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How to treat a subserous node of the uterus. What is a subserous myomatous node: diagnosis, treatment, nutrition. Only the presence of large sizes makes itself felt

A tumor in the uterus, called fibroids, is one of the TOP 5 most common pathologies of the reproductive organ. It can be single, but in some cases several formations develop at once. As a rule, in plural A subserous myomatous node may appear on the uterus. Education has almost no effect on the uterus, but significantly affects the work neighboring organs.

What is subserous fibroid: symptoms and cause of appearance

Depending on the location of the node, uterine fibroids are divided into several types: intramural, submucous, interstitial, node in the cervix and subserous. We will consider the features of the latter in this article.

The subserous node occurs on outer shell reproductive organ and grows towards the pelvic cavity. It is located on a wide base or on a pedicle, which is attached to the muscle layer. Characteristic of this type formations – its multiplicity. This means that the uterus may be littered with nodules.

Install accurate diagnosis on initial stages possible only with the help of ultrasound. However, even during a routine examination, an experienced gynecologist may suspect something is wrong during palpation. Heterogeneity of the uterus, uneven contours of the organ and an enlarged abdomen are reasons to send the patient to additional examination to determine the size and location of a possible formation.

The main reasons for the formation of a tumor are a failure in hormone levels and heredity. However for healthy woman which leads correct image life and has good immunity, these factors are almost harmless.

The impetus for the development of a tumor can be:

  • surgical interventions in the genital area, abortions and curettage. All these manipulations can damage the muscle layer of the reproductive organ and provoke a new disease.
  • the presence of tumors in the breast or ovaries;
  • prolonged use of birth control pills;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.

It is characterized by mild symptoms, since it almost does not penetrate the wall of the uterus. If the base of the tumor has grown deeply into the muscle layer, the following problems may occur:

  • Uterine fibroids located near fallopian tubes, blocks their patency, due to which fertilization and consolidation of the egg becomes impossible. As a result, a woman cannot conceive a child.
  • If pregnancy does occur, fibroids can cause hemorrhages in the placenta, which leads to miscarriage.
  • Failure of menstruation, which is accompanied by heavy discharge and bleeding in the middle of the cycle.

Yet, these violations are rare. Often, subserous uterine fibroids affect the functioning of other systems. Indeed, sometimes it can grow up to 10 cm in diameter. With such dimensions, pressure on the internal organs is inevitable. In particular, the following consequences may occur:

  • disruption of the functioning of neighboring organs - kidneys, intestines, which is fraught with constipation and frequent urination;
  • abdominal pain due to pressure on nerve receptors. The sensations intensify during menstruation, sexual intercourse, and physical activity.

The most dangerous thing that can happen with this type of formation is twisting of the node located on the stem. This can happen as a result of sudden movements or heavy stress on the abs. The vessels that feed the tumor rupture, causing necrosis of tumor tissue. This may be indicated by the following symptoms, which occur immediately:

  • severe dizziness and fainting;
  • temperature increase;
  • sharp increasing pain;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • In case of infection, the body becomes intoxicated.

As a rule, in such a situation, surgical intervention is indicated.

Diagnosis and treatment

Modern medicine offers several ways to treat tumors. This could be surgery or conservative treatment hormonal drugs. Medicines are used if the formation has not reached the size of a 12-week pregnancy, develops sluggishly and is not accompanied by pronounced symptoms.

Doctors may prescribe different groups drugs:

  • Agonists interfere with the production of sex hormones by the ovaries. In this way, the growth of fibroids can be suppressed. Often, education even decreases.
  • Antigonadotropic drugs stop the development of fibroids, but are not able to reduce the formation.

If necessary, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as medications that alleviate the course of the disease, can be prescribed.

In addition, treatment may be accompanied by the use of dietary supplements and herbal medicine. The use of any drug must be agreed with a doctor. Treat yourself folk remedies dangerous because, by affecting the tumor, herbs can negatively affect the functioning of other organs. Therefore, before recommending treatment with herbal remedies, the doctor conducts a thorough examination and prescribes tests.

If drugs are powerless, then surgery is indicated. The most gentle method is myomectomy. It involves minimal intervention and is indicated primarily for girls who want to conceive and give birth to a child.

In some cases, uterine artery embolization is effective - a microsurgical operation during which the uterine artery is blocked. special drugs. This manipulation blocks the blood flow to the node, stopping its nutrition.

In advanced cases, radical surgical intervention is indicated - removal of the node and uterus, and in some cases also the ovaries.

Special diet for subserous fibroids

Compliance proper nutrition promotes speedy recovery. Recommended:

  • Eliminate fried and fatty foods from your diet.
  • Eat vegetables and fruits daily. A large amount of food of plant origin speeds up metabolism and normalizes intestinal microflora.
  • Dairy products and nuts help restore hormone levels.

Doctors insist that the patient give up high-calorie foods. Overweight dangerous with this type of education. Special diet with uterine fibroids, it will not only help prevent other chronic formations, but will also contribute to speedy recovery body when treatment ends.

As a rule, doctors advise:

  • Eat whole grain cereals. The same goes for bread. This way the body will receive a lot of useful fiber.
  • Saturate the body with vitamins in the form of berries - fresh or frozen. Use grape juice once a week is a guarantee of restoring hormonal balance.
  • Introduce into the diet sea ​​fish, about three times a week. It is useful for various ailments.

  • Consume flax seeds to normalize intestinal function.
  • Eat nuts and beans in any form. The body needs them every day.
  • Drink milk or low-fat kefir every other day.
  • Avoid coffee and black tea. You can replace hot drinks green tea or rosehip decoction.
  • Among different types choose the healthiest oil – olive oil. It prevents the development of the node.
  • Avoid alcohol. Only on holidays can you afford a glass of red wine.

It is worth paying attention to individual products that should be consumed strictly limit or completely eliminate from the diet:

  • Everything floury and sweet in the form of buns, cakes and pastries is taboo.
  • Smoked meats, fatty meats and lard are also prohibited.
  • Butter can be consumed in quantities of no more than 25 grams per day, margarine - not at all.
  • Processed, smoked, sausage and even hard cheeses with high fat content should also be excluded.

Steam or stew food. Dishes prepared in this way are the healthiest for the body.


According to clinical studies, diagnosing uterine fibroids observed in 85% of women. This fact allows us to classify this pathology as one of the most common diseases of the female genital area.

Uterine fibroids are called hormone-dependent tumors that grow in the muscle layer of the anterior or posterior wall of the uterus. The disease is typical for women 30-45 years old.

Myoma is located in different areas uterine wall. It can have both nodular and diffuse forms. Most tumor-like formations are located in the uterine body in the form of nodes, for example, along the anterior wall. Only 5% of myomatous nodes are localized in the cervical part.

Many women, having heard about subserous nodes, are interested in what it is.

Uterine fibroids located outside under its serous membrane, it is subserous.

Subserous nodes of the uterus form on the surface of the organ and progress towards the pelvic cavity.

Subserous nodes can grow:

  • on a leg;
  • on a wide base.

Subserous nodes are often multiple in nature. According to their size, neoplasms can be:

  • small;
  • average;
  • big.

Typically, the subserous node grows within five years to a size determined by instrumental methods. However, under the influence negative factors there may be rapid growth in education.

The volume of uterine fibroids, in particular of the subserous type, is determined by gynecologists in weeks of pregnancy.

Reasons for appearance

It is believed that the growth of subserous uterine fibroids is caused by hormonal imbalances. Among the factors provoking the disease are also:

  • surgical interventions in the woman’s history;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • long-term use of COCs;
  • pathology thyroid gland and adrenal glands;
  • stress;
  • absence of pregnancy, childbirth and lactation up to 30 years.

Experts distinguish several stages of the formation of subserous uterine fibroids.

  1. Noted active growth tumors of small smooth muscle elements blood vessels, characterized by increased permeability of the vascular wall.
  2. The stage of rapid progression of fibroids, which can only be determined microscopically.
  3. A subserous myomatous node can be diagnosed during an examination by a gynecologist.

As a result of hormonal fluctuations Excessive proliferation of smooth muscle cells or their excessive reproduction occurs.

During histological examination, deformed cells are detected, while the connective tissue remains unchanged.


The pathology differs in several ways clinical forms. Experts classify subserous nodes as:

  • leiomyoma, consisting of smooth muscle cells;
  • fibroids, including a significant amount of connective tissue;
  • bizarre leiomyoma, in which giant cells with large nuclei are identified;
  • epithelioid cell leiomyoma with unclear boundaries;
  • leiomyolipoma, characterized by the content of fat cells.

Subserous nodes may differ in different localization.

  • Intramurally located. Intramural subserous tumors develop externally and are relatively harmless. Neoplasms localized intramurally do not lead to uterine deformation. It is believed that intramural subserous nodes also do not cause infertility.
  • Interstitial-subserous. Nodes located interstitially form inside the anterior or posterior wall of the uterus. The formations differ in their development into the pelvic area and are mixed. As a rule, this pathology leads to an increase in the uterine body. In this case, a large knot in the front or back wall uterus can negatively affect neighboring organs.

Interstitial-subserous nodes, for example, of the anterior wall of the uterus, often cause surgical interventions. While intramural fibroids have a more favorable prognosis.

Clinical picture and complications during the development of subserous nodes in the uterus

Subserous nodes, which are often located intramural along the anterior wall, mostly progress without symptoms.

However, when the uterine tumor reaches a significant volume, a compression effect occurs, aimed at the tissue surrounding the tumor. As a result, various violations arise from internal organs located in the pelvis.

Gynecologists name several symptoms characteristic of subserous nodes, including those that form intramurally along the anterior wall of the uterus.

  • Changes affecting the nature of menstruation. A woman may notice an increase in the amount bloody discharge, as well as lengthening the duration of critical days.
  • Acyclic bleeding. With benign uterine pathology, the contractile function of the organ is impaired, which causes intense bleeding. Over time, constant blood loss often causes anemia.
  • Constant urge to urinate. Function related disorders excretory system, arise due to compression Bladder, since it is located anterior to the uterus and large uterine formation.
  • Pain varying intensity. Pain sensations depend on the location of the formation. When the tumor is located intramural along the anterior wall, pain occurs only with large nodes. In this case, the pain may be localized above the pubis or lower back. Many women note that pain often occurs after intense physical activity or during critical days.
  • Infertility and miscarriage. This sign characteristic of the serous-interstitial type of pathology.

Long-term developing subserous nodes of the uterus can lead to various complications:

  • torsion of the leg of the knot;
  • tumor necrosis;
  • purulent-inflammatory processes.

With torsion of the leg and subsequent necrosis, symptoms appear " acute abdomen", which are accompanied severe pain, loss of consciousness, drop in blood pressure, vomiting. !!! This complication requires immediate surgical intervention.

Diagnostic and treatment methods

It is worth noting that such a formation as the uterus requires mandatory observation and treatment. Majority benign neoplasms proceed latently, which indicates the need for timely diagnosis.

The disease can be suspected during a gynecological examination. By palpation experienced doctor reveals a spherical enlarged uterus and palpates large formations. To confirm the diagnosis, instrumental research methods are necessary:

  • gynecological ultrasound;
  • laparoscopy.
  • diagnostic hysteroscopy.

The main way to diagnose the disease is gynecological ultrasound. When prescribing therapy, hormonal testing may be required.

Treatment of the disease is determined by the growth rate, size and type of tumor. Essential when choosing therapeutic tactics has the patient’s age, as well as her reproductive plans.

For small volumes of fibroids, some doctors use a wait-and-see approach. However, this approach may lead to further progression illness.

The gold standard in the treatment of uterine fibroids is a combination of medication and surgical tactics. Drug therapy is advisable for fibroids for up to 12 weeks in the absence of severe symptoms. Within the framework of conservative or drug therapy The following hormonal medications are recommended for the patient:

  • antigonadotropins;
  • gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists.

Conservative tactics also involve the use of anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agents. The goal of the drug technique is to stabilize the growth of uterine fibroids and reduce its clinical manifestations.

The main method of treating uterine fibroids, in particular those localized intramurally along the anterior wall, is to remove them using various surgical techniques.

Indications for surgical treatment are:

  • rapid progression of fibroids;
  • cancer alertness;
  • neoplasms exceeding 12 weeks;
  • frequent bleeding;
  • intense pain.

Surgical intervention is performed using the following methods:

  • organ-preserving treatment through laparotomy and laparoscopic myomectomy, UAE and FUS ablation;
  • radical surgery using hysterectomy or extirpation of the uterine body.

Despite the benign nature of subserous uterine fibroids, it requires competent diagnosis and subsequent adequate treatment.

Subserous fibroid is a benign nodular neoplasm in the muscular layer of the uterus, located under it outer shell. It can be on a wide base, with the help of which it adheres to the membrane of the superficial layer of the uterus, or have a long thin leg, with the help of which it protrudes beyond the limits of its membrane. The muscle tissue itself, from which fibroids are formed, is in a differentiated state and is not able to spread throughout the body.

Subserous fibroids are located on the outside of the uterus or under its outer lining in the muscle layer itself. Being under the serous membrane and growing, fibroids can spread throughout the entire muscle layer, or form a stalk and grow to the side abdominal cavity, creating a threat of complications in the form of torsion of the leg. As a result, a dangerous condition occurs in the form of tissue necrosis, requiring immediate surgical intervention.


The formation of fibroids is most often caused by a hormonal imbalance, leading to an increase in the formation of smooth muscle cells. The most common cause of disorders of this kind are changes due to age, which also explains the fact that the development of fibroids occurs. The formation of a myomatous tumor can occur in connection with pathological processes in the ovaries, since in this case their hormone-producing functions suffer. The influence of stress, chronic diseases V various organs, endocrine changes in the adrenal glands, in the pituitary gland or in thyroid gland, are also provoking factors.

Although hormonal changes occur in most women throughout their lives; not every one of them develops myomatous nodes. According to experts, this benign tumor unable to develop into healthy body, therefore, the impetus for its appearance requires the creation of certain conditions, for example:

  1. Surgical interventions in the location of the female genital organs in the form of diagnostic curettage, artificial termination of pregnancy, studies using laparoscopy, etc. Carrying out such manipulations causes injury muscle tissue, in place of which a tumor develops.
  2. Genetic predisposition to fibroids.
  3. Previous surgical interventions related to the removal of such tumors.
  4. Infectious or inflammatory processes occurring in the organs of the genitourinary system.
  5. Long lasting.
  6. Neoplasms diagnosed in the appendages or breast tissue.
  7. Functional disorders in the endocrine system.

As a rule, during the formation of fibroids, several provoking factors can be detected that simultaneously influence the development of the tumor.

What does it look like

Subserous myoma looks like a node that is adjacent to the serous uterine membrane from the outside with the help of a wide base or thin stalk. When conducting a histological examination, it is determined connective tissues, have not undergone changes and smooth muscle deformed cells, growing in disarray in different directions. Subserous fibroids can have the following types:

  1. Leiomyoma, all smooth muscle cells of which are the same.
  2. , with a predominance of connective tissue.
  3. Leiomyoma is bizarre, having a number of cells that have larger nuclei.
  4. Leiomyoblastoma, with ill-defined boundaries, the round cells of this tumor have eosinophilic cytoplasm in the form of stripes.
  5. Leiomyolipoma, with the appearance of fat cells formed as a result of deneration processes.

The tissue that forms the fibroids can change as a result of insufficient nutrition, as a result of which, upon examination, one will notice characteristic changes in the form of necrosis, areas with hyalinosis, damage caused by mucoid and myxomatous dystrophy, calcifications and hemorrhages with different sizes and occurred at different times.


Subserous fibroids can be single, covered with a capsule in the form of a capsule, or they can be joined together. Multiple nodular formations are uncommon, but manifest themselves with more painful symptoms. Growing to large sizes, multiple nodes begin to put pressure on nearby organs, which causes insufficient functioning. In addition to these differences, depending on the location on the body of the uterus, myomatous tumor is divided into several types:

  • intramural subserous fibroid, when it develops under the serosa on the outer layer of the uterus and, as it grows, occupies most muscle layer;
  • , developing in the muscle layer itself;
  • pedunculated subserous myoma.


Intramural subserous fibroids form outside the uterus, under its surface layer. Such tumors are considered the safest, since they do not change the size of the uterus itself and do not violate menstrual cycle and do not deprive reproductive opportunities. This type fibroids are formed from smooth muscle fibers and connective tissues. The nature of the disease does not affect severe consequences for the condition of the body, and it is often asymptomatic.

Interstitial subserous

They are formed in the wall of the uterus, their growth occurs in the direction of the small pelvis. This type has characteristic differences from a common subserous tumor and is considered mixed look. The growth of fibroids occurs in the very muscular layer of the uterus, so as the size of the nodes increases, the body of the uterus also increases. Although such myomatous nodes can negatively affect nearby organs, their growth is limited and does not exceed ten centimeters in diameter.


To facilitate monitoring the condition and stage of development of this kind of myomatous nodes, they are usually classified into several stages:

  1. The first is the stage when the growth of the tumor intensifies, and it fully develops. metabolic processes accompanied by increased vascular permeability.
  2. The second is the stage in which tumor formation occurs at a rapid pace, but it can only be diagnosed by microscopic examination.
  3. The third stage is to detect fibroids during an examination by a gynecologist.

How dangerous is this disease?

Subserous fibroids often form on a pedicle, with the help of which it receives the necessary nutrients. This condition threatens the development of torsion of this leg, resulting in atrophy of the node tissue with the subsequent development of necrosis with purulent-inflammatory processes. Such changes in the condition of myomatous nodes are always accompanied by severe pain, hyperthermia, symptoms of tachycardia, excessive sweating, attacks of dizziness and other manifestations of intoxication of the body.


The existing subserous myoma is usually determined during gynecological examination, since palpation easily reveals the heterogeneous structure of the uterus with its uneven contours. The patient may have an enlarged abdomen, but her weight remains the same and does not change. Myomatous tumor does not interfere with the mobility of the uterus, it does not adhere to nearby organs. A more accurate description of the identified formation can be given using ultrasound, its nature, size, structural differences, as well as the condition of nearby organs can be determined. This diagnostic method remains the main method for tracking the dynamics of tumor growth and the likelihood of its degeneration into a malignant state.

To determine the degree of deformation of the uterine cavity, metrography or hysterosalpingography, which is an X-ray method using a contrast agent, can be used.

The necessary clarifications in diagnostics can be made using MRI and CT, which examine organs located in the pelvis. With the help of these studies, existing fibroid growths into nearby tissues are identified or the non-cancerous nature of the tumor is determined. In case of doubt in this regard, it is carried out histological examination biopsy method.

To assess the degree inflammatory process and control the level of hemoglobin in the blood do general analysis blood.


When choosing a treatment method, the rate at which the tumor increases in size and the degree of damage caused by it are taken into account. The acute nature of the disease is one of the indications for emergency surgical intervention, the volume of which is determined during a visual inspection. If the tumor is small and located superficially, usually only it is removed; in the case of extensive spread with penetration deep into the entire uterus, the entire uterus is removed.

If the condition of the fibroids is stable and is not characterized by rapid growth, then they are carried out to restrain the activity of the tumor, and sometimes cause it to decrease.

Dimensions for surgery

For surgical removal There are certain indications for fibroids, the main ones being the following:

  • rapid increase in tumor size;
  • the appearance of signs of cell malignancy;
  • uteruses exceeding twelve weeks;
  • prolonged and heavy bleeding;
  • recurring pain manifestations.

An operation to remove fibroids is carried out in cases of rapid growth, leading to the size of the uterus corresponding to a 12-week pregnancy.

Treatment with folk remedies

To treat subserous fibroids, they often resort to using folk recipes based medicinal plants and the most common substances found in every home. Using these methods, it is possible to stop the development of myomatous nodes and reduce the severity of painful symptoms. However, such methods are not considered as the main treatment; folk remedies are used as an addition to drug therapy.

To treat fibroids, a variety of plants are used in the form of flax seeds, potatoes, hogweed, nettle, and yarrow. It must be remembered that many plants that have effective assistance in the treatment of myomatous tumors, they are poisonous and their use requires careful adherence to the dosage and strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations.


Subserous fibroids in the vast majority of cases do not accept malignant form and at timely diagnosis and with adequate treatment it is well controlled. The prognosis as a result of the methods used is mostly positive, but nevertheless, with the rapid growth of fibroids and development pathological process Surgery is often required.

Subserous uterine fibroids and pregnancy

The subserous type of fibroids forms under the peritoneum and, if large enough, can put pressure on the fallopian tubes, preventing conception. If the tumor is small, it does not interfere with the movement of sperm or eggs, and conception occurs within normal periods.

A certain degree of danger for pregnancy is posed by pedunculated fibroids, the torsion of which can lead to necrosis and development purulent inflammation threatening both the woman and her child. Subserous fibroids affect the condition of the placenta, the insufficient development of which will not be able to provide adequate nutrition to the growing fetus. In some, especially difficult cases threatening intrauterine growth retardation, as well as with multiple nodes, termination of pregnancy may be necessary.


An annual examination by a gynecologist is the most reliable prevention of those stages of fibroid development when therapeutic methods become ineffective and the disease requires surgical intervention. Timely diagnosis makes it possible to detect the presence of changes in the condition of the uterus at the earliest stages; the use of hormones will be sufficient to suppress pathological processes. To prevent the formation of a myomatous tumor, it is necessary to avoid artificial termination of pregnancy, give birth to a child before the age of thirty, and use compulsory breastfeeding. Equally important is timely elimination hormonal imbalance and not allow long-term use hormonal contraceptives.

There are several types of myomatous nodes. Subserous myomatous node is located on outside uterus and may have a base - a leg. Its structure determines the methods of treatment for this condition.

Uterine fibroids occur due to a violation of the regulation of cell growth in the muscle tissue of the organ. The impetus is most often hormonal disorders and previous operations on the uterus.

Myoma can be single and differ in location. According to the medical classification, the following types of tumor are distinguished:

  1. Submucosal myomatous neoplasm– located in the submucosa of the organ on a thin stalk.
  2. Interstitial, or intramural– located between the muscular layers of the uterus.
  3. Subserous tumor– localization outside the uterus, may have a stalk.
  4. Intraligamentary node– located on or between ligaments.
  5. Less common born And nodes in the cervix.

The development of the pathological process in the uterus is influenced not only by reproductive hormones, but also by dysfunction of the thyroid gland. For example, hypothyroidism is combined with an increase in estrogen levels. This can serve as an impetus for the development of a benign hormone-dependent tumor.

After cavity curettage and installation of a spiral, the uterine mucosa is often damaged and its structure is disrupted. Unfavorable factors are also the totality of the influence on the body of bad heredity, unfavorable environment, negative emotions and poor resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.

They range from 1.5 cm to a dozen cm. However, they are more often discovered when they reach at least 4-5 weeks.

Diagnosis of subserous fibroids

Despite the fact that subserous uterine fibroids are benign education, she is capable. The rate of malignancy depends on the type of fibroid and the combination of external factors.

When diagnosed, this type of fibroid looks like a node on a broad base or pedicle, through which its nutrition and growth occur. Single node covered by a capsule, limited from surrounding tissues, easily visualized. Multiple formations are difficult to separate from each other. The diameter of each of them does not exceed 10 cm.

Localization outside the uterus limits tumor involvement and does not contribute to organ enlargement. As a result, there are no obstacles to conceiving a child. If the subserous node is located near fallopian tube, it can lead to disruption of its patency as a result of compression. In this case, maintaining the pregnancy is difficult.

Types of subserous uterine fibroids

In gynecology, a convenient classification of subserous nodes is provided.

According to it, all fibroids of this type are divided into the following types:

  • a null subserous node on a pedicle, differs in that it is not intramural.
  • In the first type, the percentage of content of the intramural component occupies half of the node.
  • The second type is spoken of when the intramural contents make up more than half of the node and the subserous component is less pronounced compared to the first type.

A myomatous node on the anterior wall occurs in most women; location on the posterior wall is typical for. The subserous node grows into the peritoneal cavity and unfolds in rare cases.

Reasons for development

As noted, the following factors can influence the development of a tumor:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • damage to the uterine myometrium.

Pathologies of a subserous nature are focused on painful sensations of pulling, aching character. The area of ​​their localization is top part abdomen, irradiation to the back is observed.

The pain may intensify after physical fatigue, stiffness of the pelvic muscles, or against the background of colds.

How is subserous fibroid diagnosed?

A standard appointment with a gynecologist includes a mandatory medical history and history study chronic pathologies. An in-depth medical examination includes a blood test (detailed clinical, biochemistry, hormones); inspection using mirrors; ultrasound examination; magnetic resonance imaging.

Treatment methods

Treatment can also be radical. If a neoplasm is detected on early stage development, observation tactics are allowed. In this case we are talking about fibroids up to 12 weeks of pregnancy. If hormonal background women do not require correction,
Only chronic foci of infection are sanitized.

Drug therapy

At a size of 12-15 weeks, treatment with oral and hormonal contraceptives, to reduce the production of hormones by the ovaries. Medicines are taken for at least six months. Another treatment option is. This method of treatment also combines a contraceptive function. The peculiarity of the latest method of therapy is that the spiral is placed only on women who have given birth. For use hormonal drugs there are contraindications:

  • increased amount of glucose in the blood;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • hypertension.

Additionally prescribed symptomatic remedies: painkillers, iron, vitamin complexes, hemostatic drugs. Physiotherapy includes magnetic therapy and radon baths.

Treatment during pregnancy

A subserous myomatous node can be detected during pregnancy on ultrasound. What complications does this pathology threaten? If the tumor is located on a pedicle, it may become torsion. The operation is carried out taking into account all the risks to the fetus. When the pregnancy cannot be terminated, expectant management remains. The growth of fibroids can lead to compression of the ureters, which will lead to disruption of the kidneys, development dangerous condition– pyelonephritis. Due to irradiation into the rectal area, inflammation occurs. However, monitoring the entire period of pregnancy allows you to prevent complications for mother and baby in time. When determining treatment tactics, the doctor takes into account several factors:

  • gestational age;
  • tumor size and type;
  • location of education;
  • patient's age.

A large tumor is removed surgically, laparoscopy or abdominal method. The choice of tactics is determined by the doctor according to the indications.


The absolute indications for removal of the uterus are its pedunculated development and large size. Also to operative method resort when the character is pronounced pain, infertility and ineffectiveness conservative therapy medications.

Abdominal surgery is used as radical method getting rid of the tumor. Indications for its implementation:

  • large node size;
  • tumor degeneration.

Myoma is excised in suprapubic region after cutting all layers of tissue.

A hysterectomy involves removing the tumor along with the organ. It is carried out for health reasons and only for women who have given birth.

Laparoscopy is a modern gentle method. Its advantage is the absence postoperative scars, rapid rehabilitation after surgery.

Embolization of the uterine arteries is not used very often. The method consists of stopping the power supply to the node after blocking the blood flow to it. This method is an alternative to surgery.

Planning pregnancy after surgery

Doctors always try to preserve the uterus during surgery to remove fibroids. The duration of recovery depends on the method of chosen therapy, individual physiological characteristics women. In any case, if you follow the recommendations of your attending physician, you can plan to conceive within a year after the operation with normal tissue healing.

Nutrition for subserous node

A properly formulated diet also has great importance to restore the woman’s body. To normalize the functioning of the digestive tract, the level of hormones and vitamins, you must adhere to the following scheme:

  1. To normalize metabolism, food must be plant-based and contain sufficient fiber.
  2. Buy meat low-fat varieties: poultry, veal.
  3. Avoid hot, spicy, fried foods.
  4. Consume dairy products, grain products daily to remove toxins from the body.
  5. Sea fish has an antitumor effect and contains a complex of minerals.

Poor nutrition during the rehabilitation period will slow down the recovery process and cause general harm to the body.

After thirty, a woman should undergo a full gynecological examination every six months, this significantly reduces the risk of developing pathologies of the reproductive system. Regularly taking care of your health will minimize negative factors.

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Neoplasms in reproductive system They occur quite often in women. Subserous uterine fibroids are a benign tumor that requires timely treatment. This tumor is not cancerous, but can cause quite severe complications without treatment.


There are fibroids in the uterus different types. They differ in tissue composition, location, structure, size, and quantity. Serous uterine fibroids are so named because they are located close to the serous lining of the uterus. May protrude into the organ cavity. Histology may vary. But most often it consists of blood vessels, muscle tissue and, to a lesser extent, fibrous tissue.

The picture shows where subserous fibroids are located

May vary significantly in appearance. Tumors sometimes occur on a pedicle, more often on a broad base. Usually they have a round shape and vary greatly in size. They can be multiple or single. May have connective tissue partitions.

In some cases they can actively grow. They have a blood supply and are therefore more prone to rapid growth than those that do not have a blood supply.


Myoma is a very common disease. It is especially common in women aged 35 to 50 years. However, recently doctors have noted a trend towards a decrease in the age of patients. Now many patients are around 25 years old.

But older women are most susceptible to the disease. 50% of patients aged 35 years have fibroids. By age 50, this figure increases to 70%. But subserous uterine leiomyoma is not as common as, for example, submucosal leiomyoma. It accounts for about 30% of cases of all diseases.

Number of nodes

Subserous uterine leiomyoma is characterized by significant diversity. In this layer, not only leiomyoma can form, but also fibromyoma, fibroma, etc. That is, such a formation can have a different histological (tissue) composition.

The tumor also varies in the number of nodes. He may be alone. But this happens quite rarely. More often there are two or more nodes. In this case, myoma is called multiple. In this case, there is always a main unit of the largest size.

Reasons for development

Like any fibroid, subserous myomatous node is hormone dependent. That is, it appears and grows only when the hormonal balance is disturbed. When produced by the body large quantity estrogen, active division of endometrial tissue begins. It grows into other layers and a tumor forms. For this reason this phenomenon often occurs simultaneously with endometriosis.

There are also a number of provoking factors:

  1. Bad ecology;
  2. Unhealthy diet (the diet for uterine fibroids should be completely natural);
  3. Physical inactivity, sedentary lifestyle;
  4. Obesity;
  5. Bad habits;
  6. Absence intimate life, especially after 25 years;
  7. Mechanical injuries of the endometrium;
  8. Frequent pregnancies;
  9. Frequent abortions;
  10. Inflammatory processes;
  11. Hard physical labor;
  12. Frequent stress and depression.

The same reasons lead to the fact that subserous nodes begin to grow rapidly. Although, in general, this fibroid does not grow as actively as some other types of tumors in the uterus.


Symptoms and signs of the disease are most often absent. This asymptomatic leads to the fact that subserous uterine fibroids large sizes often found in a very advanced state. Symptoms and any manifestations occur only when the fibroids have reached a large size. Small and medium-sized tumors are often diagnosed by chance. Usually, when undergoing an examination for another reason.

But if signs do appear, they look like this:

  1. Pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, and sometimes outside this time;
  2. Nagging pain in the lower back;
  3. Enlargement of the abdomen (with a significant size of the tumor);
  4. Heavy periods, extended over time;
  5. Uterine bleeding outside of menstruation, sometimes quite severe;
  6. Irregular menstrual cycle;
  7. With large tumors, compression of neighboring organs is possible characteristic symptoms(defecation disorders, frequent urination);
  8. Persistent anemia, caused by significant blood loss.

The subserous node of the uterus is most dangerous precisely because it has mild or absent symptoms. As a result, treatment begins only when the condition is very severe.


Why is fibroid dangerous? One of the most serious complications This disease is the development of infertility. It comes by various reasons. If fibroids are present, the endometrium is damaged and the embryo cannot attach. Large tumors can block sperm access to the egg. And fertilization does not occur. In addition, it is even more disrupted hormonal balance, which also prevents fertilization.

In severe cases of the disease, the subserous node of the uterus cannot always be removed separately. And in some cases (rather rarely) the entire organ has to be removed.

The presence of fibroids causes severe blood loss. As a result, anemia develops. Severe uterine bleeding causes persistent anemia. Because of this, rapid fatigue, weakness, etc. develop. Severe uterine bleeding can provoke hemorrhagic shock and even lead to death.

If the formation is located on a pedicle, then torsion of this pedicle may occur. As a result, it develops acute condition requiring immediate surgical intervention. The same thing happens with node necrosis. The condition is recognized by a sharp increase in pain and an increase in body temperature.

With large tumors, the neoplasm may block the outflow menstrual blood. As a result, a hematoma cavity is formed in the uterus and filled with this blood. It can only be removed surgically. And often this needs to be done urgently, since the patient’s condition is serious.

When the size of the tumor is very large, it is possible to compress neighboring organs (intestines, bladder) and disrupt their functioning. In addition, the likelihood of developing inflammatory and infectious diseases in the genitourinary system increases.

Effect on pregnancy

Subserous fibroids and pregnancy are rarely combined. The likelihood of pregnancy if you have fibroids is very low. It is more difficult for the embryo to attach, there is hormonal disbalance. Together, this significantly reduces the likelihood of pregnancy.

Pregnancy with fibroids is very complicated

But even if fertilization has occurred with fibroids on the uterus, it will be difficult to carry a child to term. Hypertonicity develops. Therefore, there is always the threat of miscarriage or premature birth. Fetal hypoxia develops. It is possible to give birth to a child with multiple pathologies.

The birth process itself is also complicated. Usually it takes longer. Severe uterine bleeding may develop.


The following methods are used to diagnose the condition:

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  • Radical, that is, surgical, involves removing the fibroids along with the uterus (hysteroscopy) or separately. Prescribed for large, multiple formations, or for severe symptoms. This is described in more detail in the material "".
  • Treatment with folk remedies can also be used as an additional treatment. It can alleviate the condition a little, but it will not help you cope with the problem on your own. It is described in the article “ Traditional methods treatment of uterine fibroids."

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