans, although there are about 70 of them in the body, and more than 200 in nature. The body itself can synthesize these substances, except for polyunsaturated fats, so they must be supplied daily with food.

Omega-3 and omega-6 (their complex is called vitamin F) were discovered in the first half of the 20th century. However, they attracted the attention of doctors only in the late 70s. Scientists from Denmark became interested in the excellent health and longevity of the Eskimos living in the coastal regions of Greenland. Numerous studies have revealed that low level the incidence of hypertension, thrombosis, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular disorders in this ethnic group is directly related to regular consumption sea ​​fish, rich in omega-3. These data were later confirmed by studying the blood composition of other northern peoples - residents of Japan, the Netherlands and coastal regions of other countries.


Benefits of Omega-3

Omega-3s include docosahexaenoic acid, eicosapentaenoic acid, and alpha-linolenic acid. These healthy fats protect our internal organs, do not allow the blood to thicken and the joints to become inflamed; the strength of the nails, the velvety of the skin, the beauty of the hair, the health of blood vessels, visual acuity, and the ability to bear children depend on them. Omega-3s are very strong antioxidants; they prevent early aging and cancer, and thanks to their ability to regulate fat metabolism, they help fight overweight. Among other things, omega-3s promote wound healing, which is why they are simply irreplaceable for ulcers and gastritis. Their use is a prevention of depression, Alzheimer's disease, and osteoporosis. Omega-3 is restored hormonal balance, regulate the level of calcium in the body, improve the functioning of the immune system, help in the treatment of migraines, psoriasis, eczema, diabetes, bronchial asthma, arthrosis and other misfortunes. They are able to cope emotional disorders, syndrome chronic fatigue, head and menstrual cramps, suppress allergic reactions. Omega-3s are of great value for pregnant women: with a lack of these fats, the brain and retina of a growing fetus cannot form normally.

Sources of Omega-3

Omega-3 is found in the following foods:

  • fatty fish: herring, tuna, trout, salmon, mackerel, sardines, eel, mackerel, halibut;
  • fish fat;
  • red, black caviar;
  • seafood: shellfish, scallops, shrimp;
  • flaxseed, soybean, sesame, canola, rapeseed unrefined vegetable oils;
  • soybeans, tofu;
  • sprouted wheat;
  • flax-seed;
  • raw soaked walnuts, almonds and macadamia;
  • country bird eggs;
  • beans, broccoli, cauliflower, melon, spinach.

About 1-2% of daily calories should come from omega-3 fats, which is approximately 1-2 g per day for adults: up to 2 g for men and up to 1.6 g for women. The daily norm is contained in 70 g of salmon, 100-120 g of canned sardines or tuna, 25 ml of rapeseed oil, a handful of raw nuts, 1 teaspoon of flax seeds. For unhealthy people, these standards may change; they depend on the nature and severity of the existing disease.

It should be noted that vegetable fats(compared to seafood) is richer in omega-3 ratio: if tuna contains only 3.5%, then soybean oil contains approximately 55%, and flaxseed oil contains as much as 70%.

Omega-3 excess and deficiency

With a lack of omega-3, a person develops acne, dandruff, and the skin begins to peel. A lack of fatty acids can be accompanied by depression, memory impairment, joint pain, constant constipation, diseases of the mammary glands, joints, liver, cardiovascular disorders, and acute deficiency can lead to the development of schizophrenia.

Excess omega-3 is harmful to the body, as is a lack of these fats. It can cause hypotension, irritability, increased anxiety, lethargy, weakness, weak muscle tone, malfunction of the pancreas, increased bleeding of wounds.


Benefits of Omega-6

K poly unsaturated fats Omega-6s include linoleic, arachidonic and gamma-linolenic acids. Doctors consider the latter very valuable and healing substance. When consumed in sufficient quantities, gamma-linolenic acid can reduce negative manifestations PMS, maintain skin elasticity, healthy hair and strong nails, prevent and help treat ailments such as diabetes, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, atherosclerosis, skin diseases.

Sources of Omega-6

Omega-6 is found in the following foods:

  • walnut oil, soybean, pumpkin, sunflower, safrole, corn oil;
  • raw sunflower seeds;
  • sesame, poppy;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • sprouted wheat;
  • lard, eggs, butter;
  • pine nuts, pistachios.

However, it is important to understand: in order for the body to have enough of these fats, you do not need to consume more sunflower oil or eat a lot of lard - we already consume enough of them. 3-4 pieces lard per week will only be beneficial, since this product contains substances that are not found anywhere else. As for oil, the main thing is not the quantity, but the quality of this product. You need to use cold-pressed oil - season salads and other dishes with it. The only thing every housewife needs to know is that you can’t cook food with unrefined oil, especially fried foods, it is better to use refined vegetable or melted butter.

The recommended intake of omega-6 for adults is 8-10 g per day (approximately 5-8% of the daily calorie intake).

Omega-6 excess and deficiency

Overconsumption of omega-6 fats leads to weakened immunity, hypertension and other cardiovascular disorders, and the development inflammatory processes and even oncology. A clear example of this is the residents of the United States, who consume a lot of foods with excess omega-6 content - processed foods, fast food, fatty meats.

Omega-6 deficiency can result in consequences such as hair loss, infertility, nervous diseases, bad job liver, eczema, growth retardation.


Benefits of Omega-9

Omega-9 unsaturated fats include oleic acid. It prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the blood, helps maintain healthy weight, strengthens protective functions the body, is necessary for vascular health, hormone synthesis, normal metabolism and many other processes that ensure our health and longevity. Consumption of foods rich in omega-9 is a prevention of thrombosis, cancer, and diabetes. American scientists have proven that hemp oil, which is one of the most valuable sources of oleic acid, effectively fights cancer cells.

Sources of Omega-9

Oleic acid is found in the following foods:

  • unrefined flaxseed, rapeseed, soybean, hemp, sunflower, olive oils;
  • peanut, sesame, almond oil;
  • pork and beef fat;
  • tofu;
  • cod oil;
  • pork, poultry;
  • almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios, pecans, walnuts and Australian nuts;
  • sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pumpkin seeds.

To compensate for the lack of oleic acid in the body, it is enough to eat a handful of any nuts every day, as long as they are soaked and raw.

Omega-9 excess and deficiency

If the body does not have enough oleic acid, a person’s mucous membranes dry out, the digestion process is disrupted, memory deteriorates, nails peel, skin dries, joints hurt, arthrosis and arthritis develop, and increased blood pressure increases. blood pressure, weakness, fatigue, depression appear, depression develops, and susceptibility to infections and colds increases due to decreased immunity. But like any healthy food, omega-9 should not be overused.

Proportions of fatty acids in the daily menu

For good health we need to use everything natural fats- and animal plant origin. But not only their quality is important (extra virgin oil, not refined, fresh sea fish, not frozen, smoked, fried, and farmed, raw and soaked nuts, not fried), but also their correct ratio .

In the foods we are used to eating - sunflower oil, pork, butter, etc., omega-6 predominates. For healthy person the proportion between omega-6 and omega-3 should be 5:1 (less omega-3), for sick people - 2:1, but today it sometimes reaches 30:1. If the balance is disturbed, omega-6, which is present in excess in the body, instead of protecting health, begins to destroy it. The solution is simple: add a spoonful of flaxseed or some other oil rich in omega-3 fats to your daily menu, eat a handful walnuts and at least once a week treat yourself to a portion of seafood. An excellent helper in solving this problem is fish oil, but before consuming it, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Sufficient consumption healthy fats, their optimal balance in the body is an essential condition for good health. Omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids protect us from dangerous diseases And bad mood, give us energy, help us stay young and beautiful, which is why they are so important and necessary for every person.

Omega 3 fatty acids are a number of substances that differ in their structure and properties. You can get them from products, there are also special pharmaceutical drugs. It is important to know why exactly our body needs these fatty acids, and also what harm their excess can cause.

Omega acids Omega 3 These are polyunsaturated fatty acids that have important for human health. They are not produced by the body, so it is important to have them in the daily diet. Omega 3 is also called vitamin F.

Scientists have proven that there is a direct connection between sufficient Omega 3 intake and serious diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease. That is why it is important to take Omega 3 in sufficient quantities, because this substance has a beneficial effect on absolutely everything: from the functioning of the heart to the appearance of a person.

Omega 3 fatty acids perform the following functions:

  • Improve metabolism, which prevents obesity;
  • Promote speed dialing muscle mass body, which is important for athletes;
  • Normalize blood pressure, excluding hypertension and hypotension;
  • Reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks, normalize the condition of blood vessels;
  • Activate the brain, helping to better remember and focus attention;
  • Reduce blood viscosity and cortisol levels;
  • Improves endurance, this is especially important during sports, sessions or blockages at work;
  • Cleanses the skin, making it elastic and soft;
  • Promote testosterone synthesis, which is important for men;
  • Render positive influence on ligaments and joints.

The main benefit of Omega 3 is the ability to strengthen the structure of cell membranes, and this, in turn, normalizes the functioning of all organs and systems.

Taking Omega 3 in the 2nd and 3rd trimester is very important. This reduces the occurrence of gestosis, miscarriage, and premature birth.

But there is also harm from overuse these acids. It consists of thinning the blood; even a small cut can lead to serious consequences.

What products contain

A person must know which foods contain Omega 3 in order to create the right diet that includes this beneficial element.

Below is a table showing foods high in Omega 3.

Product Omega-3 (g/100 grams of product)
Cod liver 15
walnut 7
caviar 6,9
dried beans 1,8
dry beans 0,7
lentils 0,09
  • - 53.4 g per 100 grams;
  • - 36.7 g per 100 grams;
  • olive - 9.28 g per 100 grams;
  • rapeseed - 9.26 g per 100 g.

Knowing what contains the most Omega 3, you can create optimal diet nutrition. To obtain maximum benefit from the above products, it is necessary to eat them in salted, pickled and, if possible, raw form. During heat treatment useful components are destroyed, and the nutritional value ready meals decreases significantly. At the same time, canned fish does not lose its properties: vegetable oils present in canned food protect fatty acids from destruction.

To fully assimilate Omega-3, you must also include a sufficient amount of, and. acts as a preservative for Omega-3, it protects Omega-3 fatty acids from oxidation. Therefore, Omega-3 consumption must be done in combination with the listed vitamins.

Daily norm

Adults need to take at least 250-500 mg of Omega 3 per day, the optimal rate is 1000-2500 mg per day. For adults with increased level cholesterol - 2000 mg daily.

Children from 3 months to 3 years need to consume 900 mg per day. From 3 years - 1200 mg - the daily norm for a growing body.

Pregnant women take 300-1000 mg per day.

Excess and deficiency of Omega 3

Any vitamin, mineral or acid must be present in the body in sufficient quantity. Therefore, consume foods containing Omega 3 in large quantities harmful and even dangerous to health. Worth knowing daily norm and try to stick to it. Conversely, if a person eats little food rich in these fatty acids, then it is necessary to enrich the diet by including, for example, fish twice a week, taking flaxseed oil or other foods rich in Omega 3.

Omega 3 deficiency primarily affects appearance human skin and hair suffer. Also slows down brain activity. With a deficiency of fatty acids in the body, the following symptoms are also observed:

  • acne on the face and body;
  • dandruff;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • depression;
  • impaired attention and memory;
  • joint pain;
  • constipation;
  • cardiovascular disorders.

Attention! Acute Omega 3 deficiency can lead to schizophrenia.

But not only deficiency is harmful, excess Omega 3 also carries with it unpleasant consequences, such as:

  • hypotension;
  • irritability;
  • anxiety;
  • nausea;
  • lethargy;
  • severe bleeding even from a small wound;
  • weak muscle tone.

In our countries, an overdose of Omega-3 is not so bad. Our diet does not contain so much fatty fish and seafood and we do not consume them daily.

However, if you notice any of the above symptoms, first of all pay attention to the amount of foods you consume that contain Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

List of the best pharmaceutical drugs with Omega-3

There are dietary supplements based on Omega 3, quite a lot of them, but not all are balanced in their composition. You should carefully read the instructions, as taking an unbalanced complex can have the opposite effect.

Here is a list of the best pharmacy supplements:

  1. . Contains fish oil and vitamin E. The drug is sold in capsules. Normalizes blood circulation, prevents the formation of blood clots. Approved for use by children over 14 years of age.
  2. Vitrum Cardio Omega-3. The drug is taken for the prevention and treatment of lipid metabolism. Take a course of 2 months. The capsules are not chewed, but washed down with water.
  3. Solgar Wild Salmon Oil. It contains all the essential fatty acids, as well as the antioxidant astaxanthin. The drug is cleared of all impurities heavy metals, including mercury.

It is worth mentioning a couple of the best children's preparations with Omega 3, which will enrich the growing body with this useful substance. Parents need to very carefully select dietary supplements for their child, since manufacturers do not always make their product the correct composition. The following complexes are considered good:

  1. Norwesol Kids. The drug is hypoallergenic. Designed for small children. Made from seal fat.
  2. Omega3 WellnessKids. Swedish drug containing fish oil. Recommended for children from 3 years old. Contains no dyes, sugar or preservatives. Flavored with natural lemon oil.

Who needs to take pharmaceutical drugs with Omega 3

For men's health These fatty acids play an important role. They improve potency, increase testosterone production, and are also recommended for athletes speed dial lean muscle mass.

Omega 3 is especially important for those who have following problems with health:

  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system . Omega 3 normalizes blood pressure, heartbeat, prevents stroke and heart attack, slows down the development of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Diabetes. Fatty acids reduce insulin dependence and improve the patient's well-being during illness.
  • Metabolic disease. Omega 3 breaks down body fat, lowers cholesterol levels.
  • Psoriasis. The substance helps exfoliate “dead” cells in psoriasis, and also stimulates immune system, preventing the disease from moving forward.
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Omega 3 normalizes digestion and prevents the occurrence of colon cancer.

To preserve youth, beauty and health, Omega 3 fatty acids are simply necessary. They help normalize skin color and make tissue firm and elastic. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, and tone muscles and bone tissue.

Many people have heard the mysterious name - Omega 3, everyone has heard about its benefits, but every second person finds it difficult to say what it is, what Omega 3 contains, and how exactly it is useful. It's time to figure it out.

Omega 3 - what is it?

Omega 3 components are very important in the nutrition of people of any age. This polyunsaturated fat valuable for mental development and to maintain good physical well-being. Increased fatigue, memory impairment, circulatory disorders, depression, lack of energy – obvious signs Omega-3 deficiency.

In addition, the skin suffers - it begins to peel, rashes and dandruff may appear, nails break; from the gastrointestinal tract - constipation and flatulence begin; Possible joint problems.

The human body cannot independently produce the polyunsaturated fatty acids in question, so a source of supply is required from the outside, that is, through food.

Products containing Omega 3, sources of PMF

So, which foods contain Omega 3 in the largest quantities:

  • sea ​​fish, most of all in;
  • various oils (linseed, camelina, soybean, rapeseed);
  • nuts (walnuts, ), seeds, ;
  • broccoli;
  • and the fruit itself.

Since sea fish is considered the main source, it is important that it is grown in natural conditions and ate seaweed rather than grain and feed from farmed fish farms.

Much for the body fish is healthier in the lightly salted version than in the fried version.

Benefits of Omega 3 for Athletes

For people who are professionally involved in sports, dietary supplements with Omega 3 PUFAs have been specially developed. They are made on the basis of flaxseed oil or fish oil. You can see the options for additives.

Athlete to achieve maximum results exposes your body to additional stress. Omega 3 fatty acids are simply necessary for the healthy functioning of the body of people training in bodybuilding or other sports.

These acids help normalize blood pressure, improve blood circulation, help the healthy functioning of the heart muscle during exercise, ω-3 They are simply irreplaceable when gaining muscle mass while maintaining a healthy hormonal balance.

Using Omega 3 for weight loss

As for weight loss, there is no exact data that Omega-3 fatty acids promote fat burning. You can lose weight only by following correct mode nutrition. Omega 3 fats help curb your appetite and keep you feeling full longer.

During the diet, fat is removed through the blood and burned. The functioning of the heart may be disrupted. Consumption of Omega-3 PUFA components helps stabilize blood pressure. The Omega 3 complex is not the root cause of weight loss, but it does play an active role in healthy weight loss.

Omega 3 complex for adults and children - what is it good for

Omega 3 fats are vital for normal heart and brain function. If you include them in your diet every month, it will be much easier for the nervous system to cope with stress, depression, nervous overload, and even premenstrual syndrome.

IN modern society children also experience the strongest stress loads. As a result, the immune system weakens, concentration decreases, and heart function is disrupted.

Omega 3 complex shows positive impact on, brain, dental development, hair quality and skin children. Admission to children's body essential acids helps improve memory and attention. For the correct initial construction of the fetal neural tube, omega 3 is very useful for pregnant women.

Therefore, foods with vital fats must be included in a child’s daily diet. Additionally you can give vitamin complexes with Omega 3, strictly observing the dosage according to the child’s age.

It should be noted that children are allowed to take vitamins from 1.5 years of age.

Taking Omega 3 helps to get rid of infertility, helps with diseases of the joints, skin, cardiovascular system, atherosclerosis, the complex is used to prevent the development of osteoporosis, heart attacks and strokes, oncological diseases, Alzheimer's disease, improves allergies.

As we see, the impact of Omega 3 on the body is great, so it is worth taking care of uninterrupted suppliers of this essential polyunsaturated fatty acid to maintain our health.

Benefits of Omega-3 for the body

To summarize all of the above, the benefits of Omega 3 are invaluable, let’s highlight the most important effect on the main human organs and systems:

  • on the cardiovascular system - prevention of stroke, heart attack, development of atherosclerosis and hypertension;
  • on the immune system - suppression of inflammatory processes, especially of an allergic nature.

Harm or contraindications of Omega-3

  • In case of an overdose, significant blood thinning occurs, which, with a tendency to bleeding, hemorrhagic syndrome not so good.
  • Individual intolerance occurs, there may be an allergy to fish (the main source of Omega 3).

Deficiency of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids has Negative influence on the well-being of adults and children. Relapses occur more often chronic diseases, mental and physical performance, pathologies of the musculoskeletal system worsen. Not in all cases, neurologists and gastroenterologists recommend taking biologically active additives. The doctor will tell you which foods contain Omega-3 in the quantities necessary to replenish the supply of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The introduction of vegetable oils into the diet will help eliminate and prevent health problems. fatty varieties fish, healthy vegetables.

The main source of beneficial Omega-3s for humans is fatty fish, seaweed and seafood

The right choice of healthy products

To ensure that eating fish, oil and vegetables is not ineffective, you should choose the right products. Highest concentration of Omega-3 and fat-soluble vitamins found in unrefined vegetable oils that have not undergone any purification. Also, scientists have long proven that fish grown in a hatchery on artificial feed contains practically no beneficial polyunsaturated acids and fat-soluble vitamins. The only source of Omega-3 will be mackerel or salmon caught in cold ocean waters.

When choosing seafood, you should give preference to those that are packaged directly at fishing enterprises, and also take into account when purchasing that products rich in Omega-3 cannot be fried, smoked, or cooked in batter.

Warning: In chicken and quail eggs, beef, pork, the concentration of polyunsaturated acids will be extremely low if the diet of poultry and animals consumed artificial feed, and were not free-range.

When choosing food products, the type of Omega-3 included in them is also of great importance. chemical composition. For the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system, the following polyunsaturated acids are necessary:

  • Eicosapentaenoic acid. Biologically active substance found in fatty fish, completely digestible in thin section intestines;
  • Linolenic. The fatty acid is present only in vegetable oils, nuts, seeds, fruits; in the human body it is transformed into docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic Omega-3 fatty acids;
  • Docosahexaenoic acid. The organic compound is part of shellfish, kelp, and fatty fish; it is broken down and adsorbed in the intestines.

To preserve in products containing Omega-3, maximum concentration fatty acids, they should not be subjected to heat treatment. Using olive or linseed oil for frying is completely unacceptable. To replenish Omega-3 reserves in the body, you need to season vegetable salads with them or simply eat them with a piece of dried black bread. This also applies to cashews, peanuts, and hazelnuts. If you add them to baking dough, the resulting product will be completely devoid of any useful properties. It is better to eat nuts as a separate dish with green tea or sprinkle them on a creamy ice cream.

Tip: Lightly salted herring, mackerel, and salmon are the most useful. If heat treatment is necessary, you need to choose the most gentle methods. You can steam the fish or simmer it in a small amount of water.

What foods are high in Omega-3 fatty acids?

Polyunsaturated fatty acids are included in the chemical composition of cereals, fruits, and vegetables. But in many of them the concentration of Omega-3 is so low that even if you consume a significant amount of these healthy products it will not be possible to eliminate the imbalance that has arisen. But the inclusion of sea fish, shellfish, vegetable oils and seeds in the diet will help replenish the supply of not only polyunsaturated acids, but also the most important fat-soluble vitamins for the human body: retinol, tocopherol, ergocalciferol. Omega-3 content in products can vary significantly depending on the factory or country of origin.

This is interesting: Doctors have established a relationship between the digestibility of Omega-3 and their sources. Beneficial substances received in gastrointestinal tract with food, they are broken down and adsorbed much better than polyunsaturated fatty acids from dietary supplements.


No one herbal product does not contain as many polyunsaturated fatty acids as Omega-3 does linseed oil- 12 mg per 100 g natural product. Almost the same useful substances is a component of black and white flax seeds. This variety vegetable oil does not have any specific taste or smell, so it is ideal for seasoning viscous cereal porridges, side dishes, vegetable salads and even thick soups.

Recommendation: When purchasing a natural product, you need to pay attention to the date of its packaging. Unrefined flaxseed oil has a short shelf life due to the high concentration of bioactive compounds. During storage, they can oxidize and gradually deteriorate, changing the color of the product and giving it a rancid smell.

Flax seeds have their own delicate aroma and pleasant nutty taste. Do not put them in baked goods, grind them to a powder state, as some recipes advise traditional medicine. The most useful are whole flax fruits in salads made from tomatoes, cucumbers, and fleshy red bell pepper, parsley. After cutting the vegetables, they should be generously seasoned with seeds. The Omega-3 content of flaxseed oil is higher if it was obtained by cold pressing. High concentration polyunsaturated fatty acids are present in the following fruits, vegetables and herbs:

  • avocado;
  • asparagus;
  • oats, wheat;
  • leaf parsley;
  • dill.

To saturate the body of an adult or child, doctors recommend including Omega-3 in their diet. legumes- soybeans, beans, chickpeas, peas, lentils. Walnut, peanuts, almonds are record holders for the content of healthy fatty acids. The most a large number of Omega-3 is found in olive, sesame, and unrefined corn oil. Products containing the most Omega-3 are presented in the table:


Most polyunsaturated fatty acids are found in the liver and muscle tissue sea ​​fish. It is from them that healthy fish oil is produced in the form of a thick liquid or capsules. Representatives of the aquatic world themselves receive Omega-3 from ocean algae (fucus, kelp), which serve as food for them. An excellent prevention of strokes, heart attacks, thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis will be eating the following types of fish 2-3 times a week:

  • mackerel;
  • salmon;
  • halibut;
  • trout;
  • pink salmon.

When purchasing lightly salted fish, you should take into account that the food product can cause an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, it is better for hypertensive patients to purchase fresh mackerel or pink salmon for steaming along with vegetables. Walruses, seals and seals are sources of Omega-3 for local residents. These rather rare marine animals are not harvested on an industrial scale.

When breaking down and absorbing fatty fish, the human gastrointestinal tract is subjected to excessive stress. Such food products cannot be used as a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids for people with pancreatitis, gastritis, and cholecystitis. In this case, you need to include seafood in your diet:

  • shrimps;
  • squid;
  • scallops.

It is enough to consume 100 g of these during the day. delicious products to provide your daily supply of Omega-3s, easily broken down proteins and fat-soluble vitamins.

Warning: During pregnancy and lactation, it is better for women to choose vegetables, fruits, nuts and fresh herbs as sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Seafood is a highly allergenic food, so you should include it in your diet only after consulting a gynecologist or pediatrician.

All materials on the Priroda-Znaet.ru website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!